#jac result
ankhondekhinews · 1 year
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aparticularbandit · 10 days
Meanwhile, I'm here for what I expect will be Nicholas and Billy parallels.
I'm here for Agatha "I have successfully walked the Road before" to have attempted it with Nicholas (or FOR Nicholas).
I'm here for this to be why she doesn't particularly want to walk the road with Billy.
I'm here for Nicholas having also been super into witchcraft and his super powerful witch mama just like Billy is a fan.
I'm here for Agatha having lost Nicholas when she walked the Road.
I'm here for Agatha having walked the Road before to try and bring him back getting paralleled with Billy walking the Road to get Wanda back.
I'm here for Agatha getting the Darkhold and getting into dark magic to get Nicholas back the same way that Wanda tried using the Darkhold to get her boys back.
I'm here for Nicholas being the reason Agatha wanted to absorb Wanda's power. (She wanted to see how Wanda was making the Hex. Necromancy is different than what Wanda was doing. Maybe Agatha wanted to learn for her own son.)
I'm here for Agatha being jealous that Wanda CAN get them back, even though she wasn't successful with Nicholas.
I'm here for ignoring that the Salem Seven are Nicholas's kids in favor of -gestures to above-.
I'm here for Agatha adopting Billy.
I'm here for Billy standing up to save Agatha when Nicholas comes for her.
I'm here for Agatha choosing to save Billy instead of Nicholas. Because Billy reminds her of what Nicholas was. And she wants to keep him from turning into what Nicholas did.
I'm here for Agatha having the "I can be good" "No, you can't" conversation with Nicholas for familial trauma parallels.
I'm here for Agatha "does not have a coven" Harkness who already destroyed her first coven (her mother's coven) still trying to build a second coven to walk the Road and doing so successfully.
I'm here for Agatha Harkness narrowly escaping Nicholas by the skin of her teeth when he tries (and succeeds) in destroying her second coven as they walked the Road (but she escaped when her own mother did not).
I'm here for Agatha seeing her mother in herself and hating every moment of it.
(I'm here for Wanda thinking she understands Agatha's most traumatic moment but not grasping the true layers of it being repeated again.)
I'm here for the beating heart of this show being generational trauma and narrative parallels.
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we-are-inevitable · 2 years
davey as a parent?
omg davey would be SUCH a good dad. i feel like- all the love to his parents- he would be raised in a pretty strict environment, at least when it comes to academics and things like that. his parents lovingly pushed him to do AP classes, concurrent college classes, gifted and talented programs, extracurriculars— and even though davey ended up pretty great, he wouldn’t want to push that pressure onto his kid(s). the way i see it, he would be really laid back and do the gentle parenting thing, but in doing so he also focuses a lot on teaching his kid to recognize their worth, value their time, and understand that they’re allowed to have feelings and opinions and thoughts of their own. he takes an individualistic approach to parenting, not worried about grades so much as if they’re getting along with friends or have hobbies and passions they care about. he encourages creativity and uniqueness, and all in all his parenting style is just… making sure his kids have what they need, not what anyone else thinks they need.
it’s kind of like how his demeanor changes between act 1 and act 2 if that makes sense? in act one, he’s stricter on himself and more reserved, and he doesn’t really do a lot to break out of that mold; he’s the kid who stepped up for his family and the kid who put his own life and aspirations on pause to help them (and eventually the newsies).
and in act two, we see him grow into himself. he’s more confident and self-assured and yet he still does everything he can to help those around him stay motivated and positive no matter the circumstances. that’s how he would parent; gentle, motivating, making sure his kid always knows he’s in their corner, but he wouldn’t add any unnecessary pressure onto their shoulders.
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adda247-school · 1 year
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careerland · 2 years
Now you can easily check your JAC 10th Result 2023 using this website. This website has shared very easy steps to check and download JAC 10th Result 2023.
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bunniandhoney · 3 months
Angst | He doesn’t realize what he has until it’s gone, fast-forward he sees her back at the premiere
P.s Just for fun , Idk how he is Irl he is a sweetheart tho
Dear Anon,
How did you know I love angst? 😏
Life’s a Marathon
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Jacob takes his best friend for granted.
Y/N found herself in the most awkward predicaments. Never by her own design but certainly by the construction of her best friend Jacob.
“I think i might’ve fucked up” Jacob says looking down at Y/N as she ties her shoes. “I think I’m going to have to agree, neither one of us should be running a marathon this early or really at all.” YN replies with a grim look on her face.
She definitely shouldn’t have agreed to this. She hates sweating and gets her daily exercise from the 25 minute walk from her apartment to her office job. But since she has a burning crush on her best friend she has such a hard time telling Jacob no, actually she’s never fully told Jacob no.
Like that time in Year 10 when he’d ask her to help with his final paper. Even though she was behind on hers and working extra shifts at the cafe she still did his, resulting in her earning a C+ on her paper and an A on his. Or when she told him she just wanted a relaxing night in for her 18th, but Jacob insisted on hitting up every pub in the city. She then spent the last moments of her 18th birthday rubbing Jacob’s back as he emptied his guts in the toilet. This is what best friends do though, they sacrifice, they care, and apparently they run marathons with zero training.
Finally on her feet Jacob pulls her in by her shoulders. “ Quick let’s take a selfie to remember this moment”, with wide grins facing his phone Jacob takes the picture.
“Will all runners please make their way to the starting line” the announcer says.
YN is starting to feel sick. “ You know I can always wait for you at the checkpoints and cheer”
“Yeah but where would the fun be in that? Besides you can’t leave me now, we’re at the starting line.” Dragging her feet YN follows an excited Jacob to the starting line with the rest of the runners.
The sound of the gun signals the runners to start, and they’re off…well Jacob is. YN is already at the back of the pack within 60 seconds of the race starting and her best friend is nowhere to be found.
When she finally finishes the first mile, she’s slightly winded but not awful, the second clearly wears her down though because she’s practically walking. Huffing and puffing she tries to pick her pace back up as she sees the finish line. She sees Jacob at the end cheering for her, or at least that’s what she thinks because her vision seems a little blurry and black dots are spotting her vision. Yn is almost there, almost at the end when everything goes dark.
People are laughing at her. YN can hear it as she comes to; wait is that Jacob laughing at her? Blinking her eyes open she does see him laughing but it’s joined by a woman’s laugh, a very pretty woman now that her vision is clearing up.
“Jac—“ the rasp coming from her voice is unrecognizable, but does the trick because Jacob looks down at her.
“You’re awake!” says the pretty lady on her other side.
“I’m Dr. Sams, I was the medic on the scene when you passed out. Can you tell me your name?”
Sitting under a cooling tent with ice packs on most of her body and being forced to chug down gatorade is probably top 5 most embarrassing moments especially since the only other person under there is a 65 year old man who threw out his knee, and said he felt too hot under the medic tent. “It’s alright doll, my first race wasn’t sunshine and rainbows either, " he says with a grin.
“Dr. Sams said you’re clear if you’re ready to go. Should probably take you home to rest.” Jacob says helping YN up. The car ride back to her apartment is dead silent besides the loud tension between Jacob’s guilt and YN's embarrassment. When he pulls into her garage Jacob decides to break the ice. “Look i’m really sorry love, you were right the marathon was not a good idea. I’m sure dehydration was not in your weekend plans.”
A sympathetic smile, the same one she always gives when Jacob screws up, graces her face. “It’s not your fault I’m an adult, and should’ve known that I was feeling way too bad to continue.”
Walking up to YN’s apartment Jacob can’t help but to be apologetic still. Laying YN on the couch and getting her a bottle of water from the fridge Jacob, trying to ease any leftover tension yells, "Well at least something good came from today?”
And honestly nothing is coming to YN’s mind, in fact, today was about as horrible as it could get for her.
She was spontaneously woken up at the crack of dawn.
The “Big Suprise” her best friend/crush for her was a damn marathon
She had to run a marathon
And lastly, she passed out in front of hundreds of people including Jacob. Yeah, there couldn’t possibly be anything good.
“The cute medic that was helping you, well we were chatting so I’m taking her out tonight!”
Mentally adding this to the list of horrible things happening today YN groans, “My head is pounding, what did you say?”
“I’ve got a date with a hot doctor babe!” he yells back gleefully.
YM closes her eyes silently hoping that what’s happening is that she’s in a dream and when she wakes up it’ll be noon, she will just now be getting up, and planning to spend the whole day in a big Tshirt (no pants of course). But when she peeks open one of her eyes she sees her best friend walking back with a glass of orange juice and some painkillers. “ Here you go, Dr. Sams said this might help with any aches or fatigue.”
Nope, not a dream, but a terrible nightmare.
Jacob finally heads out, claiming he needs to prepare for his date, leaving YN alone and feeling incredibly achey. In the 15 years she’s known Jacob he has only had a girlfriend twice.
Once in Year 9, Elizabeth Brown, ended up being on the receiving end of Jacob’s turn of a horrid “Spin the Bottle” game. Elizabeth claimed Jacob was the best kisser in the world and deemed him her boyfriend. Which to her point was very true as YN and Jacob had been practicing for years at that point. Jacob beaming with pride accepted the title for approximately 17 days before he claimed she was way too clingy and broke it off.
The next was years later in university when he dated Sasha Davies for TWO whole years. YN just knew she’d lost him. But Sasha was quite rude and incredibly judgey, so when she found out that Jacob passed up a regular job for acting, she dumped him, leaving YN to pick up the pieces. Since then Jacob had sworn off dating until he was settled in his career as a full time actor, claiming that YN and his mum were the only women he needed in his life.
So why on earth are things changing now! She thought she was all he needed, even if nothing went further than friendship. YN is not near spiteful enough to ruin a relationship, so for now she’ll just sit back and see if anything comes of this one date.
Unfortunately, everything comes from one date, because it turns into two and three. Then eventually Yvanne (Dr. Sams) and Jacob are practicing living together in a matter of months. It’s not that Jacob ignores YN, no, he tries to include her in almost everything the couple does. He even tries to do a weekly coffee date with YN just to check in on her, but YN can’t do it. She can’t watch him kiss and hug another woman, buy her odd but sentimental gifts, or even open the bloody car door for someone else. She can’t watch him be in love with anyone else while her heart still craves him.
So she pulls away, just slightly so he doesn’t notice. Her plan is working beautifully since Jacob is enamored with Yvanne. It simply looks as if she wants him to spend more time with his girlfriend. Well, it was working beautifully until Jacob drops an absolute bomb on her during one of their coffee dates.
“You’re going to do what!?!?! “ she screeches in the corner booth, causing too many eyes to look their way.
“Woah calm down. Look I’m going off to shoot the movie and want Yvanne to know I’m serious; that I’m in this for the long haul, for forever.”
“I think there are other ways to show you’re serious than marrying her. For fucks sake J you all haven’t been together a whole year yet!” YN fumes.
“It’ll be a longish engagement, and honestly I thought you’d be happier for me. You’re my best friend in the whole world, I haven’t even told my mum this yet.” He replies diffendently.
Now YN sees it, she sees him slipping away. It’s clear that as always, Jacob has made up his mind and in turn has decided both of their fates for them.
“You’re right, it just caught me by suprise. I’m so happy for you”
“Of course, J, you know I just want you to be happy, you’re my best friend.” YN rewards him with a suffering smile.
For three weeks after the news YN goes completely ghost. Every call and text Jacob attempts to make goes unanswered, but she can’t do it. She can’t watch this happen or pretend to be okay, even when she thought she could. Jacob stops by her apartment at the end of week three to check on her since she’d clearly been avoiding him. But when he reaches under the ficus pot outside her apartment door he realizes it’s gone. YN had taken the key and moved it. This officially sends Jacob into a rage because that key was reserved for him, now he’s banging on her door yelling for her to “Let me in because I know you’re in there!”
A puffy-eyed YN opens the door just as Jacob raises his fist again. She’s been crying, she can’t stop, not since the day she left that cafe. “Hey J, what’s going on?”
“You’ve been ignoring me!” he says stepping into her apartment, which is shockingly a mess. She’s always been a bit of a neat freak, cleaning up everyone’s mess all the time. “You’ve been ignoring me, and you’ve been crying.”
“Oh. I’m fin—“
“Please don’t do that shit with me. The pretending, because I know you better than anyone in this world so come off it!”
For some reason this pisses YN off to a degree she’s never known before.
“You don’t know a damn thing about me, Jacob Scipio! How dare you come banging on MY door expecting anything from me, you, you selfish bastard!”
Eyebrows raised in shock Jacob uses his silence as a reply.
With tears starting to roll down her face YN cries, “ I have spent years following behind you, trying to make sure nothing ever inconveniences you. Making sure that Jacob is happy, that he’s in perfect health, that he’s got his lines down packed, and not because I wanted something in return but because I cared for you. Hell, I loved you Jacob. Then you expect me to jump for joy when you want to propose to a girl you’ve known for 9 months! So, no Jacob, you don’t know me!”
“YN, I’m so—“
“Please don’t apologize, just leave, I want to be alone.”
His head hung low Jacob turns to walk back out of her apartment. “Umm, I wanted to give you this. I hope you can make it.” he says sitting an envelope on her coffee table. When Jacob walks out that door YN expects to never see her best friend again and she crumbles to the floor letting the tears wrack through her body.
1 ½ year later —
Jacob would like to say that he couldn’t be happier. At the premier of one of the biggest movies of his life, he should be overjoyed. And don’t get him wrong, he's extremely happy and grateful. He’s a trending topic, he has his amazing cast mates, and his extremely supportive family here with him. But the one person he’s hoped to see is nowhere to be found.
When he’d left that save the date on her coffee table a year and a half ago he knew that wouldn’t solve whatever issues they had, so he had his mother send her an official invitation through the mail three months ago. Even though YN wanted nothing to do with Jacob, their lives couldn’t help but to be intertwined, they’d known each other for over half their lives.
This separation had been hell for him, as he knew it would be as soon as he left her apartment that day. He cut things off with Yvanne two days later, unable to proceed with the engagement. He spent the rest of the time thinking about how right YN was, he was a selfish bastard. Almost her whole life has been spent accommodating him and so he vowed that if he ever got the chance he would do right by his best friend.
But he couldn’t do that because for the past 550 days he hasn’t so much as heard her voice let alone seen her, and while he hopes she would show up tonight for his premiere, he also knows that it’s a long shot; a consequence of hurting the people who love you.
Jacob takes one last look as he walks into the already packed theater. Sitting next to his mom Jacob relaxes into his seat and just before the lights go down he hears a breathless “Sorry I’m late, this LA traffic is awful!”
There she is, on day 551, the only person he cared to see, his very reason for being and she sits next to him filling his lungs with fresh air and her jasmine scented perfume. “You came.”
“Well of course, I couldn’t miss you on the big screen. Plus both of our mothers threatened me.” YN says with a bright smile.
She’s different, they both are, and they can only hope that fate hasn’t given up on them yet.
thanks again for letting me write this for you, i had so much fun!
IDK, I’m kinda feeling a part 2 in my spirit, so lmk if that something y’all would be interested in!
also thanks for all the love on my other posts, i’m still taking requests so let them free!!!
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nattinatalia · 1 year
Jack Harlow x Reader : SECRETS AND REUNIONS
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At age ten your parents had taken a job offer that paid more than what they were used to seeing. That offer resulted in moving from your hometown and to Louisville.
Starting school in the middle of the year was never fun, kids were always mean but a certain curly boy with blue eyes had stepped in and taken you under his wing.
It was a beautiful friendship that blossomed into a high school love.
A love with so many first evers.
Jack was the first boy you held hands with.
He was your first kiss.
He was your first everything.
You were there besides him through everything. You supported his dreams, and his drive to get out there and get noticed with his music.
Him, alongside his friends- they were hustling to get their music out and be something. Of course being the supportive friend and girlfriend, you were there at every little show, every little project they had around town, until eventually it meant traveling back and forth from Louisville and Atlanta.
Everything was going well, everything Jack had dreamed for, he was making it come true and you couldn’t be more proud.
You had moved with him to Atlanta, and that’s when he started getting noticed. His song What’s Poppin had been a hit and that just opened up more opportunities for him.
You were happy for him, you really were. But as he got bigger, that meant getting the attention of girls all over the world.
He never made you feel unloved or unhappy, but you just couldn’t understand the need for him to be too friendly with women.
You’d fight more, more often than usual and it was driving you both crazy. You knew he wouldn’t end things, too afraid to lose someone he’s familiar with. But you couldn’t take it anymore.
“I- I don’t understand babe.”
“You don’t have to.” You shrug, “It’s what’s best for both of us.”
“How is leaving me best for both of us? What happened?.”
“Jack, look around.” You lift your arms, gesture around you. “This isn’t a home, it hasn’t been for a while.”
“So we try, you don’t give up.” He yells.
“I can’t, that’s the problem.” You whisper out.
“Y/N, please don’t do this.”
“This is for our own good. You can focus one hundred percent on your music and your career. I could start focusing on what I actually want to do. I can't follow you around all my life.”
“So that’s it?” He asks, glaring at you, his chest puffing in and out. “You’ve given up on us, on me?”
“It’s not that I gave up, Jack.”
“That is exactly what it sounds like.” He yells, making you jump. “If I walk out that door right now, I’m not coming back.”
“Are you done then?”
You nod. “Y-yeah, I think I am.”
He scoffs, grabs his keys and heads to the front door. “I love you, I loved you since the first day you walked in school rocking pigtails and braces. You broke us, not me.” With those final words he walks out, slamming the door behind him.
With a broken heart you continue to pack your stuff. You honestly thought this would’ve gone better since it felt like Jack had already checked out from the relationship.
You weren’t just moving out from your shared apartment, you were actually moving away from Louisville. You were going to leave without letting anyone know, and it was bittersweet but you knew Urban, Clay, even Maggie would try to convince you to stay and you’d give in.
That’s why you packed in silence, a few tears running down your face and having second thoughts about your rash decision.
When you moved away four years ago you didn’t think you’d be back here. But here you were and you wore more nervous than excited for so many reasons.
Throughout the four years Jack was very well known now. He's been accomplishing everything he once dreamed about and you were always happy and proud of him.
You’ve had no contact with him or anyone in his circle whatsoever. You know coming back will be the talk of the town and you were not ready for all of that.
You were taking down boxes from your car when you heard someone calling you. “Y/N?” A voice comes behind you. “Is that you?”
You close your eyes and mutter a quick “fuck” and turn around. “Clay, hi.”
“Oh shit it really is you.” He comes up to hug you. “What are you doing back?”
“I came to spend some time with my grandpa.” You tilt your head to the side “What are you doing here?” You notice that he’s carrying a few bags.
“Oh, we always bring him groceries and we try to have lunch with him.”
“We?” You asked confused, but deep down you have a feeling you know who he’s referring to.
You nod, “Since when?”
“We’ve been doing it since you left.”
You nod, “I appreciate it, thank you.” You close the door to your car and smile at Clay. “I can take the bags in.”
“Na it’s okay, we have a game of cards to continue.” He shrugs.
“I don’t think that-“
Clay nods, understanding. “Okay fine, I’ll give you the weekend to settle in and get your story right. After that, I’m resuming my schedule with your grandpa and telling my brother.”
You smile, “Thank you Clayborn.”
“You can’t open the door, you have to wait for me to come.” You tell him.
“It’s okay.” You open the door and freeze on your spot. You can’t believe he’s here in front of you.
You knew it was only a matter of time the news of you coming back would reach him. But you thought since he just had an album release and a movie, that he’d be busy and it’ll give you enough time to settle in.
“Who that momma?”
Jack furrows his eyebrows and looks behind your legs, then looks back at you. “He yours?”
You nod, “Y-yeah”
He kneels down. “I’m Jack, what’s your name?”
Jack smiles at him, stares at him, studying him, looking at his face and his entire body.
“A-Anthony.” He answers behind your legs.
“Toni, go see if grandpa finished building your fire truck papi.” You push your son inside the house and close the door.
“What are you doing here?” You’re both standing outside on the porch now.
“Clay told me he saw you moving in and your grandpa told me to come over.” He answers you, confused as ever. “He said you’ve been wanting to talk to me.”
“Viejo metiche.” You mumble. “Look I don’t know why he’d tell you that.”
“He’s mine isn’t he?”
“Anthony” he points behind you, “That boy inside is my son huh?”
You shake your head, “N- he’s mine.”
“Y/N, you left four years ago and he looks around that age.”
“Jack, don’t do this.” You shake your head
“You left and didn’t even bother to tell me I have a son? How could you do that to me?.” He raises his voice. “Wait, is that why you left?”
“N-no of course not, I found out a few weeks later after I left.”
“You didn’t think to tell me? To pick up the phone and let me know?”
“Honestly? No, you were busy with your career and I wasn’t going to be the reason why you stopped chasing your dreams.”
He laughs, nodding his head. “You’re something else.”
“I’m sorry, okay? I knew it was wrong but I just didn’t know how to tell you.” You wrap your arms around yourself, you can feel a wave of emotions flowing through you.
“Yeah, I’m sorry too.” He pulls out his phone, types something quickly and places it back in his pocket. “You’ll hear from my manager soon, she’ll contact you with my lawyer.”
“J-Jack, what do you mean lawyer?”
“I’m never going to forgive you for keeping him away from me.” He heads down the steps, into the lawn and you’re quick to follow him.
“Please don’t, don’t take him away from me.” You’re sobbing now.
He turns around to glare at you, his nose flaring “I would never.” Pointing a finger to your chest “I’m not like you.”
With those final words, he makes it into his jeep and speeds away. Leaving you a crying, worried mess.
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow @thefemalestorywriter
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aemondsvisenya · 2 years
Dating Modern!Jace would include…
Tumblr is being dumb and not letting me edit my draft of the Jace smut so… I’m gonna do another post until it sorts it’s shit out 💀
The SFW section is pretty gender neutral, there’s a NSFT section below the cut and that’s more female reader (sorry!)
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🌿 SFW 🌿
Jace is quite literally the single best boyfriend EVER, that boy is so attentive to you and to your needs it’s unreal
Feeling sad one day? Jace is right by your side, softly asking if you’re okay, do you need anything, do you want to talk about it? And he just listens without any judgement, so understanding and wanting to be there for you
If you tell him you need space, he’ll give it to you though - he might not be happy about leaving your side but he doesn’t want to push or upset you further. He knows you’ll talk about it when you’re ready
He’s absolutely a romantic, he loves holding hands and pressing kisses to your cheeks, loves telling you that he loves you and is proud that you’re his
He knows all of your favourite foods, all of your favourite drinks, favourite tv shows, movies etc. Jace has taken the time to remember everything about you, about what you like and dislike, what’s important to you etc. Not really in a stalker way, he just wants to show he cares about you and what you enjoy
If it’s cold out or you���re out late one night, expect him to give you his coat - he’ll shiver but insist that you need it more than him, he’s absolutely not about to let you get even a little cold while he’s with you
Jace is an absolute gentleman and always polite to your parents, to your friends etc. It’s just so endearing that he makes sure to be nice to everyone. Your parents are never worried when you go out together because they know Jace is a good guy and won’t let you get harmed, that he’ll ALWAYS have you home on time.
He would absolutely want to pay for all of your dates (Targaryens and Velaryons are WAY too rich for their own good) but you insist that you help pay too - you’re not a charity case, and while you know he offers because it’s the gentlemanly thing to do, you want to be equal in your relationship
Most of your dates consist of little dinners, movie trips, and evenings in his room. Most of the time you’re in his room, you just curl up together and lazily kiss as TV or music play in the background.
Jace was nervous to kiss you the first time, worried it would make you uncomfortable, so you had to be the one to initiate that first kiss - he loves kissing you, he’s fine initiating after, but that first time he waits for you to make the first move because he doesn’t want to force you into it
You love meeting and having dinner with Jace’s family: his mother is nice, his brothers soon become like little brothers to you too, and you get on very well with Baela and Rhaena, his cousins/step-sisters. His stepfather is harder to read, but Jace insists Daemon likes you well enough - “you’d know if Daemon didn’t like you,” He admits, chuckling somewhat anxiously.
He knows that you’re the one for him the day you meet Vermax, his dog; all of his family have pets, and Vermax is his German shepherd. You’re absolutely thrilled to meet Vermax, and the dog soon happily licks and plays with you - and Jace knows you’re it for him, because Vermax has clearly given his approval and loves you
Once you’ve met Vermax, a lot of your dates soon become going on walks together with him, which both you and Jace love
You know that while Jace loves his family, it can admittedly be somewhat of a sore spot at times; his “father” Laenor died when he was young, though he admits to you in private one night that he knows his father was another man who also died, that he and his brothers Luke and Joffrey were actually the result of an extramarital affair. It’s something of an open secret in his family, something his uncles on his mother’s side constantly sneer and mock him about
Speaking of those uncles… You met his uncles at a family gathering you attended with Jace once, surprised that they were around Jace’s age. Aegon tried to make a move on you, touching your butt, and the gathering ended awkwardly with your handprint on Aegon’s cheek, Jace being held back by his stepfather, and Aegon’s brother Aemond getting into fisticuffs with Luke. Helaena, his aunt, seemed nice though, if nothing else.
Jace 100% let’s you borrow his clothes, he absolutely LOVES seeing you wear his t shirt when you sleep over or you wearing his hoodie when it’s cold. You love wearing his clothes because they smell like him, and it makes you feel all warm inside
🔥 NSFT (under the cut) 🔥
Much like kissing, Jace doesn’t want to push you too far, so it got to the point where you were wanting to sleep with each other so badly but you were worried he didn’t want to.
You were the one who had to say to him “I want to do it”, which made him flush a little - but he still managed to smile and nod, because “yeah, I do too”
Your first time is sweet, a little awkward but still nice, and afterwards he pulls you to him, still panting, and murmurs that he loves you because he’s an absolute romantic
That boy EXCELS at foreplay, he makes it his life’s mission to pleasure you until you’re a writhing sweating mess, and that’s just by using his fingers and mouth - you always have at least three orgasms before you even get to penetration.
Jace was a little anxious at first about his cock, he was worried about size etc. He really didn’t need to be. He’s not extremely thick but he is long, and you wondered initially if he’d even fit. Safe to say, he stopped feeling insecure about his cock pretty quickly once he realised how much you enjoyed it
He was also a little worried that he wouldn’t be able to make you feel good - again, a needless worry, since you discover he’s MORE than able to pleasure you
His favourite position is probably missionary (because he likes looking at you, of course, he’s a total romantic), but he also loves when you take control and ride him; the sight of you bouncing on his cock, seeking your pleasure, is a HUGE turn on for him. He’s not opposed to other positions - he enjoys them - but those two are his favourites.
He always makes sure the two of you have protection; it’s not that he’s against the idea of children with you, but he doesn’t want to risk it until you guys are older and married - that, and he also wants to be sure neither of you have any diseases etc. He is VERY responsible, it must be said.
He prefers to have sex in a bed, whether it’s yours or his, and to take his time so he can make you feel good - but he’s absolutely not opposed to the odd quickie here and there
He absolutely would not want to share you, so he’s not really into public sex - though you two do take a few risks, like in his mother and stepfather’s room, upstairs whilst your families are downstairs, etc.
He also wouldn’t want to hurt you, but if you asked him to spank you… he wouldn’t say no 👀 he’d be a little nervous about it, but your moaning would spur him on
Jace always makes sure you cum before him, he’ll force himself to wait until you’re squeezing his cock and clutching him, all but screaming his name, and then he’ll let go
You never thought someone could be beautiful as they cum - but Jace is. His moan is so primal and guttural as he buries himself deep inside of you, entire body trembling as his arms struggle to support his weight, breath shuttering out of him from the effort of it
You never thought it possible for someone to be beautiful when they cum - but Jace is. He groans so wonderfully, a noise from deep in his chest, hips stuttering before he thrusts so deep into you that you can feel him hitting your cervix, like he’s trying to bury himself inside of you
Afterwards, you hold each other and just glow in the aftermath of your love making, and he smiles at you so softly 🥹 he just loves you and would do anything for you
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get-back-homeward · 1 year
The chapter of Royston Ellis meeting the Beatles is so wild.
He first hits on George at the Jacaranda. George responds to this with a casual “oh, you’d love my friends” and brings him to Gambier Terrace:
Also dropping into the Gambier Terrace pit was a special guest, Royston Ellis, “King of the Beatniks.” The bearded bard, who featured in TV documentaries and press articles whenever an offbeat teenage angle was needed, was in Liverpool to read his poetry at the university on June 24/25, and he swiftly found himself drawn into the Beatles’ company. The conduit was George, who (with nothing else to do while John, Stu and Paul were in school) was hanging around the Jac when the wandering coffee-bar poet traipsed in, drawn by hip radar to “the happening place.” Avowedly “trying everything,” Ellis was an active bisexual in this period of his life and he took an immediate fancy to George: “He looked fabulous with his long hair and matelot-style striped T-shirt, very modern, which is why I deliberately spoke to him. I was nineteen and he was seventeen and we clicked right away.”15
George took Ellis, his typewriter and his duffel bag back to Gambier Terrace to meet John and Stu. A rapport was quickly established and Ellis was invited to “crash” for a few days—yet another occupant for the filthy back room.
Then Ellis hits it off with John and Stu and wants them as a backing band:
Ellis says he developed a particular rapport with John and Stuart and that they discussed poetry, art and London. When he left, they spoke of doing it again sometime: “We were talking about how I wanted a band to come to London and back me on my Rocketry performances, and they were thrilled at the idea.” Art school studies finished the following Friday, July 1, marking the end of Stu’s fourth year and John’s third and last because the college was waving him goodbye. The exam results, when they came through on August 1, were just as expected: John failed and was out, Stuart passed the NDD, for which he received a certificate. The option was there for him to do a fifth year and attain the highest available qualification, the Art Teacher’s Diploma (ATD), akin to a degree and entitling him to become a teacher … but both he and John were pondering a period as prospectors, and doing something again with Ellis was a definite possibility.
So much so, Ellis is responsible for the first* two mentions of the band in the newspaper:
As for Ellis, so much was he enthused by the possibility of appearing with them again that he soon got the Beatles their first mention in a music paper. It was the July 9 edition of Record and Show Mirror, where a supercilious little article about “the bearded sage of the coffee bars” ended “he’s thinking of bringing down to London a Liverpool group which he considers is most in accord with his poetry. Name of the group? ‘The Beetles’”
….A born publicist, Royston Ellis knew how to manipulate a follow-up, writing a letter for publication that clarified a point in the first. He expressed his intention to find a group that would join him on TV appearances with Bert Weedon and the Shadows, and reiterated, “For some time I have been searching for a group to use regularly, and I feel that the ‘Beetles’ (most of them are Liverpool ex-art students) fill the bill.”
John and Stu decide to go to London on their own to join Ellis…but then chicken out:
By July 10, at the end of his three-year art school vacation, John had arrived at a key decision in his life: he would try to earn his living from the guitar. “I became a professional musician the day I got a red letter from the art college saying ‘Don’t bother coming back next September,’ ” he later said.31 Cyn would remember, “John decided that this [music] was very definitely the life for him. All the ideas that everyone else had for him of making an impact on the art world faded into the back of beyond with incredible rapidity, and with almost no regret at all. Aunt Mimi was distraught. Her view of his future couldn’t have been blacker at that time.”32
These events coinciding, it seems John and Stu decided to head south and hang out with Royston Ellis. Allan Williams is emphatic on the matter: he says John and Stu “split the Beatles and went down to London.”33 Norman Chapman would remember Stu asking him for a lift through the Mersey Tunnel one day so he (or he and John) could hitchhike to London—“They wanted to go down to London and become involved in this poetry-music scene.” Beat poets led a nomadic life by definition. Ellis lived for periods in all sorts of places, but his main base was still his parents’ house, at 31 Clonard Way, Hatch End, Pinner, Middlesex, a pleasant detached villa with the name Denecroft. This was the address he gave John while staying at Gambier Terrace. When Ellis arrived home one day his mother said he’d missed a visit from his “beatnik friends from Liverpool.” He never knew how many or who had come, but—as insane as it appears—John and Stu (and/or as Ellis always thought—hoped—George) had hitched the best part of two hundred miles, taken the trouble of locating his house in leafy Metroland, not stayed or left a message and then gone home again, never returning or making further contact. It makes no sense, but there it sits, illogical and incomplete.
Allan Williams remembers them being “back in Liverpool within a week, because it didn’t work out,” at which point the Beatles “reformed” as if they’d never been away. With bookings only every Saturday, it’s conceivable they did all this without missing one, and perhaps that was always the intention. However, while three independent witnesses (Ellis, Williams and Chapman) all remember something happening, none of the Beatles ever mentioned it—though in their interviews they talked with candor about everything. So it must remain in doubt, an intriguing puzzle unlikely to be solved.
There are two additional curiosities that may or may not be incidental. One is that, in the last days of July, a group of Liverpool art school students, apparently including John and Stu, went to London (or tried to go) to see a Picasso exhibition at the Tate Gallery. Second, and most fascinatingly, a set of photographs taken at this very time (mid-July 1960) in Stu and John’s studio-bedroom-slum at 3 Gambier Terrace includes several people they knew but not John and Stu themselves—perhaps because they were on the Hatch End trip. It was published on July 24 in the national Sunday rag the People in a sensation-splash headlined THIS IS THE BEATNIK HORROR. It’s as if a man on a flaming pie was pointing down at Flat 3, Hillary Mansions, Gambier Terrace, Liverpool 1. In six months, three Beatles moved in and the fourth was hanging out, the nation’s best-known beat poet had come here to get them high, and now, when a Fleet Street journalist and photographer were looking to substantiate a load of old tosh about dirty beatniks—reportage that could have been cooked up anywhere in the country—they landed in Stu and John’s room.34
Though hugely amusing, the feature had one unfortunate side-effect: because the address was given (a “three-roomed flat in decaying Gambier Terrace in Liverpool”) and some of the occupants (“well-educated youngsters”) were named, the landlord gave the tenant, Rod Murray, notice to quit. On August 15, everyone—Rod, Diz, Ducky, Stuart, John and sundry other bodies who’d joined them—would be out on the street.
—Mark Lewisohn’s Tune In, Ch 15 (May 31–Aug 15, 1960)
And Lewisohn is just like yup nothing to see.
So what the hell happened here? Was it just a school trip? Or was it a deliberate split?
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lunaechaos · 9 days
Agatha All Along spoilers and the /possible/ identity of The Ouija Board (tm) spirit
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(i've never done a theory post before so cut me so slack)
hello Agatha lovers! hope we're all good and frying our brains to come up with theories and analysis for the show, aren't we?
in light of the two episodes and the new teasers/tv spots that came out after them introducing Alice's mother as an actual character, i think we can assume she is the spirit the coven tries to contact via the ouija board. but why?
first, Alice's mother was revealed since the very beginning, which is very funny because i could swear this was Alice. this is literally from the first teaser trailer ever released for Agatha All Along, the new teaser and the ending credits of the show:
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Lorna Wu to you guys.
we know for a fact from the 2nd episode that Alice's mother is lost inside the road and probably trapped in it, so Alice's wish must presumably be related to finding her. this is the part where things get a little blurry for me, because i have a few ideas as to how the mother-daughter reunion could happen:
while Alice finds her mother in her own trial, the disco inferno one, i don't think her appearance is the result of it being successfully completed, considering everything that also happens in it (remember the red demon-thing everyone?).
i'm also not sure it's just Lorna's spirit manifesting for them as i've seen some people suggest, because this would mean she is already dead. all that we know about her is that she is missing and lost inside the witches' road, not deceased.
if she really is helping Alice on her trial, then i believe something goes wrong (who could've imagined it) and she perhaps sacrifice herself to protect Alice? there were early theories that pointed out that the red demon could be Alice, but now i'm tending to believe it is actually Lorna.
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there was a theory that Alice would die in this episode, which doesn't hold true at all. many sources who have watched the first four episodes have confirmed that the disco scene (aka Alice's trial) takes place in the 4th episode, and reliable leakers say that the ouija one is in the 5th. while we know Alice isn't with the rest of the coven in the scene where they're need-for-speed-ing on their broomsticks, we can only assume she's either gotten off of the road or died somewhere during episode 5.
now, let's talk about the ouija scene, shall we?
admittedly, i don't have much to work with this time except a bit of the lyrics of the ballad's sacred chant version. i'm sure most of us are streaming this song to the point it might get a bb hot100 entry, but after hearing Jac say that the entire show is based upon the ballad's lyrics, it's obvious that it contains copious amounts of foreshadowing. now:
"if one be gone, we carry on spirit as our guide"
this bit intrigued me because it clearly implies that the coven can be guided by the spirits of dead witches who walked the road. would it be the spirits of only the witches of the current coven doing the road? the spirits of all the witches who have died on it? both? i don't really know.
what i do know is that contacting Alice's mother, a witch who's been trapped on the road for god knows how long and probably knows quite a lot about it, who's composed the most famous version of the ballad and who's just died, does make sense. it might rely on a lot of things happening? yes, but i do believe it makes more sense than the theories that they're contacting Sharon/Mrs. Hart, Evanora or even Wanda (as much as i love de idea of Wanda giving Agatha hell even spiritually).
it's really either that (them contacting a specific person, which is usually how you do in ouija) or a random spirit.
anyway, this is valid as long as Marvel doesn't release another bunch of revealing teasers because my god, they're not slowing down at all. or as long as the episodes come out and i'm not proven miserably wrong. some final considerations without any particular order that are related to this post:
if Alice really dies, then she either dies at the ouija board house or by the hands of the Salem Seven. i'm inclined to believe it's the latter.
if Alice doesn't die, then she really has had enough of Agatha's ass and the murderous road and just peaces off of the road (which i think is unlikely considering the protective nature of her magic and character).
we know that the 3rd episode is Jennifer's trial, 4th is Alice's, 6th is Lilia's and 7th or 8th is Agatha's. 9th is the special, which i'm not sure if it's at all related to the story of the show.
which makes me wonder: where is Billy's trial? i'm actually tending to believe the 5th episode is where his trial takes place. Rio doesn't have a trial because of her status as green witch, and the ouija house is the only one not elemental-coded (and that weird Hydra-like facility, but i think this one is related to Agatha somehow). Jennifer's trial is related to water as we can see from the scenes where she's being drowned, Alice's trial is related to fire because of obvious reasons, and Lilia's trial is related to air (everyone flying and falling around, yeah?). which leaves this particular trial, and i do think it's a trial because of the outfits and the house and all, quite out of place. so yeah, my bet is on the possibility of this actually being Billy's trial.
Jac Schaeffer please let me take you to lunch i need to know what goes on inside your brain.
thank you for getting to the bottom of this long-ass post and i hope it's at least intelligible for y'all!
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selinkamayer · 2 years
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Throwback to the first and last time I got results I loved from this filmstock. With Jacs Fishburne, forever one of my favourite people
patreon - print shop - everything else
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aparticularbandit · 10 days
Also of note:
Agatha makes a point of explaining the details of blood magic to Billy Teen in Episode Two: Magic that is inherited as a result of birth.
Re: Alice Wu, who inherited her powers from her mother.
I expect this to come up again in relation to Agatha's relationship with Nicholas, Billy's relationship with Wanda (potentially as part of the Reveal), and possibly the Salem Seven's relationship with etc. (although less likely).
I ALSO expect Alice and Billy parallels in that Alice is traveling the Road to find out why/how her mother died and Billy is. you know. Billy.
There's a lot of interesting family dynamics and interplays and layers here that I look forward to seeing the show delve into. Mothers and children especially (since we know Evanora is coming back in some shape or form). Even Rio/Agatha - it's more family dynamics with Nicholas, probably.
This show feels like it's running on Family as the theme.
And I'm looking forward to how it gets unpacked.
(Especially since family - and tragedy - are such a big theme in WandaVision. Jac's unpacking from a different angle this time. And I love that for her.)
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 29
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Warnings: Angst, potentially controversial/sensitive topics
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
IT WAS THE DELICIOUS SMELL OF BACON wafting through the house that woke you up. You blinked your eyes open and found that you were comfortably trapped underneath Thor's hulking body. His warmth radiated through you as the rest of the farmhouse was a bit cold. Frost licked at the windows and you wondered if it had snowed last night.
You poked Thor until he woke up and rolled off of you, then slipped out of bed to get dressed in something warm and comfortable. You stuck to a sweatshirt and some sweatpants, stuffing your feet in furry Uggs and headed down the stairs.
The table had been set with platters of eggs, bacon, sausage links, fresh fruits, pancakes, and hash browns, but the cook was no where in sight. Several of the Avengers had settled down around the table, helping themselves.
"Morning." You said as cheerfully as you could manage for eight forty-five in the morning.
"Morning." The others replied with various degrees of wakefulness.
As you passed Clint, you paused to pull hay out of his hair and toss it in the trash. He must've gone up to the hayloft at some point. You wondered when that had been.
"Who made breakfast?" You asked curiously as you helped yourself to the pancakes and bacon.
Steve shrugged, "It was ready when I got down here and I was the first down here."
"Must've been Elizabeth, if I had to guess." Rhodey replied. "It tastes the same way she makes it. I can taste the butter in the eggs."
You nodded. Elizabeth had come up with this trick where if you got the butter to boil in the pan when you scrambled the eggs, then the eggs would cook through so fast that they didn't have time to stick to the pans and the pans would be easier to clean. The result ended in the eggs being extremely fluffy, but also with a heavy taste of butter. It was a surprisingly good combination.
"Did she eat?" You asked and then realized none of them would probably know.
"No idea." Rhodey replied.
You nodded, looking out the window but you couldn't see anyone out on the farm. It still looked cold out, the sun behind the gray clouds and the windows were still foggy. This October weather was going to be a cold one.
You sat down next to Steve who was being somewhat quiet this morning.
As you neared finishing breakfast, Elizabeth finally stepped into the house. She was wearing her winter boots instead of cowboy boots, and had put on a thick hoodie and fingerless gloves. A gray hat with a pink pom pom on the end had been pulled down over her ears.
"Morning." She said easily as she headed past everyone to the kitchen.
"Aren't you freezing?" You asked after her in worry. "You'll catch frostbite."
Elizabeth grinned at you. "I don't feel cold anymore, remember?"
Damn, well that had to be nice.
"I should check that out later though." Tony added, a frown on his face and he reached out to take her hand. "Your hands are freezing. Maybe you can't feel the cold, but I'm worried your body still does."
Elizabeth smiled at him. "You can run your tests later. I've still got lots of morning chores to do and I've left Hogun to fend for himself with the chickens."
And then she was gone once more, slipping out the backdoor so that you could barely feel the cold wind come in for a split second.
"I wonder if the lake froze over." Natasha commented, looking at you. "Do you ever ice skate on it?"
"Every winter." You said, a smile coming on your face as you thought about all the past winters. "But it usually doesn't freeze over till mid- November."
"Ah, talking about the lake?" Your father limped into the breakfast room. His cheeks were tinged red and pink, so was his nose, a sure sign that he'd been outside as well. Not to mention the hardware boots on his feet and the red and black flannel jacket he was wearing. "I drove the truck across early this morning. You're good to skate on it."
"You drove. . . the truck across?" Wanda asked curiously.
"That's how we do it here." You grinned. "There's a larger lake in the middle of town. The firefighters drive their truck across to see if it'll hold the weight. If it can cross, then you're good to go."
"I believe that is highly dangerous." Vision replied.
"That's how we do it." Your father shrugged, sinking into his chair with a wince. You were very good at ignoring his injury, because that was how he wanted it. He didn't want attention on it.
"They used to do something similar in our town." Sam said. "In the winter, the lake would freeze over and they'd send the firetrucks out. Course, they got rid of that eventually, but I know they did it till I was at least ten."
"So, Y/N, I don't suppose you have any superpowers that you want to tell me about?" Your father asked you bluntly.
You nearly choked on your bacon. "W-What?"
"Elizabeth and I talked. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Your father replied, staring at you.
"Yeah, no, I'm fine." You replied, blushing. Your dad was a great man, but something he didn't always realize that not every conversation had to be shared in public. There were some things that needed to be kept private. But with him growing up in a small gossip town, that probably didn't seem important anymore. "What'd she tell you?"
Your father suddenly straightened up in his chair. "Well, nothing much really. Just that she was at fault for underestimating the city. Said she had gone for a walk and turned her back for to long and got nabbed. Said that there was this crazy organization that just wanted to test superpowers on her and then sent her back."
You blinked. Either he was editing, or Elizabeth really hadn't told him the full story. But why? Why had she left out the club, the fact that she'd run out because she was having a panic attack from the claustrophobia, that it wasn't her fault at all, that they'd taken her because of Steve?
Your father sighed, "But I'm guessing she didn't tell me the full story judging by your faces."
You looked around and saw that the others looked just as shocked or confused as you. "Well, she might've left a couple of details out. It wasn't her fault though."
"It wasn't her fault at all." Tony replied sternly. "If anything it was ours. We dropped our guard in public after dark and that was something we should never have done. And I admit I didn't keep a good eye on her."
Your father nodded, "Well, I can respect a man that owns up to his actions. I believe that you are no longer negligent towards her?"
"No, I am not." Tony replied firmly. "She gave me a second chance and I love her as much as I love Y/N."
You blushed and your father nodded. "Good. Now then, let's eat."
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
ELIZABETH HAD TAKEN MOST OF THE others on a tour of the farm. Steve and Bucky had gone into town with your mother to help her with some shopping stuff. You and Loki were the only ones not with anyone else.
You weren't entirely sure how it had ended up being you and Loki. The two of you were curled up together in the house, in the basement. It was colder down there, but private and he'd grabbed a thick quilt to wrap around you.
You were falling asleep in his lap when he brought up the conversation, "Did you know about Elizabeth. . . when she was in your mothers womb?"
"What do you mean?" You asked sleepily. You'd almost fallen asleep in his lap when he'd spoke. "Like did I know I was getting a sister?"
"No." Loki said and paused. You blinked your eyes open to see that he looked troubled.
"Oh, is this another conversation like Thor's where I'm supposed to try and convince my mom not to get an abortion?" You grumbled.
Loki hesitated and said, "No, not really. Thor did talk to me, but I wonder sometimes. . . No, I was wondering if you knew that your mother almost aborted Elizabeth."
You sat up straight, looking at him. "What?! How do you know that?"
"Elizabeth told me last night when I went to comfort her." Loki admitted, playing with the edge of the quilt. "And from the sounds of it, she told Clint last night as well."
"And Steve overheard." Loki sighed.
You wondered if Thor had known. If that was why he'd brought up the idea of Elizabeth killing herself and how you'd feel. You shoved those thoughts away.
"But she decided not to kil- to get rid of Elizabeth." You replied.
"Because your father finally won the argument." Loki sighed. "I wonder. . . what do you think you're life would've been like without her?"
You thought about it. Or at least, you tried. You couldn't really remember a time when Elizabeth wasn't there. But there were faint memories of when she wasn't there. Where your parents actually looked like they loved each other, where all three of you were content and happy. You could remember events when Elizabeth had stayed home from stuff, from sickness usually or homework or a chore on the farm when she got old enough to do them. The three of you were always so. . . happy.
You felt tears brim your eyes at the horrible confession inside your heart and you looked up through your lashes at Loki, "We would've been happier."
"Would you?" Loki mused, hugging you closer to wipe your tears away. "I don't think you would have. Maybe as a family Y/N. I can't deny that, I've seen the proof and both you and Elizabeth have admitted it. Your family would've been happier. But what about you? If there was no Elizabeth to fill in for all of the chores, to take care of the farm. Don't you see?"
Loki's voice was soft and persuasive, occasionally kissing your tears away. "Don't you see Y/N? Elizabeth's birth freed you. You have the life that you wanted because Elizabeth was born to take your place on the farm."
You knew it was true. You hated the farm, you hated chores, you hated the work and effort that had to go into it. And Elizabeth truly had been born to fill in that spot.
"Now what if," Loki whispered softly in your ear as he pulled you into a hug. "what if your brother freed her?"
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
DINNER WAS SO TENSE THAT NIGHT IT could've been cut with a butter knife. The conversation was attempted to be kept up in an easy flow and for the most part, it seemed normal. Your father was extremely relaxed, though Elizabeth seemed a little out of it. Your mother had arranged the table and she'd found herself between Steve and Sam. You could tell she was trying to make an effort with Steve, but finally gave up and gave all her attention to Sam.
You had really never gotten an answer from the Captain about why exactly he was avoiding her. But you had long given up in trying to get an answer out of him and Bucky.
"I have something to tell everyone here." Your father said.
You tensed immediately, shooting your dad an exasperated look and he smiled. "You can all relax, it's good."
You didn't relax.
"I understand the customs that are normally supposed to take place, however, I feel my second daughter has gone long enough in waiting. Hogun came to me today and I've granted them the permission to marry here on Earth. Along with Masters Loki, Sam, and Tony. Those with full colour tattoos."
Elizabeth's face was one of shock, along with Steve and Sam. Tony just looked superior.
Your mother opened her mouth and you quickly said. "Congratulations, I'm really happy for you Elizabeth. You're going to have a beautiful wedding."
Your mother spun in surprise to look at you and Elizabeth stared at you with wide eyes like she didn't even know you. You were just slightly hurt, but also knew the last time she'd suggested getting married before you, you'd freaked and she'd frozen a coffee table.
"Thanks." Elizabeth said, blushing, staring down at the table. Your mother pursed her lips together.
"When will the wedding be?" Natasha asked.
"December 15th." Hogun said with a smile.
"Ah a winter wedding." You teased, wondering why the idea of your little sister getting married before you had ever been such a big deal. "Good luck with that little sis."
Your mother politely excused herself from the table and left the room. Your father was quick to follow and the rest of you stayed in conversation, mostly talking about wedding ideas.
Elizabeth excused herself after a moment and out of curiosity, you followed after a minute or two.
You wandered out of the kitchen and found her sitting at the bottom of the steps. The chatter in the kitchen had covered up your parents yelling at each other upstairs, the door closed. Your mother was shouting at your father for not waiting until you got married like you were supposed to.
Elizabeth looked up at you from the stairs. "Come to join the party?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked.
"I didn't know Hogun had gone to dad." Elizabeth shrugged, "I had no idea he'd asked for me to marry him on Earth again."
"No. Not that. Why did you never tell me mom wanted. . . you know."
"Loki told you?" She guessed.
You stayed silent.
Elizabeth looked away. "Because I never wanted you to realize how much better you would've been off without me. I never wanted you to resent me like mom did. Because I loved you to much to let you realize you would've been happier without me."
You pulled her into a hug. A real one, one the two of you hadn't done for a long, long time. "My life would never have been better without you Elizabeth. And no," you gave a shaky laugh, "Not just because you do all the chores for me."
Elizabeth let out a shaky laugh too, a sob in her throat. She held onto you tightly and you let your own tears fall. "I love you Elizabeth. You're my little sister. And I'm sorry for all of your pain."
"Be my maid of honor?"
"Of course."
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adda247-school · 1 year
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For the third time in five weeks, a 16-year-old boy has died after sustaining on-the-job injuries at an industrial site, as lawmakers in several states advocate loosening child labor laws that protect minors from hazardous work.
The latest teen death was Friday night at the Mar-Jac Poultry plant in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, authorities said. It’s the third worker death at the plant since December 2020.
Duvan Tomas Perez, who NBC News reported moved to the U.S. from Guatemala six years ago, was cleaning machinery as part of a sanitation crew when he became trapped in equipment on a conveyor belt. He died at the scene, police and the poultry company said.
The company said that it appears that the child “should not have been hired” and that his age and identity were misrepresented on his hiring paperwork with an outside staffing company.
“We are devastated at the loss of life and deeply regret that an underage individual was hired without our knowledge. The company is undertaking a thorough audit with the staffing companies to ensure that this kind of error never happens again,” it said in a statement Thursday to HuffPost.
His death follows two other teens’ deaths in Wisconsin and Missouri.
Michael Schuls, 16, died on June 29 after sustaining injuries at the Florence Hardwoods logging company in Florence, Wisconsin. Michael was attempting to unjam a wood-stacking machine when he became pinned under machinery on a conveyor belt, resulting in what the coroner identified as traumatic asphyxiation, The Associated Press reported.
Will Hampton, 16, died on June 8 in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, after becoming injured while working at the Lee’s Summit Resource Recovery Park landfill. The high school sophomore became pinned between a tractor-trailer rig and its trailer, resulting in his death, police said in a statement.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is investigating all three deaths, a Labor Department spokesperson confirmed to HuffPost.
OSHA has also made a referral to the Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division for possible child labor violations concerning hazardous occupations in the Wisconsin case and a separate referral in the Missouri case to determine if the child was legally employed.
Federal labor laws allow children 16 and older to be employed in all occupations as long as the jobs are not declared hazardous by the Secretary of Labor. The Labor Department’s website features a list of such hazardous occupations and specifies that “most jobs” in meat and poultry plants ― including equipment cleaning ― are banned.
Minors are also prohibited from being employed “inside and outside of places of businesses that use machinery to process wood products,” with a few exceptions, including if an adult relative supervises the child.
The Wisconsin teen’s father also worked at the sawmill and was at the site that day, Green Bay station WBAY reported, though the child was alone in the building when the incident happened, and he wasn’t found until 17 minutes later, The AP reported.
In the case of the Mississippi teen killed, the child wasn’t working directly for Mar-Jac Poultry as he had been hired by an outside agency. “These hiring companies often aren’t the most reliable when it comes to finding qualified, legal workers,” said Jordan Barab, former deputy assistant secretary of labor at OSHA from 2009 to 2017.
“These temp agencies don’t have any scruples at all. They don’t have any national reputation to uphold. They’re just trying to sell workers, basically,” he told HuffPost. “And then the main company claims they had no idea, the temp agency [says it] was ‘fooled by false certifications.’ Well, obviously this kid did not look 18.”
OSHA has been going after this “to a certain extent,” he said, with the administration citing both the place of employment and the hiring company when a regulation is broken.
Barab partially blamed the nation’s ongoing shortage of labor for the hiring of children because employers are trying to avoid paying more for qualified workers.
“You have some employers who are basically going after the most vulnerable workers, the workers with the least ability to fight back or question anything. Who could be more vulnerable than (A) children and (B) immigrant children?” Barab said.
The COVID-19 pandemic, affordable child care, a rise in remote work and retiring workers are among the reasons cited for the labor shortage.
Regardless of the risks, lawmakers in several states have proposed weakening child labor protections in a bid to expand the workforce with low-paying labor.
In Wisconsin, where one of the three children died, lawmakers are advocating for lowering the age to serve alcohol in bars and restaurants to 14. It would be a nationwide first if approved, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Another bill introduced in Minnesota proposes allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to work in or around construction sites.
In Iowa, the state Senate in April passed a bill that would allow children to work more days and longer hours, but in conflict with the current limits set by federal law, as Iowa State Daily reported.
The Biden administration back in April urged U.S. meat companies to ensure they are not unknowingly or knowingly hiring children illegally. This followed revelations that more than 100 children were working for a company that cleans slaughterhouses. The children’s work included handling hazardous equipment, like razor-sharp bone saws.
An estimated 160,000 children are injured annually in the U.S. while working. Of these injuries, 54,800 warrant emergency room treatment, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
The number of minors employed in violation of child labor laws has increased by 37% within the last year, according to a March report by the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute in Washington. The report identified 10 states that have introduced or passed bills within the last two years that would weaken child labor standards.
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twenty-eight. she/her. illustrator & aspiring mangaka.
5'5''. Broad-shouldered. Red is her signature color; it's been practically two decades since someone saw her natural hair. Like to spike up her hair into liberty spikes (strangely, this is indicative that she's going through something). Covered in tattoos; some tats of note are a pin-up of a siren wearing a “I HEART NY” shirt on her right bicep, a rat king on her right shoulder, and a silly stick-n-poke of a lil devil. closest visual reference is Miki Berenyi of Lush.
A pessimist or an optimist; it depends on who's asking.
laid-back in comparison to the average human, but tends to be the "high-strung" one amongst her friends
pushy, stubborn, knows what she wants and grabs life by the balls
emotionally isolated (one could call her emotionally constipated); afraid of intimacy yet craves it. avoidant.
principled, caring, dedicated and loyal to those she trusts. She cares deeply about her community and is extremely protective of those she loves.
tries to not judge others but she clearly does
artistic, passionate, silly, utterly refuses to take shit from anyone
HISTORY. tw: mentions of cancer, death
in her words: "my parents are probably the most interesting people I know"
daughter of two nomads — Poppy Sato and Winston Gish. Birdie spent most of her first decade of life traveling across the country, moving from town to town. Part of this was due to money, part of this was due to the unconventional nature of the Sato-Gish household.
Following her father's diagnosis with cancer, they moved to Michigan, where her grandparents lived. Birdie was 14. This is where she met Judi & Eddie.
During her senior year, Birdie's first girlfriend, Jac, passes away in a car accident. Barely graduating, she goes to NYU for illustration.
WHERE SHE IS NOW: lives in Manhattan with her boyfriend of six years, having recently quit her lucrative job at a comic book label and returned to her managerial position at McDonald's
METAPHORICALLY... why is she a cannibal? I think of Birdie's cannibalism as a result of her protective nature and as a manifestation of her feelings of powerlessness. A central theme to Birdie is repression, specifically the sort that arises as you enter adulthood and find it is harder to be yourself in this world than you thought. She's gone from being a dreamy, wide-eyed optimist to being much more realistic in her goals and in what she thinks is possible in a world like this. Sorta like a revolutionary, watered down. She has a compulsive need to eat people she senses are bad, people that are a continued threat to what little peace there exists for her community. This most often looks like eating venture capitalists and crypto-bros (I wish I was joking).
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