#itty bitty au
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sreppub · 2 months ago
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let the cats read
(humble fanart offering for @salparadiselost @jube-art and @spookyprime ‘s itty bitty au - ao3)
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my-gf-timothy-jackson-drake · 2 months ago
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rotating this au in my microwave, please give it a look and i'll toss myself in a dumpster because i went into the discord server being like "hey chat you should check out this au" and one of the AU's creators is in there.
@jube514 @salparadiselost @spookyprime
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jube-art · 1 month ago
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"what is your favorite part of the bitty?"
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brainrot-communis · 1 month ago
Weird looking cats
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The wretched beasts from the itty bitty au by @jube-art @salparadiselost and @spookyprime
i think they're so neat
drawings referenced for jason and tim
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salparadiselost · 2 months ago
In regards to the itty bitties, wasn’t it that “unsettling creachur” timby is considered incredibly beautiful by bittie standards? Extremely funny to me based on spooky’s art lol
Yeah, to the bitties Tim is like stunningly gorgeous. He’s a bombshell bitty, just absolutely perfect beautiful. Meanwhile, Dick is fugly, weird looking, so misshapen. Hit all the ugly sticks while falling outta the tree but everyone still loves him.
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thebekashow · 1 year ago
itty bitty critters :3
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literally might make this an au
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salty-rey · 2 years ago
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Itty Bitty
Sun and Moon would be Rudi's little moral support buddies throughout their shift.
Moon isn't too keen on being little, unable to swing on his cable or climb around the Daycare, but he's getting used to being small.
Sun embodies the chihuahua mentality, thinking he's still big and has authority.
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I'm having too much fun with this cute idea. Y'all distracting me from drawing the next part of my story!
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aceofspadesblog · 2 years ago
Itty Bitty AU Masterpost
Original Idea
Character Assignments: Stars’ Roles Nightmare’s Gang Other Characters Stars’ Bitties Bros
Backstory Ideas: Geno Killer Dust Horror Cross Lust
Written Chapters: Cross’ Backstory
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bciphergrl · 1 year ago
I'm gonna say the plot of the Itty Bitty AU along with showing a doodle of Max:
During one of Sam and Max fights against a criminal at the toy factory, Max gets hit by a ray and disappears. It was supposed to teleport him somewhere far away. But nope! Max has been shrunken in size and fell into a toy box that was meant to be delivered to the next city over. Now, it's up to him and his new human friend, Jess, to help him reunite with Sam and get him back to his normal size, while also fighting crime together along the way.
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sreppub · 2 months ago
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@salparadiselost awesome. my head and heart have so much more room for batfam Creatures
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my-gf-timothy-jackson-drake · 2 months ago
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he didn't just pop. he got seasoned
the itty bitty au by @jube514 @spookyprime and @salparadiselost
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bonus timby from the original sketch of that last panel
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jube-art · 1 year ago
I love Itty Bitty Tim’s design. Off-putting and haunting eyes little baby guy 🩵
he's such a guy
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salparadiselost · 1 month ago
Lol this is all the bitties with Clark. Clark *hates* it.
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brainrot-communis · 1 month ago
More cats !
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Jason caught stealing (reference) and the Titans Tower fight (bitty reanactment)
Creatures belong to @jube-art @salparadiselost and @spookyprime
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salparadiselost · 2 months ago
Thinking of the bitties as cats is making me think of all the naughty things they might do when they want bruce and clark to wake up in the morning. Mine start knocking things over, chewing on things they shouldn't, smacking my face and biting my chin hard.
The bitties aren’t… they aren’t untrained but they are unmannered. They are raised by Bruce Wayne who’s kinda just a untrained child himself. This Bruce is definitely more stable than a lot of Bruces(the power of having a pet to help cope with isolation and mental health issues) but I do think he lives in a big wealth bubble. Part of that bubble is him not giving a damn about how his pets act in public. After all, no one complains! (Who’s gonna complain to Bruce Wayne)
Because of this the bitties have some very bad habits. They nip, scratch, yell, make a mess, scream for attention and Bruce just thinks that’s normal behavior. They are remarkably sweet to him, but makes him a bit blind to how they treat others.
I always think of how Clark sees the bitties. To him, they are an exotic pet with no use. He grew up on a farm where animals had uses and slept outside. He can hardly fathom how Bruce tolerates them being inside and making messes and touching their creepy hands to everything. Plus on top of that, they are some of the only animals on earth that negate his kryptonian powers. For the first time in Clark’s life, he is experiencing what it is to have a pet that can nip and claw you. Sure he had Krypto but a dog bite it different than a cat bite, and the bitties will nip to get what they want. For the first time, he’s experiencing petting the Bitty nicely and then… sudden bite attack and bunny kicks!! Animals pouncing on your ankles! Bitties digging claws into his skin to climb up him. Not being able to hear them *at all* so their surprise attacks from above are actually surprising.
Both him and Bruce realise that Clark is actually startled very easily when he doesn’t hear something.
So yeah, Bruce is used to bad manners but Clark is the one fighting for his life out here. He’s really thinking very hard about whether his cute, goth boyfriend is worth being constantly sneak attacked by said boyfriend’s emotional support beasts.
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aceofspadesblog · 2 years ago
Cross’ Backstory - Itty Bitty AU
The cage was Cross’s entire world. It was where he ate, slept, existed. Sure, it may be a little small, but it was familiar. The cage was all he knew.
The lab wasn’t exactly comfortable, but it was quiet, and he was always safe and well-fed. Other bitties weren’t so lucky, the scientists said. Cross should be grateful he was born in the lab and chosen for this project. He was special. 
Being special was lonely. Cross was stuck in the cage all day every day with no one to talk to or play with. He just existed; bored and alone.
At one point, he’d had Zero and Xcellence for company. They were fun. At first. They were wild bitties; they’d had a life before the lab. And that made them so lively. Xcellence would shout at the doctors, calling them horrible names and demanding his release. Release from what? Cross would think. They were safe in there cages. The other bitty must not have known how lucky he was to be here.
Zero would squirm and bite whenever they pulled him out for a test. Cross wasn’t sure why. The tests were somewhat unpleasant, but at least then the doctors were paying attention to them. Why wouldn’t Zero want that? Maybe he was just uncomfortable outside his cage.
At first, the extra company was nice. They had stories from the outside world, experiences Cross couldn’t even imagine. But as time wore on, Xcellence got meaner and Zero got duller. Eventually, Cross couldn’t have a conversation with either of them. Xcellence would snap at him, and Zero wouldn’t respond, no matter what subject was brought up. It was like living with a demon and a zombie.
After a while, the scientists took the other bitties away. They never told Cross what happened to them. He was sure they were just trying to fix those temperament issues. Once Xcellence and Zero were back to there old selves, they would return.
They never did.
Cross sat in silence, day in and day out. The doctors murmured quietly to each other as they puzzled through all of there equations and experiments. Every once in a while, a machine might start up. Even rarer, they might pull Cross out of his cage for a test. 
One day, everything changed. 
People - lots of them - burst through the doors, shouting and stomping and throwing things around. They threw Cross’s cage around, too, into a loud car with flashing lights. 
There was a stranger in the front seat, but he didn’t talk. Just started driving, which jostled the cage all the more. When they’d gotten to wherever they were going, he grabbed the crate roughly, bustling through the halls of a busy building, full of people and computers and cages big enough to hold a normal-sized person.
Cross was there for a long time. At least, it felt like a long time. He’d never been outside the lab before, it felt like he was doing something wrong. Had these people stolen him? But the scientists had been right there when the strangers showed up... Cross wasn’t sure what was going on. 
He hadn’t seen any of the doctors since these new people had taken him from the lab. Some of the strangers talked to him, but there voices sounded weird. They were all high-pitched and sweet. They asked him questions about how he was feeling and offered him treats and tried to make him leave his cage. Cross was feeling lost and scared and confused, and he wasn’t hungry, and he did not want to leave his cage.
Maybe this was some sort of test? Maybe the scientists wanted to see how Cross reacted to stress or sudden change? But why go through the hassle of setting up this weird building just to create stress? And why bring in so many of these strangers who spoke weird? Cross didn’t know what to do, so he stuck with what he’d always done: sit in his cage and watch his surroundings. 
There was certainly a lot more to watch in this place. People were constantly coming and going, and talking to each other, and talking to those devices - phones, the scientists rarely used them - and typing away at the computers on there many desks. The entire building seemed to be full of desks. Desks and computers. 
It was much darker than the lab. And the lights were more yellow. In the lab, everything had been bright white and clinical and pristine. This place looked dingy and dirty in comparison. Especially the room Cross was in now. 
His crate was on a messy desk full of papers. Some of the scientists had desks in the lab, but theres had been more organized. Desks were where they did paperwork, and Cross wasn’t allowed near them because he’d be in the way. The tall skeleton without eyelights didn’t seem to think Cross was in the way. He just shoved a bunch of papers onto the floor and gently set the cage down.
This room seemed to belong to the skeleton. He talked on his phone and typed at his computer. Cross wasn’t sure why this skeleton needed his own room when everyone else shared one big room to do the exact same thing. Maybe he was in time-out?
This new skeleton was very forgetful. He kept leaving the cage door open. Cross didn’t want to make anyone angry by pointing out the mistake, so he just sat quietly in his crate, as usual.
The strange skeleton talked all day, and he asked Cross a lot of questions. Cross didn’t want to answer his questions, but he also didn’t want the scientists to get mad, so he answered everything he could. He was born in the lab. The scientists weren’t mean to him, they kept him safe. No, he didn’t usually leave his cage except for the tests. The doctors gave him tests. Sometimes they hurt, but not always.
The skeleton said his name was Reaper, and he was a police detective. Cross didn’t know what a police was, but Reaper said they made sure people followed the rules. And apparently the scientists weren’t following the rules, so Cross wasn’t allowed to go back to the lab. Reaper told Cross that a nice person was coming to pick him up in the morning. 
Cross wasn’t sure that he wanted to go with that person in the morning. Even if they were nice, they were still a stranger. 
When morning came, a new monster showed up to visit Reaper. He sat on the other side of Reaper’s desk while the eyelight-less skeleton pulled out some papers for the other to sign.
“This is him?” the stranger asked, gesturing to the cage. Reaper nodded.
The other monster studied Cross through the bars for a moment. Cross stared right back. He seemed to be a messy monster, covered in a dripping black liquid. It had even covered one of his eyelights. And four... limbs... protruded from his back.
“Is there a reason he’s in there?” the darker skeleton asked, and his voice sounded dangerous. It was the same tone the scientists used when Cross was breaking a rule. Had he done something wrong? Had he missed a test? Or maybe there was a different cage he was supposed to move to when he’d changed buildings? He hadn’t seen one...
Reaper shrugged. “He won’t come out, we weren’t gonna push it. But you can have at it if you want.”
The goopy skeleton pulled Cross’s cage into his lap. “Come on out,” he encouraged, holding out a hand by the door. 
Cross was torn. He usually wasn’t supposed to leave the cage, but this strange monster was encouraging it? Then again, nothing had been “usual” in the past day or so. A long time ago, when Cross was young, the doctors sometimes let him leave his crate as long as they held onto him. Maybe it was like that? Cross hesitantly stepped out of the cage and onto the stranger’s hand. 
“Hello, there,” the skeleton greeted. “My name is Nightmare. And you are?”
“Cross,” Cross mumbled.
"Nice to meet you, Cross. How would you like to come live with me?"
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