#iwaoi soulmate au
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giustoart · 7 months ago
Last week, on twitter, was Iwaoi Week!
Let me share the pics I made for it 🩵💛
My fanarts are based on various fics made by oomfs for the event!
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iwaoiness · 1 month ago
they meet for the first time at a nightclub in são paulo, brazil. hajime is there on a trip with his best friends, and tooru is out celebrating one of his closest friend’s bachelor party.
iwaizumi steps out onto the terrace of the nightclub. as much fun as he’s having inside seeing matsukawa and kuroo learning how to twerk under the guidance of two cheerful brazilians while bokuto and hanamaki dominate the limbo contest, his ears desperately need a break.
the music becomes muffled thumps as he shuts the door behind him and walks to the balcony. the cool breeze feels like heaven against his heated skin, bristling his bare, strong arms in a refreshing way.
his eyes trace the wide road below, the few scattered vehicles crawling through it at this hour of the night. streetlights illuminate the streets faintly, and voices echo in portuguese, a language he recognizes but barely understands, apart from bom dia, olá, boa noite, and obrigado.
it’s still surreal that he's in brazil, more than 18,000 kilometers from home, few months after makki jokingly suggested it after seeing a tiktok, bokuto called up a friend for the best city recommendations, kuroo checked flights just for fun, mattsun coordinated everyone’s free days, and hajime himself checked their passports and scheduled renewal appointments for issei and tetsuro.
chuckling to himself, hajime pulls a strawberry lollipop from the back pocket of his jeans. he unwraps it, tucks the wrapper back into his pocket, and pops the candy into his mouth.
the faint tobacco craving he's been battling slowly fades away as the taste of the strawberry sticks to his tongue.
he rolls the stick idly between his fingers as his gaze shifts to the dark sky. there're no stars tonight, but a nearly full, brilliant moon glows softly through the haze of light pollution.
the terrace door opens and closes, but hajime doesn’t really register it until he hears:
“yes, mom! don’t worry, we’ll head back to the hotel soon.”
someone is speaking japanese at this club in são paulo, 18,000 kilometers away from japan.
hajime’s eyes widen, his head swiveling almost comically toward the voice. and there, a few steps away, he sees him.
the owner of the voice stands with one hand holding a large plastic cup, and the other pressing a phone to his ear. the terrace lighting reveals a loose, oversized camp collar shirt in a deep blue, the first four buttons undone to reveal smooth, firm skin. the shirt is tucked into wide-legged dark pants, long enough to cover his converse. a silver necklace gleams across his collarbones, matching the rings that adorn a few slender fingers.
tousled, short brown hair. large, almond-shaped eyes. high cheekbones that shimmer with glitter like stardust. a sharp nose. glossy lips that curve into a genuine smile before laughter spills from them. pretty is the first thought that barrels through hajime’s brain. he’s so fucking pretty.
the pretty boy says goodbye to his mum, hajime catches his last words “i love you too. i'll text you when i get to the hotel” before wraps up the call and slipping his phone into his back pocket. hajime quickly looks away, focusing back on the road as he shifts the lollipop to his other cheek.
he considers heading back inside to check how mattsun and makki are doing with their twerk lessons and make sure bokuto and kuroo haven’t gotten into trouble with the limbo.
but then, that voice pulls him in again, yanking his attention like gravity.
“oh my god, the moon!”
the awe in his voice is palpable, and hajime smiles softly as he watches the pretty boy stare up at the sky, mouth slightly open in wonder.
the boy fumbles for his phone, glancing around for somewhere to put down his cup before setting it on a chair.
he rushes to the railing, stopping just a couple of steps from iwa, raising his phone with an expression of adorable concentration to snap photos of the moon.
but soon he frowns, clearly frustrated, and before hajime can stop himself, his mouth moves, in japanese, “is it an iphone?”
the pretty boy flinches, as if he hadn’t even realized he wasn’t alone. he turns to hajime, wide eyes blinking like an owl’s.
“are you japanese?” he asks, a little shyly. hajime nods, and the boy smiles, holding up his phone with a case with a grey alien flashing a peace sign under the apple logo. “it is.”
the tension in hajime’s shoulders, something he hadn’t noticed until now, melts away like ice in sunlight. he pulls the lollipop from his mouth, now visibly smaller.
“switch to video mode, lower the exposure all the way, and zoom in on the moon,” he explains as pretty boy follows his instructions. "once it’s focused, adjust the exposure again until you get a clear shot. then hit the other shutter."
“wow, it works!” the boy gasps, snapping several pics, his smile spreading wide. hajime can’t help but smile too, watching him. “thanks, buffy boy!”
hajime chokes, cheeks heating up, but he tries to recover under the boy’s amused gaze.
“no problem,” he manages, clearing his throat “pretty boy.”
the boy grins, his tongue peeking between his teeth in delight.
“oikawa tooru,” he introduces himself, extending a hand. “but you can keep calling me pretty boy.”
tooru, tooru, tooru.
hajime raises an eyebrow, a small smile tugging at his lips as he takes the offered hand. it’s warm, bit thinner than his own, with long fingers. there’s a faint roughness to his palm and fingertips, but an undeniable softness too.
“iwaizumi hajime,” he replies, their hands still joined. “and you can’t keep calling me buffy boy.”
“boo, boring!” tooru pouts, his eyes glinting with mischief. “then how about a cute nickname with your name?”
“don’t even think about it” hajime warns, though his hand gently pulls tooru’s closer, their fingers beginning to intertwine.
“oh, i already thought of one! iwa-chan!”
“what are you, four? no.”
“c’mon, be fun! we’re in brazil!”
hajime rolls his eyes, but the smile is still there, unwavering since the beginning.
“i don’t think that’s the cutest way to address someone you’ve just met,” he points out, though the latter could well be a lie.
because there’s something on tooru’s presence, like the warmth of the first ray of sunlight during bitter cold days. iwaizumi's soul hums with a quiet, solemn certainty that echoes through his chest: it’s him, it’s him, it’s him.
pretty boy.
oikawa tooru.
wish i could write a long fic about this
u can find me on my ao3, bluesky and this is my carrd!! 🍉
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localunseeliefae · 8 months ago
i have an idea for a heart-wrenching iwaoi historic au in which they are growing up together in some village forgotten by the world until the war begins and oikawa doesn't have to go but his passion and pride pushes him to join the army, when iwaizumi stays home and provides for his family because he can't simply leave them to fend for their own (also oikawa makes him promise to take care of his mother and sister othewise iwaizumi probably would go with him)
tooru climbes high in ranks because he is passionate and determined and suprisingly good at reading the enemies strategy and iwaizumi hears about it in bits and pieces through very few, very short letters he receives in the span of those months he is gone;
when the letters stop coming iwaizumi doesnt really worry at first, because from the ones he received previously he concluded that the work of oikawas unit is coming to an end and maybe, just maybe tooru is already coming home and wanted to suprise them with his sudden appearance (after all he always had a flair for the dramatics) but the waiting period begins to stretch excruciatingly long and even though hajime doesn't want burden his and oikawas family with worry he can't help but feel this gut wrenching fear whenever he thinks about tooru
when his pendant comes back to them, carried by a man in the same uniform they probably dressed tooru in, hajime isn't really suprised; he felt it coming for a long time, even though he never admitted it to himself
maybe that's why he doesn't break down in tears like tooru's mother did when she saw the man, maybe the numbness he felt was caused by the fact that he expected to see the man more, than he expected to hear toorus irritating voice making fun of him ever again
maybe that's why he doesn't cry over tooru, not when their families mourn him, not when he digs him a grave in which he will never lie in, not when he rereads the letters tooru send him and he read, not knowing that those would be the last words he ever heard from him
or maybe he did not really mourn him because he could not for his life believe that he would never feel his best friends warm body pressing into his, when he insisted that he was too tired too walk on his own and "iwa-chan how dare you push a man in need away", that he would never see those brown eyes light up when they would speak about something tooru was currently fixated on
maybe that's why despite their families begging for him to not go, he still decided to join the man, the bearer of tragic news, who after a few days rest was to go back to the army stationed nearby
maybe he was convinced, that by joining him, he will quickly find tooru and drag him back to their families, before any harm comes to him or to them
and maybe that's why hajime welcomed his own death with relief rather than fear, because he knew tooru would wait for him for a thousand years if he had to, just like hajime would do for him
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sodacomets · 1 year ago
IwaOi Soulmate AU ✨
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(story under the cut)
I’m writing a series of Haikyuu short stories except each one is based on one of those story ideas I keep seeing on here!
I’m new-ish to writing and to Tumblr so excuse any questionable things. Also, feel free to suggest more ideas if you have any (tell me who to credit if possible)!
credit for this idea: @rubyrushha (whose blog appears to have been deleted) on Tumblr
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Soulmates are not an uncommon thing. Every universe has its own version of them, be it the idea that “someday, you’ll meet the one for you”, the red string of fate that connects fated lovers, or in my case, having the first words a person’s soulmate will say to them appear on their skin when they turn 16.
The words would only disappear when you found your soulmate.
I never quite liked the concept of soulmarks and knew from a young age that no matter what mine said, my sister and nephew would tease me about it relentlessly. So when the dreaded day finally came, I wasn’t excited in the least. It didn’t help that I woke up from a mediocre night's sleep to find my family and relatives downstairs with an obnoxious amount of shiny balloons, each reading “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”, meandering about the living room, and “fuck you!” imprinted on my arm.
I half-heartedly covered the words with my sister’s concealer and then dodged everyone’s questions as best I could. I may have been an expert in the concealing of unwanted marks via makeup, but some things just can’t be hidden for long.
When I showed up to volleyball practice the next day, I tried to keep my jacket on for as long as possible, and hoped that no one would see my arm. Unfortunately, the coaches didn’t like that.
I tried to explain to them that the girls from my fanclub just really liked our new jackets and could no longer stand to see me in the abomination that was our regular uniforms. Maybe I oversold it a little because my teammates quickly grew suspicious.
“He’s a pompous ass most of the time, but this is too much, even for him!”
“Wait. Wasn’t his birthday a couple days ago?”
“OH SHIT! That’s what he’s trying to hide.”
As one can imagine, these kinds of reactions segued into teasing and a barrage of “fuck you”s from the rest of our teammates who, as I had found out, had very little respect for their captain and resident pretty setter.
Later, even the other teams found out about my soulmark and I found out about theirs. Most notably, Kenma and Kuroo from Nekoma had each other as soulmates, and their marks said some insignificant things from when they met as kids. Bokuto and Akaashi of Fukurodani were also soulmates. Their marks had said “Do you have like… a weird dick or something?” and “No, Bokuto, my penis is perfectly normal.” respectively. Admittedly, theirs were worse than mine. And gave me more questions than answers. But at least theirs were gone now.
After graduating highschool, and leaving behind my teammates, who finally showed some appreciation for me now that I was leaving, my soulmark fell into the back of my mind. The rumors, speculations, and jokes had long since died down. It was for the best since there had been a very uncomfortable time in which girls from my fanclub would come up to me and cuss me out. Each would walk away, dejected upon realizing they were not, in fact, my soulmate.
All that’s to say, the peace was much appreciated. I could focus on volleyball, setting, and college classes. And seducing the odd boy or girl I sat next to in the lecture halls. None of them were my soulmate, but that didn’t stop me from taking them out and having an amazing time.
It had been great.
Until one day in my 3rd year when I was walking down the street. I had my face buried in my phone screen, perusing some piece of volleyball news or another. Cliche as it sounds, I wasn’t looking where I was going, and aggressively slammed into another guy walking the opposite way. The books he was holding fell to the ground, some pages taking considerable damage. Both of us tumbled to the ground as well. I looked up from my dazed state and saw that the person I crashed into was an older boy, college-age maybe, with short, spiky, horrendously unstyled brown hair and a plain sort of appearance, albeit with a substantial build and a very, very pissed off look. I felt compelled to do something about his hair. Brush out the uncontrollable spikes, at least.
He gathered his books, some of which I helped to pick up, and stood to walk away. His jacket caught on one of the buttons on his jeans, lending to a rather disheveled look. Under his breath, he muttered something about being late, followed by a creative string of insults and capped off with a “fuck you!”
I looked down at my arm for confirmation. It was him.
Immediately, I whipped my head around and chased after him, nearly tripping, and grabbed his shoulder. He turned quickly and glared up at me. As I began regretting my decision, I took a closer look at him. He was shorter than me. 5’10, maybe? His eyes were hard-set but pretty, a sort of greenish-brown that would look outright offensive in any other context.
I returned his harsh gaze with one of my own, and used my teeth to pull up the left sleeve of my light-brown sweater. Then, l practically shoved the already-fading letters into his face.
The other boy's gaze softened a bit and turned into one of amusement rather than annoyance. He removed my arm from its place on his shoulder and rolled up his own sleeve, revealing a dense cluster of fading words, all crammed on there in a too-tight sort of scrawl.
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monstrsball · 2 years ago
i'm not typically Huge on the "soulmates have matching tattoos/marks" concept for soulmate aus bc it feels so. basic. but i'm coming around to it now bc i really like the idea of two people who aren't soulmates but are in love deciding to get matching tattoos. something something forging your own fate.
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pondguppie · 8 days ago
fic rec friday Ꮺ
🏷 haikyuu!
🏷 hinata shouyou/kageyama tobio [daisuga + tsukkiyama + asanoya + kiyoyachi + ennotana + iwaoi]
🏷 122,423 w.c. | complete | 17 chapters
🏷 teen | creator chose not to use archive warnings
🏷 ❝ Hinata loved being the god of love. Nothing made him happier than watching people find their soulmates, especially when they were true loves. But when one cruel conversation causes Hinata to run from his responsibilities, the results to humanity is troublesome. With no other choice, Ukai sends to Hinata to earth with a mission: Help fix five soulmate bonds hanging in the balance, or lose his title as the god of love. Simple, right? ❞
Ꮺ this is one of my FAVORITE haikyuu fics ever ever in the world ever. if you're in the market for a soulmate au that simultaneously explores the intricacies of different kinds of romantic relationships, this is the fic for you!! also it includes the idea that your soulmate may not be romantic in nature, which i really love. i read it every valentines day so i thought it would be a good first recommendation!!
Ꮺ 01
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softeninglooks · 7 months ago
iwaoi week 2024 | day 6: long distance relationship, soulmates au
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hajime appears inside the screen of tooru's phone, illuminated by the dim flicker of his lamplight falling gently across his tired, but nonetheless smiling, face. behind him, the wispy shadows of the sunset streak across the wall, hitting a corner of the godzilla poster that used to be the most ostentatious piece of decoration in hajime's american college bedroom. it moved back to japan with hajime, the beloved character following him wherever he went. tooru is sure that he would never throw away the godzilla t-shirt that he used to wear in high school (he probably slept in it).
“well, good night, hajime.”
tooru waives at the screen, some twelve hours away from hajime, in san juan, argentina.
behind his back, the open goldenrod curtains allow hajime to take a look at the morning sun, which has just begun its peaceful climb above the horizon, a pallid line beyond the cityscape. the paleness of the sky almost melts into whiteness, clear and luminous.
there used to be a time when all that hajime could see above his head was a mass of greys, a perpetual unpigmented cloud of unknown. blue was something he did not know, nor could even envision. everyone was like this - born with a color missing from their lives, waiting to be found.
when he met tooru, that's when hajime knew. the world breathed in the deep blue of the oceans, the infinite degrees of the sky, the turquoises and teals of mountainscapes and lakes. hajime could have never imagined that a single color could so enlighten the world, like a mirrorball that brought hajime's entire universe together into a new harmony.
for tooru, the earth had risen from a sea of smoke when hajime arrived. in front of the boy's eyes, the fields of miyagi came to life in greens, changing with the seasons, dark under the winter frost or copper-shaded towards the end of summer. tooru had needed hajime's earthly steadiness to keep him tethered, rooted deeply in the kind ground that broke his falls and kept him standing unabated.
that was when they both understood soulmates.
in front of tooru sits an overflowing bowl of rice, the golden outline of an omelette, and some thick yogurt speckled with oats. a light green towel rests on the corner of the table, most of it cut off by the frames of tooru's phone screen, but hajime remembers its white-leafed pattern. many mornings are spent together in this kitchen, when hajime flies over to san juan to visit tooru.
“good morning to you,” hajime's fingers raise to greet tooru in return, grazing his cheek as he comfortably rests his jaw against the back of his hand. “so, game day today. how are you feeling?”
“good.” tooru nods firmly, smiling a relaxed smile back at hajime. “once i have breakfast, i'm ready to go all out.”
“good luck out there. though something's telling me you don't need luck,” hajime's eyes light up humorously.
“aw, iwa-chan, my biggest supporter,” tooru coos and laughs at hajime's subsequent grimace. “i'll dedicate this win to you.”
“don't, it'll jinx it,” hajime sighs fondly, rolling his eyes. “just do your best. you know that the paris olympics qualifiers are more important, so no brooding no matter what happens, okay?”
“all of a sudden, i feel invincible,” tooru quips, attacking his breakfast as hajime makes sure to tell him that he believes in him - a habit that has stuck since high school, with which hajime now sends tooru off to his professional games.
“and how are you, iwa-chan? how was your day?”
“'m good,” hajime runs a lazy hand through his hair, sighing softly. “another intense day. but i'm really happy with the team's progress,” he perks up a little, nodding with satisfaction.
“now, /that/ gets my blood pumping.”
“that's why i'm telling you.”
“at your own risk,” tooru shoots a half-threatening, half-teasing smile at hajime. “i can't wait to take your team down.”
“we have to qualify first, and then we'll talk. think about your game today, one step at a time.”
“ah, iwa-chan, ever serious. what would i do without you to keep my feet on the ground?”
“you'd be pretty miserable,” hajime says and smiles, locking eyes with tooru.
the chuckle in tooru's voice is filled with straightforward fondness - he can see right through hajime's tough act. all the shared dreams, memories, defeats, victories, and love between cannot be held back by any screen.
they may be thousands of miles away, tooru and hajime know their way to one another like the back of their hand. it is like muscle memory, deep-seated habits, lifelong routines.
the earth and the sky, threaded together at the edge of the world no matter how far apart they had been kept.
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mania-sama · 7 months ago
This is also something that I've noticed a lot in IwaOi fanfics, headcanons, skits, and what have you. Particularly when it's too heavy in a fanfic, I really do start to get bothered. Because, what you said is true and exactly what I think: being that dependent on another person makes for an incredibly toxic relationship and a horrible imbalance of power. Even though I am a sucker for these two being horribly, sickly in love with each other no matter what happens, I would prefer it if it was a little more realistic. What ends up happening when it's not realistic is an unintentional toxic relationship that's never addressed as such, which leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
(Not that it's necessarily that serious, but I tend to think a whole lot about things that are never that serious and end up developing deep opinions on the matter).
So, yes, I agree with you on this matter. Iwaizumi should be shown more to have his own life and feelings outside of his relationship/feelings towards Oikawa. I made it a point in both of my own Iwaizumi POV fics to touch on the fact that he does have both a successful career and friends, and he does so without Oikawa's direct help. Having him drop his entire life suddenly to go to Argentina is a little frustrating, especially when he does it with little consideration.
... However.
Canon IwaOi is... so hard to write in fanfic because they have these two different lives. For two best friends that grew up with each other, that have loved each other through a thousand different mood swings, phases, and obsessions, being long distance for the rest of their lives while deeply in love is kind of like severing their limbs. It just doesn't work very well, so it tends to be that if they are meant to be together and stay together in the fic, one of them has to move to be with the other. And when it comes down to this, Iwaizumi is always going to be the first choice, and I cannot fault anyone for this.
Why? Well, this is something that I've thought a lot about. It mainly comes down to this: Iwaizumi is not tied to Japan like Oikawa is to Argentina, and Oikawa is not tied to Iwaizumi's character like Iwaizumi's character is tied to Oikawa. Oikawa is a more fleshed-out character than Iwaizumi is in canon, and that's perfectly fine. Iwaizumi is a side character, while Oikawa is a main antagonist (who even has a... sort-of redemption arc, I suppose, if you want to count the Brazil reunion as a redemption, which I would considering that this is a sports shonen and not a high-stakes shonen). Iwaizumi isn't meant to be as fleshed out.
So, when it comes down to it, it's much easier and also slightly more canon to write Iwaizumi as the one to leave for Oikawa, because that's most of who he was in canon. He doesn't have an internal monologue about how he came to volleyball on his own. Almost all of his scenes are with Oikawa, and when they aren't, he still shows much of the same dynamic as he does when he's with Oikawa; he remains a firm and reliable force to everyone around him, just like he does with Oikawa. He's a supporting character. That's literally the whole point of his being in the narrative aside from being a formidable opponent in volleyball. Even during the time skip, he is brought back with a flash-back to his promise with Oikawa. His character is, quite literally, inextricably tied with Oikawa's. That's why he's the constant victim to being moved in this relationship. He's... meant to be that way, more or less.
For Oikawa, it's the exact opposite. He has his motivations. He has that internal monologue, that drive, those deep and complex relationships with our main characters that Iwaizumi notably doesn't have. He is one of the main antagonists; a character that is fleshed out, meant to stand on his own, to provide a solid and complete narrative to balance out with the main character's. And he does that very well. For that reason, he is not tied to Iwaizumi, even though, again, most of his scenes are with Iwaizumi. Oikawa does not have to stand with him to be worth putting on the screen, in a narrative sense. His character arc is not tied with Iwaizumi. It's tied with two other characters: Kageyama and Ushijima, his main source of conflict, and also the exact reason why he is usually never the one being moved back to Japan to be with Iwaizumi in these fics.
Here we come to my main point, after describing these characters: Iwaizumi does not have a narrative tie to Japan. Oikawa does, to both Japan and Argentina. He left Japan because Japan had nothing left for him. If he wanted to succeed as an athlete (which he did - that is his entire character, that visceral need to succeed), he had to go somewhere far from his competition. He had to escape the two people he kept comparing himself to, and he did it. He left to go chase after his idol in Argentina.
That's why he has to stay.
In the two time-skip fics I've written for Haikyuu (and both of which have Oikawa stuck in Japan), I've had this internal debate with myself. When I'm writing, it's like I can feel Oikawa shaking his head at me. He doesn't want to be in Japan. In both fics, he had an external force keeping him in Japan. His character does not want to be there, and that's because it goes against everything Furudate has written for him. Oikawa is in Argentina because that is who he is - he is someone who has fought and scraped every step of the way to climb to the top of the volleyball world, to stand at the same level as his competitors on the Olympic stage and smile. Bringing him back to Japan, making him move there to be with Iwaizumi... he doesn't want to, no matter how badly I want to make it work.
Like I said, Iwaizumi doesn't have this same narrative connection. His job doesn't actually even require him to be in Japan. He both received a diploma and completed in internship in the United States. Medicine is one of the few jobs that is communicable throughout the world with little boundary. Career-wise, if he really wanted to, Iwaizumi could uproot himself from Japan and plot himself in Argentina instead. Not that it would be easy, but it would certainly be easier than the dreams Oikawa wants to keep achieving - dreams that can't be found in Japan.
This is, really, just a long-winded way of saying that IwaOi is just a victim of being a side pairing that has a severe imbalance of importance to the narrative between the characters.
I still stand by the original point: Iwaizumi has his own life. If you want to write him moving to Argentina, give him a reason. Convince me that he's willing to risk everything to be with Oikawa. When an author has done that, I can't really complain. Iwaizumi's character wants to be with Oikawa, and that's the simple truth of it.
i fucking hate it so much when people write iwaoi fics where oikawa is like the center of the universe and iwaizumi just follows him everywhere like a dog like no that’s not what a good relationship is built on what if he doesn’t WANT to move to argentina. what if he doesn’t want to drop his entire life for the resolution of their fanfic. what if he is a person and not a fucking accessory to oikawa’s being
like i think that yeah, the earth orbits the sun, but the sun is also not the center of the universe
anyway. it ticks me off so bad i guess i am going to write it because YEAH maybe he’ll return in the end because they love each other and nothing could keep them apart but that is not because one of them is a person and the other just follows him everywhere it’s not fair and it also is not a healthy relationship at all and how can they be an otp if their relationship is toxic and also sucks
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flyingwargle · 4 months ago
october fanfic recs!
i don't have too many this month, so check out the previous months' recs: july, august, september
some of these fics are rated e!
Dawn and Other Acts of Love t. 4.6k. sakusa's worst nightmare has come true: he has to stay the weekend at atsumu's. such a funny premise spun into a fluffy piece with light hurt and so much comfort. loved it!
shoot to kill g. 6.2k. this obliterated me and continues to haunt me. atsumu knows not to cross the line when it comes to insults and arguments, but sakusa does not, and says something that he shouldn't have. very powerful, with a tender conclusion at the end. one of the best fics i read this year <3
Summer Special: Omigiri t. 6.9k. osamu asks sakusa to be his model for his upcoming summer umeboshi onigiri special, but it turns out to be a ploy for him to confess to atsumu. absolutely hilarious.
The Taste of 2 a.m. t. 8.2k. atsumu is an insomniac with a need to drink tea at 2 am and sakusa joins him. they eventually fall in love with the routine and each other.
Curse Breaking for Dummies: A Setter's Guide to Getting the Guy g. 10.2k. 2/2. modern magic twist where atsumu is cursed with a love curse and everyone falls in love with him except sakusa. you can tell where this will go. very fun and lighthearted!
love as told by you t. 11.1k. this fic is the sun that beams onto you at the end of a rainstorm, reassuring you that love exists, and you'll find love, or a platonic soulmate. it's so warm and tender, choke full of affectionate details of a blooming sakuatsu relationship. a comfort fic, for sure.
recipe for disaster e. 22.9k. fwb narrative where atsumu falls in love with sakusa, featuring anxiety, supportive brothers, and sakusa who also loves him back. the sunaosa side of things is also *chef's kiss* and recommended below ehe
turn west towards dawn e. 2.7k. prose intertwined with letters about osamu getting an email from suna while studying in italy to reconnect after their break-up. the writing is both light but heavy with their lingering emotions and regret that makes your heart throb.
resistance to flow t. 6.2k. fwb to lovers agenda. i will never tire of the slippery slope of falling in love, especially if it's written beautifully.
A Primer for the Small Weird Orchestra Loves t. 8.2k. au where the boys are in an orchestra and suna helps osamu with the violin. lovely details and slow burn, with also a sakuatsu sequel.
of great ambition m. 17.8k. more of a suna-centric character study with a splash of sunaosa that focuses on suna's journey to become a pro. suna is so vulnerable in this, and he deserves all the glory for himself. it's also very in line with how i interpret his character <3
secret menu e. 26.3k. the sunaosa side of recipe for disaster. suna takes a part-time job working at onigiri miya during the off-season and gets more than he bargained for. also fwb narrative but augh. augh. the writing for both fics is so good and tailored to each character's perspective. i love both of them.
an ode to a conversation stuck in your throat e. 3.1k. a character study of bokuto who has bpd with spice. achingly soft and full of love.
crossing distance g. 4k. bokuto went abroad to study after high school and akaashi is the first one that he contacts. i just love how they were able to fall into each other again despite the distance and falling out of communication, it's truly a magical thing <3
A Kind of Magic t. 6.7k. bokuto and akaashi often hang out at bokuto's house until akaashi invites him over and introduces him to his incredibly large and wild family. beautiful, beautiful prose and gradual realization of feelings. we stan family members as their cheerleaders.
heavy heart, a love apart e. 7k. exes to lovers. this oozed with angst and heavy hearts with tension that is eventually resolved for a hopeful ending. loved the atmosphere created by the prose.
yes-man t. 4.1k. no matter what oikawa asks of iwa, he always says yes, including a spontaneous weekend trip to las vegas. very cute and fluffy!
Pretty Boy t. 8k. oikawa is used to iwa's range of nicknames for him, but when iwa starts calling him pretty boy, well. that changes things. fluffy, cute, and lighthearted!
shoelaces and departures t. 10.1k. 2/2. magical realism au where iwa runs a cafe and oikawa is compelled to travel to different corners of the world because of his innate wanderlust. mutual pining at its finest with fluff.
rise e. 12.4k. oikawa and iwa live together after high school but don't have a label on their relationship. something else that this fic focuses is on the push-pull aspect they have, especially with oikawa's knee injury. the hurt/comfort hit me where it hurt.
When I Fall to My Feet e. 23.2k. 3/3. trans oikawa is looking for someone to overwrite his terrible first time, and eventually iwa offers to do it. fwb to lovers, with a sprinkle of makki and mattsun friendship, and a wonderfully supportive iwa.
The MSBY Black Jackals Guide To Self-Care t. 4.5k. sakusa-centric. a cute little fic of sakusa learning about his teammates' various self-care routines.
Off the Hinges t. 15.9k. arankita, sakuatsu. kita adopts sakusa since he's a kouhai in the same business program as him while watching him develop his relationship with atsumu. kita also takes a page from his own book with his relationship with aran. cute and endearing. my first arankita fic and i hope it won't be my last.
i remember how the earth stopped turning t. 73.3k. 6/6. kageyama-centric. man. man. it's an amazing read that focuses on the immediate post-career ending injury and intertwines povs from other characters. gorgeous prose. give it a read, seriously.
Yamaguchi Tadashi is NOT a ghost hunter m. 77.9k. 23/23. tsukkiyama. the house that tskushima, kuroo, and bokuto rent in osaka is haunted, and hinata recommends yamaguchi, a spirit medium, to help them. the slow burn!! the mystery!! the details!! i very much enjoyed this <3
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hijinks-n-lowjinks · 11 months ago
fic recs masterlist pt 2
So here's a part two to my first fic rec list because I thought the first list was too long to add more or I've only read them more recently
you're all i see, you're all i need by DailyMelody: iwaoi fic where iwaizumi lies to his family that he and oikawa are dating and he slowly realizes they haven't been faking their feelings, nsfw in the last chapter
Sprout, Bloom, Grow by SpaceJammie: matsuhana and iwaoi fic from the perspective of matsukawa, this is probably my fav hq I'm keeping up with rn, the characterizations and story are so deep and well written, unfinished
Let the Light Out by UhohShouto: post canon kagehina fic where kageyama realizes he's super into hinata and they make a bet that leads to them smooching and doing much more, nsfw
what i really mean by solyn: kuroken fic where they're both sort of clueless about their feelings while everyone else around them knows they're in love, nsfw
it drives you crazy getting old by atsumusbiceps: a sakuatsu 13 Going On 30 au that's absolutely adorable, omi is in love from the beginning but atsumu thinks being angry and attracted to someone is normal
Gray in the Middle. by DeadDrabble (MisakillDatMonkey): crazy good sunaosa fic where suna is a model and osamu is his new assistant, the development of their friendship while osamu slowly gets to see the real suna and coming to see the toxicity of the fashion industry, unfinished, future nsfw
Sakusa Kiyoomi's Short and Unhelpful Guide To Falling In Love by honest_pebble: sakuatsu fic where omi asks for atsumu to kiss one drunken night and they can't seem to keep their hands off each other in the months after
i pretend you're mine, all the damn time by theglitterati: bokuaka high school fic where bokuto is nervous about his lack of experience when a girl asks him out so he asks akaashi to help him learn how to kiss, very cute and silly
sleeping with strangers by starbeyy: kagehina fic where kageyama is a lawyer that's afraid of attachment and only sleeps with strangers until he gets an extremely cute client that makes him less afraid, nsfw in later chapters
Take a hint by badreputation: sunaosa fic where suna doesn't realize osamu is trying to woo him and is just an oblivious dummy
i sing the body electric by viverella: iwaoi getting together fic where iwaizumi beings to realize he doesn't have entirely platonic feelings about his best friend
dearly departed by radiantradish: daisuga ghost au where suga is stuck in limbo while he's in a coma and daichi is a firefighter that keeps dreaming about him
Winter is Red by MeikoAtsushi: technically this is the sunaosa spin-off to their original sakuatsu fic but the premise is that osamu can see the red threads of fate that tie soulmates together but he doesn't have one and falls in love with suna anyway, this fic is fucking PAINFUL because osamu is determined to make his life miserable and try to push suna away but he can never stay away for long, nsfw
the posterior probablity by izayas: sakuatsu au where omi is a professor and atsumu is an m.d. who's taking his class and they fall in love lol
SunKissed by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98: bokuaka fic where akaashi's family's new pool boy is really cute and he sort of seems familiar... nsfw
favor from the boy you can't resist by crossbelladonna: bokuaka fic where bokuto asks akaashi to be his fake boyfriend and things go as well as you'd expect
Miles by lettersinpetals: kuroken post canon/during chapter 402.1 fic where kuroo is very aware of his love for kenma but is convinced kenma doesn't feel the same
Night Moves by fluorophoring: kuroken fic where they just keep hooking up at night without actually dating or discussing their feelings, heavy nsfw
What to Do (to You) by Mooifyourecows: iwaoi fic where matsuhana set them up on a blind date despite already being roommates and having crushes on each other, nsfw
take me the way i am by almostsophie1: kuroken fic where kuroo wants to know if kenma is willing to have sex with him just to "practice", nsfw obviously
spill my guts by wasted: bokuaka fic where akaashi is a massive pining simp and doesn't know what to do about his crush
Legend Has It by sifuhotman: sunaosa crime au??? i literally think about this fic all the time and how it's not finished, such an interesting plot with osamu as a detective and suna is a con artist who has connections to some underground crime syndicates, the last chapter posted legit made me cry, i really identify with osamu in this fic, nsfw in later chapters
Apple of Your Eye by Kattythingz: sk8 renga fic but it's if Adam became obsessed with Reki instead of Langa, highkey NUTS how good Adam's characterization is because you want to bash his skull in with a hammer
A Crown of Gems and Gold by Kattythingz: fma edling fic that's basically a rewrite of the entire series but if edling got together soon after their first meeting, the best characterization, action, and dialogue ever utilized in writing, unfinished but ongoing
Always an Angel, Never a God by oktsukki: jjk satosugu au where hidden inventory didn't end as bad as they did in canon, a lot of good healing and characterization
lights out by phollie: hxh killugon fic where killua is just very soft about gon as gon shows him around the island he grew up on
Sword of Damocles by orphan_account: mp100 terumob au fic where teruki asks mob out as a joke but he actually starts to fall for him
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naofairy · 1 year ago
Haikyuu!! February fic recs
I’m a bit late but still I’ve bookmarked a lot of fics last month and once again I’m happy to share, because these fics definitely deserve even more love! I’m putting links to the originally posted fics so pleasy be mindful of the tags!
Miya Atsumu's Guide to: What NOT to Do in the Workplace by sumuviolet
Although there is one more chapter to go I’m putting this fic here, because I loved it so far and it brings out the things I love most about this ship (also I may be in love with boss Sakusa)
hope is but a heartache by sonhoedesrazao
Once again, CEO Sakusa. I love fics where he finds his comfort in Atsumu and this is definitely one of those fics. One of all time faves. (Also check other works by this author, it will be worth it)
three roses and a smile by strawberrycitrus
This is for my biochem/med girlies. Reading this felt like a memoir from my university time, the drama felt too real haha
Revenge Together by UnicornFlowers
Atsumu catches his (soon to be ex-)boyfriend kissing a stranger (a very beautiful one)
it drives you crazy getting old by atsumusbiceps
Teen Sakuatsu waking up in their older bodies and finding out the truth what’s really between them. I loved it so much!
your heart on my sleeve by winterwaltz6
This one is definitely one of my fave tattoo artist fics.
headlights by mysterious trumpet
Sakusa Kiyoomi hopes he’ll never find his soulmate. (I haven’t read soulmates au in a long time but this one was chefs kiss)
Foxes Under Saturn by yuuki
This was (almost!) painful, but ended so sweet!
Stuck in the Sunshine by thesweetestnerd
Atsumu shares his firsts with Sakusa
to dream of honey and light by yee_haw23
Sakusa is lonely and finds his comfort in Atsumu
Overflow by UhohShouto
This was so sweet it might as well be canon.
accidentally in love by youraveragedegenerate
Post time skip idiots in love with pining Akaashi? Yes please. Or in other words, the fic in which Akaashi doesn’t realise they’re dating.
Stranger My Beloved by Paintbrushyy_Ducky98
Alternate universe: I met you at a train station and fell in love. (I keep thinking about this fic a lot, it definitely holds a dear place in my heart)
Invariably Imperfect by UnicornFlowers
Bokuto is sad beacause Akaashi has a date (and sadly it’s not with him)
Just Another by Mooifyourecows
The one angsty daisuga fic I will always come back to aka Suga confesses and gets rejected by Daichi (but what if…)
heart's calling by TripsH
Iwaoi through the years, it feels like reading a love letter
fic rec masterlist
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mrs-kodzuken · 1 year ago
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Haikyuu Masterlist ♡
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karasuno ↴
sugawara ⟢ art frustration [1.8k] ⸝⸝ fluff
sugawara ⟢ destiny [2.3k] ⸝⸝ fluff ⸝⸝ soulmate!au
ukai ⟢ aligned feelings & goals [2.1k] ⸝⸝ fluff
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nekoma ↴
kenma ⟢ christmas magic [1.6k] ⸝⸝ fluff
kenma ⟢ fated beginnings [4.1k] ⸝⸝ fluff
inuoka ⟢ what's mine is yours [2.1k] ⸝⸝ fluff
kuroo ⟢ this is not a drill [2.8k] ⸝⸝ fluff ⸝⸝ soulmate!au
kenma ⟢ little crow [0.2k] ⸝⸝ fluff
kenma ⟢ headcanons [0.5k] ⸝⸝ hcs ⸝⸝ comfort
kenma ⟢ hard to desire [on-going] ⸝⸝ multi-chapter fic ⸝⸝ read warnings ⸝⸝ mdni
kenma ⟢ ceo's p.a. [1.3k] ⸝⸝ mdni ⸝⸝ read warnings
kenma ⟢ empty promise [3.9k] ⸝⸝ angst/comfort ⸝⸝ read warnings
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aoba johsai ↴
oikawa ⟢ ice cream & volleyball [2k] ⸝⸝ fluff
iwaizumi ⟢ so hot for you [1.3k] ⸝⸝ mostly fluff
iwaizumi ⟢ sick with you [2.1k] ⸝⸝ fluff ⸝⸝ slight angst
iwaizumi ⟢ first year, first love [2.1k] ⸝⸝ fluff
iwaizumi ⟢ half of a whole [5.2k] ⸝⸝ TW ⸝⸝ soulmate!au ⸝⸝ read warnings
oikawa ⟢ listening to you [2.8k] ⸝⸝ fluff ⸝⸝ high school!au
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date tech ↴
futakuchi ⟢ forever mine [1.3k] ⸝⸝ fluff
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johzenji ↴
terushima ⟢ cherry poptarts & dyed hair [1k] ⸝⸝ fluff
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shiratorizawa ↴
ushijima ⟢ the beginning of new love [1k] ⸝⸝ fluff
ushijima ⟢ understanding you [1.6k] ⸝⸝ slight angst ⸝⸝ fluff/comfort
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fukurodani ↴
bokuto ⟢ teen pregnancy [1.8k] ⸝⸝ angst to fluff ⸝⸝ read warnings
akaashi ⟢ the way we met [1.2k] ⸝⸝ fluff
akaashi ⟢ she's a gentleman [1.6k] ⸝⸝ fluff
bokuto ⟢ anything for you [2.3k] ⸝⸝ read warnings
akaashi ⟢ your period hcs! [0.3k] ⸝⸝ hcs
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inarizaki ↴
suna ⟢ you know me best [4.6k] ⸝⸝ slow burn ⸝⸝ sexual tension
suna ⟢ mind break [0.8k] ⸝⸝ mdni ⸝⸝ read warnings
osamu ⟢ headcanons [0.7k] ⸝⸝ mdni ⸝⸝ comfort
suna ⟢ yandere [0.7k] ⸝⸝ hcs ⸝⸝ read warnings
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other (multi-pairings x reader) ↴
bokuakakuroken ⟢ k.k.t.k. on my wrist [1.9k] ⸝⸝ fluff ⸝⸝ soulmate!au
iwaoi ⟢ two lovers and a stuffie [2.4k] ⸝⸝ read warnings
iwaoi ⟢ self-care w/ me & you & you [1.3k] ⸝⸝ fluff
bokuaka ⟢ forgive me if I jump too? [2.3k] ⸝⸝ angst to comfort ⸝⸝ read warnings
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mbsy ↴
atsumu ⟢ embers of love [4.9k] ⸝⸝ mdni ⸝⸝ angst to fluff
sakusa ⟢ blissful nights [0.7k] ⸝⸝ short fic ⸝⸝ fluff
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schweiden adlers ↴
nothing yet ... ⸝⸝
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hi! feel free to request something for any character <3 as always, this work is all mine, please do not repost anywhere without my permission!!
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Here’s the link to a fic I just updated! This one is super slow updates because it isn’t my main wip, but I still love it very much and do have a plan on how to finish it.
A Touch Of The Divine
Fandom: Haikyuu
Warning Tags: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
/: Kagehina
&: Iwaoi, Kageyama Iwaizumi and Oikawa
Non-character Tags: fantasy au, soulmate au, royalty au, historical, magic au, dyslexic Kageyama Tobio, misunderstandings, prophecy, fluff and angst, young love, action and adventure
Kageyama Tobio had his life decided the moment he was born marked. With an entire kingdom depending on you there isn’t much choice. So as his destiny creeps ever closer, he resigns himself to fate. Then Hinata crashes into his life. So really, if that idiot can defy all logic and worm his way into a prophesied journey that doesn’t belong to him, was Tobio ever really as stuck as he felt?
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mysterioustrumpet · 2 years ago
thank you @ftld42 for the fic authors self rec!! :D here are my five favorite fics i've written <3
headlights — sakuatsu, multichap || soulmate au, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn || On his sixteenth birthday, Sakusa Kiyoomi receives a mark on his arm that will help him find the person he's fated to spend the rest of his life with. He hopes he never finds them.
swallowed by the sun — kagehina, oneshot || canonverse, mutual pining, jealousy || Kageyama and Hinata bicker, Tsukishima mocks them, and oh, yeah, Hinata gets a girlfriend. A normal day for the Karasuno volleyball club.
i'll be home for christmas — sakuatsu, multichap, collab || canonverse, fake dating, fluff, mutual pining || “Omi,” Atsumu says. “Are ya asking me to pretend to be your husband for Christmas?” “No, that’s fucking ridiculous, don’t be stupid.” Kiyoomi feels his face heat. “I’m asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”
3-way smash bros — osasunakomo, oneshot || canonverse, getting together, polyamory || Three different perspectives, three different idiots, one happy throuple.
a name to call you by — iwaoi, oneshot || canonverse, established relationship, jealousy || Oikawa gets jealous when other people call Iwaizumi by his first name.
i'd like to tag @sugawraaa, @lindtluirae, @fireheartaw, @matsuwuhana, @starglossie, and @narumiiigen (only if they want to) and anyone who sees this post! <3
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patolemus · 3 months ago
WIP Game!
I got tagged by the lovely @endwersed!
Rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
and god will cry out au
and icarus fell au
atsushi ed fic
bokuhina childhood friends
ereri eren time travel fic
female isagi buelock au
five stages of grief (for the boy that was before) au
forever and always khr au
from the pits of hell au
haikyuu!! mafia au
he waited for superman bkdk soulmates au
I'll rewrite the lines au
iwaoi police/student
khi x assclass
part two of red hoodies
r27 student teacher
reosagi arranged marriage
strange behaviour au
the world goes round and round (and resets) au
ummmm so as you can see these are all in different stages of planning lmaoooo keep in mind some of these have been collecting dust in my wips since 2019
No pressure tags! @oldefashioned @gege-wondering-around @jadezdominion and @dontcallpanic
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monstrsball · 5 months ago
vampire au iwaoisuga where suga is the vampire, and/or soulmates au ideas??
oooh.... i think if i did an au where suga was the vampire, i'd want to make iwaoi hunters. idk why this just makes sense to me. (or i've just been watching too much supernatural lately)
suga is the silliest vampire <3 i don't think he would be like hunting people so iwaoi don't really have any reason to be hunting him but their paths cross anyway for. some reason. much to contemplate....
i do have a soulmate au idea!!!! it lives in my notes app but i remember it sometimes and im like "wow my brain is so huge"
it goes like this:
oikawa and iwaizumi are soulmates, oikawa and suga are soulmates, suga and iwaizumi are not.
oikawa and iwaizumi have known they were soulmates for a while now but neither have really acted on it or explored what it means for them (in any soulmate au i do, platonic soulmates are very much a thing). it's just sorta this elephant in the room.
then, they meet suga (again) in college and become friends. at some point oikawa finds out he and suga are soulmates and is very normal about it. :] it sends him for a loop because he's like what does this mean??? what do i do with this???
im not really sure what happens to get to this point but eventually oikawa starts dating iwa AND suga. and then iwa and suga get together a little later.
iwa confesses, suga has to take time to think about it because he's a little too in his head over the whole "not soulmates" thing. and iwa is like "i don't need the universe to tell me how i feel about you." and suga is like oh,,,, :') its very sweet. iwaizumi says unintentionally cool things.
and i think the au is one with like.... birthmarks bc i like the idea of iwasuga getting matching tattoos later on. something something forging your own fate.
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