#iza m.
but-ifly · 2 years
te confesso que não pensei que estaria aqui de novo por agora
lançando meus ouvidos às estrelas pra saber da gente
calculando meus passos pra ficar cada vez mais perto
mas esse ainda não é sobre você
esse é sobre mim
sobre meu medo de amar
meu medo de me envolver
meu medo de ser você
e o medo de não ser
penso e repenso no que vou fazer
às vezes me arrependo no instante em que faço
às vezes não dá certo e tenho que pensar mais fundo
e ai me bate o medo
de você não entender
de não saber lidar
de não pensar como eu penso
e aí me paralisa
e depois que passa, eu fico pensando
me martirizando por me entregar ao medo
tentando correr atrás do que a repressão que eu sofri todos esses anos me causou
e hoje já é quarta e eu não tenho seu bom dia
amanhã é quinta e eu provavelmente não terei
sexta já não vou te ver mais
no sabado talvez eu já esteja mais segura
me desculpa não ir de cabeça
acho que os anos me deram esse receio
não vejo isso nos mais jovens
mas tudo é um sinal
que interpretam errado.
e eu não sei dos likes
não sei dos comentários
não sei das prioridades
o que sei é isto
te quero e estou com medo
de querer mais, de você querer menos
e de não dar bom pra mim de novo
mas é isso
talvez eu tenha coragem
talvez te mande mensagem
talvez não ligue pra idade
talvez te veja domingo
talvez te beije sorrindo
talvez te tenha amor
talvez isso me traga dor
talvez eu tenha esquecido
que esse não era sobre você
era sobre mim, mas deixou de ser.
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fan-of-the-cave-bear · 3 months
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Some fanart I found on Reddit by JayMD
"The left scene depicted in the first piece is Ayla saving Broud's child from the cave hyena with her sling and in turn revealing that she uses it
The one on the top right is her meeting the Neanderthal woman and her hybrid child at the Clan gathering"
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izabean0 · 5 months
OUHHHHH YES!!!!!!!!!! augh now iwanna make a humansona cuz th last humansona "i" had wwas. thas not me lol. what if our humansonas were playing in the ruins leaves together. brb time to silly
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grabs your. shoulders. thjrat would be sillay. ....
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viovio · 6 months
"I feel nauseated by the smell of fish shops" I'm filipino.
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izaedits · 2 years
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with fans💘
please like or reblog
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sharpestasp · 2 years
3 sentence ficathon again!
Earth's Children, Iza, idle hands
It is not that she thinks they should always be busy, because even as pressured to do everything as the women are, Iza knows resting is important. Yet, with her child of the Others, she realizes just as quickly that too much rest leads to strife, especially with Broud, for Ayla.
So it is that she pushes herself to gather more, farther from the cave, to take Ayla away from the likely trouble that falls when the child is idle.
Earth's Children, Iza, family
At no point with her mate had Iza ever felt this truly fulfilled, with Creb as the man of the hearth, Ayla the child of it, and little Uba to round out the family unit. She had no need or desire for a mate, preferring the company and care of her brother who feels closer in her heart than ever. And, even with the trials that come of her having Uba so old, of Ayla being so strange, she knows what it is to be a family for the first time since she was the baby of the leader-before-Brun's hearth.
Earth's Children, Creb, to be a man
Creb had wondered, many times as a young man, what it might have felt like to be a true man who hunted and shared stories of such, welcome to the women for relieving his needs, and other things that came with being whole of body in the Clan.
He felt as if none of that mattered now, as he continued to prove that Great Ursus, in crippling him further than just his birth had, was generous in making his brain promote him far ahead of the other mog-urs, and exulted that he was being hailed as the first among them so swiftly.
Never mind that the datura-enhanced visions of the future spoke of a woman and children at a fire in a strange cave with him, because not all visions, he knew, came to pass.
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izasfaceups · 2 years
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Now this tiny girl was a task and a half to blush without getting pastels all over the body too. She arrived as a fullset, but had unblushed wings and was missing the vine tattoos along her arms and legs. So I added them.
The video is needed to show the multichrome shimmer I put on the wings. They shimmer from gold to pink to purple to blue! I blushed them first with pastels and then slathered them in shimmer.
Want to see more of my work or commission me? Then please check out my website at www[dot]IzasFaceUps[dot]com!
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gcik · 1 year
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
apparently rumors are surfacing that answer is dlc
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Yeah...yup.......that's what I was referring to.
Happy to have Metis back but....................................................................................... the DLC still pisses me off. Like I'm torn.
Do I buy it because that's what Atlus WANTS me to do? And it's what will get me maybe FeMC or other stuff?
Or do I boycott it, but Atlus will be like "oh they don't want the item" and I'll continue to not have said item.
I'm fucking screwed either way.
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de-repente-tudo-azul · 10 months
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virgovirgo · 1 year
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boopshoops · 4 months
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40 hours of work- just around 200 peoples ocs in the twst community (as such there may be some small mistakes on my end and sometimes i couldnt find refs with all the colors so i did my best!! Honestly im sorry if i missed you too even if its impossible for me to get every single person HFNDJXDHV)
Nothing can quite describe how welcomed ive felt in this community. I find myself always wanting to give back to my moots, followers, or even just other members in the community in general.
SOOO ive been slowly chipping away at this for the past few months. Consider this a gift! And uh, have fun finding your ocs/yuus-
Group photo tags pt1
@thehollowwriter Finn
@rizdoodls Andy
@sakuramidnight15 Hei-ran
@cruel-acid Iza
@raguiras Allen
@oya-oya-okay Yuu and Shishio
@tedearaminta Riona
@zjmaeve Zeth
@akemiozawa Charlotte
@twsted-princess Chimlim
@akihikosanadasboyfriend Yuuma
@tinisprout Yurelle
@valse-a-mille-temps Yuuven
@yaoyaobae Fran
@cosmonavo Gwen
@simpingseafood Sasha
@nuitthegoddess Aurelian and Hana
@cenpede Vitya
@tixdixl Oisín
@tartppola Yuu
@the-trinket-witch Albert and the janitor
@kenchann Yuu
@egophiliac Yuu
@raven-at-the-writing-desk Miss Raven
@adaven17 Yuu
@cecilebutcher Vesper and Igor
@miyuki-fenn Désiré and Mel
@polywoo Misdemeanor
@myuminji Yuu
@zvezdacito Micah
@citrus-c0la Oliver
@datboredpencil Mao
@prinxurie Zuzhou and Jiushu
@robo-milky Cloche
@starry-night-rose Ellis
@bloodiegawz Yuu
@artfulhero-m Aster
@justm3di0cr3 Emory and Poppy
@ai-kan1 Juno
@the-fridge-orange Elinor
@breadcheese444 Lily
@fumikomiyasaki Carol and Yuzuha
@ceruleancattail Cinder and Ceru
@ashipiko Ashi
@elektrosyntetik Anya
@veilofthorns Kissy
@terrovaniadorm Rhys and Ulrica
@midostree-art Yuu
@lanshappycorner Roseline
@midnightmah07 Daisy
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the-last-tsar · 1 year
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"Since the outbreak of war Alexey had been playing soldiers at home, proudly strutting around in his soldier's greatcoat - 'quite like a little military man', as Alix told Nicky - standing guard, digging trenches and fortifications in the palace gardens with his dyadki and in the process sometimes provoking attacks of pain in his arms. But aside from this he was in better health than he had been for years, and for some time now had had no serious attacks. It was hard for Alexandra to let her boy go, but she agreed on condition that Alexey's studies should not be interrupted. He was by now, however, woefully behind in his lessons and although he was followed to Stavka by both PVP and Pierre Gilliard, he rarely knuckled down to a full day's lessons, preferring the distractions of board games, playing his balalaika and enjoying the company of his new dog, a cocker spaniel named Joy. At Stavka Alexey was in his element, sharing the same Spartan living conditions with his father, sleeping on campbeds, going on trips to army camps, inspecting the troops with him and enjoying the camaraderie of the soldiers, and taking particular pleasure in swimming with his father in the River Dnieper. Back at Tsarskoe everyone in the entourage felt the absence of father and son: "life at the Imperial Palace became, if possible, even quieter", recalled Iza Buxhoeveden. "The whole place seemed dead. There was no movement in the great courtyard. We ladies-in-waiting went to the Empress through a series of empty halls." Whenever Nicholas and Alexey returned on visits, "the palace sprang to life". At Stavka the young heir made a strong impression on all who met him. True, he could still be brattish - particularly at table, where he had a penchant for throwing pellets of bread at his father's ADCs. But his extraordinary energy lit up a room. "It was the first time I had seen the Tsarevich when the door of our box flung open and he came like a gale of wind," recalled US naval attaché Newton McCully:
"Full of life, healthy looking, and one of the handsomest youngsters I have ever seen, I was particularly glad to see him so closely because I had heard so many rumors about his being paralyzed - maimed for life - and so on. One could not wish to see a handsomer child. Undoubtedly he has been ill, but there are no signs of illness about him now - if anything perhaps a too exuberant vitality, perhaps an organism over-nervous."
In mid-october, Alexandra, Anna Vyrubova and the girls visited Mogilev, in time to see Alexey awarded the Medal of St George 4th class. They were all delighted to see the continuing improvement in his health and strength. "He was developing marvelously through the summer both in bodily vigor and gaiety of spirits", recalled Anna Vyrubova. "With his tutors, M. Gilliard and Petrov, he romped and played as though illness were a thing to him unknown.""
The Romanov Sisters | Helen Rappaport.
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viovio · 2 years
because the funniest example of misunderstanding sexymen was when i first watched manlys twdak video and a bunch of people were obviously attracted to him in like "hear me out" kinda way but ALSO most of the comments were saying how much he resembled mettaton and how he could be a tumblr sexyman becauseee
you know that one post where the character DESIGNED to appeal to players by being super conventionally pretty got pushed to the side by the silly skeeleton (who is dead fucking serious and like him. also your friend) that's what gets me these guys don't know that by comparing albert to mettaton he's already lost the title of being a sexyman
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haveyoureadthispoll · 8 months
A natural disaster leaves the young girl wandering alone in an unfamiliar and dangerous land until she is found by a woman of the Clan, people very different from her own kind. To them, blond, blue-eyed Ayla looks peculiar and ugly--she is one of the Others, those who have moved into their ancient homeland; but Iza cannot leave the girl to die and takes her with them. Iza and Creb, the old Mog-ur, grow to love her, and as Ayla learns the ways of the Clan and Iza’s way of healing, most come to accept her. But the brutal and proud youth who is destined to become their next leader sees her differences as a threat to his authority. He develops a deep and abiding hatred for the strange girl of the Others who lives in their midst, and is determined to get his revenge.
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angustheciprianni · 3 months
‘M confused..
Do you have one wife?
Or 2?
Oh well..
I’ll steal th’ smile of BOTH of em’!
" I reckon ya can't do Iza's smile. "
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