#jürgen dehmel
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mitjalovse · 5 months ago
One of the main causes we talk of German music these days? I propose the 80's, since they are probably the major reason we mention German pop these days. Sure, many players from the country were famous before die Neue Deutsche Welle, yet the latter gave the entire country a boost. Of course, the tunes they did, such as the piece on the link, did their best. For instance, Nena – at that point still a band, not a singer – might be a German version of Kim Wilde – no surprise they worked together later on –, though her voice and her music is closer to punk. While I could use a cliche and claim she has more grit – which is true –, she does fit the 80's well. However, her consequent solo triumphs in her homeland showed she was not too sonically attached to the era.
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classicrockblog1 · 7 months ago
Rolf Brendel (born June 13, 1957) is a German #drummer. Brendel was a #drummer of  the #pop #rock #bands The Stripes and Nena. He also wrote and wrote a large part of the songs. Despite a few appearances in reputable shows like the Plattenküche or disco the band was not a big commercial success, in 1981 the group finally separated. Together with his former life companion Nena, who had also sung with The Stripes since the end of 1977, with whom he had been private since 1979, he was the band Nena from 1982, keyboardist Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen, guitarist Carlo Karges and bassist Jürgen Dehmel , Here, too, he played a large part in all albums as composer and lyricist.
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Brendel separated from Nena in 1987 and moved to Los Angeles, USA for two years to study drums at the Californian Musicians Institute of Music. Subsequently, he returned to Germany and played for various German bands, including the Spliff drummer Herwig Mitteregger. In 2002 he took over the management of the German junior artist Marlon and worked for several years in his studio in Tostedt - Land. Brendel lives in the Lower Saxony Cloppenburg, where he works with the rock band Peter and the Rolf. On October 20, 2014, the book “Nena - Die Geschichte einer Band” was published by Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin. Rolf Brendel recapitulates the initial and successful years of one of the leading NDW bands. His memories are based on interviews with former companions (including Jürgen Dehmel (bassist), Jim Rakete (photographer and sponsor)) and various photos.
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odk-2 · 3 years ago
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Nena - 99 Luftballons (1984) Carlos Karges / Joem Fahrenkrog-Peterson from: "99 Luftballons" / "Ich Bleib Im' Bett" (Single) "99 Luftballons" (LP)
Neue Deutsche Welle | New Wave
JukehostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Personnel: Nena (Gabriele Susanne Kerner): Lead Vocals Jörn-Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen: Keyboards Carlo Karges: Guitar Jürgen Dehmel: Bass Rolf Brendel: Drums / Percussion
Produced by Reinhold Heil / Manfred Praeker
Recorded: @ Spliff Studio in West Berlin, BRD (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) 1983–84
Released: on April 08, 1984
Epic Records
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alystayr · 7 years ago
Nena ‎- 99 Luftballons
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dstul · 4 years ago
Ich möchte Ihnen die Sängerin Nena vorstellen. Ihr ganzer Name ist Gabrielle Susanne Kerner. Sie kommt aus Deutschland and ist 60 Jahre alt. Zu ihren bekanntesten Liedern gehören: 99 Luftballons, In meinem Leben und Wunder geschehen. Ihre Karriere begann im Jahr 1979. Sie war die Sängerin der Band "The Stripes". Die Mitglieder der Band waren: Rolf Brendel, Carlos Karges, Uwe Fahrenkrog und Jürgen Dehmel. Dann begann Nena solo zu spielen. Sie hatte viele Alben zum Beispiel: Bongo Girl, Wenn alles richtig ist, dann stimmt was nicht und Nena die Band. Nena hat zwei Kinder mit einem Schweizer Schauspieler Benedict Freitag. Aber jetzt lebt sie mit dem Schlagzeuger Philip Palm. Das Paar lebt in Hamburg. Mein Lieblingslied von Nena ist 99 Luftballons. 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aLiT3wXko0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ5LQXFH28I
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universallycrownpirate · 6 years ago
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Deutschlands Geisteshelden Anselm Kiefer, 1973 Öl und Kohle auf Rupfen 307 × 682 cm Sammlung Barbara und Eugene Schwartz, New York Nach der Ausstellung von 1969 trat Kiefer erst 1973 wieder an die Öffentlichkeit mit einer von der Kommentarliteratur als „Dachbodenbilder“ bezeichneten Werkreihe mit biblischen und germanisch-mythologischen Themen. Zu ersten Gruppe gehören: Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe und Vater, Sohn, Heiliger Geist, zur letzten Gruppe: Parzifal, Notung, der Nibelungen Leid und Deutschlands Geisteshelden. Das Kolorit dieser Arbeiten bestimmen warme Brauntöne mit einem sparsamen Einsatz von Weiß, Schwarz und Grau. Den Gemälden sind, wie es für sein gesamtes Werk charakteristisch werden sollte, Bezeichnungen, Namen und Zitate eingeschrieben. Der Dachboden hat viele Kommentatoren zu ikonographischen Überlegungen angeregt. Als Abstellraum und Aufbewahrungsort ausgedienter Objekte, sei er ein Speicher des Erbes und historischen Erinnerns, und von diesem Erbe handeln die Dachbodenbilder Kiefers. In zwei Einzelausstellungen – unter den Titeln Notung und Der Nibelungen Leid – wurden die Arbeiten 1973 in Köln und Amsterdam gezeigt. Das großformatigste Bild und gleichzeitig Höhepunkt dieser Reihe ist das ebenfalls 1973 entstandene Gemälde Deutschlands Geisteshelden. Darauf sieht man einen aus rohem Holz gezimmerten, hallenartigen Dachboden, der sich nach rückwärts perspektivisch verjüngt und eine Raumwirkung von außerordentlicher Suggestivkraft erzeugt. An den Wänden flackern Ehren-Feuer in Schalen und auf dem Boden sind mit Kohle in Kinderschrift die Namen der Helden geschrieben. Die in „autobiographischer Willkür“ (Jürgen Harten) erstellte Heldenliste umfasst: Richard Wagner, Richard Dehmel, Josef Weinheber, Joseph Beuys, Adalbert Stifter, Caspar David Friedrich, Arnold Böcklin, den Preußenkönig Friedrich II., die mittelalterliche Mystikerin Mechthild von Magdeburg, Robert Musil, Nikolaus Lenau, Hans Thoma, Theodor Storm. Das Gemälde ist von einer starken Ambiguität geprägt. Sie kommt nicht nur in der willkürlich erscheinenden Namensliste zum Ausdruck, die Hitleranhänger, wie Weinheber, als auch Hitlergegner, wie Musil, enthält. Schon der Titel ist nach Kiefer Aussage ironisch zu verstehen. Auch die Darstellung selbst gilt Kommentatoren als eine ironische Anspielung auf die Regensburger Walhalla. Sabine Schütz stellt einen unmittelbaren Bezug zur Fotografie eines nationalsozialistischen Feierraums für die Jugend her und verweist auf die grundlegende Ambivalenz von Kiefers Dachboden-Werken, die den Nationalsozialismus durch „scheinbare Affirmation“ kritisieren. Kiefers frühe Landschaftsbilder sind gleichfalls mit Geschichte aufgeladen. Sie sind kontaminiert mit dem vom Nationalsozialismus propagierten „deutschen Sehen“. Sein erstes großes Landschaftsbild: Märkische Heide entstand 1971. Dessen Sujet wandelte er in den darauf folgenden Jahren in unterschiedlichen Formaten häufig ab. Die Märkische Heide ist die Heidelandschaft zwischen Spreewald und dem Südosten Berlins in der Mark Brandenburg. Sie symbolisiert hier einen geschichtsträchtigen Ort mit den Wurzeln Preußens.tagFoto markieren
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hope-louise-wright · 7 years ago
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"Now, everyone should remember this sexy sultry German beauty, best known for her American version of 99 Luft (Red) Ballons. I, on the other hand, always loved the German version." ~Hope Elle~ NENA Biography by Alan Severa Long-running German dance-rock performer best known for her international '80s hit "99 Luftballons."  Beginning in 1982, Nena became one of the most successful pop stars Germany had ever seen, especially given the unique success of the original German-language version of the single "99 Luftballons" in the U.S. in 1984. With the full name of Nena Kerner, she had spent one year as vocalist for the Stripes (who disbanded after just one unsuccessful album in 1980), then assembled a band in Berlin called Nena. The lineup included herself as vocalist, Carlo Karges on guitar, Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen on keyboards, Jürgen Dehmel on bass, and Rolf Brendel on drums. Their debut single, "Nur Geträumt," became a number one success in German-speaking countries after the band's first TV appearance on the Musikladen TV program on August 21, 1982. "99 Luftballons" followed, quickly becoming a worldwide smash, although by mid-1985, sales of Nena's records, and the attendance numbers of her 1985 tour dates, dropped, which led to the eventual end of the band in mid-1987. Beginning in 1989, Nena worked as a solo artist, releasing albums of songs composed mainly by herself and befriended musicians she chose as co-authors. (She also chose not to have a permanent band, as had been the case in the '80s, either in the studio or on tour.) Her first solo tour came in 1993, then pregnancies led to minimal live appearances until 1997. She began touring again (mainly in Germany) once or twice a year, backed predominantly by U.S. musicians in addition to Germans. Read more about Nena @ www.allmusic.com #nena #99luftballons #80s #vintage #vinyl #newwave #pop #rock #music #entertainment #dancepop #bossbabe #bosslifestyle #mtv
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longliverockback · 9 months ago
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Nena 99 Luftballons 1984 Epic ————————————————— Tracks: 01. 99 Red Balloons 02. ? 03. Hangin’ on You 04. Just a Dream 05. Let Me Be Your Pirate 06. Kino 07. Das Land der Elefanten 08. Leuchtturm 09. Rette Mich 10. Unerkannt durch’s Märchenland 11. 99 Luftballons —————————————————
Rolf Brendel
Jürgen Dehmel
Jörn-Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen
Carlo Karges 
Nena Kerner
* Long Live Rock Archive
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classicrockblog1 · 8 years ago
Rolf Brendel (born June 13, 1957 in Hagen) is a German #drummer. Brendel was a #drummer of  the #pop #rock #bands The Stripes and Nena. He also wrote and wrote a large part of the songs. Despite a few appearances in reputable shows like the Plattenküche or disco the band was not a big commercial success, in 1981 the group finally separated. Together with his former life companion Nena, who had also sung with The Stripes since the end of 1977, with whom he had been private since 1979, he was the band Nena from 1982, keyboardist Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen, guitarist Carlo Karges and bassist Jürgen Dehmel , Here, too, he played a large part in all albums as composer and lyricist. Brendel separated from Nena in 1987 and moved to Los Angeles, USA for two years to study drums at the Californian Musicians Institute of Music. Subsequently, he returned to Germany and played for various German bands, including the Spliff drummer Herwig Mitteregger. In 2002 he took over the management of the German junior artist Marlon and worked for several years in his studio in Tostedt - Land. Brendel lives in the Lower Saxony Cloppenburg, where he works with the rock band Peter and the Rolf. On October 20, 2014, the book "Nena - Die Geschichte einer Band" was published by Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin. Rolf Brendel recapitulates the initial and successful years of one of the leading NDW bands. His memories are based on interviews with former companions (including Jürgen Dehmel (bassist), Jim Rakete (photographer and sponsor)) and various photos.
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classicrockblog1 · 6 years ago
Rolf Brendel (born June 13, 1957) is a German #drummer. Brendel was a #drummer of  the #pop #rock #bands The Stripes and Nena. He also wrote and wrote a large part of the songs. Despite a few appearances in reputable shows like the Plattenküche or disco the band was not a big commercial success, in 1981 the group finally separated. Together with his former life companion Nena, who had also sung with The Stripes since the end of 1977, with whom he had been private since 1979, he was the band Nena from 1982, keyboardist Uwe Fahrenkrog-Petersen, guitarist Carlo Karges and bassist Jürgen Dehmel , Here, too, he played a large part in all albums as composer and lyricist. Brendel separated from Nena in 1987 and moved to Los Angeles, USA for two years to study drums at the Californian Musicians Institute of Music. Subsequently, he returned to Germany and played for various German bands, including the Spliff drummer Herwig Mitteregger. In 2002 he took over the management of the German junior artist Marlon and worked for several years in his studio in Tostedt - Land. Brendel lives in the Lower Saxony Cloppenburg, where he works with the rock band Peter and the Rolf. On October 20, 2014, the book “Nena - Die Geschichte einer Band” was published by Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin. Rolf Brendel recapitulates the initial and successful years of one of the leading NDW bands. His memories are based on interviews with former companions (including Jürgen Dehmel (bassist), Jim Rakete (photographer and sponsor)) and various photos.
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