#its truly my greatest trick in the book let me just *throws sketchbook at you*
s4m1-lamby123 · 7 months
I'm so pissed at you for making me attracted to the doctors. How and why?
(I'm a horomonal girl with the ability to draw old men)
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soft-for-them · 4 years
frumpkin ♡ caleb widogast x reader
Annon🪐: Hey!! I saw your post about writing for critical role and got so excited, always happy to have more writers! I'd love to see a Caleb x reader where he comforts the reader during a panic attack. I don't really have a preference as to headcanons vs one-shots, so whichever you’d prefer. Hope I didn't miss anything, thanks!
Anyone can read this, can be platonic or romantic, it’s based on my own panic attacks so sorry if it’s a bit specific, not proof read like usual.
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Panic attacks have always plagued your life, it’s a thing you have unfortunately learnt to live with.
You know all the breathing exercises and mind tricks to get you out of an attack but really all you ever want when you feel the nervous feeling of panic rile up in you is a friend to talk to. For trying to stop a panic attack by yourself never truly works. You always find that stopping a panic attack by yourself makes you feel down for the rest of the day.
When you were a teenager you had ran away from your home to the circus, taken in by the half elf Gustav Fletching. For the first couple of years you helped the circus folk set up tents and decorate, then you found your love for art (no matter how good or bad you are at it).
Many years later you still helped out with the big top but you had become a portrait artist getting extra money from the patrons that came to the shows.
When you were around twenty or so you had met Mollymauk Tealeaf and Yasha Nydoorin.
The blood hunter and barbarian had always had their own ways of calming you down before you could have a full on panic attack but neither of them have ever seen you have a proper one.
Molly is always the type of person who would tell you stories to try to get you to calm down and Yasha would always try and stay near you becoming a shoulder to cry on if need be. However, none of them have ever seen you pace up and down whilst tears stream down your face and your hands shake in absolute discomfort.
No, they have never seen you fully break down.
Your panic attacks have almost disappeared since joining the Mighty Nein, since your found family has grown bigger. Yeah, you miss the carnival but you now feel like you’re doing something with your life now that you’re on this journey.
The Nein and you have all be travelling, in between quests, the canopy of the forest lighting the squiggly path to the next town. Right now you are setting up you tent that looks like a mini high top, the happy memories of your carnival days flooding your brain.
The tent is big enough for three or four people, depending on how bulky someone is. Normally it’s you, Mollymauk and Yasha snuggled in the tent much like you’re used to.
With a good meal in you and the sun setting you take the first watch, watching the orange sun blending in with purple that the night sky brings.
Soon enough Fjord taps you on your shoulder telling you softly that you watch is up.
With a soft smile you give him a small hug and a hearty goodnight, wishing him a peaceful sleep. The tall half orc only splutters out a ‘You too, goodnight (y/n).’
You have developed a soft spot for the half orc. You hug him once more him now sitting down and you bending down to do so you say your finale goodnight.
It’s a short walk to your tent, it’s very hard to miss, the patched up striped reds and pokkadot patterns stand out even in the dimming lights of the night. With a long stretch, your arms raised above your head, you walk into the tent Molly already in his corner of the tent.
‘To bed this early?’ you muse as you take off your boots and light armour.
‘Need my beauty sleep.’ He jokes sipping on a little flask presumably of some strong alcohol.
‘Well sleeping does help with beauty sleep.’ You joke back as you like down in the middle of the tent, leaving a gap to you over side for Yasha or any other person who feels like sleeping inside your tent (though it’s always been you, Molly and Yasha inside the colourful tent.)
For a while the two of you talk, mostly on the subject of setting up Yasha and Beau up like the good friends you both are but soon the talk turns to who Molly might want to set you up with.
‘You fancy someone don’t you?’ he teases knowing full well that you do have a thing for someone in the Mighty Nein.
‘Shut up Molly!’ you mutter turning away from him and snuggling into your covers.
Your try to sleep but he keeps on talking.
‘Is it… Caleb, you two share a similar quiet and shy nature, though you actually wash.’
You ignore him.
‘Or Fjord? I think he likes you and your hugs?’
You cover you head with your blanket.
‘Oh, are you into one of the lovely women of the group, Jester has been spending a lot of time around you lately?’
‘Mollymauk Tealeaf I will smother you if you don’t let me sleep!’
The purple tiefling chuckles but drops the questing, allowing you to fall asleep.
You wake up in fear, cold sweat dripping down your neck and back, the white of your shirt surly soaked. Your eyes shift around quickly to the people sleeping soundly in your tent. Molly is were he was before, deep in his beauty sleep. However, you are now sandwiched in between him and Yasha.
She must have fished her shift for she is fast asleep stealing part of your blanket.
 Your breathing is laboured and you feel weak.
‘It was only a dream (y/n).’ you try to reason with yourself, sitting up and throwing the rest of your blanket onto Yasha.
Surely you can’t wake them up now, right?
The feeling you have is panic but you aren’t in a full blow panic attack yet, Molly and Yasha know what to do to calm you down. But they are asleep and you fear that if you wake any of them that they’d be angry with you.
They certainly won’t be angry with you but your brain says untrue things to you when your panicky.
First you try some breathing exercises.
They do not work.
You then try and search around for your sketchbook. Jester had drawn a cartoon of you and her in it that automatically makes you feel happy.
You can’t find the book in the dark.
You truly don’t want to wake up Molly or Yasha, you really don’t.
So, you scramble out of your tent, no shoes or coat, you just need to get out.
The cold early morning air hits you, the sun not even up yet but the moon low in the sky.
 When you had first met the Nein you had tried to get to know everyone, despite your more introverted nature compared to the more colourful characters of the group. One night you had helped Nott pick pocket a rich man, not your greatest moment but it was very fun.
Out on that little stealing adventure Nott had said something that has stuck with you.
‘Sometimes just walking about outside calms me down, stealing helps as well.’ The stealing part might not help you but the walking part might.
With socked feet and hands stimming you begin to walk towards where you were earlier taking watch.
Molly, Yasha or Fjord won’t be there but there must be someone there to talk to before your start to cry.
The short walk towards the watch area seems like you’re walking a mile and your breaths start to become even more infrequent, you forgetting to breath out when you inhale a large breath. Tears begin to rim your eyes and your hands carry on shaking.
You’re not going to make it to whoever is on watch, you are going to break.
You stop and drop to the floor, legs crossed and hands going to you face, wiping away the now falling tears that don’t seem to stop. In this sitting down position you begin to slowly rock back and forward, tiny sobs escaping your lips.
Unknown to you the place you have decided to sit down and cry in is near enough to the person on watch that they can hear your sobs.
 Caleb stands up, looking over the camp, seeing you breaking down on the forest floor.
He has no clue what to properly do.
Normally he is alone when he had any kind of panic attack but then he realises something. The last couple of attacks he has personally had Nott was actually around to help him. Nott was always there to calm him down with cuddles and calm words.
Could he go and get Nott?
No, that would get more attention on the panicked you.
Who else helps him?
Caleb quickly summons the cat familiar and he points over to you.
‘Go over to (y/n), ya?’ the Bengal cat nudges his head into Caleb’s legs then pounces off to the crying you.
As soft lump steps into your lap and nudges to hand covered face with its soft fur.
You nervously take down a hand to see Frumpkin nudging you in the way only cats do. He pauses for a moment but proceeds to carry on nudging you when he still sees tears dripping down your face.
Your breathing hitches but there is some kind of clarity as the cat nuzzles the wetness of your cheeks almost like he’s purposely wiping away your tears.
‘…Frumpkin…’ tears well up again but not in sadness per say, it’s a combination of still being panicky but also happiness that the ginger cat is trying to calm you down.
Your arms snake around the slim cat in a small cuddle, you still rocking just a bit.
‘D-did Caleb send you?’ you whisper to the cat in your arms, knowing the answer to the question.
Once your wobbly words are spoken you look up to see a nervous looking Caleb standing near. He fidgets a bit, not looking you in the eyes, though you aren’t looking at him directly either.
‘May I sit down meine liebste?‘ he asks. All you do is nod your head.
He sits down about a body away from you but you automatically nudge up to him so your legs are touching, Frumpkin purring at the two of you.
Your breathing is still a bit funny, a breath being held in. Caleb pauses as he, his hand stops pats Frumpkin’s head.
‘Let your breath out, breath.’ you look at Caleb and try to match his breathing.
‘Thank you, Caleb.’you eventually say.
Your body is still hunched over but you have calmed down, the panic attack has passed, which is very different to normal.
‘Not need to thank me (y/n), no need to thank me.’ He takes his had off of Frumpkin’s head and pats your knee, albeit a bit awkwardly but it gets you both looking up to each other.
You give him a small smile which makes his ear turn red in a blush.
‘C-can I take watch with you for a while?’ you ask.
‘Ya, we can watch the sun rise together.’
i had a bit of a hard time formatting it so sorry if it looks odd.
also, please send in some more critical role requests! (do mind that i’m new to listening to campaign two.)
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