thecartoon1st · 10 days
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Bandificer propaganda
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thecartoon1st · 10 days
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Providough and Twigthrix
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thecartoon1st · 10 days
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Acrid for the time being
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thecartoon1st · 24 days
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Brother, may I have some of Her gift?
No, Brother. I believe that She threw Her gift to me, Brother. To ME.
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thecartoon1st · 3 months
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I LOVE MITHRIXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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thecartoon1st · 5 months
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[FAZZ Ent. Incident report G-87]
Details: Starting at 12 AM after the show malfunction, the BEAR model nicknamed “Freddy” left its storage room, and entered parts and service before its scheduled repair session. Cameras in parts and service were looped, and after 3 hours and 27 minutes, Freddy left parts and service with a crudely constructed flamethrower in place of its right arm. Movement seemed rudimentary and brutish for several minutes before Freddy went into a full sprint, ransacking and destroying various areas around the pizzaplex. STAF units, along with the WOLF, BIRD and CROC models were attacked on sight, and various mechanical parts were stolen from the models. Cameras occasionally caught glimpses of a small boy inside of Freddy’s storage compartment, who stole various snacks, beverages and toys from the many vending machines and stands. Suspect directed Freddy’s flamethrower to scorch the wall, leaving the initials “GGY” before piloting Freddy out of the Pizzaplex. Freddy’s location tracker was put offline, and the suspect’s location remains a mystery.
The Superstar
Amateur Hijacker
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thecartoon1st · 5 months
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Passenger Details:
[Civilian Class]
Luggage and Equipment:
Passenger Boarded with a 2018 P-Series generic spacesuit rated for civilian travel and major vacuum resistance, along with Mk. 4 Lightspeed Boots, which were fitted with electrical auto-nullifiers until landing. Passenger was notified of the damage upon their visor, promptly began hyperventilating and was swiftly allowed onboard. Passenger also boarded with a model 1974 shotgun, and five “TOP-N” model drones. When questioned, the passenger stated they were for “emotional support.” Passenger was permitted to keep all five upon presenting medical records. Shotgun’s ammo was removed and the shotgun was placed in a secure holding area.
[Event PM1] Passenger went into a panic attack upon hearing the blast and alarms in loading bay 4A (see Event G1) and assaulted a Commando unit in this state, throwing them into a wall. Passenger was banned from nearing the loading bays until landing.
[Event PM2] Passenger seen unconsciously wandering through the ship, their hands positioned as if to hold a rifle. Passenger was awoken and escorted back to their cabin by one of the passenger’s drones.
The Pizza-man
Paranoid Unexpectancy
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thecartoon1st · 5 months
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Go little dude go!!!
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thecartoon1st · 5 months
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Anywho, hi friends, I am TheCartoon1st, I like Risk of Rain among other things but mostly just Risk of Rain. Here’s a few fairly recent pieces
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thecartoon1st · 5 months
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Hi I am here now :]
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