#iv cannula for medical
gstc123 · 2 months
IV Cannula Medical Device for Therapy
IV cannula, also known as an intravenous catheter, is a small, flexible tube inserted into a patient's vein for various medical purposes. It allows healthcare providers to administer fluids, medications, and blood products directly into the bloodstream. The cannula is typically made from materials like plastic or Teflon to ensure flexibility and minimize the risk of irritation to the vein. Insertion requires sterile technique to prevent infections, and healthcare professionals carefully select the appropriate size (gauge) based on the patient's needs and vein size. Once inserted, the IV cannula provides a reliable route for continuous therapy or monitoring throughout the patient's treatment.
IV cannula, short for intravenous cannula, is a medical device used to administer fluids, medications, or blood products directly into a patient's bloodstream. It consists of a thin, flexible tube (cannula) typically made of plastic, with a sharp needle inside. The needle is used to puncture the skin and enter a vein, after which it is withdrawn, leaving the plastic cannula in place. This allows healthcare providers to deliver medications and fluids continuously or intermittently without needing to repeatedly puncture the skin
IV cannulas come in various sizes (gauges) depending on the intended use and patient condition. They are crucial in hospitals, clinics, and emergency settings where quick and reliable access to the bloodstream is necessary for treatments such as hydration, medication administration, blood transfusions, and chemotherapy.
Key features of IV cannula
Needle: Initially used to access the vein and then withdrawn, leaving only the flexible cannula in place. Gauge: Refers to the diameter of the cannula; smaller gauge numbers indicate larger diameters, allowing for different flow rates. Wings and ports: Some cannulas include wings for stabilization and additional ports for attaching medications or fluids.
Proper insertion and care of IV cannulas are essential to prevent complications such as infection, infiltration (fluid leaking into surrounding tissues), and phlebitis (inflammation of the vein). Healthcare professionals undergo training to safely and effectively use IV cannulas, ensuring patient safety and comfort during treatment.
iv cannula safty
Ensuring the safety of IV cannula use is crucial to prevent complications and promote patient well-being. Here are several key aspects of IV cannula safety
Proper Insertion Technique: Correct technique during insertion minimizes the risk of complications such as infiltration (leakage of fluid into surrounding tissues), phlebitis (inflammation of the vein), and infection. Healthcare providers should follow aseptic techniques, including hand hygiene, wearing gloves, and using sterile equipment.Site Selection: Choosing an appropriate vein for cannulation is essential. Factors such as vein size, visibility, and condition (e.g., avoiding veins with thrombosis or sclerosis) should be considered to reduce the risk of complications during and after insertion.
Securement: Once the IV cannula is inserted, it should be securely fixed to the patient's skin to prevent accidental dislodgement, which can lead to leakage, infiltration, or the need for re-cannulation.
Monitoring: Regular assessment of the IV site and surrounding tissue is necessary to detect early signs of complications such as infiltration, phlebitis, or infection. Healthcare providers should also monitor for signs of fluid overload or other adverse reactions to IV therapy.
Patient Education: Patients should be informed about the purpose of the IV cannula, potential complications to watch for (e.g., swelling, redness, pain), and how to care for the site (e.g., keeping it dry and protected)
Documentation: Accurate documentation of the IV cannula insertion, site assessment, and any interventions or complications is essential for continuity of care and communication among healthcare providers
Staff Training and Protocols: Healthcare facilities should have clear protocols for IV cannulation, including staff training on insertion techniques, site care, and recognition of complications. Regular training updates ensure adherence to best practices and safety standards.By adhering to these safety measures, healthcare providers can minimize the risks associated with IV cannula use and promote optimal patient outcomes during intravenous therapy
IV cannulas come in various sizes (gauges) depending on their intended use and the patient's vein size. They are typically inserted into a vein by a trained healthcare professional, such as a nurse or doctor, using sterile technique to minimize the risk of infection. Proper care and monitoring are essential during and after insertion to ensure the cannula remains in place and functions correctly without causing discomfort or complications to the patient.
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aealzx · 1 month
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Prologue | AO3
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It wasn’t long after the kids had rushed upstairs that Leslie arrived, and Bruce escorted her up to Danny’s room with Jason following them. It would be easier for Leslie to have them all together in the same room, and Bruce knew that his two oldest sons would be the best at handling keeping Jazz calm. She had only just met Bruce that morning, and only briefly, without speaking to each other. He didn't think she would be that comfortable with him yet. So while Leslie started stitching up his sons, having taken some time to get Danny hooked back up to heart and blood pressure monitors, Bruce turned to Damian.
“I’m going to get the collection device. Can you ask Danielle to meet me here? It shouldn’t take long,” Bruce requested, knowing that Danielle was probably roped into trying on clothes with Stephanie, but still wanting to make some progress on one of his self assigned tasks.
“Yes, Father,” Damian agreed easily, heading off to Stephanie’s room with Titus following closely behind.
Bruce left the hallway to Leslie commenting to the others that she had been expecting a lot worse, and made the trip to the Batcave a quick one. The canister had been left on the work table after he’d changed, so it was easy to scoop up and hurry back upstairs. And when he returned Danielle was there, enthusiastically rubbing Titus’ cheeks.
“Who’s a big boy? You’re a big boy,” Danielle cooed, gushing over the dog that was almost the same height as her.
“That’s Titus. And this is Ace,” Damian introduced officially, pleased with Danielle’s treatment of the dogs.
“They’re both your’s?” Danielle asked, reaching over to pet Ace as well when he got close.
“Titus is. Ace belongs to Father,” Damian responded, starting to pet them as well.
“Cool! I have a dog too. Well, he’s actually Danny’s, but he likes me too,” Danielle chimed before noticing Bruce was next to them now. “Oh. What’s up? He said you wanted me.”
“Yes,” Bruce confirmed, gesturing for Danielle to enter the bedroom with the others so that Jazz would be aware of what he was asking Danielle to do. “I had Cass take this on patrol with her, and wanted to see if it was collecting the correct substance. I thought you would be the best to confirm if it is,” he explained, briefly showing Danielle the canister Cass had given him at the parking garage before twisting the device in the middle. Pulling the top away, he revealed the ping pong ball sized glass orb inside, holding still when Danielle looked closer.
Inside the glass was a gently swirling, green liquid that was softly glowing very faintly. It was a lot more pale in color, and thinner in consistency than Danielle was used to. But without the metal barrier she could definitely pick up on the faint, familiar signature. “Oh my gosh, you found some!” she gasped, snatching the bauble from Bruce and holding it up to look at it. “Jazz, they got ecto!” she exclaimed, glancing at Jazz before looking back at the liquid. “Or at least it seems like it. Normally it’s a little… more,” she hummed, swirling the contents a little and scrunching her face slightly.
Jazz seemed stunned, not sure how these people were able to find something that she and her family had spent two months looking for. And what they had found had only been a corrupted version of it. Was this the same?
Without asking Bruce for permission, Danielle placed a finger on the opening of the bottle and tipped it over to get some of the substance on her hand. Rubbing her thumb against it, she noted that it definitely seemed to be ectoplasm, just not as concentrated as she was used to. And when she confirmed that she abruptly took a small swig from the bottle, smacking her tongue at the taste and ignoring the mildly startled expressions from the others. “Yeah, that’s definitely ectoplasm,” Danielle confirmed despite looking at the bottle again in mixed disappointment. “But it’s like… the skim milk version or something. It’s very diluted.”
The analogy made Dick snort softly, but Bruce breathed a small sigh of content. It wasn’t perfect, but it was still progress. “Much better than the Lazarus water though?” Bruce asked, holding his hand out for the bottle to be returned, glad she didn’t drink it all just yet.
“Oh, way better,” Danielle agreed with an enthusiastic nod. “That was more like rotten milk from months ago. With all the chunks and mold.”
This time the analogy made Dick gag a little, and even Bruce grimaced. “I’ll take your word for it considering I’ve never personally tried milk that was that spoiled,” he chuckled, replacing the bottle into the canister to seal it again. “It gives me a better idea on what to work towards. I’ll see if I can modify the next collection device to be able to draw a less diluted strain from the environment. How much do you think we’ll need?”
“Cool,” Danielle grinned, only somewhat excited considering it didn’t seem to be completely ready or useful yet. “Honestly, that was like… half a blueberry all together,” she gestured to the bottle. “I could get that from sitting in a graveyard around here for an hour. So it’s not a lot, but if you can manage to get more, faster, then it’ll probably be good.”
That was a significantly smaller amount than Bruce had been hoping for, but he would accept it. Like Danielle implied, it was still better than nothing. “Thank you. That was all,” he bid, letting Danielle choose to stay or not as he headed further into the bedroom, standing next to Leslie as she was finishing securing the bandage on Dick’s forearm. “How is everyone?”
“Your boys will be fine. Nineteen sutures for Dick, and twenty two for Jason. Just keep the sites clean and dry, like you’re used to,” Leslie reported, turning to face Bruce on the stool that had been provided.
“No signs of a concussion in either of them?” Bruce asked, just to make sure considering the blow Jason had taken to the head.
“Not that I can see,” Laslie confirmed, wordlessly shifting her body towards Danny and following through with the intent when Bruce nodded to allow her to continue her work. “I was hoping to see more improvement in this one compared to last night, but as far as initial vitals tell the variations in readings are within the same parameters. I’ll need to take a full blood sample to run some more comprehensive tests. Did you have something you wanted to try on him?”
It wasn’t a reassuring report, but it also wasn’t one that was unexpected to Bruce for someone who was in a self induced stasis. But something about the phrasing, and the way Leslie had turned Danny’s arm to face palm up and started to feel for a vein while asking if Bruce had anything to test on him made Jazz jump to her feet. “Absolutely not!” she shouted, roughly shoving Leslie away from Danny and standing protectively in front of him.
Bruce was quick to catch Leslie and lift her to her feet before she fell to the ground, quickly taking in Jazz’s reaction as well as what had led to it.
“What was that for?”
Dick and Jason’s questions were confused, but Jason was also wary. Neither of them liked the treatment of their doctor, but neither of them were dumb enough to not notice Jazz was reacting out of fear.
“What’s going on?” Danielle’s voice came from the hallway as left petting the dogs in favor of running into the room, placing herself between Jazz and the others and raising her fists slightly just in case. That was until Jazz grabbed her and pulled Danielle behind her as well, raising her arms to block both her siblings from the others.
“I said no,” Jazz emphasized. She was trying to glare at them, but her shaking form was far from intimidating. “If you think, for one second, that I’m going to let you experiment on my brother and sister then you have another thing coming-... W’what…?”
Bruce reacted quickly after his eyes scanned the surroundings, gently pushing Leslie behind him and holding his hand out for Dick and Jason to stay back as well. And as Jazz revealed her concerns that they were trying to experiment on Danny, Bruce took one step back before she finished, causing her to falter.
“...I would never experiment on your family, Jazz,” Bruce assured, keeping his voice more on the gentle side and avoiding trying to deny her assumption. She didn’t need to be told that wasn’t what their intention was. She needed to be assured that it would never happen, regardless of any circumstances surrounding them. “Nor would I allow anyone else to try. It doesn’t matter if he’s not a typical human, he still deserves to be treated like one.”
While Bruce’s words cleared up any confusion Dick and Jason had about the reaction from Jazz, they only served to incite confusion in the girl. She hadn’t expected him to say anything like that. In her mind he would either deny that the blood draw was for experiments, or would openly admit what they intended. Not tell her what she and her siblings and parents had been trying to prove to other people for months now. That ghosts were still human, and deserved to be treated as such.
“...W’what?” Jazz repeated, her defenses faltering.
“I’m not here to hurt you,” Bruce reinforced, slowly lowering to kneel on the floor, allowing Jazz to look down on him instead of him towering over her, keeping his hands visible. Dick and Jason supported the action by backing away more while also keeping their hands visible, giving them plenty of space. When Jazz didn’t vocally respond, Bruce continued. “We won’t take anything from Danny, or Danielle, without clearly stating what it’s intended for, and getting permission first. With Danny being unable to answer, we’ll defer to you for that permission.”
Jazz looked like she wanted to believe Bruce, but was afraid to. Her arms lowered in favor of wrapping around Danielle and carefully holding her close. She found it hard to respond, the words in her mind a jumbled mess. “I’i… I don’t understand. Everyone who knows tries to hurt him. Even our parents did… until they found out it was him.”
That was concerning to hear, but not shocking. “Those people aren’t here,” Bruce assured, shifting his hands to be offered to Jazz instead, palms up. “And you didn’t hurt him. Neither did the others,” he reminded, noting how her breath shuddered as it left while she made the connection in her mind. There were people who wouldn’t hurt ghosts just because they were ghosts. It was going to be okay. “Let’s take a minute to focus on you, okay? Maybe just sit, and take some deep breaths?”
It was only an offer, but Jazz couldn’t keep herself from collapsing to her knees, tears budding in her eyes as she brokenly stared at Bruce. Ever since they had taken her and her family in she had been afraid they were just playing at being nice. Just waiting for a time when they could start researching her siblings. But even though she’d accused them of trying it, they didn’t behave at all like she’d thought they would. It wasn’t fair. How dare he give her the chance to not be in charge for once. Why did he have to tell her it was okay to prioritize herself for the time being? How long had it been since she started telling herself it would be just a little longer and everything would be okay?
As Bruce started to visibly breathe slowly, coaxing her to do the same, Jazz broke into sobs while trying to mimic him. That little bit of familiarity that she knew from studying about how to help calm someone who was panicking was giving her something to latch onto that for once didn't just bring more self doubt and stress.
At this point Dick couldn’t keep himself back any longer, especially if Bruce was only going to sit there. So he quietly, but still audibly, approached the others to kneel near Jazz while Danielle tried to comfort her sister by rubbing her back. “Would you like a hug?” Dick offered, holding his hands out to the over stressed teenager.
“Uh huh,” Jazz accepted with a sob, nodding as she shuffled forward to accept the hug and hiccup into Dick’s shirt, a muffled apology half voiced.
“It’s okay, we understand,” Dick assured, taking over for Danielle and rubbing Jazz’s back while holding her firmly. “There’s been a lot for you to handle. And you did great. You can let us help take care of you now. We’ll keep you all safe.”
“And if you still have doubts, just remember forty one stitches and a piggy back,” Danielle consoled, trying to reinforce Dick’s statement even if it did earn a confused look from both Dick and Jazz.
“...What?” Jazz hiccuped, the confusion stilling her crying just enough to respond.
Danielle just grinned. “Nineteen,” she said, pointing to Dick, “and twenty two,” now to Jason, “makes forty one stitches. And they carried me home, even after getting cut up,” she explained, gaining a rare, warm but huge smile. “That’s more than the Guys in White ever did for either of us.”
Jazz stared at Danielle for a long stretch, finding it hard to comprehend how something so simple was so hard for her to have used as proof before that this family not only wasn’t going to hurt her family, but was going to go out of their way to help them. She felt a little embarrassed now, cheeks burning hot as she turned to smother her face in Dick’s shirt again. “...I’m so sorry,” she apologized again, her tears abating significantly.
Dick could only chuckle lightly, giving her a soft pat on the back, and another rub. “Nothing to be sorry for,” he assured again. “Like I said. We understand.”
And they did. Though Jason had to somewhat marvel at being able to see what it was like to not be on the receiving end of Bruce or Dick’s calming methods.
Theeeere's like 5 different topics I've been struggling to get organized in my brain which led me to completely rewriting this section maybe 4 times, and actually only half of this part stayed as part of this section while another thing as added and the other half is getting shoved to the next part X'D This was after spending like 6 hours researching dialysis, what systemic meant versus sepsis, blood poisoning, learning that was completely different than poison throughout the bloodstream, also looking up plant toxin chemicals, looking a lot into alkaloids, getting so confused I asked my mom about all this stuff and learned about ricin and umbrella assassinations. @ v @ my brain started to hurt, and I info dumped with my beta reader to try and figure things out and still ended up rewriting everything. X'DD
why all that is relevant will be part of the next parts X'D
Tag list: @galaxy-sharks-and-bottled-ships, @starscreamlover, @nerdynonnativenarnian, @dragongoblet, @megacharizardx99
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@op-sys-chaos, @kirasigncomics,
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Almost Paradise 1x10 Something Walker This Way Comes
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genuinehc · 1 year
Doing @mediwhumpmay because I fell out of the swing of writing and massively self indulgent whump is about my speed right now.
Fandom: Six of Crows, Modern AU, same universe as Modern Business
Prompt: Day 1: IV/Cannula
Tags/Warnings: medical whump, needles, IVs, haphephobia, surgery pre-op
“Your veins suck.”
Kaz bites back a tart retort as the nurse pokes up and down his arms and hands, looking for a likely candidate. Two other nurses tried and failed to sink a line and now this absolute *child* with blue hair and tattoos has come to give it a go.
Pre-op is bad enough without being insulted, but she’s not wrong.
At least she’s wearing gloves, a thin layer of nitrile between his skin and hers. And once someone manages to get the damn IV in, he’s been assured that he will be given medication to make this entire, awful affair marginally less stressful.
Half an hour ago, a pre-op nurse had smiled reassuringly and told him, “it will be like having a glass of whisky on an empty stomach.” Kaz shot back that he’d rather have the whisky, earning a wry chuckle.
Now, his eyes are screwed shut and he’s running through every breathing exercise Inej ever taught him just to push past the unexpected touches.
He can do this. He can absolutely do this. Can’t he?
He promised Inej, though, that he’d go through with it this time. And he’ll be damned if he goes back on his word. If it means being repeatedly stabbed, being rendered unconscious, having someone he’s barely met cut into him, and enduring months of recovery, so be it.
Even if it means being stabbed by a child who crows with satisfaction as she finally, *finally* finds a viable vein halfway up his right forearm, just below the place where his crow tattoo perches on the cup.
The needle slides in after a pinch and Kaz sighs with relief even as a smattering of applause around his bed forces him to look up and find they’ve attracted an audience. Kaz scowls as the girl cedes her spot to a nurse who takes over the rest of the IV insertion and the audience dissipates.
“I didn’t come here to be a sideshow attraction,” he snarls to an entirely unperturbed nurse who is hanging a bag of saline somewhere behind Kaz’s head.
“I should apologize- if we have to call in the professional, she comes with a fan club.”
“Professional? She looks like she’s fourteen,” Kaz leans back in the bed against flat pillows in papery covers and picks at the hospital gown.
Inej isn’t here to point out what he and Jesper and their whole little gang of misfits and criminals were doing when they were fourteen. Kaz resolutely ignores his imagination supplying her disapproving moue while the pre-op nurse chuckles.
“I don’t think she’s that much younger than you are. You should be feeling a little less on edge by now, although it will take another few minutes to really feel the effects. How do you feel?”
Kaz nearly snaps that he doesn’t feel at all different, then realizes that the nurse must have taken off his gloves and is touching Kaz’s bare wrist with fingers dry from dozens of washes every day. The papery skin doesn’t invoke the rising water.
He stares at the nurse’s hand for a moment, jaw working, before nodding curtly.
“I’m fine. Let’s get on with it.”
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India’s Top Triangular Bandage | Tubular Bandage | IV Cannula Fixator | Gauze Swab | Manufacturers
Triangular Bandage Manufacturers
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We are the forefront manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of high-quality Triangular Bandage. It has earned us wide appreciation due to its quality, durability, and hygienic nature. Available in different forms either plain or pictorial, this bandage is generally used for first aid purposes. 
Fabricated as per the medical standards using high-grade fabric and is free from external contaminants, this bandage is highly durable as it is manufactured(Triangular Bandages Manufacturers) with high precision. Further, clients can avail of this product at the most affordable price.
Material: Strong unbleached cotton fabric.
Bandage in the shape of a triangle.
Application / Usage: Hospital / Clinics
Made of 100% cotton
Complete with two heavy-duty safety pins
Most essential emergency First Aid equipment
96 cm x 96 cm x 135/136 cm
90cm x 90cm x 127cm
90cm x 90cm x 125cm
60cm x 60cm x 90cm
Also available in non-woven fabric.
Triangular Bandage is being manufactured and supplied by a company reputed because of excellent product quality.
Medilivescare Manufacturing is known as India’s Top Triangular Bandage Manufacturers. We provide high-quality Cotton Triangular Bandages at a very affordable price. We provide OEM Service and are known as a leading Triangular Bandage Supplier and Triangular Bandage Exporters in India. Our Triangular Bandages are exported to various African and Middle East countries.
Gauze Swab Manufacturers 
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Due to its extensive software Gauze swabs(Gauze Swab Manufacturers)  are available both in sterile and unsterile shapes, with different ply and types relying on the absorbency required. We manufacture extensive specification and packing, and packaging SKUs for Gauze Swabs.
Sterile Gauze Swabs – Non-Sterile is a high-quality product and is trusted all across the globe. Non Sterile is being synthetic and supplied by the business enterprise reputed because of its fantastic product fine, pleasant service, and professional approach. Scroll all the way down to see specifications and evaluations.
We have also manufactured(Gauze Swab Manufacturers)  a Non-Sterilized Gauze Swab. We offer the best quality highly absorbent non-sterilized Gauze Swabs in accordance with the Pharmacopeia Standards. Our product serves the desires of several commercial fitness care provider companies such as hospitals, nursing houses, etc. Our Swabs skip via rigorous assessments for quality manipulation, cloth structures, and softness due to uniform discovery free especially absorbent gauze cloth.
We are Top Gauze Swab Manufacturers in India. We offer Sterile Gauze Swab, No sterile gauze swabs, Gauze Swabs with or without X-Ray Detectable Thread, Surgical Gauze Dressing, and/or Gauze Pads at the lowest prices. Superior quality and affordable prices are guaranteed. We provide OEM also for numerous customers for Gauze Swab. We deliver Gauze swabs in specific qualities and percent sizes in step with customer requirements. We are Top Gauze Swab Manufacturers and the Best Gauze Swab Exporters in India.
Made of 100% cotton. Bleaching is done by Hydrogen peroxide & de-mineralized water.
All swabs are with folded edges - therefore No loose threads.
Available with or without an X-Ray detectable line.
Available in Quality B.P. Type 13 & B.P. Type 17.
Sizes available :
5 x 5cm (4 / 8 / 12 ply)
7.5 x 7.5cm (4 / 8 / 12 ply)
10 x 10 cm (4 / 8 / 12 ply)
10 x 20cm ((4 / 8 / 12 ply)
Available in 1, 2, 4, 5 & 10 pcs packing and Sterile / Non-sterile as per customer/project requirements.
Available in 100 pcs. packing as non-sterile.
Other customized sizes are also available such as:
10 x 60cm.
Product Features List :
High Absorption Capacity.
Swabs have Folding Edges, so there is no chance of loose thread.
Made from Cotton Gauze Fabric
Usage :
For cleaning and swabbing wounds.
For dressing low exudates wounds
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Tubular Bandage is a high-quality product and is trusted all across the world. Tubular Bandage is being manufactured and supplied by a reputed company because of its excellent product quality, friendly service, and professional approach. We are known as India’s Top Tubular Bandage Manufacturers in India.
Tubular Elastic Bandage presents uniform compression and guide of the appendages with minimal threat of constriction. It is easy to apply and comfy to wear, without the need for any clips or tape to hold it in location. Compressive power stays regular over a long length of use.
This versatile, bandage is low in cost and a better replacement for elastic wraps and other trendy supports. Holds bloodless/hot packs or bandages in place.
Breathable and Hypoallergenic
Uniform compression
Soft to the touch, good to feel
Dermophilic, hypo-allergic, causes no rash, is soft to touch, good to feel, washable and breathable.
Tubular(Tubular Bandage Manufacturers)  design allows pull-on, quick and easy wearing and fitting without any pins or tapes. 
The fawn color matches skin color for better aesthetics and can be worn inconspicuously under clothing.
Product Information
Cotton Stockinet Roll / Cotton Ribbed Stockinet.
Stockinet roll crafted from pleasant lengthy-staple cotton yarn and woven on a circular loom.
A free loop knitted fabric has inherent four-way stretch assets.
Hypoallergenic Seamless Product Made from high high-quality, excellent, long stapled cotton that stays cool all through summers and warm at some point in winter.
The cloth is hypoallergenic, cleanable, breathable, soft to the touch, and feels good. Knitted on modern-day machines for a four-way stretch.
Lightweight, seamless, long-lasting, snug healthy and remains in the role for a long time.
Easy pull-on put-on is made possible with the aid of the tubular design. The packaging is convenient and in particular designed with aspect slits for smooth unrolling.
Smooth texture, shrink-resistant, and skin-friendly.
Available sizes:
4.2cm x 10m.
5cm x 10 meters.
6.25cm x 10 meters.
7.5cm x 10 meters.
10cm x 10mtrs.
12.5cm x 10 meters.
15cm x 10 meters.  
Customized sizes are also available.
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IV Cannula Fixator is very helpful for fixing IV Cannula and for general use. Made as per B. P. standards. Skin-collared elastic foam grip cannula fixator and porous adhesive used for air circulation. Cannula Fixators(IV Cannula Fixator Manufacturers) are highly elastic bandages that are for supporting the syringe entered into the human body to resist any strain and pain. It is made up of top-quality fabric which allows the passing of air and humidity very easily. The adhesive used is free from any toxins which makes the product skin friendly. 
Product Information:
IV Cannula Fixator is shaped well to give a perfect grip over the I.V. Cannula(IV Cannula Fixator Manufacturers) during hospitalization.
Moisture-responsive High Moisture Vapour Transmission rate Film.
Low allergy grid pattern adhesive.
Porous adhesive to allow skin breathing.
Easy and Painless to do away with, because of skinny-non adhesive edges and leaves no residue after removal.
The IV Cannula fixator fastens the tube firmly to the pores and skin, whilst the pad covers the point of injection. The dressing allows air and humidity to skip freely.
The Material used does now not irritate the pores and skin and no strains of the adhesive continue to be at the pores and skin after removal.
Advanced Features:
Fixes the cannula prevents plain
Prevents infusion-related phlebitis
Breathable pores on a bandage for better skin health.
Better flexibility gives better support, the patient can move easily
Instruction for use:
Tear the pouch
Remove the release paper
Note: If you have any quarry about the quality and Price then please click the given below: 
Gauze Swab Manufacturers in India
IV Cannula Fixator Manufacturers in India
Tubular Bandage Manufacturers in India
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kdlmedtech · 7 months
Why IV Cannulas are Essential in Modern Healthcare
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In modern healthcare, IV cannulas play a crucial role in delivering vital medications and fluids directly into the bloodstream. Their importance cannot be overstated, as they provide a quick and efficient way to administer treatment to patients in need. In this blog post, we will explore benefits of IV cannulas and why they are essential in medical care today.
What are the IV cannulas?
First things first, let’s talk about what IV cannula actually are. An IV cannula, short for intravenous cannula, is a small, flexible tube used to administer medications and fluids directly into a patient’s bloodstream. This important medical device is inserted into a vein to provide quick and efficient access for delivering essential treatments. Understanding the basics of IV cannula is crucial for healthcare professionals to ensure proper patient care and treatment outcomes.
The Importance of IV Cannulas in Modern Healthcare
IV cannula represent a cornerstone of modern healthcare delivery, embodying the intersection of innovation, efficacy, and patient-centered care. Their versatility, reliability, and safety make them indispensable tools for healthcare providers across diverse clinical specialties, facilitating optimal patient outcomes and fostering a culture of excellence in healthcare delivery. As medical technology continues to advance, IV cannulas will undoubtedly remain essential components of the therapeutic armamentarium, shaping the future of patient care for generations to come.
Benefits of IV Cannulas in Patient Care
One of the biggest benefits of IV cannula is their versatility. They can be used for a wide range of treatments, including hydration, medication administration, blood transfusions, chemotherapy and more. They also allow for continuous monitoring of a patient’s condition, making it easier for healthcare providers to adjust their treatment plan as needed. Explore our high-quality IV cannula – crafted by industry-leading manufacturers at KDL.
Advancements in IV Cannula Technology
Thanks to advancements in medical technology, Intravenous needle have come a long way in recent years. New materials and designs have made them more comfortable for patients and easier for healthcare providers to insert. This means less pain and fewer complications for everyone involved.
Read More : The Benefits of Using Huber Needles for Long-Term IV Therapy
The Role of IV Cannulas in Preventing Infections
Infection control is a top priority in healthcare settings, and it play a key role in preventing the spread of harmful bacteria. By using sterile techniques and regularly changing IV sites, healthcare providers can reduce the risk of infections and keep patients safe during treatment.
IV Cannulas in Emergency Situations
When every second counts, it can be a lifesaver. In emergency situations like trauma or cardiac arrest, quick access to a patient’s bloodstream can mean the difference between life and death. It allows for rapid administration of critical medications and fluids, giving patients the best chance at recovery.
Conclusion: The Future of IV Cannulas in Healthcare
In conclusion, the future of IV cannulas in healthcare looks promising with advancements in technology and materials. Healthcare providers can expect improved patient comfort, reduced infection rates, and increased efficiency in delivering intravenous therapy. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, it plays a crucial role in enhancing patient care and outcomes. Stay informed and embrace the latest innovations to ensure optimal use of IV cannulas in the ever-changing landscape of healthcare.
Source : Why IV Cannulas are Essential in Modern Healthcare
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covalontech · 9 months
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larsmedicares-blog · 1 year
This type of IV cannula comes with wings and an injection valve to provide extra medication without pain. Specially designed cap on the top prevents contamination when the valve is not in use.
Also available in PUR :Polyurethene.
Medical grade paper for primary packaging complying with standard ISO 868 .
We follow labelling standard – ISO15223:2007 and graphical symbol as per standard EN 980:2008.
We use only virgin plastic manufactured by reputed companies.
We follow sampling standard as per ISO 2859:1999.
Individually sterile & blister packed
Packing : 100/1000pcs per Inner /Master Carton
Master carton dimension : 70 ×32×18 cm Please visit us : https://www.larsmedicare.com/
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coldpenguintaco · 2 years
Medical Tubing Market to Witness Healthy Growth with Relatively Higher Demand for Bulk Disposable Tubing Application| MarketsandMarkets™
Medical tubing is a type of tubing used in the medical field for a variety of purposes. It is typically made of silicone, polyurethane, latex, PVC, polyethylene, and other materials. It is used in a variety of medical applications including catheters, endoscopes, and medical devices. Medical tubing is used for transporting fluids, carrying medicines and other substances, and connecting medical…
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sramfact · 2 years
The global medical tubing market size is projected to reach USD 7.9 billion by 2026 growing at a CAGR of 10.0% from 2021 to 2026. The increasing demand for medical tubing in various healthcare segments coupled with stringent regulations concerning healthcare safety is driving the market for medical tubing. The increase in demand for medical tubing and the growing industrial development in the emerging economies, such as APAC and South America, are driving the market
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Thank you so much @yandere-paramour for commissioning me.
Commission description: I got in a freak accident where in hs where I was in theatre rehearsal and basically a 4x4 fell directly onto my head and I was severely concussed for the Next month. Can you write this happening to Reader and Yves cannot prevent it in time? and he's very upset and angry at himself and Reader is just absolutely fucked up and nearly helpless.
tw: injury, yandere themes
(2632 words)
He oversaw your entire hospital residency. Yves didn't trust the doctors and nurses that were there, he would be the one to administer any treatment. Yves would also be the one to give you bed baths and clean any messes you may have made due to losing some control over your bladder or bowels. Yves had seen all of you.
All he needed to do was talk to a few people, pull some strings, forge a few signatures, and erase a handful of records.
You were in deep throbbing pain, only made manageable by the painkillers you were made to eat. But you couldn't think straight either, everything is just too hazy and foggy. The slightest bit of light bothers you to no end, luckily you were vaguely aware Yves was around to be with you. He knew what to do, he always knew what to do.
You could make out your boyfriend's hushed voice as he spoke through the phone. Squinting your eyes, you could discern a blurry image of Yves holding his smartphone in one hand, and the other typing away on his laptop. You had always found his voice soothing, but it sounded like he was upset, it didn't help that you were barely registering the words he was saying.
Noticing that your drugs are slowly wearing off, Yves quickly ended the call and walked over to you in large strides. You closed your eyes and he didn't say anything, only the shuffling and rustling of what you think came from the medical equipment reached your ears. Occasionally, you open your eyes only to close them again, catching glimpses of Yves toggling with your cannula and a filled syringe.
You were too concussed to question why Yves is doing the nurses' or doctors' job, or if he was even qualified to do so. You were just glad that he was by your side.
Soon, you felt the relief and newfound wooziness from the freshly administered IV painkillers and something else. You were sent to your own world when Yves pulled himself away to clean up and put everything back in place.
You felt him caress your cheek and kiss you on the forehead. After that, you felt the mattress of your hospital bed dip as Yves got on, he tucked himself under your blanket and spooned you from behind.
It was baffling how that wooden plank dislodged itself from somewhere and hit you. Just you, out of all the people present there. He does routine checks on the places where you frequent, the theatre didn't appear to be dilapidated, nor did his numerous tests yield any conclusions that could help him predict this outcome. That damned building passed all his safety checks, likewise, your coworkers weren't a threat to your life.
He buried his head in the crook of your neck, closing his eyes as he breathed in your scent. Yves was deep in thought while he tenderly rubbed the palm of your hands, it's not foul play. If it was, he already knew from the footage from a few dozen cameras he hid around the theatre. Moreover, he did his research on every single one you knew or knew you. The idea of someone trying to end your life is possible, but not plausible.
Yves had replayed that one video over and over again to try and discern the cause of the wooden plank falling from the top. It seemingly... isn't caused by anything. No matter how he digitally enhanced it, no matter how many times he watched it until it was positively seared into his brain, Yves found nothing of note. It just detached from the ceiling and fell. He frowned each time he had to remember the instant it slammed right into your head.
He even paid the theatre a visit just to investigate the site of impact itself. Bewilderingly, he could discern advanced signs of weakness in the surrounding areas that weren't there a day before but would have taken a few months to form through natural means. He swabbed everything and all his tests came out nothing. Yves was undetected by the owners of that building or the authorities because he broke in during the dead of night and scaled the beams quietly and skillfully. He balanced himself on a taut rope while he snapped pictures of the sites.
He called up people who he thought could give him advice and more information about the matter, but to no avail. It's almost like this was caused by something paranormal, there were no conceivable reasons as to how or why this happened. Even if there was, it defied the laws of physics in this reality.
Regardless of how strange and unexpected this event was, Yves was upset that he didn't think of a failsafe for this. He thought of everything but not this, because it was just so implausible.
You groan in discomfort, nothing feels right and you want your mind back now. However, there really isn't anything Yves could do and all the other relatively instantaneous healing methods he knew of would cause more significant harm than good. So, for now, you're stuck like this.
He sighed, murmuring that he was here to assure you. Well, at least this has given him a new set of data that he otherwise wouldn't go out of his way to induce and collect; there is at least that silver lining.
Yves frowned as he parted away from you, despising the cold nipping at him without you as his soft heater. But he has a lot to do, he has to maintain the life that you built for yourself while you're out of commission for at least a month.
He pressed a kiss on your forehead once more, ensuring that you were completely passed out from the drugs before taking out his phone again to make a few more important calls.
He transferred you to his humble abode a few days later, after determining that you were stable enough for him to resume your care outside of the hospital. You could barely walk, talk, or open your eyes, you were entirely helpless. Mumbling semi-incoherent words to try and communicate your needs and wants. Luckily for you, Yves clearly knew what you wanted just by your body language alone, so you were never too angry or frustrated that he couldn't understand you.
Unfortunately for your friends and family who would visit you from time to time, you were babbling in a language from another planet. They're either too loud, too panicky, or too pungent-smelling to be around with. It's as if the air was ruined by their presence. Your poor, concussed mind thought everyone else was just idiots and Yves is the only intelligent lifeform there.
Such an attentive man, he is. Yves would politely shoo them out of your shared bedroom when they got too much, he would then spend a few more minutes entertaining them with small talk downstairs before ultimately making them leave the property. The ones who truly care about you are glad you are under Yves's supervision.
However, if you were just lucid enough, you would question how Yves knew that you wanted a blanket from your heavy slurring, how he knew that you wanted to be hugged at that very moment by just watching you blink, how he knew what hurts by an incomprehensible grumble.
A few times, you did catch yourself realizing that you may have been completely unintelligible in verbalizing your wants. Still, he gave you exactly what you needed before you could correct yourself.
You always look forward to meal times, as he would never fail to whip up something delicious yet nutritious enough; packed chock full of vitamins, and minerals to your healing process. The best part was that he would spoon-feed you while sitting on his lap, it's ridiculously comfortable and you felt like absolute royalty. Strangely and fortunately for you, it never once felt degrading or patronizing. At most, you felt heavily nostalgic and had a strong sense of sadness that you couldn't conjure up an idea as to why. But it would all ebb away with every spoonful Yves fed you or every kiss he gave to show his appreciation for your cooperation.
Yves wouldn't allow you to use your phone or watch the television, he wouldn't allow anything in his house to emit too bright of a light. Which you were grateful for since it reduces the pain dramatically, and he would keep you fully engaged by reading stories from his library. They're always so exhilarating to hear as the protagonists always possess a wonderful personality that closely matches yours, allowing you to immerse yourself in whatever whimsical and fantastical world of his storybook. His smooth, baritone voice lulled you to sleep more times than you can count, letting you continue the story in your dreams.
Sometimes, you want to experience that particular story again, so you would pick up the book Yves read from. Only to find that its' pages are seemingly filled with illegible graphite chicken scratch. Asking him about it will lead him to tell you he wrote each and every single one of those pieces, they're all based on your proudest achievements and your life journey.
When Yves promised that he would take care of you to the fullest, he meant it. He wouldn't allow you to shower on your own, nor did he let you stand too long. He prepared a stool for you to sit on as streams of warm water washed over your nude body, Yves would roll his sleeves up and clean you up while you merely remained there in a daze; you didn't have to do anything, Yves would work up a lather on your hair and massage your scalp, he would gently scrub your skin with his smooth hands and apply an impossibly long list of skincare products that leaves your skin happy and glowing.
Yves is rarely apart away from you when you're this needy. And he enjoys it, savoring every second he spends with you. Yves would take his time styling your hair, stroking it, and collecting any strands you may have shed for data. Applying hair oil and caring for your body, he wouldn't have had the chance to do this when you're perfectly healthy, as you would either get too uncomfortable, bored, or too busy for him to do this for you.
In many ways, this accident was a blessing in disguise. For you to make up for all the missed bonding times with him; it's not that Yves is elated with you being severely concussed, but he isn't too upset over it either.
"Is this the color you want for your base?" He asked, ensuring his voice wasn't above the volume threshold. Yves brought up a bottle of nail polish in your favorite color.
You gave him a thumbs up, as nodding can cause you pain.
"What design would you like?" Yves continued asking, putting the polish away so he could begin to prep your fingernails. He had your hand limply resting on a towel draped over his thigh.
You opened your mouth to speak, but it was gibberish and garbled. But you were so used to talking like this and your brain is still healing from the damage, that you couldn't tell something was wrong.
Yves merely hummed in response while he skillfully pushed your cuticles in, they were softened by some cuticle oil he applied earlier. He needed no extra enlightenment even though you spoke in a tongue that no human could ever comprehend easily, Yves already knew what you wanted. He only asked that to give you an illusion of control.
You relaxed to the soothing music playing in the background while Yves continued with his manicure on you, skillfully using his tools to create intricate works of art on your nails. It's amazing how he could do that with laser precision in dim light.
Perhaps you tried holding a conversation with him, and you did. Albeit one-sided, Yves seemingly responds to your words normally as if he truly understood. But he was actually doing some very complex "guesswork" that was apparently accurate all the time. However, if there is one thing for certain, he memorizes all the sounds that left your mouth and movements you made no matter how random or unnecessary.
If thinks that you're getting too under-stimulated, he will recite one of the many stories he wrote for you to listen to and immerse yourself in. Yet, he wouldn't get distracted, continuing his work with elegance and expertise.
You were mesmerized by how he would hold his brush, how he would administer a graceful stroke, and how he would do the details of such an impossibly beautiful masterpiece.
You smiled and cheered when you saw your nails, all that there was left for you to do was wait for the polish to dry. The corners of his lips were also pulled up into a pleased grin, feeling absolutely delighted to see you beaming like that. He couldn't resist pecking you on the apples of your cheeks, as he might accidentally squeeze you out of his cuteness aggression if he didn't at least expel some of it.
He cleaned up after himself and put the items away. You were still giddy over your nails and he was in joy too. Yves then sat right next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and letting his silky, jet-black hair tickle you in the nose.
Yves closed his eyes and relaxed at the sound of your heavenly giggles, nuzzling his head further into the side of your neck to keep the playfulness alive. He would occasionally litter your shoulder with kisses too.
Eventually, the atmosphere calms back down to a gentle lull, where you would be lying on his lap as Yves runs his fingers through your hair. A soft smile graced his face as he watched you stare at his artwork, feeling flattered and honored that you liked it.
Yves always knew the potential of himself enjoying the aftermath of such a tragedy happening to you was there. But he didn't anticipate that he loved it this much. As bad as it sounds, Yves is unwilling to think about the time when you will inevitably heal and leave him alone all over again to live your life.
His smile faltered a bit thinking how you're most likely going to go back to that theatre to work again, cutting the time that he's used to have with you short by a drastic amount. He is going to miss tender moments like these so awfully...
Yves paused when he noticed that you drifted into slumberland, softly breathing as your lips were slightly parted and drool running down the sides of your mouth. Yves chuckled a bit as he wiped them away with his thumb.
He blinked as he thought about the situation at hand even more.
You are such a strong, resilient person, who endured far worse than a measly headache. And it seems like your recovery process isn't too agonizing for you to bear, you're fine.
And, you would definitely be fine if Yves extended that duration for a few more weeks; he needs to make sure that you're fully healed before allowing you to go back into the real world. You would also be fine to consume a bit more sugar than usual, he knows you better than yourself.
Yves brought your hands and grazed his fingertips against your nails to see if it was fully dried. They were, and he gave them each a kiss.
The next few hours were spent with Yves watching you sleep, his green eyes were unblinkingly trained on you.
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faustandfurious · 9 months
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Not linking the source here, because it isn’t relevant to the point I’m making, but just a friendly tip when writing about medical settings:
An IV cannula is a metal needle inside a small plastic tube. When you insert it into a vein, the needle is used to puncture the skin and vessel wall. You then pull the needle out, leaving only the flexible plastic tube in the vein, before administering meds or fluids.
This means that when a patient, like in the screenshot above, wakes up and promptly removes their IV lines, there are no needles involved. The needles were removed upon insertion of the IV lines. If they weren’t, medical professionals wouldn’t be able to give the patient anything through the IV access because the needle would be blocking the tube.
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kk095 · 3 months
Alexa’s Arrhythmia
*hello everyone! I know it's been awhile since my last story, so I apologize about the delay. I hope you all enjoy this one!*
Alexa was a 22 year old girl of Asian descent, standing at a compact 5 foot 1, having a more petite build. She had wavy, medium length hair with a middle part that was dyed platinum blonde. The young lady was heavily tattooed, with bright, colorful sleeves on both arms, tattoos up and down both legs, a few small pieces on the tops of her hands and fingers, along with a handful of other tattoos scattered elsewhere around her body. There were piercings in both her nipples, as well as a nose ring. Alexa’s style was always more revealing, showing off her tattoos and her cute, dainty figure. She took care of her appearance, always making sure her hair, nails, and makeup were on point.
Looks weren’t the only thing going for Alexa. She was very bubbly, outgoing, and a ton of fun to be around. However, that fun regularly crossed the line. Alexa was the life of the party and a total wild child. It seemed like her and her friends were always up to some sort of shenanigans. But last night, Alexa’s reckless, carefree partying had major consequences for the first time, resulting in her night ending in our emergency department.
It was discovered Alexa had used a large dose of an unknown, synthetic party drug that just hit the streets. The substance was in the form of a black, octagon shaped pill that was half the size of a dime with no markings, stamps, or engravings whatsoever. Alexa wrongly assumed the pills she acquired were molly (MDMA), a substance she had used casually. This misjudgment would prove to be a dire mistake for the tatted up party girl.
When Alexa arrived at our emergency department, she was completely inconsolable, crying hysterically. She was thrashing and flailing around quite dramatically on the trauma room table. Her heart was absolutely racing at 185bpm, on the verge of ventricular tachycardia. She felt a pinching sensation inside her chest, combined with severe heart palpitations.
She was sitting on the trauma room table in the upright position, stripped down to just her black bra and matching underwear. There were EKG electrodes stuck onto her chest, IVs set up in each arm, and a nasal cannula in her nostrils. Due to her dangerously high heart rate and unstable vital signs, the monitors beeped and chirped loudly, creating a tense and ominous tone in the room.
Alexa was absolutely terrified. This wasn’t her first rodeo with party drugs, but she knew something was seriously wrong this time. “HELP ME! PLEASE…” She sobbed, flailing around on the table. “we’re here to help you. I just need you to stay still so the nurses can take a look.” Lindsay calmly reassured. “HELP ME! PLEASE!!!” Repeated Alexa. “and we will sweetie! Just stay still for us, ok?” Nurse Nancy chimed in, trying to console the visibly upset young lady. “MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!” Alexa sobbed, squirming around feverishly. “Nancy, let’s try to calm her down. I wanna run some labs and get a stat tox screen on her. We need to know what she took.” Lindsay explained. Nurse Nancy nodded in acknowledgement to the doctor, and went to draw the blood samples required. “NO! NO NEEDLES! NO NEEDLES!!!” Alexa screamed since she always had a phobia of needles. “it’s just gonna be a quick stick hunny. It’ll be fast, I promise.” Reassured Nancy. “NO! THEY ALREADY GAVE ME ONE IN THE AMBULANCE!” Protested Alexa, referring to the IVs that the medics had set up. “I know you already got a needle in the ambulance, but we have to do this so you can feel better. Understand?” Nancy reasoned. “NO MORE NEEDLES! JUST MAKE IT STOP!” Alexa continued to resist, leaning back, shaking her back and forth dramatically indicating ‘no’. “well, if you don’t want us to draw the blood we need, then you have to tell us what you took.” Nancy’s tone getting more firm that time. “I don’t know…. It was just a couple of pills!” Alexa replied, her voice wobbly, tears streaming down her face. “a couple pills? Have you taken these before? What did it look like?” probed Nancy, hoping to get any bit of information she could work with. “I DON’T KNOW! I thought it was just molly or something…” the girl sobbed in response. “Well, was it molly? We’re not here to judge you hun. We just need to know what you took so we can help you.” Explained Nancy. “I DON’T KNOW! JUST MAKE IT STOP!” yelled Alexa, in hysterics.
Nancy sighed, starting to feel frustrated. It seemed like Alexa was just being uncooperative and unwilling to tell the team what she took. Since Alexa was also a fast, erratically moving target, nobody wanted to risk a needle stick injury while trying to draw labs. As far as chemical restraints went, nobody felt comfortable giving her any sedatives or benzos, fearing an adverse reaction with whatever was already in her system. The team was at a standstill to some extent, contemplating their next steps. Alexa’s heart rate was also through the roof, and her EKG was abnormal, so the team had to get her calm enough to run labs and start chemical cardioversion to try and stabilize her.
Before the team could decide what exactly their next move would be, Alexa’s symptoms worsened. She let out a loud, high pitched yelp, clenching her chest in pain with one hand, her eyes slamming shut for a few seconds. “Alexa? What’s the matter sweetie?” Nurse Nancy asked, concerned about the sudden change. “My heart! My heart’s getting pinched!” Answered Alexa. “I’m scared… I’m so scared…” She went on, crying her eyes out. “I know it’s scary, but we’re gonna take great care of you.” Soothed Nancy. “now, can you tell us what you took? We aren’t gonna get you in trouble. We aren’t gonna judge you. We just want to help.” Continued Nancy, feeling it was a good opportunity to pry for information again. “I DON’T KNOW! I TOLD YOU I DON’T KNOW! IT WAS JUST A COUPLE PILLS, I SWEAR!” Alexa bawled.
Dr Lindsay was looking at the monitors the whole time Nancy and Alexa were talking, and didn’t like what she was seeing. The doctor saw a narrow QRS complex and a short RP interval. Given these findings, combined with the 185bpm heart rate, Lindsay determined Alexa was experiencing something known as junctional ectopic tachycardia- a form of v-tach that needs to be electrically cardioverted in order to restore normal cardiac activity. Lindsay got Nancy’s attention. “hey Nance. We’re gonna have to cardiovert her. Let’s get the pads on her.” Lindsay commanded. Nancy then started to get the defib pads set up. While that was going on, Lindsay tried to explain what was going on. “Alexa? Your heart is beating in a very dangerous rhythm right now. In order to fix it, we have to give you a quick shock from the defibrillator pads. It’ll feel a little uncomfortable, but it’ll be over with before you know it.” Lindsay explained. “WHAT? NO. NO WAY. NO SHOCK.” Resisted Alexa. “I’m sorry. If there was a more comfortable way, believe me, we’d do that. But unfortunately this is the only way to go here.” Doctor Lindsay reasoned. Alexa didn’t respond to Lindsay. All she did was cry for a moment. “I’m so scared… what’s happening to me?...” She finally asked. “We’re trying to get to the bottom of that. I just need you to stay still and stay calm for me.” Lindsay calmly answered.
Nurse Nancy stuck the defib pads onto Alexa’s chest. “Ok Nancy, let’s charge to 100.” Lindsay ordered. The electric whirring of the defibs charging could be heard. “No… no…no…” the patient uttered under her breath, knowing the shock was about to come. Finally the defibs were ready. “Alexa? We’re gonna shock you now, ok?” Lindsay told the patient. “no! Don’t shock me… nonono!” She begged, her eyes wide with fear. But Lindsay, Nancy, and the rest of the team had a job to do. The shock button was hit, and the shock was delivered. “AHHH!” Alexa screamed, one hand clenching her chest. The team paused for a moment, studying the monitors, hoping the desired change had taken place. Even after a good 30 seconds, the arrhythmia failed to dissipate, so Alexa had to be shocked again. “Alexa? We’re gonna have to shock you again.” The doctor informed Alexa, which was responded to with the same crying and protests as before. The defibs were recharged to 100j, and shock #2 was delivered. “ohhh….” Alexa moaned. Again, the team waited post-shock, and again, there was no change. Because of that, Lindsay decided to shock Alexa at a slightly stronger intensity to hopefully achieve better results. The defib pads were readied, and a 150j shock was delivered. Alexa’s body tensed up in response. She winced in pain, continuing to cry. The third shock didn’t do the trick, but perhaps the fourth time’s the charm? Alexa could hear the pads charging up again, and it freaked her out. “No more! No more!” she begged, wanting the nightmare to end. “AHHH!” she let out a loud, blood curdling scream in response to the fourth shock.
Even after the fourth shock, the arrhythmia was the clear winner of the battle up to that point. Lindsay stepped up her game, administering a 200j shock. “OWW!” Alexa yelled, tears streaming down her face. “NO MORE! NO MORE SHOCKS!” Alexa begged, hearing the defibs recharging. Another 200j shock followed. Alexa’s torso shot forward, and her arms tensed up for a moment, her hands moving towards the middle of her body. With no change whatsoever, the process was repeated, except the ensuing shock was 250j. Alexa moaned and cried in response, but the arrhythmia was stubborn, appearing to be there for the long haul. The defib pads were readied another go of it, but that time at 300j- triple the strength of the very first shock Alexa received. “AHHH!” Screamed the cute, tatted up patient. “NO MORE. NO MORE… I’M SO SCARED…” Alexa pleaded with her caretakers, who seemed almost like torturers in that moment. Another 300j shock was subsequently delivered, the patient bawling and hyperventilating in response. “I DON’T WANNA DIE… I DON’T WANNA DIE…” A terrified Alexa stated post-shock to anyone within earshot. But once again, the deadly arrhythmia hadn’t gone anywhere. The team recharged the defibs to 360 to combat the form of tachycardia, promptly delivering the next shock. The agony of the shock caused Alexa’s toes to scrunch up hard at the end of the table, showing off the bright white nail polish on her toes, along with the deep, wavy, silky wrinkles throughout the soles of her tiny size 5.5 feet. “PLEASE… NO MORE… NO MORE… I DON’T WANNA DIE…” She sobbed loudly, practically begging for her life. Even the maximum strength of the defibrillator shock couldn’t correct the problem. The defibs were yet again charged to 360j, and the next shock was delivered, everyone hoping for a change. “Oh….” Alexa moaned softly, wincing in pain, her body tensing up and shivering for a moment.
Following the second 360j shock, Alexa’s condition changed. Her eyes opened wide. She gasped for air. She clenched her chest, the palms of her hands feeling her heart race. At the far end of the table, she was fidgeting around with her feet, moving them side to side a bit. “Alexa? Sweetie?” Asked Nancy, alarmed by the noticeable change. Suddenly, Alexa’s hands dropped from her chest, falling limp to her sides. Her cries stopped. Her yelling and moaning stopped. Her gasping stopped. Her fidgeting stopped. But most importantly, her heart stopped.
Alexa laid there completely motionless, her eyes still wide open, her mouth agape. A look of absolute terror still etched on her face. Nancy knew what she was seeing- it wasn’t the veteran ER nurse’s first death stare. “Alexa? Hunny?” Nancy asked, doing a firm sternal rub on the 22 year old. Alexa laid there, her limp body barely reacting to the hearty sternal rub. “ALEXA?” Shouted Nancy, her level of concern growing exponentially. Again, Alexa just laid there, taking the hard sternal rub like it was nothing.
Dr Lindsay stood a short distance away, two of the fingers from her gloved hand were on the side of Alexa’s neck, hoping and praying to feel something. Lindsay pinched her lips for a second. “nothing.” The doctor remarked. Nancy and Lindsay’s eyes shifted over to the monitors, trying to see what they were up against. “Crap. Looks like v-fib. Lower the bed and start compressions, Nance.” Lindsay ordered.
The bed was lowered, and Nancy snipped off Alexa’s black bra, tossing it to the side, her hard, pierced nipples now exposed to the room full of strangers. Nancy placed the heel of her gloved hand on the middle of Alexa’s chest. She took her other hand, placed it on top of the other, and interlocked her fingers. Nancy kept her elbows straight, and began pushing down hard and fast. At the head of the bed, Dr Lindsay made the decisive move to intubate the young, tatted up patient for the sake of airway management. A 7.0 ET tube was carefully navigated into Alexa’s airway. Once at the correct depth and location, Lindsay began securing the tube with a blue tube holder. The holder occupied a good portion of Alexa’s lower face and mouth area. Alexa’s eyes were still wide open, staring helplessly above, almost appearing as if she was watching Dr Lindsay intubate her.
After Lindsay completed the intubation, nurse Heather swapped into Lindsay’s place to ambu bag. Heather gently squeezed the light blue bag every few seconds or so, providing much needed air to the poor soul laid out on the table. A short distance away, Nancy was finishing up a cycle of chest compressions. Alexa’s chest caved in deep. Her belly rippled outwards. One arm dangled off the side of the table, tapping along with the rhythm of the chest compressions being received. Alexa’s head bobbed and lolled in sync with each individual compression, while her feet swayed gently at the opposite end of the table. When Nancy finished the cycle of CPR, the team had decided to shock Alexa again.
The defib pads were once again put to use. A 300j shock was then sent into the poor girl. Alexa’s chest shot up dramatically, her back arching, her upper body plopping back down ungracefully within a few seconds. The shock did absolutely nothing, so it was time to deliver a 360j shock. Alexa let out a gasp, her body twitching violently for just a moment as the electricity darted through her body. V-fib persevered, so Alexa was zapped again. She gasped once more, her torso and upper extremities shivering. No change was noted afterwards, and the process was repeated. The next shock tossed Alexa’s petite body around on the table effortlessly. No time was wasted, so she was hit with the pads again. The next shock caused Alexa’s feet to leap up above the table and crash back down hard, showcasing her pretty, wrinkly soles once more. Like all the other shocks prior, nothing changed.
More and more time passed by the trio of caretakers, each minute seemingly passing by faster than the last. The team struggled to achieve what they had hoped, but kept fighting on for a bit, reluctant to give up on the beautiful young patient. They opted to shock Alexa again. And again. And again. AND AGAIN. They followed that up with numerous cycles of CPR. They pushed various medications into her IV line. But even after everything, v-fib stood victorious. At the 28 minute mark of the code, it was noted that Alexa’s pupils were fixed and dilated.
Given the prolonged downtime, blown pupils, maximum dose of drugs, and many failed defib shocks, our crew appeared to have exhausted all possible efforts. “Hold compressions.” Dr Lindsay barked. Nancy stopped CPR, then took a few steps back away from the table. Heather knew what was coming next, and detached the ambu bag from the breathing tube. Lindsay peeled her gloves off and looked at the clock on the back left wall of the room. “Time of death, 12 midnight exactly. Way to start off the day…” Lindsay huffed, feeling defeated. “what a shame...” Nancy shook her head.
Just like that, everyone had to shift gears. The chirping, beeping, alarming monitors that still showed v-fib were switched off. The EKG electrodes were disconnected from the girl’s chest. The IV lines were taken out. The defib pads were peeled off. While basic postmortem care was going on, Alexa just laid there, her eyes still wide open. The detached ET tube and blue holder remained in place, a horrified gaze still on her face. At the opposite end of the table, a toe tag was filled out and placed. The tag hung from the big toe of her left foot, dangling against the soft, undulated wrinkles that seemed to pop out from the soles of her small feet. Lastly, a cover was placed over Alexa’s body, covering up her bruised, battered chest, concealing the hauntingly beautiful gaze on her face.
What was supposed to be another fun night for Alexa turned out to be her last. The poor girl clearly didn’t know her own limits, and came across the wrong substance. Now Alexa laid toe tagged and under a sheet in our ER, becoming one of far too many drug casualties, showing just how fast it could all come to an end.
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doctorsawyer · 3 months
okay but what if you strapped me to an operating table and did whatever you want to me, what then?
(an anonymous mutual of yours)
I love my mutuals so much ♥️
First, I would take you out for coffee, and I'd pay and make sure that your sedative dose was correct before bringing you your drink.
Once you've started slurring, I'd carry you back to my car where you'd be safely buckled in the back seat.
After a long nap, you'd wake up at my clinic, restrained on my operating table, burning lights on your naked body.
Because we're mutuals, I'd brush the hair off of your sweating face, out of your eyes; I wouldn't want you to miss a thing.
Maybe you'd recognize my icy blue eyes, but you wouldn't see the smirk behind my black mask. I know you'd wonder how I finally convinced you to be my next experiment, a plaything to satisfy my sadistic idiosyncrasies. You thought you said no to my generous offer.
Nevertheless, I wanted access to YOU. Every part of you.
You wouldn't flinch as I insert an IV cannula into your inner elbow, into your antecubital vein. You've done this before, had blood-work done, had saline flow through your body...
And I would need an access site on the other side... and both hands, of course.
You'd cry out after I inserted a thicker tube into the vein running down your neck, your eyes would water and my smile would grow tenfold.
And how you'd thrash helplessly as I held your forehead down and inserted a nasogastric tube through your nostril, down your esophagus, and into your stomach... How you'd cough and writhe as you felt it running down the back of your throat.
I would listen to you try to plead, hang onto every word, as I saturate your neck and chest with iodine. The fear in your words would assure me that I'm doing the right thing... We both need this.
The intraosseous drill would be lined up at the top of your ribcage, a gentle hum coming from my special tool.
"Shhh, hold still, dear mutual. This one goes through the bone and into the marrow. Calm down, now. We both know I need this. You know this is important to me."
I would never ruin this for us; the drill would break through and the cannula would stay inside of your chest, the bone marrow giving in to the intrusion. Everything would be perfect... beautiful.
And I would be able to feed you, and give you fluids and medications, poking your skin and playing with my new favorite mutual for as long as I please.
You would need to void, eventually. A urethral catheter would be placed, the tube weaving its way into your bladder.
"How long!?", you would ask me, beg me, breathlessly, desperate to be away from the pain, the torture...
I'd pull a small rod off of the burner, holding you down as I brand my initials into your ribcage.
"Forever and ever, anonymous mutual"
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silvercap · 21 days
"it’s okay, you can touch me, i won't break" involving Leon in a hospital bed?
Ahhh yes okay I see the vision!!
Punctured lung. Severe concussion. Broken fingers, shattered elbow, the sling over Leon's chest holding his entire left arm stiff and unmoving. Chipped tooth. Contusion after contusion and laceration after laceration that leave Leon's skin a swollen shade of purple-red, the sterile white of bandages and gauze interspersed with bruises on every spare inch of Leon's skin that Chris can see. His lip is split, left eye swollen shut and almost black, blood still crusted around a nostril from where it'd been broken during the constant beatings. There's a butterfly strip on his forehead, two more on his cheek. Hunnigan had told Chris that it was meant to be a solo mission to somewhere relatively calm and simple, but the list of Leon's resulting injuries is so extensive that Chris wants to punch whichever authority figure planned it out. No solo mission should require facing down an entire facility of armed men.
Leon's breaths wheeze on the inhale despite the oxygen cannula pressing gently into his nose, cracked lips parted slightly as he peers over at Chris with a slightly-cloudy blue eye, glassy with the painkillers feeding into his system from the bandaged IV site in the back of his hand. Chris wants so badly to reach out and cradle it, but they've stabilized Leon's wrist with a splint as well, and he's just... he's scared. It's terrifying, to see the aftermath of such suffering painted so brutally on Leon's skin, and Chris feels nausea rise in his stomach whenever he thinks about the possibility of causing him more agony. Even the nurses earlier had been unable to treat Leon without making him groan, an attempt to sit him farther upright leaving him panting for breath and beaded with sweat.
Leon seems so fragile like this, wounded and vulnerable. Chris hasn't ever seen him this badly injured before, and he feels like he can't breathe every time he goes over the medical chart in his mind. God, he wishes he'd been there to protect Leon, do more than just sit here watching.
"You can touch me, you know," Leon rasps into the silence, voice crackling and breathy. His lips quirk to the side in what Chris thinks is a sad attempt at a smile, looking more like a grimace than anything else. His brow furrows in concentration. "It's okay, I'm not going to break."
Chris swallows tightly, dampness pricking at his eyes. The look on Leon's face has turned to pure sorrow, guilty and pained, and Chris leans forward in his chair to hesitantly stroke over Leon's bangs with careful fingers, tucking them behind his ear. Leon's eyelid flutters shut, his hand shifting weakly atop the blanket to creep over towards the edge of the bed. Chris catches it securely in a broad palm, lifting it up to his lips to kiss the back of Leon's barked knuckles.
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
"I'm tough," Leon says softly, trying again for that agonized smile. "Takes more than a few brass knuckles to shatter me."
"Jesus." Chris can't help but sob, leaning forward to press a damp kiss to a relatively unbruised spot on Leon's cheek. "You really have a way of lightening the mood."
"What can I say," Leon croaks, head falling back against the pillows. His throat is just as purple as the rest of him, dark fingerprints pressed into the sides of his neck. Faint anger stirs under the distress, but Chris pushes it down in favor of cradling Leon's hand to his mouth again. This time, he doesn't let go. "I've always had a way with words."
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As a manufacturer of IV cannula fixators, Medilivescare Manufacturing plays a vital role in the medical industry. IV cannulas are essential tools for administering medication, fluids, and other treatments to patients, and our fixators help ensure that these devices remain in place and functioning properly.
In today's fast-paced healthcare environment, it's more important than ever to have reliable, high-quality medical products. our company's commitment to producing top-of-the-line IV cannula fixators helps healthcare professionals provide the best possible care for their patients.
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