#izzy lark
jellysquib · 3 months
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more special girl syndrome idiot
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slutty-disco · 1 year
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goo iphone
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falloutspammer · 2 months
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an accidental midnight meeting
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strawberrytalia · 9 months
“Lark?” Izzy repeated, brows furrowed as she paused spinning in the desk chair. “Where’d you get that from?”
“I don’t know, it’s just an idea,” Duke replied, feeling his ears burn slightly. He wiped the rag over his helmet a tad bit more aggressively than before, frowning at the streaks forming on his visor.
“You know, the whole bats and birds theme they have…it kinda makes sense.”
She quirked one pierced eyebrow. “I guess, but you gotta have meaning beyond just ‘it fits the theme.’”
Duke rolled his eyes at her unflattering imitation of his voice before dropping the rag and lifting the helmet high, in an unnecessarily Hamlet-esque manner. “Whatever, it works for the time being. Besides he picked it out.”
He turned towards Riko, who’d been sprawled out across the floor scribbling furiously in her notebook. “What do you think about all this?”
She perked her head, squinting at him. A smudge of red marker was smeared on her cheek, and all over her fingers. “If your name is Lark, then why don’t you have any bird connection to your outfit at all?”
Duke’s jaw dropped. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m serious.”
“The yellow and black, helloooooo? That’s what a lark looks like.”
Riko shrugged, a mess of dark multi-colored bangs shadowing her eyes. “That’s just my opinion.”
Duke scowled and brought his helmet back down, cradling it against his chest. “Don’t listen to them.”
Izzy stared incredulously. “Are you talking to your helmet?”
“Yes. Leave me alone.”
Riko chewed thoughtfully on her pencil eraser before speaking. “Your helmet looks like a cat.”
Duke whipped his head at her. “What?”
“Yeah, it looks like a little kitty, not a bird,” she continued, deciding to just continue on rather than take back her statement.
Izzy burst into laughter, swinging her feet onto his desk. “I see it!”
He narrowed his eyes briefly at the sight of her sneakers on his workspace, but turned back to Riko. “It’s supposed to look like a bat.”
She thrusted her marker in his direction with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Meow-Man! That shall be your new codename!”
“Hell no.”
“Since Catman is already taken,” Izzy chimed in, blinking innocently when Duke rolled his eyes.
“You guys are so unserious. I don’t even know why I invited you over.”
Riko didn’t let it go. “Why would you have a bat helmet anyways if you’re a lark? Like there’s no connection.”
“The connection is that Batman hired me-” He stopped and sighed. “You both are so annoying, you know that?”
A huge shit-eating grin adorned Izzy’s face. “But you love us anyways.”
Well, she wasn’t wrong.
Riko tossed another rag, aiming for Duke’s head even though he caught it easily. “Well, finish polishing your outfit, Meow-Man. Aren’t you scheduled to leave in a half hour?”
Duke groaned, glaring at the ears on his helmet that, for the first time in his mind, really did look like they belonged on a cat.
He was definitely going to have a chat with Bruce later on patrol.
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cannebady · 2 years
Well, I'm on my Stizzy bullshit.
This is steddyhands where Stede and Izzy are both smitten with each other but struggling to communicate it.
They're sleeping together, but only with Ed too and it's all Ed being dominant and Izzy being submissive and Stede kinda just being along for the ride. Anyway, they're figuring it out.
And Izzy loves how rough and possessive Ed gets loves what they do together and that they actually get to do this now.
In fact, that's what sparked his predicament. Because the only reason he and Ed worked their shit out is because Stede called them both out like a prissy little bull in a fancy fuck off China shop and if he hadn't stuck his stupid nose where it didn't belong, Izzy wouldn't have everything he could ever want.
Well, everything he used to want. He was never much for tenderness, if he's honest. Soft things don't survive at sea and he learned that young.
Stede, though. Stede survives at sea. Hell, he even fucking thrives, and he's seen that man make slow, sweet, mind-rendingly gentle love to fucking Blackbeard until Ed is sobbing, and begging, and nearly out of his mind with it.
He got to watch once and it's fucked him up ever since. Because it turns out there is something else Izzy Hands can want for. He can want for soft hands to touch him with love, and with intent. To take pleasure in his pleasure. And he supposes he could ask Ed for it, but he likes the way Ed touches him.
He wants Stede to touch him like that. He wants him to do it because he wants to, not to put on a show for Ed or to prove a point. Izzy wants Stede Bonnet to fucking ruin him with his soft hands and his filthy words, and his ridiculous cock and it's driving him out of his blessed mind.
Because Stede has seen Ed hit, kick, choke, scratch, and fuck Izzy at knife point. He's seen Izzy get his face brutally fucked by the visage of Blackbeard and yes he loves it, craves it even, but maybe, he's finding, he can love more than one kind of thing. More than one kind of person.
He handles it about as well as he handles anything else, which is not really that well at all. It starts to get into his head - why doesn't Stede initiate anything with him? The bastard takes every other damn thing he pleases, but he won't ask to fuck Izzy?
So he draws the logical conclusion; he's here for Ed and Stede and Stede is there for Ed and tolerant of Izzy. He doesn't pine for touch from Izzy, or lay awake a night imagining something as simple as a kiss. And why would he? Stede has Ed, who looks like that, and Izzy's tried to fuck him over so many times. It's not his fault that Izzy's broken, corroded heart tripped headlong into love from loathing when Izzy's given him no reason to reciprocate.
So, he makes a decision to lock those feelings down deep. He kept himself from touching Ed for nearly thirty years and he's pretty sure they don't all have thirty years left considering their line of work, so this should be easy. A piece of fucking cake.
But every time there's soft words and touches between the loves of his life, it hurts something deep in him. It hurts that Stede sees Ed and wants to give him everything and he doesn't feel that way with Izzy.
But Izzy's a selfish bastard, and he wants.
It comes to a head, as many things do, when he gets absolutely pissed on whiskey during shore leave. Ed is off doing fuck knows what, but Stede decided to come to the pub with Izzy and he doesn't know what all to make of that, but they're getting drunker and drunker, and Izzy keeps ordering drink after drink to ignore how good Stede's thigh feels against his and how much he wants those hands on him.
His mood turns sour quickly when his mind starts the whole pining lark again and, after Stede's fifth assertion that Izzy had enough and should come with him back to the ship, Izzy reaches the end of his rope.
"I'm a grown man, fuck off you poncey twat" he growls and he wants to inhale the words back into his stupid drunk mouth because Stede looks stricken, then like he's gathering up pieces of himself to put back away.
"Well then, alright." Stede replies and then gets up and walks out like he isn't taking Izzy's mangled heart with him.
He has a few more drinks because at this point why not? What does he have to lose save for more of his waning dignity. Getting a room and heading back to the Revenge in the morning is a tempting option, but something draws him back to the ship. It might just be that it's a home for him; very possibly the only one he's ever really acknowledged.
He's not nearly as drunk as he expects, but he's got a twisting, roiling feeling in his gut anyway. The walk was supposed to clear his head, but by the time he realizes that it didn't, he's wringing his fucking hands and already standing in front of the Captains cabin. His cabin, some may even call it (Ed and Stede do).
He walks in with a degree of confidence that only truly not giving a fuck and approximately eight whiskeys can buy you, and there's Stede, with a light blue silk robe draped across his shoulders, perfect blonde curls sitting about his shoulders, and a pair of hastily wiped red eyes that Izzy reckons he may have put there himself. He's immediately sober in a way he doesn't expect and he feels the crushing weight of his feelings and this secret he's dug into his chest.
Stede goes to speak, but Izzy's running on regret and adrenaline and just needs him to listen for one fucking second before he loses his nerve. He's sure if he doesn't say this now he never will.
"I want you," he says, and Stede's jaw drops a bit before he inhales like he's about to respond, "no, stop, let me talk." His voice is wildly steady given the shaking of his hands.
"I do, I fucking want you, okay? And I think you're a ponce too, but I see what-" his voice cracks. Fuck. He better get this out quick.
"I want you to fuck me like you fuck Ed and I want what you and Ed have too. But I don't think it'll fucking work because you love him and you don't love me and-"
Whatever he meant to say is taken away from him by Stede's warmth, and seconds later, by one of his gorgeous, soft hands brushing the swallow inked at Izzy's throat, and by the hazel eyes staring down into his and fucking shit, he's seen that tenderness a million times before, but never directed at him.
"Don't love you?", Stede's voice is soft and brimming with emotion, "Of course I love you, how couldn't I?"
And Izzy doesn't even care that it's cheesy or and doesn't want to wonder if it isn't true. He doesn't care that he can think up a thousand reasons that he wouldn't be loved, starting with slicing up Stede's shirt and stealing a hostage, then ending with actual betrayal via British Navy, but again Stede found a way to surprise him.
He's going to say it back, but what comes out is a whine and then soft lips are over his, and soft hands are around his waist and oh fucking hell.
It's good, is the thing. Stede's holding him so gently, but also like he can't imagine letting go. As he slowly licks Izzy's mouth open he's running one hand from his hair, to his jaw, to his waist, then his hip to pull them flush, and then right back up to grip the back of Izzy's head like Stede can't fathom not touching all of Izzy and fuck if Izzy doesn't wholeheartedly agree.
He remembers that he also has hands, and then buries them both in Stede's hair. It's so soft and and this close he can see the whites and grays that Stede hasn't avoided and it makes Izzy feral. This isn't the Stede of his dreams, nor some perfect gentleman from a society that rejected Izzy from childhood, this is the real deal, the mad man, the lunatic, this fucking incredible being, and fuck its doing Izzy's head in.
When Stede breaks the kiss, they both realize that they've moved so that Stede's pressing Izzy into the wall next to the bed. Izzy's panting, barely holding himself up, and he grinds up against Stede, for the friction and to be a little shit, and Stede's eyes darken. He's so lost in them that he barely realizes that Stede's hands have moved before he's being bodily picked fucking up and oh yeah, Stede has actual fucking muscles now, which fuck fuck fuck. He gets why Ed loses his fucking mind for this.
He groans and Stede whispers into his ear, close enough that he can feel his lips, his breath, "Israel, darling, let me take you to bed."
And Izzy's breathing out, "Yes, fuck, finally". He feels safe and wanted and fucking loved and it's sending him floating.
He lets that warmth light him up as Stede lays him down, curls hanging in the space between them, before he kisses Izzy again and they're both lost to the gentle, sweet expression of love and devotion they both deserve.
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tinyagitator · 1 year
Okay so @scordoesart posted a lovely Bellhands thing the other day and I got thinking again, which can either be fun, or lead to sheer madness and brainrot and this is the brainrot kind of thinking apparently. So I had to write it down and regain some semblance of sanity again.
So, Bellhands is all well and good (and honestly, probably the most likely option for Izzy's long lost boyfriend please cast Matt Berry as Sam, he is so perfect), but then I doodled a little piratey dude the other day, thought he looked like he could be a good boyfriend for Izzy, but he didn't feel like Bellamy to me, and then I thought
Blackbeard is a pirate with a bloody reputation, but a soft side for his beloved.
You know you else had a big, nasty, bloodthirsty reputation?
Charles Vane
Hear me out:
In history, Vane got started sailing around the same time as Stede and Blackbeard under Henry Jennings, and pretty quickly made a name for himself and gained a reputation for like, torturing captured crews, and being the "leave none alive, show no mercy" sort of pirate captain.
So if Vane is a big name in the pirate world, why wouldn't Izzy hear that name and go "that's my boyfriend! He's alive!"
Some pirates likely changed their names to protect their family's reputation, so maybe when they were younger, Izzy didn't know him as Charles Vane?
From what I skimmed on Wikipedia, Vane didn't sail with Hornigold, but we're history inspired here, not completely accurate. I read somewhere that Taika said he read like 4 sentences of the Blackbeard Wikipedia page and decided to just wing it from there, so if it's good enough for Taika, it's good enough for me
So, what if he did? What if he sailed with Hornigold and company under his legal name, and then later changed it to Vane when he started building his own piratey reputation?
Some time after Blackbeard gets to captain his own ship, something happens and Charles gets separated from the crew (arrested? Falls overboard and picked up by a different ship? Idk, something) and Izzy thinks his boyfriend is dead
Maybe Charles has some connections somewhere and talks his way out of being hanged for crimes of piracy, but has a hard time getting back out to sea for some reason. Eventually he does get away and back out to sea where he meets Jennings, and somewhere down the road, he gets to captain his own ship and goes off to try to reunite with Izzy and company.
(side note: at least according to Wikipedia, he sailed on The Lark, The Ranger, The Katherine, and a different ship called The Ranger. Hornigold also had a ship called the Ranger, so there's the basis for my half-assed 'Vane used to sail with Hornigold' theory. I’ve also decided that his ship the Katherine is named after someone he knows. A beloved little sister, maybe?)
Historically, Vane and Calico Jack sailed together for a time. Per Wikipedia, Jack was Vane's quartermaster, and later became captain after voting Vane out of his captaincy. Again, vaguely historically inspired, my vision of Vane (fairly level-headed and laid back, but prone to bursts of anger and murder) probably doesn't like wild, rambunctious Jack too much, and maybe only briefly reunited with him prior to ep 8. So maybe when Charles reunites with Blackbeard and Izzy, there can be a "why the FUCK didn't Jack tell you I've been looking for you, I'm gonna fuckin kill him" moment
Maybe Vane got his violent reputation while looking for Izzy. I'm picturing like, Vane shows up in the republic of pirates, asks about Blackbeard, and the guys there are like "oh yeah he was here like a week ago, you just missed him. No idea where he fucked off to this time", and he starts taking out his frustration on captured ships because his former shipmates are just always slightly out of reach. Or maybe gossip spreads about Ed and Stede taking the act of grace, and Vane starts getting extra passionate about hunting English ships, hoping to find Blackbeard on one of them and reunite with his old friend?
how did Izzy and Charles end up together in the first place? Still working out the details on that one, but it's coming together, just slowly
This may turn into a actual fic some day (probably not, I have no time, nor am I good with words) but for now it's just a jumbly, scrambly list of half-formed ideas that need to be dealt with eventually
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fireflysummers · 1 year
The fact you think Izzy needs to be punished at all is fucked but especially after he suffered enormous physical abuses .... I'm sorry people were cruel enough to you that you think this way and believe that's the way people ought to be treated.
Hey Nonny,
I mean this with utter sincerity: Are you doing okay?
Because I don't know who you are, and you don't know who I am. And despite that you are making a lot of assumptions about me, my background, and my personal character.
I don't usually answer asks like this, because I have a personal policy not to project the details of my emotional and mental health to a bunch of strangers online. I'm not inclined to doing so now, in defense of what was, ultimately, intended as a funny throwaway post for a fandom I am not involved in.
We could go back and forth all day about my philosophies around crime and punishment, abuse, imperfect victims, and restorative justice. We could argue semantics about whether I should have put quotation marks on "punishment" or swapped it for a softer term like "consequences," in order to emphasize the non-serious tone of the post.
However, that's not actually the issue here.
It seems like you are deeply invested in this character, enough that you feel the need to defend him from a hypothetical situation put out by a stranger on the internet. While it's inappropriate behavior to censor how others interact with fiction, I understand where you're coming from. I know how it feels when you find a piece of media that you see so much of yourself in that any callousness towards it feels like a personal attack.
At the end of the day, Izzy Hands from OFMD is not a real person. He does not need to be defended from my punishment of shipping him with Stede Bonnet on a lark.
You, however, are a real person, and it sounds like you are in a lot of pain. I'm so sorry that you've been through these experiences; what was done to you was wrong. I'm also glad that you've found something in this show and character that resonates with you. Healing is slow and messy, and sometimes you need to do it through a proxy.
Please take care of yourself, anon. I hope that someday, somewhere, somebody comes to your defense as ardently as you come to Izzy's.
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jellybeanium124 · 2 years
Rating the Hargreeves Siblings based on how well they’d do as a crew member on the Revenge
Luther: 7/10. S1 and 2 Luther would do alright, but s3 Luther would be like 10/10. Living in the same place with a group of buddies as close as family and doing activities together??? he’d rock that shit
Diego: 6/10. Too much of a lone wolf, could see conflict with Jim arise, and definitely conflict with Izzy. He’d try to be a leader too much which would annoy Stede and Ed, but his knife skills are somehow better than Jim’s so they don’t wanna ditch him.
Allison: 10/10. Once they get over the whole “being a woman thing” Allison would do amazing. She’d lead, but in a way that didn’t step on toes, and the rumoring just makes her so OP. Also she’s a fucking badass.
Klaus: 5/10. He’d literally just be chillin all day, which is fine as far as being a crew mate on the Revenge goes, but not fantastic. He’d ruin Izzy’s world.
Five: 7/10. I think, while Five would make a great pirate, the ship is just too damn small for him. Maybe he’d bond with Ed over that jumpiness, but Ed might be put off by Five’s history of murder. Also he and Izzy hate each other on site because I say so.
Ben: U!Ben: 5/10. Tentacles would scare the shit out of Ed and cause ptsd flashbacks and he’s scared to use them anyways. He is potentially a conflict resolution guy though, and his bitchy side would fit in perfectly. S!Ben: 2/10. He’d be annoyed with all of them and too much of a mean bitch. I don’t think he’d purposefully trigger Ed for a lark but he probably wouldn’t be careful either.
Viktor: 9/10. this bitch has 0 morals and cosmic powers and something to prove. He’d do great.
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dino-collective-bah · 2 months
Hi! Could we get a anxiety alter from inside out! With paras,transids(mainly mental/disabilities) and cis ids!
Name: Anxiety, Zippy
Age: 15 permateen
Pronouns: he/they, it/its, ey/eym,we/us
add alot more if thats okay!
Source:inside out
Roles: not sure
Sign off:🧠
Personality: Highly energetic and alert, constantly bouncing around and reacting quickly. Tends to worry about worst-case scenarios. can be often overwhelming but not with bad intentions just wants to keep everyone safe.
Likes: Planning and organizing, feeling prepared, colorful and energetic environments, playful activities, comforting rituals
Dislikes: Unpredictability, loud and jarring noises, being unprepared
Positive Front Trigger(s): High-energy environments, any activity, colorful events, sudden bursts of energy
Negative front triggers:N/A
Please add anything and everything you think would fit them!
Lvl 3 - anxiety from inside out
Name(s): Anxiety, Zippy, Anto, Mono, Izzy, Uno, Tori, Linx, Max, Lark, Kenzy, Jax
Pronoun(s): he/him, they/them, it/its, ey/eym, we/us, coo/coos/cooself, anxiety/anxietys/anxietyself, pez/pezze/pezelf, glit/glitter/glitter/glitterself, ve/ver, zhe/zher, hx/hxm, thyy/thym, zip/zips/zipself, z/z/zself, zie/zies/zieself, ze/zir
Age: 15, Permateen
Species: Human
Gender(s): Nonbinary, Genderfear, Orangegender, Vibrantpaintic, Fungender, Starcadegender
Orientation(s): Panromantic, Pansexual
Source: Inside Out
Role(s): Anxiety Holder
Sign-off: 🧠, 🧡, or 😰
Personality: Zippy is very energetic and alert. He is constantly bouncing around, both physically and mentally. They react quickly to all sorts of things and is always prepared for the worst case scenario. While it can also be overwhelming, ve has no bad intentions and just wants to keep everyone thyy care about safe.
Likes: planning and organizing, feeling prepared, colorful and energetic environments, playful activities, comforting rituals, painting/coloring
Dislikes: unpredictability, loud and jarring noises, being unprepared
Front Triggers (pos and neg): high-energy environments, any activity, colorful events, sudden bursts of energy, events that require planning, things not going according to plan
Paras: Spectaphilia, Chromatophilia, Angaliaphilia
CisIDs: Orange Skin, Orange Hair, Eye Bags, Anxiety, OCD, Green Eyes, Socially Awkward, Organized, Autistic
TransIDs: TransBPD, TransSzPD, TransKleptomaniac, TransStutter, TransDisabled, TransChronicPain, TransNarcoleptic, TransTourettes, TransFreckles, PermaBlushing
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jellysquib · 5 months
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val calling izzy cute and her freaking out is 90% of their relationship
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5-7-9 · 4 months
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Izzy’s right, they need new codenames that aren’t Robin themed now 🤔
(I think them all standing in front of an “A” is a metaphorical and literal sign of what their new name could be. I have no clue tho, tots lost on me. “A-new” ? “A Child Endangerment” ???).
“Darkestdawn,” “Sidekicker,” and “BlackDomino” were pretty good and don’t need a change. “DaxAtax” is probably a play on words for Dax-attacks? I think that’s fine. “Dre-B-Robbin” is pretty pun funny for “Dre-be-robbing” but has Robin in it. “Kat-R-ina” is still Robin themed so needs a revamp. “Robina” is very… needs to go yeah. “Shug-R” is a play on words for sugar, but the R rules hers out. R-iko is just Riko but the emphasis on R is a no.
Not sure if everyone’s totally cool with their codenames just having their names actually in their codenames, but if Penny can do it (Drake was stupid tho) then i guess they can too.
Duke has “Lark” now (because of his helmet).
Sparrow took the easy name >:/ but whatever. It’s kinda ironic because it’s a songbird that can’t really hear very well tho.
BlueBird is so simple omfg.
I’m thinking Shug could be “Hummingbird” since it’s the closest easy to remember birdie with a sugar theme, or “Sweetie” or “Honey” or “Nectar” Or just straight up rewrite it to be “Sugar” again. Dax might go for a Batman themed name, and Riko too but it’s a Batgirl themed name.
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Is is bad if I think Dax’s mohawk reminds me of a rooster so i want him to be called “Rooster” ? 💀 Whatever “Bat Guano Rama” is, that’s a real wacky codename to have. “Hey Batshit, you on 9th street?” 😂 OMG BATSHIT YES!!! “BatShit” as Dax’s new codename i’m a fucking genius. That or “BatGuano”
I checked for a bird and found a Pheasant, which looks cool and has Robin colours but it sounds like peasant which is insulting…. The “-iko” sounded japanese but idk if it is, but there are words that have -iko in it. I’m honestly unsure but it could be a anime reference idk. It has to be cool. Pheasant sounds like “Feather” which could be cool? Or Kiji which is the japanese word of pheasant. Idk, bit of a thinker this one
As much as I want to stick to a bird theme, others got a non bird related codename so i think i’m good. Dre is perfect as a wolf.
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I think he should be “LoneWolf” because it’d be ironic when he has friends but is still called a loner. That or “Werewolf” but he’d be a furry the confusion over actual werewolves would happen. Also his suit doesn’t have wolf features, can be changed tho with a simple redesign 🤔 OH “WereKnight” OOOOOO
Kat-R-ina could be shorten to “Trina” or “KitKat.” We don’t get to see or hear about her, but I’m headcanoning her as one of Shug’s friends, along with Darkestdawn who actually seems to know Shug personally enough to know what she looks like.
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Just gonna assume one of those guys is “Darkestdawn,” and the other is Katrina. Shug and them 🌟
I think “Iz” should be fine but idk. Last time she just did Robin with an “-a” suffix for girl, it’s kinda… simplistic… hahah…. We could try “Z” or “Zee” or “Zeey” or “Zzy” but idk…
Btw i really like how “Iz” kinda looks like an R hahah, clever. I just realized right now 😲
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dragonpaint · 6 months
been thinking on and off what animal i want as a "truesona", just an animal that is me. it's been going on for a long time and i really wanna settle what to use but each time i narrow it down i come up with "but what if". i thought yeh i'll just be a dog to make things simple and even made a sketch but eh, it's just too basic (nothing wrong with it but izzy is as basic as a dragon can get (and i love her so much for it) so i want for truesona to stick just a lil bit out).
but that leaves me with such a huge range of animals, eg. rat or mouse, red or fennec fox, birds (hooded crow, paridae, larks, finches, etc.), reptiles or bugs
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victoriajamessl · 3 years
Autumn Leaves
Featuring Capsule by DaD , DaD Virtual Living and Dreams Factory I find autumn leavesare at their mostbeautiful when theyare being raked bysomeone else. -Unknown Happy Monday everyone!  I have the next couple of days off of work but have a few errands to run today.  Tomorrow will be my lollygagging day though. Today I am featuring two new releases from Capsule.  The Zoe Dress is a perfect sweater…
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After leaving Tucson, Izzy went to Phoenix. She sold the car Julian gave her and started hopping from city to city to avoid her sire. 
She settled for a while in Santa Monica and joined a gang run by a Brujah named Randall. She made a few friends too, a Gangrel named Jaya (who she started dating) and a Ravnos named Alex Zhang. However, she eventually found out her sire was in California and fled the state. Jaya and Alex left with her. 
That was in 2004. So the only reason Izzy’s sire was in the area was b/c he was hunting her. So in a roundabout way, it’s Izzy’s fault that Beau got embraced.
They travelled together for several years until Izzy found out her sire was executed by LaCroix. Izzy wanted to move south again to put down roots in a territory she was familiar w/. Jaya didn’t want to go since her abusive ex-husband’s family was looking for her and she wanted to get as far away from them as possible. They split up, w/ Izzy going back south and Jaya and Alex continuing on their way.
I don’t think Izzy ever saw Jaya ever again. But Alex visits Tucson after the events of Night Road and tells her Jaya went up to Canada. Alex then joins up w/ the new courier network Izzy’s building for the Camarilla.
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magnusbaee · 6 years
Alec’s reaction to Izzy telling Charlie they are jewellers is so funny. 
I mean the only expertise Alec has about jewellery is knowing every piece that Magnus wears on a daily basis. lbr
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yohohohomos · 2 years
Okay but this post made me want to clarify one of the reasons i fucking love OFMD so much is HOW WELL DEVELOPED AND COMPLEX ALL THESE CHARACTERS ARE???? In a completely unironic manner, none of these people are without flaw. Blackbeard/Ed is vengeful and temperamental and impulsive, dismissive and cruel to those who dont capture and demand his immediate attention, but he is also broken and lost and beautiful, full of wonderlust, curious and adventurous. He's brilliant and a magnificent leader. Stede is compassionate and stubborn and kind, but he is also a self-centered coward who never thinks of the consequences of his actions. Selfish and naiive perhaps entirely by choice. You LOVE them, and at the same time, you can COMPLETELY understand why someone else in the story does not. You even understand why they might hate them. Stede was a kind man, but that doesnt justify how he abandoned his kids, his wife and the marriage he never tried make work. And Blackbeard is traumatized and broken and beautiful, but hes also a moody bitch who is ungrateful of Izzy's steadfast loyalty, who's tortured people both physically and emotionally for a fucking lark. Theyre so unequivocally, irredeemably human, and so so SO magnificently well written, the Kraken and rhe Lighthouse. That writers' room was BUSSIN BUSSIN
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