#iwa loves to call oikawa babe
iwaoiness · 2 months
It is rare for Oikawa and Iwaizumi not to meet in Japan, but when they don't, their parents always try to make it more pleasant. So when Tooru receives a message from Iwaizumi's mother inviting him to stay over just two days after landing, he smiles tenderly and informs his parents.
He doesn't take anything from home. Hajime's wardrobe still has a corner with his clothes, and in the bathroom there are still his creams, shampoo, hair gels and headbands.
There is something of Tooru in Hajime's, just as there is something of Hajime in Tooru's.
He spends the day with his second mother, who greets him with a warm, sweet hug. Then comes his second father, who gives him those bear hugs that lift him off the ground and make him laugh like he did when he was two years old.
"Welcome home, sweetheart," they tell him, because for more than two decades now, sorry for the intrusion has become I'm home.
They have dinner together, share anecdotes, and, accompanied by tea, watch a 12-episode series. Oikawa and Mama-Iwa comment aloud, while Papa-Iwa is so engrossed that, when they finish it, he is indignant at not having a second season to watch.
After discussing the plot, they say their goodnights. Kaori kisses his forehead, Shota ruffles his hair, and they both wish him sweet dreams.
Entering Hajime's room and closing the door behind him feels like stepping back into the reality he wanted to ignore. Tooru's shoulders slump, and the weight in his heart returns as his eyes wander around the bedroom.
The bed is still the same, covered with the sushi-print duvet he gave Hajime for his birthday. The shelves are somewhat empty, with a few Lego figures scattered around, books that couldn't make the journey, and a couple of pictures featuring old photographs of Hajime with his parents and extended family. Where dozens of Polaroids used to hang above the headboard, only one remains: it's Tooru, smiling brightly at the camera, his hair tousled as he hugs the stitch plush Iwaizumi gave him. On the desk are pens with barely any ink, worn pencils, and the wireless mouse he forgot to take with him. A Godzilla poster adorns the wall, a deflated volleyball rests in one corner, and Aoba Johsai's jacket hangs up.
Oikawa takes a deep breath and pushes himself away from the door to shuffle towards the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and cleans his face, slow and lazy. He returns to the bedroom and opens the wardrobe, but only Hajime's part. It's almost empty, but a dark oversize shirt hangs on the rack. It smells so much like Iwaizumi's cologne, with that hint of his fresh deodorant spray, that when Oikawa swipes it over his head, he almost groans. He doesn't bother to put on trousers, stays in his boxers and finally sinks under the duvet.
The pillow smells like Hajime, and Tooru curls up, wishing he could sink into it. Missing him feels like drowning. He wonders what Hajime is doing now. Whether or not he has got out of bed. Whether he's gone for a run. If he has made a smoothie last night or will do it later. Whether he's preparing the lessons for his favourite group. Whether he's thinking about him as much as Tooru thinks about Hajime. If it's just as hard for him when they don't see each other. If he thinks Oikawa's a bad boyfriend for choosing to pursue his life's dream over him. If Hajime wants to stay with hi—.
His mobile vibrates on the bedside table, startling Oikawa out of his reverie. He quickly reaches out and grabs his phone.
Hajime 🤎🦔
babe, u still awake?
Tooru doesn't even respond, he initiates the call. His heart races as it did during their first kiss. Three seconds later, Hajime's face, with a soft smile and narrowed eyes, fills his screen. Suddenly, breathing is much easier, and the weight on his chest lightens.
Oikawa smiles back, genuine and sweet.
“Hey, babe.”
“Hey, darling-chan.”
“Are you in my bed?”
“Mmh.” Oikawa nods, stretching his arm upward to widen the angle before making a peace gesture with his free hand, his smile widening.
Hajime laughs, his voice flowing through the speaker, somewhat distorted.
“I hope you're not drooling all over my pillow again.”
“Rude, Iwa-chan, I don’t drool!” He protests childishly, sticking his tongue out as he settles sideways, placing his mobile where Hajime would be.
At the same time, Iwaizumi does the same from his bed in Irvine, snorting in amusement.
“Oh, yes you do, Tooru.”
“Well, I’d rather drool than snore.”
“I don’t do that.” He frowns.
“Oh, yes you do, Hajime,” Tooru mimics his voice, grinning victoriously when Iwaizumi pulls out his middle finger.
They tease some more, gazing at each other with smiles painted on their faces. Oikawa tells him all about what he did today, describing how delicious dinner was and sharing the plot of the series he watched with Iwa's parents. Iwaizumi tells him all about what he has planned for today, detailing the fifty-question Kahoot he’s prepared for his favorite group and the amusing tale of how Jacob managed to tangle his toothbrush in his hair (again).
They don’t need to say that they miss each other. They don’t need to mention how time hasn’t quite eased the hollow ache they feel when they look to the empty space beside them each day. They don’t have to, because they both know it, and that’s what keeps them holding on.
Missing feels like drowning, but every video call, every message, every call, every photograph, every audio, every letter, and every ticket back and forth feels like a breath of air.
isnt 20th here yet but happy bday to oikawa my loveeee!! every day in july is tooru day <3
u can find me on my ao3 🍉
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lowkeyremi · 10 months
when your boyfriend atsumu meets your best friend oikawa it does NOT go well.
you would think their personalities are similar so they'd get a long.
but oh how wrong that was. their egos are both huge so it's like two male peacocks fighting for dominance.
"well they're MY best friend. i met them before you even did! also your dye job is horrendous." oikawa would say to tsumu and he's not even phased because everyone always has something to say about his hair.
"I don't wanna to hear anythin' from someone who didn't make it to nationals at all in high school!!" atsumu would bite back because he plays dirty.
"tsumu! why would you say that??" you're behind atsumu not trying to get into the argument but that was such a low blow you just had to say something.
oikawa would just laugh with venom in his tone, "i bet they didn't tell you I was their first kiss, huh?" oikawa's arms are crossed and he's smiling like a villain.
atsumu whips his head around to look at you, "baby is that true??" shit. there's that pout of his.
"well.. yeah but like we were just trying things out back then... uh it was before i even met you tsumu." you respond nervously.
"i'm so sorry ya had to kiss such 'n ugly person, baby." your eyes about pop out of your skull.
"atsumu stop! babe this is just-"
"they didn't seem to think i was too ugly because they leaned in for another kiss afterward and it turned into a hot make out sesh." the memories come flooding back into your brain of the time you had made out with your best friend.
atsumu is seeing red now, "shut yer trap! they're with me and they love my kisses wayyyy more than yers which is why we're dating and yer just the best friend."
rest assured iwaizumi had finally come back from the bathroom and split the two apart.
"quit it you knuckle heads!! you clearly have a type, why'd you have to go for the snotty obnoxious guys??" he asks you with a roll of his eyes. he's also in the middle of them to keep a fight from breaking out not that you think they'd get physical. both are capable of leaving someone mentally damaged.
"i have no clue iwa, but thank you. let's go atsumu, you're not getting out of this one. i'll call you later, toru!" you drag atsumu by his arm and he's muttering nonsense about hating oikawa.
a/n: i based this off of this :3
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Expecting Life with their pregnant partner
Featuring Toru Oikawa, Atsumu Miya and
Daichi Sawamura
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Toru Oikawa x pregnant GN! Reader; Atsumu Miya x pregnant GN! Reader; Daichi Sawamura x pregnant GN! Reader
Warnings: fluff, reader being a tiny bit reckless
A/N: i really loved the Aizawa, Fatgum and Hawks version so I decided to expand it 😩 also thanks to @kingdaddydaichi for my current thighchi infatuation 🥲
“Hey love I’m home- oh my god YN are you ok?” Toru shouts as you look up from your positioned perched on the floor. He’s frantically throwing his bag to the ground while simultaneously trying to remove his shoes.
“Toru, calm down in fine!” You shout as your husband practically trips over his own feet trying to get to you as you sit on the floor. His hand goes to his chest when he sees what your doing, trying to calm himself and taking a seat on the couch.
“YN you nearly gave me a heart attack! Why are you painting your nails on the floor? I told you to go to the nail salon!” He scolded as you rolled your eyes and put the cap back on the polish.
“Toru, I have 5 weeks before my due date. I want to time my trips to get my nails done perfectly with my due date. I want to look nice when the baby gets here,” you pout as Toru shakes his head, rest his elbows on his knees.
“Love i’d pay for someone to come to the hospital to do you nails if it meant that much to you but you shouldn’t be getting on the floor like that when I’m not around,” he scolds as you glare back at him.
“I’ll have you know I’m perfectly capable of doing this on my own Toru!” You say, crossing your arms and turning your nose up at your husband.
“You want me to tell Iwa-Chan what you’ve been up too?” He says with a smirk as you neck snaps back, eyes widening
“You wouldn’t DARE!” You say and Toru takes out his phone.
“Say cheese darling,” he says before snapping a picture and showing it to you.
“Toru that’s not funny! Iwa will kick my butt if he finds out!” You whine.
“Then promise me this is the last time you’ll do this!” He says as he threatens to press send to his best friend.
You roll your eyes, resigning yourself the the fact that you have lost and nod in agreement.
“That wasn’t so hard now was it love,” Toru says before helping you off the ground, kissing your forehead lovingly.
Atsumu ran up the 3 flights of stairs to your shared apartment, not bothering to wait the extra few minutes for the elevator. When he received the phone call from Osamu saying, “don’t panic but Yn got hurt” every single thought flowed through this brain as he raced home to be with you.
“I’m here!! Where is Yn?” He said, slamming the door open as both you and Osamu jumped slightly at your husbands sudden entrance.
“Samu you freaking snitch!” You growled as Osamu rolled his eyes, moving out of the way as your husband closed in on you, examining you up and down for injuries, his vision landing on a towel in your hand.
“What the hell happened?” He shouted as you shushed him.
“Babe calm down! I’m fine, I literally just cut my finger while I was chopping up fruit it’s no big deal,” you said, as your husbands eyes landed on your hand.
“How deep is it? Do we need to take you the hospital? How much blood have you lost? Are you having any contractions? Is your waters broken?” Atsumu rattled out phrase after phrase as you just watched his panic stricken face.
“Sumu calm down would ya?!? It’s just a cut, nothing too deep or bad. Everything’s fine,” Osamu said as Atsumu’s head snapped to him.
“Then why did ya tell me?” He shouted back.
“I told ya not to panic ya idiot! I had it handled but I wanted you to know!” He said as he returned to your kitchen, putting away the onigiri he had brought you.
“YN why didn’t you just let Samu cut up your fruit baby? Ya knew he was comin!” Atsumu scolded as you frowned
“I can cut up fruit Sumu, I’m pregnant not helpless!” You said in return as Atsumu sighed.
“I know you’re not babe but please, I worry about ya being home when I’m at practice especially since I’m away from my phone. That’s why Samu comes to check on you. Please just promise me you’ll wait until I get home or Samu comes?” He begs as your instantly soften.
“Ok Sumu I promise,” you smile as your husband leans in, kissing your forehead.
“Gross get a room!” Osamu groans from the kitchen as Atsumu glares back at him.
“Why don’t cha get yourself a partner then it wouldn’t be so gross!” Your husband argues back.
You just sit there and sigh, resigning yourself to the fact that this, was in fact, your wonderful life.
“Ummm- YN?” Your husband says as you studdenly bolt up, smacking your head on beam atop your attic.
“Ouch- crap, oh hey darling! How was work?” You say continuing to shift through boxes, your large belly serving as a stand as you move boxes from one location to another.
“It was fine, hey question- what the heck are you doing?” Your husband says, now standing on the top stair of the attic, as you finally find the box you were looking for.
“There it is!” You shout as you bring the box to your still very confused husband, “it’s the box of holiday decorations!”
Daichi gawked at you as you shifted your eyes from left to right, waiting for a response from your husband.
“YN it’s literally June, what do we need holiday decorations for?” He asks as you shrug.
“Well I was in the babies room and I was thinking about where to put the rocking chair. And then I got to thinking about how I’m to be rocking our baby to sleep in only a couple of months,” you said as Daichi tried to follow your logic.
“Ok babe but that still a few months away and we have yet to get to why you have holiday decorations out six months ahead of time?” He again questions.
“Well the baby is due in October and the last thing I’ll probably want to be doing is decorating for the holidays with a newborn. So I figured I’d decorate now and leave them up until next year,” you cheer, excited about your grand idea.
Daichi’s eyes widen as he tries to hold back a laugh, “ok babe well I’ll be around to help you in a few months so let’s just leave the decorations for now. And let’s not talk about how you shouldn’t even be up here. This attic is old and musty and what if you fell or something!”
You just roll your eyes and hand your husband the box, “your such a dad you know that! No wonder they called you ‘dadchi’ in high school.”
“No they didn’t Yn!” He protested
“Well not to your face love,” you laughed, heading down the stairs as you leave, your husband standing confused.
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mymegumi · 10 months
OMG SELENE!!! the event is A D O R A B L E i’m so excited for it ! if you have some space still left in the matches i would love to participate 🫶
here’s my info!!
name: kit
preferred anime: hq!!
preferred gender: male
best thing about the holidays: CHRISTMAS LIGHTS
a bit about me: i love christmas and all BUT i’m defo a summer girl, i’m super extroverted around people i’m close to but come off as introverted at first, i am never serious and love humour, i love travelling, surfing, docuseries, cats, going for drives + to weekend markets … that’s it HENDNSJ
hope you’re having a lovely first of december !!! 🎄
thank u for the sweetness kit!! hehehe i last minute added the matchups so im so glad u like them!! tbh i was lowkey surprised abt the hq matchups bc i dont rmbr the last time i talked abt hq on this blog!! it was fun to think abt those boys again!!! so tonight i match u with:
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ok so based off of the extroversion and the activities and stuff, i can def see y’all being that loud couple at parties that jus seem to always attract crowds and are just so so fun that you can’t manage to look away from them. you are also both just always doing smth fun and going out together to dinners, parties, events—anything! i can see you both also having some rlly funny convos, like gut cramp funny. the two of you have to sometimes get told off by iwa for never being serious enough and he has to definitely keep the both of u in line. also the two of u being travel buddies??? you fs go w him to argentina, can even offer up to go on trips with him so he isn’t lonely, somewhere along the way you both just end up country hopping europe and backpacking across america or smth. its so adventurous and wild the relationship tbh. also,,, def see y’all settling down w a shit ton of pets. oikawa keeps saying no more cats n then all of a sudden he’s coming home w a stray n ur like… ok fine. n then u have three more cats cause ofc u cant leave her kittens behind.
RUNNER UPS: ⠀ ෆ hinata shoyou ⠀ ⠀ ⤿ can def see y’all soaking up the sun in brazil ⠀ ෆ kuroo tetsurou ⠀ ⠀ ⤿ the king of cats man, how can u not love him??
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“babe! this house has a light up snoopy figure!” oikawa calls out, excitement clear in his eyes and the high pitched tone of his voice. he’s standing, like, three feet in front of you—purely because he’s about seventy percent leg—and is seemingly unaware of the stares he’s getting. his attention is solely on you. “oh my god, do you think they know about the puffer jacket plushie?”
“i mean,” you start, finally making your way back to his side and sliding your fingers into his, “he’s practically superstar level. megastar, even. there’s no way they don’t know about him.”
he nods sagely, already tugging you in the direction of another house that has a giant snowflake adorning the front of it. it seems as if the house’s light decoration also flickers and pulses in time with a jolly christmas tune playing on the speaker. oikawa is mesmerized instantly.
“oh my god, i want to die here.”
you feel like you kinda agree. here, where you’re happy and a bit chilly, but holding hands with the man you love. here, in this small christmasy town that seems to love their light decorations.
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educatedsimps · 5 months
— 11:06pm
≪ fics masterlist
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iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader ↳ a/n: college au! this is honestly just a little blurb i thought of during the day cuz i just can’t stop thinking of iwa these days smh ↳ wc: 643
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you sighed, laying your pen down on the table. you were officially done with your weekend assignments and a glance at the digital clock on your boyfriend’s desk told you it was already 11:06pm on a sunday.
iwaizumi sat cross-legged on his bed with his back against the wall, as he played games on his phone. he had already finished his assignments in the afternoon but being the master procrastinator you were, you left it till the last minute (a/n: like me ngl).
you crawled onto the bed and started to wiggle your way into his lap, finally sitting comfortably between his legs. your head was tucked under his chin and your arms hugged his torso.
“you done with your work?” he asked, half distracted by his game.
“mhmm…” you yawned.
the room was quiet except for the sound of the ceiling fan above you, and the sound of gunfire from iwaizumi’s phone. you shifted slightly so your head was against his chest, and you could hear his steady heartbeat.
“i’m sorry babe, i can’t really stop this game right now, oikawa would kill me if i just left him and mattsun halfway through. we’re about to win, though, so just gimme a moment, alright?” he explained.
you looked up and saw that he was in deep concentration. his brows were slightly pinched and his lips were pursed as his eyes darted across the screen. he was mumbling something like “that damn jerk just won’t die”. his fingers hit the screen repeatedly and you giggled at how engrossed your boyfriend was in the game.
the tiniest dimple in his left cheek started to show as he stuck his tongue out in concentration.
so damn cute.
you didn’t mind that he was playing a game with his friends from high school. they hadn’t seen each other since college started, and it was hard to find a time and place for them to meet up. honestly, you didn’t really care what he was doing as long as you got to cuddle with him.
“yes! we got it,” he hissed.
you giggled as he put his phone down on his bedside table and turned back to you. he bent down to kiss you on the lips before reaching over to turn the lights off.
his phone lit up, buzzing with an incoming call just as you two laid on the bed. iwaizumi grunted and reached over to pick it up. you yawned again and closed your eyes.
“iwa-chan~~ where did you go? we’re about to play another game,” you heard the whiny voice of your boyfriend’s best friend on the phone. you peeked at him to see his reaction.
iwaizumi tsked and replied, “go screw yourselves.. i’m with y/n and i gotta sleep, shitty-kawa. i’ll play with you guys next time, okay?”
“ooooh is iwa-chan with his-,” oikawa’s words got cut off as iwaizumi ended the call with a roll of his olive eyes, sighing in annoyance. even after dating for nearly two years, his friends still teased him about being able to “pull” someone as amazing as you.
you often heard quips like “how much did you pay them to be with you?” or “are you sure they can see clearly?” though you were pretty damn sure you could see clearly, because anyone could see that iwaizumi was one hell of a snacc (a/n: ok lyssa chill).
he flopped back into bed next to you and pulled you closer to him, burying his head into your neck and mumbling something about oikawa being stupid and having a class at 8am the next day. you chuckled and ran your fingers through his hair, planting a chaste kiss on his head.
“g’night, babe. i lohvfe youh,” he said from his place next to you, his words muffled.
“i love u more, haji.”
“ ‘mpothsible.”
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. but likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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seiwas · 11 months
SLOWBURN IS ALWAYS SUCH A GOOD TROPE so nice to get lost in and build relationship (and develop feelings 👀) and aslfasdlkfjsdf slowburn i love slowburn
AND OMG COLLEGE AU'S now that i'm actually in uni now i have such a deep love for college au's like that is what keeps me going i'm ngl AND CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM JUST WAITING OUTSIDE THE BUILDING FOR YOUR CLASS TO END SO THAT YOU CAN EAT LUNCH TOGETHER??? or studying together (reminds me of another vid i saw but don't have saved this time where the bf tells his gf like babe i love you but there's no way you're passing this test AND I FEEL LIKE THAT IS SO IWA HAHAHAHAH) living together in college au's coming home to each other agh i love it
OH MY GOD THE BODYGUARD AND MAFIA AU'S this totally calls for iwa in like all formal wear and tattoo sleeves. yes. HE WOULD LOOK SO HOT and his piercing eyes as he glares down at anyone who even breathes near you
and speaking of bodyguard/mafia au's...... THE ROYALTY AU'S????? WITH HIM AS THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD OR READER'S PERSONAL GUARD OR KNIGHT OR SLDFKWOERJSLFJ god i'm such a sucker for royalty au's
and omg omg omg underground boxer iwa has my jaw on the FLOOR please this reminds kinda of that detective conan movie where ran's best friend (the korean name is bora but i can't remember the jp name lasjfalsjdf) has a bf and he KEPT THE BANDAID 'bora' GAVE HIM HE DIDN'T EVEN NEED ANYMORE AFTER THE CUT (or whatever wound it was) HEALED HE JUST KEPT IT BECAUSE IT WAS FROM HIS GF (bora)
when he's mid-match and he thinks of returning home to you in his mind and now any soreness or fatigue he felt moments earlier disappears and he's reinvigorated asdlfkasjdalskf and wins :,)
FWB IWA OMG okay i'm ngl i am so intrigued too CAN WE MAKE IT CLICHE AND HE WANTS TO SETTLE DOWN WITH YOU PLEASE CAN WE PLEASE (OR WHAT IF WE COMBINE LMFAO THE SLOWBURN FRIENDS TO FWB TO LOVERS when reader and iwa grew up together and reader's been crushing since middle school but iwa goes down a... different path and moves away but they're reunited at uni and he's so different from what reader remembers but he's still the same and when he makes a move reader doesn't hesitate to accept even with his... differences and yeah)
OIKAWA'S LITTLE SISTER SLDKFJSDFLSKFSF oikawa getting butthurt like 'do you come to see me or her' with that pout and crossed arms asldfasdflkjsf
koi... u r literally feeding our iwa brainrot rn PLS
same!!! i love slowburn a lot bc of how gradual and natural it feels 🥺 either that or just give me the established relationship alr 😭 i think i fall into either extremes shdfsjfa
YEA COLLEGE AUs!! oh koi he really would wait outside your building for you 😭 would drive you around if he had a car too 😭 and that vid u saw omFG HE RLLY WOULD SAY THAT while studying in the library and u're always distracted bc of him 🥹 but also... u r a Chronic Procrastinator, and every single time he watches the same cycle happen 😭 and he tries to get you through it each time 😭 being roommates would also be so so cute 🥹
YES EXACTLY U GET THE VISION 😭 iwa in a SUIT. my god. and the TATTOOS... i feel like i've read one before where it was seijoh4 and lET ME TELL U . I LITERALLYASBASDFB. iwa gives very guard dog energy and i think putting him into a bodyguard/mafia role would play into that a lot....
am familiar with detective conan but haven't watched so i am nodding along as i am reading what u said 😭😭😭 but that's so cute the concept of leaving the bandaid on even if it's healed 😭 i think he rlly would be the type to downplay injuries tho sjhdasj i think it comes with the fact that he's knowledgeable of how far he can push his limits 😭
koi. ofc we are making this fwb cliche. i can never be satisfied with an fwb if one of them doesn't fall helplessly in love with the other 😭 the slowburn friends to lovers and fwb is TORTURE oh my god 😭 the fact that there's so much /history/ there KOI PLS omg no YOU ARE SPARKING IDEAS FOR ME. PLSPSLPSLPS NOOOO. the fact that there's so much trust already established, and how reader is alr in love so will practically do anything with and for him 😭 oh gosh when he makes a move he better be SINCERE or else i will cry...
i think it could very much go in the direction of they accidentally kiss maybe and iwaizumi feels a little oh it's different, but he can't put his finger on it, only that he likes it. they talk about it obviously, but bc reader doesn't want to ruin anything, they say that it's no biggie! (even tho they're dying inside bc they're in love w him 😭), and tries to play it off by saying it was silly and fun! and iwaizumi, being the blunt man he is, literally says that he liked it and enjoyed, but reader takes it as him trying to hint at a kinda-fwb arrangement and not as a 'i could have feelings for you' type of thing 😭 (all just very miscomm) so. reader tells him that if he wants to keep doing it they can sahjdbjasd and so they do 😭😭😭 & of course somewhere down the line, iwa develops feelings but doesn't fully realise it...
UNTIL reader can't take it anymore, starts to drift from him, and he NOTICES and is confused, so confronts them and is straight up like: what's wrong, did i do something? and reader tries to deny it but iwa hates it so he's like: if you don't like spending time with me anymore, just tell me. it's okay. and reader is looks at him like r u srs rn... and says: i like spending time with you too much. that's the problem. and he's confused bc hOW CAN THAT BE A PROBLEM?? HE LIKES IT TOO...??? until reader sighs and drops it onto him: hajime i've been in love with you since we were kids. i thought doing this with you would be good because at least i'd get to have you, even if it's just like this, y'know? and iwaizumi stares back, expression unreadable and he doesn't say anything so reader shifts around, nervous, rambling: sorry i just disappeared on you, but it would have been unfair if i stuck around hiding that i always wanted more.
(sorry i keep switching between you/reader omg but i basically mean the same thing)
and he's just. like. really frustrated? bc it was real to him? and how could he have missed the fact that he didn't make it clear to you? that he was developing feelings too? how could he have possibly not communicated that? not made it obvious? so he goes: what if it was always more to me? and reader is like. what. WDYM. WHAT. and this guy... THIS GUYYYYY has the audacity to LAUGH bc of how confused ure looking rn AND IT'S ANNOYING bc even when your feelings are in a twist! and you're hurting! and aching! you're still so in love with him, especially when he looks like this. boyish smile, eyes crinkling, straight teeth peeking through the lips you still can't believe you've come to be familiar with. then he takes your hands, thumbs rubbing circles on your knuckles, before interlacing your fingers together. he looks up, dark peach blooming on his cheeks and olive green staring back at you: i love you too. sorry i didn't make it clearer, i thought you already knew. AND HE chuckles at it too and THAT LITTLE SMILE ON HIS FACE oh that little smile on his face mAKES YOU SO ANGRY and so!! SO!! so!!! relieved. and in love. shocked. enamoured by this boy in front of you you've loved your entire life.
tears well up in your eyes and you're trying so hard not to laugh and smile because you know that's what he wants, so you pout, and frown and tell him he's unfair, that it would have saved a lot of trouble if he told you earlier on. but he tells you the same, that you could have told him too and you just!! hate how smartass he is!! how he's right!! almost all the time!! so you playfully push him away only for him to pull you close. and you're against his chest as he hugs you tight and you can hear his heartbeat!!! how it beats loudly, a bit faster than his resting heart rate. then he whispers by your ear, vulnerable, raw: come back please, i miss you. and you hug him tighter, nodding, words insufficient for everything you feel right now.
AND I sorry it got so LONG OH MY GOD SDFBASDJFBASFBASJF koi u took me away w that one literally WROTE An idea duMP hJBDSJAFK but oikawa's little sister yEA ! he rlly would pout 😭 would try to give iwa shit for it maybe like the first 30 minutes after finding out 😭 tries to be all BIG BRO but iwa stares at him deadpan and is like: do you really think i'd hurt her and oikawa thinks about it, tries to rebut, but his mind blanks bc if there's anyone he CAN trust w his sister he knows it's iwa 🥺 then he resumes being the clingy bestfriend and big bro he is shdbfhgsadbjfask "u don't love me anymore u love iwa-chan more 🥺" PLSSHABDFJSFk
-- also koi i will respond to the reply u sent to my ask here just so everything is collated sjdbgajd --
i totally get what u mean by how u read x reader!! i don't really insert myself in x reader fics also sdfnjs i envision a blank person i think jhsdb (same with when i write x reader! i think of a blank person embellished with details i put abt them shdfbja like col reader!) but aaah i'm so glad you enjoyed reading it bb thank u so much u r soso sweet 🥹
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fushiguroll · 2 years
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⇢ oikawa toru, kenma kozume, miya atsumu. ushijima wakatoshi
synopsis: the one in which he tries to prove to his friends that he is, in fact, not whipped by you
ʚɞ OIKAWA Toru | iwaizumi growled impatiently at his best friend, “can you please concentrate? we’re getting killed here.” oikawa slammed his fingers down on the keyboard, “I’m trying my best, iwa-chan!” “no, you’re not,” mattsun’s voice interrupted through the headset. “yeah, you’re probably too distracted thinking about y/n. you’re so whipped bro,” makki retorted. “no, I’m not!” oikawa replied, looking down at his vibrating phone, “see? she’s calling me right now and I'm not even gonna pick up because I'm not whipped and I'm gonna save you all in this battle.” a few minute passed before oikawa speaks up again, “pause, pause. I gotta use the bathroom. be right back.” oikawa muted his microphone and immediately calls you back. “hi baby, sorry I missed your call. Is everything okay?” oikawa listens intently, smiling as he replies, “yeah sure. no I'm not busy at all, not doing anything. mmhm, I'll meet you in about five minutes. I miss you too. see you in a bit.” oikawa turns his attention back to the computer screen. “not busy, huh? not doing anything? you forgot to mute, idiot.” Iwaizumi says as matsukawa and hanamaki roared with laughter. oikawa tried but failed to come up with an excuse, “fine, I'm whipped okay? whatever, you lonely losers. I’m logging off now. bye!” “man, I feel so single right now.” matsukawa breaks the silence. “let’s just play without him?” “sure.”
ʚɞ KOZUME Kenma | “hey kenma, can I borrow your switch tonight? I wanna play Mario kart.” kuroo asks his best friend. “no. go buy your own.” “don’t be so stingy, just one round. I bet you’ll let Y/N borrow it if she asks.” kenma shakes his head. kuroo nudges yaku, “he says no, but I bet he will because he’s whipped for her.” “I'm not whipped for her.” “yes you are and it’s fine, kenma.” Yaku replies. “but I'm not.” you enter the gym right on cue, running towards your boyfriend excitedly. “babe, guess what! mika let me borrow the new Paper Mario game. can I borrow your switch to play?” kenma can feel kuroo and yaku burning holes into his back. “uh...” you look up at him with pleading eyes, “I can’t?” “um....”, he sighs, “no, of course you can. It’s in my bag. you can get it whenever you want.” you squeal and plant a soft kiss on his cheeks, “thank you, I'll be playing on the bleachers if you need me.” kenma turns to kuroo and yaku, “shut up.” kuroo holds back his laughter, “what? we didn’t even say anything.” “I can hear your thoughts. fine, I'm whipped okay? It’s not that big of a deal.” yaku looks at kenma proudly, “I'm proud of you for admitting that.” “shut up.”
ʚɞ MIYA Atsumu | his friends follow the direction of his eyes, laughing as it lands on you. “you’re seriously whipped for her dude.” atsumu turns around, unable to fight the redness creeping up his neck. "no, ‘m not!" he protests. "oh yeah? then when Y/N comes over later, say no to whatever she asks you.""thats easy. i say no to her all the time." osamu and suna exchange knowing looks, “sure.” you soon walk over, plopping yourself down on your boyfriend’s lap. “Hey babe, can you bring me your hoodie for history later? that classroom is always so cold.” atsumu glances nervously at the two boys. “Uh...no.” you cock your head to the side. “No?” Atsumu buries himself in your neck, “just kidding! anything for my princess.” Osamu and Suna bursts out laughing, “I told you! you’re totally whipped for y/n.” you watch as tsumu’s face grows redder. you smile, “oh please, you guys would totally be the same way if you two had girlfriends. its too bad no girls like you.” atsumu laughs out loud as the two boys stutter their protests, “I love ya.”
ʚɞ USHIJIMA Wakatoshi | tendo and semi watches in amusement as ushijima glances down at his phone every few seconds. “ushijima-san, what are you waiting for?” “huh?” “you’re looking down at your phone every second.” Your boyfriend looks up at his friends, “oh yeah, Y/N is supposed to meet me for lunch today, but she hasn’t texted me yet.” “you wanna get lunch with us then?” ushijima glances down at his phone again, “sure, I guess I can eat without her today.” The three of them look up and silently study the cafeteria menu. “What are you getting?” “maybe curry? It’s her favorite.” tendo studies his friend, “you’re really whipped for her aren’t you?” ushijima furrows his brows, “no, I don’t think so.” “okay, then will you ditch me if she texts you later?” ushijima shakes his head, “no, because I am having lunch with you.” Tendo turns back to the menu, “okay, I think I'm going to go with the onigiri combo.” Ushijima suddenly looks down at his phone. “Hey love, I'm so sorry for texting you late. I bought you lunch already. Let’s meet at the roof! See you in a bit.” Tendo and Semi watches in amusement as ushijima struggles internally. “what is it ushijima-san?” “I don’t feel so good. you two can eat lunch without me. I’ll see you guys at practice later.” tendo laughs, “it’s fine, you don’t have to lie. I know y/n texted you. go, have lunch with her.” ushijima cracks a rare smile, “thanks, see you in a bit.” Semi and Tendo watches as their captain run out the cafeteria. “He’s so whipped and he doesn’t even know it.”
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reblogs are wildly appreciated <3
main masterlist | haikyū masterlist
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xxmaddyxx · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys Reacting to Y/N Calling them "bro"
contents: lil bit of crack, fluff, swearing short n sweet includes: Akaashi, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Suna
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"Y/n," he said in a monotone way
the two of you were cuddling on your bed before his practice
"hmmm." you hummed into his chest
"I gotta go to practice" he patted your back kinda telling you to get up
"You're not leaving me, bro."
"Yes I-" he paused
"What'd you call me?"
"Bro, you're not leaving me here by myself."
"Um, I'm sorry, I have to."
"No, bro." you kept egging it on, trying to get a reaction out of him.
"Okay, wait a minute. What happened to 'baby' or 'Keiji', hm?" You sat up next to him and he looked at you with a cocked eyebrow and his arms crossed.
"I dunno, do you not like my new name for you, bro?"
"Okay, stop."
"Why bro?" you bit back laughter at his obvious aggravation
"STAHP." he tackled you and startled tickling you
"QUIT BRO!! HAHAHA." You cackled.
"No, not until you call me by my proper name."
"I thought HAHA you had to HA go to practice!"
"I'll wait."
"BABE stop I'm dying!" he stopped tickling you
"Thank you, now I gotta go, love you." he kissed your nose
"Love you too..." he left your room "bro."
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he just finished a practice game and you asked him to take you to McDonalds
after ordering, the line was taking mf forever
so you decided to do a lil smth
"Bro, I'm so hungryy!"
at first, he just thought you were thinking out loud so he just nodded in agreement
"Oh, by the way, you did great today, bro." You looked at him and smiled big
"Aw, than- wait huh?"
his brain rlly said wait a damn minute
"I said good game, bro."
"I- y/nnn." he whined
"What is it, man?"
"STOOPP." he dramaticaly threw his head back against his carseat
"What brooo." you mimicked him and threw your head back
"THAT! You should know by now that I am to be referred to as 'baby' 'honey' 'babe' or the occasional 'Tooru'."
"I just thought I would switch it up bro, do you not like it?"
"No!" he crossed his arms.
"Okaayy, I'm sorry baby." You kissed his cheek and he smiled cheekily
"I win again." He pulled up a bit and recieved the food.
He pulled off and looked at you stuffing your face (im sorry im rlly hungry rn)
"What?" you asked in between bites
"You just look cute, bro." He smiled as he stole a fry
"Hey! First off, you got your own fries, and if I can't call you bro, you can't call me it either."
"Okie dokie." He kissed your hand and the two of you drove home
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Iwaizumi (we need low quality pics of him -_-)
he came back from one of his workouts and invited you over
and of course you said yes
he called you while you were otw and asked if you wanted smth prepared like food or drink
"Nah, bro I'm good for now but if you make smth for yourself I'll have some."
"Oh, ok."
"How was the workout man?"
"Uh, good?"
"I hear ya- AH SHIT."
"What, what? Are you ok babe?"
"Yeah, bro. Some dipshit just ran the red light in front of me and almost hit someone. I'll see you soon, dude."
"Ok, love you, be safe please."
"I will, love you too man." he hung up and you paused
"Crap, that sounded too friendly, now I feel bad."
when you got there, Iwa was sitting on his bed eating some chips and scrolling on his phone (showered ofc)
you sat next to him and kissed his forehead
"Hi, Iwa."
"Hey, bro." he didn't look up from his phone
"Ugh, I'm sorry, baby. It was a joke but it sounded rlly casual, I'm sorry." you peppered his face in kisses finishing with a kiss on the lips, which he returned
"It's okay, just watch yourself next time."
"Alrighty." you kissed his cheek and the two of you hung out for the rest of the afternoon
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he decided to let you try your eyeliner skills on him
(im a sucker for eyeliner hcs with him)
so, you were sitting on his lap, one hand on his face the other carefully drawing a wing
he began to have one of those random ass coughing attacks
you pulled the eyeliner pen away from his face as he continued to die from coughing
"You good, bro?"
immediately stops coughing
he looked up at you
"Excuse me?"
you tried so fucking hard not to laugh at his serious expression
"I said, are you okay bro?"
"Bro? Are you friendzoning me rn?"
"Here I am, letting you draw God knows what on my face and you call me BrO aRe YoU gOoD?" you could tell he was playfully being dramatic now
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." you said in between giggles
"Now, what's my name?"
"I'm sorry schnookums."
"The fuck is a schnookums?"
"I'm sorry, babe." you rolled you eyes and smiled as he hugged your waist and leaned his head against you
You sighed, "Rin, I can't do your eyeliner with your head in my chest."
he kissed your collarbone. "Eh, you looked like you needed a break."
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sunaslvt · 3 years
𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 - 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬𝐞𝐢𝐣𝐨𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
tags: afab! reader, praise, degradation, slapping, daddy kink, size kink??, dumbification, voyeurism, implied overstimulation
# next up is my inarizaki favs <333
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# oikawa tooru
♡ he’s usually not very mean or anything
♡ he likes pleasing you it boosts his ego when you moan his name
♡ honestly he’d love to just rip a hole in your leggings and fuck you right when and where he wanted
♡ but that overpowers his need to edge you until you’re begging, practically falling apart just for him
+ “t-tooru…” you sighed, hand pushing against his chest as he fucks his cock in you. “yes baby?” he questioned sweetly, although he already knew what you were thinking. “i- i c-can’t…” you moaned as you tried to understand your own thoughts. but the only thing on your mind was him. “fuck tooru i- fuck- g-gonna cum” you whined desperately. he chuckled at your eyelashes fluttering in pleasure. “so fucking cute” he breathed out. he was almost as starry-eyed as you, as he watched your cum paint your thighs. what a messy bitch.
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# iwaizumi hajime
♡ bro this man will praise you no matter what
♡ hes so soft so he’s not too big on any punishments. he hates seeing you upset and absolutely thrives off of your pleasure
♡ call him daddy rn. he loves taking care of you, he thinks its cute when you need him
♡ not unlike wanting you to need him, he wants everyone else to know you need him. you belong to him.
♡ context: oikawa flirted w you now iwa’s gonna use you until you’re numb 😞😞
+ “daddy pl-lease” you moaned, turning a one word syllable word into two, each one on time with each thrust. hajime’s lip was tucked neatly between his grinning teeth. “feels good lovely?” he asked, your response immediate. “yes daddy f-feels so fucking good” you cry out. his gaze wandered up your body before falling on the man sitting across the room. hajime stared at oikawa who stared back, mouth parted and too stunned to say anything. he palmed his hard cock through his jeans, jealous of the man ruthlessly pouding into your tired pussy. “who do you belong to baby?” hajime’s eyes flicked to you again, waiting for your desperate reply. “you daddy, m-my pussy belongs to you”
“thats right. you’re mine.”
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# hanamaki takahiro
♡ not veryyyyy mean tho. just teases too much ☹️
♡ bro TITS. he lovessss your tits, it doesnt even matter what size, as long as they are out and he can see them
♡ he doesn’t really care what you call him. daddy, mommy, sir, his name — he could care less
♡ as long as you’re squirting around him by the end of the night, he’s satisfied
+ your back arched and you cried out as you felt a sharp pinch on your throbbing nipples. “h-hiro i can’t… it-its too much p-please” your thighs were covered in cum and spit — although you weren’t sure if it was yours or hanamaki’s. “come on, give me one more babe,” his eyebrows furrowed in concentration, “you do wanna be my good baby, dont you?” you nod, but his words weren’t registering in your mind. your continuous sobs and the wet slaps of skin against each other echoed on the walls of your bedroom. he laughed at your fucked-out face, a hand snaking between your leg. a string of curses and his name fell from your mouth as you clenched your drooling pussy at hanamaki’s fingers rubbing your clit. “that’s it y/n baby,” he said between teeth, “such a good fucking slut”
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# matsukawa issei
♡ BIGGG dick. popular opinion but true.
♡ man is vocal as hell. he justs wants to let you know how good you’re making him feel dont make fun of him
♡ doggy is his fav but he’s conflicted because he loves to see your pretty face
♡ he’s stuck between doggy and cowgirl and no he will not be picking one
♡ he likes when you call him daddy but honestly it doesn’t matter to him. he just wants to see that pussy girl what are u doing lol
+ “fuck- it feels so good its- daddy” you sobbed for him as you slowly lowered yourself onto his big dick. “oh yeah? you’re doing so well babygirl” he grinned, his eyes glued on your sopping cunt sucking him in. “d-daddy it-its so big” you cried, as you finally sunk fully on him. your chest heaved and your jaw went slack. you gasped as you felt a slap on your ass. “so fucking pretty” he whispered, bringing you into a desperate kiss. you moaned in his mouth while you rocked slowly on him. “you like that?” he said sweetly, already knowing your answer. you nodded and your thighs shook in pleasure. another slap is delivered at your short, vague answer. “say it” he demanded between teeth. “i love it d-daddy i love y-your fat cock” you frantically replied. he smiled in satisfaction and rubbed the flesh of your reddening ass. “fuck how do you always feel so good?”
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© 2022 sunaslvt. please do not plagiarise, repost or translate any of my works and layouts and do copy onto any other sites.
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rivashi · 2 years
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pairings: oikawa tooru x afab!reader, iwaizumi hajime x afab!reader
genre(s): NSFW, SMUT, angst, fluff, timeskip!au | scenario
cw: 18+, MINORS + AGELESS/FACELESS BLOGS DNI!!!, consent, cheating, implied 69 + oral [f + m receiving], cowgirl, exhibitionism, slight voyeurism?, rough, degradation, edging, orgasm denial, squirting, creampie, usage of cunny [twice] | not beta read
wordcount: 645.
note: reposted from ao3 and my old (soon-to-be deactivated) blog: @/levinneheart
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Oikawa being the ever so popular person that he is, he can’t seem to be alone and always constantly surrounded by his fans while Iwaizumi was the complete opposite, he is adored and respected by his peers – he kept to himself and surrounded himself with his closest friends and yet… you never expected him out of all people to be unfaithful.
You approached the taller man with a pounding mind and pit on your stomach, your mind spiraling down not knowing what to feel or to think as you informed him of the situation that his best friend has started. A lot of people would expect him to cheat, but not him.
What happened? He was so in love with you…
Oh. He chuckled darkly. That’s it. He fell hard, now he’s scared of it – of falling so hard, too fast that the only opinion of escape he thought of was to cheat? That idiot. He mockingly repeated the exact words his best friend would call him but now, directed to him.
An evil grin appeared on his handsome face as he suggested something that made you snapped out your reverie. Call it petty but you couldn’t care less, he hurt you and now you’ll hurt him in return. After all… two can play that game.
You rubbed your folds over his pulsing cock, covered in a mixture of his pre-cum and your saliva from earlier while making out with his skilled mouth. You moan, tasting yourself slightly while he let out a growl, tightening his grasp on your hips. He pulled away from your lips and gestured to the door with his eyes, you nodded as he slowly slipped the tip into you.
Click. And the incoming footsteps informed you of his arrival. Not caring anymore, you rolled your hips, teasing your companion as he groaned. “Yn? Do you have a guest?” His voice called out yet you didn’t answer, you two giggled devilishly amongst yourselves. Oh, he was in for a surprise.
“Yn? I know you’re in here— WHAT THE, WHY IS TRASHYKAWA—” You two cut him off as Oikawa suddenly impaled you with his whole length and you both let out a loud grunt.
You gripped his broad shoulders, bouncing back to his cock as he fuck your cunny roughly. “You’re such a hypocrite, Iwa-chan~” he started. “You call me all the names under the sun and tell me I would be unfaithful yet you… you slept with someone!”
“Save it! You two are over the moment you knocked that mistress of yours! Now, your future wife is mine. I’m gonna take care of her like you never did. Isn’t that right, babe? You tell him.”
You gasped when you felt Oikawa’s teeth sink into your shoulder before looking back at him. “It’s over, Iwaizumi. Pack your stuff and go to her.”
He was bewildered as he watch you and his best friend fucked each other like those unreal porn scenes. His eyes widen at your plea as he feels himself getting hard. “Tooru, please! I’m close, so so close! Can I cum please? Can I? Can I please, Tooru?”
“Hold it, baby girl~. I wanna make you squirt in front of my best friend, your ex. Make sure to show him that this cunny of yours is now mine.” You nodded as Tooru rubbed his slender fingers over that bundle of nerves in circles while hitting that spot that made you see white.
You came undone as Tooru quickly chased high and buried his warm sticky cum deep into your cunt. Still the whole ordeal, Iwaizumi huffs as he storms out and slamming the door shut.
“Do you think he enjoyed the show?” Tooru asked. You look at him with a deadpan expression before you two burst into laughter. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up and prepared to leave tomorrow.”
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beann-e · 4 years
Haikyu Characters Reacting To Their S/O Screaming Back At Them
Aoba Johsai
Read Part Two Here
kyotani Kentaro
-everyone knows kyotani for his anger and how he doesn’t suck up to people so when they found out he was dating someone they had to assume this someone had the ability to put him in his place and right now that’s just what they needed
“ mad dog-chan you can’t do this not right now“ oikawas voice rang through in annoyance
“ yeah we need you to go in “ iwazumis voice sounded tired as if he was exhausted by trying to convince the boy for the past 5 minutes during their halftime (long timeout)
kyotani grunted as he turned from both of his teammates looking to the wall as he sat on the bench
“ coach seriously — we need him and he’s just on the bench doing nothing “
“ he said he’s tired of you guys only calling him in for 5 minutes and then sitting him back out like an animal— that you use to show off and then send outside when company’s gone “
“ well he’s our secret weapon “ oikawa screamed “ that’s literally what you do “
kyotani grumbled as he rolled his eyes at oikawa who huffed as he moved to turn to the bleachers “ oh forget this he’s not even listening to iwa-chan “
“ well you know what to do flatty-kawa “
“ duh you see i’m doing it iwa-chan”
oikawas hand came up in a wave as he moved to the referee whispering to them as they spoke on the speaker their voices crisp sending a chill through kyotani’s spine
“ we need a y/n l/n to come down to Aoba Johsais Bench — A y/n L/n to come down to Aoba Johsais bench “
you stood up smiling widely as you jumped your way through the crowd voice heaven sent as you screamed “ that’s me “
moving through people talking sweetly “ oops — sorry — sorry have to go take care of a loose hothead—whoops—you should really watch where you place that drink “
you hopped down the stairs waving at the team and the referee as you came to a stop in front of kyotani who was even more mad than he was initially
“ babe whats up why are they calling me down here again “ you sighed “ it’s only happened five other times and I thought we got past it “
“ they say that like it’s nothing “ kindaichis voice came out small as he rubbed the back of his head
“ kyotani “ you called confused usually he would answer you by now and comply and go play for a little while just to make you happy so you could go sit down on the bench to watch his game closely
“ uh somethings wrong iwa-chan “
“ yeah somethings off he’s not responding to her this time “
“ kyo what— “
“ if anything he looks like he’s gonna snap “
oikawa laughed at his comment “ yeah right y/n ‘ s too nice he’d feel horrible if he snapped at ‘em —they’d probably cry he wouldn’t do it “
oikawas face dropped as he heard the loud voice ring out inside the gym “ GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME“
you shuddered at his voice “ your even more fucking annoying than that dumbass over there “
your mouth dropped “ all you do is come down here and bother me everytime and I only go in for you — i’m not doing it this time i’m gonna stand my ground”
he screamed “ they use me for those 5 minutes and then toss me out i’m not doing it — like I said i’m sitting right here on this bench and standing my fucking ground “
your face went up in shock as you felt your body flinch at his voice kyotani and the rest of his team immediately feeling bad at what the whole gym just witnessed everyone listening closely feeling sorry for you
Oikawa moved to glare at kyotani as he walked over to wrap his arms around you “ aw y/n-chan it’s ok to cr— “
“ YOU SCREAM AT ME ONE MORE TIME LIKE THAT AND IM GONNA KNOCK YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF WITH THE BAT MY DAD WACKS INTRUDERS AT HIS STORE WITH “ your screams came out louder than his as you stared down at the boy in front of you
“ I don’t care if you go out there and wipe the floor down with fucking towels or scrape it clean with a toothbrush but your going out on that court kentaro“
your voice was stern “ you better be glad they even give you 2 seconds on that court you love so much with your shitty attitude —if it was me i’d make you a bench rider the whole season while you watch shittykawa smirk at you everytime he goes up for a set that you won’t get “ your screams catching the whole gym off gaurd
“ so your gonna go out there and stand your fucking ground on that court “ you mocked him hand pointing from him to the court
Kyotani’s body shaking at your tone “ kentaro “ you spoke his name like a curse as he jolted and race to stand in his position on the court head never turning back to look at you again as you continued
“ You will score everytime you go up for that ball — everytime you hit something or come in contact with it— I want a point on that board do you hear me“
“ yes “
“ kentaro “
“ yes ma’am “
you moved to fix your clothes as you stared at everyone in the crowd “ everytime my boyfriends feet leave that ground you better clap your asses off do you hear me “
everyone shook their heads in a yes motion afraid of you and how such a big yell could come from such a small person
You smiled at the team before you took your seat on the bench near the coach who read off all his plans for kyotani that hed never listened to
“ oh trust me we’ll do that plan “ you said as you shook your head ignoring all the whispers from the males around you
“ do they know the game doesn’t start back up again until 5 minutes from now “ mattsukawas voice came out in concern
“ I —uh I don’t think they care “
“ oikawa what’s wrong with you “ iwazumi turned to see oikawas face made up in a frown as he sulked
“ pretty y/n-chan called me your stupid nickname “
-oikawa never liked losing especially when it was to someone younger than him someone he didn’t like so you can imagine his anger when he lost to Karasuno
-no one expected the hallway to erupt in his screams so soon
“ tooru what’s wrong “
“ i’m just a little tired y/n i’m ok “
“ no but you — you look angry “
he took a deep breath as he shook his head in annoyance moving to walk off you standing in front of him stopping his exit
“ ok then if I look angry why the fuck would you stand in front of me “
“ because I “
“ because your fucking annoying that’s what it is “
“ tooru”
“ no don’t baby me y/n I don’t need you or anyone else to tell me I played good and I was amazing obviously I wasn’t if your standing here talking to me in a hallway and not in front of me while I celebrate on the court “
“ it’s ok baby — you can still win a volleyball nat— “
he lost his cool as he screamed looking down on you “ WHEN Y/N WHEN HUH “
he screamed harshly “ it’s over — are you fucking stupid there is no next time shitty kageyama took it there’s no next time for me — fuck we’re— we’re third years “
his voice sounded bloody by his screams that sounded throughout the hallway his team coming in to check and see if everything was ok receiving their answer when they turned the corner to you taking over
“ if I knew you were so fucking stupid I wouldn’t have dated you you were probably the bad luck charm that made me lose my shitty gam—“
“ the only thing that made you lose this game was you asshole “
your voice was laced with venom as you shot at him screaming constantly “ you and your shitty need to keep working endlessly maybe if you didn’t have a hurt knee — oh wait howd you get that “
you pretended to think “ oh I know FROM OVERWORKING YOURSELF “
you pushed a finger to his chest “ when I say your gonna make it to a nationals someday your gonna make it to a nationals someday you don’t doubt me is that clear “
his face was in fear as his mouth opened wide in a o form unable to process an answer
“ is that clear tooru oikawa “ you screamed
the team letting out yes’s for him as he moved to look back at them before he turned to you shaking his head like a puppy whod accidentally peed in the house
“ I need words “
“ y-fuck y—yes y/n — baby I mean ma’am — shit I mean yes baby “
you moved to stand straight as you cracked your neck and let a smile play on your face as you turned away from him walking to the entrance of the gym “ ok — babe I meant to tell you i’m gonna go say good game to kageyama- kun you go to the busses and make them wait for me ok “ you waved at him as you opened the door “ love you “
“ they wouldn’t dare leave ‘em “ kyotani’s voice came out in a laugh
“ fuck leaving them — theyd let ‘em drive“ hanamaki joked with mattsukawa who was screaming in laughter
your body entering the gym and walking over to kageyama who straightened up turning to speak to hinata who stood in fear
“ you speak nothing of what we heard to y/n-senpai“
“ y-yes ka-kageyama “
“ kageyama-kun youve grown up so much I love it“ you said holding your arms out to him speaking like he was a baby
“ h-hi y/n-senpai “
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iwadori · 3 years
When you sleep on the couch after an argument PT 3(Iwaizumi)
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part one part two
genre: angst, fluff
AN: this is so dramatic and was longer then expected I’ve been writing this for like 5 hours (I’m a slow writer) but I hope you enjoy let me know what you think
word count: 2K
Reblogs are very appreciated
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Iwaizumi has never seen you cry before. In the years you’ve been dating he’s only known you to be the strong person that you are, never even batting an eye when he’d assume you to be upset.
So when you were crying in front of him, for the first time that he’d seen, it pained him deeply as he didn’t know how to comfort the tears that were streaming down your face especially when he knew his words, or lack thereof, was the cause.
Iwaizumi was irritated tonight, well more than usual, you could tell with how his arms never unfolded and his eyebrows stayed furrowed, rooted on his face with the frown he wore as he watched you and your friends enjoying yourselves at the bar you went to.
You were confused about your boyfriend's mood, as you thought he’d enjoy seeing his highschool friends, including Oikawa who flew in specifically just to see you guys. But no, Iwaizumi was mad for some reason and everyone could tell.
It was hard to know how Iwaizumi felt sometimes, as he was always prioritising your feeling trying to assure you were okay which was something you loved about Iwaizumi however, it did always mean that his feelings were never a topic of conversation and with the hard look on his face he always had you never knew how to read him well.
When you got home, he shut the door behind him with a slam bringing in the tense atmosphere that he brought out with you, straight into your home. “Babe? Are you okay?” you asked hesitantly trailing behind him as he went into your bedroom. He responds with a grunt and you roll your eyes at his brutish manner. 
You did want to know why Iwaizumi has been in a bad mood for the whole night but you didn’t want to waste your energy when you knew there was a chance for him to act like he was fine and not express what he’s feeling.
However, you knew that this issue would be better if it was sorted sooner rather than later so you approached your boyfriend as he stood by the wardrobe taking off the clothes he was wearing before. “Hajime,” you called trying to grasp his attention but he didn’t respond which did irk you but you weren’t going to give up so early so you tried again saying, “what’s wrong?” But you got nothing in response.
“Iwa,” you said a little forcefully, stepping over to him and your hand grips arm slightly trying to turn his body towards you.
“What,” he responded with his own aggression spitting out with the word as he jerks his arm out of your hand “you're dying for more attention, is that it?”  
You took a step back, shocked and confused at his words and the anger you knew was stirring inside of him now being projected at you. After getting over the initial stun of him lashing out on you, you realised what he said and your head turned in confusion.
“Dying for more attention,” you repeated with a scoff “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh don’t play dumb Y/N,” he said now giving you all the attention you wanted but not like this.
You didn’t say anything, just folded your arms and raised your eyebrows slightly amused as you waited for whatever explanation he was going to give you.
“You were the one who was basically flaunting your ass for Oikawa,” he said “and makki and mattsun too.”
“So you’re jealous” you said with a smirk forming on your face, “is that it?” You didn’t realise something so simple would arise such a problem and you thought that the usual teasing that you gave Iwaizumi would work in this situation, make him laugh and calm down his anger. But you realised how wrong you were as the frown on his face deepend and his eyes glared even harder at you.
“I’m not jealous, I just don’t want an attention whore for a girlfriend,” he didn’t even shout. His voice was quiet, soft even which made the words stung more as you could feel he really meant it. 
He was standing right in front of you, close enough for you to shove him away in reaction to his words and the impact of your arms pushing him away made Iwaizumi blink in thought, now realising how he just fucked up.
“Oh I see,” you said softly and you felt your voice break and heat run to your face indicating that the tears that were welling up in your eyes were about to fall. But you didn’t want him to know that his words actually hurt, so you forced a smile and headed to the doorway finishing with “I guess you aren’t jealous, you’re just insecure.”
He didn’t really register what you were saying until you muttered “I’m sleeping on the couch,” and he didn’t miss the stray tear that ran down your face which made him internally want to rush towards you but he was frozen in place not knowing what to do. 
Seeing you cry, even if it was just a tear, made him feel terrible and the last words you said to him he felt the most “you’re just insecure,” he knew that was true and that the frustrations he put in on you was all from him being insecure. Seeing you just laughing and having fun with his friends, seeming to be more fun than you had with him, just made him doubt himself, doubt how good of a boyfriend he was to you.
Iwaizumi stayed in your room for a bit, knowing you’d probably need a bit of space and because he couldn’t find the right form of comfort to fix the mistakes he’s just made. But when he leaves the bedroom, prepared to face the awkwardness of being around you he was surprised to see you were nowhere to be found.
Conveniently, his phone pinged and he had a single text message from you that read “I’m sleeping over at Oikawa’s.” He knew that you only went there, because of his actions but he couldn’t help but feel the self doubt he felt earlier watching you guys get along with each other. But he now realised that when you muttered “i’m sleeping at the couch,” with the tear streaking down your face, you didn’t mean his couch, you meant his best friend.
There were a few days of silence between you and Iwaizumi, you didn’t know what to say or how to approach the situation without breaking down in front of him. So you happily stayed in the comfort of Oikawa’s home, missing your boyfriend deeply but glad you got some space to step back and rethink the situation.
You questioned how you didn’t realise your boyfriend’s feelings before, as you thought back on the times when you’d see Iwaizumi shy away and revert back to grunting and glaring at people when you’d talk to another guy, a guy that was different to Iwaizumi someone that made him feel that he didn’t deserve you.
When you knocked on the door to your shared home with Iwaizumi you took a shaky breath, feeling anxious on how things were going to be on the other side of the door. You couldn’t even get your thoughts together properly as the running wild and before you could take another breath the door opened.
“Y/N,” he said his eyes fixated on the floor beneath him, he was nervous and that made you feel better that he was sharing the same feeling that you did. 
You stepped inside, and awkwardly shifted your feet not knowing where to go which felt unusual especially since it is your house after all but it reminded you of how you didn’t know if you even had a home anymore at least not with Iwaizumi.
He led you to the couch and you both sat next to each other giving an uneasy smile as your knees accidentally brushed together. “I’m sorry,” he spat out his eyes blurting and you could see him sigh as you presumed he probably had a bigger apology planned.
“Y/N I am really sorry and it’s just that I-” he sputtered out “I don’t and I just-”
“Hajime breathe,” you said and even if you didn’t want to you flashed him a gentle smile which you could see comforted to him as his breathing settled and he returned your smile with a shy one of his own.
“The words I used then, they were terrible,” he said, shaking his head at himself as he remembered what he called you and you didn’t respond, just humming in affirmation urging him to continue. “I didn’t mean to call you that.”
“Yes you did,” you interrupted “and it’s fine.”
He paused in confusion at your sudden “acceptance” of his apology until you jumped in again and said “well it’s not fine, not at all but I can see why you did it.”
Iwaizumi nodded slowly in somewhat of an understanding, “What you said really hurted me Iwa but I'm more upset at the fact that it had to get to that point, I just want to know why?”
“You were right with what you said you know,” he started off with “how i wasn’t jealous, i was ‘insecure’ or whatever, you were right I was insecure well I am I just feel like I’m not good enough for you and whenever I see you with someone better like your study partner or a random guy or even-”
“Oikawa,” you finished and he nodded
“Yeah with him, I just feel so self conscious about myself and what I bring to the relationship and I don’t want to lose that,” he said and you could see the remorse appearing all over his face “and when I called you that it was out of line definitely I just wanted you to feel the way I did even if it was for a second and I’m sorry I’m really really sorry.”
“I don’t fully forgive you yet,” you started off and you see him wince slightly at that “but I think I could eventually, only if you start talking to me more cause Iwaizumi sometimes you’re just so…” you said not being able to find the right words.
“So…” he tried to finish for you.
“Just emotionally constipated I don’t know,” you said confused by your own choice of words but continued, “it’s just sometimes I don’t know how you’re feeling and if you’re okay and when I can tell you’re not okay, you don’t want to talk to me so I just feel a bit sad and left out I guess.”
“Oh i didn’t know you felt this way”
“Well you would’ve done if you actually talked to me,” you muttered but then felt bad since you didn’t mean to be so harsh “I’m sorr-”
“It’s fine Y/N,” he said reassuringly “and you’re right and I’m sorry i’ve let this all happen but I do love you and I want you to know that and I promise you I’ll actually talk to you when I’m feeling insecure or angry or upset or whatever.”
“Okay,” you felt slightly better, feeling more assured that your relationship is now going in the right direction.
He pulled you into a hug and you sighed into his chest missing the comforting feeling you got whenever you had one of your boyfriends hugs. “I love you Hajime,” you mumbled and he kissed you on the forehead returning the adoration. 
Things didn’t go easy straight away, which was what you expected but you could see Iwaizumi trying. Whenever you knew he was visibly stressed you were happy when he would come to you to talk about what he was actually trying, he was trying not only because he knew you wanted to but because he wanted to for you.
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applepi-1 · 3 years
Comorting Haikyuu boys who aren’t use to being loved
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You were sitting in class when it happened, someone ran into the room and yelled for you. You turned around quickly, seeing Oikawa sweaty and panting. “Oikawa? What’s uPPP!” You screamed as he grabbed your hand and began to drag you away. “Oikawa! What’s going on?”
“Iwaizumi is fighting!” Your eyes widen before your own feet matched Oikawa's, letting him drag you away. When you got there people were beginning to leave as Iwaizumi was being forced out of the school. Your eyes widen at the sight of your boyfriend. He’s normally well collected and chill. You began to wonder what made him break. You waited till after school to stop by his house knocking on his door softly, his mother opening it giving you a sad smile.
“Can… Can I see him?”
“Uh, he’s in his room, he won’t talk to me. He won’t tell me why he was in a fight, but he might talk to you.” You nodded your head walking up the stairs. Hesitating to knock on his door softly.
“I told you I’m fine, ma!” You smiled a little before knocking once more, you heard shuffling on the other side of the door. “I said I’m-” His sentence stopped as he looked at you. Your eyes moved from his eyes to his bruised cheek and busted lip. “I-”
“Your mother let me in.” He sighed, relaxing a little, looking down the hall. “Can… may I come in?” He looked at you and backed up a little letting you walk in. You looked around as you heard the door shut. “So… what happened today?” You ask as you sit in his chair. Iwaizumi sighed looking back at you. “Iwa?” He walked over to his bed and sat down softly, looking down at his floor. “Babe?” His ears perked up as he heard the chair move, then footsteps. His face was forced to look at you as you put your hands on his cheeks. Being gentle on his left, you smiled softly at the love of your life. “Talk to me.”
“I… the guy was talking about you… in, a… sexual way…” You furred your brows. “I just couldn’t stand there and let him talk about you like that… and on top of that the guy he was talking to downgraded me, and… I lost it…”
“Baby, downgraded you how?” You asked softly, rubbing gently over his bruise.
“Talking about how I’m not good enough for you… and how they could please you better than me. I know it’s stupid. But I wasn’t going to let them talk shit about you.” You kissed his head softly, before hugging your boyfriend.
“I’m so proud of you for sticking up for me bae.” You kissed his head again as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. You felt your shoulder get wet, but you didn’t mind, you hugged him tighter, rubbing small circles on his back. Doing your best to comfort him. “I love you.”
“I love you.” He mumbled into your skin, hugging you closer if possible.
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He was having a really bad day, it seems like no matter where he went someone was talking about how bad he treats you. You noticed how he stopped with the comments to you. You were pretty much expecting them, it felt… weird not having a teasing remark leave your salty boyfriend. “Tsuki?” He looked down at you with a soft hum. “I love you.” Your boyfriend smiled and kissed your head lightly.
“I love you too.” Now you know something was up. Everytime you told him you loved him he’d always have a teasing smirk afterwards, before calling you a name, pipsqueak, shortstuff, shorty, short cake, short baby, or my personal short stack. Always something behind too. But not this time, he walked away onto the court before you could say anything else. Worry grew inside you, was he sick? Did something happen to the boy you love? Most people would think it’s an improvement, but you… you didn’t like this Tsukishima. Because it wasn’t the Tsukishima you love. You love the teasing, the snarky remarks, the constant bickering, the way he smirked down at you with that smirk. The thing you grew to be fond of. This guy was a complete stranger. And you hated it.
Tsukishima continued this for the past few days, then weeks, eventually when a month went by, is when you exploded, you dragged Tsukishima out of the gym and into the club room, “Don’t come in here.” You told them before slamming the door shut. The team looked at each other before going back to practice. You turned to look at your confused boyfriend. “You don’t get to look like that.”
“I should be the confused one here!” You yelled up at him. “What happened to you?”
“What do you mean, short…” He stopped his sentence, “Love.” You cringed at the new nickname, the one you’ve given plenty to Tsuki.
“See that’s the problem, I give the loveable cringy nicknames while you give the teasing ones! What happened to my Tsuki?” He looked down at you and his eyes softened, he sighed sitting down a bench. You frowned at how sad he looks, how lost. You squatted down in front of him. “Baby, please talk to me.” He looked up at you and sighed.
“I got tired of everyone talking about how badly I treat you.” You furred your brows, that never bothered him before, why is it now? “I… I don’t want to let you down, you know? I want to be the right guy for you. The one you can count on.”
“But Kei. This guy.” You moved your hands gesturing to him. “This isn’t the guy I fell in love with, I love the way you treat me. I got used to the comments, and I know if you know you took it too far, you’d apologize. I can always count on the real Tsuki to be there when I need him most. You don’t have to change to make me fall for you more, because nothing you do can change how I feel about you. I love you, okay? I love the snarky replies, the teasing nicknames, I love being yours. And the real you, not this Tsukishima Kei you’ve been for a month. I love you.” Your boyfriend broke down into tears bringing you into a tight hug. You smiled, hugging him back.
“I love you too…” You waited for anything else, it was silent for a while but you managed to hear the small whisper, “my beautiful short cake.” You smiled and kissed his cheek.
“There’s my handsome love. Never change again.”
“I won’t.” He held you tighter with a small smile on his face.
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You were both sitting down on the floor, Kenma was playing his game while you drew him. He looked so cute, you were laying on your stomach glancing up at him often, he glanced down at you with a small smile. You placed your head beside your art book and began to feel sleepy, Kenma paused his game at the soft breaths you were making. He got up and grabbed a blanket and covered you up before unpausing his game. “Sleep well, Kiten.” He leaned down and kissed your head before going back to his game.
Aw, so cute!
Kenma smiled at the comment before looking down at you.
She looks so adorable!
Her cheeks look so squishable!
I don’t see what the fuss is about. She’s not that pretty.
Hell yeah she is!
Kenma frowned at the remark, not that pretty? “Hm, my kitten is the prettiest girl ever. Definitely tops you.”
“Kenma, that's not nice.” You mumbled looking up at him, he barely heard it from Kuroo’s hyena laugh he was doing in his ear.
“Hm?” You crawled into his lap, taking the blanket with you, covering yourself up as you nuzzled into him.
Damn, wish she’d come over here and nuzzle into me like that… you are one lucky dude!
Yeah! He is.
Huh? But he doesn’t even seem that affectionate towards her. Everytime he streams and plays, she’s always on his bed. We hardly see him like this.
Maybe it’s an off screen thing.
Kenma frowned once more, was he really that distant? He looked down at you as you sighed against him.
“Kenma? Hey, don’t look down, the guys are just being tools because they're jealous.” Kenma ignored his friend and sighed.
“Sorry guys, I’m going to log off. Y/n is sleepy and I should get some sleep too, night.” Kuroo furrowed his brows on the other side of his screen watching Kenma turn his game off before looking at the clock, it’s only 11, too early for Kenma to be tired. Something was up, and Kuroo didn’t like it. No matter how many times the rooster head tried to get Kenma to sleep normally, it never worked. And now that he is… it seems wrong.
Kenma placed you down onto his bed before cuddling next to you, you sighed into him smiling softly. “Hm, I love you.”
“I love you too, Kiten.”
You furred your brows the next day when Kenma refused to leave your side. He was acting more clingy than normal. He was always touching you rather it be holding your hand or his hand on your waist or around your shoulder. He was acting weird and not his normal self. Usually he’d just let you rest your head while he played his game, but now, everytime you try and watch him play he’d turn it off and give you his full attention. It worries you a lot. Kenma never turned off his games before. For no one. You waited a few weeks to see if it’d pass. It didn’t. Kenma was in a game when you walked into his room, he was on another stream when he looked back at you. Your tired eyes met his. “Hey, I was just about to-” You plopped yourself into his lap nuzzling into him more, he put his controller down and hugged your back. “I love you, Kitten.”
“I love you Ken Ken.” You smiled into his neck, breathing him in. He paused his stream so they couldn’t see anything, before he leaned back letting you lay on top of him instead. “What’s been up with you lately?”
“Hm? Nothing really.”
“Really?” You looked up at him, he was staring at the ceiling.
“That’s not what Kuroo told me.” He looked down at you confused. “He told me everything, Kenma, even about the comments people were making. So… is that why you’ve been acting differently?”
“You don’t like it?”
“I don’t like you changing yourself for me. I love leaning over your shoulder watching you play, I love that you go to sleep when you're tired and not forcing yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I love that you were showing me more affection, but I want you to do it on your terms, not because of what someone said. I love you for you. And if you're comfortable the way you were before, why make yourself uncomfortable my love? Go back to being the Kenma I knew and love. I loved him more than this guy. I don’t mind the affection and the attention, but I don’t want it to be because you think I’d break up with you if you don’t. I’m more than fine sitting beside you admiring you beating another game.” You told him, smiling up at him lovingly.
“I love you so much.” You jumped up at the sound of his voice cracking. “I’m fine, just… wow.” You sighed laughing lightly before kissing him. “I love you, Kitten.”
“I love you my Kenma.” You nuzzled into him smiling as he held you tighter. “Now, can I watch you beat this game?”
“If you sit on my lap, for some reason, it helps me play better.” You smiled up at him once more.
“I’m not complaining.”
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You were sitting on your bed when Akaashi made his way in. “Hey babe, how was-” Your sentenced stopped as he flopped down on top of you holding you close making you fall backwards. “Practice… that bad?” You asked wrapping your arms around him, feeling little wet drops hit your shoulder. “Akaashi? Talk to me, love.”
“I… It’s stupid.” You sat the both of you up, cupping your handsome boyfriend's face.
“It’s not stupid if it’s making you cry, my love.”
“I’m just being insecure, is all.”
“Oh loves, want to talk about it?”
“Just some guys saying they can take you away from me so easily. I know I shouldn’t let it get to me, but…”
“I get it, love. But you’re forgetting one thing.”
“You already have my heart. No one can take it from me if it’s already yours. I’m spoken for, guys know that. They're just jealous I’m not with them. But instead I’m with the sweetest, kindest, more honest, caring human being in the world. And the most handsomest. Aka, I love you for you, okay? Insecurities and flaws in all. I’m not going anywhere.” He wrapped his arms around you as you ran your fingers through his hair, something you’d normally do when he’s stressed, something that normally calms him down and comforts him. You refused to let him go, and was glad he came to you immediately instead of hiding it. “I love you my insecure baby.”
“I love you too, my beautiful wife.” You felt your face get hot at the words.
“Hm, one day I’ll put a ring on it to make it a true statement.” You smiled a little before crashing your lips to his.
“Hm, can’t wait.”
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strawberryfics · 2 years
Sleeping Habits
Requests are open
Oikawa, Bokuto, Kuroo
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* nothing about His “Iwa-chans” screams that he’s sleeping with his mouth closed
* he would drool from time to time on the pillow too
* He would definitely give good cuddles but he gets hot at night so he would sacrifice the blanket to hold you
* That also means there’s no blanket for you…
* He has a couple of plushies on his bed (if he could get one of himself he would.)
* He does wash his sheets regularly tho since he drools-
“Toruuu get your drool off of me” Shitty-Kawa or your boyfriend as you call him fell asleep almost an hour ago. Even though he's not talking you could never forget he’s there no one could forget about the mouth breather behind them. You loved Oikawa but the hairs on the back of your neck stood every time he tried to be the big spoon. The only reason you shared a bed or even a pillow with him was because of how often he changed and washed his sheets- otherwise well….
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* There's no way he could even be quiet in his sleep
* I think it just suits him to snore
* He would also stretch and I mean like starfish on the bed the only way to sleep with him would be starfishing on top of him
* Bokuto washes and changes his sheets once a month I think he just doesn’t remember they need to be washed and just kinda “oh well maybe next time”
* When cuddling he does prefer to either be spooning you or to have you face him so he can see your face
* He would rarely get hot he would always get cold and take the blankets and almost kick you off the bed
“Babeeeee I need to stretchhhh you're hogging the beddd” You were in fact not hogging the bed if anything you weren’t even on the bed “Bo you have over half the bed go stretch on the floor” and that he did. He actually laid on the floor- and he stretched he left none of the floor untouched. He’s stretched and rolled all over the floor before getting in the bed and when he does he grips and pulls you in. Your back pressed against his chest with Bokuto's head in the crook of your neck. you could feel his large breaths grow smaller and quieter and as he was falling asleep his heartbreak lured you to sleep
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* I can draw the line between Kuroo having almost all his limbs hanging off the bed and him being a peaceful sleeper with horrible bedhead
* I think he’s 50/50 sometimes Kuroos hanging off the bed sometimes he’s like a little baby sleeping
* Kuroo does get super hot at night so he would definitely have a fan in his room and have cold cold blankets so-
* If he can’t sleep he gets super restless and will toss and turn all night
* He sleeps on his stomach so cuddling is you on his back or one of his arms wrapped around you
* He would keep you close at night because he likes having you with him but doesn’t want you super close so he doesn’t burn up
* Kuroo washed his sheets every couple of months
* His mom has to remind him AND HE STRUGGLES TO PUT FITTED SHEETS ON
* He won’t admit it but his mom put them on at the end of the day
“Kuroo where are your sheets??” you and Kuroo were planning on having a movie night but how could you if there were no sheets…. no pillows…. no blankets..? “Kuroo why is there just a mattress?” Kuroo looked at you with red tinting his ears. he was flustered about something and you couldn’t tell just what. “Darling, love of my life, sweetheart,” “Kuroo!” you interrupted him buttering you up “BABE I DONT KNOW HOW TO PUT THE SHEETS ON MY MOMS OUT OF TOWN” you stared blankly at Kuroo before you busted out laughing. Kuroo had been sleeping on his mattress while his mom was on vacation. Kuroo got even redder than he was before. You were whipping tears off your face with Kuroo plowed a pillow into your face as he ran up to you with another one in his hands. That pillow fight was one of the best ones you ever had
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torubeth · 3 years
Things the haikyuu boys’ would tell after you’ve slept
ft. Suna Rintarou, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei
-Suna Rintarou It was a Friday night. A night where everybody clashes on their bed, thinking about all the events occurred that week. Some people go out, some stay in, and then there’s you and Suna. Who’s all wrapped up in tangled sheets, a tv show muffled in the background, the soft color of the LEDs adding a bit more effect to the comfortable atmosphere.
You were tired, worn out even. This week hasn’t really been the best for you and Suna could tell. You may not notice it but Suna has always kept an eye on you. He knows you better than you know yourself. And he knew that right now, you needed to rest. So all he had to do, was pull you into his chest by your waist and you were out cold. Small snores adding to the already comfortable silence.
He started running his fingers through your hair, eyes still fixated on the tv.
“You know y/n, I’ve always been so envious of you ? You may not see it but the world does. I do. The amount of hard work and effort you put in everything you do, is something I wish I did. You will tell me to shut up if you were awake right now but it’s the truth baby. You really are the iron man in the relationship. When I fell in love with you, you brought a side of me I didn’t even know existed. A side I thought I will never get to experience, that is until I met you. You taught me how to love, how to find love in the simplest of the things, to appreciate even the littlest of the things. Rain meant nothing but sadness to me but you said that there’s more to it. You taught me how to find happiness even in those darkest of days. If I know what love is, it’s because of you baby. And I’m grateful, for having you, for getting to call you mine. I’m not the best in words but I’m trying. I love you so much, it scares me. I’m scared that you might get bored of me and leave me. If you do, I won’t be able to handle it well baby. I’m way too obsessed with you. Weird right ? But I just want you to know, I love you y/n, very much, and I’ll keep loving you”, he said, kissing your temple,and slowly drifting off to sleep.
-Iwaizumi Hajime Honestly speaking, Iwa didn’t believe in love at first sight. Hell, he didn’t even believe in love. So it was a shock to everyone, because of how head over heels he was for you.
He didn’t know how to love, what to do or where to begin but he tried. For you.
But you taught him, taught him the meaning of love and he’s grateful he got to experience such a beautiful phase of life and that too, with you.
So it was no surprise, finding him talking to your sleeping figure on a normal Friday afternoon. Practice got cancelled due to the heavy rainstorm so you both decided to stay in and take a nap. Well, at least you did.
“You know baby, how I used to the hate rain ? Cause every time it rained, coach called in and cancelled the practice. But now, it’s hard to hate it. I enjoy it now and….it’s beautiful. So thank you for opening my eyes babe. But you know what’s more beautiful ? You. *scoffs* They said love will make you do crazy things and it’s even more crazier that I’d do anything for you. When you said you liked me, for me, I felt like I won in life. This is the first time, I’ve been recognized by my true self. Or even chosen over my best friend. Don’t get me wrong though, Oikawa is amazing, but when you said you liked me and not him, I felt alive, like I was actually important to someone. So thank you y/n, for giving me a chance and for loving me. I know I’m a bit hard headed sometimes, but that doesn’t make me love you any less. I hope you know that. Anyways, sleep well princess, I’ll have lunch ready for you when you’re awake”, he said, placing a small kiss on your cheek and heading towards the kitchen.
-Matsukawa Issei School ended, sky turning shades of orange, indicating that’s it evening of a normal autumn day. You and Issei were walking together hand in hand to the station to catch a train back home. Both of you tired from the days work. Few minutes of standing in the waiting room and your train arrived. You entered in first and took a seat next to the window, leaving Issei to sit on the edge. You leaned on the window, eyes slowing closing and before you know it, you’re fast asleep. He notices this and puts your head on his shoulder.
“You know something Y/N ? I always, and I mean always, wondered why you would choose someone like me ? And I know you’ll disagree to this but it’s the truth you know ? There’s Oikawa and Iwaizumi and yet you chose ME! I don’t get it. Sometimes I feel like you could do better, cause there are so many options available for you. Don’t get me wrong though baby, I love you, god I love you so much but…..there are days where I feel like you’ll get tired of me and…..leave me. And I don’t want to experience such a day in my life. So that’s why I’ll do my best! Do whatever it takes to make you happy. You don’t ask for much, always putting others before yourself and that’s one of the reasons why I’m head over heels for you. *laughs* Everybody on the team says I’m a simp, and they’re not wrong. And this simp is madly in love with you……mate I hope you’re sleeping or else we’re gonna have a problem…..” he finishes, a tint of red dusting his face.
Sighing, he rests his head on yours, just looking out the window when, “AND CUT! That’s was so good bro! I didn’t know you could get all sappy!”, Makki said. Issei’s eyes widens in horror. “WHA- WAIT! MAKKI ? WHAT’RE YOU DOING HERE !?”, he asks, face even more red. “Shhhhh! You’re gonna wake y/n up! And dumbass…..did you forget, we go home in the same bus, EVERYDAY!”, Makki says, rolling his eyes. “Right….listen…did you, uhm, you know-“ “Did I record your sappy speech ? HELL YEAH! YOU BET I DID! I’M SHOWING THIS TO THE WHOLE TEAM!”, Makki says, laughing out. Knowing it’s too late, Issei just slumps back into his seat, glancing your way to make sure you were still asleep and you were, small snores escaping your lips, making him smile.
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calllamander · 3 years
haikyuu boys and “romance”
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kyoutani was hunched over at the dining table when you came home, in his favourite crewneck that's stretched out and worn so it hangs off his neck. your eyes trace the smooth skin, a little possessive smile on your face when you catch site of the chain, your initial glinting in the lamplight. you slide off your shoes and murmur "i'm home," trying to peer round at what he's doing, pen carefully in hand, moving far faster than it usually does. kentarou and writing are two things that don't usually go well together- his essays are nearly always crumpled, littered with crossing outs and spelling mistakes and his handwriting is honestly the worst you’ve ever seen. he's humming slightly: a song you must have exposure-therapied him into liking.
you come up behind him, chin on his shoulder against his bleached hairline and peer down at the writing on the table, humming as he nuzzles against you, kind of like a dog, pressing his nose into the space where you neck meets your shoulder. you try and read what he’s written until your exhausted brain supplies you with the fact that it’s in another language. it looks like…arabic?
“what’s this?” you tap the page lightly, admiring how soft his hair feels under your nails while he hums and pulls back to follow your eyes. and then his whole posture instantly changes. you can feel him tense up, and see the blush on the tips of his ears. to anyone else he just looks like he always does, but you can read the blush down his neck, the way he blinks rapidly, his averted gaze.
“It’s stupid.”
you wonder if he realises that he tugs the little gold letter round his neck as he speaks, quietly.
“It’s-uh- it’s a poem. a love poem.” he smiles, and god he looks cute and determined and you briefly wonder if it’s possible to fall even harder. “It doesn't...work as well in japanese." he presses a quick kiss to where your head rests on his shoulder. "i'll tell you what it says.” he shifts purposefully, and reads. the undulating syllables are unfamiliar to you, but kyoutani speaks fast and sure, and there is a bigger meaning hidden in the trace of his hand on the paper, the warmth of his frame against yours, something that transcends language.
oikawa smiled as he handed you the last volleyball from the corner of the gym. "all done." he smiled, wide and triumphant and you huff a laugh in spite of yourself. you wheel the bin into the equipment cupboard as he gathered your binders and notes into your bag, the two of you working in tandem: in sync in a way that felt warm and well-worn. sure tooru’s great on the court, when he’s all sharp edges and glinting, hard stares. but you love tooru in the slow dusk, when cicadas are singing in the humid air, and he exists in sweatpants and freshly showered hair that dries all over the place. “hey wait” he calls out as you make to pick up your bag, “give me a second.” his whole face cracks open into a smile, and suddenly he’s sweetly clumsy, sliding in his socks around the gym. he huffs a laugh, “I owe iwa-chan so bad for this.” you catch his hand as he hurries past, “tooru, what’re you doing?” but he brushes you off laughing, asking you to wait. “babe-” you stop. he’s switched off the gym lights, and- “wow.” there are lights woven through the railings above you, glinting so everything is bathed in soft light. and it looks…beautiful. tooru looks beautiful, brown eyes reflecting the lights, looking a little out of it with a slightly doped up smile. he fiddles with something in the corner and the gym is filled, suddenly, with music. “happy anniversary.” you gasp, immediately shifting to worst case scenario, hand coming up to cover your mouth. “oh my god” you breathe, “I’m such a bad girlfriend.”
he rushes over and wraps his long arms around you, concern painting his features. “what? no babe. you’re the best. my best everything. best friend, best girlfriend.” he pulls you closer, and you start to slow dance to the music, swaying gently on the spot as you breathe it all in. the summer night, the way he smells sweet like the shampoo he steals from your bathroom. “you have other girlfriends?” you giggle against his chest and he rolls his eyes, swaying against the music. "i love you" he sighs, smiling as your hand snakes into his hair. "you're so sappy" you smile teasingly, and he does too, because tooru is indulgent like that. "this is me being romantic," he whines softly into your hair. "and this is me being really, really in love with you," you reply, "thank you."
he strokes your hair.
iwaizumi is a very persuasive man when he wants to be. certainly now, as he smirks and unrolls yoga mats over your living room floor (coffee table paused back against the walls) you regret giving in. both to his rare dimples and the workout set he bought you. he knew what he was doing. “please?” it was a few nights ago, and hajime sat happily with you in his lap, cheek just brushing the tanned skin of his collarbone where his sweater hung loose. you smile sweetly. “no.” he puts down his book and squishes your cheeks between his hands as, you can only suppose, a sign of affection. “I need to practice for class!” he continues, and he knows he’s already won and you know you are absolutely weak, but sometimes hajime just gets this look in his eye and he uses his I-am-holding-something-very-precious-right-now voice like he always does when it’s just the two of you and dammit if you aren’t a little bit weak. but if you think about it, neither of you has ever said no to the other. not really. this is how you end up with Hajime smirking inches from your face, double helix in his ear glinting in the candlelight as he pushes your leg to your torso asking you to relax. you are not particularly relaxed. “come on” he coaxes, gently because now he’s using his I’m-looking-after-someone doctor voice and not his normal, slightly sullen, tsundere voice. “breathe into it.” he taps on your hip to distract you and you slowly exhale. you close your eyes, smiling at the feeling of your muscles relaxing, and the steady, careful hand of your lover. the stability that is iwaizumi adri hajime is something that has guided you for as long as you’ve known him.
you notice he’s stilled, and open your eyes to him sat back on his knees, just…looking. “argh!” he pulls you in to press kisses on your hairline in mock anger to avoid the seriousness of his expression. “you’re so pretty.” he does that sometimes: hajime is surprisingly frank and honest with what he thinks. you smile softly as he presses a cheek to your head, humming.
“मैं तुम से प्यार करता हूं, okay?" he whispers, "you understand? i love you. so much”
suna‘s breath fanned out across your face, intense concentration in the crease between his eyebrows, the way his hands held steady. the eyeliner wand stroked lightly against your skin and you fought the urge to blink.
“please don’t poke my eye out,” you say and feel satisfied when he huffs a laugh. “shut up!” he wines, “I’m concentrating.” and he is. it’s adorable how careful he‘s being. suna’s eyes are right in front of yours and you take some time to look at the green in them, and the way black curved the cat like slope of his eyes so he looked older and sharper than he did without it. you looked at his skin, pale and translucent, and the concentrated look on his face as he bit his lip. “there.” he drew back and looked at you intensely, hands tilting your chin to check the symmetry.
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