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izzyizumi · 10 months ago
Koushiro: “What did you want to talk with me about?”
Masami: “While the two of us were hiding at home,”
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{Gifs by Me} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Repost} “-...we talked and we decided that it’s time we’ve finally told you this.”
“The truth is... We’re not your real parents.”
“...I already {K N O W}. ...” (Mr & Mrs Izumi hang their heads in SHAME, quiet for some long moments, in response, as they listen...)
“I tried to pretend that I hadn’t heard anything. I thought that by ACTING normal, things would STAY THE SAME as before... ... But I COULDN’T DO IT.”
“In the end... I grew drawn to my computer so I wouldn’t have to show anyone my true self...”
(MASAMI, LOUDLY) “There is NOTHING ‘Wrong’ with being into {/being OBSESSED WITH} Computers!” {“Pasocon” = Computer} (Koushiro looks up quickly, startled, half-gasping OUT) “Father...!!” {“Otousan!”}
“That trait of yours is what makes you who YOU are.”
“...Still, you really are exactly like your real father...” “My real father?” “He was a distant relative of mine...”
“He was also a lecturer at a University. And a GENIUS {“Tensai”} Mathematician. Twelve years ago, he married your real mother and they had YOU.”
“{Your biological father} was with {your biological mother} when they met a terrible car accident.” “Neither of them survived.” - Masami, eyes closed throughout
“...We (“watashi-tachi”) had a child of our own once... A small boy. But they died when they were just a baby (“aka-chan”)...” - Mrs Izumi, forlornly and quietly, head bowed throughout
“Then, when we were asked {implied: by Masami’s distant relatives} if we could ‘take care of’ YOU... Well...” - Mrs. Izumi, adding on, trailing off...
“...So that’s what happened. ...” - Koushiro, with understanding, but softly, in usual formal tone
“We had planned to tell you everything when you were older.” “But we didn’t think that you ALREADY would have FIGURED IT OUT.”
“This must have been hard for you to deal with on your own. I’m sorry. ...”
“No... Actually, I’m grateful that you told me the truth.”
(Formal speech) “Thank you” [“Arigato[u] gozaimas[u]”] “N-No... I mean...” (Koushiro attempts to quickly correct himself) (Informal) “T-Thanks...” [“A...Ariga...tou...”] (Stammers over it) [Note: Koushiro in the original Japanese version is known for speaking in formal-esque Japanese speech.]
“YOU DON’T have to CHANGE yourself for US.” - Mrs Izumi
“YES. ALL WE WANT is for you to be HAPPY.” - Mr Izumi
(Koushiro tears up, sniffles, and begins outright SOBBING as he runs into their arms, hiding Koushiro’s face completely.)
{I eventually meant to add in the U.S. dub version for comparisons. Until I can, please be RESPECTFUL interacting on this post. As I am also someone from a “Non-normative family” like Koushiro, this was a super relevant scene to Younger me when I was growing up, and it means a lot to me on a personal level. I’d really appreciate if people could respect that when Interacting.} (Please regard the banner above, thank you!)
{Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Reproduce My Work Under Any Circumstances without my Permission!}
Digimon Adventure ~ Episode 38 (JPN Version) Koushiro[u] Izumi’s ADOPTION is revealed
For a near full version of the subbed text please see Here!
“… IT’S OKAY for you to {LIKE}/{BE OBSESSED WITH} Computers!!!!” - Mr. Izumi, LOUDLY AND INSISTENTLY
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taikouvember · 1 year ago
In 2022, Taikouvember had been announced on short notice, leading to not many people knowing about the event. And even if several people were participating, causing a nice little atmosphere, we wanted to make sure that this year would be even more enjoyable for everyone involved. And we believe this has worked out wonderfully!
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Thus we wanted to thank everyone who took the time to draw, write, make edits, compile posts and so on and so on. We know lives are busy and yet, you all did your best to contribute and that is worth all the praise in the world. Our favourite ship might not be the most popular one out there, but we are proud to have a small community dedicated to showing their love for it. And it doesn't matter what you did, how much or how little you did, if you could finish it in time or just handed in drafts: It's all wonderful.
We hope you've had as much of a fun time as we had! A big shout-out goes out to:
@breadbirdmp4 [Day 1] [Day 5] [Day 7]
@dutchforstrangers [Day 1] [Day 3/5] [Day 4] [Day 2/6.0] [Day 2/6.1] [Day 2/6.2] [Day 2/6.3] [Day 2/6.4] [Day 7]
@fauxfoxden [Day 1] [Day 2]
@froggie-bolt [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4.1] [Day 4.2] [Day 6] [Day 7]
@jamesthedigidestined [Day 4.1] [Day 4.2] [Day 5.1] [Day 5.2] [Day 6.1] [Day 6.2] [Day 7]
@koushirouizumi / @izzyizumi / @taichi-x-koushiro [Day 1] [Day 7.1] [Day 7.2] [Day 7.3] [Day 7.4] [Day 7.5] [Day 7.6] [Day 7.7]
@seventeenlovesthree [Day 1.1] [Day 1.2] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4.1] [Day 4.2] [Day 5] [Day 6] [Day 7.1] [Day 7.2]
@sznmjun [Day 1] [Day 2]
@taichi-izumi [Day 1]
@valtren [Day 1] [Day 2] [Day 3] [Day 4] [Day 5]
As we mentioned previously, we will keep checking the tags for a while (at least until the end of November) and will certainly reblog all late entries as well. So the list above will be adjusted as well!
See you (hopefully) next November!
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chemicalfairyx · 2 years ago
I write Digimon fanfiction too
And I am actually organizing with some old friends an event dedicated to our favorite ship everrrrrrrrrr
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(sometimes known as #koumi or #mishiro)
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(GIF posted with permission of the edit maker @izzyizumi)
I mean, aren't they freaking adorable?!
Anyways! follow @mishiroweek to learn how to participate! This year we're scheduling the event to take place from Sept 25th to October 2nd and we have got ✨prompts✨
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noctisfishing · 4 years ago
5 Works Tag Game
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
[Noct note: This includes headcanons and WIPs too! I hope I’m not spamming too much with fics and end of the year talk but I’d love to see everyone’s favorite creations from this year - even if you have one or two! Let’s celebrate the things that made us happy!! :D
If I tag you, don’t feel obligated to respond <3]
Tagging: @earlgreymon @tangledupblue @digidigi-monmon @patamon-ears @yoroyazu @calamansifresh @digitalworldbound @renchan7 @izzyizumi @ahiddenpath
I would love to read about your 2020 favorites! :D
My Five:
1) Takari Week Day 7: Comfort OR Healing/Taking Care Of
Takari Week was the first Tumblr Week event that I got to be a part of and it was SO MUCH FUN!! I loved all of my responses but this one is my favorite; I’m partial to angst.
2) Knives Out Headcanon
This was another first. Do you guys ever watch something and think ‘imagine the Digidestined in *this* setting’? That happens a lot with me.. and I thought putting them in this movie’s universe was so “out there” but I love those kinds of ideas ;) 
3) "I’m never buying IKEA furniture again” (Koukari)
You know how you write a fic and you stop writing at the fluffy part because it was too cute to handle? Yeah, that’s what happened here. And it was amazing to see others feel the same way. XD <3
4) The Princess and the Dragon (Taiora, AU)
THERE WAS SO MUCH TAIORA (surprise, surprise) but I only wanted to choose one work. It was hard ranking my Taiora stuff personally LOL. But I’m going with this one because this one had hints of romance but was more about family love - Yagami siblings and of course, Papa Taichi and his baby girl <3
5) Effervescent Fires (Howl’s Moving Castle)
I hope to write more of this! I’ve been working on a fic about Calcifer. The idea of writing the story through the eyes of a cursed star/exasperated flame being is so fascinating to me. I can’t find the link to where I originally posted my excerpt (it was a few months ago but buried in the depths of Reddit, so I’m just going to post it under a cut. :D
The boy seemed to know this star's fate as he reached his arms up, holding out his palms for it to land. The star could tell as he settled with his gentle sparks leaving the boy's hands unharmed that this boy was no ordinary boy; this boy knew magic, and he could help him live.
The star could also tell that this boy wanted something in return. A contract? The star did not truly understand, but if it meant that he could avoid his fate for much longer, then he was willing to accept.
And so, with the boy’s inhale, the star was devoured and was met with darkness. It was a different kind of a falling, from all of the bright colors to none at all, until he stopped moving. After a moment’s pause, he felt a beat. A slow, steady tempo within him while his flames lit up in a soft blue.
The blue turned into bright orange as he flowed back out into the world and onto the boy’s palms once again. He was no longer a star on his way to the end; he was now a vivacious fire demon, entwined with the boy by the manner of his heart.
No words were spoken between them, but the fire gathered their introduction by contact.
The boy's name was Howl.
And his name: Calcifer.
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izzyizumi · 7 years ago
Digimon Adventure (Parody) AMV/Edit - [Days] (from series: Kagerou Project / Mekakucity Actors anime) (sung by: Lia [A.K.A the Japanese seiyuu for Vocaloid character IA) (*featuring: Koushiro Izumi) + Taishiro{u} / KouTai (Implied) {Koushiro x Taichi} (as Ship) + {Adventure} Chosen Children
Lyrics Preview:
... These [days] -- -- And what they [MEAN] ... [“Surely”], [I’ll NEVER] [ K N O W. ] ...
“In the world of [the lonely you]”. - Jin (song producer)’s Introduction (for this song) Notes: This “amv” (if you could even call it that -- it’s more like an extended, very low-effort edit  that took about two hours) parody that relates to my Taichi/Koushiro fic verse “Repeat” (please be sure to read all the warnings and notes before reading if you do!), but you don’t really need to know that to view this! {Short Version Summary: “It’s a timeloops series!!”} (It might help give feelings for the Koushiro in my fic, though ;; ;;) (.... Basically it’s, [Koushiro stop] [stop trying everything to save your boyfriend from certain doom or you’ll--] [Koushiro voice: “no.”]) (...Honestly though, these lyrics fit Koushiro Izumi perfectly ?? ?)
Lyrics Preview: (emphasis mine)
WITHOUT ANY meaning, ... TIME continues to PASS by. ... I KNEW WE had to reach an understanding. (...)
Even if I [understand] the [reason behind] [every] [Irrationality] [of the] [world] ... These [days] -- -- And what they [MEAN] ... [“Surely”], [I’ll NEVER] [ K N O W. ] ...
That laughter has faded into the distance, ... I can’t hear it. ... My tears are -- -- ...Overflowing. -- I would have let go [of this] -- -- [Intolerable] [tomorrow], if I [knew] ... that the future was going to end up like [this] I’m [hiding] in [a place,] ... where I can’t [hear] [anything.] Even if I [understand] the [reason] behind everyone’s ... [--Tears] Even if I [understand] the [reason behind] [every] [Irrationality] [of the] [world] ... These [days] -- -- And what they [m e a n] ... [Surely], [I’ll never] [ K N O W. ]
(songs’ full versions’ lyrics / alternative translation and a few short notes for the fic under the read more) [eta: ended up adding drabble fic (please note warnings)]
Without a reason, time passes As I tried to understand it, I realized The distant sounds of laughter could no longer Be heard anywhere My tears fell
If this is the future then I might as well Let go of the unbearable tomorrow And in a place where no voices can be heard I’ll stay there alone
I learnt of tears in the darkening world Even if I counted the overflowing unfairness There surely isn’t A meaning to spending days like this
Time goes on The clock hands stopped The same way, repeatedly
In those days without smiles Even if you seclude yourself There’s no meaning to doing that –You’ve realized that, right?
I asked that day The meaning to the words Though it was already impossible for me to know
Please stop already It hurts, it hurts I can’t stand it To the point where my tears run dry To the point where it all disappears
“If this is the future, then I wish Everything had stayed the same forever,” I said In a place where no voices can be heard at all Even if I cry alone
In the darkening world, no one can be gently Embraced at all So I’ll abandon Days like this
Then I’ll curse both the future and this world And let go of the unbearable tomorrow too In a place where no voices can be heard I’ll stay there alone
The darkening future, somewhere, was gently Worn out by the silent unfairness In my dreams The days I wished for I hope they end tomorrow
Without a reason, time passed Without anyone noticing (x) ~ Extra Notes (...slight spoilers?) So, if you’ve read the fic, you may see where the inspiration / match for this came from~ ;; ;; (... but, the inspiration wasn’t actually the exact character referred to in the overall / full versions’ lyrics -- instead, it was / they were --)
-- Surprise! It’s the two from the Kagerou//Days fan pv that inspired the fic! (now in true animated form) (.... and some bonus others) (including a certain someone to the right of the girl) (that indirectly may have inspired some of Tai//shiro’s interactions in the fic, too) (honestly he and the boy to her left and her all deserved better from this series) (as much as I still have fun with the main series’ versions of events too, still) I honestly prefer the shorter version over the full version in terms of “story”? (and this particular translation included in this video and the original lyrics listed) (especially for Koushiro) ... So I included the full version / alternative translations’ lyrics too, but honestly I prefer this one for the simplicity of it, yes ;; ;; (Also, in the above video, the blue line represents the boy to her left while the red line represents the girl herself) (maybe imagine something similar in the parody?) (during the “flash” that occurs in-between when another character appears, maybe imagine 02 or Tri Koushiro [or the AU Koushiro]?? possibly with flashes of all the other Chosen + 02 kids / the Izumis / etc. ?? I couldn’t figure out who or how to include there in such a short timeframe, so ;;) (..... I’m sorry) (I’m also sorry Windows Movie Maker couldn’t edit more than this ;; ;;)
(ok but in my Koushiro’s defense he didn’t want this at all, ok) (and actually he does things somewhat [kind of maybe very?] different from the character the lyrics refer to but that’s a whole other story [or four] in itself, yes) (basically my version is my AU Koushiro realizes things about himself and goes through his much-needed character development, yes? yes) (..... ok but the highlighted lyrics are all definitely how I pretty much see the real Koushiro himself, too ;; ;; [regardless of these lyrics, too, just the ideas fit him perfectly]) (“is it wrong to want to know everything?”) - Koushiro
(“It’s ok to not know everything.”) - Taichi, likely (and Koushiro to himself, too)
(eta: I wrote something v. fast sorry) (trigger warnings: referenced death of multiple characters, blood/injuries implied)
~ [This part has now been posted on A.O.3!] Part 30: “Train” ~
Koushiro felt it, moments before it actually happened -- (the sudden, barely-there vibrations, both physically, and) (the electric shock like effect that ran through his mind) -- -- (as if he was supposed to recall something incredibly important) -- -- and right away, he knew what was about to happen. The clanging of the metal sounded ... ... as the subway car they were travelling in collapsed around them. "TAICHI-SA--!" -- he can't even finish shouting his (best friend’s) name in time before -- The subway car's lighting plunges into total darkness. It's deathly silent. He can't hear anything -- anything, except the light, barely-there taps and clicks of things like -- ("No") He already knows. The Digimon, their partners, that were with them, are all gone -- -- Deleted, in the (digital-induced) collision. All his friends, seated on either side of him -- -- Koushiro chokes a bit, squeezing his eyes shut. (Even though it's already totally dark.) Everyone was -- seemingly -- flung about rather haphazardly. Jou, being so tall and gangly, might have fallen from his seat -- -- Koushiro can't feel him. (He can’t feel Takeru, either --) (perhaps Takeru was instead curled up against --) -- In fact, since Koushiro had been seated in the middle, between everyone else -- -- only Koushiro himself had -- He slips down a bit, having fallen a bit from his seat, himself. ... His legs are burning. Torn up -- by the glass shards that had flown everywhere. His Pibook -- from the collission, when Koushiro’s back hit the seat hard, it was probably (ruined) Koushiro chokes a bit, again, forcing back a cry. "...." "...Ta--i--chi--s--" He grasps around, a bit, trying to reach -- -- to reach -- -- A hand -- finger -- brushes against his own. Koushiro's breath catches, again -- "Kou--shiro--" Taichi's breathing is raspy, hard, as he struggles to breath. Koushiro can't even see him -- nor his expression. He can only feel -- The light brush of Taichi's knuckles, a single finger curled around his own -- -- The slightest brush of Taichi's wild -- but now-limp, wet -- -- hair, against Koushiro’s own forehead. "--chi.--san--?!" Koushiro shakes a bit -- he can't believe Taichi's even -- -- still alive. (For now.) "...'Shiro. You -- have to--" Taichi breaths in hard -- exhales. "-- Get -- away -- from here. Run--" Koushiro shakes his head just slightly, even though he knows -- but -- "I -- I can't, my -- le--" ("Legs") ("I can't move my legs [to run]") ([“I can’t leave y--”]) "....." Taichi is quiet. The silence ticks on. They can't hear a single sound, aside from the -- same. "...They're -- after -- you," "...aren't... they...?" (Who is "they"?) (Koushiro ... has an idea. But.) "You..." Koushiro starts -- but. "...I... know." Taichi whispers. "....." "...(I) --Think." Koushiro blinks rapidly. His right leg twitches but it burns -- the pain, it's unbearable -- "...Go." Taichi whispers. ("I know") ("you can do it") ("you can save everyone") ("all of us") ("Koushiro, you're amazing") ("and even if you [c a n '--]--") ("It's ok.") ("God, it's o--...") Koushiro can't hear the words through his tears. Taichi's extended finger, brushing against his hand, falls. ... ... Koushiro lies there. For a moment. Takes in a sharp gulp of air -- -- Uses the remaining strength he has to push himself up off the metal floor. He can hear the ticking of the clock in his head -- -- He's running out of time. If he doesn't move, the sparking subway car will -- -- explode -- it'll all be over. ("No") ("NO") (.....) (...In some parallel timeline, somewhere --) (... perhaps Taichi's Crest [of Courage] lies in the palm of one of his hands.--) Koushiro tries to keep himself steady -- lifts his (other) hand -- ... ... R E P E A T ?_ Y/N?_ -- (The cursor blinks only once.) He draws it. _Y E S ~ The world breaks apart. ~ - ~
notes - chronologically this is actually a really interesting place of the fic’s timeline because like. the major bulk of it happens after this ??? - I realized too. they’re in a subway car. if the loops were happening here -- y e a h (I’m sorry Koushiro) (I also may have partially been side inspired by a certain scene in Angel Beats’ anime ? which also gives way too many similar feelings even if it’s been a long time since I watched it just. why that) (ok too the etc. Chosen and etc. don’t have that happen at the end but) - tbh I’m pretty uncertain still if I want Koushiro to hold on to Taichi’s Crest too - but considering Taichi gets Koushiro’s in the first major “scene” of the “loops” - and it might have something to do with the plot overall (for Taichi anyhow) - maybe ??? (in some timeline ?? if not all of them ?? ?) - do the Crests even actually help them at all ?? ? who knows - ok but seriously Koushiro needed an alternative “method” either way if his Pibook gets obliterated which likely happens many. many times
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izzyizumi · 7 years ago
Digimon Adventures AMV - Kagerou Days / Kagerou Daze Parody (Wannyanpuu’s Version / NicoNico 50 Chorus Person Cover Version) (*also featuring the slightest hint of Tri, but no spoilers past the 1st film/OP)
MY SECOND TAISHIRO 2K18 AMV IS COMPLETE !! (after my much calmer/prettier earlier Taishiro amv comes this one) Featuring Taichi & Koushiro angst, timeloops, and psuedo-character deaths (not really, though, because certain people keep i n t e r f e r i n g) (basically: ‘gdi Koushiro’) (Koushiro: ‘goddammit Taichi-san!’) ”Well, you know, I kind of hate summer.” [”stop, don’t…! don’t sacrifice yourself to protect me!!!”] [(”why won’t you let me fight?!!”)] [”it’s my fault, because of me not realizing, we…”] [”this time, I’ll protect…..” “I failed this time, too.”] [”why?! why can’t I save him–?!”] [”it doesn’t matter. because I don’t want to see your face like that…!!”] (or, Koushiro, for the love of god, please stop breaking the Digital World, the real world, multiple universes/parallel worlds in general and the fabric of space-time itself to save your best friend/boyfriend) (Koushiro: “No.”) Notes:
* the original music video is, uhh kinda gory in parts (featuring similar psuedo character deaths often involving vehicles and …metal poles and impalements… and falling from high places …. and a lot of blood and crying yeah…) so please take caution if watching it! (it’s well worth a watch in terms of fiction/an extended series, though! Kagerou Project is one of my most beloved favorite series ever and that main boy character from the KageDaze song is a top fav, so yeah!! [ah, please note that version is actually fanmade by an artist who’s helped out with the actual series too, though - similar story elements (including the lyrics’ overall story) / certain frames/expressions / artistic elements / etc. / those characters (with the girl modified, and sans that version of the “heat haze” - thus far, anyway) were still used in the overall series though!!)] * I made a similar Kagepro amv parody for the series/song video itself wayyy back in 2012 using scenes from its anime/episode that also referenced the song - some inspiration for this Taishiro version came from my earlier amv as well! * the version here isn’t as gory (thanks Taichi for interfering with my amv plans and almost literally never letting Koushiro get seriously hurt like… ever….. seriously Taichi, the few times he does nearly get hurt aside from group things are when you’re taken by surprise/not there in the moment and can’t help in time???) but uhh the feeling might still be there without the visuals? (I kinda took a lot of scenes and manipulated them a-ahaaaa but a lot of the moments are from Taishiro-related or solo Taichi & Koushiro scenes too) * the preview Taichi is way too happy but it’s from a significant moment anyhow * if you compare to the original you might see what I did there re: certain scenes (I’m sorry) * (I’m also sorry for the Koushiro adoption scenes seriously protect Koushiro Izumi [thank god for how the show handled it at least]) ([ok but still the baby Koushiros nO (Taichi voice ‘NO’)]
(lyrics under the cut!!) (you should probably read these alongside if you can)
(LYRICS) On August 15th 1st, 12:30 in the afternoon, The weather was incredibly nice And amidst the sickening rays of the dazzling sun I spoke with you, for I had nothing else to do "Well, y'know, I kind of hate summer," You boldly murmured while petting a [cat?] Ah, you pursued that [cat] as it ran away from you And what jumped out was the traffic light that changed to a glaring red Suddenly, [a truck] came out of nowhere and struck you as you screamed Your scent, now mingled with sprayed blood, choked me In the haze of lies, [the haze of heat laughed], ["It’s not a lie!"] With that, like a cricket's sound being disturbed, the light blue of summer darkened away. I woke up upon my bed to the sound of a ticking clock What time is it now? On August 14th 1st, sometime past 12 in the morning I recalled the sound of [an awfully annoying cricket] But, y'know, it's a little strange. Yesterday, in a dream, I saw us walking in this same exact [park] "Why don't we go home now?" The second you stepped off the pathway, Everyone surrounding us turned their heads up to the sky and opened their mouths From the sky, down dropped [an iron pole] that [pierced your body straight through] The sound of windchimes and your ripping screams filled the spaces between the park trees In this unnatural scene, [the shimmering heat] laughed, ["This is the real thing!"] (”It’s not a l i e!”) As my vision blurred away, [I glanced at your profile, and thought] [I saw you smiling] (Taichi [thinking]:) “Ah...?! Yume [dream?--]” (Koushiro:) “Good morning-!” (Taichi:) “HURRY!!” [running, panting] (”Heat Haze”:) “It’s pointless.” [(Koushiro:) gasping] (Taichi:) “AHHHHHHHHHHHH--!!” (Koushiro [thinking, realizing]:) “..Is this happening to just m e ?...” (Koushiro & Taichi [thinking to themselves, with growing dread]:) “I wonder if this period of time kept repeat and repeating itself?” (Taichi [thinking to himself, desperately]:) “It doesn’t matter [anymore].” (Taichi [out loud]:) “Because I don’t want to see [your face] like that!!” Countless times have had me black out in the laughing heat like this [This cycle has repeated for decades. I'd realized that a long time ago.] In this kind of clichéd story, [there must only be one ending.] Beyond this repeating summer day, it has to exist. Suddenly, [I] pushed you aside and [jumped into the street]; at that moment, [the truck] slammed into [me] [Your eyes] and my twisted body were like hazy reflections of the blood that sprayed everywhere [If that praiseful heat haze laughed, "Serves you right!" again] Then this would be what you'd call [a normal summer day.] [But all of that ended today.] On August 14th 1st, [a boy] awoke upon [his] bed And [he] said,"I failed this time, too..." as [he] [cradled a single (cat)?]
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izzyizumi · 7 years ago
Title: REPEAT? Chapters: 1/? Word Count: 1,222 Fandom: Digimon Adventures (mainly Adventure with hints of 02/Tri AU) Type: Fanfic Rating: M/M / (later) nsfw / R18+ Characters/Pairings: Taichi/Koushiro [Taishiro/Taishirou] Summary: “Taichi wasn't sure what he was expecting. ...He just knew it wasn't... this...” (or, Taishiro timeloops AU based on this amv and fic outline in half-written form?) {Note: More AMVs have been made since! For the near-full current listing of AMVs, Please check this one and consider watching from beginning links!} (Watching from the beginning means you may understand the ‘Full storyline’ of the A.U. and all that’s implied in subtext much better!!)
Long Summary:
Taichi, being the dumb idiot that he is, raises his hand and asks without thinking. (As always.) "Um, this is really cool, definitely, but how do you know so much about this stuff, anyway-?" The presenter (Izumi?) turns around and stares at him directly, sharply, (kindly?) with those black eyes and says semi-brightly despite the situation he's in, in front of this room full of dumb college kids like Taichi himself - "Oh, I'M Adopted." Taichi thinks ('Shit, I was just extremely rude??') After the presentation is over, the kid is gathering up his things outside the room, and fixing his slightly moved tie all neatly, and Taichi approaches him awkwardly from behind. "I, uh- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I asked that earlier without thinking-"
"Izumi" turns to stare at him, more intently...
"For even you know you must NEVER INTERFERE WITH TIME, -{XXXXX} {XXXXXXXX}--!”
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Original Commentary:
(/drops a link) (/buries face in hands and runs how even do this)--
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izzyizumi · 7 years ago
Title: REPEAT? Chapters: 3/? Chapter Title: REPEAT?_ Word Count: 2391 (this chapter), 4002 (total) Fandom: Digimon Adventures (mainly Adventure with hints of 02/Tri AU) Type: Fanfic Rating: M/M / nsfw / R18+ Characters/Pairings: Taichi/Koushiro [Taishiro/Taishirou] Summary: “Taichi wasn’t sure what he was expecting. …He just knew it wasn’t… this…” (or, Taishiro timeloops AU based on this amv and fic outline in half-written form?) Chapter Summary: Taichi wasn’t sure what he was expecting, back when he invited that kid to the summer camp. ...He just knew it wasn’t... this... god, it wasn’t this. - Also, at Koushiro’s place, college-aged Taichi makes a startling discovery about Koushiro. (Or, this is the lead-in to both time shenanigans & [for now] fade-to-black nsfw.) Link: AO3 Chapters: 4/? Chapter Title: Bridge Word Count: 1140 (this chapter), 5142 (total) Rating: M/M Chapter Summary: ...The next morning. Taichi is embarrassing, but Koushiro reassures him. Meanwhile, a young Taichi experiences the events of the Hikarigaoka incident. But there’s others - another - there, too... “there is no such thing as coincidence, there is only the inevitable”. Link: AO3
Chapters: 5/? Chapter Title: Home Word Count: 2330 (this chapter), 7499 (total) Rating: M/M Chapter Summary: At the college, Koushiro asks Taichi about his plans for the future, and a discussion unfolds. Taichi learns a bit more about Koushiro in turn. Koushiro is perhaps a bit too bold. Later, the two begin to return ...to Koushiro’s - ‘home’. - If only they had stayed sleeping soundly. Link: AO3
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izzyizumi · 7 years ago
Taishirou Fic Notes: REPEAT?_
(For Chapters/Parts 1+2) Under the cut!... (... There’ll be spoilers for the entirety of the fic) (This is a preliminary draft/outline until I can make it neater ? looking yeah pfft) (Also see the original fic outline for more earlier elaboration)
-- Chapters 1+2 --
- These chapters are somewhat partly self explanatory; the ‘prologue’ of sorts that set everything up. I think they were the third/fourth or so pieces that I wrote / outlined for this thing? (After the couple of chapters towards the very end...) - This entire idea spawned when I was thinking of Taishiro AU ideas [including previous ones I’ve had] and basically going ‘what’s a Koushiro AU I hadn’t thought of yet??’ - Somehow my mind went ‘ARCHAEOLOGIST ..... KOUSHIRO’ ??? ‘PLUS TIMELOOPS / KAGEDAZE TAISHIRO AU’ ??? PLUS ‘COLLEGE AU’ ???? - Essentially I was thinking of careers Koushiro could have in the real world that would a) be suitable for him b) satisfy his thirst for Knowledge [while also relating to how Knowledge is used in the timeloops] c) would take him a while to complete, but be very worthwile to him in the end d) would have some mystery / intrigue involved, especially when connecting to the Digital World e) would keep him close to Taichi [because he relates tech with it, and is involved in higher education / etc., eventually it could lead to him still becoming a researcher like in the canon epilogue in the end, or in other spinoff AU thoughts... also Taichi having a law-related career that keeps him close to Koushiro] ... etc. etc. - then my mind went ‘OH THAT’S A GOOD IDEA I CAN ALSO RELATE IT TO ‘THAT THING’ YEAH’ (i.e. THE WELL the well where HE FINDS HIS CREST) - however in the back of my mind I was probably also thinking of a super-cute old Cardcaptor Sakura series 1 episode / moment in which then still mostly newly introduced “rival” to Sakura, Syaoran Li, watches Fujitaka Kinomoto’s archaeology presentation. Syaoran grows more and more interested the point he’s internally [and externally, but ‘hiding’ it (well ? from Fujitaka, badly otherwise)] cheering over it when Fujitaka offers to show him more archaeology related things in the future - only to immediately find out next Fujitaka is Sakura Kinomoto’s father [hahaaaa]. Of course Syaoran x Sakura becomes the canon couple in the end anyhow [hahaaaaa. sorry Syaoran ilu but you were pretty amusing back then and also v. tsun in that ‘fail’ kind of way] (some of his early tsun expressions kinda remind me of Adventure Taichi too??) (...Our War Game Taichi even kind of ??) - So my mind might have subconsciously been ‘combining’ all those things (along with an image in my head of photographer Koushiro from Tri studying things in the Digital World) and basically turning that implied Syaoran/Sakura + Archaeology things [if indirectly] into Taishiro + Archaeology AU yes - (also I was following CCS’s new Clear Card Arc at the time in both manga form first and then anime form, so ... yes it was at the back of my mind) - The first lines that basically spurred on this AU were the opening rambles / summary but more notably what immediately came to mind was Koushiro’s “Oh, I’M adopted.” - line, in response to Taichi’s dumb question literally HE WROTE HIMSELF (Koushiro - unfortunately - never has a scene in-show where he actually talks about it with the other Chosen, not even in an 02 era cd drama where he was literally visiting his biological parents’ graves and right after on the way home runs into the other Adventure Chosen sans Taichi and Yamato - and he STILL doesn’t even bring his biological parents up at all, not even that he was just visiting them like ‘oh, I was just on my way back from...’ - so essentially this is him saying it right off the bat and startling Taichi indirectly with it while he’s at it.) - It also prevents having to take forever to set that particular reveal up ... while at the same time taking forever to set that reveal up in Adventure universe and with more impact otherwise hahaaa. (CRY) - So, these two chapters are the setup. - You may notice there’s a feeling of ‘something’s definitely not quite right here’ or ‘something’s up’ all through these parts, the writing style (I basically kind of... mentally storyboard, then translate that into an outline, then storyboard again, then attempt to write anything etc. etc.), (but also the kind of ‘limited’ writing style, too) and basically the entire fic. That’s the timeloops effect lingering in the background, impacting events / feelings / actions, etc. Even the slightest things like Koushiro’s expressions as he regards Taichi, the tiniest movements he makes, or Taichi’s mind running a little (A LOT) more wildly than usual. - When Taichi first hears Koushiro’s ‘(smooth) voice drifting through the open door’, that’s basically the timeloops effect slamming into him right from the get-go. His mind is running wildly subconsciously too like ‘WHAT? WHAT?? WHAT???’ because he’s so confused / startled / scared / basically majorly freaked out to the point of a feeling of dread / horror etc. l-lolll poor Taichi I’M SORRY I love you really (this is also the KageDaze inspired effect because poor Hibiya there, too, [the boy] is basically this through most of the song) [specific dialogue notes] -  ‘ok, he's not really a "kid", he's a fellow adult, but Taichi's mind seems to insist on calling him that, for some reason....’ and all of the ‘his age’ bits etc. - Taichi’s mind is subconsciously relating Koushiro’s actual age to him (‘he’s younger than you think!!! you KNEW HIM IN SCHOOL!!! BEFORE!!!’) except he’s not fully realizing, of course. - short-cut spiky red hair and pure black eyes ('why are you staring so intently at his eyes, idiot!!') Again, timeloops effect slamming. Taichi’s recognizing Koushiro’s features right away and what stands out the most are his hair [dark red] and his eyes [somehow pure black (...lol fandom injoke?)]. This also relates in ch. 4, “Bridge” - when young Taichi notices Koushiro’s red hair ‘stands out the most’ in the light, and Koushiro’s (eyes are) staring right at him (because that young Koushiro’s becoming aware of the loops and freaked out / feeling dread crashing into him, himself). (also other similar parts of the fic) This also relates to novels Koushiro knowing he ‘stands out like a sore thumb’ in class (and how that line relates later with the Izumis / his adoption, as well.) - social sciences? Psychology? Health in general? Science itself? ARCHAEOLOGY??! Basically Koushiro is a freaking genuis [timeloops.... effect] [but also natural hhhh-ha] and subconsciously-or-not relating his career to as many ‘Knowledge’-gathering fields as possible, yeah. SLOW DOWN KOUSHIRO - and he's talking so animatedly and precisely and smartly because again, Child of Knowledge / timeloops. (He’d probably be an amazing professional teacher too negl) (and also how do both his seiyuu/voice actors sound so good HOW). Ok but for real, this is also simultaneously Koushiro’s ‘professional mode’ and / or his ‘mask’ so to speak. He’s enjoying it too, mostly, but... at the same time, it’s like going through the motions.... Koushiro ;A;/ - Taichi keeps staring at him, how is he so... pretty - ('wait what?!') ('but he kind of is, in that way where he has this glow about him-') Timeloops effect reminding him yes, Taichi, you are definitely attracted to Koushiro Izumi (maybe a bit too much) Koushiro’s ‘glow’ is basically him becoming animated / excited whenever he talks about Knowledge-related topics he’s particularly interested in! (But also kind of like... his inner... glow ehehhh....) - The presenter (Izumi?) turns around and stares at him directly, sharply, (kindly?) with those black eyes and says semi-brightly despite the situation he's in, in front of this room full of dumb college kids like Taichi himself - "Oh, I'M adopted." Dun dun dunnnn (hey, Taichi, did you REALLY get Koushiro’s last name/name or-) (...he didn’t) Now Koushiro’s directly focusing his attentions on Taichi, subconsciously recognizing him while he’s at it. He’s staring ‘kindly’ because of the warm feelings his subconscious / past self has towards Taichi; while also out of genuine kindness / intrigue from this universes’ Koushiro himself. Koushiro’s definitely feeling that ‘pull’ but at the same time warning bells are going off like crazy in his head too, and maybe subconsciously freaking him out too (although he’s a little more logical about it than Taichi, maybe... ...? or trying to not panic before he finishes this thing anyway) - After the presentation is over, the kid is gathering up his things outside the room, and fixing his slightly moved tie all neatly, and Taichi approaches him awkwardly from behind. THE TRUE MEETING and basically they’re both subconsciously knowing they were going to have to talk here but .... - "Izumi" turns to stare at him, more intently, now. "It's all right. ...?" (He was a little confused as to why this cool looking kid [??] bothered apologizing to him for that, but he accepts it...) Koushiro’s staring intently because he’s so hyper-focused subconsciously, but also because he likes giving his full attention where it matters in general, too. Also ‘cool looking kid’ is Taichi’s mind thinking maybe that’s how Koushiro might see him, basically. (TAICHI PLS....) (ok but he also added the ‘??’ because he realizes... yeah TAICHI PLS) (Koushiro was a bit surprised this boy actually did think to apologize, but....) - Koushiro smiles slightly. Actually smiles. KOUSHIRO’S SMILES ARE VERY IMPORTANT IN THIS FIC OK Koushiro smiles so impassioned-ly at the start of everything (especially in this verse, where he rarely gets the chance to smile AT ALL it doesn’t help that this Koushiro didn’t go to the Digital World, didn’t make any close friends, DIDN’T MEET TENTOMON OR TAICHI and etc....) - so that when this Koushiro smiles genuinely, it’s SUPER IMPORTANT, OK - "Are you interested? I'm afraid the next dig is already scheduled very soon, but..." "Wait, you're leaving, soon-?!" ('Shut up, you idiot!!') Koushiro is looking at him oddly now - Taichi’s mind is going even more wild with the warning bells and basically yelling ‘SOMETHING’S DEFINITELY WRONG HERE DON’T LET HIM GO IF YOU LET HIM GO HE’S GOING TO UP AND LEAVE AND YOU’LL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN !!!!!’ (Also his mind running wild kind of parallels Ep 21′s inspirations too??) (don’t forget Taichi hasn’t had a lot of his ‘character development’ here as well) Koushiro’s looking at him oddly because he’s having a similar feeling but trying to figure out what the heck is up with this and ... this boy... ? - Koushiro is about ready to have to leave again, and Taichi thinks as fast as he can. Taichi’s not ... as known for his thinking deeply in canon when he’s younger (lol) (well, um, pre...? SkullGreymon ? anyhow maybe w-wah) and considering WARNING BELLS he’s basically thinking of the ‘last resort’ type thing he can say / ask / (yell?) / etc. (or - BAM, TIMELINE OVER BAD END). - "W-Wait, which area are you in-?" Koushiro turns with a raised eyebrow and another slight smile. Koushiro’s raising his eyebrow / smiling because he’s basically internally thinking ‘...This one, hmm ..... ‘ - He lives in fucking Odaiba. Literally a block away from Taichi. ('SHIIIIIIIIIIT') ('TAICHI YOU ARE AN IDIOT') ... oh. (yeah) (TIMELOOOOOOPS EFFEEEEEECT) (TAICHI YOU ARE AN IDIOT) -- Chapter 2 -- (kind of) - He doesn't know how it happens, but in some other universe somewhere, he probably ends up not walking Koushiro home and regretting it for the rest of his life when Koushiro just ups and leaves on an archaeology dig somewhere and Taichi never sees him again - ('Seriously, stop thinking!!') So yeah, that part about ‘YOU’LL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN’ ?? [Taichi(+Koushiro) avoided the BAD END ?? ?] [to be continued]
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izzyizumi · 7 years ago
Title: REPEAT? Chapters: 6/? Chapter Title: Cliche Word Count: 395 (this chapter), 7898 (total) Fandom: Digimon Adventures (mainly Adventure with hints of 02/Tri AU) Type: Fanfic Rating: M/M / nsfw / R18+ Characters/Pairings: Taichi/Koushiro [Taishiro/Taishirou] Summary: “Taichi wasn’t sure what he was expecting. …He just knew it wasn’t… this…” (or, Taishiro timeloops AU based on this amv and fic outline in half-written form?) Chapter Summary: "Hey, Koushiro?... Don't you think almost everything is kinda like a... 'clich'-- 'clichh'... " "'Cliché'?..." "Yeah, that..." A discussion, and insecurities. "In this kind of clichéd story, there must only be one ending." Link: AO3 Chapters: 7/? Chapter Title: Nightmare Word Count: 318 (this chapter), 8216 (total) Chapter Summary: Taichi has an - encounter. "Isn't it beautiful, Taichi?" Link: AO3 Chapters: 8/? Chapter Title: Prophetic Word Count: 864 (this chapter), 9080 (total) Chapter Summary: Back at Koushiro’s place, college-aged Taichi wakes up from a nightmare - as does Koushiro, who is in a panic. But, Taichi is there. "I... was dreaming." "But... Taichi-san, this is going to sound crazy--" "You were in it--"  "I... me too. I was dreaming, too--" Link: AO3
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izzyizumi · 2 years ago
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai{/shiro} [Koushiro x Taichi]
Some Person, @ Koushiro Izumi: You think YOU know everything there is to know about DIGIMON??? Name *ALL* THE DIGIMON Koushiro: Koushiro: ... Koushiro, LEAVING: CHOSEN: ..... Hikari: Koushiro left... Iori: Koushiro left. (I kind of want to, too.) Daisuke: Koushiro LEFT???? Ken: Koushiro left. (Affirming) TAICHI: ... Taichi ... LEAVING: CHOSEN:
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izzyizumi · 4 years ago
me: *takes deep breath*
me: I LO-
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love HIKARI YAGAMI aka ""KARI KAMIYA"", we get it okay, you love HIKARI, HIKARI is the brightest f*cking starshine in your life, you f*cking adore them, yes okay yes, you love HIKARI, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE HIKARI YAGAMI
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izzyizumi · 4 years ago
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Digimon Adventures + Digimon Adventure tri. ~ (AUTISTIC HEADCANON!) KOUSHIRO IZUMI Character Analysis (Japanese version) {see Part 3 of Autistic!/Neurodivergent!Koushiro canonical traits here} (links to previous parts beginning from Part 1 are included in that link)
+ a Special Interest in KNOWLEDGE in general - including Tech & Computers! + STIMMING (a means of Stimulation) / In His Natural Environment
READ FURTHER: What is a Special Interest?
Special interests are (not named) literally a part of the diagnostic criteria for Autism. From the DSM-V directly: Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus Note: abnormal in intensity or focus that means that if “everyone” has special interests, they aren’t ‘abnormal’ in intensity or focus, because that’s everyone. In the examples, directly from the DSM-V, specifically referring to interests: excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests (circumscribed=restricted perseverative=repeat insistently/redundantly)
from the Autism Self Advocacy Network page:
Every autistic person experiences autism differently, but there are some things that many of us have in common.
We think differently. We may have very strong interests in things other people don’t understand or [don’t] seem to care about. We might be great problem-solvers, or pay close attention to detail.
{... Do I really need more references for the above paragraph???}
It might take us longer to think about things. We might have trouble with executive functioning, like figuring out how to start and finish a task, moving on to a new task, or making decisions.
{This will be covered in the below, but keep in mind, Autistic traits can >>>VARY in Autistic people. From here, we’ll partially be focusing on “executive functioning”. Even in regards to other aspects mentioned, Koushiro isn’t necessarily bad at making decisions, [he is the one determining most of the team’s Strategy, after all] but at times even in the overall canon, he CAN take at least a little time trying to determine if he’s taking the best route.}
Routines are important for many autistic people. It can be hard for us to deal with surprises or unexpected changes. When we get overwhelmed, we might not be able to process our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings, which can [also] make us lose control of our body [/body functioning].
{See: above gifs of Koushiro being most at ease & overall CALM when in his uninterrupted, daily routine.}
[and when Koushiro’s {...possibly Special} Interest in KNOWLEDGE, FAILS him...]
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[Note: I’m pretty sure “crap” was a mistranslation on Crunchyroll’s part but.]
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{he’s still repeating “I Can’t!” with increasing distress.}
{Tentomon, knowing Koushiro best, not long after helpfully points out right after that MAYBE, Koushiro-han, you are maybe just a bit overwhelmed in the moment} (see: final gif of the initial photoset, above)
We process our senses differently. We might be extra sensitive to things like bright lights or loud sounds. We might have trouble understanding what we hear or what our senses tell us. We might not notice if we are in pain or hungry.
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{We might not notice if we are [in pain] or hungry. ...Let’s be real, Koushiro Izumi is TERRIBLE at SELF-CARE.}
We might do the same movement over and over again. This is called “stimming,” and it helps us regulate our senses. [...]
{see above gifs: Koushiro in his natural environment, the gist being: Koushiro stims via means of extensive Special Interest usage.}
{In the scene from the start of Episode 06, Koushiro is quite literally moving in and exclaiming there what he misses most from home, as it’s the current topic of discussion among the Chosen.}
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We communicate {SPEECH} differently. {*may include: through the overall use of technology.} [...] Some people may also communicate with behavior or the way we act. Not every autistic person can talk, but we all have important things to say.
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{this side of Koushiro using his tech knowledge to communicate, is made a bit more prominent in Adventure 2020, but you can see it somewhat existed in the original too he clearly uses the Internet for better online socializing in a way he can’t do as effectively in offline life.}
{“I ... I want to send emails back and forth with my FRIENDS.”}
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We socialize differently.
Some of us might not understand or follow social rules that non-autistic people made up. We might be more direct than other people.
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{ Part 1 of this analysis dealt with Koushiro’s missing social cues it tends to happen with Mimi and Taichi the most. To a lesser extent, it kind of also happens with Koushiro+Tentomon. }
Eye contact might make us uncomfortable. We might have a hard time controlling our body language or facial expressions, which can confuse non-autistic people or make it hard to socialize.
from the Digimon Adventure novels by Adventure director Hiroyuki Kakudou (the novel can be found at website Digital Scratch with translation credit to onkei kun!): [Italics & bolding mine for emphasis]:
Throughout the entire bus ride, Mimi Tachikawa was so absorbed in gossiping with her friends Taako and Mi–chan that she never bothered to look at the gradually changing scenery outside her window. Nor was she interested in doing so anyway. If you were to ask her later what landmarks the bus went through to get to their campgrounds in Mikami Canyon, she would have told you that she had no idea. “Okay, we’re here!” [...] “The group you belong in is listed on the printout I gave you before we left. Your leaders will be wearing arm bands with their names on it, so find them using that and stick with your group. After that, listen to what your leader tells you. That is all.” Mimi looked down at the official–looking printout in her hands. In felt–tip pen was handwritten, “Kido Group (Leader: 6th Grade, Jou Kido)” “Hey, do you know who Kido is?” Mimi asked Taako, who was sitting next to her. Taako’s handout had “Arihara Group” written on it. “Kido–san would be…” Searching outside the window, it wasn’t long before Taako pointed, “Over there!” The boy she was indicating was dressed neatly in an open–collared shirt and an Ivy League–styled vest. Besides wearing glasses and the arm band that signified he was a leader, his shoulder was burdened by a square–shaped bag labeled “Emergency Food Supply.” Perhaps he was also feeling the heavy responsibility that came with being a leader because his face looked a little stiff. “Hmm… He doesn’t seem that reliable…” Mimi mused, but she was interrupted by Mi–chan, who motioned to them hurriedly, saying, “Look, look!” Mi–chan was pointing at the front of the bus, where a boy wearing a long–sleeved orange shirt was about to get off. Even Mimi knew who he was. They hardly ever talked together, but he was her classmate, Koushiro Izumi. Mi–chan wanted them to look at what Koushiro was carrying on his back – a wireless laptop. “Isn’t he so weird for bringing that all the way to camp?” Mi–chan sneered with mocking laughter, but Mimi didn’t laugh. She simply didn’t find any reason to.
(*Note: while the novel is a highly condensed form of the original TV series, it contained many ideas Kakudou said/claimed he could not include in the final version; he then used the novels to elaborate on those ideas in an alternative form of media/enjoyment for the series.)
{So hey, speaking of early Adventure!Koushiro & SOCIALIZING...}
Some of us might not be able to guess how people feel. This doesn’t mean we don’t care how people feel!
We just need people to TELL US how they feel so we don’t have to guess.
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{Koushiro’s issues with Communication honestly require another entire meta, because it also deals with how he speaks using overly-formal, “technically” polite but not-typical-for-actual-conversational Japanese in the original version for basically almost all of Adventure (1999). Despite this, he also clearly has many issues understanding how other people feel in regards to deeper communication, in general.}
{“What’s more appropriate for me to say at a time like this?”}
{“That’s a difficult question. But I don’t think you have to PUSH yourself to say THE WORDS.”}
We might need help with daily living. It can take a lot of energy to live in a society built for non-Autistic people. We may not have the energy to do some things in our daily lives. Or, parts of being Autistic can make doing those things too hard. We may need help with things like cooking, doing our jobs, or going out.
{Note: This can also apply to things like shopping for necessity items, like ... clothing. This can especially be the case if we’re behind on what’s considered “trendy” or “fashionable”, and being behind on said things can be due to socializing issues.}
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{Mrs Izumi didn’t exactly help in that department}
{Despite him admitting this, and even making his own clothing-choosing program for himself, which quite honestly had enough actually fashionable choices included, he ... still needs assistance from Takeru.}
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{ Honestly, some of those outfits were fine. }
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{“I never imagined!” Tentomon pls PATAMON PLS} [ok but let’s be honest, Tentomon is a BEST BUG] {also take note of Koushiro’s colorful striped socks in the scene}
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{”Yeah! Please tell him MORE, Jou-han! He won’t listen to a word I say.”}
We might be able to do things on our own sometimes, but need help other times. We might need to take more breaks so we can recover our energy.
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{Thankfully Koushiro’s friends look out for him. (Koushiro is curled up passed out on the right, under blanket) Ever since this timeframe of Tri happened, They’re also seen constantly helping picking up around his office knowing he’s overworked and stressed / or when he’s in general, out of his routines. Tentomon also routinely brings him food and drinks/Oolong tea.}
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{”I know you are overworked and have trouble with these things, including daily functioning while under stress in general, so I’m helping you because you’re my friend!” [”Even if I technically don’t fully remember you yet!”] - Tentomon, likely} - gif above, a Koushiro & Tentomon moment from the 6th & final Tri movie from the same Autism Self Advocacy Network page:
Not every Autistic person will relate to all of these things. There are >>>lots of different ways to be autistic. That is okay!
Autism {overall} affects how we think, how we communicate, and how we interact with the world.
(Someone:) {often} Question: But they never used the WORD that Koushiro’s Autistic!
This may be true. However, please keep in mind: a) Digimon Adventure was a childrens’ Shounen anime series from 1999. b) Autism diagnosis happened a little differently back in 1999, and has changed to improve diagnosis drastically since. c) Koushiro is living in Japan, as he is Japanese. Please consider that Autism diagnosis has improved since 1999, this would include for Japan itself. Please consider that it was hard enough for many Autistic people to get diagnosed in the U.S. during this timeframe. This does not mean that the writers could not have recognized traits and patterns of Autistic people that were known at the time.
from the Autism Self Advocacy Network page:
Autism has always existed. Autistic people are born Autistic and we will be Autistic our whole lives.
Because of myths about Autism, it can be harder for Autistic adults, Autistic girls, and Autistic people of color to get a diagnosis.
But anyone can be autistic, regardless of race, gender, or age.
Autistic people are in every community, and we always have been. Autistic people are people of color. [...] Autistic people are a part of every religion, every income level, and every age group. [...]
This post also addresses this issue quite well.
Q: I have another Neuro-divergent headcanon for Koushiro. Is this ok as long as I am RESPECTFUL towards Autistic headcanons?
YES, absolutely, so long as in regards to Autistic headcanons you are RESPECTFUL.
Specifically because a word like “Autistic” is never used directly, it’s fine for others to headcanon Koushiro with something like, for example, general Anxiety / or Social Anxiety, or A.D.H.D! There is also a lot of crossover between such Neuro-divergent traits - You can also easily headcanon him as Autistic AND A.D.H.D, for example! (I personally choose to headcanon him with Autistic & Anxiety myself.)
The problem comes from when Allistic (not-Autistic) people/fans try to completely invalidate Autistic!Koushiro headcanons as a whole, because THEY personally don’t like Autistic!Koushiro headcanons  and thus feel, for some strange reason, an intense, burning need to either a) comment on them or b) overly-harshly criticize them.
Q: Why did you create this analysis series then?
Because I want to end said stigma against Autistic!Koushiro headcanons, a stigma that’s often most pushed by either Neurotypicals or Allistic people in the Adventures fandom, and it genuinely needs to stop.
Q: I don’t mind the Autistic headcanon, but I genuinely think he’s BETTER and more INTERESTING as Autistic + (other headcanon) or (specifically not Autistic + other headcanons entirely!)! No offense meant it’s just My Opinion!
Please don’t do this. This is also very invalidating. It makes it come across as if you don’t think Autistic headcanons are “interesting” on their own and like you think Autistic headcanons are “boring” in comparison to others. {which can also come across as you thinking Autism is “boring” in itself} it costs 0.0002 cents to not compare your headcanons to Autistic headcanons.
This specific analysis I’m doing, aside from pointing out the initial generally Neuro-divergent traits; focuses purely on an Autistic!Koushiro reading of the canon. I could have also pointed out why I also genuinely feel Autistic + Anxiety headcanons can very much be a canon reading as well. I chose not to. This is because out of most Neuro-divergent headcanons, Autistic!Koushiro tends to have the most stigma against them, usually due to fans falling for myths about Autistic people and Autism diagnosis and having an extremely basic surface-level understanding of Autism as a result.
This analysis is seeking to change that.
Autisic!Koushiro headcanons on their own are perfectly fine, because Autism on its own is a perfectly fine reading of how he acts in canon.
As long as it’s portrayed RESPECTFULLY, that’s what matters.
[NOTES: THIS IS A FAN META POST. This is also my particular headcanon / analysis of Koushiro Please keep this in mind before you comment This post was made with the intention of pointing out CANONICAL character traits of Koushiro in the various media, regardless of wider headcanons. There is a bit further commentary in the tags of the original post in regards to headcanons. If you choose to read this post / commentary, please be respectful. Please be aware I am making this post and speaking as someone who is AUTISTIC & Neuro divergent MYSELF.]
{While I am grateful this series is now gaining some positive reception, I respectfully ask that you do not comment on the post or tags with canon hate or use these headcanons as reasons for further bashing canon.} {PLEASE read everything carefully before commenting. Thank you}
(FINAL NOTE: This and this are also very good posts.}
{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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#koushiro izumi#koushirou izumi#izumi koushirou#izumi koushiro#autistic koushiro#autistic koushirou#autistic koushirou izumi#autistic digimon headcanons#koushiro headcanons#digimon headcanons#izzyizumi gifs#izzyizumi koushiro gifs#izzyizumi analysis#izzyizumi posts#izzyizumi koushiro analysis#autistic koushiro series#(UM HAHA THIS ONE BECAME Kind of Long ... too)#(ANYWAY I'm just casually pointing out various traits and that well it's called a SPECTRUM for A REASON)#(but like. yeah. literally every example here I've pulled straight from the canon)#(I'M NOT THE ONE WRITING THIS SERIES)#(THAT SAID please read ALL of what's written AND THE LINKED POSTS Carefully PLEASE)#(I tried to include a small FAQ at the end because i am SO TIRED of seeing Allistic fans doing these things and GENUINELY it Needs to Stop)#(to be honest i could talk ALL DAY about Tri Koushiro's Total Lack Of Self Care but again that takes almost an ENTIRE meta in itself)#(there are various things here I could always come back around and touch upon deeper but i need to Compile Thoughts First)#(if it happens or not determines on how long I can keep this series up for myself)#(but like seriously PLEASE READ THE BANNERS AND ALL INFO ON THESE POSTS AND LINKS)#(This post is NOT Inviting you to Debate. it is meant to Inform you)#(and quite honestly it's incredibly draining having to Inform People On Autism literally all the time as an Autistic person)#(But I'm doing this specifically because I want to spread positivity for the headcanon and provide a view from an actually Autistic person)#(and because i genuinely just wanted to compile all the info because I love infodumping about Koushiro)
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izzyizumi · 4 years ago
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure {Franchise} + P R I D E I c o n {E d i t s} (as Specific or as S o l i d a r i t y) + Headcanons + A U T I S M Headcanon{s}/P r i d e/S o l i d a r i t y + D E M I - P A N P r i d e {can be for either Demiromantic Pansexual OR Panromantic Demisexual combos}
Matching head-canons icons I made PURELY FOR MYSELF but~ (Though lately, I’ve held a very strong fondness for Panromantic Demisexual!Taichi, notably if going more by the Canon-verse!)
Original Posters [Mine] Commentary: Matching head-canons icons I made PURELY FOR MYSELF but~
{N o t e: These are H E A D-Canons for a reason. As long as you are respectful of mine, I am absolutely open to seeing others’ interpretations! Please keep that in mind and be respectful if interacting with this post!}
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{DO NOT DERAIL THE HEAD-CANONS POSITIVITY INTENT} {Failure to acknowledge rules WILL result in a block}
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REGARDING EDITS USAGE: - they must NOT be used to spread negativity for the canon/fandom*! {*INCLUDES: in regards to Adventures AS A WHOLE, Adventure (Original series), 02, Tri, Kizuna, Adventure & 02 movies, Drama CDs, any spinoff materials} - they must NOT be used to promote shipwarring within the fandom - they must NOT be used to attack any Adventures character focused on - IF I SEE YOU DOING THIS I WILL LIKELY BLOCK WITHOUT MERCY {usage may be allowed IF PERMISSION IS ASKED TO USE.} {Please also LIKE this post if you are wanting to use!} {Once you have “Liked”, feel free to contact me to ask for permission!} {However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please DO NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” section.} {I MAY POLITELY DECLINE USAGE REGARDLESS. Please do not take it personally!} {if you are unsure if you can use you can SEND ME AN ASK} {I will check your blog; if you do not match anything on my “DNI”; [CHECK THE FAQ FOR MY DNI SECTION/S] you will likely/may pass the check and can use!} {However please note my ENTIRE FAQ sections on such} {It is possible I may not grant permission for other reasons} [i.e.: You post a lot of something I have blacklisted]
PLEASE ALSO NOTE: {My headcanons for the characters of this series VARY} {for this set particularly; I headcanon most as M-spec/Multi-gender attracted*} {this post/my icons ARE NOT for people who cannot respect this fact or M-spec people / M-spec headcanons / MF relationships in general!}
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izzyizumi · 4 years ago
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure 2020 ~ Episode 23 (Japanese version) Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} / {TaiKou} / {Taishiro[u]} ~ Moments & Interactions
“EVEN IF we’re {F a r A w a y} Right now, we’re all fighting Together!” - Koushiro, Surely
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-p o s t} {Do Not C o p y} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!} [*Including for @.I. Usages]
For usage notes, see under cut!
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[ Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: click on the banners to enlarge!)
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izzyizumi · 4 years ago
on Kizuna, tri, and the timeline.
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Q: –Please tell us what points you focused on during production for this movie. A: {Kinoshita}: Digimon Adventure LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna is a movie with the primary goal of bringing joy to those who have walked alongside Digimon, and being “fascinating” to those who are meeting Digimon for the first time. We’ve hidden things that those who are coming into Digimon for the first time might find fun, and I would like the series to expand and continue. For instance, we would like it if, five years from now, fans and their children could watch Digimon together. Thus, we thought about what we should do in order to achieve that purpose.
So, we thought about updating it in the sense of “a modern-anime should be like this!”, and also about how we needed to destroy established conventions of “Digimon should be like this.” By this, I don’t mean that we should disrespect our fans who are so important to us, but rather, as the creators, subvert their ideas of “this is how it should be.” It was along the line of thought that if we make the kind of story that everyone would already be expecting, we won’t be able to bring joy to anyone.
Of course, for the fans, we feel that their feelings for the past series, from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 and beyond, must be very precious to them.
So, adding on tri., we thought about taking the prior series, setting the world of 25 years later shown in the epilogue of 02 as the end goal, and decided to tell a connecting story of “Taichi and his friends in 2010” that hadn’t been depicted yet.
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[Pictured: the younger Meiko Mochizuki is seen by Taichi & Yamato, floating together with Meicoomon in the realm the captured Chosen are held in. When spotted, Yamato Ishida exclaimed “Mochizuki!” in surprise {throughout Tri, he calls Meiko only by her last name}. The background depicted {the house behind Meiko, encased in ice} is of Meiko’s Japanese-style home located in Tottori prefecture, where she was raised / comes from.] [The one who captured the Chosen explains the scenes depicted in the scenery are some of the “happiest” “memories” of the captured Chosen.] {gifs by @izzyizumi, DO NOT REPOST}:
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[“Bokura no Mirai” / “Our Future”, (Tri Movie 6): Meiko, her home behind her, teaches Meicoomon how to say “Dan-Dan” {“Thank You”} in the local Tottori dialect.] [gifs by @izzyizumi, DO NOT REPOST]
I believe Digimon to be a wonderful series of media, and this movie is made as a declaration of our need to take on a challenge and “transform” it so that
it can spread wider than ever.
This is the end of Taichi and his friends’ time as protagonists of the story, but their lives will continue on from here, and that world of 25 years later is still waiting ahead of them. As they continue to live, there will be bigger and smaller incidents that come forth, and facing that world of 25 years later does not mean that things will always go well.
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This is not a movie meant to change the world’s timeline, but rather made to be a connecting story that happened within those 25 years, and we consider it to be a story
that expands the world of Digimon.
- excerpt from interview with Last Evolution producer with Yousuke Kinoshita, translated with credit and thanks to The DigiLab Blog
Yousuke Kinoshita was also one of the producers on Tri’s earlier movie “Kyousei” / “Coexistence”, Tri Movie #5. He then went on to become the main Producer of Kizuna.
They specifically add/mention “tri.” in regards to that that as well. (adding on “tri.”...)
Original Poster’s [mine]’s commentary:
This interview was published on July 30, 2021, and ever since then, I’ve continued to see rapid misinformation spread on Kizuna and Toei’s production of it/the current series/numerous fans who personally disliked Tri attempting to claim Kizuna as "wanting to ignore/leave out tri” and bold claims that
“the original Adventure[s] series is NEVER going to continue after Kizuna”. “Toei obviously no longer want to continue Adventure[s] after Kizuna, so Adventures fans need to ‘move on’ already.”
... Despite literally everything stated in these particular interviews.
I wish people in this fandom who seriously want to consider the series’ canon would take the time to actually THOROUGHLY read all the producers’ interviews that have been translated thus far before they make such BOLD commentaries.
And, here are some further interview notes.
–Are there any particular points where you’d like people to pay attention to when rewatching? Yamatoya: The truth is, I’ve thought about what I think would happen in the story after this, and put in a lot of hints about it. As we’ve promised, this is a story that connects to the epilogue of 02, but even though we won’t be depicting what happens after the movie for the time being, Taichi and the others are going to be striving towards that ending. They’re definitely not going to give up, and I believe
(warning: a spoiler mention of end of Kizuna’s plot follows): [you can scroll quick here if wanted]:
they will definitely find a way to get their partners back.
So I hope you will see it in that way. Also, for a movie of this scale, word of mouth is everything.
If you saw this movie and thought it was good, please tell your friends about your thoughts and be sure to spread the word. [x]
- Digimon Adventure LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna movie pamphlet interviews - Scriptwriter Akatsuki Yamatoya [with translation credit to DigiLab Blog]
from the post-02 Drama CD, “Original Story: Spring 2003″ with story written by Hiroyuki Kakudou, a Director/Main writer of Adventure+02: [Translation credit to Onkei/website Digital Scratch]:
Afterwards, the world met with even greater trouble. These children, and the others who were chosen in 1999, were shown to be doing very well even 25 years later, but that doesn’t mean that they had lived their days in peace all that time. Even in 02’s final episode, it was stated that “The road each had taken to get there had not been an easy one.”
The {*Digimon informative} video that Hikari had begun to make {*in this drama CD track} grew to be surprisingly useful, while the memorandum {*book} Takeru had started writing was delayed in publishing until he was able to calmly and objectively describe the situations.
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[“Bokura no Mirai” / “Our Future”, (Tri Movie 6): Takeru writes a letter to Meiko post-the adventures of Tri, which take place from the start of the Japanese school year {beginning April 2005} to the end of December 24, 2005, as seen in the image above: 2005/12/24 is seen on the letter that Takeru writes.] [gifs by @izzyizumi, DO NOT REPOST] {Tri would come after this drama CD mentioned, but there were some indications/hintings included at Takeru’s future writing career: for example, Takeru maintains a blog where he informs the International Chosen Children of events happening at the time, such as when he warned them about Kuwagamon appearing in the 1st movie.] (Also, at the start of various movies post-Adventures, a mysterious “typing”-like effect is used to summarize the events so far / hint at things to come. This is a clear callback to Takeru’s writings / him being the “narrator” of Adventure & 02.)
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[Typing-like effect at start of 2nd Tri movie.]
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[The exact same typing-like effect intentionally occurs within Kizuna’s start, complete with pausing and backspacing / replacing of words/text, meant to reflect the title “Digimon Adventure” within the text.]
Nevertheless, these children were able to survive, without being trampled by defeat… Never forgetting their adventure and the things they had gained from their Digimon.
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Their courage and friendship. Their purity and love. Their knowledge and sincerity. Their hope. Their kindness. And all of their light.
The tale of these 12 children, which extended from 1999 to 2002 is now brought to an end*. {*during the timeframe of the drama CD’s production} But even in 2003, and the years after that, they continue to live.
[recall, from the Kizuna interview above: “As they continue to live, there will be bigger and smaller incidents that come forth, and facing that world of 25 years later does not mean that things will always go well.”
“Please remember that sometimes, that is simply enough.”
- Hiroyuki Kakudou, “Original Story: Spring 2003″ 02 Drama CD end notes {Director / Head writer of Adventure & 02′s script}
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{I PREFER NO "DEBATE” ON THIS POST.} {I am linking these interviews quotes as a means of spreading the information to those that may not have seen yet.} {COMMENTS ARE OK ONLY IF YOU ARE RESPECTFUL.} {OTHERWISE I WILL BLOCK without mercy.}
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