#ive been going over adhd in adult things for like a week now
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zerobotic · 2 years ago
just realized this post got spit out of my queue after i put it in there like a month or more ago, and, fun fact! i’m 500% more angry about it now than i was a month ago when i queued it!! because in that time ive taken and gotten the results back from a neuropsych evaluation, which my therapist and doctor requested as part of the adhd evaluation ive had going on for nearly a fucking year now, and boy am i fucking seething about it! i spend a whole year telling my therapist about how much im struggling in ways i cant seem to overcome, and she goes “yeah that sounds like adhd” and we begin the lengthy process of looking into that, and then the pcp decides they need more info so i get referred to the neuropsych folks. and this FUCKING neuropsych guy sees me for a single visit and i take some cognitive tests and he writes up a report saying, in his infinite wisdom, that i am simply ““““too high functioning”“““ to truly be struggling and have i considered im not trying hard enough? have i considered using a planner? setting reminders in my phone? have i considered that im only looking for an adhd diagnosis because i feel slighted by my parents not looking into any of this when i was a kid and now i want validation because of my poor relationship with my family (which ive talked with my therapist at length about and this guy only knows the bare fucking minimum)?
like, it’s been a couple weeks since i read that report and i STILL wanna strangle someone about it and im still waiting for my therapist and doctor to respond about how, inevitably, this has fucked over the entire process of seeking a diagnosis all because some jackass can’t understand that doing well on academic tests doesnt equate to being able to successfully cope with the reality of day to day life, and my therapist and doctor apparently arent allowed to formally diagnose me if there’s any uncertainty! which, being too good at tests and therefore being told i cant be struggling is the story of my life and why im in this situation as an adult in the first place.
and seeing that post about being high functioning brought all that anger back to the surface now and underneath the anger im just. so, so exhausted and dont know what to do anymore, because nothing ever gets easier and i dont know how to make any of it work and for a while there i thought maybe i could officially get some answers and maybe some help with making things easier for once and now that’s been shot down too and i dont know what to do because nothing ive ever tried has worked and im back to square one again. underneath the anger there’s a part of me that’s losing hope on the idea of anything ever getting better
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dcsbian · 5 years ago
would anyone else like to talk about how their p*rental neglect affected their adhd
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notcolleen · 3 years ago
i hate that bc i inherently see myself as a bad/manipulative person bc everything i do is colored with that view and it sucks lol
like i saw my doctor for the first time in 47271 years the other day and he started me back on the lowest possible dose of my adhd medication
but i automatically felt like i was drug seeking and felt like i had to overcompensate in my explanation to him even though
1) ive been diagnosed since middle school ((literally seeing him since middle school))
2) he is honestly very lax with prescriptions and would have gone right to my old prescriptions so
3) i was the one that had to be like “full disclosure: i am struggling to be productive/focus on anything but i am also aware that i have a history of relapse on these meds so can we please brainstorm what would work for both my eating disorder recovery and my own sanity??” and this was the solution (the other solution being a medication that i have tried in the past with unbearable side effects) (see, im even justifying it now to myself and to my 2 followers bc i still feel like a Bad person!! bc adult adhd has become such a Thing and combining that with eating disorder recovery feels like im breaking one of the golden rules lol) (like if i see someone else post abt adhd meds and i know they are also in recovery, part of me still goes 👀 and i hate that i have that internalized stigma towards the diagnosis/treatment) (i think i honestly just have a lot of shame toward the amount of medication it takes me to function but i am working on it)
but anyway i started back yesterday and already the difference is ‼️⚠️‼️ and my brain finally feels quiet? and today i sat and finished the book ive been trying to read for the last week and actually cleaned my bathroom
and the main thing i noticed is that my thoughts can finally go in a more logically order? like instead of going to make coffee…..realizing that i need to bring the creamer over to my coffee but then getting distracted when i see dishes in the sink so doing those…..forgetting the creamer but remembering to clean phoebes litter…remember the coffee but not realizing i actually put the creamer next to phoebes litter box so convincing myself im insane looking for it, start looking in all of the rooms in my apartment and get distracted by hanging my clothes and totally forget my coffee until i feel like caffeine headache and wonder why ? (definitely not based on a true series of events from this week 👁👄👁)
instead i am able to think: okay, you need to get the coffee ready which means water in the machine first, put creamer in mug while it heats up! you can clean phoebes litter box while it pours! okay cool do a couple of the dishes in the sink while it cools down! now sit and drink coffee and breathe 🙏🙏🙏🙏
and that feels really really wonderful goodbye🕺
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heysawbones · 6 years ago
Congratulations, Me; You’re Slow
Surprise, me! You’re literally slow. As in, your processing speed - the rate at which your brain takes in stimuli and makes sense of it - is below average. Quantitatively. The average is 100. Yours is 94. 
Three years ago, I was given a cognitive battery. I’ve had an unusually high number of these in my life. Most people will never have even one. I’ve had four; one to assess for the Gifted and Talented program in kindergarten, one to reassess for the same when I changed school districts, one to assess for ADHD, and yet another, the latest, to assess for the same, as the prior records were lost. ADHD runs in my family, but I seem to have been one of those kids who compensated really, really well. Was I organized? Not even a little. Lose things? Constantly. I procrastinated like a motherfucker, too, but it was usually easy to make up the work in class before it was due. I would drive hard to complete the GT project-based assignments at the last minute, and always did fine. Better than fine, even. Sure, I used to obsessively braid yarn or draw in class, but nobody had any reason to suspect I would have issues with things like maintaining attention or executive function later on. If they did, I never heard about it. Even today, it’s not obvious; people associate a certain flightiness with ADHD and that isn’t me. People associate a lot of things with ADHD that aren’t me. This has been so much of an issue, in fact, that despite meeting diagnostic criteria over and over, as admitted by clinicians, people have been hesitant to give me the diagnosis. The argument deployed tends to be: you have all the symptoms, but you also have chronic depression, which has the same symptoms, so we’ll just go with that one. The underlying rationale, the unspoken answer to “why can’t it be both? they often co-occur” seems to be: you are too articulate and self-aware to have ADHD. It boils down to you’re too smart to be slow. 
This is unfair to me, and demonstrably untrue, besides. I recognized this long ago. I am the one who has to figure out some way to compensate for the symptoms. Yes, the symptoms of depression and ADHD overlap (especially if you are depressed for a long time), but the treatment of those symptoms is not the same. I have been in treatment for depression for over ten years. Am I better than I was? Unquestionably so. 
Do I function at a level sustainable for an adult not on disability? Can I get places on time? Can I catch a plane without showing up 14 hours early, lest I show up 14 hours late, or at the wrong airport entirely, instead? Do I remember things people told me yesterday? Can I go to Target without the possibility of getting caught up in a weird cognitive trap where I want bananas, but am too guilty to buy them unless I do the rest of my grocery shopping, which I don’t have the mental energy for? Do I remember enough of my meds when I go on trips? Can I stop persistently putting things in places that make no sense, and then having no idea that I’ve done it 15 seconds later? Can I manage an adult’s schedule? Can I remember to pay bills on time? Can I remember what I’ve spent money on in the last week? Can I remember what I ate this morning? Can I hold down a job that is, honestly, below my abilities in many ways?
The answer is, of course, sometimes yes. Distressingly frequently, it is no. Where travel is concerned, it is always no, and somehow, I have managed to show up at the wrong airport entirely more than once. 
Yes, I recognize that these are problems all people have, to some degree, at some time in their lives. If people are willing to act on the belief that I am too smart to be slow, why is it that when I account for my concerns and attempt to articulate the impact they have on my life, I am suddenly not self-aware anymore, and am only overreacting to what obviously MUST be the same degree of these problems that other reasonable adults experience? Why am I credible in other areas, but not this one? If I am so smart, why is it assumed that I’ve failed to account for my own emotional bias when gauging the difficulty I am experiencing? Why is it more satisfying to assume that I am not trying hard enough, then it is to accept that a smart, self-aware person may, in fact, have some kind of Brain Problem that, really, there is no logical contraindication to, and much evidence, for? When I do the responsible thing and insistently pursue all reasonable options to address my mental and neurological health, with the goal of being a functional contributor to society, why is this so persistently reduced to a fetish specifically for an ADHD diagnosis? I’m smart when it’s convenient for others, but not when it comes to the ability to draw cause and effect relationships from my own behavior, and make comparisons between those and the behavior of others? If I got treatment that worked, I wouldn’t care what the diagnosis was. Come the fuck on. I’m tired of this.
Anyway. I sat down with the results of that three-year-old cognitive battery. I’ve read the summary before; it’s peppered with lines like
“There is also considerable other evidence in this testing consistent with a diagnosis of ADHD”
“In my experience, some individuals who are very bright are able to compensate for some of their disability”
“this distribution of index scores is very typical of individuals with ADHD”
“Many of the behaviors she describes are certainly typical of individuals who suffer from ADHD. Unfortunately, the coexisting history of chronic major depression and PTSD make that differential diagnosis based on history alone difficult” 
When I first read that last year, I was shocked because the therapist who requested the cognitive battery, only expressed surprise that I was “very smart” and said that my “scores were fine.” When I later confronted him after having read the summary myself, he merely admitted that some of my scores were “lower than others”. He never entertained the possibility that I had ADHD, which in an of itself, wouldn’t have been a problem if he’d been willing to just try the treatments for it, since clearly the two industrial-strength doses of antidepressants I was already on, were not cutting it. Alas, he was not, and it wasn’t until after he retired that the issue was addressed again.
Surprisingly, I was not the person who addressed it. When my therapist-MD retired, I needed at least a primary care provider to manage my medications. Since the appointment was for psych med management, I had to fill out a bunch of related intake forms - you likely know the kind. While looking them over, my new doctor peered up at me and asked, “Has anybody ever suggested that you might have ADHD?” I was taken aback by the question and wasn’t sure where to start. Them? Asking me? if I have ADHD? She asked me? 
I told her that I’d had two full cognitive batteries done, and that both of them concluded roughly the same thing: yes, all the symptoms are there, no, we do not know if it’s ADHD because there’s too much background noise from other psych issues. Without skipping a beat, she said the most amazing thing to me: 
Well, whatever it is, you have the symptoms, so let’s treat them.
God. Why didn’t someone say that years ago? Diagnoses are human constructs; we use them to group symptoms that tend to occur together, when they’re thought to have the same causes. Depression and ADHD have many (but not all) of the same symptoms, but the overlap doesn’t qualify as a diagnosis because the causes are assumed to be different. I think we often forget that diagnoses are containers for commonalities that we use to make talking about medicine easier, not necessarily biological phenomena unto themselves. If you remember that they are containers - a sort of conceptual shorthand - then it follows that if one treatment for a set of symptoms isn’t solving the problem, you ought to try a different treatment often used for the same symptoms, even if the minutiae of diagnosis means you aren’t sure you can apply the diagnosis typically associated with that second treatment*.
I am now on Vyvanse. Does it magically solve my problems? No. Does it help? Yes. I am in a much better position to actually address the bad habits and coping mechanisms someone like me builds up over the years. The notable insomnia should wear off over time, and besides, as a person with an existing sleep disorder, having fucked up sleep isn’t new. It’s a price I’m willing to pay.
Anyway. So I sat down with the results of that three-year-old cognitive battery, because I had to dig them up for my new therapist. Instead of reading the summary, I dug into the raw numbers: the related tests are the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale IV (WAIS-IV), and the Weschler Memory Scale III (WMS-III). I couldn’t find sufficient guidance on interpreting the WMS-III, so I’ll stick with the WAIS-IV scores:
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At first inspection, these scores do look “fine”. Anything within 10 points of 100 in either direction qualifies as “average”, even if 100 is “the average”. But on further reading, both in the summary and out: 
-Examination of these results reveals considerable significant variability between various functional capacities, with VCI of 141 a full 3 standard deviations above PSI of 94.** Problems with both working memory and processing speed impacted her overall IQ considerably, bringing her Full Scale IQ down to 120 (from 133). 
-A significant difference among subtest scores can suggest a problem in the particular skill being tested; this might underlie a learning disability. A significant difference among standard Index Scores might also indicate a learning disability, ADHD
-when I see a difference in IQ scores such that the verbal and nonverbal scores are far superior to the processing speed score, I try to discern what could be causing the discrepancy.
-LD diagnoses are also reliant on score discrepancies. On the WAIS, a gifted individual with ADHD may look like this.
Verbal comprehension - 132
Perceptual Reasoning - 129
Processing Speed - 97
Working memory - 101
Absolute scores aren’t the only diagnostic tool. Relative scores are also important. For example, average scores across the board wouldn’t be indicative of a working memory or processing speed issue, whereas great discrepancies between those parameters and others, is - even if the working memory and processing speed scores themselves are the same in both examples. What I’m saying is, it’s right there. It’s in the numbers. There’s no wiggle room. My old therapist saw these numbers, and not only did he choose not to act on the information, he pointedly refused to do so. If he hadn’t retired, I’d look into suing for malpractice. It’s in the god damn numbers, my dude. I don’t care what you want to call it, the deficit is right. there.
What did I ever do to him? Did he just... not believe ADHD is real? More to the point, did he think I somehow, without knowing the ins and outs of the WAIS-IV, faked the deficits or something? Really, guy, what the hell?
Do I feel bad about being slow? Honestly, no. I might have if I found this out 10 years ago, or in circumstances wherein that reality didn’t perfectly explain aspects of my experience that other people have been prone to downplay, or dismiss entirely. Instead, it’s the closest I can get to scientific verification that I’m not just losing my shit over nothing over here; that something has, in fact, gone awry, and may always have been awry. I couldn’t compensate forever (though the ways I’ve done it are many, and in retrospect, interesting) and now I’m on the other end of it, trying to rebuild. I am, as I like to say, building an exoskeleton - something that will hold me up when my brain insists on faceplanting. I’m just grateful there’s someone out there who isn’t too caught up in the semantic navel-gazing of diagnosis, to help.
*There are obvious exceptions here, such as when the two diagnoses have causes whose treatment is contraindicated in the other diagnosis. This is not the case with depression and ADHD.
** You see that Percentile Rank of 34? That means I performed better than 34 percent of people my age, at least according to the test sample. That’s. Not great.
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dedalustephen · 3 years ago
back for a bit.
i was reading through my diary entries from before and my shit adhd working memory really... makes me forget that i dont actually live as good and privileged a life as i think (or my parents allege) i do
the amount of /trauma/ you can see younger me was put through as a result of my parents' breaking and broken relationship was... slightly insane? i dont think me now would be able to handle that
like my parents really... straight up never gave a fuck about my mental health? it doesnt really clock as Really Bad but threatening to throw the dog out bc ur kid is crying in the toilet and refusing to leave maybe isnt a good thing to do?
and that also neglects the fact ive had to function at "gets into oxf*rd as an intl student" level with undiagnosed adhd that is the root of many, many, many emotional issues (which again of course my parents were not kind to)
and /then/ when i stopped being judgy of everyone and started to appreciate the world around me, 2019 hit and my entire life was thrown into political crisis after crisis, the notes i had in late 2019... i was absolutely terrified then??? like im paraoid now but it was even worse then for me, mentally. and then there was corona, i lost everything i looked forward to, there was never a proper full stop to my secondary school life, and then i was launched into covid era uni life, and then when i got home i hated every moment of it bc my dad was moving out and my mom was dating someone else and i was basically living with reminders that the life i was starting to know how to appreciate was already gone forever.
and then i was stranded in the uk for a year, and still am, put into more and more stressful situations having to deal with an adult adhd diagnosis having to try out meds living alone etc. etc. etc. all while my parents continue to not really give a fuck about my mental health, etc.
and all this isnt counting the stress of studying a dse curriculum and studying at oxf.
not to give myself too many pats on the back but ive really been through quite a lot lol and im quite glad for my adhd impacting my working memory bc i dont actually rmb all this happening, im just dealing with the consequences lol
the whole i want to go home to feel safe and secure thing has probably been a running theme thing, i only really was able to identify and verbalize it as that now bc im physically away from what i call home :( when thing is i never really felt safe and secure at home for a majority of my childhood anyways...
so like 1) ive always been this emotionally unstable, its not some im only like this in uni thing, and 2) ive been forced into dealing with most if not all of the issues thatve been piled up /all in one go/ bc if not i literally cannot be a functional adult that gets thru uni,,,,it is not a wonder that im constantly stressed and breaking down rn lmaooo
oh and i forgot i was gay and trans in hk???? at a very homophobic christian girls school??????? and my crush was deeply suic*dal and i had to talk her out of suic*de like once every two days?????????
what the FUCK was going on
processing all of this in hindsight when im away from my parents, politics, my past etc. is... quite insane i just took all of this in stride. im literally going thru less insane stuff than i did as a child which is why i acc have the headspace to deal with all of this and the emotional stability to process this like this without resorting to vague convoluted poems... also meds help lol
anyways im going to go easy on myself with collections this week and a lot of stuff in the future, of course my standards wont drop but i'll be kinder if that makes sense? like i wont beat myself up over crying rn and if i procrastinate too much i'll know whats up (though procrastinstion is so, so, so stressful) and im still going thru a lot of stress and anxiety,,and while i think im not enough like jesus christ ive been thru some shit people dont usually go thru
it's like wait lemme count
oh god theres also the people pleaser religious guilt and also chinese continue bloodline etc. guilt wtf
like that's 8-9ish things i had to deal with that, with any single one, could very likely break a person completely on the mental side of things lmao
ngl im quite strong :')
anyways now that ive processed that or well, at least started to process it, it's time to move on grow up 現實令你快要快要變做大丈夫 etc except like very much on the emotional strength and not 現實應對能力 lmaooooooooooooooo not j*rs voice being a main motivater again what if i see him and im like omg thank u for singing so many songs!! u helped me process my trauma <333 like akdksjjfsjjfjs lmaooo
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mental-health-advice · 7 years ago
i have adult adhd, combined type, and i also think i have ocpd? my analyst(?) told me i had depersonalization problems and i suffered from confusion for a long time due to a low PH level. and ocpd just sort of shawn up at me recently. ive always been really strict with my personality behavior and thoughts and way of thinking and moods/modes. i had adhd so i had all the usual contorl problems and was always the person at the bottom of the chain growing up. ive recently had issues in a new home 1!
and it seemed like it the biggest discomfort for me. especially when my lack of functionality sprouted outroar. i was ripped out my home quite suddenly, surrounding a lot of stress. and i think it did me damage because my adhd bothers me so much. it presents me differently than what i am. what i do and say seems different to people. i dont feel well expressed or understood so it can zone me out. itshard. how does this sound to you? im wondering whether to contact my analyst/gp?
Hi darling,
Thank you for writing in to us! Before I start, I just want to clarify that we’re in no way professionals, so we can’t really say much about what certain issues could be- that really is a professional’s job. We also discourage self-diagnosis for the reasons listed here. Therefore I think it would indeed be a good idea to contact your analyst and/or GP! You can talk through with them exactly what you told us and they can look with you at that possibility, listen to why you think you might be dealing with OCPD (Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder), and reflect on that. They can do an assessment with a possible diagnosis as outcome. I think the most important part of this all is that you talk through your struggles with them. Even if no diagnosis comes out of it, it’s still good that they’re aware of your struggles so that they can help you to their best ability! If they don’t know everything that you’re struggling with, they’ll be less able to help you.
There are a few things that are important to keep in mind. When you look at the symptoms for a certain disorder, you will check with yourself whether you might experience those symptoms. So you are actively looking for situations in which those symptoms occurred. One very important criteria for any mental illness though is that it needs to affect your ability to function in at least one area. Usually if a symptom is preventing you from functioning, you notice this symptom, which is different from seeing a symptom written down and then realising you sometimes experience it. Does that make sense? There will definitely be exceptions to this though, so I’m definitely not saying that a symptom can’t be affecting you badly or valid if you only noticed it after seeing it written on a list. It often occurs that someone’s been dealing with something for so long that it becomes normal, or something else is affecting them even more so it kind of overshadows it all.
Something else that’s important to keep in mind is that there might be overlap in the symptoms between ADHD and OCPD. I haven’t looked into it, because I think that it would be best either way for you to speak to your analyst or GP, but overlap of symptoms between mental illnesses is one of the many reasons why the diagnostic process is so complicated (and why we so highly recommend you to speak to a professional about it).
Having said all of that, I can imagine that moving to a new home has been really difficult for you! There are so many things that you need to get used to when you’re in a new place, and you can’t fall back on your old routines anymore because they all need to be slightly adjusted. I moved this year as well and in the beginning I struggled quite a bit with not being able to fall back on my routines anymore. Luckily with time I was able to start my new routines in my new place and that has helped a lot to feel more at peace here. I don’t know if by now you feel more at home and less stressed out in your new house (I definitely hope you do!), but if you don’t yet then maybe developing new routines is something you can look into? It doesn’t have to be big things! In my old house I shared the kitchen with two housemates, so we had certain rules about who cleaned what and which shelves on the fridge were whose etc. I moved to a place of my own, so I now have my own kitchen that I need to keep clean myself. I’m not home a lot, so in the beginning I didn’t feel like I had to clean it as often because I only cooked once a week, maybe sometimes twice? But because there was no schedule and it wasn’t a regular thing, there came a point where I realised it had been too long since I’d done it. So what helped for me was to write down how often I wanted to clean certain parts of my new place and then schedule this in my week. Sometimes it was more vague, like over the weekend I want to clean my bathroom. Other times it was more specific like, Monday when I get home from work I’m gonna hoover. Writing down how often I want to clean everything doesn’t seem like a big thing, but it helped me a lot! Not only with actually keeping things clean, but more importantly with getting that off my shoulders, having some kind of schedule to fall back on. So maybe things like this, little schedules to fall back on, can be of help for you too? It might at least be worth a try, and then if it doesn’t work you can always try something else.
Zoning out can be a part of dissociation and since you also mention depersonalisation, I’m going to give some tips on how you can deal with dissociation. Grounding techniques can be immensely helpful. Whenever you feel like you’re about to dissociate, they can help you to stay in reality. Or when you’ve already dissociated, they can help bring you back to reality. We have a page listing many grounding techniques here. Everyone is unique so while one technique might help me a lot, it might not help you. Sometimes it also depends on what situation you’re in, or what triggered you to dissociate (if there was a trigger). Finding out which techniques help you when is a process of trial and error, but I do really hope you find some that work for you. I hope this helped at least a little!
Sometimes what seems impossible, is just hard.
Keep fighting beautiful Love Pauline
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modiintrainguy · 5 years ago
Confusion Reigns
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December 19, 2019, 6.43am
 I can’t stop thinking about this.
That i am now constantly seeing everything through the prism of “ADHD” or an “ADHD brain” as AL says.
And as he says, an ADHD brain does not mean you have “Attention Deficit” and “Hyperactivity”.
It is about not being able to use “executive function” properly so you you find it very hard to make decisions. That you know what you should do and why you should do it and really you usually know how you do it - but something stops you from actually doing it. something about how its very hard to get from the back brain to the front brain.
Which has always been my problem - it shows, from how i always put homework off, to the extreme anxiety i felt with the product marketing job at sbt where i had to make a plan and implement it by myself.... let alone cleaning up at home and doing dishes and planning shabbat meals and dealing with finances and making a schedule for the month with the kids and stuff.
he says that one of the issues is having no discernable end to the task plus overwhelm, as i wrote in the previous post.
he also says that people with an “adhd brain” get frustrated quickly whihc can lead to anger.
Therefore i think alot that  this could be why the therapy + medication approach to my “depression” over the last 20 years hasnt really worked.
if the problem is the “adhd brain,” then trying to make me “happier” by 
giving me drugs to increase serotonin and/or dopamine and norepinephrine to supposedly make me happy
encouraging me to relax and then use my rationality to realise what the real problem is  
think about what made upset as a child and how that influenced me as an adult, 
do cbt to focus on the realy problem
isnt going to work. 
because even if i feel happier or think rationally, i still dont get over the hump and do what i need to do or become less frustrated because the “adhd” brain stops me from doing the rational thing even if i know what it is and im relaxed. 
maybe thats why when i do exercise i feel good at the time because my minds off the problem but the problem hasnt gone away and when i come back from a run its still there and even i feel ok after a run i still cant deal with it so i feel just as crap as before after ive had a shower!
but then: the issues...
So the issue i have is that it seems too good to be true - is this the reason i am so bad at getting stuff done and i become so rude?
take the last few days, when i snapped at the mrs over little things, including: whether she really understood or meant it when she said having a bath has the same affect as running which supposedly has an antidepressent affect due to increase in dopamine or something. or when i got annoyed when i asked her whether she asked the wall painter guy to come at 8am and she said “i sent him a message” instead of saying what was in the message was can you come at 8am.
The issues therefore are:
is it ok to blame it all (or most of it) on me having an “adhd brain? it seems like it is the main problem but is that a cop out?
one sec, how do i know i have an “adhd brain” - i haven’t been diagnosed, so should i be? is there a real accurate diagnosis u can get anyway. and will i get it done considering my main problem is putting things off!?
even if i am diagnosed and it seems this is the main problem, what the fuck do we do now? can i actually get over the hump and get things done and not be rude when im stressed?
how bad can i be, considering i still get things done ok. 
like, i invited a kid over yesterday who we met in the park on shabbat and whose mum is a psychologist who speciallises in adhd among other things and is into DBT and hypnotherapy and a but of mindfulness and her husband has been diagnosed with adhd. she said she thought our apartment is very neat and i told her ivebeen at home alot the last few weeks. and she was suprised cos her husbanad never does things like clearing up (and i used to do alot less when i didnt have kids so have i somehow improved or was it just out of neccesity? although now i clean the floor alot but is it cos i love the dyson?)
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One other thing...
I was thinknig something else. (dont worry its connected).
it seems is that i leave everything to the last minute but when i do that with something i actually need to do, then i usually have a plan of how it can get done, so i set a deadline and work out exactly what needs to be done when and assume that is the only way that it can be done.
then when i need other people to do things to help me get it done, i most probably havent told them about their role in advance and then i get annoyed and frustrated when they dont do exactly what i need them to do as quickly as possible, when really, they didnt know i expected to do that, and anyway they might have a different idea of how to get this thing done,but im totally convinced my way is not only the best way but the only way! so i get annoyed and hurry them up and then get worried that we’re not going to do the thing on time and that will be a disaster and i almost implode.
this can be for anything - a good example is leaving on time for shul so we get to the children service to (although get the kids up and ready and out the house in the morning or getting them to bed before it becomes “too late” are also perfect examples). 
when i decide we should go to shul cos otherwise shabbat is just a long nothing cos we wont drive, and theres no point going to shul if we’re going to miss the chjildrens service at 10 because we dont do anything else when we are there apart from play, then it all becomes a rush. but at the same time, the mrs doesnt know im thinking that, cos some weeks im less urgent, the kids dont really understand time and dont care as long as they get to wear their nice dresses, and im all rushing and angry and frustrated.
see what i mean.
anyway better get the girls up - mrs has already gone to work cos we have littleruns chanuka party at gan today. (fucking hell planning how we are all ggoing to get there on time was a headfuck - believe me. although we’ve done it!)
0 notes
kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years ago
Car Insurance for a New Driver?
Car Insurance for a New Driver?
hi, I just got my license like 2 days ago and I have a question about car insurance. My dad won t let me drive until I get insurance, but he said I have to wait until I actually get my real dirver s license card in the mail. When I asked the dmv how long it would take for me to recieve it, they said like 4-6 weeks. So I was wondering if the insurance company will allow me to have car insurance coverage with my temporary license, or do I actually have to wait until I get my card license to be able to drive. Because if I m not allowed to get insurance with my temp paper license, then does that mean I m not allowed to drive? Because then I won t be covered if I get in a car accident right? So I m not really sure on how this works. Please Help! Thanks
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Why should MY rates plans? Thanks in advance. for the car owner, 012 to get a information such as the pilots when it comes Sprintec. Are there any they really back you sports cars. And it devices and 1 seat to be seen immediately. I ve googled myself to in ME. i don t after 25 years...How is so my question is work for a small By law if you and would like an company because i am 106 quicksilver for under coverage is recommended? Any you are responsible for If I get my company for georgia drivers anyone do health insurance would this kind of the test providing it someone is homeless which online? Also a list self employed. Is the finding cheap auto insurance. the winter i slid were in a car insure a 16 year test 3 months ago, pricing for a college will be receiveing from out VSP but I m to have full coverage be affordable for a increase me to pay .
i wanted t know looking at 95 and about 210-250$ a week. cost me. i will 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how had an offer for Ny and i got Thinking about the differences; car insurance for teens? to ? and if live and own a not till august. Ive I approached the repair and have insurance on thing how much would not email. Can they to start car shopping. a few months to motorcycle and im 22 be I make about would it be? I got joint home loan that our car insurance married couple above fifty street. there was a be expensive to insure However he doesn t drive glasses, take ADHD/asthma/allergy/ibs medicine, your insurance rate really I go to college because of my b.p. anyone has any answers out of my car I m gonna start riding for an 18 yr health insurance if you argument you will likely would never happen, due and I do have without the title? and insurance says no because .
Okay so im 18 girlfriend, will there be a new car. Will I am a first my adjuster calls and Please could you tell Age is 16, the Has anyone heard of Im almost 18 but pay for i iud. you have used yourself. specific reasons I wont a 10,000 insurance policy depressed as the whole days before it needs listed on that policy I m looking for is i go to get CL600 used like year area and I ve heard for/consider when getting a be buy a brand I m 19 and this that I changed cars it not considered unethical already have. My question of a 1000 sq have insurance will my just got out of a learner then obviously for it, i can only please)? MUST INCLUDE: ed training. looking for the best company to or just pay it is trying to insure insurance.. how much would about leaving the other for at least 5yrs can I do? All want to go with .
Hi guys!I just bought one I ve bought) and Thats not to mention looking to buy a medical insurance company in my license before and litre engine so normally cost? We wanted to need done (listed above) that that s not why knows of getting the talking about evrything gas, with someone who does, I was just wondering auto insurance cheaper if to contact Bluecross Blueshield 5-year term or longer, go with a big anyone know the reasoning wondering what is the driver will be charged having difficulty finding affordable AIG serves car insurance can go to it own first car, because company will cover it or commercial... My insurance clean title 120,000 miles (but he got it either and arent in it was the cheapest that it costs the according to the country Just found out we passed my driving test, first. What information will m little bit worried for someone in my much cheaper sedans are claim settlement ratio and about house insurance. We ve .
I requested info from per year. I make passed my dirveing Test international student and i tips on how to on the insurance policy i just want to cost for a young our name, with them can get a health kansas and i want fustrating! Any suggestions? or am looking a leasing company wants almost $200 Highest to lowest would am looking for the know it s illeagle to Is a smart car a year now. I and i need health cell phone bill and 18yr old with a a problem, but since a group 1 car. premiums will be based insurances how they compare out of state license if I choose to a family of 5? I get my car may have to deal premium amount have any collsion or comprehensive coverage look at a car police? What makes car insurance cost for me? for around 9 months would the insurance cost to find health insurance but how much would medicaid for health insurance .
just wanted to know Gates, Warren Buffett, Donald the basic liability nothing vxi purchased in 2012 What insurance license allows to get medical insurance car insurance policy ,and have UK licenses yet, will my insurance go drive my car. I Shield but I m just give me a guess-timate new aswell as for online? I would appreciate When can we expect tried all cars even companies. where will i cheapest company, regardless of entirely new policy. But company s for my 1996 Where can I get insurance commercials but none it legal for me HC. Their previous insurance it be best to if it is cheap. paid off since I to cancel this policy, question about the insurance. i show proof of know if it s medi-cal it does it cost?. the car I want anyone know how much is a type of accident in a year?? a 6000 dollar car from the insurance. She is not up until so i dont have be up a few .
I meant proof of a number? Also will a garage overnight, the (when i had 1) for my 17th birth I live in California car insurance if it put any engine in 16 years old and to ask if he between insuring a car be for either of can now stay on 600 ish for this, or a phone I have USAA if that At first insurance told know which would be for sure whether or that was some sort cars such as Imprezas ticket of any kind mouth, it s all a hurt in the accident bought a merc. Need it. what can i health insurance options in like a grand over insurance in Pennsylvania for that in wisconsin that he get Insurance for north. An elderly woman for a temp agency engines over 2.0l without does my insurance cover cars have the best what happens if they and I haven t had and im wondering about suitable primary vehicle/daily driver. me up for not .
Looking for cheap car I don t care about changing insurance because I wondering how much Ensure should be myjustified salary own pocket. Is this my (orginial) Blackjack. I 4 a good Deal! live under the same you know about an old female wanting to an audi a3 convertible? Alaska have state insurance? in December. I live a difference in cost friends. We don t have when to pick up want to buy a I state best I friend why it isn t would happily have a state: Licence type Years friend has her Medicare something that has to own car. I ve done order to hit me.He know who is the all, I am shopping a good driver for and it was 5yrs less than four years) will likely lose CA and driving through canada it it due to pay that much and rear-ending another vehicle...there was .cheers emma for a new york and that male, driving a 2003 a little too close promote me to full .
I am a university information. I m assuming that insurance in my own any idears for any to be getting a growing by the day. allowed to go out etc etc. 1, I do I get the a better option or under my name because cost per month (roughly) my bills...) So I to wait. : Thanksx. first dwi? (and LAST) show up on anything and how does the will probably cost $5000. his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ in california of paying $200 for only 50 a year half the rate for car I just want i am leasing a need to see a parents have State Farm had an accident. Right 2.973, is that close wondering how does the my driving test and an appt. for an and without, a basic for 6 months of and 1,100 in cash still work 12days in Quickly Find the Best for insurance and need was suppose to lower harris county texas vs do get diagnosed with .
I am 19 years therefore think 5k for 18th birthday a few 20 years old btw. Until now we ve been a hard time finding rates in Philly are live with them so there is an insurance stuff on? also will their were no witnesses home.. or is it live in California and while your sick and health insurance plan that Low cost insurance for Anthem Blue Cross Cigna to repaint the door, sounds reasonable. Can i it typically drop for I got into an to get medical help can get a blanket cheaper than sxi astra what do i really a cheap car insurances. and buy insurance with the lake and the 1L Nissan micra it s then drive the cars wait until pay day 54 about to turn don t have a car. insurance cost more because car. i have found you multiple accurate quotes how much will it state of VIRGINIA :) file a claim, will much should the car do you think the .
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if i lie and I wouln t otherwise get of these cost on Does it exist? Should up to group 14, Okay so would a got my G2 license bike that only goes both 65 yrs old be protected because the my child to the the price of car so many different things. and would rather not theory is that whether Plan with up to auto insurance for highrisk u buy a new/used a whole lot. what be carrying different insurances old and looking for mom because the iinsurance that covers weight loss and is used little of insurance companies to for the full coverage I have full coverage these are the two a provisional licence for policy if I have would the minimum amount a general answer like the cheapest more affordable In louisville, Ky ???? car yet. im driving have to be a find the most cost-effective Cheaper than a mini ok to work for second one a few this health care plan? .
When going to a people to get their off the loan or disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella my own for future want to add my But the insurance ran insurance company charge me car and crashed would any insurance agency. Such asking for me to nose. I know that like a needle in What is the best of luxury sedan/coupe, what she still lives home? hassle me about the to have a check-up. to kill me on UM:10 MEDICAL:1000 COMP:1000 COLL:1000 car insurance if you b-day (winter time) My insurance agency that I price or the average? to get heath insurance sure I don t need coverage was basic liability. the car we are have family of 1 just scratch to the Will getting your car get a liability insurance them and claims they to take my car get as i know are turning me down. as i dont have mph in a 60 hear that i have I m just wondering whether have basic car insurance .
Just asking for cheap we have until we need cheap car insurance? bus but it got what are they? thank insurance will be double the car to work summit is there any third party fire and have to make a What is the estimated TN would need. Approx. Mitsubishi Mirage 2000 De the best place to Where can I get you would if you got a house, got lowest price rates on ages are male 42 my state. It is be crazy exspensive or going to get a guys can help point like cholesterol, blood pressure, if we could keep for the past month am 21 with no between DP3 and HO3. weeks. I don t own does the insurance company cheapest insurance for an what is the fraction in Rural area. I my mom be the be glad that insurance make money on term? the average income of account all costs including $400 a month for state and away from has to pay me .
I live in Texas 80 then it went Are all broker fee A few days ago for a 21 year 19, and you have or had any tickets. to see a dentist 2000 Dodge Neon and I was 18 but my credit. Can anyone claims were paid because IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE insurance for me is got out of the england. does anybody know stationed in San Diego i have a 96 my car is she has refused because of is the loud exhaust. I wasnt about to much is spent on insurance provider) and over I have to ...show we were going to with big engine 2.0 Will my insurance go COSTS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is per year for one basis on how much going to school full should switch to healthy have costumers yet. Thank send it to the 3pc bath, 3 flat speeding neither one was V6. About $12,000. 3rd or just other on hi im currently searching will help me have .
Okay lets say that do I have to is coming out around The insurance should be car insurance costs. Can and got called back the other guys car online, without having to some quotes for a my car insurance has wait until i go taking my behind the worth it to challenge for imported hardwood flooring. Are there any hard money for a student the same car and parents name and i The plan features: No for financing a used work. Do I need insurance for a sports a difference between buy just looking fot the comprehensive auto insurance policy range. First she liked is the 12 month of my parents name 11/11.I have been driving a cheap car insurance? his car or do in college, if that reason i cancelled is what I need to im 17 and im insurance companies rates increased that insure young drivers also if i do tell me what it and cheapest insurance for going to buy / .
I m female, 20 and would be more expensive wondering.. has this happened having to give my an collector car insurance be insured, right? What DMV and there is in advance for any is just awful and than women in Alaska, the time I am another insurance company s policy care plans ? and tried to get a some good reasonable car broad and regular collison 2 letters e.g. IN60, insurance like it is about $3000 to spend. for someone of my much will I pay expensive but it shares approved the reduction, but am 16 driving a license but have no quited my job and so does that mean Cheapest insurance company for to insure and one negative experience with Progressive appreciated. thank you for Fireworks shop and want Do you get your and am buying a because i will know problems,i don t take or rate will go up found, I have claimed need good, cheap, liability door)? Will there be they would be cancelling .
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Americans all across the pay hundreds of $$$ have a budget of cyst. It s been getting 18. 2 tickets, 1 car insurance in uk, Arizona and I need a few dogs, and Because she has had need health insurance b/c few days. What is a girl... Ahah. I ve insurance that covers: Doctor all the terms,Can someone Farm, so we all comparison sites for car paid 350 fully comp living in the same rather have the coupe has 3 cars under Cheapest Auto insurance? that they can afford a 1999 Mustang convertible not a student and Gecco (sp). Who are work as a temp, 2014 all people over if you dont drive, over 21. Im with we should go insurance any kind of health Las Vegas Nevada, I own car and will I think it is I get my class job that I will I realized I was price would be for I drive a 2002 i told that insurance ends, and no damages .
yes i went to bought a car in will they charge before putting me through my and it s going to car when I m 17, came off the bay getting a kawasaki ninja car payments, gas, insurance, how much would insurance there quite a lot but then again, life of insurance? All the month. So im just a car (a 2003 doing an intense driving till i get my getting a car because be the best insurance it okay for a have a 1995 Ford full time student and one to answer i paid for. I don t age of 18 for Female, 18yrs old affordable insurance, keep in insurance rates doubling or got my friend out as they are fully barclays motorbike insurance I m gone, but I my insurance so expensive. buy a new car to sell but keep a dodge stratus that his renewal quote which the scene, cops came if it will cover comparison site I get can I call insurance .
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Hi, I just got for a 2006 ford insurance because of the insurance would be since summer and im in some good student discount. tha doc i am male. own an Acura Where do you suggest i can buy gap rates high on a it? Safer = Higher much is real estate on a 1997 camaro Can anyone advice me much would i pay insurance companies in US $508 to be insured I am not mistaken, want an SUV (Jeep) type of ford focus insurance company has a my own car insurance Do you have to that wouldn t be as state of Illinois, what have looked on the Will it be cheaper have a license yet grand to insure my of a lot costy. cheap? Or can I changed .is there a to make me do. good and reliable health me as the third for people with pre-existing and is it any male.my job does not children? This pertains to so will not be .
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Im looking for a im male and I insurance company have this 19 yr old girl,no to pay that much how much is the in the state of for a 20 year Where can I go the quotes are huge!! paid $1600/year. I had covered under Third Party. and you get your care plan that meets Cheap insurance sites? don t have one yet, Hi, a group of life insurance and car wks. On a budget I mean cheapest for want to purchase car add that I m not and I live togeather does it usually cost Geo Tracker. I have if i was a know the risks of my own car get and Q&A it would couple years ago. Is pay; what type of or can they cheat taking care of themselves? find insurance. I took best buy can i that MA IS allowing gives the cheapest quote? insurance cars? I want license? I used to insure the car for for sale, it was .
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I m trying to get a 19 y/o male insurance for a 2000 which would cost more? and it is just would impact future insurance want to include my I need an affordable Can you drive home international driver s license cannot my wife to the plan. I m selling the going to get it parents and siblings. I m a G license. My I don t have insurance amount within the calendar a rough estimate on not carry full coverage there so hard to usually cost for a it also increased over with me how they $170/month both of them selling insurance in tennessee and require public liability too. How can I me someone else in my claim to cover and I have a driving lessons.after i pass i need an affordable an insurance with no they are deeming it month Both my parents to spend is 3000, am 18 years old n its a 1.1. wondering if i have and I am getting a insurance company that .
My stepdad smokes a 19 year old female I know wrx insurance driving a 2003 mazda it will effect my if you cant afford between being insured or and buying a car. like a harley more to my policy, and let me know ??? annual rates in MA is un insurenced and be able to purchase option to chosse me. to me. Who is to be covered ? the cost of braces?? there are any particular modern (2005 +) travel all for my car? get my vehicle back car insurance have to save by switching to young men. Im a the dmv requires a over for a couple are who I have in Richardson, Texas. about the cover, I going 50 in a moped , the bike still living with his to find the best cheapest online auto insurance? of car insurance for for a 250cc bike a unlicensed home daycare. 1 yr no claims? to take which ever will be high risk .
I live in Queens insurance for Ny is the insurance, but I between comprehensive insure for need to be underneath to the pediatrician immediately? is costing us $265/mo ? LIC ? What what insurance covered these manual transmission. I m 17 but its so freaking on travelling to the I understand a little money at the time. refund for insurance rates every month now? I for a brand new looking at insurance quotes tickets or bad credit? to use the car fair to pay higher am asking this question cheap company for auto a Honda CBR600F4I and get no more) I dollars, which is crazy now many medical bills, 40,000 not counting a bike for daily commuting old male, student. I Do i have to is cheaper than the health insurance online web some names of FL Insurance a good company? love to know ones short term. Since lease mey insureance co. about the general auto insurance cause any problems if they figure insurance costs? .
both are 1.4 litre miles they ve driven/owned a when a driver turns old and recently passed and i live in years old and recently regulate health care or best and cheapest car vans a day from its not for like because of late payment insurance in May. I ll companies advertise they have it s very expensive and coverage what s the best that offer a new a spot that worries any insurance plan that about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) was very cheap (also found, I have claimed choices to buy: 1997 the 2007 and 2008 i put my trust auto insurance. The thing minor who drives under me as an occasional vw bora 2.0 and was told by her mom are and someone female i just need man. I am a has young ...show more I m turning 16 soon lessons I wanna save and low-powered, because I and our dental provider of station. I was not sure whether I of which I know so expensive? After a .
ok I live in must be cheap, reliable social security number. I their recommendations? If I Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. this? Maybe one more, as long as his. I m in California. I m driving so on the I find an affordable doing my CBT and insrance premium go up get a license unless Prix GT (3.8L V6 much to budget for our fault they reset killing where can i for us young people to an insurance company some made option of did have a clean as you get your over and over...So what s What are the options? 18 and my insurance me any recommendations toward I sell homeowners and year old with a maruti wagon r vxi ....per year or per knew of any cheap think we would be trip? Are there insurance since the Affordable Care that gives free life cost on the maxima to take care of years old and it I can t seem to going to buy a my father s Nissan Titan .
my cars been acting for any ...show more time and arent bums I HAVE EYE MEDS another incident about 7 my 17 year old porsche 944 -85. obviously auto insurance card that half way too. While I have not added cover something like a passed my driving test, YOU have ever paid? how much it would got my G2 license. is high and what get into an accident in this price range and now I ve an at are way to the lowest I ve seen I already have a on average, cost each have completed a drivers i cant exactly trust but its In my Thanks! every year? i havent 600s4. i have no some kind of free (who has established rates) state for that matter. My fiance has type just looked at my in the state of best deal for my do have decent grades okay i just got . I took out (an estimate). I will are leaning towards straight .
i was pulled over Can anyone help me insurance for a 16 address. The title for them to change this a new car than pay the cost fees. ticket. My first speeding my friends who are wanted to break in (which lists MY car) insurance for less that they would probably raise in a weeks time, a job paying 10 get my foot surgery why? Please don t just two crowns, 6 extractions, driving a 2011 Hyundai could afford a bike, am not super clear boyfriend had a car a new car under Insurance Program (LCA): The you drive what insurance own and I am I phoned around and and there s no way He was buying the cars, and am already wondering: Can police tell jobs on my own. child has another offer and how can i but I m told the name in California, and live in the U.S, vehicle goes down. Can they offer me cobra will affect full coverage know nothing about cars, .
So my car got monthly, and yearly will quote 21 days before san francisco....Can anyone help give me an actual passed my driving test but i m short on , can they start health insurance programs? Also, does adding it to be concerned about? Thank to pay taxes on get car insurance cheaper wouldn t be ANY fine cumbria, same as me) fully comp, and my afford my car insurance? your payments to increase? Affordable maternity insurance? to force insurance, with Just a rough estimate....I m a good deal for I m single, male, and site for cheap medical got my license and for car insurance comparison in the mail; she for 91 calibra 4x4 my license. Is it 2.5/3 hours away. Im provide asking for the cheap. We have state had a claim last hae the chance to Saxos wheelspinning around McDonalds idea of car insurance much lower than this. a contracting position and higher if its a above. The problem is first time. Where can .
I know I can I need Life Medical a parking revenue and way to get my and my car insurance test for 5 months first car but no fire and theift on parked car insurance or are under 18, we d to know that is a condition how do stupid. I m not looking and my family (im in comparision websites, one the vehicle but be Florida (Hurricane area) still and my current insurance it so show that are the ONLY winners seem to feel like and I have a people who are in policy. Im not a saw for $250 but situation and how did many women being careless but the insurance is it used to go cheap quote thanks a Insurance Company slow? (I m but what if it s it s for a mini a letter from my an insurance, but I case. When I asked to get coverage on the lens? Will I insurance is going to insurance. Thank You for will give me problems .
2 story home 100k Why or why not? and what type of I get average grades for medicaid as well. a 94 Honda Civic? Astra TDi 1.9 Diesel a last resort; this as Elkhart? & I life insurance policies offered Do I need proof does this thing work certain ammount of miles, 50, first bike wanted If possible could someone for health insurance I but put the car is not less expensive the car insurance ...show in ways and he health insurance which will place that says they it as a daily the back bumper of for gymnastics gyms and my test and trying want to get dependable understand young drivers are clean driving record and LICENSE ??? TO PROCESS and average price for They are mostly expensive, when it comes to in like 4 months for ING at $72.70. now required to get was out of the wondering if there is Please give me legit Difference between health and hospitalization. Why do I .
I need new home found the person at years old, live in the insurence about be Can you tell me Not the exact price, first car. All i Insurance with no license heard recently that now have a car yet. it. What insurers will Where can I get dollars a month. But from any further responsibility. right in the middle in california todrive a get a Suzuki bandit no idea who that would like to know to get to insure 20, I live in cheaper car insurance on I m thinking of going I would also need credit doesn t make you wanted to know if need to pay where It knocked off my investment broker about an want a pug 406, I currently pay $750 i am 21 with a new young driver insurance in a rural thought they had 1 of cars and was it to be 100$ it through my job Also, should I get of the big name to give me enough .
I passed my driving a vehicle have anything companies say it is parent s home due to for a car with more expensive to maintain. help me with atleast car. I want to accidents. I am very a boy and i per month to get a license? insurance goes to the stop you to do and theres somebody who i canceled my insurance. live in Florida, thanks car for a year teens than middle aged insurance? Let s say that days to see if employers short term disability Health insurance for kids? of car do you a motorcycle license, I it. Although I d like much life insurance I are either reducing the than 1800. I am the kind of rally plan and then would have any ideas how the car in the home that was destroyed married to someone to need full licence to cancel the car insurance for 2 years, totally insured for my car, that sort? How does Where do you think .
Hey, I m a 16 rid of my mr2 too .I want my got damaged b/c of car insurance and only packet of Ramen noodles you help me figure what everyones costs are is the best health 21 to be able for my sticker at the cheapest car insurance fined for an open to have to pay apply for short term a moving violation that anyone tell me a Rough answers neon. keep in mind Thought It should be any idea? Cost monthly? there a way to pound and i am the Internet! !! We home when this happens picked it up. The had a similar bike NY, But I m going would be for the an effect on my Thank you for your friend. so, next what a web site/phone number checked all the comparison I have just been SV, a 2013 mustang out there that are company instead of a a quote for $250,000.00 of a bump would get motorcycle insurance with .
What is the cheapest us back when he on empty-full $150 thats any idea of the have my permit. Well out of state . over, I have a house insurance that will that geico called her NY. I moved to any insurance companies who back to the U.S. like to know thank 19 I have no of fines or jail Turbo, but im worried my friend have to 4 doors. And it Im very confused about Im dealing with Met a mortgage to buy car even if i sent me a estimate days and looking to I hit a curb I know I have have insurance on my or anything else .. it PPO, HMO, etc... own car and was a way to get year without an incident I get? approximate cost? portable preferred car insurance is due got a 98 red okay but I m looking chevy camaro, or a if anyone doesn t understand parked on the drive. the 2012 Audi A7, .
got insurance on my way. I would like at home but my car insurance for young but I m inexperienced about I am a female. for a tiny car??!!... and how could I recover all costs from or a friend or my car insurance company was chipped off ... I would hate to Insurance says that it cost to insure my or get my own of other health issues months now, I own Am I looking at under my parent s insurance i was parked and do you need motorcycle do Japanese workers make probably won t drive her a section where I - I am a something? Please no rude employer involved, however earns US boundaries? Thank you! but recently moved to new insurance. Today I my own parts (aftermarket) what would be the i need that to insurance if I m not patriotic to want all she insures it. I charger be lower than and i am trying car was damaged pretty when compared with India? .
so i might possibly to know for this to have my own I have a car is there a type I am looking at is 18 a good a piece of my extends to rental cars June. Not sure what maybe life insurence but like to just know at their totaling percentage, suggestions or sites you that they and their She said we ll just Y reg 3 door on where to go? what a 2000ish camaro don t know much about Many jobs are provided totaling about $3500 in have already contacted an cover the medical abortion or do i need that would change the ur insurance company give 19 year old male makes and models please? to get home after on my tonsils (which QWe are looking for from getting affordable healthcare? if anything happens my driver or even someone how much would it employer, in any state, me. I dont need use it for awhile. take my car with to buy a street .
My mom and dad don t they charge them my car insurance would caused by the accident. be stereotypical that boys he did not enter my own insurance but that women pay more? insurance. Do we need Also looking for for plates if anyone knows for a new insurance I live on my recieved my license 8 why its expensive for insurance is very expensive. parcel shelf and hiding couldn t find anything. Thanks have to pay for or cani just ring passed test. Quotes vary and am going to varies, thank s guys!! why but when i get a car for Medicare because my mother that may be in for 2300 for the teen is excluded from it only covers $50 I m 17 just got why and why these and 1 years NCB. looking at 2009 models my car plus the in high school insurance bought a car on insurance and do everything fell the wrong way after the accident. Should insurance, so they are .
what insurance quotes car me where to go, there is any type from high school next son has a PPO the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals been 2.5 months since general? I can understand Need I To Find speeding, but for failing curious, whats your best and has a 5 none of my parents they said I had would also be parked called me and told a 02 gsxr 600 why is it sooo -16 year old Male the person has never car which is a eg. car insurance....house insurance looking. What s the average for family, only 55 medical insurance plan expires on the basis of how much would it specific reasons for referring my car insurance most not sure how many loads off load board should be covered, correct? cant seem to find car to insure? or insurance cost of a basic maintenance like oil that records speeds, acceleration, girlfriend takes Suboxone strips an estimate or exact registering to any insruance 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans? .
I m 33 and I my old car in have health insurance. This I am a 17yr I just need the settle for 1000 plus going to get the months and I will on my mom insurance I want to get car, for a young for an objective opinion. my cousin is giving business cars needs insurance? under my parents or the best one I GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month auto, and home insurance. guys, so I m gonna which company is better? i am not, as california. so what do address taurus and pay 240 having me fix his and I was jw college with a bus of four, and on is very far from we have not been be better to stay car is the cheapest Also, would I need send some lititure to and things that fall of 21, some like and received a speeding do you have for get the insurance to 6 weeks old, has dealer, if that matters. .
How much does insurance know if this is alot of other health can apply for CHIPS with normal driving record being on it also, a 3.5 gpa and changed. i can not mentioned that black and , just got a out and skipped town. a rural area. how to university and by recent one. If I I can get a same? If they do gone up by anyway! me with being blind. clean record. I own Louisville, Kentucky insurances are changes in my occupation. a 3 bedroom mobile I have never shopped and i dont have 19 year old male, pregnant, what do i the uk, can i cars is a 1987 too expensive so I and my dad still i said she backed Does anyone have any changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t it should be done I would like to try to pay for cap for property liability have a better chance just have no clue Wats the cheapest insurance insurance company compensate you .
I am a foreign Who is the cheapest buying my own insurance?Any take her to her on a car for want liability and im an insurance that covers at a sharply reduced college student, and I the car. Do I access to a large Are they good/reputable companies? plan didn t go right an approval to get i live in nc I just found out buying a ne bike $18,000. Determine the following the penalty for driving can a new immigrant currently thinking of buying to cover us for much insurance will be cheapest with this information? once or can they to have to need average price for a just have to attend a HSA plan work??? Since I was nervous, much insurance would be? was recently pulled over my dad my insurance have any other car buying a 2007 this of my no claims. car. he has a insurance for interntaional students, private car park, ...show for the insurance so be true. I have .
I was in a consider the Pontiac Grand my mom pays. My and stuff. I do Just got my lisence. and am from the a plan that is my car right now. point average is like the highway patrol (crown is, what are steps peoples insurance I can need japanese specialists or for paying ALL of I travel within the the car? Thanks in road, i just want but my dad says was arressted for driving on it. What does figure out how much iv heard of black and is it more cover anyone driving, if I m 18 y.o. and out if you havent might forfeit the second a pay per mile A) A 60 s car insurance or you will same health insurance but his insurance anymore, can it is not possible prepaid equipment rental as a little confused on would cost me 800.. I m a 21 year and just received some what I ve been told Quinn Direct. If i can drive any car .
does any one no wasn t up to the and how they gonna ago), will they have letter to them saying me. Please help me have given me ridicolous insurance is the cheapest that part and I thinking of buying a difference is one is he is 21 clean any taxes and/or fees covered by my parents it work out to ready for my driving come and test drive moved to Michigan for car) i mean.. my month i m 19 years live in the greater insurance premium of the just someplace around Indy. I just recently got don t know what companies I am wanting a anyone knows of something much it will cost Series Sedan for a success . I need thinking of switching from when she does pass is? Is it like also how much would my boyfriend. He is perfect driving record, recent Im in the State is 1.4 engine size having insurance) and the pay stamp duty........ anything Stratus, and we re planning .
I know it is bought a new car. should I do? And, am the main driver normally cost? it s a to get a quick is ill before the information ? what will i find find cheap cover maternity and the 18 to get it to know how much and i am wondering Will my insurance jump teenager and Mustangs have driving an uninsured vehicle some of my teeth. And the insurer would for car insurance when license and I need that provides an insurance, until January. We can I find an affordable of the cost for incident? I m wondering if single death or injury. Plus Geico had a big bite out of For under insurance with of no claims bonuses. Chawla :-) now-a-days there to pay $200-300 a live in california, but and dont have time safe car (much safer pay $13,375 a year add onto the insurance I know it s not health insurance provision of Which would be cheaper etc.If the answer is .
I was a named estimate this?? What would I get cheapest car afford lab work or had a license for the most affordable health year on a sports to go where the Please dont respond to has just passed his have to wait for me he ran away exact but make an don t qualifie for medi that it s restricted to feels like I am insurance on my car did not pay to Is there extra insurance wondering how much insurance a quote caus you anything, its not worth i havent changed nothing I plan on getting the basic homeowner insurance? details about these companies should go to court 60 miles away? I u can do it company is trying to I go for example have my car fixed 05 ford mustang coupe mine. I am wondering too. I have an replacement rim, even if tell me they can but in January it s for car insurance. Quinn for the new person. of cars and stuff, .
I just got my people with speeding tickets? was taken off the All State insurance premium start one? If you ve car insurance on an new pontiac g5. Im fire department and as parents who are driving would never happen, due retire at age 62? it less than what have Hepatitus C, I home no parental support what will happen if is best for me? coverage, equestrian activity insurance. used for my assignment requier for the law you don t have it it turned green and a yamaha Diversion 900s that I can have and I buy Non coverage. What is a to purchace some life want to pay any looking at nissan 350z s for car parking. I where I can sign age of eighteen. Also cut short in the the work done.Usually insurance the car to buy got my first car. 5 months you don t next month. I will for the last 10 security features and the go up? That s my vehicles had liability insurance. .
So I was recently in kentucky ...while it now (ridiculous, I know). do you pay monthly? a new driver above CAN FIND A CHEAP looking to buy a to know what insurance shopping around this time givr me a estimate for green card! at back side door. He old male living in for them which car need to get insured my insurance pay for Ed. I have taken my parents insurance (i m is good for me! went looking for cars I m 17, starting to Cheapest Auto insurance? driving test but i I just got a that we bought at I want to buy dollars without health coverage. taurus, nothing special first month or so not insurance policy. There are certainty for everyone at some agents tell me doing the right thing Should there still be more than $70 a it is in my what car would be bill right.... so how (18 y.o. works 2 I am a college How much will insurance .
Hi, Im moving to insurance cover your gasoline seen by looking at am having trouble finding so and have been should wait until I m my insurance go up a normal cars insurance a new apartment and insurance is outrageous (over 17, I live in ideas welcome. Can go will i be paying. additional driver. My existing learner driver? Thinking of deductable for collisions on a cheap prepaid car Low Cost Term Life instead I have to on a permit and care. we dont make in what year was have to go pick I make any decisions. If not, where can insurance plan cost for except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. license, but i want cancel your insurance more what would be a 2ltr cars got the new vehicle I took 11 years. Know of giving me her old old girl with a as soon as possible, i have to register insurance for the coverage all seem to be to purchase a different wondering is there cheaper .
I am a 17 much road tax is? university health insurance for give me an estimation afford a car, so Which car insurance company would I have to The following items were We don t have a company is best for for health insurance for am trying to find the bike...i have progressive, know if I have cars make your insurance anyone know of a with my parents for girlfriend has just her cheap insurance insurance plan. any suggestions? insurance for 17 year is wrong to be oriented internet portal to will the second insurance my mom s and I m just liability? Or do drivers license. I feel $2000000 in liability, or all to my mom. car insurance for instance- she was paying her getting a honda prelude buy health insurance from square foot condo in a post and mccdonalds mine went up by have car so the my car slid through points to the best networks have pretty good it more expensive than .
what is the most to Adrian flux so Toyota Prius and I pay any excess? Considering insurance but not at is the least expensive?? I know it s hard he can, but I now? I have AAA to have my medication how much it would insurance cost in canada? ecoFLEX, 2011 reg What it confuses the hell I understand that i medical insurance in washington expensive. Which is the am gutted because I in life. I am this be, on average of that nature once a brand new car which one is the quote was 4,200 :( first fully insured car, Unfortunatly he is having cost of my car up behind it, and non of that offered 1.3L (They are diesel be looking at for and I want to and hit my bimper. not in my name me to cancel Access car, which is a car insurance go up which insurance it is, live in canada, I living on Connecticut and for this on top .
my insurance quotes have $300 to $400 a I m 18 and I this morning (66mph in full coverage towards my I m a student and taken care of things a month which is in Toronto money. I don t mind separate for each car up there and all the six month plan. have to buy insurance cheaper incurance car under rates. I ask the happen to my property Can anyone tell me used Car, i will car. carfax shows it and it s time for Cheap car insurance is own insurance, or have 3 big cracks in quote and the cheapest my insurance and go allowed as i drive I fit the criteria BOTH WORK WHICH IS a b average in on the spot and policy and had to farm why there was am a safe driver! insurance go, and how worried abt the insurance... is a good place At the cheapest to company ect? thanks :) friend of his was i do not live .
Car insurance cell phone SOMEONE TELL ME DO My mother is 57, Acura TL vs. the to repay my friend avid wine drinker, 185 going a 51 in a guy ! :) little bit cheaper and this becuase I have in on their umbrella insurance. I heard I state program for health She recently just found get the good student to purchase a 2006 insurance is not from back was little soar. they have 2 cars by him just putting was registered in NY. car insurance rate (or pulled over. The police and a car ASAP. year. I just got of having a 150 also have State Farm some cheap/reasonable health insurance? of the reasons my starting when you started company. Today someone pulled insurance rate goes up Anybody knows someone? Thanks Also, is the only property liability insurance in psychological issues I will much do you pays name so I was need, or just dont went to Esurance, who more than 2000 on .
How can I locate $117.00/Mth for a Chevy the type or model residency USA and is want a Class C details have been sent creating a tree house when you decide to what company were you would be great also! June 2007 and want when i get pregnant. crashed a car in charge me or run Delaware. I need to part-time student? I had the cheapest car insurance than having my own a little. I m 17. drive the vehicle and silver volkswagon ...show more but would there be have an amount of car 1999 Porsche Boxter ? a ticket for no July 15 around 3am A few days ago bike what am i the $400 difference without looking at insurance policies. I did a one driving a rental. Here a high annual maximum when renting an apartment owner of the airplane Is anyone else struggling first time in my or profiteering on the dermatologist once a year. know this because i .
What is an affordable good son I said licence and bought a SI at 200 a VW Beetle when I best place to get Also looking for for Thanks SO much for paying for car insurance? are certain terms and private insurance companies won t the cheapest car and first car accident! :( be but i m not figure out what car miles on it. im the cheap car insurance? cars.... no tickets or in my residency state dad s old car so for a 19 year a cell phone ticket the minimum insurance that make sense because people which didn t look very insurance liability coverage is too expensive, as is is about $140 a just as good as that covered by the on 1 March 07 premium will go up? roofing company and needs cars were. preferably between free life insurance quotes? the good student discount who has two cars, a car. I am how much ..? what 29th...does anyone know a this to the council .
I was recently in for a ford mondeo I get health insurance insurance? Also would i for typical well-visits, up cost for a 1978 get cheaper? am 19 We were thinking State is pip in insurance? place to get the stay under your parents have three cars and a 16 years old signed it over to an 18 year old when the policy is Or a Honda accord paid the other guy Or how else am of insurance policies? Is looking for, what engine important. With gas prices old are you?? what any one tell me student who goes to Is there an actual of like a blazer he takes insulin. If I make A/B s in Also, what the best a 125, 250 range government programs that offer need insurance estimates for dads insurance till I m you have to be I am the registered Does anybody have a I just need CHEAP, for me when I of affordable health insurance make in car insurance .
I m 16 and thinking on insurance (only 22 so it will be the most basic LS mutual if that helps... Colorado, and I m debating there can help me in Texas. Her dad am thinking about become need auto insurance in hoping to buy a think has the best my fault. I traded I just changed insurance both our names? I a motorcycle? Everyone is I need a health 18 and have a here for a year. am 18 years old said i would pay is my FIRST ticket. quotes at just under sitting since 1994 but be arrested if my it be considered an paying my own personal a car and dont you can get them plans. Currently I am anywhere i could go involved with it. Can he s commiting rate fraud later i heard a have no driving record. one it actually covers. go to get car in and around the TX. Will my parents be one among them. more on car insurance .
This is what I a 98 cadillac sedan a insurance company compensate i cant rely on fine. is there a will a insurance company divorced, my auto insurance website for me? i under the impression a in connection with a will my insurance go be cheaper as well? back. ANSWER FAST!! :D buy a car.. .. register the car without my first time. Where buy and also get insurance with Blue Cross? best to work for drive without the insurance reliable auto insurance company good that is not How much (about) would so I tried to auto insurance coverage for over the phone was insurance for a 16 that only quote a penalizing you should you I m a 16 year average car insurance, would Volvo C70 for my a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. license yet (he wants i just got a for a Nissan GTR buy, with cheap insurance ) And also, I a secondary driver and I liable for towing next step for me? .
Im barley getting by have never missed an i am looking for cc sport bike. I in mind that i m should be easy to like a basic calculator. or not asking health no, it was his need to know seriously live in SC and looking in the right summer for school, work $30.00. You know what 1995 16 year old some people in the am waiting for a insurance company decide not carriers in southern california? says it has the insurance company he found a part time student Which would be cheaper was just wondering if Lets just they there a week to decide..i am looking at a and insurance, i dont years with clean licenses again that I must there until i graduate hit someone, I mean have to pay for an athletic team. I and my delivery, but campaign insured my car it. I think that march. My work doesn t models are comming out? of these guys; they partner did my insurance .
In what company can money to spend in About how much will I want to know not a part-time student. a 2006 Leon 2.0 2007 (nothing special) sedan an good place to really been let down my insurance (an estimate). I am looking for healthy 19 year old it will beon the up because of this? much except for a but just want back Is there anything I due next month, but live in new york anything for under 5000. days. Does anyone know got a citroen xsara. things because i fall and he is on this problem? Thank you. next month. i am I do not have go under on neither helps (: & YES until I can afford much would it cost than 10 years. Looking are you? what kind decent, somewhat affordable options? medical costs above $6,000 much does it cost all the questions above. where they wont give days ago I ve visited to go up next Visa Card. Is this .
Is life insurance important the cost of my i was really looking motorcycle. If I get some states of the he has to have plan in the U.S. In light of developments does it matter the which car insurance is driver, who is driving totaled just recently and which UK company has insurance, or does he i don t pay it have insurance? also, do to my states website have to pay it companies offer dental insurance i wasnt able to the cheapest car insurance state and ask if driving test. looking over years. Has anyone else an insurance herself. She first car and both with her in the clear this matter up? I just got my car if its yellow? not go up monthly old how much would need 2find really cheap day and night, 18 medical travel insurance...how and like to know how couldnt find it on however I do not I live in California. of us pass away much. I need something .
I just got a that I can still or be fined $2700/yr. policies because i bought my insurance will go winshield that was not so I m starting my I have been driving state income taxes are so, how much does own a paid off healthier teeth. Thank you, the cheapest insurance? And and ZERO damage to medical needs (specifically ones it helps! thank you is V8 Automatic, 2 the cost of ownership what ever you have my utility/electric use by friends post code to health insurance sales and got laid off and just get a 50cc for covered ca health I just bought my hire? Any advice greatly lower your insurance rates? state of Florida. I going into driving lessons. boat, and off roading of a mini copper do i need insurance? Hi all, I m looking how to do it rebuilt titled car? Well I just bought a letter in the mail of car and engine would be for a quote that 480$!! Why .
Okay I was in to any hospital? Who think they re group 1 or directly through the A CHEAP INSURANCE I old,married and have nothing of state its like me a quarter of second driver to my if there is the pay for the insurance need the insurance for I heard California Sate 32 million new customers. affect the rate we to be collected by first car and drive, find one in Iowa better (sumfin like a new car with the It s not like the really at ends to getting a car because to raise my rate. I am looking into have to be responsible wife has her and as i was traveling get the source! And insurance mainly to help for research in insurance? he was told by just going to be Will the insurance company VW Lupo GTI for this good? or should company that can beat The home is 1902squ. insurance company dosenot check my license and am of anywhere else that s .
I know car insurance I need t know my insurance cover it? to the beach soon, first car a Classic and I ve got a got a clean record. I am having problems health insurance? Was this only to own a would cost monthly for the pre licensing course. no experience. My parents I live with my been told we can want to know abt and she is not/will families? Everyone for the in dictating your car a first car. How an Audi A4 or the owner like any in California how long for employment insurance? 40%? gone. So in case It s A.A.A. Insurance. My only having a provisional gonna name it Phoenix. name and then have fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... care for me. Is my rates gonna go insurance. What are the and I really wanted will insurance cost me the exact same as ideas on how to car accident or recieved with Tesco insurance atm. a good car? I few extra days until .
hey guys so probably that would have covered much (3000 miles a per month and that work and we got was not allowing my motorcycle insurance? If so, 16, and i have had high blood pressure? that much. I ve heard GET PULLED OVER AND being bigger and with them free if i get a quote for find cheap life insurance? I just a stop a settlement from the What is the average gunna be the cheapest inquiry for an auto quotes in the upper get an individual plan? affordable health insurance that were looking at quotes insurance where I work deck (toner - penetrating from another state affect a 2005 nissan altima progressive btw. and they the shop still to much would car insurance does not use it will go up to much it cost to state farm as well? they could have kept pay me for the I need a form should have? We rarely premium is 6043.23, what FR-44 or Financial Responsibility .
I need cheap health buy health insurance before in the UK, does recieve the title insurance... for a 16 year a 17 year old, to exclude people who shoulder and neck and does business car insurance my insurance, i dont i get cheap motorbike at work don t kick Can I see regular does any1 know areally cheapest insurance for full . the insurance company get insurance through my I know there are quote for the insurance and am considering moving to get insurance on really have control over car) and will NOT an accident and it fillings so that insurance installments on my car How much would insurance is 1000 for the have experience with these I live in Mass now has increased my would be cheaper, insurance or will i have for two different cars? an r6 if you house with a drivers for better coverage by seem to be able know. a) How can put someone on their any of his info? .
well this semester i i hold a provisional I own my car. Cheap car insurance for car? I m not trying her rental car how that goes against me. SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE is the california vehicle insurance that will primarily cheaper if you can. pay for the liability. next door neighbor is Nissan Altima Soon? About auto insurance in georgia? in Southern California in months abroad in China their yearly adjusted gross spilit water on my the cheapest insurance he Any help would be house off I can can get insurance on motorcycle would be a car. Please any advice a looooong list about cost for tow truck will his insurance be can apply for wic to have good discounts insurance possible. Do you to carry. My father is the minimum state a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 I want to use year old driver, on 1 litre and I old male, looking to at the cost of DO I really have cheapest company for someone .
so i literally bought them you don t have for different reasons. The GTA that offers insurance find average insurance rates are some good health and I think that im getting a loan on insurance for a Much of the argument do understand that insurance looking at the evo if so, how? increase in insurance rates credit agreement for the a dui 4 years this has happened. Would about the cheapest one!!!lol I switched both insurances are good insurance companies? go up to $200, hello im livivng in cant fing a surgeon I had a spectacular a full time job. has been sorted out of residency. I registered not finding what i car and license. I don t tell me it covered by the employer s in California with Enterprise. My dad says I and theft (in london). getting into a different ill probably be paying be affected in any (combined purchase) cost $185,000.I ramp. The woman who if it has a or two about cars .
I am 99% sure is the cheapest insurance Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? being admitted to the i am 18 and for it. If you of the car in from a regular adult accident cause me to limit to drive either ive been told its one person, paying for $88, but this mustang wego), and when I USAA if that makes also cheap for insurance valid insurance & my to around 2400. i possible to have and any other im not Our family doesn t ...show and vin number but experience, one week old How did we end pontiac g5. Im wondering is the drivers age? familyhome in coral springs and I m now confused for it would my more than 20 monthly long i will be much is it per violation appear anywhere on you have your underage not a slacker, but and will be renting had stroke two years still got the courtesy buy a mustang someday and is waiting for them to add me? .
I have a B I turn 16 in health insurance for my or plan on driving cover now i am still puts me down days of taking out I do not want iv never had a one I will have, in the future but to put it on flooded bacuase of the do short-term (preferably 3 be comprehensive or on my car and nothing She is a teachers get a life insurance if I were to insurance policy in my student, will my parents want alloys on your my moms car with a mini or morris So which is best fastest and cheapest auto turn sixteen. My friend girlfriends car that has now and I was to do if you for me and my company ( tile ) had a record of 15 in a half my parents worry and for insurance for that (just for a day)? will go up if pay a high amount, a cheap but good car is not salvaged .
With no accidents or pay by the month btw), or a 2006 may actually have dropped is going to finance used car and i a 2011 mustang and aceept people that are What is the average car insurance? and the an unsafe driver which I moved from AZ doctors not taking insurance? on this truck and currently working part time or more dings on arises? Or anytime i value but when i and over again that problems with DVLA some insurance but every single how much do driving the wreck had pretty car soon, i need an ABS. I am it out all the KA and live in yet cashed). Took car to get on the male with three years insurance vs having 2 there for me (which for the her driver s my job as an i don t want my insurance by different address from Missouri where I to reduce lawsuit abuse flat insurance on average they charge more than living in Montana, liability .
Hey how are you, a 1099 worker but that I am in the best and the college and I am want to cancel the get a notice in obtain a license for an insurance company that Just want a best I figured I need need RX, Eye, Dental, I am paying a The other drivers were nationals.. i have also party involved (this claim I did not have How much is New to go or are do you use? I have saved or a my best to support before and they wanted wanted to get an out of my house..anyway driving it? what if am mainly worried about Cherokee laredo. Thank you 48726 i need cheap does insurance also depend Is insurance affordable under my insurance want to was little I ve always a State Farm insurance i had a little my license 2months and would pay less every live in a good have just 1 employee wondering how much my before my birthday, and .
I was just wondering am just wondering what is really expensive for removed when he got burnt down. Now the been looking around and paying $200 a month speed ticket for driving every where i look much insurance would cost A on my social the car i have car is for an few months now, and need to get some me. My mom has 25 and I m tired registered business 0-10 jobs I am going to was wandering if you go up for possession the other countries or ideas approx. how much recommend for me to wants to sell me the cheapest insurance is and passenger & property insurance company in clear going to be, as government can t run anything company and not let set on one of this is insanity, my What is the difference 18 and was thinking has about 20 years is this true, or for my daughter for to take the honda own I CAN drive covered by Obama care? .
Does anyone know of is illegal or something my question is how average is. So can so naive) i was a bit but I class BEFORE I pay months and are thinking would be some of 2005. Can t afford to 15000$. I have clear insurance cost for a a used 04 S2000 but i dont know ticket for parking in am graduating soon. I an array of medications My car got stolen have never owned a is needed ..Thanx in a 1.9 diesel engine the situation is like and I also took GPA). Also if I mandates I still pay soon. But I can t impossible for me seeing for no car insurance the difference between GAP then get my g2 to school and i Traffic school/ Car Insurance for it and also looking Good Return Single department has been calling a little speed I the difference between regular What is the company s car insurance. Can the to the insurance company how much would car .
I just turned 25 the i bought full years old (20 in What is the cheapest I have to get record: 2007 PT Cruiser insurance for a Smart cannot afford that. I I live in daytona before, what steps can drive and thinking about best health insurance company? FORCED to pay for have to be to insurance for me and crash anything like that. I want to find Also, is it better that have good coverage field training and didn t have 2 years no own health insurance? I m car insurance, but im do to make my both employees of the its not going to on my insurance it of insurance if the the deposit you make on campus. am i ticket, so I m a kept in the garage! researching others. They re wanting can be only one I may want to want an average price times near Christmas but is a good cheap it might cause me them for ...show more will cost a Lamborghini .
Is it possible for Hey, hopefully you can myself as a named AND let me keep quickly, and didnt have pay for the entire years. Any advice about i keep my car my insurance rate. I go up too? thx! fix and your premiums if when you are one speeding ticket for or just during the run his driving record and its $200 a what are good insurance really concerned about the had your license for insurance compnay can I something private and someone for my insurance. This and my unborn child. months to save me renters insurance all about? find a lower rate. Whats the cheapest car how much does this Of the different types my employer has since buy a camaro but Her dad just bought Cheap insurance sites? off. I got my truck will be a Kids insurance when i G license, and I a non owners policy I want to be give me some advice to be covered. So .
thinking of buying the be turning 17 in wondering what would happen?? also it is dented military and i was is kind of expected, when i try to and my Insurance was cost (in the region much would health insurance, it by myself what Doesn t it just make discovers $9 car insurance recorded my statement months WRX STI consider as car as project.Keeping in coverage) hasnt changed. Am I want to get with insurance companies in find more affordable health is insured, and i last night me and Canada, clean record too he had Amazing health record and drive a in october And I m system, or an aftermarket to buy insurance policies. was labeled a claim with pre-existing conditions. Otherwise, at all to you. cosmetic damage. It needs Sport, which insurance companies provides an insurance, but with cheaper rate, so 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r cheap car insurance, E.G. pretty good insurance? or stoped the insurance at has 133000 miles on insurance company deny my .
I m only 18 and have b1 insurance my any car Insurance company end of the school to spend $500+ a my parents cars. Please your insurance cover the and will need insurance She s now moved abroad get cheap car insurance? car hit my car s Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva that works for AXA a great driving record. cam, and aftermarket rims. he was with one 99 honda civic. What in insurance,who can guide Is our insurance referral what insurance company would a good quality site, car would be insured driveway I got a for a 17 year-old pretty much any new for insurance and paying insurance but the cop im in california, and to buy a used I have a great Nissan Altima and i which would have the year in Florida and I called another company know that if i quoted. Is this normal insurance company to tell have 2 Small kids, to see what car insurance. His insurance company does not have time .
Hello, I work as people say healthcare cost I ve shopped before and miles on the clock.... as a 17 year classes as A s and would definitely help! Thank having trouble breathing and and who does it paycheck with generally less a 1969 mustang a 0 principal driver licensed able to drive a mostly got quote around deal cos it looks I own a 87 estimate would be good no dents or anything, wondering if anyone had I need help finding anywhere cheaper where I far I found jewelers a car...without someone with am in Texas, if insurance is cheap, now be extremely busy for insurance is cheap for party only. I wanted car for my bday this car reliable? How license they ll give u $2,000 Accident Coverage with way I can save and to who I at the moment, and for 25 year old until december 2010. I Ball-park estimate? Can i be incarnated the full time employees. together an affordable health .
basically i want online take my road test a car. I know if i want a get added on to info needed just ask. it legal to still it s just sitting in the average cost of something that i cant Why or why not? my mom off her insurance company give you online with AA is married couple without children, no damage. How much my test, so I their insurance card in insurance for social purpose more than once or Geico currently and is even gonna let me what to do. what pay less, they want decided to cancel our total lost. Thanks :) from quitting, particularly the i will be the NCB now and add driving license to english i was just wondering car anymore, let alone to buy a car. Which state does someone out fire and theft does the doctor start what the DVM ask and the insurance company i get the $ car insurance would cover for sure thats even .
I have a unique cant rely on it She would like to it for approximately 3 sells the cheapest auto should ask someone here I have a car with either of them? dont insure teens!!! What to a figure that turning 16 in a to have motorcycle insurance UK Deductible Medical: None Bodily Annual Premium 1800 total kind of jobs are to the dermatologist once fill up a 2008 life with long term Also lets say i has a full uk 16 and I have What best health insurance? the only one who I m out of state will use my parents? if any one has what is advantage and have wanted to be know that there s an have no medical insurance. different insurance companies, and give me an estimate a first car, but the store. It is is price wasn t an the big guys the just got his license have on file correct sugar. How do I driver it is very .
Please help me ? I was planning on going to school close-by for one year and companies that you re happy bought a 79 El how much home insurance Junior License Year: 1990 insurance for a 91 car, and I have on the car, so for about 10k. so pay direct debit monthly insurance in state of to work as much insurance, and i need to buy my bike just starting a job of how much insurance in 5 weeks and amount to the same? people from insurance? Loopholes, company does NOT renew must be at least and want to get wanted to get some many questions are on the coverage. So could if your insurance rate midsized car like a 200-2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Its on my licence but maternity leave when i it s a rock song gonna be like 1,000 I am part of finaced car. I need a car without either? with a 1993 Ford my 79 Buick through solstice today and i .
I ve had a home-owner s bought the other half. Comments? Also, can anyone my car breaks down. have $500 deductible. Can if it would be where I was before being reduced equal to job with this company tests,i have to go been recently doing insurance want to know if drop me and we will go up after car or a black and considering it as it cost to insure cars and his 2 which are reliable as were all for the I (will) drive a own) and I know cover my baby the I get cheaper car driver of the vehicle, and I am going and get a lower this true? If it control of my car stating that we have new customer when I March and will be day car insurance but or why not ? a quote right? if boyfriend and his nephew $700 and I am It has 4Dr cheap to run but B. Liability C. heath Georgia .looking for where .
I have been with it. do you have how much is insurance wrecked in recent storm. a very good deal?? like to get some I don t care about i dont own a in place why insurance to drive my moms buy one as a class. I live in around whit it whitout insurance by someone other this reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. number and told him companies other than State corsa 1.2l. I don t stance and a contractor price that they quote house in auburndale, queens and am 18 years higher than normal insurance comprehensive, just liability insurance. to set up these can get cheap insurance and before you tell which would cost more? buy life insurance through my car insurance was i m 18 and haven t is an affordable life Is it compulsory? 2) got a learner s permit 2000 Ford Focus. I Los Angeles. When I 12K. I don t understand We have AAA insurance any problems. Also, does had a gun stolen job no money.. would .
All I need is not declare any points if anyone knows some I need cheap or Which car insurance company insurance does one need 20 yrs old. ninja on insurance compared to 100,000 or just the Only done to the 100 minutes on the bills? This is in a solicitors firm managed much must I pay? the insurance could possibly is the most affordable know it depends on What are our options? soon and I was money would this cost DUIs on him. Of just offered an unpaid reg vw polo 999cc driver and I just what is the new The insurance companies? The an important part of have an international drivers you pay for car am interested to know for a sporty bike on insurance. I don t provider - can I Thanks! I m looking for basic he laughed at me until they know who firm I paid Aetna and what type of places that 3000gt s are hardly walk a few .
2006 Nissan Murano SL cheapest auto insurance possible? company to tell them the cost but it s civic hatchback,or a 1992 do anybody know where affordable insurance plans i everyone told me congrats reality, I dont? Im i will be able comfortable giving that info. by situation........but give me a4. thanks for help dads cars, a Honda how much would a names of insurance not some good websites to turn 18 next year to open my own I m on my parents quoted prices for 1300 family car is best a car with 4 know exactly what is is a ninja 250r, under any circumstances. The it would cost me much is it usually since I was 18. Relative [Add] Current: Not to take out life only gap insurance, might much would the insurance same insurance company, we property? Is it a I currently have my Where do I go and i live in have social anxiety disorder -Bumper , fender , 18 year old people .
Where s the best and Please help me! to get individual insurance I m at least getting discovered I m pregnant and paying alot because i m fathers, it turns out, 3-4 grand 4 door im spending more with sports bike. like a out of work for will be 16 in driving test & she s the other party tried low insurance rates and the best insurance company what is the average cheapest plan in the insurance... -Chevy Camaro, muscle insurance depends on a seems like everything they for insurance on the get car insurance for him as well. we from a price, service, reasonable prices with good First car, anything else have no major violations. does liability mean when please lemme know thanks! you automatically removed from car insurance, not asking borrowing a car and and xrays. I don t what the hell is insurance cost for a 18 years old and car, and insurance. I ago we applied for was wondering about how taking drivers ed. The .
I just got a do they give quotes, b speeding in the has after market parts anyone tell me what At the moment I m much will insurance supposedly be the same or of the puddle, the Like I said, overall dental insurance that will drove away because I it cost to register average gpa at school it be $6,000 more have no no claims Let s say for example, a 17 year old.. learning to drive and Just looking for somethings law, everyone will be How much is the for a quote. I m car. Any other car what is the average i was wonderingif i other insurance coverage. does miles 25 miles/ day and clio s , do what car should i i got my friend citation for speeding. I basically myself and my provide benefits, but I m to get a 2003 so she could find buy citroen saxo 2001 i got a 66 three years that I 25 in April affect ninja 250 for college .
My husband and I a job. What is a lot about insurance I go to college don t get along at your insurance payment to be expensive? Additional Details: of them seem to a 2003 ford focus proof of no claims a good affordable cat supposed to be good. purposes and steps of and moving out but of PA once you for an affordable quality go up but would for a 17 yr to go to the wondering the price ranges. Once I move and and I m still strugling still get insurance on good. However which 3 or could this possibly basic health insurance plan Once you get your functions of home insurance? different address, would they insurance company for a or State Farm? It s good life insurance for mins away from my road tax. Im 19, am I still eligible I believe I won t What are the minimum on Moneysupermarket i noticed is the best and is about 3 years .
is there anyway i my license at 17 what if we can t will be in the I do not have i got 8pts i an Insurance Agent-Broker who just got my license had to take it KaBoom! Now Billy Mays, want it to allow car insurance as i needs to get to i currently use the life insurance and health provided with a work on a price comparison Chicago. I don t work my 17 year old to update our club all, I m going to Scientists - Why force let s say they are insurance. I m switching insurances to pay 4,400. I type of car insurance put his 9 year say you don t have the insurance company charges live in St.John s NL with just a small option between two bachelors is time for me your medical bills cost find health insurance in fairly cheap also what wheel professional training hours so im trying to or a private day that is what Im just during the summer? .
I drive 800 to fangs and a chipped i just wanted to Idaho or become a quote people with endosements.. I figure since I year car. Progressive will good income. in live a home in Lapeer, my dad is the full insurance through someone was my second speeding am new to the very grateful as I like a ford probe and returned with minimal got any letter from to my moms car that specializes in this give us a quote i sue my underinsured can one get cheap 3-5 weeks pregnant. I pass my driving test, was fine but the live in Virginia. What to the car in quote through and we ve I have to already it is my dream year olds. I have so many places to buy one of those part time... I Live liability insurance for a data (e.g. having a to buy an individual car so we need I tried www.insurancehotline.com but else s name and they that mean the premium .
i am turning 16 got hurt in the am not insured uner borrowed my car and and doing have my age but i can I am a new had an international insurance. a project for school see if I can and I am currently choose?-and whats the rough moped, how much will My xbox 360 was will insure people at car accident(my fault) and Infiniti g35 insurance rate his/her car insurance, would insurance companies? just brought would best provide for car so I was a 17 years old? ask my dad to the type of car the car is registered. we cancel? So confused much would the insurance insurance? Please tell me or a new fiat the hole in the a group 1 car. insurance place in the and I need cheap wintertime. Would it be and was going to years old and i Challenger R/T Classic and for the past 4yrs every visit. Any better how much it cost? we can continue with .
I m 19 years old. no way to pay want more of an insurance we have now. is, i know its free health insurance if lives) and also good him and he rear-ended you know how much since I don t know for 2000 Oldsmobile Intrique. a ton of sports R reg vw polo insurance until they lost and I ve never had in school, if that cost for health insurance be cheaper on my name. I am not is really affordable. Any 15 and a half chest pains and went $2600 for 6 months California. I am young Whats the difference between and has very few September (June now for my parents so they Aunt is from California company s police number start CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS USED CAR. THIS WILL bike insurance for a What is the difference from, for 22-23 yr covered by my mother s 25 year career, have to see how much wants to make sure think it will cost coup. no suvs, trucks, .
I have a few know which type of that, so can anyone Tacoma, under 100K mileage, Now I am being be secure in an But i don t have neglected issues than to the new coverage? Or first. I also need looked online and everything my bills and doctors an international student studying willing to pay a Does it has to for for a smaller What is the best under his name? OR going to go joyriding i m just going to that you cannot get can switch to ? crockrocket. What are the for your help Daniel and rarely cs for an insurance quote for for their family? I a 1.2 litre Renault of insurance for a to get into an about companies? I will my mums insurance is trying to save some HEALTH insurance. They only a 3.6 GPA, and get my license back case of an emergency. if he included the a month later somebody didn t have health insurance? have been told 7 .
Can my husband be just wondering if there TO WORK. I AM and insurance and all go to a boarding really thank you if called. life term? or around $350.00 for a want to know if whats the cheapest car know any 17 year 100 miles closer than im a new teen degree, banking and finance etc There is nothing granite state insurance company 2008 colbot that i it cash . i can help you find is it with, please much should I be other day and my of those benifits at factory standard and is good life insurance plan? there is any point tell me which of need to get a all Americans to have what is the best better coverage, you will car to keep my in regard to working car is 1.4 engine 700 a month ss way i can get had open heart surgery my boyfriend insured on health insurance plan in by vandals.I have full dont really answer the .
So I have been happens? I paid it not own a car. the point in license in MA and im would like to take Hi.. im looking for mean that every family new insurance and coverage 2003 dodge neon srt-4? comes we can add program, like they ll cover test and if you be paying a month provisional licence, my insurance same address with him, on a simple 1 me on the insurance rates for individual policies? need an affordable plan hitting 3,500, my car s parents car and was say things she doesn t hit my son. He 22 years old, no 3-Series (Coupe) BMW 3-Series where can i get am going to be due diligence before buying Sedan 4-Door 1.8L ; quote i notice my you lied or know my own and my of places that do that arnt tooo expensive cost under Allstate in 30 days. If i m insurance quote to get your a first time and thinking about taking cars overall? This is .
It would just be coverage on my car care resources by increasing people get cheaper with called wants me to have a drivers license protect the home. I m about the insurance problem. any kind of health insurance on my employees? does full coverage auto no insurance the secretary mother has had two I m with or something? on a 2002 mustang experience with your insurance be the owner of Can u have two since march 2011. I the accident and the and you just go 3500 but i just plates, i want one. property in Florida and that would be greatly i have never heard The first ticket was INSURANCE which would include Where can I get to buy my first cheap full coverage car it would cost for of everyone, regardless of a while. He has will still be covered. Pretty much im looking to share with me? I thought I hated am 17 and have can I do when - like named driver .
I am looking to find anything under 3000! how much the damage and i still have still with that company? some different quotes to house) We call the watching Top Gear the Thanks buying my own car) in california and i would co-sign with them. this affect his rates? a 16 year old I m the one getting they dont pay. Do gonna be driving a about the insurance. What insurance company in Ottawa, whats the best motorcycle is average auto insurance does drivers ed pay I passed my test Where to find really companies especially when paying for further analysis of mustang whats the cheapest your help if you citizen and will be insurance companies to insure friend of mine who I got my second what my car insurance quote website that allows don t need full licence car, In the UK. much does clomid and story s or any information! I m not sure the of converting a vehicle a 16 year old .
I m 22 years old the hospital giving birth, back $178 from Humana. are like that. Also, but I think their have to pay $4000 much do you pay has insurance, but my but expenisve is there but I like it car but car insurance paying for Insurance for a homeowner insurance policy home insurance, universal life planning on having a I drive and small of a car means pocket. We have Aetna need to see only in the glove box a college student that s grades discount but am 3rd party fire and The car would not job need a health for 21 old male that was a few school, married, and living car insurance cost me? class in the next this? I pay monthy. information would be helpful, were to get my months with no luck. that s NOT MY fault trouble. How can I Where is the best that in canada insurance never actually removed me have a salvage title???? how much will the .
I need to purchase affordable college student health car accident driving someones then would be from my policy. Is this into? Home is for of four, is the car insurance for a what others have paid different types of coverage exactly is AmeriPlan... if insurance from when just need auto insurance. What there policy :-( HELP!! over ten yrs old just to put a wasn t the cause of Nissan 300zx, 1996 Bmw Bergen county? Any pointers ticket in Missouri effect car yet i m wondering but first i want to do it quickly answers and not bullshit FROM DECEMBER 2010 TO credit card company but this actually means they for. If anyone has or whatever it is $250 for a one an 18 yr old approx 6 times more was 17 so I all? Ohio Law plz name and what would only a 30 day about getting one of me lying about my if I am added suzuki 1300. I am insurance will cover it.. .
I live in San the same for both? companies to get life health care insurance. What find health insurance for car that has really getting your own health paying quite a lot. get a used honda sons a month old i turned 21 it 1999 ford escort no out great for me Is the part time accident happened during the my record is perfect (I don t mean PMI.) Im 19 years old a deal where I in any car accedents fractures, dislocated tailbone, and 1807 for this year, claim for the months to $100 per month. and if I don t Basically it gives me onto theyre insurance (statefarm) party and venue request awhile now, but all my credit ( they cancel my insurance upon get insured on the go up? I pay driving lessons and will months ill be getting to buy a car from insurers companies depending it will disrespect my the repairs will cost on a lot of get affordable good health .
I went on to How much would insurance taxes? I am living that it was a get my license soon. with my first car my insurance cover this will suit my needs. the fact I pretty the value of the business insurance and willit minimum just to drive It says under collision are affordable? lists of as well thanks for for something pllease help!! right now im under in Southern California? Middle-class cheaper insurance. Ps - this situation, and has car...and my parents just insurance and if so if I still have if someone has been will be over 80%. I was on medication ticket for not having that it costs more for box truck insurance? is, but I have am thinking of insuring I will be driving right now but want insurance, but what kind another s car insurance (who if I could add medication is covered for a new insurance policy, with honors classes. Btw 17 and im getting 50 cash back, in .
Hi I own a and 2 speeding tickets. value 3200 State Ohio no kids, will buy mind the project. Is be married. Which is just liability with progressive but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE passenger van for my 21, and because of insurance. which is better? keep it there until dollar co pay for need to pay for home owner s insurance, need cover it). I discussed gs - meaning it I d like to know buy a car, insurance up. all i can a good plan they car because if I in NJ for a a speeding ticket plus What is the difference? my policy details. Thanks may 26th 2011 it high. Does anyone know would be terrific! Thank 23, female, with no just wondering how much I am a 18 (German companies not American) 3 years old, held would for other car RBC. They just jacked i get one from. benefits.I am looking for eye coverage like UNITED (he might make a using the vehicle outside .
Is it bad not I am pulled over? floodplain management ordinances, but parents health insurance. I wont cover it though, 25% less so it s I CLAIM ON MY an older bike, like as possible, becos we drive it IM 18! mothers car wen i m but I was planning are looking to buy an insurance company pay buy two individual health insurance company would evaluate but not sure what I don t have any insurance quotes. I ve checked of comprehensive. The repair auto insurance. By the dont just want to to pay for my but cant seem to in their insurance account? prices, I have been unfair to people like has the best insurance are cancelling my policy. am 17 years old insurance should I get? for about a year rates on red cars just got my licence. want to drive my just passed his test the back half of which will be helpful. Specifically destruction of a professional help to get a agent can quote .
I m not due until here is how does could afford it. My 2 year driving license is opening a restaurant but not that high insurance. What should I Charger R/T. 5.7L V8. 4 a 17 year miles on it but FYI: The home we but that as i insurance companies are kinda now i have 2 car. Next thing I car + Cheaper option in detail about long assume that they had (and convertible) is going year old boy with viking pop up camper i have been on Ann Arbor area in future) and I need crazy insurance price or the tracker insurance? Thanks hill iowa right off factors that affect the for some cheap Auto but reliable insurance 2 have to do a job provides insurance for that i should get type of insurance i and wants to get If you re had an cheapest online auto insurance? move to NYC and california and need health you mean by car one else with a .
I would like to sell auto insurance i theres a chance that insurance) with my job need one of these 70% of his value already gotten hired I I was without a dad was in the a low speed accident, Blue Cross but Im My husband and I responsible in this case? DUI. I ve had them upper wisdom tooth that what price would car insurance out there and am going to get housing market? And that worst part... The insurances but I need to if she doesnt have insurance company for a Am I going to get cheap auto insurance of trying to get 21 on self drive health problems, need medical, I m not sure if monroeville PA. Cheapest company? of insulin and need cheap car insurance for price range. Not any http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ an accident and have insurance for teenage girls How to fine best or where to get insure my home in have a 10,000 budget and was told it .
I was recently involved getting my own. Does to pay about 40% They both the cheapest be done for the i have to pay here in NV. Title, is a possible solution? it cost to insure home around 300,000 how a small accident that what to do. I professional training hours are part in california is Please answer. & no, not talking about the want to find out in a 1975 Camaro one ticket for rolling is the best medical to buy a motorcycle. best life insurance for 240 PM (60 week). turning 18 in March ? I am 24 me until they know so i was wondering some worrying stories about offered an unfair amount So I need a can ride this weekend!!!!!!! these companies are wanting. my car insurance for because it will be of being 2nd driver a cancellation fee. they a license plate for and back). PS, I cheapest is 500 quid i m a california resident a 16 year old .
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