#ives? more like hives the way you irritate me
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timblrdrake · 5 months ago
nuh uh. also your bf’s mine now ☝️🤓
– totally not sebastian ives :)
nuh uh
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lady-plantagenet · 4 years ago
I see you are inspired by my rambling huhu. 2, 19 and 25 for the history meme!
In response to: Tumblr History Ask Meme: https://lady-plantagenet.tumblr.com/post/643743359209472000/ive-seen-plenty-of-tumblr-ask-challenges-but
Umm... YES I HAVE. Thank you for that friend 💕.
2- What is your country most famous for in history?
Oh this is really really easy... Vlad the Impaler; or as we call him - Vlad the Dragon. I would also like to take this as an opportunity to say that I feel a bit uncomfortable with the West’s obsession with Dracula and, by extension, his sadism. The real figure was just so much more compelling and interesting and this caricaturisation of him is inappropriate. No beef with Bram Stoker of course, just more irritated by what grew out as a result of that novel (which I have yet to read). He was fair, penalised laziness and theft, was a byword for greatness, piety and bravery in all of Europe and had it not been for him my country would have long become an Ottoman colony. He is the single-most most revered figure in Romania to the point where he is some sort of King Arthur for us. While I am happy that he has found world renown and in the west we are primarily associated with him, I would rather it be with the real man and not Dracula. 
19 - What’s your favourite historical book?
Well, I’ve rambled about The Last of the Barons by Lord Edward Lytton-Bulwer enough to give everyone on here hives, so I’ll just give you the links to my other posts haha. One of these days when I am less stressed I will write an essay/book-review about it as a whole, though I am not worthy :(. I will give you my favourite historical non-fiction book and that is The Waning of the Middle Ages by Johan Huizinga. Mercy! When I found out they assign it as reading in some universities it restored my faith in humanity and the coming generations of medievalists. So far, I haven’t disagreed with Huizinga once, he really *gets it*, by it I mean the culture and beliefs of the 15th century (focusing almost solely on Burgundy and a little bit on France). I think it should be compulsory reading for all 15th century historical novelists even if you are setting your story in England. It is the finest example of thematic history around but also with an acute awareness of the practicalities and mechanics underpinning this system and hierarchy. It is written in a very idealistic wistful tone but doesn’t woobify the Middle Ages and idealises it past how its inhabitants would have seen it e.g. it admits that by the 15th century some parts of the pomp and such e.g. court rituals were performed with this sense of irony and even lampooned by some of its participants because they have really become overwrought and out-of-place not because the renaissance brought luxury, and end to barbarism or whatever. My Tumblr is full of quotes from his book and I am ashamed to say that I have ran into a very similar situation here as I had once with the aforementioned novel - I have not finished reading it because I am committed to only reading it when I can truly absorb what it is saying. It needs to be savoured as it is really not long. 
25 - Who is the most overrated historical figure, in your opinion?
I do not want to copy you but I was itching to say that it is Richard III. I have recently encountered some users who are a fan of him and take a very healthy approach and I greatly admire them for that and I am not knocking on their interest by saying this - I swear. Personally, The Wars of the Roses, I find to be an interesting period generally so by extension yeah I think Richard is worth a study. My only issue is... he does not appear that remarkable? If anyone wants to debate me on this go ahead, I confess I haven’t dedicated a lot of time on reading about his life 1469 - 1483 where he was an able administrator (but then again that’s not the reason why most people are interested in him anyway). Hell, people in the 15th century weren’t fawning over him like they did with Edward IV, George Duke of Clarence or Richard Neville Earl of Warwick, not only did he ultimately fail (like the latter two) but he didn’t even have that diva appeal or humanness that makes you wonder what was going on in his mind. His motivations, to be honest, seem very easily discernible. For some time I wondered whether his deposition (and likely murder) of his nephews was down to some great concern for the common weal or utilitarianism - I have seen many thesis on him being some sort of ‘people’s champion’. I was intrigued. BUT I really feel like “the people�� did not see it like that. Edward, Clarence and Warwick all experienced much higher popularity during their lifetimes so really how remarkable was he in this respect (again, tell me if you have a counter-argument, hell send an ask). Besides, in his 1483 coup, he chose to ally with Buckingham. Yes Buckingham - the very symbol of the high-handed feudal baron that Edward IV was trying to weaken to promote greater stability and suffered greatly in this enterprise. So my question is, did Richard III have any strong beliefs of his own that underpinned the 1483 coup? The execution of William Hastings was very baffling for me to understand for that it provides a further contradiction to my point about Richard wanting to promote an Edward-style stability in the realm. Hastings and the Woodvilles were both essential for that and something good really could have come out of them working together for Edward V. Also, no one hit me with the ‘his life was in danger’. He had the military power to easily crush all the Woodvilles if they all banded together against him (whether that was even their intention in the first place is another story). 
Also, the historiographical debate which is what really makes him is getting very trite lately. That is not to say I am not eager to see what others have to say - I have great faith in some of the people I’ve met on this site, BUT, as a whole, what is being written in blogs, books and articles so far is hardly riveting. You could tide me over if you hit me with facts that he was unusually precocious or incredibly hard-working (both I get a sense of) but I really could not care less that he stayed loyal to his brother. Like most people did, that’s how Clarence and Warwick lost... as Hicks pointed out, he was a third son [sic fourth] there really was not other prospect for him and his advancement than sticking with Edward. Also what is with people’s obsession with loyalty on here? I get a medieval person’s concern with being loyal but this is the 21st century. So yeah he’s overrated in the sense that he is really not that special. Not in a saintly too-good-for-the-world sort of way nor in a tittilating oh-wow-he-is-sooo-evil-nice~~. He was a great man in many ways and deserves interest invested into him. Let me make this clear ~ I don’t think he’s basic or whatever. But given the proportion that this is to nowadays he is severely overrated. I’m talking millions of pounds, an ECHR trial, nearly one hundred novels, a stately funeral and all this distorts popular history’s approach to the period as a whole in a way that really annoys me - often with Clarence being made to look far more incompetent, insignificant and lame as a consequence (which admittedly is more of a me problem but then again this is an opinion meme).
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anerdinallherglory · 5 years ago
Approaching Sun (27)
Author’s Note: I am SO sorry about how long this chapter took to update. Taking on master’s classes on top of work has been a rough transition. The majority of this chapter had been planned and typed a long time ago, but it just took me ages to organize it, detail it, clean it up, and fluff it with a fork. For those of you who have contacted recently, (and I probably have yet to respond) this chapter is for you. Without your encouragement, who knows how much longer this chapter would have taken.
Forgive me. Hope you enjoy.
Pairing: SasuSaku
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
Chapter 27: Confirmation
Sakura had fully intended on eavesdropping on Sasuke’s conversation with Satou; in fact, it was the only reason that Sakura had allowed the interaction to transpire between her patient and her teammate. After Sasuke had closed the door firmly behind her, Sakura had walked heavily down the hallway so her footsteps could be heard. Her next step was to take the stairs, walk silently up two floors, and listen in by opening the window directly above Satou’s. Sakura had noted that Satou’s patient room window had been cracked open. Surely her ninja skills would be well-adapted to a simple eavesdropping.
But that’s not what happened. Instead, as Sakura walked down the hall, she noted that her breathing was becoming short. Her chest was tightening considerably, a feeling that she dismissed at first to anxiety at the current situation. When she paused to consider it, Sakura tried to swallow past her itchy throat. A terrifying realization came over Sakura has she glanced down at her hands that held the freshly pulverized Ashuwa.
Sakura covered the mortar, sprinted down the remainder of the hallway, and took a right. She held tightly to the Ashuwa despite the situation; she couldn’t afford to sacrifice what they had acquired in her state of panic. Sakura tried her best to remember the hospital’s layout; there was a drug storage room on every level, so thankfully Sakura wouldn’t have to take stairs in her compromised situation. Turning another corner, Sakura was relieved to finally stumble up to the door marked “薬” for medication. Placing the mortar of Ashuwa on the ground, Sakura managed to focus through her shortness of breath and perform the sign of the ram to channel her chakra to her palm. Placing it on the center of the door, Sakura nearly stumbled as the door received her chakra signature and swung open to grant her access to the room.
Sakura’s vision began to blur as she shuffled through the drawers and cabinets. She could barely read the itemized labels of the stored items. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. She felt lethargic and her throat was swelling quickly. She should have taken Mako’s warning more seriously. He had told her of the drug’s disuse in the medical environment due to many allergic reactions to it. This was what she had been testing earlier when she picked a generous pinch of Ashu from the ground and placing it in her mouth; however, her and Mako both had gotten distracted by the issue of Satou.
Sakura cursed at herself for being careless but felt confident in her approach. If only she could find the medicine. She narrowed her focus to the vials on the top shelf and coughed violently as she reached for one. Stumbling into the shelf resulted in several of them busting onto the ground. After locating the blue tagged bottle labeled “adrenaline,” Sakura threw open cabinet after cabinet until she found the drawer of packaged syringes. She was choking now, a fish out of water and she aimed the needle into the top of the bottle; her hands shook as she waisted even more time trying to draw the medicine into the plunger.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sasuke was trying to outwalk Mako, who was smiling kindly and attempting to make small talk as they quickly made their way down the hall from Satou’s room. Sasuke thought if he could just stride quickly enough, Mako might take the hint and part ways with him.
Sasuke frowned at Mako’s prattling of, “I have to admit. I was concerned with the whole genjutsu approach, but I think that it might be pretty effective. That was brilliant!”
Sasuke stopped his break-neck pace and narrowed his eyes at the medic, scrutinizing him carefully. “What do you want?”
“What do you mean?” asked Mako innocently, crossing his arms behind him.
Sasuke debated Mako for a second. Here was a skilled shinobi of medicine, an assistant to his friend, and Sakura addressed him casually. This trip was the first occasion that Sasuke had ever met him, yet Mako recognized Sasuke’s attempt at genjutsu before he had even performed it. Perhaps he was knowledgeable of the sharingan; many people were. It was Sasuke’s past of constantly being targeted that had the Uchiha wary. Was this the reason Sasuke was inclined to distrust him, or was it the fact that Sakura was involved?
Sasuke clarified. “I want to know who you are and what you want.”
Mako laughed and smiled nicely. “Well, I am a medic ninja here at the Suna hospital. I have been appointed to assist Sakura-san during her stay with us. Kankuro was pretty adamant about it.”
“Hn.” Sasuke responded before walking forward again. Mako sped to catch up.
“Honestly,” he continued, “Sunagakure owes a lot to Sakura-san. You have probably heard this before, but we have advanced due to her and the Leaf’s medical supervision and instruction. We are something in her debt.”
Sasuke didn’t respond. Perhaps that was all there was to it. Sasuke supposed it made sense that Gaara and Kankuro would assign the most ambitious learner and fellow medicinal expert as Sakura’s assistant. Sunagakure wanted to take advantage of every lesson and tip available. Sakura’s discipline and dedication to the medical practice made her share a common interest with the professionals here. Not everyone always had some double meaning to their actions like most ninja in the shinobi world.
As Sasuke and Mako rounded the corner to the left, they paused as several people ran past them in the opposite direction, back toward the center of the third floor. One man who bumped into Mako’s shoulder turned to look at him in recognition, jogging backwards. “Code 10. Haruno-san.”
“Shit!” Mako cursed, chasing after the man who spoke. Sasuke didn’t know what “Code 10” meant, but to see a panicked response in connection to the name “Haruno” had Sasuke quickly following.
“What is it?” he demanded, matching Mako’s stride this time.  
“Anaphylaxis” Mako said breathlessly as they rounded the final corner and nearly collided with several attendants outside a small room in the hallway. Someone was kneeling just outside the door and Sasuke couldn’t make out the questions they were asking before until he began to make his way through with Mako right on his heels.
When he came in line with the entrance, Sasuke froze. Sakura was on her back, broken glass surrounding her on a messy floor. A medic was kneeling down beside her and removing a syringe from her hand. “We need to get her into one of the rooms. Now.” Sasuke’s heart was racing as someone wheeled a gurney past him. Mako began pulling him away from the entrance to which Sasuke almost shrugged off.
Sakura’s pink head was closest to the door so Sasuke couldn’t get a good look at her face until they began lifting her onto the gurney and wheeled her past him. To Sasuke’s great relief, his medic friend was fully alert despite the hives across her face and swelling lips. When making eye contact with him, she raised her hand and waved awkwardly.
“Hey.” She said past swollen lips.
“Hey?!” Sasuke responded, irritation quickly replacing his concern. Was she serious?! Mako let out a surprised laugh at her casual greeting. Sasuke ignored him completely and began tailing the gurney as it rolled away with her.
“What the hell happened?” he asked her with pointed annoyance. After failing to mumble past her tomato mouth, Sasuke shook his head. “Nevermind.”
“I’ll explain,” Mako said from the other side of the swiveling table. Sasuke spent the next several minutes listening to Mako explain a basic understanding of anaphylaxis and staring disbelievingly at Sakura as they unloaded her onto a bed. They began to hook her up to an IV and other machinery that would monitor her pulse and blood pressure.
Mako continued his explanation, “Antihistamines are what comes next. Luckily, she responded to the epinephrine and doesn’t need intubation. We’ll have to monitor her for a few hours just to make sure she doesn’t have another episode.”
Sakura was nodding her blistered head in agreement at everything he said. Sasuke just glared at her.
“Why did you eat a plant you knew was toxic?” he asked crossly. She shrugged her shoulders, the only response she could really make at the moment.
“I should have stopped you, Haruno-san.” Mako bowed. “It is all my fault.”
Sakura began shaking her head to dismiss Mako’s apology. Then she began to gesture for Sasuke to come over to her bedside. When he was close enough, Sakura pointed toward his hand.
“What?” he asked, looking down at it. My hand? What about it? He sure wasn’t going to hold her hand if that was what she was implying. Especially not in front of anyone.
A word made it past her lips but Sasuke didn’t understand it. “Hn?”
“Rath,” she repeated, still pointing. “Da ya hath a rath?”
“Oh,” Mako exclaimed. “You were handling the Ashuwa earlier, Sasuke. Do you have a rash on your hand?”
Ah. Sasuke’s hand was partially gloved except for his fingertips, which were unmarred. It had been approximately 30-45 minutes since Sasuke had even touched the plant. Sakura had sampled the herb 10 minutes before that, so it was too early to tell if Sasuke would have a similar reaction. He didn’t have a rash on his fingertips though.
Another physician handed Mako a familiar mortar and removed his disposable gloves after touching it. Mako immediately pinched a piece out of it and offered it to the Uchiha.
Sasuke responded with a glare as Mako continued to hold it out.  “You’re not suggesting I eat that?”
“We need to make sure that you don’t develop a similar reaction, especially if you plan on using the chakra pills that Sakura is making.”
Sakura was mutely nodding in agreement and Sasuke annoyingly spat out toward her, “Why? You want me to end up looking like you?” Her nodding turned to shaking.
She followed with, “He’th ight. Eat wow you ah here.”  Sasuke scoffed and blinked in disbelief at her communication efforts. How was she even talking?!
This was an absolute lunatic idea. She wanted the BOTH of them in hospital beds in this village while Gaara was away handling potential psychos that were after them? It was already a concern that she was incapacitated; Sasuke sure as hell wasn’t going into anaphylaxis too by choice.
“I’ll wait until you’re better,” he answered, shooing Mako’s hand away from his face. As he did so, Sasuke pointed at the door, ordering Mako to just go and check on Satou’s kid. Mako blinked at him in confusion before taking the hint and exiting with that same excuse.
When the silence grew thick between them, Sasuke took a casual stance against the wall next to Sakura’s bedside.
“Ya are wathing time,” Sakura began, looking guilty despite her swollen mouth as she tucked her hands beneath the covers and looked around at nonexistent people in the room; anywhere but at him. She was right. He was wasting time, and Sasuke mentally shook himself as he realized his indifference to that. He was trying to remind himself of his goal but in that moment, Sasuke’s feelings were outweighing that purpose.
He turned his back and peered out the small window at the darkening sky. He glanced back at her briefly before turning back to the window. “Are you okay?”
There wasn’t a reply which had the Uchiha worried and he turned to see her wide-eyed expression at his question. The face Sakura was making looked as if Sasuke had grown two heads. “I mean,” he added quickly, “with a mouth like that, it looks difficult to breath.”
She immediately covered her mouth and frowned at him, obviously embarrassed at his words. “I ah fine!” she shouted in embarrassment into her fingers and turned her head. Sasuke resisted the urge to smirk.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
After the administration of the antihistamine, Sakura didn’t wait long before she began removing her own IV. She felt bad for the time that had been wasted today when she was supposed to be making the food pills. Sakura was just relieved that the Ashu had been tested before she gave Sasuke a drug that could potentially kill him.  
“What are you doing?” Sasuke asked as she removed the monitor and turned off the flatlining machine before anyone came in at the sound. “They said it would be best to stay the night.”
“I’m ah do-ter” she told him. Yes, Sakura would have advised the same thing to her patients, but she was out of danger now and she felt anxious despite her drowsiness. She was troubling Sasuke enough by accompanying him on his mission. She didn’t want to get in his way; she was supposed to be making things easier.
Sasuke scoffed at her dismissive, mumbled declaration as she stood from the bed. She blinked heavily and managed to stand upright. It would still take a little bit of time for her to completely pass out from the side effects, so Sakura figured the time she had left awake could be spent productively.
The medic immediately went over to the cabinets and pulled out disposable gloves and a mask from the drawer. The mask would serve two purposes: 1) protect her from inhaling the Ashuwa as she worked and 2) hide her ridiculous “tomato” mouth as Sasuke referred to it. Ugh. Sakura could die from embarrassment.
“What are you doing now?” Sasuke grumbled irritably, following her as she moved. She immediately headed over to the mortar on the cabinet and pinched some of the yellow herb, skin protected from the substance thanks to the gloves.
“Eat.” She stated plainly. They couldn’t proceed further if Sasuke was likely to have a similar allergic reaction. Sakura would have to scrap their entire progress by disposing of the food pill batch. She would be back to square one and they would have to start all over by finding a new foundational herb with the correct properties to achieve the correct results.
“Forget it,” the Uchiha deadpanned before making to head for the door. Sakura caught hold of his hand, stumbling in the process and taking a hard fall on her knee. She winced visibly. That would bruise later. Sasuke immediately turned and helped her up and Sakura thanked her mask for hiding her blushing cheeks as well.
With the same hand Sasuke had offered, Sakura turned his palm up and placed the Ashuwa in his cupped fingers. “No time.”
Sasuke glared at her for what seemed like several minutes before reluctantly dumping it down his throat. They both knew he had to for his own sake.
Sakura nodded before trashing her gloves and retrieving a new pair. She couldn’t risk leaving traces around the hospital and anyone else coming into contact with the pollen if it was responsible for anaphylaxis. Mako had said that it was such a common reaction that they had stopped using it altogether.
Sakura halted in her steps, considered her plan, and decided to grab the entire box of disposable gloves. She handed Sasuke the mortar.
Sasuke gave her an expression that radiated annoyance but somehow was miraculously completely blank. If she could speak clearly in this moment, Sakura would have asked him how he managed that.
“Fowwo” she murmured through her mask-covered lips, pairing the word with a beckoning wave. “We’ll tesh your weaction why we wait.” She was shuffling out the door before Sasuke had the chance to say anything more.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sasuke trailed his teammate from the room, carrying the mortar of Ashuwa he had ground up earlier that day. This was one of the few times in his life that Sasuke somewhat regretted his decision to refuse the artificial limb that Tsunade had made for he and Naruto. Sakura was walking with one arm against the wall for support and Sasuke’s one and only hand was currently occupied.
It was well after dark now and many of the staff members were busy attending overnight patients, so they weren’t stopped by anyone as Sakura found her way back to the medicine room, which was now cleaned of broken glass and everything back in its space. She reached up and grabbed several bottles of adrenaline and then dug through the drawer for syringes.
“Sakura,” Sasuke began as she dropped some of the things she was holding onto the floor. “You need rest. We can finish this later.”
“We hafe to wait for weaction anyway. Might as well make the pills.”
“I feel fine.” Sasuke reassured her. It was true. Time had passed enough for his fingertips to develop a rash if there was going to be a topical reaction. He had yet to show signs from consumption.
Sakura strode past him again, this time walking backwards to face him. He could make out a smile beneath her mask which somewhat irked the Uchiha. She seemed awfully cheery despite nearly dying from anaphylaxis. Sasuke concluded that it had to be the medicine making her drowsy.
“Turn around before you fall,” he grumbled. She laughed as she began to walk slowly up the stairs. He hurried up behind her and offered her his elbow which she took thankfully despite his huffed “So annoying.” Her laugh was her only response.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sakura was practically nodding off as she watched Sasuke mix and prepare the batch of ingredients for the food pills. She felt relieved at finally seeing headway as Sasuke rolled the batter into 1-inch circular doses according to her instructions and placed them in the hospital’s oven.  Sakura had tried to do so herself, but Sasuke had insisted she sit down to avoid screwing them up and risking their progress. Sakura allowed him to take the reins, praying desperately that the food pills would turn out and serve their purpose after such a hassle.
“Sasuke,” she whispered, immediately touching her lips behind the mask as she noticed the decrease in swelling. The ice Sakura had retrieved from icebox was doing its job.
“Hm?” he answered, trashing the latex glove he used to protect his skin and replacing his own. He turned to her then in the dim light, but Sakura couldn’t make out his expression because the only light in the room was a lamp over the counter workspace behind him. There was a shadow concealing his features and Sakura was too tired to try to make them out.
A lot easier now that her lips were shrinking, Sakura asked, “How are you? Any shortness of breath?”
“I’m fine,” he stated simply.
“Good,” she replied, thanking that ridiculous Uchiha blood of his for not reacting to the Ashuwa like her’s had. How ironic, Sakura thought, that even Sasuke’s genetics seemed to be working for him even in this circumstance. How superior he must feel.
Reclined across the small seating bench in the corner, Sakura placed her chin on her chest and inhaled the gentle night breeze that was coming from the opened window. It seemed to be the first night that the sand wasn’t trying to shatter the glass; to be honest, Sakura was surprised that the hospital windows even opened. Perhaps they were high enough on the fourth story to avoid the sand barrage.
Sasuke came to stand before her and Sakura blinked sleepily up at him in an antihistamine induced haze.
“Sleep,” the Uchiha before her ordered. “I’ll wake you when they’re done.”
Sakura wanted to argue that she could manage to stay awake for another 20 minutes while the chakra pills roasted, but she wasn’t that confident in her ability to do so. At most, she could manage maybe 5 more minutes if she concentrated hard enough. She wanted to ask Sasuke about the conversation he had with Satou.
“Sit with me,” she said, but it sounded more like a question. There was a minute of silence as Sasuke observed her. The bench wasn’t roomy, but Sakura was too drowsy to be apprehensive about their proximity. Sasuke must have not been either, because he sat and exhaled when he did so. Perhaps he was tired too.
. . . . . . . . . . . 
Sasuke tried not to lean away from her as she settled into his side. He cursed her medicated self for such confidence in a small, darkened space. He counted down the time in his head; he would only have to stay seated here for 17 more minutes. For some reason, that time seemed both entirely too long and entirely too short.
“Satou,” Sakura began, reaching up to take off the medical mask on her face. Sasuke tried not to smirk at the lips that were still puckered despite having minimized in size. He blinked past the image to focus on her words.
“Hn,” he responded sourly, thinking of the man whose name had just been dropped between them like a heavy, unwanted stone. Sasuke didn’t particularly feel like talking about that man. He had, had enough of Satou for one day.
“How did it go?” his teammate probed politely despite being nosey.
“Fine,” he replied shortly, not wanting Sakura to find out about too many details. How would she react if she knew he had used his Sharingan on him? Probably not well. Sakura would continue to dig for more specifics if Sasuke didn’t bring an end to the topic promptly. “His son needs to be sent to Konoha.”
Sakura nodded, not seeming too surprised at Sasuke assessment. Perhaps she had been thinking similarly. “Thank you for talking to him.”
It wasn’t much of a talk, but Sasuke wasn’t going to tell her that, so he just responded again with a finalizing “Hn.”
Sasuke couldn’t help but jump when Sakura’s fingers touched his right hand. “Sasuke,” she began, almost in sleepy inquiry as she brushed his palm with her thumb and index. There was hopefulness in her voice and Sasuke cursed her medication again for her damn self-assurance.
“I..” she began, but Sasuke cut her off before she continued. Sasuke was almost absolutely certain that he knew which words would come next.
“Shh,” he replied, leaning comfortably into her side as his answer to her unspoken confession. “Just sleep.”
After a few breaths, and when Sakura’s head nodded onto his shoulder, Sasuke scooped up her hand into his, finding the courage to splay her fingers with his own and fasten them into place. Even when he would let her go in 15 minutes, Sasuke would lock the moment into his heart to last him the rest of his life.  
. . . . . . . . . . . .
When he counted down to the last second in his mind, Sasuke counted a few extra seconds. And then a few more. He thought about letting the doses of chakra pills burn to a crisp in the oven, but he decided against it, reluctantly releasing Sakura’s hand and pulling away from her heavy head.
Making sure that Sakura wouldn’t wake, Sasuke silently rose, turned off the oven and retrieved the pills from inside. He placed them on the counter quietly and turned to lean against the counter. He watched Sakura’s sleeping form for a few minutes, considering if he should wake her as he promised or let her sleep longer. What was the possibility of sitting beside her and stealing a few moments more?
Sasuke knew he was playing a dangerous game. Tomorrow, the Uchiha would test the chakra pill nearby and he and Sakura both were aware of what would happen after that. With the issue of his chakra reserves addressed, he would return to the desert to attempt cross-connecting dimensions again. They both realized Sasuke couldn’t waste any more time.
And with that thought, Sasuke’s stern resolve slipped. He would distance himself later, he thought. He would put the space back between them tomorrow. Tonight, Sasuke wanted to be next to Sakura.
He sat back down beside her and softly took up her hand again.  Just for a little while longer.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Sakura woke in the middle of the night from the pain in her arched neck. She blinked past sleep and realized that she was folded into Sasuke’s side with her knees tucked and Sasuke’s head leaning against hers. Not only that, but Sakura froze as she realized her hand was entwined with Sasuke’s between them. The moment was fragile, and Sakura almost cried of joy and then heartbreak as it shattered when Sasuke responded to her shifting.
The weight of his head on hers lifted and Sakura tried not to grab desperately at him to keep him from moving. Instead, Sakura pivoted her eyes to his as his sleep faded and realization appeared on his face.
Sasuke released her hand and stood hurriedly, saying nothing despite how Sakura’s heart wanted answers. She wanted to know if this moment was genuine or if she had been the one to hold onto him in her sleep. Sakura wanted to believe desperately that Sasuke had allowed himself to be transparent for just a moment and had secretly revealed his true feelings for her by holding her as she slept. Had that been the case? Was she being too optimistic? This wouldn’t be the first time their hands had touched. Had he been supporting her as a friend, or did he feel something more? She had to know.
“Sasuke,” she began, but he cut her off for the second time that night.
“Good. You’re awake. Let’s go.” He declared, hastily placing the finished chakra pills in an open travel container on the counter.  
Sakura stood then, heart racing and adrenaline pumping as she worked up the courage to come up behind him as he worked. She wasn’t going to confess this time. She was going to ask Sasuke if he had been confessing to her while she slept?
“Do you… love me?”
Sakura was almost certain that he stopped breathing altogether as he paused his task. The Uchiha took a minute to compose himself before exhaling. “When are you going to stop that?”
The statement was meant to be cold, but the fact that it came out so desperately low gave Sakura a rare feeling of hope despite the words. “When are you?” she responded calmly in a whisper.
“What?” he asked incredulously, finally turning to her.
She gradually took the last few steps between them and stood carefully in front of him. “When are you going to stop pretending that you have no feelings for me?”
Sakura expected a scoff, a ridicule, but what she got in return was painful fear in Sasuke’s usually expression-less eyes.
It was true, she realized. Sasuke did have feelings for her. There had been so many signs, but Sakura had been unsure about all of them until this very moment. But what had just passed between them was confirmation. Sakura almost lost her breath at the realization.
“You’re mistaken,” finally came the blunt retort, but it was too late.
Sakura was already closing the inches between them. Her fingers were already brushing his cheeks as she brought his face to hers. She hesitated. Just for a second. Just long enough for him to pull away from her. But Sasuke barely took a breath before Sakura touched her lips to his.
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unfortunatelysirius · 6 years ago
Prior Installments: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV 💟☼💟 PROMPT 💟☼💟 ☾ ¡Original! ☾ Remus Lupin and Y/N L/N have anonymously exchanged notes through a library table for over six months. When Sirius and James start meddling, will they put Remus’s love life in jeopardy or get the pot of lurve brewin’? 💟☼💟 A/N 💟☼💟 guess who’s back again my dudes?! hopefully i’ll be able to get out some more updates before school starts back on the eighth. i’m definitely banking on getting out the next updates of not your girlfriend and whispers in the dark! and hopefully, maybe a few requests ;) btw there’s only one more part in this series!! and after that, any extras will have to be requested! 💟☼💟 WORD COUNT 💟☼💟 2239 💟☼💟 TAG LIST 💟☼💟 @kapolisradomthoughts @rageofcaliban @saucyleftovers @bunnymother93 @siriuslyr5 @apareciumimagines @random-quartz @ruefulposts @teacupwizard @sunny-day15 @themissinghippogriff @bellawolfi @semifunctionalhomosapien @pinkettepoet @allwhocansee @theravenclawlover
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           When Y/N L/N walked into the common-room after a strenuous effort doing Astronomy homework in the library, she was not expecting to see James Potter and Lily Evans huddled together on the sofa. She stopped just inside from the Fat Lady’s portrait, eyebrows going up to the end of her forehead. “What the bloody hell…” she muttered.
         The pair of scheming oddballs snapped their heads in Y/N’s direction at the fine hearing of her utterance, and the smaller of the two went white with panic while the bespectacled prankster was just calmly lounging back. “Oh, uh, hi, Y/N!” said Lily, hand waving too frantically to be considered even remotely unsuspicious. “Fancy seeing you here… ha ha.”
         James was much more suave, throwing up a hand and charmingly saying, “’Ello, Y/N.”
         Y/N shook her head in confused exasperation, and instead of questioning the unlikely pair of partners-in-crime, she passed them by and went straight up the stairs that led to the girls’ dormitories.
         Meanwhile, Lily was staring—doe-eyed and white as a sheet—at James. “That was close,” she whispered.
         James just shook his head and laughed, putting on a game face when Lily’s stricken gaze went into a ruthless glare. “Alright, now where were we…”
-        -
The next day, Lily forced Y/N from bed, too excitable to be calmed by the groans and glowers she received from their fellow dorm-mates. “C’mon, it’s Gryffindor’s match against Ravenclaw!”
Y/N groggily opened her eyes, turning away from the opening of her curtains when she saw the light streaming through. “Since when are you… so excited about Quidditch?” Y/N groaned, peeping up from her pillow when she heard Lily giggle elatedly. Merlin’s beard, she must really fancy James for wanting to get up this early in the bloody morning, thought Y/N, unaware how very wrong she was.
         “Up, up, up!” Too drowsy to fight, and too annoyed to speak, Y/N allowed Lily to force her into a standing position. The redheaded girl grinned and turned Y/N around, using her wand to nonverbally fix Y/N’s wild mane of bed-induced frizz. In just minutes, Y/N’s hair was in perfect, bouncy curls. “Now get dressed!”
         Y/N was almost scared to voice her irritation for Lily’s morning high-maintenance, and merely allowed Lily to drag her to their shared closet, forced into an airy dress, fit with a cloak so that Y/N would stay warm in that day’s cold, crisp weather. Lily wrapped a Gryffindor scarf around her neck, and tossed a pair of heeled boots at her feet. “Put ‘em on!”
         “Yes, Mum,” mumbled Y/N with a roll of her eyes, on the very cusp of arguing, but knowing all effort was futile when in the face of Lily Evans. She grudgingly pulled on the wedges, went and brushed her teeth in their joint bathroom, then was yanked from the dorm, barely having a chance to grab her wand and satchel.
         “Are you excited for the game?” asked Lily, grinning at Y/N’s lost face. “I know you weren’t planning on going, but… I couldn’t resist! I wouldn’t want to sit alone, you know.”
         “You could always have shared a seat with Remus!” Y/N barked. She wasn’t much of a morning person. “I wanted to sleep in today.”
         “Oh, quit whining,” said Lily, dragging Y/N into the Great Hall. Without skipping a beat, she added, “Wouldn’t you rather be the one to sit beside Remus, anyhow?”
         “I really can’t stand you sometimes.” Of course, Y/N was joking, but she hated the thought that bloody Lily knew who she fancied. Now she faced torment and teasing every day from the girl, as well as from Marlene, Mary, and Alice. It was quite humiliating, honestly.
         The two reached the Gryffindor table, and Y/N couldn’t help but notice that the only open seats were two between Sirius and Remus. Lily released Y/N’s hand and plopped down beside Sirius. That left Y/N no choice but to walk slowly and sit beside Remus… and the two shared a fleeting glance that left them both looking away, cheeks tinted red.
         It was only a few minutes of them all sitting in silence before James burst into the Great Hall, already clad in his Quidditch uniform. “Ready for the most humiliating loss of the season, birds?” called James to the Ravenclaws mockingly, before he was forcing a kid to move at the Gryffindor table, sitting across from Sirius and the rest. He caught Remus’s embarrassed gaze and grinned, winking at him. But really, unbeknownst to Remus, that wink was meant to trigger the second step in his and Lily’s plan…
         “Hey, Y/N,” said Lily suddenly. “I think I left something in the library yesterday. You fancy going with me to get it before the game?”
         A look of apprehension crossed Y/N’s face, but she didn’t like the idea of Lily going alone, so she nodded along. “Of course, yeah.”
         Remus starred hard at James from his seat, wondering if this was all some ploy of James’s that somehow now involved Lily. James blinked innocently in response, causing Remus to drop his head into the table with a loud groan.
         Shooting Remus a concerned glance, Y/N hardly had the chance to ask if he was alright. Lily pulled her right up and forced her to start walking.
         “What the hell are you doing, Prongs?” hissed Remus when they were out of earshot, his glare so vicious that James nearly wet himself with fear.
         “Ahahaha… nothing, of course.”
         Remus groaned, yet again, looking so stress-induced that Sirius had the audacity to pat his back. All he got in response was a hard shove, and the puppy-like teenager was falling from the bench with a loud yelp.
         “Bloody mongrel,” grumbled Sirius. All Remus had to do was pretend-lunge at him, and the boy was shutting right up.
         Meanwhile—minutes later—Lily and Y/N arrived at the library. Lily, putting on a front so Y/N wouldn’t grow suspicious, swooped underneath the nearest table and began to frantically pat the ground as she looked for this mysterious object. A tad bit irritated, Y/N thought to do the same, but did the table nearest the fiction section.
         Y/N mindlessly patted the ground, not even looking where she was going as she crawled from beneath the table. She knew she looked a right idiot searching for something she didn’t even know the appearance of, but frankly, she didn’t give a damn. After all, how hard could it possibly be to find something that didn’t belong in a library? Unless it was a book—then the two of them would really be deep in trouble…
         “I can’t find it!” Lily whisper-shouted. “Can you look over by the restricted section? Please? I think I may have sat there yesterday!”
         Grumbling obscenities under her breath, Y/N begrudgingly did as told… and found her head whacking something flimsy and papery. “Ouch!” she squeaked, hand smacking against her forehead as she rubbed where the offending object had made contact. Finding no bumps or marks, she then reached out that same hand beside her. She found herself grasping a piece of parchment. “What the…”
         “Find anything?” Lily said from across the ways.
         Y/N didn’t respond. Her heart beating wildly, she slowly undid the tape keeping the folded halves shut, and unraveled the note. She found herself faced with the same note she wrote to her pen-pal just a few days ago.  “What the…”
         There was a hastily-scribbled P.S. on the back, she found—and it was not what she expected in the slightest—
         I know who you are. And maybe you know who I am. Here’s a clue.
         Right underneath the barely-legible words was three surprisingly-remarkable drawing. One was of a fifth-year report card, complete with straight O’s and E’s. Second was a drawing of Peeves, holding a bucket of water balloons. And the last drawing was of two beautiful hazel-brown eyes… two hauntingly familiar hazel-brown eyes…
         Y/N gasped. Her hand went limp, and with it went the note, free-falling like a feather until it gently knocked into her exposed knee. “Oh, bloody Merlin…”
         If she didn’t have a bad feeling about today already, now her gut was a pot bubbling with unrest. The words and the drawings were too startling for her to realize the handwriting wasn’t even a remote match to her pen-pal’s amorously neat scrawl.
         Her pen-pal was Remus bloody Lupin, and he knew exactly who she was.
       💟☼💟 💟☼💟 💟☼💟 💟☼💟
      “Lily, I don’t have a good feeling about this,” said Y/N hurriedly. After finding that indeed, Lily hadn’t forgotten anything the day before and the whole trip was both a waste of energy and of thought, Y/N spent the entire excursion back trying to convince her friend not to make her go. She didn’t know if she could face Remus without breaking out into hives and fainting. Bloody hell! She thought she’d been betraying the bloke by crushing on an anonymous pen-pal, but really, they were the same bloody person! Who would have thought this to be possible? And Lily was not aware (at least to her extent of knowledge, which wasn’t very far) of Y/N’s months-long writing expedition, so really, she had no one to turn to with this sudden revelation besides the beholder of revelation himself.
         And Y/N didn’t feel like embarrassing the fuck out of herself when she’d done just that the other day, during that dreadful session of Veritaserum—wait.
         Y/N came to a screeching halt in the middle of the corridor, ignoring Lily’s bemused expression. “Bloody fucking hell!” cursed the girl, throwing her hands into the air in frustration. “I did it to myself… fuck. Bloody Sirius and his stupid half-arsed questions about books!”
         “What are you talking about?” asked Lily, looking a bit wary of her friend’s insane-sounding rant.
         With Lily’s interruption, Y/N immediately sobered up. She forced her expression back down into a nervous one, and just shook her head. “A-Ah, nothing… nothing, of course.”
         Lily raised an eyebrow, but secretly, she was smirking. She knew exactly what had the short-tempered Gryffindor in such a tizzy. But would she reveal her cards before the real fun even had the chance to begin? Obviously not. “Oh, okay… well, let’s get going! The match starts soon, and I’d prefer good seats, ya know.”
         “To see James the best?” Y/N forced a smile, forced her mind to stop with the persistent thoughts of Remus, Remus, Remus, as she nudged the redhead’s shoulder.
         Lily suddenly looked cross, but only for a simple moment. She was back to grinning as she chirped, “No, so you can sit beside Remus! Knowing Sirius, all his bloody fans will flock to his corner, so it may be hard to find a seat near them, as you know—“
         “I don’t want to sit with Remus!” Y/N blurted out.
         This had Lily halting in the middle of the corridor, turning to look at her friend with a bemused, outraged expression. “You don’t?” she hissed. “How in Merlin’s name are you going to get together if you keep avoiding your crush, Y/N?”
         “We just won’t, then, I guess,” the embarrassed girl said, looking away from Lily as shame arose in her stomach. Lily Evans sure had a way of making anyone and everyone feel bad about themselves. “I just—I don’t want to make a fool of myself!” Translation: I don’t want to let it slip that I know he knows!
         Lily giggled. “You’re being dramatic.”
         “No, I’m being perfectly reasonable.”
         “Oh, darling, you passed that mark the moment you decided to fancy a Marauder,” Lily said seriously, before yanking on Y/N’s hand. The girl came flopping forward, a frown on her face; of course, Lily chose to ignore her pal’s obvious unwillingness, and focused on the plan. With that, she pulled Y/N all the way to the Quidditch pitch.
         Sirius was sitting at the front of the Gryffindor-supportive bleacher, alongside his fellow Marauders (sans one James Potter), and he rose a hand when he saw Y/N and Lily arrive at the stands. “Over here!” he called, using said hand to wave them over.
         Lily smiled, while Y/N tried to ignore Remus’s gaze. The bloke was looking at her! How come she never noticed that ever since that day in Potions, he was always staring at her? Had she contracted some sort of disease that made her oblivious to all and any things obvious? Merlin’s beard! She was becoming dense.
         “Hello, Sirius! Hello, Remus! Hello, Peter!” Lily chirped when the two of them finally got to their station. As a reaction to Lily’s surprising acknowledgment to the three of them, Sirius waved, Remus frowned, and Peter mumbled, “Hi, Lily.” It was weird, how they all seemed to know something Y/N didn’t, and she supposed that maybe they did. Remus obviously didn’t realize that Y/N now knew the extent of his own knowledge, so that was something she definitely had the upper-hand on. Not that she wanted the upper-hand. Quite frankly, she wished she was still oblivious.
         Then she wouldn’t care to overanalyze the emotions behind Remus’s gaze.
         And with Lily choosing her seat beside Peter, leaving Y/N no choice but to sit between Remus and Sirius, something fishy seemed to be going on… And it made Y/N wonder if all four of the people sitting around her were perfectly aware of what was happening.
         Y/N sighed. This was going to be a long, long game.
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magical-awesome-kid · 8 years ago
Allergic Interaction
Inspired by @edorazzi‘s BEAUTIFUL little OCs Amun and Carter and all of their antics, Miraculous’ titular character Chat Noir AKA Adrien and his affliction with feathers, and my recent jackpot of allergies. Enjoy!
Also found on AO3.
           Amun would say his luck with the accursed food was dismal at best.
           Hazelnuts, as he learned since his revival, were not, in fact, cursed but some sort of chemical thing, as Angelo put it, caused him to have a reaction in his immune system. Since his internal organs had recently been re-growing, that meant that former hives evolved into far worse reactions when exposed to the fatal nut.
           His luck was dismal because, even after learning of this and learning enough English reading to avoid it, they were in France, and, therefore, French was written everywhere. Amun hadn’t even thought to ask someone to read it to him - he knew the language of French but not how to read it - when he’d eaten that chocolate bar offered to him by one of the clerks at the museum.
           If not for Angelo’s quick grab for the Epinephrine pen upon seeing Amun go red and begin to wobble from dizziness, this might have been his second death.
           As it was, Amun was now sitting in a Parisian hospital an hour after arrival. They’d managed to easily stabilize him and get him mostly back to normal. “Mostly” because he had weird heart palpitations and only half the number of lungs he should have. Professor Carter and Angelo had escorted the doctor out about twenty minutes back to try to explain it away with various “disorders” that he had causing such things, but Amun would put his gold on the language barrier holding them up.
           He sighed, still bored as he played with the bed sheets and cords sticking to his chest and registering his heart rate. The room he was in was nice, somewhere situated in the ER but close to the allergy wing. It had two beds, one of which Amun was stuck in for another two hours to make sure he didn’t slip back into anaphylactic shock. Honestly, the only thing he wanted to slip into was his sarcophagus to sleep another couple thousand years.
           When the door opened, Amun looked up hoping to see a familiar Carter face, but instead a nurse and a boy with blonde hair in a wheel chair came in. The blonde, who was handsome by most standards, was likely Amun’s age (minus the whole, you know, death and revival thing), and he gave off an edge of magic (the undead teen could always sense background magic - it was an apparent thing going from school, surrounded by the stuff, and home, where it was just the leftover specks from his earlier presence).
           The most noticeable thing, though, was that his skin was covered in hives and welts.
           The boy was put into the opposing bed and hooked up to an IV as a second nurse closed the divider shade. Amun could lightly see through as they administered medication and seemed to help him change into the hospital gowns. They were all speaking French quickly - mostly the adults asking medical questions and the teen answering, before the elders left with a word that a doctor would be by soon and, if something was wrong, hit the red button.
           Then, silence.
           Amun fiddled with his sheets once more. Should he say something? Was that appropriate? Gosh darn it, he was just getting used to AMERICAN social norms let alone French ones…
           “Uh, hello?” A soft yet rough voice called from the curtain as Amun looked over. “Uh, kid on the other side? You don’t happen to have the TV remote, do you?”
           Amun blinked before processing the words. “There’s… a TV in here?” He returned in French.
           There was some shuffling before the curtain pulled back. A tired blonde - now with IV and scrubs as well as being COVERED in some sort of cream - smiled back. “Yeah, it’s right there.” He pointed to a dark corner Amun had previously not paid enough attention to. Sure enough, a small flat screen lay there.
           “Ah… Oh Ra that would have made the first hour so much more bearable.” He bemoaned.
           The kid chuckled. “I know the feeling. I’ve been in this wing enough times to know the drill. Allergies?”
           “Yes, to the accursed hazelnut.” Amun returned as he sought out the remote. He spotted it on a table on the opposite side of his bed to the other teen. “What about you?”
           “Feathers. Or, well, feathers by pigeon barrage.” The boy made a face as he was offered the electric controller. “Thanks. Got any preferences? Or do you want me to mute it?”
           “Honestly, I’ll watch anything. And, please, do leave the noise on.” Amun smiled as the boy flipped on a cartoon show. “I am Amun, by the way, Amun Carter.” He offered a hand with his name. As part of Monster High’s “interesting” offerings, they’d established a legal personhood for the undead boy when he’d enrolled, including things like birth certificate and passport. Amun’s full name was used as his first while “Carter” had been chosen for his last.
           The boy turned back before offering a hand himself. “Adrien Agreste. You’re not from around here, are you?”
           Amun chuckled as he settled back. The cartoon was one he and Angelo had watched before - a “Ben Tenyson” alien show - though this was an old episode. “Yes, I am from… ah, well, Egypt and America. How could you tell?”
           “You have a really unique accent.” Adrien returned. “Egypt and America, huh? That’s got to be one unique story.”
           “Oh, like you wouldn’t believe…” Amun trailed off.
           Now it was Adrien’s turn to chuckle. “This is Paris, dude. Unless you can top spandex heroes and pigeon villains, I assure you your story can’t be that bad.”
           The ancient teen opened his mouth, ready to retort, when the words processed. “Wait, heroes??? Villains??? Like, on the TV?”
           “Wow, where have you been?”
           “Lost to the sands of Giza for thousands of years.”
           Adrien barked a laugh at the truth, taking it as falsehood even with Amun’s complete seriousness. “Well, this isn’t thousands of years old, but magical heroes and villains did start showing up here about a year ago. It’s kind of become our new normal for Chat Noir and Ladybug to come save the day whenever a monster is afoot.”
           Amun’s curiosity was perked as he ignored the show to press Adrien for more about these magical beings. Adrien was in his element as he sang the praises of the city’s heroes - especially Ladybug - and shown all the videos and articles from the Ladyblog using his phone. Apparently, that’s how he ended up here in the first place. An “akuma,” as they called it, had attacked the city using pigeons (again), and, while the heroes had stopped it and undone the damage, Adrien had been swept into a flock of birds and feathers after the spell on them had broken. The result was a massive allergic reaction and a trip to the ER.
           Amun bit his tongue, but, man, these teen heroes would have fit right in at Monster High. After all, magic and crazy powers? Evil villains? It was like another Tuesday for the mummy boy.
           “Fascinating. You know, I think I read somewhere that there was a magical red lady of luck in ancient times as well in Egypt.” Amun mentioned as he offered the phone back. Vaguely, he began to recall one of the bedtime stories his mother passed to him before her death. “Her and her partner, the night cat. She was of the burning heat and he the restful night. They protected the Nile from all who dare poison her life-giving waters. They were legionnaires of the gods.”
           Adrien’s eyes blew wide. “Seriously? Where’d you hear that?”
           “My mother told me stories… long ago.” He smiled fondly as he remembered her. “She passed when I was ten sol- ah, about ten years old.” He explained. “My adoptive uncle looked into her stories at one point and thinks there is evidence to it, like how the Sphinx was supposed to be a memorium to them both.”
           Adrien’s eyes, if possible, popped wider before they took in all the words. “That’s amazing but… I’m sorry about your mom.”
           “Thank you.” Amun returned genuinely. While many remembered him as the illegitimate son of a pharaoh, his mother was the one who truly raised him. Not since her passing had anyone given their condolences. “But she is in the afterlife on her journey through the underworld, and her heart was always lighter than air. I know that she is fine.”
           Adrien’s smile grew larger but somehow sadder. “I like that sentiment. My mom… my mom disappeared a little over two years ago, so I always try to keep her close to my heart, wherever she is.”
           The topic shifted then from tales of magic to that of mothers. Amun spun grand stories of a mother and child chasing through grand halls and playing simple games though she always cheated in the most ridiculous ways once Amun proved he was well and good at the games. Adrien, in turn, painted the mural of a loving, doting mother who taught him about life’s beauty and a love for knowledge and the world of science, who encouraged his pursuits wherever they took him, even if it ruined his designer clothes and drove his father mad.
           When the door was opened once more, the two teens were laughing just as a third entered. His dark black and blue hair was an instant recognition to Amun, who smiled in return. “Angelo! Where have you been?”
           Angelo raised an eyebrow as he stood tall. “Uh… what are you saying?”
           Amun realized that he was still speaking French and blushed. “Sorry.” He returned in English. “Forgot which language I was in.”
           “I do that sometimes when I get caught up.” Adrien grinned as he added in English.
           Amun spun around. “You speak English?”
           Adrien shrugged as he itched one of the badges that covered the worst of the warts. It was only now that Amun noted how most of the irritation had gone down or vanished altogether. “Enough not to totally sound like a moron.” He looked to the new entry. “Hi, my name is Adrien.”
           “…Angelo.” The American boy returned unsurely.
           Amun continued ignoring his boyfriend’s friend’s hesitance. “He and I are now… what did you call it? ‘Hospital allergy anime buddies?’ Well, he’s in here for allergies, too. I did not know birds could be cursed like this!”
           Adrien chuckled at Amun’s enthusiasm over their shared ailments. “I’m just glad this stuff is working.” He waved his hand around, skin noticeably more clearer now. “My father would have a fit if my skin and health were in jeopardy.”
           Angelo stared at Adrien longer. “Uh, have I seen you somewhere before? You look… you look very familiar somehow.”
           “He kind of resembles Bastet, I think.” Amun noted as he sensed the boy’s magic once more. “Very cat-like.”
           The blonde’s face was somewhere between guarded, humorous, and completely confused. “I… don’t know how to take that.”
           “Compliment.” The American answered as he pulled up a chair. “Being compared to an Egyptian God is always a compliment in Amun’s book. By the way, Amun, the doc said you could be out in about an hour. They had some concerns about the… you know…” Angelo vaguely gestured to his abdomen. “But the great Professor Carter has saved the day once more.”
           The mummy boy scratched his bed shirt (and under wrappings, which were still used as his skin had yet to knit itself back together fully even as his internal organs began to grow back) at the gesture. “I still do not understand why it is such a big deal.”
           The blue and black haired boy rolled his eyes. “And THIS is why I think you’ve spent too much time with Cloe.”
           The door swung open as a doctor and two nurses came in followed by a woman in a fashionable suit. The Carter boys looked in confusion as Adrien had full recognition on his face. “Natalie?”
           “Hello Adrien.” She nodded, ignoring the other teenage occupants of the room. “This is Doctor Danvers. He’s going to transfer you to another, private room for a full evaluation. Your father is attempting to return to the city now from his distribution house, but traffic is appalling post attack.”
           Adrien nodded and looked to the two boys. Natalie had, of course, spoken in French, so while Amun had understood her, Angelo was at a loss. “So, I’m getting transferred around, but it was great talking to you guys!” He smiled brightly. “Hey, you guys want to exchange numbers or something? If you’re still in the city for a few days, maybe we can hang out.”
           Natalie frowned at the boy’s words. “Adrien, you are very busy…”
           Amun ignored the woman as he cheered. “YES! We would love to talk on the fee-one.”
           “Phone. Cell.” Angelo corrected, Amun still occasionally having issues with modern technical terms even with his year spent reanimated in the modern time. Angelo, in turn, pulled around a backpack that had been hidden behind Amun’s chair. The teen rummaged around past English reading books (mostly for elementary school readers as Amun was still learning English) and found a notebook and pen. He quickly scribbled down a number and an email address before tearing the page and handing it to the Parisian teen. “Amun doesn’t have an international plan so just text me. That’s Amun’s email, though, “[email protected],” if you want to contact him directly.”
           “You know, I’ve always wanted a pen pal!” Amun grinned at Adrien even as the Nurses began to move his bed out. “Don’t forget to contact us, alright?”
           Adrien gave a thumbs up. “I’ll make fur to do! Cat’s honor!”
           As the door closed behind the blonde, he heard a belly-splitting laugh and a snort, and the boy couldn’t have been more happy as he clutched the note to his chest. He’d made a new friend, and it was awesome.
           It wasn’t until Adrien was alone, though, that Plagg flew out from his shirt pocket, having hidden there since they’d been hauled off to the hospital. “Man, that kid reeked.”
           “Plagg! That’s rude!”
           “He reeked of the dead, kid.”
           “Do I need to spell it out? He was a mummy. Undead being of Egypt. The magic was all over him. Now, were’s my cheese.”
           “Wait, WHAT???”
           “You know, I think Adrien would fit in well at Monster High.”
           “Why do you say that?”
           “I don’t know. He has a weird magic about him, like Catrine and Meowlody.”
           “So… Cat kid?”
           “Cat kid.”
           Angelo shrugged as he pulled out his iPod. “Honestly, a French Monster High would be more believable then all this about heroes and villains. Want a listen?”
           Amun accepted the offered earbud. “Oh, I don’t know. Did I ever tell you the story of the Red Lady Luck and her partner the Night Cat?”
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trolloled · 3 years ago
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=> You nod, tucking your rifle under your arm again as you realise now’s a great time to be taking down some notes. You’ve grumbled at enough of your co-workers for not submitting reports up to your standards and following recordkeeping policies, so it’d look real bad on you if you also weren’t thorough. 
oLLd furniture and some cLLocks
got it
and sure
a thief couLLd theoreticaLLLLy steaLL everything
but theyd have to be reaLL motivated
itd take muLLtipLLe trips to remove everything
and if theyre not a highbLLood wouLLd require someone to heLLp them LLift things
so teLLLL me mr not robot man
how wouLLd a team of troLLLLs be abLLe to systematicaLLLLy remove an entire room packed fuLLLL of furniture without you knowing
and from the fourth fLLoor to boot
=> You point your pen at him, as if you were passing over a microphone for him to answer.
or is this the third or the fifth ive LLost count how many staircases ive waLLked up
anyway what im saying is you got something eLLse causing your things to vanish
considering these three rooms are identicaLL
is distorting the very space of your hive and prevening us from entering the correct room
actuaLLLLy brainwave
iLLLL stay in this room
then you cLLose the door and open one of the other doors into the identicaLL room and weLLLL see if im still there
=> You acknowledge that sounds absolutely insane to anyone who hasn’t had any experience investigating something truly supernatural, but you really have to trust he’ll actually attempt it. And then you have to trust that your new brainwave is actually leading you down the right path. Well, if you’re wrong then you just know to rule out “reality-warping entity residing in the building” as one of your possible conclusions, and he’ll probably feel vindicated or something. Whatever helps him go into sleep mode at night.
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“/\/Did you get a concussion that was not by mmmy hand? Forget what fetch mmmodii are?“
“/\/While it is true they are cummmbersommme to use with large objects, that does not mmmake themmm immmpossible to use for stealing furniture. This reduces your 'teammm' back to one troll.”
> You try to avoid using yours to move anything too big. Fetch modii get twitchy if they have to store anything above a certain size. You’re pretty sure a good chunk can’t do it at all, but by that same token you know that some specialized versions can.
“/\/Oh, right, I forgot. I'mmm talking to a mmmajor psych case study. Sure, obviously we are caught in a physically immmpossible distortion of all known laws of timmme and space.“
“/\/If only to prove you're an idiot, I'll do so.“
> You straighten yourself up again, then march back out of the room while they enter it. Then you shut the door immediately behind them with as much lack of tact as possible that didn’t require actually slamming it (which would likely have broken it off its hinges).
> You move to the first identical door and open it. You see an empty room and roll your eyes.
> You move to the other door and open it. Another empty room. Eye roll.
> You go back to the original door, opening it.
“/\/As I thought, you...“
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> The room is empty. You stick your head in and look all the way around, including the ceiling. For good measure, you flicker back to infrared just in case this person somehow had a mobile cloaking generator, but all you see is air.
> You cough. Then you close the door again. You wait five minutes. Then you open it again. Now they’re in the room once more.
“ /\/...Okay, how did you do that? I can see across mmmultiple spectrummms, so you had to leave this roommm to be gone frommm it. Very funny. Haha.“
> Before it was just spiteful, now your tone has inflections of genuine curiosity - and even more irritation at the obvious prank going on here.
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arplis · 5 years ago
Arplis - News: Modern Keep Bees Away
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17 .. 2547 Rings off the hook, said Mr. Mills, a former probation officer who now . Mr. Sklaroff, who keeps bees as a hobby, said he is rarely stung more. Mostif not allof the hundreds of different species of native beeslike . I heard the discourse on painting porch ceilings light blue to keep wasps away. Explore Marilyn Bebensees board keep bees away on Pinterest. . Painting a porch ceiling blue can keep away bees, wasps, spiders, gnats by fooling them. Paint your porch ceiling blue to prevent bees and wasps from nesting! It looks like the . Keeps away bees/wasps, plus it is so beautiful and. More information. Yesterday I removed this hive from the ceiling of a Palmwoods home. . On other jobs this isnt possible and she will keep moving away from the action right to. 15 .. 2562 Thickness: Bees tend to be pretty plump in the middle, while wasps and you may hire to possibly have to cut through walls, floors, and ceilings to gain access. . How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering?
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8 .. 2558 6 Natural Ways to Keep the Bees Away. Cucumber peel Cucumber peel is great for keeping bees away from specific, small areas. Peppermint Bees want to avoid the smell of peppermint in the areas and plants they hang around. Cinnamon Spreading cinnamon in areas that bees frequent is a great way to drive them off. There are several ways to get rid of bees in and around your home. Just a . Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. If you dont want to. 15 .. 2562 For this reason, you should arrange for a professional to deal with the. . They usually dont use home structures to build their nests but are sometimes found in roofs, How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering? 23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! Patti Huck July 23, Long grass can house ground nests. Be careful. 12 .. 2559 Best Ways to Keep Bees Away from Your Summer Picnic. Play keep-away. Unlike mosquitoes, bees are not attracted to the smell of humans but rather to the sweet scents of their perfume, hair products, lotion, and deodorant. Practice the art of disguise. Cover up. Bait and switch. Set a simply dressed table. Do a little . 11 .. 2560 Everybody knows how important bees are for the ecosystem but we have to agree that sometimes theyre a bit irritating. If you want to spend. Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . hmm might be worth a try. Your DIY Bug Repellent Guide to Common Household Pests hoping I dont need . Thankfully havent had to deal with roaches. Keep Fleas. 19 .. 2558 Bees & wasps have a habit of nesting in houses & usually show in multitudes . Find out more on how to keep bees away from your home. . dedicated, professional company which offers a complete pest control service. North America alone is home to more than 4,000 kinds of bees, and there are . This DIY trap offers a no-kill solution, so youll have to check the trap daily and . to keep bees away while using items you may already have inside your house.
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There are many great ways to keep wasps and bees away from your pool so you . Keeping hornets, yellow jackets and paper wasps away from a swimming. All bees, including sweat bees need to search and collect water. They will use whatever water source is nearby, even pools. Sweat bees can become a pest,. 2 .. 2560 Bees in a pool area are likely just looking to quench their thirst, whereas wasps may be attracted to the smell. Therefore, the best ways to keep wasps and bees away are by making your pool less attractive to them. This can be done by using natural repellents, deterrents, and traps for relocation. 20 .. 2561 A dip in your pool is often a great way to spend those hot summer days, but nothing can ruin a good time faster than a sharp sting from a wasp. 8 .. 2558 And, luckily, there are easy, natural solutions to keep bees away from . Its a win-win situation you wont have to deal with buzzing around. 12 .. 2557 Warm up a tired or wet bee and get her or him buzzing again! . Honey bee mites are far larger by comparison it would be like one of us . If you consistently find yourself rescuing bees from pools of water Victoria says:. 6 .. 2561 Bees are the bane of pool parties, backyard barbecues and summertime soirees outdoors. . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . Kathy Adams is an award-winning writer. 20 .. 2560 Thirsty bees are diving into swimming pools, but you can help save them. . Tracie Byerley found them on a hot afternoon outside her Te Atat.
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19 .. 2561 Safe, easy tips to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders without . water, it becomes contaminated and less attractive to hummingbirds. 7 Natural Ways to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. Choose red saucer feeders. Attach an ant moat. Hang feeders with fishing line. Slip nectar guard tips over hummingbird feeder holes. Periodically move the feeders. Hang a few fake wasps nests. Plant bee- and hummingbird-friendly food sources. . of bees. This is a guide about keeping bees out of your hummingbird feeder. . Article: Keeping Bees Away from a Hummingbird Feeder. By EllenB A good layer of petroleum jelly around the pole or mount keeps ants away pretty well. How to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. hornet The biggest problem we face each year is that our resident hornets also want some of that nice,. A feeder with too many bugs becomes contaminated and can keep hummers away. . safe strategies to keep bees, wasps, and ants away from hummingbird feeders, . guards or flower accents and your feeder will be less attractive to insects. The Complete Directory for Rearing Fowls, Pigeons, Rabbits, Bees, and Other Small . intention, and probably will centinue to differ until the bird himself shall declare it. Some say it is for their light; others that they feed upon these insects. . I shall describe each sort of Pigeons particularly, that these beautiful birds may be. FLY-C A evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . on his back with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, . if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his friend,. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his . or, if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his . Besides insects, they feed. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, and continuing the . There is one bird, however, which, by its superior rapidity of flight, is sometimes . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, but.
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Paramount Studios. Suddenly it all made sense to me, or so I thought at the time. . I no bee actor, say-nyor. . I put away until we get to Paramount. Ees plenty. I felt so ugly and disoriented inside, but somehow I had to keep going for this beautiful . Bee Fabulous Moments love reminded me in my moments of pain with my . Daily bible scriptures, pop in meetings and a phone call or a text away if I. I keep bees for honey. We try to be . Fabulous Food Recipes This site is . You can create the most fabulous food without slaving away for hours in the kitchen. Dont feel sorry for me. We all end up six . Keep burning those fabulous fossil fuels thats what I say. Im so jealous of . I swipe a bee away from my leg. Well . Feb 24, 2019- Explore Julie Walkers board Bee Fabulous on Pinterest. . Bible verse.you would not believe how much this verse has helped me through things. Yellow Orange, Save The Bees, Blueberry, Shades Of Yellow, Color Yellow, Ephemera Free Printable~ Bee Tag great for giving away home-grown honey. Asheville Bee Charmer: Fabulous See 111 traveler reviews, 43 candid photos, . Save. Review Highlights. Honey tasting! I used to hate honey as a kid until I . awesome, one-of-a-kind store during a food tour and was totally blown away. I gave one of the girls a strand of my green beads and she gave me a bee pin! 9 .. 2561 Whew! Its been a busy week since launching the website! You lovely people have kept me incredibly busy with your orders and Ive been. 12 .. 2535 EDINA (CONTD): Patsy can put it away cant she, sweetie? Oh God! . And not any old bloody bee, but the bloody Gucci of bees, darling. This is the stuff. . Hmm ??? Now, if youll excuse me Im going to go and get dressed.
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23 .. 2556 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. If possible, set out the bee bait 20 minutes or so before you begin your picnic. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away from your campsite. . Therefore, when you are planning your trip, you might consider . they will be attracted to the sweet fragrance from your picnic food. or. 12 .. 2559 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. 20 .. 2560 Keep Bees Away From Your Picnic. Pick a location away from trash cans, pools of water, and tall grass. All of these naturally attract bees. Moth balls are an effective bee repellent. Avoid using bright colors or bold colors for your picnic cloth. Bees dislike the scent of cloves, cucumbers, and marigolds. Keep a close . Home Made Wasp Repellant Keeping wasps away from your outdoor activities can be a challenge. For those who are allergic to their sting, they can be life. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. . The best wasp/yellowjacket repellant for summer picnics: 2 ounces of mint extract. What is the best way to picnic without bees checking out what youre eating? 936 Views How do you get rid of flies outside, naturally? 1,407 Views. 13 .. 2561 Choose a picnic location away from areas that attract bees. . If youre planning to set down a tablecloth for a patio dinner, make sure that the. 8 .. 2558 But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? . This means its time to start planning for how to keep bees and other.
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fact that clove oil will keep bees and wasps and flies away while eating outside. Needed is a small dish, lace a rock & drop a couple of drops of clove oil on it,. clove studded lemon Repel Flies, Flies Repellent Outdoor, Insect Repellent, Fruit Fly . How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Wasp Deterrent, Note: To protect the beautiful paint work, spray fairy garden pieces with a. Keep wasps & bees away >> Put about 10 cloves (cut off the ends so they sit flat) in a lemon & set . it and hang it above an entrance/patio door and it will prevent the yellow jacket wasps from entering . It looks old and new and beautiful. 28 .. 2560 Luckily, there are a few solid things you can do to keep them away from your cookout. Watch out for nests. Rethink the flowers near your patio. Dont wear bee attractors. Keep the food inside. Dont swing at a bee thats flying by! 11 .. 2560 A great way to make bees go away from small areas is using Cucumber Peels. If you open a window to enjoy the beautiful summer and a bee. As you can see, you dont want bees sticking around in your backyard especially if theyre Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. And as a nice bonus, youll have a beautiful-looking lawn all season long. 28 .. 2561 If you want to deter bees, remember to keep an eye on weeds . possible to have a beautiful garden full of flowers that dont unduly attract bees . outskirts of your lawn and garden, well away from a house, pool, deck, or patio,. 2 .. 2561 Outdoor weddings are beautiful, but one invited guest could ruin the . suggests placing a few underneath ceremony seats to keep bees at bay.
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11 .. 2560 To keep them away from you, vanilla extract is a great solution. Just mix a tablespoon of vanilla extract or baby oil in water and apply it on your body when you are at a bee frequent area. Baby powder is another solution to keep bees away. . So use only natural products for the betterment of both you and the bees. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay. Deterring Bees with Natural Materials So, consider putting a few peppermint plants or cinnamon sticks around your picnic area or outdoor patio. You can also keep bees away by chopping up a clove of garlic and letting it soak before for a few days in a glass of water. 28 .. 2562 In this article, we will explore ways to keep bees away from your house. . natural bee deterring methods that will repel rather than kill the bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do . swimming pool and how to keep bees away using home remedies. . Eucalyptus, spearmint, thyme citronella and wormwood are all-natural wasp repellants. 23 .. 2556 Theyre pretty, and they naturally repel bees and other bugs. They find the scent unpleasant. How to Keep Bees Away from your Next Outdoor. 15 Fast Ways to Get Rid of Bees Effectively (Kill or Repel Them Naturally). + 12. Solitary Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away . as red and brown will look like natural predators and will provoke bees,. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps Here are some ways to deter wasps from.
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8 .. 2561 To keep bees and wasps away so you can work in the garden or yard, try dabbing tea tree oil on your clothing. A little around the bottom of your. 6 .. 2561 Instead of killing them, get rid of them by using natural repellents or, in worst-case scenarios, calling for . What Essential Oils Repel Bees . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . If allergic to any of the oils or their associated plants, dont use that particular oil. 8 Essential Oils to Repel Bees and Wasps. Tea Tree Essential Oil. It is one of the most popular essential oils. Peppermint Essential Oil. Almond Essential Oil. Eucalyptus Essential Oil. Orange Essential Oil. Citronella Essential Oil. Cedarwood Essential Oil. Essential Oil Blend. Discover ideas about Essential Oil Bug Spray. Use this DIY essential oil bee repellent spray to repel bees! . How to keep mice away. Ive included all there is to know about doTERRA grapefruit essential oil uses including DIY & food. Add drops of peppermint and drops lemongrass oils. Spray where Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events . Keep Bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do about bees around . As with bees, there are essential oils that can repel wasps. . While many of the suggestions above involve professional help or buying. 7 .. 2562 With a few precautions, you should be able to keep bees away from your . Catnip essential oil has been shown to be effective at driving away bees and . was small and may or may not have included Africanized honey bees. 29 .. 2560 8 Genius Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps & Keep Them Away . that in 1993 alone, an estimated 80,000 children were involved in common household pesticide-related . Plant Therapy are our favorite brand of essential oils and you can purchase all of the oils 10 Brilliant Ways You Can Help Save The Bees. For more information on how to use your essential oils to keep a pest free, . Honey bees give off various pheromones to attract, distract or repel other bees,. Get rid of wasp naturally, from wasp nest removal, homemade traps, natural sprays and recipes, for dealing . Like wasps, most types of bees will leave you alone if you leave them alone. . If they see you, they will drive you away by swarming you and stinging you. Essential oils are also handy wasp and insect repellents.
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23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! a complete summer ensemble out of them, complete with a cute little. 12 .. 2559 1. Play keep-away. Avoid bee attention by wearing unscented products. Use an insect repellent to mask the scents. Natural repellents use citrus, mint, and eucalyptus oils. Dryer sheets also make effective insect repellents: tuck one in your pocket if youre hiking or place a few under your picnic blanket. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, I am sharing how you can remove wasp nests in only 2 steps without hiring a. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. What color clothes you should avoid. Lots of info! Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . USA spider chart- identify the spider you were bitten by to figure out if its venomous. I HATE. How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Keep them away by putting about 10 cloves in 1/2 lemon. They dont . 13 Amazing Things You Could Do With Lemons We Bet You Never Knew. Get Rid Of . Lovely Home. See more. 14 .. 2560 How can you enjoy natures beauty without attracting every buzzing bee in a 10-mile . Plants That Will Keep Bees Away From Your Yard. You can try luring the bees away from your bakery. If sweetened water is not what is already drawing them, try placing a bottle a few meters away from your door,. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay.
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Woodbridge Summer Concert: NY Bee Gees August 20, 2018. . Album, House and Cars Duration: 11:06 . Barry Gibb Net Worth, Lifestyle, Family, Biography, Young, Children, Bee Gees, Album, House and . September 2, 1975. The Bee Gees discuss pop music trends, living in England, and the tax system. Jive Talkin is the UKs premier Bee Gees tribute theatre show. Featuring performers from Londons . Bee Gees Gold Tribute Bio John Acosta as Barry Gibb has performed in Bee Gees Tributes all over . Uploaded with Freemake Video Converter //lionslagospt.club/free_video_converter/ BEEGEES NOW! Put on your dancing shoes & get ready to experience Saturday Night Fever every day of . Join Bee Gees on Facebook //lionslagospt.club/beegees & Twitter //lionslagospt.club/beegeesofficial . Barry Gibb Live Full Concert 2018. . The Nations Favourite Bee Gees Song Top 20, 2011 Part 2 . Barry Gibb on his first solo tour, enjoy 10 of the best BEE GEES Songs: 1. . Barry please do another .
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19 .. 2561 Triple BEEs Wrap . Nature Bee Wraps are a planet friendly alternative to plastic wrap! Because a hive can only have one queen bee? I said. Exactly, Gary . was still trying to wrap my mind around the process of making honey. Where does the. . this is to be understood likewise in a child of God, while the pcore soule is wrap; . Viz, the Divine vertue or power of God, till it commeth to bee a Divine body,. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protetion of our . Therefore when all _things things else are gone, let us wrap our selves in. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protection of our bodies . Therefore when all thing. things else arc gone, let us wrap our selves in. . a mirror of the human condition.11 Verily under the wrap of this transformation is taxed the life of mortall men, when as we suffer our minds so to bee drowned. her long legs, innocently bold; the woman wraps her shawl modestly about her, her . Then she lay down, frightened, beautiful as a doll; he hovered like a bee.
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/modern-keep-bees-away
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kettlequills · 8 years ago
day two - moon/colony
part one
Yellow Diamond ruled at the touch of a button. The hive of activity that was her office, sunken deep into the sandblasted bedrock of the colony Kroag IV, was in full force, muted streams of conversation parting around the circle of focused silence in which Yellow worked. Only her Pearl was allowed to disrupt her when she was in the mood to turn every inch and ounce of her formidable concentration on her work to better the pre-existing systems of Homeworld, an innovative frenzy which her gems regarded with absolute pride.
There were not many of them yet, Yellow Diamond gems grown and made. Kroag IV was a barren and dead planet, suitable for dry jaspers and sandy jades, the occasional sphene, and the neighbouring asteroid belts that Yellow had begun colonising after three centuries developing Kroag were little better. But the fierce sun that had hampered gem production was an incredible boost to Yellow Diamond’s industrial vision, which had developed swiftly to harness solar energy to power her increasingly ambitious designs.
Yellow Diamond’s Kroagan gems spoke to their Diamond almost regularly, reporting on all aspects of their lives, difficulties, defects, and drawbacks, things that hindered, things that helped, and it was hard to believe that she wasn’t the most effective and rational leader of the Authority, even taking into account their own bias, when the next schematic that hit the factories was directly designed to target those obstacles that kept them from being the most efficient that they possibly could be.
They were proud to be yellow gems. She drove them hard, but no harder than she would herself. Unfortunately, that meant that any distractions had to take a permanent backseat.
“Yellow?” Blue Diamond’s voice over the screen was soft, but a little sad.
“Blue,” Yellow responded automatically, and then actually looked up, feeling a little guilty when a smile crept over Blue’s lips at the acknowledgement.
She looked tired, Yellow thought, with a sudden burst of protectiveness, there were shadows under her eyes, which were sunken into her skull, and her skin looked papery and bloodless. She had to be tired, juggling a new colony with her chronic lethargy. She was calling from somewhere isolated, Yellow could just make out the soft, near silent susurrus of waves lapping against a stone basin, and the darkness surrounding her face was shrouding and starless. Mysterious, like her, and as far from the obviously busy humdrum of industriousness straining at the seams of imposed order under the hot yellow brightness of lighting strips in Kroag’s core as it could be.
“What can I do for you, Blue?” Yellow asked, striving for the businesslike tone she cultivated among her gems. Despite her best efforts, a tenderness crept into her voice when she said Blue’s name. By the twitch of Blue’s full lips, she had noticed. Yellow’s cheeks burned, but she tilted her chin up haughtily, like White would have done.
“I just want to know when you’re next planning a rest cycle. Perhaps an extended one?” Blue murmured, keeping her voice deliberately pitched low so that Yellow had to lean forward to hear her, suppressing a flicker of irritation as she did so.
Yellow’s brain scrambled for her schedule, trying to recall when she had next allotted a moment of weakness for herself. She knew that to work at optimum efficiency, a gem required certain amounts of rest, but Yellow barely felt the strains of exhaustion – she had never been as weak as Blue, whose physical strength was meagre and power reserves smaller still. She hesitated for a moment too long, and Blue’s sigh of disappointment rushed through the com.
“Oh, Yellow.” There was just a hint too much of fondness there that Yellow abruptly found patronising.
“I’m busy,” Yellow said defensively, her hackles rising. “I’ve been developing the Kroag belts, and the Zaria moon colony-“
“Zaria?” Blue interrupted, and abruptly a sharp change came over her face. Her lips thinned and her eyebrows twitched up, eyes narrowing coldly. It was a sneer as natural to her face as the smile she reserved for Yellow alone, and it always surfaced with the mention of White Diamond. “But that’s White’s.”
“Not anymore,” said Yellow, torn between discomfort and smugness at revealing this to Blue, proof positive of White’s approval with her work – approval that evidently had not been given to Blue. For so long, Blue had been the uncontested favourite, Blue, who sang and danced and understood music the way gems were supposed to, if they weren’t as off-colour as Yellow. It was a nasty, petty feeling, but Yellow felt a certain cruel glee, and echoes of the stupefied awe she’d felt herself when White had told her. “White transferred control to me. It’s mine now.”
“When?” Blue demanded.
“A few turns ago,” Yellow said vaguely, though she remembered the exact date. She remembered everything.
White had turned up in a visit as unannounced as she ever got, ordering a tour of Kroag’s burgeoning facilities. Yellow had been frantic, ill at ease, and probably rambling, trying to hurry White through corridors that were naturally messy with the chaos of contained brilliance that defined areas under Yellow’s direct control. White Diamond, with her pristine cape and scent of clear, cold winds threatening snow, was as alien as it was possible to be to the close, smoky corridors carved into Kroag’s core.
She had pronounced Yellow’s work as “thoroughly satisfactory”. Yellow remembered every twitch of contained surprise on White’s usually impassive face almost obsessively. White had even seemed charmed – well, as charmed as White ever was – by Yellow’s “technical twiddles”, as White had desultorily referred to them, to ease access for her gems. They’d come across one of her jaspers, who was using the extendable screens with the modified touchpads Yellow had altered to take into account the thickness of clumsy quartz fingers. White had been incredulous, and faintly scandalised, that she’d taught a jasper to read, let alone have her take over the scouting duties on the surface of a flint.
“I only have six flints,” Yellow had argued, “And a battalion of jaspers. It’s only efficient to increase proficiency in a diverse range of areas.”
“Efficient, indeed,” White had said, her grey eyes considering, and then she’d told Yellow to take control of Zaria, where there were, she assured Yellow, with something like humour if it had been any other gem, substantial flint deposits.
The memory made Yellow glow with pride.
Blue scoffed jealously. “Come on,” she said, coldly, “When has White ever done anything to make our lives easier, or reward us for, well, anything? This is a test, and you’ve been set up to fail, so she can humiliate you for her own amusement, like normal.” She still looked stung, and abruptly, Yellow’s satisfaction turned to ashes in her mouth at Blue’s hurt, even as Blue’s words roused her anger in a fluster of denial.
But then Yellow’s shoulders sagged, and she took Blue’s point. “I suppose,” she muttered, averting her eyes to scan the screen she had been working on before Blue had called, schematic for a revolutionary new transport system that Yellow hoped would help defeat any need for travel on Kroag’s blistering surface, uncomfortable even for gems.
“Oh, Yellow,” said Blue again.
Yellow listlessly scribbled the answers to a few equations on her notes, trying to calculate the minimum width of the tunnel needed. If only there was some way to produce the effects of zero-gravity in a stabilised chamber to restrict the height of any gems travelling. Or perhaps, force the gem’s hard light projection to temporarily dissipate so that the physical gem was the only object travelling. If only she could cut out the tunnel completely – no, better yet, create an intangible one – enough to warp hard light-
“Yellow!” Blue broke her concentration, scowling, and sheepishly, Yellow dismissed the screen.
“Sorry, Blue,” Yellow said, trying her best to disguise the fact that her fingers were twitching for the screen.
Blue shook her head and smiled. “I was just saying, it feels like centuries since I saw you last. Don’t you have – any free time?” By the awkward tone of her voice, Yellow thought that that was probably not what Blue had said at all, but she welcomed the change of topic from White.
Yellow made a few quick calculations in her head and winced. It had in fact been centuries, quite a few more than intended. “I’ve been busy,” she began, apologetically, then gave up and stopped there.
Blue understood. Her head dipped, her hair concealing her face from the screen a moment, and then she uttered a rattling sigh. “It’s all right,” she said gracefully, “I know how you are when you get caught up.”
Yellow instantly felt worse. She felt her shoulders hunching, the way they always did when she was nervous, trying to make herself smaller, apologetic for her existence, things about herself that she couldn’t change. A spark of irritation flared up – she only ever felt this way when Blue or White deigned to speak to her. Almost instantly, guilt crushed it. Blue was right.
“I’ve not been the most observant either,” Blue continued mournfully, “I’m sorry I kept missing your calls.”
“Yes, well,” Yellow said, a little more sharply than she’d intended. In the early days, she’d made certain to allot time in her schedule, pencilling in calls with Blue every seven rotations, at the same time, every time. Blue had missed half and prematurely ended the rest, caught up in her own work. “I assumed you were simply – busy.”
“How does White make it look so easy?” Blue joked, an attempt at humour to break the awkwardness that had fallen.
“By delegating.” And not caring about anyone else. Yellow’s voice was short, not wanting to discuss White Diamond, or Zaria. Her eyes turned longingly to her screen, the little tab with her notes, waiting to be expanded on. If White had been impressed by Yellow’s screens and solar panels, she would be overwhelmed by a transport system that took out any overland shuttles at all.
In the background of Blue’s call, lights suddenly flared on and Yellow heard shouts and a scuffle of shoes. Blue half-turned, then sighed mightily.
“Excuse me, Yellow,” she said, formally, “I have to attend to this. Duty calls.”
“Of course,” said Yellow, tightly, and smiled when Blue’s screen winked out. For a moment, she paused, hands resting on the desk and eyes staring into nowhere. Centuries, it had been, since she’d last seen Blue face to face. But still, that call had lasted almost three minutes – a new record.
Yellow sighed. Missing Blue hurt so much that she could barely concentrate when she allowed herself to think about it, but there was work to be done to distract her. There was always work to be done.
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smokewizard992-blog · 8 years ago
Its not done but this is my longest story so far please excuse any grammical errors.
Title: Kurokus revelation Another bright and sunny day in the leaf. kuroku returning from a short and simple misson he took to alive his usual boredom. "Now that im home i wonder what to do now" said kuroku as his coat fluttered in the wind. He stops with a face of uneasy wonder as he places his hand on his chest "the ticks are uneasy" kuroku pondered "something isnt right i probably forgot to clean something in the cafinic.." kuroku said with an uneasy grin. And in an instand several explosions can be heard through out the village. "WHAT THE HELL!" said kuroku as he unwravels the hive. "For once things wont be boring!" Said kuroku confidently as he takes off to go meet the challenge. Moving quickly through the village he notices several large centipede creatures thrashing around the village. One of these large beasts turns its attention twards kuroku and lunges towards him kuroku jumps landing on a near by building. "Have a taste of this then!" With a few flicks of his finger tips the hive takes off into the sky above the centipede. A series whirling and click of gears from the hive is heard as several compartments open in the hive revealing ticks fit to burst. The ticks quickly detach and begin to plummet twards the beast eventually exploding in rapid succession "special move: aburame light show" said kuroku with a large toothy grin on his face as the smoke cleared revealing the beast in multiple pieces but kurokus victory is short lived when he senses another presence close to him but before he can turn and retaliate he takes a hard right hook to the cheek sending him across the rooftop. Kuroku now bleeding from the corner of his mouth he looks up and becomes stricken with suprise "i...its you! Theres no way my ticks blew you to pieces!!!" A deep voice radiates the air "you didnt honestly think those little flys of yours would be enough did you?" Chapter 2: Brains vrs brawn "Ok first off meat head they arent flys they are ticks" said kuroku in a irritated groan as he slowly stands up to his foe "Akui kosodoro this time ill make sure i do more than just give u a parting gift on your face" kuroku muttered wiping blood from his lip. Loud cracks echo through the strangely still air as akui cracks his knuckles. "Speakin of which i need to return the favor bug boy" with out a seconds hesitation akui charges across the roof top chakra collecting in his drawn back fist to deliver a more powerful blow as he lashes out his blow once again connects to kurokus face but before he flys off kuroku bursts into a puff of smoke revealing a log "A Substitution?!" Said akui with a shocked tone of voice. Akui quickly notices a patch of paper on the log showing a crude drawing of kuroku giving the finger saying "catch me if u can boxer breifs" the log then opening two side doors revealing 4 ticks. Akui quickly launches back knowing what those bugs mean. Narrowly escaping the blast akui is forced off the roof top and onto the city streets. "Where did that snail slip off too" said akui angrily quickly throwing up hand signs for a jutsu. Boar,dragon,rat his eyes intensify and chakra forms infront of them in an almost binocular fashion and through his eyes all the scources of concentrated chakra are highlighted in his vision. Akui knotices theres chakra strings all over the street attached to random objects and sputtering off into what seemed to be random dicrections. "Tsk youll have to do better than that" akui then focuses even harder revealing the chakra in each string one in particular glowing brighter than the rest "there u are!" Said akui as he runs following the string leading him to a pottery shop. "This again...WHY DONT U COME OUT AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!" Akui shouted into the building. frothing with anger akui hesitantly walks into the shop following the string up to a gourd in the back of the shop "ive seen this trick of yours hide by disguising yourself as the gourd your puppet rolls up into while that damn doll attacks from the shadows well not this time i have you now!" Akui said excitedly as he smashes the gourd with his fist busting off the top half only to reveal theres no kuroku but more ticks ready to blow akui quickly backing up in a panic he knocks over some other pots which have even more ticks inside "SHI-" akui intterupted as the entire shop bursts into a torrent of smoke and flame. Across the street kuroku hops out from behind a tree "first off i dont fight like a man i fight like a shinobi. Second off. Special move: Basket Bomb" said kuroku as he adjusts his shades and reels the hive back into its gourd shape. (End of chapter 2) Chapter 3: we all know pain As kuroku wraps up everything from he previous encounter which included making sure the shop keep and any civilians were unharmed. A roaring voice echoes throughout the village "ALL MIGHTY PUSH" says the voice as the village begins to shake and rumble and a large crater begins forming during this a large gust of wind and dust blows up sending kuroku flying. Hitting his head upon his landing rendering him unconscious. Moments of kurokus life past by in an instant and yet he experiences every moment like they just happend. Most of these moments included hinata in every moment she appeared kuroku felt a warm joyous feeling overwhelm him but as they went on that feeling faded and shifted into a red hot jealousy because he realized hinata wasnt looking at him but rather naruto instead the memories became blurry as they went by faster faster eventually kuroku saw his own face with a scowl and furrowed brow he opens his mouth and says "its not ment to be". Suddenly kuroku jerks awake realising hes buried under a pile of rubble blood running from the top of his head to his chin on the right side of his face. a small chip in the left lense of his shades. His throat dry his body sore. "I have to find her" kuroku grumbled as he began to shift and move to get out from under the rubble. Upon finally digging out his upper torso he saw something that crushed him not physically but this hurt more than any broken bone down at the bottom of the crater he saw her.. hinata standing in front of what kuroku first thought was the fourth hokage but looking more closely it was naruto trying to protect the village and she was protecting him. Kuroku couldnt hear most of what hinata was saying but the message to kuroku was vividly clear. Kuroku heard these words as if he was right next to them "i love you naruto" and just as kuroku heard these words he felt his body become 100 times heavier and his heart drop into 1000 pieces his ticks became restless as one lonely tear fell down his cheek kuroku didn't fully understand how he felt . he was hurting but there was something else a tiny something a small glimmer of somthing deep down past all the pain....it was peace kuroku felt at peace with what he saw and then he realized why kuroku felt happy so long as hinata was happy and if konohas hyperactive knuckle head ninja was the one who made her happy. Kuroku began to try and pull himself outt of the rubble but he was to exhausted to continue eventually collapsing once more. (End of chapter 3) Chapter 4: recovery Kuroku opens his eyes to realize he was napping in the woods and needed to get back to the village so he stands up and begins walking kuroku eventually reaches behind him to grab something and starts to panic "HEY WHERES MY uhhhh..." he said forgetfully he begins patting all over himself for he couldnt shake the feeling of something thats very symbolic of his character is missing as he pats his coat pocket and finds his shades "ah here they are" kuroku said as the feeling mostly dissapated kuroku eventually stops and kneels at a small creek and leans over to see his reflection and he quickly knotices the one black tuft of hair that sticks up no matter what he does "in my dream it was red...i may do that it looked pretty good" kuroku said to his reflection "that way youll look far cooler when your older" he said with a playful childlike chuckle. Kuroku eventually looks up and sees a man in white cloth staring down at him from atop the hill. Kuroku being the agravatable child he is began to march up to the man to tell him its rude to stare but as he got to the top the man turned and walked away only to reveal to kuroku that theres a small log cabin at the top of the hill but hes sure that he shoulda been able to see the cabin from where he was but ever determined kuroku marched on into the cabin only for him to see rows upon rows of large doll like items of all shapes and sizes kuroku is filled with wonderment he sees the man at a small work desk at the other side of the cabin so kuroku wanders up "what are these things.." kuroku said curiously "Puppets" said the man in a kind but stern voice "i build them to keep from being home sick" said the man again kuroku astonished his mind began to scribble all the possible aplications for these tools "TEACH ME HOW" shouted kuroku as a grin makes its way across the mans face as everything fades away once more with a quick glimpse of kuroku learning building and training eventually completeing the hive as once more he wakes up only in a room he did not recognise on a bed that wasnt his as he felt around he knoticed his legs are in braces and he bumps into a book accidentally "HEY watch it will ya im trying to study here" said a voice as the page gets turned kuroku quickly looks up quickly being a loose term since hes very sore and he knotices hanabi hyuga reading her book at his bedside as she looks up and realizes that hes awake and she stands up and runs out the door kuroku is very confused but remains calm as neji and shino walk in "about time u woke up natsu has been working tirelessly treating you and taking care of hanabi" said neji in his usual stern voice "im actually astonished this isnt a result of more of your breeding projects" said shino as a way to mock kuroku "honestly it kinda is" kurokus face suddenly went strawberry red as natsu walked in and and lit up "oh im so releived your awake" said natsu gently. "Y-your a woman?!" Said kuroku with embarrased suprise in his voice "does my name not give it away?" Said natsu "to be honest its not at all what i imagined" a flash of a pink haired pyromaniac appeared in kurokus head. Natsu looks down and says "sorry i didnt meet your expectations kuro-san " kuroku quickly retorts 'NO no u exeeded them greatly ! Uhh how long was i out anyways? Natsu looks up "about a week." She says reluctantly "A WEEK?!" said kuroku with a shock "that means at somepoint youve......" his face turning even more red natsu walks up and starts removing the braces "it wasnt bad" said natsu very quietly kuroku looks to be on the verge of a heart attack as he falls out of bed from celebrating (End of chapter 4)
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luminescentlyricist · 4 years ago
∞ The Anarchist ∞
"I wis)( t)(at I could be t)(ere wit)( t)(em. I could argue t)(at my fate, being stuck in t)(is cod dam violet )(ive, is so muc)( worse t)(an t)(eir dead session. As wrong as I'd be, it'd make for conversation... t)(oug)(, I doubt any of t)(em would agree wit)( me on t)(e subject. I'm a spoilt brat, and I s)(ould know t)(at I )(ave absolutely no rig)(t to say anyt)(ing on t)(e subject, but I'm just so, so sick of everyt)(ing. Posessing no freedom turns out to become more stifling t)(an it seems at a first glance. I )(ave everyt)(ing I could ever want, except for freedom."
She grumbled as she stared at the blackened screen of her husktop, a cleaning cloth clutched between her fingers as she rubbed at it. Cirlun was often prone to such rambles, especially when she was feeling isolated. Of course, she felt this way constantly, as she was isolated from the majority of civilization. Her Trollian didn't even have any contacts on it yet. She was cleaning the screen of her husktop because dust had settled on it, due to the fact that she really had no use for it if her Trollian contact list was empty. She preferred the proper books in the library when it came to research.
She sighed softly, the noise barely moving past her lips at all. Cirlun knew that she'd never be able to meet the expectations that had been placed upon her, and she intended to rewrite and reform those rules and expectations when she ascended to the throne. It was only right. She couldn't live up to what the world intended, so she knew that she had to make the change. For now, she'd be doomed to suffer in silence. And that was how it had always, always been. Her intent to change would have to wait until she worked up the courage to... She couldn't even think of killing Astril. The mere notion was upsetting, especially because she was so young. It felt immoral. The violet dyed across the fabrics of the hive, visible at her every twist and turn, was important to her. Although she loathed her advisor, in essence, and all-too-commonly felt hatred strong enough to drive her to murder, she didn't. Not yet. The thought was always in the back of her mind, as much as she protested her fated ascensions. She didn't want to commit matricide at all, as the violet blood - and memories of the violetblood - would stain her conscience for the rest of her sweeps.
It was Cirlun's fate, though, and she couldn't argue with that. She knew that the day would come wherein she was forced to kill her advisor to take the throne and lead her subjects into a new era of prosperity. Her hands shook now, that much was clear, and it scared her beyond anything else she'd ever had to experience. The thought of killing Astril haunted her, just as the woman's soulless, rage-filled ghost would undoubtedly do the same. She cleaned the screen in front of her, swallowing harshly as she felt vomit rising in her throat. All she could do was choke it down and continue.
So she did, with no regards to the dark, looming thoughts that plagued and threatened to consume her. Her eyes then swept to the book on the desk beside her, a small frown etching itself onto her lips within seconds. She was overthinking everything. The stain on the cover wasn't even purple, but her thoughts wandered. Old blood could fade to brown, she realised, and that was the colour of the mark on 'Doomed - Stories of the Third Earth'. It, of course, was just one of the many expansive books she was utilising to study the sessions of Earth A, B and C, though that one focused on Earth C.
Envy wreathed around her. Oh, how she wished to be there. She wanted to live with the trolls that were recounted in those pages, the ones that were yellowing with age. She traced the writing on the page that she read, noting the script that she knew very well. They had written using the quirks they donned to distinguish each other on Trollian, the very same program that lay open on her husktop. She knew that she had no contacts on it, but didn't bother. The twelve trolls had their own legacies, and that was one thing she'd never had - and would never have - herself.
She had no idea that Eridan, Gamzee, Feferi - her own role model in a different time - and the rest of the twelve were still 'alive', of course, due to the ageing that appeared on their 'first-hand' accounts. The books had been enchanted ten times over so that any hope the young heiress might have had was appropriately and immediately crushed. She had seen the Amporas at meetings, of course, but had shied away from the aristocrats at every opportunity she had. In the meetings, she was always insignificant and unnoticed anyway.
She traced her finger over the script of the famed ceruleanblood Vriska Serket, whose eight-dominated writing style she had learned to decipher as easily as reading normal Alternian scripts. It was easy enough to get used to, in any case, as it was simplistic. She had noticed that she had adopted a sort of 'quirk' that she was going to use in her own Trollian-type, a part of which was unintentionally similar to Feferi's. She muttered the words as she read, and she stayed in a trance-like state of reading through the dust-coated tome for hours.
As she read and muttered to herself, though, her thoughts darkened even further, causing her to rub her eyes in irritation and close the book. Her mindset had completely and utterly shifted for the worse. For the better of herself, and herself alone. She realised just how much was being kept from her, and rage began to take control of her actions. Finally, her fuchsiablooded tendencies of anger were awakening, and her treatment at the hands of her advisor would only serve to foster that nature. She stood, fists so tightly furled that they cut into her palms.
Cirlun had realised that she was only going to suffer if Astril took the throne any longer. She hadn't wanted to kill Astril a few hours ago, but that had changed. Everything was going to change if she had her say in the matter. She would. Within a mere second, she had donned her hunting outfit. Her specibus bubble wand was in her hand, and when she blew one, the large, golden double-edged trident was contained within it. With a satisfied smirk crawling onto her lips, she took it and slotted it into its place in the back sheathe.
When she did this, she noted with a sadistic glee the way the gold arced through the light and caught it in flashes so bright it could blind. She'd do far worse than blind, of course. She'd make her 'mother' pay for the pain she had caused. Her breathing was heavy but her steps made no sound against the floor as she moved, light and quick as a shadow. Cirlun could slip away into virtually nothing, due to knowing every shadow and shade in the library. Her isolation had paid off, as she knew every escape.
Many were to be found in the expanse of the palace, and she was grateful now for each and every one. The trident remained in its sheathe. Her snarling lips revealed sharklike teeth that she only possessed due to the fact she was a seadweller. Her eyes swept around, pupils narrowed, seeing everything as if the darkness wasn't beginning to fall. It'd be no fun, she decided, if she were to murder in the dark. That wasn't what she wanted. She wanted each and every seadweller she'd rule over to fear her.
Her tyranny was only the start of the ruination, though. She hadn't forgotten what she had to do. How much she had to mould and shape into her own. Violet sickened her. She tore down every draping, every banner, every decoration with the colour of the rest of the seadwellers. The only way she would like the colour was when she smeared it down the walls and marked the murder and the rise of the new empress both. Humming gleefully, far too brightly for what she was going to do, she approached the hall, stepping out into broad light.
"Your comeupance greets you now and forever, mot)(er."
She hissed, eyes dark and full of hatred for the being in front of her. She knew that Astril wouldn't reply; the Empress was far too busy herself doing whatever she needed to do. Her kingdom would be swept up into chaos soon. A soft laugh came from Cirlun's lips, and she walked up to her mother. One thing she had learnt that was different from other trolls was her use - or overuse - of decidedly human mannerisms. For this reason, she embraced her 'mother', hugging her and pinning the royal's arms to her side.
"It is so g∞d to see you, as always, Astril."
She muttered, her voice sweet as syrup. It had always been that way when she had addressed the Empress, and she didn't see why it had to change. She felt the royal stiffen under her arms, and she frowned in faux alarm. Nothing was wrong, surely? She then changed to massaging Astril's tense shoulders gently, her smile remaining as she dug her nails into the flesh of her shoulders. Cirlun's nails gouged into it, and Astril made a muffled sound of discomfort. That was all. She thought nothing of it.
"Relax. All of your stress can melt away. I'll take care of everyt)(ing, and you don't need to move a muscle."
She placed her trident at her side, taking a few deep, slow and calming breaths. She was by no means calm, and wouldn't be for quite a while, but she did it to help herself concentrate more than anything else. Cirlun continued to make her maternal guardian feel as comfortable and pampered as possible in that short amount of time. She didn't want to make her mother's last moments bad ones, as it meant she'd just be an annoyance later on, or her screams would attract more attention. Cirlun bought her trident to the woman's throat quickly.
"I'd rat)(er you didn't move at all."
These words were followed by a quick slash, and that was it.
0 notes
404botnotfound · 6 years ago
The Line [4]
...and where to draw it
SERIES: Destiny WORD COUNT: 6,516 SHIP: Quinn/Drifter CHARACTERS: quinn leonis (AU), glyph, ash, finn, adebole, the drifter
iv. gambit
n. a device, action, or opening remark, especially one entailing a high degree of risk, that is calculated to gain an advantage.
Her boots hit solid ground with a crunch of dirt and her senses rush back with dizzying speed. Blinking away the disorientation of being in one place and then another massively distant one in the next instant, she thinks—not for the first time—that long-distance transmats never stopped being unpleasant.
They’ve been dropped into a small cave littered with arches and levels, and ahead of them sunlight peeks through a set of openings out into what must have been their arena. Everything around them is painted in deep browns and unnaturally vibrant reds and earthy greens, the usual for Nessus scenery.
Quinn realizes then that none of them had discussed any sort of strategy.
Ash lets out a cheer and charges forward before she can even consider gathering one. “C’mon! Last one to bank buys drinks!”
I’m not drinking with you, she thinks to herself as Glyph drops her auto rifle into her hands. Stepping forward and hopping down from the high ledge they’d been transmatted onto, her knees bend with the landing and she starts forward with the rest of her team hopping across the higher level rock formations above her.
“Get ready for a firefight, and drop those motes in the bank!” The Drifter’s voice crackles in through her helmet comms and a waypoint appears in her heads-up display directly ahead. “Enemies inbound at the base.”
She wonders what that’s supposed to mean as they all exit the caves.
Their arena is laid out in a semi-circle ahead of them, penned in by a towering cliff that stretches around on either side like arms until it drops off at a sharp horizon and blue sky with the hazy backdrop of Nessus fading into the distance far below them.
A series of caves consumed by Vex machine architecture sits high in the left hand side of the cliff, and to the right is a small copse of red-leafed trees. The ground shudders under her feet with a teeth-rattling grinding noise filling the air as a massive Cabal resource drill drops into the ground somewhere behind those trees.
Immediately in front of her on a light incline sits one of the Drifter’s mote banks, already filled with twisting Taken power, and next to the cave entrance they’d just exited is a circular gate made of Vex tech. It looks altered, somehow, but she doesn’t waste time examining it further—it was likely the portal to the other arena they’d been told about.
Her teammates continue on ahead and she follows, all of them winding around a rock formation and finding the familiar industrial, rigid engineering of the militaristic Cabal stretched out across carved white stone.
A pair of Cabal legionnaires jump jet into sight ahead of a group of their fellows, all of them seven feet tall and massive in bulk compared to the four of them.
Here we go.
Ash and Finn reach the two legionnaires first. One well-placed hand cannon bullet pops a legionnaire’s head from its shoulders with a hissing geyser of organofluid and a crackling, electricity-fueled shoulder charge turns the other into a three-hundred pound, charred pancake against a base wall.
Sparkling, opaque motes like the one Drifter had shown them pop upwards from the felled bodies and are picked up by one or both of their ghosts, dematting them out of sight.
At the top of her HUD, a bar she hadn’t noticed until now fills slightly with gray.
‘The Drifter’s ghost sent the rest of us details on what to track and send back to her,’ Glyph explains. It’s a tracker bar for how many motes they held, then—and divided into halves, the other side ticking up slightly.
A way to keep the pressure on for them, letting them know where the opposite team was at in progress.
Adebole nearly runs her over in his haste to reach more enemies approaching them, forcing her to hop back and fight the immediate, irritated urge to take aim at the back of his head.
It’d definitely be one way to let loose steam, and she has no issue with knocking New Monarchy supporters down a few pegs—unfortunately, she does want to win, and that meant tolerating Adebole’s arrogant behavior for the time being and hoping all four of them have enough semblance of coordination to make this work, strategy or no.
Charging forward and jumping up she plants her foot on a rock face and pushes off of it, two pulses of light letting her hop through the air as though she were on stepping stones, heading away from her teammates towards enemies they’d overlooked.
Her boot lands directly on the face of a legionnaire’s helmet and her momentum knocks it off balance. It makes an angry, unintelligible roar in an alien language before she unloads her auto rifle into its head and silences it, then she turns her fire on another.
Like with Ash and Finn’s victims, two more glowing motes appear. She collects them both with Glyph’s help and then moves ahead into the base on the hunt for more, aware of the alien weapons fire filling the air around her.
Adebole curses her whenever she grabs the motes that drop near her from his gunfire, but she’s seen several of the motes vanish and fade after being left in the open air for too long, so he can kiss her ass.
After picking up several more Glyph starts to mutter something about them. A Cabal centurion, meanwhile, larger and with hellishly nastier weapons than its lesser-ranked peers, turns its attention on her.
Its heavier weapon knocks down half of her overshield before she manages to duck into cover. “Glyph, later, please.”
Bracing a knee on the ground, she spins out of cover and takes aim, squeezing the trigger and gritting her teeth while the rapidfire bullets chip away at the centurion’s shields—which pop and shatter after a full magazine.
She reloads quickly and then cuts it down with another hail of bullets. Unlike the lower-ranked legionnaires, it drops a handful of motes rather than a single one.
She darts forward and they all disappear as Glyph grabs them for her.
‘That’s it, I can’t carry anymore without them doing damage to me and to you,’ it says, sounding uncomfortable. What the hell are these things? Nothing in the field she’d picked up had ever caused damage while in Glyph’s inventory.
It’s all well and good either way, she supposes. Not like she plans to hold onto them for long.
She twists around, her knees bending with the abrupt shift in direction and her boots and greaves scraping the stone underneath them as her momentum halts; ahead of her she can see all three of her teammates already running for the mote bank.
A new waypoint appears in her HUD, directing them to the network of Vex caves dug into the cliffs with waterfalls of crackling white liquid flanking its entrances.
Her teammates drop their held motes in the bank, and on her HUD the gray-filled portion on their side of the tracker bar fills halfway with the color blue. Two bloated orbs of glowing Taken energy burst up through the steady stream of it piercing the sky above the bank.
Her stomach twists. She’d completely missed seeing that earlier.
Keep it together.
Just as she reaches the bank the other team’s bar fills with red and a roar of power explodes from the bank. It retracts into the base dug into the ground, and the quiet plea with herself flies out the metaphorical window as a Taken knight materializes in her path.
Its twisted, unnaturally twitching body swathed in glowing, oily darkness drips black ichor that poisons the air and ground around, and it sends a flood of terrified adrenaline through her veins.
The white orb that serves as the creature’s face, floating amidst the mass of what had once been a Hive knight’s head, twitches sickeningly to settle on her and her heart leaps into her throat. A roar leaves its mouthless face and its arm lifts above her.
She skids to a halt, nearly crashing right into it, and her skin starts crawling immediately with the sucking sensation of otherworldly power and the scent of ozone washing over her.
The ground shakes with the force of a downward swing that she barely dives out of the way of in time.
Before she can even think about turning around to fire on the knight, the same swelling roar of energy crashes through the air twice, and two grotesque caricatures of Cabal phalanxes with their massive arm-mounted shields join the knight.
Both are far too close for comfort.
“Guys, guys, we’ve got Taken blocking the bank!” She yells over the comms, trying and likely failing to keep the panic from her voice.
“So take care of ‘em, miss ‘trial-by-fire’!” Ash calls back mockingly.
She glances towards the new waypoint where her teammates’ friend-or-foe tags are shown. Not a single one of them turns back to the center of the arena. She’s on her own with her worst nightmares right in front of her.
The split-second glance away is a mistake.
A rush of ionized air tasting like ozone strikes her in the chest and throws her off her feet back into the thick roots of one of the trees in the arena, knocking the breath out of her and sending a wash of stars across her vision that she hurriedly blinks away.
Her shields are gone and her back aches from the blow, and one of the two phalanxes is rushing her with its shield held out before it—it’s going to crush her against the tree.
Forcing her lungs to cooperate, she sucks in a gasp of pained air and taps into her light, vanishing in a flash of blue sparks and light and reappearing a few feet to the side just as the phalanx and its shield slam into the tree.
The bark cracks and splinters under its force.
Unphased, the phalanx turns for her again.
Dropping her rifle to the ground at her side, she pulls her hand cannon from the holster on her thigh and takes aim, firing a handful of rounds into its glowing eye.
It stumbles back with every heavy round until it vanishes as though sucked through a vortex, the remains of its corrupt energy seeping into and poisoning the grassy ground it had stood on.
The knight chooses then to remind her of its existence, roaring in a way that sends a ripple of gooseflesh over her skin, dredging up horrible memories of similar howls stalking her in a dark, lightless place.
Her aim follows her line of sight as she looks at the enemy—it’s stooped over with its arms wide, and she knows immediately what’s coming next.
Liquid fire erupts from the knight, spat from a mouth that isn’t there, and it arcs through the air in her direction.
Grabbing hold of her discarded rifle, she dives to the side with flame licking at her coattails and boots. Earth-shaking booms strike the ground from the knight’s massive, alien weapon as she darts under the lifted roots of a tree and around to the other side.
She has Glyph demat her rifle. She needs these things gone fast, and the rifle’s lighter bullets did fuck all against an enemy that was half-incorporeal and soaked them up like a sponge.
‘Your shields are back up,’ Glyph tells her as she reloads.
When she leaves the cover of the tree’s roots, the remaining phalanx is waiting for her with its shield raised and ready to slam down on her. Her first instinct is to turn and run away, her throat tight with terror—instead she puts on a burst of speed and jumps forward, throwing her shoulder into the center of the Taken’s massive form, knocking it back.
She would’ve hoped to knock the shield from its hand, but it was fused to the damn thing’s arm by whatever atemporal bullshit the Taken were made of.
It doesn’t need time to recover, and she wouldn’t have given it time to even if it did, her gun lifting. She shoves it into what counts for its face—one, two, three shots, and then like the first its form melts and vanishes.
Unlike the Taken, she needs time to recover, but she doesn’t have it. Before the phalanx’s form has fully dissolved, she sidesteps it and breaks into a run towards the knight that had appeared first. It roars at her, stooping in what she can only interpret as rage-filled challenge.
Fire erupts from it again and streaks towards her; she leaps from the ground, a pulse of light propelling her above the arc of flame and directly for the knight.
Her free hand closes around her hand cannon as she takes aim in midair, her legs outstretched and boots landing on the abhorrent creature’s chest. It falls under her weight and momentum and she unloads the rest of her clip into its head, the send of weightlessness from the fall nothing but an afterthought.
By the time her feet hit the ground again the knight has dissolved just like the phalanxes.
Her hands are shaking with adrenaline as she reloads her gun, dropping the empty cartridge and replacing it with one that Glyph transmats into her palm. She barely notices the sound of beeping and the hiss of the bank reopening behind her.
Right in the middle of an intense competition isn’t the best place to have a complete meltdown, but she can feel her vision narrowing and breathing growing shallow with the sudden panic overwhelming her now that it has nothing to push it back.
Her eyes well up with tears.
The Deathsong is a horrible roar in her ears, and massive claws reach through the blank emptiness between planes for everything she is.
Behind her the bank beeps and then retracts once more.
‘Quinn,’ Glyph trills at her in alarm, and it has to repeat itself twice before she even registers her own name, ‘Quinn! More Taken inbound!’
A pathetic whine accompanies her sharp intake of breath and she stumbles, spinning around as more booms reach her ears. Two more phalanxes appear. She lifts her gun in shaking hands, but before she can fire off any panicked shots a void light grenade erupts between the two Taken and melts them.
The bank beeps as though mocking her and reemerges. She exhales, lowering her gun and noting Ash and Adebole dropping down into the center of the arena from the Vex caves. Ash is laughing at her, and Quinn swallows down a wave of shame.
“So much for ‘preferring trial-by-fire’, huh, blondie?” Ash mocks, hopping up to the bank cheerily and dropping her motes into it.
She hopes her flinch at the rush of energy that lifts into the sky isn’t noticeable.
Adebole moves wordlessly to a different mote node and does the same, and eager for a distraction from the mortification Quinn notes that when he does so another swell of power doesn’t follow Ash’s.
Before anything else can be said the Drifter cuts in, “Invader on the field! Find ‘em before they find you!”
Through everything else she had completely forgotten about the second goal the Drifter had explained to them. Invading. Portal to the other arena and kill the opposing team, depriving them of the motes they needed to win.
A gunshot cracks across the arena, an expert sniper round catching Finn through the helm in midair and killing them as they drift down from the caves on a stream of their light. Their body drops to the ground limply and their ghost appears, frantically trying to revive them.
“That came from behind the drill!” Adebole calls out. He and Ash rush into motion, moving around her and disappearing into the trees.
She, on the other hand, darts around to the side of the bank opposite where they’d gone and ducks down, her panic vanishing once more under the weight of pure, cold survival instinct.
Another pair of shots ring out. Glyph grays out her teammates’ FOF tags in her HUD.
This guy was good.
Her hands are white-knuckled around the grip of her gun as she waits, kneeling behind the bank and alternately watching her radar and surroundings. Her radar lights up with red and she braces herself, lifting the weapon in her hands.
A titan, broad-chested and wearing dark red armor and a black mark clipped to his belt, crosses into her line of sight with a wicked-looking shotgun held in his hands.
She adjusts her aim.
He notices her right as she fires off a trio of shots, the first two knocking out his shields and the third piercing his helm. His body drops, and his ghost appears and glowers at her. Before it can revive him both disappear in a flash, transmatted back to the other side.
Her breathing hitches when the Drifter’s laughter crackles on her comm. “You didn’t start that fight but you did end it. Good job.” Somehow, his voice being right in her ear was worse than just hearing it aloud, and she still can’t decide why it affects her that way.
The rest of her team reappears from back in the cave they’d arrived in initially and she finally drops the damn motes she’s been carrying into the bank. Maybe she was imagining it, but the wave of energy that blooms from it and surges upwards seems bigger than the ones her teammates had caused.
As though to spite her, the bank retracts again and the portal that appears erupts into a form that makes the first handful look like dust particles in comparison.
Oh, fuck is the only thing she can manage to think as the lumbering, hunchbacked form of a Taken ogre with its bulbous head and wicked teeth towers over her. Its presence alone is enough to warp the air and space around it with power, making her feel ill, and the roar it lets out rattles in the cage of her chest.
She’s sure she’s white as a sheet under her helmet.
It occurs to her, then, that the Drifter had said that the nastier the Taken that appeared in the arena, the more motes they had to bank—if she was carrying the most motes possible, had she dropped one of these behemoths on the enemy team?
This was a terrible idea. She should have left the Drifter’s ship the moment she had found out this competition involved the Taken.
She can’t do this.
‘Guardian, move!’ Glyph’s terrified voice snaps her out of her daze and she blinks, her heart leaping into her throat at the sight of the ogre’s massive arms raised and ready to crash down upon her.
Swearing a blue streak, she dives out of the way. The pressure of a clawed fist almost three times her size displaces the air she had been standing in only seconds before, and it slams into the ground hard enough to make it quake.
The shockwave sends her flying and she rolls to a stop fifteen feet away, her back slamming into the hard surface of her team’s gate.
She had to do this.
She’d already made the choice—stupid or not—to come here, to participate, and damn her but she can’t stay paralyzed with fear of the Taken forever.
Gritting her teeth and gripping her hand cannon tighter, she forces herself to her feet.
Her teammates open fire on the ogre and draw its attention from her, ducking in and around the Nessus trees as the creature’s powerful eye blasts are aimed at them.
She joins them in the gunfire, popping off shot after shot and diving out of sight whenever its attention returns to her; she could handle a handful of shots from lesser Taken, but an ogre’s eye blasts would vaporize her with ease, overshield or not.
Over the comms the Drifter tells them their invasion portal has opened up for use and she barely notes it. They have better things to worry about—
—or do they?
She glances at her HUD and notices two things: the first being her team is leaps and bounds behind the other, and the second is that judging by the large gray section on the other team’s bar, they were holding onto a lot of motes.
When the other team’s invader had killed Finn, they had lost the motes they’d been heading to bank—and if the other team was holding onto their own motes and not banking them in order to send bigger, badder enemies their way…
‘Gambit’. A calculated and intentional, but risky, move.
She gets it, now.
The ogre bursts with a few more well-placed shots, its form losing cohesion and being pulled back into the Ascendant realm it came from. None of them have any time to celebrate—immediately after it vanishes, a knight and another ogre take its place.
Son of a bitch.
All of them take aim and lay in, but after a few potshots Adebole lets out a noise of frustration and then changes direction, running past her and nearly knocking her over again on his way for the bastardized Vex tech holding a Taken portal.
She stops firing long enough to attempt and fail to reach out and grab him. “We need your help, Ade!”
“If you were competent you would not.” He snaps back at her and then vanishes through the portal. It closes behind him.
Provided the Taken don’t succeed in sending her into a complete meltdown by the time this match is over—and provided she doesn’t get herself killed—she’s absolutely going to kick his ass. Lips pulling back in a snarl, she latches onto her anger and uses it to push aside her lingering fear at having Taken close by.
Fifteen seconds later the Drifter announces to them that their ally was being sent back without a single kill on the board.
The ogre and knight are gone by the time Adebole reappears from the cave, and while Ash and Finn dart off to the newest set of enemies, Quinn stands there and glares at him for a long, heated moment.
He’s radiating the same kind of absolute loathing she knows she is, and as she finally runs off for more motes she wonders if they’re even going to make it to the end of the match before one of them attempts to strangle the other.
It’s easy to say when she isn’t facing down her worst fears.
Try as they might, they can’t catch up to the lead the other team built. Quinn finds herself missing the cohesion of her own team; no one on this team seems to want to pay attention to strategy, only caring about collecting as many motes as possible and ignoring their allies and other aspects of the competition.
If they wanted to win, they needed a strategy. Adebole was too arrogant to care about the rest of them, but maybe if she can come up with an idea, Finn and Ash would play ball.
They suffer through another invasion and one more phalanx blocker, and by the time the other team’s bar has been completely filled and their red is replaced with yellow, they’re frantic. They bank as fast as they’re able to pick motes up, the yellow bar on the enemy’s side slowly being chipped away as they go.
Was that the part of the competition the Drifter had opted not to explain to them?
Adebole tries invading twice more and only manages to knock out one of the opposing four in both attempts. Curiously—and concerningly, to be honest—she notes that the one kill he does manage drives the yellow bar on the opponent’s tracker back up slightly.
Best efforts still get them nowhere, and they haven’t even filled their bank by the time the Drifter announces the opposite team has won the round.
If feels really fucking bad, almost on par with how awful her first encounter with the Taken in years was. Both are mortifying, and as she feels the transmat pulling them back up to the Drifter’s ship she braces herself to deal with more mockery.
Shockingly, none is forthcoming after four sets of boots settle back on the transmat deck.
Ash, Finn, and Adebole are all as silent as she is. The last of the three is simmering in a quiet that speaks of rage rather than frustration, and it’s almost doubtless that he’s blaming the rest of them for their round loss.
“I like your team,” the Drifter calls out, drawing everyone’s attention up to him on the podium; he’s gesturing to her team, but the praise is immediately followed by, “do better.”
To add insult to injury, he then turns to the other team and says: “Other team looks great, keep it up!”
Yeah, there was the humiliation she’d been waiting for.
She steps off her transmat pad and waves up to get the Drifter’s attention. “Hey, coach, time out?”
He must be able to hear the weariness in her voice. Between the energy expenditure and the adrenaline rushes, the emotional turbulence from the last few weeks, and the lack of decent sleep she felt wholesale terrible—and he can tell, a shrewd smile on his face as he kneels down on his podium and nods at her. “Two minutes.”
He sounds amused. She scowls.
Muttering a weak thank you, she steps over to her teammates. Both Finn and Ash gather up without protest, but Adebole remains apart, apparently unwilling to swallow his pride long enough to figure out how to work together and win.
“Look, guys,” she says, keeping her words on the closed team channel rather than the open air of he bay, “I get we’re all strangers and none of us are particularly happy we got matched up together, but if you want to win we can’t just run off and do whatever we want. There’s too much involved in this for it. We need a strategy.”
“And I assume you have one?” Adebole sneers at her, crossing his arms and looking blatantly unimpressed even behind a concealing helmet.
“Actually, I—” she blinks, surprised to find that she does, in fact. The beginnings of one, anyway. “I do.”
Ash’s hands settle on her hips and her head cocks to the side, skeptical. “Right, sure, we’re gonna leave strategy to someone that nearly pissed themselves because of a few little Taken.”
Quinn starts to snap back that she’s got a damn good reason for being so afraid of them, but she bites it down and instead lets out a soft exhale. “How many motes did you guys bank after that first wave?” She asks, instead.
Whether the question confuses them or they just don’t know how to answer, she grits her teeth past the aggravation and waits, acutely aware that they’ve only got a few minutes to figure out how the fuck to turn this around.
“My ghost says I had twelve.” Ash says.
She, Ash, and Finn all look at Adebole, who suddenly seems hesitant to speak. He shifts in what Quinn thinks might be bare discomfort. “...Four.”
A beat of thick silence. “How many did you bank total?”
Quinn balks at him. All that hotshot talk of not being a rookie and the haughty arrogance, and he had the smallest haul? Is he serious?
Up on the podium the Drifter starts laughing uproariously. Yep, he was definitely tapped into their team comms.
Inhaling through her nose and counting to five, she forces the building wave of incredulous fury out of her mind. Later. Focus on the ups.
Maybe he had grabbed the smallest amount of motes, but she had grabbed a significant number from enemies he had felled. “Okay, so out of the four of us, Ash and I managed to grab the most during a single wave. Finn and Adebole, you guys are good at clearing the enemies out.”
Finn picks up on where her mind is going without further explanation. “We steamroll, you gather. Bank fast, rinse-wash-repeat?”
Quinn nods.
“Aww, but I like killing the bad guys.” Ash pouts.
“I don’t think the ‘bad guys’ are planning on taking it lying down, Ash. You’ll still be able to kill them, but we need those motes to win and you and I seem like the fastest on the team.” Quinn replies, pausing for a moment to consider how sleep deprivation was going to start rearing its ugly head soon. That little fact likely wasn’t going to last for much longer. “There’s a max to how many we can carry, though, so Ade and Finn will have to run in and collect anything we leave behind.”
“I like it.” Finn says. “What about the invaders?”
Her mouth opens but the Drifter interrupts her. “Time’s up! Get ready for transmat.”
‘What about the invaders?’ is a damn good question that she doesn't have an answer for. They’re like the Taken, she supposes—deal with them as they become a problem.
By invading they can deprive the team of motes to fill the bank, putting them ahead, and if she hadn’t just been hallucinating—which was a whole possibility considering how tired she was and how far she was pushing her endurance—then when the opposing team had filled their bank, killing them would drive that inexplicable gauge back up.
It made little sense to her, yet, but she has disturbing suspicion as to the reason. They were dealing with the Taken, after all.
Damnit, she hates the Taken.
‘I’m not so sure volunteering to carry as many of these mote things as possible is a good idea,’ Glyph mutters to her unhappily as she steps back onto her transmat pad.
“Maybe the more we hold onto, the faster we’ll get used to them.” She offers, weakly.
‘I’m not sure that’s a good idea, either.’
Before she can respond, she’s pulled through space once more and lands on the red, grassy ground of Nessus. Instead, something else occurs to her when she catches sight of the bank outside the cave. “Guys, one more thing: we need to work together to clear out the blockers. These things hit hard and take a lot of punishment.”
“Got it!”
Well, it wasn’t exactly an acknowledgement, but with Ash, she’ll take it. “Ade?”
“Yes, yes! If you’re so sure this will work, just go!” He snaps back. Still pissy, but at least he realizes that running off half-cocked hadn’t done them any favors last round.
Her and Ash move ahead of the other two, following their waypoint to the giant drill, and Finn and Adebole both hang back once they get close enough to start picking enemies off from afar.
Glyph warns her they’ve picked up the maximum safe amount to carry far faster than in the first round as her and Ash dodge and weave in and out of enemies and under flying weapons fire. When she glances over at Ash, the hunter gives her a cheery thumbs up—followed immediately by her jabbing one of her knives into the throat of a legionnaire that had been trying to catch her off guard.
The opposing team hasn’t even banked before she and Ash do, the sickening rush of Taken energy exploding upwards from the bank. Both of them turn and head for the next waypoint up in the Vex caves without pause.
On comms the Drifter lets out a cheer. “You just dropped two Taken ogres on the other side! Let ‘em chew on that for a while.”
His response—far too excited given the nature of it—is both validating and terrifying. It confirms her worry from last round and also makes her fear how many of those things they were going to have to face again.
If the opposing team was feeling petty, the fact that they’d just air dropped two ogres at once to deal with from the offset of the round meant they may do their damndest to return the favor.
Knights and lesser Taken are already bad enough. Ogres are the powerhouses, short only of—
She dashes that line of thought, an involuntary shiver nearly giving an ordinary phalanx the chance to crush her skull against the walls of the cave with its shield. She’s been struck by those things one too many times today as it is, thank-you-very-much.
“I am invading!” Adebole calls. Hundreds of feet away, she can hear the burst of the Taken portal as it activates and then shuts down behind him.
Even down one person, the Cabal in the Vex caves go down quickly and in droves. Quinn isn’t vain enough to assume it’s because her threadbare plan is that good, but she’ll at least allow herself to believe that her sense for people was still a high point on her list of skills.
On her HUD, the enemy team’s partially-filled gray bar is dashed in half.
‘They lost collected motes,’ Glyph remarks. ‘This is...beginning to make sense.’
Beginning to make sense, and, ignoring her unknowingly forcing herself to confront her fears, beginning to feel like fun. Glyph isn’t going to like that. “How many?”
‘Judging by how much our gauge fills with how many we collect, thirteen. Best guess. Oh—eighteen, maybe. Drifter’s ghost isn’t sharing details.’
With the Vex caves clear, Quinn and Ash head back for the bank again. Finn trails behind to collect what they’d left behind.
A pair of phalanxes wait for them; they fall quickly under the thankfully coordinated effort of her, Finn, and Ash. All three of them drop their motes in the bank and run for the next wave, a freshly returning Adebole with two kills under his belt following after he exits the transmat cave.
He seems pleased, now, offering her a nod of grudging approval when she passes by him on her way back to the bank. She returns it and allows herself a small smile, and the four of them set to work clearing out more waves in between clearing blockers and banking.
Her smile vanishes when the Drifter alerts them to another invader; her and Ash are both carrying fifteen motes apiece, and if the opposing team’s bar is any indication, they were getting close to catching up. If this invader takes out three of them as he did last round, it’s all but a certainty.
“Base!” Finn shouts moments before the first long-distance round echos off the cliff walls of the arena, coming from the area they’d indicated.
Quinn winces. Twice now. Poor Finn.
Glyph makes an equally unhappy noise as it grays out their FOF tag on her HUD. Eight motes down.
Ash darts past her in a flash, a quick, rolling dive tearing her through reality into the light of the void and rendering her invisible to the naked eye, hiding from bullets she knows have preemptively marked the two of them as priority targets.
Quinn swears under her breath, bursting through the Nessus trees into the center of the arena—only to turn right back around and make a break for some kind of hiding place, wishing she had spent more time with Nyx trying to learn the trick Ash had just pulled out of her sleeve.
Another shot echoes.
Fire blossoms in her midsection, a white-hot lance from a heavy round that cuts through her shields and armor like a hot knife through butter. Her vision goes white for a split second from the severity of the pain and she knows right away that the round hadn’t just pierced flesh.
Ribs, she thinks, sucking in a gasp of air and unpleasantly confirming her first guess, had to have nicked the bone.
She forces herself to keep moving, every movement leaving her in agony. “Glyph?” She coughs out hoarsely, diving back into the reaching roots of the trees and ducking out of the open before the invader’s next shot can go through her skull.
‘I can’t! You have to be healing yourself or I can’t isolate the material from your light!’ It replies, sounding like it was trying very hard not to panic and failing miserably.
She already knew Glyph couldn’t heal her itself—she’s not sure why the idea that it can’t just grab a bullet lodged within her energy field and transmat it out had caught her by surprise.
Not even the Cabal use hard, solid slugs like guardians do. She’s never had to deal with an injury like this before.
Well, now she knows why Shaxx won’t let her in the Crucible.
Another sniper round cracks out. Ash’s FOF tag is grayed out as well.
Both teams are now neck and neck.
Heavy footsteps approach her from behind as she leaves the safety of the trees, trying to reach the cover of the jagged rock formations within the caves. She braces herself to spin and throw up one of her bubble shields.
Before she can, a shotgun blast booms behind her and her stomach drops, a sense of vertigo hitting her as she waits for the inevitable pain to arrive.
None does.
Adebole breaks the startled spell she’d fallen under with a harsh bark and the cocking of a shotgun’s slide. “Gather yourself!”
She inhales sharply, the pain of the round lodged in her torso throwing everything back into stark clarity. Everything hits her at once, then. The fire in her midsection from the injury, her fear of the Taken and the stress of facing them again, the bone-deep and pervasive exhaustion she hasn’t been able to chase away with sleep since returning from the reef.
The cold sting of loss, and the frustration of not knowing how to deal with it.
Frustration gives way for cold, rather than boiling, rage. Her head feels clear for the first time in months.
Her eyes flick up just in time to see the opposing team’s gray collection bar tick up and surpass their own. Not banked, but they’d have one serious problem if it was.
“Portal’s open!” Drifter calls out. “Go give ‘em hell!”
Teeth grinding, Quinn makes one doozy of a stupid fucking decision and spins, sprinting back to the center of the arena—and then she turns and heads for the portal rather than the bank, completely ignoring the fact she was still carrying a full group of motes.
Fuck it.
Glyph lets out a tinny series of fearful noises. ‘What are you doing?’
Hell if she knows, at this point.
She doesn’t answer it. “I’m invading!” She tells her team, similar protestations from her teammates following after her as the swirling portal in her eyes grows larger and the sucking sensation from another realm grips at her.
Ash, on the other hand, lets out a whoop and a, “Get ‘em, girl!”
Without any of the hesitation she knows she should be feeling, Quinn leaps through the portal.
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totally-not-sebastian-ives · 5 months ago
yuh huh.
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nuh uh. also your bf’s mine now ☝️🤓
– totally not sebastian ives :)
nuh uh
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28 notes · View notes
arplis · 5 years ago
Arplis - News: Modern Keep Bees Away
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17 .. 2547 Rings off the hook, said Mr. Mills, a former probation officer who now . Mr. Sklaroff, who keeps bees as a hobby, said he is rarely stung more. Mostif not allof the hundreds of different species of native beeslike . I heard the discourse on painting porch ceilings light blue to keep wasps away. Explore Marilyn Bebensees board keep bees away on Pinterest. . Painting a porch ceiling blue can keep away bees, wasps, spiders, gnats by fooling them. Paint your porch ceiling blue to prevent bees and wasps from nesting! It looks like the . Keeps away bees/wasps, plus it is so beautiful and. More information. Yesterday I removed this hive from the ceiling of a Palmwoods home. . On other jobs this isnt possible and she will keep moving away from the action right to. 15 .. 2562 Thickness: Bees tend to be pretty plump in the middle, while wasps and you may hire to possibly have to cut through walls, floors, and ceilings to gain access. . How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering?
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8 .. 2558 6 Natural Ways to Keep the Bees Away. Cucumber peel Cucumber peel is great for keeping bees away from specific, small areas. Peppermint Bees want to avoid the smell of peppermint in the areas and plants they hang around. Cinnamon Spreading cinnamon in areas that bees frequent is a great way to drive them off. There are several ways to get rid of bees in and around your home. Just a . Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. If you dont want to. 15 .. 2562 For this reason, you should arrange for a professional to deal with the. . They usually dont use home structures to build their nests but are sometimes found in roofs, How do I keep bees away from my backyard gathering? 23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! Patti Huck July 23, Long grass can house ground nests. Be careful. 12 .. 2559 Best Ways to Keep Bees Away from Your Summer Picnic. Play keep-away. Unlike mosquitoes, bees are not attracted to the smell of humans but rather to the sweet scents of their perfume, hair products, lotion, and deodorant. Practice the art of disguise. Cover up. Bait and switch. Set a simply dressed table. Do a little . 11 .. 2560 Everybody knows how important bees are for the ecosystem but we have to agree that sometimes theyre a bit irritating. If you want to spend. Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . hmm might be worth a try. Your DIY Bug Repellent Guide to Common Household Pests hoping I dont need . Thankfully havent had to deal with roaches. Keep Fleas. 19 .. 2558 Bees & wasps have a habit of nesting in houses & usually show in multitudes . Find out more on how to keep bees away from your home. . dedicated, professional company which offers a complete pest control service. North America alone is home to more than 4,000 kinds of bees, and there are . This DIY trap offers a no-kill solution, so youll have to check the trap daily and . to keep bees away while using items you may already have inside your house.
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There are many great ways to keep wasps and bees away from your pool so you . Keeping hornets, yellow jackets and paper wasps away from a swimming. All bees, including sweat bees need to search and collect water. They will use whatever water source is nearby, even pools. Sweat bees can become a pest,. 2 .. 2560 Bees in a pool area are likely just looking to quench their thirst, whereas wasps may be attracted to the smell. Therefore, the best ways to keep wasps and bees away are by making your pool less attractive to them. This can be done by using natural repellents, deterrents, and traps for relocation. 20 .. 2561 A dip in your pool is often a great way to spend those hot summer days, but nothing can ruin a good time faster than a sharp sting from a wasp. 8 .. 2558 And, luckily, there are easy, natural solutions to keep bees away from . Its a win-win situation you wont have to deal with buzzing around. 12 .. 2557 Warm up a tired or wet bee and get her or him buzzing again! . Honey bee mites are far larger by comparison it would be like one of us . If you consistently find yourself rescuing bees from pools of water Victoria says:. 6 .. 2561 Bees are the bane of pool parties, backyard barbecues and summertime soirees outdoors. . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . Kathy Adams is an award-winning writer. 20 .. 2560 Thirsty bees are diving into swimming pools, but you can help save them. . Tracie Byerley found them on a hot afternoon outside her Te Atat.
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19 .. 2561 Safe, easy tips to keep bees away from hummingbird feeders without . water, it becomes contaminated and less attractive to hummingbirds. 7 Natural Ways to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. Choose red saucer feeders. Attach an ant moat. Hang feeders with fishing line. Slip nectar guard tips over hummingbird feeder holes. Periodically move the feeders. Hang a few fake wasps nests. Plant bee- and hummingbird-friendly food sources. . of bees. This is a guide about keeping bees out of your hummingbird feeder. . Article: Keeping Bees Away from a Hummingbird Feeder. By EllenB A good layer of petroleum jelly around the pole or mount keeps ants away pretty well. How to Keep Bees Away From Hummingbird Feeders. hornet The biggest problem we face each year is that our resident hornets also want some of that nice,. A feeder with too many bugs becomes contaminated and can keep hummers away. . safe strategies to keep bees, wasps, and ants away from hummingbird feeders, . guards or flower accents and your feeder will be less attractive to insects. The Complete Directory for Rearing Fowls, Pigeons, Rabbits, Bees, and Other Small . intention, and probably will centinue to differ until the bird himself shall declare it. Some say it is for their light; others that they feed upon these insects. . I shall describe each sort of Pigeons particularly, that these beautiful birds may be. FLY-C A evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . on his back with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, . if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his friend,. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his . or, if you will, on the bees, I can assure the cultivator, that this bird is greatly his . Besides insects, they feed. evolutions to rid himself of his merciless adversary. . with the greater violence, all the while keeping up a shrill and rapid twittering, and continuing the . There is one bird, however, which, by its superior rapidity of flight, is sometimes . This is the purple martin, one whose food and disposition is pretty similar to his own, but.
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Paramount Studios. Suddenly it all made sense to me, or so I thought at the time. . I no bee actor, say-nyor. . I put away until we get to Paramount. Ees plenty. I felt so ugly and disoriented inside, but somehow I had to keep going for this beautiful . Bee Fabulous Moments love reminded me in my moments of pain with my . Daily bible scriptures, pop in meetings and a phone call or a text away if I. I keep bees for honey. We try to be . Fabulous Food Recipes This site is . You can create the most fabulous food without slaving away for hours in the kitchen. Dont feel sorry for me. We all end up six . Keep burning those fabulous fossil fuels thats what I say. Im so jealous of . I swipe a bee away from my leg. Well . Feb 24, 2019- Explore Julie Walkers board Bee Fabulous on Pinterest. . Bible verse.you would not believe how much this verse has helped me through things. Yellow Orange, Save The Bees, Blueberry, Shades Of Yellow, Color Yellow, Ephemera Free Printable~ Bee Tag great for giving away home-grown honey. Asheville Bee Charmer: Fabulous See 111 traveler reviews, 43 candid photos, . Save. Review Highlights. Honey tasting! I used to hate honey as a kid until I . awesome, one-of-a-kind store during a food tour and was totally blown away. I gave one of the girls a strand of my green beads and she gave me a bee pin! 9 .. 2561 Whew! Its been a busy week since launching the website! You lovely people have kept me incredibly busy with your orders and Ive been. 12 .. 2535 EDINA (CONTD): Patsy can put it away cant she, sweetie? Oh God! . And not any old bloody bee, but the bloody Gucci of bees, darling. This is the stuff. . Hmm ??? Now, if youll excuse me Im going to go and get dressed.
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23 .. 2556 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. If possible, set out the bee bait 20 minutes or so before you begin your picnic. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away from your campsite. . Therefore, when you are planning your trip, you might consider . they will be attracted to the sweet fragrance from your picnic food. or. 12 .. 2559 Set out a bowl or cup with some flat soda, fruit juice, maple syrup, or sugar water a few yards away from your picnic. Bees are attracted to the sugary scent and will pursue this instead of your lunch. 20 .. 2560 Keep Bees Away From Your Picnic. Pick a location away from trash cans, pools of water, and tall grass. All of these naturally attract bees. Moth balls are an effective bee repellent. Avoid using bright colors or bold colors for your picnic cloth. Bees dislike the scent of cloves, cucumbers, and marigolds. Keep a close . Home Made Wasp Repellant Keeping wasps away from your outdoor activities can be a challenge. For those who are allergic to their sting, they can be life. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. . The best wasp/yellowjacket repellant for summer picnics: 2 ounces of mint extract. What is the best way to picnic without bees checking out what youre eating? 936 Views How do you get rid of flies outside, naturally? 1,407 Views. 13 .. 2561 Choose a picnic location away from areas that attract bees. . If youre planning to set down a tablecloth for a patio dinner, make sure that the. 8 .. 2558 But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? . This means its time to start planning for how to keep bees and other.
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fact that clove oil will keep bees and wasps and flies away while eating outside. Needed is a small dish, lace a rock & drop a couple of drops of clove oil on it,. clove studded lemon Repel Flies, Flies Repellent Outdoor, Insect Repellent, Fruit Fly . How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Wasp Deterrent, Note: To protect the beautiful paint work, spray fairy garden pieces with a. Keep wasps & bees away >> Put about 10 cloves (cut off the ends so they sit flat) in a lemon & set . it and hang it above an entrance/patio door and it will prevent the yellow jacket wasps from entering . It looks old and new and beautiful. 28 .. 2560 Luckily, there are a few solid things you can do to keep them away from your cookout. Watch out for nests. Rethink the flowers near your patio. Dont wear bee attractors. Keep the food inside. Dont swing at a bee thats flying by! 11 .. 2560 A great way to make bees go away from small areas is using Cucumber Peels. If you open a window to enjoy the beautiful summer and a bee. As you can see, you dont want bees sticking around in your backyard especially if theyre Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. And as a nice bonus, youll have a beautiful-looking lawn all season long. 28 .. 2561 If you want to deter bees, remember to keep an eye on weeds . possible to have a beautiful garden full of flowers that dont unduly attract bees . outskirts of your lawn and garden, well away from a house, pool, deck, or patio,. 2 .. 2561 Outdoor weddings are beautiful, but one invited guest could ruin the . suggests placing a few underneath ceremony seats to keep bees at bay.
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11 .. 2560 To keep them away from you, vanilla extract is a great solution. Just mix a tablespoon of vanilla extract or baby oil in water and apply it on your body when you are at a bee frequent area. Baby powder is another solution to keep bees away. . So use only natural products for the betterment of both you and the bees. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay. Deterring Bees with Natural Materials So, consider putting a few peppermint plants or cinnamon sticks around your picnic area or outdoor patio. You can also keep bees away by chopping up a clove of garlic and letting it soak before for a few days in a glass of water. 28 .. 2562 In this article, we will explore ways to keep bees away from your house. . natural bee deterring methods that will repel rather than kill the bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do . swimming pool and how to keep bees away using home remedies. . Eucalyptus, spearmint, thyme citronella and wormwood are all-natural wasp repellants. 23 .. 2556 Theyre pretty, and they naturally repel bees and other bugs. They find the scent unpleasant. How to Keep Bees Away from your Next Outdoor. 15 Fast Ways to Get Rid of Bees Effectively (Kill or Repel Them Naturally). + 12. Solitary Just make sure to keep kids and pets away from the treated area. 27 .. 2561 Here are a few tips and tricks on how to keep wasps and bees away . as red and brown will look like natural predators and will provoke bees,. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps Here are some ways to deter wasps from.
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8 .. 2561 To keep bees and wasps away so you can work in the garden or yard, try dabbing tea tree oil on your clothing. A little around the bottom of your. 6 .. 2561 Instead of killing them, get rid of them by using natural repellents or, in worst-case scenarios, calling for . What Essential Oils Repel Bees . This spray can also be used on patio furniture to help keep bees away for a while. . If allergic to any of the oils or their associated plants, dont use that particular oil. 8 Essential Oils to Repel Bees and Wasps. Tea Tree Essential Oil. It is one of the most popular essential oils. Peppermint Essential Oil. Almond Essential Oil. Eucalyptus Essential Oil. Orange Essential Oil. Citronella Essential Oil. Cedarwood Essential Oil. Essential Oil Blend. Discover ideas about Essential Oil Bug Spray. Use this DIY essential oil bee repellent spray to repel bees! . How to keep mice away. Ive included all there is to know about doTERRA grapefruit essential oil uses including DIY & food. Add drops of peppermint and drops lemongrass oils. Spray where Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events . Keep Bees. 17 .. 2561 Learn how to keep wasps away from your pool area, what to do about bees around . As with bees, there are essential oils that can repel wasps. . While many of the suggestions above involve professional help or buying. 7 .. 2562 With a few precautions, you should be able to keep bees away from your . Catnip essential oil has been shown to be effective at driving away bees and . was small and may or may not have included Africanized honey bees. 29 .. 2560 8 Genius Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps & Keep Them Away . that in 1993 alone, an estimated 80,000 children were involved in common household pesticide-related . Plant Therapy are our favorite brand of essential oils and you can purchase all of the oils 10 Brilliant Ways You Can Help Save The Bees. For more information on how to use your essential oils to keep a pest free, . Honey bees give off various pheromones to attract, distract or repel other bees,. Get rid of wasp naturally, from wasp nest removal, homemade traps, natural sprays and recipes, for dealing . Like wasps, most types of bees will leave you alone if you leave them alone. . If they see you, they will drive you away by swarming you and stinging you. Essential oils are also handy wasp and insect repellents.
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23 .. 2556 How To Keep Bees Away From Your Next Outdoor Partyand You! a complete summer ensemble out of them, complete with a cute little. 12 .. 2559 1. Play keep-away. Avoid bee attention by wearing unscented products. Use an insect repellent to mask the scents. Natural repellents use citrus, mint, and eucalyptus oils. Dryer sheets also make effective insect repellents: tuck one in your pocket if youre hiking or place a few under your picnic blanket. How to keep wasps away from house Get Rid Of Wasps, Bees And Wasps, I am sharing how you can remove wasp nests in only 2 steps without hiring a. Ways to keep bees away from your next outdoor family barbecue. What color clothes you should avoid. Lots of info! Use Cucumber Slices To Keep Bees Away During Outside Events. . USA spider chart- identify the spider you were bitten by to figure out if its venomous. I HATE. How To Keep Wasp & Bees Away For This Summer Keep them away by putting about 10 cloves in 1/2 lemon. They dont . 13 Amazing Things You Could Do With Lemons We Bet You Never Knew. Get Rid Of . Lovely Home. See more. 14 .. 2560 How can you enjoy natures beauty without attracting every buzzing bee in a 10-mile . Plants That Will Keep Bees Away From Your Yard. You can try luring the bees away from your bakery. If sweetened water is not what is already drawing them, try placing a bottle a few meters away from your door,. 8 .. 2558 The bees are buzzing! But maybe you want the bees to buzz a bit further away from you? Heres some natural ways to keep bees at bay.
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Woodbridge Summer Concert: NY Bee Gees August 20, 2018. . Album, House and Cars Duration: 11:06 . Barry Gibb Net Worth, Lifestyle, Family, Biography, Young, Children, Bee Gees, Album, House and . September 2, 1975. The Bee Gees discuss pop music trends, living in England, and the tax system. Jive Talkin is the UKs premier Bee Gees tribute theatre show. Featuring performers from Londons . Bee Gees Gold Tribute Bio John Acosta as Barry Gibb has performed in Bee Gees Tributes all over . Uploaded with Freemake Video Converter //lionslagospt.club/free_video_converter/ BEEGEES NOW! Put on your dancing shoes & get ready to experience Saturday Night Fever every day of . Join Bee Gees on Facebook //lionslagospt.club/beegees & Twitter //lionslagospt.club/beegeesofficial . Barry Gibb Live Full Concert 2018. . The Nations Favourite Bee Gees Song Top 20, 2011 Part 2 . Barry Gibb on his first solo tour, enjoy 10 of the best BEE GEES Songs: 1. . Barry please do another .
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19 .. 2561 Triple BEEs Wrap . Nature Bee Wraps are a planet friendly alternative to plastic wrap! Because a hive can only have one queen bee? I said. Exactly, Gary . was still trying to wrap my mind around the process of making honey. Where does the. . this is to be understood likewise in a child of God, while the pcore soule is wrap; . Viz, the Divine vertue or power of God, till it commeth to bee a Divine body,. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protetion of our . Therefore when all _things things else are gone, let us wrap our selves in. And if so bee that God make not good his promise of particular protection of our bodies . Therefore when all thing. things else arc gone, let us wrap our selves in. . a mirror of the human condition.11 Verily under the wrap of this transformation is taxed the life of mortall men, when as we suffer our minds so to bee drowned. her long legs, innocently bold; the woman wraps her shawl modestly about her, her . Then she lay down, frightened, beautiful as a doll; he hovered like a bee.
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