#iz zatf
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mashedbootatoes · 1 year ago
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Art dump
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keivtev · 7 months ago
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one of my favorite headcanons is that tak was with zim in elite training, too
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marionedde · 7 months ago
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problems of living with aliens no. 1- they invade your kitchen
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lethalfaerie · 1 year ago
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i rlly dont use this site but yeah ! green alien dude stuff
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candylitaaa · 5 months ago
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That moment where you start writing a fanfic but also starts feeling embarrassed to see people reading it
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asexual-spongebob · 10 months ago
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drew this scene from a chapter of wail of the siren I’m working on! It’s actually from the final chapter and I’m almost finished with it :)
I still need to finish chapters 4-9 but other then that it’s mostly written :)
I made sure to write the last chapter early because I did and that with my last multi chapter fic and it worked out well!
proud of myself for prewriting a lot of it! first time I’ve done that successfully! :3
anyway we got zim and tak driving around in tak’s ship, keef’s just awkwardly sitting there, gir is singing peanut butter jelly time and mimi is dancing along. I think this is the first time I’ve drawn Keef, which is honestly surprising to me? he’s one of my fav background characters other then skoodge. I also forgot minimoose. I always forget about his existence 😭 :(
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rllymilerlly · 4 years ago
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Another Helluva Boss Crossover (x)
In which Dib has a semi-famous ex-boyfriend the gang finds out about
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golden-wires · 3 years ago
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koopa-arts · 4 years ago
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20 years since this show graced our filthy human eyeballs 👽
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zeropalart · 4 years ago
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So apparently the Tak episode had a cut scene where they hugged???
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zimathan · 5 years ago
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space invaders references!! the qpp crew / founders! <3 zim and dib are dating, and the four are quad qpps!
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keivtev · 8 months ago
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judging you 😳
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katowashere · 5 years ago
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Swap!IZ AU we deserve. I’m not sorry for this. 
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mythgirltaryn · 4 years ago
Last night I had a dream where Zim and Tak went to Sam's Club and got into an argument on whether or not to buy mandarins. They were apparently making a salad and Zim wanted to stick to the recipe while Tak wanted to omit the mandarins because they were already buying cranberries and yogurt and she thought that the salad will end up too sweet.
anyways... Free zatf idea everyone!
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ven-finn · 5 years ago
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:))))))) *drops this on you and leaves*
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sweetiepie08 · 4 years ago
RebelZ Chapter 8
Invader Zim fanfic
While analyzing Zim’s PAK for weaknesses, Tak discovers strange coding that sends her on a search for answers. The clues lead her to uncover a conspiracy that governs all of Irken society. When the truth sends her on the run, she has no choice but to return to the one place the Tallest would never willingly go: Urth.
Meanwhile, Dib has noticed odd changes in Zim’s behavior. Has the invader simply grown bored of his mission over the last few years, or is there something more interesting going on?
People who asked to be tagged: @incorrect-invader-zim , @messinwitheddie, @reblogstupids, @cate-r-gunn, @agentpinerulesall���
If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list feel free to message me. Also, if you’re on the tag list and you changed your name, please just let me know.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8.  Chapter 9.  Chapter 10.
The problem with back-seat space travel was, Dib decided, you couldn’t really tell where you were going. This was especially concerning with Zim at the helm. In fact, leaving Earth with Zim, having to rely on Zim to get home, was probably not the smartest move in the first place. But he did manage to get them to Ecore. The first leg of their mission was complete. All that was left was to go home. That should be the easy part.
However, Zim was concerningly quiet since the ship took off from Ecore. There was no scolding Gir, no boasting of his pilot skills, and not even a peep about whatever Kristlotch had said in the temple. Tak was able to explain the basics. Krislotch told them the secret history of the Control Brains, called rebellion hopeless, and insulted Zim multiple times. Perhaps Zim was just stewing over it. But, if that was all, why did he feel this crushing tension?
Something on the console beeped and Zim scrolled through a sea of Irken text, eyes darting between Dib and Tak. He hadn’t used the voice command system, which was especially odd. From what Dib learned operating Tak’s ship, voice commands was the standard for Irken tech. Zim had to have switched it off manually. The question was, why?
“Hey Zim,” Tak snapped, “that was Zorgad 16.”
Zim kept his eyes straight ahead. “So?”
“So we’re going the wrong way.”
“I know exactly where we’re going,” Zim countered.
“Clearly you don’t. Keep going this way and we’ll…” Her eyes grew wide as some horror dawned on her. “You scum!” she screamed, launching herself at him. “You traitor!”
“It is you who are the traitor!” Zim declared, barely holding her off.
Dib’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. “Zim, what did you do?”
“Gir!” Zim commanded. “Hide and seek! Now!”
“Okie Dokie!” Gir’s robot arms wrapped around Dib and Tak and threw them in the back of the ship with the cargo. “You hide!”
Before they could recover, a metal door slid down, blocking them off from the cockpit. On the other side, they heard Zim command Gir to count to 1 million.
Tak let out an enraged scream and pounded on the door. “Coward! Liar! Boot-licking little worm!”
Dib let his face drop into his hands. “I should have seen this coming. I’ve fallen for his schmoopy act before.”
“No, I should have.” Tak punched the door one more time before leaning her forehead against it. “When I discovered the truth, my first thought was of freeing my people. For that, I was branded traitor and my life clock went off. His never did. That is only possible if he was still loyal to the empire.”
“Can’t you blast through the door with your lasers?” Dib suggested.
A digital monocle popped out of the mechanism on her head and covered her eye. She examined the door for a moment before letting out a sigh. “If I set it powerful enough to penetrate the metal, it’ll also pass through the windshield, exposing us to vacuum space.” Defeated, she leaned her back against the door and slid down to the floor.
“So,” Dib said, sitting down beside her, “what now?”
Some time later, the ship approached the Massive. They noticed the change in gravity as a tractor beam grabbed hold of the Voot and sucked the ship onboard. They heard voices talking outside. One was certainly Zim, but Dib couldn’t make out what was being said. A few minutes later, the doors to the cargo hold opened and Irken soldiers dragged them out.
Dib found himself surrounded by tech he could only dream of, though the situation left him little room to marvel. The hanger held space craft so strange, he couldn’t being to imagine how they worked. The soldiers held weapons he’d never seen before. And above them all loomed the Tallest, living up to their title.
“Hmm… Urth humans really are tall,” the Purple one observed. “Not as tall as us of course but…” Dib assumed the reason for this one’s perfect English was that it was, in a way, talking to him.
“Yes and, as reported, dumb,” Zim added, “as evidenced by the fact he fell for my cunning trap. And, of course, I brought the traitor, Tak, as promised.”
“Yes, these two truly must be dumb if they fell for your plans,” the Red one said. Dib waited for Zim to react, but nothing happened. Unbelievable. Did Zim really not notice the insult, or did he just not care?
“Good work, Zim,” the Red one went on. “We knew we could count on you to bring in the traitor.”
Zim nodded solemnly. “Yes, she tried to sway my loyalty with her treasonous lies, but I never bought them for a second.”
Tak let out a growl and jumped to her feet. “Zim, you know damn well I never-AH!” One of the guards struck her with an electrified weapon, sending her back to the floor.
“And still she persists. Tragic.” Zim tsked and shook his head. “Now, about my reward?”
“Oh yeah, right,” the red one said. “We’ve got a party set up for you in the main snack hall.
Seriously? “You sold us out for a party?” Dib seethed, moving to get up. “You egotistical son of a-AH!” He was also hit by the same weapon, forcing him back to his knees.
Zim snickered and stood above him. “Zim is son to no one but the empire, Dib-stink.”
“Alright then,” the Purple one chimed in. “Now that everything’s settles, let’s execute these prisoners and get this party over with.”
“Wait!” Zim shouted. Everyone stopped and looked at him while Dib raised an eyebrow. What was he doing? “My Tallest, I humbly request to keep these two prisoners alive as trophies for my party.”
“But then we execute them after?” The purple one asked.
Zim nodded. “Oh yes, sure, of course.”
The Red one shrugged. “Okay, fair enough. Stick those two in a cage in the main snack hall until after the party.”
“Excellent!” A wide grin appeared on Zim’s face. “Gir, come with me,” he said, starting down the hall. “We must begin preparing my special punch.”
In short order, Dib and Tak were placed in a cage and forced to watch as Irkens mingled amongst themselves. They all took to it with the enthusiasm of the scientists in Membrane Labs attending the annual, mandatory, holiday party. They wore forced, uncomfortable smiles and attempted small talk. Every one of them looked like they were counting the seconds until they could drop the charade and return to their normal lives.
Suddenly, Zim’s robot popped up in Dib’s field of vision. “Want some punch?!” Gir shrieked, shoving a cup of purple liquid in Dib’s face. “It’ll make you sick!”
Dib cringed as he looked in the cup. “Uh… no thanks.”
“Gir! Get away from there!” Zim shouted, stomping up toward them. He grabbed the cup out of the robot’s hands and began pushing him away. “Humans and traitors don’t get punch,” he tossed over his shoulder as they walked off.
Dib watching Zim head up to the high table at the front of the room and sit down with his Tallest. Much like his dad at those holiday parties, these two were likely the ones who least wanted to be there.
Dib gave the bars another pathetic shake before giving up and turning to Tak. “So, you got any ideas?”
“What’s the point?” she asked, laying flat on the ground.
“Uh, the point is, if we don’t get out of here, we both die.”
“Is dying a prisoner any worse than living as a mindless slave?” She sighed and turned her head to look at the crowd. “Look at them all, human. They don’t even know what they lack. Every one of them is going to die serving the empire and none of them will be thanked or even remembered. Hundreds will be sent to their deaths and hundreds more will take their place. The smeeteries will replace them as fast as they’re killed off. That thing doesn’t care about sacrificing its own food because it can always make more. Kristlotch was right. It is hopeless.”
“You know, sometimes I feel like my people are slaves too,” Dib said, sitting down next to her. “Not to a hive mind parasite, but to other things. The media, corporate greed…”
“I know. I specifically targeted that flaw in my first conquest plan.”
“Right…” Dib rubbed the back of his neck as he thought about how well that almost worked. “Anyway, sometimes I think Zim is right. Humans stink.”
Tak shrugged half-heartedly. “Eh, Irkens are particularly sensitive to smell. You probably smell fine for a human.”
“No, I meant metaphorically,” Dib went on. “Anyway, my point is, just because humans stink now, it doesn’t mean I should give upon them. It’s one of the reasons I want to prove aliens exist so bad. I want people to know what’s out there. I want them to be a little better, a little smarter. I want them to stop worrying about petty problems and work together to improve the world. If they do, who knows? Maybe we can actually join this greater universal stage.”
Tak’s face stayed impassive as she considered his words. “Dib…” she began, sitting up, “not all humans stink.”
He smiled. “And not all Irkens are mindless slaves.”
“No…” Her eyes narrowed and the Tak he knew returned. “And none should be. Dib,” she said, jumping to her feet, “we’re breaking out of here.”
“Great!” he said, jumping up as well. “What’s the plan?”
“I…” she paused and her enthusiasm melted away, “need to think about it.” She sat back down on the floor, but her schmoop was gone. She sat with her back straight and one hand on her chin, thinking, plotting.
They were interrupted by a clinking sound from the high table. They looked to see the Red Tallest flicking the side of his glass with one long finger. “Alright everyone, Zim wants to give a toast with his punch. Everyone get a glass so we can get this over with.”
Gir handed out cups of punch to every Irken in the room.
“Did everyone get one?” Zim asked accepting one cup from Gir. The robot nodded. “Excellent!”
Dib shook the bars and let out a groan. “If only I knew what he was saying.”
Tak sighed, tapped her PAK, and a small microchip floated into her hands. She then reached up and shoved it into Dib’s ear.
“Ow, what was that?” Dib said, rubbing his ear.
“Back-up universal translator,” she explained with a groan. “I’m speaking Irken. You hear better now?”
“Yeah, why didn’t you do that earlier?”
“You didn’t bring it up.”
Dib shrugged, conceding her point, and they turned their attention back to the crowd.
“Come on,” the Red Tallest sighed, impatiently tapping his cup. “Make your speech so we can end this party and get back to important things.”
“Right.” Zim cleared his throat. “Friends, I stand before you today proof of what a true Irken can accomplish. Genius, ingenuity, ambition, these are the things that make an Irken great. With these an Irken can become whatever they want and crush their enemies. To victory!”
“To victory!” the crowd answered back and drank.
Dib kept his eyes glued to Zim though the speech. When Zim lifted his cup to his lips, Dib’s eyes went wide.
“Tak did you see that?” he whispered.
“It's Zim. He didn't drink?”
“How can you possibly know that from all the way over here?
“He didn't tip his cup back far and he didn't swallow.” Dib explained. “And look.”
Zim's eyes scanned the crowd and he quickly checked something on his wrist.
“Is he checking the time? Look at him. He's up to something.”
Tak only responded with a skeptical look.
Dib sighed. “Listen, if I can be considered an expert on anything, it's obsessing over Zim, and you may not guess it from the everything-about-him, but he can be cunning when he wants to be.”
Tak got up and joined him at the bars. Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinized Zim’s expression. “If you're right about this,” she mused, “then the question is, why does he want to be?”
The Irkens lowered their now empty cups, except for Zim who still held him onto his. “Yes, Irk is mighty and prosperous,” he went on, tapping a sharply clawed finger against his cup. “It's such a shame Spek couldn't share in our prosperity.”
“Spek?” Dib turn to Tak. “What's a Spek?”
Tak could only shrug. Dib looked back over at the crowd. They looked just as confused as he felt.
“Spek?” the Purple Tallest mumbled to the Red. “I don't remember any Spek.”
“Spek!” Zim shouted throwing, his cup down and jumping on the table. “The smeet who died in the Death Melee because of your attempt to have me killed! It wasn't your first attempt either. You sent me on my mission to Urth, hoping I’d get lost in the vastness of space.”
“Zim…” The Red Tallest said in a warning tone.
“You sent me to hobo 13 and bet on which drill would kill me.”
“Zim that's…”
“You lied to me about the true nature of the Death Melee so I would die for your entertainment. You gave me a smeet, one who hadn't even seen his first cycle yet, as my partner, just to lower my chances of survival. Do you deny it?”
“Enough, Zim!” the Red Tallest roared. “You can't speak to us like this!”
“I can! I am!”
“Remember you are speaking to your Tallest,” the Purple one shouted back.
“I have no tallest!” Zim declared proudly. “I don't take orders from you anymore, and I haven't since the Death Melee! For 0.3 cycles, I've dreamed of nothing but my vengeance and I shall have it!”
The Purple Tallest laughed. “Ha! Vengeance? Look around you. You're surrounded by the top tier of the Irken Armada. How exactly do you plan on getting past them?”
“Aww, too bad Zim,” the Red Tallest said with a mocking pout. “Looks like you failed, just like you always do. Your vengeance is over before it's even begun.”
Zim looked down on the device on his wrist. He smirked and looked up at his Tallest with the cold fury in his eyes. “My vengeance has already begun.”
At that moment, a General dropped to the floor and began convulsing. More and more Irkens followed him. Zim’s smirk grew with each new body that hit the floor. Finally, the Tallest started convulsing as well.
“You won't get away with this,” The Red one choked out before collapsing on the floor.
He flashed a wicked grin. “Oh, I think I just did.”
Zim’s pack legs deployed as he jumped off the table. He scuttled over to the cage and, after hitting a few buttons, freed Dib and Tak. “Follow me,” he yelled and led them out of the snacking hall.
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