#iwa Gai
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One Day A Year
Words: 1742
Note: thank you to @skykashi for giving it a quick read and assuring me i hadn’t done a terrible job 💜💜💜
Au: Iwa Gai
Tanabata had always been Kakashi’s favourite holiday. As a kid he would always grab the old story book that his father kept in the bookshelf and shove it into his father’s hands so that he would read it. Even if his father was still laying in bed peacefully sleeping, Kakashi would wake him up with demands to hear his favourite story.
After his father’s death he resorted to reading the story to himself every Tanabanta. There was one year that he’d debated asking Minato-Sensei to read it to him, but to do so would mean admitting he missed hearing the silly voices his father would put on for all of the character’s, and he wasn’t ready to do that yet. So, instead he read to himself in the quiet of his empty house. With no one cuddled up against his side adding stupid commentary to the story or making silly voices.
This year was diffrent.
This year, he wasn’t alone.
“Read it,” Gai nudged him with an elbow, smiling that stupid bright smile of his when Kakashi glared his way. “You brought the book to read, right?”
“I did.”
“Then read it,” placing a hand against Kakashi’s hand, he gently pushed the book towards him. “Please?”
Kakashi refrained from rolling his eyes. “We’re supposed to be on a mission,” he reminded the other man. “Separate missions.”
“Well, we sort of are.” there was no mention of the nature of their missions or the fact that they shouldn’t be here, sitting side by side as if they were friends. Gai never spoke about that stuff. Never acknowledged it, because to do so would mean admitting that what they were doing was wrong.
Maito Gai didn’t like admitting he was wrong.
Kakashi wasn’t any better, though. Sure, he was willing to admit that meeting up with an Iwagakure shinobi while he was on a mission wasn’t the ‘right’ thing to do, but that didn’t stop him.
“Please,” Gai’s finger’s drummed against his hand. “It’s my favorite story, and you’re my favorite person. It’s a perfect match.”
Snorting, Kakashi cracked the book open. “You’re cheesy.”
“You love it.” a fact that they both knew was true, even without Kakashi having to confirm it. If he didn’t love it he wouldn’t be here, sitting side by side with an enemy shinobi enjoying the feeling of his touch against his skin.
“The story of star crossed lovers,” he began, adding a little energy into his voice. “Once upon a time there was a princess named Orihime who could sew the most beautiful clothing.”
The words rolled off of his tongue. He didn’t even have to look at the pages to know what to say next. Every single word was committed to memory after years of reading the same story over and over again. It didn’t matter if he spared a glance towards Gai and dared to watch as he leaned in a little closer and smiled a little wider at the sight of the beautifully painted picture on each page. The words continued to fall, one after the other in a perfect retelling of a story older than either of their villages.
With each page he finished he could feel Gai leaning into him a bit more. At first his weight rested slightly against Kakashi’s shoulder, but by the time he reached the end of the story and closed the book he was practically laying across his lap.
“Comfy?” He asked, staring at the man who had so willingly made his lap his home.
“Very,” Gai grinned, his eyes sparkling with what Kakashi could only assume was excitement. “You’re really good at telling that story.”
Shoving a hand against Gai’s cheek, Kakashi shoved him away with a groan. “You’re the worst.” he grumbled, annoyed by the warm feeling that filled his chest. It was a feeling he only ever seemed to get when he was around Gai, and which he tried desperately to ignore for his own sanity.
It was hard, though. Whenever Gai smiled or laughed that feeling would spread more. It would reached from his chest all the way into his cheeks, tinting his skin a bright red that burned so bright that he could feel his body heating up with it. As if a sun was burning inside of him.
A sun by the name of Maito Gai.
“You like it,” Gai chuckled as he shoved Kakashi’s hand away from his face. “Admit it.”
“No.” He turned away, refusing to meet Gai’s eye. “And would you stop pushing it? You know better.”
They both did, but that didn’t stop them.
It never had.
No matter how much they told each other that what they were doing was wrong, they kept doing it. Putting off mission’s to spend a few precious minutes together. Seeking out each other’s company even though they knew that if anyone caught them they would be punished.
Settling back into his spot, Gai tilted his head back and stared up at the sky. It was still mid day so they couldn’t see the stars, but they didn’t need to. The story told it all. Orihime and the Cow hearder would see each other today, just as they did every year on the seventh of July.
It was their one day to be together.
“Do you think…” Kakashi trailed off. There was a lot of things he wished he could ask Gai, but he always kept it to himself. Questions that stayed tucked away, hidden from the rest of the world even when he wanted so desperately to scream them at the top of his lungs.
“It’s July Seventh,” Gai smiled up at the sky, his eyes sparkling even brighter than they usually did. “I’ts their day.”
“Their day,” Kakashi repeated the words, willing himself to memorize them in the way that they were meant to be memorized. The Seventh of July was the day of Lover’s. Orihime and the cow herders day to spend together while the rest of the year the world would force them apart so that they could focus on their jobs.
So that they could be the hard working seamstress and the dedicated cow hearder, instead of getting lost in each other’s love and forgetting all about their duties.
It was their day, not Kakashi’s. They were the one’s that had stories told about a love that held strong no matter how much distance was put between them.
Gai nudged his shoulder, forcing him to push aside his thoughts and return to the present where he was sitting under the open sky beside Maito Gai. Iwagakure shinobi, enemy of Konoha, and the one who had stolen Kakashi’s heart.
Though, he’d never admit it out loud. That would mean dealing with his feelings and having to make a choice that he didn’t want to make. A choice between staying loyal to his village, or following his heart.
“It could be our day, if you want,” Gai offered. “One day a year. What do you think?’
Kakashi stared at him as though he’d grown a second head. “Our day?”
“Ya,” The smile on Gai’s face grew impossibly wide. “One day where no matter what’s going on, we meet up.”
The idea sounded ridiculous. A specific day just for them to shirk their duties and hang out. A day when they didn’t have to be enemy shinobi, but instead they could just be them. Kakashi and Gai, star crossed lovers.
“Where?” He asked, unsure of whether or not he should be agreeing to such a ridiculous idea so quickly.
“Why not right here?” Gai answered as he patted the ground between them. “This is where we always meet up if we’re in the area, so why not just make it officially our spot?”
Our spot.
His heart skipped a beat.
A spot just for them. A place where they didn’t need to pretend that they didn’t want to be together. Where they could simply exist without restrictions.
“July Seventh,” he turned his eyes towards the sky, a smile tugging at the edges of his lips as he thought about the ridiculous idea Gai had just presented to him. “Tanabanta.”
“Their day and ours,” Gai leaned into his side once again. His head dropped against Kakashi’s shoulder, and as he let out a small, content sigh Kakashi could feel all of his worries washing away for just a few precious moments. “A day for star crossed lovers. It seem’s perfect, doesn’t it?”
Kakashi wanted to cry.
He wanted to wax poetics about what a perfect choice it was for them and how much he looked forward to it even though they’d only just come up with the idea.
Instead, he rested his head against Gai’s and closed his eyes. “Perfect.” he whispered his agreement. “
July Seventh. A day when Konoha would be bust celebrating star crossed lovers with food and games. For the rest of the year Kakashi would be dedicated to his job doing missions and protecting Konoha, just as the cow hearder was dedicated to caring for the gods cows.
But every July seventh he would steal away a day for himself. He’d sneak away from the confines of his village to spend time with the one who had stolen his heart. The one who he couldn’t be with, no matter how much he wanted to be, at any other time throughout the year.
“It’ll only be one day a year,” he whispered as his heart ached. It wasn’t as though the two of them saw each other any more than that. In fact, it there had been years in the past where they hadn’t seen each other at all. A set day would at least guarantee them that one day even if it was all they got. “Like Orihime and the cow hearder.”
“One day a year to love you,” Gai corrected him. “That’s better than nothing.”
Tanabata was Kakashi’s favorite holiday. It always had been.
It seemed only fitting that he would take that holiday and use it for himself. Surely Orihime and the cow hearder would understand. If they were to look down on the earth during their time together and see Kakashi and Gai sitting there staring up at the sky together, they would see two human’s who faced the exact same problem as they did.
They would be more than happy to share their day with Kakashi and Gai, of that Kakashi was certain.
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chamom1le-t3a · 3 months
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hi have some shrignold art.
Would post more but its all just him smooching the other one
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zuiz41 · 6 days
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Sleepy IwaOi
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monstrsball · 5 months
When Iwaizumi wakes up for his morning run, he finds himself completely alone in the bed he shares with his boyfriends.
He's not as surprised as he should be to find the two of them passed out on the couch together after he's gotten dressed.
Suga is somehow nestled between the back of the couch and Oikawa's body, his head pillowed on his chest. Oikawa's right arm is wrapped around Suga's shoulders while his left hand rests on his hip. Their legs are entwined, the knitted blanket they keep on the couch wrapped between them.
The way Oikawa's head and upper shoulders are resting against the armrest of the couch makes Iwaizumi cringe, already foreseeing Oikawa complaining about his neck hurting later.
It isn't hard to guess what had happened after Iwaizumi had fallen asleep. The open laptop on their coffee table with a paused volleyball match on the screen being a pretty good indicator.
Old habits die hard.
He knows he should wake them both up, usher them back towards their bedroom to sleep in their actual bed but he can't bring himself to disturb them. Instead, somehow without waking either of them up, he extricates the blanket from their entwined legs and drapes it over the both of them properly.
He kisses them both on the head and then goes to put his running shoes on.
He can't stop himself from smiling as he leaves the apartment.
He really couldn't be happier.
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depressedkakashismut · 5 months
Now thinking about Iwa Kakagai post war, with Kakashi getting his first strap-on because he can finally FINALLY f*** his boyfriend in an actual bed using a strap-on and he’s not going to skip this brilliant opportunity XD
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cliveguy · 11 months
sorry i literally havent felt destiel feelings in like a year but it suddenly just hit me. it took him twelve years to bleed out.
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xbuster · 1 year
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empyreasheart · 10 months
honestly when you realize how many posts about "blorbos" & ship tropes are actually just all about men u cant unsee it😭
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superbellsubways · 1 year
tumblr has been down for hours jts finally back imgonna throw up hi guys
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goldiipond · 1 year
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transgender people hold hands its real ive seen it
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monsterbisexual · 11 months
thinking abt saw was not part of the plan when i watched it
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Paper Star
Au: Iwa Gai Au
Words: 1,053
Pairing: Kakagai
Characters: Gai
A paper star.
Such a tiny thing tucked away in the front pocket of his bag. Small enough that he may never have noticed it if he hadn’t been looking for a fruit bar to munch on, and that was probably the point. After all, Kakashi was a smart man. He knew how to hide things so that they would only be found by the person he’d left it for.
It was folded into a beautiful little star, about half the size of Gai’s palm. Upholding it almost felt like a crime, but he knew it was what Kakashi would want him to do.
Kakashi was a romantic, after all, and he never did anything without a purpose.
So, sitting down in his spot, Gai ripped open his fruit bar and took a bite out of it before focusing his full attention on the little gift Kakashi had left for him. Opening it up proved more difficult than he had first imagined, but with careful breaths and a cautious hand he was successful and he’d only made one tiny tear in the paper.
“Next time,” he whispered to himself as he flattened the paper between his palms. “I’ll make sure I don’t rip it next time, Rival.”
Kakashi wasn’t there to hear his promise, but he knew that it would reach him. Somehow his words always seemed to reach Kakahsi, even the words he never intended for him to hear. It was as if Kakashi had access to his very thoughts, though the other man assured him that was not the case when he sometimes joked about his ability to read his mind.
Once the paper was sufficiently flat, with none of the creases impeding his ability to read it, Gai settled back into his spot, took another bite of his bar, and began to read.
One night is beginning to feel like too little. I know it’s more than we could ask for, but there’s a part of me that wants to be greedy with my time. A piece of my heart which begs for me to stay in bed and watch you as you sleep.
Do you know how handsome you are? Has anyone ever told you that you snore in your sleep, or that sometimes you’ll grab your pillow and wrap yourself around it while muttering to yourself?
I wish I could watch you forever.
I wish that the world would stop spinning and time would stand still for just a few precious hours. It’s time I would be with you.
Time in which we could simply exist. Not as enemies or rivals, but as us.
Two hearts calling from far away wishing to be with each other.
Perhaps it’s cheesy. I could understand why you would laugh at my words and call me ridiculous, but I can’t help but feel as though I have to say it. There aren't words I can give you in my own voice, but maybe if I write them down you’ll understand just how much I love you.
I couldn’t sleep last night and for the first time in years I was alright with that because I was with you. I didn’t have to close my eyes and dream of being at your side, because for one precious night I was actually there.
I could touch your skin.
I could watch you sleep.
I could enjoy a few peaceful moments when the rest of the world didn’t matter, and there was only you.
I don’t know how long it will be until I can see you again. Life is complicated and our villages need us, but I hope…
It’s silly, but I hope that I can listen to those beautiful snores and lose myself in your scent again. If not tomorrow, then one day. Some precious day in the future where we can steal away some time again, and our villages can survive without us for one precious night.
P.S. Destroy this when you’ve finished reading it. I wouldn’t want anyone to find it and use it against you.
Gai re-read the note once, and then twice, and a third time. With each re-read he took another bite out of his bar, promising himself that he would get up and continue on his way once the snack was finished.
Before long there was nothing but an empty wrapper left sitting in his hand, and still he didn’t move. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t drag his eyes away from the paper.
‘I have to commit it to memory’ he told himself as his eyes scanned over it again. ‘I I do that, then I won’t forget’
He could keep it. If he hid it well enough no one would ever find it, and then it would be his little secret. The note that he could pull out and read whenever he needed something to pull him through a tough day. A precious memory from the lover whom he couldn’t see.
That would be going against Kakashi’s wishes though, and no matter how much he wanted Gai would never do that. He knew that Kakashi’s concerns were genuine. If the wrong person were to get their hands on the note they could use it as blackmail, or present it to the Tsuchikage. Kakashi’s name may not have been in the note, but there was enough information to get him into a ton of trouble, and Onoki-Sama was not a man known for his patience or kindness.
‘Just once more,’ he promised as his eyes returned to the beginning of the little note and read over that stupid nickname Kakashi had given him when they were still teenagers. Back when neither of them would admit how important they were to each other. ‘Once more.’
He read it again, and again, and again. Never stopping to think about who might question him when he arrived back at the village later than he should have, or the risk he was putting himself under sitting in one spot for so long. None of that mattered. Not when he had a note from Kakashi sitting in his hands, the tender words of his lover’s heart written out just for him.
“Once more,” his fingers curled into the delicate paper, crumpling it. “Just once more.”
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bloodenjoyer · 2 years
i wish i could relive the wattpad emotion
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absentmoon · 2 years
i think my old hs principal has tried to out me from beyond the grave
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monstrsball · 23 days
i need yuri iwasuga to go rollerskating.... not as a date because they aren't dating yet but as a group activity with their friends... my vision
rollerskating is actually one of the few physical activities iwa isn't the best at so they usually hang outside the barrier but suga is always able to convince her to come join them for a little bit. they hold hands <3 [to keep iwa steady!!! to help!!! shut up!!!! <- suga when her friends that Know are like 😐🤨]
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potatoleeksoup · 1 year
tonight for the first time in a while i experienced that middle school ass thing where a guy comes to talk to you and your friend but basically ignores you because he clearly thinks your friend is hotter and like i literally could not care less about this guy or men being attracted to me in general but STILL it hurt my feelings. when will the torment end
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