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wingsofbadass · 9 months ago
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
I was tagged by @materassassino and I am honored and horrified.
I'm tagging @vampirian @chonideno @sassybluee @iwaizumihajigay @reservoirmonks
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sparklygoblin · 5 years ago
Haikyuu!!Hunger Games AU could be sick tho! This has totally been done but I rewatched the movies and I had so many ideas! None of yall asked so like all of my posts here!!is!!!trash!!!
Also I'm not obeying any of the cannon rules about one male and one female tribute.
TW: Depression and mentions of death
Ushijima is district one, he's never given much thought to anything but the games, and he's a favorite to win. It's all he's ever known, and it's really just sad, because he's actually a really nice, simple guy.
But the other district one tribute is equally as sad but twice as eager. Goshiki volunteers wayyyyy too young and waay too impulsively. He's a slave to his own courage and desire to prove himself, and he knows his eagerness has killed him the moment he leaves for the capitol with Ushijima.
Bokuto is district two, he volunteers too, because winning means everything and right now he's got nothing to lose. Wouldn't it suck if he fell in love with someone during the games...hmmmm
Daichi is reaped , despite being from two he did not volunteer for this, nor would he wish it on his worst enemy. He knows he will die but he's going to try anyway, he's only looking out for himself, until he meets his mentor. A damaged, beautifully kind boy with silver hair.
Tsukki is from three, he doesn't cry when they call his name, he squares his shoulders and drops Yamaguchi's hand, certain that will be the last time he ever holds it
That is until they call Yachi's name next and the anxiety riddled Yamaguchi screams until he is beside Tsukki, dying in Yachi's place. Tsukki cries then. At least they will die together.
Flashy Oikawa Tooru is reminiscent of Finnick Odair, beautiful, young, and charming. But he's not just pretty, oh no boys, he's also lethal. Everything was perfect, he volunteered right away, the first tribute for district Four. Then they pulled Takeru's name next.
The twelve year old stuck his little chin up, standing beside his uncle, pale as if he might faint, and all hopes of winning left Oikawa, now all he could hope for was Takeru, he would have to protect Takeru because it was too late to volunteer for him
People think a twelve year old has been reaped from five when sixteen year old Nishinoya is called, but it becomes clear by the litany of swear words the boy hisses on his way to the stage that he is no child.
A child comes after him though, Kageyama is only fourteen, all sad eyes and pretty skin. He's a favorite the moment he takes his place next to Noya. He's lost his whole family to the games, and instead of planning to win like the rest of them, he simply wants to take his place beside them, until a certain orange monster gets in his way.
It's silent when they call Kenma's name in district six, until he locks eyes with Kuroo in who is sitting in the previous victor's section, that's when Kuroo starts to scream, panic filling his lungs as his best friend is doomed to a fate he had just barely survived. He knew Kenma wouldn't make it, and Kenma knew it too.
No one in six screamed when Yahaba was called next, he didn't expect anything anyway.
In district seven, Hinata refused to cry, despite everyone's pitying looks. He would prove them all wrong, and if not he's going to die in a way that brings honor to his family, in a way that Natsu can be proud of. He just needs to find a worthy ally...someone he could die or even survive with for a while at least.
Fresh from his work in the woods, barely old enough to be working in the first place, Lev is chosen and it's really sad because he had so much potential in district seven...oh well guess there wouldn't be a victor in seven this year
Tanaka is pulled from Saeko's arms and thrust onto the stage in district eight, all while she continues to sob for her brother. It's all terribly unfair but Tanaka promises to do whatever he can to win
Beside Tanaka stands Ennoshita, a shaking boy unaware of his own strength Tanaka has barely spoken to, but will begin to know much more...intimately soon. After all, they're going to die together
In nine, kunimi looks sleepily at the crowd, he didn't know the apathy that had followed him all his life would also follow him into the games
Yaku tries to put on a brave face under the harsh glare of the capitol lights, but his tears fall too freely for his own liking, he knew the second his name was called that he was going to die.
Ten is mournful as Atsumu and Osamu stand side by side, their days now numbered much to the sorrow of their family
District Eleven sees Hanamaki sobbing as Mattsukawa makes his way toward the stage, no one blinks, it's just another relationship torn apart by the games
Mattsukawa ruffles Kindaichi's hair as the boy cries, fear evident in every feature of his young face. At least he'd have someone to hold his hands when things got scary
Twelve is exactly how it's always been, Iwaizumi has put his name in the bowl so many times that he only sighs and clenches his teeth as he makes his way to the stage. At least he would get a break from the constant state of hunger that came with living in twelve.
No one is even sad to see Kyoutani go, except ironically, Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi taught Kyoutani how to survive, it was a heartbreaking shame to see the closest thing he had to a legacy die beside him.
Capitol People
Satori hosts the interviews, but he's mischievous, tricky, you can't really tell what side he's on for sure. But you can tell he has a favorite tribute, buff and handsome Ushijima can't resist Satori
Asahi is a fashion designer who falls in love with his tribute, Yuu, he gets caught and punished for it, it's very tragic
Akaashi is the head game maker. He's so logical that you could almost miss the insanity in him. Almost. He has chosen who the victor will be, Bokuto.
Ukai is sort of like Haymitch
Takeda is reminiscent of Effie
Kiyoko is a past victor from eight, now the Capitol's golden girl
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kikuundere · 5 years ago
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What if... Iwa start reading Ushijima father's book because of Oikawa's injury and he saw how much it affected his volleyball career in High school. He even decided to major in sport science after graduate high school.
From what he was taken interest from, it is very possible that that he will also work as Kinesthiotherapists ( those who works for athletes who is recovering from an injury) after collage. You ask why? Imo it is to support Oikawa so he can still pursuing his career in volleyball despite his injuries!
Even if Iwa didn't do it only for Oikawa you can not deny the fact that what happened to Oikawa heavily influenced his decision. He saw his best friend devastated knowing he surpassed his limit to the point of injured himself and I bet Iwa don't want to see other athletes suffer the same way.
Damn! That was a whole level of dedication
Also good fanfiction materials 🥺✊
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randomcrackhc · 5 years ago
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Iwaizumi will take any excuse to go to practice matches in Tokyo just to go to Hotel Gracery Shinjuku aka the Godzilla Hotel
When he was 8, his parents took him there for his birthday with Oikawa and his parents and Iwaizumi literally started sobbing
Yes Oikawa still remembers and yes he does risk concussions to bring it up
It becomes their tradition to stay at the hotel whenever they go to Tokyo
The hotel actually sells Godzilla merch and Oikawa tries to buy some stuff for Iwaizumi as a gift but somehow Iwaizumi always finds out first??
It’s literally impossible to find Godzilla merch that Iwaizumi doesn’t already own
Once there was a limited edition 6 foot tall figure that had glowing eyes and roared
And Oikawa was determined to get it *definitely because he’s so nice and not because he ran out of gift ideas and Godzilla is his default
Lo and behold, who does he see but FREAKING IWAIZUMI as he’s carrying the GODAWFUL FIGURINE while holding his NO RETURNS receipt
Yes Iwaizumi has one too and YES he got it just 5 minutes before Oikawa, not even realizing the other was awake at this time
Side tangent but I firmly believe that Oikawa naturally wakes up at 3pm at the earliest because he stays up so late and that between the two of them Iwaizumi wakes up way earlier (maybe around 7 ish?) but when it comes to volleyball practice, Oikawa will force himself to be up at 3am and literally inject himself with caffeine to do the best he can whereas Iwaizumi is tired like a normal human
Oikawa gifts him the figure but ofc is very upset by it since he’s never actually gotten something that Iwaizumi doesn’t already have
But turns out Iwaizumi actually doesn’t care because like?? More?? Godzilla??
Who doesn’t love that, right
So anyways, all’s well that ends well
And Oikawa’s happy as long as Iwaizumi’s happy and not trying to murder him
But if Iwaizumi tries to suggest the Godzilla hotel for their honeymoon Oikawa will be filing for divorce
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*pics for reference, not mine
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runin-reads · 5 years ago
(Hq manga spoilers!!)
Smh. People really be calling the ushi-iwa meet-up in California a fling, like Ushijima literally introduced him to his father are you kidding me, they’re dating.
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bokutos-eyebrows · 5 years ago
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I painted mini ornaments of Iwaizumi and his boyfriend to celebrate Iwai’s bday 🥺
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tendouthighs · 5 years ago
I couldn’t just NOT share this with y’all 🥺🤣
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gelly-pop · 5 years ago
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i did something for godzilla, happy birthday iwa! ft. lumpia. also might spam alot of filo threads of his bday with sone lumpia gang i-
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voidbaby13 · 5 years ago
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Iwa-chan and Trashykawa
°~Click for quality~°
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urfavlolcat · 5 years ago
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but I changed that a little.
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brokuro · 5 years ago
iwaizumihajigay replied to your post “watching a compilation of uncomfortable moments in bnha, mostly mineta...”
closest I came to throwing hands in college was a literature class reading a murakami novel- every girl in the class pointed out the middle aged male protagonist's thoughts about the 13 or 14 year old girl as creepy and this bitchass boatshoes-wearing white boy went "but 13 is the age of consent in Japan so it's not actually creepy" like??!?!?! I wanted to hit him so bad
.....theres always one ... so gross
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ankitsukai · 5 years ago
tagged by @iwaizumihajigay and @kenrou​ (thank you so much! 💕)
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
top 3 ships: iwaoi and iwaaka. i can’t choose a third ship there’s too many
last song: aurora b polaris - forgotten. i've been listening to a lot of chillstep/lyricless music
last movie: pokemon power of us movie. it was on netflix, so why not
reading: i wanna ruin our friendship and carving petals
what food are you craving right now: i want coffee but it’s 4am :(
tagging: whoever wants to i guess
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randomcrackhc · 5 years ago
Haikyuu!! Carpenter HC
ft. Iwaizumi, Asahi, and Ushijima
Idk what or why I thought of this, but unfortunately I did, so sorry in advance
Also yes this is technically a non-volleyball au bc I really can’t wrap my head around a future where Ushijima doesn’t play volleyball. And as a side-note, I’m not an expert, I just thought this would be fun
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- No offence to the other two, but I feel like Iwaizumi would have the best social skills out of the three of them
- If anybody of them were to have the idea to start a business together, it would probably be him. They’d probably be acquaintances with each other, he knows Ushijima because Oikawa hates him and probably met Asahi somehow through Kageyama (HIGHKEY HC THAT IWAIZUMI AND KAGEYAMA HAVE A GREAT FRIENDSHIP BUT THEY’RE JUST NOT VERY VOCAL ABOUT IT AND OIKAWA GETS SALTY)
- They have Kiyoko as an assistant who takes care of the regular stuff, but Iwaizumi sometimes takes orders for customers who want super specific things (one time this dude wanted 20 revolving bookcases that hid secret rooms around his house. It took Ushijima and Iwaizumi 3 months to complete them all)
- Like Ushijima, don’t see him having a specialty? I think he mostly just does the in between stuff
- Ushijima is fine with doing house calls for literally everything except for kitchen cabinets (rip the kitchen cabinet incident of 2018), so Iwaizumi takes care of those
- Also keeps everyone sane and on task, chases away all the Karen’s
- Mostly does customized furniture. Ushijima will do most of the basic stuff, while Iwaizumi polishes it and does the finer details like if there’s any designs that he needs to carve
- Just? An? All-rounder? Loves creating things, it’s therapeutic for him (gives him a break from Oikawa) and he likes creating things that are tangible, like how in volleyball you can feel the ball and are really present
- Oikawa has definitely stopped by before. He met Tendou one time and now it’s their personal goal to annoy Iwaizumi and Ushijima as much as possible
- You CANNOT tell me that Iwaizumi Perfect Husband Material Hajime does not cook or bake, I refuse to believe this
- Sometimes brings in food for the gang and has definitely purposely made milk bread on days when Oikawa has plans just to spite him
- The garbage can in the corner of his studio has “Oikawa” written on it and is used solely for when he wants to scrap an idea
- Has a shelf filled with different small trinkets he’s made when bored and some pictures (even one of Oikawa except Iwaizumi would rather die than tell him that)
- His workspace is actually the most comfy? He probably gets headaches from Oikawa a lot, and likes to feel relaxed when working, so he has a really nice chair and a couch with blankets in case he stays late and is too tired to go home
- It’s not overly nice though, or he’d never get Oikawa to leave. It’s just a nice room with a few personal touches but still keeps the productive atmosphere
- Unlike Asahi, is not afraid of threatening to use any knives he may have lying around to scare off Oikawa
- People love him? He’s just really polite and also makes sure to explain everything and offer fair prices
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- As we all know, despite his appearance, he really is a soft guy
- I think out of the three of them, Asahi would also be the most artistically inclined, definitely very detail-oriented and loves working on smaller-scale projects 
- So less of your traditional carpenter or construction worker carpenter, more like a woodworker than anything else
- Probably does a lot of nature-inspired works and things that are more for display purposes
- Specializes in birdhouses and cuckoo clocks, loves to add flower details on the side
- During Christmas, he gets flooded with orders for Christmas tree ornaments, to the point where there are people preordering all the way in July (trust me, everything Asahi makes is very very pretty and worth preordering that far in advance)
- His workroom faces a forest and the window is always open because he claims the fresh air helps him concentrate
- Loves to work outside, although it’s a little hard for him because he has so much equipment and of course it rains just when he’s set up outside
- Also takes nature walks during his breaks to get more inspiration
- Gets a little shy when talking to customers so tends to stay holed up in his workroom, but also loves hearing their thoughts on the finished product
- Sometimes scares customers when they see a 6’ tall guy holding a knife, but it’s just for his whittling!!!
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- I get the feeling he’s the most likely to work on a construction site
- But bc I want the three of them to work in the same business, bc I could kinda see that happening, let’s say that he mostly does their maintenance and assembly work
- But does sometimes do temp work as a side job to help out crews that might be missing people
- Mostly, he’d do the house to house repairs and large furniture like tables and chairs. Also does flooring and dabbles in roof retiling 
- I think he’d probably start out in the business if his dad or someone else he really respected did carpentry before him, and he thought that since he looked up to them, he should follow in their footsteps
- Don’t see him having a real specialty? He’s just known for being really good at basically everything, like he is with volleyball, and for being strong
- Like Asahi, can’t actually interact with the customers
- He’s not a huge fan of small talk, so often intimidates the customers bc of his silence (really he just doesn’t know how to respond it if he’s supposed to)
- His workspace isn’t very pretty, but it’s organized and functional. Probably doesn’t have anything personal there, but there’s a pile of shounen jump that Tendou updates weekly so that he can have someone to talk to about manga
- Ultimately this backfires since Ushijima ends up just reading the ads, but Tendou keeps it up for the day when he can convince Ushijima to finally read manga
- Jokes on him, Ushijima does read manga, although it’s exclusively shoujo
Honestly? Their personalities may not be the most complimentary, but they work well together and I can see them being pretty good friends after awhile. Ushijima will probably never stop bringing up the Shiratorizawa thing to Oikawa though lmao
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rkoradiopictures · 5 years ago
tv tag game!
TV show tag game: attach gifs of your ten favorite shows without naming them, then tag ten people.
tagged by the amazing @queen-of-edolas​
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i’m tagging @kohigh​ @musicmusnt​ @iceywolfj​ @misstheatricality​ @honneybutterr​ @usernamethatisgood​ @blazed-dolphin​ @iwaizumihajigay​ @dark-knight-dyke​ @jurrasicpork​
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runin-reads · 5 years ago
Ushijima: Iwaizumi, meet my father. Dad, meet my boyfriend.
Iwaizumi and papa utsui, confused: your what
Ushijima: my what
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cloudcutter · 5 years ago
iwaizumi: you look nice, i could kiss you
oikawa: what?
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