#izzy x maia
Magnus Bane is the actual goddamn mother fucking love of my life and no one can tell me any different end of fucking conversation
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clubartaesthetic · 13 days
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I know I have a series on my ao3 account called "my tiny ass fandom fest" for small fandoms but I feel like I should have another one titled "absolute fucking rarepairs" because I have some ships for fandoms that over 30k fics but I'm writing a pairing so small they have below fifty fics (some all the way to BELOW TEN bc I'm the only one writing them).
...all of which is to say I don't know how my Riley/Ivan/Chase fic got so popular in the Dino Charge fandom because up until a few months ago I was the ONLY ONE writing for them.
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x-ceirios-x · 26 days
City of Lost Souls, Chapter 11: Ascribe All Sin 
please see the masterlist for notes about this series/collection of works
Magnus said that no electricity could be used during the summoning of Azazel, so the loft apartment was lit only by candlelight. The candles burned in a circle in the center of the room, all different heights and brightness, though they shared a similar blue-white flame.  
Inside the circle, a pentagram had been drawn by Magnus, using a small tree branch that had burned the pattern of overlapping triangles into the floor. In between the spaces formed by the pentagram were symbols unlike anything Simon had ever seen before: not quite letters and not quite runes, they gave off a chilly sense of menace despite the heat of the candle flames. 
It was dark outside the windows now, the sort of dark that came with the early sunsets of approaching winter. Rowan, Alec, Simon, and finally, Magnus—who was chanting aloud from Forbidden Rites—each stood at one cardinal point around the circle. Magnus’s voice rose and fell, the Latin words like a prayer, but one that was inverted and sinister.
The flames rose higher and the symbols carved into the floor began to burn black. Chairman Meow,  who had been watching from a corner of the room, hissed and fled into the shadows. The blue-white flames rose, and now Simon could hardly see Magnus through them. The room was getting hotter, the warlock chanting faster, his black hair curling in the humid heat, sweat gleaming on his cheekbones. “Quod tumeraris: per Jehovah, Gehennam, et consecratam aquam quam nunc spargo, signumque crucis quod nunc facio, et per vote nostra, ispe nunc surgat nobis dicatus Azazel!”
There was a burst of fire from the center of the pentagram, and a thick black wave of smoke rose, dissipating slowly through the room, making everyone but Simon cough and choke. It swirled like a whirlpool, coalescing slowly in the center of the pentagram into the figure of a man. 
Simon blinked. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but it wasn’t this. A tall man with auburn hair, neither young nor old—an ageless face, inhuman and cold. Broad-shouldered, dressed in a well-cut black suit and shining black shoes. Around each wrist was a dark red groove, the markers of some sort of binding, rope or metal, that had cut into the skin over many years. In his eyes were leaping red flames. 
He spoke. “Who summons Azazel?” His voice was like metal grinding on metal. Next to him on the pentagram, Simon saw Rowan grit their teeth and flinched. 
“I do,” Magnus firmly shut the book he was holding. “Magnus Bane.”
Azazel craned his head slowly toward Magnus.is head seemed to swivel unnaturally on his neck, like the head of a snake. “Warlock,” he said. “I know who you are.”
Magnus raised his eyebrows. “You do?”
“Summoner. Binder. Destroyer of the demon Marbas. Son of—”
“Now,” said Magnus quickly. “There’s no need to go into all that.”
“But there is.” Azazel sounded reasonable, even amused. “If it is infernal assistance you require, why not summon your father?”
Alec was looking at Magnus with his mouth open. Simon felt for him. He didn’t think any of them had ever assumed that Magnus even knew who his father was, beyond that he had been a demon who had tricked his mother into believing he was her husband. Alec clearly knew no more about it than the rest of them, which, Simon imagined, was probably something he wasn’t too happy about.
“My father and I are not on the best of terms,” said Magnus. “I would prefer  not to involve him.”
Azazel raised his hands. “As you say, Master. You hold me within the seal. What do you demand?”
Magnus said nothing , but it was clear from the expression on Azazel’s face that the warlock was speaking to him silently, mind to mind. The flames leaped and danced in the demon’s eyes, like eager children listening to a story. “Clever Lilith,” the demon said at last. “To raise the boy from death, and secure his life by binding him to someone whom you cannot bear to kill. She was always better at manipulating human emotions than most of us—most. Perhaps because she was something close to human once.”
“Is there a way?” Magnus sounded impatient. “To break the bond between them?”
Azazel shook his head. “Not without killing them both.”
“Then, is there a way to harm Sebastian only, without hurting Jace?” It was Rowan, eager but a rage held in their eyes; Magnus shot them a quelling look. 
“Not with any weapon I might create, or have at my disposal,” said Azazel. “I can craft only weapons whose alliance is demonic. A bolt of lightning from the hand of an angel, perhaps, might burn away what evil is in Valentine’s son and either break their time or cause it to become more benevolent in nature. If I might make a suggestion…”
“Oh,” said Magnus, narrowing his cat’s eyes, “please do.”
“I can think of a simple solution that will separate the boys, keep yours alive, and neutralize the danger of the other one. And I will ask very little of you in return.”
“You are my servant,” Magnus said. “If you wish to leave this pentagram, you will do what I ask, and not demand favors in return.”
Azazel hissed, and fireccurlked from his lips. “If I am not bound here, then I am bound there. It makes little difference to me.”
“‘For this is Hell, nor am I out of it,’” said Magnus, with the air of someone quoting an old saying. 
Azazel showed a metallic smile. “You may not be proud like old Faustus, warlock, but you are impatient. I am sure my willingness to remain in this pentagram will outlast your desire to keep watch over me inside it.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Magnus said. “I’ve always been fairly bold where decorating is concerned, and having you here does add that little touch of extra something to the room.”
“Magnus,” Alec said, clearly not thrilled at the idea of an immortal demon taking up residence in his boyfriend’s loft.
“Jealous, little Shadowhunter?” Azazel grinned  at Alec. “Your warlock is not my type, and besides, I would hardly want to anger his—”
“Enough,” Magnus said. “Tell us what the ‘little’ thing you want in return for your plan is.”
Azazel temples his hands—hard, workman’s hands, the color of blood, topped with black nails. “One happy memory,” he said. “From each of you. Something to amuse me while I am bound like Prometheus to his rock.”
“A memory?” Rowan demanded. “It would vanish? We couldn't remember it anymore?”
Azazel squinted at them through the flames. “What are you, little one? A Nephilim? Yes, I would take your memory and it would become mine. You would no longer know that it had happened to you. Although, please do avoid giving me memories of demons you’ve slaughtered under the light of the moon. Not the sort of thing I enjoy. No, I want these to be…personal.” He grinned, and his teeth gleamed like iron portcullis.
“I’m old,” Magnus said. “I have many memories. I would give one up, if needed. But I cannot speak for the rest of you. No one should be forced to give up something like this.” His eyes settled on Rowan, next to him. 
Rowan made a strangled noise that sounded somewhere between a laugh and a muffled cry. They cursed. “This is just amazing, you know that?” they said, bitterness seeping into their tone as they looked at the demon. Simon thought they looked like they wanted to jump through the pentagram and punch him clean in the face. 
“Rowan,” Alec said with his usual older-brotherly tone, temporarily pulling their attention away from the demon. He was across the pentagram from them and they had to squint through the smoke to see him. “It’s for Jace.” It was quiet for a moment, when he added, “please.”
Their jaw set. They crossed their arms over their chest, resolute in their anger. “For Jace,” they muttered, shooting a glare at Alec. “And to get Jensen home.”
Alec nodded. “You know my answer,” he said to Magnus, and then it was Simon’s turn. He thought suddenly of Jace, cutting his wrist and giving him his blood in the tiny room on Valentine’s boat. Risking his own life for Simon’s. It might have been for Clary’s sake at its heart, but it was still a debt. And he thought of Jensen, the little boy who had his heart broken by losing his parabatai, Max, and how he’d finally started to look happy when he’d met him that night, asking about how to read some manga he’d bought. He thought of how distraught Rowan was when he disappeared, and the guilt that pooled in his stomach when he realized he might have been the last person to see him that day. “I’m in.”
“Good,” Magnus said. “All of you, try to think of happy memories. They must be genuinely happy. Something that gives you pleasure in the ecollection.” He shot a sour glance at the smug demon in the pentagram. 
“I’m ready,” Alec said. He stood with his eyes closed, his back straight as if braced for pain. Magnus moved towards him and laid his fingers against his forehead, murmuring softly. 
Simon’s hand itched to reach for Rowan, to tell them it would be okay and reassure them that another memory missing wouldn’t be the worst thing because they would go on and make new, better ones. He offered them an encouraging smile, one that they sadly returned. Their mouth twitched into a frown, and he could hear, just barely, their breath was uneven and shaky. 
Magnus turned to them next. He whispered something to them, something like an apology, and did the same as he did to Alec. He watched as their expression hardened and they wiped the tear away, like they didn't remember what they were upset about in the first place. 
Simon hastily shut his eyes and tried to summon a happy memory—something to do with Clary? But so many of his memories of her were tinged now with his worry over her wellbeing. Something from when they were very young? An image swam to the forefront of his mind—a hot summer day at Coney Island, him on his father’s shoulders, Rebecca running behind them, training a handful of balloons. Looking up at the sky, trying to find the shapes in the clouds, and the sound of his mother’s laughter. No, he thought, not that. I don't want to lose that—
There was a cool touch on his forehead. He opened his eyes and saw Magnus lowering his hand. Simon blinked at him, his mind suddenly blank. “But I wasn’t thinking of anything,” he protested. 
Magnus’s cat eyes were sad. “Yes, you were.”
Simon glanced around the room feeling a little dizzy. The others looked the same, as if they were awkwaening from a strange dream; he caught Rowan’s eye, the piercing, icy blue, staring through him rather than at him. He frowned. He wondered what they had thought about, what happiness they had given away. They didn’t deserve to give up any of it with how little he knew they had these days. 
A low rumble from the center of the pentagram drew his gaze from Rowan. Azazel stood, as close to the edge of the pattern as he could, a slow growl of hunger coming from his throat. Magnus turned and looked at him, a look of disgust on his face. His hand was closed into a fist and something seemed to be shining between his fingers as if he held a witchlight runestone. He turned and flung it, fast and sideways, into the center of the pentagram. Simon’s vampire vision tracked it. It was a bead of light that expanded into a circle holding multiple images. Simon saw a piece of azure ocean, a glimpse of Magnus’s face, a boy with blue eyes, a city skyline with two figures standing on the roof of a building—and then Azazel opened his arms and the circle of images vanished into his body, like a stray piece of trash stacked into the fuselage of a jet plane. 
Azazel gasped. His eyes, which had been darting flickers of red flame, blazed like bonfires now, and his voice crackled when he spoke. “Ahhh. Delicious.”
Magnus spoke sharply.  “Now for your side of the bargain.”
The demon licked his lips. “The solution to your problems is this. You release me into the world, and I take Valentine’s son and bring him living into Hell. He will not die, and therefore your Jace will live, but he will have left this world behind, and slowly their connection will burn away. You will have your friend back.”
“And then what?” Magnus said slowly. “We release you into the world, and then you return and let yourself be bound again?”
Azazel laughed. “Of course not, foolish warlock. The price of the favor is my freedom.”
“Freedom?” Alec spoke, sounding incredulous. “A Prince of Hell, set free in the world? We already gave you our memories—”
“The memories were the price you paid to hear my plan,” said Azazel. “My freedom is what you pay to have my plan enacted. There are worse things,” he grinned, “much older, darker things than even myself.”
Magnus frowned. “That is a cheat and you know it. You ask for the impossible.”
“So do you,” said Azazel. “Of his own will or under compunction, it does not matter. You are asking me to sever a bond only Heaven can sever. But Heaven will not help you; you know that as well as I. That is why men summon demons and not angels, is it not? This is the price you pay for my intervention. If you do not want to pay it, you must learn to accept what you’ve lost.”
Magnus’s face was pale and tight.  “We will converse among ourselves and discuss whether your offer is acceptable. In the meantime I banish you.” He waved his hand, and Azazel vanished, leaving behind the smell of charred wood. 
The four people in the room stared at one another incredulously. “What he is asking for,” Alec said finally, “it isn’t possible.”
“Theoretically anything is possible,” said Magnus, staring ahead as if into an abyss. “But to loose a Greater Demon on the world—not just a Greater Demon, a Prince of Hell, second only to Lucifer himself—the destruction he would wreak—”
“Couldn’t Sebastian do the same?” Rowan asked. “He could, couldn’t he? He could destroy everything.”
“Like Magnus said,” Simon put in bitterly, “anything’s possible.”
“There could be almost no greater crime in the eyes of the Clave,” said Magnus. “Whoever loosed Azazel upon the world would be a wanted criminal.”
“But we could destroy Sebastian,” Rowan started, though Magnus gave them little room to argue. 
“We don’t have proof Sebastian is plotting anything,” said Magnus. “For all we know, all he wants is to settle down in a nice country house in Idris.”
“With Clary and Jace? And what about Jensen?” Alec said incredulously. 
Magnus shrugged. “Who knows what he wants with them. Maybe he’s just lonely.”
“Yeah, because a twelve year old is amazing company for a murderer,” Rowan said bitterly. “He’s planning something.”
They all looked at Simon. “Clary’s trying to find out what. She needs some time. And don’t say, ‘We don’t have time,’” he added, “she knows that.”
Alec raked a hand through his dark hair. “Fine, but we just wasted a whole day. A day we didn’t have. No more stupid ideas.” His voice was uncharacteristically sharp. 
“Alec,” Magnus said. He put a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder; Alec was standing still, staring angrily at the floor. “Are you okay?”
Alec looked at him. “Who are you again?”
Magnus gave a little gasp; he looked—for the first time Simon could remember—actually unnerved. It lasted only for a moment, but it was there. “Alexander,” he said. 
“Too soon to joke about the happy memory thing, I take it,” Alec said. 
“You think?” Magnus’s voice soared. Rowan winced. Before he could say anything else, the door swung open and Maia and Jordan came in. Their cheeks were red from the cold, and—Simon saw with a small start—Maia was wearing Jordan’s leather jacket. 
“We just came from the station,” she said excitedly. “Luke hasn’t woken up yet, but it looks like he’s going to be all right—” She broke off, looking around at the still-glimmering pentagram, the clouds of black smoke, and the scorched patches on the floor. “Okay, what have you guys been doing?”
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tscclace · 9 months
Still unhappy about the Simon cheating plot😭
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surviving and living, a thin line
@indigothemuse, because i finally remembered i have a taglist (you). is max lightwood technically dead? yes. will i listen to canon? fucking never
summary: Surviving is all Jace needs. All anyone ever said he needs. But life creeps in, who is he to stop it?
Surviving. It’s what Shadowhunters do, what they learn to do as children and are expected to do until they don’t. Survive, survive, survive. 
But nobody ever says anything about living. Or Jace just didn’t hear anything if they did. So he learns his runes, his weapons, the languages, the democracy, the strategy. Survive, survive, survive. That’s all he ever hears. 
Life was an afterthought, something he didn’t really need. What needed was to survive, and one doesn’t need to live to survive. So he didn’t. He survived in broken bones, bleeding knuckles, chipped teeth, healing runes. Survive, survive, survive. That’s all he ever does. 
Nightmares wake him up stifling screams, dry heaving, heart pounding, fingernails digging in. He dealt with it, living off caffeine and desperation at the age of ten. Maryse and Robert never wonder who’s drinking the cups missing from the pot. Getting better is living, and that’s not what Jace has to do, and Jace only has to survive. Survive, survive, survive.
He becomes parabatai with Alec, the rune heavy on the inside of his wrist. It’s about survival. A parabatai is a promise of safety in the field, it’s a vow of your back being watched and an extension of yourself in another. It’s survival. It’s a battle. It’s war. Survive, survive, survive.
Max is there, following Jace. He wants to learn, but not to survive. Because he wants to live. Jace doesn’t understand, yet finds himself teaching Max anyway, giving Max the toy soldier, the only thing left from his father. It’s about survival, he tells himself, when Max is old he will be another watching my back. Survive, survive, survive. That’s what he tells himself.
Izzy teaches him how to dress, how to do makeup, how to dye hair. He tells himself it’s survival, if he needs to hide he can, change his appearance in a moment. But Izzy laughs and maybe he smiles, and maybe it’s for real. No, it’s gaining her trust. It’s survival, another pair of eyes who are trained on his back. Survive, survive, survive.
Clary and Simon come along. Clary’s angry, Simon’s a wonder. They’re both laughing and neither of them are of any use to him. But then Clary can make runes and she brings Simon along. It’s about survival, not the growth in his heart when Clary smiles or Simon laughs. Survive, survive, survive.
His father’s alive, really alive and really not Michael Wayland. Valentine. Valentine Morgenstern, Jace Morgenstern, Clary Morgenstern. One survives, two live. Jace tries to escape, tries to kill Valentine. It’s about survival, he tells himself. With Valentine alive, he’ll never survive. But the bile rising in his throat when the man smiles isn’t about survival. He swallows it down. Survive, survive, survive. That’s all this is about. 
There’s something odd about Simon. In the way he smiles, laughs, talks, moves, dances, sings, yells, screams, cries. In the way he wakes up screaming, crying, checking for a pulse he can’t feel. There’s a fire behind all of it, a fire that’s not just survival. It’s living. Survive, survive, survive. That’s what Jace wants to do, right?
Magnus drags him out of the gym, a quick healing spell on the knuckles he has never wrapped. There’s not mention of Alec, who always tries to get Jace out. He gets Jace a new wardrobe, makeup of his own, a dye job so good it looks real. The pink looks odd, leaving a flutter in Jace’s heart, tears stuck in his throat, a hug on his arms, dancing in his fingers. He doesn’t. That’s not survival, so Jace pushes it down but he knows Magnus saw that smile. Survive, survive, survive. Is that all he’s doing?
Maia and Simon drag him to Simon’s apartment, putting on a movie they call a slasher, telling him he hasn’t seen a movie until he’s watched a two star horror movie. They laugh and talk the whole time. Jace lets a small laugh out, and maybe his fingers dance a bit. Maia and Simon don’t just survive, not like him. Survive, survive, survive. Maybe he wants more.
Alec and Izzy are there at his next nightmare, where he let himself scream when he woke. They hold him, rub where his fingernails dug in, putting on Batman band-aids Clary bought for Max. He cries into Alec’s shoulder, holds Izzy’s hand, doesn’t talk about the things he saw, and they don’t need him to. Max joins, silent as he joins in, tapping out I-T-S O-K-A-Y in the morse code Jace taught him. This isn’t survival, but Jace does it anyway. And maybe he does it over and over again. Survive, survive, live.
He sits down with Simon, teaching him piano with all the gentle touch and words he didn’t get. Simon messes up, Jace puts his fingers on the right keys, the ache of a snap fading in his own. Simon sees the tears gathering on his brass eyelashes, he waits, cries along with Jace when he talks about what happened in that Manor for the first time. Survive, survive, live.
Game night at Magnus’. The first one Jace goes to. They welcome him with cheers and smiles, act like he’s always come. No touches are given, and maybe for the first time in a long time he would accept them without a flinch first. When Raphael wins Monopoly, he gives Jace a smile and there’s that flutter in his heart that means not-just-survival. Survive, live, live.
Alec, Izzy, and Max listen as Jace talks. Voice cracking, tears falling, fingernails kept from digger by Lightwood hands, body aching with bruises long gone. They apologize for things done by a man so hardly a man. They promise safety. They say wipe away tears and hold him once they make sure it’s allowed. Survive, live, live.
Tessa and Jem tell him stories about Will, hearts aching with bittersweet love lost. Jace feels family grow. Aunt Tess, Uncle Jem. Not blood, but water is better anyway. To hell with the thick red running in his veins, Aunt Tess, Uncle Jem, little Mina, cousin Kit, whose more brother than cousin. Only Kit is blood, but no better than any of the rest. Survive, live, live.
Simon and Maia laugh over a Player’s Handbook he doesn’t really understand. Green dice, numbered in gold are rolled. A sheet of paper is filled, and they help him all the way through creating a character. They teach him the rules, show him what to do. He feels warmth grow up from his stomach when they listen to him talk about the weapons in their game, explain how they work, where they’re from. When his fingers dance, Simon and Maia smiles and Jace realizes his finger dance is Simon’s rock, Maia’s hand flap. Survive, live, live. 
Alec, Izzy, and Max laugh with Jace over too much food ordered at Taki’s. Jace smiles, laughs, talks, fingers dancing when they listen to him talk about Shakespeare. He explains the tragedy of Hamlet, and the jokes they speak are never about him. Max sees his fingers dance and tells Jace how he likes to bounce. Alec and Izzy smiles and know, never mock or try to stop. This isn’t survival, and it’s better than just that. Live, live, live.
Maia and Simon ask him to a movie at Simon’s apartment. Food is tossed into mouths, Jace’s fingers dance, Simon rocks on the balls of his feet, Maia’s hands flap. Maia lays her head on Simon’s lap, asks to put her feet in Jace’s. A yes is said, and he means it. Hesitation when kisses are asked next, they don’t. Simon and Maia don’t ask again. The next week another movie, Simon curled against Maia, hand entwined with Jace. Kisses are asked for, and this time Jace knows he wants it. They make sure, he is. Live, live, live. 
Magnus takes him shopping again, Aunt Tess and Uncle Jem come to. Jem tells him about violin, offers Jace lessons when interest is shown. Magnus knows a place, just like he always does. Aunt Tess shows him her favorite books, Jace shows her his. Magnus buys them, shaking off offers to pay him back with laughs and it’s no problem. Live, live, live. 
Shadowhunters are taught to survive, nobody talks about living. But Jace won’t just survive anymore. He’ll live. He’ll heal, even if the nightmares don’t go away, even if unwelcome touch still causes a flinch. Live, live, live. A lesson he had to learn, but a welcome one. 
Live, live, live. What is survival without the life behind it? Live, live, live. That is what Jace will do.
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misfittq · 2 years
Clary: I'm so happy, I could kiss you! Maia: Um...Neat. later Maia, lying face down on their bed: I said "Neat," Simon. Who the fuck says neat these days? It's not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I'm fucking stupid. Simon, reading a book: Don't beat yourself up too much, Maia. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Izzy confessed their love for me? Maia: Didn't you thank them? Simon: closes the book and looks at the ceiling I fucking thanked them.
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Shadowhunter masterlist
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i got the boy - jake seresin x reader
angsty thing based off this request by @itzyogurl92
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“Y/n?” your friend calls your name nervously, grabbing your attention from your phone. You hum, looking up at Isabelle to see her staring at her phone suspiciously. 
“Isn’t this Jake?” She shoves the device toward you and when you inspect the photo on instagram clearly, you see that Izzy’s right. There, in one of her friend’s instagram posts is the one and only Jake Seresin, standing with who you assume is his new wife. 
He’s all dressed up - obviously, it’s clearly his wedding day - and the sight is weird to see. Back in high school you couldn’t even get this boy to wear a dress shirt to prom. Of course his mother - bless her - forced him into nice attire, but he still showed up in a baseball cap. Let’s just say your photos from that night looked a bit funny.
“So what do you think?” you ask, spinning in the beautiful dress you picked out. The skirt swirls around you gracefully as you do, the light catching on the satin and making it shine. You’d decided to get dressed at his house, considering his mom was basically your mom and she was going to drive you to the dance. 
Jake smiles and pulls you close, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I think you look wonderful darlin’.”
“I wish I could say the same for you,” you tease, pulling away to take in his ridiculous outfit again. He’s dressed in a white dress shirt, tie knotted messily under the collar, with his letterman jacket on top and topped off with his signature baseball hat. 
“What, you don’t like it?” he feigns hurt, stepping back and copying your twirl mockingly.
“Babe, it’s fine. It’s just… do you have to wear the hat?” you ask him. 
“THAT’S WHAT I SAID!” his mom calls out from the other room, causing you to double over in laughter. 
“Don’t make fun of me,” he pouts adorably, crossing his arms and stomping like a child, “You know I love this hat.”
You pull him over to you by his tie, looking him directly in the eyes as you fix it for him. “I know you do, baby, I’m just teasing,” you say, eyes darting from his eyes to his lips. He gulps nervously, pink dusting his cheeks. Luckily for him, his mom walks in just then. 
“C’mon guys, not in my living room!” she scolds you jokingly. “It’s time to go, anyway. Let’s get in the car!” The two of you follow her to the garage, giggling like children and holding hands like the teenage lovers you were. 
The world had seemed so set in stone back then. You’d graduate in a couple weeks, he’d apply for the Naval Academy, you’d apply for Texas University, and the two of you would live happily ever after. 
It all seemed so perfect as you leaned your head on his shoulder, making eye contact through the rearview mirror as you drove through the city. Music played softly from the radio; I Got the Boy, by Jana Kramer. 
You hummed softly along, having known the lyrics since you were a child. Jake stayed silent for a bit, gazing lovingly at you as he listened. He leaned toward you and kissed the top of your head. 
“I can’t believe it’s almost over,” he said softly. You looked at him. “It just feels like it’s gone by so fast. It was just yesterday that we were stepping into the school for the first time.”
You smiled sadly. “I know. I don’t want it to be over, Jake.”
“Promise this is forever, Y/n. Promise me,” he urges, grasping your hand in his.
“I promise,” you whisper, and the two of you seal it with a kiss. No lust, just love. He holds you as best he can with both your seatbelts on and you tangle your hands in his hair.
“Promise me we’ll get through everything together?” you ask.
“I promise, baby. You’re my first kiss, and you’ll be my last, pretty girl, I swear it.” 
You scroll through the post, the second photo is one of the bride’s hand, with her large diamond ring. Your stomach rolls unpleasantly, the piece is almost identical to the one Jake promised he’d get you one day. When he gave you a dainty promise ring one summer.
“No way, he failed her?” Maia asks, jaw opened. She knew your history professor was strict but not that strict.
“Yeah and then-” you trail off, feeling a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
“Hi darlin’,” Jake greets you excitedly. You turn your head to face him, meeting his hyper eyes with a slightly confused glance. 
“Hi? What’s got you so excited, pretty boy?” you ask, and you feel his arms shift slightly before something cold is slipped onto your ring finger. You look down and a pretty gold ring with a pearl perched on top is sitting on your finger. 
“A promise ring,” Jake explains, “A promise that I’ll get down on one knee and give you a real one - diamond, gold, anything you want - and we can spend the rest of our lives together.”
“Aw, Jake,” you smile so hard your cheeks are hurting, “I don't even want another ring. I just want you,” you turn around and he wraps his arms around your legs, lifting you up slightly, so his head is tilted upward to kiss you.
You push the phone away when you see the last photo; a picture of him kissing her. Isabelle takes it back and pulls you into a hug. It reminds you of the summer before he moved. 
Jake pumped his fists in the air excitedly as the bouncer let him into the club. He had to have used a fake ID, because although you were born in the same year, you turned 18 before him. Meaning Jake was stuck sneaking into parties until the second month of the Academy, in which he’d probably try his best not to get too drunk anymore.
He grabbed your hand, immediately pulling you to the dance floor. Neither Jake nor you particularly loved drinking, you really only cared much for the vibes of the club; the loud music, the dancing, all of it. 
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks, okay? I’ll find you after,” he kisses you goodbye and turns to leave, but you grab his hand.
“Wait, J, don’t leave me alone,” you whine, and he chuckles, pulling you into him and wrapping his arm around you in a comforting side hug. Jake walks with you to the bar and you order drinks together, keeping you safe and protected the whole time. 
“It’s okay,” Isabelle whispers, and you hadn’t realised tears were sliding down your cheeks - too caught up in lost memories - until now. 
She knows how you never got over him, how you never stopped loving him. How he was your first kiss and he promised he’d be your last. But in the end, you only got his first kiss and she’s the one who’ll get his last. 
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spiritualowl9 · 5 months
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Introduction Post
Hi, my name is Olivia but you can call me Liv, Ollie, Olive or Via. I'm fine with any of these. I'm an INFJ. I am an October baby <3 (October 13th to be exact)
I'm a genderfluid(They/He/She) lesbian.
My favorite things are horror movies (I grew up with them), writing/reading, WWE, listening to music, Broadway musicals, and my friends :]
My hobbies are drawing, writing (occasionally fan fiction but mostly my own stuff), (these are the ones I can think of rn)
I enjoy listening to almost every genre of music(except country music, and I mostly listen to indie rock or alternative indie), Lana Del Rey is mother and a goddess <3 (I could just say what music artists I listen to but it's a lot so I'm not going to)
My other socials/accounts are below :) :
Wattpad: SpiritualOwl
Some of my favorite ships from different fandoms (Sorry there's only three🤦🏼‍♂️) :
WWE: Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley x Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio x Damian Priest, Damian Priest x Finn Balor, poly!Judgement Day, Becky Lynch x Rhea Ripley, The Undertaker x Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels x Triple H, Shawn Michaels x Triple H x The Undertaker
Shadowhunters: Alec x Magnus, Izzy x Simon, Izzy x Clary, Izzy x Maia, Clary x Maia, Jace x Simon, Jace x Meliorn, Jace x Simon x Raphael, Simon x Raphael, Simon x Jace x Raphael x Meliorn, Izzy x Lydia, Lydia x Clary
The Flash (CW): Barry Allen x Cisco Ramon, Cisco Ramon x Caitlin Snow, Leonard Snart x Cisco Ramon, Leonard x Barry Allen, Leonard Smart x Iris West, Caitlin Snow x Iris West, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells x Joe West, Cecile Horton x Joe West (If I'm missing any I'll edit this)
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4uru · 9 months
I really like Maia too! She's such an underrated character, but she's so strong and brave. I also will admit to shipping her with Simon HEAVILY the first time I read TMI, and I maintain that they had more potential for an interesting story than Sizzy. (Sizzy is fine btw I like them well enough, but my point stands).
Baby i was a hard fucking core maia x simon shipper when i was consuming tmi 😭😭😭 they were my it couple, removed from all the shadowhunter bullshit. THERES A LACK OF DOWNWORLDER X DOWNWORLDER AND I MIGHT NOT BE THE FIRST ONE TO POINT THIS OUT BUT I WILL BE THE LOUDEST MAIA ABSOLUTELY DESERVED BETTER AND SIMON'S STORY LINE WAS THE BEST WHEN HE WAS WITH MAIA.
(I dont hate sizzy but i have a deep hatred for what cc did wjth simon. Personally as a child of divorce and ad a reader. Also Izzy's character was completely fucking watered down as the books went on and she lost any interesting qualities for me)
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myadmiringmind · 2 years
Red-head vs Demon | Clary Fairchild
Clary Fairchild Masterlist
Word Count: 581
Genre: Domestic-ish fluff | Action
Pairing(s): Clary Fairchild/Fray x Partner!Reader, Isabelle Lightwood x Simon Lewis, Maia x Bat
Summary: The dark skies of your morning start with demon hunting. Then, you accompany your girlfriend to her friends awful music play.
Warnings; Blood, demons, blades, mentions of anxiety, Simon and his band
Characters: Jorden Kyle, Maia Roberts, Isabelle Lightwood, Clary Fray/Fairchild, Bat
Characters mentioned; Jace Herondale, Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane
Notes: No specific time frame in the books. Probably set after the book series. But Jordan didn’t die in CoHF. 
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Clary cursed under her breath in frustration, “Where are these demons coming from?” She slashed angrily at the demon in front of her, cutting off its head and sending it back to its home. 
Recently, your dear city of New York has been infested with more demons than usual. Meaning that you and the other shadowhunters were working overtime. 
You came up behind Clary to slash at a Demon that was trying to bite her ankle. You turned guarding her back as she guarded yours while another demon came up in front of you. The battle was over quickly with a few cuts and bruises here and there but nothing the two of you couldn’t handle. 
“Hopefully Magnus will be able to answer that question soon enough.” You mumble as you draw an iratze on Clary’s forearm. She huffed a strand of her red hair out of her face looking around at the status of the alleyway where the two of you had found a group of raveners. The black blood had been gone from the walls along with the bodies of the demons. Leaving the two of you sweaty and covered in the black blood. 
The sky was black and few stars were out. You think you’d like the night a lot better if it wasn’t the only time demons came out. 
“I’m sure Jace is having the time of his life.” Clary mumbled, snapping you out of your thoughts. 
You smirked, “Yes, and Alec anxiety is off the racks with the amount of demons we’re hunting these days. I’d tell him to take a vacation if we didn’t need him here.” 
“I think he’d be a little disappointed to miss all the excitement.” Clary said sarcastically 
You nodded your head in agreement, “Shower, then breakfast?” You ask
Clary wrinkled her nose, “Simon and the bland are playing this morning.” 
You shivered in mock disgust, “So breakfast, and a couple pairs of ears that need to be bleached.” 
Clary nodded, “Pretty much.”
You grabbed her hand to begin your journey towards the institute. 
You’d be lying if you said you were looking forward to the next hour. Sat on a comfortable beige couch in Java Jones with your girlfriend as you wait for Simon and his friends to start playing. 
“You sure we can’t bail?” You asked
Clary, freshly showered, and in day clothes, nodded, “I said I'd be here.” 
Your mouth thinned
Clary had coffee in front of her as you waited for this ‘show’ to begin. Izzy was sitting at another table, waiting patiently for the band to make their way onto the stage. Maia sat at a different table. Her and Jordan called it quits about a month ago but stayed friends. So she was here with her now boyfriend, Bat, supporting their friends. 
You clapped reluctantly when the band piled onto the stage. Jordan and Simon weren’t that bad. The rest of the band though..
“What do you think Magnus would say if he were here?” You asked
Clary shrugged then grinned, “As if Magnus would ever be caught in a place like this.” 
You nodded your head in agreement. 
“So what do you want to do after this, train some more?” You asked
Clary shrugged, “Let's enjoy this for right now.” 
Your face was masked in mock horror, “Sure...enjoy.” 
Clary laughed under her breath, giving you a swift kiss on the cheek. You smiled against your will. Perhaps this hour wouldn’t be so bad.
edited on 05/17/2024
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toxxicrhiannyr · 1 year
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★ Body / Skin / Head
Head: Lelutka Avalon Body: Ebody Reborn Skin: Avarosa - Maia - Icy
Skin Add ons -  [avarosa] Blush Add-On 50% [avarosa] Ears - Icy [avarosa] Eyeshadow 50% [avarosa] Freckles Add-On 50% [avarosa] Maia Skin (Browless) - Icy
Body Skin: VELOUR x ITGirls - Picasso - Icy
★ Cosmetics
Lashes: -Influence-Charmant Eyelashes Eyebrows: -Influence-Youpi Eyebrows "BIGGER PRESET" Face Tattoo: .TENEBRE.. - No Soul - Lightest
Highlight & Contour: [Heaux] Buttons Highlight LELUTKA [Heaux] EvoX Essentials - Cheeky Highlight (Tint me!) [Heaux] EvoX Essentials v2 - Cheek Highlight 1 [Heaux] EvoX Essentials v2 - Nose Contour 1 [Tint Me!] [Heaux] EvoX Essentials v2 - Nose Contour 2 [Tint Me!] [Heaux] EvoX Essentials v2 - Nose Highlight Bonnie - Hollow Nose Highlight [REVERIE] Gysa Eyes - Highlight - 50%
Blood Tears: [REVERIE] Cursed Eyes - Blood tears A Eyeshadow: [REVERIE] Heavy Heart Eyeshadow - EvoX - v1 - #15 Eyebags: [REVERIE] Imperfections Set - EvoX - Eyebags \ Tone 02 Scars: [SB] *EvoX AVALON* LA Neu [Scars] 04 Half Smaile: [TEAR] Oni Half Smile - R - Mid - 65% Limb Fades: { aa } Limb Fade Tattoo - Black (LOWER) Hairbase: Angel Eyes - BABY HAIR 7 Hairbase EvoX - WHITE Blush: darkmoon - blush 1 . Tintable Hands: Clemmm - Damaged Hands *Bruises and grit* Body Blush: CRY BB.- body blush [tint me] Face veins: DeeTaleZ - MU *Veins * for LELU EVOX/ Dark Skin Face add ons: Izzie's - LeL Evo X - 03 Capillaries 60% Chapped Lips: Malina - Bitey lips / Lelutka EVO X / BOM - 6 70% Nose Bleed: NEON - NOSE BLEED - (demon) Nose Scar: NEON - NOSE SCAR - (fresh) Eyeliners: tres beau x lelu evox - purrfect eyeliner Lip Tattoo: Mea Tenebra - Ego - lick me
★ Accessories
Tail: Petrichor - Araxxis Tail [Metallic Version] Goggles: Tanaka - RENCHII GOGGLES - DARKSIDE #18 RARE Ears: Swallow - Gauged XL Ears (f) // ^^Swallow^^ Tone 9 Ring pop: Bunk. - Blingpop V1 (R) Rings: e.marie - Nalani Rings - Silvers { eBody F } Earrings: e.marie - Rowan Earrings - Silvers { Swallow XL Gauged F } Septum: EVERMORE - BIJI SEPTUM - ADD.ME Eye Tape: FREYA - My tape eye L Light / Joint Box: hive - cannabis & caffeine . joint box . holdR Body Tattoo: Hoodlem - Fruitful x Reg (BOM)
★ Horns: 
Pushin' Daisies - Namsi Horns - Gradient - Black Pushin' Daisies - Namsi Horns - Gradient - Shine 1 Pushin' Daisies - Namsi Horns - Gradient - Shine 2 Pushin' Daisies - Namsi Horns Pushin' Daisies - Namsi Horns - Skin - Pale 2
Hair: Stealthic - Havoc (S Head/M Breast) Bangs: Magika - Bangs - Mira 
★ Outfit:
Pantyhose: 2 FACS - Ripped Pantyhose Black Shirt: alterego. half tees - reborn - stripes - white Harness: alterego. teagan harness - reborn Elbow / Kneepads: FACS ~ Reborn Elbowpads / FACS ~ Reborn Kneepads
Shorts: imbue. cut-off shorts - ebody reborn - dark grey Boots: Phedora ~ Savin Boots ~ Ebody Reborn
★ Pose: babyboo. antisocial 01 + baseball bat ★ Deformers: Pretty Liar Flat Ass + Belly Flater + Low Back LEVEL 1 ★ Extras: Eye Twitching HUD [v1.0] ★ Extras: Insomnia Angel . Nose Wiggle
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carelessflower · 2 years
curious question. what are your top 10 favorite underrated ships / rare pairs for the Shadowhunter Chronicles??
I’ll be saying stuff now excuse me
10. mark x christina x kieran
9. charlotte x henry
8. cecily x gabriel
6. valentine x eternal torture and pain
6 izzy x clary
5. maia x bat
4. jace x simon (that scene exactly u know what I’m talking about)
3. chairman x church
2. aline x helen (istg WHY ARE THEY SO UNDERRATED)
1. malec x maserati
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tscclace · 1 year
What other TSC ships do you ship?
I'm not sure which ones you know about besides Clace in my username and icon, but I'm just going to list everything❤️ it's not fully in order, but my favorites are the top one of each
The Infernal Devices:
Will x Tessa
Jem x Tessa
I'm fine with Herongraystairs as a whole when I see it because I love Will and Jem dynamic, but I don't typically go searching for it. I just love to stumble upon it
Sophie x Gideon
Henry x Charlotte
Cecily x Gabriel
The Last Hours
James x Cordelia
Lucie x Jesse
Matthew x James
Anna x Ariadne
Thomas x Alastair
I don't mind Cordelia x Lucie either but it's not so much as shipping as it is not not shipping. I just don't mind it.
The Mortal Instruments
Clace of course
Simon x Izzy
Alec x Magnus
Jocelyn x Luke
Maia x Jordan
Maia x Bat
There are some ships I don't mind seeing but don't really ship. But for the most part, the above is it.
The Dark Artifices
Julian x Emma
Mark x Kieran x Christina
Kit x Ty
I havent actually finished this series, though I've skimmed through the last book for information on certain topics. I need to read the whole series again. It's been a while since I finished book 2.
Favorite Ships
Julian x Emma
I tend to love the main ships the most because they give the most content. And I tend to prefer main characters so my heart is more attached to the main ships because it's more attached to the mains. And since The Mortal Instruments is the main TSC series, Clace, Sizzy, and Malec all hold a special place in my heart. Even if I mostly post about Clace over the other two. Clace is one of my all time favorite ships
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wqbytop100 · 2 years
Top 100+ for the week ending February 19, 2023
Back To You---Lost Frequencies, Elley Duhe, X Ambassadors -1
Unholy----Sam Smith, Kim Petras, Disclosure remix* -4
Lovesick---Alan Walker, Sophie Simmons -3
You Know What I Need---PNAU, Troye Sivan -26
10:35---Tiesto, Tate McRae -2
Sparks---MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa -47
Reborn---SIDEPIECE, Kyle Walker remix* -5
When I Talk----Kx5 w/ Elderbrook -25
I Can't Wait---Tiesto, Solardo, Poppy Baskcomb -28
Red Lights----Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, EMBRZ remix* -10
I'm Good (Blue)---David Guetta, Bebe Rexha -36
Never Gonna Not Dance Again---Pink, Sam Felt remix* -18
Lay Low---Tiesto -24
I'm Not Dead Yet---Mike Posner -15
Dancing's Done---Ava Max -6
Rely On Me---Sigala, Gabry Pointe, Alex Gaudino -32
Flowers----Mylie Cyprus -97
Freeze----Kygo -19
Afterparty---Loud Luxury, Hook N Sling -7
Money On The Dash----Elley Duhe, Whethan -9
Drifting Away---Audien, Joe Jury -20
Lennon---ESSEL -98
Out Of My Mind---Little Image -11
Different Kind Of Lonely---Camp Kubrick, Don Diablo -96
Gimmie That Bounce---Mau P -29
Left & Right---Ownboss, FAST BOY -8
One More Time----Armin Van Buuren, Maia Wright -27
Loop---Martin Garrix, DallasK, Sasha Alex Sloan -58
These Nights---Loud Luxury featuring KIDDO -30
No Love For You---Regard, Drop G -35
Shut Up---Alan Walker, UPSAHL -31
New Gold---Gorillaz, Tame Impala, Bootie Brown, Don Diablo remix* -33
Solitude---Snakechips, BIA, Lucky Daye -34
It's Quiet Now---Honey Dijon, Dope Earth Alien -40
What A Life---John Summit, Guz, Stevie Appleton -38
Serotonin Moonbeams---The Blessed Madonna -39
Good Life----Hayden James, Emie -41
Tra Tra---HUGEL, BLOND:ISH, Niasis -48
Koo Koo Fun---Major Lazer, Major League Djz, Tiwa Savage, DJ Maphorisa, Diplo -22
How Many Tears---Kygo, Sam Felt, Emilly Warren -55
Blood Upon The Snow---Hozier, Bear McCreary -42
High---Neil Francis, Paw Paw Rod -46
Feel Alive----TELYKAST, Sky Blu -37
Inifinity---Dubdogs Bhaskar -43
Wings (I Won't Let You Down----Armin Van Buuren, Karen Harding -53
Creepin' ---Metro Boomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage -49
Sete --- BLOND:ISH, Francis Mercier, Amadou & Mariam -57
Chasing Shadows---Alex Warren -56
Bel Mercy---Jengi -78
Heartbeat----James Arthur -52
Show Me----John Summit, Hannah Boleyn -104
Anything But Wet---- I. O. Lights -60
Body Breathe---LP Giobbi, Monogem -101
Where Do We Go From Here---Gareth Emery -102
Gone (Da Da Da)----Imanbek, Jay Sean -54
***Kill Me---Alok -(new)
***Drugs From Amsterdam---Mau P - (new)
Need Me Right---Anabel Englund -106
Weekend On A Tuesday----R3HAB, Laidback Luke -51
***Be Right There---Diplo, Sleepy Tom, HUGEL remix* - (new)
What's It Gonna Take----Cheat Codes, Michael Tenpenny -21
Anyway---CASH CASH w/ Ruth Anne -75
Nervous---Joan -68
***Pearls---Jessie Ware -(new)
Makin Time---Sultan + Shepard, Julia Church -17
Something's Coming---Cheat Codes, Lady A -12
All Falls Down---Alonestar, Jethro Sheeran, Ed Sheeran -66
How To Drive---Alexander 23 -74
Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There----Dolly Parton -61
Hooked (Hot Stuff)---RIKA, Galantis -65
I'll Be Around----Elderbrook, Amtrac -64
***Pegasus----MEDUZA, Eli & Fur -(new)
***Shockwave---R3HAB, Afrojack -(new)
The One----INJI -85
***Stay Above---Lukas Graham -(new)
***Heartbeak Feels So Good---Fall Out Boy -(new)
***Nervous System---JOSEPH -(new)
***Here----Tom Grennan -(new)
Could You Be The One----Laidback Luke, Katy Alex -92
***Ghost Again----Depeche Mode -(new)
***Sleepwalking----Matt Sassari, Goodboys -(new)
***Whistle----Jax Jones, Calum Scott -(new)
***If I Live Forever----Vintage Culture, Izzy Bizu -(new)
Hurt That You Gave Me----Cheat Codes, Bret Young -16
***High Heels-Party Down Under----Flo Rida, Walker Hayes, *Sam Felt remix -(new)
***Tornado---Hi Lo is Oliver Heldens -(new)
Just The Kinda Feeling---Yotto, Lost Boy -13
***Can't Tame Her---Zara Larson -new)
***Gimme Back My Soul---Medium Build -(new)
***Running Up That Hill----Betty Who -(new)
***Merchants----Sans Soucis -(new)
***Borderline---Tove Lo -(new)
***Who We Love---Sam Smith, Ed Sheeran -(new)
Break Up With That Guy---Virginia To Vegas -87
***You Only Love Me---Rita Ora -(new)
***If We Ever Broke Up---Mae Stephens -(new)
Save Some Room---Shallou -114
Can't Change For You---Bankrol Hayden, Charlieonnafriday, Arden Jones -62
Let Em Go----Matt Hansen -67
Can I Get It Back---Jordana Bryant, *R3HAB remix -14
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