#ive thought abt all this before im just considering the ways i can take it for my current little lady
vigilskeep · 2 months
trying to figure out cadash’s implied role in the carta. cadash should be a serious name, it was once a warrior caste house and is described as a “ruthless crime family”, suggesting a certain level of power currently. but inquisitor cadash specifically is talking about being on the... front lines, if you will? doing the grunt work. even the peaceful option for their backstory to josie is that they were doing simple, boring smuggling work, and the other replies suggest they were in the middle of the violence. they’re not one of the bosses at the table, they have bosses coming after them because they think cadash made off with the cargo (suggesting cadash running for cash and/or a way out at the first opportunity is believable)
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ashoss · 3 months
I have some ideas regards PJO x DC
Steph and Tim:
I love the idea of Tim or Steph being mortal and struggling to feel of any value when their predecessors were the kids of gods.
But like it only works if one of them is Mortal because I feel like Tim won’t feel out of place for long enough before Steph comes around to maximise angst potential (if my understanding of the timeline is correct) And Steph probs wouldn’t feel inferior mortality wise if Tim is also Mortal.
Like it’s gottta be one or the other if you get what I’m saying.
I love the idea that Duke is mortal but still a Meta so he doesn’t feel as out of place with his powers because it’s normal in the world of Gods and maybe as a result the kids know how to help him. But he has to adjust to the idea that they exist and some of the bad guys they fight that may look like mob members aren’t they’re monsters and at first he can’t see that but then eventually he learns to see through the mist using his powers somehow.
I love mortal Babs who just stubborns her way into the family business. I think it really helps to establish her determination.
I have the idea that Bruce is a legacy and thus clear sighted and that’s part of why he became Batman. Because he saw all these horrible monsters that most people don’t know are there and he couldn’t stand the thought of demigod children being forced to fight against them before some of them even have any training. Thus the Batman deals with his regular real world threats like the joker and the mob while also killing what monsters he can to make the world just a little bit safer for the demigod children out there
yeah i was thinking abt mortal tim and steph- it would absolutely be fantastic for the angst angle- tim feeling as if hes not as good as dick and jason who are demigods. mortal steph would also be interesting and i was also considering it just because i cant really find a parent that fits her. her being mortal would also add to her angst aspect, feeling like shes not good enough for the batfam because theyre all powerful, etc etc…
duke i do want to not be involved in the greek world at first. him as just a regular meta would also play into how different he is from the other bats normally- the only meta, the daytime bat, yknow. it would be really interesting to see how his powers could also affect his understanding of the greek stuff, how he could potentially see through the mist a bit, even if not a lot. i made a post on how he might be more affected by the godly aspects of them, how he may see their eyes as being a bit too… inhuman and how their veins seem to be a bit too gold (also how if he ever were to run into a god he might see them brighter than anyone else does.) just a lot of good stuff to consider with duke.
babs i def want to be mortal. she starts off as mortal- clearsighted or not, and then learns about everything via dick or bruce. im thinking post TKJ, after she takes on oracle she might get a visit from apollo who gives her something, unsure what. so yeah mortal babs with a blessing from apollo.
and yeah, bruce is either a clearsighted mortal, a mortal who learned abt the greek world (whether it be thru diana or somewhere else) and made himself see thru the mist, or a legacy. and yes should deal with both the regular criminals and monsters. im thinking wayne manor could be a safeplace for some demigods in gotham. idk bruce is a demigod magnet.
(it could also be interesting to explore alfreds role in this- ive seen some stuff for hestie son/devotee alfred, or satyr alfred- and i think having him be some sort of magic could be intriguing. he could potentially set of the same kind of forcefield around wayne manor to keep monsters out. might be worth looking into hecate kid alfred?)
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wassupmygays · 9 months
ummm hello I would like way more about hunger games au pls I'll take anything wheres Jimmy where's Tango wheres Scar from I will take whatever you give me I will go feral over this thank you
!!!! ok first off i just wanna say u made my day with this ask im so excited that other people r excited abt this and want to hear my explosions (also i definitely want to make individual profile posts for each tribute so this will be. sparknotes of what i have thought up so far :D) Tango - i have tango in district 3, along with mumbo. district 3 is the technology district, and with mumbos redstone contraptions and tango's decked out programming, it felt very obvious placements to me :] i dont think they were very close at all before the games. not in a bad way, just they didn't cross eachothers paths all that much (subject to change but in life series canon theyre never on the same team iirc). theyre cordial in the proceedings before the games but dont train together or plan to team up. tango, skizz, and bigb eventually ally together during the training days before the games! (aka heart foundation) Jimmy - jimmy and scar are actually from the same district, district 11! 11 is the agriculture district, and to place jimmy in this district i pulled from his ranchers and empires sheriff vibes if that makes sense. i also just know that 11 is one of the poorest districts and doesn't usually do well in the games, and we all know jimmy in these games. (i considered jimmy in 12 bc of the canary thing, but skizz and impulse r from there and i figured putting him somewhere else is fun too!) scar - as said above, scar is from district 11! i don't think he is expected to do super well in the games from the reaping, but during interviews its clear that he has the charisma to get some sponsors. i honestly haven't thought up all that much for scar yet but dw i will (he literally wins. how could i ignore him) fun fact! scar and jimmy were going to kind of team together, but during the first day of training, scott (career tribute) makes some joke to gem about how they wouldnt stand a chance if they teamed together bc of their district. jimmy let this get in his head and decided to split from scar, causing both of them to be loners at the start of the games. jimmy eventually finds martyn during the games and they ally bc of reasons (that i can get into if we want to), but scar stays relatively alone honestly most of these tributes and their district placements are pretty set in my mind, except for martyn, cleo, and bigb, who i still can't figure out where to put (if anyone has suggestions pls send them lmao). ive got some bits and plot points from the series already worked out into a hunger games universe, but a lot of it i dont! if theres any specific part of the series anyone wants to ask about, please do!! i work best when someone tells me what to brainstorm on lmao. anyways lol hope yall r liking this! i dont have any clue if it will gain any traction, but i've been thinking abt this au so much since the finale and i wanted to try and share it and talk about it with people :D pls send comments or asks abt any of it if you want to !!!
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the last chapter for walking study in demonology was CRAZYYY im so happy you updated. im so curious about what your thought process in writing it and if youre willing to share?? you dont have to if you dont want to btw! but in any case thank u so muchhh
hey thank you! appreciate it
okay super long answer below
honestly this one was difficult. idk if its bc its been a while since i write fics from scratch so i might have forgotten how difficult the whole thing is, but this one was tough. ch 8 wasnt from scratch tho cos i had the drafts since like 2022 or smthg lol
ik the formatting is non conventional in ch 8 and i was aware that itd be hard to read for some people. but i do think abt the readers often when i write.. mainly not what the readers want in terms of storyline (altho ofc i consider this too sometimes lol) but what the reading experience will be like for them.
i.e consider if id written the chapter in a linear, traditional way and narrated the confrontation between 1-A and LoV (or even other wackier “Villains” like godzilla and invading aliens or whatever). the truth is, although def easier to read, that version will be very boring.
(i know bc i tried and scrapped those versions.)
(im sure a better writer can write it interestingly but i am not a better writer.)
the thing w writing these traditional fight scenes is tht im sure — im 1000% positive in fact — that the readers have read it before. there r literally thousands and thousands of bnha fics out there with great fight scenes, on top of the actual manga, where youve read these characters fight their assorted villains. why would i make you read that again, esp when i know i cant do it better? i already know the readers r just gonna skim the chapter if thats the case. ive been a reader, ik what fic fatigue is like — esp with bnha when everythings been rehashed infinity times in infinity different ways.
same thing also applies with even the “metaness” of the fic itself.
i dont want the fic to come off like its talking down to readers, whom i believe alrdy have the instinctual knowledge of what the fic is trying to do. im willing to bet tht the readers have read something similar to this before, like multiverses n time loop n meta stuff, also cosmic horror. i still end up narrating some things even though often i feel im being too explanatory. i jst feel like the readers will know what im talking abt by virtue of their familiarity to the tropes involved.
therefore the least i can do is serve it in an interesting way, aka the fuckass formatting. like although the tropes im doing r done so many times before, at the very least i cld let the readers hopefully have fun by piecing it together puzzle-style with the fragmented formats — so its more of an experience thing rather than jst a lore dump. i dont like lore dumps, they can be condescending.
demonology def doesnt succeed in avoiding that however. in fact its fallen to that exact trap. ch 4 and 6, those r very lore-dumpy. i tried to make it fun w the humor dialogue style but its not perfect. i know tht by ch 8 that tricks alrdy old, and the readers have all the puzzle pieces at this point anyway so itd be even more repetitive than it alrdy is. even so i still feel im being too explanatory esp with the emotional arcs but thats a skill issue on my part
overall i feel demon can be more oblique and “elegant” in its mechanics.
but anyway, it IS crack… it was never meant to promise intelligence, least of all eloquence lmfao. its never meant to be taken seriously.
of course, at this point u can tell that i actually am taking it pretty seriously LOL. i never meant to write meta fiction. i have some gripes w it, namely that i feel meta fiction is used by weaker writers as a storytelling crutch n it can come off as lazy — demon is guilty of this too. but now that i end up writing meta fiction, i might as well fucking commit and try to push it as crazy as i can. if its not gonna be good, at least it can be interesting, or weird.
blah blah im yapping. point is, ik the end product might look very “random” and pastiche as if i was jst doing whatever i wanted … which, true … but it went thru a lot of trials and errors until this final version. you would not believe the amount of time ive rewritten this chapter, due to all those ^ considerations.
however i always knew i was going to start ch8 with the classic mary sue “fanfiction” — that segment was written a long time ago like in 2022/2023?? and mostly stayed unedited since, unlike the rest of the fic which i stripped and repainted and restripped again lol
ok thanks for reading abt my wack anime crack fic writing process that, again, shld not be taken seriously. i will admit however that i do put a lot of effort n heart into it so i cannot pretend i am aloof and disaffected. id be lying if i say its been easy. i consider it a miracle i updated at all. i keep saying its not meant to be taken serious but if i managed to make it even a little bit meaningful, id be very happy.
ah also. bnha ending actually forced me to scrap a lot of things too. but it kinda ends up for the better, maybe.
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wickerfox · 7 months
× Who's Hoodie
× Is it in the same time setting as MH
× Did it start the same way as a dumb school film project?
× From what I understood Scar takes the role of Tim, is bro a chainsmoker too LMFAO.
× Is Grian canonically gay too
× Would it be a wild correct guess that Amy is Lizzie and Alex is Joel since yk based from obvious plot points?
(before I start, placing this disclaimer here at the top since I have friends who don't frequent mcyt and might get confused, but when I talk abt this au I'm specifically talking abt the characters, not the content creators themselves. Anyway)
Jay- Grian, it made the most sense in my head, but I actually flip flopped on this so many times bc he also works so well as Tim or Alex, but at some point I went "wait it's an au, we can see how the story changes with Grian as the protag" so Grian's the protag now
Tim/Masky- Scar, I'm a transparent desert duo enjoyer and had a similar flip flop with him as I did Grian bc he'd also work as Jay but I was halfway through that drawing and had a similar thought process to the one i had abt Grian
Brian/Hoodie- Jimmy, I wanted to keep the cast focused to life series and evo members and he made the most sense to me lore wise, especially with the idea that in this au he was one of the ones with the earliest exposure to The Watcher (bc I love Canary Curse symbolism)
Alex- This one was the toughest choice bc no matter what a fav is going to loose it. Good thing this based on the Life Series! As much as I Love the idea of Joel and Lizzie as Alex and Amy, I actually went with Martyn. Again, the character is pretty involved with the Watcher Lore so it made the most sense as the character that is arguably most effected by it. (Although for a brief moment I considered Mumbo Jumbo bc,,, how fucking funny would that be)
Jessica- Jessica's gotta be Pearl right? It makes the most sense for it to be Pearl, I don't even need reasoning for this it makes sense
Amy- So who's Amy then? Scott actually! He's not Martyn's boyfriend in this, he's just a really good friend of his who was super involved in the production. Also like in mh, he's Pearl's roommate.
Sarah- Ren. Can't have a life series au featuring desert duo and not have some renchanting. Who else would be one of the leading actors in Martyn's short film?
Seth- Big B, again Evo connection made sense to me, and depending on your own personal theory on who the third person running the totheark account is, both Big B and Ren have interesting implications, even if both their rolls are p minor in this au
With the cast out of the way other questions !!!
It's set in a kind of nebulous time frame that's probably a little closer to present day, but it does still start with a student film project. When asked Why Martyn chose to use tapes he says something about wanting a more authentic feel to the film but in reality he just thought using tapes was a cool idea and doesn't want to admit that it's kind of impractical now.
In this au Scar doesn't smoke, but instead I like the headcannon that he just has boxes of candy/bubblegum cigarettes on him at all times. He'll pull one out, pause, and offer one to someone and when they say no he's just like "Okay, your loss" and watch as they get all confused when he starts unwrapping it asdfghkgkdjhfjsh
Is Grian gay in this au? Whose to say. (Real answer tho, I'm a notorious Jam shipper and while I'm not an active shipper when it comes to hermitcraft or the life series, I don't really mind it so the relationship is left kind of ambiguous)
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dukeoftears · 1 year
IVE NEVER CONSIDERED PAPYKAARD BEFORE THAT SOUNDS SO CUTE... actually now im curious what are some of your thoughts on rouxls ships/what his relationship experience is like
OhohoHOHO you have come to the right place!! I love rouxls ships here I will list every one I like and why I like it :3
Kingkaard: This can be two things, either King is a doofus dumbass who is annoyed at himself for falling in love with his servant while Rouxls is a self righteous dumbass and it's goofy shenanigans, or... you have the darker, more toxic variant that isn't cute or romantic (and SHOULD NOT BE ROMANTICISED PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK). I like both a lot, I usually go with the second because it gives my Rouxls a nice backstory (and also gives me an excuse to project my own past traumas) (I mainly do it to project) but with the sheer number of proshitters who romanticise it... :/ goddamn I hate when people romanticise ab*se. There is nothing cute about it. I remember I found a Kingkaard fic with that dynamic that represented what I went though so well that I had to take a break from my phone for a while. And the comments? Full of proshitters who found it "deliciously painful and want king to break him blah blah" :/ goddamn that made me take a second break
Getting off my high horse now, this post isn't where I rant abt proshippers or traumadump
Queenkaard: I LOVE THIS ONE SOO MUCH HEHE it's technically m/f in canon but I like hcing Queen as a genderfuck sapphillean and Rouxls as gay so it's achillean in my thoughts anyways X) Queen would take every opportunity to fluster Rouxls and would be genuinely touched with the gifts he gives her as a sign of his affection
oh yeah side note: Rouxls' love languages would definitely be gift giving and verbal affection :3
METTAKAARD: Two trans gay men who KNOW they're beautiful in love??????? I cannot explain how much I ADORE Mettakaard it is my FAVORITE SHIP OF ALL TIME... on one hand they are both so goddamn flirtatious with each other but then on the other you have them comforting each other as they show their flaws to nobody but each other.... oughfhfhf <3
Papykaard: TWO GOOFY PUZZLE BOYOS WHO COOK TOGETHER I feel like this is great in both the qpr and the romantic way, Papyrus would definitely decide to tutor Rouxls with puzzles and from there, Pap falls first but Rouxls falls harder <3 Papyrus would listen to Rouxls rant for ages and the same vice versa and they would cook together, and Rouxls feels so safe around Papyrus because Papyrus doesn't care about rank, or status, or how clumsy and dumb he is, Papyrus loves him for who he is and he doesn't have to pretend to be something he isn't anymore... Honorary mention to Swap Papykaard where you have swap papyrus and rouxls, I started this in a rp with my friend who writes swap papyrus and we actually found it has a really cute dynamic <3 Rouxls would definitely look after Paps when he doesn't feel the will to get out of bed, and swap pap would always listen to his infodumps and it's just CUTE
PAPYMETTAKAARD I love polycules and here you have PAPYKAARD AND METTAKAARD AND PAPYTON AT THE SAME TIME?!?!!! Sign me up!!
Swatchkaard: "I hate you" "I loveth thee too <3"
Those are the main rouxls ships I like, but a few honorary mentions: Seamkaard can be cute with the right dynamic, I like them as qprs especially :) Jevkaard / Nosuit can be silly and fun too, I don't actively ship it but I do enjoy the ship
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muzwoom · 8 months
Im having modern day au alver x ogcale thoughts :,)
The setting is sort of like a earth 1’s korea except the catalysm happened waaaaay before like decades before, so fighting the monsters is way easier and more normal tho its still considered really hard and dangerous work (barely any deaths anymore but injuries are p common)
The soos all work at the company together. Cale (22 yrs old) is estranged from his family and also works at the company (hes happy to watch his little brother and little sister succeed from afar). Cale and kim rok soo constantly get compared bc theyre both serious and hard workers who tell people all the time that they wanna quit/slack off (they will never actually quit or slack off). Bc cale isnt actually in his familys life anymore he doesnt need to pretend to be trash and hes smiley like when hes krs in canon
Bc kim rok soo isnt as traumatized as in canon from losing his only friends he manages to make more friends (taylor sten, cage, eruhaben, he obvs manages to find his kids, choi han is also here and not as traumatized he just got kidnapped by monsters for like 10 years and is back home now, the whale tribe the wolf tribe the jungle queen the- you get the point. Kim rok soo is basically the companys information network at this point)
Idk if i should make krs and the other soos 36 etc still or if i should make them younger? (Like in late twenties, just a little older than when the soos minus krs died in the og timeline). In any case somehow its still cale nagging krs abt staying healthy and eating well and exercising, not the other way around
Maybe cale still has his adopted niece (aka reincarnated mom but ig he doesnt know that in this au)??
Alver (27 yrs old) has inherited his fathers trillion won company and is a repressed workaholic CEO (or maybe his father has a rlly succesful company and alver has become rlly succesful in politics instead?? Tho what ive seen the rlly succesful companies’ heirs in korea are lowkey treated with the same importance as a politician so it doesnt rlly matter)
Tasha pressures alver into taking 1 single day off. He obliges and almost gets assassinated by the mob (the white stars gang, and yes they do have powers). They decide to hire alver a specialized bodyguard. Cue the company: cale gets chosen as a guard while a few others (including kim rok soo) work on figuring out how to take out the white stars little group
Idk what power to give cale yet 👀 i wanna say either smth to do with time or smth to do with plants BUT i can also just give him both?? Or a power that combines the two?? I will look up symbolism to decide later lol
ANYWAY smiley bodyguard cale x repressed ceo alver. Cale falls first alver falls harder. Cale surprising alver with loyalty and cunning and with how he goes out of his way to take hits meant for alver. Alver being perfect and cale doing his best to goad alver into letting go of that mask every moment theyre alone
Multiple specific scenes im thinking:
- alver is goaded into taking a day off by tasha again a few months after the assassination attempt, this time with cale. They go to a café and have cutesy talks together (cale is just constantly being glib trying to trip alver up while alver is annoyed and into it)
- alver has to go to a high-end event. Cale comes with as his bodyguard/date (the date part is just a cover but they both wish it was real). They meet basen who is in complete and utter shock trying to hide it (he will do a full report back to the henituse family later)
- i need the company to go to a karaoke bar every friday bc i love karaoke. Cale sort of likes it and puts up minimal resistance every time. Kim rok soo does NOT want to go but he ends up napping the whole time every friday so its not that bad. During his bodyguard job with alver cale has to decline a few times. The company manages to wrangle cale into just bringing alver with him to karaoke (the repressed ceo of a trillion won company going to a shitty karaoke bar with a bunch of rowdy office workers/sort-of-soldiers is funny to me)
- at some point it gets serious and cale takes a bullet or otherwise rlly damaging attack that was meant for alver. He has to go to the hospital and alver realizes that oh shit its not a good idea to develop feelings for someone whos job it is to take bullets for you. And then he realizes of shit i developed feelings wtf??? And then he thinks i should stop feeling this way. And then he looks at cale again, whos passed out in the hospital bed and hes like im not gonna be able to stop feeling this way, am i. Fuck. Shit. Damnit
- they have a summer wedding 🥰
- neither of them are even involved w the white star mob. They just suddenly get a call from krs like “hi. I did the job. The others want me to tell you that im in the hospital btw.” Cale and alver visit him in the hospital and cale comforts krs by saying “dw, one day youll have your farm with the other two idiots. One day. Maybe.”
- that one scene in adventure time with bonnie and marcy and bonnie leans against marcy and closes her eyes and is like “wake me up in like 20 minutes.” Them. Them. Them. Them-
- cale slowly connecting with his family after him and alver met basen at that one event. First its deruth just calling (most painful and awkward phone call in the world where deruth very obviously avoids talking abt anything important and cale is just too confused abt why hes calling to pick up on any of it.) Then basen and lily start texting him. Then lily just shows up at his house to visit. It all snowballs from there with just little awkward moments of the family trying to rebuild a bridge with cale and cale just being confused abt what they want from him and why theyd wanna see him (its bc they love him bc hes family and theyre worried abt him)
- eventually deruth visits his house in person. This is also the moment where they finally actually have The Emotions and deruth acknowledges the abandonment and emotional neglect and cale confesses it was all an act but that he also actually thought they really didnt want him and that he thought he was ruining his fathers perfect new family with his presence and that he got rid of himself bc he thought it would make them happier
- cale goes to therapy.png. The family rejoices. The company also rejoices. The company stops rejoicing when he starts badgering everyone else to also get therapy (they really really all need it)
- the confession happens after cale isnt alvers bodyguards anymore. Cale has managed to talk alver into meeting every week at alvers place and just talking or playing chess or whatever they feel like doing. Theyre just doing their weekly catching up and cale is being especially wonderful talking abt his kid and alver being especially sleepdeprived just kisses him right on the mouth. He immediately backtracks and tries to be glib abt it like “im so sorry i dont know what came over me-“ but cale just kisses him back and then the next scene they wake up no clothes in bed together. They have been pining for at least a year by this point they deserve this
- alver goes to therapy after they officially get together bc cale pushed him to. It actually helps a little??? He is absolute shit abt opening up but the therapist has some generic tips abt managing his overworking problem
- most of the groomsmen/bridesmaids (or groomsmaids??) are part of the company. Tasha is alvers maid of honor. Basen is cales groomsman or honor or however the hell thats called lol. Cales niece is the flower girl and raon is the ringbearer. Cales family is there and robbit and his wife are there too + obvs alvers maternal family.
- summer wedding
Ok this is all for now
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Your wish is my command, @failedcrow
BASICALLY ive come to the conclusion that depending on how general or specific a word is when it comes to an Epithet, the more 'powers' you have (which ive deducted is part of the creativity portion of the epithet reveal card)
For example, if you had an Epithet thats very specific to one thing, like Blizzard, Barrier, etc, you can only do that one thing and thats your whole deal. But if the word is way more general, like Winter, Protection, etc, the more the person can do.
I also dont think hyphenated words count for Epithets, since its technically a 2 in 1? Which I would say isnt fair, but then again Zora is super fucking op for no reason. But I do doubt that someone could get Immortality as their epithet.
I think in the lore you're born with your Epithet, but the way the "word tied to your soul" thing works is kind of like a Witch's bile sac in TOW (with the sac being the word you get your magic from)
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I've done a fair share of thinking and eventually came to a few conclusions that all depend on both DND stats and common sense
Proficiency: Strength, Molly made a comment abt Mera and Indus having REALLY high Proficiency, Id i were to look at this from a dnd perspective, Proficiency is a bonus to one skill, which doesn't exactly make sense in the context
Stamina: How long you can last in battle, this just feels obvious tbh
Creativity: I'm torn on this one, cuz I'm thinking its either how many moves a person with an epithet can have OR how interesting/how much thought is put into their movesets. But im leaning more towards the second option since my first theory i technically disproved myself
Ok im gonna be honest, the whole way Eraser cuffs work is stupid. Just.... forgetting the Epithet? That raises more questions then answers for me, the ending of episode 7 shouldnt have been possible considering what couldve happened in episode 5 (when Mera and Indus got arrested)
And how does Percy remember her Epithet stamina??? Look, I understand RAMSEY remembering HER Epithet, but I think I have a better idea;
Basically, the cuffs click onto your wrists (feels like a spike color) and it locks off your Epithet until the cuffs come off. After that its a few minute delay to get your Epithet flow back, since its connected to your heart and normally body parts take a while to get blood circulation if cut off, Epithet circulation is gonna be like that too.
For me; it'd work in a similar way, its just that when the cuffs are removed your Epithet comes back. In the case of the Arsene amulet, I say an Epithet user gets their cool powers sucked out from the chest area (Mera did that with Slyvie in ep 4) and then the sac, and the word in it just- schwoop! Gone!
Of course, because of plot, you can get it back. But I have a feeling it has a limit on how many Epithets it can hold before it expells yours. And also before your body just- straight up deflates/gives out from all the Epithets. Pretty sure you can only handle ONE considering it's a ONE WORD ABILITY!!!!!!!
So thats my Epithet Erased rant! Enjoy >:)
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tennisarchives · 8 months
warning for a clearly anxiety-ridden oversharing freakout below the cut. sorry. i’m too sensitive and i’m unfortunately acutely aware of it.
tldr; im being a drama queen. gonna take a tumblr break for a week or two. to my mutuals, feel free to dm for my insta. i’ll be active until i wake up tomorrow morning and then i’m gonna zip
gonna preface this by saying this is in no way directed to the people whom i actually talk to constantly on here like you lot were lovely and im just dealing with a lot of demons in my head :(
anyway. sometimes i feel more like a product manufacturer than a person on here. and idk. i know most of you guys are really just following me for gifs and content and whatever but. yeah. idk. i guess the things i say don’t matter to anyone unless it’s funny. or if people want to call me out. not that im mad abt that exactly btw i do appreciate when people respectfully call me out for my own mistakes but. sometimes. i feel like im in a fishbowl and you’re all just waiting for me to say something wrong and cancel me. or then again, maybe most of you already think im a shit person and you just stay for the gifs. or maybe you guys think i’m a loser who has nothing to do but spend all day on this goddamn website.
and i know, somewhere inside me, that that’s not true and that it’s clearly the anxiety talking. maybe it’s just me maybe i’m making this up in my head i dunno. but i’m just kinda tired right now. too tired to battle the anxiety like usual at least. and i don’t really feel wanted outside of the content i produce, beyond the notes of my gifs or my fun posts. which ik shouldn’t matter but. i’m a pathological people pleaser etc etc.
(god, seeing this all typed out, i can’t even fucking blame you guys if you actly don’t like me cause. i kinda wanna shake myself by the shoulders and tell myself get a grip girl the world doesn’t revolve around you shut up shut up shut your damn mouth—)
i’ve been trying to manage by unfollowing and blocking a few people (which btw, if i did that to you and we used to be mutuals, it’s probably nothing personal i mostly just kept people i’m a bit closer to). but i’m still not really settled. and considering how i’m posting like every other day about feeling like shit, you guys probably figured that out lmao.
and well. on a separate note. seeing that rat’s name alone is too much for me sometimes. i couldn’t watch his game with carlos. i spent hours in his match with daniil turned away from the television, wearing noise canceling headphones while trying (and failing) to talk myself down from a full blown anxiety attack. i’ve said this before but the way people talk about him, both the fucked up silence and the justified outrage, it reminds me way too much about a family problem i have right now. hits uncomfortably close to home. prior to this i kinda thought i’d made my peace with the whole family situation but no apparently not. had he won the semis, i wasn’t even sure if i would be able to stomach cheering for jannik if it meant having to watch that man play.
so. idk. between the way actual tennis has been making me feel and the way tennisblr in general has seemed for me lately, i figure i need some space.
long story short ive been spending way too much time on tumblr this ao. and its gotten really bad for my mental health i guess. so i think i need to take maybe a week or two, to clear my head. watch tennis without opening this app every other point. spend time with people i love. get back to therapy. try to be a functioning adult.
(this is so fucking dramatic for a goddamn week of no tumblr i know that and i want to smack myself upside the head because why am i like this why do i make things snowball why why why—)
anyway. yeah. that’s it. if you actually read through all of that then. thanks. if not it’s okay too.
to my mutuals, the ones whom i’ve had at least some form of friendly interaction with in replies or dms, you can ask for my insta account btw. not that i’m crazy active on there but like. if you guys wanna be friends beyond the anonymity of this yknow. no pressure though.
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bathroomtrapped · 4 months
ohmygod i literally just made an account on letterboxd bc i watched saw (2004) and loved it so much and ur interview was so inspiring to me and ive been on an absolute craze trying to reblog like every single saw post on tumblr and i somehow found your account what the heck?!!?!?! ur art is AMAZING and i absolutely love ur takes on saw as a franchise and its significance to the queer community. i hope to be as knowledgeable of this franchise as you are one day despite me only being a baby saw fan!!
i had a quick question; i found on the saw heritage post blog that they thought leigh/james/someone else confirmed that saw (2004) did not actually occur the day before 9/11 despite the phone given to them being set to that date. however, when i asked them if they knew where this source was from (bc im so curious!!! i want to know everything!!!!!!) but neither they nor i could find the actual source for that so i was wondering if maybe u knew??? just curious :3
regardless ty for taking the time to read this and dedicating so much time to this fandom!! i love that horror fans like you exist in a fandom that i previously thought would be weird and slightly disturbed film bros (i had a lot of incorrect preconceived notions about saw that have been quickly resolved i promise)
thank you!! im glad that people feel the same way about it as i do but even if people thought i was some crazy transexual making everyone else woke and pronouns, i wouldnt care. the story, especially lawrences but adams as well, really resonates with me as a trans person for so so many reasons, more than i listed in the interview. to me, i cant read his character without filling in the gaps with trans subtext. it not only explains but also enriches the personal experiences of these characters as well as their dynamics with each other. theyre both characters that are defined primarily by how theyre seen by other people, themselves, and eventually each other. the narrative is soooo focused on perception and masks and who u truly are, i find it hard to separate any kind of queer theory from that.
as for the 9/11 question thats such a dumbass pet peeve of mine. its one of the things that makes me shout UMMMM ACTUALLY at the top of my lungs. my blood pressure sours to inhuman levels when someone confidently says the movie takes place not just in 2001 but the day before 9/11. not because of some interview or confirmation from any of the crew because my knowledge of old fandom history is incredibly spotty. old sites and interviews r a mystery to me for the most part BUT! the reason it is for sure not before 9/11 is because during the flashback of pauls trap (during lawrences monologue about jigsaw) kerry tapp and sing are all at the scene with other officers and i believe its kerry who holds up an evidence bag thats labeled 2004. the scene takes place 5 months before the events of saw 1 so its not possible that it takes place 3 years before that. it just seemed like a funny (but insanely bold considering how 9/11 was only 3 years before) joke and easter egg for people to catch on to, not actual lore meant to be taken seriously.
if u want to look for the interview, i would honestly just listen to the commentary tracks bc it mightve been said there. i know in the one with leigh, james, and cary they discuss plot holes fans complained about, questions fans had online, the fanfic they read (briefly LOL). ive only seen that one (and once) but theres at least 2 other commentary tracks with different people that i havent gotten around to for fear of like. completing saw? idk i cant bring myself to watch all of the commentary tracks but theres a chance they discuss it there! i can only speculate on the reason, all i know is that saw 2004 takes place in 2004 based on actual evidence from the media itself
if u have any other questions let me know. i still have the original draft of the interview which had more questions and longer responses bc i couldve gone on for days abt the lore and saw queer theory and ill never shut up about it
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booksandpaperss · 1 year
some ramble-y thoughts on men's social isolation and women's safety bc this has been on my mind for a bit
I do think it's really sad how men end up feeling so isolated bc of various social expectations as well as people being cruel, but as a fem presenting person I have to say that you can't just expect women and anyone who is fem presenting to just "start being nicer". ive seen a few posts on Tumblr essentially stating that but I have to reiterate it is about safety. I literally cannot afford to stop looking at men with caution and assumed violence until I get to know them really well bc if I stop that could genuinely cost me me life. its true that most men I see probably are not predators and im sure it hurts to be perceived that way, but I have no way of being able to tell who is and isn't going to harm me. I have to assume the worst because it is the only way I can stay safe.
it sucks, it really does, for all parties involved. I have so much sympathy for the men who are genuinely kind and would never hurt me that feel isolated, it isn't fair, and I myself certainly don't enjoy the *necessary* fear that the random guy im passing on the street could see me and decide to hurt me, but this is the reality of the world. there is no easy solution, but what certainly isn't a solution is expecting women to start being kinder to men they dont know because once again: that could genuinely cost someone their life.
The best solution right now I think is to continue to try to deconstruct misogyny and gender roles, and that takes time, patience, and understanding.
I have also seen the notion on here that men feeling isolated socially is misandry, but the reality is that misandry is simply not real on a systemic scale. men feeling isolated is a direct result of the patriarchy and a side affect of misogyny. a lot of things on this website that are perceived as misandry are either not real problems or they are but they're just the impacts of misogyny and the gender roles that come with it.
But it is very surreal to be walking alone at night, clutching my pepper spray and glaring whenever a man I don't know is near me, making sure to stay next to the street and make it obvious I know exactly where I'm going and still feeling the fear that it might not be enough and something horrible could happen to me anyway, only come back to Tumblr and see people saying misandry is just as prevalent as misogyny and women need to start considering how it feels for men to be looked at like they're predators. Touch grass seems like an applicable statement here.
oh and obligatory piss on the poor tumblr disclaimer: I know I am using binary terms so before any of you get on your high horse about it, I myself am non binary. I am not actually a woman, but I certainly look like one and therefore deal with misogyny. I fully understand that trans men and genderqueers of all kinds as well as even feminine cis men also fear for their life on the street so dont even think abt getting on my ass about that. oh and if any of you try to call this a terf post consider yourself blocked with a recommendation to get a refresh on what terf actually means instead of just throwing around the term when you see any post trying to talk about misogyny :D
final disclaimer bc I wanna cover all my bases due to Tumblr reading comprehension: im aware topics like this are very nuanced with lots of layers, please dont act like im obligated to cover all that in a random Tumblr post of all things, I cannot possibly cover everything nor am I obligated to. I simply wanted to remind ppl that actual lives are at risk and fem presenting people constantly and regularly fear for their life bc I feel like that gets left out a lot in conversations like this on here. <3
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anzynai · 2 months
azul was in jamil’s dream but was just kinda there,, but ill take azul crumbs any way i can!! at least it wasnt anything bad LOLLL bro called jamil master 😭😭
also vil’s screaming and all that was HILARIOUS i think ive seen ppl say it was bc he had a fear of heights but it seemed more like motion sickness? im not sure, but he was so dramatic i love it.
BUFF EPEL ALSO HELPPPP i used to think iy was actually a fanedit until recently so seeing it in canon was just… unbelievable HELPP
ALSO ROOK I ALREADY SAID THIS BUT HE WAS SO CUTE IN BOOK 7, like the way he gushes abt his interests and even idia relating to him, is so,,, so me. he’s me. I LOVE SAVANACLAW ROOK AS WELL!! he looks AMAZING. also i think he has freckles?? im guessing he like, covers it with makeup or something now but THEYRE SO CUTE.
ALSO I JUST LOVED THE SCENE WITB KALIM LIKE,, coming to the realizations of jamil caring about him as a servant, not as a friend. it wasn’t very addressed so plainly in book 4, so it was really refreshing to see and a big step for kalim and jamil in my opinion!
ANYWAY, since we r going backwards, i am SOOO HYPED FOR OCTAVINELLE’S DREAMS! azul is likely to be last and im looking forward to see his dream the most, but im really curious to see what jade and floyd’s will be! maybe jade’s will be something abt,,, uhhh mushrooms. idk really. it’s a mystery and IM SO EXCITED FOR IT.
ALSO, this is not gonna happen soon but im really interested to see cater’s dream as well! from hints in the story, we can tell that cater isn’t as cheery and happy-go-lucky as he puts himself out to be, but they never directly say it. maybe in his dream, they’ll examine that theme a bit more? then again, he wasn’t the one who overblotted so it might not be that serious? im not really sure but im excited for it anhway!!! IM EXCITED FOR RIDDLE AND ACE TOO!! riddle’s is bound to be pretty good considering how he overblotted, and that seems to be the theme so far, but we know next to nothing about ace.
like, we see who he is on the surface but do we really know what a happy dream to him is? like, his aspirations and all that.
unimportant, this reminds me of the time i was thinking about a danganronpa x twst crossover and STRUGGLED with what ace’s would be. i ended up just picking ultimate basketball player, but it still doesn’t seem entirely accurate. we don’t really know much about the inner workings of his mind or what he was like before arriving at nrc so im really curious to see what his dream will be.
EITHERWAY, im rambling and i doubt many people, if ANY 😭😭, will read this but goshhh i have so many thoughts i love this book so much😭🙏🙏🙏 peace and love guys.
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fruitybashir · 3 months
Also, I have a question about the cruise ship, 🚢 considering that you are currently working as a tour guide for German tourists AND Nace our beloved said that he started his musical on a cruise ship playing for German tourists. Is it really a thing that cruise ship trips outside of Germany are so popular among Germans? Or is it just a pure coincidence?
oh haha i have thought abt that funny coincidence before and ive thought abt whether or not there is a way to make an AU out of that, working my job and experiences into a bonace bit maybe. basically im stationary here on this island and when the cruises come, i show the people around etc and sometimes when theres still spots left on a tour, crew members get to come along. ive had the same girl come with me twice, by coincidence, on two different tours. bc basically the cruises go in circles all the time just with different guests on board so the people working on the ship will come here a few times per season soooo. nace used to play in a band on a cruise. bojan has mentioned hes worked as a tour guide before. maybe nace gets to take part on one of bojans tours once, then goes back for more each time they stop at the same place, they flirt a little and then exchange phone numbers, flirt more over text and get more excited to see each other next time etc etc
sorry that was so not the question lmao anyways just something ive been having fun thinking about
back on topic. germans looooove cruise ships. so much. a lot of times even supermarkets have little free brochures with pages and pages of the different routes you can book. like to all different parts of europe and worldwide idk where most people go, but tours to scandinavia are also very popular. germans love scandinavia. our island is also being swarmed by camper vans, every time i pass one in the road i check the license plate and 8/10 times its a german one lol
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staraxiaa · 3 months
I just read Sunflower and i kid you not, i directly send a 3 minutes long voice mess to my boyfriend. This was genius. Incredible. I love you. Please teach me. Please be happy. You deserve the world. My head is going to ne filled with this.
responding to all your comments that you've left here below - thank you, you are so kind. this is really long. sorry for the yapping.
firstly, oh my god. the one you left on sunflower LMAOO i laughed out loud bc i never imagined someone would like my work so much, that they'd contemplate printing it! i'm glad you enjoyed the way i wrote the reader - i wasn't sure how to characterize her at first, but she grew on me so much. i'm honored. hopefully one day i will be able to write longer-length fics with the same depth that i did for this one!
also thank you and sorry in advance i need to rant about my fics/concepts - im going to dump them all here, since you asked about them! i don't have anything other than what's on my profile right now, but i hope these suffice. if you have any more questions about anything feel free to ask anytime :). barring outright spoilers, i'm happy to answer anything! some of my in-progress works are on my masterlist ( only titles / pairings, nothing else ). they will be posted to tumblr eventually, and i think they will be long enough to also be posted to ao3! however, i've only started working on these fics recently (read: after july 1st, when i made this blog) so they probably won't be posted for a while, unless i sink into a sunflower-level brainrot again. but! soon! these will likely be in x reader format. here's a tentative list, i won't go too much into detail ( i really want to. i want to do it so bad. but i won't bc spoilers!! )
porcelain, shouto todoroki x actress! reader. - but this will deal with very dark themes (eating disorder, suicidal ideation, sexual violence, child abuse, and anything similar associated with the acting/idol industry) that a lot of people will likely find uncomfortable. will also take me a significant amount of time to write due to the research i need to do to give these themes (hopefully) justice.
pirate! katsuki bakugo x siren! reader. - i came up with the concept this morning. it needs to marinate for a bit. but the vision is there!! pure self indulgence fic!! i thought of it and i was like WAIT i am a GENIUS and ive also been listening to the song that inspired it on loop so. mild darker themes but nothing like porcelain lol
sukuna x kitsune! reader - honestly i just really like kitsune mythology and whenever i think of this i want to stick my fist in my mouth and scream because im like the POTENTIAL. i also really like aus about fantasy historical times (im a diehard historical xianxia cdrama enjoyer. they are terrible. i eat every single one of them up.) will also deal with dark themes, considering the status of the world/women during those times.
i do have a tentative x oc in the works - vampire hunter! character x vampire. not sure abt the pairing, but it's bnha. i can tell you that this will be an au, like i take liberties with the entire universe and rewrite it style, with an entirely new plot set after the entire anime. (afo wins. i think.) this will hopefully be a chaptered work, which also means it will take me a significant amount of time to write. i like to have a clear vision + most chapters prewritten for anything longer than a one shot before i post bc all of my past projects have been abandoned lol. theyre getting reworked into some of these fics tho!
finally, onto this ask: i actually showed your message to my parents after squealing over it lol thank you. i'm honored you liked my fic so much that you shared it with your loved ones. i am also glad that your head will be filled with this - that's exactly how i felt writing it! nothing else. just ideas bouncing around the rest of my horrifically empty head.
you also mentioned being taught by me how to write twice - i don't think i'm qualified for a teacher. i'm not even an english major :^). i just enjoyed english classes in hs, and write in my spare time. (im actually studying computer engineering and my friends think its really funny bc like lol an engineer?? a coder?? who writes?? i am simply Special)
however, i think i can say this! write for yourself, write whatever you want to write. my first works were published on wattpad back when i was 13. that account has since been deleted, and i cringe really hard when i think back to that time, but i think that without it, without the love that those few interactions gave me, and towards my confidence to post, my writing would not be at all what it is today. it doesn't matter if what you write is bad, or not at all on par with what you'd like - writing, to me, is a journey that you build up every step of the way. you will improve in anything if you pour enough love into it, i think.
( ok unrelated interlude sorry i feel like a wizened sage i should really take my own advice and focus up on school LOL. sorry if this is also like,, condescending at all?? in any way?? i promise i don't mean it in that way )
with regards on how specifically to improve at writing: idk, i'm not that much of an established writer myself. i'm definitely not as good compared to some authors whose works i've read, though i'd like to get someday! firstly, i think reading anything you can is important. the books i usually read are of the fantasy/action/romance types, and i am a serial reader of fanfiction myself. read as much as you can, whatever you'd like. note the authors that say something that sticks with you, cut up the emotions of their characters into a million pieces, hold them within your heart. i am the writer i am today, only because of the thousands of authors who came before me, because i carry snippets of them that i admired, i thought were particularly amazing, and tried to make it into my own. i think i said this in a response to someone else: it's amazing to see how different authors interpret a character and make it into their own, taking little snippets from a fandom, tweaking it just a bit to add their own.
read for your own enjoyment, write for your own enjoyment, practice with a drabble a day or anytime, anything that you want. love the process and every step of it. be like me, and think of a comment at 11pm while watching your cdramas because one reader told asked you if you really liked to make them suffer. think of a concept because you tell them that you'd like to write fluff one day, and fixate on this so strongly that you think of nothing else for a full 48 hours, even when you are sleeping, so much that you wake up, have an idea click together, hop over to your laptop at 8am in the morning on 5 hours of sleep after you sleep at 3 (because you're grinding) and start the grind anew. or, ruminate on your ideas! let them sit, let them simmer, plan it out as slowly as you'd like. it can take you months, years - lord knows. i have a concept i've been sitting on for the better part of minimum five years? i say this, because once an idea clicks for me, the flow of it feels natural. i grin whenever i think of something really stupid to put in, a sentence that feels just perfect, a reference that 90% of my readers will probably miss.
when i decided to start this blog, it was because i was like: it'd be really cool if i went viral! and also because i wanted to share my work, to motivate myself into writing. i write because i am delighted when anyone chooses to interact with my posts, to like my writing. but i also write - and i think this is really important - solely for myself. yes, it's astounding to see the numbers go up, and i've honestly obsessed over the notifications for like hours now im ngl. but i write works for me, in a way that i know i will love; that will have me rereading over and over going oh my god i love ME. i write for those moments i will read back upon and grin quietly to myself at my own self-supposed literary genius.
tl;dr, write for yourself, and write something you know you will love.
if you have specific questions, i would be happy to answer them. to the best of my ability. i write entirely based off of vibes. i am also not sure if you asked that as like an unserious thing but i still tried my best either way.
sorry if this took too long / if any of it is unreadable / stated a bit? weirdly? tried my best :^)). also apologies for the yapping, it is also a disease, and like with my brainrot, i fear it is terminal
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
Made the mistake of clicking on a link to a reddit post and i see r/n*rcissisticabuse again and its like... idk it doesnt make any sense to me, from a smart objective point of view, the demonization of various personality disorders n making them out to be like abuser disorders... its the same as ppl trying to pathologize capitalists and politicians like no, i know why they do that awful stuff, they do it for completely logical reasons with a sound mind because i know how capitalism works, just like i know how someone can have "bad" thoughts or "no emotion" and still be a normal person who treats people normally. Also it pisses me off bc ppl demonize literal symptoms of child abuse CONSTANTLY this way it fucking disgusts me, i HATE the trope of scary story about a "sociopathic" kid who feels no love and is evil i HATE IT i guess we're just admitting we love demonizing mentally ill and abused children now huh...
Also although ive never been sure if ive had a pd before i can relate to many things regarding it bc of my schizophrenic and autistic tendencies, appearing emotionless and masking and stuff and i could never understand that being "manipulative" its just a side effect of being in an ableist society, and sometimes its just not wanting to worry ppl. Also with regards to emapthy, i dont rlly care whether ppl feel it or not, i personally dont feel empathy to animals and ppl might think im awful if i say that but i can still like them and take care of them its not that deep... and you dont need empathy to be against exploitive systems like capitalism and psychiatry, if someone logically concludes why it is an objectively harmful system and wants to dismantle it without having that "empathy" i consider them cooler and smarter than a liberal who armchair diagnoses all politicians they dont like with sociopathy to explain why they are bad without even considering talking abt the system itself.
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motherfricker · 9 months
I actually didn’t want to block you because I enjoy your posts and like you as a person a lot. I considered us as pretty close mutuals. But apparently you can’t stop posting about me so, yeah, I think that’s a little sad. I hope that you learn how to have a discussion in the future. You’re clearly still a child but I think you have a lot of potential; I still like your writing and I think we can agree on a lot of things. I don’t have anything against you as a person. Never had, never will.
That discussion had nothing to do with you and that you’re taking it this personal is really sad to me. Again, I’m sad that it ended this way, I appreciated your blog and the Nero photos you sent to me but making posts over and over again after a discussion and getting nasty during it, is really not how you should handle these things. I wish you the best, truly. (I commented this before but my comments disappear when I block you so yeah, maybe you have the chance to read this when you have time)
dude i think you literally just cannot have a proper discussion without somehow managing to tire people out 😭 it was actually crazy how you wouldn't accept poverty being a character motivator, im literally not aristotle do you think im going to focus on a characters motivations that deeply when im watching a movie, im literally going to focus on the cinematography and the score and atmosphere more because it's visually stimulating
it was actually genuinely so frustrating trying to get that through to you and trying to give you an answer that would make you stop asking pen and i the same question over and over again, oh my god 💀 ive literally seen you do the same thing with other people on ur blog that try to talk abt movies or books & the like, like you genuinely come across as someone who thinks their opinion is right, and im sorry that im saying it like this but then i really do need you to understand 😭 like no matter how much you read Aristotle or shakespeare or whatever it's not going to make you a good critic if you can't look at stuff and acknowledge the different thought processes that have gone into mediums & storytelling, looking at the skeleton of an art piece is the same as looking at nothing at all if youre not going to acknowledge the flesh of it.
like if you genuinely think that movie has bad writing I can't help you, bcs you haven't even watched it and if you're going to try and criticise it and say "oh, this is bad writing" just because one singular person on the internet gave you a motivation you didn't agree with then like,,,, Look Inwards. im not even mad that you don't like the film, im mad that a person like you who seems to look at all aspects of a movie, including its production period (see: you and amethyst discussing the Hobbit movies) suddenly hears word about it from people who are amateur writers (well i am one—pen has a whole degree) and decides yeah this movie's bad. it was such a shallow and absolute statement that you made after making me try to circle around not spoiling the whole movie for literal hours, and then YOU got mad that I was coming off as passive aggressive when i stopped caring abt how my tone may come across on pixels. i have been talking to you on and off for like more than a year, did you think that unpleasant tone came out of nowhere ???????
nobody in the whole world will care if you've read a few classics if you literally cannot apply them properly to all the media that surrounds you. you understood i was frustrated that dc didn't care about art without me spelling that out but you couldn't understand i was trying not to spoil a movie you haven't watched after making me go around in circles for so long, and then you get mad when i try to explain to you WHY i cant answer your question and then you get mad because my tone was off?? after id spent more than an entire hour trying to defend why i like a movie that i didn't even care if you hadn't watched in the first place because i just wanted to ramble about a movie to someone who i thought appreciated the arts like i do ??? art is literally not black and white but you always manage to come across as someone who views it as either very good or very bad, that is literally not how i view it and i tried to tell you that and instead of understanding where i came from you decided to become passive aggressive with me because my tone was slightly off when i tried to tell you that maybe you shouldn't have asked me that question when i wasn't even talking abt character motivations to begin with 😭
also i literally have a count of like 9 followers and all 9 of them are friends who barely even use Tumblr, I am complaining into the void 💀
tldr please like try to be more considerate the next time someones trying to talk to you abt their interests that you know nothing about it takes 2 seconds to search up the summary of the ballad of songbirds and snakes on wikipedia & i will delete those 2 posts yes that was immature of me & i apologise for not letting it go
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