#its the first time ive done any colour as well
twnj · 28 days
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Re-draw of my first sketch from this fic. I cannot find the post.
'Elbows on the wooden surface, Shikamaru leaned forward, pathetically gesticulating floppy fingers as he spoke to the barman. His sharp nose jutted out of his profile, reddened with what seemed to be sunburn, and a little ball of hair sat knotted at the base of his neck. Stray hairs, not long enough to reach the hair-tie holding it in place, fell out to frame his face and ears, and below the little silver hoops in them hung a small pair of orange-padded earphones. Their colour was striking against his pale skin and dark hair, and Temari followed their cord down to his jacket pocket, where it disappeared entirely.
As quickly as it had hit her, the image of the little boy faded, and in its place stood a man: a fully grown man ordering a drink at a bar and plucking a cigarette from the pocket where his headphone cord disappeared. [...]
Shikamaru had grown up. When exactly, she couldn’t pinpoint — maybe when his father had died, maybe during their first night in Rome, or perhaps even before — but the fact remained that he had. There was stubble on his chin, stubble that was neither patchy nor short enough to suggest he’d just forgotten to shave.'
Grandmaster ao3 by @notquitejiraiya
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puckpocketed · 2 months
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who is #43?
Hello !! First off thank u for visiting. If you clicked read more by accident rip sorry it’s a lot of text. ENJOY!!! <3
1. This was the photo reference I used. I really did mean it when i said he photographs well!! I really like how scrungly he looks at times lol. v paintable
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2. here’s a timelapse for your viewing pleasure in video + gif form <3
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3. Process breakdown below. I am not formally trained, so don’t take any of this as professional advice!! The way i paint has been compared to channeling some evil contract with a demon also. So um . Im saying that i dont remotely think that this is efficient or correct, its just whats comfortable for me <3
3a) the dreaded lining phase. I have 2 modes of operation when it comes to painting - either i go full-dick with fancy inking/sketching + cel shading (rare, unrefined, haven’t figured out a nice workflow yet) OR i do a very very basic chicken scratch set of lines like so:
It’s less about being realistic here and more about laying down some guide lines for the chaos ahead. If i thought i could get away with it, I would start every rendered painting i do with laying down colours — but unfortchh ive tried that before and it usually ends in really weird proportions. Even with the lines i still need to make adjustments. This is something no people except me would notice but look at the above sketch; the eyes are too big and slightly too far apart, the forehead is too small and thus the hair is also not quite big enough… I have a bad habit of drawing eyes too big on faces, they’re my favourite facial feature to draw.. i barely resisted giving him big cow eyelashes (I love big cow eyelashes… all of my OC’s and most of my more stylised fan art of characters get big cow eyelashes… god…. Big cow eyelashes SAVE ME……….)
Anyway. Structure of the face + hand somewhat established. <3
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3b) Underpainting!! Okay stay with me here . Ever since i figured out i dont have to paint in 03925893853 different layers, I’ve joyfully painted on 1 layer as much as possible. I dont have the brain power all the time to be managing layers so I simply dont work with that many layers. For this painting, the skin in its entirety was painted on one layer, the hair on another layer, and the effects on the last layer. There was a placeholder background off-white/grey colour for a while there, and I duplicated the line layer — one for figuring out where to lay colours, and one hidden for later so i could check back to see how accurate to the sketch/proportions were to the actual painting. 6 layers, 2 of which i painted the bulk of the piece on, 1 more at the end.
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3c) here’s where I started carving out features. I think about objects in terms of volumes and light rather than lines. i love painting and sculpting because of this!! Here you see where I’ve begun to define his features — his eyelids, his bags, his nostrils. Just refining what was there before. The suggestion of facial hair before i gave it up and left it for later (his face is so naked the WHOLE time)
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3d) nose bridge highlight, suggesting his eyebrows, a cheek highlight. A touch more coral red and muted yellow pull away from the grey/blue underpainting. Strategically leaving some of it peeking through.
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3e) i truly start messing with the fidelity of his features here. Red lipstick <3 and some violet/blue for shadows on the right side of his face.
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3f) the part where it starts looking like q.hughes to me (though, my friend said i got his vibe pretty early on which is such a compliment.. waaaaa…..) I love this part of every painting i do. I know it’s definitely not the Correct order since other parts of the entire painting are simply Not Rendered or Done, but whos gonna stop me?? :3
I love love loveeee painting faces. Adding the little shinies to his eyes + lips + upper lip + nose … you don’t know how much of a difference it makes until you do it. Also i snatched his eyebrows
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3g) i really pushed the red/coral/ochre/orange here. Note the yellow highlights on his cheekbones, the forehead, and the thin thin line of pink right between where his bottom lip ends and his chin shadow starts <- very important . To ME!!!!!!! Also highlighting his waterline and adding his lashes was so so fun <3
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3h) FACIAL HAIR!!! And I started rendering his hand. Some micro adjustments made to his face for proportion check.
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3i) i start painting his hair in earnest and realise his forehead is too small so i make the adjustment. I really love how it falls into his eyes in this photo. <3
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3j) i make some final adjustments to his eyes — a bit smaller, closer together. And i refine the outline of his jaw, push the stylisation of it just a little.
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3k) Finishing details; his flyaway hairs, his moles, a bit of texture on his face, shadows cast by his hair, his little forehead cut <3
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3l) i adjusted his hand here, added more texture to his skin, refined his hair a tiny bit more, and made the decision not to fuck around painting his jersey because i wanted the focus to be his face <3
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3m) Canucks blue and green. Captain at 23. His form bleeds into the background. He is the franchise.
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theee most fun ive had painting anything. and i finally feel... warmed up? if that makes sense. art for me is like. if i dont do it in a while it feels like nothing goes right when i come back to it. i hate that feeling, and the most difficult hurdle to clear is letting myself feel that until i get back into my Zone. after all this time i feel like im BACK !!!!!!!
i loved painting this fella. hes SO Shaped. <3
Apologies i simply do Not have the energy to write the alt text for all of these so i hope the little blurbs are okay aslkjasdklj. i gotta post and go to bed . if u made it this far, thank you for reading!!
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starii-lins · 5 months
this is purely to fund my dca addiction, its not a problem i swear /hj
There will be 7 requests at once (so i dont overwhelm myself) Payment/commission details below :] Info here may change, this is my first time so pls be nice-
Slots open: 7
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If interested, DM me about the details of your commission here (pls feel free to be as detailed as you want, infodump even, it helps! /gen) and if you have any questions or special requests, don't be afraid to ask! Drawings will hopefully be done in 2-3 weeks, and if not feel free to yell at me
Payment: Touch N Go (MYR/RM (i will DM)), Ko-fi (USD)
Doodles & Sketches: Full price upfront, send proof
Coloured & Comics: I will send a concept sketch, and once agreed on, send proof of payment
Ive also decided to accept commissions for donations to Palestine as well. Any donation (worth the same prices as the usual commissions) can be used to request something drawn according to the price given for the normal commissions! Screenshots of proof must be given, and donations must be to a credible charity or family in need etc.
Here are some links to info and the donations I will be accepting:
I will be open to discussion/negotiation if you can't donate the exact amount, just lmk beforehand :] (only for donations)
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bismuthburnsblue · 2 months
sooo. im thinking a bit about what cosplay im gonna make next, and i think ive narrowed it down to a couple options, but i want you to have all the options!
other options on the list include: Sailor Neptune (school uniform) - Sailor Moon (i think ive got a group for this!), Janet - The Good Place, Loki - Avengers Academy (the one i started last year), or Female Stede - Our Flag Means Death. a lot of these projects i have some level of plan for & wanna do some day, i just have stronger opinions on Kyoko/Toph. but if any of those sound more interesting to you! i am down. i wouldnt list options i didnt want
propaganda + images below
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Kyoko is a costume that i have been planning for SO long, and finally feel like my skills are somewhere where ill be able to do her justice. i have a lot of the materials for this costume, including the wig, and even have a pattern plan for the main part of the garment. HOWEVER. my main material is velvet. and none of my other materials are any nicer to work with. i want to make the boots from scratch, i want to learn new wig making techniques, i want to make the spear to its full potential. this is going to be a big, complicated, time consuming project, and ill probably put it down at least once for my own mental wellness. its a dream costume of mine and i want to do it justice. its going to be a challenge, super technical and precise, but i think itll be worth it. its also going to be less comfortable, corset & velvet are not... the best con combo (also its a shorter skirt than i usually like, so ill be emotionally uncomfortable)
(also the more i think about it the more im... eh about the colour of my main velvet so um. might end up rebuying that)
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Toph on the other hand, i have none of the materials for. i do have a source idea for the cream fabrics but nothing else at all. my design plan is sorta NATLA inspired- still the animated Toph costume, just drawing on the fabric and textures the netflix show used (especially with the Kyoshi warriors), which means some Sourcing will have to be done to find fabrics with the right weight & drape for my plans. this style of looser patterning is also new to me, not to mention pants.... though i think Toph would be a good project to avenge myself there honestly.
in general, this is gonna be a much easier make, and a nice comfy costume for cons, but at the same time, its a lot of expense out the gate, fabric shopping i dont neeeeed to do, and definitely still has some areas that test my skills (wig in Particular). i havent put as much time and energy into thinking about this build, but it has been on my list for some time and i wont regret making it.
(pictures of the others i mentioned. obviously no picture for my stede design but i was thinking of drawing inspo from the historical dresses in the show- some of marys, and evelyns, and the crowd scenes- and obviously stede himself, and then also reference real history. i dont own anything suitable for this time period so the first project would be stays i suspect!)
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karoochui · 9 months
hello again! got randomly concerned about the possibility of accidentally sending you a half ask and leaving you to deal with a broken text. i'll send it again, this time from my laptop to be sure no inadvertent tapping was done. just ignore this ask if the previous one doesn't look cut off. i'm deeply sorry for spamming your ask box! Q^Q
"Hello karoochui! I just wanted to tell you that your art for the profile picture is magnificent. It draws my attention whenever I read your blog. The mixture of tasty shading and colours (gotta say this is an excellent colour palette here. especially looking at the full size picture) and the rough bits like Moon's shoes and the scribbles of celestial bodies on his clothes and the background make him look somewhat fairytale-ish to me. Also, the torn edges of his clothes go well with the scribbles I mentioned before. 
Side question: if not a secret, does your nickname have a meaning or did you choose it because it sounds nice?
Side note: like the detail in your works that dca's fans kick in whenever they're flustered, I think it adds a realism touch. I always mentally insert the sound of my mom's ancient computer, wich sounds like an airplane engine, that makes it 10 times funnier 
Side note 2: your y/n is very expressive! And so light-hearted in saying what they think. Love them <3 You always draw their expressions that way so they seem to be shining, and, in that context, I think the star earrings compliment them very nicely."
AHHH THIS ASK IS SO NICE no worries at all for sending in any asks im not bothered!
Firstly! AHHH TYSM its one of my fav drawings of Moon ever i think
Secondly! If you mean my username it doesnt really have much meaning behind it. Its just kinda two words i jammed together when i was like 12 and it stuck. If you mean "mika" then thats just the first four letters of my actual name (which lots of people mispell so i just use the nickname)
Thirdly! ARAGAHHH THANK YOU i love the headcannon of their fans getting louder when they fluster uhghh.... So nice to me i love it
Fourthly! THANK YOU AGAIIINNNN im really glad to hear that! Making a yn insert is probably the most fun thing ive done in a fandom in a long time and its nice to hear other people enjoy seeing the stuff i do for fun lol
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What's your thoughts/opinions on each saw movie?
Oh no, this is a dangerous question to ask me because I cant shut up about Saw. If this ends up super long, I am so so sorry.
So the first one - amazing, fantastic, one of the best ever. I absolutely love this movie. I've seen it a bunch of times, can probably quote a good amount of it and it's easily one of my favourite movies. Leigh Whannel (screenwriter) and James Wan (director) really do a great job of showing characters that are well written and intriguing to watch. Same with the story itself. Also Adam makes me absolutely insane in this movie. Not only does he have hilarious lines, but also if I think too much about the tragedy that is him, I will scream. I absolutely love this movie so damn much!
The second one - imo also pretty good. It's not as great as the first one, but the story is still interesting to watch and I like the traps. Especially the needle pit! (Fun fact: they had to use over 100k needles for it to make it look full and I saw this behind the scenes video where it turned out that still wasn't enough and they added extra padding to make it look fuller). I like the return of Amanda and the twist. Though John saying "Your son's in a safe place" and him being in a safe makes me laugh. It's so silly.
The third one is like simultaneously great and not great. I love the Amanda/Lynn/John stuff but Jeff is a frustrating character to watch. Though Saw III does have some great traps too. The freezer one and especially the rack (the one where the character gets his limbs twisted one by one). It's not my favourite Saw but I do quite like it. Also Lynn and Amanda would've hate fucked if they had survived. Also also the third one has several deleted scenes and, if you haven't checked them out, I highly recommend it. They're all on youtube and they're so good. I wish they didn't cut all of them out. The one with Amanda and Adam makes me scream!
Saw IV honestly kind of makes me laugh. Mainly some of the transitions. I've watched it twice with a friend and we laugh so much at the mirror transition from the trap to the police station. It looks so ridiculous. Saw IV overall is not that great imo, but I still enjoy it. Character-wise and story-wise it's a bit more forgettable though. It's not the worst Saw, but it's kind of in the middle for me.
Saw V is uh, not very good. I love the concept of it and the idea that they all could've escaped (it was quite predictable and not a good twist but whatever). I do think it wasn't executed that well though. I think if the characters were better and maybe the link between them was better, it could've worked. But imo Saw V is one of the weakest of the franchise. Also the first time I watched Strahm and Hoffman do anything, I straight up couldn't tell them apart. I wish they would've done at least something to make them look different because following that plot wasn't easy. But the ending is still pretty cool, I'll give it that.
Saw VI my beloved. I love this movie. I'd say it's more or less on the same level as Saw II. I love the traps and the idea of the whole thing being commentary about American health care. The shotgun carousel? One of the best traps in the franchise. At this point the non-trap plot is a bit ridiculous and Hoffman is like the most obvious jigsaw ever and it's kinda baffling how no one seems to know its him despite how obvious he makes it. But still, overall a great movie and I love it so much!
Saw VII/Saw 3D on the other hand is bad. Originally the idea of Saw 3D was supposed to be split into two different movies. But Saw VI didn't do as well as the studio wanted so they made the filmmakers put it into one movie instead of two. And I feel like it kinda shows. The plot is a bit all over the place at times and I also don't like the way this movie looks. Something about the colours look so off. The traps are okay. There's some cool ones, though why did the dudes wife had to die? She was innocent in the whole thing.
Anyway, it's cool to have Lawrence back but Saw 3D is not great. Also the therapy group plot is kinda funny to me.
Jigsaw... hate this movie. Worst movie in the franchise to me. It sucks so much. The traps are, as always, fine. But the plot? The twist that it's all before the first one? Stupid. Bullshit. I hate it. I also am an avid Logan hater. I'm an even bigger hater for whoever wrote "John didn't think I should die because of an honest mistake". Putting that person in a Saw trap. Because like what franchise did they watch? When has John Kramer ever done anything like that? Logan should be dead.
Even besides my Logan hate, this movie just isn't good. The characters aren't particularly memorable. I don't think the look of it works at all. It's all so yellow. None of it really works in my opinion. I don't like this movie at all. Fuck Jigsaw (2017), all my homies hate Jigsaw (2017).
Now Spiral I think is better than Jigsaw and is okay in general. I'd put it in the middle when it comes to all the movies. I know some people dislike it, but I think it's fine overall. The traps are pretty cool and I dont mind the change in voice/design of the copycat killer. The twist was very predictable honestly and I can't say the characters were like super well written. But the movie was alright imo. Love that they said acab as they should.
Saw X isn't out yet, but I'm so excited for it! The trailer came out really recently and augh I can't wait. It looks really cool!!!!! I already want to talk about it for hours
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aro-ortega · 1 year
Top 9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
i was tagged by @glitchy-npc and also @autumnfangirler on my main (@/arcane-lock) thank yall for thinking of me !
i will tag ! @villainsidestep @swordsandspectacles @disastersteps and @groan-taire ! (sorry if any of yall have done this already, ive been mostly offline today)
favourite colour: yellow !
currently reading: just started reading harrow the ninth with my partner in our book club ! i really liked gideon, i have no idea what to expect from this book (its my partners 5th time rereading it) but im looking forward to reading more
last song: i've been mostly listening to my sidestep playlist recently, including as i type this so last song is - EDIT. I FORGOT TO ADD THE SONG. IT'S 'BABY NO MORE' BY ANJIMILE
last series: does series mean show ? i have been watching house and big brother with my maman ! this is my first time watching house but she's seen it all before, i like it but it can be too gory/graphic for me
sweet, savory, or spicy?: sweet ! i love sweets i have a big sweet tooth
currently working on: so many things ! im working on three fhr art pieces rn and also need to start a ref/sketch of heartbreaks armour from the front, and ive also been working on outlining a couple fics and i started writing a small thing just for fun and to explore writing in second person. ill put the things i worked on today under the read more
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vanya + ric making out at rangers hq
"hi! what are you doing here?" 
"i came to see you," you say honestly. you don't have much free time these days, but when you have a spare handful of hours between one task and the next, and there's nothing pressing or immediate, or nothing else that can really be done in that time -- ocassionally, you indulge. and these days, more often than not, you want to spend that time with ricardo.
the very least you can do for him is be honest with your feelings for him - you want to see him, no ulterior motives.
he smiles and you try to return it - it feels off, and by the expression on ortega's face it looks it too.
but ricardo doesn't ask if you're okay. he's been doing that less and less altely. probably just as tired of hearing your lies as you are of telling them.
"not just to see me, i hope," he says with a flirty wink.
"well," you say, drawing closer to him. you put your hands on his shoulders; his come to your hips. "that tends to lead to the rest."
deja vu?
ortega blinks.
then, he smirks and grips just a little harder, pulling you closer to him.
"i have to say, i'm surprised," he says. "i didn't think you would be so comfortable with public displays of affection."
you shrug. your hands move from his shoulders to his neck, his jaw, his cheeks.
"i want to kiss you," you say. it's easy to be honest with this - why does the rest feel impossible? "if someone see's, i'm willing to pay that price."
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flingza-roller · 2 years
Hi hi wow your cosplay looks so cool, do you have any tips or advice on making a splatoon cosplay? And happy birthday for last week, that pinata video lives in my head rent free
OUGH THANK U!! it makes me rly happy that so many people like my cosplay.... i appreciate all the stuff yall have said so much!
gonna put this under the cut cuz i typed a lot lmao
if u can find patterns online to use they will be ur best friend, winging it CAN work but. not always DSGKJ
so there would be a lot to cover but im just gonna gonna start with the tentacles- mine are made from minky but i know ppl who've used like, a more vinyl-ish material? do NOT fucking use satin, i made that mistake with my original agent 3 cosplay and i nearly smashed my sewing machine out of pure rage. satin + minky is SO slippery and no matter what u do the pattern will just, Fuck Up. its why the tentacles were shaped so weirdly :/ so this time i stuck to ONLY minky and the result was way better. i had a friend help with hand sewing em and it meant more control over how the shape turns out so it was way better than my first attempt. (i then used plushie stuffing to give em shape and it makes em sooo fucking squishy n soft)
I FORGOT TO MENTION. the tentacles are safety pinned to the inside of the hat for stability, im not wearing a wig or anything.
eye mask? use eyeliner or body paint! ive done both and they both work well, id recommend using a setting spray tho. and if ur gonna wear contacts like i did, ALWAYS put contacts in before any makeup. this avoids the risk of getting shit in ur eye while putting em in (also my eyes always water a fucktonne lmao) oh and if u use a blind contact, be prepared to have fucky vision whenever ur in cosplay. agent 3 cosplayers stay suffering 💔
if ur gonna hand sew anything, definitely try to use proper techniques. luckily my gf is very good at that kinda stuff and they helped me through sewing the poncho/cape/idk fuckin old rags, i used a whip stitch so the threading isnt visible (im thinking of modifying it to add big thick cosmetic stitches so it looks more game-accurate, same with the patch on the hat)
craft stores are ur best friend for supplies! if ur australian, i highly recommend spotlight and lincraft for pretty much everything. spotlight usually has the most variety in fabric, but i always need to order my minky online. if ur not an aussie, prolly just google which places to go to DSGJ idk what yall have.
but heres my number 1 tip for cosplay- HAVE FUN! i know this sounds cliche but seriously. i sometimes to caught up in my head over little things, like "this isnt game accurate enough" "the colours are off" "people are gonna notice (X)" but cosplay is supposed to be fun, silly, crafting experience, a hobby, but most of all ur just dressing up as a fictional character and what could possibly be dorkier than that? feel free to do things differently, u never need to adhere to canon (i literally did the hijack scar AND i have a face full of metal), being accurate is NOT the most important thing, and of course- body type, gender, skin colour, NONE of these things should stop u from doing whatever the hell u want. the naysayers can go fuck themselves <3
and if u dont have the budget to buy good supplies, theres nothing wrong with a closet cosplay! work with whatever ya got!
imma finish here but if theres a specific cosplay thing u wanna know more about please ask and ill help as much as i can :]
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asterssunzephyr · 1 year
Any fluffy stories of the Coffee Shop AU? uwu
Now that I finished my first semester uwu
WOOOOO WELCOME BACK<3!! Glas you finished your semester!
The day Kat & Shelby get together is filled with SOO many mess ups. First the coffee machine wouldnt work, then some flowers had to be reordered, then Katherine wasnt off in time to go see Shelby before the flower shop closed, then Gem pulled Shelby to a party(XorXor pulled Kat to the same party its fine).
So many little things that stacked ontop of each other, neither of them were sure they'd be able to see each other before Katherine left for a month(Shes going to see her brothers over in hermit city for the month!); when Shelby sees Kat at the party she knows she has to take the chance before she loses it(and she doesnt know if she'll ever get it back).
Kat is bored at this party. She doesn't want to be there, and Scott isnt making it any better while talking about his boy issues('Jimmys with Tango but Im in love with Jimmy! What do I do?!').. Katherine doesnt know how to help!
When she sees Shelby walking over and almost falling she has to stifle a laugh to go and help her stand on her own feet rather than leaning on a wall.
"Having fun, tripping over your own feet and all?" "Ha ha, very funny Kat." "You know Im messing with you. Cmon, lets go dance!" "Kat I just got done dancing with Pearl please-" "Well I havent had the chance to dance with you!"
The only reply she got was a sigh and the shake of a head from Shelby, yet they still danced together. Shelby wasnt about to pass the moment up(especially since "the moment" is dancing to a slow song with Katherine. even if the song is country, its good!)
Xor & Gem are watching across the room(theyre also dancing but no ones paying attention to them) & are lowkey fangirling over this moment.
"Ohmygod." "They're actually dancing together." "and so we succeed??" "Not yet, they havent talked since they started dancing" "ughhh"
When Kat & Shelby do start talking they fuck up & talk over each other
"So, I have-" "Can we-" Cue Kat giggling over this. "Go on, Shelby." "Ah uh.. I wanna tell you something, before you leave." "Mhm?" "...I like you. Like a lot, and Ive wanted to tell you for weeks now and I havent had the chance to."
Shelby braces for rejection but is instead greeted by a kiss, a chaste kiss but nonetheless!
"Wh huh wha-" "I like you too, Shelby." "You do?" "Would I have kissed you if I didnt?" "Good point."
A few days later, Katherine texts her brothers and tells them she has someone thats coming with her for the month.
Cub, Impulse & Scar get along great with Shelby.
(I am on mobile btw so colours are limited</3)
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
I’ve heard of Colleen Hoover books. I like listening to book reviews on youtube while doing other stuff (I’ll listen to reviews for books I haven’t read along with books I have read, sometimes I’ll find something that sounds good enough that I’d want to read it and then I’ll add it to my list. Though, most of the time the reviews are just entertaining) and I’ve heard reviews for Colleen Hoover books soooooo often. They’ve all sounded like such fever dreams. Like very huh?????? Vibes. Haven’t actually read any of them though.
Books are indeed very expensive. I’m very happy things like libraries and second hand bookstores exist. They are a wonderful magic. I would like to bake them all a cake and give them a cup of hot cocoa
I haven’t heard of Jungi Ito before or Meg Mason or Mark Danielewski. I shall google them after I’m done writing this! I have heard of Steven King, which probably isn’t surprising considering how popular some of his stuff is. In like 4th or 5th grade it was like I could not walk into a room at school without seeing It on someone’s desk. That book was everywhere.
Do you have a favorite genre to look for stuff in or a favorite method of finding books? Also, thoughts on flowery writing?
NEVER HEARD OF JUNJI ITO........You will learn
my favourite genre of all time ever since i was like really little has been horror. like when i was little i would read goosebumps and then when my dad heard that i could actually read well above my grade, she was like Oh fuck yes I am indoctrinating you so now i have read a lot of stephen king and i read stephen king books when she tells me to. there are things that i dont like about stephen king but for the most part? a lot of his books are worth reading. but yeah i always look in horror sometimes i pick up slice of life shit but only if its batshit okay like if i engage with ANYTHING slice of life it has to be the most batshit flavour and that means i am going to go for nichijous of the world OR drama. if its dramatic i always consider it. i dont like things to be boring or dragging on for too long it has to be a wild ride.
other than genres, finding books themselves...i mostly wander around bookstores or libraries and pick up whatever interests me OR i wait for someone online to talk about some obscure book and then i go Oh that sounds sick as fuck and then i go and read it and sometimes i like it sometimes i dont. i REFUSE to go to tiktok for books. i dont really use tiktok or like tiktok but those girlies are going fucking crazy over there for REAL!!! theyre the girlies who are making book tropes a thing that you can use in advertising and i hate it ive never seen so many new books lack a description in my whole fucking life THIS IS NOT A SUMMARY I DONT KNOW WHAT IM MEANT TO DERIVE FROM THIS LIST OF WORDS!!! like the whole point of tags on ao3 is yes to search but also to warn others of what is INSIDE the book and if you dont have a good summary or an interesting summary no one is going to read that fucking fic. like. look at nameless right. my summary is GREAT on there. THATS THE STORY. people who READ the fic know like THAT is the story. AND you get a taste of my writing. now, another fic i wrote, o green world. THAT'S NOTHING. THAT'S NOT A SUMMARY. i was OBSESSED with one to two-sentence summaries back when i was first starting out and it SHOWS you do not get SHIT from my summaries. no WONDER that hit count is so low god damn
and flowery writing..........i. i dont really like it that much. but most of the time it doesnt bother me until it gets to a point where im like this is a BREAKFAST TABLE. okay. i take flowery writing as a hint that i should be paying attention to everything the position of everything the colours i should be deriving some kind of meaning and i WILL take note of it because i am the kind of motherfucker that i will take notes on a book either in a journal or in the margins (BOOOOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO im so sorry i only do it with books i own) but like a lot of the books ive read where theres flowery writing used for specific scenes or in bursts like theres no REASON for them to be flowery in that moment theyre just BEING FLOWERY and i suppose theyre trying to make it more impactful but if you want an impactful moment i personally always stick with making impactful moments feel kind of FAST. like we dont dwell on it too long we have to keep moving i dont want to prove that it is impactful by being like And with a caress like a flower petal on the wind, Kokichi placed his warm hand against Shuichi's cold skin, breaking the frost and turning ice to water, water to vapour WE DONT NEED ALL THAT so sometimes yes it does annoy me but its like . there are times for it. you know? and a lot of old books use flowery language because that is the time that is the style there is probably a purpose for it. dorian gray has a lot of flowery language in it and it serves a PURPOSE. dorian gray is just a giant gay horror book like there is NO heterosexual explanation for the things that are said in that book for the things that are done like. the flowery language plays a huge part in a lot of it because a lot of the time oscar wilde is using it to put emphasis on something in a scene or describing a POWERFUL emotion. there are places for it but i have read a lot of books (AND fics) where its just. unnecessary. use your tools properly forever
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pitynostars · 2 years
for the dw ask game: 10, 11, 20 💜
10 favorite companion ?
clara my beloved <3<3 she literally has it all. people often complain she feels like a different character between s7/8/9 but thats part of why i love her because the progression of it all makes complete sense to me so instead of feeling like having 3 companions in one because of bad writing its just one beautifully fleshed out story. her growth from bosj->hell bent (arguably aotd->hell bent but-) is insanely well done i love her so much shes my little meow meow i turn her round in my head like a rotisserie chicken every day i am shaking her in a pringles can etc etc. shes stubborn and mean and kind and funny and obsessive i just <3<3 MY WIFE. MY WIFE. the doc/companion rship is the heart of the show for me and her relationship with the dr is SO insanely juicy and complicated i'm obsessed with it and i also love her dynamic with danny and missy and hurt!doctor and like basically every guest star she bounces off so it's just like.... GAH. every element works for me. CLARA<3
outside of that her run sits in the most vivid memory for me i remember jenna's announcement so vividly and watching asylum of the daleks and seeing oswin for the first time and how shook we all were and the whole s7 arc SO vividly and my memory is terrible and i HATED s8 but i stayed watching because i wanted to see clara's story out to the end but then s9 made me re fall in love with the show and s8 retroactively so my love for her is also just very tied into all that because if it wasn't for her i would have given up on dr who like.... her power !!!! but i do just honestly think she is one of THEEE characters of all time for me
11 least favorite companion ?
i dont really have any companion i DISLIKE thinking about it, but i do think dan is pretty boring. i forget he exists often tbh akfjsldf.... even tho he JUST left. he has some fun setup and i liked his dynamic with karvanista and yaz but other than that there's not a lot there for me... sorry king. hope u get a new house soon 😢
20 if you could change anything about the show, what would it be ?
only thought about this for half a sec but honestly whatever shit that went down behind the scenes that made chris eccleston leave after 1 series... i wish he didnt have to go thru all that and had had a better time with it and on a more selfish note i just wish we had more 9 and i wish that he felt safe/happy enough to come back for multidoc stories and whatnot. similarly w like freema and jodie (+ whoever else i'm forgetting/idk about who got it bad) w the racism and sexism they had to deal w from the "fans" 😠
also i wish there were more diverse writers/showrunners sooner one thing i respect about chibs is he apparently did try to push for more writers of colour, female writers etc..... the first writer of colour on the show being in like s11 is bad enough let alone counting all of classic who too 😭... just embarrassing. pls let someone trans have the floor in the writers room rtd i am on my knees 😢
just realised ive said i wld simply undo bigotry (: but i mean. yh aksdjfsgdlf...
on a stupider note then i'd take out that clause that says the daleks have to be in every series if that's even real because i think that is SOOO stupid if its true
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0zzysaurus · 2 years
how does one go about making gifs? ive always wanted to try but i have no idea where to start.
Well the way I do them is super basic. I make no-nonsense gifs with minimal to no editing - but I suppose that’s helpful if you just want to get into making simple ones!
I do all of it on iPhone, so it’s gonna be iOS specific, but as long as you have a decent screen recorder on whatever device you’re using, you shouldn’t need to download any videos.
Downloading videos is mostly done to avoid quality drops if your wifi isn’t very good. I personally screen record all my clips because cannot tell the difference between gifs made from screen recorded videos versus downloaded videos, and I just don’t have the time/space to be downloading full videos that can be potentially two hours or more. Screen recording also helps you get around copyright problems if you’re trying to download videos from YouTube. It’s a personal preference thing and if people shit on you for screen recording then they need to get a life.
The first thing I do is find a movie/show that I want to select clips from. I’ll do a quick example with a shot from The Matchmaker (1958) because I could do with some gifs of that movie.
First thing I do is find it in the highest quality I can, put my phone on horizontal & full screen (so you can get the biggest resolution you possibly can) and record a reasonable sized segment I want to make gifs of. Have some buffer space so you’re not fiddling with pauses, and record long enough to maybe get one or two good gifs out of a few minutes of recording.
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Once I’ve done that, I trim the video to just be the parts I want to make into a gif. Usually something between 2 and 7 seconds helps to keep the upload size for Tumblr below 10MB, but the more colours/higher the definition the bigger the file will be regardless of runtime, so be aware. Always save as a new clip so you can keep reusing your initial screen recording.
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I’ve got three clips here I wanna make into gifs.
Now I go to the best website ever, ezgif to actually rotate (crop sometimes) and convert video into gifs. It’s 100% safe and a shit load better than the native iOS gif making tools.
I’m sure there are better ways of doing this with editing software on your computer, but a) I’m too lazy for that and this works just fine for making gifs for your blog, and b) you wanted a beginner tutorial and this is something fun you can play around with if shit like Adobe AE is too daunting/expensive.
You wanna click this option:
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And then use the following settings (the seconds are just the maximum length of the clip I chose, feel free to play around with those to shorten your clip more if you didn’t quite get it accurate the first time.)
The size and frame rate options here WILL make the largest file option available, but it will look the best. Lower them if you are okay compromising quality for file size, or shorten your gif if you are okay compromising length for quality.
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The fire size here is JUST under Tumblr’s file limit. 10.00MiB will always be too big for Tumblr. I find optimising a gif often makes the file size BIGGER 🙄 but try it if you want. There are a lot of decent options here for a simple gif tool :]] I’m just gonna quickly crop the black bars out.
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To download it, I always hit the save button and open it in View so it’s in its own tab. Then I just save it from there.
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And that’s how I do it :]]
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dumbbitchfrommars · 2 months
im uninspired and feeling like my head is empty, because ive spent a longgg time hibernating in the safety and comfort of my own bedroom.
well a small lie - i did go out to buy groceries today. it seems were all in the same boat. its cold out! no one wants to go outside. but connection and social interaction is what brings us confidence and joy and comfort in the discomfort.
but yet somehow despite that discomfort (my anxiety about returning to the real world) i was completely fine. i was okay. because i think ive finally figured it out. i know how to take care of myself. i know how to make space in the world without feeling ashamed or guilty for it. or im learning. but im so so so much better than i was. a year ago, two years ago... etc.
ive been wondering why i thoughtlessly let myself fall into the trap of nostalgia and request an old friend that i cut off on instagram. hes probably wondering why now? and avoiding it. fair enough. im not going to rescind that decision - its done now. but still i question my logic in that moment. but thats the thing, i wasnt thinking. i was being hopeful. but either way - he doesnt owe me anything, even if we were to become reconnected i wouldnt want to reach out or make any plans together. which again begs the question of why i would even try get into contact again in the first place.
i guess i have just been feeling tired of wondering how everyone from my past is doing, and that things could and would be so chill and relaxed if id never jumped to blocking but actually calmly and slowly distanced myself. which is what i am capable of doing now - after a few years of practice.
but coming back full circle - this friend was not a true friend. my nostalgia is a rose coloured pair of glasses because i remember our friendship and bond and the fun we had and the mischief we got up to. but this person - was not a friend. he was ill intentioned and selfish, and didnt truly care for me. he disrespected me and hurt me time and time again. so no, he is not worth my energy anymore. once upon a time we were soulmates. but i changed. i grew up. we grew apart. it was natural. and for some reason... of all the people from my past i could have done it to... it was him?
to be fair i already did reach out to my ex in march. and then i changed my mind within a week or two. and then he reached out to me... isnt that crazy? the timing? the fact that god had us pass eachother by like doves in the wind or ships in the night... because despite our bond still being there - the memories, the connection, the impact we had on eachother - its not enough. it was never enough. again, i grew up, we grew apart, and it was natural.
so what does this all mean for me? my usual logic is to cut the cord and say goodbye. but my subconscious desire to love, be connected, and honour the relationships that made me the person i am today is becoming stronger and stronger. i can put aside my ego and hurt, because i healed. i let it go. it is in the past. the past stays in the past and all that matters is now. and right now - i am not the kind of person who just deletes a person from her life and calls it a day. people are not disposable. and while i respect that we are completely different people now, and our paths have diverged and we will never replace the connection we once had, it doesn't mean i want to let you go entirely. i remember you. i respect how much of an impact you had in creating the person i am today.
i also respect that i probably hurt you just as bad when i walked away. so while i am ready to let go and forgive and reach out, i dont expect you to feel the same. to receive that energy and respond to it. its in YOUR prerogative to simply ignore and delete that request in the same exact way i did.
but... i probably wont reach out to the other friend. some people stay in the past. idk. im lost now. my point is ive let go and forgiven. but nothing really has to change, only my behaviour moving forward. no mistake is worth my walking away. distance is my friend but i dont need to cut people off anymore. thats the easy way out. life isnt meant to be easy. i want to learn to do the hard thing... i am learning to do the hard thing.
this has been a healing experience. thank you, C <3
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kwispayne · 9 months
The Top 10 Films Of 2023
Ironically the year I got a cinema pass is the year I saw the least films (méniéres disease is a cunt). I tried to see as much as I can this year, but things got in the way. So this is a list of my favorites. I missed a bit sadly.
So before I begin, this is my list and I am going by if it was released this year in cinemas, DVDs or streaming. I haven’t seen all films this year, but I would love your suggestions.
10. Scream VI (Tyler Gillett & Matt Bettinelli-Olpin)
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I have always been a fan of the Scream series from a very young age. Even then I knew how intelligent the series was a horror series. Postmodern horror can either go very well or be a parody of itself (although I still think the first Scary Movie is hilarious for being a parody of a parody). After Wes Craven’s sad passing, the idea of anyone taking over the project and maintaining his vision wasn’t going to be easy. But when I saw that the directors of Ready Or Not would be taking over the wheel, I had a sigh of relief. The previous reboot Scream (2022) was a brilliant return to form (I still think Scream IV gets a hard time as it is very enjoyable), but they couldn’t do the same thing that film did. So changing the scenery really helped, as it’s supposed to be a horror the characters can’t escape. Brilliant ensemble cast, with outstanding performances from Melissa Barrera & Jenna Ortega, who sadly won’t be coming back to the series. Incredibly enjoyable, smart, funny and and enough blood and gore to satisfy any horror fans.
9. Pearl (Ti West)
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I have been a fan of West’s films for a while now, and I have seen his talent progress. I always knew that his masterpiece was around the corner and here we have it. The previous film to this X which was the first in this trilogy was very good, but it did have West’s Tarantino influence all over it. For this film he has gone back in time. In fact so far back to when films looked like content you would find on TCM, and this was all purposefully done. In many ways this is West’s love letter not just to horror but cinema itself, going from the classic Hollywood style to the psychopathic turns that Hitchcock and DePalma would letter explore. Mia Goth stars in and co wrote the film, and she perfectly adopts the role of a wannabe star slowly progressing into sadistic depravity. The best way to describe this film is flawless. Everything is within its purpose and more. 
8. Barbie (Greta Gerwig)
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I really wasn’t expecting much from this film. I’ve seen this films being made in order to push a product in a satirical post modernist way before and they’ve always come as rather cringe or completely missing the mark. When I heard Gerwig was directing it, I was oddly interested. While this film is mostly known for being rather political, I don’t really feel that it was doing anything that wasn’t said before but props for going at it in a unique way. The most unique thing about the film is the incredibly odd humour it has. There’s something about the script of this film and how the actors perform it, it reminds me of something children would say while playing with the Barbie toys. Margot Robbie gives a great lead performance but sadly Ryan Gosling really steals the show, taking the film into a pure realm of childish chaos. Props to Gerwig for creating a very colourful world for the film. I will never see the colour pink the same again. Don’t let this pass you by if you are turned off by the fact it’s a toy film or it’s a bit too lefty or feminist for you. Just shut up and laugh.
7. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (Jonathan Goldstein & John Francis Daley)
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I’m not afraid to admit my guilty pleasures. I saw the trailer for this and I thought this looked fun and would waste an hour or 2. But I was pleasantly surprised at how much effort the film makers actually made to this film. Yes it’s silly, yes it’s rather dumb and it is mostly a comedy film, but it has a lot of heart and easily it all could have gone south. The screenplay on this had a lot of great beats, hilarious scenes and a lot of dialogue and story hits that made me think “wow, I didn’t expect a film like this.” Chris Pine always gives a great performance as he is naturally charismatic as hell, but the real scene stealer is Hugh Grant as the villain, who has been doing this role quite a bit now and he always brings comedy to the role. Also having played the rpg game that it is based off of, the film is rather respectful to the source, so big kudos for that.
6. Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 (James Gunn)
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I’m not going to lie, since Avengers: Endgame, Marvel is slowing going downhill. And I don’t see it coming out of this funk. But there is a saving grace, James Gunn has come back to give his final addition to this trilogy. I have never seen a bad Gunn film, so I’m not surprised that this wouldn’t be good. But behind Gunn’s humour is heart, and this film has a lot of heart and oddly one of the most touching messages about animal rights. The cast always works well together, but I have to give props to Bradley Coopers performance. He may not be genuinely on the screen, but he gives a fantastic voice performance. Chris Pratt has always been good, but there are moments in the film where he gets dramatic and he’s fantastic. A brilliant ending to a perfect film trilogy, and if you want to avoid this film because you don’t like Marvel or superhero films, please give it a watch. At its heart it’s a comedy action film, and one of the better ones.
5. When Evil Lurks (Demián Rugna)
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I saw one scene from this film that ruined the shock value and I’m sad I did, because it’s better going into this film with no idea what is or will happen. I haven’t seen many Argentinian horrors, but Rugna’s work on this is fantastic. Taking the zombie/possession sides of Rec and mixing it with the panic of Children Of Men, it is an incredibly unique take on this genre. A horror film isn’t without its special effects, and this film dwells into almost Cronenberg territories, which some brilliant gore and disgusting body horror. Also the film has a great lore it creates for the world it is in. A must watch for fans of artistic horror films if you think A24 films are a bit too tame.
4. Dream Scenario (Kristoffer Borgli)
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I am so glad that Nicholas Cage is more than just a meme these days as there was a period where he was delving into the realms of mockery, which I thought was a shame because beside his insanity, he is one of the best actors currently working today. In this film he provides a rather nuanced performance and it really bodes well to the Charlie Kaufmanesque world that this film exists in as the protagonist dwells further into what seems like a jovial joke to a Kafka nightmare. I haven’t seen any of Borgli’s films before but his work on this is perfect, hitting the right comic tones, satirical jeers and dramatic human moments.  A unique premise which executed perfectly.
3. Talk To Me (Danny & Michael Philippou)
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Sometimes talent can appear from out of nowhere. The Philippou twins were originally You Tube stars and to see someone from that world go into horror, make one of the most unique and well made horror films I have seen in a while is incredibly surprising. When it comes to possession or supernatural horror, it is hard to approach the content and make it interesting. A great ensemble cast too, with brilliant dramatic and comedic performances. The screenplay is great too, with great characters and dialogue throughout. And if you wanted shocking and creepy moments, this would make an Ari Aster fan very happy. Currently its on Netflix, so please give this a watch.
2. The Whale (Darren Aronofsky)
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I’ve always enjoyed Brendan Fraser’s films in the 90’s and early 2000’s, but I will admit he was typecast, which sadly was the reason his career faltered. I did see interviews with him and it turns out he is one of the nicest guys on the planet. In fact he’s so much that people online begged for him to come back to acting, to the point where he did and broke out into tears when talking about it. I didn’t expect to see him working with Aronofsky of all people, and I really didn’t expect this performance from him. While he is fantastic in this and well deserves his Oscar for it, I really need to highlight the brilliant supporting cast with an exceptional performance from Hong Chau. While this film is based on a play, Aronofsky did present it wonderfully. He is very much an over the top visual director, so a boxed in set up isn’t really his style, but he handled the direction so well. But the screenplay by original playwright Samuel D. Hunter is the real meat on this film
Tár (Todd Field)
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In many ways this film is hard to describe and even having it in my top of the year is odd. It isn’t the most entertaining watch, it takes its time a lot and has head scratching moments, but you have to utterly admire the craft. I haven’t even seen any of Field's films before. I’ve seen him act in Eyes Wide Shut and that’s about it. But when it comes to film making, I know this guy is a proper master of the craft. It’s a film that takes its time and lets the script flow very naturally. There is small little cuts of tension throughout that can be missed if you blink, but it’s all building up to something and in many ways, the film wouldn’t be what it was if Cate Blanchet didn’t have such a captivating performance. I love nuance when it’s done well and this is executed beautifully. A proper piece of art without being overly artistic and must see for a fan of cinema.
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foxstens · 2 years
ok yea i can’t say im having the most fun with brotherhood
it certainly looks better like the beginning in monteriggioni looked amazing it was so colourful and the cutscene also look great. but the controls feel worse somehow, like ezio only does what i want about half the time as opposed to 80%. the music hasn’t impressed me yet and i fucking hate rome i cannot express how much i hate hate hate rome oh my god i hate it more than any place in the first game aaaaaaaa. 
it’s either narrow streets or annoying hills and the architecture is shit and there’s so many people and they’re so annoying and i don’t like their outfits or how they behave and yea you can call a horse anywhere but using it on narrow streets /or/ hills isn’t that great especially when im supposed to be laying low. i guess its partly my fault bc i dont know much about rome so i expected it to be like venice but nicer, like colourful and modern-looking and with amazing music, but nah it’s none of those things i hate the overall feel of the city
you do get more money when looting corpses and you get trade items that you can sell for money or do stuff with i guess, and there’s this really cool main quest kind of thingy where you gotta go into restricted areas kill a guy burn a tower and that helps things. i love it since it’s very similar the kill 9 lieutenants part of ac2 which was like my favourite thing ever. ezio is still his wonderful self and i kinda like how the story is going i think, so there are some positives. the pistol is a lot faster this time around and you can lock onto targets form further away as well
but the guards have guns and crossbows i think and the lock-on tends to go from one enemy to another for no reason, and the entire game takes place in rome which, have i mentioned how much i hate it. there’s still 100 feathers to collect and a bunch of side quests and assassin tombs and treasure chests and you can help rebuild the city and yea there’s a ton to do. but. i wanna get the main story done with as soon as possible so i can move on and maybe go back to the first game and collect the damn feathers because that’ll be more fun than spending 50 hours in this place i absolutely despise
like i don’t hate the game i still love it and i do wanna see the entire story because i just love ezio so much but. dang. i really didn’t expect this. ive also heard there’s some questionable writing at times especially considering ezio’s actions in some parts and so im kinda worried. oh and the third game takes place in constantinople which???? i might also end up not liking based on the architecture??
ooooooh and there’s this other thing. so notoriety isn’t really a thing in this game as far as i’ve seen however each mission has some requirement for you to get 100% sync which will unlock some repressed memories. repressed memories sound fucking amazing and i’d love to get them all but some of the requirements are so fucking asinine. how do i do a parkouring room in 8 minutes when im on keyboard ubisoft you fucking shits im sgjdfsjis. i mean i could try to replay every single memory with a sync requirement until i get it but who fucking wants to do that NOT ME -_-
oh and the music for is of course different which makes sense but also sucks bc the specific theme that played during high tension missions was amazing and now it’s... not... and the music for when i sync with a viewpoint doesnt play when it should??? i dont think this is intended but idk how to fix it and it sucks. aaaand within the first 10 minutes ezio glitched out so badly i had to restart the game. amazing. i sure am having a time with this game
also the ending of the first game was lowkey wack bc yea character development-wise it makes sense that ezio didn’t kill the dude but it’s also like. this game wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for his choice in that particular moment. lmao. and that kinda makes him partly responsible for the attack on monteriggioni and uncle mario’s death which... holy fucking shit ezio’s life is so fucking sad wtf. but the way they tried to integrate the present-time sci-fi bullshit with the ending was terrible imo like what even is the point of that part lmao i sure hope it doesn’t show up too much here or in the next game :///
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goldentlme · 2 years
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WELCOME TO PART 2 : THE ULTIMATE SLEEP AWAKE TALENTSWAP ! BEFORE YOURE EYES NOW !!!!! i have . SO much to say about this its mostly me ranting about colours . be WARE !
typical yelling below ! and Lots of it ! open at your own risk
brought to you by : my mikuification project ! ive spent so much fucking time on that Please . please . ill upload sdr2 when i finish thh and im almost done with it PLEASE !!
OKAY . this took a while . not nearly as long as i expected it to THANK GOD but still a bit . hands downt he most DIFFICULT part of this project was the colour choice .
first of all : these are ordered by the danganronpa v3 wiki character page , which is in alphabetical order by first name except for akamatsu who is at the top .
SECOND OF ALL : the red . physicists colour palette consists of the primay colours of white and olive green , with the secondary colour being black and the accent being gold . fine , right ? WELL its fine for a simple design like the regular physicist , where a 3rd dominant colour isnt needed . Howver most of the rest of thse designs GREATLY needed that 3rd , and i had a bitch of a time trying to figure out what exactly to make it . it took 10 minutes and a colour palette randomizer to give me the most Obvious solution of RED . Their eyes are literally red . How did i not think of that .
anyways youll also see a little but ofyellow in there too - my friend actually suggested that . the yellow on the artist look was already there when i showed this to it and its feedback was that the yellow seeme a little jarring compared to the rest and to add a little more and i said Wowie okay ! the yellow isnt as prevalent as i wanted but its fine as is i think ! other than that i tried to keep the dominant colours to green , black  and red while preserving the general Colour blocking fromthe og . aka white shirt , green bottoms , black shoes . it didnt always work that way but it did most of the time !
OH and i also changed the colours here and there depending on what looked best in the moment . mainly astronauts purple graphic shirt and anthropologists brown shorts . originally astronauts socks were purple but that friend from earlier said it clashed so i switched it over [: the main colour on any one design depends entirely on what i thought looked best when i was colouring .
OK NO MORE COLOUR TALK . my favs are absolutely magician , detective , maid and anthropologist . Theyre so skrunkly .
idk if its obvious but i was kinda running out of steam while designing the last 2 , aka the aikido master and cosplayer . the way i did this was doing the lineart first all in one go and Then colouring them all soi dont get too hung up on one specific part , and designing those last 2 was So hard . some of these talents Were nightmares trying to design for , because the whole point behind this was 1: to make sleep awake fanart and 2: to practice outfit design while keeping the characters personality , tastes and colour palette . some talents dont really fit the reader , like maid , assassin or leader ( supreme leader is so weird of a talent name btw ) and i had to alter their persoality a bit to make it work . where others were just , kind of . not very tangible ? or have no specific visual references to go off of like entomologist , anthropologist or adventurer . so i got a little creative i guess .
- if it isnt obvious I have a very clear idea of what readers fashion sense would be . aka Minimal layering , SHORTS !!!! , gloves when possible , tall socks <3 and comfort above all else .
- most designs have a clearly visible pocket or pouch where their notepad is . usually the notepad is visible ! AND everyone DOES have the ring . the only 3 places i put them were necklace , finger and as an earring
- THE PLAID !!! designing the leader was already hard enough bc itsone of those non tangible talents . So i said What if ouma and reader had matching freak outfits and used oumas beta designs as reference ! the plaid is supposed to be readers checker print , and its onlyused in this and the adventurer . also i just really love berets
- maid .... was hard . i actually had 2 different versions of that fit and had to have my friends choose for me </3 heres the alt version sketch
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FOR NOW ? i think thats all . my brain is running on empty rn bc im writing this the day before posting like idk half an hour after typing up the sprites post . i might come back and add more later if i feel like it but for now im done .
as always , thank you for reading ! ( u can really see where i got my physicist music taste headcanon from )
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