#its very hard tho!! like this is what ocs are FOR. this is playing dolls for grownups
asterdeer · 3 months
on my third attempt at a durge run and this time im going with my heart and angling for a lae’zel romance…………we’ll see if this one gets deleted before act 2 too. nb half orc with pink hair save me
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maybe-arts · 6 months
If you haven't done these for her yet, 🧃💫💥🪞🍒 for Chiffon?
tysm sack<3
🧃 (Juicebox) - What species are they? What’s their biology and physiology like? Do they differ in any way from a ‘typical’ member of their species?
Chiffon is half-Astral, half-Yarna! Yarna are the yarn inhabitants of Patchland, and since Patchland is, weirdly enough, more or less two-dimensional (don't think too hard about how that works), normally their bodies consist of an outline made of string. They gain third dimension in other worlds like Popstar (it was SUPER disorienting for Fluff and Chiffon at first), and in that case appear as three-dimensional figures/dolls made from balled-up yarn.
Chiffon appears normal in Patchland, like Kirby does, minus pair of wings she started growing recently. She didn't know why that was a thing (and Kirby explained it to her later), but after traveling to Popstar she found her answer. Turns out, half-Astrals will always look like regular True Astrals, with exception of various traits from their other parent's species. In Chiffon's case, she got Astral wings and pointy beak/teeth, but Yarna tail (and her father's eyebrows :D).
💫 (Shooting Star) - If they were to wish on a clockwork star, like Galactic Nova or Star Dream, what would they wish for?
She'd probably wish for adventure! Some sort of quest she can go out on, preferably with the team of her new friends. (Although I'd say she got more than she bargained for after getting kidnapped....)
💥 (Collision) - What’s your OC’s combat style like? Do they adhere to any particular code of honour or ethics in a fight, or are they totally unfettered by that sort of thing?
She's extremely mobile and evasive. Given that her main weapons are whip and rapier (both dexterity-based weapons and not very damaging), she has to rely on focusing on weak spots and sometimes play a little dirty. And that is despite being taught to fight properly as a princess.
That being said, she will not kick her opponent while they're down. She does have standards.
🪞 (Mirror) - What would their Mirror World counterpart be like? If they are a Mirror World counterpart, what traits of theirs are reflected? Do the two of them get along?
Okay, so in my Kirbyverse Mirror World is less of a magical dimension created by the mirror and more of an alternate "what if" dimension the access to which is tied to said mirror. The "what if" part is due to several notable events going differently from how they went in the "main" universe (i.e. Psychea started the mutiny instead of Galacta, Galacta was not sealed and instead turned to hunting down any and all traces of Dark Mind in an attempt to finish it off, Morpho avoids its duties as a reaper out of guilt and instead took a pupil ect).
That is to say that Shadow Kirby did not end up with Mirror Fluff (or Prince Seam, as he's known there) and never even met him. Instead, his partner of choice is Bobbin (Mirror Ribbon), who he actually started dating and married before Kirby did it with Fluff. The closest match to being Mirror Chiffon would be Velvet, Skirby and Bobbin's second daughter (first being Yume, who is closer to being mirror!Nova)
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She is MUCH younger than Chiffon, tho. She was born soon after Skirby and Bobbin taken in Yume, who in turn was born after Chiffon and Nova's kidnapping (it's a long story). One notable thing about her is her wings - since she's half-fairy, and fairies born as sprite fairies (looking somewhat similar to Navi and the like) before they pupate, Velvet was born with wings, as opposed to fledging later. She learned how to fly before walking even.
She's a timid girl, much less proactive than Chiffon. She'll be much more likely caught with books of magic when she'll grow up, probably enjoying goth witchery aesthetic, who knows ;P
🍒 (Cherry) - Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least?
Kirby is a no-brainer, since he's her dad. Same with Gooey, since he's a funny uncle figure!
Dedede and Meta are grandparents (plus Meta is swordplay teacher), so Chiffon likes being around them too <3
Surprising picks of getting along would be probably Daroach (cmon. he's just like all of those dashing phantom thief types from her favorite books!) and Mage Sisters (girls who kick ass and have magic!!)
The least likely to get along would be Dameta, actually (she's still afraid of Mirror World, and he's kinda mean).
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@gyubby99 I'm copying you.
What my OC's would think of the barbie movie.
Helluva/Hazbin: Aella- would take her son to the movie cause she thought it would be a funny lighthearted movie. Only to cry like 5 times, especially at the end of the movie when "What was I made for" started playing. Then she later goes home and pulls out all of her barbies from her garage.
Aponi- the speech got to her the first time and she tried really hard to hide the tears that spilled during it and during "What was I made for". Understands the overall on a major level.... sits for the next few days with a numb look on her face as she listens to "what was I made for"
Azzaria- "HA FUCK THE PATRIARCHY" and also "I'm kenough". She also buys lots of merch.
Becca- went to see it with Blitz and loona, only to cry at "What eas I made for" specifically when the childhood scenes are playing in the background because it einded her of her own childhood.
Cordelia- Gloria is her favorite character. Sings the entire soundtrack (badly) while also dancing. Later after she processes the movie, she cries, because she understood the pressure to be perfect.
Furcalor- favorite character is Barbie (Margot Robbie). She fumes at how misogynistic the men in the movie were. Even tho her color is yellow and gold, she wears full blow hot pink to the movie..
Linda "Bunny" Davis- "not all men are like that!" and "the movie is very anti men, and in this society it really shouldn't be!"
Roxxie- cries for weeks while constantly wearing pink.
TPOIF: Ella- cries through the whole movie while leaning on Eli.
Eli- holds ella as he watches the movie, understanding its about equality. Also buys "I am kenough" hoofies for him and ella so they can match.
Mia- wants to fight literally every man in the movie. Loreley has to hold her back.
Loreley- tears up, but doesn't say anything even though she needs to cry her eyes out.
Alistar- "*rolls his eyes as he talks to a misogynist about how they understood the movie wrong* its about equality, dipshit! The movie shows how if we treated men the same way, there would be a fucking UPROAR but yet we treat women like this." Would also wear an "I am kenough" hoodie.
Rosalyn- she LOVES Gloria. She went home and broke out all her old barbies to play with hope.
Eve- loves how they went about making the film and is obsessed with President barbie.
Alruna- smiles through the whole movie because of the amazing message it's trying to send.
Deena- she balls her fucking EYES out. She knows her sister would love the damn movie, and she understands How pressure feels.
Clare- tries to hide that she cries, but laughs through the whole movie every time a man is dragged through the mud.
Carol- fucking CRIES. because she had to grow up real fast when she got married to John, and she wasn't allowed her childhood anymore. She really needs a hug.
Jacob- likes it and likes Ken, but doesn't appreciate how Ken rose up against barbie. He wears pink not because his family made him, but because he wanted to be THAT dad. Bjys his family babies afterwards and makes sure his girls know how loved they are..
John- "ugh. Why would I see the barbie movie? Critics say it's all about WOMEN" (ps.my dad legit did this. He said that he didn't like the babrie movie cause people say Ken was "silenced" in the end. My dad has not seen the movie. I lost a bit of respect for my father after he said that tbh)
Eathan- buys a Ken doll afterwards, and buys Carol a doll that looks like her with a note that says "you were made to be the best woman in the universe, my love"
Hope- this girl cries her eyes out at the end. She then goes to play barbies with her mom.
Isaac- "oh I LOVE Margot Robbie!!!!"
Asher- too young to understand and laughs at all the jokes. Later asks why his sister and mom were crying.
Emily- tears up with a sad smile before leabing onto her mom, hugging her.
Other: Avianna- cries. Also laughs at how much men get dragged.
Frozenverse: Eirwen- glances continuously at her mom when "what was I made for" plays. She also starts to break down when after the movie, her mother hugs her and kisses her on the head murmuring "i love you so much, my little snow".
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
(OC's world)Ghost Town random canon things :
there's no law whatsoever (no matter how awful that sounds)
their king was called Akuma, who stepped down from his position and gave them this freedom
They were all from the underworld
there's little to no human around (duh)
if you want to be a noble, then that would have to be judged when they still live in the underworld (since the king would usually pick who's worthy to have such a title)
their town does not appear on the map as God's punishment
that's how they got their town's name from
she's a noble
she keeps everyone in line most of the time
she may be a human but she's stronger than majority of the people there(mostly bcs of her unique ability)
since she can create dolls and give them a life of their own, she have her very own army in case anyone tries anything unpleasant
kind of adopted kyo as her own child
have to keep everyone in line, esp Achlys and Lovis
while she does not hate them, she hoped they will tone down the problems they're causing
i mean, they're causing more problems than all of the townspeople! and there's only two of them!
if she's not keeping them in line, then she's actually really sweet
shes charming and always have a way with her words that would always make people swoon
also a noble
she hates humans but earns a big respect for dorothy
she likes to antagonize kyo so much bc they dont have emotions
got in trouble with dorothy a lot bcs of that
partner in crime with Lovis💪
when she's not antagonizing the town with Lovis, she'll turn into a bat and watch them from above to make sure nothing serious is happening
she may always play pranks and steal smth for shits and giggles but that doesn't mean she doesn't know when to be serious
she can and will beat some sense into someone if she have to
cheers Lovis up whenever he beats someone up but stepped in if it gets too serious
yelled at herself in the mirror for falling for a human once before getting over it and just accepted it
problem, she likes the former king, Akuma's lover
even tho akuma had long stepped down from his position, she still fears and respect him (everyone does)
carries Lovis around for fun
also hates human with a burning passion but learns to respect dorothy (the hard way may i add)
kind of scared of dorothy
there's probably a wanted poster of him and Achlys for antagonizing Kyo so much
also got into trouble with dorothy a lot
partner in crime with Achlys💪
he have quite the ill temper
look at him wrong? he beat them up. talk bad abt him? he beat them up. breathe a little too hard around him? he. beat. them. up.
also cheers Achlys up whenever and never stepped in just bcs he thinks its funny
he still have some morals dont worry‼️will beat people up if they wronged someone‼️
walked in on Achlys yelling at herself in the mirror once
he now knocks the door before entering her house
this is a secret but he have a soft spot for kids and does tricks for them, esp if they're having a bad day
he's not called a clown for nothing‼️
he kind if avoided circuses bcs he have some bad memories there
they're agender
as a zombie, they wont feel any emotions no matter what
well maybe if god suddenly said "take this /emotions/" then they might
but since that won't ever happen, then that's that
suprised they're even lowkey frustrated of achlys's and lovis's pranks to fish reactions out of them
really thankful of dorothy
doesn't really know what to do with life since they have no interest in anything but tried to fit in
like, they kept a garden bcs he saw someone do so
and then dorothy brought up the idea for them to become a florist since they're really good at taking care of flowers
guess whos the owner of a flower shop now⁉️
Random Townspeople:
whenever they saw Achlys and Lovis together, they silently prayed to nobody that it won't be them this time
they then saw their almighty Lady Dorothy on her way to beat them(Achlys and Lovis) up and starts worshipping the ground she walks on
Everyone knows Kyo and knows not to mess with them unless they want a group of dolls to go after them or maybe even Dorothy herself
sometimes when there's an unwelcomed guest, the shadows scared them away
or covered the whole town that gives the message to the unwelcomed guest to go away
speaking of shadows, you can see them in the alleyways‼️
they're usually shy tho so
they can take any form since they'rea literal shadow but preferred to take in the form of a human or animal
yes there are many more other monsters and dark and evil creatures around
im just too lazy to list them out
and bcs im not creative enough
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Love is Blind: Chapter 1
A/N:  Ok my lovelies, here’s chapter 1. Again, this is my first time posting on tumblr so be gentle with me.... I bruise easily lol. This is a slightly AU, Seth, Dean, Roman and Renee still end up with the WWE. I’ve tried doing as much research as possible when it comes to the blind community. Also the ‘Amanda’ character is supposed to be Amanda Palmer. If you haven’t heard of her you should check her out!! I tell you this because it pertains to the story. I’ll try my hardest to do weekly updates!! Please let me know if there are any mistakes!! I tried tagging everyone who asked!! If I missed you please lmk asap!! Enjoy!!
Seth Rollins x Blind OC
Word Count: 3000+
Warnings: Swearing, a small altercation, talk of parents fighting, talk of a parent leaving. 
Summary: Seth was Lily’s world, she was foolish enough to think that she was his. That is until he leaves her behind in pursuit of his dreams. What happens when fate throws them together again years after the heartache and tears? How can Lily see past the pain of the past when she can’t see at all?
“Are you sure you really wanna go to school here?!” Amanda asked as she helped Lily unpack the last of her boxes.
Lily couldn’t help but laugh at the whine in Amanda’s voice. “I’m very sure, not only does it have one of the best music programs but I also have a full ride scholarship so.... yeah Ms. Palmer, I’m staying.”
Amanda and Lily had been thick as thieves since the first grade when Amanda poured her chocolate milk on a second grader who had been picking on Lily.
“What about the area? It’s totally foreign to you! How will you learn it with out me?!”
“I’ll take daily walks, plus I have Siri.” She said holding up her iPhone.
“Ok... what about your classes?! Who will show you around?!”
“Nice try, the dean has already assigned someone to show me around. Next?”
Amanda was stumped, she wracked her brain for any and every excuse to keep her best friend from staying.
“Well.... what about me?! What the hell am I supposed to do without you?! Ya selfish piece of crap!!” She asked in desperation, hoping that good ol’ guilt would keep Lily by her side.
Giving Amanda a reassuring smile, she held out her hand. Amanda took the outstretched limb and was engulfed into a tight hug.
“I’ll miss you too, Mandy. Truth is, you’re going to do great things with your life!! I mean, you and Brian are gonna go far!! I can see it now, ‘The Dresden Dolls are the first music group to win 20 Grammies in one night!’ You’re gonna be famous!” Lily proclaimed as she held Amanda. Her smile faltered when she heard the unmistakable sound of sniffing.
“Oh Manda-Bear, please don’t cry! I’m only a call away!”
“I know but it’s not the same... I know that it seems like I take care of you a lot but in reality you’ve always had my back! How will I survive without my Lily-Pad?”
By now both girls were blubbering messes when Lily’s phone went off. She quickly cleared her throat and answered.
“Hello?” She asked, proud that her voice didn’t break.
“Hi, Lily Adams?”
“Speaking, may I ask who’s calling?”
“Of course! I’m Renee Young, I’ve been assigned to be your campus guide for the next few days.” Lily let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She was relieved that the voice on the other end sounded cheerful and sincere.
“Oh yes, hi! Thank you for taking the time to help me out. I promise I’m a fast learner so you won’t have to worry about spending too much time with me!”
Amanda reached over and gave Lily a firm pinch on her arm.
“Are you ok?!” Renee asked, slightly worried.
The red head scowled at her friend, well tried to at least. “I’m fine, just stubbed my toe.” She quickly answered while flipping Amanda the bird.  
“Stop thinking you’re a burden!” Amanda whisper yelled.
“Oh sorry about that. Ok, Dean Anderson already gave me your address so I’ll swing by your place tomorrow morning around 9am to pick you up and start the tour! I’ll take you to where all your classes will be, the best hangouts and show you all the sights- er, sorry I mean, um”
“That sounds great! I’m so excited, thank you so much!” Lily answered trying to reassure Renee that there was no harm done.
“Ok, I’ll call you tomorrow before I pick you up! See you, I mean, talk to you then! Bye!!”
Lily laughed, she could’ve sworn she heard Renee cuss before hanging up.
“Let me guess, she said something she felt was totally insensitive and started freaking out?” Amanda piped in once Lily set her phone down. She could hear the sarcasm dripping from her friends mouth.
“Be nice, it’s not everyday people meet someone like me. She was just trying to be polite. Now, what are the chances of you helping me decorate?”
“Hmm... buy me pizza and a beer and I’ll be your very own Martha Stewart!”
About two pizzas and four and a half beers later Lily and Amanda had almost everything put in its place, there was just one last detail.
“Do you remember when you got that?” Amanda asked as she watched Lily open the last box and gently run her fingers over the old keyboard.
“Of course, it’s one of my favorite memories. I scraped and saved for months only to have you surprise me by buying it for my birthday.” She smiled at the memory as she pulled it out while Amanda assembled the stand and small bench that came with it.
“It’s gonna be weird not having you play for me on stage anymore.” Amanda said with a sigh. Lily hugged her for the hundredth time that night.
“I know but you’re just as good at playing the piano as I am if not better. Plus people totally dig an artist who can sing and play at the same time!! I mean, Elton John does it and the audience eats that shit up!”
“I do like Sir Elton.” Amanda said earning a giggle from Lily.
They settled on Lily’s bed and spent the remainder of the night talking until sleep inevitably took them both.
“Well, I guess this is it.” Amanda said trying hard not to cry.
“Oh my gosh, I’m not dying, we’ll see each other again!!”
The two girls held each other for what felt like an eternity.
“Ugh, ok, I’ve got a flight to catch and you’ve got a campus tour in an hour!! Scoot that cute tush back to your room. I’ve already laid out an outfit for you, complete with your favorite pair of aviators and I placed your cane right next to your clothes!”
“You spoil me too much. Thank you so much tho! I love you so m-much. Damn it!! I almost made it through th-that with out crying.” Lily said as she felt the dam begin to break. She felt Amanda run her thumbs on her cheeks wiping the tears away.
“I love you too, baby cakes.” Amanda began to walk away but turned abruptly and cupped Lily’s cheeks and whispered “Remember, you’re not just a blind girl, you’re an amazing badass who doesn’t take shit from anyone! Say it!”
“I’m a badass.” Lily mumbled.
“I’m a badass!”
“Come again?”
“I’M A BADASS!!!” She yelled out, praying that her neighbors didn’t hear her.
“Hell yeah you are!”
With that Amanda kissed her on the forehead and went on her way. Lily counted the steps as she heard her best friend walk out of her new home. Before she could become a sobbing mess she heard her phone ringing.
“Hi Lily, it’s Renee, just calling to let you know that I’ll be there in about 45 minutes.”
“Perfect, thank you again!!”
“No problem!! Bye!”
Grateful for the distraction, Lily sprang into action, quickly throwing on her clothes and aviators. With one hand she ran her fingers through her hair while the other felt around for her cane. Just as she straightened it out she heard a knock at the door.
“Coming!” She shouted as she felt for her phone and purse. “Ok Lily, you can do this, twenty one steps from your room to the door.”
Opening the front door to her apartment she was greeted with a soft sent of a sweet floral perfume.
“Hi!! I’m Renee!” She said eagerly stretching her hand out, rolling her eyes when she realized that Lily couldn’t see her gesture and gently took her hand giving it a friendly shake.
“Nice to finally meet you!” Lily said with an excited smile.
“Same here, shall we?”
By the end of the tour Renee and Lily had talked a lot and formed a friendship in no time. Renee transferred here from Canada and was majoring in journalism. She was currently in a relationship with one of the students on the wrestling team named Dean Ambrose. They walked arm in arm towards the final stop of the day.
“And this is where you’ll most likely be spending a lot of your time.” Renee said as she led Lily to the music department. There she showed her all of the practice rooms, the majority of them equipped with pianos.
“I can’t thank you enough for showing me around! I’ve had so much fun!” Lily said giving Renee’s arm a gentle squeeze.
“Oh, it’s no problem at all! I had fun to-HEY!” Lily gasped as she felt Renee’s arm being pulled from her grasp.
“Well, well, well,” said a deep, raspy voice “what do we have here?” Lily began to panic, it was bad enough that she couldn’t see what was happening, but she hated feeling useless! She frantically reached into her purse and pulled out her cane. She had put it in there once Renee took her arm. Before she could start swinging aimlessly, she heard Renee giggling.
“Damn it Dean! You scared the hell outta me!”
“I’m sorry doll, but you know I can’t resist sweeping you off your feet.” He chuckled.
Calming her breathing and lowering her cane, Lily began to notice the details about Dean. He smelt like leather and cigarettes with a subtle hint of soap, telling her nose that he had just recently showered. She was brought out of her thoughts by the sound of them kissing. She scrunched her nose and giggled before she could stifle it.
Renee quickly pulled away from Dean.
“Sorry, Lily, this is my boyfriend Dean, Dean meet Lily! She’s starting here this semester!”
Dean looked Lily over, taking notice of her sunglasses and cane. Putting two and two together he reached for her hand, giving it a quick shake. Lily smiled, shaking his hand back as she felt the calluses on his hand.
“Welcome darlin’. “
“Thanks, nice to meet you. Renee told me you’re a wrestler?”
“Yes ma’am, you a fan?” He asked while Renee gently elbowed him.
“Ouch, what was that for?” He asked totally, missing Renee’s hand signals trying to quiet him.
‘She can’t see, why would she be a fan of wrestling?’ She mouthed.
Lily, sensing the awkwardness, spoke up in hopes of easing the tension.
“I am actually.”
If she wasn’t blind, she’d see both their heads snap in her direction, mouths agape. After a few seconds, Dean finally broke the silence.
“I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but how exactly? I mean it’s kind of a watching sport.”
“Well, believe it or not, each move has a distinct sound. My mom and I used to watch wrestling on tv together. My best friend Amanda and I also frequented the local indie circuit back home. She’d give me a play by play but most of the time I knew what was happening.”
“Well, hell darlin’, you should come check us out sometime!!” Dean bellowed as he wrapped his arm around Lily’s shoulders.
“Oh my gosh, that would be so fun!” Renee said, her voice laced with excitement, “You’d have so much fun!”
Just as she was about to answer, Lily’s stomach let out a growl that could put King-Kong to shame. She felt a blush slowly creep up her neck and spread to her face.
“Damn Renee, I think someone’s hungry.”
It was only then that both girls realized they hadn’t stopped for lunch and it was as nearly 6pm.
“Ok, I think now would be the best time to show you the cafeteria.” Renee said with a laugh.
“That’d be awesome.” Lily said just as her stomach decided to make itself heard again. Assuming Renee would want to hold Dean’s hand, Lily opted to use her cane instead of relying on Renee’s arm.
As the three of them made their way to the cafeteria, Lily heard a new set of footsteps accompanied with a scent of smooth cologne.
“Thanks for leaving without me, Uce.” said an unbelievably deep voice.
“Sorry Ro, I was helping the little lady escort Lily here to the cafeteria. Lily, this is Roman, he sounds like a bear but deep down he’s a gentle giant.”
Lily turned in the direction of Roman’s voice, hoping to shake his hand, but was stopped short when she felt her cane snag something... or rather someone.
“What the fu-“ this person said followed by a thud. Lily couldn’t help but flinch and cringe a bit knowing that she was the cause of someone getting hurt.
“I am so sorry!” She said quickly trying to feel for whoever she almost took out. Her hands landed on a well toned bicep as well as an intoxicating scent of aftershave and sweat. Before she could help whoever it was up she felt them shake off her hands and heard an irritated growl.
“Get the hell off me!” He said angrily.
Lily felt her eyes water. ‘Way to go Lily, making a great first impression...’ she mentally scolded herself.
“Easy Seth, it was an accident man.” Roman said as he reached down to help his friend up, trying his best to keep his temper in check when Seth slapped his hand away.
“Right.”  He said as he dusted himself off, turning towards Lily as he spoke.
“Why don’t you watch where you’re going next time?” He seethed. Dean, Roman and Renee all tensed at his poor choice of words. It wasn’t his fault tho, he hadn’t known that Lily was blind.
“Believe me, I wish I could.” She said with a sad smile.
Sensing that Seth was about to say something hurtful, Dean quickly got his attention, unceremoniously placed his hands over his eyes while shaking his head ‘no’ trying his hardest to signal to his friend that Lily couldn’t see. Of course Seth, being the hot head that he was, just shook his head muttering a ‘whatever’ and walked away.
Lily bit her bottom lip, in a desperate attempt to stop it from quivering, when she felt a large hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry about him baby girl,” Roman said gently “he’s just pissed off because coach gave him a hard time today.”
Renee rolled her eyes saying “Please, he’s always in a bad mood. Are you ok Lily?” She asked, coming to Lily’s side and hugging her.
Not trusting her voice, she simply nodded and allowed Roman to lead her into the cafeteria.
Having lost her appetite she just moved her food around with her fork.
As she sat with her new three friends, they took the opportunity to study her, she wasn’t that tall, maybe 5’3”, deep red hair and ivory skin. She was a petite little thing. Roman, having enough of this awkward silence, spoke up. “So Lily, tell us about yourself.”
“Oh, well, I graduated from high school about two years ago and took time off to play for my friend Amanda. She’s a singer trying to get her music career started. Have you ever heard of the Dresden Dolls?” She asked. It was a long shot but you never know.
“No.” Both Dean and Roman answered in almost perfect unison.
“I have!” Renee almost yelled “Do they sing Coin Operated Boy?!”
Lily almost choked on her soda. She couldn’t believe that someone knew of them!
“Yes!! I played the piano on that track! What a small world!”
“That’s awesome!” Renee exclaimed, “where did you learn to play?”
“I started when I was about 6, my mom said I needed a distraction after my- I mean...” Lily cleared her throat and started chugging her drink.
Dean, having no tact at all, took it upon himself to ask what no one else would.
“After What darlin’?”
Lily sighed, it was going to come out any way, might as well be now.
“After my dad left us. He didn’t like the fact that he was trapped with a ‘defective’ daughter so he took off with his 21 year old secretary, but not before having a huge screaming match with my mom. That’s one of the downsides of being blind, your other senses are heightened so I heard every word.”
A bastard tear fell down her cheek as she recalled the painful memory. She reached up to wipe it away but was beaten by Roman’s thumb.
“It’s his loss baby girl. He’s a fool for leaving you and your mom.”
“Thanks, um so. What about you guys?” She asked, changing the subject, “what do you guys look like?”
She learned that Dean was 6’4”, Caucasian, blue eyes, well built, with dirty blonde hair, Renee was just a few inches taller than Lily, hazel eyes, fair skinned as well with light blonde hair and Roman was 6’3”, Samoan, tan skin, brown eyes, long dark brown hair, and (according to Dean) was built like an Adonis.
“Wow, you all sound like you could be models!”
“Well, darlin’, when you’re rockin’ next to nothin’ when wrestling, you gotta look good.” Dean said as Roman laughed in agreement.
“You should come to one of our shows! It’d be fun!” Dean said, scooping the last of his chowder into his mouth.
“Maybe one day!” Lily said yawning. “Renee, I’m so sorry but would you mind taking me back to my place? I’m still a little jet lagged.”
“Of course!”
Roman helped Lily outta her seat and the four of them left. They said their goodbyes and Lily made her way up to her apartment.
“Alexa, play messages.” Lily called out as she threw her keys and purse on the table.
“You have one new message from Manda-Bear:
‘Hey Lily-Pad, just wanted to let you know that I made it back safely and I miss you already. You had better call me when you wake up and tell me all about your day or so help me I’ll jump back on a plane and come kick your adorable ass!! I love you... call me!!’
Lily smiled and made a mental note to call Amanda in the morning. She couldn’t help but feel completely alone at the moment. Not to mention she couldn’t believe that she hadn’t even been on campus for a full 24 hours and already she made a fool of herself. One thing was for sure, she was going to do her best to steer clear of this Seth guy.
“Alexa, what time is it?”
“It is 11:42pm”
Groaning she did the only thing that calmed her down when she was antsy. Sitting at the her keyboard she began playing the Moonlight Sanata. After 15 minutes of playing she was interrupted by someone pounding on her front door. She quickly ran to her door, not before grabbing her pocket knife, and swung open the door, stiffening when she was met with the same scent she smelt when she tripped Seth.
“Oh shit...” Seth mumbled under his breath.
“Can I help you?” Lily asked with a sigh.
“Yeah, I’m trying to sleep so could you keep the damn noise down?!” He said annoyed realizing that they were neighbors.
“I’m so sorry, I’ll do....” before she could finish she couldn’t help but hear Amanda’s words from earlier ‘you’re an amazing badass who doesn’t take shit from anyone’.
“Hello?!” He said, snapping his fingers in front of her face, a mistake on his part. With lightning speed, Lily grabbed his wrist and threw it back at him.
“Look,” She said pointing a finger at him, “I’m sorry about earlier and I’m sorry about the noise but you have no right to act like a prick! Now,” she took a deep breath, calming down “come in for a drink and we can start over.” Giving him her friendliest smile she moved out of the way to let him in.
A very stunned Seth stood there looking at her.  No one, let alone a woman, had ever spoken to him like that. It didn’t sit well with him. Not one bit.
“No thanks, I’ve got an early class.” And with that he retreated back to his apartment.
Embarrassed, she shut her door and went beck to her room. She wanted to be mad, she really did but being blind had its advantages. She depended greatly on her hearing when having conversations to pick up on social cues. She sensed something deeper in Seth’s voice, something he tried desperately to hide: insecurity. To everyone else he portrayed himself as a cocky athlete who was God’s gift to women, but Lily could hear past that. As she laid down she couldn’t help but feel an infatuation with him. She knew what it was like to pretend to be strong on the outside while vulnerable on the inside. Smiling to herself she decided that instead of avoiding him, she’d make it her goal to befriend him and lift him up. She closed her eyes and welcomed a dreamless sleep, excited for the new day.
@haven-raven012591 @wrestlingfae @calwitch @neversatisfiedgirl @lost-in-the-stories
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elzariel · 6 years
I think I accidentally, by the power of anime, came by an idea on how to help my struggles with the Brownie Problem.
If I can’t figure something out on my own, its time to ask help from someone else. (might even be the reason why I’m not getting anywhere, is because I’m being lightly cursed by a certain someone to not get anywhere out of spite)
If you don’t wanna read anything oogie-boogie or paranormal/supernatural, you’re allowed to skip this! For anyone else interested in it (and dolls tbh), read on!
So, I was finishing Konohanatei, since I didn’t feel like doing much and one of the episodes talks about how a doll’s whole purpose is to be played with, and how their life ends when their owner finds something more interesting to do.
And this got me thinking. I might be being cursed with the whole Brownie Problem.
The whole problem is that I don’t wanna buy dolls anymore until I have a specific OC in mind who fits the whole deal, someone who I won’t regret later if I lose interest in the OC or if it doesn’t work as a doll. I’v gone through several now where it just didn’t work out. Either the mold didn’t fit at all, I couldn’t make the mods I wanted, the doll was too big to play with or too small (trust me its been a long journey) Only one doll has been around this whole time, more because I hit the jackpot with her. Her mold is perfect, the body-type is super cute, she’s just all in all the perfect BJD for my liking. Yes, she’s tiny. Yes, I absolutely loathe making yo-sd sized clothing, but alas, I can deal, when I have everything else going. But I’v been in  one of my moods were I wasn’t really into BJD for a while again, or more, I didn’t have much cash to spend AND didn’t feel like dolls for a while. The Brownie Problem exists because I want a smart doll. Not only because I’v wanted a silicon doll for a while, but also because the whole concept intrigues me greatly. To a point where I cannot wait for the company to go forward with their fully robotized 1/2 sized version! Chobits might not have been the best written series ever, but it had the right idea! The creator of Smart Doll even talks about giving the doll a tazer to protect your home. He has some ideas and I support them all! But I just didn’t feel like an existing OC would fit a mold I’d want from a doll. Like, yeah, I have SO MANY, but none of them works as a “doll”, in a sense where none of my OCs are the kind that works with “playability”, dressing up etc. They have so varying styles and color schemes and fashion that none really would keep be interested for long. I’v tried. Even Shiro in her cute fashion style just doesn’t really work. She’s too mature. The current reigning champion only works because she’s specifically a chibified version of the actual OC. She’s literally a back-up copy of the OC, who is an Android. This doll is modeled to be that back-up copy used when the actual body is repaired or out of service, to let the person still not need to be comatosed. Therefore the cuteness WORKS.
Which brings in the suspicion I have, that I’m being put under a bit of an artistic-slump curse from a certain 27cm individual in my apartment, being angry she’s being ignored while I do research and planning for a new doll. Again. Like, this is literally the third time or so of me doing this, so I’m suspecting this might be very vexing. “How the fuck is a doll cursing you what are you nuts?” No, but I work on a principle from Japan, that says, that if an item “lives” for 100 years or is felt towards strongly, it can attain a soul. Well more like 100 years is a 100% soul attained status, but a doll is an empty husk that people give souls to. Therefore the fact I have an OC and a doll, makes me think this is the perfect situation to give an item power.
I have some proof, but its mostly me talking to myself and I don’t even really need others to agree with me, just saying that this is how I feel and this is why I feel so. A few years back I broke off one of her ears. She’s got the long ass elven whompers at the side of her head, so breaking one off was not a surprise. I found the piece too, clean cut, easy to glue. And after that I’d keep an eye on it. It’d come off every now and then and I’d reglue it. Until one time I couldn’t find the piece. I was so bummed. What to do? I contacted someone on the finnish bjd forum to ask if they could mold a copy from the other side of her head and they said yes! I paid about uhhh 40 bucks?? And got a new ear piece, albeit in white that fit perfectly. Except I found the missing piece about a week before I got the new one in. Sounds like bad luck right? Except I’d looked everywhere. Even in the spot I found it in. Back then I didn’t have cats either. Its like the piece just materialized out of nowhere. And its not like its small. Its a good sunflower seed sized pink piece. It is NOT hard to miss, even tho you’d think so. Also this isn’t anything new. Shit disappears and reappears in my apartments constantly. Usually, I look for it for a bit and then go “I’d like to ask the person who hid it return it, thank you.” and I find it a few days later. To anyone outside slavic countries or Finland, this sounds spooky and like there’s a poltergeist haunting me, but that’s not it. Its acting like a “home spirit” or a type of “elf”, tonttu. For Slavs, the term is domovoi. They’re spirits of the home, harmless but trickster like.
I’v had Marvina sitting in a box somewhere in the apartment for a while now, as I’v moved furniture and cleaned my desk several times, moving things. I have this nagging feeling at the back of my neck that she’s quite upset with me for this, because I also think she might be with her head detached, as I was doing something with her eyes the last time I had her around. I’m writing this mostly to myself, but also to sort of aknowledge my wrong-doing in treating something so important in a sort of wishy-washy way. I probably won’t feel like doing BJD stuff for a while still, its most always about a year of quiet and then back again, but I at least need to find my girl, dress her up (give her her fucking head back jesus) and let her sit by my desk again where she belongs, instead of a dusty bin somewhere.
now the question is WHICH BIN.
୧(    ☉ Д ☉)୨ 
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1trueelihym · 7 years
which bosses from Wario World are your favs? From best to worse.
OOH this is a very good question, i have thought about it before but not in depthfrom best to worst, first to last:
clown-a-round - oh my god i love this mfer, his fight is really fun goin across that tightrope while hangin on the glue globes n shit and his scary satanic heads he throws at you. i even named my clown blog after him lol
winter windster - this boy is ugly asf but i love him anyways. god i love the shit he does with his eyes (both when he mades wario vore him and when they basically pop outta his head). really fun hahaa
mean emcee - this boss is pretty interesting and this green fucker tries trickin you while hidin in those cups (it makes more sense when you play the game haha). i love punchin the shit out of him (another boss i named something after too, tho this time its one of my ocs)
dual dragon - oh my god i used to re-play this boss over and over as a kid, i always thought the dragons were so cute and i felt bad hitting them… that is until they burnt my big fat wario ass
dinomighty - another boss i loved to re-play as a kid. i just love the arena so much holy crap, and the design of dinomighty herself lol so derpy but i love her. and her EYESSS
brawl doll - okay baby dolls are usually a fear thanks to conker live and reloaded (seriously, baby doll enemies my dude?) but brawl doll is pretty fuckin cool and i love his sound effects, if that doesnt sound weird
sandworm - okay first of all the music. second of all, his sound effects (again). third of all, HIM FASTspideraticus - he kinda moves slowly so i kinda wish this boss was faster? otherwise, i love him and hes cute and also HIM SUCC 
red-brief j - HIS WALK CYCLE IS SO GOOD, but hes pretty boring and basic to fight honestly
greenfist - also a bit boring to fight. i do like how he speeds up, tho its kinda scary to me hahaa
ironsider - ehhh reminds me of a kirby boss, also that fucker in wind waker ya know? not reeeeeally that fun but not bad either!
captain skull - okay i fucking hate this asshole and i want to crash his ugly-ass boat in a volcano (even tho its already broken). his fight is okayyyyy, just not that memorable and i cried as a kid trying to beat him even tho he isnt that hard now (pls dont kill me!!!!)
black jewel - this is the final boss but… wow… kinda disappointing honestly? i heard in the pal version i think, it had extra phases right? (im too lazy to check) like WOW what the hell we get fucked over again and get a kinda boring boss. i love black jewel in general but he kinda takes too long and hes boring which does not mix well
thank you so much for the ask!!! and sorry its so long hahahaa i love to talk, especially if its about wario world ❤❤❤
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