#its the slur for straight ppl/j
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into-control · 4 years
(wait I'm a NAZI BAD BAD BAD because i used bad word towards bad man like the bad blogger did) // What the fuck...
Dude if ppl tell u not to use a jewish slur (r*t) as an insult for ANY jewish ppl... don't do it. just use a different insult? it's not hard
Idk maybe its just me but if I found out something I'd been saying was a fucking slur, I would be embarrassed + apologize. or at least stop it
Idek much about this guy besides that his brother is j*red k*shner but even if he's as shitty as y'all claim (which he probs is bc people THAT rich usually are)... doesn't make it ok to call him that
Y'all literally sound like straight liberals who try to defend using the F slur against pete buttigeg. yah he's a dickhead and a pos but that doesn't give straight ppl a pass to call him a literal homophobic slur
Like y'all be out here like "dude is a bad person so it's ok for me to call him a jewish slur 😌 jewish ppl are just getting sooo sensitive over nothing ❄️❄️ they're making things up, it's not even a slur 😂 and even if it is, we don't mean it like that anyway so it's fine 🤷‍♀️" and don't realize how shitty it makes u all sound
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tyrannuspitch · 4 years
okay. so. this is... something i’ve been meaning to say for a while. this isn’t about anyone in particular, it’s a consistent trend i’ve noticed over years and... i think a lot of ppl probably need to hear it.
some of the common jokes / memes on this website are actually... very homophobic. going to mostly avoid specifics because i don’t like naming them or thinking about them, but i think the most extreme form of it i’ve seen... has to be The J*hn Green Post. yes, that j*hn green post, that this website seems to have accepted as an iconic piece of its history or whatever. it’s deeply homophobic.
a lot of people defend these jokes as them being “just sex jokes” or “just shock value” or “just funny because they’re so explicit”. but sex jokes are rarely funny just because they’re shocking. they’re also wordplay or absurdism or physical comedy or... something.
and if it is “just” shock value... shock and taboo come from somewhere. very often from prejudice and stigma. “breaking taboos” is very often punching down, and things have baggage. jokes about gay sex will always be received differently from those about straight sex, whether that’s your intention or not. 
as for being explicit... the more explicit you make the joke, the more it seems like your intention is humiliation, violation, etc. the more it seems like it is the act itself that’s the joke, and again, if we’re talking about gay sex... that’s feeding into existing stigma and violence.
with some of these jokes - the j*hn green post especially - if you spoke to someone that way irl, it would be harassment. and therefore illegal. doing it online doesn’t make it better - it just gives it a wider audience.
and, you know, in general, presenting gay sex as hilarious or humiliating or disgusting and harassing people on the basis of that, asking them invasive questions or making violating comments about them... is a huge part of homophobia? that i’m not sure how anyone overlooks?
honestly, as a gay man, my reaction to ppl i’m meant to be able to trust making explicit jokes mocking gay sex is as visceral as if they were spitting slurs at someone. those jokes make me feel incredibly unsafe and i highly doubt i’m alone in that.
and on top of all that... tumblr - or at least the circles i’ve always been in - is a heavily female dominant space. fandom spaces are even more so. and the fact is... queer women and queer men use some of the same language, but our lives are very different. homophobia-against-mlm isn’t just homophobia-against-wlw minus the misogyny, it’s a separate (but related) phenomenon. queer women do not automatically understand queer men’s experiences. and the lack of mlm voices is... incredibly clear when things like this go unchallenged for years.
please just try and think beyond your own experiences. and like... if a joke sounds like something your bigoted uncle would say to ruin christmas. maybe don’t laugh at it
(ok to rb but if you defend that post you’re getting blocked)
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pitayatree · 4 years
a quick byf!
no anti-antis/proship/fujoshis/etc
no one who supports whitewashing cookies (or any kind of character in general)
no one who ships child cookies w adult cookies
no mint/rock shippers please! it makes me uncomfortable (related to a trigger)
no one whos against he wlw/she mlm
no pronoun policers (esp those against it/its pronouns), truscum, terfs, or etc
no straight ppl /j
dont interact if you
erase nb cookies
hc male cookies as trans women or lesbians/hc female cookies as trans men or gay men - only if you are not a trans woman or trans man respectively
hc millennial tree as a woman/feminine-gendered in any way
erase gendernonconforming cookies’ identities (see above rule)
use gendered pronouns for nb cookies if you are cis (ie he/him for roguefort, she/her for angel, etc - trans/nb folk youre ok if you do this since you Get It)
fyi about me in general
i reclaim the f slur - most likely will not happen here but if it does it will be tagged
i will not tag pda
i block/softblock very willy-nilly. if i dont like ur vibes ill just softblock/hardblock you, its just how it is
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