#ive been watching streams of this game since i dont have time to play it myself
cantobear · 1 year
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oh my god... sampo meowski....
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locallygrowndaikon · 4 months
Hi!! How do you meet and make genuine friends on Sky? I’ve been playing for a few years now, but whenever I get a chance to chat with other players they either speak a different language or ask me a bunch of personal questions 😵‍💫. There seems to be so many funny and interesting people online but I never meet them in person!
I had to think about this one for a bit since im not good at making friends either JGGHFJ
I think it’s definitely easier to find people to connect with online rather than in game. A lot of the people I’m closer with in sky are usually people I find through online platforms rather than in game (though not saying its impossible to find good ingame friends, just might be harder) . A general thing would be to find those who have similar interests or humour, and as well as to spend time with the friends every once in a while, whether it be candlerunning or just hanging out to talk.
If you want a more in depth rambling of me going on about everything I know about making friends, then:
Ok well this is kinda for anyone reading this JGHJDJ
A general thing about friends is to find a common interest to talk about like OCs, art, sky in general, other games, anything basically, especially if you’re like me and bad at conversations. Even after you find the initial spark, it can get hard to keep up with regular conversations afterwards and it’s easy to drift apart. If you want to get closer with someone it’s definitely good to start conversations every once in a while. This can go from telling them things you think will be funny or showing them things to just things about your day. A lot of people appreciate this kind of thing and usually get comfortable to reciprocate it (unless you’re like me and really bad at stating conversations HFBSIC)
In sky, this can also be asking the other if they want to cr together or eden, even oobing if you’re into that. It gives the chance to hang out and talk to each other.
Of course, if the other person doesn’t respond with a lot of enthusiasm or doesnt seem to put effort into the friendship, it might be time to back off to give them space. They could either be tired and need a break or they arent interested in the friendship anymore. An exception would be if the person is already socially awkward or isn’t good at starting conversations. It can be hard to tell sometimes.
If you wanna find friends
For finding friends online, its usually finding a community and finding people within it or becoming a part of the community. if you’re social enough you can join discord servers and talk to people. Even if you arent as social, discord server can still help find people to interact with, like cr partners, heart trade, needing help people/finding help, that could lead to friendship. There’s also being on social media, though it might be harder if you dont post things or if you arent really noticed or something, though it’s not like you need to be famous to be able to find people. You can also find others on social media who are already asking for friends. Ive seen quite a few on tumblr and sometimes on other platforms where people asks if anyone wants to be sky friends. Twitch, the streaming platform yeah, also has quite a few sky creators that are willing to friend pretty much anyone, which could be another way to find a community (since quite a few people on sky twitch know each other).
For in game in sky: Moths are definitely easier to become friends with since you know guiding them and everything and watching them grow up, except moths are wild cards and some are euaheh weird and others never show up again. A lot of older players already have their own friends and friend groups and then other people play inconsistently or have different timezones/playtimes, so theres a lot more luck when making friends on sky. Best bet would just be keep talking to people and when you do find someone you bond with, continue to join and check in on them every once in a while to keep up the friendship.
Joining friends in game can be scary for many (me included), but it usually ends up not as bad as you think, of course respecting dnd spells (or cape codes if they have those). Even if you do join at an inconvenient time, its a simple “oh, sorry/mb” and you head out, leaving minimal damage and awkwardness.
Of course since this is the internet and people can be bad, if people cross boundaries even after being warned once or multiple times, or you just dont enjoy hanging out with, its okay to block and cut people off. No one is obligated to hang out with anyone nor responsible for the happiness of someone else. Having self worth and internet safety is important folks
Anyways people are complicated and theres a lot of ifs and possibilities and other stuff what not so take whatever advice i spit out mindlessly for granted JFHDO i dont know what im doing
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fictionfixations · 2 months
been watching tuonto play until then
I dont know what it is I mean. i joined the streams without any context (well listen i was there for the start. did not know it was but i saw like ryan and mark at the laptop and louise coming over and reveal of her playing games. except i didnt know who they were at the time lOl. thought it was cool but wasnt keeping up with it. then i ended up on the stream where nicole brings us to visit her grandparents and they're just fighting and it was raining and then theres the reveal with mark's mom being dead [well missing but]. and then we went to prom and cathy died and im just like what the fuck.)
but so i didnt really know what was going on but i still kinda cared? but like. so cathy died. and i did not cry. i was just 'what the fuck' and. like. a lot of surprise. and shock. (i was also thinking that maybe if we didnt go after her she wouldn't have died because she was walking towards us on the road. i also didnt know that apparently you can disappear when it rains if nobodys there to acknowledge that you are there and that you exist. i think. so uhm. i still wonder what wouldve happened if we turned back to see our mom though. or if we stopped.)
but so anyway. i did go back to watch all the until then streams after that. with all the context involved (did not see ending of cathy admitting that her homelife.. isnt that great. because that wasnt streamed yet. admitting in a recording i mean cause shes dead. but a chatter said that it was implied that they probably were abusive, and pointing out the marks on her skin cause her dress was like ripped in that slowed shot of her walking towards us.)
but i already knew what happened so shrug (it was very cool though. even though i was also rewatching scenes id seen before it didnt feel old at all. very invested.)
you know what got me crying?
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THIS stupid scene in the other timeline where they're acting for ridel. about two ppl who havent seen each other for awhile. and the
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memories of cathy actually being dead just came into this one and i just fucking bawled im being literal
(we dont see the memories actually affect us, its just a thing that we know. mark doesnt know cathy died he just. feelings. and also he got a hallucination of the truck..)
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i dont know why but sad shit has been making me cry more than usual.
marks just starts crying and im already sobbing my eyes out like no you cant do this to me you 😭
anyway. i missed a bunch of the streams and not wanting to go them out of order ive been waiting to watch it all at once (also he apparently finished the game so now i really gotta go faster. i think i have like. a stream and a half to watch now.)
but so i dont know the ending pls dont spoil me
i just wanna say. god this game is so cool.
also i mightve been slacking off cause it seemed this timeline mightve been a worse timeline. and im like the kind of person to be like in fiction 'what if that person was me' and so i get super immersed. which also means i get all the shitty feelings too. so i was kinda worried. but its.. okay?
mark. just. kinda seems depressed though. like uh. more depressed?
i saw someone describe it as him having kind of given up (i also think his grades are worse? it didn't show us what his grades were but the principal mentioned that he needed to study more or he'll have to be kicked out or something which wasn't in the first run through)
and tbh. that mightve been because cathy just. died. which isnt really something you can just get over even if its been awhile. it still hurts, still something that lingers. an unexpected pain. or at least, a scar.
like. i cant imagine how hopeless it must've felt to be right there. to watch her die and be unable to stop it. and like. obviously since this is a mark who has also gone through that and is now in this timeline (although doesnt remember).. a part of him is still kinda feeling that loss, and also having done all this before that makes it feel pointless. and like he shouldnt try as hard, cause whats the point, right? what does it matter?
anyway im sad. im going to go back to watching the stream. (also cathy is my favorite i love her so much sduifhfeuhds
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markatoto · 11 months
you're one of the few of my fav streamers i actually get to watch live due to timezones which i appreciate you for. but, i also wish you'd treat yourself better and end your streams earlier
i super appreciate this anon, this is definitely very very real. i actually had a discussion about this to my friends late last night concerning my workload of streams and the particularly unhealthy habits ive developed as a (for lack of better term) "endurance" streamer. it's tough because it is like... my main source of income, so i do often find that i have to stream A LOT in order to make ends meat. most times i find that when i am streaming for like 7 hours+ i am just Having Fun with the game im playing and i tend to lose track of time, but if you notice that the past several weeks theres been a noticeable uptick of my streaming days since late august-early september. i'm going to speak real here so be fore-warned: i do not make a lot of money as a streamer. i dont think anyone does. in today's climate, i am making Just Enough to pay my bills, rent, and groceries. as long as that minimum threshold is being met, im usually quite happy to continue on with what i do. however, for me, entertaining people online with funny streams has never been about the monetary value of it all. since day ONE, it's never been. but, speaking as an adult who lives alone in a big city, it's also an unfortunate reality that i have to bring to the forefront. it's why the rent/bills tip bar is on the screen so often. honestly, it kind of bums me out to bring it to the forefront so often, but that's a conversation for another day. however, i am definitely afraid that if i am not Streaming Enough, then i won't be able to make my monthly rent and bills. that is not to say that i dont enjoy streaming or that i am unhappy with my current schedule (quite the opposite, i love streaming a little TOO much LOL) - every day i thank the stars in the sky that i get to do what i REALLY want to do in this day and age. but, i guess the problem i'm having is just striking that balance. i really dont give myself a lot of time for a break and, to say that i am on the cusp of burning out is... not to far off from the truth. i do want to make it abundantly clear however: i am currently NOT in burn out mode, but i'm sure the worry is that i will eventually reach that point sooner than later, yeah? anyways, just a couple of thoughts to think about while i write out this whole thing. i'm okay, i will be doing okay, and for the foreseeable future, i will be fine. if anything, if you are worried: the best thing yall could do is just show up for the streams and have fun! that's all i could ever ask. as long as youre having fun, thats all that matters to me. if you laughed and clapped and enjoyed yourselves in any of the stuff i do, then i super appreciate that! thank you!
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bitwynn · 2 years
I have never watched yugioh but ive gained enough knowledge from pop culture osmosis to bullshit something out so-- SAGAU but the reader is a huge Yugioh/trading card game nerd
Even though the skills theyve learned from playing Yugioh and other such TCGs dont precisely translate, their skills in building a deck is UNMATCHED. And their skill in execution of their deck is also insane.
I remember that when i was watching a Drawfee stream or vid or something, Karina, Drawfees resident anime and Yugioh expert kept talking about these builds and decks of cards that would instantly just one shot literally anyone and everyone and i can see it so much. I imagine that before they get isekaied into genshin, they play a lot of rounds of matches against the cpu and the characters all around but thanks to their deck building, everyone is just decimated to the point that the only time they ever co-op in genshin is to either visit friends, farm for materials, or play Genius
I also imagine that they make just-- these INSANE meme decks that SOMEHOW FUCKING WORK?? Like Pokemon deck where you constantly spawn summons like Oz, Gouba, the fUCKING WATER SHITS FROM OCEANID, and so on.
Ofc, they still play the main game but they have spent... a LITTLE too much time playing Genius.
Okay onto the SAGAU part.
Since the world of Teyvat doesn't take card games and the like as seriously as we do (i mean cmon-- theres been news of certain cards and decks being banned in Magic: The Gathering tournaments and Yugioh tournaments with tons of security for calming down raging dedicated card game players for both events), i feel like its gonna HIT THEM LIKE A BRICK how utterly outclassed they are when they play against them.
Because theyre expecting like "oh, the Overseer/Creator/(insert whatever you wanna call urself here) is inviting me to a simple game of cards! This shall be a pleasant and calm afternoon in the Cat's Tail with them!! :))" but then in reality, you just called them over to see how good the "ai" is and to increase the diversity of your cards so you can make more decks. Meaning, they proceed to systematically destroy each and every character, POSSIBLY EVEN with a deck personalized to beating that characters deck into the ground. Card game culture is different here and there AHAHA
God i imagine that, since apparently Cyno is the best player of TCG, after losing you might just get so many pings of Cyno wanting a rematch. Or like, as your reputation in the game circles grows, he might just sneak into Cat's Tail and sit in on one of your matches to see what hes dealing with. Let me tell you, he is going to be stunned and is probably trying to formulate his deck against whatever deck you had on hand that round. And then he peeks into Cat's Tail again and HAH lol, diff deck for diff person. And he just starts making another fUCKING DECK--
When yall finally face off, its literally just This scene. Cyno still loses by a landslide but you had to get a little serious there.
God when you finally get isekaied, have fun integrating our worlds card game culture into theirs AHAHA-- also Cyno Will Be Asking For Rematches Everyday. Have fun making cringey Yugioh and card game references with him AHAHA
I know jack shit abt Yugioh and i used to play some TCGs but that was a long time ago, so if youre actually much more well versed in the subject-- FEEL FREE TO TAKE MY IDEA AND RUN AHAHAHA
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imflyingfish · 6 months
mm I just tried Genshin impact for the first time and like. I think its fine its just not really for me tbh. I didnt know anything about it before hand. like the thing that i liked most about Genshin was running around collecting food and shit... but other than that I just found it kind of boring and like I was being talked down on. I was going to play it on stream (and maybe one day I still will) but i'm not fully sure if its the game that I want to play.
Like the characters I found... mostly uninteresting, ive never been too into elemental gameplay systems and I think that the majority of combat is... really dull and repetative. theres no sneak button either! I was really looking forwards to the cooking mechanic (for.. some reason. I think i just like gathering the materials for it) But the actual crafting mechanic is also really boring with zero surprise in what you might make.
While and after playing I felt like everything around me was overly smooth and baby-like. I got the urge to watch a thriller movie just to find some stakes in whatever after. (I don't usually watch those ever). I felt like my own actions had no imapct on anything, I wasnt really 'discovering' anything like new weapons or recipes since when you open the cooking menu, everythings already there with the masterials you have, and the "minigame" is useless and just a 1 click timing. It didnt really feel like anything I did had any consequence on anything (Although this may have just been a tutorial stage thing) The characters were like. fine. Theyre pretty but that also makes them dull. It feels like the game is trying to force me to love them and get more and more and I just. dont care tbh
Anyway, none of these are actual drags on the game itself. I still think its like a fine game and its certainly very pretty, so it could work as a de-stressor or whatever for me. I just think I own other games that I enjoy a bit more
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thedisablednaturalist · 11 months
My parents found out about the present I bought myself for my birthday. I worked my max hours to afford it. I had it shipped to my bfs house so they wouldn't see it. Apparently I missed a receipt that was hidden in the box. Idk how they got it anyway cause I put the box out with the trash/recycling. My mom was being so cruel about it and how I keep buying myself "lavish" gifts (most stuff I buy for fun is like $10-$50 max). I always plan my purchases and have never missed a credit card payment. Most of my money goes towards doctors visits, medication, car maintenance and gas, accessibility items/ergonomic stuff, cat food and litter, and hygiene. Recently I stopped most of my subscriptions save for a cheap minecraft server. The bulk of my pay goes into savings which have really grown since I got my raise. I also give my parents $400 in rent each month. I'm trying to save up for a recliner to replace my bed but I don't want to use the money I've already put away.
Like ok, maybe I'm not mr.frugal. maybe i sometimes buy more expensive things because they're more convenient (like already cut vegetables/fruit or preprepared meals) but like my hands fucking hurt and sometimes I don't have the spoons to feed myself. Maybe I fall prey to impulse purchases once in a while. Im learning and I'm trying to learn how to budget bc now I have to also pay for insurance until I can get on medicaid.
My mom acts like I don't care. She sees amazon packages come for me and think theyre all toys or expensive skincare or junk when its actually body wipes for when I cant shower/so i dont come back from the field to the office all stinky. Its a trash can I can keep on my bedshelf so I dont throw trash onto the floor instead. Its knee braces because my knees fucking suck. Once in a while Ill see something on sale that ive been wanting for a while and will grab it. And the most expensive skincare I use is $20 for a jar that lasts me 3 months. I have to keep my skin clear or ill pick and have scabs and blood all over my face again. I spend money on drag because it MAKES me money. Last time I got paid $100 from the venue and $50 in tips. One time I got paid $300 from the venue (i dont remember how much in tips).
Im trying my best. Im working with 3 government agencies rn to get a job and get health coverage. Im working my ass off at my job when i probably shouldnt be working (my mom laughed when I mentioned this). I'm constantly doing things to earn me money or to make life a bit less painful. Even streaming is a desperate attempt to make a career/side gig out of something I enjoy and doesn't make me flare up. I only watch shows when im with my bf or when im doing chores or working. I rarely play video games. When I flare I lay in bed and scroll Tumblr or play a mindless dress up game where I only have to move my thumb. I cry almost everyday. I cry on the way to work. I cry holding my cat in so much pain i cant move.
The only big frivilous purchases I've made is the present and a new graphics card (I haven't replaced my old one in a decade). The present cost $230 and the graphics card cost $800. Both of these I saved for. I might buy a nice skirt once in a while but thats pretty much it. I also spread out big purchases over time when I can.
Am I spoiled? Maybe. Maybe my parents are right and I'm a lazy spoiled kid who just makes excuses. But my pain is real, constant, and severe.
I have friends who's birthday presents consist of trips to fucking italy or the bahamas. Who complain when their parents drag them on yet another international vacation. Some are amazing people who are grateful and work their asses off. And some of them are a bit entitled. My mom said most 26 year olds are living on their own with jobs and I fucking laughed. The only 26 year olds with their own apartments especially in my area either have 5 roommates in a 2 bedroom shithole, got lucky and have a high paying tech job, their parents pulled strings to get them hired, or their parents are paying partly or fully for their apartment.
And when i tried to find an apartment? She discouraged me and told me id never be able to afford one (correct) but now im suddenly able to when it suits her argument? Ive been heavily job hunting for over a year and got ONE interview who ghosted me after two interviews. I make $2k MAX. Rent in my area is $1700-2500 for a freaking studio. The $1700 one doesn't let you see the apartment and gets snapped up immediately. And these are all apartments within a 2 hour radius. All the "affordable housing" is for people 55 and older.
Like I literally have no options. I can't move until I get a job in that area. I can't leave the country cause Im disabled and also thats fucking expensive. My bf makes less than me and even combined we couldn't afford a place.
Literally, I've never been suicidal before. Ive never struggled with that due to my fear of death. But all of this? Ive recently had suicidal thoughts and its fucking scary. Thoughts that killing myself would make it easier for everyone else. That it would be easier to just end it, that life will always be a living hell and i should just give up. And thats fucking scary! I shouldn't have those thoughts! But that's how bad it is.
I try to do what my therapist told me. I try to set boundaries. But setting a boundary means not eating dinner bc I leave when my parents yell at me. I try to think positively and ignore the pain. I probably walk an average of 1-2 miles a day. I try and try and try and it hurts so much. They can't be proud of me? For even big victories? Guilting me about graduation cause I took too long. Keeping a job for more than a year (its not a REAL job cause its hourly and doesnt have benefits).
Like what's the point? I've been fighting and fighting and most of the world wants to see me dead and gone anyway. I'm trying to work in a field that doesn't even consider people like me. If I cant work Ill just bring my boyfriend and my family down. Every step forward I manage to take I get dragged back 10.
Im so tired and ashamed and stressed and my fucking body hurts worse now because of the stress and i just dont want to wake up tomorrow.
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catboygirljoker · 5 months
content warning: discussion of suicidal ideation
i am coming up on the anniversary of one of the darkest moments ive ever had. a lot has happened since then (<-positive), and im feeling reflective.
when im feeling very, very depressed i play a game with myself. i hold my phone in my hand, and i think to myself, if clicking the power button on my phone could kill me, instantly, painlessly, would i do that right now? nearly every time ive done it, ive realized that no, i dont really want to do that. i have things i want to do, things i want to live for. i have self-preservation and basic hope for the future.
on the night of may 30th last year, deep in the pits of the most miserable doom spiral i've ever experienced, sitting in the arms of my husband, i played that game with myself. and for the first and only time, i clicked the power button.
a few seconds later, my husband said something goofy in his sleep, i dont remember what it was. but it was like my fever broke in that moment. it jostled me out of my spiral, reminded me that im a living creature. i got up, went to the bathroom to splash my face with water, and looked down at my phone to see a notification from my partner telling me about some exciting movie announcement.
just a few days later, i watched a stream of someone playing kingdom hearts, which kickstarted the longest-running hyperfixation i've had that i can remember. because of that, i started seriously drawing, something i'd wanted to do for a while but hadnt been able to do with any regularity or consistency. i started posting art and started my art blog. i connected with some people.
in the months after, i started adderall. i started a planted tank with some snails. i posted some writing and got some very nice comments. i talked to my friends and talked to people who might end up being my friends. i bought a piano and started playing again. i pet my cats, kissed my partners, cooked some food, found new music i liked.
ive severe doubts about divine providence. i dont believe there's "no such thing as coincidences". i think the fact that most of the above happened right after the deepest and darkest night of my life speaks less to there being "someone looking out for me" or "a reason for everything" and more to the fact that when you keep living, you keep finding reasons to keep living. it's never the end of history. shit will just keep happening forever, bad and good. things change and grow and die and return. this too shall pass.
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physicsfox7 · 11 months
I was just about to go to bed. I was thinking about all the time ive spent the last few weeks with my friends. We talk, we play games together, we stream, we watch videos and trade stupid memes. We support each other. Then I had a realization.
A bit of backstory first, for anyone who doesn't know (how could you not? I never shut up). Growing up, my dad worked all the time to provide for us, so I spent all of my time with my mother and sister. Over time, this developed in to "I dont know how to interact with guys." I mean, I do. Now. As long as its not the hypertoxic, hyper masculine nightmare that I have abhored since I was young.
I have always hung out with girls. In school, 4 of my closest friends were girls. I was always surrounded by a group of girls. I'd rather sit with them. Yeah, I know they can be toxic and vicious and gross too. But for whatever reason, I can talk to girls in a way that I can't talk to guys. (There are always exceptions to the rule, and yes, a couple of my dearest friends are guys, and we can vibe)
Anyway, on to my realization. A large portion of my friends are trans. There is an inside joke about this that is way too funny, and I still giggle when I think about it. Some of my friends I knew before they figured out that they are trans, some I met just after, and some have been on HRT for a time.
I have surrounded myself with people who have every right to be angry, to hurt others, to hate the world. Not for who they are, but for how they are perceived and treated. What the US government is doing might be the most disgusting thing I have heard about since the 1930s. My friends have been spat on, they cant go outside as themselves, some have been verbally and physically attacked. And every other trans person has to live woth that thought every day. They have every right in the world to want to destroy people like me. Cis, White, American males who have grown up knowing little to no hardship (I do whine a lot, but that's for the other bits of my blog) and being happy and comfortabla and feeling at home in my skin.
But they don't. They aren't mean. They are warm, and genuine, and wholesome, and caring, and doting, and loving. Every single trans person I know, without fail, is a lovely human being.
From personal experience alone, they have gone out of their way to make me feel included, and important. They help me when I need help, they spend time with me, they do things that I'm interested in and talk about my topics of interest. They support me in new and ever expanding ways. And they're happy to do it. Its not false, they aren't trying to get something out of it. In all reality, I dont have a lot to offer and I'm pretty clear about that when I start talking to new people.
They are just kind. I can't say for sure why that is, but I strongly suspect they get up every day and see the hatred aimed at them and consciously decide to be a positive force in the universe, even when they're being beaten down.
I am awe inspired. I want to be a better person and a better friend because my friends are so good to me. And frankly, I dont deserve them.
I was a terrible fucking person just 5 or 6 years ago. All the usual tropes apply, I'm not going into it here. If you care enough ask in the comments.
But for all of that, and yes, I have talked with each of them about what a PoS I was, they still show me love and kindness. I dont deserve friends like that, but I will forever try to earn the love and respect they have shown me.
Please, if you can, please hug your trans friend for me today. Because none of mine are close enough, and the only thing I want in this world is to show them that they are genuinely loved. And who doesn't like hugs?
Growing up, I had friends. Who doesn't? Some were good, some were better, some were bad. But what I never had was a family. And that's exactly what this is. I hate calling it a found family, because I didn't "find" them, they saved me. We are together, as a cooperative group for the betterment of each other and the world around us.
I will endeavor every single day to make the world around me better, and try to show the genuine compassion and caring my family has shown me, to others.
That joke? My handle across every single platform is Fox, in one manner or another. I have adopted it, and for all intents and purposes it is me. Foxes like eggs. Its a small thing, but when my friend said it to me, I thought my heart exploded. I was allowed to be included. I am included, I'm not secondary or tertiary, I'm not on the sidelines. I may forever be the wallflower of the family, the one who is willing to walk behind everyone else because the sidewalk isnt wide enough, but I will forever sleep better because you let me be part of the family.
I have unconsciously surrounded myself with people who will show me patience and kindness, compassion and love. I might not have gotten enough of that growing up and that's why I searched it out. But I have found the place I belong, and it's only fair that everyone else does too.
I say this all the time, but I hope its not too old. Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives, letting yourself be shared with me. I love you so dearly (this goes for all of my family and friends, but i bet you already knew that) that my heart feels it might burst.
And seriously, go hug your trans friend today. Just pick one, give them a warm, attentive hug, and when you pull apart, tell them you love them. Dont ever stop telling your friends you love them.
I generally dont farm interactions, it feels cheap. I mean this with all sincerity: tell me about your trans friend in the comments. I dont care if its one sentence or one thousand, I want to hear something you love about them.
So for once, new rule: do interact, do comment and repost. I want to hear about them.
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kraefishh · 1 year
nintento direct thoughts
yeah so hi i deliberately stayed up until 7am on a work night in order to watch this and do not regret a thing.
-> splat3 dlc looks cool!! will i play it? no. does it look cool as hell? yeah!!! I personally don't like splat3's actual single player campaign so unless im able to access the dlc without finishing the main campaign then... im not playing it lmao. it looks cool as fuck though!! i like whatever the hell they had going on with the glitchy taz hunger looking goop that produced skeleton fish. pearl + marina lore is also a win in my book -> i dont actually have all that many thoughts about the smrpg showcase but MAN it looks cool as hell. at first i didnt like the revamped graphics but now theyre growing on me.... plus the trio attacks??? HELL YEA! i hope the remake will make me actually finish the game this time around instead of start it twice in the past three years and then quit within the first few areas (<- i say as if this isnt a normal problem i have regardless. thanks, its the adhd)
-> SaGa Emerald Beyond actually looks interesting?? like I know nothing about that game series but the character designs look very cool and i like the concept of a multiple outcome story based entirely on which character you play. do i think i'd actually play this game? no, probably not. looks cool tho
-> despite me being The pokemon nerd i have nothing to say about the new detective pikachu game. i dont like the voice they gave pikachu imo. i think thats just cause im spoiled on movie detective pikachu being ryan reynolds... i joke i kid. kinda. also i never like. actually played any detective pikachu games so i got nothing
-> cool that were getting a new wario-ware!! not sure how i feel about like the.... forms? is that what theyre called?? w/e regardless im not sure how i feel about em. but its a wario-ware game so its bound to be weird but like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-> FUNKY KONG DIDDY KONG PAULINE RELEASE FOR MARIO KART WAS NOT ON MY LIST. SO SO HAPPY THOUGH. peachette is whatever. no idea where she came from
-> gotta say i completely forgot among us was on switch so seeing the crewmates i was like "are they making a fucking spin-off game for switch?" no. i just forgot. the fungle is a funny name though i appreciate it
I was laying there in bed at 7:40am and was like. oh cool one last thing before its over. its probably gonna be just another title release of something or a sneak peek on some dlc.
and then i hear the music.
-> yeah anyway so i screamed "WHAT!?" at the (metaphorical) top of my lungs (because it was 7:40am and people were sleeping). ttyd getting a remaster is so so cool. and now that i know its possibly getting a re translation that makes me even more happy. give us trans vivian....... i also just think its very funny that ive been playing ttyd on twitch for the past. year now? (ive taken a shit ton of breaks) and theyre making a remaster?? now? not complaining im having a blast playing it with my cohost but HHADGHGAKDFJ
-> i'm mostly just excited for the remaster cause it'll hopefully bring traction back to the paper mario series. idk about like the general consensus of the fandom but like. the paper mario series has been needing a pick me up for a HOT MINUTE.
-> no i am not going to play the remaster of ttyd for stream. maybe on my own time. we'll see. i dont see the point of finishing the og only to then, like a year later, play the remaster. especially when i have a TON of games backlogged on my list since i only stream once a week. more often than not, not even that. i am planning on doing rpg tho
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velaralilas · 2 years
dead by daylight's issues
i just watched SpookyLoopz's most recent video about how he feels currently with the shift of content in DBD, and he made some very valid points. i reccomend watching it before reading on.
tl;dr- he says that the two newest killers, The Knight and The Skull Merchant, are boring to play against and play as and that DBD is becoming stale.
i very much agree with this. i, myself, am a content creator (i stream on twitch- and am currently planning my revival after a two month long hiatus) and DBD is one of the main games i play. now, i didn't fully get into DBD until May/June 2022, roughly when The Dredge came out and the game was celebrating its 6th anniversary. I am still a baby at 300ish hours of playtime. even within the limited time i have interacted with the community, as well as playing the game and learning the ropes, there has been a serious shift in the culture surrounding the game. from metas to the camping/tunneling problem, these problems seem to have no end.
The community is going to be the thing that kills Dead by Daylight within the next year or so- i feel. im going to outline the main things that i see when playing myself.
playing survivor
while playing as a survivor (my main game mode), the tunneling and camping is horrendous- especially for persons like me who have TTV or YT in their username. there have been countless times where i was pushed out of a game because i am a streamer, or because other creators are in a lobby with me, they assume i am a part of a swf (survive with friends). ive also had killers that hold myself and my friends hostage since they assume we're streaming- not becuase we're creators, but becuase they think we are actively streaming in that moment.
another thing i see often is fellow survivors disconnecting seemingly randomly. now, i, myself, am guilty of disconnecting from a match- everyone has their moments- but the type im talking about is when they see a killer they dont like (im excluding The Plague and The Clown from this becuase emetophobia and colourophbia is real), if the killer brings a mori, or if they feel like they're losing after getting downed. i have played with someone who is toxic like this and it is insufferable because this puts you at such a disadvantage later in the game. stop abandoning teammates just because The Legion brought a mori. Killing yourself on hook to get out a game is still bad- dont get me wrong- but at least its more tolerable than straight up leaving.
the survivor meta is purely influenced by whatever the current killer meta is. dont ask me what is considered 'the meta' i dont know and dont care. i think you should run perks that suit your playstyle, not to be one with the crowd. if you wanna sneak around, be a gen jockey, get chased all game, make builds that will help you! coordinate with the friends that youre playing with! this makes the game so much more fun that using a build you saw a big time content creator use.
playing killer
oh boy, here we go.
to start off, i am a Sadako (The Onryo) and a Freddy (The Nightmare) main. Sadako is my number one best girl.
playing the killer is so stale and unbearable. from bully squads to toxic survivors its so much worse than it used to be. the highest rank i got to when i was playing everyday for 6-8 hours a day was Gold 2 (? i just remember being in gold) and it was amazing back then. nowadays people are bringing gen rushing builds and want to get in and out of games as soon as possible. dont even get me started on the end game shit talking people will do if you do bad as a prestige 12 killer.
the current killer meta, from my understanding (again i dont care about the meta), is generator regression and aura reading. i see a lot of pain res/dead mans switch (pain res blows up a generator and forces you off of it, when someone is hooked on the scourge hook, and dead mans blocks it for a short time- for those who are unfamiliar), call of brine/overcharge/pop goes the weasel/eruption being used interchangibly. its all about regressing gens from getting done. wheres the spice? how about tracking perks or chase perks? on Sadako i use a lot of aura reading because its useful with her power, same with Freddy. i never see killers using perks that work well with the killers power.
speaking of powers, lets talk about the two latest killers, The Knight and The Skull Merchant. they suck ass! the knight allows you to camp hooks without needing to be there, and the merchant can track you on the map with drones. these are doing very little to solve the tunneling/camping issue the game has. they are also really boring. their powers are meh, their chase music is meh, and the skull merchant doesnt even have a new map, just a refurbished shelter woods, tell me how thats fair.
final remarks
we as a community need to do better. need to be better. stop with the toxicity, the cheating, everything. i understand that this really isnt possible, people will still find exploits and play competitively, but there is a way to go about it that doesnt make you a piece of shit.
we cannot expect the devs to give us anything good if we buy up bullshit like the latest DLC. the only way to truly fix the tunneling, camping, and toxic players is to change as a community, to make the game fun again. the group that takes everything seriously and competitively is going to keep destroying the culture around this game until is so unberable that people who just want to have the slightest bit of fun go somewhere else.
i love Dead by Daylight. i really do. i've made some amazing friends and made a start to streaming with it. however i feel that if we dont change as a whole, its going to continue to grow staler and staler until its cold and barren.
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daemonwritesstuff · 1 year
hello hello!! if its alright, could i request a matchup for project sekai and/or twisted wonderland? (o´▽`o)
my name is clockwork, or just clock works too!! im transmasc (16) and i go by he/they pronouns. im a leo, infp, and hufflepuff though i dont know what most of that means, haha! i think i have undiagnosed autism but its something i still have to talk to my doctor about. ive been on t for a year at this point and im hoping to get top surgery the second i turn eighteen. i mostly have an attraction to dudes, but i also like girls!
i’m pretty short (5’3”) and i have black hair that i like to bleach/dye as well as dark brown eyes. i still look pretty feminine, but i have a deeper voice (thank you testosterone) and i dress masculine though im not against dressing somewhat femininely in my freetime.
my main interests as of current are reading and watching different animanga series, playing video games, and watching vtubers!! my hope is that one day i’ll be able to audition to a talent agency one day and start streaming as a vtuber! i also want to expand myself musically, so i’m currently trying to learn the violin and want to pick up the piano one day! i also love band and i want to learn guitar or the drums. i also love drawing, though i dont do it much and im not very good at it, haha! its more of a hobby than something i want to perfect and become a professional in.
personality wise, i’ve been told i can actually look pretty intimidating but i’d like to think im a pretty nice person! i can be a little bit shy when first meeting someone, but once i know i have something in common with someone, i never shut up, haha!! i’m a really passionate person when it comes to the things im interested in and i do my best to make sure the people around me are happy. i can be super spontaneous and i’m not good at thinking before i act so i’ve done quite a lot of stupid stuff before. i’m super loud and i never know how to control my volume, but its mostly because im having fun. i have tendencies to overthink and my thoughts spiral way more often than i’d ever want to admit, but that’s just how it goes sometimes. i also get pretty irritated/frustrated easily, but i’m learning to get better at controlling that.
i guess my type would be someone who can both match my energy, as well as be patient with me. like, someone who can understand whenever i get too overstimulated or whenever i want to be affectionate even when i dont say it out loud, you know?
thank you for listening to my request, or if anything comes up and you can’t do it or have questions for me, then you can message me!! remember to stay hydrated and get enough sleep!! mwah mwah (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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A/N: Hi there mootie! I apologize for taking a while 🥹 but I really hope you enjoy this. Anyways, here I go!
Your soulmate for Project Sekai is…
Akito Shinonome
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Honestly, I was gonna go for Toya but I truly feel like akito is a best match for you, honestly people say that akito can be intimidating and so can you and there’s so much more that I’m gonna explain on why akito is perfect.
He loves hearing you talk, usually about whatever like your interests that your passionate about, he also loves hearing your voice all the time too, he finds it attractive.
He also supports all your dreams and goals in life! Whatever you wanna do or wanna be he’ll always be there for you, cheering you on.
Since your learning violin and you wanna learn piano, his friend Toya will teach you how to to play them anytime, and since you draw as well I’m sure Ena would love that!
Potentially, if you wanted too, You, Akito and Toya could be in a poly relationship together, but that’s all up to you.
No matter what y’all just compliment each other so well.
Now, for your Twisted Wonderland Soulmate you’ll be with…
Idia Shroud!
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So, since your shy and he’s shy he would definitely become friends with you at first.
You guys share a lot or interests with each other such as animanga, video games, etc, you guys would have weekly gaming nights with just you and him and you guys would also watch anime together as well.
You would be the one talking a lot and he would be the one always listening, he enjoys you taking about your passions and he’ll ask questions and do small reaction noises.
He is very patient with you, and he definitely understands when you get over stimulated as well and will try his best to help you even when he’s freaking out on the inside.
He supports you when you say you wanna become a vtuber! He will definitely help you out with that stuff!
Also if you want affection from him you may have to speak up some points.
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arielluva · 10 months
ive been thinking about cds a lot more recently (probably bc i ordered 2 out of 3 utena discs online (and they should be arriving on tuesday!!)) like. i ended up looking through my cds i have, thinking about burning a cd for the first time (bc my parents always just. burnt them for me so i unfortunately have never done it, and my computer is just a surface pro 4 with a keyboard attachment and as such has no disc drive)
but anyways. thinking about them got me thinking about how i honestly listened to cds consistently until very recently. like. i listened to a cd every night to go to bed for probably like. 10 years. maybe even longer than that who knows!! and it also just got me thinking about technology more in general. cds arent really. as relevant anymore. like yeah theyre still sold but since music has been becoming more and more digital and more focused on streaming it hasnt been as much of a thing. i used to have an mp3 player (which. i have no clue what happened to it)
and like. video game consoles i was used to as a kid are. getting really old now (something i was thinking about last night). the wii will be turning 18 next year, the original nintendo ds will be turning 20. the dsi (which was my first ds) will be turning 15. even the switch being a pretty recent (and still current) console is turning 7. its sooo weird to think about the passage of time and things getting older. the ds i played with when i was 6 was already kinda outdated when i got it since it was 2012 and the 3ds existed, but now the dsi is a pretty old console. 2009 doesnt seem like that long ago to me, then i have to remind myself that was the year when i was in preschool and i am now an adult
its crazy to think about how much things have changed, i used vhs tapes when i was younger to watch schoolhouse rock, had all my dvds and cds (though unfortunately my dvds are not in good shape due to little me almost never putting them back in their cases 😔) i listened to music off of my dsi primarily and thought the 3d animation in barbie and the diamond castle was peak animation, and now things are skewing towards being mostly digital, and there are so many hyperrealistic 4k type graphics out there now......
i dont even know what im rambling on about anymore its like 2 am. i just think things are cool and they also give me a crisis when i realize some things are kinda old now but. i suppose thats just something everyone goes through at some point
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lady-wren-of-tella · 1 year
Okie so one of my current interests is a game called five nights at Freddy’s(fnaf)!! I’ve liked this game series for a long time, it’s honestly one of the longest fandoms that I’ve been in!! Plus fnaf has also been a thing that I’ve liked for so long, I honestly don’t think that I’ll ever stop loving it cause it’s basically apart of my childhood and it’s still something that I love. But anyways, recently a teaser trailer for the movie came out and oh my godddd!!! It looks so good, I’m so bloody excited for the movie!! It’s been in the works for so long and now that we got a teaser trailer AND it’s coming out this year?! AAAHHHHHHH I’m kicking and screaming!!! And and, today a gameplay trailer was released for the new fnaf security breach dlc called ruin and ohhhhhhhh it looks so good as well!!! The design and atmosphere of the game is great, I can’t wait when it comes out so that I can watch gameplay of it!!! And and, I might be able to play it too since my older brother is gonna buy it when it comes out so yayyyyy!!
Okie okie, so my next interest is another video which is Resident Evil 4 remake(re4 remake) and ohhhhhhhh it’s such a bloody pretty game!! The graphics and gameplay is amazingggg!! And and the characters are so pretty too!! My favorite characters from the game are Leon, Ashely, and Luis- and you can call me a simp but I would gladly marry those three because god damn do they look so so pretty and beautiful!! I’m not too far into the game since I’m only watching two friends stream and play it but I’m currently rewatching their stream vods to refresh my memory. But ahhhhhhh the game is so gorgeous and everything about it is so great!! Asmskachkasjkwchajl and and the merchant in re4 remake, aaahhhhhhhh- I like wanna be his friend so bad!! I wanna give him a big ol’ hug each time I see him!! Currently I can’t play it since it’s on the newer gen consoles but whenever I can I’ll definitely 100% play it!!
Finally, my last current interest is an anime called Trigun!! I only recently got into it but ohhhh myyyy godddd does that anime have a grip on me!! The only reason I got into it was because I kept seeing a bunch of TikTok edits of the reboot version of the show which is called Trigun Stampede(I’ll refer to it as TriStamp) so I caved in and I started to watch it and I don’t regret my decision. I was not disappointed!! I loved the characters, the animation, the story- I just loved everything about it!! Then after I finished watching TriStamp a few weeks later I decided why not and I watched the og Trigun. And ohhhhhh myyyyy goddddd, my love for the show grew ten times more!! It was the same show and the same characters but just something about it was so different!!! I just loved it so much!! And and I also watch the movie as well(called Trigun: Badlands Rumble) because I just needed more content!! I’m genuinely so hooked with this anime, the brain rot I have of it is unreal. I recently got two funko pops of my two favorite characters from the anime and I plan to get the rest of the characters but I like wanna get more merch lol xddd Last weekend I saw two figures of two characters from Trigun, I didn’t get them and I regret not buying them but hopefully this weekend me and my brothers will go to the same mall and hopefully, hopefully they’ll still be there that way I can buy them!! There’s also gonna be a TriStamp figure and I want it so baddddd, and and there’s a Trigun and Trigun Maximum deluxe edition manga!! Shubsjjcknskhwkmkfnrk I wanna buy that tooooo!! I’m hoping I’ll be able to get both of these things sometime in the future(maybe even for Christmas but I doubt it.) but ahhhhhh just- the brain rot I have is unbelievable and this show just lives rent free in my mind rn
i've heard about the fnaf movie!! one of my irls loves fnaf and was telling me all about how excited they were for the movie. I dont remember him mentioning anything about the new game being released, but he was super excited about the movie.
ive seen so much abt resident evil (specifically about that one guy named leon) . it actually looks really interesting tbh
IVE SEEN REALLY COOL ART FOR TRIGUN ON TWITTER!!! the one guy with the yellow glasses has such cool character design and its so cool to see how different artists put their own spin on it
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guessknee · 2 years
about me !
aka me nerding out about things i like
Video Games !
the aesthetics, soundtracks, art, landscapes, everything about video games i love. i love playing jrpgs, visual novels and rhythm games. i love watching streams of all types of games though!
currently into watching apex legends, league of legends, valorant, csgo (on occasion), breath of the wild, and some older jrpgs.
i have a goal of beating one major game a month! i love playing games but i often buy too many at once and then play one while forgetting about the others. i dont know if anyone else has that problem so i made a system (gonna get really nerdy for a second) where i track video game releases im interested in for each of my consoles and i pick one game from each month to play and hopefully beat and one game to buy a collectors edition for (if available).
recently completed games
god of war ragnarok
crisis core reunion
one piece odyssey (almost complete 80% of the way done)
games im excited to play soon
the persona ports (jan release)
fire emblem engage (jan release)
octopath traveler 2 (feb release) - collectors edition preorder!
theatrhythm final bar (feb release)
kirbys return to dreamland (feb release)
story of seasons (jan release)
mobile games im playing
twisted wonderland
ensemble stars
genshin impact (on and off)
consoles i own (i have a weird thing with clue consoles and handhelds - i never realized i always bought blue ones till a about a year ago maybe its because i loved sonic as a kid...)
switch (animal crossing)
psp (light blue)
ps vita (light blue/white)
wii (i never use it)
2ds (blue)
dsi (light blue)
Anime / Manga !
i love anime and manga. ive grown up with it ever since i was around 5. i would stay up on saturday nights till 7 am when inuyasha would start playing on adult swim. if i was ever too tired i would record the episode on our dvr and would watch it after getting home from kindergarten. crazy age to watch inuyasha but i always found it so cool.
also grew up on naruto. i am such a naruto nerd i have rewatched the og and shippuden so many times i can tell people which episode events happened, i can sing the openings in order, i can name most characters, etc. the naruto brainrot is bad. same thing with bleach and dragonball z. the new bleach has me so hyped i loved watching every episode made me want to rewatch the main series but i have no time so i just watch small clips here and there.
i love just about every genre of anime tbh. sports animes (baki, hajime no ippo, kengan asura, one outs, eyeshield 21, etc). idol animes (idolish 7, tsukiuta, tsukipro, etc). shounen, mystery, shoujo, literally everything. i have to be in a certain mood to watch mech animes but whenever one comes out that catches my eye i put all my energy into watching it. i think the only genre i dont enjoy much is isekai, i used to like them but new ones come out too often i cant keep up.
currently watching
one piece (caught up)
blue lock
buddy daddies
vinland saga s2
trigun stampede
yowapeda limit break
tokyo revengers s2
Cars !
my day to day guilty pleasure is cars. i love cars. they are cool, go fast, go stutututu, whine, be loud, have cool lights, i love everything about a good car.
i have a brz! bought it myself and it is my pride adn joy. it is one of my favorite cars and when i bought it in november i literally cried. I drive manual and its so fun to me! i want to learn how to drift but im a bit nervous because i dont want to accidentally mess up anything in my car.
Reading !
i love books i love reading. i love fiction, sci-fi, philosophy, nonfiction, fanfiction, everything. I was never into books like harry potter and anything with too many magical elements in them but always loved horror and more mystery thriller books.
i have been dying to buy more physical books to add to my mini library in my room but theres a few books on my backlog i need to complete before i do that.
i also have a slowly growing manga collection that i desperately need to add to.
i read all day all night on my phone but the feeling of flipping real pages is so satisfying and having the weight of a book in my bag is just so nice.
Music !
not to toot my own horn but my spotify wrapped minutes is always 140k+. i listen to music all day everyday. while doing homework, reading, driving, working, in class (pay attention dont be like me), watching stuff it doesnt matter. i have a terrible habit of getting bored of something very easily so i always multitask and need 20 things happening at the same time so music is amazing at keeping me focused.
i love 'underground archive', rnb, krnb, jpop, citypop, lofi, rap, edm, literally a whole lot of stuff. i dont like pop that much ive grown to realize same with country, i can listen to it but only if someone else wants to.
thats it! literally my whole being in a post.
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bye-bye-firefly · 2 years
Alright, I just finished Penny’s playthrough of The Last of Us. That was so good. I had heard some stuff about the ending beforehand so it wasn’t as big of a shock as it would’ve been if I hadn’t but like I just wasn’t expecting it to be like that. I’m still in kind of a daze. I’m really impressed. I haven’t really had time to figure out all my thoughts on the ending but like I definitely agreed 100% with what Penny was saying. Ellie should’ve been told what was going on and Joel shouldn’t have lied. And like yeah, it did feel like Joel was saving Ellie for his own sake rather than for Ellie’s. Also, the beginning was so well done! Like, the whole thing with Sarah at the beginning like actually almost made me tear up. Like I could feel that pressurey feeling behind my eyes. I know that probably doesn’t sound like a lot but like I’m one of those people where like it’s very hard for fictional stories to make me at all close to tears. I still get totally attached to characters and can feel emotionally annihilated by the events of a story, I just usually stare at the screen or pages or whatever I’m looking at like it’s a monster though. So it really surprised me that a character who I barely know anything about was able to get that much of a reaction out of me. I think it’s just something about that scene.
Anyway, thanks for recommending Penny’s playthrough! She was very entertaining and made me genuinely laugh a bunch! I loved the bits, not to mention watching her attempt to hunt a deer and fail for like 15 minutes straight was absolutely delightful. Also very much enjoyed hearing her mess with her watch thingy on stream. Both are definite highlights.
I’m very excited for when I look at Part 2, I’m also very excited to watch the tv show. I really hope it’s a good adaptation. Thanks again for the recommendation and thanks for writing a The Last of Us DRV3 fanfic and talking about it since I’m not sure at what point in time I would’ve actually ended up looking for a playthrough to watch of the game otherwise!
yeah the intro to the last of us is like. fuck man . i remember playing through that and just sobbing that intro is so good. and penny is SOOO fucking right literally the only person i trust to play tlou2 EVERRR i know for a fact that she gets it like i get it and really thats all that matters. shes the best. her videos are all awesome im so sad it took me so long to get into watching ALL of her stuff and not just the fandubs. the parts that made me really cry were of course when sarah dies, when sam and henry die, when ellie rants at joel (everyone who ive ever loved has either DIED. or LEFT ME. everyone...fucking except for you! so don't tell me i'd be better off with someone else, because the truth is that i would just be more scared.), when joel got hella hurt and ellie had to bring him out of the university, when ellie killed david, when ellie nearly drowned, AND! at the end of the game. that final scene kills me. i feel very much for tlou and really everything all the time. really
although its not NECESSARY. i still would recommend looking at left behind <3 SORRY sorry i just love left behind so much there is so much in left behind that i just die over everyday i think about the events of left behind and i die and i die and i die. i think about i got you babe and i DIEEEEE its EVERYTHING to me. FOREVER!!! penny also played left behind and its super fucking funny also there was one part where i had to pause the vod i was laughing so hard
i cannot WAIT for penny to play part 2 because she said she liked it and she had already played it before and i was like omg...this is gonna be fucking awesome VERY fucking excited. i have to tell you. when you get into part 2. PLEASE keep an open mind ive lost too many people to the dudebro gamers who dont like part 2 i love part 2 i LOVE it. i get so sads every time i see someone who doesnt like part 2 and thinks it made no sense like IT DOES!!! BUT IT DOES!!! my world my star my shining star shining so brightly
thank YOU for looking into tlou its my favourite video game series EVERRRR it shaped me into who i am today and it is my World. im still getting through writing the first chapter but im literally having so much fun with it its UNIMAGINABLE. im so excited to post it i dont CARE if no one asked for it IM MAKING IT. but seriously no one asked for this there was like only one person who made a last of us crossover in the drv3 tag 😭 if no one is making this for me...ill make it for MYSELF!!
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