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#crpsawareness today’s been tough I look at this picture and I look fine but in reality I’m in immense pain, I feel like being sick and I’m tired and dizzy from the morphine. This is why they say it’s a INVISIBLE ILLNESS. #invisibleillness #invisibleillnessawareness #cantjudgewhatyoucantsee #ilookfinebutimnot #iwillgetbetter #iwillnotgiveup #iwillgetbetter #ichoosemylife #myillnessmythoughts #myillnessdoesnotdefineme #iwillwinthisbattle https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt74cb-A4uq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10fr18jcxwi7w
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#fighter #survivor #standstronger #invincible #adhd #bipolardisorder #mentalhealthawareness #fightthestigmaofmentalillness #iwillwinthisbattle #watchme #iwillrise #torimania #linkinbio📲💻 (at Chicago, Illinois)
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🙏🏻 . . . 📸: @TrustGodbro #kymtravelogue #calmmyanxiousheart #helpmelord #kayonapoangbahalalord🙏 #sentimode #iwillwinthisbattle #amen #dailypost #tumblr #followforfollow #followtrain #thankful #blessed
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~ sono ancora lontano da dove voglio, ma oggi un po' più vicino di ieri ~ #keepworking#goal#idontcare#idontcarewhatusay#idontcarewhatyouthink#iwillwin#iwillwinthisbattle#mybattle#dancer#dancesport#italianchampionship#chachacha#dancing#strong#mentalized#noexcuses#practice#sacrifice#happiness#happy#man#woman#danceforlife#lifefordance#dancefloor#dancingmood#dancehall#champion#lookinggood (presso Rimini Fiera - Campionato Italiano)
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Started Insanity Max 30 today. I think I hate(love) Shaun T 😅😅😅 I did the cardio challenge and Ab attack. It didn't say to do it but I took my before pics and Idk what is going on but my belly is no where near as awesome as it was last June. So I've got a lot of work to do. I feel like my body is doing just the opposite of what I'm working towards so I need to fight back that much stronger... That being said the cardio will be great for me and I'm going to be getting a Fitbit asap to get back on track with my walking. I noticed I was more motivated when I had the challenges to do and the walking (or lack there of right now) is the only thing different about this year. So I took my before measurements and weight and photo and I can't wait to see the difference after this 60 days. Oh and I knew this was going to be tough so I started the workout with energize to help me boost my workout. I maxed out at 4:45. But I maxed out more than once in the half hour and again in the ab attack. So I count this as a win #lovehatelove #shaunt #insanitymax30 #cardiochallenge #improvingeveryday #killingworkouts #whatsyourstory #pcosweightlossjourney #hypothyroidism #iwillwinthisbattle
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I may not know what my future brings, but I know God's plan will prevail. Good night.♥️😴 🌌
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I don't see a way, but God, my eyes are upon You. I know You have a way. 🙏 #caption #positivepadinmgabesh😊 #walangsukuan #LordiTrustinYou🙏☝ #keepemcomin #ihaveGod #noonecanstopGodsplan #iwillwinthisbattle😁🏻️#iwillandican #withLord #whenJesussayyesnobodycansayno❤✊👊 (at Bacolod City)
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My cat and I are having a stand off. He started scratching my carpet and I picked up a book. He's siting there glaring at me with his claws out and I'm staring back with the book raised. Stand down Popcorn that's my favorite rug.
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