#ive seen a couple of posts about it btw i see it more as a look how far weve come
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minionsuncle · 10 months ago
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wanderingcritter · 5 months ago
Friendly reminder to never EVER let losers on the internet convince you that alterhumanity is wrong or will never be accepted by general society.
I went to my city's local renaissance faire earlier this week and I had genuinely such an incredible experience. I went with my tail, theta delta necklace, and mask (which I may post here once Im fully done with it lol) gear and received so many compliments. Not only that but I saw and talked to quite a few other alterhumans, like at least 10 and that was after only being there for 1 of the 2 days for less than 2 hours. Also please keep in mind that this was by no means a large ren faire (at least compared to others in the region) and the area I live in is very mixed in terms of progressiveness. But at one point I was walking past some vendors and an older lady running one of the booths exclaimed how much she liked my mask and asked to take a picture of it, and explained how her granddaughter was just starting to learn how to make some of her own. And then told me that the booth next to hers was "selling some therian masks" (yes she actually used the word therian completely unprompted!) and sure enough the couple in there were selling some masks made by their 11 year old daughter (which were absolutely gorgeous btw). Afterwards, as I was out near the parking lot waiting for my ride so that I could leave, I was practicing quadrobics and some 5-6 year old kids walked past me with their parents and looked absolutely awestruck. Shortly after another woman approached me and told me that her young granddaughter was completely overjoyed when she saw me me running around and had wanted to come play with me, and had said "Ive never seen a creature play like that before!!"
Not only was the ren faire itself super fun and cool to be at (I can't wait for next year omg), but it was unexpectedly the most positive alterhuman related experiences Ive had maybe ever.
There is a future where we are normal, where others see us as who we truly are and where we don't have to conceal ourselves to avoid judgement. The road isn't always going to be smooth, especially as we grow in numbers, in fact I fully expect things to get a whole lot worse for us in the years and decades to come. But one day, maybe even in our lifetimes, you will walk through a pride parade and see someone enthusiastically waving a massive theta delta flag through the crowd. You will hear strangers casually use species neutral language like it's the most normal thing in the world. You will sit down with your family to watch the newest popular tv show that includes a character who has received species affirming medical care. You will walk past a cozy locally owned business that has an "all species welcomed!" sticker on their window next to their lgbtq+ and poc welcoming signs.
We are everywhere, and we're not going away. There will always be those who refuse to understand us, but there will be more who choose to love and accept us in our entirety, I have absolutely no doubt about that <3
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zeropro · 18 days ago
So I’ve seen you draw and tag a couple of different ships, just wondering which are your favorite???
Love your art btw :D
Thank you!
I don’t have a specific ship i'm particularly loyal to, so I guess I’ll rate them and also provide my own headcanons:
(disclaimer i dont know ship names so imma just try my best)
Trine-shipping: yes, put the three of them together, I don’t care. familial, sexual, romantic, platonic, its all good. I go crazy seeing them stand next to each other in the cartoon what do you want from me.
thunderwarp: I see this one a lot and I quite like it. these two being mates with starscream doing his own thing kinda makes sense considering starscream has a bunch of other ships. also makes it fun when something happens to one of them and starscream is left in the awkward position of having to deal with that.
thunderstar: been thinking about this one more lately. they’re like foils to each other. thundercracker’s a good boy to starscream’s bad boy, and he does such a concern about all the morally dubious stuff starscream gets up to. but at the same time, he admires starscream’s ambition and rizz and starscream the kinda bot that would pull you so high if you followed him. I think out of anyone, starscream is the closest to actually trusting thundercracker. 
starwarp: i had this thought one time of what if skywarp is like the horniest asexual and starscream is the most traumatized aromantic, and how would that even work XD nothing solid in the works just an idea that I had. ive seen these two less often outside of trine shipping but it can be pretty hot. I like when they are being protective of each other. I always see skywarp as more emotionally open than his trinemates and starscream can use some of that open and honest emotional love and care. someone to forcfully make him accept being loved. someone who will actually push back when he’s being stupid. and with skywarp being loyal to megatron, so much angst potential for both of them.
starbee: im a sucker for the whole ghost bee starscream dynamic. I already made a post about these two, and after all this time I still really enjoy this ship. I think characters that don’t actually like each other at first but grow into a mutual respect is so tasty. I think some people don’t like the ship because they headcanon bee as too young? well, starscream is actually younger in my fic lmao, but also they’re like 6 million years old and are born with full adult processing capabilities, I don’t think age matters here :P its less about intimacy for me anyway. I like them together because of how much it takes to get there. 
starwavewave: okay this one is 100% fueled by tfone but guyssss guysss theyre married and megatron is their son and im just aaaagh dont seperate them! such a kookie dynamic, the cool headed soundwave, the emotionally volatile shockwave, the arrogant yet cowardly starscream, all being fail dads to their little scamp leader. hahaha. high command polycule 
megastar: gasp, rated above skystar. yes, I just find this dynamic more interesting. I like an abusive ship sometimes for the angst but I also enjoy seeing megatron when he isnt abusive? kinda catharsis maybe. I read a fic once where the war is over and starscream invites megatron to one of optimus’ high profile parties and is appalled at megatron showing up in robot equivalent of underdressed, meanwhile megatron the working class miner is like “I washed, what else was I supposed to do” XD and I just love that haha. theres just so many ways to take it. I wont be doing any megastar in my au, I just tag anything that has megatron and starscream interacting with megastar cuz thats the dynamic to me
skystar/jetstar: iddkkkkk i know this is the most popular ship but it’s just!! idk! its not as interesting to me haha. I love this as a past ship, they were roommates in college, starscream opened himself to someone, chose to become close and then was hurt by it. just another wound on starscream’s spark before he ever even meets megatron. I don’t think theyd get back together after the ice. idk how well I can write this so I’ll just explain how it happens in my au here: skyfire died and starscream created this version of skyfire in his mind that was perfect, he memorialised him because he was dead! you just cant live up to how someone remembers you. I think that was part of the reason why starscream reacts so badly when skyfire “betrayed” him. unlike thundercracker, skyfire knows how to set healthy boundaries. not to mention he’d been on ice for four million years, lost his entire life, everyone he knows, and his entire civilisation, planet, and culture to a war he had no part in. bot’s gonna be upset. pissed off even. skyfire shouldnt have to be some soft sparked punching bag for starscream, he’s kind and a pacifist but he’s also going to get upset and have feelings. I think starscream’s betrayal would hit pretty hard, he’d gonna be upset about how much starscream’s changed, how much damage starscream helped cause during the war, and also starscream shooting him in the back for wanting to protect the native wildlife! when they properly talk to each other again it’s going to be heated on both sides, and I think after some hard work from both sides they could end up in a place where they are willing to be friends again, but I don’t think they’d conjunx. skystar isnt end game to me, but it is canon and an important part of the story
starop: I think ive read one fic where I really liked this ship. it’s just such a random pairing. my initial reaction is just noooo optimus prime?? but that guy’s everyone’s dad! Ive been told a big part of it is they’re both megatron’s ex’s and that’s pretty funny. not for me sadly haha (opxmegatronoldmanyaoiotpfrfr)
starjack…wheelstar? whatever the starscream and wheeljack one is. I’m not into this one. I see where people are coming from with it, but wheeljack isnt an interesting character to me. they can be science bros tho
starscream and windblade: ive seen this like once or twice. not for me. windblade is like, starscream’s daughter or something idk XD 
soundstar: uuuh i dont see it. sorry! i legit have no thoughts on soundstar. theyre coworkers XD. ive seen fics where the seekers are really young and soundwave moms them, and that’s really cute. okay, I like soundwave as a caretaker if the seekers are young, but yeah I don’t think I understand this one. 
shockstar: nooooooo. tho ironically theres more canon content there to fuel this one than soundstar (is this emotion?) but still no XD I don’t even hate shockwave! let him be sunstorm’s dad, that’s cute. but no, shockewave too creepy. no ship. they are also coworkers
what other ship is there even? oh yeah
starprowl: this is apparently a really popular ship?! I guess in a way prowl is sort of like the autobot’s starscream, undermining his leader, arrogant, willing to do the dubious play. they’re both ruthless. I like this one better than starjacked, but its still an odd pairing to me.
oh! knockout and starscream, i can kinda see it? like, as a rebound after breakdown? I like knock out and breakdown, so I’d only see these two as like friends or if something happened to breakdown. they’re a LOT of fun when they interact tho heh heh, perfectly clashing personalities
on the topic of tfp, I guess starscream and arcee is a ship? I can see this similar to my enjoyment of starbee, they’d have to work reeaally hard for this one to work but they have had potentially positive interactions in the show (before starscream screws it up) so its possible in a better world where starscream doesnt suck they could become friends. him killing cliffjumper is gonna be a huge hurdle tho! 
dont talk to me about airachnid
do people ship starscream and ratchet? I don’t ship it, but I do really like interactions between them. starscream is so terrible but he also gets hurt a lot. ratchet is grumpy and prejudice but he’s the best doctor and he’ll fix him up! I like when something terrible happens to starscream and ratchet cant help but feel bad for the guy. that’s the good stuff.
lastly i have been asked a few times on trinebee. im assuming this is bumblebee and the trine. i hadnt thought about it but it makes sense! if youre a starbee shipper, but you also support trine propaganda, then it only makes sense to bring bee into the trine. also bee and thundercracker are friends! the only ones who havent really had any interaction is bee and warp, and honestly idk if I see those two getting along but bumblebee is everybody’s friend so XD I’m sure it’ll work out!
and i think those are all the thoughts i have on the ships! 
no hate on anyone who ships any of these!!! you all do what you do, these are just my opinions, and honestly I’m just not a huge shipper to begin with haha. I am…unsure if there will be any shipping content in my au, I write my scenarios very much “canon but to the left” and so it comes out very sex-less because romance and intimacy is just not the type of content I’m in the business of writing. but, idk, i think about it sometimes. sometimes I think about the end of chapter one of thundercracker’s origin, the night starscream took thundercracker out on a not-date. i think, who knows, in some version of the story maybe they shared a kiss? maybe they went back to the apartment and things went further? maybe. but of course, in every version of the story, starscream is gone the next morning. 
happy valentrine’s day!
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twistedastrology · 11 months ago
♋cancers and rage♋
i just did a workout because i had way too much energy today and now im exhausted so im gonna talk abt sumn im very passionate abt while i sit on the floor and recover 😮‍💨
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a pretty big observation ive made since ive been into astrology and more specifically since ive been basically reinventing it in my head is that cancers, especially cancer risings/cancer mars, have a VERY misunderstood relationship with anger.
most people ive seen have said something along the lines of cancers are crybabies and they tend to cry when they're angry or just skip anger altogether and go to the depression side of things
personally, im a cancer rising with mars conjunct my ascendant (and ofc saturn in my 1st 💞💞) and i have NEVER found this to be the case, and other cancer risings i know don't follow those stereotypes either
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in my experience, imagine a combination of aries energy and capricorn energy, THAT'S what cancers embody when it comes to emotion, especially rage.
i've written an entire newsletter on this and made a whole instagram post for it over at @bluedashercrafts (they're not on tumblr yet but the link takes u to their instagram!!) so i have indeed thought very in depth about this 😮‍💨
cancers can blow up like aries, but they can hold a grudge like capricorn- and if you're me and you have saturn in your 1st (in fixed fire btw 😮‍💨), you'll lean more towards the capricorn side of things in any emotion.
i personally have a massive tendency to bottle up the pain (andrageandfearthatifeeltHEPAINANDR-) until im in a safe environment to get it out (aka being alone with my earbuds in and music blasting) OR until i can't hold it in anymore and the steam gets so high pressured that it blows the lid off the fucking pot- that's when i gotta run away and isolate myself and do a workout ASAP otherwise i will likely hurt myself because there's just So Much Energy
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i wanna bring a couple other examples to the table so you get a better idea of what im talkin abt here-
if you're a korn enjoyer like me, you'll know the My Gift To You - Woodstock '99 performance. well the first time i saw that and it got to the "I HATE YOU- CAN'T YOU FEEL TEH PAAIN-" part, my fucking jaw dropped and i almost cried because i could not believe that i was seeing someone else exhibit the same like- Pure Unbridled Rage that i experience all the time- the kind of visceral emotion that literally makes you flail around on stage and then bang the microphone against it like 3+ times because you're trying to come back to reality like jonathan davis was-
THAT is the level I'm talking about- that is the level that is very specific to cancer placements, specifically cancer risings and cancer mars (and his mars is in a cancer degree of scorpio, so there you go)
another more well-known example would be Markiplier! if you've seen his rage game playthroughs, you'll know he throws chairs and mouses and just generally gets pissed to an ungodly extent- he's a cancer rising with his venus and sun in cancer and his mars in leo.
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cancers are NOT the signs that break down crying when they experience anger, they are the ones that feel their blood boil more than aries does.
for another good example, my best friend has his mars and venus both in aries, but he's another cancer rising- whenever he gets angry, he gets VERY angry, but he doesn't have the saturn influence that i do, so his anger is much more aries-like (short fuse, louder about it and it doesn't last as long- his is more like the classic interpretation of anger issues), whereas mine is MUCH more capricorn-like (LONG fuse, WAY quieter about it but god forbid it gets loud, and it Can last a very long time)
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now you might wanna ask me "why the hell do you keep saying aries and capricorn specifically", well i just explained that im not gonna lie BUT-
cancers are very aries-like because they're the CARDINAL water sign, and cardinal signs are basically just fire-coded whatever element they are- (aries is double fire, capricorn is fire-coded earth, libra is fire-coded air, and cancer is fire-coded water)
and with aries being the fire-coded fire sign, it's essentially capricorn is aries-coded earth- THAT'S why cancers can be VERY similar to aries.
as for capricorn, cancers are the sister sign to capricorn, so they'll share similar traits despite being on opposite sides of the wheel. PLUS, where fire burns itself out very quickly, water doesn't really dry out very quickly especially if there's a lot of it.
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this is really just part 1 when it comes to my reinvention of cancers- ill cover their relationship with sex as opposed to scorpios in another post because i really wanna delve more into that BUT!!!
if you want more of a well-put-together post on this, go check out the ig post and newsletter i did for blue dasher crafts!!! i also dived a little more into my personal experience with the anger and catharsis i go thru being a cancer rising/mars so!!
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archivedjuice · 5 months ago
Thanks for the rec list! If I have the brainspace while doing college work, I'll have a look :)
Unsure if you're interested in any sort of chatter about the show (critical perspetive obv) as I know it'd just be tiring to get bogged down in complaints? If that's so, instead of starting that conversation, is there anything about any of the comics you'd want to spotlight? I've seen a couple characters I'm unfamiliar with that I'm curious about.
i'm going to be so for real i do not remember much about the show anymore; i recently got into supernatural which has fifteen seasons, 20+ books, an anime, and a lot of behind the scenes and crew content so the show's been almost entirely pushed out of my head minus how it directly affects the comics, to make room for the new interest as well as what i'm still interested in re: comics. if i talk about daredevil it's entirely from the perspective of the comics, a limited perspective at that because ive been fixated on a character with like fifty issues for almost two years.
but YES okay. i'm mainly spotlighting characters here since i mentioned mike murdock in my last post, but i'm named after sam chung aka blindspot, who is soule's original character who first appeared in his v5 run (2017). my mutual @faacethefacts is quite literally sam chung central and my favourite interpretation of his character exists in their psyche.
jumping all the way back to v1, something i remember really enjoying were the reoccurring background characters in ann nocenti's run; @murdockmeta and i were talking about it the other day and he said, "nocenti's characterization feels so authentic [...] nocenti reminds the reader that karen and foggy and the people of hell's kitchen are just as important to matt as his internal struggles. it makes him feel much more human rather than just a dichotomy [relating to miller]."
all of david mack's runs changed my perspective of comics as an art form which was a pretty low bar to reach as a first-time comic reader (who had only read post-mcu stuff) but that made his stuff all the more important to me. his character maya lopez aka echo recently got a live action adaption and while i thought it was promising that disney finally reached their own lowest fucking bar and starred a deaf actress in a show about a deaf character, i've found that disney's interpretation of echo's abilities horribly and purposely misunderstands her character and her identity as keetoowah. they tied her abilities to her native american identity, which is something mack explicitly did not do when writing her character; her abilities are her aid as a deaf person !! they're part of her conflict as a weapon !! her cherokee identity should be a fact about her, explored but not tied to the mysticism of that fictional world !! either way, do not watch the show, read the comics <3
god okay. bendis introduces a lot of his own ocs because that's kind of his thing but my favourites were milla donovan and agent del toro. they fell into the wrong hands after he stopped writing for daredevil—milla was fridged (if you know how to look at it, it can be a really good tragedy) and they whitewashed del toro in their racist the hand plotline—but their existence was super important to me and i'm just terribly fond of them :') matt's relationship with ben urich throughout v2 is also something i hold close to my heart because 1) bendis specifically does really well with writing relationships and people, and the nuance of it intrigues me; i could write meta about it if i got back into writing comic meta again, and 2) that's the last we see of them until the most recent run (word-of-mouth, btw. i haven't read v8 yet).
KIRSTEN IS MY GIRL!! she's like so important to me. i'm imprinted on her. if i was on tumblr in 2012, and she as a character existed, i'd fight tooth and nail to have her on my kin list and make sure no one else did. she unfortunately succumbed to the whitewashing demon of daredevil past but that's okay because to me, she is living her best life after [v5 spoilers tbh].
my relationship with elektra can simply be described as that of something akin to a strike. i refuse to read anything of modern daredevil if she's in the title. she has her own fucking title !! we're regressing and it makes me feel a little bit more insane every time i remember that zdarsky stuffed her into the daredevil suit and gave her ableist and infantilising lines for matt. either way i implore you to read nothing about her in the daredevil title past 2018 and to make sure you check out her actual title. amen.
also, simply, matt and foggy's relationship. and not so simply, i miss you karen you deserved better.
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galindatopland · 2 years ago
you can literally always hate jeff in the tags of my misty posts btw im reading those tags the way one reads a morning newspaper. the fanon version of jeff seems so different to canon jeff like he’s not really the dedicated malewife people make him out to be shsjsks. he didn’t want to even try strawberry lube like c’mon now. he freaked out when she saved their asses and grabbed the gun. perhaps this is an unfair assumption for me to have of the writers but ive seen it happen in other shows and i fear they might’ve seen how the general audience liked there’s no book club!jeff and added more of him and that general vibe bc of it. but to me s1 jeff worked bc you spend most of it distrusting or disliking him and then he has a shining moment at the taylors and thennn he goes back to being Like That when you find out he’s the blackmailer. and it’s like this really sad, terrible marriage two people are stuck in for various reason so idk where the couple goals even in a fun failmarriage way comes from. he’s not even the most interesting non shauna member of the sadecki family!!! callie is right there esp if they’re focusing on her motherhood!!! ANYWAYS. jeff & walter’s downfall 2k23 im with you
okay thank you for giving me the excuse to talk about it actually cause i was thinking this since the season started. people's ENTIRE interpretation of jeff as a character hinges and is almost exclusively based on THERE WAS NO BOOK CLUB? literally everything else he does gets twisted so he can stay this fanon dream himbo wifeguy. and that's the show's fault to an extent for sure cause there is a framing there due to how much they want jeff in the comic relief role. but the show does make a point of showing that jeff is deeply disturbed by shauna, that he's been a shit husband actually and he's kind of an awful person tbh. like! thats not a character flaw per se, we are all here for awful characters. but people don't want an interesting dynamic between those two or for jeff to be more than a one dimensional goofy idiot. and they also want shaunajeff to be like. santa clarita diet marriage or whatever which. loved santa clarita diet but that's AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THING. and an entirely different type of show and we do all get that this would strip shauna of all her amazing nuances right? right? anyways back to jeff. people will see how he reacts to shauna pulling that gun or how he's entirely against everything shauna does regarding callie and go omg wifeguy always supportive. he is not? and for good reasons lmao? people will see teen jeff cheating and be like ye shauna was awful for doing this to jackie but jeff is just a poor little idiot plus (did see a take like this which. hello) jackie wouldn't have sex with him so he's without fault. like. what. anyways he's a cheater who found out SOME of what his wife experiened in the wilderness (not everything for sure cause that man is way waaay WAY too freaked out by shauna's behaviors to know it all lets be real) and decided to profit off the victims he knew as a teen dgsbjfjdjdsb like he offered to go to jail for adam murder in part cause his own blackmailing scheme is what pushed shauna to kill adam? just cause he's kind of funny every once in a while doesn't mean he's A Loving Himbo Wifeguy. all jeff related posts are that and its why i started having an allergic reaction to jeff
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glowxie · 9 months ago
does yalls therapist give u advice that would NOT fucking fly on here too or is mine just in her 50s
[rant below]
like ok. since the truth abt wilbur dropped it has been a steady topic in therapy (sidenote- i literally do not know why but this is a common thing for me. i often get obsessed w media, run w that for maybe a year, fall out of the fandom but still latch onto a couple characters/creators/whathaveyou. for dsmp it was the sorry boys with HEAVY emphasis on ran and wil)
i also have ocd and have a really hard time with "morality" as i call it. genuinely dont know what else to call it. anyway that translates a lot into completely dropping people/musicians/creators etc when i find out theyve actively hurt people.
it's also me doing genuine hours of research into new people and never being able to just casually like something. if a song plays and ive heard more than 2 songs by the artist and i like both i WILL end up doing a deep dive on the artist to see what they have or havent done.
ive been working on that slowly but surely. but anyway. lovejoy. shit got me through when my mom almost died and it felt like a whole new type of grief than what i was already feeling because i KNEW my ocd wouldnt let me listen to them anymore. it was a very back and forth process that i still struggle a lot with.
in therapy it usually goes like
me: like logically i know solely streaming the music on spotify will not bring them very much revenue spotify hates paying their artists and ive never bought merch ive never promoted them ive never made fanart of wil- but my brain thinks immediately if i listen to one song im a horrible person supporting a man that committed domestive violence and is denying it. he has so much support and die hard fans that are going after the victims. i feel like by listening to lovejoy im as bad as them, both him and the fans
her: so. it sounds like youre punishing yourself over something completely out of your control. you did everything you could, went above and beyond to make sure he was a person worthy of your support, yet even his friends didnt know about the abuse at the time. youre keeping yourself from something that you enjoy, something that brought you comfort. you did not know, they didnt know, it wasnt your fault he committed this crime. why should you be punished?
and like. i get it. i really do. i guess part of it is im afraid of what people will think. i do not support wilbur. i fucking hate him for what hes done and i hope he rots in hell. but some of his music brought me comfort in extremely distressing times. listening to music doesnt make me a bad person. knowing does. knowing everything thats happened and continuing to contribute to his fame- thats what kills me about it.
i also know that ran would be so disappointed in me for continuing to listen. so i havent been.
i dont really know what the point of this post is. i guess ive just not seen a perspective like this other than mine. i guess i just hope if other people are afraid like i am (and this is my ocd medicated btw. i have extreme ocd) they can read this and see that if nothing else they arent alone in feeling this way.
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artisticmenace · 2 years ago
Other DNIs below.
im approachable and you should talk to me. cue hypnosis. on or off anon. you can literally never talk to me again if you wanted. this is the internet and idk who you are or where you live ok.
Hello, dear friends and accociates. Welcome to the normal info section.
hiii. I'm tabs. I'm suuuper gay(asexual panromantic). I'm also an artist. Any scorn or prejudice will be promptly ignored. Criticism will be looked over as long as its constructive. i am american 🇺🇲🏈🦅🤠
profile picture forever and always by me. unless this message changes in which im not using my own art as a pfp anymore.
im on bsky now here u go
fun facts:
im not a stoner but a lot of people think i am
i <3 maximalism and i want to be cecil palmer
in an ideal world i would be a clown
About me:
I have a bunch of OCs, and I'm writing so many (unfinished)books... Yeah, that's right. I like to suffer and die creatively TWICE!! I can not be helped. I'm just goofy like that sometimes. I hate most non canon ships for fandoms im in, but I'll probably just go "ew" and leave you alone(depends on the ship, really). I like to dress fancy, and my general look is deep woods cottagecore that has recently drank from the lake of maximalism. You won't see pictures of me, probably, because my room is NOT clean. Sometimes, I vent on here, but that's because I am the only demographic this blog needs. I love you, too, but your feelings are only being considered a little bit. I use tone tags every now and then if I feel I would be misunderstood. On that note, I am more likely to ignore or ask for clarification if you say something rancid or silly than get on your ass about it.
Those Days:
I'm gonna be making a comic called Those Days about a small town old gay couple, Scott and Rodney, telling their life's story. They've been friends since their sophomore year in high school, and they've seen a lot. Scott was a punk, to say the least.
For the actual comic, you'll need to thosedayscomic, the blog I made for the comic.
^^ I'm currently working on the first issue. I do have lots of art of them though.
Tags for my comic:
those days, those days comic. also any character names first and last.
Current Fixations:
Camp Here and There (Waiting for S2)
Welcome to Night Vale (all caught up)
The Magnus Archives (help)
The Magnus Protocol (screaming)
Good Omens (wkealt. wbotpfalt.)
Malevolent (blood covered screaming crying throwing up)
What's Currently Crippling:
Malevolent. good god.
I love interaction! I will always discuss my interests, and l o r e when asked. In other words, PLEASE TALK TO ME !!!
i use ibispaintx btw and i watch the ads for my brushes
things you can do with my art:
- You can use my art as a pfp or banner on any social media(if u rlly want to) excluding twitch and yt if u have a channel AS LONG AS YOU CREDIT ME
- you can use my art for like. wallpapers and edits or wtv. i dont care if u post them w credit as long as you arent selling them.
things you can NOT do with my art:
- repost w/o credit
- actually just steal my art
- use it to train ai
- use it for anything commercial unless ive either a) given you permission or b) you commissioned/traded me or i gave it to you for free (this includes twitch and yt if you have an active channel that you post/stream on)
if any of this comes up i will start using watermarks again even though i usually dont cause no one is stealing from me rn.
Art Requests/Asks: Open!!
Art Trades: Open!!
DMs: Open(as long as you arent a creep or an asshole obviously)
(cant do commissions because the world hates me but dont be shy to trade me. not particular on what i get back as long as i made someone happy. cause it feels amazing to see something i did made someone happy)
DNI LIST because I'm a little hater:
proshippers (what the fuck. what the actual fuck. fictional or not.)
active members of the hazbin/helluva fandom(if i am reminded of that shitshow when you interact with my page UTAFSHBDBDBDJNSJAGAHAOSHHAGA)
racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, etc
18+ blogs (a whole minor)
those problematic "sexualities" (ex. super straight, MAP, zoosexual)(also RCTA what the fuck)
people who fake disabilities/mental illness
people who actively misuse words that describe mental illnesses even though they are well informed about that sort of thing
those fucking people who ruin pretty houses and antique furniture and old clothing. fuck you.
people who write smut about canonically sex repulsed asexual characters(jonathan sims) and just people who decide they dgaf about anything like that. bi-erasure, aro-erasure. anything erasure. i hope youre having a terrible day.
sydelijah shippers get out.
(this one is unserious) people who dont deadname twitter
people who are mean to me. i havent had any yet but just in case. if you disagree with my take, thats ok bc you arent the demographic for my blog. I AM!!!! /silly srs
Here's my sick tags:
artisticmenace - anything that is a post by me
menaceartisticity - art and art related things
themenaceuseswords- text posts. i say shit sometimes.
themenacerants - my new tag for when i lose my shit
menaceencouragement - words of solace and encouragement from me
menacepoetry - poetry/songs yeah. probably sad stuff cause im miserable sometimes
menacescrawling - writing. oh buddy boy.
menacemusicality - im a choir kid what do you want from me
Thank you, I love you.
going to collect these things because why not
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credits, top to bottom:
cowboyinternist (2)
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sleeping-shifter · 2 months ago
don't want to respond to that one post about waking up at 6am everyday when shifting again since I don't want to accidentally be rude and clog their tags but guess what happened for the fourth time last night
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Literally took this screenshot as I woke up and went to check the time you literally cannot make this up this is the FOURTH TIME IN A ROW NOW???
Obv i went to shift again not long after that ss and when i woke up here today I went to check the time and well
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which was crazy for me to see. Like lowkey excited freaking out a little bit lmao. because being absolutely honest ever since I started actually *really* putting in the affirmations and mindset to loa and shifting, like repeating affirmations and visualizations in my head pretty frequently throughout the day and giving myself reminders that im already there and i can do things like shifting and getting into the void and pure consciousness easily and instantly, ive been seeing angel numbers like crazy. Keep in mind i dont actively look for these numbers in things, i dont wait for specific times on purpose lmao. All the angel numbers ive seen are from just blinking my phone on to check the time and BOOM angel number. Which considering this is the third time in the past 24 hours ive seen the number 1111, on TOP of having seen three other angel numbers throughout the day yesterday. Is crazy.
Like I went from barely ever seeing them (trust me ive known shifting for 4+ years and when getting a new phone i had to clear out my old storage to see what to transfer and I had screenshots from years ago of me taking one whenever there was an angel number) to seeing 6+ in one day with an average of 3-4 in the other past days before yesterday? And once again reminder all the times I see it are on my phones time. That's it. This doesn't include any numbers from something like scores or automated sequences etc cause i usually dont look there or pass it off quick. Literally just from checking the time occasionally ive somehow landed on angel numbers way way more often.
Which, btw, started when I began actually taking the time to affirm and remind myself of my abilities. Like no joke, I remember the first day waking up here from deciding to start fixing my mindset and seeing all the angel numbers i was like "wow that's so cool" but the numbers genuinely haven't stopped coming if anything i saw more yesterday than I ever had before. Literally 1111 three times in 24 hours on TOP off another 3 angel numbers (111, 333, 555, to be specific, yes i have screenshots what can i say my habit never died off but its because of that habit i know im getting these way more frequently than i used to). This on top of my brain suddenly waking me up at 6-7am everyday since I've started going to shift at night, PLUS going from having dreams once every two weeks or so to daily dreams TIMES TWO since my brain has been waking me up early and I just go back to shifting again, and yeah I think I'm on to something.
All these changes just because I simply have decided to affirm, visualize, and persist. Literally. All this bc i had a pretty big revalation recently about my mindset of the past couple years when it comes to this. Decided that im no longer "trying" or "reaching" for the void, for the state of pure consciousness, or for shifting.
Instead, I welcome it to me because it comes easily for me. Shifting and getting into the void/state of pure consciousness can be done instantly with ease. I don't need to stretch myself thin and throw myself into these circles "attempting" or "trying" for results when I can just relax since it all comes naturally and I already have them. Im already there, ive already shifted. I can touch it, I can visualize it clearly, I can feel the satisfaction of having the ability and being complete, so I know I've already made it. Im already there.
Looking at this I realize I probably sound insane but uh I promise im not lmao. A simple tl:dr of this is that I realized my mindset was making shifting and getting into a state of pure consciousness/the void so much harder, decided to change said mindset and actually put in some work for it, and am now seeing some results of it.
Anyways I'm gonna keep persisting, affirming, visualizing, and sitting in the satisfaction of knowing that I already have all the abilities, the power, anything and everything i need to manifest and shift and get into the void/state of pure consciousness easily and instantly. As well as sit in the satisfaction of knowing that im already in my drs and that ive already made it 💜👍
0 notes
s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year ago
ive not seen many campaigns so bare with me here (btw side note, got through ep 100!! just a couple more and i got art projects so im probs gonna play the eps while i draw)
connor (oneshot myhrbonse, i think it was a pitched campaign from the slime man), he got drunk once and just hugged ryan (played by condi). also incredible at dap ups without having performed one before, i cant remember it all its just also vibes
arlin! black rose oneshot, i believe this was like grizzlys pitch or smth, but most people heard aboit my man! hed like pick up chip whenever the fuck he could, absolutely. i need to remember more about these men but also vibes
and one where i dont need any research done, chibo! the bastard you wanna kiss, the wet cat man who cannot keep trying to fight the allegations seriously its a problem all of mana and beyond knows your fucking gay chip-
chup, riptide, we know and love (and hate [joke]) him. like arlin, picks up small boy all the fucking time, played along to gills daps (he was always shit before i just remember this), im certian more then once hes asked gillion tidestrider to be held, back pats, literally kissed a fish man, held hands before with a character (cant remember rn), thelist goes on!
they all have had very sweet moments, mostly with people who could be considered as like familial figures, and the fact that either we dont know much about their families, they have little to no other family, or a mix of both makes it ever so sweet
im warning now btw im gonna talk about connor and shit so thats the bigger spoiler of the 3 (arlin and chip most have heard about)
connors parents? dont remember if they ever got mentioned. the only family hes ever had is his brother, whos fucking dying and he literally goes to learn magic to have control over death for gim.now hes a nervous college student with worries of every fucking thing, and yet here his friends are, ryan who keeps calling him a nerd but at this point its affectionate, and aster who despte what he may believe sees commitment and care and love to his magic rather then darkness or evil or any shit. could some of that be what i interpret? hell yeah. is it still obvious these 3 have a familial (found) connection? Y E S
arlin we've heard jack shit on his family, and yet he accidentally finds a child a family and its on a pirate crew. he just did what he thinks is a simple trick for him, just wanting to help out one whos had such an unfortunate life (the eyes gave it away) and now he has a motherfucking son.
chip, we know his family is all fucking gone. but he extends his family more then just the past pirate crew, but with new friends and even getting himself a son/yoynger brother figure! must i elaborate there?
if you wanna hear more of my mythborne shit just check the tag out im probs easy to find in the text posts lol
sorry for taking forever and thanks for waiting
at school will rpovide examples later
I am eagerly awaiting
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pamgkrthwrites · 3 years ago
Ive seen your posts and i really like them, Can i ask for Redson x reader?
What if the reader had the same powers and the anxiety issues as Pepa madrigal.
Oh and btw if possible, can they have an arranged marriage please? Thank you!
I've assigned AFAB to reader for plot.
Warnings: Season 3 spoilers, forced marriage, forced pregnancy implied, Mentions of parental abuse
You sat across from Red Son and his parents, your own parents sitting beside you on either side. You were looking down at your hands as you had toned out of the conversation a while ago. You had to keep yourself calm so you didn't cause your true emotions about the matter to show.
Your parents were trying to sell you off to marry Red Son as a wife. Apparently they were looking for a powerful elemental demon so Red Son could have powerful children. You didn't want for your own children, but it didn't seem like you were being allowed to have a input.
Your parents were getting tired of your weather's emotional outbursts, since this was coming up they tried to at least beat it out of you. You tried keeping yourself calm throughout this whole meeting.
It was getting harder and harder as Red Son's glare at you was becoming more painful. You looked up once and saw his pricing blue eyes glaring down at you. They looked like they were glowing. You suddenly felt cold and darted your eyes away from him to calm down. You better not be snowing shit-
You felt your own parents glare at you for your rude attitude and tried to rush the meeting along.
"Thank you for your time, Princess Iron Fan." Your mother with her fake happy tone. "Please contact us if we have an arrangement."
Soon you were rushed out of the room by your mother as your father walked them out.
"How could you be so careless?" Your mother growled, baring her demons fangs at you.
"I'm sorry, okay!" You recoiled from her. "He was glaring at me and it-"
"I don't care what he was doing! Your need to get use to it before the wedding!"
"We don't even-"
"Excuse me!"
You and your mother froze upon hearing Red Son's voice. Your mother turned and started being her fake happiness before he interrupted her.
"I want to speak to Y/N, privately."
Everything fell silently.
Shit was he offended by you glancing up at him?
You followed him out into your family's garden, trying not to anger him but also to keep your own powers down.
"Stop that." He ordered.
"Stop? Stop what?"
"That!" He yelled, his hair turning into a flame for a moment. "Your not supposed to keep your powers done like that!"
You were taken aback, how could he tell?"
"It's rude-"
"No, it isn't!" He exclaimed. "If you are going to marry me and bare my children then you need to be more expressive with yourself! You're not going to survive long if you don't!"
You froze up.
"So, we are marrying?" You asked.
"Of course we, peasant!" He looked offended by your question. "We wouldn't have stuck around for so long! Of course, you need proper moulding but I believe you already will fit the role I will need you to be."
"Which is?"
Now was his time to be quiet, his cheeks slightly blushing.
"I would like, for you, to be there for me, emotionally."
"... So a partner?"
"... Yes I guess that works."
You two were silent.
"I'm not going to force you to... You know..." He mumbled. "I would rather build something first before trying to touch you."
You rolled your eyes at his ending statement. It was just his personality, don't take it too seriously.
Though, it was nice that he wasn't going to force you to have his children right now.
"Thank me later." He grumbles before walking back inside.
You turned to see your parents glaring at you.
This was going to be a painful couple of weeks.
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awkward-froogy · 3 years ago
Forgotten [Otto Octavius x reader]
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Summary: Your an Intern at OSCORP and have some background stuff with Norman, but your interning under Otto.
A/N: So slow burn lets go. lets be honest here, this is my first fic Ive ever posted so its messy and stuff, and i prob messed up some words/spelling but, soft otto, and btw no Rosie because he aint cheating. Also this is after SM1, Norman Survived it. I also tried to make Y/N as gender neutral as I could.
Warnings: a little unwanted attention
"Norman, you can't confuse the intern like this"
"Otto, I'm not doing anything wrong. You making these suggestions upon our relationship is entirely inappropriate. I think you should get to know them before coming at me with these allegations. Tomorrow the intern will be here, and you will be their teacher, understood."
"Understood." Otto has known for the past week this new intern and Norman have been getting too close to each other. Confronting Norman in hopes he would stop before anything bad would happen just made everything more confusing. Now he has to meet this person, knowing what has been going on between them and Norman. Should he confront them too? He was not excited.
The next day...
Y/N has been interning over at Oscorp for over a week now. They can't deny that they got the internship because of their secret relation with Norman Osborn. They had never meant for the relationship to start, but a drunken night at a convention had other ideas. They have only seen Norman a couple of times after the convention but not enough to call it a 'relationship'. Wondering down the new halls at Oscorp, trying to find Doctor Octavius' room, sliding their hand across the walls to get accustomed to them. Finally looking up Y/N found the room with the name across a rather small paper for 'Doctor Otto Octavius'. Y/N slightly looked in the room surprisingly seeing Norman. Y/N quickly shot back from the door, hitting the back of their head on the wall, creating a loud thud. You rubbed the back of your head, trying to numb the thumping. Norman walks out of the door laying his eyes upon the scene.
"Ah, Y/N... are you ok?"
"Yes, I'm fine. I... I slipped"
Norman looks at you confused but precedes to show you into the room. Introducing you to the Doctor,
"Here they are, finally," Norman raises his hand to you, "Y/N, hopefully, you already know somewhat of Doctor Octavius?" He looks at you, as you look down while slightly nodding. "Good, well now that you two are accustomed, I must be leaving. Lots to do with little time..." He makes his way toward the door, getting close enough to you to brush his hand on the back of your arm, it tickles. Unknown if this presence gives you excitement or makes you wish it never happened. Norman turns around one more time and says, "You two are going to do great things!" and leaves. Your kind of glad he's gone.
Quite flows around the room, looking up finally to see Octavius. Funny name Octavius, very super villain feel to it, you thought. You finally go up to reach out your hand, "Y/N Y/LN" he returns the gesture, "Octavius, Otto Octavius." It was quite awkward, he was actually pretty quiet for such a large presence he took in the room. So you took control, "I have looked over your work on atomic research, it is very intriguing," The Doctor looked up fascinated, he was a smart guy but not too popular to the public, "Oh, yes..." Otto then starts to ramble on and on about his research, totally forgetting you were there. You don't mind though, at this point you had stopped listening to his theories and explanations just to observe him. When he would get a little too excited on the topic you noticed the corners of his lips would curl into a small smile, it was cute. Otto finally looks up, realizing what he's been doing, stopping mid-sentence to apologize, you chuckle, " I don't mind, It is all truly interesting, but I do believe we should get some work done before Norman comes back." Otto responds, "Yes, Yes... well, I've been working on a combination of many things, but right now the main thing is my Adamantium Arms." He gets up from his chair walking to a cabinet, grabs a pile of papers, and brings them over. Wow, this is one tall man, you thought, he was at least 6'2. He sits back down quickly, pulling himself back under the protection of the counter like he was trying to hide from you. He flips through the papers getting you updated upon the projects, "we don't have to necessarily start on this today, I was actually hoping you could start on my side projects? Sorry, not to say...um... I just think" you cut him off, "No, I understand. I'm fine with anything. Just put me on a task and I'll do it." You slowly place your hand on his forearm, he looks up at you and you smile at him assuring him that anything is fine to you.
The day is almost over. It has been a pretty good day so far, you have conversed with Otto enough for the awkward silence to become not so awkward, which was progress. You hear a knock at the door, quickly turning your head in that direction, you see a face you've been dreading to see all day, "Otto, Y/N. How was your first day together?" Norman seems to only be looking at you while asking the question, which somewhat enrages you. You've noticed that Norman usually never acknowledges Otto, always seeing him as less than him. You reply, "It was very interesting." "Y/N do you need a ride home?" Norman asks, but you quickly blurt out that Otto was actually giving you a ride home. Otto quickly looks at you in confusion, but you just meet his eyes with a plead for help. He accepts the request, "Yes, I just thought it would be easier since I live closer to them." You fully know that Otto has no idea where you live, but it was a good improv on him. Disappointment coats over Normans' eyes, he states, "Y/N do you really want Otto to take you home, it's not a big deal where you live for me?" You look at him in surprise then look at Otto who seems not surprised in the backhanded remark. Then again Norman actually did know where you lived, sense one night you called him over to spend the night. "No, it's perfectly fine Nor... Mr. Osborn. Thanks for the offer!" Norman slowly makes his way towards the door, "Well, then. Have a nice night." He leaves in a rush, you feel slightly bad, Norman isn't a bad man, he might be egotistical but he's nice to you for the most part.
You look over at Octavius, "You don't have to take me home, I can just take the train." "No, it's fine I can take you home, I have the time." You walk out together, again with the doctor at his full height makes you feel very small compared to him. Finally, outside, Otto calls out for a cab. He opens the door for you to go in first, then closes the door and runs to the other side and gets in. "Where to?" the driver asks, Otto looks over at you with a questionable look you look at him with a worried expression, "Can you cover your ears?" he first questions you but agrees because you two had just met, considering that it is kind of weird for him to know your address, but that's not the true reason you had asked him to do so. The ride was quiet, Otto just kept his eyes out the window, intrigued with where they headed. When the two of you started to get closer to the destination you asked, "Doctor, would you mind closing your eyes? Please." Otto thought, again why are they being so mysterious, but he listened. His eyes were closed for the remainder of the time in the cab. The cab came to a stop, he heard you open the door, saying your thanks and goodbyes, then leaving. Otto couldn't help but open his eyes and make sure you got into your house safely. What surprised him was the area he was in, looking around he could see broken houses very close together, sketchy people roaming the streets. He didn't know what to expect about you, but he didn't expect you to live so poorly. Since you always looked so neat and nice, and you knew Norman of all people. He couldn't help but feel pity for you, which is the exact reason you told him to close his eyes. You've always been looked down upon for where you lived, that's why you suspect Norman has stayed by your side for so long. You look back to the cab before going into the house to see if he had listened to your request, his eyes were still closed, thank god. (Otto had seen you start to turn around and quickly closed his eyes again) You go into the rickety house you have called home. The cab pulls away, Otto keeps his eyes closed until getting home, due to feeling guilty he did open his eyes at your house. Getting out, grabbing his stuff, he has looked to your side and sees a notebook, you've forgotten it.
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type1diabetesinfandom · 3 years ago
Femslash in Diabetes Fic List
T1D in Star Wars  | T1D in Marvel | T1D in Supernatural | T1D in My Hero Academia
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All right, people; this isn’t a fandom rec list like my others so far, this is instead a rec list by topic. Specifically femslash. I’ve found only eight t1d fics with femslash front and center so far, but there’s a pretty good variety among them, and I’m sure there will be more to add in the future.
(The gif is misleading btw, I couldn’t find any Korrasami fics with t1d. Lmk if anyone writes some, because I want it. but that gif is gorgeous and i could not resist)
The fics are posted in alphabetical order. All links lead to AO3, unless otherwise specified.
If you like the fics, please remember to kudos and comment to let the author know you liked it. That’s the best way to support these fics and see more of them in the future. :)
blood sugar by sailorvtm
Fandom: The Last of Us (Video Games)
Rating: Gen
Warning: None Chosen
Relationship: Dina/Ellie
Wordcount: 523, complete
hi! sailor here, basically the summary is that ellie has type one diabetes and experiences hypoglycemia (aka low blood sugar / low glucose ). This fic also includes general type one diabetes rep since I see nothing with this shit. Before some people are like “why are you writing this?” Why not! Plus I have type one diabetes and all the fics ive seen so far are all literal stereotypes and im tired of seeing it
Gimme Some Sugar by lologoblens
Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018) 
Rating: Explicit
Warning: None Apply
Relationship: Adora/Catra
Wordcount: 9,311, complete
When Catra takes Adora home after meeting her at the club she expects to be in for a good night. What she does not expect is to wake up in the middle of the night to a near stranger rooting through her refrigerator...loudly.
Just My Thing by GleekOut91
Fandom: Glee
Hosted On: Fanfiction.net
Rating: Teen and Up
Warning: None Apply
Relationship: Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray
Wordcount: 5k+, incomplete
Quinn discovers that her girlfriend has Type 1 diabetes. A series of one shots following Quinn and Rachel’s lives together as they learn to cope with the condition as a couple, and the challenges they face along the way.
A Little Bit Longer, And I'll Be Fine. by kxteflxming              
Fandom: Line of Duty (TV 2012)
Rating: Gen
Warning: None Apply
Relationship: Joanne Davidson/Kate Fleming
Wordcount: 8,869, complete
She was knackered today, but she knew she had no choice but to go to work anyway. After all, what excuse did she have?
‘Oh yeah, hi, I can’t come to work because of my diabetes fucking me over that I never told any of you about’?
She had a feeling that one wouldn’t go down too well.
AKA Jo is a type one diabetic, and through all the highs and lows, Kate is always there.
A Little Tipsy on Your Love by Macremae
Fandom: Pacific Rim
Rating: Explicit
Warning: None Apply
Relationship: Karla Gottlieb/Vanessa Gottlieb
Wordcount: 5,353, complete
“Yeah,” Newt says, nodding like this is some kind of fascinating scientific discussion and not the worst day of Vanessa’s entire life, maybe. “You definitely have a lot of adrenaline right now, and probably increased estradiol levels, too. It’s likely affecting your entire endocrine system in an attempt to stimulate reproduction.”
There’s a brief, tense beat of silence as Vanessa registers this statement, then Karla and Hermann, and then Vanessa is shooting out her hand for Karla to yank her phone out of her trouser pocket and shove it towards her, frantically unlocking it and swiping to her Dexcom app. The little number on the screen says one hundred eighty three, with two side by side arrows pointing straight up.
“Bitch,” she tells it in a quiet, disappointed little voice, which of course is the exact moment her high alarm begins screaming at the top of its lungs.
In which our heroines fuck around, find out, and then just fuck.
Lift You Up When You’re Low by @kitkat404
Fandom: The Prom Musical
Rating: Gen
Warning: None Apply
Relationship: Alyssa Greene/Emma Nolan
Wordcount: 1,433
Emma’s blood sugar drops during a debate match, her teammates are to the rescue.
Through The Lows and The Highs by MissKateBishop (agathaharknness) @misskatebishop
Fandom: Black Widow (Movie 2021), MCU, Avengers
Rating: Gen
Warning: None Apply
Relationship: Natasha Romonanov/Reader
Rating: Gen
Wordcount: 800, complete
Natasha gets home and finds out her girlfriend is not well. Nothing better than cuddling and waiting until the insulin kicks in.
Tryanophobia by frederick_hohenstaufen                
Fandom: Cobra Kai (Web Series)
Rating: Teen and Up
Warning: None Chosen
Relationship: Samantha LaRusso/Tory Nichols
Wordcount: 979, complete
Sam has a hard time injecting herself with her insulin. Fortunately, she has Tory for moral support.
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meltwonu · 4 years ago
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pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, sex toys, shibari, dom!seungcheol, dirty talk, overstimulation/forced orgasms, squirting, degradation, name calling, daddy!kink, gags! 😍💕 ✨HAPPY NEW YEAR!!✨ Here’s to more fun fics in 2021! I can’t believe this is our last chapter though omg 😭 It’s been suuuuch a journey and a privilege to write this little series out! I’ve honestly thought about a camgirl/boy series for like, over a year now, and I’m glad I finally did it! I completed one of my goals! 🥺💕 2020 was definitely a wild one, but I want to thank you all so fuckin’ much for supporting me and stickin’ it out with me all year! Here’s to more in the coming year!💕 Also I was proofreading this at the dining table last night thinking my roommate wouldn’t come out of their room but they did(while I was making dinner and my hands were dirty so I couldnt close my laptop ☠️) and they walked past my laptop and now I’m convinced they saw my fucking smut fic right in the open so yes my little mini-break next week is MUCH needed cause I am ✨embarrassed✨ 🤣 I’ll still do my inbox roundup tomorrow and probably answer a bunch of small thirst posts ‘n stuff throughout the week but there won’t be any drabbles! For now, enjoy chapter 20 🥺, have a safe weekend, and remember that I love you~ ❤️🍒💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 COMPLETE
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Seungcheol wakes up much earlier than you do the next morning; pressing a kiss to your forehead as you groan and snuggle deeper into your pillow.
“Baby, I need to go run some errands for a little bit, okay? Just keep sleeping, you don’t need to get up yet. But, I made breakfast and put it in the microwave for you when you decide to get up later.”
His voice is muffled and you can barely understand what he’s saying but you nod; a soft sigh on your lips when you drift back into dreamland. He takes his time getting ready, checking his phone notifications as he gets dressed and places a note on the nightstand knowing that you didn’t catch a single word he said.
‘Hey, did you get everything I asked for?’
Jimin🧍🏻: of course, who do you think I am? Jeongguk?
Jimin🧍🏻: and btw, i’m just giving you a crash course okay? We don’t really have a ton of time
Jimin🧍🏻: did you watch those tutorial videos I sent you?
‘Yeah, I did some practice on my breaks, but I guess you can tell me if I’m doing anything wrong.’
Jimin🧍🏻: okee, i’ll be waiting. Don’t get here too late!
‘I’ll be otw soon. Thanks again, Jimin.’
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“Ow--damn, okay, you don’t need to tug on it so much!”
“Sorry, I’ll be careful! And why are we practicing on you anyway?! Couldn’t you just have shown me pictures or something?”
“How else will you learn if not on an actual body? It doesn’t work the same way, Seungcheol.” Jimin pauses, checking himself in the mirror. “Also, keep in mind she does have boobs so just… go slow, okay? It’s not gonna sit like this on her.”
Seungcheol blushes a crimson red; biting the inside of his cheek at how amateur he was at this.
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Seungcheol is gone for a lot longer than you anticipate and although he replies quickly to your texts, you can’t help but be curious about where he’d gone and what he was doing.
Especially knowing that the two of you had to film tonight and knowing that everything was up to Seungcheol.
A shiver rolls down your body at the thought and you quickly try to shake off the nerves that seem to slowly invade your body when your mind starts to wander.
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure…”
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“I’m home!”
“Where have you--oh, that’s… a b-big box? Um, should I be concerned...”
Seungcheol grins, shrugging as he sets it onto the kitchen counter. “Just some supplies for tonight. I had to go pick them up from a friend but I had to make sure everything was right.” He notices the way you can’t seem to take your eyes off of the box; eyes twinkling when he makes his way towards you.
He tilts your head up to meet his in a searing kiss, lips easing into a smile when you wrap your arms around his neck and melt under his touch. You moan against his lips just before he pulls away; staring dreamily at him while his hands start to roam over your clothed body.
“We have a long night ahead of us, sweetheart. Let’s pamper you a little before then, hmm?”
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j__min: ??? where’s the loverboy
j__min has donated $200
angelhan has donated $75
therealchan99 has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $75
xcaliburDK: is that the sybian? Haven’t seen that in a looong while
You bite your lip and nod, somewhat shy as you sit alone in front of the camera. “Seungcheol’s still… setting up but he told me to start! I’m a little nervous, to be honest…” Your eyes flit to Seungcheol who rummages through the box in the kitchen and from the angle you’re sat in, you can’t see a single thing he takes out.
Earlier, he’d cooked you your favorite meal and even took the time to give you a full body massage before the two of you cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie. To you, it seemed a little too suspiciously tame and you only found yourself more nervous when he made you drink two glasses of water and ever so quietly announced it was time to start getting ready for the camshow.
“He’s being so suspicious! He was even gone for a few hours earlier today…” You mumble; brows furrowed at the camera before checking the comments.
It still amazed you every time with how much money you and Seungcheol made from the camshows and videos and it made you feel even better knowing that everyone loved the chemistry the two of you had together. There were a lot of video requests and ideas mixed in with the comments at any given time and you were definitely ready to pitch some to Seungcheol now that you’d rebranded your channel to be a couple’s channel instead.
“Almost done, sweetheart!”
gc__koo: he told me to watch cuz he was being suspicious with me too 
gc__koo has donated $50
alphagyu97: what is he even plotting
alphagyu97: i am excited to see the sybian again tho ngl
artist8hao: pretty baby gonna squirt for us again?
universe_WZ: hell fuckin yea let us see how fuckin wrecked you get on that machine
You feel your pussy clench around emptiness at their comments; already feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter with the anticipation.
Movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention and Seungcheol walks towards the bed with a wide smile and the same box in hand. “Ready?” You can only nod back slowly, watching as he dumps the contents of the box right next to your body.
gc__koo: oy
chwenon: oh shit
sleepy_wonu: oh baby, you’re in for it now
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
Your entire body fills with warmth as you look over the various objects; unsure of where to really look first. “I, um--”
A stack of red ropes sits next to a small bullet vibrator that sits next to a ball gag that sits next to a pair of EMT shears and your eyes immediately flit up to Seungcheol who only smirks back at your shocked expression. “I had some other toys I wanted to use but I figured I should go easy on you, y’know? Since you showed me some mercy last night.”
Nodding, you reach out towards the ropes, touching them shyly. “Why red?”
“Thought they’d be on theme for you, babygirl.”
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Seungcheol takes his time; remembering Jimin’s words when he tugs the ropes around your wrists.
“Colour, babygirl?”
“G-green… daddy…”
He nods, sitting up on his knees behind you as you sit on the sybian and face the camera. You bite your lip, somewhat embarrassed that you were already soaking the toy underneath you as Seungcheol worked to bind your arms behind you.
“D--daddy, where did you l-learn this?” You whisper, somewhat curious if this had anything to do with why he was gone for so long earlier in the day.
“Mm, daddy’s friend Jimin was kind enough to help me get the tools and teach me a few tricks to make sure I kept my babygirl safe. Wasn’t that kind of him?” You nod gently, gulping when you shift atop the machine slightly in hopes of relieving some of the growing sexual tension in your body. “Why don’t you thank him properly, sweetheart?”
Your hazy eyes make eye contact with the camera, head tilted slightly. “T-thank you, J-Jimin… for--for helping daddy…”
j__min: omg a shoutout ive made it
kitty_junjun: we never thought we’d see the day
tangerine_kwan: and here we all thought you were gonna be the bad guy huh
hoshi_tiger_xx: like when u only see previews of the book online but the rest of it is different ykwim
Seungcheol makes sure your arms are bound snug enough but not too tight; leaning away slightly to admire his rope work. “Feeling okay so far, babygirl?”
Nodding, you whine back slightly. “Y-yes, daddy… But… my--my pussy wants s-something…” He laughs in return, readjusting so that he’s sitting on your side this time to give himself easier access to start the rest of the bindings.
“Is that so? You’re gonna have to be a little more patient this time ‘cause daddy’s not done yet.” He starts working on the rest of the harness; going slow and checking in with you often to make sure none of the ropes were digging into your skin or making you uncomfortable. “You’ll have to forgive me a little though, I’m admittedly a ‘lil inexperienced so our pretty babygirl is only going to be tied up in this pretty harness for tonight.”
gentleman_josh95: the fact u even took the time to learn just for her
gentleman_josh95 has donated $100
artist8hao: seriously, the dedication
kitty_junjun: we stan a man who knows safety and etiquette 
Comments of reassurance and donations flood in at Seungcheol’s small apology and although the two of you are in your own world; you can tell from just the amount of pings coming from your laptop that they all seemed to be encouraging him.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as Seungcheol continues to move around you on the bed to finish the harness and a smile graces his lips when he starts to secure the last knots in the back. He can’t help but mentally pat himself on the back at how neatly he’d done it for his first time.
“There. All done, baby.”
Your eyes flit to the laptop’s screen to see yourself; cheeks hot when you see how fucked out you already look and he hadn’t even touched you properly or turned on the machine.
The star harness Seungcheol had tied looks pretty with red ropes and you can’t hide your smile at how good it looks on you too either. “Ah, daddy made it really p-pretty… Thank you.”
This time, Seungcheol nods, letting you admire yourself as he silently reaches for the small remote for the sybian, switching it on.
Your entire body lurches forward as soon as the vibrations attack your clit and you immediately find yourself moaning and grinding down onto the machine as he gives you some relief.  
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Now let’s really have some fun, huh?”
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You need to cum.
“Awww, is my pretty baby drooling? Does it feel that good on your sensitive ‘lil clit?” He teases, smoothing down your hair as you cry around the ball gag in your mouth; drool seeping out from the side of your lips when he raises the vibrations a setting higher.
You don’t know how many times he’d played with the settings and edged you by now, but all you do know is that the urge to cum only grows stronger as you grind against the machine, soaking it with your wetness as you chase the pleasure building up in your body again.  
Surely cumming was okay, right? He never said you couldn’t.
You whimper around the ball gag, eyes fluttering shut when the tension in your body snaps in the blink of an eye and your thighs clamp down onto the sides of the machine. Throwing your head back, you moan against the gag and ride out your high as Seungcheol watches you from the side.
“Mm, bet that felt good, huh? But I know you want something in that greedy ‘lil cunt of yours, don’t you? You want daddy’s cock slamming into your tight ‘lil hole ‘til it’s full of my cum, right, sweetheart?” He licks his lips, turning off the sybian as you slump forward.
universe_WZ: shit shes so sensitive
chwenon: especially with her arms bound like that i bet she’s on cloud nine rn
gentleman_josh95: her cute lil head is probably all fuzzy already from all the sensations
therealchan99 has donated $100
gc__koo has donated $75
j__min has donated $150
All you can do is whimper and nod; teary eyes blinking back at Seungcheol as he smirks and leans in towards you.
“Mmm, you’ll get what you want eventually. But for now, you’re gonna cum again.”
He turns the sybian back on, licking his lips when he sees your body tensing again. It was always easier to get you to cum a second time and his point is proven when you mewl around the ball gag a few minutes later; chest heaving in stuttered breaths as you try to shy away from the toy still vibrating against your overly sensitive clit when you’re quickly thrown into another orgasm.
“You always cum for daddy so easily, don’t you, babygirl?”
Your head feels fuzzy after already cumming twice in such a short span of time but you nod, head lolling to the side as Seungcheol finally turns the sybian off for good.
Seungcheol gives you a second to catch your breath before he’s scooting in and fiddling with the clasps at the back of your head to take the ball gag off.
A thread of saliva connects your lips to the gag and you whimper at how good it feels to be able to actually speak again. “D-daddy…” Drool drips from your mouth as your lead lolls forward and Seungcheol is quick to bring a hand up to keep your head up as he looks into your lust filled eyes.
“Colour, sweetheart?”
“Still g-green…” He nods back, checking to make sure none of the ropes had shifted. “Would you like some water before we continue, baby?”
“Yes, daddy…”
He fetches you a glass of water, tilting it against your lips as you down the entire glass and you find yourself a little surprised at how needed it was. “Thank you, d-daddy…”
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Ready to keep going?”
You nod, a little bit more energized. “I hope everyone, mmh, l-likes the show so f-far~” Your teary vision prevents you from reading the comments and before you can even make an effort to, Seungcheol is already helping you off of the machine and helping you sit on the bed across from him.
alphagyu97: ugh she looks so fucking good in that harness
angelhan: right? That shade of red looks so good against her skin too
angelhan: so fuckin pretty
tangerine_kwan: pics for the private room later? Plz i beg
Seungcheol takes this time to take off his boxer briefs, cock curving up against his abdomen when he’s fully naked across from you. He wraps a hand around his cock, moaning and spreading the precum down his shaft as you watch. “D’you want this, baby?”
Your lips fall open in a silent moan as you watch Seungcheol jerk himself off and you can’t help but squirm. “Y-yes…”
“Tell me exactly what you want then. Let them hear what a filthy little slut you are for me.” You can’t help but feel miserably empty watching him and despite having already cum twice, you want his cock fucking you open and making you cum again.
“Yes, babygirl?”
“I, ngh, I want d-daddy’s cock… Please? Ah, I--I wanna feel you fucking my--my pussy into the, mmh, s-shape of your c-cock… And I w-want you to c-cum inside my--my slutty little h-hole…”
Seungcheol scoffs, hips shallowly thrusting up into his enclosed fist. “That’s right. You’re just my slutty ‘lil babygirl that lets me use all her tight holes how I please, right? You like it when I cum down your throat and in your pretty ‘lil ass. But we all know you like it best when I cum in your hot ‘lil cunt. Makes you feel all warm and full, doesn’t it? You like it when my cum is dripping out of your spent cunt and sliding down your shaky thighs.” This time you nod furiously as you whine back in response.
“P-please… Can’t wait any--anymore!”
This time, the impatience takes over as you slightly tug on the ropes; whining when they don’t give. “Daddy!”
And this time, he gives in quicker than he anticipates, growling as he reaches for the EMT shears to cut you from the harness. “Don’t let your arms down, no matter how much you want to. You’re going to strain your arms if you move too fast so let me handle it, okay, sweetheart?”
The sudden gentleness in his voice has a giddy warmth pouring over you as you nod and sit still while he cuts at various points of the harness to make the ropes fall loose around your arms and chest. You keep your arms in the same position like he requested and you soon feel his hands roaming your skin and massaging your arms to get the blood flowing again.
“You’re so good for me, baby.” He whispers against your hair, leaning down to kiss your shoulder before he slowly easing your arms down from being folded behind your back.
He continues to massage your arms for a few more minutes before it’s you that’s getting impatient. “Daddy… Can you fuck me now?” Whispering, you slightly turn your body to the side to meet his gentle stare.
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, nodding. “Lay on your back for me, legs spread.”
You follow his orders as you quickly scramble to get into position; legs spread wide for him to situate himself between.
“Mm, your pussy is still so fuckin’ wet. I wanna taste you on my tongue, baby.” Whines spill from your lips as you shake your head ‘no.’
“No! My p-pussy feels empty, I need y-your cock, daddy… ‘n I’m so wet, you can probably, ah, just s-slide your cock in…”
He wraps a hand around his cock just as you wrap your legs around his waist and he guides himself until the head of his cock is right at your entrance.
Neither of you say a word as he slowly starts to sink his cock in; guttural moans on his lips when he meets no resistance and bottoms out in a singular thrust. “Holy fuck, your cunt is so fuckin’ wet. Shit, and so t-tight!” You clench around him, already feeling good with his cock inside of you as you beg him to fuck you hard and fast.
“Ngh, p-please fuck me like--like I’m your, hah, c-cocksleeve… I want it f-fast, daddy!”
He grits his teeth at your words; drawing his hips back before snapping them into you just how you wanted. “Fast, hmm? All you think about in that pretty head of yours is my cock pounding you open, huh? Slamming into you so fuckin’ good, it makes your toes curl when you cum.”
Seungcheol starts a quick pace, already feeling the pleasure building up for himself when you’re reduced to garbled noises and broken cries of his name. The heels of your feet dig into the small of his back as you try to press him in closer and he’s quick to reach for the small bullet vibrator left on the bed next to your body.
“Your body is so fuckin’ sensitive, I can already feel how tight you’re getting around me. So fuckin’ greedy to cum too. Already came twice and you still want more. You’re not satisfied until your whole body is shaking underneath me, huh, sweetheart?” He turns the small toy on, pressing it to your clit as you yelp and let out choked sobs.
“Ah, ngh, d-daddy, my--my clit’s t-too sen--sensitive! I--I can’t--!” Squirming, you feel the pressure building up obscenely quick; bottom lip quivering when he takes one of your free hands and makes you hold the toy to your swollen clit.
“Just a little more, sweetheart. Don’t you wanna cum?”
He angles his thrusts to graze against your g-spot and loud cries of his name leave your lips in a hurried, jumbled mess when he only doubles his pace.
The sound of donations and comments pour in like water and get lost within the ringing in your ears; unable to even warn Seungcheol that you’re about to cum when you feel your entire body starting to lock up underneath him.
Your lips part in a silent scream and your back bows off of the bed, thighs shaking uncontrollably as you cum for the third time. Seungcheol growls, fucking you through it as you squirt all over his lower half.  He finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as you cum, but he feels himself quickly following suit with your warm walls fluttering around his cock.
“Fuck, baby, that’s right. Squirt for me, get me fuckin’ soaked while you cum.” He uses a free hand to make sure you keep the toy pressed to your clit, growling when he starts to unload his cum inside of you. “Mmh, gonna fill your cunt up with what you want, baby.”
A shaky moan leaves your lips as you feel him throbbing inside your pussy; walls clamped down onto him in a vice grip as you ride out the remnants of your orgasm.
“Ah, d-daddy’s cumming suh--so much inside of my p-pussy…”
Whining, you feel Seungcheol’s grip on your hand give way as he rides out his pleasure and you take the opportunity to turn off the small bullet vibrator while he doesn’t notice.
You watch his face contort in pleasure, hips still shallowly thrusting into you as his entire body shivers above you.
“D-daddy’s so h-handsome...” You mumble, cheeks hot when he cracks a smile through the pleasure wracking his body and chuckles under his breath. 
“Thank you, babygirl.” 
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After you end the show, Seungcheol makes sure to cuddle with you on the bed for a little while longer.
“One more glass of water, baby.” You whine in response, pouting up at him before he gets up from the soaked sheets. 
“But I already had a glass! If you have a piss kink just say so, ‘Cheol!”
He lets out a boisterous laugh at your comment, trudging back to the bed from the kitchen with another glass of water for you. “You need to be hydrated, sweetheart. You came three times and we played a little more rough today. I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” 
“Fine, but you didn’t deny my comment.” You snarkily reply, taking the glass from him as you down the water. 
“Don’t make me have to punish you again! I’ll have you know I still need to get you all washed up and change the bed--”
A faint pinging has the two of you turning to the laptop; still on your camming homepage from where you’d checked the revenues from tonight’s show. 
A small [1] sits above your inbox and Seungcheol is quick to turn to you with an eyebrow raised. “I thought you turned off the messaging system on your profile?” 
You tilt your head in confusion, handing him the emptied glass. “I did. The only messages I should get are from, like, the actual system admins or other creator accounts which, I haven’t received any ‘til... now, I guess?”
Seungcheol sets the glass down onto the nightstand before he takes a seat next to you, dragging the laptop closer as you go to check the notification. 
“’Love&Letter Films’? Aren’t they one of the biggest adult film companies?” Mumbling, you click on the message, giving yourself and Seungcheol a second to process the message that stares back at you; a shocked smile on your lips.
I hope this message finds Cherry and Seungcheol well. 
We, at ‘Love&Letter Films’, have really enjoyed the shows and videos from your channel throughout the years and we really have enjoyed watching the growth of your channel and the addition of Seungcheol to it. The dynamics between the two of you are rare in this industry and we’ve yet to see anyone like the two of you in this market. 
The shows from the last two nights have proven that the two of you have the right kind of chemistry to film together for bigger productions and we would love to hire you for a few film productions we have planned in the upcoming weeks as a feeler. Of course, all expenses paid by us if you would kindly take our offer. 
We love the various scenes and roles that the two of you take on with ease and we would love to help propel your careers forward, should you pursue a career in the adult entertainment industry. 
Please don’t hesitate to contact me as I’ve listed my contact information below. I’m excited to hear from the two of you and hope to work with you in the future on many projects.
Kwon Soonyoung, L&L FILMS CEO’
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457 notes · View notes
dengswei · 3 years ago
hi! random but, do you think we're gonna get a bed scene from skyjao even if its a morning/post scene? ive read ppl saying that they want one since we've got so many from nueatoh, and that it would be interesting to see the show explore that since jao's biggest insecurity is his body. i don't think i want one and would be fine if we dont...i still see him as a baby even if they're uni students. what do you think/would like?
hey!! honestly i don't know if we'll get one and i think that's because i've noticed that jao isn't the type of person to touch someone, even sky. (i can't remember if we've seen him initiate touch with the core four friendship group but even so they're very close and have been for a long time so he may feel more comfortable with them to do so). i don't think jao is touch averse per se (though I do like headcanon him as such but that's more of a how i read his character more than anything else) but mostly all the touch we've gotten between skyjao i've noticed it's sky who initiates touch between them. sky is the one who kisses jao, he's the one who hugs jao, he's the one who pinches jao's cheek, etc. we've only really seen jao touch sky in this scene:
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and even so jao touches sky only after sky touches him first. i think jao touching sky here was done deliberately to show how touch is important for jao and how serious he was in the moment just in case sky didn't take his words alone seriously. and then there's also the part of this scene where he touches sky to put on the treatment for his bruise but that's definitely because jao was worried about sky's injury getting worse. the same with the poking where sky was injured because he wanted sky to stop lying to him. all of the touches that jao has made is very deliberate in getting across what he needed to with his words. maybe the lack of touch from jao's side possibly could be due to his insecurity. like we've only seen skyjao kiss once and that was more of spur of the moment kiss (which i loved btw) so i don't really see a bed scene in the future i could be wrong maybe something will happen in the next episode or the finale where we get to see jao open up more to sky and we get one but we'll see.
though i would like to see how they'd handle it especially with how insecure jao is with his body but it worries me a little bit because they could do very well with handling it but they could also handle it very badly. they did somewhat kind of hint towards skyjao being more inimate in that way during that one scene in the last ep where jao asked sky about that photo of him. so i don't think it's 100% off the cards i just... with how skyjao are as a couple in this moment in time i don't see it.
personally i'm okay with that but that could also be because i'm somewhat sex repulsed and i'm not really bothered by bed scenes no matter what i'm watching.
i do have to say the difference between skyjao & nueatoh as couples is a really nice contrast in my opinion, like it shows you that two people can be together romantically in different ways yet still love and care for each other the same amount.
though thinking of it they could do a morning after scene but given how important body image is to jao's character it would come across a missed opportunity to not mention/combat that with a bed scene, it could almost come across as if they're glossing over the issue
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chat-noir-always-here · 4 years ago
“Hey Arnold!” and “Miraculous!” parallels
Ever have an idea for a post that you take forever to get around to because 2020 is 
to kill you?!
 Welp, that’s me. I mean, uh, this is that post.
Long post is long and I don’t like cuts cuz I’ve lost a few posts in the past using them. Please filter the tag “long post” I use it for walls of text like these.
So there’s this show from my childhood called Hey Arnold! 
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Having been on air before I had cable (I and my unsupervised brothers and sisters spent our childhood watching Jerry Springer and Maury because there was literally nothing else on our cheap little TV. How hilarious is that?) I didn’t really have much of an experience with Hey Arnold! aside from brief little glances at it when i visited a friends home or the rare occasion where they showed cartoons at school. By the time I got satellite, the show was no longer on the air save for some late night reruns and the Christmas special which aired in December along with other Nickelodeon Christmas episodes (THE best Christmas episode EVER btw).
Really I couldn’t remember much about it until hearing about the Jungle Movie finally getting a release date (a total flop but at least its no cliff hanger) and decided to re-watch the entire series in preparation for said movie.
By which point I had discovered another show—Miraculous. 
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At first glance the two shows have absolutely nothing in common. Miraculous being a French-born mahou shoujo-esque CGI superhero TV series about a couple of middle schoolers who regularly battle a walking peppermint-frappucino-looking psychopath. Hey Arnold! being a more realistic children’s sitcom about a young football-headed boy who deals out humanitarian aid in the form of advice and simple good deeds to his neighbors, classmates and friends. 
In terms of setting, logic, and animation the two series are as different as night and day.
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So imagine my pleasant surprise to discover a whole post’s worth of parallels shared between the two shows???
And here they are in no particular order:
1)Arnold’s Parents/Adrien’s mom
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Prior to the start of Miraculous, Emilie Agreste disappeared under mysterious circumstances leaving her family behind. Later on it was revealed that she was in fact sleeping (dead?) in a glass coffin beneath the Agreste mansion--unbeknownst to Adrien, or anyone else in Paris save for Gabriel and Nathalie.
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In a similar fashion, Arnold’s parents, Miles and Stella, also disappeared prior to the start of Hey Arnold! and like Emilie were always referred to as “missing” rather than “dead.” 
The Jungle Movie later revealed Miles and Stella weren’t dead, but like Emilie appears to be doing in her coffin, they were sleeping. Having caught a bout of sleeping sickness (apparently they do not need to be hooked up to IVs or other medical devices while in a comatose state cuz fuck logic) they simply needed their orphaned son to come and cure them with the help of the magical golden heart Helga provided him with.
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Perhaps Mari holds the key to waking Emilie? That would be nice to see. 
Not the miraculous of course--but some other key.
Although personally I’m hoping for a hardcore, devastating ending like Emilie dying, Gabriel going to prison where he belongs, and Adrien leaving the country for a bit until the second Hawk Moth shows up because I just like devastating cliffhangers and angst and being in utter turmoil over fictional people. But that’s just me.
2) Their best friends are dating
Smol parallel here: Arnold’s best friend Gerald and Helga’s Best friend Phoebe wind up together in The Jungle Movie after being imprisoned together by Lasombra. Similar to how Nino and Alya ended up together after being imprisoned by Ladybug (for their protection, of course).
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3) The Bag of Money Episode/ The Ladybug episode
OOh boy both of these episodes make me rage. 
Some context about the Bag of Money episode: Arnold and his friends Gerald and Sid find a random bag of money containing almost $4000. Sid is ecstatic and wants to split the money evenly between the three boys, but Arnold worries it could just be lost and convinces them to let him, Arnold, take the money to the police station. On the way he accidentally switches the bag with another one that is identical and contains a bunch of useless junk, and when he tries to explain what happened to his friends they don’t believe him because their bag of money was accidentally taken by an “old lady with pink hair and a peg leg.”
 Arnold’s a good boy and he’s telling the truth--but the truth sounds crazy, even to my ears. Sid accuses Arnold of stealing the money and spreads lies to their classmates, whom Arnold has spent the ENTIRE SERIES helping in some form or fashion. Despite everything he’s done for them though, the vast majority of the class come to believe Arnold is a thief. Even Gerald, Arnold’s closest friend, nearly believes Sid over Arnold but eventually comes to Arnold’s defense. The other kids (save for Helga who doesn’t really make an appearance this episode) gang up on Arnold, but thankfully the old lady with pink hair and a peg leg shows up with an officer and together they explain the bag of money is now at the lost and found where it will remain and if gone unclaimed will be returned to Arnold, Gerald and Sid. 
Pretty much everything is resolved and things return to normal between the kids. 
But I hate this episode. I hate this episode so, so much. Arnold has spent the entire series helping these people out in some form or fashion. Literally thats the entire show. And after everything he’s done for them they’re so. Quick. To. Turn. On. Him. 
Sound familiar???
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4) Hidden Personality                   vs.          Surface Personality
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 I do not refer to the cruddy “true selves” thing half the Miraculous fandom believes in. Depending on one’s individual circumstances, environment and how comfortable they are, said person’s behavior can fluctuate or even do a complete 180. This can be kinda frustrating when dealing on one’s own--”Who am I anyway? Is that me or is this me???”
It’s all you, fam.
Arnold and Helga are themselves too, no matter what metaphorical/actual mask they put on. There’s the side that everyone sees and then there’s the side almost no one sees. The hidden personality isn’t hidden due to a lack of trust, necessarily, but rather it is the result of retreating to their respective “shells”--ones which both Arnold and Helga were kinda punched, kicked, and shoved into. 
Helga’s surface personality: Class bully, puts up a tough front, constantly torments Arnold because she can’t stand him and his niceness
Helga’s hidden personality: Poetic, abused and isolated, is in love with Arnold to the point of being obsessed with him and bullies him via surface personality in order to hide that fact
Of course Adrien is no bully--his reasons for not being the “cunning, funny, ultra-charming Chat Noir” 24/7 DOES have a lot to do with his toxic household, his dad, and the overwhelming expectations which are constantly smothering him as Adrien. 
Adrien is a bug under a magnifying glass (or so he feels)
Chat Noir is a chance for a freedom.
 Adrien’s surface personality was molded by his dad.
 Helga’s is the result of her entire family. Her father is brash and loud, her mother is a confirmed alcoholic, her sister is a gifted prodigy, well-rounded and spends most of the series at university or elsewhere. Although her sister, Olga, has been shown to genuinely care for Helga, Olga is kinda the reason their parents neglect Helga. With their first daughter being the genius and prodigy she is, Helga’s parents poured all of their pride and affection and parental devotion onto her. Meanwhile Helga had to walk to pre-school alone. At four years old. In the rain. Not for the last time. 
Which leads me to the next parallel.
5) Umbrella in the Rain
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squeals in delight over this parallel<3<3<3
If you’ve never seen Hey Arnold! do yourselves a favor and watch this short little clip over how Helga and Arnold first met. If you have seen it, watch it anyway because it is the most adorable clip in the entire show.
Dr. Bliss: “So nobody’s ever noticed you?”
Helga: “...There was someone.”
The soft way Helga confesses that--you can actually hear how grateful she is to have such a tender memory from such a painful time. 
 In a similar manner, Adrien offered his umbrella to Marinette. Of course Adrien did it because Mari had to walk home in the rain and Arnold did it as a simple gesture of kindness (seeing as they were already at the school)--one of the many kind acts he displays throughout the series. 
 But just like Adrien needed unconditional love coming from somewhere, so did Helga. They were both denied this one common necessity which everyone else around them had. It’s not a lot to ask for, and they should’ve already had it coming from their families--but they didn’t.
 And then, one rainy day, there it was--the unconditional love they needed.
6) Clinginess
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What happens when you take someone, specifically a love-starved abused child from an unstable home environment--deprived of the one thing most crucial to their mental well-being--and miraculously provide them with that very necessity? 
I can’t really think of the correct word to describe this. “Clinginess” is pretty close to what I’m trying to describe, if not on point, so let’s go with that. 
 What I mean is Helga and Adrien both need Arnold and Ladybug respectively. That’s not a bad thing--it’s okay to need somebody else. What’s bad is hinging your entire being on this one connection. For if either kiddo were to be left behind they wouldn’t handle it very well.
 It can’t really be helped with either Helga or Adrien. They didn’t really have the option to learn certain things and went deprived of unconditional love for such a long time. They’re kids--nine and fourteen/fifteen respectively. They’re not perfect and they’re traumatized for life. Being denied love from your family--the very people designed to love you--would do that to a person. Naturally they would cling to the first people to show up and provide them with the love they needed. 
 The Hey Arnold! wiki says this about Helga and Arnold’s relationship
Due to her unstable family upbringing where both her mother and father constantly neglect [Helga] and shower all of their attention onto Olga, leaving her deprived of the love and attention she needed growing up. On her way to preschool, Arnold helped her by keeping the rain off her with an umbrella and even complimented her on her hairbow. He even later gave her crackers during their snack time. Arnold's kindness and being the first person to notice her quickly caused Helga to transfer all of her love and attention to Arnold.
Of course Adrien’s tunnel vision isn’t quite as bad as Helga’s.
 He treats his friends better.
 He does love his father--
Even though his father is THE. 
--because he’s Adrien and he’s just too precious a cinnamon roll and that’s still his dad even if the man does belong behind bars.
7) Unhealthy Obsession
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Ugh. I am not going to delve too far into this. You’re just going to have to take my word for it. Helga’s creepy stalker behavior is a thousand times worse than Marinette’s. That pic up there of Helga hiding out in Arnold’s room watching him is pretty decent evidence to back up my argument, but it’s hardly the only example or even the worst incident.
 Honestly I’m amazed at what Nicktoons were able to get away with in the late nineties/early 2000s. 
But yes, Helga’s obsession with Arnold is rather unhealthy in the most extreme moments leading her to display behavior which is more often than not disturbing and concerning. 
The Hey Arnold! wiki has this to say about Helga’s obsession with Arnold
Helga is possessive of her love for Arnold and thinks non-stop about him to the point of obsession. This is evidenced throughout the series by the many shrines and poems she makes of Arnold and of her frequent dramatic soliloquies about her love for Arnold.
Again--Mari isn’t as bad as all that. She’s a sweet girl with many healthy relationships in her life. She has ambition, creativity, and drive. But yeah she can be rather possessive of Adrien too, and that needs to stop. Like right now. Adrien doesn’t need another girl being possessive of him and thinking he’s perfect--he needs someone who acknowledges him as a flawed person and loves him despite that. 
As for Helga and Arnold--show creator Craig Bartlett confirmed they are “made for each other” and wind up married with three kids, so I’m guessing Helga grew out of some of these bad habits? Or at least I hope so...
8) Helper/Humanitarian tendencies
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As mentioned before, the plot of Hey Arnold! is more or less about Arnold helping people. As stated by Gerald in The Jungle Movie, “He’s a humanitarian! Like his parents!” Of course not every episode is about Arnold helping people. There are episodes devoted to supporting characters and they’re just as enjoyable and satisfying. 
 But as he is the titular character he spends a lot of time in the spotlight. 
Remember that “best christmas special EVER” episode I mentioned before?
 The reason it’s the best special, in my less than humble opinion, is due to a few things.
 The special is not about Santa Claws. In fact, I don’t think he’s even mentioned, let alone shown and treated like an actual living character.
The focus on the entire episode is again on Arnold helping someone, but he doesn’t succeed. Not really.
The one who succeeded in helping someone was Helga, who accomplished the goal Arnold had set out to do. 
The episode deals with some rather dark subject matter and is actually quite heartwarming as the “perfect present” Arnold was trying to provide someone with wasn’t something you can buy in the store
It’s also one of the episodes where Helga’s love for Arnold leaves her to do good and as her love for him is a secret, she expects nothing in return. She’s just happy to help him.
 Kinda similar to Mari who is, as Adrien puts it in Mayura, “Our every day Ladybug.” Her kindness and devotion to helping others is what drives her as Ladybug and Marinette. It’s what brought Ivan and Mylene together. Is the reason Nathaniel and Mark now have a comic book together. And at the end of the day, that’s the reason for her strange behavior around Adrien--she wants to help him. Even if it’s just as a “good friend.” 
9) There are two main characters
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Although Hey Arnold! is technically a show about Arnold, one could argue it is just as much Helga’s story. 
Similarly, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir is named thusly in order to convey the fact that Adrien is just as much a main character as Marinette is. 
Although I must say Hey Arnold! did a much better job of giving it’s co-character their dues. GIVE. ME. MORE. CHAT NOIR. FOCUSED. EPISODES. DAMMIT.
But, yes, in terms of screen time, Helga gets about as much as Arnold does. Her story and struggles were given just as much importance as Arnold’s and many people have even come to believe that the show is really about Helga. I’d say its about both of them.
10) Constantly bumping into each other
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Granted this happens between Arnold and Helga more often than it does to the love square dorks. 
 But yes the two people meant to be together keep knocking into each other in their respective universes. 
 I forget who, but I remember reading that someone a while back theorized that this was the universe’s way of trying to push Arnold and Helga together. Kinda like the “Now kiss!” meme
Perhaps it’s the same for Adrien and Marinette? 
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