packleaderluke · 6 years
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30 pride icons of clary, isabelle and maia
- 200x200 - please don’t claim as your own and give credit if asked - you can find all icons below the cut and in my icons page
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banshee-cheekbones · 7 years
Maia/Izzy - “Must be a day ending in y.“
also using this for the prompt “Any: Any/Any - like a bad soap opera“ from femslash100′s drabbletag8!
on ao3 here.
late night plans.
By the time Izzy shows up at Maia’s apartment, scent tinged with notes of bitter frustration and sour annoyance, it’s nearly midnight.
Maia marks her place in her novel, sets it down on the coffee table and goes to meet Izzy in the entryway. Her clothes are plastered to her body from the downpour outside, and black streaks of mascara are trailing down underneath her eyes.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” she says, sliding off her sodden jacket. “Raj totally screwed up his mission, and I had to clean up his mess and…” Sighing heavily, she steps forward and wraps her arms tightly around Maia’s waist.
“Must be a day ending in y,” Maia comments, pressing a soft kiss to Izzy’s temple, trying not to shiver when cold rain drips down her cheek. The remark elicits a soft laugh from Izzy, and her scent changes subtly, becomes more floral.
“You’re right. Just when I think it can’t get more like a bad soap opera, something else happens.”
“Well, I’m sure Alec can handle anything that comes up between now and tomorrow morning,” Maia says, sliding her arms away from Izzy’s neck only so she can take her hand and lead her down the hallway. “Do you want a hot bath?”
“Only if you join me with some wine,” Izzy answers. Even though Maia can smell the exhaustion on her, the mischievous smile on her face is anything but tired.
Maia returns the smile and leans in for a quick kiss.
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ghafahey · 7 years
and all this devotion was rushing out of me. | isabelle lightwood/maia roberts | rated T
“You’re wearing my jacket.” And before she can say something teasing or shrug the jacket off her shoulders (she really, really doesn’t want to) Maia leans in for another kiss, only a short brushing of lips, the hint of a promise enough to have Isabelle leaning in for more, chasing the other’s mouth as she steps back.
or the first time izzy wears maia’s jacket but maia really, really doesn’t complain.
The first rays of sunlight flicker through the window, the half-closed blinds doing a poor job at keeping the orange and yellow glow from slowly stretching over the floor, spilling over scattered clothes until they reach the bed. Sounds of the city, already awake and greeting a new day, grow louder with every passing moment but there’s nothing but peaceful silence in the bedroom, only interrupted by soft breaths. Arms and legs entangled upon the small bed with covers up to their shoulders, skin warm from sleep and pressed together and Isabelle’s face buried in her girlfriend’s dark curls. It’s those minutes in the morning, slowly dripping by that you wish you could hold onto because everything is warm and hazy and there is nothing but peacefulness in your bones, muscles relaxed and mind floating in and out of dreams.
A buzzing sound cuts through the silence, once, twice and blue and white light illuminates the ceiling, far brighter than the soft glow of the morning sun.  It takes Izzy a few moments to recognize the sound, to slowly blink her eyes open and squeeze them shut right after, wishing she hadn’t heard. She considers it for a moment, simply turning around and pressing closer to Maia, ignoring the phone on the nightstand and making up some excuse. My phone was dead and I didn’t have a charger. I left my phone at the Institute. I was asleep. Another buzz, longer this time, demanding her attention. It’s not the first time a part of her wishes she wasn’t a demon hunting soldier but a mundane college student, allowed to curl up to her girlfriend on a free Sunday and let the hours drift by. With a sigh, she pushes up onto her elbows, carefully detangling herself from legs and arms and a gentle smile curls around her lips as Maia huffs, turning away from the bright light. The screen shows a simple rune, blinking white and red to catch her attention, the familiar call to waste no time and get to the Institute as soon as possible.
She tries to get dressed quietly, tiptoeing around the room to find the clothes thrown off hastily last night when they had stumbled inside with laughter upon their lips. When Maia had pressed her against the door and kissed down her neck, over the Deflect rune and making her way towards the dark mark between her breasts and all Izzy could think was how fucking lucky she was. Pulling her shirt over her head, the memory of Maia’s fingers curling around the hem and helping her take it off leaves a smirk upon her lips, gently moving towards the bed once more to hover above her girlfriend. Maia’s face is still buried in the pillow, eyes closed but a soft hum sounds through the silence when Izzy reaches out to gently run a hand through dark curls. “I’ll see you tonight”, whispered before she presses a kiss to the other’s forehead, chuckling when Maia manages a slow, sleepy nod.
She’s half-way out the door, ready to take her jacket from the coatrack like every morning only to find it’s not there. She glances quickly around the room, hoping to spot it lying on the floor but the dim light is not helping in figuring out where the black leather had ended up last night when she had impatiently tugged it off her shoulders. The phone in her hand buzzes once more, an insistent vibration shooting up her arm and a clear message. It’s urgent. So, Izzy doesn’t really think much about it. Instead of searching the half-lit room and waking up her girlfriend for good, she takes one of Maia’s own, sliding her arms into the sleeves as she closes the door behind her. There’s a chilling breeze blowing through the streets, crisp late winter air biting at her cheeks and turning breaths into white smoke but it does nothing to take away from the warm, familiar scent that surrounds Isabelle as she pulls the jacket tighter around her; dark leather and a soft note of the shampoo always on hand in Maia’s shower and well, this might make this Sunday morning a little sweeter.
Night has already fallen outside, painting the sky a deep blue but the glow from the city lights chase away any darkness. It’s been a long day, the hours rushing by with one task after another; demon attacks and patrol hours and then a few blood samples she had to look at. Her neck hurts, pain pulling all the way down her shoulders whenever Izzy tries to roll them back, the downside of being crouched over a microscope for one and a half hours trying to decode demon ichor. As she makes her way through the Institute, turning corners with jacket tugged over her arm and ready to leave, her eyes scan Maia’s text from this afternoon once more. It’s simple, really, telling her when her shift ends and asking if they want to grab dinner together and while that alone is reason enough to bring a smile to Izzy’s lips, it’s the small purple heart emoji at the end of the message that makes her own skip a beat or two.
When she pokes her head through the door to Alec’s office her brother is sitting behind the desk, head resting upon one of his hands and the other typing away upon a tablet. Blue light cuts over his face when he looks up at her. “You heading out?” She nods, stepping inside the room as she slides her arms into the sleeves of Maia’s jacket. (She had contemplated changing into one of her own when she had gotten to the Institute and after taking a quick shower. But it looked good paired with the black skinny jeans and the red sweater and she was late already.) “Yeah, I’m picking up Maia from the Hunter’s Moon.” Isabelle Lightwood doesn’t do blushing, especially not when she has been dating the girl in question for months and especially not in front of her brother who she usually teases about how whipped he is for a certain warlock. But the grin upon her lips, the spark lighting inside of her dark eyes is enough to tell how much she just wants to get out of these walls, to leave work and problems and demons behind and find comfort in someone else’s smiles and touches.
“Alright. Tell her I said ‘hi’.” Alec does his best not to tease her, obvious in the way his lips press together to hide his smirk and the knowing raise of his eyebrows before he turns towards reports and messages once more.
“I will. Good night, big brother.”
The bar is bustling with activity; voices, shouts and laughter echoing through the space and a relaxed night time energy enveloping anyone as soon as they enter. The warm light spills over booths occupied by vampires, the pool table in the back where three werewolves are arguing but with grins upon their faces. It doesn’t take Izzy long to spot Maia behind the bar, whirling around to place drinks in front of a Seelie girl, accepting several bills and grinning at something a warlock to her left had said to no one in particular. She’s good at this, Izzy knows, joking and talking and getting people to talk, making them feel welcome and safe in times when so much is uncertain. It’s how she ends up with a lot more tips at the end of the night than some of the other bartenders. Slowly, Izzy pushes through the crowd until she reaches the far end of the bar counter, leaning against the exit of it and waiting for Maia to spot her. The blues and reds from the ‘Cold Beer’ sign dance upon her skin and it makes Izzy think of the time they walked along the East River, fingers intertwined and just talking. Maia had told her silly stories about her pack members, embarrassing times of turning or hilarious dinners together, laughing fondly with eyes crinkled at the corners and her head thrown back and Izzy couldn’t help but lean in to taste the smile on her lips. It had been a little messy because Maia was still laughing and had made a surprised sound in the back of her throat and Izzy had been far too eager, hands cupping the other’s jaw but like any other kiss it made her heart flutter, a slow warmth spreading and a feeling of knowing; knowing how right and good and special this is.
When Maia’s eyes find her now, Isabelle expects a smile and a wave of her hand as she finishes the drink she’s mixing at the moment. Instead her eyes widen, the initial smile giving way to her mouth parting and her gaze ghosting over Izzy with a familiar intensity, one that makes her own skin tingle and her tongue dart out to glide over her lower lip. It’s the kind of look when she has her legs wrapped around Maia’s waist and kisses her jaw; when she straddles her lap and her fingertips ghost over exposed skin. It’s the kind of look she couldn’t tear her eyes away from even if she wanted to (and she really, really doesn’t want to).
A shout breaks them out of their staring, Maia’s eyes flickering down and a curse slipping past her lips. Izzy can’t hear it above the noise but she sees the way her lips form the word fuck and heat flashes down her spine, mouth going a little dry. Her own eyes follow Maia’s and she can’t help but chuckle softly at the mess: the drink all over the counter now instead of the glass she had been preparing.
It takes Maia a few more minutes to clean everything up and serve a new drink to the knowingly grinning warlock but her eyes flicker over to Isabelle every so often, shaking her head with a fond smile. When she finally makes her way towards the end of the bar Izzy barely has the time to mutter a hello before hands curl around her jacket and pull her in close for a short but determined kiss; one that tastes of hey and I missed you and definitely a hint of I want to be closer to you. It ends too soon, much too soon for her liking but she blinks her eyes open and realizes they are still in the middle of the bar with people watching and Maia’s shift doesn’t end for another twenty minutes. “Hi”, she whispers, a little out of breath and smirks light up both their features.
“Hi yourself.” Maia’s gaze drifts over her once more, ghosting over the whole length of her body and something inside Izzy’s chest shifts, that slow familiar heat but pride too because that look inside her girlfriend’s eyes, the way they linger on the holster strapped tightly to her thigh? That’s her doing and oh, she’s feeling more than just a little smug that this caused Maia’s brain to short-circuit.
“You’re wearing my jacket.” And before she can say something teasing or shrug the jacket off her shoulders (she really, really doesn’t want to) Maia leans in for another kiss, only a short brushing of lips, the hint of a promise enough to have Isabelle leaning in for more, chasing the other’s mouth as she steps back. “Leave it on”, Maia says with a wink as she keeps walking backwards, holding her gaze confidently – because as much as Izzy clad in that dark leather jacket and a thigh holster strapped to her leg, leaning against the bar had left her breathless, she could so quickly do the same with that smug smile and that spark inside her eyes.
Izzy leaves the jacket on for the rest of the night as they walk hand in hand to grab dinner and the short way to Maia’s home afterwards, laughing and talking about their days. It only comes off when their conversation dies down and Maia presses her down to the mattress, a knowing grin upon her lips as she kisses away the “Shut up”, already upon the tip of her girlfriend’s tongue.
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andrewjosephminyard · 7 years
Can you write Maia and Izzy headcanons ?
- nearly every week, they go to the park late at night with a blanket and a picnic basket and they just lay there, staring up at the sky, izzy’s head resting on maia’s shoulder as maia gently runs her fingers through her girlfriends hair as they talk quietly to each other and point out the different constellations, recalling the stories behind each one.- the stars have always been one of izzy’s favourite things ever since she was a kid, so for their one year anniversary, maia got a star named after izzy as a gift. she’ll never forget how bright izzy’s smile was as happy tears ran down her cheeks, how she threw herself into maia’s arms, repeated whispers of “I love you” filling the air.- izzy always insists on sitting with maia when she’s studying because she loves the way maia’s nose scrunches up slightly when she doesn’t understand something in her textbook and she loves the small proud smile that makes its way onto maia’s face when she finally finishes an essay.- they’re the worst for getting over competitive at board games and video games. every week they go to game night (simon’s idea) at the loft (ofc magnus hosts it) and it’s always the two of them left playing as everyone else backs out so they can watch in amusement as izzy and maia playfully argue. but you can bet your ass that if they play some sort of knowledge/trivia game, they always team up and end up destroying every other player.- as a graduation gift for maia, izzy takes her to australia so they can go scuba diving at the great barrier reef because she knows it’s something maia has always wanted to do. it’s one of those trips that ends up having such a special place in both of their hearts.- izzy has this oversized hoodie that she always wears to bed when it’s cold and sometimes she lends it to maia so when the hoodie goes missing, it’s not hard to figure out where it’s gone. maia claims it’s not her fault that the hoodie is so soft and warm and always smells like her girlfriend and when she wears it at home, it almost feels like izzy is with her. izzy doesn’t mind though, because when she sees maia wearing her it the next time she sleeps over, sleeves pulled down so they cover her hands and a tired yet loving smile resting on her face, izzy knows that image alone is worth the loss of her favourite hoodie.
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cat-loss · 7 years
shadowhunters group chat on groupme !! message me or reply here if you want to be added !!! everybody is welcome as long as you don't ship rizzy clalec or jalec :~)
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scalira · 8 years
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Femslash February: Isabelle/Maia 
 I’m a wanderess I’m a one night stand Don’t belong to no city Don’t belong to no man I’m the violence in the pouring rain I’m a hurricane
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ofparabatai · 7 years
petition to get the shadowhunters fandom to agree on a ship name for maia/izzy so u can actually find content for them 
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merciganimard · 8 years
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I am blessed and also very gay
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lookoolah · 7 years
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enkelimagnus · 7 years
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
I have nothing against them, I just... don’t mind them but don’t care about them. 
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miquellaslily · 8 years
softfaeiry replied to your post “wowp sh au”
but also...this is so izzymaia too...u know who's alec's brother? u know who's a hot werewolf?? hmmm
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moonlightperseus · 8 years
could you do a halloween izzymaia drabble?
I hope this isn’t too out of character for Maia, I haven’t read the books so my knowledge of Maia is very limited but I tried my best. Let me know what you think?
“I can’t believe you talked me into doing this.” Maia muttered as she followed Isabelle around the thrift store. 
Isabelle rolled her eyes, linking her arm with Maia’s. “It’s Halloween, Maia, live a little.”
“Our life is Halloween, Iz.” Maia pointed out.
“Yes but today we can enjoy it!” Isabelle exclaimed. “You can dress up as whoever- or whatever you want.”
“Can I be a mundane who’s girlfriend isn’t ridiculous?” Maia teased, examining a jean jacket. 
Isabelle gave Maia a mock glare before a grin broke out on her face. “That gives me an idea for our costumes!”
“Ta-da!” Isabelle exclaimed, jumping out from behind the curtain where she was changing. 
Isabelle was wearing one of those faux fur hats with wolf ears and the paws attached with a matching faux fur vest, silver tank and skinny jeans and faux fur boots. 
Isabelle did a little spin, showing off her costume. “I’m a wolf.”
Maia raised an eyebrow, an amused smirk on her lips. “And who am I gonna be?”
Isabelle held out a jean jacket with the words ‘wolf tamer’ sewn onto the back, a bright smile on her lips.
“You’re kidding.” Maia said, taking the jacket and staring at it incredulously.
“Nope.” Isabelle said, popping the ‘p’. “I’ve got the rest of your outfit hanging up behind the curtain. We’re gonna meet up with the rest of the gang at Clary’s house. The party at Pandemonium starts at ten.”
Maia glanced at her phone. “It’s not even seven yet?”
“We’re gonna help Jocelyn hand out candy to the trick or treaters beforehand,” Isabelle explained, gently pushing Maia towards the curtain. “Now get changed, please.”
“Ooh, Maia look. That kid has a dog!” Isabelle said, pulling her girlfriend aside.
Maia raised an eyebrow. “And?”
Isabelle grinned. “You can use your werewolf powers to communicate with the pup and impress the kiddos!”
“You want me to use my badass werewolf powers to impress a group of seven year olds?” Maia asked, glancing between Isabelle and the group of kids. 
“It would make their day,” Isabelle replied with a bright smile. “to meet a real life dog whisperer. C’mon, it won’t do any harm, pleeaase?”
Maia sighed, unable to say no to that. “Alright, alright. If it will make their day.”
Isabelle grinned harder, grabbing Maia’s hand and dragging her over to the group of kids.
☆☆ ☆☆
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ghafahey · 7 years
okay but what are some songs you guys associate with maia/izzy? 👀🤔
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andrewjosephminyard · 7 years
If season 3 doesn't give us wlw then honestly what's the point
true though, let izzymaia rise and be badass girlfriends. also let aline get a girlfriend she deserves all the love in the world
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scalira · 8 years
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Femslash February: Clary/Isabelle/Maia 
There's something lonesome about you  Something so wholesome about you Get closer to me
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bi-magic · 8 years
simon meets maia first
after a while, he brings her to meet the shadowhuntersl, out of necessity
isabelle, being her confident, nonjudgemental, extremely pansexual self, flirts with her from the very first second, but all maia can do at that moment is growl
because all she can think is shadowhunter
and in her mind, that’s bad. she’s been taught for a long time that the nephilim are cruel, prejudiced, cold and untrustworthy
but this one is not cold nor prejudiced, and she doesn’t seem cruel, either
and maia almost trusts her but she doesn’t
because trusting people has never gotten her anywhere
and she refuses to fall for it again, for radiant smiles and warm eyes and general unearthly beauty because beauty is just another tool of deception. just like everything else
and it’s not like she trusts the redhead more, or the tall, brooding guy who apparently has a warlock boyfriend - which, what the fuck? that doesn’t sound very shadowhunter-ish of him. even though simon says they’re all okay, and she sorta does trust simon
either way, she doesn’t trust any of them much, because that would be naive and stupid and she’s neither
but the others don’t make as much efforts to worm their way into her fucking veins the way this girl does
and so maia makes sure isabelle knows she does not like her
she isn’t her friend and she doesn’t want to be
even though isabelle shows up to jade wolf sometimes and she seems to know when maia’s there
and she leans against the counter and flips her hair around and acts all flirty and maia is disgusted except not really
and sometimes she even fucking shows up to the hunter’s moon???? like what the fuck this shadowhunter won’t leave me alone i can’t even have a quiet moment at my own job
and she orders a drink and sips it so gracefully, red lipstick not smudging one bit and isabelle knows all the werewolves are looking at her, and maia knows she knows but she doesn’t seem to care and just keeps showing up almost every day and flirting and talking on and on and maia is e x a s p e r a t e d but is she really?? who can tell
“simon she won’t leave me alone what the actual hell” “you know, she just got out of a relationship........” “what the FUCK, simon”
“i’ve never seen izzy act like this around anyone before,” clary says one day, and maia sort of got along with her until this precise moment, in which she decides she should feed her to the pups. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.” she answers, and clary smiles: “you’d be cute together.”
and then she walks away and maia is left to wonder what exactly her and izzy would be like.... you know..... together
and wow this got super long so the rest is under a cut wtf
and she’s always known she was bi, she was always cool with it as well - honestly, it makes her even more different than the people where she grew up and she likes that
and she’s had her fucking fair share of guys for the time being
and she’s seen pretty girls before, but none of them were ever as stunning as this one, and god fucking damn, she just had to be a shadowhunter, didn’t she?
so maybe lately she’s been imagining herself and isabelle together a lot a little more. imagined tracing the girl’s warm skin, holding her hand, touching her hair, kissing her
and what the hell, this is OUTRAGEOUS
and so she pretends the option doesn’t even exist, even though she’s beginning to really like the idea of walking down the street with isabelle’s hand in hers, them laughing at something idiotic
and so isabelle continues in her efforts to make maia like and trust her
maia continues in her efforts to show this goddamn shadowhunter that she doesn’t like nor trust her and never will
and then this one time they’re in a battle
countless circle members and demons and they thought they had a plan but apparently the asshole was one step ahead of them and now they’re crazy outnumbered in valentine morgenstern’s home field
thankfully, they find what they’d come looking for - some blond guy who’s apparently an outstanding demon hunter - and manage to get out of there
but isabelle gets hurt
like, badly hurt
and magnus - the previously mentioned warlock boyfriend who is an incredibly cool guy, by the way - does his best to heal her, but everyone’s still so nervous
alec sits next to her bed for almost 30 hours before his boyfriend and his parabatai drag him out of there to get some sleep
clary, simon and maia are left standing outside isabelle’s hospital wing room
and maia looks at both of them and asks, surprisingly soft and quiet and a little ashamed: “do you guys mind if i go in?”
and this is probably the first time they hear maia being vulnerable and they’re both so shocked they just nod
she goes in and sits down
not on the chair where her brother sat before, because that seems disrespectful, but on the edge of the bed
she takes isabelle’s hand in hers and she’s always imagined her skin would be boiling hot but it’s cool now and maia doesn’t know if that’s something to worry about but god, she hopes it isn’t
she uses her free hand to brush through the girl’s hair, trace her features softly, touch the bloody shirt
she bites her lip and looks away because fuck, she’s terrified
her gaze falls on izzy’s whip, sitting on the nightstand
and she knows how incredibly strong this girl is, knows how much she can endure, and just prays to anyone out there who might hear that she survives this, too
“hey, isabelle - izzy,” she breathes, tucking away a stray curl. “i think it’s time i start calling you that.”
and she talks a bit, in a quiet, steady voice and slightly trembling hands, something about how powerful she is and how she “can make it through this, you have to make it though this, i don’t want another almost, i don’t think i can live with another almost”
and then izzy’s eyelids flutter
maia’s heart almost bursts from her chest
her grip on the girl’s hands is so tight it must hurt
and apparently it does - izzy’s first word is a mumbled, weak, almost sarcastic “ow”
and suddenly maia can breathe
“go on a date with me,” she blurts out, swallowing
a breathy laugh escapes faintly red lips, “really? this is all it took to get you to go out with me? i’ll almost die every day, then”
before she can think, maia cackles out a “don’t you dare”
she brushes her fingers through izzy’s hair one last time, slowly shifting away
“i should get the others”
a hand wraps around her wrist, and izzy’s soft “wait” is all it takes to break her
she sits back down and leans her head, and isabelle is already on her elbows, meeting her halfway
it’s a gentle yet passionate kiss, with the chasteness of a first kiss but the desperate, relieving, overwhelming sensation of “i almost lost you” and the even worse one of “i almost lost you before i had you”
when they pull away, izzy runs a long finger on maia’s lips and smiles tenderly
but a second later it becomes a smug grin
“seriously, did i really have to almost die for this?”
maia slaps her shoulder playfully, almost gently
because, well, she did just almost die
and then leans in again, murmuring a “fuck you”
a few minutes later, everyone is in the room
maia stands furthest away from the bed as everyone hugs izzy
but they can’t stop smiling at each other
they’ve tried, you see, they just really can’t
simon looks between them and goes “almost dying seems to be a real uplifting experience”
next thing he knows, a pillow is thrown at him and a clawed hand is gripping at his bicep
“wow okay sorry..........wasn’t the almost dying thing, then, gotcha”
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