#ive planted that seed and i will see the harvest
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yourmoonie Ā· 1 year ago
Hello! I love your blog! Ive been trying (I know we dont try but that's the word I can think of for this rn) to manifest but I'm having a little but of an issue. I know a lot of people say think in your favor, embody the person in imagination and dismiss the 3d. And I've been but I havent received my manifestation in the 3d for months. Ive also heard people say to feel the wish fulfilled but I've been on strong medication so I can't really "feel" in a sense. I know I can manifest, I practice witchcraft but a part of me is still doubting the law. šŸ˜­ I know that's a lot and I'm sorry I was just really hoping I'd have my desires before the new year.
Hey darling
Thank you for the question
I mean, if you want to check the 3D, it's your right, but do we really have to remind ourselves every 2 seconds that we have got slippers at home? (Just an example), No! we don't, because we know we have them, even if you are 2 hours away from home and have different shoes on you still are IN THE KNOWING that you have got those slippers.
Can you remember my cat example? If not, here is the link
When we talk about a feeling we don't mean an emotion
Emotion is the byproduct
Emotions are neither good nor bad
Emotions are just there
But FEELING is different
Feeling = inner knowing
You don't need to have billions in your account to walk in this world as a wealthy person (everything starts from inner knowing)
Because wealth is a mindset it's not about money
Nobody is holding you from entering a specific building and feeling like you own the building
Nobody is holding you back from experiencing whatever you want within
Also about the 3D:
- You are free to acknowledge what's going on in the 3D, don't put your human wants and needs on hold "just because you are ' manifesting' " live your life. You aren't going to "ignore" the 3D. What you are going to do is "become indifferent towards the said circumstances." this means that you are simply not going to "identify" with them or let them get in your and your desires' way.
- also just be in the present moment. That's all that you can truly do, be in the present moment, and know that you and your desires are ONE. You wouldn't be "desiring" something if it wasn't "meant" for you
- You aren't "ignoring" you are just "choosing" to see things differently and well according to your awareness things shift
- When you order a coffee, do you go up to the barista every 2 seconds and ask where your coffee is? I am pretty sure you don't
Your assumptions about yourself and your reality shift your character and your world
So it's like, "If you see and treat yourself like a queen, that's how you are going to be perceived" like is there anything else you need to do ? No because being a queen is a STATE of mind/ a state of being
It's simple
Neville has 3 really powerful sayings about this topic:
1. Doubt is the only force capable of disturbing the seed or impression; to avoid a miscarriage of so wonderful a child, walk in secrecy through the necessary interval of time that it will take the impression to become an expression. Tell no man of your spiritual romance. Lock your secret within you in joy, confident, and happy that someday you will bear the son of your lover by expressing and possessing the nature of your impression. Then will you know the mystery of ā€œGod said, Let us make man in our image.
2. So go out wisely today ā€“ go out determined to become more selective, more discreet in your choice of ideas you will entertain and single out the idea that would bless an individual and produce in yourself the emotional response that you have witnessed that state in his world, and know at that moment of response, you planted for that individual, and he is rooted in you, there is no such thing as he will not be found in your world for he is rooted in you. Everyone is rooted in you ā€“ therefore you will not lose them. It is planted relative to that being, and that being is going to harvest it, and you will know the harvest when it appears in his world. You simply plant and let the harvest take care of itself.
3. This is a reminder for you to realise that it is done. Once pregnant, you donā€™t need to wonder how you just need to know that you have been impregnated by your wish fulfilled. Once the seed is planted, we must let it grow in the darkness of the soil. It cannot see the sun and the darkness around it shows a reality of not being a beautiful flower but surely enough if you let it grow with the assumption of being that flower even in the darkness then it shall see the sun and bloom ever so brightly. When you stop digging up the seed after planting it, then it will have time to grow. You seek validation of how and when too often, and if you remained faithful, then you will give birth to your wish fulfilled in this physical reality. No longer will your wish fulfill miscarriage or never sprout. You will bloom in full awareness of your wish fulfilled as if it was so natural you didnā€™t even know it was your own creation. It was meant to be. So let it be. Your reality may be dark now, but as you remain faithful to your wish fulfilled, you shall know inside yourself that you already are that flower and that you already have given birth. When you experience it in your mind, you have already experienced it in your mind you have already experienced in your reality. When you feel it real with the sense, then it must be real in this physical world. You are God, and this is your world pushed out. A private dream for you to express yourself. Your awareness is the answer to all of your questions. As you walk through life, you are constantly dropping seeds into the soil that you walk upon. Which ones do you water with your awareness and let be? And which ones do you keep digging up?
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thestudentfarmer Ā· 1 year ago
Hello hello,
This week the gardens starting to look super lovely! There's actually so much to look at I wasn't able to fit every picture in this post, but I'll be sharing more later this week on a few different posts with some things I've done this week towards the goal of being more eco friendly, self concious and getting more from what we have and providing best for my family.
To start the viewing, the sunflowers are starting to bloom :D the tallest is now close to or over 6 ft tall
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And lots of lovely bees have been visiting. The girls are very friendly for the most part with respect to their space. They were all loading up on pollen :D šŸšŸ
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Also many of the sunflowers have multiple heads, or have many branching smaller heads growing in along many of leaves.
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Down below the velour beans are going stronger than I expected in honesty given the sunflower growth and the beans bushing growth. we've gotten 4 harvests now. Each harvest has been around 4-8 ounces.
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Nasturtium, I feel okay with starting to harvest the greens soon. Maybe this week or next to make some pesto, breakfast food or salad add ins.
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Some of the pumpkin/sunflower+bean row next to the broccoli/nasturtium.
I'm hoping the broccoli will be a little bigger soon so I can harvest some of the leaves for breakfast meals, stirfrys, soup and rice dishes.
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The armenian cucumbers.
Sadly These aren't doing so great, I think where I planted isn't a good winter grow space for them. When I get more soil I'm going to try another spot that has more sun earlier and throughout the day instead of mostly shade. (In the summer/spring they did Great in whichever space.) Once I do I'll be pulling these and planting something else here. Not entirely sure what yet though.
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2 cabbages I space filled with. Very excited to see them starting to pick up. šŸ„¬
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The eggplants, Very excited there's a full flower now and more flowers look like their coming in!
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The carrots, a few small radish are still popping up here and there. So I feel like the cornstarch experiment worked but not as well as I'd hoped.
I would use the method again for carrot seeding, but would double the amount of seed in the mix. (I don't mind thinning, the greens and tiny carrots can be used for salad or chopped for omlettes)
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2nd planting (direct seeded) of velour beans, and the few cabbages which survived the initial planting of the row. Somethings having a good munch, ive been checking for the suspects but no luck so far spotting them. I suspect heavily its cabbage loopers as they are a common pest of the area. (I am making chamomile tea to spray on them for now to test if it works.) next grow I may intercrop cabbage and sunflowers or borage. Or perhaps have some movable chamomile pots At the end of the beds to deter them.
This week I'm hoping to get some garden supplies for a few projects And to start breaking down some pallets to build some raised garden beds for a garden expansion.
I am late on starting my tomato and pepper seeds (mostly because I haven't sat down to figure what varieties we want to eat) but a late start is better than none. Thankfully the weather here allows for some tardiness with outdoor grows.
That's it for now šŸŒ±
šŸŒ±šŸŒ»Happy Homesteading and GardeningšŸŒ»šŸŒ±
12 5 2023
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annasvinyl Ā· 1 year ago
tagged by the lovely @satellitemp4 thank youuu! šŸ’—
last song: now that we don't talk by taylor swift šŸ¤øšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
favourite colour: mauve/green/blue/brown idk it changes a lot fjfjf
currently watching: rewatching hill house and losing my mind over the crains again
last movie: mean girls. classic.
sweet/spicy/savoury: i am very much a dessert gal but i do love a fairly spicy dish these days. and savoury snacks are my go to for any and every occurrence šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø but overall yeah I'd pick sweet šŸ§
relationship status: extremely committed to my bed
current obsession: im back in my strictly season fdjdjd where i act like im an expert on ballroom and latin dancing every saturday night fjkfkf layton to win!! not just bc he's such a good performer and i wholly enjoy his partnership with nikita but it would be so neat if we had the first queer winner this year! and one that experiments with drag and gnc looks in his dancing. ive planted the seed i will see the harvest (and i want the haters (i.e. vocal twitter bigots) to cry about it.)
last thing you googled: more possible pms symptoms it's going great šŸ‘šŸ¼
tagging @elisacifuentes šŸ’ž
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broodsys Ā· 2 years ago
yknow, i get that native plants are the best. i do. i rly appreciate that. and i especially appreciate the fact that non-natives can and will grow past ur backyard or wherever and can spread, whether by seed or rhizome, and this contributes to their spread overall
i have been trying for years to plant native plants, and yknow what ive learned? theyre incredibly hard to find. one of the most supposedly ubiquitous plants in my area, iā€™ve never been able to find it to buy at any nursery. iā€™ve asked. iā€™ve requested. iā€™ve looked it up. itā€™s not available. and this is one of the easiest plants to grow, from seed or cuttings! literally just stick a branch in the ground and call it good! and itā€™s beautiful! but no one sells it.
and, okay, thatā€™s just one plant jayse, just look at other natives. so i have been. and yknow what iā€™ve learned from that? a lot of the ā€œnativesā€ ive found and bought... actually arenā€™t native! even tho we have a native variety of the plant, the ones in stores - including garden centers and nurseries - are from other states! without any indication of that!
idk where im going with this other than im rly frustrated with the Plant Natives Or Else Youā€™re A Bad Person And Actively Contributing To The Destruction Of Your Local Ecosystem pov i see sometimes. itā€™s fucking hard! i pretty well know what im doing and know how much i have to double-check, and itā€™s still caught me out!
and i canā€™t just go traipsing around forests or woodlands or w/e bc im disabled. besides which, pulling plants from natural areas is... generally a rly, rly bad idea. i could harvest a few seeds here and there w/o much harm, but again, i canā€™t get out there in the first place
and like, i am aware of how non-natives - esp rly aggressive ones - can disrupt a local ecosystem. but im also aware that for a lot of ppl, trying to ban non-natives will just mean they wonā€™t have plants in their yard. and tbh, the local insects, the local birds, the local animals in general, they will prefer to have something even if itā€™s not perfect. i have honeysuckle around bc itā€™s highly accessible and beautiful and flowers for a long time. the bees, wasps, hoverflies, and hummingbirds love it. itā€™s a consistent source of food for them. the same is true of other places that have honeysuckle.
idk... itā€™s just, unless we can pressure the nurseries/garden centers/random stores that sell plants to focus on natives, we canā€™t rly expect ppl to only buy/plant natives. and itā€™s a bad idea to say No Natives? Then No Plants! bc that just means thereā€™s no food in your area for anything. congrats!
himalayan blackberries are immensely invasive and aggressive here. but you know what? they provide so many flowers and so many berries. they provide food for a wealth of animals and insects. and yknow what else? poor and homeless people can get free berries from these massive patches. and not just one or two, a lot of berries. and their intense, spreading root systems can help stop erosion and strengthen the ground. itā€™s not all black and white. they also help cool areas - iā€™d rather see inner city areas have invasive plants than no plants at all, bc it helps disrupt the heat zones that are created in cities and can help mitigate or outright stop human deaths and illness from heat
and a final note: what is invasive and what is native is changing. there is climate change based migration of plants and animals. and a lot of non-natives are not invasive bc they just chill doing their own thing and donā€™t out-compete or blanket full areas. the idea that u can slot every individual plant into a Permanent Native or Permanent Non-Native i.e. Invasive category is just a huge fallacy
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whiskeynovember Ā· 2 years ago
moved the basil over. that took the most time, but so far, they look great. I'm really enjoying the new garden soil I purchased. it has finer bark pieces and fertilizer included and drains really well. I've been mixing the last 2 bags I purchased together, as one has really large bark pieces that stay on top after watering, and the other turns almost clay like and doesn't absorb water well, but has more nutrients so Ive been using it almost like fertilizer.
tbh, i really could have bought and used more perlite, especially in my pots.
i have to keep an extra eye on one of the Thai eggplants in the back because the sprinklers don't reach it and the soil gets left pretty bone dry. some of the lower leaves are falling off of the Indian eggplants, but they were kind of doing that before I even moved them.
the buttercup squash is doing really well. lots of peas are growing. the stevia prop is pretty much dead (it didn't have roots, what did I expect?)
the watermelons are doing fantastic and I will transfer them into their big pots once they grow their second mature leaves.
tomatoes are nice. lots going red, but we haven't been eating many lately which is nuts because it seems like we need tomatoes all the damn time when we don't have them.
watered the peppers which still have no major growth. i have to remember to shake them every morning because something is still chomping away on the leaves.
now... major news, good and... not so good.
the kabocha is popping out a TON of female flowers! not so great... i don't see ANY male flowers. šŸ˜‚.
might need to fertilize the cucumbers a smidge. planted some more yard beans. the ones I harvested from the beans I grew are sprouting! fuck yes, i didn't think they would. those bad boys are so much easier than the edamame, which are still maturing into soy beans. one looks like it's even growing a new set of leaves. the seeds tho? I'm sure they're mush.
a chaos it is.
my garlic chive is dying. i only had the one that was sprouting. the spring onion chives from the seeds i grew are going ham. the common chives is maturing a little.
I've been thinking about my daikon radishes and how I wish that maybe id have done something different. put them in another container or thin them out. waiting for them to sprout and then using the seed pods and seeds was the goal, but I could really utilize the pot for something else. the watermelon is what I'm thinking. i could then use the smaller pot for the cucamelon when they come in.
i have some time to really mull it over.
last bit of work today is watering the herbs and seedlings (the summer squash is sprouting) and pulling the rest of the corriander.
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galindatopland Ā· 5 years ago
listening to the monster album and watching siyeon's performances from v1 thinking Very Intensely about a siyeon/seulgi collab. if i think about it strongly enough i'll surely think it into existence right
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ilovemyships Ā· 6 years ago
taking bets as to what the prom are gonna perform at stars in the alley next week,,, my moneyā€™s on you happened
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leeshuh Ā· 3 years ago
anyways im playing through the ace attorney trilogy right now and if phoenix doesnā€™t use that fucking magatama to unlock the key to edgeworthā€™s heart what even is the pointĀ Ā 
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meteorcrab Ā· 4 years ago
nothing gets done in cybertron bc sentinel and megatron yell at each other all the time and the senators are too afraid to interrupt and point out the sexual tension
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parvatisshallow Ā· 5 years ago
Anyways a woman will win the buyback next week!!!
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benbitchell Ā· 5 years ago
I will NOT accept that Denny is dead in my mind heā€™s alive and pulling an elaborate prank on Ian by holding his breath when they tried to save him and heā€™s gonna come back like Surprise Motherfucker about a month later after making Ian Shit himself over his ā€œdeathā€
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ofalltheginjoints Ā· 5 years ago
i canā€™t tell if iā€™m gonna throw up rn bc of the shock or bc of the fever
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vincent-van-gaay Ā· 6 years ago
killing eve theory
eve is going to get all caught up in villanelles mission and sheā€™s probably gonna end up killing someone for the first time (most likely aaron peele). eve physically canā€™t go back to mi6 because sheā€™s a killer and villanelle doesnā€™t want to leave her. thatā€™s when they decide to run away together.
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southernvampire Ā· 5 years ago
I WILL write more when I get home from work, I WILL make a schedule that I don't have to strictly follow but still have for a sense of purpose, I speak it into existence
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meistoshia Ā· 5 years ago
today i will finish making my alola verse
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nessunn Ā· 5 years ago
A big 5 country is gonna win next year I can feel it
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