#jacaerys velaryon x yn
asumi2020202 · 5 days
Blessing disguised as a Curse
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Targaryen!reader.
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A/N: After the 1st episode of season two I'm currently obsessing over Jacaerys. So, many Jacaerys stories will be uploaded as well as Aemond cuz I Love him too. Thank you for reading this fiction.
Summary: You were Alicent's daughter. Younger than the three, Aegon, Aemond and Helaena but older than Daeron. After returning from Dragonstone, Rhaenyra proposes a marriage pact between her eldest and you. A man your mother had warned you about.
People and gatherings made you nervous. Anxiety coursed through your veins everytime someone started a conversation with you. Solitude was what you preferred. Your comfort was your sister and by some means her bugs as well.
Your mother warned you of the people that were coming back to Kings Landing. She told you to keep distance from them. Though you paid almost no mind to her words which were half controlled by your grandsire, you couldn't help but ponder about those people she talked about.
You knew them from the start before they fled to Dragonstone after taking your precious brother's eye. You had felt hatred towards them but 'what if they change?' You had thought countless of times.
You loved your siblings more than anything. Having a father only by name in the court and a stranger in the halls as he supported your half-sister with everything she had done even if it was killing someone.
You love them. You tried to be there for them through everything. You love Aegon even if was arrogant and misbehaving. You love Aemond even if he wanted revenge. You love Helaena even if she is called weird by others and is obsessed with bugs. You love Daeron even if you have almost no memory of him left.
You were playing with little Jaehaerys and Jaehaera while Helaena was telling you more facts about bugs. She loved that her baby sister also had interest in her bugs and helps her catch them.
"Did you know that butterflies join their bodies together to reproduce?" Helaena asks you meeting your gaze.
"Really? I used to think they flap their wings together." You reply as you played with Jaehaerys while little Jaehaera sat on your lap.
"Hmm. The male butterfly often dies soon after they mate." Helaena spoke as her gaze shifted back on her embroidery.
"So then the female butterfl-" you were going to reply when the doors opened to reveal your mother.
Both you and Helaena looked up at her while the children were escorted away by the maids. " They have landed. Remember what I have told you my sweelings. Be on your best behaviours." Alicent spoke.
"Yes mother we understand " you replied speaking for both you and your sister. Alicent left the room after nodding at you.
After meeting with her daughters, Alicent left their room. A maid informed her that Princess Rhaenyra had wanted to meet with her.
Alicent let the maid guide her to the room where Rhaenyra was present. When they reached the place, the maid opened the door to let the Queen inside.
Alicent was met with Rhaenyra. She could tell just by the looks that Rhaenyra was pregnant.
"It has been too long since we were granted the chance to converse" Alicent spoke, breaking the silence.
"Indeed it has been. I know you were busy with the royal matters at hand, so I asked for you at a time when you would be free." Rhaenyra replied looking into Alicent's eyes.
"Is there any important matter that you wish to discuss with me?" Alicent asked.
"Yes, there is one actually. The rift between us has lived far too long. I propose a marriage pact. My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. Let my son and your youngest daughter be betrothed together so they shall rule together.
We are one family. And long before that we were close friends." Rhaenyra said and looked at Alicent for an answer.
"I sh-" Alicent was going to speak but Rhaenyra interjected.
"This marriage will help us reconcile with each other." She said.
"I shall think of it and give you your answer after the feast tonight." Alicent replied. "Thank you your grace." Rhaenyra smiled at her.
Alicent had requested an audience with her father after meeting Rhaenyra to discuss about the marriage.
"Father I can't just sacrifice my child." Alicent pleaded. "I know Alicent but this marriage can help us take the throne and make Aegon the king." Otto reasoned.
"Tell Rhaenyra that you agree to this proposal. If y/n is married to her son then it will be easier to control them. When the throne is returned to the rightful heir, it will be easier to prevent war." Otto continued.
Alicent feeling defeated, agreed to her father's request.
You were in your sister's chambers, waiting for her to get finished dressing up so you both could attend the feast together.
Your dress was simple yet the details on it were impressive. It was was a navy blue dress with golden details. It made you look ethereal.
When Helaena was done, the both of you left the chambers together. Holding tightly onto the hands of your sister as the maids escorted you to the feast hall.
All were seated at the table only getting up when Viserys arrived before sitting down again.
You were seated on the right side of Helaena as Aegon sat on her left. Aemond sat at the end of the table. Rhaena and Baela sat on your right. Starting small conversations which you could connect to and laugh with them.
You were trying hard to not feel nervous. You couldn't really face upfront only talking to Rhaena, Baela and Helaena.
Jacaerys had never thought you to be so beautiful over the years. When he first saw you after the years, he hadn't believed it was you. Only five and ten yet you were the most beautiful lady in his eyes. He had seen you accidentally when he was watching Aemond train, you stood in your balcony gazing at the sky. It was he who actually reasoned with his mother to marry you to him.
He couldn't take his eyes off of you during the feast. The way the dress showed your curves. The way you white hair was style. The necklace on your neck. He was in love.
You on the other hand couldn't even meet his gaze after what your mother told you.
'His brother took your brother's eye, who knows if one day he comes and decides to bring harm to us as well.' she had said.
Jace got up, walking upto you. Lending his hand forward, asking for a dance. You looked at your mother who just nodded. After which you had accepted his hand.
He led you to the side. The music had started. As you both started to dance. He didn't seem so bad. He seemed gentle, offering you bright smiles to which you just gave some small ones.
He looked different. Different than how your mother described him. Ruthless, arrogant, selfish and such.
After the feast, when the children went to their designated chambers, Alicent told Rhaenyra that she had accepted the marriage proposal. That she would try to forget the past and reconcile with her.
The two women decided that they shall break the news to the children and the king next morning, bidding each other a good night.
You woke early as usual. Your maids had prepared you for the day. A knock on the door took your attention.
It was Jace.
The one who you felt some type of attachment to after the previous feast. He stood infront of your door as he said "Our mothers have requested an audience with us at the King's chambers. I was asked to inform you and take you to them."
"Very well then my prince, let us leave at once." You replied, getting up from your seat and walking down the corridor with him.
'My prince?' oh how sweet it sounded coming from your mouth. But he didn't want 'my prince', he wanted 'husband'.
He knew why they both were called, his mother told him yesterday night before he fell asleep. That the two would be married soon.
Upon arrival at the King's chambers, you greeted your mother, Rhaenyra and the king.
"Ah you've arrived. Do sit. Your mother and I have agreed on something and we wish for your answer as well." Rhaenyra said giving a smile while holding hands with Alicent like she used to when they were children.
You nodded your head as a sign for her to continue speaking.
"We have decided that you and my son Jace shall be betrothed together for the harmony of our family. Your mother has agreed and so has Jace but I wish for your answer." Rhaenyra finished her saying.
"It is a most judicious proposition. Wouldn't you agree daughter?" King Viserys who was resting in his armchair spoke up.
You looked at your mother, who stared at you and offered a smile and then to Jacaerys who looked around your face to find any kind of rejection.
You looked up at Rhaenyra, anxiety flaring through and spoke "if it can help the family be whole again and please my mother then I shall agree."
Rhaenyra's face brightened as did Jace's. Alicent only nodded.
"Well then. I believe we can start with the preparations right away." Rhaenyra said getting up to hold your hands as you looked up to her.
"You've warned me my entire life about them mother, and now you simply marry me off to him. I don't get you." You spoke to your mother calmly.
"Sweetling, I know it is difficult for you but it is for the greater good. It is to uphold the realm and make peace." Alicent reasoned while placing her hand on your face.
No other word was spoken as you went back to your chambers.
You liked Jacaerys after the events of last night but you couldn't help but worry about what your mother told you. You couldn't help but worry about your siblings, you would have to leave your home and go to Dragonstone with them.
Three days since that day, your wedding was held. You and Jace cut your lips and the your palms. Holding your hands together, you both drank from the same cup with your other hands. The septa reciting the vows the both of you had to take.
Your families bear witness of the event. Of the love that was to blossom.
After the feast that was held, you left for your now shared chambers in the red keep.
Jacaerys came in a moment after you. You felt nervous. It was your first night together. As if a miracle, he sense your nervousness.
"Is something bothering you dear wife? You even left the feast early." He asked softly not to startle you.
Wife. Oh how you knew you will love him just from how that word slipped from his mouth.
"It is nothing lord husband. It's just that I don't fare well in gatherings. I find solace in solitude." You reply back.
"Well I hope that from now on I can be your solace." Jacaerys replied with his bright smile as he came closer to you. Your chest almost touching his lower chest.
He was tall. You had tilt your head up to meet him. You didn't move aside as he cupped your cheeks and looked at your for permission.
As you nodded, he took the sign and kissed you. You both had consummated that night for the first time.
The day came when you had to leave with them to Dragonstone. You would eventually come back when Rhaenyra would be crowned.
You stood before your siblings and parents, kissing the cheeks of your siblings. "Will you come back soon muña?" Aunt.
"Of course my little cuddle bears." You said as you crouched down to meet the level of your nephew and niece.
You climbed on top of your dragon, Moonfyre as they all bid you farewell. You heart saddened as you thought that Helaena would be alone now with Aegon ignoring her. Aemond might not even apply his ointments properly. And your mother.. would be lonely.
Moonfyre sensed your worry and sadness, letting out a low groan. She was as beautiful as the night. A white dragon whose color slowly went from white to grey. Eyes as bright as the moon, earning her name when she hatched.
Viserys was dead. It had been moons since you left. A raven had informed Rhaenyra that her half brother Aegon had usurped the throne.
The weight of the matter forced her to go in labor. Her child was a stillborn. It pained her. You knew it tore her from the inside but she had to focus one the matters at hand.
Ser Eryyk had came with the crown of King Jaehaerys I. Daemon crowned her as the queen as all bowed. Otto came to make peace with them which resulted in rejection straight up in his face.
She sent her sons to earn the favor of other houses.
"Y/n" you heard her call you from the back as stood near the stairs of Dragonstone, gazing at the sea.
"Come walk with me" she told you. As you both went down the stairs to the beach, you both had a gentle conversation.
"Do you wish to switch sides? I would not blame you if you do for they are your family." Rhaenyra spoke.
"All my life, I've seen them being neglected. By both father and mother. I was their and still am their comfort source.
Aegon always told me that he will not sit the iron throne. He told me that being a king will only hold him down in one place, and that he wishes to fly free like a dragon." You pause, looking at her eyes while gently holding her hand before continuing.
"And now they tell me that he has Usurped the throne. That he is now the king and that he now rules. That doesn't seem like the Aegon i know." You told her as she looked at you and nodded her head.
You stood in the middle of Rhaena and Baela as see someone tell Rhaenyra a few words as she broke down.
She turned around, her eyes filled with rage and sorrow.
Lucerys was dead. Vhagar attacked him.
You felt helpless. Did your brother intentionally kill the Heir to Driftmark? You knew he had a deep hatred for Lucerys for taking his eye. But he wouldn't go as far as to kill him.
A raven had been sent to Jacaerys, informing him of the news. You couldn't face the queen. She knew you were innocent but that cannot pardon the sin of your brother.
You had began to open up but now your alone again. The little child seeking solitude. Hiding from people.
A raven had arrived, delivering a letter to you. It was from the Red Keep. It was Aegon.
Dear Sister,
I know what has been done cannot be changed, but Aemond didn't actually wanted to kill Luke. It was grandsire. He got in his head like mother. He lost control over Vhagar.
I don't wish to rule. They told me that inorder for Rhaenyra to rule, she would have to kill us. That she would kill us all to secure the throne for her and her son. Grandsire said the same thing to Mother the other day, I had overheard it.
This war shouldn't happen. It will tear all of us apart. We are not the enemy of the blacks nor are they ours. Our enemy is Otto Hightower. He wants to rule the kingdom indirectly by being the hand.
Tell our half sister that we must work together. That I am willing to lay down my throne. She will be the Protector of the Realm. I know this is a crucial time for you but stay safe.
-Yours truly
You didn't know what to say. You were Alicent's daughter, who would believe you. They might consider you a traitor as well. You clutched the letter to your chest.
You walls finally broke. You broke down on the bed. It was him from the beginning. Otto Hightower. Anger and pain surrounded you. You cried as you brought your knees to your chest and hid your face there.
The door slowly opened which you hadn't noticed. It was Jacaerys. He had a melancholy look in his eyes as well as of guilt and hatred.
He hated seeing you cry. His Lady Wife. He gently put his head on your back. You looked up to meet his gaze with a tearful look.
The way he looked broke your heart. He looked used and betrayed. You got up and met his gaze again never letting go of the letter.
"Lord husband-" you started but he shakes his head as a no.
"Don't. Don't speak." He tried to say it normally but it came out cold as he walked towards the desk in your room to perhaps look for something.
"Please listen to me. He is innocent. I got a ra-" You started again but got cut off.
""Innocent?! He killed my brother! How can you possibly call him innocent?! My brother went as a messager. He vowed not to fight and Your Brother!..... Took advantage of that!" He screamed at you. For the first time. You had never seen him so angry even when your brothers teased him. He looked at you with hatred.
Tears flooded your vision again. He had never raised his voice at you. You knew it was due to the loss of his brother but that didn't hurt any less.
"I understand your pain. But you must listen to me! At least once hus-" you reasoned which angered him further.
"How can you understand My pain?! T'is I who lost my brother not you. And whats there to listen to? That your brother killed him accidentally?!
Tell me. Were you also a part of this? I truly thought you had loved me. But it seems you're the same as well!" He shouted again coming closer to you.
"I truly do love you. Please believe me!" Your tears flowed freely.
"No you don't. Tell me... Was this marriage also a scheme of you and your family?! Shut up, just shut up for once!"
Your eyes went wide. He wanted you to shut up. You were bothering him. He doubted your love for him. His own eyes widened a bit when he realised what he said. He left the chambers in a hurry not wanting to discuss about this further.
Your chest felt tight. You couldn't breathe properly. You had trouble while trying to inhale the air.
As Jacaerys left the chambers, he felt as if his clothes were too tight for his body. He saw Baela and Rhaena bringing your food to your chambers like they have been since the day they received the news of Luke.
They nodded at him as he reciprocated.
As they went inside the chambers, a scream could be heard. Possibly from Baela. It could be heard from all the corners of the castle.
Jace heard it before anyone else as his heart stopped. He rushed straight back to the shared room as he saw Baela cradling your unconscious, small form to her chest while Rhaena panicked and told the maids to call for the maesters.
His breathing stopped as he saw his mother and Princess Rhaenys enter the room along with the maester and maids. His mother looked at him as his eyes filled with tears.
First he lost Lucerys he can't lose you too. He didn't mean anything he said.
Jacaerys paced around the hall infront of your room. He watched as Rhaena guided his little brother Joffery to his room. Joffery was fond of you which warmed Jace's heart.
As the maesters came out both he and Rhaenyra stood up.
"How is she?" He asked them.
"She has a heavy fever. It possibly happened due to excessive stress. She must have bed rest. " The maesters spoke before leaving.
It had been 2 days. You were yet to wake up. Moonfyre's cries and wails could be heard from everywhere. She was uncomfortable. Her bonded sister was not well and she could sense it.
Jace held your hand as he apologized over and over again. His tears wetting the sheets.
Your eyes slowly opened. Adjusting to the bright light. Jace looked up to see you now wide awake, trying to sit up.
"No no lay down. You need rest. The maester said you were stressed." He said. His voice quivering.
"Don't cry. I understand your part. I'm sorry I am not what you wish for. I know you wouldn't want to be with a murderer's sister. Hence I give you full permission to take a second wife." You gently said while looking at him.
"No shut up." He said lowly not believing what you said. "I didn't mean anything I said that day. I am sorry." He spoke.
You looked out the window remembering the last time he had asked you to shut up. Tears again filled your eyes which you blinked away but Jace noticed.
"My love i didn't mean it that way. Please believe me." He pleaded shaking his head as held your hand tight.
News spreads fast in the castle. A maid had informed the rest that you were awake. Daemon was with Caraxes and lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys were somewhere on the beach.
Rhaenyra, Rhaena and Baela came to the your chambers. The sisters came beside you as they held onto your hand.
Even though you were the daughter of their enemy, they loved you. You were different.
Rhaenyra looked at her son before turning her gaze to you. She felt disappointed in her son after she learned about the argument.
You asked Rhaena for the letter kept on your bedside table as your body was too weak to move. You probably need a few more weeks to be healthy again.
You asked her to give it Rhaenyra.
As Rhaenyra opened the letter and read it's contents, she felt clueless. She didn't realise the state of the other side. Her companion was manipulated from the start.
She held your hand and gave you a sad look. She handed the letter to Jace as she thought that he should read it as well.
His heart broke. You tried to tell him everything but he refused to listen. You tried to explain everything but he only badmouthed you.
Rhaenyra promised you that Otto Hightower will be punished and that none of your siblings would be harmed.
"Muña!" "Muñaa" came two bubbly voice as they ran to you. You crouched down and opened your arms. The force of your nephew and niece's weight made you fall flat on your butt.
Jacaerys smiled as he saw the reunion. Infront of him stood your four siblings whom you kissed on the cheeks and hugged after getting up.
It was Rhaenyra's official coronation day. Otto Hightower was beheaded for his schemes against the crown.
Rhaenyra and Alicent were finally together again after Rhaenyra found Daemon with Nettles.
All of the royal family stood as King Jaehaerys' crown was placed upon her head. All gave their respects to their first queen.
Jacaerys held your hand tight as he smiled at you which you reciprocated.
As night fell over kings landing, you and Jace retired to your new shared chambers.
"Husband. Join me in bed." You requested. Your body glowing in your night gown because of the moonlight.
"Of course avy jorrāelan." Jace replied as he climbed on top of the bed and over your body, pinning you down.
He kissed you passionately as one of your hand cupped his face while the other held onto his neck for support.
His naked chest glowed like yours in the moonlight.
"You are most precious thing I have my love." He said as pulled away from your lips.
"And you, my lord husband, came in my life like a blessing disguised as a curse." You said as you both looked at each other and hungrily kissed each other.
The two of slept a long time after consummating the entire night.
He truly did came in your life like a Blessing disguised as a Curse.....
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wackapedia · 1 year
Play god With Me
Jacaerys Velaryon x reader Due to an imminent war, Lady y/n’s betrothal to Prince Jacaerys Velaryon gets called off for him to have an even more advantageous marriage. But you won’t let a war come between you and your most beloved.
Word count: 1,511 Warnings: aaa murder! obsessive tendencies, a bit of gore
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"...of course, we will provide the most suitable match for you. You will not be cast aside, this I promise you as a friend of your father, and as your queen." Rhaenyra's cold hand tightens its grip on your smaller one. You tried not to tremble in front of the newly crowned queen. You were roused early in the morning, instructed to quickly dress and meet the queen in the Chamber of the painted table. It was too early for a council meeting you normally weren't a part of, you suspected a delicate matter was to be discussed by you and your future mother-in-law. You were expecting to see your betrothed in the room. He would be dressed impeccably but would still be rubbing his eyes. Jacaerys wasn't a morning person, and so were you. It was supposed to be a perfect match. And then she breaks the news.
Rhaenyra has broken off your betrothal to her eldest son, Prince Jacaerys. Due to the sudden turn of events, the passing of the former king, and Aegon the pretender taking the throne, war was skirting its way around the kingdom. The greens are lining up their pieces, and so should the blacks. Apparently, you were not valued enough to join this cause as you are being replaced with another girl from a richer, more influential house.   How humiliating. Everyone who knew you since your childhood knew you were going to marry the prince of Dragonstone. You were betrothed when you were both merely ten years of age. Your father, who held a strong and loyal position in Rhaenyra's court, was promised to become the hand when the time came. You were raised alongside Jace, to be with Jace. Ingrained in you are royal manners, and practice duties befitting a future queen and future mother of kings. This has proven to be worthless and insufficient as now you are being cast aside for some other whore who is probably inferior to you in intelligence and beauty. "May I ask where Jace is, your grace?" Was your unexpected response. You see the conflict in the queen's eyes, looking at you with pity. She is looking at you like you're a child, a toy, an object thrown away for a better one. "He is flying to Winterfell," Rhaenyra answers. What a coward. Jacaerys does not possess the decency to break off his own betrothal. "- to meet with the warden of the north and secure their support and to make them swear their loyalty to me." Loyalty, what a treacherous word. One day they heckle for your family's support and the next day you're left asunder for another. You exit the council room, squinting at the sun, fully rising in front of the massive doors. There your parents patiently wait for news, along with some members of Rhaenyra's council. You keep your head down as your mother pesters you for any sort of narration. You continue walking back to your chambers, refusing to cry. Eventually, your family learns of the news. You presume they don't know how to ask you about it so they kept their silence. You were glad they did. It felt like walking on eggshells when one or both of them sat with you. It must've been difficult, their most treasured gem of a daughter, suddenly deemed unworthy of a prince. A week passes. The roar of a dragon is heard. Vermax. Jacaerys has arrived, accompanying a boatload of foreigners dressed poorly, without style at all. The queen and the prince consort greet them as you watch from your tower, an apartment of the castle so graciously allowed for your family to use. You watch as Jacaerys gently takes the hand of a girl, almost still a child, leading her up the stairs to greet his family. Fuck, you were replaced by a child. An ugly northerner, with a face too wide, hair styled too tight, and walked with no grace or gait. There was a celebration at the great hall that night, to welcome the northerners and a formal announcement of their northern lady's betrothal to the prince of Dragonstone. She is to become Jace's queen. The thought made you sick. You watched the front table from the doors of the great hall. Rhaenyra, Daemon, That northern bitch next to Jacaerys, and then Lucerys. Your father is seated next to the queen, a gleaming badge of a golden hand neatly displayed on his chest. He got what he wanted. And so should you. As the night grew late, the dancing and the crowds became rowdier. The girl joined the crowd consisting mostly of her people, doing a poor excuse of a dance, moving like a broken puppet, most unladylike. She laughed too loud, her face contorted horribly as she spun to the speeding music. The abrupt end of the song caused everyone to stop, which allowed for applause and laughter. "Oh!" She had stopped directly in front of you. She wore a poorly fitted light blue dress. Her eyes gleamed with wonder as she looked up at you. "You must be lady y/n!" She tried to fix her hair and stood a little straighter. "I've heard great stories of your beauty and intelligence, it is nice to finally meet you in the flesh." She grins which you interpret as pretentious. Flattery will get you nowhere, girl. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ--------- Lucerys notices your interaction with Jace's new betrothed from where he was seated at the head table. "I didn't know she was still here..." He whispers to his older brother in a careful and sorry tone. "We've arranged to marry her to Cregan Stark and he's accepted. We'll send her off before my wedding." Jace’s eyes scan the crowd, avoiding eye contact with you. "She will be taken care of. Cregan is a kind man." Lucerys nods to his brother. The younger’s eyes return to where he last saw you in the crowd only to find it empty. A wisp of blue flutters to a dark exit. "We'll make the betrothal announcement soon, where is she?" Daemon nudges Jace, prompting him to rise from his seat to find his new betrothed. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ--------- From the depths of the dungeons of Dragonstone a scuffle ensues. You gain the upper hand, throwing the smaller girl down toward the dirt. "Do you truly think you're better than me?" You mutter into the girl's ear, your nails bury into the back of her neck, pinning her down into the dust as she kicks and scratches about. "You're fucking insane!" She screams, her voice echoing in the empty hallway that leads into the caves of Dragonstone. "Do you believe yourself worthy of a prince?" You snarled into her ear as you fumble your skirts for the cutlery you'd pocketed from the banquet hall. A thin steak knife and a soup spoon. The steak knife comes in contact with her cheek creating a long gash there. She bites your wrist like a rabid dog, befitting a northern bitch, and slams your wrist against the ground, snapping the steak knife in half. You kick her down and now you're left with the soup spoon. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ--------- A scream breaks out as Jace and Luke rush to find the commotion. They are led deep into the tunnels of the castle. Very few knew of these maze-like corridors. Aside from Luke and Joffrey, Jace often brought you down here, whenever his mother would encourage him to spend time with his then-betrothed. "This way!" He instructs his younger brother, leading them to a circular clearing where a torchlight was glowing. The screams and cries grew louder as they approached. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ--------- Your white dress is now stained with blood None of which were yours, fortunately. Targaryen red- the house colours of your betrothed. In one hand you held a spoon, dripping with blood, and on the other hand lay a pair of eyeballs, from that petulant northern child who had finally stopped screaming. Lucerys looked like he was about to throw up. Jace pulled out his sword and pointed it at you. "What have you done?!" His eyes were wide and afraid, yet still handsome and perfect. "We were meant to be together, Jace. I won't let anyone come between us." You smile at your betrothed, love filling your heart. "We're now at war with the greens and now you’ve started a war with the north!" Jacaerys screams and points to the body of the girl, still and unmoving. You look down at her, blue dress looking more unfashionable in her lifeless body. "She was never good enough for you. And I know you saw it because I know you love me, Jacaerys!" You dropped the objects on your hand and walked toward your betrothed, as you would on your wedding day. "I tried to love you, I truly did. And I wondered why I could never fool myself to care for you." Jace cried. Tears of anger, fear, and confusion stained his rosy cheeks. He was always so beautiful. He was the man you've always wanted. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ--------- A/n: Luke screaming: Not the eyes!!!
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legitalicat · 3 months
Sweet Sister (Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader x Jacaerys Velaryon)
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AN: Oh gosh guys. I did it. Thank you to @zaldritzosrose for being my workshop partner (I also got the amazing dividers from her) and to my spiritual twin @foxyanon for reading a bit of it when I needed to make sure it was okay. Also this snowballed very hard very fast I am sorry.
Masterlist here!
Summary: It wasn't the fault of them that this was their lot in life. Aemond and YN could only make the best of a marriage they did not particularly want. Yet Jacaerys does not see it as an obstacle. The gods made her for him. She was meant to be his.
TW: Language, characters are over 18, AFAB reader, use of YN in 3rd person pov, use of she/her pronouns, SMUT SMUT SMUT, oral (fem!receiving), a smidge of dry humping, lactation kink, tiddie sucking, masturbation, cuck!Aemond, threesome, Dom!Jacaerys, switch!Aemond (mostly veering on subbing), sub!reader, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, Jace's monster cock, NO DANCE, canon typical Targcest, Jace grinding his cock on Aemond, Jace cumming on Aemond, cum eating, spit, political marriage, Jace kinda teaching Aemond to proper fuck his wife, I think that's all
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon Niece!Reader, Jacaerys Velaryon x younger sister!Reader
Word count: 6.2k
It wasn’t his fault.
It was a thought that lived consistently in her mind in the years since her marriage. Both of them offered to each other’s mother as a solution to the growing rift between them. A marriage made in desperate hopes to avoid an ever looming annihilation.
It was good, she supposed, that it was to a man she was so familiar with. Her Uncle Aemond, while never particularly warm, had always been kind enough. He usually spared her the vitriol he shot at her brothers. Even when making it clear he knew the truth, he was less violent in his hatred. Queen Alicent raised him to be better than that.
A spat between boys here and there was acceptable, expected even. Training together, he got plenty of chance to beat on them, to spill the vile whispers that invaded his ears. Nobody but Ser Harwin ever said anything, but Aemond figured it was only because he was too stupid to pretend as everyone else did.
YN was different. Between his mother and Ser Criston, he knew that every woman was meant to be seen with a certain amount of respect. Despite who her father was, or wasn’t, YN was a princess. She was not like her brothers, who antagonized him at every step. And so he would hold his tongue.
As children, they were polite to each other. If he and the Velaryon boys were arguing, he went quiet when she would walk into the room. He would hold the door for her and in the same motion let it slam on Jacaerys.
It was this politeness that allowed Alicent to see reason. She couldn’t marry her only daughter to one of Rhaenyra’s sons, yet the King made it clear that it was his will their lines would converge. She made a counter offer to Rhaenyra’s, Aemond wed to YN. The Princess of Dragonstone denied for many the same reasons The Queen denied hers. But the Driftmark Incident all but forced her hand if she wished for Lucerys to remain unharmed as a consequence.
He was a good husband to her when they married not long after her coming of age. He stood by her side at court, always keeping her close. Over the moons they spent at each other’s side, a natural affection was felt between them. It may not have been a fairytale romance, but he at least could be counted as her friend. And for a girl who was without her family for the first time in her life, a friend was exactly what she needed.
It wasn’t Aemond’s fault that they were still expected to provide children to their line. They held off as long they could. Yet as they approached two years of marriage, rumors of infertility started hanging over their head. He could not bare to leave his wife to such scrutiny. It was only then they started laying together as husband and wife.
The affection they felt gave a solid foundation for their relationship in the bedroom. It was an awkward beginning in which he would blush every time his hand grazed her breasts and a small squeak would leave her lips when she saw him naked. Aemond, though, was a man of proficiency. He always planned to be the best in everything, the need in him increasing tenfold upon learning that bringing his wife to orgasm increased her odds of becoming pregnant.
“You looked lovely tonight at dinner,” he commented as they came from dinner.
“Thank you, husband. Your words flatter me always,” she told him.
He opened the door to their suite, the warmth of the fire already having filled the living space. When the door closed behind them, she let out a noticeable breath of relief. She always preferred the peace of their suite.
He stepped closer and began to unlace her gown. She reached behind her as he did so and took a hold of one of his wrists.
“Are you nervous?” he whispered. She hadn’t been nervous with him in months, but he always asked.
“Grateful, I suppose. For a husband like you,” she told him. Her dress fell to the ground in a pool around her ankles. She had forgone her slip and so she now stood naked in front of him. “I must admit though, today I am eager. I feel as though soon I shall be pregnant.”
He gave a small smile even though she could not see him. “A darling mother you shall be. How many do you wish us to have?”
“No less than two,” she told him. “So I hope you do not mind continuing this for a few years yet to come.”
“Never, my sweet niece. After all, I do still enjoy myself as a man should when I bed you.”
Satisfied, she released his wrist entirely so that he move as he wish. A feather light kiss to her shoulder as he began to undo his pants. A hand roaming the front of her body from behind, grabbing and squeezing to elicit soft little hums of approval from her. With his pants off, he stepped closer to her.
“Settee or bed?” he whispered in her ear, his hard cock pressing firmly against her ass.
“Settee,” she whispered while a shudder moved through her. Within a heartbeat, he lead her to the sofa near them.
“I want to make sure my seed takes in your womb, little wife,” he whispered in her ear before he helped her into position.
His touch traveled from her hip to entangle itself in her hair. She turned her face to him to allow a single kiss before he pushed her head roughly onto the settee’s cushion. Any sound she made was muffled by the cushion, but it was how they preferred.
The blood rush provided by his delicate fingers created as many desires in her as it sated. Any looks of love he would give her would be fake, they didn’t love each other. Yet when his nails raked against her back as he prepared to grab her hips, she knew she was lucky in this.
His left hand rested along the curve of her hip, fingers digging into the soft flesh to hold her where he wanted her. His right hand moved between her thighs before finding their home in her folds.
The fabric where her mouth was pressed warmed against her skin as she let out small, repetitive moans. In the months since their first bedding, his fingers had become experts at a quick orgasm. He would flex his thumb to rest against her pearl with fluctuating pressures in time with the speed of his middle and ring fingers thrusting into her cunt.
Her thighs trembled as Aemond curled his fingers, coaxing her orgasm ever closer. A faint sound of her moaning made it to his ears as her walls tightened around the digits. She came hard, only getting a second’s reprieve before his hand moved away and it’s presence replaced by his long cock.
His hips repeatedly moving into her turned him into a desperate man. Watching himself disappear into her cunt while her ass melted against the muscles of his lower abdomen was a sight made of sin. She was soaked around him, her juices dripping off his cock.
Aemond was a restrained man until he was on the precipice of orgasm. It was when she felt his fingers return to her swollen pearl and his hips start to stutter that she cried out. She could feel him pawing at her back, his once anchoring grasp becoming a desperate touch. His movements were no longer careful and considered as he rubbed his thumb eagerly against her pearl and fucked into her with abandon. She could feel the tension begin to build within her as she whispered his name into the cushion again and again.
She came for a second time, squealing into the cushion as she attempted to move forward. The pleasurable band that had snapped inside her belly increased how much she felt tenfold. Every movement of his cock was like the sweetest torture. The head pushed against that spongy spot inside of her, making her whimper with every brush. Her walls gripped even tighter, like he was the missing piece of her.
He groaned out her name as he released his spend, ropes of white coating her walls. She was certain, as he pulled out of her while trying to steady his breath, that this was it. This would be their luck.
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Within two moons she had confirmation she was pregnant. She wrote letters to her family immediately upon telling Aemond. Together, they would walk to Her Grace the Queen’s apartments and tell her she would once again become a grandmother. One would think they had divulged the secrets of the universe with the way the Queen became so overjoyed.
She was approaching her fifth month of pregnancy when her family returned to King’s Landing so that her mother could take the Throne. With the passing of King Viserys, many had anticipated war. But neither Rhaenyra or Alicent wanted to risk losing their grandchild. If war had broken out, both knew that the baby would be torn between the desires of both it’s parents. That was enough.
YN stood in wait for her family alone at the Dragon Pit. The peace was tense already, and they had yet to arrive. But one by one, the elder members of her family landed on their dragons in front of her.
A journey by ship would take too long when there was a throne to take. Her mother dismounted Syrax with grace befitting a queen. Her eyes though did not fix themselves to her mother, instead the new Prince of Dragonstone capturing her full attention.
“My sweet sister,” her older brother said once he dismounted Vermax.
Jacaerys looked at her like she was his favorite toy. Two years her elder and that had never changed. She was his little sister, the one he knew the gods crafted from the heavens specifically for him. It was everything he believed to be true. She was meant to be his Queen, to be his.
That is why he was never too worried about her betrothal to Aemond when it was announced. Jace knew he didn’t necessarily need to be her first husband. Men run away or die every day, leaving their families behind. Knowing his uncle meant knowing how perfect the one eyed man had to be. He anticipated Aemond running away the moment he proved to be subpar at being a husband.
And when he did inevitably run, when he did abandon his wife, all Jacaerys needed to do was be there. He had told YN her entire life how he adored her, how he would give her a crown and a throne and nobody would doubt his devotion to her. She would be his equal in every way once he was King. No marriage to some lesser standing man would change that.
“Jace,” she said with a smile on her face. She closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around his neck.
He was sturdy, lean but firm. There was no sway in his body when she all but collided into him in her excitement, her small bump pressing against him. He held her just as close.
Even her pregnancy could not dissuade him from believing they were meant for each other. Jacaerys knew she would have children from this marriage, he had long prepared for that reality. But this child was as much of her as it was of Aemond, and he would love every part of his beloved sister.
“You are stunning, my queen. The babe is not too much trouble, I hope?” he asks when he pulls away. But only enough to look at her.
“Oh none at all. The little bug has only just began kicking,” she told him.
“I was more referring to your husband, but I am grateful your pregnancy has been easy thus far,” he told her with a smirk, creating a giggle she could not hold back.
His eyes look over her face more times than he can count. He had never seen a beauty such as hers. From the way her lips stretched as she smiled, to the little furrow in her brow as she watched him look at her, to the subtlety of her eyes shining with a joy he doubted she had for years. Everything about her captivated him.
As his eyes raked further down her body he was a man in love. Her breasts already were beginning to swell with milk, looking deliciously full and ripe for providing his pleasure. The bump was small, he knew she wasn’t too far along just yet, but seeing evidence of a child growing inside her was enough for him to feel like a man gone mad.
His cock began to swell under his trousers. He could not resist pulling her in for another hug just to be able to rut against her for a mere moment. It was subtle, discreet, one would be forgiven for thinking it was the embrace of a brother who missed his sister. She knew what he was doing. She could feel his bulge pressing through his skirts and against her heat.
“I have missed you dearly, my queen,” he whispered in her ear.
“I have missed you as well, my dear brother,” she whispered, hugging him tighter to her.
Pregnancy had a way of clouding her judgement. She desired more than just this juvenile attempt at some relief. And while it was true Aemond would tend to her when her hormones became too overwhelming, there was a difference. Aemond was her husband, the man she was legally bound to. He was the father of the babe cradled safely inside her. He was allowed.
Jace was her older brother. Adore him as she might, he had no true claim to her. They had risked enough the night before her wedding when he made her ride his thigh to orgasm. It was his way of ensuring she knew pleasure before he would get the chance to properly give it to her. But now, to even do this was a slap in the face to her husband and an affront to the gods.
He pulled away, completely this time, and smiled at her. “Your presence has been missed deeply, sweetling.”
And with no other words he stepped away and allowed a proper greeting between her and their mother.
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With Rhaenyra’s coronation and subsequent restructuring of the Small Council, life remained hectic for months. Rhaenyra was smarter than her father as a ruler, she understood that the only thing that posed a threat to her rule was the ambitions of one man in particular. The best way to remove such a threat was to understand the ambition and give it only enough power to remain useful to her.
Her first act? Removing Otto Hightower as Hand. He was still on the Small Council as Master of Whisperers, as he was a man best kept close and an expert of intelligence. In his stead she placed Jacaerys until such a time he was married and would move to his seat of Dragonstone. It would give him opportunity to learn the workings of ruling the country that would once be his. As a way to create good faith between her and her brothers, she offered them positions as well. She would appoint Aemond as Master of Laws, as she doubted there were any who knew more of Westeros’ histories and laws as him. And for Aegon she created the position of Master of Celebrations, offering no further explanation before he accepted.
Being as her husband was preoccupied with his newfound duties, YN spent many nights alone. The babe, due in the next month by now, made her ache and weep. It was all she could do to avoid such pains. If it wasn’t her back or hips hurting, both from the weight of her stomach and the way her body prepared for labour, it was the way her breasts were already filling to the brim.
Her only comfort was found in her baths. The water ran so hot it would be uncomfortable for many. She had the blood of dragons coursing through her, she carried a dragon inside her. A little extra heat did nothing to dissuade her.
In fact, she was sitting on the bed, waiting for her maids to bring forth the water needed. Her hands massaged her aching breasts to attempt to provide any relief for her. As such, she was hardly covered by anything. Only a thin sheet laid draped over her lower half.
There was a knock on the door. She beckoned them inside, assuming it was her maids. Yet when she opened her eyes, there stood Jacaerys. Her eyes widened slightly, though she made no grand attempt to hide herself.
“My sweet, are you okay?” he asked her softly. His voice was filled with a love she had mostly forgotten.
“Pregnancy is hard on the body, at it turns out,” she joked as he came closer to her. It was then she pulled the sheet up further, now hiding her breasts.
“And your husband is not here to attend to you,” he commented. He sat in front of her on the bed and repositioned the sheet, exposing her breasts and pregnant belly to him.
“He does as he can. His duties have been weighing more as of late, though, so I am typically asleep by his finishing hour,” she told him.
“A dutiful wife. Never speaking ill of him,” he whispered.
“He has been good to me, Jace. He cares a great deal for my safety and happiness. Better to me than I believe many would have been,” she said in response. Her words were soft and genuine. She bore no ill will for Aemond, truly she did not. And she would not pretend she did.
“I am grateful you were granted such a kindness by the gods.”
His hands moved now from the sheet he stilled gripped to roam her stomach. The babe kicked at his touch as if to say hello. The two chuckled at the sensation.
“She has never kicked so eagerly before,” YN told him.
“She?” he asked with a quirked eyebrow.
“Call it instinct,” she shrugged, smiling at his hand on her stomach.
“She has a fiery resolve, just as her mother and her mother before,” Jacaerys told her happily before leaning forward and placing a kiss to her stomach. “Such a beautiful mother already, my queen.”
“You are too good at your flattery, brother,” she whispered.
“Is it flattery if it’s true? Is it flattery if just the sight of you, swollen with a babe and practically dripping milk, make my cock harden?” he asked, looking up at her with his chin rested on her stomach.
When her jaw slacked and her lips parted, he knew he had her attention in the way he needed. He moved up her body, pressing gentle kisses along her stomach and breasts as he did. Her uptick in breathing was bordering on panting as she watched him. His mess of curls tickled her skin just as his lips did.
“Can’t wait until it is my babe in your stomach. But I will love this one just the same,” he murmured against her skin.
“I am married, brother,” she whispered as she attempted to move his head away.
“You think the gods care for the law of man when they have crafted you for me?” he asked. His body did not budge at her insistent nudges.
“Jacaerys,” she whispered.
His hand flew up to grip her wrist. It did not hurt but it was a former grasp than Aemond ever had. In a moment her hand was being held to the mattress by his own, his head unmoving. His face was nestled comfortably in the crook of her neck where he inhaled deeply.
“You know you were made for me, little one, just as I have known it always. And you said yourself our uncle cares for your happiness, yet where is he? Why does he not tend to you as you prepare for him the greatest gift?” he murmured against her neck.
“He is busy,” she whispered, her eyes fluttering shut as he once again inhaled her.
“The gods themselves would have to bind me to the earth in order to keep me from putting my cock in you whenever you needed,” he told her before nipping at her skin.
His free hand found it’s way to her left breast. She whimpered a bit under his touch, the pain she felt earlier mixing with a pleasure from how much he desired her. She could feel his smirk against her neck as he began rutting his hips against her lap. His hardened cock pressed painfully into her thigh.
She should tell him to move. She knew he would respect her desires. But how could she focus on any desire she held save for him? She had always loved Jacaerys as he loved her.
Her first memory was of Jace promising her she would be his Queen. He doted on her from the moment she was born. He had always told her she was his, made for him by the gods to be his perfect match, even after her betrothal. And while she understood the role she was meant to play in keeping the peace, she believe it too.
“What is this?” Aemond’s voice said from the door.
YN was about to answer him, to insist that despite what it looked like she had only been waiting for her maids to draw her bath. She could only hope he would understand. Instead, Jace sat up. He smirked at his younger sister before turning to face Aemond, his hand never leaving hers.
“I am doing your job, since apparently you do not find my sweet sister important enough,” he said to the blonde man.
“Do not speak to me of my wife,” Aemond said darkly. “She understands the nature of my position.”
“You do not speak to me of my sister,” Jace commanded. “She is beauty in all she is, she is carrying your child, and yet you do not wait on her hand and foot? Instead leaving her to rot in this room while you pour over your books and scrolls.”
“I am a prince you do not get to speak to me this way,” Aemond said angrily, though not as loud.
“And I am Prince of Dragonstone, Heir to the Iron Throne!” Jace all but shouted. “I should have your cock removed since you do not use it as you should! Send you to the Wall for daring to deny my sister an existence of gluttonous pleasure!”
Aemond silenced himself and looked to his wife. His wife who, until this moment, he wasn’t aware could look at someone with such a burning desire. But she looked at Jacaerys the way he had once hoped they would looked at each other, when he thought there was hope they would love each other. He could see that for her, Jacaerys hung the moon and stars.
“Close the door and sit in that chair by the window,” Jace told Aemond.
Having no choice to comply, the older man did as asked. There was little doubt in his mind Jacaerys would send him to the Wall if for no other reason than to have YN to himself. And so, he shut the bedroom door and took a seat in the chair.
The bed was close enough he got a perfect side view of his wife. He could admit the sight of her displayed in such a manner stirred something inside him. He could feel his cock twitch at the sight of her full breasts, her rounded belly, but mostly? It was the way she wasn’t even concerned with him.
Her focus was solely on Jacaerys now. Her brother was back to pressing kisses against her body. It was the first time Aemond could see the faces she made with the slightest pleasure. How easily her face contorted the second Jacaerys took one of her nipples between his teeth was a sight he wished he could commit to memory.
“Some ground rules,” Jacaerys said after pulling away from her breast. He looked to Aemond. “Sit in that fucking chair until I tell you you’re allowed to move. Answer me when you’re spoken to. Stroke your dick or whatever, just do not leave that chair.”
“And if she asks for me?” Aemond asked him.
“She won’t,” was all Jacaerys offered him. But it was enough to make YN whimper beneath him. Aemond flushed as his cock twitched once again, hardening with every passing second.
Jacaerys turned to YN, smiling down at her. “And you, my beautiful, darling, sweet sister…all I want is your permission to love your body the way it is meant to be loved,” he said. His voice with her was soft and tender as opposed to how harsh and angry he was with Aemond.
“Jace,” she whispered. She began to turn to Aemond, but Jacaerys gripped her chin and kept her gaze on him.
“No, my queen, it is not about him. It is about you, and us. About you belonging to me, if you wish,” he whispered to her. His brown doe eyes made her melt before he sat up, finally releasing her hand to he could grab the bottom of his shirt.
All she could do is nod. She was speechless with the sight of him pulling off his shirt. His toned abdomen caused a gush of her arousal to pool between her legs.
She felt heat flood her cheeks when he removed the sheet from her lower half. Her face felt even hotter when he pushed her legs apart, eyes locking in on her cunt.
“Such a pretty pussy, baby,” he praised her, hands rubbing the inside of her thighs. “Doesn’t she have a pretty pussy, Uncle?”
For the first time, YN looked at him. Her wide eyes were heavy with lust. In all the nights they had spent together, he had never really allowed himself the chance to take in the beauty of her face. He wanted more. Needed more
“Yes,” was all he could manage to say. His eyes moved from her face to where Jace was touching her. In almost expert fashion, Jace removed his pants. His cock was longer than Aemond’s, thicker too. As husband and wife stared at the monstrous cock, they both couldn’t imagine how it would fit.
“Have you drank from these tits, Uncle?” Jace asked Aemond without turning his eyes from her pussy. He smirked at how wet his sister was, feeling more desire in him than he had ever felt before.
“Not yet,” Aemond choked out. His self restraint was out the window now. He pulled his cock from his trousers and gripped it in his hand.
“Seems fitting, I suppose. You were the first to fuck a babe into her, I shall be the first to drink from her,” Jacaerys smirked at the idea of claiming a part of her Aemond had not.
He laid his cock in between her slick folds, allowing it to rest against her clit while he leaned down and began suckling from her. His left hand held one tit while he suckled from the other. Her sweet milk flowed freely past his eager lips and onto his greedy tongue.
He moaned against her as he ground his hips against hers. Her slick aided his cock in sliding between her folds and creating a friction that caused her to whine out. She couldn’t hold the moans from her lips.
“Fuck,” Aemond whispered. His pupil was blown wide as he desperately stroked his cock. Pre-cum beaded on the head just to continuously be wiped away by a swipe of his cum.
With a loud pop, Jacaerys pulled off her tit. He kissed her hungrily. There was nothing he needed more than her. He couldn’t help himself. He pulled his hips back just far enough to readjust, pushing his cock into her. She groaned into the kiss, feeling the burn of stretching around him. His hips stilled when his cock was seated half way inside her.
He broke the kiss after several moments. He looked between her lips and her leaking tits. His cock throbbed at the sight.
“So beautiful,” he whispered. “So fuckable. So perfect on my cock.”
“Yours, Jacey, yours,” she muttered. She made a pointed effort to ignore her husband whimpering in his chair. The thought of him so hard at this sight made her pussy flutter around the cock inside her. “Want your fucking cock, Jacey. All of it.”
He kissed all over her face as he pushed further into her. She cried out his name repeatedly, moaning, begging for more in the same breath she cried it was too much. Jacaerys nearly busted inside her in that moment. Her full tits moving with just the slightest snap of his hips, her cock drunk expression written on her face, her pregnant stomach pushing against him.
With her beautiful sounds as encouragement, he began fucking into her with abandon. All that mattered to him was how perfect she felt around him. Her walls squeezed around his cock in a quiet desperation to keep him inside her. With every stroke, the tip pushed against the spongey part of her walls, causing her to cry out his name. She was more sensitive in her pregnancy, allowing for her orgasm to build quickly.
“Fuck, fuck,” she moaned out as the band inside her snapped and her orgasm washed over her entirely.
The gush of her release flooded over his cock. He wanted to hear her moans every day. It was all he could think about as his balls, heavy with his load, slapped against her ass. His grunts and groans of pleasure drowned her out until finally he cried out her name, spilling his seed deep inside her.
“Stop,” YN commanded Aemond after a few seconds.. He looked to her face desperately, obediently stopping his furious tugs of his cock just as he was on the verge of his own release.
“What do you wish, my queen?” Jace panted, pulling his still throbbing cock from her.
“Eat your spend from my cunt. Then when you pull away I wish Aemond to begin to fuck me, and you spit your seed into his mouth,” she told her brother, never looking away from Aemond. She watched as his cock twitched with anticipation. “I think that is what my husband wants, too.”
Jace smirked at her once more before looking to Aemond. “Come over here, then. Naked. My Queen wishes to enjoy you.”
Aemond had never moved so fast in his life. As Jace moved down his lover’s body, YN took her husband’s hand. It was a small moment of intimacy neither had allowed themselves before. Until tonight, a certain part of them remained duty. But now, there was no pretending.
Jacaerys lapped eagerly at her clit once he found his home between her thighs. She squirmed under his careful tongue, whimpering his name. Aemond felt desperate now, to make her replicate those sounds for him.
Jacaerys pulled away from her right before she came again. She was breathing heavy, eyes wide, as she looked down at him. Without breaking eye contact, he reached beside him and grabbed Aemond by his cock. Wordlessly, Aemond allowed himself to be lead, occasionally bucking his hips into Jacaerys’ hand. YN moaned at the sight.
With Aemond in position, his cock firmly pressed against her entrance, Jacaerys grabbed his uncle by the jaw and squeezed. Aemond instinctually opened his mouth. The brunette looked to his sister, who at this point was rubbing her own clit, before turning back to Aemond and spitting the mixture of his seed and YN’s release onto his waiting tongue. Just like a seasoned whore in Flea Bottom, Aemond swallowed eagerly.
“Tell her thank you for the gift she has bestowed in you,” Jacaerys whispered in Aemond’s ear. His hand moved to grasp his uncle’s cock, giving slow, lazy tugs. Between the heat of his wife’s pussy all but begging him to fuck her and the firmness of his nephew’s hold, it was almost painful to not begin to fuck her at a reckless pace.
“Th-thank you, for giving me a child,” Aemond stuttered out. Jacaerys began grinding against Aemond’s hip, his cock hardening with every passing moment.
“Apologize to her for not satisfying her enough,” the future king demanded. His eyes watched his sister’s fingers rubbing furiously against her clit, her body trembling. And then they traveled up her body. “Tell her what a goddess she is.”
“Such a goddess,” he whispered, looking down at her. “I am a fool for not worshipping every moment.”
“Mhmphh,” Jacaerys breathed out as he rutted against his uncle. “Slide your pretty cock into her and beg her to keep you. Beg our Queen to decide she wants to keep you when I marry her.”
As soon as Jacaerys’ hand fell away, Aemond buried himself to the hilt inside her pussy. But his hand was not unoccupied for long. He batted her hand away from her clit and replaced her fingers with his. He rubbed the sensitive nub in time with his thrusts against Aemond’s hip.
“Do not cast me aside,” Aemond begged her, his hips moving at breakneck speed as he pounded away at his wife’s pussy. “YN, my wife, please. Keep me by your side, fuck, fuck, and and I will worship you.”
“Slow yourself, match your thrusts to mine. Deeply,” Jacaerys whispered his ear. Aemond was quick to adjust his speed. He wanted to make both of them happy.
“Fuck,” YN whined out. Her thighs were trembling uncontrollably as once again she approached orgasm. “Want both of you. Want to be Queen. Want to be both yours,” she begged the two men. Her back arched as she screamed out, their names tumbling from her lips in a jumbled mess. Both men tried to maintain their movements as she rode out her eye.
Jacaerys came first, still sensitive from his first orgasm. His sticky spend painted Aemond’s pale hip before beginning to slide down the taut muscles and onto the mattress below. Aemond followed sooner after, his seed finding home deep inside his wife.
The three of them were breathing heavily. Jacaerys stepped back off the bed, finding a cloth so that he could wipe off Aemond’s hip. By the time the blonde prince had pulled out, his cock had softened. But neither man could avoid staring at her pussy as it leaked cum.
Aemond laid beside his wife, Jacaerys on the other. She giggled and pulled a sheet over their bodies.
“We shall wed in the Valyrian tradition, and our Uncle and I shall take turns fucking babe after babe into you,” Jacaerys whispered as he kissed her cheek.
“It is against the Faith, the law,” YN reminded her brother.
But Aemond saw the frown on her face and knew how much she wanted that future. And he wished for it too, wished for more nights in which the three of them could spend together. Something inside him shifted as he looked at the two of them. What was once a marriage to his dearest friend was now more. It was a chance at a happiness he would never have allowed himself.
“Lucky for us, we know the person responsible for the law,” he murmured as his hand rested on her stomach. “And I have it on good authority he wishes nothing more than to allow us this pleasure.”
She looked up at his face, her gaze soft. “Truly?” she whispered.
“Jacaerys is right. I have been a fool. A fool for not realizing the beauty that you are, the wonderful thing you are giving me,” he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “And this was the happiest I have ever seen you.”
“It is the happiest you have ever been either, dear husband,” she pointed out. “I have never seen you so responsive.”
Jacaerys rested his own again against her stomach, his finger tips grazing Aemond’s. “I am glad to have seen it from the both of you.”
“Marry her. And we shall all be together as we were tonight,” Aemond murmured. Jacaerys chuckled. “What?”
“Oh next time, I’m fucking your ass while you fuck her,” he smirking. “Or maybe we should see if both our cocks could fit in her.”
“Oh, I think she’s definitely a good enough girl to let us try. Aren’t you, my wife?”
She nodded eagerly before leaning up to kiss him. He hummed against her lips for just a moment before she pulled away and kissed Jacaerys.
When she pulled away, both men moved as close as possible to her and held her.
“I love you, sweet sister.”
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Taglist: @alexagirlie
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syraxesrevenge · 5 months
fic type: x reader
pairing: jace velaryon
notes: first fic kinda scared lol, takes place after ep 10. very self indulgent bc I'm a jace girlie at heart
Jacaerys is reminded of a lot of things, when he thinks of home.
The bristling, red-hot fireplaces dotted around the common room of Dragonstone, so different from the hearthy cold in the north, which almost freezes his joints together alme days. The shimmery, glittery mirage of the drink glass when light wobbles through them. Holding his brothers hands in his own reassuringly when they're scared.
And he's reminded of you.
The way your head felt laying against his chest, the way your heartbeat slowed down, the way you smiled. It was comforting, in a way, how he could remember every single detail of your face in the cold north. It was an anchor for him, laying in bed at night. How many horns did Meleys have? What did his mother usually wear? What would you be saying if you saw him lying here, all sappy and sad?
Rūklon, the word feels bitter and loveless on his tongue. His hand twitches as he looks from the frosted purple flower to the sky, and back again. He remembers the way it slid gracefully from your lips, the way he'd tried very hard to copy, but it came off choppy. Broken.
“Ruuuuuklon.” You said slowly, enunciatimg the U in a rather smugly accomplished tone.
“Rūklon. It's not that hard, Jacaerys.” Luke muttered before he yelped in surprise when the book of High Valyrina was thrown in his face. The kid really needed to learn when to shut up.
“It's not that hard, Jacaerys!” Jace answered, mockingly, before outreaching a hand to flip the dusted cover of the book back into his arms. Luke promptly stormed off, most likely to tell Rhaenyra.
“Hey, don't be so mean! It's not his fault you're illiterate.” You responded, in that stupidly sickly sweet voice of yours you used to be condescending. Your hand reached out as an offer, and he gingerly laced his fingers between yours gently
It was a small gesture, but he liked it. A bit too much, for a ward of his mother, but, alas.
“Rude. Treason, actually. How dare you suggest such things of my good honour, milady.”
Your fingers traced circles into his palm, the kind of circles that made his heart bump, bump. bump with affection. He brings your hand up to his lips, placing a hesitant kiss at the back of your hand. His lips linger at your skin, just for a moment, a single moment longer than they should've. The heat of breath placed in lieu, before he set your hand back down beside you. Where it belonged, not with him.
Jacaerys didn't feel bold at that moment. He didn't feel like a fearless warrior, or a king, or a fierce dragonrider; he felt like a lovesick, stupid little boy. Like he was all those years ago, playing among the courtyards of the Red Keep, chasing each other, comforting each other when you had to leave for Dragonstone, riding on Vermax. He felt exactly like that boy.
And he doesn't feel bold now. The bump bump bump of his heart has turned into a thump bump thump, worried and wishing he could be back at Dragonstone, back in a world where you and his family were safe, safe from his cousins, and safe from everything.
He retreads the letter you've sent him for a seventh time that night. His brother is dead. He has been killed. The words make him want to choke, to fight and attack and do something; but he can do nothing. He wasn't there to save Lucerys, and he can't bear the thought of not being there to save you, either.
He spends that night sleepless.
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ophelieverse · 2 years
Hi! I was thinking about Jacaerys and his Targaryen!wife welcoming their first baby, a little girl (you choose if Strong or Targaryen appearance). Just a fluff story of a teen couple being cute.
ღA daughter of the summer.
Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!reader.
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I added a little something in the beginning,because I’m a simp for simp Jace.Hope you don’t mind and that you will like it anyway.Let me know what you think💕(sorry for the errors)Also reader is a Targaryen so she will have their features,if incest makes your uncomfortable do not read.
It happened during the summer,when he was just a child,a small boy who didn’t knew anything about it,who only ever saw love reflected in his mother sweet eyes.
It wasn’t love at first sight,he had known her since their were born,and it didn’t even happened the second,the third or fourth time that he saw her.It happened the summer of his ten years,when Jacaerys first realized what love was and that he was in love with Y/n.
The sun was up in the sky warming everything with his rays,the golden light made it look like it was a fairytale,the sound of the crushing waves on the shore and the calming breeze of the wind were the most beautiful lullaby.
The two of them were sitting on the beach,they clothes wet and clinging to their bodies,sand all over their hands and faces after playing in the water all evening.They had always been this close,sharing secrets,codes,dreams together,but it was on that day that Jacaerys felt for the first time something pulling his heart.
Y/n was sitting next to him,her light green dress was promoted above her knees,her long pale blonde hair sticking to her warm face and neck,her eyes were closed enjoying and bathing in the sun to dry herself before her mother could come and get her.Like this he didn’t look like a princess,a proper Lady for her age,but she didn’t care.
She had always felt safe,sheltered by Jacaerys presence,like she could decide to wear a potato sack or act like a wild child raised by wolves and he wouldn’t question her,not even blink his eyes,before joining her in her careless and free nature.
«Mother said that when i’ll come to the age,i will have to marry Lord Lannister son.»Y/n said,her voice was calma as the wind,her purple eyes now opened to turn and look at the boy next to her.
Jacaerys stood silent,the only noise was his pulse drumming in his ears.He felt his mouth go dry,a strange pain,like a sting,the words that had just left her mouth,hurting his entire body and freezing his mind.
«I hope that day will never come.»she said again,her eyes were sad,the sound of her voice flickering something in him.
He wanted her happy,he always did.He wanted someone to know the warmth of her smile,to feel the way he did when he was in her presence.He wanted someone to care for her,to read her stories with a calm and soothing voice when she was sad,to remember remove the peel on her fruits,especially on peaches,or to cut her bread in little stars form so that she could eat it more willingly.Someone who would let her play with their hair when she was zooming out,to help her come back to reality,to help her calm down by caressing her back but only from her shoulders to the bottom,no the other way around.
It was only in that moment that Jacaerys realized how much he actually knew about her,all her little small details that he had memorized and kept close to him,where nobody could have ruined them,right in his heart.
He felt a connection with Y/n,a bond that he couldn’t explain to anyone because even him couldn’t understand.When two souls intertwine to each other,there is nothing but yearing to be close to the other.The presence that is felt by hand held,a voice heard,a smile seen,the burning desire that was consuming his very being,the strength he had to put to not tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear and brush her soft skin,felt like love for the first time.
Souls don’t have calendars,nor they understand the notion of time and distance.They only know that it feels right to be with one another.
This was the reason why Jacaerys felt his chest ache,his hands sweating,and his body itching to be close to her.That was the reason he missed her so much when she wasn’t not there,even if she was just in the room next to his,the feeling of not being graced with her presence even of a second felt like an agony.
His soul felt her absence,the very moment she had announced her mother plans for her,it was like she was saying goodbye to him.But he couldn’t let her,how could he survive without the way her eyes sparkled whenever she was explaining something to him,the way her warm hands touched his whenever she felt overwhelmed and needed someone to support her in the room,the way she waited patiently for him to tie up the cloak on her shoulders when it was too cold or her hair up when it was too hot?
He needed her right next to him as much as she needed him,no one else would take care and love her like he did.
«Would you think of me?»Jacaerys asked suddenly.
Y/n looked at him,confusion all over her beautiful face«For what?»she asked.
He smiled,looking at her like every girl wanted to be looked at«If the day of marrying Lord Lannister son won’t come.»he started with a hopeful voice«Will you think about marrying me?».
Y/n had thought about it every day,months and year till she became eighteen,the right age to finally become a wife just like her mother did.
It was again another summer and the young princess thoughts were set on him.She was his aunt,his mother youngest sibling,but it never felt wrong for her to think about Jacaerys in that way.
Being able to find someone you click with so naturally,was the most beautiful feeling.The feeling to be this close to her best friend for her whole life,felt like coming home.She had always felt so comfortable with him,maybe that was what having a soulmate felt like.Not someone she could have shared something in common with,but someone who felt like home.
Y/n didn’t wanted some other rich or handsome man,she wanted Jacaerys.Him who could always understand when her eyes were sad,or how sometimes she stumbled on her words,telling her to breath and start again slowly,him who would point to his chest and tell her “Here is your home.”
«You are in love with him.»Helaena,her older sister,had pointed out one day with a soft voice.
Y/n felt her cheeks heating up,a warm feeling in her chest«How do you know?»she wasn’t even denying it at this point.
Her sister smiled to her tenderly«I can tell by the way you look at him.»she explained.
«Oh?»she said surprised«And how do i do that?»she asked.
Helaena held her hand«Like when he finally look in your direction,you can breath for the first time.»
She looked at him the way he needed to be looked at,like the whole world could crumble down and she wouldn’t even blink.
Years later,under the sunset,orange and pink painting the sky and the clouds roaming around in their softness,they were both laying on a blanket on their spot on the beach.
He had become taller,his hair longer,but he was still the young boy who had fell hopelessly in love with her all those years ago.
Jacaerys removed the peel on the peaches,passing them to Y/n who was sitting right next to him.She was wearing a beautiful emerald dress,a color that he only loved on her and no one else,he had also tied up her pale hair so that they couldn’t get in the way while she was eating.
He never cared about peaches,he didn’t even actually liked them,but that summer her plump lips were so stained with the juices that it was the only thing he ever wanted to taste.
He didn’t had a favorite fruit,but right now,with her next to him laughing at all his jokes,he sworn to the gods that he would be more that happy to eat peaches all his life if that meant having her.
«I thought of you.»she said suddenly,a longing expression on her beautiful face.
Jacaerys took a napkin in his hand,remembering how soft and clean her the skin of her face felt under his palm as he wiped her chin gently«For what?»he asked.
Y/n had a smile on her face that only him was able to put on her«The day of my marrige with Lord Lannister son is coming closer»she started with a shaky voice,the painful light in his eyes stung her heart«But i want to marry you.»she told him,opening up her biggest desire.
Jacaerys heart was beating so fast that he thought he could had lost it,like it was trying to escape to be with hers«You thought about me?»he asked again,his voice was thin,his eyes never living an inch of her face.
She nodded immediately,her cheeks were the same color of the sky,softer than the clouds«It’s you i want to be married with.It’s you in a thousand of lifetimes,in a hundred of ways.It’ll always be you for me.»she stated.
Jacaerys caressed her cheek,her felt warm and familiar.He felt solid and safe,his shy smile the only happiness she ever felt and his arms the only home she wanted to live in.She wanted to cling to his shirt,bury her face in the warm curve of his neck and never let go.
«I thought of you too.»he had to let her know,what by now their heart already understood long time ago.
«Did you?»Y/n asked with a little giggle,the sound blessing his ears.
Jacaerys nodded his head,still caressing her skin«I always think of you before i fall asleep.The words you said,the way you looked.The things we laughed about and the silent moments we shared.»he started,the sincerity in his voice and the way his eyes glowed drinking in her figure,made her shiver.
«And when i dream,i dream of you.Because it’s about you,it’ll always be about you.»he said.
Y/n reminded him of every good day he had,of every summer spent on the beach and swimming the sea.Every sunrise,every sunset spent in her presence.She looked like a goddess,and smelled like light.And whenever she spoke to him,it felt like someone was slowly plucking the string of an arp,a beautiful song staring to play,her melodious voice all for his own.And he loved her,every single minute of it.
The he was kissing her,his fingers running through her hair and her heart beat was merging with his.Somewhere above them,the little stars that took the sun place,were burning out for them.Fire coming alive at the other end of heart,the world seemed to cave in as his knees buckled tasting the sunshine and the peaches on her lips,his thoughts racing as if it was his last moment.
They fell on the blanket in a tangled mess of wild wandering limbs,their lips never leaving each other.Jacaerys grabbed her by the waist with trembling fingers,he was gentle,scared of hurting her.
Y/n laughed,a sound that he could listen to for the rest of his life«You know i’m not going to break,right?I’m not as delicate as you think i’m»she stated with a little smile.
Jacaerys shuddered«I still think i’m going to break you.I can’t believe i’m doing this,never in my wildest dream-»
She put a finger on his lips,silencing his worries«Just kiss me.»she breathed.
It happened so many years ago,when Jacaerys first realized that he was in love with Y/n for the first time.And now it was clear for everyone,it could be seen in their eyes;that they weren’t quiet friends anymore.
They way she smiled for him,the way his face lit up when she was speaking to him,the way they held hands and presented the joyful news that now Y/n was expecting the child of the heir to the throne.Everyone could see it,clear as the day,they weren’t friend anymore but they grew in something even greater.
Swearing their love in front of their family and realms,now waiting for the result of their undying feeling for each other.
Another summer had come by,before the glowing sun could sunk down the horizon and the moon took his place,a high pitched cried echoed in Y/n chambers.
The young princess was laying in the bed,her white nightgown was stained in blood between her legs,clinging her skin just like her hair were sticking on her neck.Sweaty and tired face,the painful feeling seemed to disappear from her aching body when the midwife handed her child to her husband.
«Congratulations,my prince»the Maester said«It’s a girl.»
Jacaerys vision was blurred,hot tears in the corner of his eyes as held close his daughter to his chest.A girl,a beautiful girl with tufts of blonde hair and dark black eyes,a perfect resemblance of him and his wife in everything he was looking at.
«Oh,she is so beautiful.»he stated with a tremble in his voice«We are gonna love her so well.»he promised her,now handing his daughter to his wife safe and loving embrace.
Y/n smile lighted the entire room«She has your eyes»she noticed with teary eyes.
Her daughter little red face was looking up at her,the same dark eyes that Y/n had grown to love and to find reassurance in,so glad that she inherited the same trait.
It made her heart warm up,the little girl being born just the first day of another summer,during the warm weather and longer days.The days Y/n and her husband had spent loving each other dearly,growing up together,discovering themselves and watching at their young love bloom.
A child of the summer for when their soul bonded to each other forever,for whe they first realized that they belonged in each other presence.A summer princess with beautiful blonde eyes like her mother and her father eyes.
Jacaerys sat down on the warm bed,close to where his small family was.His heart exploding with all the love he was feeling in that very moment,watching his wife,a force of nature,bringing him the best gift he could ever asked for.
«She is as beautiful as you,my Y/n.You are so brave and so strong,for giving me everything i ever wanted.»he was stroking the hair out of her face,placing a loving and tender kiss on her lips.
«There is nothing i wanted more.»she said,kissing him again.
«What shall be her name,my prince?»the Maester asked then.
His daughter squirmed in his wife arms,but she didn’t cry no more.Already feeling safe and at ease in her parents presence.
«Alysanne»said Jacaerys,the perfect name that his wife chose long time ago.
«She will be a good queen one day.»Y/n said,lulling her daughter in her arms.
Jacaerys smiled,with so much sincerity.If his younger self could see him right now,he would be so proud of himself for having the courage to take everything he ever truly wanted.
If his younger self asked«If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life,what will it be?»
«Peaches.»he would answer«I could live a life on nothing but peaches.»
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councilofcastamere · 5 months
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no fics yet… but requests are always welcome 🪐
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no fics, but please feel free to request 🔪👻
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jacesvelaryons · 4 months
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| get to know me |
rosie/ 20+/ love music, movies, writing, crochet, eating out with friends
limits: some hardcore non-con elements, r4pe, just ask and i'd clarify if i'm comfortable with it or not
my dm's are open as well if you wanna talk, or request!
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| masterlist |
( to be expanded in a separate page when list grows more extensive)
tom blyth
spicy links pt 2
social media au's:
fc: jennie series
english love affair
wing woman
(to be added)
(to be added)
coriolanus snow
spicy links pt 1
spicy links pt 2
(to be added)
(to be added)
billy the kid
spicy links pt 1
spicy links pt 2
(to be added)
(to be added)
jacaerys velaryon
it's yours
the reluctant empress
ch 1
ch 2
ch 3
ch 4
ch 5
lucerys velaryon
daemon targaryen
and more coming! request and i'll see if i want to add it to my roster!
i give no permission to copy, distribute, or translate works without asking. any characters belong to their respective creators.
©️jacesvelaryons, 2024
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devilsjacket · 1 year
Gotta send in those HoTD and GoT requests, already got 1 and I’m buzzing whilst writing it lmao :)
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I don't know if you accept requests, but I'm going to risk it. Did you see the last photo of Harry Collett and Tom Taylor (the future Cregan Stark)? Could you write a Harry/Jace x reader x Tom/Cregan threesome? I'm obsessed with them
Push & Pull
It's basically Lannister tradition to create a scandal on your nameday, or maybe that's just you.
Jacaerys Velaryon x Lannister!Reader x Cregan Stark | 1k+ | cw: fem!reader, jealousy?, am I the drama!YN, typos, etc.
A/N: hello nonnie! i do take requests, but i dont explicitly state it because ive been having a hard time writing. i had an idea for a jace fic when you sent this, so it felt really timely, but then that fic i went to die 💀✋ so im tryna revive my spark writing smth else. i know you said a threesome but i just 💔 the best i can do is them tryna one up each other. I AM SO HYPE FOR THEM FR FR but i didnt really see the actors' photo together, just them in the trailer
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"Is that the older Velaryon boy?" I mutter to my brother in between taking a sip of wine.
Jason turns where I'm looking and takes a sip of his own wine, "indeed."
"He's rather easy on the eyes, isn't he," I smile at my Jason.
He raises a brow, "and you are rather engaged, aren't you?"
"Engaged to be engaged," I shrug, looking around the room again, "and I do not even see our man of the hour anywhere."
"Lord Stark is travelling here from Winterfell. One would expect him to be late."
"Are you not the same brother of mine that said impressions have their weight in gold?"
Jason narrows his eyes, "clearly that was Tyland."
I roll my eyes at him and look away. I quickly turn back to Jason after I notice something, "oh, look. He's coming over."
"Lady Lannister."
I avert my gaze from my brother, to Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, who gives me a nod in regard.
"My prince," I smile and curtsy.
He smiles back then turns to my brother, "Lord Lannister."
Jason raises a brow and nods curtly.
"If your sister will allow it," Jacaerys turns to me, "I would like to ask her for a dance."
I giggle under my breath. I share a look with my brother. Jason assesses my expression before turning back to the dark haired man, "my sister is not accepting dances this moment."
I turn to Jacaerys as he gives me a questioning look, "may I enquire why?"
"I hurt my ankle," I mutter, "whilst getting off the carriage."
Jacaerys' forehead visibly wrinkles, "you took a carriage here?"
I purse my lips into a soft smile, "I did."
"To Casterly Rock?"
"I was visiting a lady friend who lives not too far from here."
"... I see."
Just as Jacaerys says this, the doors open, and Lord Cregan Stark's arrival is announced as he walks in. As he swaggers in, I am struck by a delicious idea.
"On second thought, my prince," I extend a hand, "my ankle is feeling rather better now."
I feel my brother give me a dirty look, but before he can say anything, I am whisked away for a dance.
Jacaerys leads me as we dance, holding my hand firmly as we glide across the floor, and pulling me closer than what was needed when the movement called for it.
The truth was, I didn't mind it, but there was nothing I loved more than putting a man in his place.
"You're being quite familiar with your touches, Jacaerys," I mutter when we as close enough.
I see his eyes light up when I call him by his first name. He chuckles, "can you blame me for wanting to be so?"
I hum as he spins me around, "I doubt many refuse your advances anyway, with the life of a princess up for prize."
Jacaerys ends up behind me as we continue with the dance. I feel his breathing as we continue with the next steps. Once we pull away and face each other again, I speak, "it is an honor to be the first."
Jacaerys looks at me in confusion when I curtsy rather than take his hand. I smile, "I have another waiting on me," then walk away.
It doesn't take long for me to weave my way out of the dancing bodies, nor to find the said person waiting for me.
I press my lips together into a soft smile as I approach the towering man, "Lord Stark."
Cregan nods and extends a hand, "my lady."
I take his hand and smile when he kisses my knuckles, "I do hope your travels were safe."
Cregan straightens up and tilts his head, "safe?"
He takes a step forward and brushes my knuckles, "I arrived to see my future bride ensnared in the jaws of a dragon."
I clasp my hands together and raise a brow, " I believe the Velaryon's sigil is that of a seahorse."
"And I believe he is set to inherit the throne after his mother, the king's appointed heir."
I purse my lips and lock eyes with Jacaerys from across the room. A moment later, I turn back to Cregan and smile, "political talk has always bored me."
He shifts on one leg, "I would not bore you on your nameday."
"Then dance with me."
Cregan takes a second, then offers me a hand.
Not a moment later, the two of us are dancing with the rest of the crowd. Cregan is much more wary with his touch, more courteous, and modest.
I cannot help but tease him with lingering touches and with the bat of my lashes, "you are surprisingly graceful for someone of your stature."
Cregan chuckles, hands gripping my waist with more intention, "perhaps the same could be said about you, my lady."
I raise a brow, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, with your injured ankle and all."
I tilt my head, eyes locked on his as we change partners. I keep my attention locked on Cregan as I come back to him the next measure.
"How do you know that?"
He tucks my hair behind my ear, "your brother told me as you danced with Jacaerys Velaryon, how you humored him, despite your reluctance."
We spin around and switch partners again.
This time, I cannot keep my attention on Cregan as I find myself face to face with Jacaerys, himself.
He immediately speaks, "I did not know you were waiting upon Cregan Stark."
I do the steps with him and purse my lips, "why would you need to know who I wait upon?"
"I thought I made it clear," the corner of his lips quirk, "I wish to be familiar."
I chuckle, taken slightly off guard, "and I thought I made it clear that I did not."
Jacaerys' hold on my hip lingers, "did you?"
My breath hitches when he pulls me flush against his chest, arms around my waist as we twirl. He breaks away, seconds too long, and we change partners again.
Except I don't, and neither does Jacaerys, for then the music finds its completion. We stand in front of each other, staring, as the rest of the room breaks into applause.
"I would like to share another dance with you, my lady," says Jacaerys.
"She is already spoken for," another answers for me.
I peer up at Cregan as he comes between us. He blankly stares at Jacaerys. It lingers and becomes rather painful. Eventually, he gives him a nod in regard, "your grace."
"Lord Stark," Jacaerys clenches his jaw before nodding back.
I stare at them as they stare at each other for another prolonged moment. I purse my lips then sigh, "I am actually feeling rather parched. Would you two boys like to pour me a drink?"
The two of them turn to me, but before they could respond, I'm already heading off to the banquet table. My brother's eyes shoot daggers at me as I approach.
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asumi2020202 · 10 days
Burn them all
Other name:Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor.
Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader
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Summary: Never once have you been to the place you were you belong. Always thinking you were an outcast. But one day you were invited. Feelings developed. Friendship made. When the war came, and they harmed one you hold dear, they realised that the same blood runs in both the father and the daughter. The act done by her, made even the gods pray for the people.
Au: Viserys I had a son before Rhaenyra. But due to him being unstable and bloodthirsty, Viserys exiled him. This son of his was Aerys II or 'The Mad King' as some may say. Due to him being exiled, his wife also left. Y/n Targaryen was born when Rhaenyra had given birth to Jacaerys. She was younger than her brothers, Viserys II, who had died while fighting some rogues and Rhaegal, who was murdered. She had an older sister but she was killed in front of her so she killed first when she was the age of seven. Y/n travelled the world, saving the slaves she found with her three dragons who were given to her by her father. She gave freedom to the slaves and poor. The world got to know her as The Khaleesi of the Great Grass sea, The Unburnt, The Mother of Dragons, The Breaker of chains.....and the Daughter of Death.
A/n: Hello! This story is based on an Au. I request you to read the Au before diving into the story or else it may not make sense. The timeline is mixed with Daenerys' because you take her place in this story. The reference picture took sometime to draw, you don't need to think of it permanently because it is only a reference.
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About reader: She is younger than Aegon, Aemond and Helaena. She is loved by both sides. She has heterochromia (I love people with heterochromia). She wears an eye patch like Aemond.
Before reading:
Timeline: During Lucerys' trial to the Dance Of the Dragons.
The reader has 3 dragons. Namely- Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal.
Rhaenyra only betrothed Lucerys to Baela.
Tilted notes are translations of high valyrian.
Blood and cheese are not involved.
WARNING: mentions of rape, violence, blood.
"Khaleesi, a raven has arrived from Kings Landing....."
"Ah, it seems he finally found me. Jorah, get everything ready, we will leave for Kinds Landing at dawn."
"At once my lady.."
Music recommended: Dragonstone
Lord Vaemond stood before the king, Viserys, who looked like he was waiting for someone . After some minutes, when no one came, he spoke " Let the Petition start".
Just as Lord Vaemond was about to speak, the doors opened.
"Y/n Stormborn of House Targaryen, First of her name, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Queen of the Mereen, The Unburnt, The Breaker of Chains... And the Mother of Dragons." Missandei spoke.
All eyes turned at the door as there stood Y/n Targaryen holding onto the hand of her best friend Missandei.
"Ah my grandchild, you recieved my letter. I always wished to see you in person, I only ever heard of you through the gossips of others saying a Targaryen girl conquered nations and freed slaves.
I longed to see you myself" Viserys said to whom y/n replied.
"I longed to see you as well your grace, I only ever heard of you through the lips of my brothers and sister. Even if I wished to meet you, i couldn't, as my family was exiled."
"I exiled your father and no one else. Your mother loved your father so heartily that she left with him. She was devoted to your father. But past shall be left behind my child, for you are now home."
"I understand your grace. Thank you for accepting me here and allowing me to be present in this trial." All eyes left y/n and focused on the upcoming trial.
With that King Viserys started hearing the petitions. Lord Vaemond had insulted Rhaenyra and her children in the heat of the moment.
"I think my lord it would be wise to honor the words of your brother and Princess Rhaenys as her granddaughter is to be married to Prince Lucerys Velaryon." Y/n Spoke, keeping her calm.
"And would do you think you are to advice me. She- "
"Say it" whispered Daemon.
"Her children are BASTARDS!. She is a whore and you are a bitch who can't mind their business, who know, you might turn out like your father." Vaemond screamed.
"Please I ask your not to judge a daughter by the sins of her father" said y/n.
"I.... Will have your tongue for that." As Viserys took out his dagger, Daemon easily cut Vaemond's head in and angle that the tongue hanged freely.
"He can keep his tongue" said Daemon. "Disarm him" spoke the guards.
"No need" said Daemon.
When Daemon slashed Vaemond's head, Helaena sought comfort in Alicent's body, while the brothers remained unfazed.
As the trial came to an end, Helaena shyly started a conversation with y/n wanting to know about her while Rhaenyra, Lucerys and Jacaerys approached y/n.
"Indeed. None who stay with me or serve me are slaves, rather they are free have their own will and knowledge which I value." Y/n talked with Helaena finding comfort in her.
"Y/n." Spoke Rhaenyra. "Yes your grace?"
"Please do not call me your grace, you are my own flesh and blood. Just call me your aunt." " Very well then aunt Rhaenyra "
"Would mind sharing the stories of your journeys with us niece?" Said Helaena.
"Sure, but I must see my children first, come, I shall show them to you"
As the four followed y/n, Jacaerys felt uneasy at the thought of her having offsprings that are not with him as he felt infatuated with her the moment he saw her.
Near the dragon pit, they saw three dragons unable to be tamed.
"Umbās" wait. Said y/n to the men.
"Do not bring them to the dragon pit and chain them, they are but free beings like humans, let them soar in the sky with their wings."
"Yes your grace" said the men before leaving.
"Meet my children, Rhaegal" referring to the green dragon. "Viserion" the goldish brown dragon. "And Drogon". The black dragon with red highlights.
"You have three dragons?" Asked Jacaerys, relieved that the children y/n referred to are not humans.
"Yes, according to my brothers, my father gave the three dragons eggs that his dragon laid to me as I was his only daughter and the youngest. "
"Your brothers?" Asked Rhaenyra. "Yes, Viserys and Rhaegar, I named my children from them."
"Where are they now?"- Helaena.
"Dead"...... "I'm sorry for your loss" Each one replied.
"It's alright, it is in the past. I have learned to cope with it. Leaving that aside, I'm new here so I don't know the place, I need someone to show me around."
"Ah, Jace would be more than happy to show you around my niece." - Rhaenyra.
Jacaerys nodded. Grateful that his my knew his affection for the new girl.
As Jace led y/n away, Rhaenyra started a conversation with missandei.
"How did a slave girl come to advice y/n Targaryen?"- Rhaenyra asked. To which she replied "She bought me from my master and set me free."
"Free? And what if you wish to go to Naath tomorrow?"
"Then she will give me a ship and some resources to sail away."
"You truly believe that?"
"Yes. I believe in her. All of us who came with her from Essos, we believe in her. She's not out Queen because she's the daughter of some king we never knew. She's the queen we chose."
King Viserys threw a feast for both his grandchild returning home and lucerys' betrothal.
"I would like to announce a thought I have come upon." Viserys spoke as all eyes went to him.
"I would like to bethroth my grandson Prince Jacaerys to my granddaughter Princess Y/n. She has been away for too long and it seems right that jace gets bethroth as his younger brother has already been."
"I agree father"- Rhaenyra said. Alicent nodded her head and smiled at Rhaenyra.
Jacaerys felt happy as Lucerys teasing poked him.
"Well you'll finally get to lay down with a woman. You do know how the act is done right?" Aegon whispered to Jace.
"Y/n?" Questioned Viserys. "Do you agree to this announcement of mine?"
"If it pleases you Grandfather then yes I agree" y/n replied as she smiled ate Viserys.
The night, for once after ages, was happy and without violence. Helaena and y/n danced together. Rhaenyra and Alicent laughed together. Viserys felt warm at the sight.
That was until Aegon usurped the throne upon king Viserys' death.
The day Aegon usurped the throne, the family had been divided. Alicent knew that war was inevitable.
The blacks resided in Dragonstone along with y/n and her dragons. Both parties desperately wanted to gain more houses on their side.
Helaena joined the blacks much to the surprise of both sides. All she said was that " I do not wish to partake in this war, I joined the queen to ensure the safety of my children. I have no wish to rule."
Rhaenyra sent Jacaerys to the north as a messenger. He was to inform Lord Cregan Stark of the upcoming war and get their assistance.
Before going, Jace promised y/n that he will return safely, kissing her goodbye.
While Lucerys was sent to Storm's end to earn the favor of Lord Borros Baratheon.
After both the brothers left, a day or two after Rhaenyra had gone to labor. Unfortunately visenya, Rhaenyra's child, was a stillborn with dragon scales.
As she burned on the pyre, Rhaenyra leaned on to y/n instead of her husband Daemon. That ver evening came the news that Lucerys Velaryon was killed by Aemond Targaryen and his dragon Vhagar.
The shock was too much to handle for Rhaenyra. Y/n knew what this meant. No one could survive the rage of a mother. Y/n wrote a letter to Jace, informing him of the situation.
Y/n stood near the beach of Dragonstone, watching as vermax and her betrothed returned.
As Jace landed, she gave him a look of sorrow. She hugged him as he wrapped his hands around her tightly, finding comfort in her.
After sometime, she led him to Rhaenyra. She stood as she saw both the mother and the son break down in each other's arms. Rhaenyra extended and arm, asking for y/n to join, which she took without a second thought.
Y/n was in the council when she noticed that her missandei was not there. The commander of the Unsullied entered the room. Giving his respects to the queen, he turned to y/n and spoke something to her.
What he had said had shocked her. It was visible on her face. Her breathing became uneven. She placed her hand on her forehead. Jace coming to her side in an instant and held her.
"What is the matter?" Jace asked.
The commander replied "Aegon kyvāna naejot execute se khalēsi ráqiros mishanje hemtūbis. Ziry vestretan bona lo ziry wishes naejot rhãenagon zyhon mēre mōrī jēda, ziry līs sagon ry dārys tegorīr ry dawn hemtūbis.
Aegon plans to execute the khaleesi's friend Missandei tomorrow. He said that if she wishes to meet her one last time, she must be at kings landing at dawn tomorrow.
This must be because of Aemond's death. y/n thought.
"I must leave at once, prepare Drogon." Y/n commanded as the commander nodded and left.
"You can't leave alone." Argued Baela.
"But I can't abandon her!"
"Let Jace go with you, if an ambush does occur, both of you will take your dragons and leave at once." Rhaenyra said, knowing full well how much it can hurt to lose someone you love.
Y/n nodded and sprinted out. She and Jacaerys approached their dragons and flew to kings landing once they had climbed on them.
Y/n stood their on the ground, holding onto Jacaerys' hand as she saw Aegon, Otto, Missandei and a guard standing on a tower. Upon seeing her, Aegon had smirked at her
He asked missandei "any last words? Because now is the time."
Missandei looked away from Aegon and to y/n. After a second the guard took out his sword and angled it.
Y/n could feel her tears trickling down her face. Missandei looked at her and Said "Dracarys!". And she was beheaded.
Y/n spared Aegon one last look of hatred as she left kings landing with Jace.
Upon her arrival, all could see her sorrow and anger. They knew even if there had been a chance before, there is no chance now to avoid war.
" prepare the soldiers, we will attack at once" y/n commanded to her commanders of both the dothraki and Unsullied.
She turned to Rhaenyra and said "be prepared to take back that throne, it will not be so easy with both daemon and Rhaenys along with their dragons gone."
"We will attack tomorrow which will take them by surprise as some of your army is in kings landing itself, you only need to inform them of the plan."
"Hm.. I will send a raven"
As all left the room, only Jace remained with y/n. As Jace walked upto her, she broke down causing Jace to run upto her to catch her.
"She died alone, she died for me and I couldn't protect her" y/n cried in Jacaerys' chest as he held the head to his chest, shushing her and telling her everything will be okay once the war has ended.
Rhaenyra, Jacaerys,Y/n, Rhaena, Baela, Cregan Stark were all dressed up for battle.
They were reaching the beach where the armies: Dothraki, Unsullied, Northerners and the rest were assembled.
As they approached , they saw a dragon falling from the sky. It had an arrow piercing it heart and neck.
Upon realisation, y/n ran to the dragon. Wailing out "no.. no no no!.... Not him as well."
Baela and Rhaena held a hand on their mouth in shock. Jacaerys could feel your sorrow as Rhaenyra held her head down. Even though Cregan Stark didn't know her well, he felt a sense of guilt upon seeing her crying face.
"He had no fault. Why did he had to die? Why my little child? Why my Viserion?" Y/n cried as she held the head of her 3rd dragon.
As if on que Rhaegal and Drogon landed as the dragon watchers brought the dragons of others with them. Drogon and Rhaegal sensed your sorrow. They laid their heads and bodies on either side of you, softly whimpering.
"I am his child aren't i?........ I am the Mad King's Daughter. The same blood flows through both of our veins."
"Y/n..." Jace softly whispered.
"Nyke jāhor keligon syt daōrun ēva nyke avenge ziry" Declared y/n.
I will not stop until I avenge them.
A sentence every human on that lives, fears.
She gently let go of the head of Viserion. She stepped in front of her soldiers. Rhaena and Baela had left on their dragons for their part of the plan.
"Jāhor ao ossēnagon issa enemies isse poja āegenka ármor?" Spoke y/n.
Will you kill my enemies in their iron Armor?
The dothraki roared as the Unsullied stomped their spears on the ground.
"Jāhor qūvy ilagon poja dōron lenton?"
Will tear down their stone houses?
They did the same movement again.
"Jāhor ao sagon rēisīr issa?"
Will You be with me?
Again the same.
"Sīr?!! Se forever??!"
This time the sound was extremely loud.
Y/n spoke those words while her tears ran freely.
Jacaerys and Cregan had left, leaving behind only Rhaenyra and y/n.
The commander of the Unsullied came to her "Khaleesi what are we to do? We await your orders." Y/n looked at her family with a look that looked as if she is dead, her eyes hollow and had rage in them.
She looked away from them and to her commander and said " burn". The commander was puzzled.
"Burn them all..... Burn each and everyone that rebels."
She turned to the Unsullied and declared her orders-
"Aeksia ossēnātās!"
Slay the masters
"Menti ossēnātās!"
Slay the soldiers
"Qiloni pilos lue vale tolvie ossēnātās!"
Slay every man who holds a whip.
The soldiers marched forward , the ships sailed, their arrows prepared.
"Y/n.. you have stained your hands with blood by giving those orders." Rhaenyra gently spoke.
"My hands have been stained long ago, back when I was only seven. I don't fear anything anymore. Do know how I stained my hands ?"
"No no no! Let her go!! Take anything you want but let her go!!" A seven year old girl screamed.
"I wonder how a stark and a Targaryen is living together?" A man asked.
"Eh, we don' care bout' that do we now mate? We've got double luck" A second mam replied.
"Letz use this one first shall we?" The first man smirked and said.
A seven year old y/n saw her stark sister whom had saved her get raped in front of her.
She scream for them to let her go desperately trying to cut the rope tying her hands together with her hidden dagger.
Both men were focused on their pleasure. The stark girl was screaming in pain when y/n finally broke free.
She took her dagger and shoved it into the 2nd man's neck causing him to hold his neck as he bled out.
The first man kicked her in the stomach as he tried to hold her. Y/n had kicked him in the crotch, he screamed in pain. As y/n got a hold of her dagger, she stabbed the man repeatedly. Her face and body covered in the blood those men. Her golden and violet eyes shone from the fire that burned in the fire place.
When she calmed down, she hurried to the stark whom she thought of as her sister. She felt the warmth of her sister slip away from her grasp as she cried and screamed whilst being covered in blood.
Rhaenyra felt tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She felt sympathy for the little girl of seven who had to suffer so much pain.
"I never knew my parents, I only ever heard the rumors and stories from my brothers before they were murdered.
People say that my father killed many with wild fire before he died. I will show them what a raged Targaryen looks like."
With that y/n flew away to the battlefield with Drogon and Rhaegal.
Jace felt as if he was getting suffocated . Too many men were sticking together and was getting squashed.
Suddenly roars were heard in the sky. There she was. Y/n Targaryen. With her two dragons.
Half the men were burned to death. The dragon continued to burn the enemy soldiers.
Sunfyre had confronted Drogon. As the dragons rebelled against each other, y/n jumped from Drogon and landed on sunfyre, piercing her sword through Aegon's chest as he fell from the saddle.
She landed on the ground as Drogon took off to burn more soldiers, y/n approached Aegon who was cowering.
"Who are you exactly?!" He asked.
"The daughter of ......Death.." with that she beheaded him. As she continued slaying, she didn't even stop, going on a rampage.
When the war came to an end, Jacaerys searched for his lover like a mad man. He may have been tired but he searched refusing to give up.
When he found her, he stilled. Her eye patch was gone. Behind her was Drogon and Rhaegal whose were beside her. In her arms was the head of Aegon the Usurper.
Her eyes to the full display for the world. Her golden eye shoned in the sun for the first time in forever. Her body was covered with blood, it dripped from her head. Tears were streaming down her face.
( The reference picture took a some time to draw)
Reference picture:
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Jacaerys caught y/n before she fell. Her head on his chest as her vision faded.
Y/n and Jacaerys had cut their hands and held them together. Cut their lips and drank from the same cup. The septa reciting the vows that they were to take. As the vows end, the two of kissed passionately infront of all.
Their wedding had been the old valyrian way. Lord Cregan gave both of them two dire wolves, one pitch black and one as white as the stars above.
Many were lost, but they must get past the memories for themselves and the future generations.
10 months later from their consummation day. Y/n laid in their chambers. Panting and sweating. She tried her best to get the babe out of her.
Each moment that passes, Jacaerys felt the urge to barge in the room. One scream of agony threw him off as he opened the door and went beside his wife, supporting her from the back.
"I can't do it Jace. It's too difficult." She pleaded.
"Yes you can avy jorrāelan. I am here with you." Jacaerys replied.
My love.
"My lady you must push!" Said the midwives and maester. Y/n grunted and muffled scream escaped her as pushed with all her might.
A cry could be heard. "A boy my prince" said the maester.
A second of relieve washed over y/n before she was in pain again. "It's seems the princess is having twins, quick hurry!" Spoke a midwife.
After 5 hours of struggle, there laid two boys on each of the arms of the parents.
"My prince I must take the children to the wetnurse for their feeding" spoke a maid. "They will feed from their mother, me and my wife have decided it." Replied Jacaerys.
Y/n smiled at his words as the maid adjust her robes so both her son's could feed from her at the same time. As the maid left the room, Jacaerys placed his hand on his son who was attached to your right breast.
"What names do wish for avy jorrāelan?" Spoke y/n.
My love.
"How about you name the left one and I name the right? We both shall have our turn." Replied Jace.
Very well then what name do you suggest?- y/n.
"Daenys, to honor Daemon The Rogue Prince and Rhaenys The queen who never was." Jace spoke.
"Ah my beautiful Daenys." - y/n.
"What about you my love?" - Jacaerys.
"Rhaecerys, to honor my brother Rhaegal and your brother Lucerys." Spoke y/n .
Jace could feel tears build up. Suddenly Rhaenyra burst in with the others.
"Where are my grand babies?"- Rhaenyra.
"Here mother." Jace handed Rhaenyra the children before fixing his wife's gown because she was to tired as he referred.
"What are their names?" - Rhaenyra.
"Daenys and Rhaecerys" spoke y/n.
As Rhaenyra left , Jace put the babies in their cribs which was situated in their room upon the lady's request. He kissed her passionately, thanking her for the everything she gave him.
........She burned her enemies for her child and best friend. She burned them all. And would not hesitate to burn them again if they dare try to harm her family....
......After all.
...............Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor....
A dragon is not a slave.
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203 notes · View notes
legitalicat · 3 months
Keeping Up With the Targaryens (social media AU) - Series Masterlist
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AN: This is in collaboration with Lana ( @zaldritzosrose ) (and of course special shout outs to @lady-phasma @anjelicawrites and @alexagirlie) and we are so so excited! All posts related to this universe will be tagged in this Masterlist for y'all to easily browse! I hope you like it!! As always pairings and TW will be updated as the series progresses. Dividers used on this Masterlist and any future posts I make for this are done by Lana. header is also done by her :)
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Summary: Inspired by Keeping Up With the Kardashians, a look into the insane lives of Westeros' most elite family. It all started years ago, when Rhaenyra Targaryen and Criston Cole were young and in love. Their actions changed the course for this family forever, good or bad. Now the world belongs to Rhaenyra, and the rest are just living in it.
Characters Featured: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Criston Cole, Otto Hightower, Viserys Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Jacaerys Velaryon, Harwin Strong, Lucerys Velaryon, Daemon Targaryen, Laena Velaryon, Sara Snow, Helaena Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen ii, Aemond Targaryen, YN/Reader insert, Daeron Targaryen, Laenor Velaryon
TW: Obvious but unconfirmed relationship, reality TV, Alicent will be great in this (minus one really bad incident), Otto Hightower is not shitty in this, will have time jumps, cursing, suggestive language, Viserys Targaryen (I feel like he should always be his own TW), men simping for their women, sexual conversations, women simping for their men
GEN 1 Pairings: PAST Rhaenyra Targaryen x Criston Cole, Laena Velaryon x Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower x Viserys Targaryen, platonic spouses Rhaenyra Targaryen x Laenor Velaryon, Rhaenyra Targaryen x Harwin Strong
GEN 2 Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x Sara Snow, Aegon Targaryen ii x YN, Helaena Targaryen x Cregan Stark
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The Road So Far....
Meet the Family (Gen 1) (Lana)
Meet the Family (Gen 2) (Lana)
Intro 1 Intro 2
Rhaenyra Through the Years
Alicent Through the Years 1, Alicent 2 (Lana)
Laena Through the Years, Laena 2 (Lana)
Age list!!
Season 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Season 2
Episode 21
Episode 22
151 notes · View notes
ophelieverse · 1 year
Can you write something angsty for my boy Jace please?🥺
₊˚ˑ༄ؘ My bones are your bones.
Jacaerys Velaryon x fem!reader.
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The blacks won the war.After his mother,Jacaerys became king and still,after all these years,he’s haunted by the ghost of his first love.
Also Jacaerys,Y/n and Baela deserved better😭
I’m back with whatever this is!Please be gentle with me and thank you so much for all the love y’all gave me!💕🫶🏻
Sorry for the errors and let me know what you think!🥰
The sound of the rain is delightful.
It beats on the roofs,it ticks on the windows,falls from the downhill streets and huddled people to find a shelter together. Sometimes,tired and melancholy it gets trapped inside a pit and falls asleep.The sun, then, akes the rain away.Only the scent remains, he sky returns to its usual blue and the joyful birds return to chirp.
That afternoon it smelled of rain on the asphalt,but it wasn't raining,not yet.Even if the sky was already covered with clouds and the wind that was blowing was able to carry the scent of lilies that were blooming in the big garden of the castle.
King Jacaerys Targaryen,first of his name,was in his thirty two years of living and seven years of reign.Many things had changed through the decades,he grew taller,wiser and dutiful embracing his birthright as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.After a bloody and destructive civil war between his family members,between ashes and bones,dragons and brothers,his mother reign was short and not very welcomed by the people.
Jacaerys was like a breath of fresh air,a young and smart man that,since the beginning,knew what he had to do.In his seventh year of reign,he didn’t only changed his last name,like his grandfather requested before his death,but after the war he was a completely different person.
Even rain,the sound and the smell of it,the feeling on the bare skin and the waiting to see it falling for the grey sky was different for him now.
Rain became much more than just water falling from the sky.It is a very underestimated element of nature,whenever it started to rain the world changed.It was raining the first time he kissed her and it was raining the day she died.
For Jacaerys,rain was a similarity of sadness.The sky changes to accommodate the bad mood and then it starts to rain slowly,a heartbreaking slowness that leads him to think as he look at it from behind the window.Exactly like pain,which hugged him slowly and then invaded him completely,soaking his soul.
But the worst rain is the one that comes suddenly,unexpectedly,when he was around and it starts to rain suddenly and he didn’t know how to protect himself from it so he could start running desperately to find shelter.Equal to the pain that hits him straight to the heart like a bolt of lightning in the blue,he couldn’t expect it,he was not prepared for this kind of pain so it spreads in him sucking in every hope of being able to smile in the rain
Everything gets darker,the rain murmurs it’s sad music in his ears and he no longer distinguishes the various scents that usually hover in the streets.The rain covers everything, it covers the noises,the scents and also covers himself.
The dropps of water are short-lived,who knows if in the stretch they make from the sky to the asphalt they are sad because they know that in a few moments they will disappear or if they decide to be happy for their last moments of life.
Whether it comes slow or comes suddenly,rain is always dangerous but never as much as pain. Because the rain ends and then the sun returns but the pain continues because it got under his skin.He could wash his soaked clothes and then he put them to dry and it's like they've never been wet,but he will keep feeling the pain constantly and he’ll like to tear his skin.
The rain in Jacaerys life was sadness,but from the rain he could always find a shelter,from the pain he couldn’t protect himself.
During that time of the day,late evening,an ancient sadness came up from inside him and he knew he didn't have to let her get where it really started to hurt.In the place inside himself where she was still alive,breathing and dancing with his deepest dreams,hopes and fears.
When Jacaerys became King he was only twenty five years old and,for a moment,he was getting better.For a moment he felt good.For a moment he wanted to live.For a moment he had hope again.And in a moment,when he got back at her house,in the gardens and near the lake,he had lost everything again.
He had gone back,the day after his coronation,and everything seemed to have remained the same.The bright light of the sun hitting on the windows,the sweet smell of spring in the air,the crystalline water.It was like in the past,the time he had fallen for her.
He could see some of the roses still blooming in the garden.Brown on the edges and bright in other colors,their petals drooping downward, dying just as their lives have begun.
They stayed past their time,and Jacaerys realized that she have too.Y/n presence was everywhere and it took his breath away,in a second it all came back.
He liked to think that everything was going better,that he was alright and had a new life with a new love in it.But he was wrong.What lived and died between them was still haunting him.
«You promised to protect her!»her father had screamed to him,pure anger on his old face but in his eyes the empty feeling of the pain of having lost his daughter.
«She is gone because of you!»her older sister had sobbed,holding a hand close to her chest.
Death its terrible.So terrible to lose someone.And if he didn't face it,if he didn't deal with it,then he’ll just end up losing himself too.But Jacaerys didn't want to heal.He didn’t wanted to let go,because the pain was the only connection to what he had lost.
When we lose someone to whom we gave all the love we had inside ourselves,at that moment everything stops.We may have a lot of other people around,of course, but in our eyes they will be invisible.We are convinced that nothing will make sense anymore,that nothing will ever be the way it was before.Together with that person we also lose ourselves a bit, denying ourselves the chance to move on.We darken more and more,shrouded in the shadow of our loneliness,forgetting that everything that is not watered,sooner or later withers.
For a moment,Jacaerys closed his eyes.In his mind he was still fifteen,together and in love with her.He liked to believe that they have never been apart,so that he could invent a new past to remember.He could imagine how things would’ve been different if she had been with him.
He imagined what life could’ve been if that day he had decided to take her with him at Dragonstone instead of leaving her behind at Oldtwon.A tiny voice in his head liked to tell him that he did it to keep her safe,once the war started and he was called back to fight.Another part of him,the one that kept him awake at night,tormented him with the heart wrenching feelings that it was his fault.
Y/n death was his fault.
«I’m sorry it ended this way.»was the only thing he could breathe out.
Her younger sister was a Septa,closer to the gods that Jacaerys had stopped to believe in,and the only one that accepted his presence at Y/n memorial near the lake where her body was found.
«Y/n has been dead long before she died.»her sister stated,her grey vest blowing in the chilly wind and her voice soft«The time she had spent with you was the most happy I’ve ever seen her.She was alive for the first time.»she confessed,her bright eyes locked on the cold stone on the green grass.
Jacaerys fell on his knees near where little violets were blooming,his vision was blurry with the tears that were streaming down his cheeks and he almost didn’t noticed the words written on her grave:
“My bones are your bones.”
Jacaerys choked a cry,remembering the poem that they had read together as he whispered«When my time is near,i will be burned with you.So i had desired my dusts to be mingled with yours.Forever and forever,to be able to lay with you.»he prayed.
«Your grace-»her younger sister was trying to comfort him,but he didn’t heard her.
«I had never loved anyone,anything in the way i loved her.»he sobbed,his heart was hurting so much that he wanted to rip it out from his chest with his bare hands«I would never love someone else like this.I can’t.It only happens once.»his hands were trembling as he traced his fingers on the stone pretending it was her face.
Her sister placed a comforting hand on his shoulder,her eyes wet fro the tears and a sad little smile on her lips«For some people not even once.Y/n was very lucky to be loved by you.»she whispered«Your love made her immortal.»as she looked around,from the birds chirping,the blooming flowers,with the awaking of the spring her sister was there.
Jacaerys shook his head,his brain was pounding against his skull,the air was like fire in his lungs«She is gone because of me.»he cried her older sister words.
«Your grace,it wasn’t your fault.My-»the young Septa tried,holding back a the urge to cry with a sad and apprensive smile.
The king choked a sob«You can put the blame on me.I already blame myself.»his eyes burned,his breathe was short«She was there,all alone,and she shouldn’t have.She should have been with me!»the skin on his face was itching,he wanted to take it apart,feel physical pain to numb the one in his soul.
He didn’t wanted her to be immortal if she wasn’t there with him.It was selfish,to dream of having her just for himself and so painful to have loved something that death had touched so easily.
«The gods have reasons-»her younger sister calm voice was interrupted harshly by his.
«What reasons?»Jacaerys almost shouted,turning his head up to look at her«If the gods are so merciful,what was the reason?Why couldn’t they just took some else?Why my Y/n?»he asked as she knew the right answer.
Her younger sister,now that he looked at her better,had the same eyes of his Y/n.But hers were brighter,warmer and full of life.Y/n ones,the last time he saw them up close,were white like sea pearls,cold and empty,dead just like the rest of her.
Her sister knelt besides him,a gentle hand on his shaking back gave him a warm familiar feeling«When we were children,my mother used to scold Y/n because she always preferred to pick the flowers that my mother had just planted»the young girl told him,giggling at the old memory«She said she liked them most because they bloomed with the first day of the spring,they were untouched and they were the most beautiful in the gardens.»she continued with a little voice.
«She loved to paint them.»Jacaerys murmured,closing his eyes for a second.
Her sister nodded«I think the Gods picked my sister for the same reasons.She was the most beautiful flower.»she then said,looking up at the sky.
The clouds were darkening,the chilly wind was starting to blow stronger.It was about to rain again.
«Then why?»he asked again«Why did they made us met and fall in love,if they had to pick her?»he couldn’t understand,this was definitely a punishment for his family sins.
Her sister shook her head«All that i know is that intense love always lead to mourning.»she whispered.
Legend has it that there is always a reason why souls meet.Maybe they found each other for reasons that weren't all that different.They were two souls who sought and found comfort in each other and it is not possible to separate. The reasons why they are united are not incidents.Maybe Y/n needed someone to show her how to live and Jacaerys needed someone to show him how to love.
Memory was an agony,but he remembered everything about the first time he had laid his eyes on her.All the things they did together and even though sometimes he wished he had never met her to spare his heart from this pain,he would’ve been lying to himself if he didn’t wish to do it all again and again just to be with her.
Jacaerys was fifteen,betrothed to his cousin Baela,one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen,fearless and bold.She would’ve made a good Queen one day,ruling by his side with a good heart and an open mind.Even though he was promised to her,Jacaerys had never wondered if he was capable of it,of loving someone romantically.
He had always thought that,for him,a prince that life was already planned by his parents for him,love would remain a utopia,that he would never be able to fall in love with a woman and he did not believe that he would ever have the chance to bond with a girl,not enough to love her.He thought he wouldn't even be able to recognize love.
Then,Y/n had arrived and it was her that he had recognized.Love was not a word.Love was her silhouette.Her height that paraded away from him and reached him on the other side of the corridor and then became her hair and the contours of the light that caressed them.Love was her eyes looking for his mouth and her teeth biting his lips;it was her voice greeting him distracted,while in her throat she still heard my saliva.
The love for Jacaerys was his Lady Y/n and thousands had died because of it.
In the Long Summer of his fifteen years,young prince Jacaerys flew on the back of his dragon,Vermax,from Dragonstone to Oldtown.As the future King,he already had duties and responsibility on his shoulders,one of them was to know and embrace his Valyrian roots.He had heard the whispers,seen himself and his two younger brothers to know the truth that everyone was afraid to talk about.
His mother,Rhaenyra,suggested it would be a good idea for him to study in Oldtown where history and philosophy met daily,where all of his ancestors had learned and whose presences still lingered in the streets.
Lord Penrose house was one of the most beautiful in the Citadel,with ancient paintings,beautiful gardens,big libraries full of histories and the most beautiful thing the prince ever saw in his life.Lord Penrose house was a place were young Lords and Ladies from all the Seven Kingdoms stayed whenever they where in the city to study,but among all the people that crowded the big place,his young daughter,Y/n,was the only one that glowed.
A light green dress hugged her body,clinging to her wet skin,as she emerged from the warm water of the lake in the middle of the central garden.Roses,daffodils and daisies were the most beautiful frame for the most beautiful painting, “The birth of a nymph”he would’ve called it and in that moment Jacaerys wished he was gifted with the capability of painting,to capture that instant forever.Carving it in his mind,heart and soul.
She was one of those beauties he couldn’t forget,because she screams like an earthquake, or a thunderstorm in her impetuous force.She had the charm of an unpredictable destiny.And he had lost his heart.
Jacaerys was frozen,his dark eyes became big as two cups of tea,his cheeks redden as his gaze trailed on her small figure and on the exposed glistening skin.He had never believed in the gods,ora in any other form of deity,but right now he was more than willing to go down on his knees for just a taste of her.
«Are you in need of any assistance,my Lady?»the young prince just noticed the way the hem of her dress got stuck in the branches of the bush near the lake.
The girl didn’t looked at him,her wet hair were clinging to the skin of her neck and falling down her beautiful face«No,thank you.»she groaned as she tried to free herself and not reap the dress at the same time.
Jacaerys smiled at the sound of her voice,gorgeous just like her and only now he noticed that she was holding,in her left hand,two brushes«Are you sure?You seems like you could use some help.»he said with kindness and a bright smile.
Y/n huffed annoyed by the situation«I may be a damsel,but i’m not the distressed kind»she spit out«I don’t need your-»her voice stopped when she lifted her face to look at who she was talking to.
Jacaerys lowered his torso,leaned forward and with a gesture of his wrist broke the twig,then threw it in the middle of the lake.The girl immediately took steps back,surprised by the presence in front of her.She didn't know how to behave,she didn't know whether to thank him or pretend nothing happened.The focus fell on his stature,he was much taller than her and his shoulders could have lifted a trunk from how thick and wide they were.Immediately afterwards she lingered on his eyes,slightly closed for the first rays of the sun.She remained hypnotized by his eyes.Brown,dark.
And a normal person couldn’t add all the adjectives and facets of that color,but for someone like her it wasn’t just brown.Static, firm,her mind was motionless.She almost couldn't see the bottom of those eyes.
Brown and bold,yet rich and deep stood those eyes.
«Here»he said gently,offering his hand to here«Are you alright,my lady?»he asked then,with a worried tone.
Y/n nodded slowly,instead of accepting his hand she used her free one to lift her dress to walk out the water of the lake«Actually,there is something you could help me with my prince.»she said with a calmer voice.
Jacaerys smiled immediately«Of course»he said,«But first can i know your name?»he asked as he walked after her.
«I’m Y/n.»she informed him,barefoot and her dress wetting the floors of the porches«And you are princess Rhaenyra son»she continued.
He nodded«Indeed I’am.»
Jacaerys had visited the big as soon as he had arrived in the morning,Lord Penrose offered him a nutritious breakfast,a tour of the place as he introduced to the young prince all the brightest Lords and Ladies that were studying,but nothing of them could’ve compared with what he was seeing right now.
In a small room,away from the big art studio in her house,there was different canvases,canes of paint and dirty brushes.Y/n placed the brushes she had in her hand on a wooden table were they scattered some pencils and papers.
But what had caught his eyes was the painting right next to him.It was drew directly on the white - stoned wall,not on a canvas and it was not framed,but free on the bricks.
From the windows across the room the rays of the sun illuminated the work of art in all it full glory.A masterpiece it was,from the accurate paint brushes,the fluid technique,the colors that were chosen.It definitely showed that whoever paint it was an amazing artist with years of practice and love and devotion.
On the wall it was represented Gael Targaryen death,the thirteenth and last child of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne.After the deaths of her parents,it was revealed that Gael had been seduced and impregnated by a traveling singer.She had given birth to a stillborn son,and overwhelmed by her grief,she had walked into Blackwater Bay and drowned.
Jacaerys stared at the painting,his ancestors,the young and frail princess was the center of the artwork.She is floating in a body of water.Her head is situated to the left of the composition,and her feet face towards the right-hand side.She is depicted in a beautiful,soft dress barely keeping her buoyant and her midsection is submerged in the water.
Her face is still out of the water,and he could see she had an almost listless expression;her eyes are staring out ahead and her mouth is slightly parted.She appears almost unaware of the fact that she is drowning.There is a necklace of purple violets around her neck and a small pink rosebud on its stem near her right ear.One of Gael hands is floating just above the water,her palm is facing up and her hand appear cupped,the other one is clinging to her empty and cold belly where once a life was supposed to be.
«Which one are you?»the girl asked suddenly,she was using one of the covers that were sitting on a chair next the window to dry her hair.
Jacaerys turned around confused«Uh?»he sounded lost.
Y/n giggled at his expression«I think one the princes is named Joffrey»she started,closing her eyes for a moment to remember better«The other one is Lucas or…no…i think his name is Lucien.»she murmured.
«It’s actually Lucerys and he’s my brother»he corrected her with a soft smile.
«I was close.»she sounded proud of herself and it made him smile even more.
«You were.»he reassured her.
«And you?»she asked.
«I’m Jacaerys.»he introduced himself.
Y/n stayed quiet for a second«Why are you here Jacaerys?»it was the first time someone asked him why he wanted to go to Oldtown.
The prince swallowed,licking his dry lips«I’m here to study,my Lady.»he informed her,standing still on his feet.
She pursed her lips,trailing her eyes on his regal figure«That’s what you told my father and perhaps what you told your mother.»she was reading him like a book without much effort«But why are you really here?»she asked again.
Her eyes were on him and for the first time in his life he felt seen.Something warm was spreading in his chest,his hands were sweaty as he looked at her coming closer to him.Her dress was still wet,hugging her perfect silhouette,as she walked past him.
«Why were you in the lake?»Jacaerys asked a question instead of answering hers.
Y/n was holding an annoyed expression but a little smile was forming on her face«I had thrown my brushes in it.»she explained.
The young boy looked even more confused now,walking around covered canvas with white sheets and empty easels«And,forgive me for asking,why would you do that?»he said with a chuckle.
«I will answer your question when you will answer mine.»she stated with a playful expression on her sun kissed face.
Jacaerys looked again at the painting on the wall,the purple eyes and silver hair that he never had and still,after all these years,were haunting him every time he looked at himself.The whispers,the nasty glances,the harsh words and his mother reassurances did everything and nothing at the same time to carve on him his true identity.
«I want to be part of something.»he immediately said,after taking a deep breathe.
His mother always told him that,not matter what,he was and always will be a Targaryen.He had a dragon that followed his orders and he was the heir of the Iron Throne.Yet whenever he looked at his family members he felt like an outsider,like he was admiring a beautiful painting from afar.If he knew something more about his family,maybe he could feel part of it.
Y/n sounded content with his answer but she didn’t added anything«I threw my brushes in the lake because my father wants me to marry Ser Gwayne Hightower.»she said suddenly.
Jacaerys cringed at the sound of his name«I can assume that it’s not what you wanted.»
The girl let out a frustrated sound,crossing her arms on her chest«All i want to do is to paint.»she murmured,looking around her small art studio.
«You can still paint after you get married.»Jacaerys stated with nonchalant advice.
«My father fell in love with my mother after he saw her paint in the streets of the Citadel.She was the most talented artist,but after their marriage she had never touched a brush again.»Y/n explained with a distant melancholy.
«We are not our parents.»Jacaerys started with a solid voice and a comforting expression«We can change and still decide what to be and what to do.Even if it’s all already planned for us.»he needed to hear these words as much as her.
«Don’t do that.»Y/n shook her head with a small smile.
Jacaerys smiled with her«Do what?»he asked.
«Make me become a optimist.»she answered«You will ruin my life and i didn’t invite you here for this.»she continued picking up the paint and the brushes that she needed for her next work.
«Why did you invited me here for?»he raised a brown.
As he looked at her,he realized that in a very short time that was a special feeling when he was with her,and he wished that wonder would remain in his life forever.
«I want you to pose for me.»she answered.
After a year in her house,that sensation grew stronger and Y/n was the one that showed him the city,Oldtown,in all its beauty.She was at his bedroom door one morning,a dark cloak in her left hand and a pile of commoners dirty clothes in the other.She was dressed as a boy,light brown pants that were too big for her and a maroon shirt.
«You have to be one with the city to enjoy it at it fullest.»she had told him,shoving the dirty clothes in his hands.
Something told Jacaerys that she was used to sneak out in disguised,to loose herself in the crowd and to be just like everyone else around.
«There is no other place like this in the world,my prince.»Y/n was walking beside him,the first lights in the morning and the ancient architecture framing them.«Sometimes walking in silence,I feel like I'm listening to the voices of those who filled these streets before me.Lives after lives,after other lives,for centuries,and I know that even King’s Landing and Dragonstone are made of centuries of history and people,but you can't recognize every moment of that story overlapping like this,one on the other.»she sounded so in love with the place she was born and grew up with,her eyes scanning every place that learned by heart in the years.
«I’ve never seen something so breathtaking.»Jacaerys confessed,but his eyes weren’t looking,weren’t taking in what the Lady next to him was talking about,they were fixed on the way her lips moved.
«Me neither,no matter how many times i walk here.»she admitted.
«Can i…will i be able to look at if forever?»he didn’t know what he was asking for,but he had to ask.
Maybe he was asking her to be always by his side,to always have something beautiful to look at.
Y/n nodded«Oldtown does not lose its pride,its sincerity,its sarcasm and the uncontrollable cynicism with which for centuries it has watched generations of the world fall in love with it,without ever breaking down.Breathe in Oldtown,Jacaerys,tomorrow it will already be different,tomorrow there will also be your smell,in a hundred years they will still feel it,here nothing is lost.»she reassured him with a gentle smile.
«We will be here forever?»Jacerys said,stood in the middle of the square,people all around them laughing and talking,different shades of colors and tunes of musics.
«We will be here forever.»Y/n repeated with a sincere and strong affirmation«Even when our bones will become ashes and our souls will leave this earth,you will always found us here.»then she took his hand,her fingers latching on his,their skins caressing each other,a silent promise as she started to walk again with him.
In the time they had spent together,Jacaerys had learned that one of Y/n older brothers became a Maester for the Citadel,her older sister was married to Lord Manderly son and was expecting their fourth child,her younger sister was studying to become a Septa and her younger brother was training to be a knight in the capital.
After the first kiss that they shared together,she opened up more to him«They already knew what they wanted,what to be in this big world.»Y/n said to him.
«And you?»Jacaerys asked her one evening.
They were walking slowly in the city streets,a cloak on their shoulders as she showed him all the beauty that history can offer them.Immortals and young at the same time.
«Me?»her sweet voice was surprised,her nose scrunching up in confusion.
«Yes.»he said quietly«What is it that you want?»he asked this time,keeping his gaze on her silhouette.
She seemed to think about,maybe a second or two,no one has aver asked her what she wanted «I want to live near the ocean,in a beautiful house with big windows so that i can watch the water.»she started with a dreamy look in her beautiful eyes«Oh and i also want a room,a small one,just for me where i can paint.»she continued with a small smile on her lips.
Jacaerys heart soared in his chest,a bright smirk on his face was burning his cheeks«Anything else?»he chuckled.
She nodded immediately«I also want you to take me fly on your dragon,»her small face heated up«to see the rest of the world with you.»she added.
«Thats what you want?»his heart was beating loudly in his ear,he almost couldn’t heard her.
But then she smiled brightly,like she was shy«Yes»she nodded again«Would you do it for me?»she asked with a tiny voice.
He pulled her to himself in the dark,under a building,an arch,a slit of the world,pushed her against the wall and kissed her.And if he had gone crazy,to kiss her under the eyes of so many people,she would let him do it and she would have been crazy the same way,or even more,if he had asked her.
«Sometimes,Y/n,»Jacaerys whispered on her lips,behind him the Temple of the Seven stood in all it magnificent«I get doubts about the existence of the Gods.»he confessed to her.
«What?»she murmured confused,opening her eyes to look at how beautiful he was so close to her.
«Shh,»he said,his hand holding her face and thumb against her delicate mouth,«I have doubts about the existence of the Gods.Then I look at you and think that the Gods,even just one of them,must necessarily exist,because Nature cannot be so diabolical to create something so beautiful and prohibit it.»He approached,squinted his thumb on her half-closed lips,and spoke in her ear in a hoarse voice that made her tremble«Nothing is like you and there is nothing that i wouldn’t do to make you happy.You want to see the world?I’ll buy it for you,i’ll give you every centimeters of this earth,every drop of water,all the clouds in the sky.»And it was almost a lament.
«Would you do it for me?»she asked again,she was breathless,cheeks red and hair messy but she was the most beautiful thing in the whole city.
Jacaerys nodded his head slowly«But i will only ask you something in return.»he breathed out,holding himself up with a hand on the wall near her head.
«What is it that you want?»Y/n nose brushed against his,her breath tickling his neck.
«You.»he said immediately«I want you to be my wife,i want you to be mine as i’m yours and even after our deaths our love can still remain right here where we stood.»his lips were on hers again,a way to keep this promise and to be forever tangled with her.
No matter how many squares there would be later,how many statues,staircases,temples, paintings or extraordinary palaces would await them at the end of that darkness,that smile of her as she pronounced a small«I do.»would always be a blasphemy screamed in the face of the Gods,or art,and nothing could ever be more beautiful.Oldtown was just a worthy frame.
Jacaerys never smiled again after that day.That’s was everyone said about him,a joyless man,severely marked by his experiences during the civil war that changed his life forever.The King could be graceful and courtly when it was required,but at the same time had a darkness within him that never went away.The guilt he felt over having abandoned and lost Y/n kept him awake every night.He had known love and it had broken his heart.
Even after years,when everyone moved on,how could he think of looking at and recognizing the same world as before,after loving in that way?How could he imagine going back to living any life after that,after Y/n? How could he think he was the same person?She had changed his name and stole his soul.There was nothing of him without her.
Jacaerys knew it wasn’t fair,not just for them,he had promised and dreamed a life with her but it also wasn’t fair for his wife,Baela,that was caught in the crossfire of a dying love that could never be replaced.
Jacaerys was a good King and a even better father for his five children,but he wasn’t a good husband.He tried his best,but that evening,the day before his thirty three Name Day,the Gods were indeed punishing for letting the day of his birth to also be the day he lost his love,he had spoken to his wife for the first time in the entire week.
Baela was wearing a beautiful dark red dress with golden embroiderers on,her curly hair were tied up on her head with the purest gems between them.She looked beautiful,the most beautiful woman in the Seven Kingdoms.
«What are you doing?»Jacaerys voice sounded distant,it made her flinch,stopping her hand before she could reach the handle to open the door.
«I was looking for you.»she stated,composing herself and taking a deep breath.
Baela stood right in front the door where Jacaerys kept hidden,on the inside,what his heart desired the most,something that he wouldn’t share with the rest of the world ever again so that no one could take her away from him again.
«I told you to not come in here.»his face was made of stone,always so serious and dark as he spoke lowly.
Baela nodded,never loosing her pride«I wanted to discuss the plans for your Name Day,before it is too late.»she cleared her throat and held her chin up.
«Not today,to now.»he simply answered.
«You always say this.»her tone was sharp,like her gaze on his taller and broader frame.
«And you never listen!»Jacaerys voice came out harsh,he closed his eyes for a moment when he saw her painful expression.
«Why would I?You never talk to me or even look in my direction if you aren’t forced to do so!»Baela accused him,it was the truth though,he couldn’t bare any of this.
Jacaerys let out a deep sigh«Just take the children to do whatever they want,let Laenor decide.I will join you later in the day.»he simply stated,moving across the room.
«Later in the day?»Baela scoffed,a sour laugh on her lips«She will still be dead tomorrow and the day after and for all the years to come,your children are here and alive and yet you rather spend your time in this tomb than with us!»her anger lashed out,but the silence her harsh words were met with hurt more.
Jacaerys had fire in his eyes.Baela didn't even think he knew how to scream and from that moment on she didn't understand anything.It seemed to her that she was no longer present: she was a spectator of the consequences of her stupidity and her profound naivety.Baela felt his hand squeeze her arm and drag her first along the the hallway,out of the room,and, then, across the lawn.She had always considered him calm,quiet,collected,he was yes taller,but she never thought he had so much strength.His gaze burned,he was out of his mind,yet his body remained calm,of an indefinite and chilling composure.
Hours later,as her husband locked himself in that one room,Baela was sitting in one of the terraces of the Red Keep,sipping some hot tea and looking at the beautiful city below her eyes. She was supposed to be a mask of frustration,humiliation and disappointment. Everything that had happened that afternoon went back and was rewritten,with the new eyes of deception and anger.Because it was what she felt and he understood it and repeated it:
«Not today,not now.» almost like a prayer.
«Hypocrite!Go to the seven hells,Jace!»she screamed as he walked away.Without voice, without strength,without momentum.Almost out of politeness.But he didn’t came back.
«Has he told you anything?»Rhaena asked with a small voice,sitting right across from her and a pitiful expression on her beautiful face.
«Jace never talks about her or the time he had spent at Oldtown.He never talks about anything.»Baela had whispered to her twin sister.
Rhaena gave her a sad smile,squeezing her sister hand«Maybe,one day,he’ll come around.You just have to give him some time.»she tried to reassured her.
«It’s been years and still he loves a dead girl more than he will ever love me.»Baela murmured,she felt bad for thinking these sort of things but seeing her husband,the man that she had always wanted so devoted to a girl that wasn’t there anymore made her heart crumble.
«You have to understand him.»Rhaena started,taking a deep breath«He wasn’t there to protect her and she died without giving him the chance to say goodbye.If i had lost Lucerys in the same way,i don’t know if i would be able to stay alive.»she confessed with a quivering voice and looking down.
Baela stayed quiet,swallowing the hard lump in her throat.She still remembered the night of her wedding,how happy she was when she first saw Jacaerys waiting for her at the altar in the Temple in the city,every girl in the Seven Kingdoms wished to have him but he was hers by the laws of the gods.Then,that same night,after he drunk all the wine he could’ve found,he went on top of her,did what he could and whispered in her ear a name:
«Y/n,my love.»
It was the first time that Baela heard it,the only time that he spoke about her,before closing himself in his private chambers.
Baela was a living woman,his wife,the Queen and the mother of his children.Y/n was a dead girl,a corpse that,just like the Targaryen House tradition,was burned by the fire of his dragon during her funeral.And yet Jacaerys was still completely in love with her.
Baela hated her,his love,his Lady Y/n.She hated her,a girl that she never met and never will,with all the pain she had suffocated in the last years of their marriage,because it was her, because it was him,for all that they meant to each other.Because Y/n represented what Baela wanted to be and she enjoyed the one thing she wanted to have:Jacaerys’love.
She didn’t knew anything about this girl,only a name that her husband whispered like oxygen.Baela also knew that they met in Oldtown when Jacaerys went to study,when she had begged him to take her with him,she often wondered if things would’ve changed of went differently if she went with him,if during that summer,during that three years he had fallen for her,his betrothed,instead that with another girl.
In the long summer of so many moons ago,when Y/n was just a young girl that hated to be called a Lady even though her voice,just like the princesses of the fairytales,breathed roses and Jacaerys knew nothing about love and was certain of not many things in his life,they met for the first time under the sweet dark trees and with the perfume of peaches and honey in the air.
Y/n was everything a girl of her age,of her social status was not supposed to be:loud,inconvenient,wild and with always something to say.She had always been as fragile as porcelain but inside herself she cherished something strong and indestructible. Inside her heart she lived on the sadness that over time had turned into art.
And now that she was gone,she was like the paintings Jacaerys detached from the walls of his room after she left.She stayed like the rectangular marks left on the walls.
Now he looked at her image like he did every day,at the same hour,from the same spot,letting his dark eyes memorize every piece,very small detail that he so meticulously had engraved in his brain,in his heart.
Over the long and painful years,Jacaerys would often dream of her.His bright light in an ocean of darkness,whose despair mirrored his own,and whose love brought him a joy he had never felt,and have not felt since.
Years ago,this room was supposed to be her art studio,a reserved place where it was always sunny and bright,where she could watch the ocean,the way the waters shined under the rays of the sun and the waves crashed on the shore.A place where she could’ve taught to their children how to paint,where she wouldn’t have to be the Queen,just herself,just the person that he loved more than anything else in the world.
Instead,it became a tomb for his memory of her.Jacaerys had conserved everything she had gave him,the flowers she used to pick from the gardens,the little silly doodles that she made of them and her ghostly and everlasting presence.He thought that if he painted what haunted him,he could free himself of her forever.In all these years,he had never been more wrong about anything.
She was everywhere,in the air that burned his lungs,in all the salty tears that washed down his face,in the sound of the rain,in the laughter of his children through the corridors,in the flowers in the meadows,in the sun that welcomed him every morning and in the moon that accompanied him to sleep every night.
In his private chambers,in that small and quiet room,away from everyone else eyes and presence,Jacaerys had let in only the best artists,the most talented painters he could had find in the Seven Kingdoms.
It took years,after his coronation and arranged marriage with his cousin Baela,to finally find someone who was able to represent his biggest fear,the only thing that made his heart ache and beat again,that made his blood flow in his veins,his eyes water and his lips trembling with the whisper of a faint name:
His Lady Y/n was as beautiful as the day he had lost her,pale and serene.
Her image was painted right on the stone wall,not on a canvas and definitely not restrained by any frame.Jacaerys wanted her to be free by any restrictions and to occupy all the space,every centimeters like she did with his mind and all of his memories.
She was there,so close to him that if he wanted he could reach forward and let his hand,even his fingertips trace briefly the curves of her frame.But he never did,to touch her it would be a sin,a privilege that he had lost and he’s punishing himself for it.
She was there in the middle of a lake,just like when he first laid his eyes on her,when he first met her and felt his heart skip a beat,his mouth dry and palms sweaty.Surrounded by the awestruck swans,a nymph she had been,a real nymph like the ones he used to read in the ancient books,submerging her skin like roses in the crystalline waters.Her hips like a flower shrouded by foam seemed to turn golden,bathed by the light coming through the leaves.Her collarbones like wings spread from the base of her throat to the ends of her shoulders.A bird held down by skin.
She was paler than dead,her eyebrows were smooth and thin and angular like in every antique portrait.Her lips were pursed,her mouth scarlet red and her teeth set close together,her soft eyes were looking right into his,shining with the sweetest melancholy.Her face was turned,up in search for the light like the most precious flower.
Her marvelous poetry,her splendid sensibility her tragic and beautiful mouth made him quiver.Jacaerys was the King,but in front of her,of the beautiful,young and full of life girl that she once was before she had became immortal before his eyes,he was nothing but just the young and naive boy full of love that she once met.
A broken porcelain vase and a now dry,light pink dress,that still smelled like her,was all that remained in that room of the first time they shared a kiss and understood what loving someone meant.
She was love,Y/n was his love.
Jacaerys loved her way of seducing him,a flirtatious look,an indiscreet smile,they wete part of her weapons as a beautiful lady,of which he declared himself defenseless.
These were things he loved in her,he loved her flaws,the nobility of her feelings,her way of seeing life,he loved her optimism and the way she encouraged others,she was a miracle that fate has sent to give him inspiration with a beautiful smile.
Like a beautiful flower that opens its petals to receive the sun's rays after receiving the morning tuft.Like a beautiful flower,the one on a cliff,it resists the weather,drought,rain, strong winds,strengthening one's being,to face day by day,opening the petals to beautify the landscape,always with a beautiful smile.Like a beautiful lotus flower,which,regardless of where it grows,rises with great beauty.This is how his Y/n’s love was,that with her mere presence she give beauty,her journey she begin to sigh to hearts.
Before that day,before kissing her for the first time,Jacaerys have not noticed love.
But for Y/n,he was so easy to fall in love with.He made her feel safe,he made everything feel like an adventure with a hand always on the small of her back to guide her.He laughed at things easily,he was kind,gentle,sweet and thoughtful.He listened to her words and to her silences.
«Come here.»he said to her one day,opening his arms wide,and she went.
«Stay.»he begged her,and she stayed,she wished she could had stayed with forever.
They were in her art studio,it had been months since they met for the first time and since she asked him to pose for him.
Y/n stood there,proud,never in awe and with a beauty so brazen as to intimidate the centuries of literature and art that framed her.Even though her house was a museum,not a single item could’ve compared to her.
«Don’t look at me.»she murmured,even though her eyes were set on the wall she was painting she could still feel his stare on her figure«Keep your chin down and look at the window.»she instructed him.
It was easy for her to say,but it was hard for Jacaerys to do it when the only thing he wanted to look at it was her.Y/n was a few feet from him,her hair were messily tied up her head,but some of them still managed to fell down on her beautiful face.Her body was wrapped in a delicate pink dress,a white apron stained with paint,she was barefoot as always.Nothing out there,outside the windows,was worth looking when she stood there like a little goddess.
Jacaerys was sitting on footstool and he was trying his hardest to remain still and to look where she asked.The marigolds,the daisies,the tulips were so plain,Y/n skin was smoother than any of their petals,her lips plumper and her scent enough to drive him crazy.
«I thought that she was the one naked and chained.»Jacaerys observed as he took a quick glance at was she was painting.
On the wall next the door,it was represented Argella Durrandon and Orys Baratheon.She was the daughter and only child of Argilac the Arrogant,the last Storm King.After her father was killed in Aegon's Conquest,she married Orys Baratheon,the first Lord of Storm's End,founding the new House Baratheon.
They delivered her to Orys,naked and chained. Orys,however,covered her with his cloak and treated her chivalrously,the next day he had married her.
«She is.»Y/n muttered,cleaning one of her brushes to use a different color.
Jacaerys hummed,his cheeks were a little red«He is too.»he noticed.
The two people were naked,their body fluids like they couldn’t feel the heavy chains on their wrists and ankles.Holding each other,trying to cover each other with his cloak,their eyes locked and their lips a centimeter away.
«They are the same,is what love do to us.»Y/n told him,taking a step back to admire her unfinished work.
«My bones are your bones.»Jacaerys whispered,getting up and quoting an old poet that they had read together.
«Where you go i go,what you see i see.»Y/n nodded,continuing it.«Argella was given to him as a slave,but he freed her and made her his wife.Orys was a bastard child,but for her it was the first man that treated her like a person.They were both chained all their lives,they were the same.»she said,her eyes were soft like the sound of her voice.
Equals,on the same level.That what Jacaerys felt when he was with her,understood.Like he was missing a piece and the hole was filled whenever she was near,like he was drowning and she was air.A balance,something safe and comforting.They were the same,Y/n was chained by her father choices and Jacaerys was chained by his mothers.
«If Gwayne Hightower won’t let you paint,he’s a total idiot.»Jacaerys said suddenly,surprising her«Because he will miss how beautifully and uniquely you view the world.»it pained him to smile to her like that.
Y/n eyes widened,her cheeks were rosy as she tried to hide the way her heart was beating.Jacaerys was so much closer now,she could feel his shoulder touching hers,see all the dark shades of his eyes.
«The world is always beautiful,you just have to look at it the right way.»she told him.
Jacaerys shook his head«The world is beautiful when you look at it.»he said,his fingers were trembling as tried to reach for hers.
Their invisible chains were entangling on each other,every ring was forged with heavy duties,promises and responsibilities.At both ends a marriage,unspoken words that were trying to drag them away from each other.
But we can't be with anyone,we're made for a few people.Jacaerys was made for being loved by Y/n,she was made for being loved by him.On the same level,equals.His bones were her bones.
«Jace-»she took a few step back,knowing where it was going to lead.
They both tried in these months that they had spent together to not give in,to suffocate the burning desire that was growing between them.Anyone could seen that something was blooming,something pure and soft that needed to be protected by the harsh weight of reality.He was to be married to his cousin and to become King,she was to be some else wife.
«I think i love the version of myself that i’am when I’m with you.»he confessed,his breath was rapid«I love what I become,what I no longer hide,everything you make me reveal.»he sounded relieved but also in pain as he took in her ethereal figure.
«I didn’t do anything-»she dismissed him,she was becoming shy.
«I love everything about you,that's probably why i love myself when i'm with you.»his heartbeat was ringing in his ears,but he could still hear hers perfectly in tune with his«Whenever i’m with you i feel like i’m part of something.»he breathed out almost killing her.
Y/n made him feel at home,like everything in him was right.That yearning feelings,that desire to be part of something became real,he was part of her now.They spoke the same language,breathed the same air.She looked at him with different eyes and he couldn’t help to give her his heart.
«I think it’s about to rain.»she said,picking up the porcelain vase where the dirty brushes where.
As she made her way out of the room,a hand placed on her chest to keep her heart in it,she felt like she was about to explode.For Y/n painting was the metaphor for control.Every choice was hers:the canvas,the color.As a child she had neither a sense of the world nor a place inside it,but art taught her that our vision is only achieved with the will.The same goes for life. As long as she didn’t allow someone to get in her way.
Jacaerys went in the way.He was everywhere,he was her.The other half.She didn’t had control whenever he was around,her thoughts became his,her choices revolved around him.For the first time in her life she knew what she wanted.And the incessant and tormented desire of love,for her,was him.
He was walking fast behind her«Stop following me.»she yelled,quickening her pace,her face was hot and she was right,it was about to rain.
«I’m afraid I can’t.»Jacaerys said«My heart calls for yours.»it sounded like a lament.
Y/n immediately frozen on her feet,almost tripping on the stairs that were leading to the gardens«Shh!»she whispered looking around to make sure nobody had heard«There can be people everywhere here!»she warned him embarrassed.
Jacaerys was in front of her now,so handsome that he looked like she had drawn him«Do you think I care?I’ve been hiding all my life,I won’t hide what I feel for you.»he stated proudly.
«What you think you feel for me.»she corrected him,but when he took a step closer she didn’t moved an inch this time.
The gesture encouraged him even more«I know what my soul is been aching for.My love for you can’t even be contained in it.»he chuckled.
«Love is not measured my prince»Y/n had told him that evening,holding the porcelain vase in her hands,her beautiful skin gleaming under the cloudy sky and her hair messy from the sweet wind«it is not in what we do or say.Love is what we are.And I know who you are.»she had breathed out,almost as she was shy to admit it out loud.
Y/n didn’t seem to have noticed love too.As Jacaerys eyes cried out “I love you”,as in a sigh his heart fell exhausted,as with a smile of hers or with her sweet voice his soul vibrates.She didn't notice it with a caress of the tips of his hands,with the touch of his lips on her skin,with the intention of caressing her heart and kissing her soul.She haven't noticed that with her presence alone she changed his days,spring is in his heart even though the long winter was upon them.Y/n did not notice that:Jacaerys breathe her breath,it is oxygen for his desires,food for his feelings,fertile soil where the seed of love grows,he breathe her breath,in the preamble of a kiss,before savoring the nectar of her mouth,putting an end to a drought,with this expectation to feel her lips next to mine,selling their love with silent promise.
«We wasted so many months.»he had breathed on her sweet tasting,cherry colored lips«All we did was talk,while we could’ve been doing this.»he said,angry for her mouth again.
Y/n smiled in the kiss,he was the first to lain in«Have you been thinking about this?.»she asked,a hint of teasing in her voice as she caressed his sun kissed cheeks.
Jacaerys nodded his head,his eyes hazy,his heart was beating so fast he thought that it could escape his chest«Every time that i was watching you paint,all i could think about was kissing you senseless.»he admitted with a light chuckle.
He had spent many evenings in her company,in silent,taking or arguing about something stupid in her little art studio near the lake.Watching her being so passionate about something,the way her hair glimmered,her hands moving,all of her attention on what she was doing.He felt stupid for being jealous,to wanting her to touch him in the same way,to paint him and being passionate towards him in the same way.
The girl in his arms gasped,a little laugh tickled the back of her throat«Don’t you dare.You would’ve ruined my concentration.»she scolded him lovingly.
«Am i that distracting?»Jacaerys asked raising a brow,already knowing the answer to his question.
Y/n seemed to became smaller in his loving embrace and he pulled her closer to him,sheltering her«When i look at you,sometimes i feel overwhelmed that you exist.»she whispered,only him could make her feel so self conscious about herself.
She had never tried to paint what she felt for him,because to do it she would have to invent a new color.Y/n simply find comfort in the fact that he existed.When she sees him she got this feeling of relief,to known that she was alive and near him.
«You were right,it's going to rain.»he said,noticing how the sky had become darker«In every drop of rain there is a little hope;isn't that how you said?But then,what does that mean?»he asked with a small smile.
«It means that every drop of rain holds the promise of regrowth.»she answered«Every drop has its purpose,even if it doesn't know it.I believe that it can happen to us too to feel purposeless,but we have it.»she continued.
«Well,i have one now.»he said,caressing her chin lovingly.
«Do you?»she giggled.
«Yes.»he hummed«May i kiss you again?»Jacaerys asked,filling his heart with the feeling of her skin,supple and fresh,not blemished with the sickness that is death.
«Now?»Y/n said,looking around as she heard the sound of voices coming through the gardens.
And he smiled,that bright and slow smile again«Now is preferable,but i can do it for the rest of my life too.»he murmured before kissing her again and again and again.
But it was a lie,a horrible and disgusting lie.They didn’t have that time and she didn’t have the rest of his life.As she became dissolving flesh and melting bones,Jacaerys grew up in a man that wished to be alone with her once again.To be in that gardens,to watch her paint,to hear her voice and touch her young and precious skin again.
Jacaerys had dream of it again that night.
Y/n face,her familiar eyes.In his dreams she was still with him.Sometimes,when he touched her,her warmth seemed so real that he was out of breath.The eyelids trembled,the heart stretched and then tore in pain.He was bleeding in the silence of the night,alone,suffocating in the pillow the agony that during the day I tried at all costs to suppress.
He dreamed to hear her laugh.
«I miss you and i’m so sorry.»he whispered.His voice cracked.He hated it when it happened, because it made it even more real.It was like admitting that she wasn't there.That she would never be there anymore.That those memories were the only thing he had left.
Her eyes,her sweetness and her good heart.It had been a piece of advice,a perfume,a secretly given caress
Coming closer to the stone wall,Jacaerys,touched it.His fingers trembling like he had felt the cold water that was hugging her body.He couldn’t bring himself to trace his fingertips over her small figure,but he felt the itching desire to touch the painted water,to touch at least something that she had been part of and that loved.He doesn’t indulge it or grasp at it though.He gently absorbs a fleeting glimmer of something delicate that she had left behind,her love for the water,ocean,the lake at her parents house.Something that was part of her and just like her,he couldn’t hold it anymore.
How many things he would give,his crown,his own life to be the water that touched her skin,that held her so closely.Just once again,it would’ve been more than enough for him,to touch and feel her skin,inhale her scent just for a second again.
He kept his eyes were his hand was,he couldn’t look into hers but they were all he could think about.He memorized her face as if it was his mirror or a prayer that needs to be said every night.He would forget his name before he forgets her.
Then like a ghost,a mournful memory,she seemed to walk through the room,a white halo following her.Soft like a holy flower,her body seemed to be carved out from marble.Sparkly and calm eyes,her beautiful eyes,ruby lips,rosy cheeks.All her grace was in her vagueness,her voice was distant and soft,her manner languid,her features blurred and dreamy.She looked like a cruel immortal,finding her spiritual feast in the agonies of his dying heart.
The last time that he saw her was when he came back for her,after flying back to Dragonstone when his mother throne was usurped by his uncle,she was dead.She was killed and he couldn’t erase the imagine from his nightmares.It felt like he was looking at the painting of Gael Targaryen on the wall in her art studio.
Such a cruel faith to be abandoned and to be killed by the two things she loved the most:his love and water.Y/n was dying,gasping for air,trying to breathe,falling deeper and deeper into the darkness as her fragile body sank under the cold water.One of the soldiers that sympathized for the Greens had his rough hands around her delicate,thin neck as he was drowning her in the lake of her house.Then he left her lifeless body under the cold rain for Jacaerys to find.A threat,a challenge.
That night Oldtown burned,thousands had died for his love.He did too,he loved her so much that he had let her kill him,he will always adore her like a drowned person adore the sea.
«You are here early.»her ghost spoke to him with a tender whisper.
Jacaerys closed his eyes,they were burning«I missed you.»he said with a shaky tone.
«You should stop to come here.»she told him,moving quietly behind him.
He shook his head«I can’t live without you,without seeing your face.»
«But i’m not here,i don’t exist anymore.»she remained him.
«My bones are your bones.»he repeated«This is more than enough for me,till what will remain of me will lay with you.»he gestured at the portrait he was looking at.
«I wish you shouldn’t be doing this.»she smiled sadly.
«Me too.»he suppressed a cry«I wanted you to be my wife,the mother of my children.I’m sorry that life couldn’t gave us this.»he was shaking.
Then he felt a caress,like the wind in the spring«I will find you in another one.Where we will be free by any chain and you can kiss me every time you will se me paint.»it was a promise.
He blinked.He felt the acrid sensation behind his tongue again.He tried to breathe but his heart slowed down with heavy,suffocating thuds,a bruise with every beat.He took a step back as if to withdraw from the pain,his eyes were squinting around,warm and lost.The pain of climbed into his heart and he tried not to deform under that weight,but it was useless.
The throat closed and the sight flatned.Jacaerys soul was crumpled.Y/n absence collapsed on me all at once again . Sometimes it didn't seem possible to him. Sometimes it was as if that day in the garden had never existed,as if he was still expecting to see her come in the door,greet him and take him home.Sometimes he even thought he saw it among people,behind a man's hat or over the window of his room.
It was just an instant,but his eyes deluded him and his heart fell for it.«Endure»whispered Y/n voice,and the pain reached an unbearable peak. He felt the rubble inside him asking him to scream,vent,burst once and for all.She was eroding me from the inside.
Soon Y/n would take everything:his soul,his eyes,even his voice.They say there are five stages of mourning.The first is negation.The rejection of the loss,the inability to accept such a radical shock.The others are anger, processing,depression and finally acceptance. Jacaerys didn't recognize myself in any.He didn't want to reject reality.He couldn't make it happen.He was under the illusion of getting by, suppressing a pain that then exploded like a caged creature.He had put a key to his heart, but suffering is not something he could tame.
It breathes with him.It feeds on his hopes.It drinks his dreams,his looks and his fears.It sits at the table and watches him eat.He could pretend not to see it,but it won't leave him. Every now and then it whispers something to him.It has the sweetest voice in the world,but it's a heart-rung song.He can't forget it.It learns to wait for him.And it fits him,just like a living creature.Learn to live in his own silence,fly through his nightmares,dig into the dark and take root.It looks more like him than anyone else.The suffering is him.I took a deep breath, crossing his reflection.The reddened eyes contained the pain that he could no longer suffocate.He kept strangling it,suppressing it, locking it up and gagging it in his most hidden ravines.
And looking at that familiar face in his soul,Jacaerys prayed that he could see Y/n again,one day.So as to show her the empty shell that he was without her — and then he would have caressed her,but with her own sweetness.Squeezing her until she merged with his heart,he would say to her:«Endure with me, because I can't do it alone.»
He had known love and it had broken his heart.
He had finally understood one thing:there are thousands of ways to die in the world.Those who kill you outside,and those who kill you inside.But there is only one engraved with your name and it beats in another person's chest.
«Stay»he whispered to her.«Stay in the room. Stay in this moment.Stay with me.»he pleaded.
But of course she never does.She wasn’t there anymore.She was immortal,stuck and framed forever in his heart and in between the art and history of the city they fell in love in.
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legitalicat · 2 months
Keeping Up With the Targaryens (social media au) - EP 11
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AN: This series truly has my heart. As always all the love to my lovely lovely Lana ( @zaldritzosrose ) for being such an amazing co creator. And again my thanks goes to @lady-phasma @alexagirlie @anjelicawrites for the help crafting this idea!
Series Masterlist here! Age list here!
Summary: RenFaire day 3
CW: Language, if Aegon has no simps YN is dead, likewise if YN has no simps Aegon no longer exists, Hel getting some loving, Cregan and Hel being cute, use of YN, mostly fluffy, making fun of Jace's posture
Pairings: Aegon Targaryen ii x YN, Helaena Targaryen x Cregan Stark, Sara Snow x Jacaerys Velaryon
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50 notes · View notes
legitalicat · 2 months
Keeping Up with the Targaryens (social media au) - EP 6
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AN: I am so grateful you you guys love this as much as I do!! To the lovely Lana ( @zaldritzosrose ) you are such an amazing co creator and I'm grateful for you!! And as always @alexagirlie @anjelicawrites and @lady-phasma thank you guys for helping this idea come to life!!
Series Masterlist here and Age List here!
Summary: Flocking to Renfaire begins as hard launch is made.
CW: Language, "Shut up Aegon", shit posting, Luke gets roasted, use of YN
Pairings: Sara Snow x Jacaerys Velaryon, Aegon Targaryen ii x reader
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44 notes · View notes
legitalicat · 2 months
Player 3 Found (a mixed media project)
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AN: The Masterlist for Player 3 Found, a mixed media project that will combine SMAU and standard form fics! Thank you to Lana ( zaldritzosrose ) for the beautiful header!
Summary: YN is a world renowned gaming streamer. After a bad breakup, she finally connects with someone. Well, two someones.
CW: Flirting, gaming, language, talks of cheating, talks of being used, use of YN, poly relationship, substance use (weed)
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Reader, Jacaerys Velaryon x Reader (NO TARGCEST)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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legitalicat · 2 months
Keeping Up With the Targaryens (social media au) - EP 9
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AN: Thank you guys for the love of this!!! There are so many people I want to thank for this chapter. Lana ( @zaldritzosrose ) of course you know I adore you and you are an amazing co creator. And @anjelicawrites @alexagirlie and @lady-phasma thank you three for your everlasting support of how I've shaped this little idea!
Thank you to the ones in my cozy little corner of the internet.
Series Masterlist is here and Age List is here!
Summary: DJ Dragonstone enters the scene and Cregan is destined to be a malewife.
CW: Language, Helaena SIMPING, Aegon SIMPING, TargRoast, Helaena threatened Jace to get her malewife, use of YN
Pairings: Aegon Targaryen ii x reader, Sara Snow x Jacaerys Velaryon, beginnings of Helaena Targaryen x Cregan Stark
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