#its the only line in italics
bookofbonbon · 5 months
ours is the hunt - daemon targaryen.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Reader.
Warnings: 18+ Cheating. Hunting. Death/Killing. Mentions of pregnancy/ending a pregnancy. This is kinda fucked up, read the summary. Probably major spelling and grammar mistakes. Tense/POV mix ups.
Summary: Based on a request from the lovely @holy-minseok. like how westerosi kings warn the people of the consequences if they move out of line, reader presents daemons mistress to him on a spike with her swollen belly as a final warning for his betrayals.
Word Count: 2.8k+
A/N: This took on a life of its own and didn't play out exactly as the request but, hopefully it's still enjoyable (well... as enjoyable as it can be). Italics section is a flashback.
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The Kingswood is eerily silent in the minutes before sunrise. The party, like many of the woodland creatures, still slept, peaceful in their oblivion as servants moved quietly around the camp to prepare for the rush that daybreak would bring. You take a deep breath, the crisp forest air a welcome change from that of the stench of King’s Landing; the smell of the previous afternoon’s rain also lingers but it would dry with the promise of good weather and a bright sun. 
“My Lady,” Ser Eadric Qyle calls, your most loyal, your sworn sword. “Everything is prepared to your instruction.”
“How many?”
“Three total. Two in the woods as we had hoped now, one. We will release the last one on your instruction.” 
The snap of a twig, a slight breeze, the distant wail of a wounded animal and the flutter of wings as the early morning bird sings its song as it flies across the waking sky. The forest whispers your name and you answer its call. 
“Let the hunt begin.” 
Your horse slows to a trot and eventually, to a stop as you approach the camp; an accompanying stablehand taking hold of the reins as a stool is brought to aid your dismount. 
“I had wondered where my wife had gone,” Daemon’s voice comes from beside you with a hand held out. “I should have known to check the woods.”
Your smile is wide, eyes lighting up at his presence as you take his hand and dismount. He is still dressed in his sleeping robes, the Targaryen Prince having obviously just woken not long ago. The thought that he immediately came to seek you out upon waking endears you. 
Steadying yourself with a hand on Daemon’s shoulder, you find your balance and firmly plant your feet on the stool; with the added height you find yourself at eye-level with him and greet him with a kiss to the side of his head. 
“Good morrow, my love.”
Daemon returns the greeting by leaning into you with a groan, head dropping into the juncture between your neck and shoulder, his arms wrapping around you. 
“Remind me again why we must be here at this bloody thing?” 
You wrap an arm around his shoulder, hand soothing his back. 
“You cannot get out of this, Daemon,” you tell him with a small laugh. 
Daemon groans again, his breath hot against your neck as he attempts to burrow his face deeper, grumbling all the while. He doesn’t get far however, when you thread your fingers through his unruly hair and pull. 
“What was that, my love?”
“When you said you arranged a hunt for my name day, I thought it would be just us. Not a whole fucking camp for a Royal Hunt.” 
While Daemon was content to revel in celebrations of his victory, a Royal Hunt and a Royal Tourney were two entirely different things. Besides, he could think of much better things to do on his name day and he makes it known, allowing you to hold his head in place, a familiar glint in his eyes that you force yourself to ignore.
“Did you really think your Lord-King brother would allow that? You have him to thank for-” you release his hair to gesture at the several tents. “-this.” 
“Hm. How generous of him.”
You hum in agreement, adjusting the top of his robes.
“Very but, worry not, my love. Despite reports of only one stag, Ser Eadric and I managed to gain the trail of one other.” 
A grin pulls at the corner of Daemon’s lips.
“The Royal Hunt will track one stag and we will hunt the other,” you finish. Using your grip on his robes to pull him closer, you brush your nose against his, before pressing your lips to his for a brief moment. He tries to deepen the kiss but you don’t allow him. 
“Now, come,” you step down from the stool, taking his hand in yours. “Let's get you ready for the day.” 
“Very well,” Daemon agrees, pressing a kiss to your hand with a charming smile. 
You return the smile before turning and leading him back to the centre of the camp with a tight jaw. 
Daemon’s mood lightens considerably thereafter. The Rogue Prince noticeably happier after you broke the news that the two of you would separate from the Royal Hunt because while Daemon loved to hunt, he hated not being the one to actually do it. He didn’t need someone else to track down the game just for him to land the final blow in some false display of strength and authority. He could do it himself. He wanted to do it himself. He liked to do it himself. And though his mood had lightened, you noted that it didn’t stop his eyes from wandering around in search of someone else.
By mid-morning, the camp is teeming with life, the several Lords and Ladies of Westeros who gathered in celebration of Daemon’s name day dotted all over the grounds and inside tents. You yourself enter the main tent with Ser Eadric, the grand structure larger than that of most of the homes of the smallfolk. 
You don’t have to look far to find Daemon, Viserys’ great laugh leading you right to him; the two brother’s seated beside one another at a long table surrounded by other lords. 
Turning to Eadric, you place a cloth in his hand. “Release the last stag and give this to the bloodhound,” you instruct. He nods, taking it in hand and departing.
Taking a deep breath, you roll your shoulders back to loosen them, a delightful smile gracing your lips as you approach Daemon and Viserys. Daemon immediately reaches out for you out of habit once you're seated, and you cradle his strong hand between your own. 
“Ah my Lady,” Viserys greets you and you, him, with a bow of your head.
“Your Grace.”
“I have been meaning to offer you both my condolences following the death of your brother and my congratulations, I hear you have been named heir of Blood's End.”
You tighten your grip around Daemon’s hand then loosen it, both hands releasing his as you begin instead to fidget with your own fingers. Daemon notices immediately, taking hold of one of your hands in his, his grip firm in silent comfort as he sends you a reassuring look. 
“A regrettable hunting accident,” you pull at the collar of your riding jacket. “But, please, accept my thanks for your congratulations, Your Grace. It is an honour and I can only hope to be half the ruler my Lord-father is of Blood's End.”
“Well, I cannot say what type of ruler you will be but, from what I heard you are double the hunter of that of what your brothers were and rival even that of your father-”
“Better,” Daemon interrupts proudly with a squeeze of your hand. 
“Better?” Viserys’ repeats in amusement. 
You breathe a laugh at Daemon’s antics, “I am able to hold my own somewhat.” 
Daemon scoffs at your downplay of your skill, “my wife is humble, brother but, I am not. She is the better between her and her father. Perhaps one of the best in all the land.”
You make a show of balking at the declaration, forcing a meek laugh “I- that is not-”
But, Viserys’ cuts you off, holding one hand up in surrender, “if Daemon says you are one of the best then I believe him. I mean what good is it if House Chase’ words are ‘Ours is the Hunt’ if they cannot do exactly that?”
Viserys’ laughs heartily at his own joke and you spare a glance at Daemon who grins at you playfully.  
The conversation teeters off soon after that as Daemon and Viserys’ listen to the report sent by the Royal Huntsman. You in turn, turn your attention to one of your Ladies-in-waiting, Lady Millicent. While the custom of having Ladies-in-waiting was unusual outside of the Great Houses, the custom was needed within your own House as it was in fact greater than even that of your liege lords, House Baratheon. House Chase commanded both a larger army and fertile lands that weren’t felled by the terrible weather that surrounded Storm’s End. House Chase was second to Baratheon in rank only. 
“My Lady, I’ve been meaning to ask but, where is Lady Gwendolyn? I’ve not seen her around the camp all morning, I fear-”
“Yes,” Daemon interrupts abruptly. “Where is Lady Gwendolyn?”
You delight at the question, ears burning as you turn your attention to Daemon about your newest Lady-of-waiting of six, maybe seven months. 
“I did not know you had such a keen interest in my ladies of waiting. Husband.”
“My only interest is that she attends to my grooming every morning and yet, when I needed her this morning, she was nowhere to be found.” 
Daemon shrugs the question off with a practiced ease while your lips almost pull dangerously downwards, mask hanging by a thread and nearly slipping completely at the brazen statement. Instead you fix your smile, reaching across to smooth the neck of his hunting attire. 
“I have given Lady Gwendolyn leave while we are here, she is likely with her kin in the woods.”
A dull light permeates from the lantern in your hand, bathing its immediate surroundings - including yourself - in a warm glow as you carefully navigate the unfamiliar bed chambers that your husband had come to frequent as of late. Shadows bouncing off of the walls, the silhouettes of the two figures in the bed become clearer the closer you get. 
See, you weren’t naive to the ways of men and their crude sexual appetites; the way they would seek out other women when their wives could not sate them. 
‘It is the way of men, he will have his whores and his playthings but you are his wife and no whore can take away from you.’ is what your mother had told you but, you would not heed her words. You would not lay down while your husband took mistresses and whores alike and you had told him so, warning him once of the consequences.
Placing the lantern down on the bedside table, you peer down at the Baratheon beauty laid in the bed with your husband; a few drops of milk of the poppy in their goblets and it was keeping both husband and whore sedated. 
The mattress dips slightly under your weight as you settle yourself beside her sleeping figure, hip to hip as you take a closer look at your Lady-in-waiting, who had also taken up position as Daemon’s mistress, stealing both his time and attention from you. 
Lady Gwendolyn of House Baratheon, the niece of a cousin of a second son nobody; a distant relative carrying the Great name of the Great Stags of the Stormlands. 
“Ser Eadric,” you call on your sworn sword; fingers ghosting over her abdomen. The swell is slight but it is there. “Our Prince’s name day is fast approaching. Ensure arrangements have begun at first light. We will celebrate like none before.”
The sun sits at its peak in the sky, streams of its light filtering through the tops of the forest's trees. The crossbow is heavy in Daemon’s hands as he sits astride his horse, sweat gathering on his forehead as he watches his surroundings; the reins of your own horse in his other hand. He had led the first few hours, and now you had taken over. 
As planned, the two of you went out with the Royal Hunt and eventually broke off under the guise of returning to the camp. 
Daemon’s ears perk at the sound of a nearby wail and the flutter of several wings as a group of birds seem to scatter. Dismounting, Daemon joins you on the ground, coming to stand behind you as he scans the woods for any signs of danger. There is no danger however, just your blood hound.
Daemon moves past you and calls the hound to heel at his side. 
“We’re close,” you toss the hours old droppings back onto the ground and pick up your own crossbow. “These droppings are fresh.”
“Very close.” Daemon calls you over to where the bloodhound sits obediently by his feet. There is blood around its jowl. A thrill goes down your spine at the sight, knowing that the two of you were close now. 
“We go on foot from here,” he declares, trying the reins of your horses to a nearby tree and you agree.
Moving silently ahead through the Kingswood, what was once vibrating with life, has now come to standstill with your approach. All the woodland creatures recognising the two predators hunting in their territory. 
Your eyes flitter from the ground to up ahead as you follow the Stag’s tracks, Daemon trailing behind you and then- the sudden trample of hooves to the left of you and a blur of brown and then silence. 
“Daemon,” you whisper and nod up ahead. 
There in the distance stands the Great Stag the two of you had been hunting for the better part of four hours, its mammoth antlers moving frantically as it turned its head over and over. 
Daemon places a hand on the small of your back and you turn your head toward him. 
“From here?” you ask and he nods, stepping carefully in front of you.
The Stag stumbles around clumsily, which Daemon can only assume is from when the bloodhound must’ve sunk its teeth into it but it otherwise remains in the same area, believing itself to be safe.
“Let us test out the might of these crossbows from here,” Daemon croons quietly. The armourer had declared it the single most powerful crossbow, capable of bringing down the greatest creatures from an even greater distance. 
Positioning himself, Daemon presses his body against yours, your hand touching his collar before you slide it down and place it on his waist. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of both of your breaths as you watched over his shoulder. He lines up the shot, finger on the trigger, your breaths in harmonious sync, his back against your chest as your hearts beat as one. You slide a hand underneath his arm, steadying his hold and with a kiss to his shoulder blade, he pulls. 
The recoil is slight as the sound reverberates with a sickening crunch. The Stag cries out but, before it can make a move to run, you’re passing Daemon your own crossbow and he sends another arrow straight through its neck with perfect precision. 
There’s a beat of silence as the entire woods including yourselves come to a halt, your breaths the only sound that could be heard. It’s soon broken however, by your laughter, the sound building into something hysterical as you step away from Daemon. Catching Daemon’s attention, he turns to you, initially in concern, it doesn’t take long however for him to join you when he sees how delighted you are. Catching you by the back of your neck, Daemon pulls you into him, his mouth covering yours in a searing kiss which you happily return. 
“Shall we claim our prize?” you break the kiss, foreheads pressed together.
Daemon nods, taking your hand into his and eagerly leading the way. 
You hum happily beneath your breath, keeping a keen eye on him as the two of you get closer, watching and waiting, watching and waiting until finally- there’s a catch in his breath, footsteps faltering as his head tilts, bemused. You feel the way his hand twitches in your hold, grip loosening as he glances back at you, confused until- a sharp intake of breath and the realisation of not, what he has killed but, who.
You slip your hand from his hold as he chokes on a gasp at the sight of his mistress, his whore, the Lady Gwendolyn. She is covered in a layer of mud, her usual gown replaced with a dirty and ripped tunic and pants, a strip of cloth tied around her mouth and gagging her. One arrow shot through her chest, nailing her to the tree behind her and the second through her neck; on the floor beside her lies the head of a stag. 
Three total. Two in the woods as we had hoped now, one. We will release the last one on your instruction.
“What is this?” Daemon speaks in abject horror.
“The last one,” you tell him grimly. 
Daemon continues to stare at Gwendolyn, dazed and not understanding what was happening as he watches blood drip from her wounds and onto her swelling belly.
“What have you done?”
“What have I done? What have you done?” you tut, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Do not fret, I granted her this small mercy, my last mercy,” you inform him, hand adjusting his collar. “A quick and clean death.”
Your words seems to bring him back to himself, horror and confusion short lived and replaced with a fury you had never seen before. It does naught to frighten you though.
“She was with child,” he turns on you, jaw impossibly tight as he spits the words at you; crowding you against a tree. “My child.”
“I know,” you tell him softly with a nod.
Your placidness unsettles him. You can see it in his eyes and the way he flinches at your touch when you brush his hair back from either side of his face.
“So heed this as my final warning for your betrayals. I won’t be so nice if there’s another one.”
Steadying yourself with a hand on his arm, you reach up and press a kiss to the side of his head, “happy name day, Daemon.”
All fics are my own work - I have not posted my work anywhere else.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters/places mentioned above.
Do not copy. Do not translate. Do not repost.
bookofbonbon 2024. All rights reserved.
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midnightmoonkiss · 2 years
Language Of Love
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AlHaitham X GN! Reader
“‘Italics’” = he’s speaking another language
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“So.. you can speak 20 languages?”
A random conversation.
It was easy to guess how you got to this point, boredom.
Spending time with your.. acquaintance, who you may or may not have a crush on, wasn’t on your agenda today, but here you are - sitting on a chair in his office as he effortlessly scribbles down sophisticated words onto parchment.
The sound was certainly pleasing to the ears, skrch sccrch sckrch.
You had no clue what he was doing. Oh, the duty of a scribe..
Or why you even came here..
You knew why you came here, to spend time with him, as a friend only. Or maybe you were less than friends. It was hard putting a label on things when it came to the emotionally stunted AlHaitham. He was almost as bad as the General Mahamatra.
You just forgot how boring spending time with him can be if he’s busy working, thus leading you to flip through one of the many books on his bookshelf.
Yeah, you quickly got bored of that too.
These weren’t story books, they were informative books. You suppose to a man like him who enjoyed learning, this was like being surrounded by candy. To you? Its like being surrounded by encyclopedias.
He probably reads encyclopedias for fun.
So here you were, starting a conversation on a little fact you heard an academia student mutter like it was a piece of gossip even though it was probably outlined somewhere.
“Yes,” The scratching of quill to paper continues even as he glances up at you for a split second, “It’s important for scholars to broaden their knowledge and fluency of languages as to not hinder important research that may be written in a different dialect.”
All of Teyvat spoke the same language, it was easy to wonder why everyone from ancient times suddenly decided to switch. Of course you wouldn’t ask him such a thing, not right now anyway.
You had a plan.
A plan to woo this man.
The many failed attempts before can not hinder you.
Smugly, you said to him, “I bet I know one language you can’t speak.”
Oh, you were already giddy.
Curiosity peaked, his scribbling halted, eyes on you, “Is that so?” He was eager to hear you answer.
Whether you were toying with him, or genuinely knew a language he could add to his list, he was willing to listen.
“Do tell.”
Clearing your throat, you sat up straight and gave him a cocky smile, “The language of love.”
You were met with silence, as expected.
He was starstruck, surely. In awe. Was he wooed?
You could easily speak up with the punchline after his response, oh!! You would say, ‘but I can teach you!!’
Oh, he’s about to respond! He’s-!
“You must be referring to the ancient Fontaine language used by higher class citizens, commonly known to scholars as the language of love due to how words would ‘roll off the tongue like silk’ when speaking it.“
–an idiot? You were gobsmacked.
And he was smirking on the inside.
“I’m surprised you know of this language, you must have learned something from one of the books you’ve flipped through in the library.”
“That’s not,”
“I can even demonstrate it for you.”
You began to fluster as he indeed began speaking a language completely foreign to your ears.
He was right, the words did flow silkily. This did not make you feel any better. Your pickup line failed miserably.
“‘You are so adorable, trying to trick me like this.’”
You can’t help but pout, wondering just what he was saying.
“‘Look at you, cheeks flushed and puffed like a fish. Honestly, how am I supposed to work efficiently if you’re here distracting me.’”
“Aw come on,” You began to complain, frowning at the gloating male, “I can’t understand you, y’know.”
“‘I do wonder if you’re aware that I know you like me, you wear your heart on your sleeves, my dear,’” he smiles ever so slightly, which completely unnerves you, “‘I like you too.’”
His cheek rests on his knuckles as he leans back and observes your frustration. Oh, how happy he was you brought this up. Any chance to show off his ability and confess without you knowing is always a good opportunity.
He’d shower you in compliments and confessions in all 20 languages if he had the time, perhaps even spill secrets to your unknowing ears.
Oh, how he would like that. He could say his deepest, darkest desires and you’d only look at him with confusion.. maybe even annoyance.
The thought pleased the busy scholar.
“That’s so mean you know, am I supposed to look up your words in a dictionary or something?”
“Oh, they wouldn’t be in a dictionary.” He reaches forward and tugs at your cheek, elation swirling in his broad chest as you whine and swat at his large arm.
“Should you remind me at a later date,” when he’s finally made you his, of course, “I’ll happily tell you what I said.”
“How about right now.”
“It is not a later date, only the time has changed.” Breathing out a sigh, faking annoyance, he turns his attention back to his paperwork, picking back up his quill.
“Ok, so I can ask you tomorrow.”
“You can, however, I’m under no obligation to tell you until I want to.”
“I dislike you very much, Scribe.” You grumbled, settling back in your seat.
He chuckles to himself, “I’m sure you do, ‘sweetheart.’”
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asvterias · 8 months
𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘦
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part 1 || clarisse masterlist
clarisse la rue ✘ black!fem!demigod!reader (daughter of nyx)
summary: overwhelmed with her girlfriend's having a near-death experience, clarisse breakdowns in front of y/n.
word count: 1.9k+
author's note: also tysm for 1,680 followers, i appreciate every single one of you! i kinda thought this song related to this fic, lmk what you guys think in the comments! the song lyrics are bold and italics!
song playing — my love mine all mine by mitski
requested by an anonymous! (pairing ONLY!!)
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@lvrue @kyuupidwrites @xanasaurusrex @urdeadpoet @aurorailvsm @quinnsadilla @st4rzl7 @p0rkbun @star-girl69 @aphroditesmoon @voidashh @lcvved @tinytea-biscut @dearlydarlings @rocknr0ll @nvirskies @k4zuhas-visi0n @urbisexualfriend @marlswhore @anominous-writer @lovelyy-moonlight @thegiganticgirlkisser @vi0lentg0d @thewritingbarbie @apocalypticlibrary @solecitoszn @blackchubbyqueen @mira-belcul18 @sleighingstella @ampitrit3 @mthefae @drlover11037 @ratjoe @mag03 @kroumi @hoku-k @zhivaxo @lacytalks @kazerka @liv444me @korizzybee @mariposa555 @inejsknifes @cherriesnbutter @justintinderlake4 @natasha-took-fall-damage @lixtinystay @2k7-sparkles @importantpotato @laughingcheese037
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moon, a hole of light
through the big top tent high up
here before and after me
“you know what happens if you extort your powers too much.” she hastily reminded you. from her tone, you knew that she hesitated to remind you of that incident, and it was shaky leaving from her mouth.
“that was one time.” you sighed heavily.
by now, your existing abilities become stronger as you grow older. you managed to control your current powers, and clarisse encouraged you to discover your hidden powers.
shining down on me
moon, tell me if i could
however it’s not encouraged to extort your powers to full extent, liable enough to render you unconscious for weeks, not even days. as a result of your persistent stubbornness, unfortunately, it happened to you and clarisse was an emotional wreck without your comforting presence beside her.
she became more easily irritated and annoyed by anyone who even dared to look her way, almost threatening to kick their ass, surprisingly she’d just rough them up a bit, and stormed off afterward. spending hours at the sparring center, clarisse released all of her anger onto the sparring dummies, using her trust-worthy spear and being completely ruthless with it, rage consuming both her stability and mentality. everyone stayed out of clarisse’s way for their own safety.
all those times you kept her grounded felt like a big waste to her right now. she felt loved, and truly loved by someone blessed to cherish her until your last breath gave out. all of a sudden, you were harshly ripped away from her, without any type of warning, permanently leaving an invisible scar on her heart.
despite being stuck in a temporarily induced coma, clarisse still had a guilty conscience of unawareness, possibly having a chance to rescue you and prevent this from occurring. in other words, she wished that you didn’t intentionally overwork your powers to the core, but you did, and now you’re currently suffering the consequences of it.
send up my heart to you?
so, when i die, which i must do
for the two weeks, you were unconscious, clarisse visited you, kept quiet most of the time, muttered small incoherent words, barely even sentences. she held your hands tightly, they were lukewarm, temporarily not providing the warmth they usually do. she missed everything about you, your presence, your touch, and your love.
and when she’s staring at your face, a small smile litters her face, reminiscing on your wholesome shared memories. sadly, all of the radiation that your face once held was drained and a firm line took its place.
despite the large pit of despair in her stomach, clarisse felt you slipping away from reality with every passing day. your girlfriend was persistent, knowing that you can handle yourself, and often proud of your capability in those sorts of skills.
she couldn’t fathom what it was even like for you to endure the 2-week coma, forced into a dream-like state, hearing and sensing everything going on around you but unable to respond. it must have been torture for you, stuck with your thoughts endlessly on repeat, with no interruption at all. just you and your thoughts there all alone. nothing but you and your thoughts.
she prayed that you would somehow non-verbally assure her, confirming your well-being, not like that would have made a difference regardless, but still, your reassuring words would’ve lessened her worries, even if it was for such a short amount of time.
but the ares girl remained strong, at least for the both of you. clarisse mentally promised for her own sake, desperately clutching onto the small yet meaningful words of encouragement.
could it shine down here with you?
‘cause my love is mine, all mine
i love mine, mine, mine
with a devastated sigh, she’d depart with a forehead kiss before heading to her cabin for some rest, sometimes she’d forget to eat and one of her siblings had to remind her. at this point, it was a common routine for clarisse; wake up, teleport to visit you, complete her daily tasks, and train. and when she’s finished her task of the day, best believe that she’s with you, nursing you back to consciousness.
“yeah, and we both know how that ended!”
“no, please let me finish.” she shushed you with a shake of her head, “and i hope it doesn’t happen again, it doesn’t need to happen again!” clarisse whisper-yelled at you, “i almost lost you, and i refused to experience that wretched feeling again. you were unconscious for almost two weeks and we weren’t even in the same place. your mom teleported me to you almost every day since you were in that coma. i refuse to experience that again because i love you and seeing you there made me feel useless for once in my life.” her tone became shaky yet she proceeded on, wanting you to understand, needing you to understand what it was like for her, witnessing you in that comatose state. “i couldn’t stand the thought of you dying, of you leaving me here all alone. you only truly understand me, you love me despite all of my flaws, rather accepting them than ignoring them…nobody else but you…i didn’t think i could love anyone as much as i love you. and that terrified me before but now it doesn’t anymore, knowing you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. sometimes i wonder if i’m ever worth loving…” a sob escapes her, continued by many heartbreaking sobs. that gut-wrenching feeling in your heart returned, growing larger when clarisse attempted to restrict any more sobs, terribly failing, allowing her emotions to run wild for once.
it’ll probably be the only time she can freely express her emotions without feeling judged within your presence. this was one of the many reasons why clarisse fell in love with you, your compassionate soul, a trait she strongly lacked but adored from you.
she loved that you made her feel comfortable, enough to express her emotions without having to look over her shoulder.
nothing in the world belongs to me
but my love mine, all mine, all mine
your girlfriend didn’t realize the tears freely falling down her face until you wiped the tears away from her eyes. clarisse seems betrayed by her own emotions once she realizes that she’s crying, expressing her vulnerability towards you. the curly-haired girl began to stammer out some words, attempting to defend herself but you kissed her temple and pulled her in for a hug. going off on instinct, she buried her head into your neck, harboring her labored breaths as she tightened her grip on you as if she was too scared to let go and lose you all over again.
“never again…never again…” clarisse mutters, repeating it like a mantra. “i don’t wanna lose you ever again…”
catching on to her rapid muttering, you cupped her face, steadying to your face level.
“i won’t leave you again, i promise babe,” you reassure her. your eyes connect easily, gazing into her glossy eyes.
clarisse looks up at you, a swirl of emotions flowing across her eyes. you pout at your girlfriend, reaching out a hand to gently touch her face, watching her melt by the simple touch.
her glistening eyes made you swoon at her gentleness and vulnerability, “you promise?” her voice was low, similar to a whimper of pain.
my baby, here on earth
showed me what my heart was worth
“i promise,” you clarify, tucking a loose curl behind her ear. “do you wanna stay here for a while, with just me?”
hiding her face back into your shirt, she nodded against the fabric, tightening her grip on you whenever you slightly shuffled in her embrace. your touch was required for her peace, and clarisse made sure that you weren’t escaping from her grasp. too much time was wasted, and clarisse needed to make up for lost time.
at times, clarisse felt extremely weak, exhausted, and defenseless which according to her father, any sign of vulnerability is also perceived as useless in his eyes. ares engraved that motto within his daughter, and you hated that it stuck with her that much! wanting to please her dad, her personality changed over time, and the lingering thought of displaying an ounce of vulnerability vanished. no surprise that you rekindled that thought during your relationship when she started opening up to you.
every time clarisse received surprise visits from her dad, you were always there, listening about him degrading her great abilities because of her gender. all those nights of her crying on your shoulder, wondering why she couldn’t be good enough for her father. from that moment, your hatred for your girlfriend’s father fueled with each passing day.
you taught her that being vulnerable wasn’t weak and that it was actually strong. to be honest, clarisse was skeptical because her girlfriend said the opposite of what she learned from her father. eventually, she got used to the idea, accepting only being vulnerable around you. that was good enough for her so it was good enough for you.
so, when it comes to be my turn
could you shine it down here for her?
clarisse laid on top of you, her head snuggled softly against your breasts with her arms around your waist. one of your hands held onto her head, scratching on her head softly as the other drew imaginary stars on her lower back.
“my beautiful beautiful, brave girl…” you cooed as you heard tiny sniffles from her, “you certainly are worth loving and you’re my entire world.
‘cause my love is mine, all mine
i love mine, mine, mine
“am i?” her lower lip trembles as she innocently stares up at you.
“you are my entire world,” you gently kiss her forehead as she places her head down onto your chest.
“you’re my whole world too,” she murmurs against your chest, either it was her sweet tone or that you were naturally ticklish which made you laugh wholeheartedly. clarisse’s face lights up, feeling the rumble from your chest as a smile erupts on her lips.
“nothing in the world belongs to me...” you sing softly into her ears, massaging her head, soothing her into a peaceful sleep alongside your peaceful embrace. “but my love mine, all mine...”
you lullabied her to sleep with your gentle singing, finally feeling at ease when you heard the light snores, smiling fondly at her. gods, clarisse was adorable. too adorable to disrupt her out of her sleep, resting comfortably on you, partially skin-to-skin.
“good night, my love.” you kissed her forehead, glimpsing at her small smile from the loving touch. turning off the lamp before refocusing onto clarisse, wrapping your arms around her waist and her head gently nuzzling into your neck, requiring very much close contact. soon enough, you drifted into sleep just as your beloved girlfriend did a few minutes ago, both content in each other’s arms, wishing to remain like that forever.
nothing in the world is mine for free
but my love mine, all mine, all mine…
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© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost or translate onto any other platforms without my permission.
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evilgwrl · 2 days
TF 141 x Reader (Apocalypse!AU)
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Immune: Nine
WARNING: This is a 18+ Poly!141 series (MDNI)
CW: Attempted suicide, unknown watching as someone gets changed, SIMON BEING THE CUTEST MAN ALIVE, kissing and bum spanking
Taglist: @beebeechaos @h3art3at3rr @johannxseb @cndy-l0v3 @nylluns @pomegranategum @tapioca-marzipan
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The summer air was a broil of wet leaves and burnt tar, roads simmering with clouded fogs of steam that snipped at the exposed flesh of your leg. Your bike was worn, tyres nearly flat from the consistent rummaging of scarred rocks tearing the innocent rubber into a battered mess.
Your legs were inflamed from the constant use, thighs straining against bones and weathered skin. Sweat stuck to you in a damp layer, the occasional fly suckling at the salty residue. There was a gentle strum of moans, ripped jaws sloshing against rotten teeth, skin a ghastly contrast against the greenery. They didn’t care for you, walking past you like you were one of them.
It was a sick punishment.
You thought back to the first couple of days after. After Vienna. Steel supported rough fingers, muzzle pointed under your chin, the chill of cold tickling down your throat, trapping your oesophagus with an arrogant choke. Nimble fingers unclicked the safety, a line of tears streaming down your face pathetically.
You didn’t do it. You weren’t sure which was weaker, staying or leaving.
Blood ran through your chest, beating down to the tips of your wrists, eyes gauging through the flesh as if you had x-ray vision. You would no doubt be scorned with blisters later, the sun kissing you with fat welts filled with liquid medicine as you rolled in used sheets, unable to sleep.
You stared down the winding road, a companion of butchered shops lined up by the corner, untouched. It wasn’t rare for you to venture far, always taking a main road that would eventually lead you home.
You pushed through glass doors, majority of the crystal shattered across the concrete. There was a gentle ding of a bell as you entered, a lone zombie trailing towards the noise, disappointed at the sudden disappearance of its senses as you smashed a blade into the centre of its head, the stench of death filling the shop as you gagged. You weren’t sure you would ever get used to the smell.
The store was disappointing at the front, but you knew the stock room held liquid gold. Your knees skidded over the counter, a till smashed across the floor as you laughed. You wriggled the STAFF ONLY door, your shoulders working to barge it open. There were unopened boxes of candy that caught your attention, sticky tape quickly stuck to the wall as you delved through, a child-like innocence adorning your face as you tore apart a chocolate wrapper.
A sick moan of satisfaction ran through you as you stuffed more bars in your bag, teeth rotting with gooey caramel. Your feet padded against the floor, achy limbs begging for a rest as you sat down on a bench, uncomfortable wood barely supporting you. You scoffed back an apple, a small container full of buttered bread soon resting in your stomach.
You groaned as you chugged the majority of your water, the liquid quenching the Sahara in your throat as it stained your chest, a light dribble working down your chin as you sighed. Eyes stared at the bike resting against a brick wall as you looked up, noticing the flock of birds make their way through the sky, gradual darkness soon blending into the baby blue.
Dirtied nails scraped against the glass of your final destination, a small boutique with a flickering sign greeting you with the smell of dust as you pushed the door open. Nimble fingers worked your sweaty top off as you tried clothes on, wiping the grotty mirror down with an ugly rag of a shirt.
Dark eyes watched you from a rooftop, covered face twisting into a scowl as he watched you prod at yourself in the mirror. Your flesh was greasy, a sweet shine covering your muscles as he fixated on the way you moved. He stared at you through the lens of a sniper before placing it next to him as you walked out, bag round with clothes and the minimal amount of food you could find.
You didn’t notice him, his body stealthy as he adjusted, eyes immersed in you as you rode off. They would head your way tomorrow, he decided.
Thick hands ploughed at the wood; an axe gripped between his fingers as you watched him intensely. Your eyes gawked at his biceps, chiselled muscles bulging under the sun, a glisten against his skin from his work.
“That enough?” His voice was thick, a mixture of molten and sweet honey lacing him. His aura was earthy and masculine, his need to prove himself to you evident as he looked to you for approval.
“Good enough for me,” you replied, attempting to grab a log of wood before he barked that he would do it, snatching it from your grip.
Your eyebrows twisted up in annoyance as you crossed your arms over your chest. “I’m not useless, I was the one doing this before you all came along.”
“Didn’t mean to offend you, sweet’art, just don’t want you to hurt yourself again.”
It was impressive watching him work; his forearms stuffed full of wood as he placed it in the small collector next to the fireplace. This was your first time being alone with him, his large frame was intimidating at first, but his shitty dad jokes couldn’t help but pull a smile from you.
You pulled him into the barn, introducing him to your cows, Daisy and Ted. He wasn’t fond of the names, but he felt himself nodding, watching the way you greeted them like they could speak, eyes full of admiration at the way you handled yourself.
“I’m hoping she gets pregnant, she’s my lifesaver,” you cooed, swatting the cow gently against her rump as she huffed out a breath. Simon raised a brow at you, a cocky smirk against his face.
“Don’t think about it,” you scowled as he turned around. Quick hands swatted at his ass as he grunted. Ghost was trained for anything, his hands at your waist as you squealed, quickly thrown over his shoulder with a huff before you were dropped in a bale of hay, endless giggles wracking through your chest as he peered down at you with a grumpy look.
You noticed his eyes crinkle as your laughter slowly subsided, both of you staring at each other with an amused look. His hands stilled at your waist, gripping them slightly with a warming touch.
“What’s your real name?”
He paused for a moment, thumb rubbing at your rising tummy, a pool of butterflies sinking into every crevice of the muscle. “Simon.”
You repeated it several times back to him, enjoying the way it fell from your lips as battered eyes focused on them, watching the way your tongue wriggled in the heat of your mouth as you spoke.
“You like it?” He asked, voice lower with nerves. He wasn’t sure why he was nervous. But he was.
You nodded at him, glancing from his eyes down to his mouth. Your fingers wrapped around his wrist, bringing his hand to your cheek as your mouth opened slightly, eyes never leaving his. He paused, ready to turn away from you.
He didn’t.
Instead, he leaned in, pushing the mask down his chin in a rough manner before he kissed you, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip before easing it into your throat. He was strangely gentle, almost like he was scared to hurt you. The Lieutenant’s hands gripped your face as you pulled him in by the scruff of his neck, deepening the motion. 
His eyes were voids of burnt sugar, a hinge of toffee speckling through as they merged into his iris. He was warm and inviting, the slight tang of his saliva running through your taste buds as he welcomed the sensation of you, a hand dropping to your throat with a delicate squeeze. 
Simon pulled away with a slight gasp, catching the breath he wasn’t sure he was holding.
“I don’t want to rush you.”
You only smiled and brought him back in.
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munsster · 2 years
hii!! i'd like to request a steve harrington x fem!reader fic pls <33 reader confesses to steve, but he says he doesn't like her. then reader's all 'okay fine, i'm gonna move on' and when she actually does that, steve is 🥺 lots of angst please and some steve grovelling teehee <33
gut feeling
A/N: okay yes 😏 i screwed this up the littlest bit, but i hope it still tickles ur fancy. also i’ve seen this done for king!steve and i wanted to write it for s4 steven
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Summary: You have big feelings for Steve, he’s just not sure he feels the same way. 3.6k words.
Warnings: angst, but it resolves into fluff, unrequited love trope, lots of feelings, friends to lovers?, CURSING!, italics, established friendship, feat. Keith 😑
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"You think it would be gross if we kissed?"
Steve thinks you might actually sound hurt, but he also thinks the face he's making is hilarious beyond belief: kind of contorted and screwed inward, nose scrunched and trying really hard to batten down a grin. You glare at him from the passenger's seat, arms crossed tight over your green Family Video vest.
You think he's wonderful despite his naiveté. If only he knew how handsome you thought he was, all caramel locks and big brown eyes and the kind of smile that reaches his eyes before he's even thought of it. No wonder he has an ego up to the moon. No wonder he still manages to weasel his way into the creases and crevices of any living creature's heart. Even yours. Hell, especially yours.
"Yeah, duh!"—and he's so sure of it, you could cry—"You're like the little sister I never had!"
You chuckle but you look like you're about to hurl yourself out of the car or get yourself arrested for manslaughter. Thank God he's only a block away from your house, or he'd never see the light of day again. Does he really think of you like that? The soft laughter peters out into a grating silence that burns right down your throat and feels like hard metal settling in your lungs.
He doesn't dare glance over at you. He only bites down hard around nothing and grimaces, eyes set hard on the lines dashing beneath the grill of his car. Jesus Christ, he does not think of you like that. And he begs whatever stupid pride is keeping him steady in this nonexistent pissing contest to leave it be, but its jaw is set in the tender meat of the game.
"Don't have to be so jovial about it," you grumble.
"Mine's on the left," you grumble, nodding out the window. Oh, he's definitely in trouble. You only ignore him like this when he's done something boyish to a fault.
"I know. I drive you home every—hey!"
"Bye," you coo, booking it up the steps to your door, refusing to turn over your shoulder for fear that you'll burst into tears upon seeing him smile or frown or crack the slightest look of confusion.
He watches you slam the door and rolls the passenger window up with a frustrated sigh. Where the Hell did that come from and why. All while you're sitting against the foot of your bed, chattering into the phone at Robin, still wearing your uniform and tugging at strands of your hair as expletives weave themselves between every three words.
"Oh my Fucking God, I'm so fucking embarrassed right now, Robs—Does he—? Does he think I'm some sort of fuckin' baby? I just don't—"
"He's just being Steve, okay? He probably didn't mean it—"
"The way he looked at me, Robin, I felt like a fucking imbecile. Of all the dickheads in the world I could fall for, my heart chose Harrington? Maybe I'm the idiot." You sigh and kick your feet out, the frustration winding up new nerves and letting them go like tight springs to fling out over your body.
She sighs and it rattles through the grainy speaker. "You're not an idiot; he has his moments. Don't beat yourself up, you know how he gets. He's probably not thinking straight, just... tell him? The worst he can say is—"
"That I'm like a sister to him? Oh, how delightful. That's even worse than just flat out admitting I'm unattractive."
"You're not unattractive, don't do that."
"I am to him," you groan.
"Hey," she hums after a beat of crackling silence. You close your eyes and grip the sickly yellow receiver a little tighter.
"I really like him."
"I know."
"And it sucks."
"I know." The other end rustles and you let out a curt sigh just as you move to stand. "I love you, and I'm here for you. Especially when dumb boys make you feel like shit. You'll always be the most amazing and most beautiful girl in my life, don't forget that."
"Thank you. I'll see you, Robs."
"Take it easy."
Steve wakes up to an ache in his neck and a soreness in his knuckles. You didn't call him last night. And he's assuming you didn't call him before school this morning because his alarm clock flashes eleven, first period starts at eight-thirty, and the tone his ancient landline emits is shrill enough to deafen a man. Let alone wake him up in a cold sweat. He concocts a sick feeling in his stomach of burnt orange shame and maroon guilt because he has to wait until closing shift tonight to explain himself to you.
But by then, he's feeling spiteful. You weren't home when he went to pick you up and he waited ten minutes and knocked on the door in bulk. Until someone who was not you answered and told him that you'd gotten a ride with some jerk from the Hawkins High football team. That's not how it was originally said, but that's how he heard it. So you're avoiding him? It makes him spit up a little in his mouth, and he's going about twenty over the speed limit the entire way to make it on time.
By the time he can fling open the glass door and hear the sound of the tiny bell, he spots you in the back corner with a stack of tapes under your arm. Listening to music. To drown him out. And it makes him frown. Six hours. That's how long he'd have to endure this, then he could go home and not call you and not be able to sleep.
The casette in your Walkman can only run for so long, right? But he watches you rewind it after an hour and a half and slumps against the front desk when you grab a new stack of tapes from behind him. He simmers down after the first half of the shift, and of course, the fact that you won't talk to him rubs him the wrong way, but what's even worse is that now you're bumming rides off of losers on the worst football team in all of Indiana.
He gets worked up thinking about that guy's motivation and how many times he probably tried to make a pass at you. Steve would never do that to you. Even if he wanted to, he's a gentleman at heart. He could beat that jerk to a pulp just imagining him giving you the look. God forbid that sucker puts his hands on you. Steve would get charged with battery before ever letting that happen.
It's not like he can say anything to you about it either. He's pissed, and he knows himself. He'd get all angry and confrontational, and you deserve better than that. It's his fault you got there first, and it's his fault you got to stocking, and it's his fault you're tuning him out. But he didn't think what he said last night would be worth all that trouble.
"If you keep up the optic blast, I'm gonna buy you a ruby-quartz visored monocle." And that droning voice could only belong to one overbearing manager.
"What do you need, Keith?" Steve grumbles, and out of the corner of his eye, he catches you looking to the front of the store to watch the encounter with a smirk.
"Duty calls, Harrington. Corporate sent us more shelf space. Need someone to unload it into the office," Keith murmurs, shooting a glance your way, "And, uh... it's kind of unwieldy, so get the kid to help you out."
It makes Steve's eye twitch because you're not some kid. And if you heard Keith refer to you as such, you'd unleash a fleet of curses on him. Only Steve is allowed to call you that. Because it's funny, duh. You're a year younger than him, obviously he's going to use that to his comedic advantage. Oh.
He lets out a sigh—"alright"—and leaves Keith to man the front while he skirts to the back of the store and leads you by the hand through the office.
"'The Hell, Harrington?" you hiss, but you keep your fingers locked between Steve's, abandoning the rest of the tapes on Keith's desk and jogging to catch up with his stride. As forward and demanding as his grip may be, you have to admit, the warmth of his palm is comforting and it makes your heart race because you've never held hands with Steve before. And in any other circumstance, you might've been able to enjoy it a little more.
"Keith told me to tell you that you have to help me bring a shelf in from the truck."
"Oh, I have to?" you bark, now pulling your hand away and putting your headphones around your neck once you exit through the back door with him. "And you didn't think to give me a warning before yanking on my arm?"
"Yes, you have to, and maybe if you weren't listening to that shit so loud, you would've been in the loop." It comes out far more harsh than he intended, and that was exactly what he was afraid of happening in a confrontation with you. His brow softens, and the tension in his upper back and jaw dissipates into his own self-pity party. "And I didn't yank on your arm. Or at least I didn't mean to, so I'm sorry for that much."
Steve hops up into the truck and offers you a hand you don't take as much as you both wish you would have. Because he looks like a kicked puppy, and you have to stop yourself from cheering yourself on. Maybe this will be your first literal step towards getting over him. Once and for all.
After about fifteen minutes of heaving and ho-ing, the two of you manage to haul the shelf into the office as per Keith's request. He was right: it was unwieldy. The awkward grip spots caused a lot of overlap, and you both flinched away from the physical contact in a matter of milliseconds. But Steve couldn't deny he felt bad, and you couldn't deny that you definitely still had feelings for him.
You grab your previously abandoned stack of tapes to scurry out of the office, but Steve stops you by the elbow. And you glare back at him.
"Sorry. The... yanking, I know"—he shoves his hands in his pockets and looks down—"Look, I'm not entirely sure what happened last night in the car, but it clearly made you uncomfortable, and I'd like to apologize."
He can see the neurons firing when he looks you in the eye, but he can also see that his apology wasn't effective in the slightest. Because you're still anger-ridden and fuming at him. You put your headphones on and go back to restocking shelves.
He checks the digital clock above the door. Two hours till eleven. Great.
And they creep by like refrigerated molasses. Second by second. Every time he glances at the clock, only a minute has passed. Eventually, though, he starts cleaning up for closing: vacuuming, cleaning the windows, fixing the display. And he finds himself getting a little more efficient at checking tapes back in and rewinding them only so you'll cruise by the front—scowling at him, but nonetheless at him—to grab a new stack and shelf it.
Five minutes to closing and a sleek, blue sedan pulls into the parking lot, and you practically beam at it, grinning and skipping to the front. You grab your bag from under the counter next to Steve's hip and shove your Walkman into it.
"You know, my car works perfectly fine," he grumbles, "don't have to replace me with some football jerk." He knows that struck a nerve because your smile immediately flickers away into a squint.
"That football jerk is bilingual, a painter, and lets me listen to the music I like in his car."
"But that's not the rules," he whines, desperately defending himself against some sports guy who's probably taking advantage of you.
"Well, I like him and he's nice to me." You sling your bag over your shoulder triumphantly, marching towards the door.
Steve is aghast at the implication. He thought you liked listening to the radio. Plus he took Spanish and art for the required two years, it's not that great of an achievement.
Still, he sputters out, "Yeah, well—"
You wave over your shoulder. "Later, Steve."
Since when did he become such a loser.
He watches jerk-face open the car door for you then glance over to wave at him with a perfect smile and perfect hair and perfect manners. What an asshole. Steve does not wave back.
"That's the kinda guy she likes?" he fusses into the phone, palming his face while Robin chuckles on the other line. This whole time he thought for sure you liked the self-assured, cocky, college-age boy type. And now you're dating a high schooler. Come on, jerk-face is not even that good looking.
"First of all, they're not dating. Second of all, don't lie to make yourself feel better; even I can admit he's basically a Greek god," Robin says, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "Third... why do you care? You’re acting like it’s your job to protect her, but it’s not. She’s an adult now, you know, she can take her of herself.”
He lets out a puff of air through his nose, blinking hard and leaning into the pale yellow receiver. Then mumbling: "She told you."
And she replies, cheerily: "Yup."
"Well—! I just... don't want to see her get hurt. I know that type of guy. I used to be that type of guy. He's bad news, I can tell."
"Right,” Robin scoffs, “It's definitely not because you love her.”
"I don't love her. She's just a baby, and we don't even like the same things. It would never work out between us, there's no connection." They both know it’s a lame excuse, but it’s worked up until this moment. It’s worked since the day you met. You’re too young, the end. Sure, you can be cute sometimes, but you’re also a pain in the ass and you two could never get along long enough to stitch together a real relationship.
But Robin sees through all of that shit. And she’s over it.
“Okay, maybe, but she listens when you talk about cars, and you buy the albums she likes even when she only mentions them once. Plus, you both love Dustin like he's an extra limb”—she’s right, you love that kid to death and Lord knows Steve looks after him like a son—“I think as much as you wretch and complain over her being too young and the connection not 'being there', it seems like you try an awful lot to get her to like you."
He immediately rejects the idea with a scoff.
"Of course I’d want a cool person to like me, old fuckin’ habits die hard. But that's all. She's cool and has a good sense of style and tells the best jokes and makes me feel smart and listens to me, and right now I'm feeling pretty crazy because maybe I do love her and I blew it because... because? Because I don’t know why—but she's probably sitting in some jerk's car listening to her favorite songs and watching him paint the sunset while speaking Spanish or whatever."
Robin closes her eyes, and Steve’s annoyed by the fact that he can hear her smirking. "Jesus Christ, I need to start charging you idiots for my time"—and she sighs—"Just... tell her all that cheese. And maybe throw in an apology or two. I don't know, do what you usually do when you pick up girls.”
He’s frustrated. And annoyed. But he throws a thanks at her anyway and stomps down the stairs and to his beamer. It’s not until he’s shrouded in the piercing light of the convenience store that he realizes three things: he’s still in his work uniform, it’s midnight, and he’s pretty sure he does love you. He grabs a bouquet, not even realizing it’s a bouquet of amaryllis and baby’s breath—he’d prefer roses, but ‘tis not the season, as the cashier told him.
Minutes later, he’s muttering under his breath like he’s mad, waiting for someone to answer your door. And thank God you do.
“Oh, shit, did I—were you—?”
“Oh, no, I was just…”—thinking about him—“nothin’. What’re you doing here?”
He pushes a furious hand through his hair, then tucks a chunk behind his ear, worrying at his bottom lip. More nervous than he’s been in his whole life. Then he flashes those soft brown eyes at you, and you’re toast. You step onto your doormat and shut the door behind you because he starts into his sentence like a blazing fire:
"I feel so stupid, and I’m sorry for saying you're like a little sister to me; I don’t believe that, and it couldn’t be further from the truth. You're not like a sister to me, you're like the only thing that matters and I feel like I wanna learn another language for you and take a cooking class for you and listen to your music with you. I just, I mean I’m trying to say you make me want to be a better person, and I feel like I’m already a better person whenever I’m around you. I... what I’m saying—and I promise I’m getting to it—is that I’m sorry for being so stupid and not seeing it before, but I think you're beautiful and I'd be honored if you'd forgive me and maybe consider letting me take you out sometime. Like on a date."
He’s breathing heavily, looking and feeling manic, and your eyes are wide as you slowly process his confession. It goes down like sweet wine, floral down your throat and settling in your tummy like candy. But still: what the fuck? Is he insane? Are you insane?
His hair is flopped to one side, and his work vest is snug around his shoulders. You step forward slowly, and the creases in his forehead seem to go smooth. And you point to the bouquet.
“For me?”
Steve glances down. "Oh, yeah, got em for you. Sorry they're not roses, it's not—"
"I love them, thank you."
He nods. And you smile. And despite how beautiful the soft pink and white flowers are, you’re not particularly focused on their safety when you hook your arms beneath his and rope him into a hug. It’s clearly just what he needed when he goes pliant and heavy against your chest, smiling into your neck as his hands wrap over your shoulders.
"I think we might both be stupid,” you whisper.
He chuckles. "Yup. Just a couple of stupids. Geez, what kinda pair are we?" You both pull away. Only to look at each other squarely. To see a smile creep and creep across the other’s face. And he cocks a brow and says, "By the way, worst twenty-four hours of my life—"
And that’s saying something after the last three years.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, Steve, I was just so—"
"I know."
"So confused and disappointed, it was—"
"Torture, yeah, don't even think about doing that ever again,” he teases, pinching your side and scrunching his nose when you pinch him back.
"Yeah. Well, never tell me I’m like a little sister to you ever again.”
"I don't plan on it"
With the slow bat of your lashes, and the tender curve of your lips, he can’t not think about kissing you. Not in this light. Not under the meddling moon, and not holding your waist like cupping pools of honey.
Then you look away. For all the shit you talk, he manages to make you far more shy than he ever anticipates. And it gives him butterflies to see you duck away.
"You know, I think you're pretty beautiful yourself, Harrington.”
Oh, he’s blushing now. The blood gushes hot to his face, he could sweat buckets right here and now. You can probably hear his heartbeat. Jesus Christ, what’ve you done to him? You can tell he’s nervous when he chuckles softly. "Does this mean I can start giving you rides again?"
You pretend to weigh your options. As if there would ever be a better alternative. "Only if you let me play my music sometimes.”
"Absolutely. I never liked the radio much anyway."
You let go of him only to cradle your bouquet in both hands, admiring the petals while Steve puts his hands back in his pockets.
"Then I'll see you later," he says. Grinning ear to ear, mind you.
"Yeah,” you coo, “I’ll see you."
With one hand on his shoulder, you plant a kiss on his willing cheek and let him go. But before he can make it to his car you holler, “Wait!” and he jogs back over to you.
"Did I forget somethin’?"
“Yeah,” you poke, "you forgot about our date."
He tilts his head a little, brows furrowed. "Our... our date? What do you mean our… Ohhhh”—he nods in understanding, suddenly hit with a wave of excitement and embarrassment—"Does tomorrow work? We could grab lunch or dinner or something and maybe stop by the arcade or—oh, the fair's in town, that could be kinda fun, unless you don't want to, I mean—"
"Steve?" you hum.
"I'd love to."
And suddenly his ego is miles through the roof; he's nodding and grinning and it’s like he can’t wait to wake up tomorrow just to see you again.
"Me too. Okay. Yeah! I'll see you then."
"Bye, Stevie.” You give him a small wave, and the shroud of plastic around the bouquet crinkles like the corners of his eyes at the idea of tomorrow.
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kai-uh-arcadian · 1 month
I feel like I know you
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synopsis: you relentlessly have dreams of a woman you can never remember the moment you wake up
cw: soulmate! AU, angsty-(?), minor cursing, briefly suggestive, alcohol, brief mentions of death/killing
word count: 7.5K
notes! hi hi (: it’s lowkey inspired by the movie ‘Your Name’ but with Tzuyu! (obv) Italics indicate dreams/other timelines. I really enjoyed writing this— although I’m inexperienced I hope you enjoy! Let me know how you feel about it or if you’d just like to chat! Love youuu (:
You were at the bookstore when you first heard it.
Clear and unmistakable, the sound cut through the quiet hum of the store. It was as if the world paused for a moment, just long enough for the chime to echo between you both.
You were walking through the narrow aisle, lost in thought, when your shoulder brushed against hers. The contact was brief, almost incidental, but the timing was perfect—right as the bell rang. Both of you stopped, caught off guard, and turned to face each other. Her eyes were wide with the same bewilderment you felt. For a split second, it was as if the world shrank to just the two of you, suspended in that peculiar moment.
“Oh-! I’m sorry,” you whispered, your voice barely more than a breath– trying to assuage the awkwardness that was in the air. She nodded, offering a small smile before you both continued on your way, the moment slipping into the background like a passing breeze.
You finished your browsing, paid for your book, and headed back to your studio apartment. The familiar warmth of home welcomed you along with your dog Bread as he was wagging his tail. You set the book down on the table, patted Bread’s head, and moved through the motions of your evening routine—making dinner, washing the dishes, tidying up and showering.
Finally, as the day wound down, you climbed into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin. Your thoughts drifted to the beautiful woman in the bookstore, the sound of the bell, and the strange sense that something had shifted. You decided to shrug it off as a coincidence as maybe someone had opened the door at the exact moment you two brushed against each other(but you swore you only heard it in your head, not from your ears.) 
But sleep came quickly, pulling you into its embrace before you could dwell on it any longer.
That’s when it began.
The dreams.
You’ve always had vivid dreams, the kind that feel more like memories than figments of your imagination. But this was different. The clarity, the intensity—it was as though you were slipping into another world entirely.Truly blurring the line between reality and fantasy.
“Jagiya~, let’s go up there! That spot looks perfect!” The voice was ethereal, almost musical, as she led you up a lush, green hill, a wicker picnic basket swinging gently in her free hand.
“Yeah! That’s perfect!” you replied, your voice bright with excitement. But even as the words left your lips, it felt odd—as if you were watching a scene play out from a distant memory, detached yet present. Like you were both an actor and observer, following along as if it were scripted, yet not fully in control.
The strangeness lingered.
You were fully conscious, intensely aware of everything around you: the warmth of the sun on your face, the way it cast a golden hue across the landscape; the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze, brushing against your skin like a gentle caress; the intoxicating scent her rose perfume that drifted through the air, delicate and familiar, stirring something deep within you.
“When I used to get homesick, I would come here and make all the same snacks my mom used to make for me when she would take me out for a picnic” her voice entranced you like she was a siren. God.. Her laugh was even more enthralling, “She even let me bring TWO of my stuffed animals to join us” she chuckled
“I haven’t been here in a while though..” she trailed off as if she had more to say but waited for your response.
“Hm~? Why not jagi?” genuine curiosity evident in your voice
Who was this woman? A part of your mind questioned her identity, her presence—so familiar yet unplaceable. The other part of you was overwhelmed by an inexplicable sense of love and happiness, as if every fiber of your being recognized her, longed for her. Your soul knew her.
You could only see her back as she walked ahead—her hair was black and cascaded down her back in soft waves, her frame slender and elegant, her height slightly above average. She moved with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly, her steps light and purposeful as if this hill was a sacred place, meant just for the two of you.
You reached the top of the hill, the world stretching out before you like a painted masterpiece. The woman paused, her back still to you, and you felt your heart quicken. She began to turn, slowly, as if in a movie, and you knew—knew with every part of you—that seeing her face would change everything.
“Well.. Because you’re my home now, y/n”
But just as your eyes were about to meet hers—
You woke up.
The dream slipped away like sand through your fingers, leaving you with a lingering sense of longing, of something lost and yet to be found. Your heart raced as you lay there, the vividness of the experience etched into your mind, leaving you questioning whether it was just a dream or something more—a memory, or perhaps, of a life you couldn’t quite remember.
These dreams persisted for weeks, each one more vivid and consuming than the last. Pages and pages of your journal were filled with each dream with the mysterious woman. You also sketched whatever details of her world you could recall—an outdoor market while she browsed records, a side view of her looking at a bouquet of flowers, and a pair of small dogs, one dark, one light. 
Yet, no matter how hard you tried, her face remained elusive. It was always blurred, or worse, you would wake up the moment you were about to see it. The frustration gnawed at you, driving you to spend more time with your journal, hoping that somehow, the next dream would reveal more pieces to complete this impossible puzzle.
After scribbling whatever details you could remember, you sighed, setting your pencil down. You cleaned yourself up, fed Bread, and sent some money to your loyal dog sitter (and neighbor!) Momo. 
With Bread content and your mind somewhat at ease, you began to organize your things for work. Once everything was in order, you decided to head to your favorite café, Park’s Perk.
The morning air was crisp as you made your way down the familiar street. As you entered the café, the comforting scent of freshly brewed coffee greeted you, and you spotted your friend from college, Jihyo, preparing for the day ahead.
“Jihyo-unnie, you don’t understand these dreams I’ve been having!” you whined, trailing after her as she moved from table to table, wiping them down in preparation for opening.
She paused, glancing at you with a mix of concern and amusement. “You’re right, I don’t understand, but I can imagine how crazy it must be to experience them. Maybe it’s— Hi, welcome in!”
She was interrupted by the bell above the door jingling as another customer entered. You let out a sigh, flopping down into your usual seat by the window. “ Ugh~ It’s like every time I’m about to see her face, something pulls me out of the dream. I just can’t shake the feeling that she’s important, you know?”
Jihyo finished wiping down the last table and came over to join you, setting a steaming cup of your favorite brew in front of you. You said a quick ‘thank-you’ before she continued “You know, the subconscious mind is weird. Maybe it could be connecting you to a past life or maybe it’s just showing you the type of life you want to live with someone. Did you have a dream last night?” 
You took a sip of the coffee before explaining, “Yeah we were..”
You rummaged through the cupboards of your home, carefully selecting your and your wife’s favorite tea cups. They were delicate, with hand-painted patterns you had both made at a pottery class you two took as a date. You gently scooped the tea leaves into the kettle, breathing in the familiar, calming scent as the steam rose. The boiling water poured into the kettle with a soft hiss, and you set it aside to steep
As you moved about the kitchen, you heard your wife’s footsteps in the hallway, the soft padding of her feet growing fainter as she entered the living room. A moment later, the gentle, melodic sound of the guzheng filled the air, the music wrapping around you like a warm embrace. It was a tune she often played, one that had become so familiar that you catch yourself humming it from time to time.
With the tea now steeped, you carefully carried the two cups and the kettle into the living room. Your wife was seated at the low table, her fingers gracefully plucking at the strings of the guzheng, lost in the flow of the music. You placed one of the cups near her, the delicate clink of porcelain barely interrupting her concentration. Leaning down, you pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, and she giggled in response, her fingers briefly faltering on the strings.
“Is Xinyi asleep?” you asked as you began to pour the tea into her cup, the warm liquid swirling gently.
“Yes, it was easy today,” she replied, her voice filled with warmth. “She had so much fun at the park… You’re such a good mom.” She chuckled, reminiscing about the joy on your daughter’s face just a few hours ago.
You smiled, feeling a surge of affection as you hugged her from behind, your arms wrapping around her gently as she knelt at the table. You placed a tender kiss on the nape of her neck, and you felt her shiver in response, a soft sigh escaping her lips. “You’re an even better mom,” you whispered, “and the best wife.”
She leaned into your embrace, her body relaxing against yours as she murmured a contented “Mm~” before her focus shifted back to the instrument. You released her, making your way to the couch and sinking into its familiar comfort. You rested your head on the armrest, watching her play, the music filling the room with a sense of peace and belonging.
“I’m so lucky to have you,” you said, your voice low and filled with emotion. You smiled, feeling your eyelids grow heavy as the music lulled you into a state of deep relaxation. The sound of her playing, her voice humming along, was like a lullaby, soothing and familiar.
When you opened your eyes, everything had changed. The cozy living room with its warm lighting and familiar comforts was gone. Instead, you found yourself lying on a tiny twin mattress in a college dorm, facing a woman whose face was blurry. You could see her black hair cascading over the pillow, her eyes closed in peaceful slumber.
Despite the shift in surroundings, you felt an overwhelming sense of love and contentment. The comforter was pulled up to your chins, but you knew that you were both naked beneath the sheets. You reached out, gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Your heart was doing flips–you swore she must’ve heard because she spoke up!
“Mm~ what’s your happiest memory?” she purred, her voice soft as she nuzzled into your hand, her smile evident even with her eyes still closed.
“My happiest memory?” you repeated, considering the out-of-the-blue question. Your hand gently caressed her chin with your thumb as you thought. “I think… I think it’s happening right now.”
She chuckled softly, and the sound was like music to your ears. “Is it because we just fucked?” she teased, playfully slapping your chest. The outlandish accusation made you laugh in disbelief
“No~!” you huffed, trying to keep a straight face, though you couldn’t quite hide your smile. “I’m just so in love with you,” you confessed, pulling her closer onto your bare chest. Your arms wrapped around her, holding her securely as she instinctively nuzzled closer, seeking to melt into you.
“Every moment with you is my favorite memory… It’s…” You paused, searching for the right words to convey the depth of your feelings. “It’s pure bliss,” you finally said, your voice barely more than a whisper as you leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“Wow…” Jihyo sat there, momentarily speechless. Her wide eyes reflected a mix of disbelief and curiosity. “That was your dream?” she asked incredulously.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, leaning forward in your seat. “It was like a dream within a dream. I could feel everything so vividly, and it hurt so much when I woke up, like I’d lost something real.”
Jihyo shook her head in amazement, taking in your words. “No, yeah, that’s crazy! I can barely remember my dreams, and if I do, they’re nothing like that—half the time they don’t even make sense,” she said with a laugh.
You chuckled along, feeling the tension ease as the conversation shifted to lighter topics. The two of you finished your coffee, chatting about the latest gossip, upcoming events at the café, and Jihyo’s plans for the weekend. It was easy to get lost in the rhythm of the conversation.
As you were wrapping up your conversation, Jihyo suddenly glanced at her phone, her eyes widening slightly. “Hey, y/n-ah, don’t you have work soon?” she asked, tilting her head to the side with a playful smirk.
“Oh shit!” you blurted out, quickly checking your watch. Time had slipped away from you in the café. You jumped up from your seat, fumbling for your wallet. After handing Jihyo some money (with a little extra for the excellent company), you grabbed your briefcase and semi-shouted a quick, “Thank you!” to both Jihyo and Dahyun, who was working at the cash register with a knowing smile.
You made your hurried escape, the sound of the café’s lively chatter fading behind you. As you rushed toward the door, you slid past another customer entering the café. Just as you brushed by, bells rang out.
Something about the sound made you pause. You turned your head briefly to glance at the person you had just rushed by, catching a glimpse of her dark hair as she hesitated for a moment, then continued into the café.
“Hi, welcome in!” you heard Dahyun greet her warmly, her voice muffled by the distance.
But you were already moving again, lightly jogging away in a desperate attempt to make it to work on time. Yet, as you hurried down the street, something nagged at the back of your mind. The bells you’d just heard—those weren’t the usual café bells. They had a different tone, a different resonance, almost like the bells you had heard somewhere… before.
You shook your head, trying to focus on the task at hand. There was no time to dwell on it now.
You finished work a bit earlier than usual, it was a rare occurrence. Leaning back in your chair, you loosened your tie, allowing yourself a deep, weary sigh. Between meeting with patients, sending medication forms for approval, and still being in school to pursue your doctorate, free time was a luxury you barely enjoyed. But today, you decided to treat yourself.
You scrolled through a delivery app, finally settling on your favorite dishes. As you added items to the cart, you thought of Momo. She was probably still at your place, taking care of Bread, and you were sure she wouldn't expect you back so early. You added a few of her favorite items to the order
You trudged home with bags of food in hand, you felt the weight of the day slowly lift off your shoulders. The familiarity of home was just what you needed. Finally reaching your apartment, you nudged the door open with your foot.
“I’m home~” you called out, your voice echoing through the hallway. “Momo, I brought food,” you added, setting the takeout bags on the kitchen counter before kicking off your shoes.
Momo’s teasing voice rang out from the living room, “Home early? You get laid off or something?”
You rolled your eyes playfully as you unpacked the food. “Hey, if I get laid off, then you suffer too, Miss Dogsitter,” you shot back with a grin. “Well, whatever, I brought you jokbal.”
Her eyes doubled in size as she peeked into the bags. “You’re the best boss ever,” she declared, her excitement evident as she started unpacking the food.
You knelt down to the ground, your heart warming as Bread hopped over to you, his tail wagging so furiously you were surprised it didn’t fly off. “Hi, baby~~!” you cooed, scratching behind his ears as he licked your face in greeting.
Momo, already impatiently digging into the food, glanced over at you. “You okay? How was work? You kinda look like shit,” she remarked, her voice muffled by a mouthful of food.
“Oh, wow thanks,” you replied, giving her a gentle nudge. “But yeah, I’m good. Just a bit mentally exhausted. I can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep lately.” You sighed, walking over to your living room and settling onto the couch with your food. “Work was fine, though. I actually finished up a bit early, which is why I was able to grab this before the place closed.”
Momo plopped down beside you, still chewing. “Oh! I bought you some beer and soju,” she said, swallowing her food. “I know you’ve been having those dreams, and I heard alcohol affects your REM cycle. Maybe it’ll stop the dreams? It’s not—or shouldn’t be—a permanent fix, but I thought maybe tonight you could use a break and get some better sleep.” She smiled at you, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
You paused, considering her suggestion. “Ah~ that’s not too bad of an idea. It is Friday, after all, so maybe I should try that tonight,” you agreed, digging into your samgyupsal.
After you two finished eating, Momo insisted on cleaning up while you headed to the shower. The hot water cascaded over you, washing away the stress of the day. When you emerged, the scent of food was replaced by the faint aroma of soju and beer. Momo had laid out an impressive selection on the table, and you couldn’t help but smile at her thoughtfulness.
You threw on a hoodie and joined Momo on the couch. She’d put on a random K-drama. The two of you chatted about anything and everything, the conversation flowing easily as the alcohol took the edge off. By the end of the night, you were both pretty drunk, laughter filling the small apartment as you reminisced about old memories and whatever the hell was on your mind.
When the hour grew late, Momo helped you into a makeshift couch bed, tucking you in. “Alright, get some sleep,” she said softly, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “I’ll be right next door if you need anything.”
You mumbled a sleepy ‘thank you’ as she quietly let herself out, heading to her apartment just next door. The room felt warm and cozy, the alcohol buzzing pleasantly in your veins as you drifted off, thinking that maybe tonight, you’d finally get a peaceful night’s sleep. Momo had said that alcohol could affect your REM sleep, meaning you wouldn’t dream—or at least, you wouldn’t remember your dreams. Right? It sounded like exactly what you needed. No more strange visions, no more waking up with a sense of longing. Just sleep. Right!?
But you were wrong.
Out of all the dreams you’d had, this one stood out the most.
Feudal Japan, Taisho Era
For as long as you could remember, your life had been defined by a single purpose: to protect the princess of Japan. These were the direct orders given to you by Lord Chou, the man who had rescued you from the wreckage of your past.
You were just a child, barely five years old, when Lord Chou found you. Cowered in a corner, knees drawn to your chest, you wept as your parents' lifeless bodies lay before you. Raiders had slaughtered them, leaving you orphaned and alone. Lord Chou, who had killed the raiders, initially intended to leave you there, a mere child of poor merchants with no future to speak of. But then, something caught his eye—a samurai sword lying beside your father’s body.
With a furrowed brow, he studied you for a moment before speaking the first words that would change your life forever: “From now on, you will be my daughter’s protector. Dedicate your life to her.”
And so you did. From that moment on, every breath you took was in service to those five words. You trained relentlessly, honing your skills until you were one of the finest samurai in all of Japan, sworn to protect Princess Chou with your life.
It was the night before a raid, and the atmosphere in the camp was thick with tension. You and your fellow samurai had been informed that you were outnumbered, 80 samurai against an entire army. Death was not just probable; it was certain. But you were not afraid. This was the life you had signed up for, a life that had been gifted to you as a second chance.
You knew what you had to do. But before the sun rose and the battle began, there was one person you needed to see—one person you had to say goodbye to.
The guards at the palace entrance let you in without question; it was not unusual for you to visit the princess at odd hours, checking in on her safety. Tonight, though, was different. As you approached her quarters, dressed in a simple yogi, you felt the weight of the moment pressing down on you.
“Chou-sama, may I come in?” you called softly, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes,” came the familiar voice from beyond the tatami door. The soft glow of an oil lamp illuminated the silhouette of the princess, her figure graceful and serene.
You slid the door open, revealing the princess still adorned in her elegant jūnihitoe from today’s farewell ceremony, a sight that made your heart ache with unspoken emotion. She looked up at you with a polite smile, though her eyes held a hint of curiosity.
“Hello, Chou-sama. I apologize for the late meeting,” you said, bowing deeply, your forehead nearly touching the floor.
She tilted her head slightly, her smile gentle. “Do you need anything, y/n-san? It’s quite late.”
“Again, I apologize for the intrusion,” you began, sitting up from your bow. “I am aware of the hour, but I wanted to say goodbye. I leave at daybreak, and I fear this may be our last time speaking.”
Her face softened, her eyes widening in shock. You had known Princess Chou since you were children, she was always a bubbly and mischievous spirit. (you would usually always take the blame for her.. Unless of course they caught her red-handed) But about 5 years ago when she turned 13, the weight of her responsibilities had turned her serious, her carefree demeanor replaced by a stoicness that rarely broke.
“I see...” she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes, Princess, that is all I wished to say. Thank you for allowing me to be by your side all these years. I owe my life to you and your family,” you said, bowing once more as you prepared to take your leave.
“Tzuyu,” she suddenly announced.
You paused, sitting back on your heels as you looked at her in confusion.
“My name is Tzuyu,” she repeated. “Please, call me that.”
In all the 13 years you had served her, you had never known her first name. It was not unusual, given your status as a samurai, once a mere peasant. “It’s a beautiful name... Tzuyu,” you said, the name foreign on your tongue as it seemed disrespectful.
Her tone sharpened, though not unkindly. “Are those your final words to me? Or is there more you wish to say?”
She had always been perceptive, reading your body language and the emotions you struggled to conceal. Your heart ached with the weight of everything you had left unsaid, and your eyes flashed with a sadness you could no longer hide.
“Go on, tell me,” she urged, her gaze softening as the stoic mask she wore began to crumble.
Taking a deep breath, you met her eyes. “You gave me a reason to live, a purpose that has defined my existence. I have gladly dedicated my life to you, which is why I am honoured to die for you. From the moment we met, I was prepared to sacrifice my life for yours. But while I am unafraid to face death, I am terrified of leaving you behind. You are the only person I have final words for, the most important person in my otherwise meaningless life.”
Her expression remained composed, but you could see the glossiness in her eyes as she listened to your words. “I could speak to my father,” she bargained, her voice monotone. “If you die, who will be my protector?”
“Cho-.. Tzuyu... this is something I must do. It is my duty, the vow I made to your father. I cannot dishonour that promise,” you replied, your heart sinking as the reality of the situation settled in.
“I see,” she said, though her tone betrayed the emotions she struggled to suppress.
“Promise me that you’ll come back alive?” She whispered looking at the tatami mat below her
“I promise I will fight until my last breath to return to you” You said trying to assuage her worries, knowing that survival was futile. She caught it too.
A heavy silence fell between you, both of you lost in thought, searching for the right words to say.
“Do you believe in reincarnation?” she asked suddenly, her voice breaking the silence.
“Yes... I believe I do,” you answered, surprised by the sudden question.
“Then promise me that you will find me in the next life. Promise me that you’ll never leave my side, that we’ll live as normal civilians, free from war,” she said, her voice quivering with vulnerability.
For a moment, the room was silent, her request hanging in the air. Finally, you nodded, your voice steady as you replied, “Yes, Tzuyu, I promise. A life where war does not exist, where you need no protection, and I can live peacefully by your side.”
Tears began to spill down her cheeks, the facade of the princess melting away to reveal the woman beneath. The woman you have loved for years. The woman that you’ll love in each lifetime–each timeline. “Kiss me, please. That is an order,” she whispered desperately as her voice broke.
You got up and you closed the distance between you, pressing your lips to hers in a kiss that was both tender and desperate, a culmination of years of unspoken feelings. That night, your bodies blended into one, a final act of love and devotion before the sun would separate you forever.
The clang of steel echoed around you as you fought relentlessly on the battlefield. Your sword clashed with that of an opposing soldier, your movements swift and precise. With a final thrust, you ended his life, but before you could even take a breath, a sharp pain shot through your back, spreading to your chest.
An arrow.
You gritted your teeth, trying to focus through the searing pain, but another arrow followed. Then another. And another. And another. Four in total, each one piercing through your back and exiting through your chest.
You staggered, blood seeping through your armor, staining the ground beneath you. With every step, your vision blurred, but you kept moving, refusing to fall. The weight of your promise to Tzuyu was the only thing keeping you on your feet. But your body could only endure so much, and eventually, it gave out. You collapsed harshly onto the ground, the earth cool against your burning skin.
As you lay there, the world around you seemed to fade away. The sounds of battle grew distant, and all you could think of was her.
Her name was a chant in your mind, a desperate plea that echoed in the void of your fading consciousness.
You had promised her, but now you were dying, unable to keep your word. The regret was a weight heavier than any armor, crushing your spirit even as your body lay broken.
I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t return.
The darkness began to close in, your vision narrowing to a single point before it, too, disappeared. The battlefield, the pain, the regret—all of it vanished into nothingness.
And then, with a jolt, you woke up.
Instead of waking up in your bed,
You woke up on a sandy shore, face down, the gritty texture of the sand pressing against your skin. Your heart pounded in your chest as you jolted awake, not a single ounce of pain surging through your body. Confusion clouded your mind as you pushed yourself up, scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.
The sea whispered softly against the shore, its rhythm almost hypnotic, but your focus quickly shifted to the figure standing not too far from where you had been laying. It was a woman. She was sitting while watching the waves, her long, dark hair swaying gently in the breeze. Something about her presence felt achingly familiar.
You got to your feet, the sand shifting beneath you as you cautiously made your way toward her. As you approached, you could feel your heart racing, a strange mixture of hope and fear building inside you. You sat down beside her, your gaze fixed on the horizon where the sky met the sea.
“What’s your name?” her voice was soft, almost ethereal, as she finally spoke.
You hesitated for a moment, your mind racing with possibilities, before you answered, “y/n. What’s yours?” Your eyes remained locked on the scenery before you, afraid to look directly at her, afraid to confront the truth.
“It’s.. Tzuyu,” she replied, her voice carrying a weight of unspoken memories.
The name struck you like a bolt of lightning. You turned to look at her, your eyes wide with shock as if the final piece of a complex puzzle had just fallen into place. She mirrored your expression, her own eyes widening in recognition.
“It’s you!?” you both exclaimed in unison, the disbelief in your voices quickly dissolving into laughter, tinged with the relief of finally understanding.
“You’re the girl in my dreams?” you whispered, your voice trembling as you spoke. Tears began to well up in your eyes, and despite your best efforts, they started to stream down your face. You tried to smile, but the overwhelming emotions made it difficult.
“It seems so,” she replied, tears trailing down her own cheeks. “Each day I wake up missing you. I’m just… I’m just really… happy to see you, y/n!” Her voice cracked with emotion as she threw her arms around you, pulling you into a tight, desperate embrace.
“Me too, Tzuyu,” you murmured, your voice breaking as your own emotions poured out. Tears fell freely from your eyes, soaking into her shoulder. “Every morning it hurts to wake up without you.”
Tzuyu sobbed quietly into your shoulder, her body trembling against yours as if holding on for dear life. Her grip tightened, her fingers digging into your back as though afraid you might disappear if she let go.
“I just… I’m sorry—I can’t seem to remember you,” she whispered, her voice cracking with frustration and sorrow. “No matter how much I try, no matter how much I write or draw… I can’t seem to—” Her voice broke, and she buried her face deeper into your shoulder, her tears soaking through your shirt.
You felt your heart twist, a sharp pang of sadness cutting through the warmth of the moment. You gently  patted her back, trying to comfort her, though you knew the weight of what she was saying. “I know, Tzuyu,” you whispered softly. “I don’t know how.. but we’re here together now. That’s what matters.”
She sniffled, pulling back slightly to meet your gaze, her eyes still glossy with unshed tears. 
“Can you remember anything before you came here?”
You furrowed your brows trying to remember, “Hmm. The last thing I remember before showing up here was… I think I was a samurai?”
Tzuyu’s eyes widened in surprise, her breath hitching slightly as your words sunk in. She gazed at you as if the pieces of a puzzle were slowly clicking into place. “You were… my protector?” she asked, her voice trembling with both wonder and disbelief.
You nodded slowly, the memories rushing back in vivid flashes—armor, sword in hand, standing at her side in a life long past. “Yes, Chou-sama.” You chuckled in disbelief and more tears trailed down your cheek as you smiled so brightly
Tzuyu’s eyes filled with tears again, but this time they were different—tears of recognition, of understanding, of something deeper than memory alone could explain. She cupped your face in her hands, her touch tender as she studied your features like she was trying to memorize every detail.
“I think… I think I kind of remember now,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “Not everything, but pieces… glimpses of you. Moments and memories with you” She laughed softly through her tears. “It sounds crazy, but I think I’ve been searching for you across lives… across timelines”
You smiled, warmth spreading through your chest. All the moments you’ve shared with her flashed in your mind– finally remembering. “I’ve been searching for you too. And somehow, we always find each other.” You brought your hand up to gently wipe a tear from her cheek. 
“Do you think,” she anxiously began “that whenever we leave this place, do you think we’ll just forget?” she said softly, barely above a whisper
There was a pause in the air. As if you both came to the harsh realization that you’ll just be left with the longing for each other.
“I don’t want to forget.”
“What if we tried to think of a way to remember each other?” She began as if a light bulb appeared above her head “Like hmm… do you have a pen or–”
But before she could finish, something strange began to happen. The shore around you started to stretch, elongating in a way that defied all logic. The distance between you and Tzuyu grew longer and longer, pulling her away from your embrace as if some unseen force was tearing you apart.
“Wait! No-! y/n!” she cried out, her voice filled with desperation as she reached out for you. She got up and  tried to run toward you, but the distance only increased, the shore stretching endlessly between you.
“Tzuyu!” you shouted back, your voice breaking with panic. You ran toward her as fast as you could, your hand outstretched, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t reach her. The tears in your eyes blurred your vision, but you could still see her hand reaching out for you.
“My name is Tzuyu! Please.. please don’t forget me!” she yelled, her voice trembling as she fought against the ever-expanding distance.
“y/n! It’s y/n!” you screamed, your voice echoing across the shore as you stretched your hand toward her. You were so close, almost touching her fingers—
But then you woke up.
You shot up from your couch, your heart hammering in your chest. Tears flowed down your face, the remnants of the dream still clinging to your mind like a fading mist. The emptiness beside you was unbearable, the longing for her presence too much to bear.
You were back in reality, but the pain was still there, fresh and raw, as if the dream had torn open a wound you didn’t even know you had.
“No..wait..” you trembled as tears blurred your vision “No!” you yelled in frustration causing Bread to shoot his head up from his bed that was placed next to the couch (Thanks Momo)
“What... what, god..fuck, what was her name!?” you hyperventilated  as you looked at your hand that almost touched hers
“Fuck..!” you sobbed “Why can’t I remember her face? Or her name?!” frustration spilled out of you as everything seemed to be on the tip of your tongue yet unable to grasp it
The dreams stopped happening. 
Looking back in hindsight, at the time they were 
Pesky even.
But now?
More than anything, you missed her—the girl who had once haunted your nights and now left your days feeling empty
To escape the aching void she left behind, you threw yourself into work, burying the longing under piles of paperwork and endless meetings.You even paid Momo ‘overtime’ as you decided to work 12-hour shifts from time to time each week. She never asked why you were suddenly working twelve-hour shifts, though the concern in her eyes said enough..
You even confided in Jihyo about the dreams—or the lack of them. She suggested you try everything from ‘shifting’ podcasts to ‘lucid dream’ vibrations on YouTube, but nothing worked. The harder you tried to dream, the more elusive sleep became.
One weekend, you overslept for an alarming number of hours. Momo let herself into your apartment to do a ‘wellness check’. Bread’s excited barks greeted her at the door, tail wagging so hard it looked like he might take off.
“y/n, you okay? It’s Momo, I’m worried” she announced making her way through your apartment while petting Bread.
She opened up your bedroom door and was greeted by a groggy you(alive and well)
“Hmm~?” you mumbled “Momo? What are you doing here? Are you okay?” You said as you plopped back into bed, stretching like a lazy cat
“Am I okay?” she huffed. “You weren’t responding to my texts like you usually do, you vampire! It’s almost 12:45!”
“12:45?!” You shot up, reaching for your phone in disbelief–blinking a couple times to focus your eyes. Sure enough, the screen glowed back at you with the time—12:37 pm.
“Yes, idiot!” she exclaimed, rolling her eyes. “Whatever—I'm just glad you're okay. Seems like Bread’s happy you’re okay too.” she said as Bread made his way onto your bed, licking your face
“Ah~ hi baby~! Good mo- afternoon~!” you cooed at him “ Sorry for worrying you Momo, I just took melatonin a bit too late I think” you said as you shifted your focus to Momo
“Don’t worry, maybe as a thank-you, you should take him on a walk today– seems like you need the fresh air more than me” she chuckled as she settled down on the foot of your bed
“Yeah that seems like a good idea, feel like I lost half my day” you rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment
“Yeah, well.. you kinda did!” she teased
After cooking bre..lunch with Momo, you got ready for whatever was left of the day and leashed up Bread. You  headed out towards the park hoping that it would clear your mind
As you made your way to the crosswalk that was in the direction of the park you usually went to, you noticed a woman on the bus. You recognized her from somewhere. Your soul pulled you to go to her but she was in the lane that was turning left. 
She met your eyes and jolted towards you as the turn light turned green, causing your body to also jolt forward… only to be stopped by the cars that were driving in front of you.
Something inside of you needed to see her– yearned for her.
So you took the risk. You picked up Bread and weaved through the traffic while multiple cars honked at you.
You made it across the (seemingly) endless crosswalk, the bus she was in made a right turn and you watched her as she locked eyes with you from the back window/door of the bus as she faded into a silhouette 
Defeated and broken.
You made your way to the park. You found a bench and sat down, letting Bread wander within the limits of his leash while you sank into your thoughts. Time seemed to blur as you replayed the fleeting moment over and over in your mind, wondering why it hurt so much.
The leash tugged at your hand, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see Bread straining toward another dog across the park. Your eyes followed the leash to its owner, and there she was—the woman from the bus, walking two dogs of her own.
Your body moved on its own. Like she had some sort of magnet pulling you.
You finally reached her. She was a distance away but it was her. It was for sure, the woman from the bus.
Bread noticed the two dogs and pulled you closer and closer to her before reaching them.
The three of them began sniffing each other and you politely said “Oh he’s very curious, sorry” You gaze focused on the dogs, trying your best to mask the turmoil inside you
“It’s okay,” she let out “they are too”
Awkward silence hung between you, the kind that feels heavy with unspoken words. You finally broke it, the question bursting out before you could stop it.
“Have we met before?”
She tilted her head slightly, as if trying to recall. “I think… maybe… Oh—! You’re the one that bumped into me at the bookstore!” she exclaimed quietly.
A tinge of sadness settled in your heart, as if that wasn’t the right answer, or maybe it was just too mundane to explain the ache in your chest. “Oh—! Yeah, that’s right… sorry about that again.” You chuckled, but it was hollow, devoid of real humor.. You swore it wasn’t that..Or maybe it was just that. Was it?
Silence hung in the air after she whispered a quiet “it’s okay”
“Well, I'll let you get on your way. Thanks for letting Bread meet them” You said as you fought back tears before (quite literally) tugging Bread away
“No problem, I thank you too..” she called after you, her voice tinged with a sadness that matched your own.
You two began to part ways
Why did your heart hurt so bad? Why does it feel like the Earth itself is laying on your chest right now?
Tears cascaded down your cheeks as you fought tooth and nail to keep walking away, lightly tugging on Bread’s harness as he also wanted to go back
You were almost to the turn out of the park before you heard a voice yell a familiar name
You froze, turning around slowly, your heart pounding in your chest. There she was. The lost memories of her rushed back into your mind. The woman from the bookstore, the bus, your dreams. Tears streaked her face, but she was smiling—a radiant, beautiful smile that lit up her entire face.
“My name is Tzuyu!” she said again, her voice trembling with emotion, a laugh escaping her lips as another tear raced down her dimpled cheek.
You felt your own smile forming, though it felt awkward and lopsided, as if you weren’t quite sure how to use your face anymore. “Tzuyu-ya!” you called back, your voice cracking with emotion.
“I feel… I feel like I know you!” you said, the words tumbling out of you, raw and desperate.
Her smile grew even wider, if that was possible. “I.. I feel the same way!” she replied, walking closer to you with each step.
“I think we finally found each other, Tzuyu.” You began closing the distance between you two
A tear slipped down her cheek, but she was smiling, a smile that spoke of happiness, of a future you could finally share.
“I’m so glad,” she whispered, stepping closer, her arms wrapping around you in a tight, desperate embrace. “I’m so glad I found you.”
You held her close, feeling her warmth, her heartbeat against yours while tears streamed down your face. The world seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of you, together at last.
For the first time in what felt like forever, you felt at peace. The dreams, the longing, the months of searching—they had all led you here, to this moment, to her.
Finally, after all this time, you were home.
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janners · 2 years
Forgive and Forget
Ao’nung x deaf!reader
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warnings : little angst, Fluff, little bit of violence
wordcount : 9.9k
a/n : writing angst is so fun, but I also can’t write fluff for shit lol. Also bolded italics are when they are using sign language and just bolded is normal talking. Also I'm not good at coming up with titles, also not sure if I like this work sooo yea.
Being born into the family of Toruk Makto brings great joy for everyone. One problem, physical disabilities. Children turn to their mothers and fathers, for their comforting words and lullabies. But for you, you could only rely on touch and vibrations as your ears have been blessed with silence. Ever since you were born, you could not hear anything but muffled noises until it developed into silence.
Jake and Neytiri were stunned not knowing how to react as the great mother gifted them a child of tìkakpam(deafness). A child brought into a world of danger and curiosity who is at a disadvantage in many aspects. They brought you to Norm hoping that there was a way to assist you in any way. Normally hearing aids would be the answer but unfortunately the anatomy of a Na’vi is much different compared to a human.  
Norm promised them that he would find some sort of solution.
As the years passed, the more you grew. Most of your life was within the village. Jake and Neytiri wanted you to be safe knowing that hearing is a big part of their lives when it comes to sensing things around them. Though for you, you felt as if you were a burden. Having to constantly be with someone at all times and not being able to explore with your siblings. You understood the dangers that lurk beyond the village lines, but only once did you want to experience what others experience.
Learning also took you a little longer compared to other kids around you. You didn’t have a way of communicating with anyone until Jake remembered that sign language existed. Working with Norm, they created Na’vi sign language for you to learn. As they slowly introduced the new language to you, the more eager you were to learn. A fast learner is what they saw you as. Just within a year of practising and learning, you were amazingly advanced for your age - or at least amongst humans as Norm put it.
Being 17, you were allowed to have a bit more freedom compared to when you were younger. Even if you couldn’t go out as far as the rest, you still had certain areas you were allowed to explore. You also passed your lknimaya with little effort, just like Kiri the Ikran chose you without wanting to kill you. It seemed as though the great mother gave both you and Kiri close connections to her. Your Ikran had a deep purple colour with delicate black, yellow, and light purple accents covering its body - her name being flefle.
You had a routine that you followed everyday. Wake up, stretch, eat, then head out to do your chores. Your chores only really consisted of joining the gathering group to collect plants and fruit for the clan, as well as training under Mo’at with Kiri. Though on special days, you get to teach children sign language hoping that a second language could be learned throughout the clan. The children adored you, being gentle and patient with them and even goofing off made them love you as a teacher.
Unfortunately, the one day you decided to go against your parents' rules was the day you’d get caught by uniltìrantokxolo'. It all started with Tuk complaining that Lo’ak wouldn’t take her with him to explore the forest. Tuk had ran up to you as you were weaving some baskets, she quickly signed “Lo’ak is being a meanie, he won’t take me with him to the forest with the others. Can you please tell him that he has to take me!”
You give her a small smile in amusement knowing how Lo’ak and Tuk are half the time. You put the half done basket done to sign back “TukTuk, you know it isn’t very safe in the forest especially when you are still my little baby sister” she could only pout knowing that you are right but she tried asking you once more “Please y/n, I’ll be safe I swear on Eywa plus Lo’ak is strong enough to protect us and if not then he must suck as a warrior” You huffed in delight, you told Tuk to stay put as you went to go talk to Lo’ak about it.
Walking towards him seeing as he is ready to go to the labs before embarking on his adventure with Kiri. You quickly clap to grab his attention, he turns to the noise - once he saw you he could only sigh, especially with Tuk trailing behind you. You gave him a head tilt with a knowing look, he could only roll his eyes knowing what this was about.
“Tuk what did I tell you about telling y/n?”
Tuk stuck her tongue out to Lo’ak hoping it would offend him. He scrunched his nose at her giving a disgruntled look. You walked in front of him, giving him a flick on his forehead and making sharp gestures after. “Are you trying to go exploring again? You know how father reacts when you do things like this especially sa’nok when you bring Spider with you”
He gave you a deadpanned look since his conversation happens every time he tries to go out and explore. “How come you don’t tell Kiri this?” feeling a little insulted (sarcastically) when you only talked to him about this. “Kiri knows her limits unlike your skxawng ass”
He could only make a mocking face with his mouth imitating your words. You rolled your eyes at him now. You turn to Kiri hoping that they’ll be safe. “Are you guys going to stay in the areas we are allowed to and not go to the prohibited areas?” Kiri gives a curt nod “I’ll try to, you know how Lo’ak gets' ' Before she finished her sentence an idea popped into her mind. “Why don’t you come with us for once?!” You only sigh. “Sempu and Sa’nok would not like that you know, I think you forgot about my rules that they’ve set for me”
Lo’ak watching the interaction between you two made him throw his hands in the air in exasperation. “Eywa, just come with us for once and not be a stick in the mud Tsmuke” You gave him an irritated look when he signed “stick in the mud” but he wasn’t wrong.
Tuk suddenly jumped up from her spot just now forming what they had said.
“Lo’ak pleeaasse convince y/n to come with us, that way she won’t have to worry about me”
He only groaned just wanting to leave now. “Just come with us y/n, just this one time before Tuk keeps complaining?” You gave him an unsure look knowing how your parents would react to you being out of the safety zones of the village. But you thought, only one time couldn’t hurt what’s the worst that could happen, right? Finally you gave in, Lo’ak content and Tuk cheering. You all walk off towards the lab to grab Spider - your relationship with Spider isn’t very existent since you don’t see him very often.
As you enter the lab, Lo’ak and Kiri go their own way as you head towards Norm and Max. Giving a quick hello to them, you walk closer to them curious on what they’re working on. Taking a closer look, you gave Norm a knowing glance, he had been working on a hearing aid equipped for Na’vi ears. You tap his shoulder “Uncle Norm, I have told you already that you do not need to do this for me. I feel bad that you are taking your time on just this.” Norm turns to you with a bleak look on his face. “Don’t feel bad, I want this for you, I want you to be able to experience what we hear in your beautiful home plus you are my niece, of course I would do this for you.”
Just before you could respond back, Tuk drags you away to the entrance doors. Waving Norm bye before Tuk could drag you any further. Going out you see the three of them waiting for you and Tuk. “Hello Spider” he gave you a small smile before signing "Hi” back. He didn’t mind you either, although he didn’t know much about you it seemed as though you didn’t judge him for what he is and he appreciated it. All of you were now venturing off into the dense forest. You follow closely behind Kiri as you weren’t as familiar to the paths like the rest. You snap your fingers to grab Lo’aks attention once more, “Where are we even going?” Giving you a mischievous grin he said “A surprise” which could only mean bad things knowing how he is.
Continuing to walk through the plants for a couple more minutes before Lo’ak made everyone stop. You bump into Kiri’s back giving her a questioning stare, she gestured you to crouch down to the ground. You weren’t as to why, you turned to see what Lo’ak was doing, making us stop suddenly. He was looking in a certain direction, you followed his gaze just to fall on an old abandoned shack. Oh no, the shack we’re not allowed to come to. You waddled over to Lo’ak giving him a slap on his back. “Are you crazy?” You made hurried movements with your hands to show that you were annoyed with him. “This area is prohibited to all of us”
He gave you an annoyed glance before talking with Spider. You threw your head back while plopping down onto the dirt below you. You signed to Kiri that this was a dumb idea. She could only agree. Just before you guys decided to leave, your brother found tracks in the mud. They were fairly large considering that it was a boot mark. “You don’t think it is uniltìrantokx do you?” Giving them a worried look while pulling Tuk closer to your body. Their ears folded down seeing as it may be the only thing that made those marks. Lo’ak quickly communicated to our father about our findings.
He gestured to all of us to go quickly and quietly back to the village. “Lo’ak is it Skypeople?”
He nods briefly, you felt upset at yourself for allowing this to happen. You hold Tuk and Kiris hands as you try to navigate back home. Abruptly Tuk was stolen out of your grasp by a dreamwalker. You tried reaching out to her desperately wanting to pull her back before another dreamwalker pulled you by your kuru. You let out a strangled noise, panic coursing through your body from the sudden shock. They kicked your legs to make you kneel, you see they rest being captured the same being done to them.
You watch as they start talking, not understanding a word coming from their mouths. Lo’ak talking as well and making a vulgar gesture to the uniltìrantokx. You couldn’t focus well, your breathing uneven, pupils shrinking in fear.
“Hey shut that girl up, her breathing is too loud for me to hear this boy”
“Got it colonel”
Someone grabbed your cheeks harshly making you look at them. They were spewing words out as if they were yelling. You panic more seeing that they were angry with you, not being able to respond. You close your eyes, shaking your head vigorously.
The grip on your face loosened, your panicked state still present. Your eyes shift to Lo’ak as he gestured to you to calm down. You tried to slow your breathing down as you continued to witness the interactions between your siblings and the dreamwalkers. As time passed it grew dark, waiting for your family to come help you all. You glance over to Tuk making sure she was okay, her ears suddenly perked. Watching as the rest of them seem alerted by something.
It was a blur really, you were on the ground, next thing you knew an arrow shot across hitting one of the avatars. Guns started shooting near you, the one time you were glad not to hear those scary machines. Not knowing what to do, Lo’ak ran to grab you off the ground. Finally reaching the dense trees and bushes for cover, he asked if you were okay. “I’m okay, are you alright though?” He gave you a small nod. Only a minute later everyone else had found the two of you. Relief washes over Jake and Neytiri's faces seeing everyone was unscathed.
It seemed as though they had gotten rid of all the uniltìrantokx. Your mother came to you with a worried look pulling you into a quick embrace before pulling back to give a stern face. “You were not allowed to be here, you were to stay in the village” You could only give her a downcasted face as you were in the wrong. Neytiri sighs knowing how hard this must’ve been on you. Giving you one more quick hug before following everyone else back home.
Raids continued for another week until the tawtute eventually left Pandora once more. Unfortunately, your father wanted to leave for both our and the clan's safety. It was like another nightmare, the only home you knew was now being left behind. You weren’t as upset compared to your siblings but it still hurt knowing that you had to leave everything behind.
Jake stepped down from the role of Olo’eyktan with a solemn look. Everyone slowly mounted their Ikrans preparing to take off. There wasn’t much to take with you unlike Tuk and her toys and trinkets. She was always able to lift the mood somehow. You put the rest of her things on your Ikran before seating yourself on Flefle. Your father had given a signal to finally take off, taking one last look at the people and the forest. You thought about many things while flying during the long hours. How will I nag Norm now? Will the reef people accept a Na’vi like you? Would you be outcasted? How will you be able to feel vibrations on sand or water? It has troubled you greatly not knowing if you will be able to feel vibrations.
After a couple more more hours you start to watch as the dark blue slowly turns into beautiful crystalline water. You admire the colourful coral decorating the reef before spotting Na’vi with a much lighter skin tone. You follow your father and the rest on to a small clearing on the sand to land. As you land, Na’vi starts to slowly surround your family with curious and questioning gazes. Jumping off your Ikran, you walk closer to Neteyam grabbing his arm. Two boys emerged from the crowd looking at your family. They walk around to the back studying your bodies.
You felt a lingering stare coming from behind. You look over your shoulder to catch the taller boy studying you the most. He realised you had caught him and averted his gaze to his friend beside him. He started talking but you couldn’t make out what they were saying. You turn to Neteyam asking what they were talking about, he told you not to worry too much about it. Giving him an unsure look you look back to your parents conversing with two other Na’vi. The Tsahik swiftly made her way towards you, she circled you and grabbed your tail while having an unimpressed look. You took your tail out of her grasp giving her a furrowed glance. She only looked at you with a squinted look before heading towards Lo’ak.
First impressions weren’t exactly the best, especially with your reaction. They had accepted your request of Uturu much to their dismay. Their daughter Tsireya, as Lo’ak told you, guided you all to your Mauri. You made them go ahead as you still needed to grab the last items from your Ikran. You wondered what Tuk had packed as it was heavy. Tossing things over your shoulder and carrying another on your back, you started to walk to catch up to your family. The boy from earlier saw you struggle, he tried calling you but no reply. Is she ignoring me on purpose? He gave up, annoyed with you not responding to him. Back with you, you finally caught up with your siblings. Settling into the Mauri you observe your brothers and sisters jumping into the water. You turn to your parents with doe eyes, wanting to join your siblings. They give each other a glance.
“Should we let her? I think it is safe enough in the reef to let her go, right?”
Neytiri took his words and contemplated whether to let you go or not. She did not want you getting hurt while wandering off but she also wanted to grant you freedom. She looked to where you were standing still waiting on their answer, she gave you a small smile.
“You may join them”
You gave her a toothy smile before joining your brothers and sisters. At the edge of the dock, you stare at the water, enamoured by its beauty. Lo’ak swam to you, “Are you allowed to come?” Smiling at him you nod. A small distance away, Tsireya asked Neteyam a question that she had in her mind since you guys got here.
“How do you all know sign language so well?”
Neteyam spun to face her, his mouth shaped as an O forgetting that they do not know about y/n.
“Our sister cannot hear you see, so we all learned sign language together to be able to talk with each other”
Her eyes widened with the fact that you were deaf but also impressed with their language skills. Of course Ao’nung could not hear Neteyam talk about you, too busy with daydreaming while waiting for everyone to join.
You dip your feet into the warm water before slowly emerging the rest of your body into the ocean. The water was soothing, helping with the aching muscles you had. You follow Lo’ak to join the others. As everyone emerged into the ocean, it was like a whole new world beneath the surface. You wandered off on our own just like Kiri, you admired every little detail of the coral and other aquatic plants surrounding you. Small unique looking fish started to swim around you. A look of amazement graced your features from the colourful fish and their behaviour. Eyes following their movement before they swam away.
It seemed as though your brothers could not hold their breaths for much longer. They all surfaced not seeing me or Kiri with them. Ao’nung ducked back into the water, he saw you far from the group swimming by yourself. He couldn’t help but see a breathtaking scene before him. You spun around to see where the others were, instead you met the boy's eyes. Feeling a little flustered you sent him a small wave, but all he returned was nothing while he went back up to the surface. Ears folding down, you felt a little dejected from the actions but focused back on the different world around you.
You had gotten out of the water much sooner than the others. A cut was on your arm from the corals being too immersed with your surroundings. Heading to the healing Mauri, you took quiet steps to the entrance, knocking on the side to grab the Tsahik’s attention. She looked up seeing you with blood running down your arm. Waving you over to sit, you were quick to sign an apology. Ronal looked at you with an odd expression. “You know sign?” Giving a curt nod, “I was born with tìkakpam” Eyes widening for a second before coming closer to you to inspect your cut. Placing a paste of mixed plants and herbs onto your arm before wrapping it with leaves. “Do not get this wet until the cut has been sealed” You smile “Irayo” You stood up to leave until you felt a hold on your hand, it was the Tsahik. Ronal had some remorse towards the girl despite their differences. “How would you feel about teaching the young children sign language? I heard from your mother that you did some teaching but I did not know what it was until now.”
You felt the tight feeling in your chest loosen a tiny bit. “I would love to.” To your surprise the Tsahik gave you a smile who was now shooing you off to continue your exploring. You felt a bit down due to not being able to swim for the time being but you shook the feeling off, striding to the shore. You slowly walk while water rises to tickle your feet, from a distance you see the same boy from earlier throwing spears into the sand. You walk towards him, you grab a stick from the sand and gently tap the tree near you. Ao’nung was slightly startled, missing his target. He turned to prepare to cuss someone out but immediately stopped as his eyes landed on you.
Eyes curving into a moon shape as you smiled and waved at him. There was a slight flutter in his chest seeing you. He wasn’t sure why he was feeling this way, he barely knew you.
“What are you doing here?”
You squint at his moving mouth, you picked up on what he said. “I was just walking until I stumbled upon you throwing the spears” He tilted his head, not understanding why you were using that language. Seeing his confused face, you completely forgot that he must’ve not heard about you. You quickly sign once more “oh sorry, I don't know if anyone told you but I am deaf” You gave him a gummy smile, he felt a bit guilty not knowing especially when he had tried calling out to you a few times. He walked closer to you, “I’m sorry, I haven’t introduced myself properly yet, I am Ao’nung” You look up to meet his gaze, he was quite tall for his age. “Nice to meet you Ao’nung, My name is y/n.” Y/n? A pretty name. He had thought.
You spent the rest of your time with Ao’nung. He’s shown you most of the island and told you about some traditions they do. You guys compare your traditions, competing with which is better. Some small banter here and there. Walking along the docks you spot these adorable creatures in the water. “What kind of creatures are those?” Your eyes glimmered in admiration. A small chuckle escaped Ao’nung’s lips, “These are called Ilu, very kind creatures they are.” Smile widening, you look into his eyes asking if it was okay to touch them just with your face. To him, you looked like an overexcited child receiving their first spear, he could only grin at the sight. He gave you the go ahead with a small nod. The Ilu swam up closer to the dock as you crouched down and reached your hand out.
It felt much more different from what you expected. The Ilu were very smooth and slippery, slightly rubbery. Your tail swinging back and forth, you look back up to Ao’nung with a determined face. “Can you teach me to ride one?”  He gave you a surprised look, “Well I planned on teaching you all the next morning…”  You stood swiftly grabbing both his hands, your face full of eagerness. He couldn’t resist and gave in. “Fine, but you better show off how good of a teacher I am tomorrow when I teach your siblings” You throw your hands up, victorious in convincing him. Immediately your mood dampened, you looked down to your arm, ah the cut. “Sorry Ao’nung, It seems that I’ve forgotten about my injury. I cannot get it wet.” Your face is apologetic.
Studying his face, he appeared a little disappointed. “It’s alright, once your arm is healed up I will teach you then.” Giving you a gentle smile. Alas, someone saw the scene, that person being Tsireya. She was ecstatic seeing her brother having a soft spot for you. Tsireya then saw you guys part ways for the day, just as you went out of view she ran up to her brother with the widest grin.
“You like her don’t you!?”
He was stunned by the sudden appearance of his younger sister. Heat filled his cheeks swatting his sister away.
“W-what are you talking about? Me, liking her? That is nonsense.”
Tsireya put her hand on her hip giving him the most unbelieving look she could give him.
“Your cheeks say otherwise brother”
“Bah, this is none of your business anyways. Plus I could say the same when you were looking at the forest boy”
A smug expression replacing his flustered one. Tsireya now he one who is flustered from the sudden mention of the one brother. She smacked his arm as hard as she could.
“OW, you did not have to hit me that hard women”
She could only roll her eyes. They both head on back to their Mauri constantly bickering along the way.
The felt someone shaking you gently, you awaken rubbing your eyes and letting out a long yawn. You turn to see who woke you, your mother. She ushered you over to eat,  you took a seat beside Tuk who was munching away. You ruffle her braids while signing good morning. Neytiri gently tapped the floor grabbing your attention, feeling the small vibrations you lift your head. Your mother signed about the talk you had with Ronal. “I heard that you are to teach the young ones sign?” You give her a soft smile, “Yes, the Tsahik assigned me to be a teacher after hearing that I was a teacher back home. I am quite excited” Neytiri huffed out air in content seeing her daughter settling well to the changes. “I hope you are ready then, the Tsahik told me to tell you to meet her at her Mauri today after you finish eating” Nodding, your attention back on eating thrilled for today’s events.
You wave your mother off as you head to the Mauri with a little skip to your walk. Finally reaching your destination, you see the Tsahik patiently waiting for your arrival. As you greet her, Ronal’s face softens from her usual hardened look. “Are you ready for your first day?” You nod energetically, excited to see what it was like to teach metkayina children. Both of you reach a small secluded area, just before you could take another step you spot a boy about your age waiting there. “This is Fänau, he will help you with the young as they are only beginners, he will translate for them.” You open your mouth in understanding. “The parents should come in a few minutes to drop their children off, have fun” Giving you one last smile she waves you off.
You walk to Fänau wanting to introduce yourself and get to know him a bit better before lessons start. “Hello, my name is y/n I hope we can work well together” You give him a kind smile. “I am Fänau as Tsahik mentioned, I am excited to work with you.”
Ao’nung was doing his morning chores. As he was carrying some baskets before he spotted his mother and you walking together. Suspicious, he followed behind them to see what they were doing. They stopped in a small area, he squinted his eyes to see what his mother was saying. First day? For what? Then he spotted Fänau, watching you two interact made him feel irritated. His mood was now spoiled, walking away with tight fists.
The first lesson was amazing, the children were amazing despite only knowing a few basic signs. You were radiating happiness as you passed a few members of the clan, you couldn't even be bothered by the stares you were getting. Walking to the shore, you remembered that your siblings were learning to ride Ilus today. Increasing your speed you finally spot them in the water getting ready to ride. You crouch to sit and watch them learn since your cut hasn’t fully healed yet.
Neteyam noticed your figure from a distance, he waves nice and high. Seeing you wave back made him chuckle. Ao’nung took a glimpse of you, you really were pretty in the sun. He felt a nudge in his side, turning just to see Lo’ak giving him a death stare.
“Stop ogling my sister fish lips”
“Who said I was looking at your sister?”
He looked away immediately trying to shield faint blush. Lo’ak gave him a dirty look not believing what he’s seeing right now. He slowly walks to Tsireya still giving Ao’nung a warning look. You continue to watch your siblings learn, chuckling to yourself as you saw Lo’ak fall off his Ilu. But your gaze trailed to Ao’nung who was also laughing, who knew one could look nice when they are laughing like that. Waving your hands frantically trying to wave those thoughts away. You must’ve thought you were crazy for thinking that way.
As they finish up their lessons, Kiri makes her way to you with a content smile. “The ocean is so beautiful” You smile agreeing with Kiri, the only thing missing is hearing the water and waves. How you wish you could hear it. Everyone had dispersed doing their own things, except you and Kiri. You stayed where you guys were, admiring the nature around you while Kiri was admiring the sand in the water. You caught a glimpse of figures moving from the corner of your eye. It was Ao’nung and a few other boys talking to Kiri. Your head tilted to the side wondering what they needed Kiri for. Brows furrowing see the discomfort on your sister's face. Standing from the sand, you walk over and grab Kiri’s hand and look towards Ao’nung. “Is there something you need from Kiri?”  Ao’nung faltered seeing you appear beside Kiri.
Instead of him signing to you he talks once more to Kiri. You catch the word freak coming from his mouth. You give him a hurt expression, you press your hand against his chest to put space between him and your sister. Just before you could say anything else Lo’ak comes onto the scene taking your hand away from Ao’nung. Neteyam then came along to relieve the tension between the two boys. Only a second later, literally a second, a fight broke out. While Kiri was laughing, you had a horrified expression on your face. You walk up to Ao’nung pulling on his tail to get him off your brother. In a blink of an eye, you felt pressure against your check making you fall back.
Everyone froze in place. First person to move was Kiri helping you off the ground asking if you were okay. You didn’t reply, you only looked at Ao’nung with a crestfallen look taking over your features. Before more punches could break out, your fathers came to the scene quickly pulling everyone apart. Ao’nung tried reaching out to you before being pulled away by his father. Your father left you with Ronal to help the bruise that is forming on your cheek. “Thank you for the paste Tsahik '' She shook her head, “You do not need to thank me, I swear to eywa if my son does something like this again so help me” You chuckle quietly seeing Ronal worked up over her son. “Also there is no need to call me Tsahik, just call me Ronal '' Her face is gentle as she continues to rub paste on your cheek. You were beaming now being on a first name basis with the Tsahik.
As the sun sets and the moon rises, you carefully take off the leaves surrounding your arm. The cut was finally sealed up, a smile graced your features knowing you can go into the water once more. The smile faded watching your brothers and sisters come into the Mauri with both annoyed and upset looks. “What is wrong? Did something happen again?” Neteyam could only sigh, “Ao’nung took Lo’ak outside the reef and basically left him for dead” Your expression etched into anger, not knowing why Ao’nung would do this. Kiri looked a little surprised as it was rare for you to get mad.
Standing up with anger radiating off your body, you stride towards Ao’nungs Mauri tail whipping around in frustration. Reaching the entrance you give the Olo’eyktan and Ronal a quick greeting. You didn’t meet the eyes of Ao’nung as you signed to Ronal. “I'm sorry to disturb you Ronal, but may I talk to your son” She took in your stiff posture and expression, the corner of her mouth perking up a little before giving you a brief nod. She found it quite amusing that her son was about to earn another lecture from someone else, especially from you.
Ao’nung hesitated with following you out, not ready for what you have to say. Finding a small spot on the sand you finally turn to meet his nervous gaze. Your stern face changed to sorrow. “Why?” He knew exactly what you were talking about but like a skxawng he played dumb. “What do you mean?” Frustration growing once more, you punch his chest. “You first called us freaks and then left my brother to die outside the reef” Your gestures were sharp and quick showing your bitterness. He only looked down knowing what he did was extremely wrong. You huff air from your nose in disbelief, you thought he was nice but you thought wrong. You made him look at you once more. “Not only that, if my siblings are freaks, then what am I? I have the same features of those tawtute and I cannot hear. Does that make me a monstrosity compared to everyone else?”
Not once did Ao’nung feel that way. You were one of the most gorgeous Na’vi he’s ever seen. He wished he could say those to you but he was still silent. Tears well up in your eyes, your head hung low. “To think that one person wouldn’t judge me apart from my family. I really thought we could’ve been friends Ao’nung maybe even a little bit more than that” Again silence, you took it as a sign that Ao’nung wouldn’t change. Ao’nung was frozen in place, not being able to comprehend what you signed. You wanted something more? Just as he lifted his head to look at you, your body was already walking away from his figure. He wanted to reach out, he really did, but he stayed in place not wanting to make matters worse.
You make it back to the Mauri and sit right beside your mom. Head leaning into her side, tears now falling freely accompanied with small sniffles. Neytiri wanted to ask what had happened but thought it was best to comfort her daughter with her warm touch. She brought you closer into her body as you continued to cry quietly. Neytiri started to hum your waytelem hoping you could feel the vibrations from her chest. The soft murmurs from your mothers body calmed you, you felt your body slowly falling into slumber. In time you fall asleep completely, Neytiri picks up your small figure and puts you onto your mat and gently drapes a thin cover over you.
Jake looked at Neytiri with a concerned look. They knew that moving somewhere away from the forest would come with difficulties. It was a small given that the children would be seen differently due to their different appearances. He contacted Norm and asked about his little project for you. His throat felt parched hearing that Norm had almost figured it out. Norm mentioned that in another week or two it could be ready for use. Jake sighed in relief, you would finally be able to experience the sounds of their stunning world. Looking over to your peaceful frame, he could only worry because you were his first daughter and he knows how much you’ve been through.
Days have passed, you’ve gone everyday to teach the children along with your new friend Fänau. You have also been ignoring Ao’nung because you weren’t ready to face him. Ever since that day, you haven’t really given yourself the time to learn how to ride and explore more of the ocean. Fänau was walking by your side after finishing the lesson for today. You turn to him with a cheeky smile, “Have you gotten the chance to talk with Zoprrì?” giving him a small nudge with your hip. His face flushed with purple and gave you a small smack on your arm. “Do not tease me. I tried but I fumbled over my words and ran” Fänau buried his face in his hands in embarrassment. You bring your hand up to his shoulder for comfort. “You still have lots of time, he will definitely see how awesome you are Fänau” You give him your widest smile with a small thumbs up. He could only release a small laugh at your silly gestures.
It was his turn to give you a teasing smile. “How’s Ao’nung?” You give him a deadpan expression. “You know damn well how he is, I did not rant to you two days ago just for you to ask that dumb question” He chuckled, “He is like a lovesick puppy, he keeps trying to find you” You roll your eyes as you cross your arms, then releasing with sharp movements. “Lovesick? Lovesick my ass, if he really did then he would not have called us freaks' ' Fänau found it amusing when you started ranting, but he knows that you would not budge from the idea of avoiding Ao’nung. “He is going to keep trying to talk to you until you finally give in” Eyes squinting at him, you slowly sign “I won’t give in, watch me” He pursed his lips then released a long sigh. “You will, I know you are still upset with him but you will have to talk with him eventually especially when you live here now” Your ears face down, he was right but Ao’nung did not deserve your friendship right now. Both of you continue to walk discussing random topics.
Ao’nung once again had gone in search of you. He desperately wanted to apologise, he did not want to lose you. He searched throughout the village but you made no appearance. Realisation took over his features that you must’ve been teaching right now during this time. Walking to the area, he thought of many ways to somehow start the conversation once he finally has the chance. Just on time, the lesson had just finished but he paused his movements. He saw you walk away with Fänau. Twinge of jealousy pricks his heart seeing the two side by side. Instead of walking away, he followed the two of you making sure not to make a sound. He was too far to see what you were discussing with him, he moved in closer hiding behind the trees. He read your movements and got to the part where you mentioned him calling you freaks. Guilt washed over his body, it was his fault for saying those foul things.
He studied your expression, it was full of annoyance and a tinge of sadness. Ao’nung did not want you to feel upset with him. An idea popped into his head, gifts. Remembering that his sister was skilled in making accessories. Leaving the scene, he ran with determination towards his family Mauri. Today was an off day for them, entering the Mauri he spots his sister already working on some small trinkets and bracelets.
She looked up from her work seeing her brother standing awfully awkwardly.
“Did you need something Ao’nung?”
He wasn’t sure why he was feeling shy for asking a small favour from his younger sister. Fiddling with his fingers he opened his mouth just to close it again. He felt frustrated with himself for not being able to get the words out. He let out a groan, looking straight at Tsireya once more before he blurted out.
“Can you help me make stuff for Y/n…”
Her eyes were blown wide before she beamed with delight. Scrambling up to stand, she ran up to her brother pulling him towards her working area. Tsireya pushed down on his shoulders forcing him to sit, but did it a bit too hard making him fall hard on his butt. He let out a small yelp, giving his sister a stunned look. Letting out a small sorry before she sat next to him with a look of curiosity.  
“What exactly did you want to make for her? A charm? Bracelet? A beautiful top? Hair decor? Cute trinkets?”
He cut her off by smacking his hand on her mouth to stop her from rambling. She was getting too excited for his liking. Pinching his nose bridge he came up with an idea.
“I was hoping to give her a variety of things until she finally lets me talk to her. I thought we would start with an accessory for her ears seeing she has a hole in her ear”
Tisreya looked at her brother full of admiration. She was grateful that you were able to change Ao’nungs foul behaviour. She shuffled closer to Ao’nung showing him a variety of pieces that they could use to start this earring. He knew that you usually wore feathers but they didn’t really have those. Some scales caught his eye, they were shiny and in the light they reflected with a beautiful orange and yellow colour.
“Do you think I could mend these together and shape it?”
He picked the scales up showing them to Tsireya. She squinted her eyes while staring at the scales in thought. A solid nod, he exhaled not knowing he was holding his breath for her approval. Hours went by as Ao’nung was a bit difficult to teach especially when snarky remarks were being tossed back and forth. Tsireya constantly smacks his hand when he does something wrong after being told repeatedly not to do that. Or he groans in frustration while dropping the earring flopping backwards onto his back. Tsireya could only give him apathetic looks. Through all of that they finally finish the set of earrings made for you. They both release a sigh of content before falling back at the same time.
“You plan to do this how often Ao’nung?”
“...every night”
She sits up so quickly, almost giving herself whiplash. Looking at Ao’nung with a gaping mouth and furrowed look.
Tsireya looked at him like he was crazy. She threw her hands up in exasperation while huffing out.
He choked on his words, courting? He gave his sister a flabbergasted expression.
“I’m leaving, I can't stand this conversation anymore. I need to go drop the earrings off”
Tsireya mocked him as he walked away heading towards your family's Mauri. As he’s walking, he looks down to the earrings in his hands. Thoughts run through his mind, Will she like them? Will she throw it away? Will she wear it? Distracted by his thoughts he didn’t realise that he had reached the Mauri. He started fidgeting with his creation worried that you may be there. Just before he took another step, Neteyam had stepped out of the Mauri. He turned his head, catching Ao’nung in his line of vision. His once relaxed face turned stiff. Ao’nung grew nervous seeing your brother walk slowly towards him.
“What are you doing here Ao’nung”
His voice is firm and demanding.
“I was uh, was wondering if I could give this to y/n?”
He held out his hand to reveal the delicate handcraft. Neteyam looked puzzled, not understanding why. He could see some flaws in his craft as he tried to shape it into a feather look and the weaving looked a little messy. He gently took the earrings from Ao’nungs hand making sure to handle it carefully. Ao’nung shoulders dropped in relief that Neteyam accepted his request.
“I cannot assure you that she will forgive you with this”
Ao’nungs expression grew grim.
“I know, but I will keep trying”
Neteyam looked at him with a pleased face. He was glad that someone was willing to try for you. Many men in their past clan didn’t make many advances towards you due to your deafness. Seeing that there was someone here making an effort provided him some peace. He bids Ao’nung off, entering the Mauri he trudged to your hunched over figure. He taps his foot beside you, catching your attention. “A certain boy came by '' Your ears pointed down, turning away from him, focusing back on your basket weaving. He sighed, he went and sat in front of you. “You know you cannot avoid him forever. I know he said some upsetting things but all of us have now become a bit acquainted for the most part” You stop your moving hands, lifting your head to meet his stare. “Yes you guys have but not me. I am not ready to face him yet.” Neteyam pursed his lips, he took one of your hands and placed the earrings gently in your palm. “He came by to give you these, you can tell he made them” You bring your hands closer to your body, studying the accessory. The beautiful colours resembled your actual feathered earrings except these were shiny and reflective. You noticed the small cravings on the side trying to resemble the feather details. Your lips curled into a faint smile.
Neteyam noticed and smiled, he gave you a small ruffle on your head before heading out once more. As he left, you got up from your spot and walked over to your space. You had a small trinket box where you stashed away your things. Carefully placing the earrings into the box, you look at it once more before closing. You pondered why he had given you a set of earrings. Continuing your basket weaving, you stayed in thought about the different possibilities on why until the sky grew dark.
As a few more days passed, everyday Neteyam or Lo’ak would give you something made by Ao’nung much to Lo’aks dismay. Each item was beautifully made even though there are some small mistakes you can spot out. The other day, Neteyam had brought in a delicate top covered in intricate designs. Tsireya definitely helped him with that. Your mother had told you that there was a big celebration tonight and wanted you to join. She knew you weren’t big on these types of things but thought it would be nice for you to join in one every once in a while.
The celebration was nearing, you thought long and hard about what you should wear. You look towards the collection of accessories that Ao’nung gifted you. You missed Ao’nung, but you were scared to approach him. You took this chance to wear everything he made for you as a sign of forgiveness. Putting on the bracelets, the earrings, neck pieces, and the beautiful top. Lo’ak had walked in to grab something but saw you wearing Ao’nungs “ugly” creations. He gave you a furrowed look with his eyes peering at you. “You’re really gonna wear his things?” He saw you give him a brief nod. He could only sigh, “If he tries anything tonight don’t hesitate to grab me okay?” Smiling, you gave him another nod for reassurance.
Heading to the main gathering area, you feel deep vibrations under your feet as you come closer to the celebration. You see bright lights from the fires illuminating the entire ground accompanied by the shining moon. You move your head to see your father talking to somebody, they turned their head a bit and you realised that it was Norm. You missed him dearly, you carefully snuck up behind him before jumping on his back. You felt his body jolt, he turned to see your extremely happy face. He gave you a tight embrace before pulling away. Your face changed from happy to confused. “How come you are here uncle?” Seeing those words he gave you a toothy smile. “I finally figured out the hearing aid situation” Eyes widening with tears slowly forming on your bottom lashes. “This isn’t a joke is it?” He gave you another smile while shaking his head. You jumped into his arms once more as tears were finally released from your eyes.
“Do you want to test them right now, see if you can hear the music?” You nod vigorously as you wipe your tears away. Norm carefully picked up the wooden box and opened them to reveal the small hearing aids. He gently placed them into your ears adjusting the sizing to fit. Putting on the lowest level of volume, he turns them on. You weren’t sure how to react, emotions were everywhere. Ears twitching to the small sounds around you, the people chatting, the crackling of the fire, the booming music. Tears welled in your eyes once more, you turned to Norm, ramming into him giving him another hug as your cry in his chest.
“How do you feel kiddo?”
Your eyes widened at his voice, “I can hear you, I can actually hear you” He chuckled lightly as tears threatened his vision as well. You quickly turn to your father, you run to him and grab his arms. “Sempu try talking”
“Nga yawne lu oer Ma’ite”
His voice sounded more fatherly than you thought it was. Deep voice with raspy undertones. You lean into his body, overwhelmed with joy. You grab the rest of your siblings and your mother to hear all their voices. As a family you shared your tears of happiness, you finally felt normal.
Ao’nung and Tsireya arrived late due to Ao’nung worrying too much about his appearance and Tsireya constantly reassured him that he looked fine. As they joined the clan they head towards their parents first notifying their presence. He noticed his mother with a smile on her face while looking in a certain direction. He followed her gaze stopping on you, you were dancing with your younger sister Tuk. His eyes open like saucers seeing you decorated with all his creations. Purple hues appear on his cheeks and ears as he continues watching you dance with such positive energy radiating from you. Tsireya smirked, elbowing his ribs.
“Go. Ask her to dance with you”
He swallows his saliva in nervousness. He couldn’t take his eyes off you.
“Do you think she’ll say yes?”
Tsireya laughs lightly.
“I’m sure she will, plus she’s wearing all your things”
Ao’nung begins walking towards your dancing frame. His cheeks still warm as he watches you dance with such grace and freedom. As he got closer, you noticed him coming to you. You stopped dancing and signed to Tuk to go to Kiri. Once he was standing right in front of you he couldn’t muster a single word. You watched as he stood silent, you were hoping he would say something but nothing came out. A small pang of disappointment filled your chest. You turn to walk away until his hand grabs your arm. You move your head slightly just to see him out of the corner of your eye. “Would you like to dance with me?” Eyes widening from the question. You give him a shy nod trying to avoid his gaze. He guided you near the centre, softly grabbing your other hand. You felt weird being in the middle of everything, you kind of wish you were back dancing on the sidelines.
Ao’nung sensed your slight discomfort, so he decided to dance first. He did a couple moves here and there, a few being a little silly to make you more comfortable. You finally are confident enough to start dancing as well. You moved swiftly and rhythmically to the beat. Ao’nungs movement falters, watching you fall into the music once more. He was slightly confused not knowing how you knew the rhythm so easily. But he forgot about it immediately as you grabbed his hand pulling him closer to you.
From afar both pairs of parents watch as their children enjoy their night. Neytiri settled beside Ronal while watching her son and her own daughter dance together. “They seem good,” Ronal smiled, agreeing with Neytiri.
“Your daughter is a very bright girl despite the difficulties she faces”
Neytiri watched you with a gentle expression.
“She is isn’t she”
An idea surfaced in Ronals mind, she was sure it would stun Neytiri.
“How would you feel about me teaching her the ways of a healer? I know my daughter is the next Tsahik but I think it would be good if y/n learned about healing”
She whips her head to face Ronal with shock. Neytiri knew you weren’t much of a hunter or warrior so healing made sense.
“You would do that for her?”
Ronal nods.
“Anything for a future daughter”
Ronal hid her laughter seeing Neytiris reaction. Both mothers had become close over the couple weeks. The celebration had slowed down, everyone settling into chatting amongst themselves while their children ran around. Few decide to eat niktsyey as well and enjoy their drinks. You and Ao’nung decided to settle down as well, sitting with the rest of the chaotic group. Ao’nung sat close to you but without Lo’ak giving him the dirty eye. He shifted a tiny bit closer to you just to get on Lo’aks nerves. As for you, you were fidgeting with your fingers while watching the children play with each other. A small group of children you recognised as some of your students. They pulled your arms wanting you to play with them. You sign to Ao’nung quickly saying you’d be back before getting dragged away by the kids.
He watches you as you run around with the children chasing you and one on your back. Ao’nung felt as if he was on cloud nine just observing you getting along with the kids so well. He knew you would make a great mother someday. Rotxo nudged him teasingly.
“You definitely like her, can’t deny it now”
He swats Rotxos hand away, giving him a small hum. Not once has he taken his eyes off you, you looked amazing in his crafts and he felt proud. Lo’ak had thrown a pebble at his head but he didn’t even notice, too entranced with his sister. You finally wave to the children off before sitting beside Ao’nung once more. The rest of the night was filled with talking and laughter especially because of Lo’aks and Ao’nungs bickering with each other. You haven’t told Ao’nung about your new hearing aids, wanting to wait to be alone to finally have an actual conversation with each other. But throughout the night you kept increasing the volume as you get used to the sounds. You heard what Ao’nung sounded like but not clearly due to the other chatter around you.
As everyone slowly starts to head back to their Mauris, you took Ao’nungs hand and guide him to the shoreline. He was a little confused but followed you anyway. As you reach the shore, gently bring him down to sit with you. You make your body face him, you look into his ocean eyes that are shining in the moonlight. “I forgive you” You watch as his eyes widen and a smile settles on his lips. “You do?” Giving him a gummy smile you nod briefly. His expression dropped just a little, “I’m sorry for saying those cruel things, and for not saying anything. I don’t think you’re a freak, you are unique and beautiful. I’m sorry for making fun of your siblings as well, the silent treatment was well deserved for me.” Grabbing his hand, you give him a look of compassion. “All is forgiven and forgotten okay? It is alright now” Giving him a wide grin you quickly sign, “Can you say my name with your actual voice?” Ao’nung gave you a puzzled expression but went along.
Your smile widened, eyes turning in crescent moon shapes. “You have a lovely voice” He blinked a few times not understanding how you heard him. Seeing him confused you exhale in amusement. You slowly remove the headpiece that was covering the hearing aids. You turn your head to the side to show him the small device. Ao’nung tilted his head still confused on what the device has to do with your hearing, especially when he doesn’t understand tawtute machinery. You chuckle at his expression, “My uncle made this device to help me hear, it took many long years to perfect for me. But I can finally hear everything… even you.” Ao’nung felt his cheeks and ears warm up from your comment from earlier about liking his voice. His tail wagging unintentionally behind him.
“No wonder you were dancing beautifully to the music”
This time your cheeks were set aflame hearing his gentle voice and compliment. You buried your face in the palms of your hands feeling embarrassed. As you try to avoid his gaze, he feels happy knowing he had an effect on you. He gently caresses your hands, bringing them down to his lap. Ao’nung gazes into your golden eyes that seem to light up in the dark. Studying your face, the glowing specks, your unique striping and your soft lips. Mustering up his courage, he slowly leans in, inching closer and closer to your face. Your eyes flutter closed anticipating the possible kiss. Feeling his hand on the side of your cheek, the soft touch of his lips finally connect with yours. The kiss was gentle yet passionate under the moonlight. The nervous feeling in your system vanished as the kiss lasted longer. Pulling away to catch your breaths, you look into each other’s eyes before breaking out into quiet laughter. Purple hues still visible on your cheeks.
Sitting together in silence, bodies facing the ocean with your tails entangled. Listening to the waves crashing against each other, and the animals chittering through the night. Head resting against his shoulder and his head resting on top of yours. You felt at peace slowly dozing off to the sounds of Ao’nungs breathing. Ao’nung peaked at your face, a small smile forming on his lips thinking, how did I get so lucky?
Years passed, you became an experienced healer assisting Tsireya with her continued Tsahik studies. As well as continuing teaching the small children sign. Ao’nung became a strong warrior, earning multiple markings. Not only that, you became mates. Ever since that night, both of you were inseparable. Ronal adored you, more than Ao’nung or so he said. Your brothers also become strong warriors within the clan. Lo’ak followed the Metkayinas ways as Neteyam continued the Omatikaya ways. Kiri and Tuk both joined the gathering groups although Tuk was training to be a warrior. Ao’nung was also able to finally give you those Ilu lessons which went wonderfully apart from distracting each other. As Fänau, he finally got together with Zoprrì. Both of you were still close friends, much to Ao’nungs disagreement. Everything was finally in place.
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my313 · 6 months
milk teeth ୧ ‧₊˚ 🥛 ⋅ ☆ kang taehyun
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now playing 𝄞₊⊹ milk teeth - niki
⋆ pairing: taehyun x f!reader 
⋆ summary: taehyun loves the things you do for him. he loves how familiar you are. probably more than he ever liked you.
⋆ genre/themes/warnings: angst, suggestive (implied former sneaky link!tyun, implications of sex), unhealthy relationship ++ scenes in italics are flashbacks
⋆ word count: 2.6k
a/n: sorry to solomons he was my muse for this song.... I PROMISE ITS NOT THAAAAT BAD I THINK?? lmk actually if this is sad enough.. highly rec listening to the song while reading, i ref some scenes and lines throughout n just... i love the lyrics ! underrated nicole track icb she wrote this in high school lmao
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taehyun had been something between a secret lover and a stranger in the past few months. over the course of your frail affiliation, you jump between thinking that the world was testing you by sending over a guy who would kiss your forehead in the comfort of your dorm room but never look you in the eye in-front of his friends; to being so overtaken by infatuation each time you see his bare skin against your sheets, the sun kissing him on places you’ve found yourself feathering over the night before.
the daydream always shatters when you wake the morning after and the only remnants of his existence within your bedroom are the stains on your bed and the warmth of his body clinging desperately onto where he slept. it’s easy for that dream to rekindle every night; because when taehyun’s at your doorstep with a huge grin on his face, you can’t help but leap into his arms.
when you feel the sun joining you in bed and instead of a phantom of his physique, you find taehyun sound asleep next to you; you can’t fall back asleep. you prop yourself on your side, cheek pressed on your hand and elbow holding your weight, admiring the rare view bestowed upon you. you think it won’t be as rare to see now that taehyun’s your boyfriend — a newly-formed title that came into fruition just yesterday. it wasn’t the most romantic way to ask, settling for a conversation on this very bed after showering together. 
it went along the lines of you saying:
“i’m starting to like you a lot, taehyun.” 
your back is against his chest, situated between his legs. “yeah?” you etch taehyun’s half-smile, half-smirk in your mind as he plays with your hair. it almost feels like he’s finally in the room with you, not drifting away, someplace else, when you confess. you push the thought to back of your head when you feel his chest rumble from a laugh. “have i stolen your heart yet?” 
“...y/n, you thief.”
“am not!” you refute, silly smile stretching your lips, cheeks swelling from the searing affection taehyun offers. it probably burns, but you can’t resist – not when you’re usually off scraping corners of his lukewarm responses and icy texts. 
“can i keep it though?” the tone of your voice is hopeful, and taehyun doesn’t have it in him to say anything but yes. he doesn’t know why he does this, is it because you’re nice? the girl you love should probably have more words under her belt than nice. but that’s what taehyun settles for. 
you’re so nice that taehyun doesn’t even have to spew out the question. 
“can i be your girlfriend, i mean.” you clarify, assuming the silence on his end stemmed from confusion. or that’s what you’ve convinced yourself these kind of moments were; the times where taehyun reels back in and decides you’ve seen enough of his kinder gestures for the time being. 
he nods.
giddy, anxious, once again hauled into infatuation; these are the things that culminate in your chest as you watch taehyun stir. 
you don’t bother to look away once his eyes flutter open, wincing at the light sneaking between your blinds. “morning, boyfriend.” his lips curve into a small smile, “morning, girlfriend.”
you sit up expectantly, wanting to start the day with all these ideas that have been blossoming since you started liking taehyun. things like making pancakes when he finally stayed long enough until the morning, or simpler ideas like struggling to leave the bed and being tugged back into his arms, “five more minutes…” tickling your nape as he nuzzles into you. 
your ideas start to dwindle when taehyun’s first course of action is to pick up his phone and look through his texts. you’re left blinking, confused by the nonchalance that clouded the air in your room. you should be used to this by now. the push and pull was always what made you come back to him anyway; but in your brain, after the intimacy of last night, you had hoped that taehyun’s hot-and-cold would begin to melt.
you don’t want to think about it. giving taehyun the benefit of the doubt is always easier than having to recode your mind to admitting that you just like him a lot more than he does you. you already have a boatload of excuses piled up from all the times you had to defend your crush on him from your friends; always something about “he’s never had a serious relationship, he doesn’t know!” or “he’s just not that kind of guy, y’know..”
instead, you’re pushing yourself out of bed, and that is thankfully enough for taehyun to look up in surprise.
“want pancakes for breakfast?” 
‧₊˚ ⋅ ☆
you’re sitting in the back of his friend yeonjun’s car the next time taehyun invites you outside of your stay-at-home ‘dates’. 
you’re squished between two long-legged boys, soobin and kai, while beomgyu called dibs on the very back, using the excuse of “somebody needs to hold our shit from falling” as a guise for wanting to catch up on sleep. taehyun’s in front with yeonjun, chatting with a carefree smile.
that kind of smile was reserved for people you knew taehyun held no doubt for. the kind of people that taehyun’s already settled into and signed his lease. you’re a hostel in taehyun’s unknowing search for a home, you start to think.
but you’re young, and there’s plenty of time for renovations and renewals. maybe in a few months time, taehyun’s “nice” and “cute” will turn into “beautiful” and “kind-hearted.” in a few months time, you’ll be more than a place to lounge and leave; perhaps even earn his breathless laughs and sparkling eyes. 
today, your destination is a barred cliff overlooking the view of your hometown. beomgyu suggested watching the sundown before spring started, ever the romantic. he’s also the reason taehyun even bothered to bring you; the invite making you audibly gasp over the phone when he called, asking just half an hour before they were set to go. taehyun always did that — made plans and canceled; only to call you a few hours later, when the sinking feeling finally set in and you were ready to push it to the backburner, saying “i’m coming over.”
you’re leaning against the side of yeonjun’s car, taehyun on the edge of the hood and the rest of the boys scattered just around the front. by the time you’ve arrived, the chill of the upcoming night was beginning to creep up. 
kai picks up on how much you’re feeling the cold. your teeth are chattering, and your posture hunched into your own body, arms crossed and trying to keep yourself as warm as you could. he blinks at taehyun’s apathy. you’re right next to him, there is no way he couldn’t hear the way your teeth crash against one another, or the hisses you unconsciously spew. 
“dude, y/n looks like she’s dying.” kai finally speaks up, interrupting the flow of conversation between his friends.
all five turn to look at you. you feel like you’re being watched like a wild animal at the zoo, scowling at beomgyu’s laughter. his teasing begins, taking advantage of being on taehyun’s other side, sprawled on the hood. he pokes his friend’s forearms, “yeah, tyunnie, y/n looks like she’s dying. why don’t you go warm her up?” his mischievous antics have your heartbeat picking up. you don’t know whether to thank him or jump him.
you’re anxious, for some reason; but you’re also wide-eyed and expectant. you’ve been dating taehyun for a month now and his friends have been warming up to your relationship, though you can’t get beomgyu’s words out of your head — much like now. 
you recall it was at one of yeonjun’s parties.
beomgyu hovered around you and taehyun that night, tipsy for the first time in a while. the air was silent, each breath clinging onto the question that beomgyu spilled that night: 
“why don’t you ever do anything.. like.. couple-y with y/n? i swear- i’ve only seen you makeout. and that was before you even started dating!”
beomgyu always seemed to know the pain points of your sluggish relationship.
taehyun rolls his eyes at beomgyu’s jabs, though his smile reflects different from the snarky glint in his eyes. you don’t know what he’ll do. will he tug at your arm and pull you over his lap, wrap his arms around you? say “i’ll keep her warm, don’t worry.” and keep you close for the rest of the evening, until the stars wake from their slumber?
your arms are wide open for anything. any semblance of affection or care, anything to make you feel like taehyun isn’t just keeping you for the sake of avoiding being the primary source of your heartbreak. sometimes, it felt like he kept tabs on you like someone who had forgotten about a game they once liked, habitually coming back but never in the same intensity. you remember how he looked at you so hungrily the first time you met. you only ever get glimpses of his twinkling eyes when he has you under him.
your boyfriend shrugs his jacket off and pushes it in your direction, barely looking at your pitiful state. this time, even beomgyu knows to hold his tongue when you both share the same look of disappointment and confusion at taehyun’s frigidity. taehyun resumes his conversation with soobin, though the latter boy awkwardly smiles at you, dimples providing some comfort. 
“thanks,” you mutter, holding the jacket to your chest before slipping your arms through the sleeves. you don’t feel much warmer, even with the makeshift feeling of taehyun’s body heat radiating from the inside of his jacket, right on your bare skin. 
you’re not sure if it’s the wind that’s keeping you shivering, or the awful feeling that you’ve made the wrong choice.
‧₊˚ ⋅ ☆
“why don’t we ever go on dates, taehyun?” you quiz, half-curious and half-unprepared for the answer you’re going to get. if you get to that point. but tonight, you’re determined to know.
it’s been four months since you and taehyun have started dating, and nothing much has changed from where you started. except for the fact that taehyun thinks he’s starting to get better at keeping you at bay; knowing the right words to say at the right time, being aware of your weak points and using his kisses as a way to sway your lips away from yet another important conversation.
“what do you mean, babe?” he only calls you that when he wants to shut you down. “we just had one. the movie marathon yesterday?” 
“no, i mean–” your voice is stuck in your throat. taehyun often has that effect on you. at first, starstruck from seeing him at a frat party; then, when he’s pushing your head down onto the pillow as you tremble beneath him; and now, too cowardly to know how he truly feels about you, but too fed-up not knowing.
“i mean outside dates,” you explain, fingers fiddling aimlessly with each other, trying your best to keep looking at taehyun. he’s sitting across from you, on your bed, again. this godforsaken place that started the turmoil in the first place. “we never do anything planned. we don’t even go out for anniversaries or anything, tyunnie.” you hope the nickname softens the blow.
“i just like being at home with you, love.” taehyun answers gently, like he knows he’s treading on dangerous grounds right now. he doesn’t want to hurt you, and he doesn’t want you blaming him for anything that happens once you’re just another travel stamp on his life; permanently a memory. 
despite his consistent nonchalance towards you, taehyun can admit to himself that not having you around would be odd. it would be inconvenient, would be the better word to describe it. your hopes of becoming more than “nice” and “cute” have transformed to something arguably worse; now, you’re “helpful” and “grounding.” 
he couldn’t survive without you, but not for the passionate, romantic reasons you long for. taehyun knows this; that he loves the familiarity of you more than he likes you. he likes the heat that radiates off your body more than your body itself; the habits you’ve grown into that he’s responsible for, like the pancakes you make every sunday morning or how you’re always prepared to run to him when he needs you. he doesn’t remember you calling for him like that (though he doesn’t know if he would drop anything as fast as you had done).
“you don’t really mean that,” you shake your head, now unable to keep your eyes trained on him. you opt for the solid colour of your sheets.
“why are you.. doubting me?” 
“because you’re never here!” your voice is strained; you try to say it in some sort of yell, but it comes out as a desperate screech. “and i mean your mind. your heart. whatever the fuck it is. your body’s here, but you’re always drifting somewhere else!”
you keep going. your mouth is spilling words like a waterfall, the most you’ve ever truthfully said in taehyun’s presence. “you don’t even like being around me. you do just enough to keep us alive, and then you half-ass it until you have to fix it again. what– what kind of relationship is this?”
“babe, wait,” taehyun’s moved from his spot now, laying his palms flat on your shoulders and trying to ease your outburst. you’re starting to sob, hiccups replacing your words. “i-i’m sorry if i made you feel that way–”
“if?” you scoff, and taehyun is taken aback. you’ve been rather docile and forgiving for most of the time taehyun has known you, only ever yelling at beomgyu that one time. 
“i mean– i’m sorry that i made you feel that way, baby..” he soothes you, taking your hands and trying to get you close. 
“i think we should stop here.” your words are firm in spite of the trembles underneath. 
taehyun pauses. it’s the first time you’ve seen him display some sort of fear over you. 
“no, no, no,” he’s desperately clutching your hands to his chest, bringing your knuckles to his lips and pressing kisses to the back of your hand. “it’s only been a few months. i’m just going through something right now, baby. i promise.”
your courage only takes you so far, because you let taehyun toy with your hands, bring his face close enough to make you fluster and cave.
he puts your intertwined hands down, a thud against your unassuming mattress. taehyun’s saving face by pressing his forehead against yours, lips hovering over one another. “i’ll make it better. i’ll be better, i swear.”
so you do. you cave. 
when you feel his lips on yours, you know you’re doomed to unwrap the fabric and find you’re still bloodied; that your relationship is bound to break its fragile bones beyond repair. still, another empty kiss bandages over the scabs and wounds you’ve accumulated over the course of your ‘love’ and you make-believe that it isn’t too bad. not at all.
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caramara3 · 10 days
Just Friends...? a Damian Priest x OC fic [1]
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Damian Priest x Reader Imani Cove
Summary: The rules are simple: no feelings, no strings, just sex. But can it ever truly be that simple when the lines begin to blur??
Warnings: Plot, Slow Burn, Angst, Language, mature sexual content 18+, OFC, fluff
Word Count: 1.8k
**Partially Edited and Proofread**
Notes: Thank y'all so much for reading!! Leave a comment, heart, share, and enjoy the ride!!!
Italic writing signifies an inside thought.
Playlist for fic
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Chapter 1: The Morning
~Morning after Backlash Puerto Rico~
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“Uugh… oww.”
You groaned softly and shifted your body, immediately regretting that decision. You were used to a little soreness and tension after a match, especially one as rough as last night’s Last Woman Standing match against your current feud partner Shayna Bazler, but Lord did this hurt. Every single muscle in your body felt as if they had been individually jabbed with a tiny needle while also being set on fire. Your back felt like you’d been thrown through plexiglass over a dozen times. You made a solid mental note to have your chiropractor “thank” Shayna for keeping him in business.
“Ow… oww… argh, ow!”
You winced at each small movement while opening your eyes, only to be met with a soft but heavy material. You go to pull it from over your head and was immediately met with the morning sun shining its insanely bright ass through your hotel window.
“Ah, oh God! Absolutely not!”
You grimaced and pulled the material back over your face, sinking deeper and deeper into your fluffy fortress as you waited for the throbbing pain in your head to subside. 
Great, you thought. Sore and hungover: the perfect combo. 
You laid your head flat against the mattress as you tried to somewhat remember the events of last night, but as you did everything felt like a jumbled and confusing blur…
Tequila is an evil bitch from the depths of hell…
You remember leaving the arena and catching a ride with Zelina back to the hotel. You remember getting ready with her to go out for the night. 
You remember, even though you didn’t want to, the fight you had on the phone with your lying, cheating, bastard of an EX-fiance Marcus about him getting his things out of your house before you were back from Puerto Rico. 
You remember getting to the club late and immediately having shots pushed in your face, a thought that made you nauseous as if you could still smell the Don Julio. 
You remember getting pulled onto the dancefloor by… was it Cruz?? No it was Finn.
Or maybe it was Santos. 
You remember seeing Rhea arrive with Dominik, Finn, and JD. More shots.
You remember the DJ was on one causing he was playing banger after banger after banger. 
You didn’t see him come in with everyone but remember seeing your friend Damian Priest sitting over in a corner by himself. You had practically pulled his giant six-foot-five onto the dancefloor, laughing at his insane dance moves.
More shots.
But wait, was this before JD stepped on your foot while you were trying to teach him how to salsa??
Or after Rhea and you got felt up by some random local while waiting at the bar and having to hold back the guys from kicking the guys ass??
More dancing. Dancing on the small stage with Zelina and Bayley. 
Dancing with Damian again.
Getting cheered on in the girls room as you flushed your engagement ring down the toilet.
Even more dancing. 
Shots. Shots. Shots. 
Ugh, god why did I let Rhea keep feeding me all those damn shots? I swear I’m gonna kill her the next time I see her. But how did I get back to my room?  
You remember a touch. Or at least it felt like a touch. An electric energy tenderly brushing against your skin, traveling up your spine. You remember a warm feeling softly pressing itself against your neck, then to your shoulder, your collarbone, your breasts, down your stomach.
A voice, deep and foreboding, breathlessly whispering nothings in your ear as you…
You push the memory away and rub your temples, as for the first time you feel the after effects of your hangover. A wave of nausea washed over you. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d gotten this drunk. Yes you did, it was yours and Marcus’ one-year anniversary. He had booked this gorgeous resort in Tulum for the two of you with a private pool. One night the two of you had gotten so tipsy that you ended up back in the room, jumped in the pool with all your clothes, and then…
At that thought, your eyes went wide. You could feel your heart drop down into your stomach.
Oh. Oh god no…
You lifted up the side of the ivory comforter to glance over the edge onto the floor and saw clothes strewn across it.
No, no, no. Imani please tell me you didn’t…
The nausea was beginning to creep up again. You knew you had to look, but you didn’t want to. After a few moments and several deep breaths, you had psyched yourself up the best that you could. You released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding and slowly lifted the comforter and gazed down at your body.
It was bad enough that you were as naked as the day you came into the world, but from the looks of things you had a great time last night. Your eyes followed the trail of small purple marks that decorated your lower half; one along the inside of your breast, one hiding just under your left nipple, one above your collarbone, two or three up the side of your hip bone just near your tattoo, and then several decorating all along your inner thighs.
What the fuck Imani? WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?
You ignore your body practically screaming at you to be still and move to a seated position in the bed, hand raised to shield you from any amount of sunlight before you. A soft hiss leaves your mouth as you feel your bare back press itself against the cold wooden headboard. On instinct you grab the sheet from the bed and pull it up to cover your body. 
Oh, now we wanna be modest. A little too late for that!!
Looking to your left you find your phone charging on the nightstand alongside your iPad and glasses. You do a quick lookover of the room, breathing a small sigh of upon realization that you were in fact in your hotel room.
Now in fairness, after several years traveling on the road there gets a point where all the hotel rooms start to blend together. But thankfully you knew this one was yours. Your gym bag and ring gear from Backlash had been laid out on the couch before you left, your laptop was sitting open on the desk just as you left it, makeup and hair products were sprawled out on the dresser, and you could see both your lavender carry-on and backpack tucked away in the corner.
What you did notice that wasn’t there when you had left was the trail of clothes on the floor starting from the door and ending towards the foot of the bed.
You also couldn’t help but notice the shiny, reflective, OPEN foil packet placed almost mockingly on the ground at the foot of the bed.  
This wasn’t like you, you’re not that kind of girl. In fact you’re a good girl. You’ve never even gotten so much as a damn speeding ticket! You don’t hook up with random strangers and you damn sure don’t hook up with them while on a goddamn work trip in another country!
Through all the emotional and mental chaos happening in your mind, you felt a sense of heaviness stretched across your pelvis. For the first time since waking up you noticed the very large, very muscular, and very tatted bicep across your stomach. Soft snores filled the quiet room, like a faint rasp blending seamlessly with the stillness of the moment. 
You gulped and turned to your right. A rather large figure laid on the opposite side of you, face completely engulfed in the warmth of hotel linen.  
Mr. Rando was still here, sleeping peacefully next to you.
Shit Imani, really? You’ve been newly single for all of three days and you decide to celebrate by hooking up with some random guy in Puerto Rico?!?!
You quickly shook your head at your manic thoughts. When you moved your hand to the blanket you heard a low grumble that stopped you dead in your tracks. The body shifted and turned over to the other side, their back facing you, before settling after a few seconds. You froze and waited for a few seconds to see if he was awake. You hadn’t the slightest idea what you would say to if he were. You weren’t exactly knowledgeable in the area of one-night stands. Do you start with a “hi” or “thanks for the sex, now get out of my room?” Like, what was the standard practice here??
Once you were absolutely sure he was still asleep you gripped the blanket and slowly pulled it away until the whole of his back was revealed to you. You gasped loudly and practically jumped up off the bed and right onto the plush carpeted floor with a heavy thud.
“Ah, son of a bitch!” you shrieked, wincing at the pain of the impact.
But you ignored it as your eyes peered over the edge of the mattress back at the body on the bed that was beginning to arouse. He groaned and moaned and stretched his body out as if he’s just been awoken by true love’s kiss. You couldn’t move, all you could was sit there on the carpet buck naked like a weirdo watching him. He sat up and stretched again, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. You watched every single muscle on his back spasm and flex from the movement.
He moved to stand, revealing not just his extensive height and size, but all of his naked glory.
Damn, he really does have a nice ass…
But your eyes were fixated on the single giant piece of art in the center of his back etched into his skin. From afar it looked like a standard skull tattoo. But if you’d ever been up close and personal to it, you could see the inside art resembling that of a dark grim reaper. 
And you had been up close to fully view that grim reaper. Many times in fact. 
And why wouldn’t you?
After all, the two of you did work together...
As if realizing he wasn’t alone, you gasped when you saw his head turn and found your eyes peeking over the bed. A wave of confusion washed over his face, followed closely by the sudden realization of what you had figured out earlier.
“Holy shit,” he whispered softly. 
You slowly rose to your feet, grabbing the sheet off the bed to cover your body.
Your eyes avoided his gaze the entire time, your voice soft and unsure as you spoke. 
“Hey Damian.” 
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ja3yun · 9 months
The Sun That Always Burns | Wedding (bonus) | S.JY
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sim jaeyun x afab!reader
warnings: suggestive, fluff, minor character death (mentioned), swearing, it's just tooth-rotting sweetness, not proofread.
synopsis: 6 years after you are reunited with your love, it's finally time to tie the knot.
wc: 6.5k+
a/n: hi! it's time for that bonus chapter I promised. I wouldn't say this was an in-demand bonus but people did ask about a wedding and I wanted to give you all something for giving the series so much love! if it's in italics then it's a flashback scene <3 thank you all so much
Staring into the mirror, you see yourself exactly where you should be: in a wedding dress about to marry the love of your life, Jaeyun. It feels surreal to be here at exactly this moment. You don’t really recognise yourself but in the best, most beautiful way possible.
You run your hands down your ivory Stevie wedding dress, its a-line cut, floral lace bodice, and bishop sleeves make you feel like a princess. It looked gorgeous on you the moment you tried it on but now it’s like a whole different level. It could be due to your blowout and exquisitely done, subtle make-up. 
Taking the headpiece from its velvet-lined box you place it gently atop the crown of your head. It completes the look perfectly, the tiara flashy enough to know it’s there but not to overshadow the dress. You had to thank your maid of honour for bringing this whole look together.
“I found th-, Oh my days, Y/N, look at you!”
Speak of the devil
You turn around and pose awkwardly, seeking approval, “Do we like it?”
When Eunseo puts her hands up to her face, tears brimming in her sockets, you know you made the right choice of dress, “You look unreal. I wish I were the one marrying you.” She was always a flatterer. 
“Stop it.” You blush and turn away. A bucket ton of emotion is weighing you down as you look at your best friend through the mirror, “I’m so happy you’re here with me.” 
Considering everything you’ve both been through and who her sister is, she shouldn’t even be speaking to you right now, never mind accepting to be your maid of honour.
When Jake told Yeoreum he was leaving her the day before their wedding, Eunseo could only see red. How dare you both do this to her sister. But seeing how desperate Jake was to find you after she told you to leave, she knew it was for the best. 
“Eunseo, please where did she go? Back to Uni? I heard her mentioning Pyeongchang once, is she there?” Jake’s eyes are flying across Eunseo’s face to seek any sort of information about where you had gone.
The girl has a look of disbelief on her face. How can he ask her that, in front of her sister who is crying her eyes out? Jake not only a minute ago told Yeoreum he wasn’t marrying her and now he’s pleading with Eunseo to help him? He has a set of balls on him, that’s for sure.
The truth is, he’ll regret the way he handled the situation but at that moment, all he thought about was you. He couldn’t lose you again, not after everything. 
Eunseo turns to Yeoreum who has tears cascading down her face, mascara stains on her cheeks. She’s heartbroken obviously and Eunseo can’t do anything about it.
Facing Jake once again she sees the desperation in his eyes, “Eunseo, I know I don’t deserve your help but I am begging you, even just tell me the smallest of details, I’ll figure it out from there.” 
“Jake, you are the grottiest piece of shit I know.” She spits out, fists clench, but she sighs and thinks about how you looked at her before you left and how you said she wouldn’t understand the love between you and Jake, which is true, she doesn’t get it, but she loves you and as much as she might despise the man in front of her, she can’t stand in the way of your happiness. 
Eunseo has a choice: tell him where you would go and give you both the chance of reconciliation or deny him the information and make everyone in the situation miserable. 
“Avanti. She goes to Avanti College.” Yeoreum screeches out a ‘what?!’ and Eunseo winces, feeling like she’s betraying her, but truth be told it doesn’t matter what she does, she will always hurt someone she loves in the end. At least Yeoreum would get over it, they’re sisters after all.
“Eunseo, thank you. Thank you so much.” He places his hands gently on her shoulders, “I know it doesn’t mean much right now when I say this but,” He pauses, trying to gather his words, “Don’t blame Y/N for this. This is my decision. Don’t shut her out, I can tell she loves you.”
Eunseo knew he was right back then. You were both twin flames caught in a shitty situation, and she loves you more than she realised. Eventually, Eunseo returned to Pyeongchang and just like always there she was in the coffee shop you both frequently visited. It had been about 2 months since you saw her last and when you placed her usual coffee order on the table and sat down, she burst into tears and hugged you tight. After about 4 hours of conversation and forgiveness, she was your best friend again.
That’s the thing about best friends, their relationship lasts through even the bumpiest of rollercoasters.
“Y/N, I seriously will marry you. Leave him for me.” She deadpans before you both laugh loudly as she places her hands on your shoulders, staring at you through the mirror, “I am so glad to be by your side.” The utter honesty in her words almost has you crying. You’re so glad you didn’t lose her through all of this, she was your rock.
As she fixed your veil onto your tiara you suddenly got an overwhelming sense of pure love for not only her but your friendship, “I love you, Eunseo.” You confess so easily, just like you have over the years.
Her eyes sparkle when she turns to face you properly, “I love you too, Y/N.” She has tears in her eyes while she speaks to you, “I am so enthralled to see you happy like this.” 
You can’t remember a time you were genuinely happier than right now. Seeing Jaeyun all those years ago when he was about to be taken away from you made you realise how tightly you had to hold onto him once you had him back. And you both never wasted another second.
It was 6 years ago when you wandered into the Son family house and saw your love engaged to someone else, and it took a week for him to come back to you. Since then you’ve both been enamoured by each other, just like you were teenagers again, hopelessly and criminally in love. 
You graduated a few months later in Film and Media and landed yourself a paid internship at HYBE Media in Busan. You kept your promise to Jaeyun and as soon as you finished school, you were on the first train with your bags packed to go spend the rest of your life with him. The job itself wasn’t inherently glamorous to start with, you mostly got teas and coffees for staff on set but as you’ve progressed and worked your way up, you’re now working on several projects as Director of Photography. It's a dream come true for you, and Jaeyun has been with you every step of the way, even when you bawled and screamed at him because you were frustrated with work, he never took it to heart, instead, he would just be there. In silence, or with reassuring hugs, or pouring you a wine and gently placing it on your desk, he did whatever he thought was right for you. That’s Sim Jaeyun, always putting you at the forefront of his brain. You couldn’t be luckier to have him.
He felt the same about you. His time with the Jo Twins working on his thesis’ encouraged him to go and study for his doctorate and he’s now working towards his PhD in applied mathematics and theoretical physics. It wasn’t an easy decision for Jaeyun, money would be tighter, long hours between work and studying, and not to mention the disdain he felt leaving you for days at a time to go on research bouts. But you assured him all of this would be worth the struggle you face, and any hardship that came his way, you would both face it together. A problem shared is a problem halved as they say.
Both of you went through every emotion over the past few years, love, anger, sadness, frustration, joy, and all of it is what led you to today. Even when you both fought, you knew you couldn’t live without one another, each time an argument arose you each would look at one another and remember how tragic those 4 years without each other were the most brutal that no one wanted to go through again so you communicated and worked through everything, hand in hand. In a way, you’re glad you left back then because it helps you appreciate how lucky you are to have him now.
He was your everything. And you were his.
“I do not know why you picked a summer wedding though,” Eunseo fans herself with her two hands and whines, “Wearing this dress is too much I can’t wait to get into something a little more comfortable.” She wasn’t exactly covered, her bridesmaid dress was a thin strapped maroon-pink gown that had a slit up the side. You let her pick her own dress considering she turned down all your ideas. What she means by ‘more comfortable’ is the gold sparkly cropped dress she picked out 2 weeks ago for your reception party.
“Summer is the best time to take pictures outside in the Botanical Garden, and I look better in the sunlight.” You always did look ethereal bathed in the sun, “Besides, there is AC in the church, yeah?”
“Not in this hell of a swamp though.” She grumbles. You and Eunseo tried to adjust the AC in the hotel room you had booked to get ready but you genuinely might have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the dials, so you’re both currently sweltering. 
As you down the last of the Champagne in your glass to quench your thirst you hear a knock on the door, “Can I come in?” The familiar voice of your dad hides behind the door before he opens it and stands, looking you up and down, “Oh, wow, sweetheart you look…” His eyes don’t come off you as he strides forward, hands outstretched in front of him, “You look like a dream, Y/N.” Hugging you tight, careful not to stand on the bottom of your dress, he whispers in your ear, “Your mum would be so proud of you.”
Mum. Your one true supporter through everything. Unfortunately, she passed away 2 months ago due to an unexpected case of stage 4 cancer, it broke you and your dad to pieces, but she wasn’t in pain anymore, and that brought some comfort to you both. Bless her, she tried to hang on for the wedding but she couldn’t make it. Jaeyun had suggested having a quick ceremony at the hospital so she could see it which you were all for, but she said ‘If you get married at the foot of my bed and not at the top of an aisle I will haunt you both when I’m dead’. She meant it to, and since you believed in ghosts, you were not taking any chances.
“So, are you all set? Don’t want Jake thinking you got cold feet now do we?” He laughs softly pulling away from you. 
You look to Eunseo who just gives you a thumbs up, “Yeah, yeah I’m ready.” You were so ready.
“Great! Eunseo, phone the planner and let them know we will be there in 10 minutes.” Eunseo does as your dad instructed and reaches for both your hands, “My baby, I’m not good with words, but I am so proud of you and everything you have achieved. You will always be my little girl but looking at you now I see not my little angel trying on her mum’s high heels at 5 years old, but a woman stepping into her own, ready to walk a path with her new family.” He rubs your arms lightly, looking at you intently, “He is so lucky to have you, Y/N.” 
If your makeup wasn’t done and you weren’t about the walk down the aisle in front of over 70 people you probably would burst into tears, but you simply hold it in, biting both your lips before a sob escapes. Never has your dad said something so beautiful to you and he meant every word, “I love you, Dad.”
Nodding he holds out his arm for you to take and escorts you down the car.
On the other end, Jaeyun was standing at the altar waiting for his bride-to-be to make her grand entrance. He jumped a little and shook out all his nerves, looking for reassurance from his best man, “You don’t think she got cold feet, right? You don’t think she’s realised how unworthy I am and dipped, do you?” He whispers.
Heeseung laughs and shakes his head, “Mate, she’s on her way, I heard the event planner on their little walkie-talkie saying ‘The eagle is leaving the nest, I repeat, the eagle is leaving the nest’.”
“The eagle?”
“Y/N, obviously. Eunseo also texted me saying they were on their way.” Phew. Jaeyun lets out a sigh of relief, “You know, now is not the time to feel self-deprecation, you are literally getting married in approximately ‘10 minutes people’.” He mocks the event planner once again which eases Jaeyun a little, “If Y/N didn’t want to marry you, she wouldn’t have said yes to your atrocious proposal.”
Jaeyun cringes when he thinks about how he proposed. Out of all the declarations of love he’s done over the years, your engagement was the worst one.
“Keep them closed, baby.” Jaeyun’s fingers are sealed over your eyes as he guides you into your apartment. You’re confused as to why you were kidnapped from your work and brought back home for a ‘personal matter.’
“Jaeyun, what is going on? Did you burn the house down because if you have I will literally kill you, I just finished painting the kitchen that nice duck egg blue.” You spent your paid time off decorating the kitchen so if he even so much as scratched some of the paint off you would be fuming.
He just laughs and takes his shoes off behind you, and you follow his lead, “Have some faith in me, baby.” It’s hard to have faith when just a few weeks ago he ‘hung up’ the clothes to be dried on the veranda and forgot the clothes pegs resulting in your clothes being scattered through half of Busan when a gust of wind swept them away, “Now keep your eyes tight shut okay?”
Removing his hands from your face he shuffles towards you, running around the apartment to make sure everything is displayed perfectly, “Okay, open them!” His excited voice echoes through your ears and you open your eyes, adjusting to the sudden light. When you finally unblur your vision you see candles set up like a walkway, guiding you to the coffee table which has a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket, and polaroids scattered.
“What’s all this?” You asked, walking between the candles and inspecting your surroundings, “Jaeyun, baby?” He smiles widely, as he sits down, ushering you to do the same on the opposite side. 
Pushing the polaroids in front of you, he says lowly, “I took a picture every time I fell in love with you all over again.” Now you look at him skeptically because there have to be at least 40 polaroids here, “I know, this is me really cutting back, I think I had like 130 or something.” He says nonchalantly and your eyes widen, “But these were the moments I realised that it was just more than love.”
Picking up a few you see moments you didn’t even know he captured, your first time visiting him at work when you brought him his favourite lunch, the time you finally won a game of Cluedo because you gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, the moment you won employee of the year, and so much more, “When did you take these? I think I would have noticed a flash?”
“Actually, they aren’t real polaroids, did you know you can get your phone photos printed on these things?” He looked so cute as he looked through the pictures with you, clearly proud of his discovery. If there was a moment you wish you could capture and put on your own fake polaroid, it was this one, “Anyway, um, these moments were the ones I was going to ask you something but was too scared to.”
You tilt your head, “Ask me what?” 
His palms go sweaty as he puts down the pictures he’s holding. Whistling, you see Layla bounding over with a cute pink bow, her face as happy as ever. “Well, I’m still too scared to ask you, so I’ve asked Layla for help.” He points to her collar and you notice a piece of paper wedged in her bow. 
As you take out the paper, Jaeyun looks at Layla and asks her to get something but you’re too busy unraveling the note to notice, “Will you marry me? Wait why would Layla ask me to mar-” And it hits you as you re-read it carefully, “Jaeyun?”
“Will you? Marry me?” Layla comes back with a ring box in her mouth and Jaeyun couldn’t look more proud. 3 months he’s been training Layla for this, she’s such a good girl. Dropping the box on your lap she sits obediently, waiting for you to open it. Your heart is racing, mouth moist yet throat dry, was he truly asking you to marry him right now? Opening the box you look confused and Jaeyun goes into his normal panic mode, “What? Do you not like it?”
“Baby, there’s nothing in here?” You pass him the box and you’re right, there isn’t anything in it but the white satin lining that should be holding your pink sapphire engagement ring. 
“No, no, no, where is it?” He looks around the area quickly, hoping to catch a glimpse of the silver jeweled ring, but it’s so dark he can’t see a thing, “I swear I haven’t even taken it out of the box to look at it since I got it.” He stands up and rushes into your shared bedroom and all you can hear is him spitting profanities and tearing your belongings apart to find the ring. You don’t want to get in the way so you start to look in the living room, which would be great if you knew what exactly it looked like. 
20 minutes later he comes back into you searching under the couch flashing your phone torch, “This isn’t how this was supposed to go,” He pouts and sits on the couch exasperated, “It was supposed to be cute and romantic, I had all this stuff prepared and I still couldn’t get it right.”
“Hey,” You poke your head up from the floor and sit on your knees in front of him, soothing him as your hands rub his thighs, “I don’t care how you ask me, remember last time you asked me after we had sex that one time in my childhood bedroom?” The day he was supposed to be marrying Yeoreum, which is totally ironic now that you look back on it.
“That was different, I asked you that as a promise to marry you, this is meant to be the real deal.”
You can see how upset he is by the way he’s pouting, and not his usual absentminded cuteness pout, a real lip-jutted-out moment. Every fiber of you wants to just tell him to leave it because let's face it, ring or no ring your answer would be the same, but he has worked so hard for this, you need to help him see it through, “Okay, so when did you last have the box to check the ring?”
Signing he leans forward, taking your hands in his, “Literally before I picked you up from work to bring you here, I ran through it with Layla a few times and left. It was there, Y/N I swear.”
“Shh I know, I know. Maybe Layla dropped it?” Not that you were trying to direct the blame onto his precious baby, but she’s the only explanation right now, “Let's have a look around to see where she could hav-”
“She ate it…” He whispers, “What if she ate it?” Jaeyun’s eyes widen as he gets up off the couch and runs to his dog, hitting you in the face with his knee in the process. Too engrossed in the idea of Layla consuming the £2,000 ring that he doesn’t comprehend the blood coming from your nose, “Layla, open your mouth, angel, let me see.” 
Blood starts to stain your t-shirt as it trickles down through your fingers as you hold each side of your nose. He was so clumsy when he wanted to be that if your injury didn’t hurt like a bitch you would have found him endearing right now. You walk to the bathroom and past the pleading man, arguing with a dog to cough up the jewelry. The cold running water helps a little with numbing the pain but the swelling of your nose insinuates that you might need to get it checked out, “Baby?” Your nasally tone brings him to look at you and his eyes nearly bulge out of his head.
“Fuck, Y/N what happened?” You could laugh, and you’re going to before he trips over the carpet in an attempt to rush over to you, knocking over a candle and starting a small fire. Everything is going wrong, this might go down in history as the worst proposal ever made, “Shit, shit,” He mutters, putting out the fire with a damp cloth he retrieved from the kitchen sink which luckily did the job.
With the smoke detector beeping, Layla barking, and Jaeyun stomping the fire out, you can only laugh, “Let’s do it.”
Your boyfriend looks up at you confused, “What?”
“Let’s get married.”
Turns out, Layla did eat the ring and after a hefty vet bill and some laxatives later, you got your ring. You steeped it in bleach and cleaned it to the high heavens but now you wear it with pride. Your nose was also broken due to his knee colliding with you, but it worked in your favour because Jaeyun felt so guilty about what he did that he was at your beck and call, he did every little thing for you and showered you with more kisses than ever before. Despite the chaos that occurred that night, you still said yes and agreed to be his forever and always, and now here you both are.
Jaeyun exhales sharply while Heeseung adjusts his black bowtie, “Jake, why are you so nervous? All you’ve spoken about since you were 15 is how much you’re looking forward to marrying Y/N.” He understands what his best friend is saying but isn’t it natural to be nervous?
“I’m not anxious about marrying her, I just don’t want to disappoint her. It’s easy for her to leave just now, we aren’t legally bound, but what if in years to come she doesn’t want me anymore because I do something stupid or can’t give her what she needs? I mean, I don’t even have a stable job right now, I’m relying on her when it should always be the other way around.”
He keeps rambling a list of reasons why you might get bored or tired of him until Heeseung interjects, “Jake, mate, there is not a man in the world that can love her as you can and she knows that. She’s besotted with you and trust me, Y/N is the only one that can put up with you,” He pats the groom's shoulder before continuing, “And who cares if you’re studying still, it’s all for your future, a future you have put Y/N at the forefront of. Gender norms have made you think men should look after women but it isn’t about who can provide what for whom, it’s about being there for each other equally, and you both are.”
Heeseung’s words instill Jaeyun with comfort and before he gets the chance to overthink again, he sees the priest walking to the alter. This is it. He’s getting married, and he’s going to be your man forever, “Okay, I gotta go and walk with Eunseo. Breathe and try not to cry when you see her.” Heeseung smirks as he jets off through the side doors to take his place as the ceremony gets underway.
Eunseo, who looks like a vision, walks with her hand grasping Heeseung’s arm as they lead the trail of bridesmaids and groomsmen down the aisle. Jaeyun greets them all as they come up and take their places, calming himself down as he anticipates your arrival. Nothing can prepare him for what he sees next.
As a piano version of Howl’s Moving Castle’s ‘Merry Go Round of Life’ echoes through the church, the grand wooden doors open once again to unveil you and your dad walking side by side, gracefully gliding your way down the aisle. All those weeks of practicing how to float on your feet are finally working, granted, all you’re focusing on right now is not faceplanting the ground. 
You look beguiling in your dress, so much so that Jaeyun’s breath catches in his throat, and his eyes water. In Jaeyun’s eyes, you always look beautiful whether it be in your everyday work clothes or his jumpers that he selfishly forces you to wear to bed because you look so good when he fucks you in them. You’re perfect, however, now that he’s seeing you in a wedding dress, a sheepish smile on your face because you hate the attention you’re receiving from the ogling eyes of the attendees, he realises what an honour it is to witness you right now, walking to him about to vow yourself loyal to him for eternity. It’s that thought that sends him over the edge and a few tears slip down his cheeks.
Seeing him cry fills you with glee because isn’t that what everybody wants at their wedding? For their partner to shed tears when they see you? It makes you smile widely and look at your dad who has a similar look on his face, “If he didn’t cry I would have turned you back and kept walking until he did.” He chuckles as you slap his chest with your sunflower bouquet. 
Taking your hand, your dad helps you step up to the altar, hugging you tightly, “I love you, Y/N. So does your mum.” He pats his heart before walking to Jaeyun who is too busy looking at you in awe, “Jake, son, be good to my girl, just as you have been.” Jaeyun was expecting a more threatening speech from your father to be fair, but your dad knew Jaeyun would never hurt you, and if he did it would never be intentional, so he doesn’t need to browbeat him into treating you well.
As everyone sits back down and you hand your flowers to Eunseo, it’s finally time for you to look at Jaeyun properly. He looks gorgeous, his simple black suit with extra button detailing, the bowtie you begged him to wear rather than a traditional tie because he looked so cute when he jokingly tried it on, and his dark hair slicked back, pieces framing his face, “Hi.” You say just loud enough for him to hear.
“Hi, baby,” Jaeyun has the biggest urge to kiss you but that’s not how these ceremonies work so he settles for taking your hands and bringing them to his lips, “You look so fucking beautiful.”
“Jaeyun!” You scold him quietly, “Don’t swear in church.” 
“Shit, sorry.” He shuts his eyes as he does it again, leaning his head back to stop himself from blundering anymore. 2 minutes in and he’s already fucking up the most important day of his life. 
The priest side-eyes you both as he clears his throat, “We will begin.” This is going to be a hell of a shift for him.
Halfway through the ceremony, you regret wearing heels because no one told you how long this would drag on. How many blessings and quotes from the bible did this guy have to say before you get to say ‘I do’ and call it a day? Looking at your soon-to-be husband you notice his eyes trailing down your body. Surely he isn’t thinking anything provocative in God’s house?
He was. Of course he was, it’s Jaeyun. As he consumes you through his gaze he notices how your tits look in the plunge-lined dress and more importantly how you couldn’t be wearing a bra underneath. Since he didn’t get to see you last night he might be a little deprived, especially when you looked so good right before you left.
Picking up your overnight bag you double-check you have everything, “Okay, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” You grin brightly as you walk over to Jaeyun.
He makes you drop your bag, his arms circling your waist as he pulls you in for a kiss, his tongue licking into your mouth straight away. It’s the kind of kiss that leads to you either bent over the couch or trapped between him and a wall, either of those things would make you elated right now. So you give into him as your hands find their way into his mane, tugging him further down into your lips. 
Smirking, Jaeyun is just about to lift you up and carry you to the nearest surface when Eunseo barges in, sighing at the sight before her, “Guys, we need to go! I got a taxi waiting downstairs waiting for me and Y/N.” 
“Let me have 5 more minutes with my girl.” Jaeyun huffs and keeps kissing you, not caring much about the interruption of your best friend but unluckily for him, you do care and start to pull away, “Baby, no,” He whines, “I’ll pay whatever the fare is, just stay for max 10 minutes.”
You laugh and shake your head, “I need to go, Jaeyun. You have forever with me after tomorrow.”
Squeezing his hand you bring him out of his thoughts and have that harsh stare in your eyes. He knows he’s been caught thinking illicit things in the holy house but he can’t seem to care right now.
“Now, did you each write your own vows?” The priest asks.
This is the part you’ve been dreading the most. When Jaeyun suggested, more like demanded you both write vows, you panicked. Jaeyun is so good with his words, he’s naturally emotive whether you feel things deeply but don’t know how to express them. Heeseung and Eunseo offered you some help but you couldn’t even describe how you felt about Jaeyun because you’ve never been able to put it into words. Not when you were explaining it to Eunseo that day, not even to your notes app. It’s too pure and immense to put in a few paragraphs. 
Jaeyun had struggled with writing his vows too, except it was the opposite, he couldn’t keep his words to an appropriate limit. All his love and devotion to you poured onto the scrapped paper turned into 5 A4 pages front and back. 
“I’ll go first.” You blurt out. Better to get it over and done with and not feel pressured by what surely will be the most romantic words known to man that Jaeyun will say in the next 5 minutes.  Jaeyun beams and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you find the piece of paper in your cleavage. The dress was beautiful but woefully for you it lacked pockets. 
“I’ll love anything you say, baby.” He whispers to you because he knows you so well, the slight change in your breathing and trembling hands go unnoticed by most, but not to your lover.
“Okay,” You breathe out and begin, “Nothing makes me more sick than speaking publicly and I regret only having one glass of champagne before doing this,” The hall fills with laughter, pity or not you’ll take it. “My Jaeyun, for the past 14 years I have never been able to put into words my feelings for you, and I think I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to do so. My love for you goes beyond words spoken, it runs deep into my veins like a venom that slowly consumes me into madness, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. Alan Watts said that people don’t rise into love but fall and that life is an act of faith and an act of gamble. That love is an act of surrender to another person. When I fell in love with you, I went in with no safety net, no precaution, I just fell for you so deeply knowing that you would be there to catch me. 
I want to be that for you too. That’s what my vow is to you, to catch you if you fall too deeply, carry you over every threshold, and love you for an eternity. Give me your hand today, and I’ll promise my heart to you forever.” 
Silence. Is that good? Bad? You can’t even bring yourself to look at Jaeyun out of fear. All that re-writing and tearing your hair out was over before you knew it. Was it too short? How long was it supposed to go on anyway?
All these questions run wild in your head, and they’re all settled by a single touch, Jaeyun’s touch. He traps your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, lifting your head so your eyes meet. Jaeyun’s loving pout is back, his iris’ flooded with the purity of his love. He liked it.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” With a swift lean down, his lips are on yours and you melt against him. He knows he shouldn’t kiss you right now, but he needed you to know how much he appreciated the words you spoke, how he knows you would have spent weeks on your vows, and they were even better than anything he could have imagined.
The priest coughs, breaking the kiss, “Sorry, Father.” Your fiance bows softly and steps back again, a smirk spreading on his face, “My turn now, huh? No pressure or anything.” Everyone laughs once again, none of you have looked at your loved ones since the wedding started so you miss the weeping cries of his mother and others. They could feel the love in the room even just looking at you both.
Jaeyun reaches into his inner pocket pulling out his neatly written vows and starts, “Dear, Y/N. If I could go back and tell 15-year-old me that he would one day be marrying that girl who sat next to him on the bus journey to their first day of high school, I think he might pass out. From the minute you pushed passed people to take the seat next to me, and when the sun shone on your face, I knew you were going to change my life. I love you for everything you are, and everything you make me.” 
He pauses, reading the rest of his vows to himself before folding the paper and putting it back in his pocket, “I spent hours trying to say the right words, but I guess I should just say how I feel in this moment, right? Truth is, my body and soul belong to you, they exist to love you and help you through thick and thin, to be there for you even when we are apart. I don’t want to exist as a separate entity from you but rather that we become one so we can share everything this life has to give us. Rain or sunshine, I want us to walk this path together. If you have a hard time, I’ll have a hard time with you. If you feel overwhelmed, I want to be overwhelmed with you. I know it’s usually the opposite, that I’m supposed to say I’ll take care of you and heal you, but facing these things together isn’t having someone hold you up, but rather taking your hand and understanding you, being complete with you one hundred percent. I vow that to you, my love.
You say to me all the time that you don’t deserve the love you receive from me, yet, I think it’s the other way around. Everything you have ever done since we’ve known one another has been for me. You’re selfless and I can’t ever thank you enough for that. But from this day, as my wife, stop sacrificing yourself lets live every single day together, as one, so we can always be connected.” 
Tears are cascading down your face with every word he says just like you knew would happen. Jaeyun is the most beautiful, kind-hearted, generous, and loving person you have ever had the privilege of knowing. And as soon as you both say ‘I do’ he will be yours forever.
His thumb wipes your tears as he kisses you again, despite the huff from the priest, “I love you so much, Y/N. I’m so serious.” And it’s not just his words that convince you, it’s the way his lips are so gently capturing yours like this kiss seals everything you both said and locks it into eternity. 
“I love you too, Jaeyun. So fucking much.” He smiles as he hears you swear, the exact thing you reprimanded him for earlier but it just meant you were too lost in the moment, too lost in being his. 
“I suppose we should speed this up,” The priest starts, “Y/N L/N, do you take Sim Jaeyun to be your lawfully wedded husband?” 
“I do, forever.” 
“And do you, Sim Jaeyun, take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“Of course I do.” 
“Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now keep kissing the bride I suppose.” 
Jaeyun laughs into the kiss as he deepens it, trying his best to keep it modest considering your family is all watching. He has never been happier in his life, the way he can legally call you his wife feels surreal like a dream come true. If it is a dream, he never wants to wake up, “All mine.”
You smile as he whispers into your mouth, “All yours, Jaeyun.”
Your journey with Jaeyun has been a wild ride but none of you would change what happened because right now in this moment is exactly where you both should be. You are his love and he is yours, no time apart would have ever changed that, and it never will.
“Should we get out of here, Mr. Sim?”
“Let’s do it, Mrs. Sim.”
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
Guilty Pleasures
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Due to a strong foundation of trust and a willingness to share, a situation which would normally be catastrophic, seems to turn out to be quite rewarding.
Pairing: danny wagner x f!reader, jake kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 20.4k (i am so sorry)
Warnings: SMUT 18+, threesome, unprotected/protected sex, rough sex, anal sex, double penetration, oral (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving), face fucking, fingering (f!receiving), dirty talk (lots and lots of dirty talk), choking, biting, name calling, praise, slight impact play, daddy kink, dom/sub, voyeurism, degradation, jealousy, mentions of cheating/thoughts of infidelity, arguing, asshole/shit disturber Jake, angst, fluff, sorry if i miss any!
this is pretty much pure porn. plot at the beginning, but mostly just sex. took a break from gdw for a little while just to straighten my thoughts with it, and came up with this idea and could not stop myself from writing it. it’s super long and very lightly edited, so I do apologize for that. please don’t judge me too hard for this one 😭 as always, be kind, enjoy, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes!
also! italics are the memories/past, everything else is present! thought I’d try something new this time 😁
The chime of the bell above the door signalled the entry of the newest patron of the bar. Normally, you would have eagerly greeted whoever walked in, but tonight, you were caught up in the chaos of the already crowded room. Dollar bills were waving in front of your face, hands raised in the air to catch your attention, and the occasional shout from an impatient customer filled the already loud atmosphere. Beer bottles were flying across the sticky wooden countertop in exchange for cash. Margarita and shot glasses were lined before you, only empty for a moment before they were shoved in the proper direction, too. You were working faster than you could comprehend, barely hanging on but surviving from the thought of your coworkers starting shift in a few minutes.
You took the early shift, thinking that you could breeze through the night with minimal stress and effort. For the most part, you were correct in thinking so. Unfortunately, when the clock struck eight, the city’s nightlife took a dramatic turn. As a result, the bar was quickly overrun with guests desperate for a buzz. Some were understanding, kindness oozing from them as long as they had a drink in their hand. Others were not, but you couldn’t blame them. There were far too many people in the bar for only a single bartender, and that wasn’t really a management issue, either. You were an establishment that was plagued with long time regulars and middle aged men in search of companionship. Every now and then a group of older women would check the place out, but rarely anyone under 30. So, you were confident in saying that it was unusual for you to house so many people in a single night, let alone all at once.
You rushed through your last few customers, serving everyone who had been waiting in hopes that they would still be generous enough to leave a tip. For the most part they were, and for that you were thankful. When the last person retreated, happily sipping on their beverage of choice, you took a moment to breathe. With both hands planted on the countertop and your head towards the floor, you took a much needed minute of rest. When a body presented itself in front of you once more, you thought you might shed a tear just at the thought of fixing another drink. “What are you drinking tonight?” You asked, aiming to sound as cheery as possible.
“You don’t know by now?” At the sound of the familiar tone, your head snapped up in surprise. “I’d be lying if I said that doesn’t hurt.”
“Shut up,” you landed a playful smack on his arm, your first genuine smile of the night fighting its way on to your lips. “Of course I do.” The words fell from your lips as you reached under the counter for a glass. You scooped a few ice cubes into the cup, the sound ringing nicely to his ears. You turned, grabbing a whiskey bottle from the top shelf, wasting no time pouring a double shot over the cubes. “Top shelf whiskey, always. Doesn’t matter the price, as long as that’s where it’s from and it’s a double.” You smirked, turning to place the bottle back in its place. “Three or four ice cubes. Not enough to water it down, but enough to keep it cold.” You continued, reaching for a citrus peel neatly arranged into a spiral from a plastic container beside the glasses. “And something to make it look pretty, as long as it doesn’t change the taste.” You arranged it neatly on the rim with a hint of cockiness seeping through your pores. “And served with a smile, because that’s what makes it taste the best.” You placed it in front of him, paired with the sweetest smile your cheeks could adorn and a soft wink.
“You really do know me, trouble.” He picked up the glass, swirling it around so the ice could cool the liquid. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you.”
“You should be, Jacob. I wouldn’t be a very good bartender if I forgot my favourite customers’ order.” He took a small sip, fighting the urge to dish out another compliment. He knew better, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t tempted.
“Busy spot tonight,” he noted, looking around at the bustling room. The booths and tables were so full that people had taken to standing by the walls, content with being seatless and lost in chatter with each other. “Suppose you actually had to work, not just sit here and look pretty.”
“Nothing wrong with doing both.” You reminded. “Although I don’t think you’d know too much about the working class.”
“Right,” he chuckled, taking a seat on one of the stools. “But I do know a thing or two about looking pretty.” You gave him a shrug, not willing to play into his ego.
“Where’s the rest of your company tonight?” You changed topics, careful not to tread too deeply. “Not like you to stag it.”
“On their way. I’d give them about ten minutes, then I’ll worry.” He assured you. “Maybe I just wanted you all to myself for a night.” He posed the theory as if he had never divulged in the glory of seclusion with you. You ignored him, unwilling to admit that you didn’t mind him on his lonesome.
“What can I get for you, darlin’?” You asked, barely looking up from your hands.
“Whiskey, top shelf. You can pick.” The voice rang through you as if it was blessed with the grace of god himself, settling in your chest and warming your soul. You finally broke your focus from your lime cutting, curious to see if the face matched the beauty of the voice. As if it were some kind of sick joke, the sight of his face seemed even more heavenly than the sweet tone of his words. “Only a couple ice cubes, though. Don’t want to water it down too much.”
“Top shelf?” You asked for clarification. Normally, nobody even eyed the liquor that far up in fear that it would break the bank.
“Price doesn’t matter, sweetheart. Quality does.” As beautiful as he was, he did seem a tad cocky. You supposed you could brush it to the side unless it became a real problem. You scooped a few ice cubes into the cup, turning to the wall of liquor to pick his poison. You used the step stool to reach for a bottle on the far left. You brought it down with caution, returning to him with a raised eyebrow. He glanced at the label and gave a nod of approval.
“Always a double.” You could hear a smile hidden in his tone. You poured the whiskey over the ice, the crackle striking him with curiosity. “Ice usually goes in last, does it not?”
“Been doing this a long time,” you chuckled “tastes better this way.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” He hummed. As you turned to place the bottle back in its original place, you could feel his eyes burning into you. When you turned back to him, your suspicion was confirmed. He seemed shameless about his unwavering stare. “Got anything to make it look pretty?” You let out a sigh, pondering what you could add to it. You pulled out a citrus twist, showing it to him. “Will it change the way it tastes?” He smirked.
“Unless you’re planning on eating it, no.” You teased, garnishing the rim with it. “Probably wouldn’t be very pleasant if you did.” You passed it to him, smiling at the peculiar interaction.
“That smile will make it taste even better, though.” He noted, eyes still glued to you. “What’s your name, sweetheart?”
“Y/n,” you said, feeling a hint of a blush plaster your cheeks. “What about you? Never seen you around here before.”
“Sweetheart suits you better.” He noted. “I’m Jake.” He replied, taking a sip of the beverage. He gave a nod of approval paired with a little smile, one that stole the air straight from your lungs. “Just moved here, thought I’d check the place out.”
“Satisfied so far?” You weren’t shy in admitting your question was laced with filthy undertones. You were certain you would let him take you right then and there with no guilt at all. He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, and his interest in you was very apparent.
“Incredibly,” he let out a small laugh. “What about you, trouble?”
“What about me?” You shot back, thankful that the bar was nearly empty. You thought it would be worse than torture, having to cut your conversation with him short.
“Are you satisfied, sweetheart?”
Jake was the devil in disguise, and that you were certain of. His charm was like no other, but his intentions were his downfall. He would do anything for a night of fun, but that’s where his involvement ended. He was quick with a joke, always trying for a laugh. Compliments were steadily flowing, and his gaze was always the same; attempting to undress you with his eyes alone. You were sure Jake could make a great friend if you allowed him to get that close, but it was much too risky for you to entertain. You had fallen victim to him once, and had never fully recovered. To step in time with him was assurance of certain death, and that was something you could never forget. Although beautiful, his love was not something desirable. Despite knowing that, you seemed desperate to convince yourself of the fact every time you were near him.
“Aren’t you always trying to get me alone?” You chuckled, hearing the door chime once more.
“Always trying, never succeeding.” He shrugged, taking a long drink from his cup. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
“I wonder why that is, Jacob.” You rolled your eyes. The conversation came to a halt as soon as the words left your mouth. Danny, Josh and Sam had joined you two at the bar, taking a seat beside their brother while still amidst their own conversation.
“I wonder, too.” Jake said, always needing to get the last word in. You clenched your jaw, already finding yourself annoyed with him despite only being in his company for a short time.
“That’s it, beautiful. Just like that.” His desperation was evident, heavy breathing sounding through the room and staining the walls with sin. It was a sin you would never be able to forgive yourself for, one that was made in a moment of weakness and left an air of suffering in its wake. “Does that feel good?” His fingers were knotted in your hair, laced around the strands like a snake settling in for a kill. No verbal response could compare to the vulgarity of your moans. “Tell me how good it feels, baby.”
You broke your stare from his face, feeling a wave of indignation washing over you at the vile memory. It was something that plagued you, seeming to poison every pleasant thought and ruin it indefinitely. To him, it seemed like a typical Sunday afternoon activity. Jake was always dripping with sex appeal, and sex was his favourite pastime. It was a horrendous pairing of traits. He had no remorse for his actions, none at all for making you fall for him and then disappearing as if he never existed at all. You were a one night stand, and he left your apartment that night with no intent of ever speaking to you again. You were a fool for him, in love by the first touch, and you were nothing more than a conquest to him, a challenge with little significance, and you were one he proved so easily forgettable.
You never wanted to see him again, almost happy he had vanished after the initial shock wore off. You vowed if you were to see him again, you wouldn’t even cast a glance in his direction. You did well; the first few times he came back around the bar you barely even acknowledged his existence. That struck a nerve in him you didn’t even realize he could have. Emotion was very low on Jake’s list of priorities, but you seemed to invoke every single one in him. It bothered him so much that he refused to return to the bar you worked at for many months in fear of facing rejection again. He avoided you just long enough for you to meet a fantastic person, one who seemed very willing to give you the love you were looking for. One that found himself sitting in the same bar seat Jake had once sat, staring just as longingly at you as Jake did. This time, the patron was in it for more than a hookup, and had fallen for you far beyond anything Jake could ever comprehend feeling.
It was fantastic; a dream come true, even. Someone who loved in the same way you did, adorned the same outlook on life, and had the same morals and passions. It was so fantastic that it seemed too good to be true. “Hey, beautiful.” Danny leaned over the counter, placing a kiss to your cheek as you sat a beer bottle in front of him. “I missed you.”
Correction: it was too good to be true.
“I missed you.” You smiled, eyes fluttering closed at the feeling.
“Ten more minutes and you can join us on the other side.” Sam joked, eyeing the clock.
“Oh, I know. I’ve been counting the seconds.”
Jake had done such a good job at disappearing that he had dug his own grave. Instead of mustering the courage to confront you, to apologize and make amends for his actions, he gave you ample opportunity to fall in love with his best friend. As if it was some type of sick joke, a repercussion for the sins you committed with him, you had no idea that they were so close until it was far too late. You were already falling fast for the curly haired boy who appeared to be the exact opposite of Jake Kiszka. You were so desperate to purge Jake from your life that you failed to realize Danny was a sure way to allow him right back in.
“My friends are gonna join me, tonight. Is that okay?” Danny was nervous, that much was obvious. But, he was cute when he was nervous, and you couldn’t imagine why meeting his friends would cause any kind of problem.
“F’course it is, handsome.” You smiled, handing a bottle to him after ridding it if the cap. “You know, draft would be much cheaper. And better for the environment.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiled, finding it impossible to stop admiring you. “They can be a lot, sometimes. I just don’t want them to scare you away.” He chuckled.
“I like you, Daniel. I’m dating you because I like you, not because of your friends. Besides, crazy never really bothered me much. I work at a bar, so I’m sure I’ve met worse.” He laughed, nodding along to your words.
“Suppose I can’t argue that.” He agreed. “If you like them, we can properly hang out sometime. I just thought that if you didn’t, you could pretend to be busy with something else.”
“Thoughtful, but not necessary. I’m sure I’ll love them.” You leaned over and placed a kiss to his cheek. “You worry too much.”
“I like you, what can I say?” He smiled, appreciative of your attitude. “Plus, they keep pestering me about coming here all the time. Figured I couldn’t keep you a secret much longer.”
“Oh, so I’m a secret?” You teased, sending him a wink.
“Not like that,” he rolled his eyes, but he was laughing as he did so. “If I could, I’d keep you all to myself for the rest of my life. What if you like one of them more than me?”
“Impossible.” You assured him, sending look of finality to show him you were serious. “I’m going to clean off the booths, give me a shout when they get here, okay?”
“For a kiss,” he smirked.
“That just comes with the service.” You giggled, leaning forward and capturing him in a moment of sweetness. “That better not count as my tip.” You joked as you pulled away.
“I’ll give that to you after work.” He assured you as you shuffled out from behind the counter.
“I’m counting on it!” You replied, already busying yourself with clearing away empty bottles and glasses. By the time you finished the line of booths, your tray was full to the brim. You hummed along to the music playing over the sound system as you returned to your post, barely noticing your surroundings as you discarded the tray full of clutter. When you swung around, you noticed there were more people at the bar than there were previously. Danny had a smile stuck on his lips as he found himself in mindless conversation with his company. You even found yourself smiling, too, looking over the new faces in attempt to familiarize yourself with them.
The first two looked strikingly familiar, both showcasing features that were not only perfectly suited for their face, but also had an air of similarity. You figured they must be brothers. You and Danny had yet to discuss much other than each other, as the relationship was quite new. You were certain in its strength, but meeting friends was a huge step forward in the process of loving each other. You didn’t stare for too long, realizing that there was another friend you had yet to see. Your head turned down the line of boys, landing on someone who had already made quick work at staring at you. Your stomach dropped, quickly understanding the reason for the other boy’s familiarity. You felt like the ground was stolen from underneath you, that the universe was wrapping its cold fingers around your neck and slowly strangling the life from you. Your palms were sweaty, head spinning with no sign of stopping.
“Remember my order, sweetheart?” He murmured, glancing to his side to make sure Danny hadn’t noticed your volatile reaction.
“Of course I do.” Your words were paired with a scowl, at a loss for ideas on how to dig yourself out of the hole you were in.
You threw your apron in the laundry bin, counting out the cash tips to mark them down in the book. Once it was recorded, you let your hair down from its elastic, running your fingers through the mess of knots the nights stress had created. Once you were able to rid yourself of the aura of darkness that was looming over your head, you managed to force yourself back out into the bar. The noise was immediately overwhelming, seemingly much louder now that you were on the other side of the counter. “Whiskey sour, please.” You gave your coworker a smile, silently thanking them for showing up on time.
“You staying?” He asked, immediately springing to action at your words.
“Guess so.” You sighed, placing the change on the counter. “As if I’m not here enough.” You grumbled. “Danny thinks we should spend our free time here, too.”
“At least try to have fun,” he laughed at your grim expression. As soon as the drink was in front of you, you took a long sip.
“You too.” You chuckled, turning your head to scan the crowd. You noticed that the boys had claimed a booth in your time away, settling in with little hesitation. You walked over, grabbing a chair from a table and placing it at the end of the booth.
It had been years since you and Danny had started dating, and it had been phenomenal. You didn’t have a single complaint aside from Jake, and neither did he. A year or so prior, you had even moved in together. You adored him, and he was your whole world. You had no doubt in choosing him as a life partner, but you did wish that you had never given in to the temptation of Jake. Because even years later, he still looked at you the same way he did that first night he showed up at the bar. Even with no hint of success, or an idea that he would ever have you like that again. He was relentless, and it was excruciating.
Even as in love with Danny as you were, you couldn’t lie and say that Jake was not attractive. You had fallen into bed with him once, and for good reason. You had no desire to be with him, no need for him in any way that mattered, but he was like a parasite, begging to leech life directly from the source. He flirted as if you weren’t practically married to his best friend, as if he didn’t care about hurting him in the crossfire. You shot him down most of the time, but even the best of people had their moments of weakness. There were some nights, albeit few and far between, that you found yourself tipsy enough to entertain him for a moment before the crushing guilt took over.
Danny was not ignorant to what happened between you and Jake. In fact, he was quite aware of Jake’s intense infatuation with you. It would be untruthful to say that it never caused any issues, but there was no world in which it wouldn’t. Danny was quite trusting in you, confident in your love and knew you respected him enough to never stray. That was wholeheartedly true, and being unfaithful to him was never a thought that crossed your mind. Sex with Jake, even as mind blowing as you knew it was, was not worth risking a lifetime of love with Danny. It was futile, and you knew that one night with Jake would always be just that. He hated the thought of commitment, and would never settle down. It was not worth losing everything that Danny gave to you.
“We have to tell him!” You spat, palms landing flat on his chest and pushing him backwards. You were not one for physical violence, but Jake always seemed to bring out the worst in you.
“Fine, then tell him!” He barked back, neither of you caring about your volume or presentability. “Why does it have to fall on me?”
“Because you’re the one who started it! You finally got me to have sex with you, and then you left! You disappeared! You got what you wanted, like always, and now look at the problems it caused!” You exploded. “I’m not risking losing him over someone like you.”
“Someone like me?” He chuckled, looking at you with a fierce shield of carelessness, as if your words hadn’t cut him deeper than a knife. “Fine, we’ll tell him. I’ll go in there and tell him just how good you look from behind, or how beautiful those slutty little noises sound, especially when my name was stuck on those pretty lips. I’m sure he’d love to hear about all of that.” He smirked, lighting a fire in you like no other.
“Fine, I’ll go in there and tell him how you spent weeks getting me to fall for you. Came in here every night so desperate for attention that you couldn’t leave until we kicked you out. You wanted me so bad that you drank us out of liquor, and when you finally had me, you broke my fucking heart. Would you like me to tell your brothers, too? ‘Cause I can talk all night about how terrible of a person you are.” His eyes changed; the defensive nature he previously held was obsolete. He knew he had done wrong, but he had no idea how badly he truly hurt you. He was at a loss for words, so he said the only thing he believed held any meaning.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered. The cold air of the night was nipping at the tip of your nose, but the wind hitting you was unable to compete with the slap of his pathetic apology.
“Fuck you, Jake.” You shook your head, grimacing at the thought of him being apologetic about his actions. “I’m telling him. I really like him, and he deserves the truth. Dishonesty isn’t really my thing, even if it is yours.”
And tell him, you did. It was a tearful confession, an admission of guilt for something you didn’t really need to be ashamed of. He was almost too understanding, showering you with comfort when you felt like he should have walked out. It did sting for him to hear, but he was not willing to blame you for a choice you made months before ever knowing him. His willingness to accept you as is was more than enough for you to fall in love with him. He appreciated the truth, and from there on you two had built a loving life with each other. The thought of Jake was less daunting and more manageable. For the first little while, Jake backed down with the understanding that he was in the wrong. He allowed you to live your life, pretending as if he never knew you until Danny introduced you to each other. It was the amicable thing to do, but unfortunately Jake had no idea how to maintain that outlook. It only took a few months before his insufferable personality made its inevitable return.
“You’re quiet, tonight.” Danny nudged you, sending a soft smile your way.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. It was a long shift. I’ve never seen it this busy in here.” You said, taking a long drink from your glass. It was nearing the end, and you were itching to go for another one, just to escape Jake’s burning stare for a moment.
“That’s okay,” he placed his hand on your knee under the table, sending a jolt of comfort through you. “We don’t have to stay out for long.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, placing your hand atop of his. “We can do whatever. I’ll be happy as long as I’m with you.” He gave you a lingering stare, one that told you he felt the same way, but he wasn’t sure if he completely believed you.
You weren’t certain as to why Jake was bothering you so much more as of recent. Bothering was not the proper term, really. He never bothered you; his advances were not uncomfortable or troublesome. Infuriating by times, yes, but he was harmless in every sense of the word. He was affecting you more, and that was a strange feeling. You had spent the last few years managing to ignore almost every sly pass or risky comment. It had become routine, Jake capturing you in a moment of seclusion and doing his best to make your loyalty falter. It was always the same story; a few eye rolls, a scoff, and maybe even a playful shove that had incredible amounts of hidden frustration behind it. Jake was the master at flirtation, and you had mastered rejection. It grew increasingly easier over time, and now it was barely a chip off your shoulder. The beginning proved tough, but you persevered to a point where it barely bothered you in any way that mattered. Lately, it seemed like it was more impactful than your typical game of cat and mouse. His touches held more emotion, lingering for a moment too long. His eyes held unspoken words, and his moves were no longer meant to maim; they were aimed to kill.
You found yourself playing into him more, entertaining the idea before ultimately shutting it down after the crushing guilt took over. You would never do that again, and even more so, you would never do that to Danny. You repeated the mantra in your head until the words seemed to bleed from the walls. As firm as you were on your stance, Jake had a devastatingly intoxicating attitude, and you weren’t a stranger to his temptation even long after his initial strike all of those years ago.
“Making drinks even on your days off?” The dulcet tone caught your attention, unexpected and causing you to stutter with your movements. The bottle of vodka moved off target and caused a small spill on the table. You didn’t look up to the perpetrator, no need to see him to know who it was.
“You know me, live to work instead of work to live.” You chuckled. It was true; you were so invested in working that a social life had never been a priority for you. Money was a wicked motivator, and even if the bar was not typically bustling, your regulars were quite generous with their tips. You’d been working at the same bar since you had moved out of your parents house and you had no imminent plans to leave. The owners were nice, they had given you a promise of a manger’s position if you ever wanted it, and you thoroughly enjoyed your coworkers company. The wages weren’t awful and the tips were great. You saw no issue with working, and made it a point to do it as much as you could.
“Makes me think that you don’t want to be at home.” Jake theorized, taking a step closer to you as you swiped away the spilled alcohol. “Is everything as fantastic as you make it seem, or is being tied down not all it’s cracked up to be?” He was beside you, now. His charm was radiating from him, inviting you in without you even noticing how badly it burned. You could feel the warmth from his body slowly surrounding you, a feeling that you hadn’t experienced in a long time. You finally looked towards him, trying to maintain some semblance of passiveness with his advance.
“I’m quite content, Jacob.” You said, holding his stare with no intention of backing down. “Makes me think that you’re projecting.” He let out a chuckle, shaking his head at your need to argue.
“Was just a thought, sweetheart.” He looked towards the table. “Is it such a terrible thing to be worried about a friend?”
“Considering you and I are far from friends, and I know you’re not worried about anything other than sex, yeah.” You also looked to the table, pouring the mix into the three glasses before you. You placed straws in each of them, giving a slight stir as you did.
“I didn’t know it was a crime to enjoy sex.” He shrugged, a smirk toying at his lips.
“It’s not. Think lots of people do.” You snipped, looking towards him. “It’s a crime to want it from your best friends girlfriend.” He chuckled, shamelessly enjoying the fire in your tone.
“Not if I had you first,” he reminded, thrilled by the shift in your expression. Talk of what came before Danny had been strictly forbidden, and you both had done well adhering to it after the initial blowout of the truth. His hand slipped to your waist, fingers dangerously dancing close to parts of you he was no longer allowed access to. The tips of his fingers settled just near your ass; not close enough for an offence, but clearly toying the line between right and wrong.
“That never happened, Jake. Remember?” You prompted him to recall the harsh boundaries you had put in place months prior.
“Oh, I remember,” he smiled, pulling you in to him a little closer. “I think about it all of the time. How could I forget?” It was clear that the two of you were not speaking about the same memory. There was no space left between your bodies, your chest pressed to his and his lips hovering over your own. “Do you remember?”
“Jake,” you warned, knowing that this was far beyond any level of comfort for anyone. He was pushing every possible boundary, and you weren’t sure if it was because he wanted you, or if he just wanted to see you crack under the pressure. Most of the time, anything Jake did seemed more like a punishment or a test rather than anything positive. You wanted to believe he was genuine, but you knew him to be sly and willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted. You could feel him pulling you in despite both of you being as still as possible. It was just how he was; his eyes were inviting, as was every other physical aspect of him. The only deterrent was his personality, and even that wasn’t completely horrible by times. But it was a trick, as it always was, and as much as your body wanted to fall for it, you knew it was more than wrong. It was despicable.
When his nose was touching yours, brushing together with a million sparks of electricity, you finally came back to reality. You raised your hand, pressing it flat to his chest and pushed him backwards. You were livid at yourself for allowing him to get so close, but even angrier at him for trying so hard to make you fall for it. “What’s wrong, sunshine?” He smiled. The air was still laced with notes of whiskey. It radiated off him as if he used it as holy water. At one time, the scent was alluring, deadly when mixed with his cologne. Now, it seemed repulsive. “Not even once, for old times sake?”
“Never again.” You snapped, unwilling to believe that he truly thought you would agree to his request. “You’re hammered.” You noted, feeling the choke of tears in your throat. “Go home.” The regret for even allowing him near you was debilitating.
“All alone?” The smirk he held was infuriating.
“Go home, Jake.” A third voice broke through the tension in the air. You both turned to the entryway of the kitchen, seeing Danny standing with his arms crossed. He didn’t seem angry, more like he just wanted to put an end to the chaos and move on. Jake raised his hands in surrender, casting one more sideways glance at you before shuffling towards the door.
Sam sat a third drink in front of you, prompting you to utter a small thank you for his kind gesture. You were already tipsy, before you even joined them for a drink you could feel your head swirling from exhaustion. Alcohol certainly did not help you wake up, nor did it help the incessant memories from the past. You wasted no time bringing the straw to your lips in attempt to wash down the bitter aftertaste of remembering. You closed your eyes, desperate to focus on anything other than the ache of knowing Jake in any other way than surface level. Even the burn of the whiskey was preferable to the burn of him.
“Maybe you should slow down, baby.” The concerned tone was less of a comfort and more like a stab to an already open wound. You set the glass back on the table, eyes flickering to your boyfriend. You bit the inside of your lip, trying to focus on him and him alone. You could feel Jakes eyes searing into the back of your skull, begging you to look at him instead. Had it been a battle for affection, a challenge of courtship, you could be more sympathetic for the boy, but everyone was painfully aware that Jake was not after you with intentions of marrying. Sure, he liked you, but it was in a way that only Jake could comprehend. To everyone else, it seemed like he viewed you as a conquest, thinking he would have gratification like no other if he was able to steal you back for just one more night. It was vile, and no matter how much you tried to stop it, it only seemed like he was even more mesmerized by you.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry.” You nodded, fidgeting with your hands on your lap. You looked guilty, even if you had nothing to be guilty about. There was never an instance between you and Jake that Danny was unaware of. He was the first to know, and he knew it all. Perhaps your guilt was not accredited to your night spent with Jake, but rather your deepest desire for the chance again. It was horrendous to even consider it, but Jake was unlike anyone else. Again, you had no desire to be with him in any way that mattered, and in truth, sex did not necessarily matter. At least, not in any way worthwhile. You knew that you were undeniably attracted to Jake, and you likely would jump at the opportunity to have sex with him again, as long as it didn’t hurt anyone else. Knowing that it was implausible to invite Jake in without disaster, you shoved that idea as far down as humanly possible. For a long time, it never seemed to resurface, but every time he attempted to ignite the old flame, it seemed to push forward a little more. Tonight, it was impossible to ignore.
By times it seemed like guilt was the only emotion you knew how to feel. Guilt for past mistakes before Danny ever came in to your life, and for being in his life after said mistake. Guilt for giving into his temptation, even if it was just slightly, and even more so for rejecting him while knowing you would accept if the circumstance were different. There was no possibility you could bring the idea up to your boyfriend, and you weren’t sure if you even wanted to. The desire was strong, but not nearly enough to risk losing everything. Instead, you opted to suffer in silence. It was always better that way, anyway. A problem could only be true once it was spoken into existence.
You knew you were incorrect about all of your conclusions, but you chose to continue on the path, anyway. It didn’t matter if you kept it silent; Jake Kiszka was very much a problem, and that would never go away unless it was dealt with directly.
Perhaps it was the decade of friendship that made the predicament so troublesome. You would never bring the situation to an ultimatum, mostly because it was wrong to make him choose between you two, but a small part of you was afraid that you would not win that battle. Your relationship was strong, and had been since the very beginning, but you were unsure if you could compete with a lifetime of friendship, nor the bandmate bond. Jake was going to be a part of Danny’s life indefinitely, and not just in a social setting. They were family, coworkers, and friends. You knew that if you wanted to be in his, too, you would have to learn how to cope with the reality.
“You okay, trouble?” Josh smiled, pointing his gaze at you. You gave a nod, trying to look as pleasant as possible. Even the sound of the nickname made your stomach churn, even if Josh used it in a much better way than his brother did.
“Oh, yeah. Think I just need to get out of the work zone and into the fun one.” You chuckled.
“So what’s with that, anyway?” You asked, handing the whiskey glass to the boy in hopes that you would be lucky enough to brush fingers with him. Any contact was worth the world, even if it was minuscule.
“What?” Jake grinned, doing just as you hoped he would. As he received the glass, he let his fingers rest on yours for just a second too long.
“Why do you call me trouble?” You laughed, unsure of where his nickname originated.
“Oh, I forgot your name. Had to think of something on the spot.” He joked, taking a sip of his drink and watching for a reaction. You rolled your eyes, knowing very well that it was a lie. “You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?” He sighed, leaning in a little closer.
“I would appreciate it.” You gave him a sweet smile, coaxing the answer from him.
“It’s my indirect way of saying I like you, sweetheart.” He hummed, eyes never leaving your face. He was revelling in the blush that dusted your cheeks. “Plus, a girl as beautiful as you is nothing but trouble.”
“Don’t flatter me, Jacob.” You brushed him off, but felt yourself leaning closer to him over the bar top.
“But it’s my favourite thing to do.”
“I’m going to grab another drink.” You announced, standing as you looked over the table. “Anyone else?” All of the boys put in their orders, thanking you for the offer. Just as you were about to turn, Jake stood, too.
“You’ll need someone to help carry them,” he said in response to your pointed stare. Without argument or agreement, you turned and walked towards the bar. You didn’t have to see him to know he was following; you could feel it. You took post at the bar, waiting for the bartenders to come to you. Jake joined you, wasting no time placing a light hand on your back. “What’s bothering you, sweetheart?” He asked, voice low enough so only you could hear him.
“I’m just peachy, Jake. No need to worry.” You grumbled, pulling out your card to pay for the order.
“For some reason, I don’t think that’s true.” He also pulled out his wallet, ready to race you for the bill. “Usually you already would have threatened to throw a drink at me. Tonight, you won’t even look at me.”
“It would be a waste of a perfectly good drink.” Your response was short and sweet, clearly showcasing your desire to end the conversation.
“Have I got you that bothered, tonight?” You could hear the smirk in his tone before you even looked at him.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” you scoffed, finally looking over to meet his eyes. The sight of his face was enough to make your heart skip a beat, so beautiful that it was almost haunting. The parallels of the two universes were debilitating when you thought about them for too long; one in which Jake would trip over himself to flatter you, and one where you would kick him to the ground before he could try.
“Don’t have to; you do that for me.” His smirk turned into a smile, his hand still lingering on your lower back.
“How many times do I have to tell you this is never going to happen?” You sighed.
“When you actually mean it.” He chirped back, wasting no time.
“I think I’ve been pretty clear.” You argued. “You know, like the the million other times I’ve told you.”
“Right,” he nodded, but mischief was dancing in his eyes. “So you don’t like it when I stop by to see you before everyone else? Or when I tell you how pretty you look?” He chuckled, already knowing the answer. “I think that you do like it, just not when Danny’s around.” And he was correct, as disgusting as it was. You had said a million times that you didn’t care for his antics, but he could see the dishonesty as if it were written all over you and stamped on your forehead in big, red letters.
“I think that you should learn how to listen, Jacob.” Even as you spoke, you could feel yourself leaning into his side ever so slightly, wordlessly inviting his attention and touch.
“I’m listening, y/n.” He assured you, mouth leaning in closer to your ear. You were enveloped in a cloud of alcohol, both of your inhibitions lowered and the primal pleasure from the touch was undeniable. “I’ll listen to you all night, if you’ll let me, but I don’t think you’ll be doing much talking.”
“Jake, I’m in love with your best friend.” You reminded.
“I’m not asking you to be in love with me.” He said, lips barely hovering over your ear now.
“This is wrong. You have to stop.” You muttered, but the warning was feeble, barely any strength behind it. He had finally gotten ahead, and he was relishing in his victory. “He’s your best friend, Jake. This is despicable.”
“Fine,” he seemed like he was going to bargain, but knowing Jake, his bargain was not worth the time or energy. “If you won’t let me take you home, you can go over there and bat your eyes, give him a sweet little smile, and ask him if he’ll let me join.” The idea struck you like a blow to the gut, settling in your bones and engulfing any existing thought in your brain. It seeped under your skin and into your veins like poison, diluting any healthy rationale and suffocating any moral. You had been so volatile at the thought of Jake that it had never even crossed your mind to think of that possibility. He could see it in your eyes, the flash of excitement at the suggestion. “See? I knew you didn’t mean it, trouble.” He tightened his grip on you slightly as he watched the elation deflate from your eye. He wasn’t suggesting it, he was only offering the idea to prove his point. “You want me, but you don’t want to hurt him.”
“Yeah, because the only use I have for you is sex. I’m in love with him.” You snapped, furious that he had played you in such a way.
“That’s all I wanted to hear, sweetheart.” He grinned. “But, if you do want to ask him, I don’t mind sharing.” He hummed. “I’d do anything to have you, again.”
“Fuck you,” you brushed off his comment, turning to the bartender and ordering the list of drinks that the others had requested.
“You’d like to,” he teased, paying for the order before you could even think of doing so. He gave you one last smile before grabbing two glasses from the counter and making his way over to the table. You tried to satiate the bubble of anger as you waited for the rest of your order, but it proved nearly impossible. You walked back to the table with a sour taste in your mouth and an overwhelming urge to go home. Worse than anything else, when you returned, the distant pained look in Danny’s eye made the interaction all the more disturbing. He knew, like always, and there was no way to hide it. When you looked to him, he averted his gaze towards Sam, who was sitting on the other side of him.
“I don’t know what to say, Danny!” You exploded, tears prickling your eyes. “I love you, and I want to be with you. Always have, and I’ve known that from the minute I met you.”
“I feel that way too, so I just don’t understand what’s so special about Jake! If you want to be with me, and you love me so much, why does it seem like you cling to the attention from him?” He ran a hand through his hair, not wanting to be upset with you but having no other way to express his feelings.
“If I could have it my way, I’d never speak to him again! I never wanted to, and then I started dating you and he magically appeared!” You tried to word your frustration as best you could. “I’m not trying to entertain him, but it gets a little hard to ignore him when he’s always around and doesn’t want to leave me alone!” You took a seat beside him at the table, silently begging him to look at you. “Danny, you have to know that I would never do that to you.”
“I know!” He snapped, causing you to recoil from the harshness. He finally looked up at you, remorse evident in his eyes. “I’m sorry, y/n. I know you wouldn’t.” He assured you. “Do you have feelings for him?”
“No, baby.” You reached out for his hand. It was not a lie; you did not have any romantic feelings or anything of the sorts when it came to Jake. You were attracted to him, and you knew that he knew as much. You didn’t have to remind him. “I only feel that way for you.” You assured him.
“It’s just hard, y/n. He looks at you sometimes and I wonder… I just wonder when the day will come when he finally grows up and realizes that he wants to settle down, because I know you’ll be the only person he’s looking at.”
“Jake will never grow up.” You shut that idea down, both of you quickly realizing how blasphemous it sounded. “And it doesn’t matter if he’s looking at me, because I don’t want that with him. I had feelings for him a very long time ago, and he hurt me really bad. There’s no part of me that feels like that way for him, now. I fell in love with you, and fell for a reason. I want you to know that you’re the only one who has my heart.”
Danny was fidgeting with his hands, a sure sign that he was upset. You couldn’t blame him; if it were the other way around, you would be, too. You wished you knew how to ward off Jake for good, and in turn suffocate any of the remaining sexual desires for him. You hated that amidst the struggle, Danny felt hurt enough to doubt your love for him. Of all the things that you have felt, or imagined about Jake, they didn’t hold a candle to Danny. Under the table, you reached out for his knee. You rested your palm on his leg, thumb gently running over the fabric of his jeans. You could feel him relax under your touch almost immediately. His eyes flickered towards you, seeing the sincerity in your face almost immediately. He leaned back in the booth and slipped his hand atop of yours, a silent show of affection.
You motioned your head towards the door, pleading with him for a moment alone. He nodded, standing first and allowing you to lead the way. You both headed outside, hand in hand with no regard for anyone else at the table. When you broke out onto the patio, the cool evening stung your skin. You were almost nervous to look at him, unsure of what to say. “I know you’re attracted to him, y/n. It’s not a secret.” The words weighed you down as if you were buried in cement.
“I don’t love him, Danny.”
“No, but you do feel something for him.”
“Not in any way that matters.” You took a step towards the wooden fence of the entryway. He followed, looking down at you as he took your side. “Not in any way that compares to you.”
“I know.” He assured you. “Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.” He shrugged.
“I know.” You felt your chest ache at the proclamation of pain. That was something you never wanted to cause him. “I don’t know what to do. He’s… persistent.”
“Yeah, always been that way.” Danny explained. “Guess it didn’t matter as much before because I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you.” You looked to the ground, the weight of shame making it impossible for you to look at him. “Look, I’m not mad at you.” He said, his hand snaking around your waist. “I knew that this would always be an issue, but I love you enough to work through it.”
“I don’t think that’s fair, Danny.” You sighed, closing your eyes at the feeling of his touch. It was the most comforting thing to ever exist.
“Listen, you’ve never actually done anything with him, have you?”
“Of course not.” You shook your head, unable to imagine betraying him in such a way.
“He’s a dog, and I’m sure you know that. I’m not really worried that you’ll leave, or anything like that. I think maybe in the beginning I was, but I know that after this many years, if something was going to happen, it would have happened already.” He pulled you into him, allowing you to rest your head on his chest without actually having to turn to look at him. “I don’t think you slept with him and then got with me as revenge. If so, you’ve played a fantastic game.” He laughed, and you did too. “You’ve told him him to back off, and I have, too, but I don’t think he would have stuck with it if he didn’t believe there was a chance.” You closed your eyes, bracing for the impact of a breakup. You wouldn’t blame him if he did. “It’s okay to be attracted to him. You’re human, and it’s a normal human thing. I also know you enough to know that you wouldn’t have gotten with him at all if you never felt anything for him.”
“It doesn’t make it right.” You were fully willing to take blame, to understand that this was a despicable thing for you to be feeling.
“No, but what I’m saying is, I continued to date you knowing the history. Still do. You were always honest with me. You’ve never lied to me, and I respect that more than anything else. I see you two together; I know that spark is there. I’m not going to punish you for that because you’ve never tried to hide it or lie about it. It’s normal for you to be attracted to people, and it’s normal for me to be hurt about it. But I think our spark is a hell of a lot bigger, and I love you far too much to not try and work this out.” You finally felt a tear slip from your eye as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I wish I never met him. I wish I could have met you, first. I don’t want to feel this way.” Your words were muffled from your face being buried in his chest, but he got the message. He held you to him, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I know, and part of me does, too.” He whispered. You both sat there, holding each other in hopes that it would take all of the bad away. “I think that you need some sleep, because I can see how tired you are. We can figure out how to get through it, and I know we can, but it should be in the morning.” He said, cupping your cheek in his hand and guiding your head up to look at him. He swiped away the tears with his thumb, giving you a small smile to let you know he meant everything he said.
“I don’t deserve you.” You mumbled, completely lost in his eyes. The more you stared, the more things seemed to feel better. He was home, and he always would be. He was the love of your life, and you were more certain of that than anything else. “I’m sorry that I caused this. I wish I could go back in time and make some different decisions, maybe we wouldn’t be here.”
“Maybe I wouldn’t know you at all.” He theorized, and that was the worst thought of all. “It’s been four years, bug. We can make anything work. I know you love me, and I trust you; I always have.” he leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips, the feeling more soothing than any words shared.
“If it means I get to keep you, I’ll never look at him ever again.” You swore to it, knowing deep down that when it came to your relationship with Danny, you would go to the ends of the earth to salvage it.
“I don’t think we’ll have to go that far.” He chuckled, placing another kiss to your lips. “And you do deserve me. I know that you do, because after four years, you’ve never given in to him. If he flirted with me like that, I’m sure I would’ve cracked by now.” At the thought of it, you both dissolved into a fit of laughter. “Jake has always been Jake. I think he feels like he lost, and he never really got over it.”
“He did lose,” you laughed “if it were ever a competition between you two, he wouldn’t have even made it to the starting line.” You leaned up for another kiss as you finished, so incredibly grateful to have someone so understanding. Danny was the best in every sense of the word, and you had known that long before that night.
“I think after so long of you brushing it off and telling me it was okay, it was just routine. At first, him and I had plenty of words and none of them were polite. After a while, I saw that you could handle your own, and you always told me not to worry or fight with him. I trust you, but I probably shouldn’t have been so passive about it.” He explained. “If I ever thought he pushed it too far, or if he had made you uncomfortable, I would have killed him. Still would, actually. But you always seemed to laugh it off. Every time I mentioned it, you never seemed to care about him flirting, just about hurting me. I think we’ve all known for a long time, and I think that it just became so normal that we chose to ignore it.”
“Jake never bothered me.” You shrugged. “He’s harmless, and I know that. Think everyone else does, too. He just loves to flirt, and he loves attention. Sometimes, it’s actually kind of funny to see him try so hard and make a fool of himself. I care about Jake as a friend, and I do quite like him for company, but I guess I never wanted anyone to fight about it because I knew he could never be you. I think we all just let it go too far without talking about it.” You said, allowing your fingers to dance with his. Your eyes scanned his face, noticing how beautiful it looked in the dim moonlight. You felt stupid for ever having a shred of attraction for Jake, because Danny was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen, inside and out. You had the world in your hands, and you took it for granted. “I never wanted to hurt you. I never want to hurt you. You’re the most important person in my life, and I love you with every ounce of my being.”
“I love you, and I know you love me. I know we love each other enough to make anything work.” You knew he was right, because there was nothing you wouldn’t do to keep him by your side.
“Thank you for being the best.” You whispered. “And for wanting to work it out. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“I know you will.” He placed a kiss to your head. “You don’t have to thank me for anything.” You rested in his arms for a moment, and the longer you spent there, the more things seemed to look up.
“I’m gonna head home. I think I need to go to bed.” You told him, pulling back slightly.
“Do you want me to come with you?” He said, looking down at you with concern.
“No, please stay and enjoy the rest of your night. I ruined it enough already.” You shook your head. “I’m just going to take a shower and go to sleep.”
“I’d enjoy it with you, too, you know. And you didn’t ruin anything.” He told you, looking more serious than he’d ever been.
“I know, baby.” You assured him. “I’ll be okay. Go in and have a few drinks, and have fun. I’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready to come to bed.” You smiled, standing on your tip-toes to place a kiss on his cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you.” He hummed, stealing one last kiss before you made your departure. “Call me if you need me, or even if you just want to say hi.”
“You know I will.” You gave his hand one last squeeze before taking a step away. He blew you a kiss before you turned out of sight, and as always, you pretended to catch it. He only went back inside once you were out of sight.
Luckily for you, your home wasn’t too far away from the bar. You normally walked to and from work, and it was almost your favourite part of the day. It allowed you a few moments of peace, and you could decompress from any of the day’s excitement. As you made your way down the street, you felt the weight on your shoulders lift. You felt better knowing that Danny was aware Jake was no more than a guilty pleasure, and that he was the love of your life. Part of you still felt dirty for even feeling as such, but the knowledge that you were both willing to work through it was more important than anything else. As you tumbled up your porch stairs, you wasted no time unlocking the door and bustling inside. You were eager for a shower to wash the stress of the day off, and your stomach was begging you for a bite to eat.
You kicked your shoes off and immediately went to the kitchen. You rustled around in the fridge before you found leftovers from last night’s dinner. As you warmed it up, you unbuttoned your jeans and slipped out of them. You placed them on the back of a chair and made a mental note to throw them in the laundry basket later. You ate in silence, enjoying the sound of nothing after hearing the constant buzz of a bar for hours on end. You threw your dishes in the sink and made your way upstairs to the bathroom. After you showered, you felt like a brand new person. You took extra time to do your skincare routine, and blow dried your hair before climbing into bed. The sheets were welcoming, still lingering with the scent of Danny’s cologne. When you nestled your head in the pillows, you were surrounded by the smell of his shampoo. It was the epitome of comfort, and you wished you never had to leave. It didn’t take too long until your eyes grew heavy, and the thought of sleep was too tempting to resist. You pulled the blankets up to your chin and drifted off into a slumber.
When you woke, it was still dark outside and the bed was still very much empty. You thought it was strange, figuring Danny would be back and asleep long before then. You rubbed your eyes, looking to the alarm clock on your beside and noticing that it was well into the night, now. You figured that Danny was the safest with his brothers, and you need not worry about someone over a foot taller and much stronger than you. You were about to close your eyes and fall back to sleep, but you heard the distant shutting of a door and muted chatter. Danny must have invited the boys over, which he so often did. You figured now that he was home safe, you could sleep soundly.
You settled back into the pillows, lax against the mattress and welcoming of any slumber that was willing to come to you. The sound of the same chatter began to fill the hallway, striking you as something even more strange. If you were sleeping, Danny aimed to keep the house as quiet as possible. It was unlike him to be speaking so loudly, especially so close to the bedroom. You sat up again, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Before you could even think to speak, or stand and confront the disturbance, the door of the bedroom creaked open. The chatter was obsolete, now, and the hallway light pooled in through the opening. You saw Danny, immediately prompting a smile on your face. Once he saw you were awake, he took a step inside. “Hi baby.” You crooned, excited that he was home. He didn’t respond, just took another step further into the room.
Behind him was another body, one that you couldn’t recognize through the darkness. When he turned and the flash of light reflected off the walls just right, your stomach dropped. “Hello, trouble.” You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“What’s…. What’s up?” You looked between the two boys, unsure of how to react to the situation.
“Mind if we turn a light on?” Jake asked. “Hard to see your beautiful face when it’s so dark in here.” The words settled in the pit of your stomach, making you unable to form a coherent response. Even in the simplicity of the statement, the tone of his voice alone sent a rush of arousal straight to your core. You were too close to sleep to have any inkling of right or wrong.
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered, looking to your boyfriend for an answer. Even in the minimal light, you could sense an air of mischief on his features. You shuffled around, searching blindly for the lamp on your nightstand. Once you located the switch, you flicked it on. A soft yellow hue decorated the walls, illuminating both boys in all of their beauty. “Better?”
“Much.” Jake smiled, but it was all but genuine. You weren’t sure if you were in a dream, mind crazed from the days whirlwind of events and fabricating some sort of twisted narrative that you wished was real. Although you seemed awake, the haze of dream and imagination nowhere in sight, the situation seemed too odd to be true. You watched the two, curious as to what they were doing, and even more so about what they were thinking. If you were in reality, they were acting more out of character than they ever had before. “Did you get some sleep, sweetheart?” Jake questioned, eyes lingering everywhere except for your own. He looked as if he was already imagining what lie beneath the mountain of blankets.
“Yeah,” you nodded, figuring the best way to find out what was happening was to play along.
“That’s good,” Jake nodded, looking to his counterpart. “You’re definitely going to need it. Long night ahead.” He gave another smile, but this one radiated excitement. You looked to Danny, silently pleading with him for an answer.
“What?” Danny asked, tone only moderately harsh. You could tell the softness was dancing behind his eyes, waiting to be seen. “Isn’t this exactly what you wanted?” He took a step towards the bed.
“What is this?” You pried, unable to answer without more information.
“Come on, sweetheart. You’re smarter than that.” Jake urged you to answer your own question. You looked between them, studying each of their expressions for a moment. When you did, your eyes widened, mouth slightly agape in shock. You recognized both expressions far too well, and one was something you hadn’t seen in a very long time. “There you go.” Jake gave the small utter of praise, happy you were on the same page.
“I figured if you want him so bad, I’ll let you have him, but I’ve gotta have my fun, too.” Danny murmured, also looking at you with a hunger in his eyes you had only seen a few times. You were gazing at him in wonder, as if he’d given you the gift of life, unable to imagine a better way to rid yourself of the horrendous things you were feeling about Jake. “That sound okay to you, baby?” He asked, moving to your side. He looked down at you, the streak of dominance that he had a tendency for was incredibly apparent. As he waited for a reply, there was no doubt in your mind that he was more than serious. It was grievous, the fire dancing in his pupils. There would be no backtalk, no bargaining, nothing of the sorts. He was kind enough to let you have a taste of your own guilty pleasure, but it was under his authority. He was in charge, and you didn’t have the power to be anything other than obedient.
“Yes, daddy.” You spoke, in utter awe of the power he had over you. Jake looked to Danny, his expression showing nothing short of elation at the sound of your words. Danny took a glance over at him, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. You could smell the alcohol from both of them, understanding that within their drunk ramblings, you must have came up in conversation. In attempt to settle the score, this was their conclusion.
“I told you.” Was all he said.
“Told him what?” You squeaked, almost embarrassed at your own willingness to submit to him.
“I told him all about you, baby.” He assured you. “Told him how well you listen, and all about how much of a whore you can be.” The ache between your legs was growing more intense by the second, still unable to comprehend the situation you had found yourself in. “But he’d know all about that, wouldn’t he?” His comment was snide, but you didn’t let it bother you. Your eyes flickered to Jake, a nervous jitter rushing through you. You were quite familiar with Danny’s character, and when the whole thing was over, he would go right back to the sweet boy you saw most of the time. He reached out, grabbing your chin in his hand and guiding you to look back at him. “I’m talking to you, not him.”
“Y-yes,” you nodded, agreeing with his statement. “He does.” You felt no shame in it, now. What was usually the elephant in the room was now nothing more than a driving force for the nights events.
“It was so good that you’re still thinking about it, yeah?” You nodded against the force of his hand, a small noise of confirmation sounding from your chest. “Better than I can make you feel?” He raised an eyebrow, but in no way were you willing to engage in his trap with both of them holding so much authority over you. “He’s going to get you off, and then we’ll see if you can give me an answer.” Your cheeks burned red, now nervous at the thought. You knew that Danny and Jake had likely discussed this in depth before coming home to you, but you weren’t sure if Danny really knew what he was getting himself into.
“I-I don’t-“
“What?” He snapped. “Been inviting him in for years, but now you’re too shy?” He taunted. “All talk, no action?” He could see the spark of indignation in your eye, happy that he’d pressed the right button. “Don’t worry, I’ll get my turn, too. So, you just keep your mouth shut and do as you’re fucking told.” He said, no debate about the matter.
“Okay,” you agreed, eyes never once straying from him. Although you had desperately wanted a moment like this with Jake, you still seemed to be plagued with guilt over the matter even with Danny’s explicit permission. He noticed it in your eyes as he moved to sit on the chair you had placed beside the bed. When you put it there for the intent of reading, you surely never thought it would be used for such a vulgar showing.
“It’s okay.” He assured you, his tone much softer than it was a moment before. “I’m okay.” You were both locked in a staring contest, but as he uttered the profession of comfortability, your worried gazed turned into a silent profession of love. Under the hard exterior, he let a loving smile peek through. You let out an exhale, content with knowing he was okay. With that, you turned to look at Jake, unable to deny the flutter of excitement in your belly. When he saw the hopeful gleam in your eyes, he couldn’t help but smile down at you, too.
“Never thought I’d get to see you like this again, trouble.” He stated, taking a step towards the edge of the bed. You sat patiently, waiting for an order from him. Although long ago, your night spent with him left you aware of his love for control, too. “Are you going to be good for me, too? Listen to me just like you do for him?”
“Yes, sir.” You nodded, entranced by the thought of him touching you again. He took a deep breath, the sound of the words washing over him like a shower of relief. He was more than thrilled that you had remembered him so well, thrilled that after so many years the experience for you was still so memorable in your mind.
“Come here, angel.” He beckoned you towards him, expecting immediate action. You slipped out from under the blanket, rising to your knees and moving towards him on the bed. When you were within arms reach, he cupped your cheek in his hand, peering down at you with adoration. He wasn’t shy to admit that he was elated to have you again. As much as his tirade was about mischief, the need to make you admit you wanted him, it also had a lot to do with his own need for you. He leaned down, wasting no time in pulling you into a kiss. It was hungry, desperate to make up for years of abstaining from the feeling. His other hand found your hip, fingers inching under the t-shirt that was covering you.
The sensation was unexplainable, the pleasure derived just from kissing him was overwhelming. Paired with the feeling of his hands on your skin, it was driving you insane. He used his wrist to hold up the fabric as his palm drifted towards your ass, he let his hand rest there, the cool metal of his ring he adorned on his finger sending a shiver through you. His grip was tight and showcased exactly how excited he was for the ability to have you again. He broke from you but didn’t move too far away. His nose was still ghosting over yours, almost as if he was scared you would disappear if he moved too far away. “Seems like you were waiting for us,” he noted, his finger slipping under the thin material of your underwear. “Were you hoping that we would come and take care of you?” He cooed, his sympathy clearly false as his lips drifted towards your jaw.
“G-god yes,” you let out a shaky sigh as his lips ghosted over your neck. He was making it a point to show you how well he remembered the sensitive spots, finding them with ease in hopes you might let a moan slip past your lips. He’d been yearning to hear it for so long that he wasn’t sure he could wait any longer.
“Let me take this off, angel.” He hummed, letting his hands snake under your shirt. As if the realization truly hit you as to what you were doing, you froze at the request, quickly looking to Danny with a hint of panic in your eye.
“It’s okay, baby.” He said, noticing your worry. He was sitting in the chair, observing the sight without a worry in the world. “This was my idea. I’ll tell you if I’m uncomfortable.” He said, hoping to crush your fear once and for all.
“Let me take care of you,” Jake said, also attempting to ease your worry. You looked back to him, giving a slight nod. With that, you allowed him to slip your shirt over your head. The cool air hit you immediately, but Jake was quick with his hands to warm you back up. His thumb brushed over your nipple, the light touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to see you like this?” He asked, taking a moment to admire the sight before him. You bit the inside of your lip, nervous about being on display for both boys at once. “It was terrible, only being able to dream about it.” He muttered, leaning forward for another kiss. Perhaps it was because of the incessant need for him that had been eating away at you for months, or maybe because you were finally realizing that he wanted you just as bad, but you were a mess before he even took your clothes off, and you were desperate for him to keep going. He pulled your bottom lip between his teeth, gently biting down as his hand continued to explore your breast. The friction from the pad of his thumb was delightful, even if he was barely touching you. You let a small moan slip into his mouth, immediately sending him into euphoria.
“Did you miss me?” His fingers trailed down your torso, ticking the skin as he familiarized himself with you.
“Yeah,” you admitted, all sense of shame disappearing long ago. He moved back slightly, ridding himself of his shirt.
“Let’s get rid of these, okay?” His fingers slid under the side of your underwear, pulling it back and releasing his hold so it snapped back against your skin. You nodded, laying back on the bed and removing the flimsy fabric from your body. Jake moved towards the side of the bed, casting a sideways glance at Danny as he did so. “If you ask him nicely, do you think he’d give us some alone time?” Jake smirked, raising an eyebrow at you as he asked. “You always seem to get your way.”
“Watch it.” Danny warned, clearly not a fan of his joke.
“Just thought I’d try.” Jake said, brushing off the harsh reaction.
“Can’t perform under pressure?” The snide comment was used for show, Danny making it a point to let Jake know that he was not the one in charge of the situation.
“Feeling left out, Daniel?” Jake asked as he undid his belt buckle. “Jealous, maybe?”
“Haven’t really seen anything to be concerned about, yet.” The argument only proved that Jake was invited over solely for the sake of you. After four years of strictly monogamous dating, Danny never seemed to have an interest in sharing you with anybody. You knew he would never do anything that would put a strain on your relationship, or anything that he was blatantly uncomfortable with, but you were certain he was likely struggling a little bit with the situation. When you turned to look at him again, his eyes didn’t seem angry at all; he was relaxed, sitting as if this was a normal occurrence. You realized then that Danny wasn’t worried at all about competing with Jake, because he knew there was no need. He just wanted Jake to know that the situation was reliant on his generosity, and he could put an end to it if he wanted to do so.
When you looked back, the comment seemed to spark a flame in Jake’s eyes. One that spoke loudly about his love of competitive sport, and to him, this was exactly what the situation was. He opted not to respond, instead climbing into bed on the opposite side of you, ensuring Danny had a perfect view of what was coming next. You watched your boyfriend for a moment, searching for any signs of discomfort, but he was perfectly pleased with watching you fulfill your fantasy. You assumed it was because he knew that Jake would only have you for a moment, and he was promised a lifetime. Danny was never one for jealousy, and it was evident that not even in this situation did it bother him. The conversation you both shared earlier had allowed him to settle any fear and open his mind to possibility. Jake and Danny had shared an in depth discussion before even uttering the idea of him joining Danny. Rules, boundaries, and the knowledge that if someone was uncomfortable at any point, it would be over. The harmless banter was inevitable, but they were both on the same page; they were in it to please you, and that was it.
Jakes hand slipped between your legs, his fingers immediately running through your folds to gather the arousal he’d been causing you. As if it was something he did so often, something he knew so well, his fingers immediately found your clit. He traced circles into the sensitive bud, sending a rush of emotion through you. It had been so long that you had almost forgotten how fantastic it felt to be touched by him. He kept the pressure light, but his motion steady. He barely had to do anything to pry a moan from your lips. “Just like that?” He asked, looking over your face with a distant longing behind his eyes. “Does that feel good?”
“So good,” you breathed, eyes fluttering closed. You could feel his erection strained against his jeans, begging for any type of relief. You were eager to touch him, almost more so than you were for him to touch you. From what you remembered, Jake was not one to take things slow, but you wondered if he was pacing himself in fear of crossing any boundaries. He had spent years pining after you, always being shot down and eventually he had to understand that he would never get an opportunity to be with you again. Now that you were here, with his hands on you, and his name rolling so beautifully from your tongue, he wanted to savour it.
He increased the pressure, gaze never faltering in hopes to sear the memory into his brain forever. You let a gasp out, your hips raising from the bed to meet the movement of his thumb. He gave you a small smile, content at the reaction. “Give him a show, sweetheart. Make some noise, thank him for being so kind.” Jake purred, eyes flickering up to Danny for a moment. Your eyes followed the same direction, catching your boyfriends gaze just as Jake slipped a finger inside you. You held his stare, feeling a moan rise in your throat. You weren’t sure if it was from Jakes movement, or the carnal desire that was written all over Danny’s face. His jaw was hard set, chest heaving with his breath, but his eyes were not angry; they were half-lidded, clouded with enjoyment from the sight.
Jake gave a slight curl of his fingers as he began pumping them into you, his thumb drifting over your clit each time. The feeling was intense, only made worse when he leaned down to pull your nipple into his mouth. Your pleasure was impossible to hide, the work Jake was doing was intensified because you had the opportunity to watch Danny. With his eyes locked with yours, you felt a great need to reach out and touch him. You thought he looked quite lonely, and you were overwhelmed with the desire to have him, too. He noticed the look you were giving him, quite elated at the knowledge you still wanted him even with Jake so accessible to you. You saw him palm himself through his jeans, clearly worked up and desperate for relief, too.
Jake let his teeth sink into your nipple, just slight enough to catch you off guard. Although he would never admit it, he did feel a spark of jealousy upon noticing your disengagement from his actions. He sped his fingers, pulling you back into a cloud of euphoria. Your eyes fluttered closed, your head resting back on the pillow as your mind swirled with the threat of an orgasm. Abruptly, he stopped his movements, violently tearing you away from the dream-like state. You turned to look at him, barely catching his eye before he was slinking downwards on the bed. He settled between your legs, guiding one over his shoulder. You let a sigh of delight out as he brought his mouth to your cunt, running his tongue through you to get a taste of his own hard work.
“F-fuck,” you gasped, his tongue making quick work at circling your clit. Your hand instinctively reached for his hair, fingers tangling in the roots and giving a slight tug every time he hit a particularly pleasant spot. He added his fingers to you, resuming his earlier pace. You were thrown into a whole new dimension of bliss, already close to a climax with little effort. His tongue was just as devilish as his personality; every move was calculated, aimed for maximum impact. He was desperate to get you to an orgasm, needing it more than he needed water to survive. His own enjoyment was almost overshadowing yours, every now and again he would let out a moan against you just to show you how happy he was to be of service to you. “Jake, m’gonna cum.” You warned.
“Look at me.” Danny spoke, now. The order ran through you, his voice sending a new type of pleasure through you. You let your head fall to the side, more than willing to follow the order. The look of longing in his eyes was stronger than you’d ever seen from him before. It was strong enough that it immediately sent you over the edge upon noticing it. Your climax hit you hard, all of your muscles tensing as you let out a slur of moans and curses. The walls were decorated with your sounds of pleasure, the memory sinking into the foundation with intent to stay forever. The obscene display was almost too much for Danny to sit through, his need for you too great to be ignored.
“Taste even better than I remember, sweetheart.” Jake’s voice echoed in your ears, but you were too far gone to cognitively understand what he was saying. You barely had time to come down before Danny was on his feet, barking an order at Jake to get up.
Your head was spinning, trying to focus on something other than the residual energy of your orgasm pulsing through you. At Danny’s request, Jake stood without argument. Your orgasm was glistening on his chin, adorned like a trophy of his most proudest moment. Without another word, Danny stripped himself of his clothes and took the position that Jake had previously held. He wasted no time, immediately placing soft kisses to the inside of your thighs in attempt to convey his love for you. Danny was not jealous of Jake because he was pleasuring you; he was just eager to do it himself. “I told you I’d get my turn, baby.” He mumbled, lips still ghosting over your skin. Jake was watching you, almost seeming unsure of what to do with himself. “Do you want me, beautiful?” His fingertips grazed the outside of your thighs, selling on your hips in a firm hold.
“Yeah,” You nodded, reaching out to cup his cheek with your hand. You let your thumb drift over his cheek, showcasing the love you had for him in the small gesture. He turned his head slightly, placing a kiss to the pad of your thumb.
“I want to hear how bad you want it,” he muttered, his voice low and his order clear.
“Please, daddy. I need you. I need you so bad.” Your shameless begging was put to good use, as usual. Danny was always willing to give you what you wanted, but there was a few things he liked hearing. You were never one to deprive him of his desires, mostly because they were few and far between. He let out a hum of satisfaction, pleased at the sound of your words.
“Okay, baby.” He sighed, as if your begging was tireless and brutal. He was so quick to give in to you that it even bothered him, sometimes. “You know I’ll always give you what you want.” He was inches away from you now, so close that it was near painful to wait any longer. “But you have to take care of him, too, since he was so good to you.” Without looking up, Danny nodded his head towards Jake. The thought was thrilling, to be used by both boys however they wished. You thought that there was no better idea in the world. Your eyes fluttered towards Jake, looking expectedly at him, as if you were waiting for him to tell you what he wanted. The expression was crippling for him, the innocent aura engraved into your face tainted with your willingness to do whatever he pleased. “Show him what a good little whore you can be.”
“Yes, sir.” You breathed, nearly vibrating with excitement at the thought of Jake taking the rest of his clothes off.
“She always been this obedient?” Jake asked, a hint of humour in his tone.
“Took a while,” you could hear the smirk in Danny’s voice without even looking at him. “But I think it paid off.” You bit the inside of your lip, holding back any snide comments you wanted to convey about his jabs. You knew better, and in truth, he wasn’t lying. It was very rare for you to talk back in the bedroom, and even more so for you to contest his authority in any way. Danny was so kind and catering in every aspect of every day life, but during sex, his kindness was limited and his word was final. You learned quite quickly that if you chose to challenge him, it only made it harder for you to get what you wanted.
Jake hummed an agreement, an unspoken praise for Danny’s work. As he unbuttoned his jeans, Danny prompted you to shift closer to the edge of the bed. Jake kicked the rest of his clothes to the side, uncaring about where they landed. The sight of him naked began to form another knot in your belly, promoted without any touching at all. Jake was gorgeous, and it seemed like he had only gotten more so over the years. “Open,” he commanded, stepping closer to you. You did as he asked, turning your head to the side and opening your mouth, welcoming him to do as he wished. At the same time, Danny lowered his mouth to your cunt, resuming what Jake had been doing earlier. Jake wasted no time thrusting into your mouth, immediately letting out a hiss of pleasure. He started at a slow pace, not wanting to push you too far too soon. You let out a moan, muffled by his cock in your mouth. It was your way of telling both boys you were more than content with the current situation.
Danny slipped his fingers into you, curling them to hit the spot he’d grown so familiar with. Jake was phenomenal, but it was no comparison to your boyfriend. He had spent nearly half a decade memorizing every like and dislike, and undoubtedly had the power to bring you to an orgasm in seconds. Both sensations were equally intense, Danny’s tongue was focused intently on your clit and sending waves of pleasure through you, while the knowledge of pleasuring Jake was euphoric all on its own. Jake let out a groan, unashamedly admitting his enjoyment as he began to move his hips a bit faster. You closed your eyes, aiming to keep your breathing steady and your body relaxed.
“Fuck, y/n.” Jake hissed, his head falling back as he spoke. “Look so pretty with my cock in your mouth.” His words sent another rush of arousal through you, seeing every nerve on fire. The praise was heavenly, so good that you realized you could survive off the sound alone. The position you found yourself in was more than just unexpected, but something you never would have imagined possible. Although your processing of the information was difficult, it was incredibly welcomed. Just because you had never thought it possible did not mean you hadn’t dreamed of it a time or two. You almost felt in debt with Danny, knowing that his permission and kindness had given you something so fantastic. You weren’t sure if you could ever thank him enough.
You let out another strangled moan as Danny’s fingers hit the perfect spot, sending another wave of pleasure throughout your body. Paired with the feeling of his tongue, you were dangerously close to the edge once more. You couldn’t verbally warn him, but he knew the signs all too well. His fingers were searing into your hips, holding you to him as he let out a hum, just to let you know that he knew you were close. It was a permissive gesture; he had no intention of stopping or withholding anything from you. Jake was lost in his own world, barely able to comprehend the feeling of fucking you again, even if it was only your mouth. He was hoping you would finish soon, just so he wouldn’t have to pull away first. Danny felt you tense under his hold, now speeding his movements in hopes to bring you to an orgasm. Although he didn’t find himself jealous that Jake was touching you, he did find himself envious that he wasn’t the one behind the moans falling from your lips. He was eager to please you, wanting the gratification of your orgasm like he needed it to survive.
“Are you gonna cum, angel?” Jake managed the words out through gritted teeth, still blissfully lost in the feeling of your mouth. You looked up to him, both of you knowing that you couldn’t respond. He smiled down at you, liking it much better that way. Instead of tormenting you further, he continued to fuck your mouth so you couldn’t get the chance to speak. You watched his face, in awe at the beauty of his expression. Although the scene was far from graceful, he managed to encase gracefulness despite the lack of it within the room. You felt the knot in your belly tighten to a point of no return, and without further warning, another orgasm washed over you. Your muscles tensed as your eyes squeezed shut, and your moans, although silenced, filled the room. Both boys were elated at your performance and were more than ready to move on to the main event.
Jake pulled back from you, letting out a sigh of discontent at the loss of the feeling. “Good to know that you can use your mouth for more than just back talk.” His voice was hoarse, strained by his own need for you. He was eager to fuck you, so much so that he wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait.
“You want him to fuck you now, baby?” Danny asked, mouth still hovering over your cunt. If he could have his way, he’d stay between your legs all night. If it were any normal day, he would have. Your eyes flickered towards him, unsure of how to answer. “It’s okay, you can say it.” His gruff tone made him seem more confident than he truly was; in fact, this was the part he had been dreading all night. Everything that had happened so far was fine, and he was more than willing to admit that he didn’t mind sharing you at all. In the previous context, at least. He’d been struggling with the idea of Jake fucking you, and he was nervous about the possibility of you enjoying it more than you enjoyed him.
“C-can…” you trailed off, looking between them both. You were anxious to speak, not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. That was the last thing you wanted to do, especially after both of them being so good to you.
“It’s okay,” Jake said, joining in on the conversation. “Whatever you want.” You nodded, knowing that it was likely painful for him to say that. It was vicious, Jake’s need for control in the bedroom. You’d only been with him once, but you remembered it well. For Jake to take the lowest rung of the ladder and realize he had the least important opinion was likely very hard for him to comply with. But it didn’t seem like he had any disdain on his face, nor any trouble with accepting it. In truth, it didn’t bother him at all. He was just elated to be there.
“Can you fuck me?” You asked Danny, a hopeful gleam in your eye. His fear of being obsolete was diminished within a second, the question settling over him like a warm embrace.
“That’s what you want, sweet girl?” He crooned, fighting back a grin.
“Yes, please.” You assured him, the corner of your lips turning upward into a soft smile.
“We can do that,” Danny breathed, rising to his knees. “Come here.” He held his hand out for you. You took it, making a move to sit up. You shuffled to your knees and he immediately brought his hands to you, fingers dusting across your skin as he pulled you into a kiss. He was ecstatic at your question, but he didn’t have to say it for you to know. He was worried that you would rather fuck Jake, but the whole ordeal had only seemed to make you fall in love with him more. He was a phenomenal partner, one that loved with his entire heart and soul. You had nothing to ever complain or worry about with him, and the fact that he was willing to potentially risk his own comfort to give you something you wanted was something you could never expect from him. But, he had done it valiantly and with no hesitation, and he seemed to be enjoying it, too. Your guilty pleasure had opened your relationship to a whole new world of possibilities.
He pulled away, moving to the other side of the bed. “Come here,” he beckoned you towards him. You didn’t need instruction to know what he wanted from you. You kneeled in front of him with your back to him. You placed your palms on the edge of the bed, giddy with excitement. His hands took to your waist, and you looked up a Jake with a hopeful expression. The look alone could have sent him to his knees. “Are you going to be good for us, baby?” Danny asked, lining himself up with your entrance.
“Yes, daddy.” You were quick with a response, eager to continue. “So good, I promise.”
“That’s my girl,” his words came out in more of a growl. Jake took a step towards the bed, gently grabbing your face in his hands.
“You tap my leg if you want to stop.” His order was firm. “Even if you just want me to slow down. I want you to be comfortable.” His eyes showed heaps of concern as he spoke. You barely knew Jake to be caring, but perhaps in the years of lusting after you, he had grown quite fond of you. You thought it would be hard not to, even if you were a heartless creature. You wouldn’t describe Jake as heartless, but definitely careless. His affection was much different than a typical persons, but it was still phenomenal, nonetheless.
“Yes, sir.” The words sent a shiver down his spine, thrilled at the thought of fucking you again. He didn’t even care about penetration; he was more than content with the idea of your mouth for the rest of his life. Danny and Jake shared a look, both agreeing that they could continue. Without any further hesitation, Danny pushed himself into you. You let out a groan, already overwhelmed by the feeling. You didn’t have time to think much about it, because Jake had snaked his hand toward the back of your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair. He held your head in place as he brought his hips forward, resting the tip of his cock on your lips as he waited for you to open your mouth. You didn’t make him wait; your lips fell open, an invitation for him to continue as he pleased.
Danny started slow, his thrusts steady but not powerful. Jake was the same, both of them wanting you to get used to the feeling before pushing you any further. Their caution was endearing, but you were too far gone to care for it. You pushed yourself back on Danny, a silent show of your desire for more. A fire flashed in his eyes, the movement sending him into a state of ferocity. His grip on you tightened, and the power behind his hips increased. You let out a moan, the tip of his cock slamming against your cervix as he fucked you. The vibration from your moan sparked the same reaction in Jake. Both boys quickly realized that you were perfectly happy being used by them, and they were happy to utilize it. Jake held your head steady as he set a pace with his own hips, the first moment of sweetness quickly replaced by primal desire.
Jake hit the back of your throat, the feeling coming as a shock to you. Your throat constricted around him as you fought back a gag, but it only drove him further. Danny was lost in you, unable to find any more worry. He brought his hand up and landed it with a sharp smack on your ass. The lingering sting from the impact was irritating, but pleasurable all at once. Your fists were gripping the edge of the mattress, holding on tightly as you bounced back and fourth between the two. “Such a good little whore,” Jake hissed, his grip in your hair tightening further. “God, you take it so well.”
“Feel so fucking good, baby.” Danny agreed, the praise from both sides almost too much to bear. Danny reached around your waist, bringing his fingers to your already sensitive clit. He traced circles as he fucked into you, holding you firmly with his other hand so you could keep your balance. The speed at which Jake was thrusting into your mouth was almost too much to keep up with, but the beautiful sounds that he was singing were all the motivation you needed to keep up with him. Tears were stinging your eyes, falling and making a mess on your cheeks. Every so often, the urge to gag was too strong to hold back, but you persevered mostly because of the pleasure you were receiving from your boyfriend. Your skin was tingling with the threat of another climax. The release you needed was urgent, but you had no way to express it to him. Instead, you let out a slur of muffled noises in hopes that he would recognize the message.
Thankfully, Danny knew you well enough to recognize any message you were trying to convey; he could read you like a book, even in his sleep. “Cum for us, baby.” He demanded, but he was pleading with you. He couldn’t keep up the pace much longer either. His own orgasm was close, too. Jake was on the same page, noticing the state of both of you and recognizing it was similar to his own.
“Cum all over his cock, angel. Show him how good it feels.” Jake joined in on the fun of encouraging you. They had stopped viewing the night as a competition, and rather as a team effort. His words settled in your stomach like iron, the weight too heavy to withstand. He slowed his hips slightly, respectful enough to let Danny take over for a moment. Danny noticed his withdrawal, taking the opportunity to pull you back on him. As he did so, Jake pulled out of you entirely, wanting to give you two the moment of intimacy. Now, with the freedom of your voice, you let out a cry of pleasure. The moan tore through your chest, coating the walls like an obscene decoration.
“Fuck, Danny.” You croaked, unable to find the energy for anything more than that. Within seconds, you descended into another orgasm. Your limbs were trembling, threatening to give out from underneath you. Danny held you up, making sure you knew you were secure as you rode out the high. When the intensity began to fade, he slowly withdrew from you. His chest was heaving, but less from lack of oxygen and more from his carnal need for you. He caught eyes with Jake, sharing a silent thank you for his kindness in letting you two share each other for a moment.
“His turn, baby.” He spoke lowly, now understanding that he would be more than selfish to deprive Jake of an experience like that. His fear was satiated, no more anxiety about losing you or being forgotten. He was aware that there was never a need for the worry to begin with, but your performance and enjoyment spoke louder than any verbal reassurance. Jake looked to Danny as if he granted him the opportunity of a lifetime. Before anyone moved, Danny quickly glanced towards the table by your bedside. He moved towards it, rummaging through the drawer before finding a condom. He flashed it towards Jake, who reached for it with no hesitation. You were all under the same knowledge that Danny called the shots, and you were both more than willing to comply.
Jake slipped on the condom, immediately taking to you to help you stand. With his assistance, you steadied yourself on your feet. He guided your chin upwards and brought you into a kiss. Your hands landed on him, holding him to you in hopes the moment would never have to end. Years worth of pent up frustration and desire was all fizzling away to a dramatic end. When you had imagined the lifetime of torment to be over, you never thought it would be in such a fantastic way. No guilt, nor shame. It was the best possible outcome for a normally grievous situation. He parted from you, but ultimately leaned in for one more kiss. The temptation was too hard to resist. Once he managed to will himself away from you, he took a seat on the edge of the bed.
Danny moved to join you both, standing in front of you in anticipation for the next move. Jake guided you backwards towards him, slowly bringing you down to meet him on the bed. He lined himself up with you and used a hand on your shoulder to pull you down on him. Immediately, he let out a sigh of satisfaction. He had no way to express his gratitude for being granted the opportunity to have you again, so he opted to show you, instead. He used his hands on your hips to set a pace, prompting you to eventually take over. “That’s it, angel.” His mouth was just next to your ear, his breath tickling your neck. “Waited so fucking long for this.” He purred, happy when you continued to grind your hips down on him. “Be good for him, sweetheart. Treat him the same way you did for me.” He ordered, placing a kiss to your shoulder. “He’s been so good to you, letting you be a little slut. Thank him for it.” He let his teeth sink into the same spot his lips were kissing you.
The position was much more gentle than the last, allowing you to recover from the roughness. You looked up to Danny, giving him a smile that was all but sexual. It was your way of saying I love you without having to speak it. Your eyes told him all he needed to know. Danny brought his hand to your face, wiping away any tears still littering your skin. He gave you the same smile, both of you caught in a wordless conversation that was dripping with affection. Jake slipped his one of his hands to your front, fingers settling on your clit. He traced slow circles, causing a whimper to fall from your lips. His other hand came up to your throat, his fingers wrapping around it like a snake going in for a kill. You gave Danny a few innocent bats of your eyelashes, inviting him in with vulgar intent. You opened your mouth as Jake’s grip on your neck tightened. Danny moved forward, and you bent down slightly to meet him.
Danny let you set the pace, understanding that as bad as he wanted you, there was a lot of stimulation on you. You brought him into your mouth as you moved your hips on Jake. You took him as far as you could, feeling him slide down your throat. The pressure from Jake’s hand made it all the more pleasurable for Danny, the already constrained space becoming all the more apparent. Danny let out a groan as you bobbed your head down on him, gradually increasing your speed as you worked. Jakes fingers were working tirelessly at your clit, his own moans filling the air as you came down on him. He had his forehead rested on your back, eyes screwed shut in pleasure as he attempted focus his attention to his hands.
Jake shifted slightly underneath you, allowing him to reach a little deeper into you as you gyrated your hips. The new sensation caused a moan to tear through you. The vibration caused a stutter in Danny’s slow movements, the sensation almost bringing him to an orgasm. All three of you were desperate for a release, but both boys were aching for relief. As much as they loved pleasuring you, they were dangerously close to the edge. Your head was swimming, swirling with lack of blood-flow, which only made the pleasure all the more intense. Jake could feel you tense against him, your walls constructing around him, the feeling sending him into a frenzy. He let out a raspy moan, the sound shooting through you as motivation. You had never once imagined Jake could sound so desperate, so needy for someone or something. To know that it was for you was one of the best feelings in the world. His fingers tightened around your neck once more, the blood supply cut off completely. Danny took it upon himself to pick up his own pace, a slur of curses falling from his mouth at the tightness of your throat.
Without warning, another orgasm took hold, seizing every inch of your body. You wanted to cry out, to scream in response to the overwhelming amount of pleasure, but it was as if your brain short circuited. You couldn’t focus on a single thought; you were completely lost within both of them. Jake let out a growl, finding it near impossible to stop himself from orgasming at the sight of the state you were in. He held on just long enough for you to regain your mind, and he loosened his hold on your neck. Danny pulled back, also dangerously close to cumming. The two boys looked at each other, sharing one single coherent thought. They had no idea how they were going to end the night, and they weren’t sure if they even wanted to.
“What do you want, angel?” Jake said, holding your hips so you wouldn’t continue your movements. “How do you want us to finish?” Danny was appreciative that Jake asked, because they both knew it was in their best interest for you to decide. You lifted your head, a mess of spit decorating your chin and more tears prickling your eyes. You looked exhausted, barely able to hold yourself up, but you knew you wanted them to finish, and you knew exactly how to do it.
“I want…” you trailed off, taking a long inhale to slow the spinning in your head. “I want you both.” The boys shared a look, wide eyed and in shock at the idea.
“B-both of us?” Danny stuttered, unsure if he heard you right. “Like, to fuck you?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, unable to speak from the sheer excitement of the thought.
“Are you sure, trouble?” Jake’s comment proved that he had been yanked out of the cloud of sex, his rationality returning to him momentarily. “Don’t do it just because you think that’s what we want.”
“Im sure,” you nodded “that’s what I want.” A rush of excitement ran through both of them as they glanced at each other. Danny immediately went back to the night table, grabbing a bottle of lube from the drawer. With a small smirk on his lips, he tossed it to Jake.
“You heard her.” He said, knowing that you would never suggest it if you weren’t comfortable.
“Has she… I mean, have you?” Jake asked, still processing the request. Danny gave him a nod, answering any questions that he had with one swift motion. As if he wasn’t shocked enough, the thought settled in his bones like lead. After a few seconds, a smirk began to grow on his lips, too. “Kinky little thing,” he noted “sounds like I really missed out.” Danny’s apprehension of Jake’s smart comments had completely disappeared. This time, he found his words almost comedic. Jake helped you to your feet once more, immediately prompting you into Danny’s arms. “Guess we have to give the lady what she wants.”
Danny leaned down, placing a kiss to your lips. As he did so, he placed his hands on the back of your thighs and scooped you up as he straightened his back. You instinctively wrapped your legs around him, holding on to his arms for support. Jake moved closer, his chest pressing against your back. You leaned into him, accepting his presence with warm welcome. “I’m going to go slow, okay? Tell me if you’re uncomfortable.” He explained. You gave a nod, already aware of the process. After four years, you and Danny had grown quite experimental in the bedroom. The only shock was that it was somebody other than him doing it. Jake placed a few kisses to your exposed neck, starting his exploration with his hand. He started with his finger, slow and cautious in fear of making you uncomfortable. The feeling was new, something you didn’t experience all that often, but it was enjoyable. You let out a whimper, closing your eyes and eager for him to continue. Jake locked eyes with Danny, both sharing a silent agreement of comfortability.
With Jake’s support, Danny slipped his arms under your thighs as you leaned back into Jake. When Jake felt you were comfortable enough, he moved his hand to allow himself access to you. Danny used one hand to line himself up with your cunt, and Jake did the same with your ass. “Ready, baby?” Danny asked.
“Yeah,” you sighed. Danny moved first, slowly pushing inside of you. Jake was more hesitant, but gently brought his hips forward. When he didn’t hear a single utter of discomfort, he continued. When both boys were inside of you, you let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of fullness.
“This is what you wanted, angel?” Jake murmured, already victim to the pleasure. “You just wanted to be a whore for us? Let us have you however we wanted?”
“Yeah.” You gasped, pivoting your body slightly to wrap an arm around Jakes neck. Your other hand was holding Danny’s shoulder, keeping yourself anchored in place as they began to move.
“Is it everything you dreamed of, baby?” Danny asked, matching his movements with Jake’s. They weren’t moving fast, but they were pulling you down on them as they moved, increasing the pressure building in your belly.
“God, yes.” Your head fell back, lost in the feeling of both of them inside you.
“It feels so good, doesn’t it?” Jake growled, his fingers digging into your hips. “Tell us how good it feels.”
“S-so good.” You whined, squeezing your eyes shut. The feeling was transcendent, more powerful than anything you had ever experienced. “It feels so fucking good.” You couldn’t contain your moans any longer, every sound that was begging to come out did just that, painting the room with sin. It was pornographic, the scene absolutely vulgar, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. The obscenity was fantastic, and you never wanted to leave the moment. If you could, you would have stayed there and fucked them for the rest of your life, just like that.
Both of the boys had been teetering the line of their own orgasms for the entire night. They had no idea they would enjoy the evening as much as they did, and they too were dreading the inevitable end. As much as they wanted to climax, they weren’t willing to do so without one last orgasm from you. “Can you give us one more, sweetheart?” Jake hissed, picking up his pace. Danny followed suit, using his strength to pull you down on them.
“You can do it, baby. I know you can.” Danny encouraged you, hopeful that you could do as they were asking. Most of it was due to his need for you to be fulfilled, but some of it was because he was scared he couldn’t hold himself back any more. “You’ve been so good for us, just keep it up for a little bit longer.”
“So proud of you, angel. Doing such a good job. Taking it so fucking good.” The combined praise was exhilarating; you had never felt so appreciated by anyone in your entire life. “One more, beautiful. I know you have it in you.” Jake pleaded.
“Fuck!” You exploded, the word followed by a guttural scream of pleasure. You couldn’t bite back the sound; it tore through you with a ferocity you had never felt before. “I’m gonna,” you assured them, a long jumble of curses flowing from your mouth, following the statement. Jakes hands were burning into you, Danny’s grip on your thighs tightening even more. They aimed to keep their movements synchronized, not wanting to jeopardize your ability to climax. The muscles in your abdomen tensed, your grip on them growing stronger as the burning in your belly reached its peak. You let out a shriek of euphoria, every nerve in your body ablaze with the relentless pleasure. You felt like you were ascending to another dimension, completely unaware of anything other than the feeling of them inside you. Your body was exhausted, and your mind was, too. You were completely fucked out, and they knew that. Before you came down, they both let go, too.
The room was filled with filthy sounds, swearing and slurs of names. The climax was intense for everyone, nobody could comprehend the emotion of the high. You all floated back to reality together, sleep calling to you before the bliss even came to an end. Euphoric was not a strong enough word to describe the feeling lingering throughout your body. After a moment of rest, both boys carefully withdrew from you. You all shuffled to the bed, Danny laying you in the nest of pillows and blankets, his body radiating with an air of love. They shared a look, scared that they might have pushed you too far, but after a moment, a smile began to creep on to your lips.
“How was that, angel?” Jake asked, hand resting on your thigh as a loving decoration.
“It was… phenomenal.” You breathed, finally able to sort your thoughts. “Just… yeah. Phenomenal.” You reiterated your point. They both let out a chuckle, happy that you were content and feeling the same way. “So, did you guys just decide this at the bar? Friendly talk over a few beers?” Their light chuckles turned into full laughter at your question.
“Think the thought was bouncing around for a while. Time was finally right.” Danny said, collapsing beside you.
“Saw that look in your eye when I brought it up, earlier. Couldn’t really resist that.” Jake added, thumb brushing over the skin that was littered with finger shaped bruises.
“I don’t mean to sound greedy… but was that a one time thing, or…?” You trailed off, finally opening your eyes to look between the two. Jake looked to Danny, knowing that he had the ultimate say in the matter. After a moment of silence, Danny gave a shrug.
“Suppose we could try it again, sometime.” He smirked. “If it would make you happy. You know I’d do anything to make you happy.”
“I wouldn’t mind that.” You confessed, a smile breaking out on your lips. “Thank you.”
“Thank you,” Jake said, adding a touch of humour to what would normally be an awkward moment. The aftermath should have been dripping with an uncomfortable nature, but it seemed perfectly right. There was no discomfort present at all. You rested your hand on top of his, giving it a gentle squeeze. You reached your other one out to Danny, lacing your fingers together.
“I do think it’s bedtime, though.” You stated, feeling a yawn start to surface.
“Right, we did interrupt, didn’t we?” Danny asked.
“Glad you did.” You hummed.
“So, what now? Do I get to sleep in bed, too?” Jake joked.
“Not a chance.” Danny shook his head, paired with a laugh. “Sorry, man.”
“Have some hospitality,” Jake feigned offence, but his smile told the joke for him. “Couch?”
“Definitely.” You and Danny mumbled, already feeling sleep settle in your bones.
“Understood.” He stood, giving your leg a gentle squeeze. “Hope you’re not too sore in the morning, trouble.” He said before gathering his clothes and disappearing into the hallway. Once he was out of sight, Danny pulled you into his arms.
“I love you,” he mumbled.
“I love you.” You said, relaxing into his hold and resting your head on his chest. “More than anything.” You placed a gentle kiss to his chest. “Thank you, baby. I don’t even know how to tell you how fantastic you are.”
“Like I said, bug. Anything to make you happy.” And he meant it; if allowing you access to Jake every now and again meant that he could keep you happy and have you forever, he would. It was something he could learn to live with, because he knew deep down that Jake was just a guilty pleasure, and he was the love of your life.
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david-goldrock · 4 months
Here are the original lyrics for October rain (hurricane) that were changed due to Eurovision's cowardince
The changed lines will be marked in italic red
[Verse 1]
Those that write history / Writer of my symphony
Stand with me / Play with me
Look into my eyes and see
People go away but never say goodbye
[Verse 2]
Someone stole the moon tonight
Took my light
Everything is black and white
Who's the fool who told you, "Boys don't cry"?
Hours and hours and flowers / Hours and hours empowers
Life is no game for the cowards / Life is no game but its ours
Why does time go wild / While time goes wild
Every day I'm losing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride
Dancing in the storm
We got nothing to hide / I got nothing to hide
Take me home
And leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again / Baby promise me you'll hold me again
I'm still wet from this October rain / I'm still broken from this hurricane
October rain / This hurricane
[Verse 3]
Living in a fantasy
Everything's meant to be
We shall pass but love will never die
Hours and hours and flowers / Hours and hours empowers
Life is no game for the cowards / Life is no game but its ours
Why does time go wild / While time goes wild
Every day I'm loosing my mind
Holding on in this mysterious ride
Dancing in the storm
We got nothing to hide / I've got nothing to hide
Take me home
And leave the world behind
And I promise you that never again / Baby promise me you'll hold me again
I'm still wet from this October rain / I'm still broken from this hurrican
October rain / This hurricane
October rain / This hurricane
לא נשאר אוויר לנשום / לא צריך מילים גדולות
אין מקום / רק תפילות
אין אותי מיום ליום / אפילו אם קשה לראות
כולם ילדים טובים אחד אחד / תמיד אתה משאיר לי אור אחד קטן
(translation for the last verse)
No more air to breath remains / There is no need for big words
There's no place / Only prayers
There is no me from day to day / Even if its hard to see
All of them good children, every single one / You always leave me one small light
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pandorafairy · 2 years
Fire of Souls
Part 4: Celebration
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
Tsu'tey x Reader (younger sister of Jake Sully, dreamwalker) Enemies to Lovers
Contains: hunting, secrets, return home, and a party
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Anything written in italics is spoken in Na'vi
Tsu’tey moves silently through the bushes, his weapons dangling around him. I glide behind him, my feet stepping into his footprints. We’ve been tracking the beast for the entire day. Tsu’tey’s jaw is clenched and his eyes are focused. We are right on it's trail. 
There have been no signs of the Na’vi who attacked Tsu’tey but I keep my eyes open, prepared for anything. Tsu’tey crouches further to the ground as an animal chitters above us. I follow his lead, unable to see anything except his braids as he peers through some underbush. 
He lifts his hand, his long blue fingers pointing upwards, telling me to stop. I halt instantly, my heart rate rising. Tsu’tey’s ears flicker against the side of his head as he listens. I strain my ears, trying to hear whatever it is he hears. 
After a moment, he closes his hand and beckons me to keep moving. I follow after him, my back aching. The only time we’ve spoken is when we made our plan for killing the beast. After that, we fell into a rhythm of silently working together, knowing what the other person meant without them saying a word. It’s much better than our usual arguing. 
Tsu’tey leans back and puts something in his loincloth. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a curt nod that means, we’re close. I nod in response.
A crack sounds through the forest. I freeze as Tsu’tey reaches his hand in front of him, telling me to stay calm. Sweat gathers between my knees as a strong burst of air filters through the treetops above us. It smells of raw meat and decay. The beast. 
My eyes widen. Tsu’tey’s face goes flat, his lips in a straight line and his hands clasp around his bow. He creeps forward, not making a single sound. He pulls a string of leaves to the side. There, the beast stands in the middle of the clearing. His horns curled around his huge, unnatural head. 
My breath catches in my throat. Tsu’tey whips his head around. He cocks his head to the side, are you okay? His eyes ask. I nod, forcing my nerves down. Tsu’tey watches a moment longer, contemplating the nervous look on my face before lifting his three fingers up. It’s our signal. It's time to go. 
Tsu’tey breaks through the trees as one of his arrows goes sizzling through the air. The beast rears back in surprise. I climb up a nearby tree, my fingers digging into the bark as I cock my arrow into place. Tsu’tey springs out of the bush, distracting the beast as I shoot an arrow down. It slams right into the beast’s side. 
The beast roars an ugly, almost mechanical sound. Even the tree I’ve climbed seems to go still at the sound. I load another arrow and shoot again, this time ramming into the beast on the other side. It roars again, sending leaves down from a nearby tree.
Tsu’tey doesn’t hesitate to jump onto the beast’s back. He grasps its horns and clamps his legs around its throat. He looks up at me, his eyes viscous. I grab the long knife from beside me and throw it to him, angling the blade so it lands perfectly in Tsu’tey’s hands. 
Tsu’tey catches it even as the beast thrashes beneath him. He rears back and slams the dagger into the beast's heart. I suck in a breath as Tsu’tey jumps off and takes a few steps back. The beast roars, stumbles, blows out a nasty breath, makes a strange gurgling sound, and then collapses on its side. The beast shudders and goes still.
Tsu’tey doesn’t move as he observes the now dead beast. I climb down slowly, not fully believing our success. I drop my weapon and move closer to Tsu’tey. He begins to inch towards the beast.  I hold my breath until Tsu’tey turns around, a huge grin plastered on his face. A real smile, that spreads across his face and lights his eyes. “It’s dead!” He yells. 
“Hell yea!” I holler and pump my fist in the air. “We did it!” 
Tsu’tey turns back and whoops excitedly. I instinctively offer my hand like a high-five. He instantly grabs it, his fingers wrapping around mine like a handshake. He gives me a firm squeeze. 
I squeeze back, feeling the callouses of hands. 
“Not bad,” Tsu’tey says before pulling back. “Now, let’s go home.”
Home. I smile at the thought as Tsu’tey walks over and cuts off the beast's horns. 
I wake in my human body feeling weak and hungry. I push open the machine that links me to my Avatar. It takes a moment to fully adjust. It’s dark out but I can still make out the sharp outline of the Floating Mountains. I groan as I stand, my back cracking.
Grace and Jake’s voice float into the room, followed by a clatter of utensils. I sniff the air. It smells like burnt bread…
“Oh shit!” Grace yells from the other room. I chuckle to myself and head towards them. My legs feel weak and foreign. I miss my Avatar body the second I’m not in it. It’s starting to feel like my human body is the fake one. 
There’s a banging sound like Grace just plopped the bread down. I can’t wait to tell them about slaying the beast. Jake laughs but it sounds different, almost strained. Nerves bubble in my stomach.
“You have to do something,” Grace says, her voice serious. 
I freeze at the entrance to the room and push myself against the wall so they don’t see me. 
Jake hangs his head in his hands, his wheelchair pushed all the way against the table. He sighs. “I don’t know what to do.” 
Grace pulls out a chair with a loud scraping sound and sits beside him. “You have to tell Neytiri and soon.”
Tell Neytiri what? My hands flutter nervously at my side. 
Jake scoffs. “No way. She’ll never forgive me. And my sister…”
My blood runs cold. 
“You should’ve told your sister a long time ago.”
I step out from behind the entrance before I even have time to process a thought. I cross my arms as Jake’s face goes from shocked to nervous. “Tell me what?”
Grace lifts her eyebrows. She glances at Jake. “Well,” she heaves a sigh and stands from her chair, “at least you can check one of those boxes now.” She leaves, walking off to her own link station. 
“Tell me what, Jake?” My voice is rough, almost panicked. My nerves are growing by the second. Things are starting to go well for me. We just killed the beast. We’re going back to Hometree. I could be one of them. I just pray it isn’t all about to come crashing down. Jake doesn’t respond, he just runs his hands across the armrest on his wheelchair. “Jake.” 
He blows out a rough breath. “Okay, look,” he begins nervously, “do you know why we moved up to the Floating Mountains?” 
What is he getting at? I nod, clearly irritated. “Yea. Your dumbass was hanging around Quaritch.” 
“Do you know what we had talked about?”
I pause, unsure of where this is going and suddenly not sure that I want to know. 
Jake exhales slowly. “He wanted me to get the trust of the Omatikaya so I could negotiate terms of their relocation.” 
Relocation? I swallow the bile that rises in my throat. I dread the answer but I have to ask, “What do you mean by relocation?” 
Jake runs a nervous hand through his hair before meeting my eyes. His face is full of pain. “It was before I knew. Before I saw how amazing the people are and before Neytiri…” 
My heart starts pounding in my chest. Jake is always straight forward. Whatever this is– it’s bad. “Jake,” I say harshly, “out with it.” 
“Promise you won’t do anything rash,” he says. 
“They’re gonna destroy Hometree.” 
The air in my lungs is sucked out. I reach my hand out to steady myself as a wave of nauseous rolls over me. My ears are suddenly ringing. He can’t be serious. There are thousands who live in Hometree. It’s their home. It’s everything. I shake my head, unable to process this. 
Jake wheels himself closer, his face peering up at me. “We still have time.” 
I suck in a breath, trying to calm myself. Nothing feels real. 
“Y/n,” Jake mummers, “please, try and listen.” 
“What do you mean by time?” I ask, my voice raw. 
Jake sighs. “We have time to gain their trust and convince them to leave.” 
It feels like I’ve been kicked in the gut. My hands cradle my stomach as I let out a small moan. Tsu’tey’s trust? I’ve just barely gotten it, just silver. When he finds out… Any hope for friendship will be out the door. It will have been for nothing. “We have to stop them,” I say flatly. 
Jake shakes his head, his eyes sad. “We can’t. All we can do is warn them when the time is right.” He pauses as he observes my face. “Will you help me, sister?” 
I press my fingers to my eyes, fighting back tears. I wait a moment before nodding. “I’ll help you,” I whisper defeatedly, “what other choice do I have?”
Linking with my Avatar again felt like coming home. I opened my eyes to the streaming morning light. Tsu’tey had already packed the direhorses, the beast's horns curled from around the sides. There was something more relaxed about his demeanor; he’s happy to have killed the beast. Happy to be going home. 
His relaxed stance hasn’t gone away as we journey back to Hometree. I try not to think about what Jake told me. I try, with every ounce of willpower, to force it out of my mind. But it still plagues me. Making me feel numb. 
I don’t think Tsu’tey has noticed because we’ve hardly spoken any words to each other. We just move in silent agreement, a team that doesn’t need to write a plan; we just know. 
We’ve been going for hours and my legs are going numb. “How much further?” I ask, breaking the long silence. 
Tsu’tey slows his pace and looks back at me, flicking his braided hair over his shoulder. A small smile grows across his face. “Very soon.” 
I raise an eyebrow at the rare smile on his face. He breaks through a line of dense trees, the leaves brush against his calves. My vision is blurred by the greenery for a moment before coming into full focus. An entire crowd of Omatikaya stand before us. 
I gasp. Hometree looms right before me, looking mightier than ever. There’s no way Quaritch could destroy it. I force the thought away as Neytiri runs up to me, a brilliant smile across her face. “Welcome!”
I can’t help the grin that makes its way onto my face. All of the people have gathered outside Hometree. They're all cheering, whooping, and pumping their hands in the air. All of them are full of so much pride that it warms my heart. 
“Is the beast dead?” The Olo’eyktan, Eytukan, calls above the cries. The crowd goes quiet as he makes his way through in his feathered chest piece. Neytiri  backs away, joining Jake in the crowd. He gives me a goofy thumbs up but I look quickly away, not wanting to acknowledge him, not wanting him to think that I’m okay with this.
Tsu’tey dismounts and walks closer to the crowd as he holds his pack, the beast’s horns jutting out. I copy him, immediately hopping off my steed and falling into step beside him. Once, Eyutkan is right in front of us, we bow our heads in respect. 
“The People want to know,” Eyutkan says, his face stern but his eyes proud, “is the beast dead?”
Tsu’tey grins. His smile sends chills down my spine, it’s lethal and charming at the same time. He reaches down and yanks the horns of his pack. “The beast has been slayed!” 
The entire village erupts into roars of delight. Smiling faces as people hug and praise Tsu’tey the warrior. Then, I hear my own name. They are praising both of us. A small blush creeps onto my cheeks as various clan members look right at me and smile proudly. 
“We will have a celebration! Tonight!” Eyuktan yells again before turning and facing the crowd. “A feast in honor of Tsu’tey and Y/n.” 
The clan bursts into an array of activity: conversations and giddy excitement, as some run into Hometree and other’s grab hunting gear and head for the forest. A feast in my honor. Neytiri and Jake join us as Eyutkan pats Tsu’tey on the back. Tsu’tey’s eyes brighten at the gesture. 
Neytiri grabs my hand and squeezes. Jake smiles at me and I feel my blood run cold like I’m suddenly back in the Floating Mountains, talking to him about Hometree. I feel sick. I don’t deserve this feast. If only they knew…
Neytiri’s face flickers with concern but before she can say anything, Eyuktan asks, “did you have any hardship along the way?” 
Tsu’tey tenses beside me. I remember the cut along his chest, the poison seeping into his blood, and how I saved him. He remains silent beside me, waiting for me to speak. I clear my throat. “No, Tsu’tey and I worked well together.” Tsu’tey’s head whips towards me, his eyes light with surprise. I pretend not to notice and continue on, “all went well.” 
Eyuktan nods as he pats me on the back. Pride swells in me. Neytiri’s eyes flutter between Jake and me. She looks at her father. “They are ready.” 
Eyuktan grunts in agreement. “Tomorrow, take them to the ikran.” 
My mouth drops open as excitement pools in my stomach. I look at Neytiri to find her smiling at Jake. I raise an eyebrow. Interesting… 
Tomorrow, I’ll get to choose an ikran. I can’t contain my excitement to do something I’ve only ever read about. Tsu’tey catches my eyes and gives me a curt nod. My stomach flutters. He’s proud of me too. 
There is a large fire in the center of Hometree and the clan dance and eat all around it. Loud drums pierce the air as people talk and laugh. The celebration is in full swing. I’ve managed to forget about all my worries and just enjoy this moment. 
Earlier in the night, Tsu’tey brought me a plate of my favorite berries to which we shared a knowing look. Neytiri had cocked her head to the side in curiosity but said nothing else. Tsu’tey then tipped his head and stalked off, presumably to enjoy the party on his own. I haven’t seen him since and I pretend that I’m not slightly upset by that. 
Besides, I’ve been too busy dancing. Neytiri and I danced and danced. My feet are practically burning. All around me, the clan moves their bodies to the rhythm of the drums, it’s magnetic and alive. I’ve never experienced anything like it before. Then Jake comes and sweeps Neytiri off into a dance off their own. With my aching feet and tired muscles, I begin to push my way off the dance floor when a male blocks my view. 
“Congratulations,” he says. It’s a man I’ve never seen before. He’s tall, broad shoulders, and his hips are wider than Tsu’tey’s. Not that, I’m thinking of Tsu’tey… I shake my head feeling suddenly fuzzy from the party. The man tilts his head. “I’m Kiezan, I don’t think we’ve met.” 
I swallow, forcing myself to get a grip. His eyes are wide and amber. His hair is loose and tied behind his head with a single braid. He’s handsome. I smile at him. “I’m y/n.”
He smiles back at me. “Pretty name,” he reaches his hand out, “do you want to dance?”
I take his hand without thinking, allowing myself to get swept away once again in the enthrallment of the party. He is a good dancer and he leads me through the crowd with ease. The drums pound loudly and we sway our bodies, matching the rhythm, the heat of his body melting into mine. 
I catch Neytiri’s eyes from across the floor. She nudges her head as if to say, oooo. I roll my eyes and shrug. It’s nice dancing with Kiezan but it isn’t amazing. I don’t feel that warmth in my stomach or flutter in my heart. It’s just nice. 
My eyes move from Neytiri, across the crowd and up to the stairwell where a familiar frame leans against the wall. I jolt. Kiezan’s hands trail down my side as I watch the figure lean forward. There is something familiar about their stature… 
“You like dancing?” Kiezan’s whispers in my ear, his hot breath hitting my neck, making me feel suddenly sick. The figure on the wall immediately straightens before whipping around and disappearing up the stairs. I freeze as I watch their braided hair swing behind them. It’s Tsu’tey. 
I shove Kiezan’s hands off me. He grunts in surprise. “I’ll be back,” I muster as I run into the crowd. He calls after me but I can’t make out what he said. 
There was something about Tsu’tey’s posture, the way he was watching; it sparked a feeling in me, one I can’t discern. I’m following after him and I’m not even sure why. I guess I’m curious about him. Maybe he’s upset? He should be enjoying the celebration… After all, it is for him. 
I make it through the crowd and up the stairs. The air feels cool as it hits my skin. It’s darker here as I walk deeper into Hometree, searching for any sign of him. I keep going, my heart thudding in my chest. Why am I nervous? It’s just Tsu’tey. 
After a while, I’m nearly at the top of Hometree and I haven’t seen him. This was stupid. What was I thinking just going after him? He doesn’t need me. I shake my head, silently scolding myself before turning around. 
“Y/n?” Tsu’tey’s voice stops me right in my tracks. I slowly turn to find him standing between an archway that leads outside onto a branch. He peers curiously at me. He’s wearing a yellow and red beaded chest piece that brings out the gold in his eyes. I swallow. 
“I, uh,” I mumble, struggling to find words, “I was wondering where you went.” 
His eyes grow. “I just needed some space.” 
“Oh, right, I’ll leave you to it,” I say awkwardly.
“Would you like to join me?” Tsu’tey asks before slamming his lips shut like he hadn’t expected to ask me that. I raise my eyebrows in surprise.  A breeze floats in from the archway, blowing his loincloth softly. My heart begins to pound again as I nod my head. 
He turns and walks through the arch. I follow him to find myself on a branch, far above the ground. The night sky is clear and the moons illuminate the forest beneath us. I gasp in delight as I take in the sight. 
Tsu’tey hums under his breath, “I love it up here.” 
He sits down, letting his long legs dangle over the edge of the branch. I sit down next to him, making sure to leave a bit of space between us. I take a deep breath, tasting the sweetness of the air. “I can see why,” I reply. 
“I wanted to thank you,” He says as he looks out at the view. 
I tilt my head, my lips turning to the side. “For what?”
“You didn't tell the Olo’eyktan about my injury,” he continues as the moonlight hits his high cheekbones, “you could have gotten much praise but you chose not to tell.” He looks at me, his eyes containing a feeling that I can’t quite place. “You are unexpected.” 
My ears perk at his words. I’m not sure how to respond. I clear my throat and shrug, trying to seem nonchalant. “You don’t need to thank me for that.” 
“Hm,” he hums as he returns his gaze to the forest. Pandora is gorgeous at night. I’m constantly awestruck by the forest and the Omatikaya. Tsu’tey, despite living here his whole life, seems to still appreciate the beauty of it all. All the way up here, away from any noise.
“You don’t like celebrations, do you?” I ask him. 
He lifts his head at this and lets out a little laugh. “You are observant.” 
“I am a scientist,” I remind him, “and not a useless one.” 
He looks at me, his eyes gleaming with remembrance. “No,” he agrees, “certainly not a useless one.” 
My cheeks heat and I quickly look away. “So, why don’t you like parties?”
He shrugs. “Too many people in one space.” I can’t argue with that. There were so many bodies, all of them dancing, it could easily become overwhelming. I drag my fingers along the bark of the branch. 
Tsu’tey inhales. “Kiezan seemed to like dancing with you.” 
I whip my head towards him, my eyebrows raised and mouth slightly open. “What?”
Tsu’tey reaches up and scratches his forehead. “Oh, I just saw you guys. Nice that you have made friends but…”
“But what?” I scrunch my eyebrows together. 
“You could do better than Kiezan,” he says like it’s a fact as his tail flicks behind him.
A laugh escapes, full of disbelief and bewilderment. Why is Tsu’tey talking to me about this? His ears flatten against his skull for a moment before returning to normal. 
“What friends would you recommend?” I ask playfully. 
“Neytiri,” he begins as he counts on his fingers, “any of the hunters, not Jake but I suppose he is your brother, so...” 
I laugh again, the sound rumbling from my stomach. Tsu’tey’s eyes soften. I shake my head. “Okay, good recommendations,” I say lightly, “so who are your friends then?”
He freezes. His entire body goes rigid. My heart sinks into my stomach. Did I say something wrong? I bite my lip as Tsu’tey rubs his hands together as if he is contemplating what to say next. 
An ikran crows in the distance, piercing the silence between us as I wait for Tsu’tey to say something. I scratch the bark beneath my fingers anxiously. 
Tsu’tey blows out a breath. “I had a best friend, a  finance, I loved her so very much,” he says and the deepness of his voice pains me, “her name was Sylwanin.” My heart sinks lower into my body as I recognize the name of Neytiri’s sister. I hold my breath, waiting for him to say more. His lips turn downward as he stares at his hands. He looks beaten down, vulnerable. I’ve never seen him look like this. 
“She must have been pretty amazing,” I say softly. 
He nods. “She was killed by skypeople.” 
I gasp. I didn’t know that part. My brain searches for something to say, anything, but no words form as I watch the grief stricken man before me. 
“That is why I hated you so much,” Tsu’tey says, his voice barely above a whisper, “every time I saw you, I saw the enemy.” He turns to me, his face open, his eyes full of pain and something else– something hopeful. “But I was wrong.” 
My heart springs back into my chest and flutters. I blink a few times, processing his words. “I understand,” I reply, “when my brother died… I felt so lost. So lost that  I came to a whole other planet.” 
Tsu’tey’s face is somber as he nods. A shared sense of understanding floats between us. The same kind of understanding as when we hunted silently. We allow our pain to mingle quietly between us, not needing to speak to know it is there. The only sound is the chitters of animals beneath us. 
After a while, I decide to lighten the mood. It is our celebration after all. 
“I guess I should go back,” I say as Tsu’tey turns to me, “since I need to go find some better friends.” 
“Ah,” Tsu’tey replies, “I’ll be your friend.” 
My mouth falls slightly open. Warmth spreads through my whole body, starting at my toes and into my fingers. My lips split a part into a wide grin. He spoke to me in Na’vi. Friends. 
I nudge his shoulder as my grin turns into a smirk. “Who said I want to be your friend?”
Hi! Thank you so much for reading <3
I'm sorry I took so long to post, I've been having bad writers block lol
Let me know what you think of this part and if you have any feedback :)
Taglist: (i will be adding new people for next part!) (thank you all sm))
@qu33n0fth3n3rds @star-dusst @smol-book-nerd @elegantkidfansoul @h0n3y-sug4r @aonungs-tsahik @kpopslur @perseny @myheartfollower @perilous-pasta @zilena9 @galaxyfruits @tanchosanke @eternallyvenus @glitterandgoldfinds @willow-sages
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
21 Questions || Welcome Back.
Pairing: FBI! Wanda Maximoff x Mafia Boss! Reader
Summary: Agent Maximoff has always been great at her job and reading people. After solving a rather difficult case with co-worker, Agent Romanoff, Wanda took a vacation to Greece, where she met Y/n, who was also taking a vacation from work. A little fun never hurt anybody, right?
Adult & Dark Themes | Smut | 18 + ONLY! | She/They pronouns | 3.1K | 
Top! Wanda, Bottom! Reader, Mommy Kink, Reader has a penis, bondage, Slight Degrading, Breeding (obvs), Orgasm denial, Mention of toys, masturbation, unprotected sex, mentions of drinking.
Notes: Flashbacks and/or memories are italic & have “~” before and after.
21 Questions Masterlist
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Wednesday morning crept up on Wanda as if it were Monday. Her alarm rang loudly at 6:30am, waking her from her restless night's sleep. Wanda just returned from a two-week vacation, spending it in Greece to free her troubling mind from the effects of her last case. A serial killer who targeted families with children took weeks for her and the unit she was in to find the criminal. Weeks of looking over crime scene photos, listening to play backs of interviews, re-reading statements and of course, interviewing suspects.
Greece was exactly what Wanda needed to remove the brutal images form her mind. A book and a cocktail or two by the beach freed her wondering mind. It wasn't unusual for anybody in Wanda's line of work to take some much-needed time to get away and forget what they did for a living, although Wanda loves her job, it still has its lows. Since Wanda came home, her mind was now stuck on a different issue. An issue she wouldn't exactly say she's assumed to still be thinking about. 
Her last night came unexpectedly. Treating herself to the last few cocktails she'll have before returning to work as normal, she meets you. Across from the bar, swirling your whisky around in its glass while puffing on a cigar you sat, sending her a friendly smile when the woman looked your way. It wasn't long until you walked up to her and brought her a drink and just like most bar pickups, Wanda took you back to her hotel room. 
Wanda hasn't been able to get the images of you out of her head since! Images of how she tied your wrists to the bed head with the rope of her robe and claimed you as hers, just for the night. 
~ "Mhm, not tonight honey" Wanda smiled against your lips when the back of her legs hit the end of the bed. "No?" you question before kissing her once more, your hands roaming her body before she so effortlessly spung you both around and pushed you onto the bed. 
"I bet you've had all the control with all those other women you've slept with, haven't you?" she asked, running her tongue over her bottom lip. You looked at the woman, resting your body weight on your elbows, "its expected" you replied.
"Oh baby" Wanda bit her bottom lip as she crawled on top of you capturing your kiss in another kiss, making sure to brush herself up against your hardened cock. Her lips moved to your neck and up to your right her as she whispered softly, "tonight you're mine" 
Her warm breath against your skin sent a shock straight to your aching cock as it begged to be freed. Wanda wasted no time reaching for her robe and removing the silk rope from it and placing your wrists at either side of the bed. "You look so pretty like this" she smiled softly as she sat back against you. 
"Before we start baby, I need you to come up with a safe word, can you do that?" she asked. 
You could feel your cock twitch in your boxers as Wanda slowly undressed herself, her words making you nod as a response. "That's not an answer baby. I need words." She looked at you, throwing her shirt to the floor. "Yes, I can" you replied. 
"Yes Mommy" she snapped. Not once had you been with a woman who wanted to take control of things and Wanda could see that. The way you had to swallow the lump in your throat and keep your eyes on her, "yes, mommy" you answered her with a light smirk. ~
Sure, Wanda had one-night stands in the past but none of them stuck with her like this night. She could still sense you, her pussy ached for you to be exactly where she wanted you to be. Her vibrators and dildos did next to nothing for her since she'd come home. Her toys that once helped her orgasm now left her hot and frustrated, even when she had her red dildo deep in her pussy and a vibrator to her clit the thoughts of you weren't near enough to bring her to the edge. She needed you. 
~ "Mommy, please, I'm going to cum!" you threw your head back as Wanda bounced up and down on your cock. "I told you to hold it!" she replied as she sped up her actions. Your wrists still tied to the bed head as you were forced to watch her. 
"P-please, baby, I can't!" you moaned. 
"I said to hold it! Do you not know how to listen?" Wanda gripped your chin forcing you to look at her, "you're just a toy for me to use tonight. Mine. I told you that! This is all about mommy's pleasure baby, you'll cum when I say you can" she spoke as she looked into your eyes. Your cock slid in and out of her with ease as she now began to ride you. "Do you understand?" she asked, you nodded. 
"Yes mommy, I'm s-sorry. You just feel so fucking good!"
"I know baby, it's been a long time since somebody showed you how to fuck a woman. Just lay there and look pretty and let mommy show you exactly how to please her" 
You couldn't help but throw your head back once more as Wanda picked up her speed, her hands rested on your shoulders for extra support as she moaned with her own head thrown back. "Go on baby, buck your hips and fuck mommy". You did exactly as told, bucking your hips with your feet flat on the mattress and began fucking into her, matching the speed she was grinding against you with.
 "God! That's it baby, keep fucking me just like that!" Her nails dug into your shoulders as she began to reach the moment of bliss she didn't know she craved so much. "Fu-fuck you're so fucking big baby!" she added as she looked down at you. She could see just how much you were doing your best to hold in your orgasm, she smiled and kissed you deeply.
"M-mommy! Fuck!!" You moaned against her lips as you felt her pussy clenching around your length tightly, she was close. "I know baby, you're going so well! Just a little more" Wanda replied, kissing you once again. With little energy you had left, you fucked into her harder. Wanda threw her head back and moaned once more.
"Cum baby, do it!" she almost screamed as she finally reached her orgasm. Cumming all over your cock was all you needed to let yourself go.~ 
Wanda groaned as she rolled herself out of bed, turning her alarm off with a huff before making her way to the bathroom. Part of her wished she wasn't drunk so that she could remember every single detail of that night. Every now and then she found herself gently running her fingers over her hips, still being able to feel the grip you had on her. 
"Welcome back!" Natasha smiled kindly as Wanda walked into the bit of her unit's office, "How was Greece?" Carol asked. 
"Oh you know, the normal" Wanda smiled at her co-workers as she placed her handbag under her desk, "what did I miss?" she asked, pulling out the seat at her desk. Natasha watched her partner for a moment, squinting her eyes at the Sokovian trying to read the almost bothered vibe Wanda had. 
"You've had sex" Natasha smirked causing Wanda's cheeks to turn red. 
"Nat, I was in Greece for two weeks. I wasn't reading books and drinking cocktails the entire time" Wanda playfully shook her head before reaching for the stack of paperwork that had piled up since her break. "But that's what you planned to do" Natasha chuckled, "come on, tell us more! Who were they?" she added. 
"What happens in Greece, stays in Greece" Wanda replied with a cocked brow. 
"Agent Maximoff, welcome back" Deputy Director Steve Rogers smiled before handing her a file. 
"Thank you, Sir" 
"Catch yourself up on this case, Agent Romanoff can fill you in on the small details. I want you both on this case, it's a tough one but nothing like the last" he explains while Wanda takes the files from him, placing them on top of the pipe already in front of her. 
"Thank you, I'll get right to it" Wanda smiled softly at her boss before he walked away, sending warm smiles to everybody else in the pit. "Give me the run down before I open this" Wanda looked over to Natasha. 
"Are you familiar with the Sergei Kozlov and Benjamin Arthur case?" Natasha asked. 
"Vaguely, I think at the time I was going an undercover case. Benjamin is a senator, right? They thought he had something to do with Sergei's disappearance" Wanda replied, racking her brain for memories of the popular case at the time. 
"Yeah, but they couldn't find any evidence to hold him. Plus being a senator didn't help the case either" Natasha twirled her blue pen between her fingers. 
"Has there been a new lead?" Wanda asked.
"Sergei's remains were found late last night" 
Wanda looked up at Natasha and raised her brows, "after 13 years, they found him?" she asked. Natasha nodded, "and it's messy" she informs her partner. Wanda looked back down to the case report before opening the folder, "Is this going to be a high-profile case?" she asked. 
"So far, it's under wraps. Media haven't been informed as of yet, but it won't take long before they do. Forensics are still recovering the remains so I thought we could go to the crime scene first then go inform Sergei's daughter" Natasha replied as she watched Wanda's eyes scan the first document in the case file. "I'll read this in the car, let's go" Wanda closed the file, standing from her chair and grabbing her coat.
"Sergei's daughter was only 14 when he went missing. Why is their name not in the file?" Wanda asked as Natasha focused on the road in front of her. 
"Protection from the media at the time. The case was only shared with certain people to prevent information to leak. Their name is Y/n Kozlova. After Sergei went missing, their grandparents took them into their care. About two years after Sergei's disappearance, everything that was in his name was transferred to Y/n. The grandparents kept the family business running until Y/n turned 18" Natasha explained. 
Wanda paused in her reading when Natasha mentioned Sergei's daughter's name. 
~ "So what can I call you?" you asked with a soft smile before taking a sip of your drink. "You can call me Wanda, what about you?" Wanda replied watching you run your tongue over your lips. 
"Y/n" you replied, placing your drink on the bar, "Tell me, Wanda. What brings you to Greece?"
"A break from work, a get away from a little reality" Wanda struggled to take her eyes off of you. "What is that you do?" you asked, gently placing a hand on the top of her thigh, your numb stroke her skin softly. "I'm a high school teacher" Wanda lied as she kindly removed your hand from her thigh, "it seems like you could do with some teaching of sorts" she added with a light smirk.~
A bump in the road made Wanda snap back to the file in front of her, continuing to read the text that was almost never ending. "How were the remains found?" Wanda asked. 
"A hiking couple found half of a human skull on their hike. Forensics found the rest of the remines in a mountain lions' den. His wedding ring was found close to the skeleton, his name was engraved in the inside. They also found a set of keys that they're running for fingerprints" Natasha explained. 
The rest of the car ride to the crime scene was almost silent as Wanda read through the rest of the details, even taking notes of her own for later before she tried to mentally prepare herself for the crime scene she would soon see. But her mind still traveled back to the time she spent with the stranger in Greece. 
~ "Agh! You're so deep baby, keep going! Just like that!" Wanda moaned; her legs wrapped around your waist to keep you where she wanted you. Thrusting into her as she lay on her back with her head thrown back. "Baby, please! I can't hold it!" you moaned in reply. You were exhausted but even though you begged her to call it a night, you couldn't stop yourself from becoming hard once more. 
"Oh darling, you're doing so well for mommy, just a little longer and I promise you can cum" she looked at you, her hands gripping at your forearms. "You're going to make me cum, baby!" she added while still looking into your eyes. She could see how tired and worn out you were, but she was beyond impressed with your need to keep her satisfied, giving her orgasm after orgasm, it amazed you just how long she had the power to continue. Meanwhile you knew there was no way you were leaving her hotel room afterwards.
"Y-you gotta stop clenching me like this mommy, fuck!" you moaned once more. Sweat dripped from your forehead as you continued to fuck Wanda the way she made you. "Gonna cum, please mommy!" you added. 
"You're being pathetic, just hold it for mommy, baby. Be a good fuck toy for me" her nails dug into your skin making you throw your head back, doing your best from cumming before her. "Good job baby, I know you're tired, I'm so close, I promise!" Wanda added when she felt you slightly quicken your pace, thrusting into her harder. She moaned once more before letting herself go, cumming once again all over you. "Go on darling, cum" she instructed. 
You collapsed on top of her, your cock twitched as it covered her walls with your cum for the third time tonight. Wanda wrapped her arms around you, released the grip her legs had around your waist. "I've got you, baby" Wanda whispered while you tried to catch your breath. ~ 
Natasha pulled up to the crime scene, turning the car off before looking over to Wanda who seemed to be in a world of her own. "Hey, are you okay?" She wanted her partner. 
"Uh? Oh, sorry, I'm just a little tired, I think I zoned out for a moment there" Wanda snapped out of her thoughts before unbuckling her seat belt. 
"Still got a little jet lag?" Natasha opened her door. "Yeah, must be" Wanda smiled softly, trying to shake the sexual images of you flashing through her mind. 
The two Agents walked up the hiking path to the crime scene where the remains were found. Wanda scouted the aera for any more evidence, giving the location she found it hard to believe that somebody could've dragged a 106 KG man by themselves. She noted that whoever did commit the murder would've needed help. 
Natasha took statements from the hiking couple before both her and Wanda were happy with their findings at the scene and requested that the remains could be transferred to the forensics lab for more testing. The bones showed that Sergei was shot more than once in different locations and forensics would find out more details on what type of gun was used. Cause of death wasn't certain but those on the scene all agreed that a fatal stab wound to the victim's chest seems likely. 
Natasha and Wanda arrived at the jewelry store that Sergei owned and ran as a family business. The store had tight security, a tall and strongly built man stood out the front while another stood on the inside. Any customers would be metal detected before entering he store.
"Welcome" a woman smiled, "is there anything I can help you ladies with today?" she added. 
"Hi, I'm agent Romanoff and this is my partner agent Maximoff. We were wondering if Y/n Kozlova was round" Natasha replied as the two show the woman their badges.
"Oh, uhm. Yes, please follow me. She's in her office" the worker took Wanda and Nat to an elevator, "Miss Kozlova is on the 5th floor. You'll be greeted with security." She informed the Agents as the doors opened. 
"Thank you" Wanda smiled softly before entering the elevator. 
A woman with long dark hair greeted Wanda and Natasha as the doors opened on the 5th floor. "Hi, are you the FBI Agents looking for Miss Kozlova?" the woman asked. 
"Yes, could you please point us in their direction?" Wanda replied. 
"I'm Kate, Kate Bishop. Follow me" the woman smiled, dressed in a black suit as she led the Agents to your office. A knock at your door broke your concentration from the diamond samples you were sent from Africa. 
"Come in" you looked up from your desk.
"Sorry to bother you but two FBI Agents are here to see you, shall I send them in?" Kate asked. You nodded lightly as you watched two women in suits walk into your office. Wanda's heart dropped when she laid eyes on you, your name played in her mind all day along with the images of the time you spent together but she didn't think that the daughter in the reports would be the same person she slept with in Greece. 
You were just as shocked as you looked between the women in front of you. 
"Miss Kozlova, I'm FBI Special Agent Natasha Romanoff and this is my partner, Special Agent Wanda Maximoff." Natasha introduced herself and Wanda. 
"Hi" you smiled softly at the women as you stood up from your seat, "What can I do for you both?" you asked in a slightly confused tone. 
"Please, take a seat. We have some news" Natasha replied. You did as the agent said, return to your seat. 
"Miss Koz-"
"Please, call me Y/n" you politely interrupted Wanda. 
"Y/n, the remains of your father, Sergei, they were found last night" Wanda explained. You slumped back into your chair, speechless that after 13 years of not knowing anything, your father was found…dead.
"We understand this is a lot to take in the moment, but we were hoping you'd be up to answering a few questions, if that's okay" Natasha spoke, you nodded slowly. 
"If you don't mind, I'd rather not do this here. I'll have Kate take you to the meeting room we have" you buzzed Kate back to the office before you started to place the diamonds away, safely. "Kate, can you please take these two Agents to meeting room 2? I'll be with you in just a moment. Please, if you want a coffee or tea, let Kate know" you looked at the women before you once more. 
You weren't sure if you were more shocked at the news of your father or if one of the Agents was the woman who'd been on your mind the moment you left her hotel room the following afternoon.
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Taglist: @maria-403 | @arlana-likes-to-write | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @33-mrvl | @kaiidth-wandika | @wandanatss | @gaywalkersworld | @s1ut4nat | @natasha10273 | 
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arcadia-of-pluto · 9 days
Twist of Fate; Seventeen
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Pairings; LADS OT4 x reader
Word count; 4,562
Themes; isekai, eventual smut, slowburn, canon divergence
Rating; 18+ for swearing and eventual mature themes
Notes; Only update for this week! I decided that it's better to drop my updates down from multiple to just one per week– just until I get a few buffer chapters in-between where my chapters are here and what I'm currently writing!
Also Tumblr on mobile seems to really hate anything over 4k so I'm not sure what to do when it comes to posting longer chapters– but if I do, I probably won't be able to add itallics and bold, but I'm sure no one would mind if I didn't go through and add those little details.
Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter! It's yet another memory one that will span over two chapters (including this one).
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“Y/n…Sweetie, wake up.” You hear a voice and a gentle hand shakes your shoulder. Your eyes slowly opened and your cheeks felt damp. Once your eyes are fully open, you wipe your face and rest a hand on your chest. It tightly grips the front of your dress as you struggle to breathe. Your gaze goes to Sylus with wide eyes and you look around, confused to see the interior of a car and not the beautiful lake you were just at. 
The only reminder of your dream laid In your hand…A gem, devoid of colour as if its power had been drained, was in your palm. Was this the aether core Xavier found? No…no way that would've followed you back.
“Where..?” You were still disoriented, trying to keep a grip on which reality was your own. Your hands were trembling.
“We’re back at the house, sweetie. Or did you forget where we were going?” Sylus's voice sounds soft. It sounds too kind, much sweeter than his usual tone with you. Were you somehow in a different kind of dream now? 
“No— I...” You hold your head in your shaking hands. “I had a dream...It..” You want to punch yourself in the chest– anything to try and fix the disorder nestled deep in your heart. 
“I know, you started crying so suddenly. I was almost scared.” Sylus seems rather calm as he speaks, not waiting for you to elaborate as he opens the car door, “I told you it would be happening more often. You just need to be prepared for it.” His hand reaches out for you as the cool breeze nips at your skin. 
“But I felt– Months passed, Sylus. Seasons changed and it’s only been an hour.” You stammer as you try to get out of the car, but your knees almost give out underneath you. 
Sylus lets out a sigh and picks you up bridal style. “Was it scary?’ He asks, softly, as he carries you inside. “No…just really sad,” You reply, resting your head on his chest, “And I feel even more tired than before…I felt like I haven’t slept at all…”
“It’s just the first of many,” He muses, not bothering to ask what it was about or explain how he knew so much as he enters your room, and lays you down on your bed. “I’m sorry there’s not much I can do for you,” He speaks in a low register as he takes your hair down from its up-do, running his fingers through the strands, before he gently removes your jewelry. “But I can sit right next to the bed if you want me to. You know I don’t sleep around this time.” 
You press your lips together in a thin line, before quickly nodding as you grab his hand, “Please?” 
Sylus doesn’t give you a response, but he keeps a tight hold on your hand while you slowly fall back asleep…
The next memory is more involved than the last. You’re not sure who this one is about just yet, but judging by the ghastly sight of bloated corpses and water steadily filling up a ship as a storm raged on, you can only assume it’s Rafayel’s.
From what you could see, it was a dark and stormy night on the high seas. Some of the ship’s crew were talking about a sacrifice that had gone missing and to let down the sails as the stormy sea was too strong from their ship. The large boat was rocking back and forth from the force of the waves, and you almost felt seasick.
You notice waterlogged bodies floating past you as you were hidden behind a wooden storage box. Then, suddenly, your arms are seized in a tight grip and you’re dragged to the edge of the deck. Your eyes widening as the sight of the dark, unforgiven see was all you could see below. “Now throw her overboard!”
What? You were the sacrifice!?
Amidst your surprise, you begin to hear a faint melody, a song sounding as if the sea itself were singing to you. Calling out to you, almost, and like an invisible hand, the melody calms down the raging whirls of the ocean and the winds die down.
“Fools…Any further and a storm would be the last thing on your minds.”
Though you can’t ponder on your thoughts for too much longer as you’re tossed overboard. Your limbs spread out in a panic as you try to slow your descent into the depths. You can hear the emissaries cheering as you, their sacrifice who was raised for years just for this very reason, finally fulfilled your purpose.
A sinking sense of fear overwhelms your body and the salty ocean water drowns out your pleas and cries for help. Briny water engulfs your body and your eyes burn as you try to keep them open from under the crashing waves. You could’ve tried to hold your breath, but it was already too late. 
Your panic had caused you to take in gulps of water and you felt your vision fading. You could feel yourself slowly…and painfully suffocating. Before you lost consciousness, however, you felt something warm envelop you.
Whenever you resurfaced, you greedily gasped for air, coughing out salty water, and felt the cool rain hit your face. Then, you turn toward your savior but your pleasantries die on your lips as you meet his beautiful, otherworldly eyes. 
Those familiar, charming bluish-pink eyes.
“Were you abandoned?” He asks, holding an ornate flute as he seemingly stands on top of the now calm waves. The ethereal melody you heard earlier had since disappeared as he was no longer playing his flute.
“Save me…please.” Is all you can croak out and the purple haired man chuckles. He sits down on a piece of driftwood. 
Under the moonlit night sky, he looks at you, the scales on his neck emitting a faint glow. He’s lemurian?
“Did you ask for my assistance?” He asks, raising a brow as he rests his arm across his leg. Then, you take a moment to look at him, really look at him. 
He had paint-like markings on his face under his right eye, the paint marks were also along his shoulders and chest. Were they tribal markings? He was wearing gold jewelry, the bangles wrapped tightly around his biceps and wrists. A sheer, blue sash across his right shoulder seemed to be the only form of top he had on and his pants were more of a white and gold tunic.
He brings you back to the situation at hand by holding his hand out to you. That’s when you realize his nails were also painted black.
You reach out toward him but, when your hands touch, flames burst forth from his fingers. You let out a squeak of surprise and jerk your hand back, but he starts laughing, amused at his little joke. You, in turn, puff your cheeks out and grab his hand tightly.
Even if this was a memory from the past, it seems Rafayel still acts just the same. It almost makes you want to stay in this dream forever, having missed the man after not seeing him for some time.
The man makes a noise in the back of his throat as you squeeze his hand, “Release me.” The scales on his neck are raised ever so slightly like a cat’s bristling fur. “I said release me!” 
Another thought crosses your mind, an even older memory that a lemurian’s kiss can allow one to breathe underwater. This gives you an idea since you’re trapped in the ocean with no other way to survive, you decide to take your chances.
You suddenly reach forward to cup your hands on either side of his face, catching the man off guard, and kiss him. Your lips smash against his in a clumsy kiss, your teeth clinking together in your desperation for survival. 
The lemurian lets out a small gasp of surprise as you plead with him again to save you. Your vision becomes more blurry by the second, but you desperately try to hold his gaze.
After a long silence passes, his voice rings in your ears– low…soft…almost like he’s casting a spell to enthrall someone, “I will grant you deliverance and in exchange, offer yourself, your everything to me. Become my follower mortal.”
After this exchange, you assume you passed out. You hear children whispering about whether you’re alive or not. As the conversation turns toward the children wanting to use your possible dead body for dissections, you open your eyes. 
The first thing you notice is that you’re in a rather luxurious room. It’s completely covered in the colour blue. From the drapes across the windows to the bedsheets, to the walls. 
The children are, understandably, surprised that you woke up in the middle of their conversation. “Where am I?” You ask, slowly sitting up, “Am I below the waves?” You realize you’re probably asking too many questions and bring your hand up to rub your temples. “Keep your distance– she bites.”
You knew that sassy demeanor like the back of your hand. You puff your cheeks out, annoyed that he had to scare those poor children with nonsense. 
Rafayel stood by the door with his arms crossed over his chest and, as you took a moment to take him in during the daytime, you realized he was quite attractive. He was always attractive, but in his lemurian garb, he was all the more so.
Though, you do notice that his mouth is swollen and there seems to be a wound on his lips.
Oh, did you…
Once he meets your gaze, he glares at you. “Uhm...where am I?” You finally ask after a few moments of silence.
“A single glance would reveal that you’re in Lemuria. Treat her wounds and give her clean clothes. I’ll inform Elder Amund that we’ve found my devout follower.” He says and you fiddle with your fingers in your lap. “Uhm, you’re my savior right? I should express my gratitude—”
Though, he leaves before you can even finish your sentence. 
Maybe…You should go back to the real world after all. You miss Rafayel. 
A young girl with beautifully braided blue hair pops up from her hiding spot and excitedly sits on the edge of the bed, “Worry not! When Rafayel brought you back, it seemed you’d been vomiting bubbles with the crabs for a fortnight.”
Then she continued, “My name is Algie and he’s Konche. You’re the first live human we’ve met! Well...There are ones who swam along the currents, but none of them could talk like you.” 
The blue haired boy next to her scolds her, “You’re scaring her, sister. Look, her hands are shaking like a shrimp seeing a whale for the first time!” 
“My apologies, I didn’t mean it!” Algie quickly clasps her hands together apologetically. “You’re fine. Don’t worry about it but…May I ask why you brought me here?” You ask, head slightly tilted to the side.
“You’ll know when you visit the temple.” Algie says, “It’s a very, veerrry long tale. I’ll tell you on the way!” 
She said that in the Deep Sea lies the forgotten kingdom of Lemuria and that the God of the Sea lives there. He protects whatever the briny sea touches and his followers include not just denizens of the ocean, but also humans. His most devout followers must gift him a heart so he has the strength to protect Lemuria and becomes the god recognized by the entire ocean.
Hmm…Rafayel did say ‘we found my devout follower’. Does that mean he wants your heart? And not in the romantic way??
It’s said that the Sea God of this generation was born in flames as dusk turned to dawn and only he can use fire.
Huh, Rafayel did use fire earlier…
In the Tome of the Sea god, it’s stated that in Whalefall City’s temple lies a great flame that has burned for thousands of years and that if this fire were to ever go out, then Lemuria shall fall into a deep slumber for centuries.
So…to keep the flame alive, the Sea God requires a certain human follower. It cannot be a lemurian, it must be a human because they are some of the most selfish, greediest creatures so when they offer their hearts, love, or even their lives, it’s considered the most precious form of worship. This Tome also confirms that Rafayel will be the last God of the Sea.
Once in the temple with Rafayel, you gaze upon the fire in the middle of the room. It almost resembles a sun about to go out.
“She’s most suited to be the one.” You hear Rafayel say and you really hope he doesn’t mean to toss you into the fire as a sacrifice. “Her?” You hear an older voice from across the room.
A man in a robe, holding a staff, questions, “She is the human your Quintessence has decided on?”
“‘Twas more of fate’s whimsy. I wandered about on the earth and became her cushion when she fell.” Rafayel speaks as if you were a stray animal that he had brought home out of the kindness of his heart. 
“For now, I shall forget that your Quintessence snuck out and burned the guard’s hair. I must ask again, is she truly to be the human your Quintessence is bound to?” 
“As long as the Sea God’s ceremony is assured, I’ll make her my follower.” Is all Rafayel says in response before he goes back to being the sassy Rafayel you truly know, “However, we should remove all of her teeth and nails. I worry she’d bite and scratch us if given the opportunity.”
“I-I don’t think that’s a good idea,” You finally manage to get a sentence out. Amund sighs, “Once a lemurian is bound to someone, it’s impossible to go against their wishes. She will have the power to command your Quintessence. When the two of you barely know each other, is that something worth giving?”
The light flickers on Rafayel’s face and he lowers his head to ruminate about his answer. Then, the Elder leaves so you and Rafayel are alone.
“So…if you’ve yet to decide, can I be set free? I promise I won’t speak of this to anyone.” Though you try your luck, Rafayel continues to stand there. “The day has dragged on long enough. I’m tired.” He sighs, finding a comfortable spot on the floor to sit down. 
“What’re you doing?” You question, still standing up. “Sleeping.” He answers simply. “Why??” You are appalled but Rafayel continues, “Wake me before nightfall.”
He ignores you, leaning his back against a marble pillar as he closes his eyes. The temple is heavily guarded, so all you can do is sit in a corner and ponder how you were going to escape. Though your thoughts are regularly interrupted by Rafayel’s breathing and after an hour of it, you’re fed up by it. “Rafayel! Ra-fay-el!” You try to wake him up, hands on your hips. Though, he doesn’t react. 
A small blue fish suddenly appears and begins swimming around his shoulders.
“Oh– where did you come from? You’re so cute...” You muse, reaching a finger out to poke the fish with a small smile on your lips. “Do you know the way out, Oh little fish?” The fish swims in a circle and settles on your finger as you softly giggle at it. “Do you understand me?” You softly ask the fish, completely endeared with it, “Could you show me a way out?” 
Flicking its translucent tail, the fish swims to the stained-glass window behind the alcove...
“Half a day has disappeared like sea foam,” You sigh, walking through the beautiful hallway of the temple, “Why have we returned to these crossroads?” A pout dances across your lips, “Do you lack a sense of direction or do all fish have terrible memory?” 
Twirling its tail, the fish suddenly swims into a crowd and leaves you behind. “Where–” You sigh, shaking your head, “I can’t believe I’m trying to talk to a fish.” The fish finally leads you to a coral reef and goes into a small hole in the city’s walls.
“Do I have to swim through that?” You question and the fish spits bubbles at you, almost as if trying to communicate. “I’m coming. I'm coming.” You sigh, swimming through the narrow passageway until you’re on a beach alcove.
You dust the sand off of your knees in triumph. “I’ve definitely got to think of a way to express my gratitude to the fishies…I could possibly feed them during the Sea God’s ceremony,” You murmur to yourself.
“Was it fun to explore Lemuria?”
You nearly jump out of your skin at the sound of Rafayel’s voice. “Rafayel!?”
“There is no need to shout my name.” He says behind a silk curtain, before he steps out to face you. 
He lifts his finger and the little fish swims around it, then transforms into a blue scale that lands in his palm. The fish was his own creation!? 
“You planned this?” You groan. “‘Twas a test for you. Elder Amund was right. Human promises are nothing but meaningless words.” “Huh– When did I make a vow to you??” You were a bit exasperated.
“I told you to wake me before nightfall, didn’t I?” Rafayel crosses his arms over his chest and then yawns, seemingly not upset in the slightest. “Besides, when I saved you from the ocean’s clutches, we made an oath. Did you forget?”
“That…counted? Look, you’re the sea god, respectful and awe-inspiring. Can’t you consider my rescue an act of kindness and let me go?” You rub the back of your neck as you look away from the man.
“I am not a God who answers every whim. The ceremony is to take place in a month and, as you’re aware, ceremonies always need–” He rests his chin in his hand as he narrows his eyes, filling you with a sense of dread.
“...Followers right? There are plenty on land. You know? The ones who wear robes and pray to you every day. They’re more devout than me.” You quickly cut him off, not wanting to hear him say the word ‘sacrifices’.
“Alright…Then, return to me your life.” He says, one hand on his hip. His other hand reaches out toward you as if grabbing an invisible rope that’s tied tightly around your neck. Though you're unsure of what he’s doing, suddenly you can’t breathe. 
You place a hand over your chest, doubling over for a moment as you reach toward your throat and cough. Water enters your nose and throat. Did he…take away your ability to breathe underwater? “Wait, wait!” You panic, air bubbles escaping your mouth as you try to speak, “I’ll do anything you ask!” 
Suddenly, a grin spreads across Rafayel’s lips and he loosens his hold. You find yourself able to breathe again. “‘Tis not worship I desire. From the very depths of your soul, I seek only the purest devotion.” 
“I beg your pardon?”
“The tides ebb and flow and with every setting sun is a moon rising. ‘Till time’s end, I should occupy your every thought. You must believe in me alone.” Rafayel says as he walks closer to you and your eyes widen a bit.
Okay, that’s hot—
“You mean I…” You trail off and the tips of your ear turn a pretty shade of pink. “Think of it from another perspective,” He pokes your chest, specifically where your heart lies. He acts as if he’s stating a truth, “Thou must find a means by which thy heart becomes smitten with me.”
‘Find someone who will kiss you, even if you do not give them the world. Love a soul that is like your own, that which compliments you. Love and death are the most important things in life. Death is a matter of time, so love with all your heart can muster.’
- Lemuria: Tome of the Sea God, Chapter 3  
The two of you ended up sneaking to the top of the temple’s spire to watch the sunset. After a few days, you had grown used to the Lemurian’s snarky demeanor. You had also learned a bit more about him, like how he doesn’t like people touching him but is fine with you gently holding his hand.
You recall Amund saying that once the Sea God is bound to a person, they’ll do anything they command so as Rafayel sits down in the shade to nap, you decide to bother him for a bit. His eyes are closed with his arms crossed over his chest, so you reach your hand out to grab his.
“Make some flames for me,” You ask. Rafayel lifts his fingers up before curling them back around yours, but doesn’t say a word.
“Hmm...I didn’t work at all,” You murmur with a pout. “Don’t waste your time.” He lazily opens his eyes. “One should practice silence when watching the sunset.” He drops your hand, resting his arm on his propped up knee. 
“Do you want to see the real sun, Rafayel?”
“I do not.” He simply says and the blue fish from earlier reappears. “You wanted to sneak onto the beach the day we met,” You say as the fish swirls around his palm.
“Your tongue barely moved when we first met. Back then you were rather…” He trails off, bringing his hand up to his mouth to tap his lips.
A crimson red blush appears on his ear tips before spreading across his cheeks. His eyes widen as he catches your gaze and he quickly looks away.
“This side of you is much more to my liking.” He finally finishes his sentence. 
You tap his shoulder, “Hey, so on the surface we have a Sea God ceremony too. We play wonderful songs on lyres and...”
“Were the surface world as lovely as you claimed, you’d be elsewhere,” He glances toward you before looking back up at the light in the distance. 
“There are evil people on the surface! Once they learnt you were Lemurian, your tears that turn into pearls would be harvested day after day endlessly.” You try to spook him, though deep down you knew there would actually be humans as evil as that. Rafayel crosses his arms over his chest as he shakes his head, “If you were to persuade me to bring you to the beach, you’ll run away.” 
Though after a few moments of silence, Rafayel leans back against the marble column behind him. “Is the surface world’s sunset different from the one in the ocean?”
“Honestly...my memory of it is hazy…” You trail off as he closes his eyes and you take your chance to sit closer to him.  Your head slowly drifts down to rest against the column as well– close to him but not touching him since you recall him saying he doesn’t like to be touched.
“You take me to see the sun and I’ll take you to see the festival...What do you think?” You ask as you look up at him, drinking every detail of his face. Though, as silence fills the room, you realize Rafayel had most likely fallen asleep. The tranquil nature of the situation also somehow makes you sleepy as well and your head leans against his shoulder, almost close enough to touch his head. 
Though, you’re hesitant to fully lean against his shoulder. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, pulling you closer and hear Rafayel tiredly go, “Mmhm.” almost as if saying you’re okay to lean on him. You lift your gaze to look up at his face, worried he was awake, but all you see is his closed eyes. His face way too close to yours, so you instead close your eyes and rest your head on his chest as you join him in sleep…
After a few days, Rafayel decides to go to the beach with you to watch his own celebration first hand. You tell him of how the emissaries on land had adopted you and raised you as a follower of the sea god, only to tell you that you were a sacrifice years later.
You talk of how you wouldn’t have been able to escape because of the island’s size. It was nice to be able to actually talk with someone about your situation for once.
Then, you both enter the festival with driftwood masks that Rafayel made and you overhear a storyteller.
“Unable to break his vow with the girl and his own burning passion, the God of the Sea left the ocean and lived happily ever after with his beloved...”
The children talk amongst themselves after the puppet show. “But Lemuria is centered around bonds. Without it, the Sea God won’t remember or obey her!” A little girl says, clearly upset over the ending.
“What are you talking about? The God of the Sea will find his beloved and live happily ever after,” The little boy next to her sighs, not understanding her. 
The young girl lets out a huff of annoyance before tugging at your sleeve as she looks up at you, “What do you think, Miss? Will the Sea God be with her because he loves her or because of their vow?” “Uh...” You glance over at Rafayel before clearing your throat, “All of those legends of Lemuria are just made-up nonsense…”
Though, you seem to have made the wrong choice as the children start crying. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t...” You panic, not used to being around children enough to deal with the situation.
“What about you, Sir? Does Lemuria exist? Would the Sea God gift his heart to a human?” The girl quickly turns to Rafayel for an answer.
The man in question, the Sea God himself, rests his chin on his hand before nodding, “He would. Lemuria is my homeland, so that is how I know.”
Should...he be saying that? You tried to cover his mouth with your hands, but he pushed you away.
“What are Lemurians like?” She asked, excitedly.
“Hmm…Their tears turn into glimmering pearls, and their voices bring dreams of wonder. Their blood can make one live forever or even resurrect the dead.” You really don’t think Rafayel should be saying this but the girl quickly sighs, “I already knew that.”
“Lemurians don’t fall in love with people they’re bound to. ‘Tis a human fantasy.” Rafayel says with a shrug and you can’t help but frown.
“What else?” The little girl jumps up and down.
“Are you that curious?” Rafayel teases with a smile ghosting across his lips. It seems like the Sea God adores children– how cute.
Though, you could only faintly hear the conversation from afar, having walked away after Rafayel said Lemurians don’t fall in love with the humans they’re bound to.
Hmph, you’d just drink your sorrows away with some pomegranate wine.
You take a sip of the wine, being distracted by all of the lights and stalls like an excited little puppy.
Suddenly, the girl walks up to you and tugs on your sleeve again. “Miss! Your friend said that if you don’t return soon, he won’t keep waiting.”
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Also, woah! I did not expect my bad weather drabbles to blow up like they did! Does that mean yall want to see more drabbles in the future?
If yall have any ideas for some, I'd love to, at least, try them out! Because I really didn't expect so many people to actually like it. I kept checking my Tumblr and being like "woah 35 notifs???" And then I'd check again and "WAIT, there's 25 more???" So, I'd love to keep doing them. They'd be good to post in-between my ToF schedule!
Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! I'm hoping it still makes sense that the reader can't fully control their body during these memories...I'm not really sure how to convey that tbh.
Taglist; @orphicmeliora , @yoongi-tunes , @mitzkooni , @hiqhkey, @tanspostsblog
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syoddeye · 3 months
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gaz-centric, 141 gen. | ~800 words. tags: pure, heavy angst. alcohol. several major character deaths referenced. abuse of italics and parentheses. a/n: so i was thinking about gaz being the last to die. decided to ride the big sad wave into whatever this is.
he gets word that price finally kicked the bucket, upright and boots on. the old man pushed his luck to the cliff’s edge and camped there, years beyond when he should’ve retired.
the news forces him to look back down the long and bloody road to his current gig, desk jockey for laswell. (–analyst, cap. –a pencil pusher.)
it was kate’s hand—the only hand—that reached out after riley decided to run a suicide mission and died a ghost. a task force can’t be two people, she said.
he remembers thinking on the flight to the DMV about whether the american outlaw felt like that, felt the loss when the civilized world, the old west, decided they didn’t want men like them anymore. didn’t want men who took on the world, gloves off.
he books the trip. he returns to a town and landscape barely recognizable to him anymore, but he knows it like the back of his hand. could navigate it with his eyes shut. (he was the best at that, once.) a town where a clock tower looms with the names of his predecessors and his friends etched into its surface. he avoids it. avoids as much of the pomp and circumstance as he can. they–they aren’t his people. not anymore.
he wanted you to have this.
a cigar box. weathered, old. still reeks. in it, memorabilia: a clutch of ID tags with more of those dreaded names, cap’s favorite lighter, and a scrimshaw knife. he doesn’t look at the clip of photos. not right away.
he thanks the soldier tasked with tracking him down, tucks the cigar box into his bag when he returns to his hotel and hops a plane home. his other home, the one he shoehorned himself into at kate’s behest.
it takes the better part of a month to work up the nerve to open the box. to unclip the photos. a torrent of memory held back by a piece of flimsy metal. unleashed and saturating the room.
(they’ll leave a waterline, an impression that decades of life still left to live won’t be able to erase.)
most of them are candids. quick shots someone took, developed, and printed. probably left on the corner of price’s desk.
one of soap, mid-story, something raunchy—he can tell by the man’s smirk. one of riley’s chin, tucked over kyle’s shoulder with soap’s stubbly cheek pressed to his. all drunk and bleary-eyed, fresh off a fucked op. one of price, asleep with his heels kicked up and riley attempting to balance an unlit cigar on the tip of his boots.
a polaroid of nik and price sat in the corner of some bar. both men big and intimidating, faces stern and ringed by smoke. probably chirping like two old hens—the gossips. god, poor nik. they never found him.
an old, pristine copy of the photo of him, price, farah, and alex. all standing tall and proud. triumphant. hurts to look at them for too long. both gone before their time.
(price and laswell didn’t talk for weeks after he reamed her out. —shit intel. makes you wonder. the insinuation was the death knell for the 141 and riley going rogue was the nail in the coffin. after that, cap took his news as a personal affront. hard not to, in hindsight.)
defecting? don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
that insinuation led to months of radio silence between him and price. broken by an insured, over-packaged bottle of single malt that appeared on his desk one day. shit was worth more than his monthly rent.
(never mind he doesn’t even drink whisky. just like price to send a piece of himself in apology instead of picking up the phone.)
the gut punch is soap’s last identification photo. john mactavish. the smiling, joking oaf with his pressed mouth flat in a grim line. eyes wild, probably thinking of something filthy to say to the poor photographer. on the back, his birth and death dates. gone way before his fucking time.
the true catalyst. made them all more reckless. his lieutenant, most of all, grew hungrier and hungrier for the long sleep.
shuffling through the rest makes the ache worse. reopens wounds. grinds against his ribs and tunnels a hole to his gut. it takes a strength he hasn’t used in years to put them away, forced to draw from a well long covered.
he buries the box in the back of a closet and digs out an old bottle. pours an ample amount and chokes it down. goes to bed smelling smoke, praying he doesn’t dream.
he does, of course.
he dreams of chaos and a padlock in piccadilly. of olives and motor oil in urzikstan. of canals and juniper in amsterdam. of the tunnels and blood beneath london. of a bar in chicago. a pub in hereford.
in the morning he wakes. visited upon. heavy.
the last man standing.
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