#ive drawn usopp more then zoro
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oifaaa · 1 year ago
Well gotta keep everyone on their toes somehow honestly tho was originally gonna just use Bruce and Clark for the meme but then I thought it might be a good opportunity for my first one piece art post and just went with that
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nagasleeps · 7 months ago
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beach day!
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lesbomaticlove · 5 months ago
ive talked about it before but i wanna talk about it again and that's
body types in drawing especially in terms of one piece characters
and i know its because official art presents them all the same but it just does not feel right to me, y'know? especially when i look at fanart and it looks like they just drew the same body multiple times with different faces (talent in that yes but god change it up a bit PLEASE)
like with my style i like to draw semi-realistic cartoon type beat, and that means im thinking about an abstract of shape language in the way that i present the characters. i consider their fighting styles and workouts when i think about what their body type would be, not just for op ive done this with mha and jjk characters too because god dammit gege, maki deserves bulkier muscles for her efforts
so here it is. my analysis of more semi-realistic designs for these characters. all my opinion and not meant to be a call out to anyone.
also, not including the women because we all know how unrealistic they look and i dont need to explain that to you im begging just use reference.
rubberhose arms are ESSENTIAL in his design so when i draw him, i never put too much definition in his muscles. real definition should be reserved for gears that alter his muscles
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noodly arms and stick ass legs that is his Charm thank you i dont need super definition
on the opposite end of the spectrum, zoro.
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though, i see many people draw him more bodybuilder silhouette when he should be powerlifter silhouette, youve SEEN how this man works out. stereotypical bodybuilder physique that's all muscle and no fat is EXTREMELY UNHEALTHY TO MAINTAIN and you know theres no damn way sanjis letting someone on the ship watch their weight for the sake of visuals. he should be defined and bulky, but softer edges on the abs.
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Speaking first on pre ts, what does he excel at most? long range weapons and running.
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obviously he gets proper strength training during timeskip, but i really think the best representative for him is olympic sprinters
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muscular, but still pretty skinny
hear me out. ballet physique.
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i see him drawn w the same physique as Zoro and it just feels so wrong. he doesnt train his upper body, so most of his definition would be in his core and legs. not to mention his flexibility tracks with that.
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maybe ill come back with a figure study on these later to fully show how it translates into my drawings but. for now. tumblr wont let me add any more images to this post
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cnidocyst · 11 months ago
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horny people have no rights
[IMAGE ID: Digitally drawn fanart of One Piece, pre time skip. It's roughly drawn using only the binary pen tool. Most of the straw hat pirates are an infirmary. Usopp, Luffy, and Sanji are in beds on the left side of the image, and Nami, Franky, Robin, and Zoro are laying in beds on the right side. Luffy's bed is between Usopp and Sanji's; both of Luffy's arms and one of his legs are all covered in casts, and half of his face is bandaged. He's saying: "Okay guys, new rule. No more masturbating in the crow's nest when you're supposed to be on night watch duty, or we're not going to live very long." Usopp is covered in a full body cast where only his eyes are visible, only recognizable by his long nose which is bent upwards at a 90 degree angle. Both of Sanji's legs are destroyed, one of them is broken into pieces like pottery that Chopper is working to glue back together. The other leg is cut off from the middle with one cartoon bone sticking out. Sanji is looking down sadly hearing Luffy's announcement. Chopper is sitting on a tall chair while he glues Sanji's leg together like a broken vase. There are buckets labelled "glue" and "Sanji's leg" next to Chopper's chair. Chopper is wearing a doctor's coat and long pants. Nami's head can only be seen from one side and the bottom of her face is bandaged, she looks very annoyed. One of her legs is broken and in a cast and her visible ear is tattered. Franky is missing half of his face skin and is drinking from an IV drip of cola. His hair is drooping, he's resting his left hand on his abdomen and leaves the other arm dangling. He's missing the skin from the pinkie on the left and a chunk from his elbow missing on the right. His right foot looks like a bite was taken out of it. Robin's right hand is broken and she's eating soup with two left hands, one for the spoon, the other to keep the bowl she's leaving on her abdomen still. Her only noticeably injury is an eye patch, and she looks unphased by the whole ordeal. Zoro looks groggy, and the top of his head is bandaged. There's a cartoon bone and a bump sticking out, and a dent in his head. His left arm is broken as well. Robin is feeding him soup using a left arm she spawned on his abdomen. Zoro's blanket has rubber ducks on it and Zoro's hooked up to an IV drip labeled "zoro juice". END ID]
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years ago
The Development of Law and Zoro relationship - Part VI: Wano, Against Emperors (The Untold Journey)
<<Part I: Before Meeting>> <<Part II: Sabaody Archipelago, The First Meeting>> <<Part III: Punk Hazard: The Alliance (A)__(B)>>  <<Part IV: Dressrosa, The Breaking Point (The Plan Failed)__ (Saving Law)__(Protecting Law)__ (Birdcage, Pica and Doflamingo)__ (Aftermath)>> <<Part V: Zou, The Kindred Spirits (Traveling Together)__(Searching for Nakama)__ (Reunion)__ (Ninja-Pirate-Mink-Samurai Alliance)__(The Last Moments before War)>>  <<Part VI: Wano, Against Emperors (The Untold Journey)__(Zoro & Luffy means Trouble)  ...>>
A word of introduction to the 6th part of The Development of Law and Zoro relationship: Wano arc is still an ongoing adventure and because of that, weeks if not months will pass before we learn all the details and its impact on the main characters and world as a whole. Right now, One Piece reached the 1000th chapter and from on, the Supernovas will finally face Big Mom and Kaido. It’s hard to tell if this will be their final battle or not and how much the author still has up his sleeve about Zoro and Law in regard to their relationship during this arc. I suspect some flashback may happen in the near future, especially since Luffy, Law and Zoro are going to fight arm to arm with Kid and Killer against the main target of the alliance - the Emperors. Because of that I can’t rule out the possibility that upcoming chapters could show the dynamic of Zoro and Law already analyzed by me in a different light yet I decided to slowly tackle the analysis of what was shown so far and eventually write an annex and/or correction if the future source material will bring any contradiction. 
Every part of the analysis so far got an individual subtitle from me, as a quick summary of Zoro and Law’s relationship stage. For example, Dressrosa Arc was the breaking point that in the visible way separated their neutrality (indifference?) from previous adventures and the clear comradeship presented from on. Wano is pretty hard to name properly so I went with the general “Against Emperors'' title. But frankly speaking, the Together But Separated so far would fit even better because from chapter 909 to 1000, Law and Zoro interacted directly or indirectly (including, having some thoughts about the other) for like, maybe 10 chapters at best. At the same time, most of the likely development of their relationship was happening offscreen - the journey to Wano that is basically omitted by the story so far and so is the time before Straw Hats went undercover. The upcoming confrontation with Emperors thankfully is going to change that. Because of lack of direct interaction I decided to write  also about A) Law and Straw Hats (especially Straw Hats men) and B) Supernovas to show how different it is from his and Zoro dynamic.
That said, time for a proper analysis!
The alliance separated into four groups. Luffy's team went to rescue Sanji and got into a fight with Big Mom. Zoro and Law became part of Kinemon’s team and headed to Wano Country scrambled in Law’s submarine. For now (up to chapter 1000), there was little to no detail or flashback about that time of journey, but who knows what future chapters will reveal. 
Despite the lack of proper information, some conclusions may be drawn on the basis of previously established informations and logic:
➽ On Zou, Law promised Kinemon a safe passage to Wano. Since shogun Orochi worked closely with Kaido, Beast Pirates posed an additional threat on this part of the sea. Another  problem was limited ways to enter the country by ocean. The hidden tunnel leading to Mogura Port was used only when Kaido or Orochi granted someone permission thus was out of question. The other known method was the Climbing Koi Waterfall which itself was a pretty dangerous method, especially since sea currents and weather there were all the time bad for sailing (chapter 910)
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So far, there is no information how exactly Team Kinemon avoided or passed by the natural dangers nor how they entered the country (did they find another way underwater?).To get into the country without being spotted by the enemy the submarine most likely needed to be submerged for the majority if not all of the course since Zou alone was already targeted by Beast Pirates.
➽ It’s hard to tell how long the journey took from Zou to the samurai homeland - what depended on the Elephant’s location, submarine’s speed achieved while sailing or during the submergence and eventual obstacles on the way. The most telling time reference we have is that:
⟹ Luffy’s team needed “multiple (several) days” to reach Big Mom’s territory (chapter 823, 824). Nami said Luffy wasted a week’s food supply which also supports the claim that the journey was meant to last for more than one-two days.
⟹ Additionally, the enemy subordinates transporting Sanji to wedding (chapter 825) also needed “several days'' to cross the borderline of Big Mom’s territory and they left Zou two days before Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Franky and Law get there. The Straw Hats spent at least two days before they separated into two groups, which gives the enemy four days of advantage. It feels like Big Mom’s pirates sailed around a week (4 day at minimum). 
⟹ Saving Sanji and fighting the Charlotte Family took another five days. On the fifth day, in the early morning the Straw Hats escape Totto Land (chapter 901)
⟹ While Luffy’s team sailed to Wano (chapter 903), manga showed the events happening at the same time in a different places, including the world leaders sailing to Mary Geoise for Reverie that last for a seven days. In chapter 904, it was said the conference would start in two days that have passed in chapter 908. Chapter 909 brings the storyline back to Wano and chapter 910 is the moment when Luffy’s team reach the country boardline. It seems safe to assume Luffy’s group took at least 2 days to reach Wano.
⟹ The journey from Zou to Whole Cake Island took Straw Hats several days but from Totto Land to Wano closer to two days.  
⟹ Jack the Drought’s return to Wano happened several days before Luffy’s arrival. Since “several” is an “indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many”(x), he most likely got there before Luffy left Big Mom’s territory. Of course that doesn’t tell much how long it took to sail from Zou to Wano, because Jack needed to be rescue from the bottom of sea first (after Elephant destroyed all ships of Beast Pirates on Momonosuke’s order, chapter 824) but at the same time it suggests that journey from Wano and back took days. To find Jack, the Kaido’s people most likely followed the vivre card - otherwise, how did they manage to find and rescue the person stuck deep underwater? And because they traveled through their captain’s territory, they didn’t need to avoid anyone in their journey, unlike the alliance. 
Though it’s impossible to determine how long time passed from Luffy leaving Zou to arriving in Wano, it was longer than a week yet the most likely shorter than a month. I feel like the safest bet is something around two weeks. When Luffy arrived in Wano, Zoro’s group was already working on their tasks yet the indirect information suggests that Kinemon’s group most likely traveled for a few(?) days rather than just hours. Whatever it was a few hours or one day or more, the Zoro and Law’s group was stuck in enclosed space deep under water for a while.
➽ The manga does not provide a precise scale to measure Thousand Sunny with Polar Tang. The closest in that matter are frames from Marineford and Dressrosa arcs
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in which both Polar Tang and Thousand Sunny look tiny compared to Marine Battleship. It’s hard to tell for sure the difference in length but it’s not something truly drastic. Thousand Sunny uses a soldier dock system and the Coup de Burst in specific situations, relying mainly on sailing in a traditional way. Although Submarine is also equipped with sails, more often was shown during immersion. Both boats are equipped with some advanced technology though I suspect that engines and machinery for air circulation and heat (the basic life support equipment) built into Polar Tang may take some of space (that and at least some space was intended for the operating room). 
➽ Even if Law’s Polar Tang was spacious boat, it needed to accommodate Heart Pirates (Law and his 20 crewmembers), samurais (Kinemon, Momonosuke, Raizo and Kanjuro) and remaining part of Straw Hats (Zoro, Robin, Usopp, Franky). An eight additional people to feed and bunk somewhere, in case of a longer journey. For record, Thousand Sunny during its journey to Dressrosa carried only 9 Straw Hats and four additional people (Law, Momonosuke, Kinemon, Caesar Clown). Even if both ships are more or less of the same size, Sunny hadn’t been crowded like Polar Tang was while heading to Wano.
➽ In contrast to normally sailing Thousand Sunny, the submerged submarine has less space to find privacy (isolation) from the group or the noise. All members of Straw Hat crew have their personal space on the ship, be it Usopp’s Factory or Sanji’s kitchen or Zoro’s gym (lookout point). A place they may work in peace or relax. On Polar Tang, samurais and Straw Hats were the guests, thus on personal territory of other pirates. If they didn’t get along well, the journey could be awkward and uncomfortable. Most likely it wasn’t, considering how Heart Pirates were excited to meet their allies and the two crews already were partying together on Zou. At the same time, during that party, the lonely panel (evidence) showed only Usopp interacting with Penguin(?). Zoro was drinking with wolf Mink, while Robin, Franky and samurais weren’t there at all. The little bits of Law’s crew presented in the previous arc suggest they are more emotionally open and easy going people than their captain and both crews have a lot of stories to share and laugh about during their journey to bond over. Usopp and Franky most likely didn’t have any problem fitting into the new situation, but Zoro is a much more reserved, no-nonsense person than them, especially around strangers. Much more intimidating too. And the last journey with Bartolomeo’s crew proved how short-tempered he can be if surrounded by noisy and/or idiotic people for too long.
➽ Straw Hats for the first time had a chance to see Law on his turf. Up to this moment, they interacted on either neutral, enemy or Straw Hats’ home ground. Now the roles were reserved, Law was the host and captain of the submarine. Kinemon may be the leader of the team, but during the journey it was Trafalgar (and Heart Pirates) that guaranteed safety and took responsibility for the wellbeing of the rest. Straw Hats were the ones who needed to adapt to the situation (like not getting in the way of Heart Pirates when the crew performed their duties) and trust Heart Pirates’ navigation skills.
➽ Adding to that, all the additional 8 people weren’t really accustomed to traveling underwater for longer period of time. Of course, Straw Hats had some experiences with the little submarine built by Franky but from all of them (beside maybe Franky himself), only Robin, at least manga-wise, took part in submerging search for Fishman Island, two years earlier - what was seen in chapter 490. And was apparently aware of the danger submerging too deeply.
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All Straw Hats experienced submerging to Fishman Island but according to Nico, it was “nothing like a submarine” and it felt like they were “flying through the air” (chapter 604).
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Which may imply that traveling in Law’s submarine was very new and/or different experiences to what Straw Hats knew.
➽ Also, out of 8 people, half were devil fruit users. We may only wonder how spending hours/days underwater could affect samurais (who were still catching up with the technological change that happened in the last 20 years) and Robin - and depending on the result, affecting Zoro, Usopp and Franky. Like was mentioned above, Robin already had some experiences with submerging but we must remember that “Shark Submerge III” was built by Franky, thus trusted to be a safe way of exploring the ocean while Polar Tang was totally new, alien territory belonging to other pirate crew. Once again, we don’t know how long the journey lasted and how enclosed and crowded space was and how being trapped for a longer period of time under water was affecting devil fruit users. Claustrophobia and panic attacks could happen at any moment, even more if the submarine was attacked by sea monsters or flowed into an excessively strong current. Law presumably was used to the feeling and enclosed space by now but at the same time, his crew so far doesn’t seem to have any other devil fruit user beside him. Traveling together with so many (inexperienced) stranger devil fruit users could be much more exhausting than it seemed at first glance.
➽➽ Frankly, the additional scene in episode 490 showed that:
A) living conditions on the submarine can be affected by external factors. In this case, the submarine going through an underwater volcanic(?) region caused the rise of temperature inside the boat and thus brough discomfort to Heart Pirates. 
B) The living conditions worsened to the point Bepo was suffering overheating. He admitted “I hate riding the submarine. Spending several hours in a cramped area together with these scruffy guys.” and even kinda bullied Penguin and Shachi into submarine ascent so he could breath with fresh air.
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We don’t know much about the underwater region(s) between Zou and Wano but manga mentioned at least strong sea currents. Depending how deep the submarine could - or rather needed - to submerge, the outside temperature (and pressure) of water could affect traveling people. Generally, the deeper into the ocean, the temperature is lower while the hydrostatic pressure increases. Of course, waters of the Grand Line are unpredictable and there was no one in the group that knew for sure what awaited them during underwater travel. So if even experienced Heart Pirate like Bepo, who according to SBS (vol. 84, chapter 840) met Law shorty after Cora’s death and is his friend since then thus we may assume has the same years of experiences with submarine, could be so affected by heat, cramped area and hours of traveling underwater with “scruffy guys”, the possibility of happening something similar to Straw Hats or Samurais can’t be excluded.
➽ In contrast to the uncertain situation of devil fruit users, Franky and Usopp most likely were smitten with all the technology of the submarine and bonding over it with Heart Pirates. In addition, both men were friendly by nature.
➽ Zoro, sadly, wouldn't have much to do there. No lookout point available, no guarding ship, no way for a serious trening or real fight with Law or samurais (to avoid destroying the submerged boat). Did he happily sleep or drink through the journey or did he grow restless at some point, we don’t have any clue so far. At the same time, Zoro wasn’t on his (safe) ship, had other Straw Hats (and samurais) to look after, didn’t have anything important to do (no real duties, no knowledge how to maintain submarine) and unhealthy habit of sleeping barely 3 hours per day that could finally took its toll. Though looking at Law’s dark circles under eyes, his sleeping habits may not be better than Zoro's .
In general, the alliance journey to Wano could provide a lot of interesting and important details about the development of Law and Zoro relationship, especially since for the first time in the four arcs, Law was on his home ground and had better control over the course of events. At the same time, his dorky crew could tell many stories of their (and Law’s) past or previous adventures. There were also matters of Wano to discuss, but also no place to run away if Zoro wanted some distance from noisy Law’s crewmembers - on Thousand Sunny Law at least could choose to sleep on the ship deck instead of being cramped with others in the men quarter. Straw Hats and samurais didn’t have such luxury.
Zoro and Law could learn something new about each other or simply fall into an already established dynamic or even get tired of each other after being forced to spend time together in enclosed space. Sadly, so far manga did not provide anything useful about their journey.
The next part: Zoro & Luffy Means Troubles...
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indigopurple · 5 years ago
Give me headcanons you have for Luffy! Any headcanons will do
Oh geez be ready for some low key edgy ig. Some of these ive wanted to write for a whILe. Also I'm on my phone and I cant see the whole ask so I'm juat gonna do headcanons and add stuff if I need to after posting.
-Oda says hes drawn luffys mom before, and hes never rlly met his parents before obviously. Its a bit of a long shot but I kinda thing hes the son of a world noble, and dragon was a slave for a period of time; luffy was neglected as a child (cuz tenryyubito fucking SUCK) until Garp was like 'oh wtf my son was a slave and was forced to have a child?? I must save ...child' (assuming dragon had escaped or something @ that point). And so Garp tells nobles to fuck off while taking his grandson (the nobles don't care cuz after they had him, they didn't like him cuz he was a mistake). And Garps like 'wait how do u raise children'... So he tried to leave Luffy w some ppl hes met before. Might i add this is why hes so protective of the ppl he knows and how he said that one thing after ace and sabo saved him from blujam and theyre like why tf didn't u say anything and he was like 'cuz being alone is more painful than being hurt'
-kinda pt.2 to the last one. Dragon low key just follows his son around. Like, come on, what were the chances they'd see eachother in Loguetown? 100% planned. Otherwise why were they even in east blue in the first place? Gotta say tho, they don't know exactly where Luffy is just the general area. I mean Robin just happened to run into them over the timeskip. Sabo happened to be there in Dressrosa. I would say Iva's whole thing in impel down was an example but idk he just went there either cuz he was caught or cuz he was freeing other ppl. Its different.
-ive mentioned this before but. Jinbe's main purpose in the crew is anger management for Luffy. My evidence? Post-war, and WCI. He literally had to try and get his composure to be able to fight Katakuri and it took ...time. Jinbe gets him to think rationally in desprate situations; not only is Jinbe a helmsman, he covers for one of Luffy's weaknesses.
- he can see better in just right eye than his left
-luffy is afraid of akainu but definitely won't admit it (remember that one scene in fishman island). Phantom pains.
-what is a good nights sleep
-stay strong for his crew. If something bad happens and he gets upset in front of his crew, he'll just fuckin rocket off somewhere else cuz 'dont look I'm not supposed to be weak'.
-sometimes he just, stares at the ocean or the sky, thinking about nothing.
-the whole thing with the observation haji? Rayleigh said he can sense ppls emotions. Definitely a natural thing, hes had that since he was a teeny boye. He knows what to say and how to say it. Maybe he doesn't know why someone feels some way but he usually knows how to fix it (unless its like a physical condition, then its just... Cram meat down their throat). Example being 'WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT, SANJI?!' (i can't remember the exact line sry)
-the opposite of ambidextrous. Dude luffy has zero hand-eye coordination when it comes to slow, precise movements. He can do other stuff like eating and fighting with both hands tho.
-constantly starving, obviously. Literally all he eats turns into energy, which he uses up three times as fast as most humans cuz of his devil fruit. But he can digest just as quickly so its ok; he just cant stay caught up with it so he's always hungry anyways.
-if he had sea stone cuffs on all the time hed be as muscley as zoro. and then witht hem off, hed accidentally just shatter things when picking them up. Like barely any self control until he got used to it. (*glass falling on the floor* "sorry Sanji" *more glass breaking* "fuck sorry haha-" "sTOP SMILING UR DOING IT ON PURPOSE ARENT YOU") (hes not he just thinks its funny that every time he grabs the cup to drink it shatters half way to his face)
-legitimately convinced he doesn't have a mom, absolutely zero sex ed plus hes definitely ace so he doesnt care. Doesnt rlly understand sanji's whole lovey dovey thing and the nosebleeds but goes with it anyways. 'After all, usopp does it too so shouldnt I?'
-Let Luffy say fuck
-'whats a rival? All I have are cool friends' (smoker in the background screaming)
Ok thats all I can think of. Sorry this was rlly long, I didnt plan for it to be like that but oh well. Thanks for the ask, I rlly wanted to get all that off my chest! 💯💜✊🤠🤪😳👀😔🍲a
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tfw-no-tennis · 5 years ago
One Piece Readthru
heyo ive decided its time for me to catch up on the one piece manga finally!! i last read it uhhh sometime late 2018?? MAYBE early 2019....anyways ill be liveblogging it, basically for myself but if anyone is interested then enjoy lol
so w.out further ado hers 927-931 hya 
uh ok i left off kinda in the middle of the wano arc, so im scanning thru some stuff to see what i remember.....i dont really remember what the deal is with that ginger (?) pompadour guy lmao. theres a lot of new characters and intricate politics in this arc from what i remember. 
i havent really gotten spoiled for anything....i know that something bad happens to kid & killer, somethins up w/sabo (but we dont know what), luffy fights kaido (more than once i think?) uhhhhh we get roger flashbacks and hear the yonkous bounties....thats abt all i really know. so im hype to find out what else has gone on....
im gonna start around 927, i defs read this but i want a refresher 
wow its amazing how sanji can oscillate so fast from being unbearable and annoying to like one of my favs
i loveeee the panels where those dudes start trashing sanjis soba stand and usopps like lol lets back up yall we KNOW sanjis boutta kick some righteous ass....YESSS
franky supplexing a guy....ily franky 
toko!!! i forgot abt her!!! cute kid, whats her deal? iirc she works at the uhhh wherever komurasaki works and she almost gets murderized later
sanji and little kids is so cute ;_; more of that and less stuff of him being gross w/women 
ok exposition....i do remember a lot of this
928, i feel like i remember this stuff so ill kinda blow thru it 
oh yeah i remember luffy n the prison shennanigans....good times
and kidds here too, talkin abt how he lost his arm trying to fight shanks...lol dude 
dude is really like oh i couldnt take down shanks, so ill aim for a different yonkou, im sure this will go much better a second time (and down an arm)
omfg i forgot abt this dude who apparently sold his FAMILY to get money for komurasaki....
i think we’re supposed to feel bad for this dude and think komurasaki is cruel or w/e but man honestly i just respect the hustle. girl knows whats up
HVBJSDKFBDS I FORGOT THE HILARIOUS LINE WHERE SHES LIKE ‘I HATE POOR PEOPLE <3′ IM....its literally like a weird twitter shitpost lmaooo
they cut immediately from komurasaki to tama asking momo if he has a sister....LMAO SUBTLE......
i dont even remember if that twist was spoiled for me, but either way it was my like immediate thought upon komurasakis intro lmao 
ok 929!
omg kanjuro selling some-drawn fish lol
OUGHHH CARROT AND THE OTHER MINKS....i miss carrot sm i hope she shows up more :( i really wish she would join the crew....
lmao that guy calling zoro a pretty boy and saying girls are probably all over him....zoros like uh ew no im gay 
OOOH PLOT SHITTTTT....caesar and doflamingo name drops...
VEGAPUNK HM [eyes emojiey]
orochis defs gonna get fucked up at some point. his design reminds me of wapol and other like corrupt king archetypes 
oguhfdbsjkgjdfbh laws head basket i forgot abt that. also i love when people call him traffy thats weirdly cute 
oh right the other supernovas who became kaidous bitches are here to fight...i recall that fight somewhat 
920 time! 
oh yeah the weird place where all the poor starving people laugh constantly...inch resting
OHH YEAH BIG MOM!!! man i definitely read a lot further than this lmao. w/e i was SO fucking hype when she showed up, imo the whole amnesia thing is pretty lame. we’ll see where it goes tho 
the art here is just so good oh man. the panel of big moms ship charging up the waterfall while she laughs? fantastic 
EPIC arrival. i hope big mom gets to do cool stuff even despite the impending amnesia
i ALSO hope her kids get to do cool shit too. im still holding out for a zoro vs amande battle (if shes even there? i dont see her, but thatd be such a waste)...and smoothie vs robin....
and she wants zeus back....NAMI FIGHT??? PLEASE???
oh its bdsm dinosaur guy....hmm never thought id type that
LMAOOOO law is like Dont You Dare Fucking Snitch On Us and usopp is like uh luffy pls come pick me up this guy is too hardcore
FINAL BATTLE thats so dramatic law please
sanji saying he’ll protect usopp omfg
oooh theyre destorying all the soba shops....here comes sanji to bring the PAIN
OMFG THE RAID SUIT i forgot he busts that out....hilariously quickly all things considered
931! ok but first my obligatory thots on how sad i am abt how the women of op look nowadays lmao revisiting old one piece just makes it all the more obvious how ridiculous its gotten....like nami and robin dont even look human, its insane, and the sameface has gotten so bad...idk i miss when op women used to look normal and could just exist without being Sexy Women bc that was a thing at the beginning and i really loved that...now its just like wow all titty no waist legs are 100x longer than normal....not to mention the writing for women in op has gone way downhill...ugh. ANYWAYS onward 
ofc as soon as i say that theres a rlly cute and p normal looking cover w/nami...i love her sm shes my fav character thats part of the reason this bothers me so much lol 
i miss her short hair tho...the long hair is pretty and i like her different hairstyles but i defs prefer the short spunky look. i wish she wouldve gotten a cool bellmere-esque haircut after the timeskip at least
ok im p sure i didnt read this...? i dont remember hgbvhjaksdfk
GERMA THEME SONG HBVJSDUIFJBSF are you telling me that the raid suit activation process involves a THEME SONG....please i need to hear this. thats so fuckign funny
i think we saw this w/his siblings during whole cake but i forget lmao
of course franky and usopp are like OOOH FUCK YEAH 
HHBDSJKFJSB the implications of law knowing Exactly who that is....like i really need to see an omake of a campy power rangers/sentai/whatever-esque show/comic with all these germa personas omfgggggggg
and law having read the comics is SO funny 
also. sanjis hair is SO unfortunate lmaooo
germa was the bad guy group in the comics....good lmao 
law was defs a fan he knows ALL the lore LMAOOO
A BABY SANJI....and then sanji being weird. skip! 
ironic hows theyre like oh shit gotta challenge this dude so he doesnt destroy the town and their fight is gonna level the place anyways lmao 
oh i did read this i think cause i remember all those ninja busting robin for sneaking around
which ok theyre ninja but robin could grow eyes for surveillance so it doesnt make much sense that shed be caught so easily...alas
oh yeah then big mom washes up w/amnesia lmao. i hope that plotline doesnt suck, i dont have too much hope...normally i really like amnesia plotlines and honestly i think itd be cool to explore w/like one of the strawhats but in this case it just seems kinda like a lazy way to take big mom out of the game :/ my prediction is she’ll get her memory back at a certain time thats convenient to the plot, just in time for like an all out war w/kaidou and the straw hats and the yakuza maybe? we shall see (possibly) 
ok its past 6 am so its bedtime. more later! 
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