#its so loose and choppy and messy and fun
sbeana · 10 months
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got a new art style bitchhesss heres pyrrha
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soulwillower · 4 years
narcissist  • bill denbrough
(bill denbrough x reader)
(title taken by the song narcissist by no rome)
requested:  hi i was wondering if you could do another fan-fiction of bill denbrough x reader and bill used to be friends with the reader until he became popular and started bulling the reader also the other losers are popular too so the reader has no other friends. when ever she comes home shes ussually crying or blaring music oh and her parents only care about there job then there daughter but you can do whatever you want from there
warning: swearing, mentions of shitty parents, mentions of bullying, lil angsty, fluffy ending, unedited and poorly written 
[losers + reader are 16+ in this.]
hi i may come back and edit this bc i think its choppy, also the user that requested this deactivated their account sometime since i last talked to them :( i hope they’re okay <33 this is for them!
2.2k words
it was one of those days that really should have been fantastic. 
you woke up happy and not tired, you had the chance to actually make it to school on time and grab an apple on your way out the door, your parents even said good-bye to you as you left. and then today at lunch, you were eating on your own and you didn't quite feel as lonely - after that, nobody had come towards you and shoves your shoulder in the hall or knocked your books out of your grasp.
so yeah, it wasn't much but you take what you get, honestly.
and now you're walking home, headphones in your ears and drowning out the world around you as music blares at you from all sides, consuming your thoughts and creating a sense of security that you never found within the walls of your own home nor the halls of your school.
"y/l/n!" a voice barks, and you turn your head quickly, startled as you pull a headphone out of your ear. your stomach falls to your ass as you lock eyes with the only face you didn't want to see staring back at you.
bill denbrough.
he looks completely hazardous as he walks towards you, a teasing smirk on his lips. you already want to cry and he's not even opened his mouth yet - but you know when he does you'll loose the tiny shred of hope you had left for a good day, because he made your life a living hell.
well, you suppose it wasn't really just him, but he certainly didn't help whenever he would snicker at the words uttered by your peers, or the way his mouth seemed to tease you just as much as his eyes did.
and if your life was a silent film, bill had the means to force your world into an array of technicolor screams and and an endless, torturous laugh track that started with a joke at your expense and continued through your day until you ran into your indifferent parents as they stared at their laptop screens and barked work orders into their phones. everything you did, bill's domineering laugh haunted it.
and you know bill could take your silver screen tragedy and turn it into a major motion picture film starring you, the sad delinquent without a caring family and a disputably unappealing social life, and him - the star boy of the town, the dream boat, the handsome devil himself.
he could do that, but instead he just continues his ways, every day hurting your already smashed-out heart and stomping it into a messy pulp on the ground he floats upon.
although despite this, you know he wasn't ever really the one saying it. it doesn't matter, because he stands there and watches as you're berated and sometimes even cracks that brilliant smile of his at a real funny jest at your expense - and that was the most painful part of every day. because you used to be friends. you used to bring that same smile out all the time.
but in a much, much different way.
you and bill had a falling out so long ago that you barely remember what it was like to have him always by your side. all you can remember is feeling the complete opposite of how you now feel - you used to feel so powerful. but you'd gone and lashed out at bill after the stress of your absent parents, resulting in you doing some very terrible things that caused him to abandon you and find new friends.
"d-did you hear me?" he says with a lifted brow, staring down at you with a boldly irritated look. your throat feels dry and you shake your head, "leave me alone, bill." you squeak out, your legs starting to carry yourself faster down the sidewalk towards your neighborhood. but of course, there's that damn laugh again and his long legs carry him back to you effortlessly.
"i s-said, m-mrs. graham told me she lent you a copy of the s-scarlet letter. i need it."
you swivel your head to stare at him. "what." you say, completely unsure of the complete lack of animosity behind his words. is that why he's here? he needs something from you? you want to scream as you let your feet fall against the pavement, nearing closer and closer to your house.
"you r-really are a d-dumbass, aren't you? i said i n-need the book." he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. what's he doing, walking with you right now, asking to borrow a book? he's not your friend, as he reminds you every day, so why is he suddenly trying to act like it? "well i don't have it." you say honestly, "it's in my room. get it from one of your friends." you utter, mind flashing to the faces of the losers who, really, were absolutely not considered losers by a popularity standpoint.
the losers were the life of every party, they were the 'cream of the crop,' they were the most popular kids in school. and as much as you hated to admit it, they were the reason that you weren't friends with bill anymore. you and him were the best of friends when you were younger; your moms had been friends for a long time and when they both had kids the same age, it was like a match made in heaven. so for the first fourteen years of your life, you and bill were close to the point that you somehow fell for him along the way.
which is why it hit even harder when you went to high school and the losers started to pull bill away from you unintentionally. and even the losers didn't mean to do it. other people loved bill because of his charismatic, gently leading nature. they loved him because he was handsome and funny and caring.
and they hated you, so bill had to start conforming to that stereotype. and now, almost four years later, you still flinch when you catch a glimpse of the losers in the hallway or when you meet a certain pair of green eyes.
"n-none of my friends have it, y/n. that's wh-why i'm asking y-you." he insists and you swear you're about to scream or cry. maybe both.
in the end, he follows you to your house and you dig out the scarlet letter.
"fine, i gave it to you, will you leave me alone?" you mumble as you turn to meet bill, who hasn't moved a muscle since grabbing the book. bill huffs beside you, a strange and unexpected silence falling over you as the air changes in the room.
his eyes are swimming over your empty walls and you're suddenly embarrassed because you have no photos of you with friends to hand up. and he can see that. "you ch-changed your r-room." he says next, rocking on his heels.
you're so nervous about what he's going to say that you almost stutter like him. "y-yeah, of course i have since middle school." you reason, looking around and noticing all the ways it's changed since he and you were friends. now the walls are a new color, posters of your favorite bands hanging up, covering the spots where photos of you and bill and even georgie used to hang proudly. you aren't sure where those photos are anymore, but you know they're not here. it still hurts too much to look at them.
"why? i liked it b-before." he says, sounding honest. your heart drops and you look up at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“you’re joking.” you say, arms crossed. he glares at you, the animosity obvious in his green eyes. “you know why i changed it all.” “what, y/n? i don’t know what you want from me.” he snaps and you nearly scream at the irony of his statement. “you’re a narcissistic dick, you know.” you mutter, crossing your arms. and you believe it, which makes it even worse to realize that you still love him, despite that. you sigh, sitting on your bed and dropping your face into your hands.
slowly, the mattress dips beside you and a warm body slides next to you. you look at him out of the corner of your eye suspiciously.
“y/n.” he whispers, but this time his voice is soft and you’re just confused. he looks at you, eyes flickering downwards a few times and confusing you. until he’s leaning forward and his eyes are closing and... oh god -
you jerk your head away from him like he's a hot pan and he opens his eyes and stares at you. you want to fucking sob. "bill, are you kidding?" you whispering, noting how broken you sound to yourself.
your mouth continues before your brain can filter it. "come on. i can put up with the incessant teasing, the rude remarks, the dirty looks. whatever. but if you're going to try and make fun of me in this way..." you trail off, afraid that if you keep going you'll actually cry. he looks lost and nervous.
"can you just leave?" you whisper, avoiding his eyes and picking at the hem of your sleeve.
"y-y/n, but-" he starts but you let out a half sob, "no, bill, this is not funny. this is really fucked up." you say, the words slicing through the air like a sizzling knife.
"its n-not a j-joke." he says quietly, but he stands up and scratches his neck. your eyes snap up to watch him with an apprehensive feeling of hope blossoming in your chest. as he turns to leave, you catch his wrist. he looks at you, cheeks red and a defeated look across his features. "what did you say?" you ask quietly. he just looks at you, as if he doesn't want to say it again.
and you can’t believe he won't willingly say it - because he’s that ashamed.
"you've made my life hell, bill. you can't just act like everything's changed because you tried kiss me just so you could make fun of me." you say, tired of his shit, "you're a terrible person for what you've done, especially if you know that i still have feelings-" you try to cut off your frustrated ramblings but it happens too late and you sigh. "leave." you say simply, dropping his wrist.
he kneels down instead, though, so he can try and meet your downward tilted eyes. "p-please, y/n. i'm s-sorry. i don't want to h-hurt you any-more." he whispers, tears welling in his eyes. you look at him, shocked to hear him sound so vulnerable. you realize you aren't sure when the last time was you heard him sound so sincere.
"i kn-know you can't f-forgive me. i don’t d-deserve that. b-but maybe, one d-day, you'll s-see that i feel r-really awful. a-and i need to make a ch-change." he's saying these words and it's like your world is clicking by one still frame at a time and you realize fleetingly that he's done it - bill denbrough has finally turned your life into a major motion picture.
"so... that-what was-" you stammer and bill shakes his head, leaning closer and gently placing his hand on your jaw. you don't flinch this time.
"i w-wanted to kiss you for r-real, b-because... because i've w-wondered what it would f-feel like for y-years." he says, staring into your eyes. “so i’m s-sorry to put you in th-that situation. i-it’s just a crush, y-you don’t have to w-worry.”
your heart starts flipping as you stare at him, lips parted in shock. "what?" you ask, feeling dumb because no way is this happening.
no way is bill denbrough, the boy who learned just how to make your bad days just a little worse, confessing that he's wanted to kiss you for a while. and no way are you admitting to yourself the same thing.
“i l-like you, i think. i w-want to know you a-again. i hate not talking to you e-every day.” he says, staring into your eyes. you smile lightly, resolve breaking and he beams, happier than you’ve ever seen him.
so yeah, it was one of those days that really should have been fantastic. and as you sigh a shaky breath and lean forward, bill closes the gap with a soft press of his lips to yours and you suddenly dont care what the day should have been, because you have a feeling that what's happening is going to change the course of the rest of your life.
his lips are a presence against yours; a force that knocks the wind out of your chest as his hand caresses your cheek and lightly licks your bottom lip. you’re putty in his hands, and you both know it.
you just have to trust him.
as you pull away, though, you take one look at him and realize that yes, he will wait for you because this is bill, and he will show you how much he cares.
"c-can i stay? p-please." he asks, looking insecure and making you smile softly. "yeah, bill, of course you can."
he smiles fully, pulling you into his chest before rising up to flop on your bread, star fishing and tugging you to lay with him. you laugh slightly, heart pounding just as hard as his own
"we have homework, bill." you state, knowing the boy despite all that you'd been through. he grumbles, nuzzling his nose into your shoulder with red cheeks. your stomach flutters with nerves and butterflies.
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hobidreams · 5 years
Laundry Day | KTH {M}
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taehyung discovers the surprise you left for him.
pairing: taehyung x reader genre: smut words: 1.3k contains: college roommate au, underwear kink, masturbation (m), soft pining a/n: this is the laundry scene from Of Lace And Lust in taehyung’s perspective! please read the original first for the full context. 
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Of all the things Taehyung expected himself to be doing tonight, fisting his cock in a hand, your panties scrunched hastily in the other is certainly not one of them.
“Fuck,” he gasps, breath sporadic and choppy, running hot against the cool air. He’s hunched over the side of his bed, not daring to lean against the shared wall for fear the rattling will give him away. But it just might anyway; the noise is unstaunchable from the desperate way he’s sliding his hand across his shaft, the head dark crimson with urgency and desire. His mind is a whirlwind, a swirling disaster of illicit fantasies and morals that he’s tried—and failed—to teach himself over the years.
Damn it.
His fingers clench tighter, drag him closer.
Five minutes ago, he’d been innocuously sorting through laundry.
Four minutes ago, he touched lace. When he pulled out the skimpy panties in pure cream, he was forced to strangle a longing groan. It just had to be this pair that made their way into his lap. The pair he first caught a glimpse of at a high school party, thanks to a skirt that fluttered a bit too high on a suddenly (blessedly) windy night.
How many times did he attempt to forget the sight? But his mind clung stubbornly to the image of how the underwear hung on your hips, hugging your body in a way that made him jealous it wasn’t his hands there instead. A memory only reinforced by incidents in the years following – shorts a bit too loose, tiny bikini bottom ties coming undone, white dresses that become sheer when soaked… You became torture in its most sinful, beautiful form.
And if that night of video games and junk food a few days ago has taught him anything, it’s that the hold you have on him is still undeniable. Taehyung clamps down on his bottom lip, his cheeks aflame as he smears pre-cum over his cock. Moans force their way out anyway, longing twisted into every exhale. He’s thinking about how your shirt rode up, exposing the smooth skin, the honey that undoubtedly lies between your thighs. Does he dare let himself believe you had done it on purpose? That you want him just as much as he does you?
His hand slows.
He doesn’t want this to end.
There was a time Taehyung thought other women could distract him, occupy his mind space and for a while, it worked. But here he is now, crushing the lace that’s more enticing than anyone he’s ever touched before, more than anyone he’s ever seen. Just imagining your cunt against the underwear makes his shaft jerk and stiffen in his hand. He thinks about your wetness clinging to the fabric, just waiting to be licked up; he wonders what turns you on to that point.
“You’re so damn gorgeous,” he mumbles, mind delirious with a dream of you opening the door right now, discovering him, joining him. You would insist on being a tease, tracing your way up his thighs with just fingertips in that infuriatingly coy way. Even on your knees, you wouldn’t hold back from having your fun.
Taehyung’s thumb rubs across the underwear, his other on his frenulum. The bed creaks as he leans back, sweat beading across his forehead. The you he’s conjured leans over him, straddles him with a minx-like smile. You cup his cheeks and whisper his name before sinking down, engulfing him in the heat of your tight little cunt. Wrapped around him like a good girl, you’d be drenched, so slick that it’d be easy for him to hilt in a few thrusts.  He’d let you take the lead for the first while, riding him with your hair scattered, a lovely mess that’s proof of how undone you are. But he knows he wouldn’t be able to resist from fucking you back with sudden, powerful thrusts against your core. He can almost hear your surprised bubble of laughter before it turns to heady moans.
Your laugh. God, your laugh. A sound not even close to music; more like an unabashed roar, endlessly infectious and adorable in its utter mirth. A sound he would gladly spend his life listening to.
This is the dangerous urge he’s never acknowledged, not even to himself, though he was made aware of its presence since that very first kiss. He’s a coward, he knows. He let fear rule back then, and he still lets it dominate now. Too afraid to let himself want, even though he’s touched himself to the thought of you so many damn times it’s irrefutable.
Fuck. Just the thought of how you would smile, speared on his cock. He wants to kiss it off your lips, then coax it back with another roll of his hips. Now he’s furtively fucking into his hand, losing all sense in the chase of climax in your name. He chants the precious syllables in supressed groans. He’s close, chest heaving, dreaming of how you’d come undone with him. Lip bites, guttural groans, bedroom eyes. Amazing.
Finally, Taehyung yanks his hand from his lap. Shoving the lace in his face, he takes a deep inhale of your scent and comes. In this tenuous moment, swathed in your sweetness, Taehyung forgets his reservations. He breathes in you like air, practically tasting you on his tongue. He bucks off the bed, back arching, muscles tensing as his fingers try to mimic what your cunt would feel like milking him for everything and more.
But all good things can never stay for long.
His slowing fingers elongate the climax as much as he can, but it’s never enough. His butt hits the bedsheets with a soft thud. He is left with a pool of cum on his stomach, a sense of guilt settling into the chest that rattles with his thrumming heart.
He definitely shouldn’t have done that.
Not only is it a violation of your trust, using your intimates like this, but it brings up everything he thought he’d hidden away for good. And… This one taste only makes him greedy for more.
Taehyung lets the lace unfurl in his palm. He stares at it in silence. Really, this is probably just an accident. You didn’t notice, and so the underwear just got mixed in with his stuff. That’s the only rational explanation that lets things stay the way they are. Roommates, best friends. He knows that’s where your relationship shines, and his asinine lust (that’s what this must be) shouldn’t be the thing to ruin it.
And so he reaches for a tissue, drags it across his tummy to soak up the evidence of transgression. He readjusts his bottoms, hides his softened cock inside. He gives the lace one last fond squeeze before standing. He has to return them. Having them here would be too much of a temptation, one he knows he can’t resist.
Every step to the door feels heavy, but he forces himself to take them. You’ll forget about it tomorrow, he tells himself. Everything will go back to normal, because you’re just horny right now.
But in twenty seconds, his eyes will fall upon you casually spread on your bed in your favorite hoodie, hair in a messy bun, bare faced and glowing like his sun. All he’ll want to do is press kisses to your neck, your cheek, and hear you giggle from one of his silly jokes. He’ll want to make any excuse to close the distance between you even if just for a few seconds. Because no amount of lying to himself can ever mask the truth: Taehyung’s heart has always been yours.
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a/n: and olal comes to a close! i hope you enjoyed this glimpse into tae’s mind. thank you for all the love for the story - your likes/reblogs/comments have really made my heart so full and i am forever grateful ♡
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Scars That Heal || Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Series
• Ch. 4: Bust A Move •
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TRIGGER WARNINGS: sexual assault implications. This very first scene with Beverly involves her and her father, and her fear of him doing something to her. If you'd like to skip I have marked the end of the encounter with this: [●●●] When you see this marker, that means it is over and you can read the rest of the chapter in peace. This chapter will begin with this scene so if you are skipping, proceed to scroll until you see the marker.
A/N: you certainly will not hurt my feelings if you skip the scene. This was a very difficult mindset to get into myself and I struggled a lot emotionally with writing it. But I promise, the rest of the chapter is heartwarming and fun and overall is the foundation of friendships and significant to Y/n's arc, her induction into the Losers Club [including her link to Henry and what "makes her a loser" and the budding relationship between her and Eddie.
WORD COUNT: So big I had to add a word count, 7849. Oof, take some breaks peeps.
    With a terrible sinking feeling and a churning stomach, Beverly walked through her front door. She tightened her grip on the plastic bag she held behind her back, praying her father wasn't around to see what she had bought. As she crept through her apartment, scanning for any signs of life, she absentmindedly heard the words of the children's program echoing throughout the residence.
    "Toilet and bath water travel down the drains and into the sewer." The front closed, not as quietly as Bev had hoped. "The sewer is a fun place to play with all of your friends. Just follow the water into the drains and down into the sewers you go."
     The words of the cheerful program hostess echoed off the walls and went unnoticed by Bev. "When you're with your friends in the sewers, you can be as silly as a clown!"
    She poked her head cautiously into the living room, it was empty.
   "That's right, it's the word of the day."
    Bev walked quickly and briskly down the hall, nearing the safety of the bathroom when the large looming figure of her father appeared. Beverly met his eye, fear settling in her chest as she gulped.
    "Hi, Daddy." Her voice came out in a choked whisper, a side only her father could bring out in her.
    "Hey, Bevvie." His eyes flickered down at her grocery bag and back up at her. "Whatcha got there?"
    Her eyes fluttered down to the concealed box of tampons in the bag, knowing, no, dreading this day. This is what she had feared would happen. Why, she cursed herself. Why the fuck hadn't she just done this in the safety of Y/n's apartment?
    "Just some things,"
    "Like what?" He took the bag from her hands and rifled through.
    He grinned suddenly and his eyes zeroed in on Bev. She felt her whole body stiffen in terror. He knew now. And there was no telling what he would do. Her eyes drifted to the wall behind him, and there they stayed, much too frightened to look him in the eye. His rough and calloused hand touched the side of her face and she fought her instincts to recoil, knowing better.
    He brought her in close, and he closed his eyes. He took a long lingering sniff of her hair and she felt the icy cold grip of fear grasp her heart. Tears pooled in her eyes and his hand fell to her long red hair, and he now held it in his palm. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up, fear prickling her skin and he stroked her red locks with his thumb, possessively.
    "Tell me you're still my little girl."
   Two little words, she told herself. Two little words she had to say and it and he would be on his way. Hopefully.
    "Yes, Daddy."
    His palm returned to the side of her face, and he motioned her away. A flooding sense of relief washed over her and she slipped around him and disappeared into the safety of the bathroom.
    Her palms gripped the sink, and the running faucet almost completely covered the noise of her distraught sobs. Her salty tears that fell from her cheeks landed in the sink and were carried down the pipes along with the rest of the running water. A long and slender pair of silver scissors lay next to her palm on counter. With a shaky hand, she brought the scissors up to her loose hair.
    The hair that he strokes, the hair that he smells, and the same fucking hair that draws every unwanted eye in town, including her own father. Grasping a long lock of hair, she hesitated. Only once. But countless memories flooded her at once. How many times he looked at her, how he looked at her. No. No more.
    She snipped a lock of hair and she smelled the whiff of freedom it brought. The feeling disappeared just as quickly as it had come but and was soon replaced by more spite. Spite and fear.
    "This is what you did," she whispered, cutting another chunk of hair. "This is what you..."
    She grabbed another chunk of hair, eagerly. Desperately.
    Another lock gone.
    "And this,"
    She kept her eyes on the sink, watching wisps of orange hair circle the drain before disappearing. She angrily grasped larger chunks of hair, working feverishly. The hair fell from her head so fast, it began to pile up in the sink. Sobs racked her body and her hand returned to her head and she realized there was no more.
    For the first time she let her herself look at her reflection. There stood a sad and frightened young girl. Beverly ran a hand through her shortened hair, lingering on her scalp as she adjusted to the new feeling. Her once long and gorgeous head of hair was no more, choppy and uneven curls was all that was left. It was short and messy, not unlike hair she'd find on most boys at her school.
    Y/n didn't know why she bothered looking in her drawers for clothes, she barely had any in the first place. Decent clothes at least, just about everything she owned was second hand and it was not uncommon that they were torn slightly in places.
    She wondered why the hell she was nervous in the first place. Then her fingers found the familiar nylon of the swimsuit fabric, and she sighed. Right.
    Y/n and Bev had agreed to go swimming with a bunch of boys they barely knew. It wasn't that hard to connect the dots when they mentioned where they were going, it was the quarry after all. But it never quite dawned on her until now, that she was going swimming with several boys she barely knew. Even though Bev would be there, that wasn't exactly a comfort. She never quite had her friend's confidence.
    Despite her home life and all the nasty whispers that floated through town, Beverly didn't let it affect how she saw herself, a quality Y/n admired. The same couldn't quite be said for herself. She could barely afford to go to school at Derry High, her family worked paycheck to paycheck just to send her to school. And she didn't like to talk about it, but Beverly had time and time again lent her money for little things that she couldn't afford herself. In fact, she had a few old jackets and shoes that Beverly had given her.
    The two girls were more than thankful for their friendship, both a perfect fit for one another, like two pieces of a puzzle. Each of them were able and willing to give the other what they could provide, whether it was some borrowed money, or a safe haven away from a leering father, and of course a never ending source of love and support. But of course, occasionally, no matter how hard she fought, the little green monster wormed its way into her mind. It always managed to pluck her most treasured memories with Bev, and stain it with jealousy, rotting it with envy and disgust. It picked at her confidence and fed her venomous lies that completely contorted their friendship.
    Like the only reason people knew about her was because she was friends with Beverly. It was the beautiful Beverly Marsh and ol' What's Her Face. She would occasionally catch herself wishing she could draw attention like that, but she quickly dismissed it. No, she shook her head, ridding herself of the thought, no it's not worth it. She reminded herself of all the horror stories she had heard from Bev, and had witnessed for herself, in the many years of their friendship.
    Sure, she was easily noticed by cute guys at her school, and that was fun and exciting at her age, but she was also noticed by older men. Men like Mr. Keene, and he was only one example in dozens of men all over town. Not to mention her own father. Any time the little green monster returned, it diminished itself in the pity Y/n felt for her best friend. But that didn't mean it wasn't hard for Y/n to hear the many names she had been called. "Filthy little tramp!"
    And not to mention the countless side glances followed by surprise from boys - and girls - that she had in fact been there standing next to Bev the whole time, and they only just noticed her. She was always the sidekick. "So ditch the street rat and we'll go to the movies, you and me."
    Anytime anybody thought she couldn't hear them, they spoke ill of her. Hell, not even then, most people didn't care if she overheard. Usually, they were trying to persuade Bev in one way or another to leave her behind.
   "What is she, your little puppy dog? Just tell her you're sick or somethin' and you're home free,"
   "Look, you're friend seems... nice, but she doesn't fit in with us. Either come alone or don't come at all."
    Of course, Beverly never bought into that crap. Y/n was too important to her, she was Beverly's saving grace after all. And there was no way in hell she would let anyone talk about Y/n that way.
   "Then I guess I'm not coming." She'd reply. "If you really need a date so bad just take the stick up your ass,"
    Y/n smiled at the memory. Oh, how she relished in the shock on their faces. That particular comeback had them running away with giddy laughter as they wove through the halls, the angry trio of boys after them. They found sanctuary in a small hiding spot behind the school where they remained until the trio gave up and went home with slightly deflated egos.
    This was another reason Y/n was ashamed to have these thoughts, Beverly clearly cared for her and would be very upset to know she thought these things of herself.
    As Y/n pulled her worn out jean shorts over her bathing suit, she searched her bed for the t-shirt she had set aside. She slipped it on and as she looked in the slightly cracked mirror she felt a small bud of confidence blooming in her chest.
    Beverly had her back, and she had hers. And she knew if Richie ever made some comment about her, Bev would shut it down if she hadn't first. The bud of confidence spread in her chest as she could feel herself being persuaded.
    That was, until she noticed the tag on the outside of her shirt. She sighed exasperated, and quite frankly, rather exhausted. Y/n hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night. If she tried hard enough, she was able to push the memory to the back of her mind and forget, but only for the day. Then of course, if was time for her to go to bed. Then every detail of what she saw, what she felt, was amplified in the silence of her room. She flinched at every creek in the walls, every car that passed by.
    And she didn't dare move her feet out from under her blankets, no matter how hot she felt. Of course, this ended up being one of the reasons it was difficult to fall asleep.
    Y/n counted herself lucky she fell asleep at all. And yet, the thought of being unconscious, completely unguarded and unprepared, where anything could happen - anything could get her - was just as unsettling. She wished Beverly was there with her, but she knew she had to sleep alone eventually.
    Right on cue, she heard the soft rap on wood come from down the hall in the living room. Beverly was here. Casting one last glance at her reflection, and her shirt now fixed, Y/n took a deep breath and made her way to the front door. She made the mistake of glancing at the carpet and the faded red stain and she felt a sudden prick of fear in her heart and the sudden hyper-awareness of her injury. Trying not to give it much thought, she took a deep breath returning her attention to the door, swiftly stepping over the spot on the carpet.
    Her attention focused on undoing the many locks on the door, she failed to notice her friend's new look through the window. It came as quite a surprise to Y/n, having only known Beverly with long hair. She would have brought it up if it wasn't for the look on Beverly's face.
    Her eyes were on the ground and when the door opened, Bev slowly met Y/n's eye. She recognized the look in Bev's eye, a look that screamed 'I really don't want to talk about it right now.' A look she had given to her not too long ago herself. Y/n plastered on a smile and broke the small moment of silence.
    "You ready?"
    Richie Tozier does not hold back when it comes to spitting contests. Himself, Stan, Bill, Ben, and Eddie were standing at the cliffs edge, stripped down to their underwear and Richie was first up to bat. He did not shy away from whatever method he needed to conjure the spitball, no matter the foul noises he made in the process. He reeled back and launched the spitball over the cliff, and the rest of the boys followed suit.
    Eddie flinched when his own mucus landed on the rocks near his feet.
    "Oh, my God, that was terrible. I win." Richie exclaimed.
    Eddie looked at him, dumbfounded. "You won?"
    "Did you see my loogie?"
    "That went the farthest!" Richie argued, gesturing where he spit. "It's by distance."
    "Mass. It's always been mass."
    Richie began sputtering in disbelief, but Eddie continued.
    "Who cares how far it goes? It matters how cool it looks, like it's green or it's white or juicy and fat."
    Ben cringed, and he met eyes with Bill who gave him a look that said 'see what I have to put up with?' He shook his head, shutting down the conversation before it continue further.
    "Who's first?"
    There was a brief moment of silence and the boys looked over the cliff into the emerald waters, contemplating the jump.
    "I'll go!"
    They turned their heads to see Beverly Marsh and Y/n L/n. Beverly had been the one to speak and she dropped her bike to the ground before discarding her dress. Their eyes widened and Beverly smiled.
    "Sissies," she laughed.
    She broke into a light jog, the boys parting like the red sea and she launched herself off the cliff.
    "What the fuck!" Richie exclaimed.
    They looked at the water in which Beverly had disappeared, completely dumbfounded. Suddenly and in perfect sync, they looked to Y/n, almost expecting to see her do something equally surprising but she merely gave them an odd look. She set down her bike and shifted on her feet uncomfortably.
    They all broke out of their gaze, rather obviously, and tried to look anywhere but her, knowing they'd been caught.
    She had to remind herself that she wasn't the only one who would be undressed, and everyone else, besides herself, already was. Taking advantage of their distracted nature, she quickly slipped off her shorts and t-shirt, making sure to slip out of her shoes as well.
    "Come on!" Beverly's voice was distant, but it grabbed everyone's attention.
    Bill was the next to make the jump, followed by Ben. Next was a less than eager Stan, leaving Richie, Eddie and Y/n who had cautiously joined them at the edge. Richie looked between Eddie and Y/n, then back to the water.
    He sighed deeply, taking a step forward and removing his glasses, and tossing them on his pile of clothes.
    "Well, fuck" He took a deep breath and jumped off the cliff, leaving Eddie and Y/n alone.
    They shared an equally nervous look with a few uneasy smiles. Y/n peered over the edge, scanning the water for a safe space to land. As she waited for the moving figures of Richie and Stan swimming away from the landing zone, Eddie couldn't help but look at her. Observing the small crinkle of her brow and how unsure she felt, he felt his own fears vanish. Something inside him wanted to make her feel less nervous, and perhaps that was his own way of deflecting his own fears but he didn't care.
    "I'll go if you go," he offered.
    She looked at him in slight surprise, and a small smile tugged at her lips. Y/n looked between Eddie and the water, shifting weight off of her bad leg. This smile was less forced, and genuine, it was thankful. And Eddie felt a wave of nerves bubbling in his stomach, not at the jump, but the kindness in her eyes, and the way she mentally built herself up.
    She nodded and they both gazed at the lake below, everyone was looking at them now. They had cleared a space and Eddie and Y/n could hear the remarks being made by their friends.
    "On three?" She asked, quirking a brow.
    "On three." He nodded, backing up slightly. "One,"
    Y/n suddenly shook her head, stepping back and spoke at a rapid rate, cutting Eddie off.
    "Fuck, if I wait that long I'll change my mind. Let's go," Without warning, she grabbed his hand and jumped off the cliff, giving him no choice but to jump with her.
    It never even occurred to Eddie that he could have let go of her hand.
    Eddie felt his heart leap into his throat and he was certain time stopped still as he was suspended in air. Perhaps it was the sudden change in view and the fact he was practically pulled off the cliff and how high he was above the water, or maybe it was her hand around his - no, nope. It was the height, definitely the height.
    On their way down he gasped in fear at the rapidly approaching water and he felt her hand leave his as she braced for impact. Eddie tried not to think of the millions of germs in the water, and he could feel the thousands of bubbles grazing his body as he sunk deeper into the water. When he emerged he gasped for air, reminding himself to steady his breathing, less he have an asthma attack. He realized his throat was sore and that he must have screamed the whole way down.
    He looked round at the cheering figures of his friends, whooping and cheering them on. Though he tried not to panic when he counted only five figures above the surface. Just before he could ask where she was, Y/n burst out of the water next to Ben, gasping for air.
    "Holy shit!" She wiped her face with her hand, clearing the drops of water obstructing her vision.
    "Took you long enough," Bev smirked.
    Richie nodded. "Yeah, too bad you guys missed out. We were just about to pack it up and call it a day."
    Eddie rolled his eyes and Y/n sunk further into water, all the way up to her nose.
Y/n concentrated on kicking her legs and her arms moved back and forth under the water keeping herself afloat. The others, specifically Richie and Eddie, had already launched into another debate.
    "Do you have any idea, how filthy this water is. We'll be lucky if we don't contract something, I am serious right now. So forgive me if I am a little hesitant to jump into this cesspool of germs and bacteria. Not to mention the several loogies that are floating around here somewhere, or did you forget already?"
    "Oh sure, now you're worried about loogies, Mr. 'juicy and fat'"
    Bev, who had begun looking around her in confusion and slight concern, spoke up. "Loogies?"
    "Juicy and fat?" Y/n asked disgusted, her face scrunched up, looking questioningly between Richie and Eddie.
    Eddie blinked once, and shook his head. Desperate to change the subject, he diverted his attention back to Richie, pretending Y/n hadn't heard that.
    "Besides, if we weren't careful enough, we could have seriously hurt ourselves jumping from that height. Even if we knew there were no rocks in the water, a fall from from anything higher and we could have died, I'm not doing that shit again. If you want to go swimming, fine by me, but I'm not jumping anymore, I'll just meet you guys down here."
    "Don't be such a drama queen Eds, you jump a million times if it meant you had a pretty hand to hold on the way down and you know it, "
    Y/n looked to Richie, her brows furrowing and she was thankful the water was already concealing her pink cheeks. Eddie, unfortunately did not have the same luxury.
    "Fuck you, Richie,"
    Richie smirked. "Eddie, please, now's not the time for romance."
    Eddie's face scrunched up and he splashed Richie in the face, who had began chuckling at his friends response. Immediately, he retaliated with a splash of his own. Unfortunately, it hit Stan who frowned, and splashed back. It wasn't long before the entire group was involved, save for Y/n who was giggling off to the side where she was free of any water hitting her face.
    "Alright, alright," Stan waved his arms around, signaling for a truce. "Alright!"
    Everyone settled down and the water began to calm.
    "We should-" Stan was briefly interrupted by splash to the face, and he stopped to glare at Richie and sighed, wiping his face. "Chicken, we have enough people, who wants to play?"
    "Me against wheezy first," Richie jabbed his thumb over his shoulder at Eddie, who had in fact been wheezing. "I need to defend my title and he made it awfully clear last time he thought he could take me,"
    "I can asshole, I already told you. I had an asthma attack, if I hadn't I would have won and you know it."
    "Wanna prove it?"
    "Oh, it is so on, dickhead. Same circumstances, same partners, Stan come on!"
    Already regretting his decision to bring it up, Stan fell in line with the others as they entered shallow waters. Bill lifted Richie on his shoulders, and Stan lifted Eddie. Beverly had swam over to join Y/n and the two girls watched the chicken fight with great amusement.
    Y/n almost didn't notice the quiet figure of Ben, who had joined them off to the side. He had been neglecting to speak, but she recognized the longing look of wanting to fit in. She smiled, and swam over to join him. He seemed surprised she had joined him, but he returned the smile, albeit a bit nervously.
    "How's your stomach, Ben?"
    "Huh?" Ben gave Y/n a funny look, but before she count point out his stomach injury, it seemed to click "Oh! Oh, yeah, uh, it's feeling better, thank you. What about you? H-How's your leg?"
    "Better, thank you."
    A genuine smile tugged at her lips, feeling herself relax at the company of the boy. Y/n had barely known him, but she was intuitive enough to know that he was timid and kind. And though she was enjoying the new company of the other boys, it was nice to have a more relaxed presence. Though there was Stan, but Y/n had yet to get to know him.
    Their attention was pulled back to the chicken fight when they heard a sharp yelp and felt the water shift around them. And there sitting atop Stan's shoulders, waving his arms triumphantly was Eddie, whooping and hollering.
    A smirk grew on Y/n's face at this. It only grew wider when Richie emerged.
    "Foul!" Richie exclaimed, pointing at Eddie and shifting effortlessly into another persona. "Aaaaand Kaspbrak is outta the game!"
    "What? What the hell are you talking about?" Eddie asked, waving his arms slightly.
    "You pushed me, that's a foul."
    "That's the whole premise of the game! Of course I pushed you!"
    "You know what I mean, dillhole, you shoved my shoulders! That's a foul!"
    "No, that's allowed. The attackers get to use any means necessary to knock the opposer down, that's stated very clearly in the rules!"
    "Show me this rule book Eds, cause it's sounds an awful lot like you're making this shit up just because you can't win without playing dirty!"
    "Or maybe you just can't stand the fact that I beat you! I'm the one with the title now, aren't I?"
    "Oh, is that so-?"
    Ben, who had been growing uncomfortable from the heated argument, spoke up nervously. At least he tried to, but Y/n was the only one who heard him so she cleared her throat, grabbing everyone's attention. Ben seemed relieved.
    "Why don't we just do new teams?"
    "G-good idea," Bill spoke up, and he looked around the small group. "W-who wants t-to go next?"
    "Oh, I want to play!" Bev smiled walking against the water into the shallower parts of the water, but she stopped briefly, looking over her shoulder. "Ben, do you want to be my partner?"
    Ben tried to hide his blush, and he shyly nodded his head. "Uh, sure, yeah."
    Ben joined her, but she began looking around. "Alright, who's opposing?"
    Beverly caught Y/n's eye, and gestured hopefully over. Y/n smiled nervously and shook her head, her lips pressed into a firm line, and Bev shrugged.
    "Alright then, Richie, why don't you play us, if you're clearly an expert."
    "Gee, I would but my shoulders are killing me, I think I'm out for the season,"
    "Grow up, asshole, just go." Said Eddie, who had dismounted Stan's shoulders.
    "Well, since you asked so nicely," Richie said. "Bill, you're up."
    "W-why don't we let someone else g-go?"
    "Why? S'the matter with you?"
    Bill shrugged. "N-nothing. Just thought I'd l-let someone else go."
    Richie gave him an odd look but shrugged it off. "Fine,"
    Richie then spotted a Y/n, at least who he assumed was Y/n - he didn't have his glasses after all - who was hiding in the water, despite how shallow it was. It finally clicked that she had barely said a word since, well, since she and Bev showed up, he realized. She seemed different, she held herself differently than how she was in class. In class, she usually was able to keep up with his quick wit. He never told her this, but he enjoyed her company. He pegged her as someone who was quick witted and didn't take shit from anyone, and he admired that.
    But now she was quiet and reserved. Hell, she must be sitting on her ass right right now just to stay under the water. Richie didn't understand this. Now facing her, he dug his hand in the water and splashed her face, ripping her out of her thoughts, and she looked at him startled.
    She had to wipe away the fresh water droplets running down her face, and she narrowed her eyes at him.
    "What the hell?"
    "Come on, I need a partner and Denbrough bailed. You're up."
    She scoffed, slinking deeper into the water.
    "Come on, whatya', chicken?" He quipped, quirking an eyebrow.
    If he knew anything about this girl, she wasn't one to shy away went it came to making a comeback. Sure enough, she rolled her eyes and raised her head ever so slightly so her lips were above the water.
    "No, I'm not, that's why I'm not playing." She said snidely.
    He smiled triumphantly to himself, considering it a win he was able to get her to speak more than three words.
    "Come on, toots, it'll be fine. We'd make a great team!" He exaggerated a dopey grin and gestured for her to join him.
    Richie may have been blind as a bat, but he could tell she was considering it. She looked around at everyone, who was watching the exchange expectantly. Y/n didn't know if it was everyone's stares or the fact the fact she was genuinely tempted but she gave in and made her way over to him.
    Richie, who still wasn't completely sure is she was moving or not, gave her a cheeky wink, and pushed his luck even further. "I'll let you be on top,"
    Richie expected a comeback or a even a scoff from her, not a pair of hands roughly shoving him into the water by his shoulders. Naturally he figured, one of his friends had done this, tired of his antics and found a unique way to shut him up, but then he felt a pair of legs take a seat on his shoulders and he knew it was Y/n.
    Once he was sure she was secure he rose up out of the water, gasping for air when he reached the surface. The others, cheered her on, welcoming her to the fun.
     She nearly tipped over as he readjusted in the sand, but she grabbed onto his hair by his scalp and he winced.
    "Ah, watch it! I am quite fond of my scalp, you know,"
    "As long as you watch that trashmouth of yours Tozier, one more comment like that and I'll drown you," she peered over his head, giving him a light but slightly teasing glare.
    Nevertheless, she loosened her grip and he blinked a few times, his scalp tingling. "Duly noted,"
    Nobody seemed to hear the small chuckle that escaped Eddie who had been watching, quite impressed with her ability to shut the boy up. He'd have to ask her how she does it.
    "Alright, come on, we gonna play or what?" Bev asked, despite the grin that worked its way onto her face.
    She too was happy to see her friend coming out of her shell, she could tell she had been nervous and Richie proved to be a big help, much to her surprise.
    "It's on, we have got this in the bag!" Richie bragged, getting into position across from Ben.
    Richie cast a glance up to his partner and smiled cheekily, batting his eyelashes. "Right babe?"
    Immediately she whacked his head with her hand and he winced once more. "What did I just tell you?"
    "Alright, alright! Jeez," He tightened his arms around her legs, securing her in place and he took a step forward towards their opponents. "But do keep in mind, we are on the same team, you want to hit the other players"
    He missed the eye roll she gave, but nevertheless she smirked, shaking out her arms, getting ready for the match.
    Bill, who usually announced the beginning of a round, did just that. With one simple word, the girls locked in on one another, theirs hands interlaced and they each pushed with all their might.
    There were several close calls, on both teams, but they always persevered. Unexpectedly, Richie took a few steps back, and Ben, confused by his tactic, stepped forward after them. Though both of them moved slowly, their speed affected against the water, and Y/n nearly tipped over, but her balance was regained when Richie leaned forward and ran forward against the water, tipping Y/n forward and giving her more momentum.
    Catching Bev off guard she was able to prove successful in her efforts to push her over. Beverly came tumbling off of Ben's shoulders, and almost kicked the poor boy in the face on the way down. Richie and Y/n cheered victoriously, and even Ben cracked a smile at their unexpected move.
    Eddie, who had found himself rooting for them, despite his previous grudge against his old opponent, whooped and hollered at their win. Bill and Stan cheered as well, and Beverly broke the surface, a big smile on her face.
    Y/n had already forgotten her nerves and felt a swelling sense of comradery and a growing respect for her partner.
    "Alright, ready to put this to the ultimate test?" Richie asked, addressing his partner and the rest of the group. "New champs, versus old champs,"
    Y/n smiled, looking to Eddie and Stan hopefully, now completely invested in the fun. Eddie felt a swell of confidence and gave in, Stan joining him.
    "Fine, but no playing dirty," Eddie mocked, looking at Richie.
    Richie smirked. "No promises,"
    Eddie, who now struggled to climb onto Stan's shoulders, scoffed.
    Eventually, everyone was situated and Eddie suddenly felt a small flurry of butterflies in his stomach that he briefly mistook for nausea. But he realized that it was in fact butterflies when he saw Y/n opposite him. They were brought closer by their respective partners who stepped forward, preparing for the match. She glared playfully at him, a small smirk on her lips and she outstretched her arms ready to fight. He hadn't realized the match had begun until he was forced to scramble for balance on Stan's shoulders when she went for his arms.
    Their hands interlaced for the second time that day and now he was certain his racing heart was caused by this. Nevertheless, he pushed those feelings aside, reminding himself he wanted to beat Richie again, but the motivation to do so was weaker this time. Though he didn't let this shake his competitiveness so he matched her strength and the two laughed and grunted as they both tried desperately to push one another down.
     Each of them found the other to be a surprising match for themselves. They would often find themselves going for the same opportunities only for the other to be prepared for it. Everyone was now completely invested in the match, everyone cheering them on though they didn't quite know which team they were rooting for.
    Eventually, Stan and Richie had had the same idea and moved in closer in an attempt to push the limits. Both Richie and Stan were beginning to lose interest in who would win, eager to give their arms and legs a break. When they both moved in closer, hoping one of their partners would take advantage of the distance and strike, but once again the pair had the same idea. They leaned into the momentum, each giving one last push and much to everyone's surprise, they both fell on their backs, crashing against the water and earning a small sting from the contact.
    Y/n sunk into the water, slower and slower and she felt her back lightly hit the sand. She felt something graze her ankle, her bad ankle, and before she could stop herself her eyelids ripped open. She flinched in the water, pulling her leg away and she had to blink several times just to adjust to seeing underwater, her heart pounding in fear. But much to her relief, right where her ankle had been, she saw a piece of plastic poking out of the sand, swaying back and forth.
    She would have breathed a sigh of relief but she saved her breath and returned to the surface. She had already lost a small puff of air when she had inadvertently yelped at the contact the plastic had made with her foot.
    Her small panic seemed to have gone unnoticed by the group and everyone had begun milling about, getting lost in their own conversations.
    Y/n looked around at her new friends, and she felt a warmth grow in her chest. By now, she had joined them in deeper waters, once again slinking back into the water but this time it wasn't from fear of judgement but staying cool in the warm June sun. Everyone was lost in their own conversations but she knew she was just apart of this group as everyone else was. As she looked around at all the smiling faces, she relaxed.
    An unexpected laugh escaped her as she saw Eddie holding Richie under the surface and she swam over in their direction. Richie popped up for air and slapped the boy away, though he still wore a goofy grin. Eddie, unlike Richie, was unaware of her approach, a fact Richie declined to give away.
    Y/n was now just behind him, a sly grin on her face and Stan, who had noticed her intentions, called out Eddie making him turn around.
    Sure enough, he whirled around, his face half a foot away from Y/n and she splashed the unsuspecting Kaspbrak boy in the face. On instinct, he whirled back around, only for Richie to do the same and he desperately wiped his face.
    "What the hell is happening!" It came out in shriek that amused everyone in the group.
    Richie and Y/n both let out a chortle of laughter, and soon even Stan had joined in. Though he didn't know whether or not it was from the excitement he felt or the fact the trick he had fallen for that twice in a row, Eddie began to feel the effects of his friends contagious laughter ripple through himself. He shook his head, hoping the smirk he was fighting would be shaken off as well but no matter his efforts, is was glued on his face.
    Though something in Stan compelled him to get back at Richie - who was enjoying all too much the fact he now had help in teasing Eddie - that he decided to splash Richie without warning. Perhaps it was because he wanted to catch Richie off guard, like Richie had done to him earlier. No matter the reason, Stan enjoyed doing it anyway. Richie retaliated and and yet another water war had begun.
    Y/n wore a smile as bright and warm as the sun above her as she looked around at her new friends, more than grateful she had fallen down the steps and met these boys. Y/n chuckled at their antics, grabbing Eddie's attention. He hadn't realized he had been staring until she turned to meet his eye. His first instinct was to pretend he hadn't been looking but instead he broke eye contact briefly and chuckled weakly and he smiled at her.
    Y/n didn't seem to mind, and she smiled back and her shoulders moved slightly as she chuckled.
    "It's okay," His pulse quickened, scared she was speaking of his staring. "I won't splash you anymore,"
    He chuckled and nodded slightly, words failing him. He directed his attention to Richie and Stan and her gaze followed. They were both struggling to submerge the other under the water, past them, Bill and Beverly watched equally amused.
    Y/n yelped when she felt a small nip on her foot and she quickly retracted her leg. Oh, come on! She swam backwards, eyes scanning the water though it proved to be useless. The others joined her side, worried expressions on their faces.
    "W-what happened?"
    "What's wrong?"
    Eddie, who looked particularly worried and rather startled, knowing he would regret going swimming one way or another, began scanning the water backing up.
    "What! What is it?"
    "I think something bit me!"
    Everyone began shifting around the water and Ben, with a burst of bravery, disappeared under the water and began searching.
    Y/n was curious as to why these kids heard about something lurking in the water and biting and somehow thinking it was worth exploring, but a part of her was curious too. Bill soon joined the boy underwater and Y/n had almost begun to grow worried when Bill popped back up, pointing where Y/n had been.
    "It's a turtle!"
    Not long after they kids found the turtle lurking at the bottom of the quarry, their skin began to prune and their limbs grew tired from swimming.
    The boys, who had come prepared with Bill's boombox and Eddie's towels, the kids had dried off. The boys had all found a spot on the rocks and after much persuasion, Beverly had convinced Y/n to sunbathe with her.
    Her confidence from earlier had waned, but at the time, the boys were far too distracted fighting over the radio channels and what they wanted it on.
    Tuning out the guys, Y/n allowed herself the distraction Beverly provided with small talk. The two had been laughing about the day's events and Y/n had even begun to drift off. She hadn't realized how tired she was until she had lied down. After all, she had only gotten roughly three hours sleep the prior night and her limbs had grown exhausted from swimming all day, her leg especially.
    Unaware of how much time had passed, Y/n stirred awake when she realized the lyrics of Young MC's Bust A Move had slipped into her subconscious.
   "These here's a jam for all the fellas, Tryin' to do what those ladies tell us,"
    Stan, Richie, Ben and Bill look on in disbelief at the two beautiful girls sunbathing before them. How did this happen, they wondered.
   "Get shot down cause ya overzealous, Play hard to get females get jealous,"
    Eddie, who had yet to find a seat, stood frozen next to the guys. He blinked several times, trying desperately to look anywhere but their direction, Y/n especially, though he couldn't help but steal a few glances. An act he felt ashamed of.
   "Okay smarty, go to a party, Girls are scantily clad and showin' body"
    Y/n felt a yawn escape her and she covered her mouth with the back of her hand out of habit, her eyelids fluttering open. She had to squint, her eyes readjusting to the light and her stomach did a small flip when she felt several pairs of eyes in her direction.
    Timidly, she turned her head slightly to see the boys all staring at them. She felt her skin flush and she was sure she had turned pink, but the boys seemed even more mortified and they looked away, pretending not to have been staring at them.
    Beverly's attention was drawn by the noise of several throats clearing, and she was aware of how silent it had been. She tilted her head and made eye contact with Y/n, giving her a knowing look from behind her sunglasses accompanied by a small smirk.
    Y/n sat up, her bad leg stretched out and she pulled her other leg close to her chest, while Beverly had rolled on to her stomach. Richie began digging though Ben's stuff, holding a fake microphone to his face.
    "News flash, Ben," he was now speaking in his posh reporter persona. "School's out for summa!"
    "Oh, that?" Ben asked, looking at the evidence he had collected from the library. "That's not school stuff."
    Richie pulled out a postcard of Derry, a picture of the standpipe on the back. "Who sent you this?"
    Before he could read what was written on the other side, Ben had snatched it back. "No one. Give it..."
    Richie didn't think much of it, his attention fell to the blue folder sticking out of Ben's backpack and he eagerly pulled the folder out.
    He opened it up, Stan and Eddie peeking over his shoulder to take a look.
    "What's with the history project?" Eddie asked, curiously.
    "Oh," Ben shrugged looking around at the group who was now listening intently. "When I first moved her, I didn't have anyone to hang out with,"
    As Ben spoke, Richie handed the folder to Bill who had shown interest.
    "so I just started spending time in the library."
    "You went to the library?" Asked Richie, his face scrunched up in confusion. "On purpose."
    Y/n scoffed. "Don't listen to him Ben, he's just insecure that he can't read above a fourth grade level."
    She sent Richie and smirk and a wink, knowing full well of his intellectual capabilities. Something she had picked up in the year spent in class with him. He was in fact a very bright kid, despite his poor manners and his inability to not speak out of turn. Richie just rolled his eyes.
    "Well, I wanna see." Beverly got up from her spot on her towel and took a seat next to Bill.
    Stan had caught a glimpse of the scratchy handwriting on the old photograph Bill and Bev were looking at.
    "What's the Black Spot?" He asked.
     "The Black Spot was a nightclub that burned down years ago by that racist cult."
    "The what?"
    "Don't you watch Geraldo?"
    Y/n chuckled at the utter disbelief and surprise on Eddie's face and Richie met her eye, joining in. He was just about to give him more grief when the pair heard Bill begin speak.
    "Y-y-your hair..." He had been talking to Beverly, but Y/n couldn't help but listen in, curious herself to why her friend had cut it.
    Before he could finish, Ben jumped in and Beverly peered over to meet his eye. He smiled warmly at her.
    "Your... Your hair is beautiful, Beverly."
    Her face had been neutral throughout the entire exchange but she smiled politely at the boy, tucking a loose curl behind her ear.
    "Oh, right. Thanks."
    No one but Y/n seemed to notice the awkward looks exchanged between Ben and Bill, and her lips pressed into a firm line, feeling awkward having witnessed this herself.
    Richie, whose attention was still on the folder that was now going unread by Bill, gestured for it.
    "Here, pass it."
    Bill complied, folding it up and passed it back to Richie. Y/n used her hands to shift herself up onto her feet, walked over and took a seat across from Eddie, facing everyone in the group. Richie was now shifting through the folder, Stan leaning over his shoulder for a look.
    "Why is it all murders and missing kids?" Richie asked, passing the folder to Stan.
    Y/n, who had shifted off her bad leg, readjusting so she was leaning on her arms and her legs outstretched in front of her, was now listening intently to Ben.
    "Derry's not like any town I've ever been in before. They did a study once, and it turns out, people die or disappear six times the national average."
    Everyone had been listening, and the group all fell silent for a brief moment, a quiet shock falling over them. Bev was first to break the silence.
    "You read that?"
    Ben shifted on the rocks, ever so slightly, and nodded. "And that's just grown-ups. Kids are worse. Way, way worse."
    Y/n's eyes had fallen from Ben to the ground, where they trailed over to he bandaged ankle and she gulped.
    "I've got more stuff if you wanna see it." Ben offered.
    Eddie's gaze, which had been worriedly fixed on Y/n and the frowned etched on her face, was torn away to the others, shaking his head 'no' and hoping they didn't say yes.
    They did.
@seasidecrowbar​​ @bevxmarsh​​ @supernovavisionary​​ @readyforitbitch​​ ​ @edsloveshisrichie​​​ @sivords​​​  @ravenclawsprincess​​​ @pigwidgexn​​​ @kricketwritesstories​​​  @sweetpeasserpentprincess23​​​ @plum-duels​​​ @edmunds-torch​​​ @eddiegaykaspbrak​​​ @rosi3e​​​ @welcome-to-derry​​​ @beepbeep-pennywise​​​ @candycorntroll​​​ @bibliophilesquared​​​ @ongaku-ato-kakikomi​​​ @cocastyle​​​ @peachysinnermon​​​ @mochibarnes​​​ @captainshazamerica​​​ @kaitlynjones12​​​ @songbird-writes​​​ @traceylader​​​ @eggytozier​​​  @annimalq​​​ @lexylovesfandoms​​​ @russian-romanova​​​ @paigey-mcfreedomly​​​ @whitetrash12345
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
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radioactive-park · 4 years
Wendy Testaburger Application
IN CHARACTER: name: Wendy Testaburger 
age ( please check masterlist for age info ): 23 
gender ( pronouns ): She/her 
sexuality: Bisexual 
occupation/role (Do they work a job within New South Park? Are they a raider? A mercenary? Etc.): High ranking member of the CC 
location/faction(Check the About page for factions! Feel free to be creative!) :The CC, undercover temporarily at The Legion
 personality: Wendy portrays herself as more level-headed and mature than her peers. However, she tends to have a short temper, and if pushed far enough, will usually lash out at those who tend to butt heads with her. Her anger can usually blind her, pushing her to limits that contrast her otherwise sweet and likeable personality. Due to her liberal views, Wendy frequently comes into conflict with those who demean her for such. While choosing to resolve conflict with a reasonable debate and explanation, she will not hesitate to engage in violence to prove worthy of her high rank within the factions. She stands strongly by her beliefs, and respects others.. to a certain extent. She has a keen interest in fighting, and has dedicated a chunk of her life into strengthening herself fit for protection and/or battle. Despite this being a typically ‘masculine’ desire from life, she doesn’t shy away from enjoying things branded as ‘feminine’. Gender roles? What are those? A kind exterior, yet is still cautious and wary of new people. You can never be too trusting nowadays. She will go to extensive lengths to protect the few she cares about, all in the fight for a better future.
 bio ( at least a paragraph explaining current character situation & any important elements of their past ): Wendy grew up in the safety of the New South Park walls, but always had witnessed the horror stories of the foreign factions that surrounded - more specifically, their mistreatment of most residents. However, not all were bad, as one had particularly caught her interest, and piqued her desire to be apart of something bigger than herself. The Centennial City, with its idealism’s of equality and it’s flourishing government and economy, was something a young girl like herself could only fantasize about at the time. In her late-teens, Wendy had vowed to prove herself as a vulnerable asset to the faction located in Denver, and it wasn’t long until a short trek had her wound up at its gigantic, almost heavenly, gates. It was like a dystopian future, and nothing like the one she had grown up accustomed to. So much larger and modernized than that of New South Park, and definitely a place she found herself fitting right in. Wendy was a strong, wise-minded fighter, and it didn’t take long for her peers and superiors to take notice on her abilities. The girl was continuing to grow into a string, authoritative figure, and continued to work her way up the hierarchy into the higher ranks. She was a well-known face around the city, and chose to use said power in an attempt to improve society to the best of her abilities. It wasn’t until one day, she was entrusted with a task that was enough to make even the bravest of souls falter for a moment. The Centennial City had been keeping a close eye on their surrounding factions in order to ensure the safety of their own, and none proved to be a threat. All except for one. The Legion. It’s cold and sexist sense of living, was something that strictly contrasted against the CC’s own beliefs. They strove to bring justice, and save as many innocent souls from the harsh reality they were forced to face on the daily.
Of course, there was only one person they knew would have enough balls to take on the challenge; and that was Wendy herself, who complied with a strong sense of determination. The only problem? She had to go undercover in order to gain the trust of the higher-ups at The Legion in order for the plan to work. And thus, Wendyl was born. It wasn’t hard for Wendy to pass for a man, with her short, choppy hair and toned figure that was mostly masked by the right style of loose clothing. Even her voice, whilst she usually kept quiet, was able to be lowered the right amount to make for a convincing male. Most of the men at The Legion were too dimwitted to even comprehend a ploy as great as this one - no woman would ever go to such lengths, nor were they able to reach a high rank in today’s society. They were merely breeding toys, right? Haha, how sorely mistaken they were. Gaining their trust was one struggle, but it was what was to come after that had been achieved that really managed to challenge Wendy(l). With her increasing status and strength, her presence became more acknowledged throughout the faction. Whilst the other member’s actions made her sick to her stomach, her focus was mainly set on saving as many women as she could from being used in such a degrading manner. The men allowed ‘Wendyl’ in on their revolting activities, her having to witness things that no human should ever have to. But it wasn’t until the breeding games begun, that her plans could fully kick into action. With each woman she was given to ‘procreate’ with, Wendy would help aid them in their escape to freedom, set them on their way with bare essentials with the directions back to the CC. Yet, as naive as the men seemed to be, they weren’t completely brain-dead. The women were going missing one by one, lessening their fun, but heightening their suspicions. It wasn’t until the number had barely reached double digits that they eventually caught on. A traitor was among their midst, and everyone knew what happened to traitors in The Legion. Wendy had to get out of there. Her head was at stake, and their thirst for her blood was so animalistic that she wasn’t even going to chance a fight. She had to get out of there, and fast. It was one thing that she had betrayed their trust, but if it were to be revealed she was a woman? ..She doesn’t even want to imagine such consequences. And so, she ran. She sprinted as far as her legs could take her in the dead of night without looking back as a manhunt began. Where she ended up was a thought that hadn’t even entered her mind.
 headcanons ( optional, just an extra space to play around ):
 - A well-known face within the CC, yet her status remains currently unknown to the rest of the factions.
 - Since going on the run, it seems as if her existence has been erased from the world completely as she keeps a low profile. 
 - Has a large cloak with a hood, used to mask her features from any of her hunters. 
 - Chopped all her hair off, it used to be kept in a messy bun, but it would be more practical to rid of it completely. It’s grown out since, and is now a shaggy bob that barely brushes against her shoulder blades. 
 - Weapon of choice is her trusty machete that she keeps strapped to her hip. She has trust in her hand-to-hand combat to get her out of any scuffle without drawing too much attention. Will only use her gun in dire situations.
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krembearry · 4 years
change is a choice.
but its never, ever easy.
little drabble about my main sona, kremer, about his recent redesign. 
he held a pair of scissors and a small packet of bleach, staring into the bathroom mirror.
his hair had been growing loose. it no longer stood upright, like it used to, but instead tipped down to curl over his eyebrows. he hated it. he didn’t care for the way all of his hair seemed too long, too bushy, too much. he drops the scissors and grabs the razor instead, still scrunching his nose as he examines his face. 
he used to look more put together, he thinks. less frumpy, less messy. maybe he never looked different. maybe he’s always looked exactly like this, getting progressively less and less wellkept until he was a disaster. until he picked himself up and got clean. shaving the hair that grew under his chin, trimming up the top, maintaining. not changing. just staying the same.
kremer shakes his head, feeling how heavy his hair is as it flops on the top of his head. it fills him with a sense of disgust, but he doesn’t cut it yet. instead, he mixes up the bleach. powder and water swirl together, and then he adds the conditioner. the smell is awful, it always is, and his scalp is already itching. he hates bleach, too, but its addictive. its fun to take a moments decision to change yourself for a long while. 
he begins applying it to the tips of his long hair, trying to keep it to the very ends. he knows he should start at the roots, but he doesn’t want to shave all of his hair off if he hates it. he pauses, staring into the mirror. the bleach sits on all his tips, making it look white with the mixture, and he hums. 
“maybe it isn’t so bad.” 
if he says it out loud, it won’t be bad. he finishes, hardly using any of the bleach at all. maybe one of his roommates would need a touchup. he could probably call someone over to use the rest of it. in a moment though. he wasn’t done.
he begins drawing on his face with powders and pencils, using foundation to flatten out his colors, shades and highlights to bring them back. he draws the shapes he wants to be. with makeup, he doesn’t have to really care his nose is so crooked from getting it broken during one bad decision. he can fix it every day. who cares it didn’t get set right in time? who cares he was so fucking drunk he didn’t realize it was really broken? 
no one cared. he prefers it that way.
he doesn’t, and he knows that. 
kremer wipes a light eyeshadow above his eyes, warm, but dark towards the outer edge. tracing black tight around the edges, making his eyes look bigger. he always squints. not as if there’s too much light- its natural, for his face. he was born with a sort of squint to him. it was part of his culture. his mother has the same squint to her. 
he stares at how he’s erased his heritages with a stroke. he places another, darkening it, making the change more prominent. 
his face is different now. he spends a while choosing what his lips will look like. its very calm, unnoticeable, just a tone or two off from his natural color. he stares into his eyes. he doesn’t recognize the face in front of him, but it looks more like him than he normally does.
he checks the time. its been nearly half an hour. it startles him, for a moment. had he spent so long? he’d hardly changed at all, even if he wasn’t the same, nothing had changed inside. the outside no longer matched the body he was in. 
kremer watches the way the foundation cracks as he scrunches his nose up again with distaste.
he leans down over the sink, washing out the bleach. once his hair is clean, he washes his face, getting everything off of him. these were temporary adjustments. he hadn’t changed. obviously he hadn’t changed. nothing lasted from this temporary shit.
and yet, when he dries his face off, the tip of the longest part of his hair is orange. it didn’t bleach completely. he barks a laugh, surprising himself. of course it didn’t. his hair is so dark.
however, the orange is comfortable. its a light, familiar color. one he knows so well because its him. his eyes trail down over his face. his eyes squint. his eyelids are uneven. he looks tired even when he’s not. his beard was patchy at best, and he’d never be good at shaving. but his eyes are blue and bright and they’re his. even the little dot on the outside of his left eye, a speck out of place. 
he wasn’t perfect. of course. he didn’t even know what he was. his body was awkward and tall and wrong, but he’d work on it. he’d get better. everyone was so sure he would. 
he plans on changing. sure, now, he’d been stagnating, but who wasn’t? who didn’t get caught in a slump?
he clicks on the razor and begins shaving the back of his head. its going to be choppy. he won’t be able to do it evenly. but it doesn’t matter. change is change, even if it isn’t clean, even if it doesn’t look good. but he wanted the undercut, and that’s what mattered. maybe his hair in the front wasn’t too long. it was sort of cute, with the shaved sides.
kremer laughs as hair drifts down around him. he’s never looked like this before, but he’s beginning to feel more like himself than ever before.
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Can you do like a 7 minute in heaven series or like a spin the bottle one? I know it's a lot to ask. If you like the idea but you can't make it into a whole series please do either or ( the 7 min or spin the bottle) but with Kags, Noya, Suga. ( as reader inserts please (( the guys like the person they're paired with)) ) no specific theme out of that story thing. Since you're the writer I want it to seem as natural as it can be for the guys being stuck in this game w/ their crush.
I can DEFINITELY do that!! The ask box is technically still open? Lmao like I never made a post about it being closed - so if you guys want something for this prompt, just send in the character and the challenge (7 min in heaven or spin the bottle) - and I’ll write something up for you when I get to it! :D Thanks for the request/idea love! - Admin Satori
Kageyama Tobio: 7 Minutes in Heaven
That’s really all you could figure you were feeling in this moment. Super nervous. Sweaty hands. Fast heartbeat - you were surprised you hadn’t fainted yet with how shot your nerves were!
For years you’d been dying for this moment. You knew it had to happen tonight - all the signs pointed to it happening tonight!
You would finally be able to spend some time with your crush. Kageyama Tobio. Sour King of the Court…. Just a little time with him and you could be happy for the rest of your life… probably….
“______, it’s your turn to spin…” Your friend, Yukino, prompted beside you, nudging you with her shoulder to get your attention on the present.
“O-oh! Sorry, sorry!” You smiled sheepishly, leaning forward and taking the cool glass bottle in your hand, feeling the heat of your skin fog up the glass. Jeez, was there any way for you to calm down your nerves?
Did he notice? You glanced up from the cool bottle in your hand, just before spinning it, to see his intense blue eyes trained on your hand. Waiting. He was as smooth as stone - not a single vibe of positive or negative coming off of him…. A master of shielding himself - you wanted to be the one to peel back the layer, to see his true self.
You must have been waiting too long because suddenly his eyes were on you and you were drowning in his oceans. A hiccup of a gasp left you as you set the bottle spinning on the wooden floor, hearing it clatter and clink as it made its rounds, pointing at everyone in the group. Your heart hammered in your chest, your eyes having immediately fallen to the bottle the second you’d let it loose.
Clink, clink, clink, the bottle continued to spin - slowing with every rub of the floor against its smooth surface. You held your breath as it continued to slow, finding the person you’d spend a few minutes with in the closet. Away from everyone’s curious gaze, you didn’t know what you’d be doing….
With Hinata… He was too cute, but in a plushy toy sort of way. The sweet boy stared at the bottle before glancing at you, seeing you were staring at him had his face flushing with embarrassment and a wide smile breaking his otherwise cheerful expression.
With Tsukishima, your eyes slowly traveled to his disinterested expression. He wasn’t even looking at the bottle. What would you do if you got him? Hide in the darkness, pretend he wasn’t there? He wasn’t exactly scary or really intimidating… Just mean… Mean-looking.
What would you do if you got sweet, freckled Yamaguchi? He was probably just as nervous as you were. When he’d reach for the bottle, his hand would shake. He’d already spent a few minutes in the closet with your friend… You hadn’t been able to hear anything during that time… But she’d come out pleased, and him flustered…. So you figured he was already a betted on young man.
A full house overall, young adults well into the party swing of things, ready to have fun and explore each other - young enough to have those raging hormones and old enough to have that liquid courage flowing through their veins.
Finally, finally… it started to slow.
Yamaguchi…… Tsukishima…. Kiyoko…… Hinata…. Yachi….
It landed on him. You couldn’t believe it. You sat there dumbfounded as he rose to his feet easily. As if he’d been expecting it.
“______….” You blinked rapidly, smiling sheepishly again to your friend before standing and walking after Kageyama’s tall form to the closet. The doors closed behind the two of you and the time began.
All idea of what to do in this situation left you. You couldn’t even see him, honestly - your hand reaching out, hesitantly, until it came into contact with his sleeve.
The sudden touch surprised him, and he blinked in the darkness to gain accustomed to the limited light - being able to make out shapes and outlines after a few seconds.
You were fumbling, he could tell, and he offered his hand to the one gripping his arm, “Sorry… You probably wanted someone else…” His voice was quiet, though his delivery was a bit choppy - was he nervous, too?
“N-No! No… uh….” You fumbled now with your words, taking his offered hand in yours. It was cold, yet slick…. Definitely nervous. “I actually… really wanted to spend time with you….” Heat rushed to your face, and you were absolutely taken by surprise by your…. confidence? Or was this word vomit?
“Me?” His volumed raised in his surprise. Kageyama cleared his throat, his hand holding yours a bit tighter now, reminding himself these few minutes were precious and between only the two of you. “Me? Why? I mean….” He didn’t know what he meant, he didn’t know what he’d wanted to ask, but the mere thought of you wanting to spend time with him was…. unbelievable.
You didn’t answer right away, taking a deep breath before focusing your attention on his cool hand, your fingers lacing with his, your other hand resting on his opposite arm.
There wasn’t really anything more you could say that would make any sense. And you weren’t really one to be known for your actions, but this was different.
The closet for 7 minutes in heaven… You wanted some of that heaven, and the confidence you rarely found in yourself surged for that goal.
Leaning up on your toes, you pressed a kiss to his cheek…. Well, you aimed for his cheek.
But he’d sensed something coming close to his face and had turned his head.
Just in time for your lips to press against his.
Then the door opened, light flooding in and blinding the two of you as you pulled away in a hurry.
“Time’s up, love birds~.” The lanky young man cooed, motioning for you two to come on out and take your place back with the group.
“Actually….” Kageyama still held your hand in his, his other shielding his eyes from the bright light of the main room, “We’re not done.” Then he was pulling you back into the closet, taking the door of which and closing it behind him. Newly blind, but hungry.
He’d had a taste of heaven… And he wanted more.
Nishinoya Yuu: Spin the Bottle
How was this not a game of mono? Kissing anyone the bottle landed on?
You’d been kissed so many times now, and none of them were by the guy you really wanted. Sure, your best friend was sweet and awkward, Ennoshita was gentle but stiff…. Kyoutani was…. Rough to say the least - he bit your lip as if that’s how he normally kisses people… Tanaka was… Overly excited and a bit… messy.
Honestly, you were surprised he hadn’t full on gone into a make-out session with you.
Not that you wanted that from him.
Because your eyes were set on his best friend.
Nishinoya Yuu.
Who you’d seen kiss your best friend and had felt a fire in your belly you never had felt before. Jealousy. She’d sat back after the kiss with a less than impressed expression and the feeling turned to slight insult. She’d kissed your crush and had the audacity to show it didn’t meet her standards?
Petty, you’d wanted to bring up the trash boyfriends she’d had in the past, the junk drawer dwellers she’d kissed for hours over the course of your friendship… Bad choices…. And she had the nerve to pretend Nishinoya’s kiss didn’t blow them all out of the water?
His turn to spin, he wasn’t shy with the speed, almost sending the bottle flying off outside the realm of the group. Spinning, spinning, your eyes followed it - praying and praying it would land on you, it would grace you, bless you…..
For it to land on…. Not you.
A girl two people down from you. Nishinoya visibly deflated and leaned over the bottle, pecking the girl on the lips once before falling back beside Tanaka with his arms crossed.
When would it land on you?
The bottle made the rounds, spinning and spinning.
By the time it got to you, you’d kissed Ennoshita once more, Yahaba once…. And pretty much had Terushima’s tongue forced down your throat. You’d slapped him when you pushed him away, “It’s a kiss, right? Frenching is a kiss.” He’d defended with a playful laugh.
If it hadn’t been for the slight possibility of getting Nishinoya, you would have quit the game a long time ago. You would have left in a huff of embarrassment, and would have just… hid yourself away until the memory of this get together was far off in your memory to be blocked by any self-preservation.
Your turn…. You hesitated in spinning the bottle. Your hand shaking before finally resting on it. Did you really want this? Did you really just want a kiss from him and that was it? All of this? For just a peck?
Was it worth it?
“Yes….” You whispered to yourself, reinforcing your intense desire to kiss your crush. You’d walk on hot coals for him - though you really hope there wasn’t a sudden invention of that kind of game… You spun the bottle.
Spinning, spinning, you crossed your fingers and bit your lip, watching it with an intensity your best friend found… amusing. The guilt inside her for kissing your crush easily subsiding at the expression you were currently making. As if you were willing the bottle to land on him.
…. And it worked.
It slowed to a crawl as it neared Nishinoya.
…….Tanaka…… Futakuchi…… Mai… Aone..
“YES!” The both of you cheered at the same time.
Your eyes widened as you met his equally surprised expression. He’d wanted to kiss you? This whole time? You blushed deeply, his expression seemed to melt at the sight of your rosy cheeks; ‘Cute’ being the only thought at the sight of you.
Nishinoya wasted no time, his jitters getting the best of him, nerves exploding all at once, as he jumped to his feet - he couldn’t sit still any longer, and leaning over the bottle seemed to be a disservice to you…. You deserved so much better than a quick peck.
So he brought himself to you, squatting in front of where you kneeled, his hands taking yours… They were shaking, in nervousness or excitement you couldn’t really tell. But he was overflowing with emotion, and you were drowning in the liquid gold of it in his eyes as he leaned closer. And closer. And closer….
Until he yelped and fell to his side, hands falling from yours to his calf.
“Dead Leg.” Yamamoto snickered, pleased with himself.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…” Nishinoya whined, gritting his teeth as his muscles spasmed painfully.
You gave Yamamoto a harsh glare, he’d ruined your moment, “Dick…” You moved so Nishinoya’s head was by your knees, lifting him up gently before resting his head on your lap.
It’s like the pain washed away with your touch, his eyes staring up at you in wonder. Were you filled with magic? The world of his he saw in your eyes definitely pointed to it being true. You smiled tenderly down at him, your heart hammering in your chest as you leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead - it was the only thing you could reach…. You damned your inflexible spine for letting you down.
But he wanted more. He wanted a kiss.
So he pushed himself up, his hand grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you down for a heated kiss.
Explosions of color, of feeling, of all this world’s secret wonders flashed in your head, in your heart. You squeaked in surprise before it easily turned into a hum of approval, your lips moving against his slowly.
“Get a room!” Tanaka teased with a wide smile, proud of his best friend for finally getting his girl.
Nishinoya waved off his friend, not daring to separate from your lips, smiling into the kiss at the passive groans of disgust surrounding the two of you.
Sugawara Koushi: Spin the Bottle
Whoever said older guys were intimidating… Had obviously never met this group of young men….
Kuroo and Bokuto were having a blast with their time, pulling the ‘there’s quarter in this bottle’ splash trick on Asahi more than once tonight and actually getting away with it. Daichi would get after them, like a father with his children, and Asahi would, bless his heart, just take it in good nature.
It was a party after all.. There were tricks and treats abound. The ball would fall tonight, and the real festivities would ramp it up to be… honestly? More amazing than it really was. A new year, new goals, and new things to do that aren’t really new.
Oikawa, too, was a target for pranks - though by his own teammates rather than acquaintances from other cities. Hanamaki and Matsukawa had no limits to the teasing and jokes on Oikawa. Iwaizumi usually having to go in and play father figure in those cases.
The fun was running rampant, yet you stayed well behind the sidelines - not wanting to be targeted, but also just wanting to enjoy the group. Celebrating life and celebrating good times.
All in good fun….
Until the better part of it turned into a… kissing competition of sorts.
You took your seat, next to Suga, “Are we really all doing this?” You asked him, finding his slightly embarrassed smile shooting straight to your heart. A literal angel putting up with the antics of his friends to make them happy… You were blessed to be sitting beside him.
“Well… I think the alcohol has gone to their heads… Especially Tokyo’s kids…” He nodded over to Bokuto and Kuroo, who were slurring harshly and laughing at nothing in particular. They wouldn’t be playing, but heckling from the sideline before either of them inevitably passed out. “Worst case scenario… Everyone falls asleep before the ball drops.” He chuckled patiently, and you felt your heart hiccup to the sound of him.
Sweet. Soft. The blush on your cheeks had no reason to be there, but it made sense to you - You’d had a crush on Suga for the better part of this last year. Being friends with him just didn’t feel fulfilling anymore…. You wanted more.
Your best friend sat beside you, sending a knowing wink towards you, “I think Wakatoshi should start us off!” How did that help you? What was with the wink? You gave her a confused raised eyebrow to which she pretended she didn’t see.
“Whaaat? Why not me~?” Oikawa pouted as he sat opposite of you, crossing his arms like an indignant child.
Iwaizumi smacked his head as he took a seat beside your best friend, “Because we don’t let children handle alcohol.” Oikawa whined in dismay, voicing his verification that he was not a child.
“Sounds like a baby, not a kid, is crying, Iwa-chan~…” Tendou hummed thoughtfully as he took his seat beside Ushijima, nursing his 2nd bottle of whatever alcohol had been brought by the already sloshed Tokyo boys.
Company. A bunch of friends, far and near, and your heart felt full with satisfaction.
Ushijima wasted no time, finding the conversation around him sort of bland, reaching forward and spinning the bottle. It spun and spun for a few rotations before landing on Yukie, Bokuto’s previous team manager. She blushed deeply as Ushijima easily, without much of a show, leaned over and pecked her lips. Nothing amazing, nothing too festive - perfectly fit with the young man who wore a stone expression even in the most joyous of occasions.
It didn’t stop Yukie’s face from exploding in color.
“Me, me, me! I wanna go next!” Oikawa didn’t wait for anyone to object before he was spinning the bottle, watching excitedly as it spun and spun and spun…. Landing on Ushijima. “What?” He squawked indignantly, reeling back from the bottles center as if it’d severely burned him, his expression scrunched in a not too attractive scowl, “Hard pass on that one! Let me go again!”
Matsukawa and Hanamaki could barely contain their laughter at their former captain’s misfortune, snickering around their directions of “You can’t get a second try!” “No, no, go ahead and give’m a smooch!” Their lips wobbling as they bit them closed at Oikawa’s hateful glare at them.
“Hurry it up, would ya? Waka-kun doesn’t have all night~.” Tendou smirked from over Ushijima’s shoulder, his red eyes peering down at Oikawa’s bitter expression from their corner as Oikawa leaned forward and pecked Ushjima.
It happened so fast, it almost felt like it hadn’t happened.
Though, the flash of a phone camera would eternalize the moment forever. Oikawa gasped loudly and turned to see where the flash came from. Daichi smirked from the other side of Suga, lowering his phone smugly as the mortified King sat down, scooting a bit from the group in his childish tantrum.
At Suga’s, and your, curious gazes, Daichi waved you two off, “For blackmail… Tooru is always pranking me… I could also probably sell it to Tetsurou and Koutarou…. Since they’d have a field day with it…” He smiled calmly, finding peace with his escape plans being lain out in front of him.
“Scary….” You and Asahi whispered at the same time, looking at each other in surprise before laughing quietly.
The bottle continued to spin. By the time it got to Suga, you’d been kissed by Iwaizumi, who was slow but passionate, by Semi, who was a little harsh, by Tendou, who was a little too much with his tongue, and Oikawa… who had really soft lips….
A variety of kisses, each different in feel and taste - and you’d enjoyed them… These young men were experienced with lovers and one night stands alike… So they knew how to kiss someone to either woo them or just get them out of their face…
But not the warmest feeling from Oikawa’s soft lips or the way Semi’s blush felt against your hands could really tame the feeling of jealousy in the pit of your stomach when you watched Kiyoko, Yui, Matsukawa and Suguru kiss Suga….
You wanted to kiss him.
Suga glanced around the circle once before spinning the bottle, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, quickly looking away with a tint of pink coloring the tips of his ears when you glanced up at him. Would he be lucky? Would the odds favor him?
The bottle spun and spun before slowly, ever so slowly, clinking to a slow…. Pointing to your best friend beside you.
A gust of wind left your sails as you sat there, glaring at the bottle, feeling…. sad? Upset? Jealous? Probably all three and more….
Until the clinking of the bottle sounded off again, bringing your attention back down to where a hand was slowly turning it to point directly at you. Suga’s hand. You followed his arm up to meet his eyes with your surprised ones, confused on what he was doing.
“Sorry…. I just… figured I should take my chance now instead of waiting for a whole round for the possibility.” His cheeks were pink, and he couldn’t look directly into your eyes, but his hand moved from the bottle to find yours beside him. Soft. Warm and soft.
Your best friend laughed, not really having wanted to step in your territory anyway, “Well, go on! You can’t change who the bottle obviously landed on.” She teased with a wide smile.
Though the rest of the group had a problem, bickering about how it was unfair - Oikawa’s whining being the loudest of them all… Neither you or Suga paid them any mind.
He rested his free hand on your cheek, cupping it tenderly, his thumb stroking your skin as he slowly leaned in. Your eyes slowly closed as he neared, as you leaned forward just the tiniest bit.
Your lips pressed against something hard and flat and your eyes flew open faster than ever before to see … well… not Suga. A paper fan had been slid between the two of you and you turned to glare at Oikawa as he proudly squatted in front of the two of you, “It’s against the rules, Koushi~kun~… I had to kiss Ushijima…. Now you have to kiss Yukino-chan.”
A huff of irritation left Suga, but you didn’t give him the chance to act before you reached out, laid your hand on Oikawa’s chest, and pushed back with a little force. He’d been squatting on the balls of his feet and immediately lost his balance with your push, falling backward into the center of the circle with a yelp. “Sucha baby~.” Matsukawa called over the groups snickering and laughter.
But you weren’t done in your actions, and your hands found Suga’s cheeks, one hand stroking beyond and into his soft silver hair. You smiled sweetly at his surprised expression, finding warmth in the change of it as you neared.
Then he was leaning forward and kissing you tenderly, sweetly, softly…. An angel’s kiss. Kiss of life. You breathed him in as you kissed, finally knowing without a doubt… He was your favorite kiss.
A/N: Send in the character and the challenge (7 min in heaven or spin the bottle) - and I’ll write something up for you
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
30 Chic Wedge Haircuts
New Post has been published on https://healingawerness.com/getting-healthy/getting-healthy-women/30-chic-wedge-haircuts/
30 Chic Wedge Haircuts
Anjali Sayee January 28, 2019
Remember that bowl cut everyone made fun of?
Well, it’s back – but with a modern chic twist! Say hello to the wedge cut, its sophisticated sister. A wedge cut consists of soft bangs that transition gradually into soft layers. It frames your face and highlights your features beautifully. It can also be done with a sharper finish, with feathered or choppy ends, to accentuate your jawline. It is easy to maintain and even easier to style.
If hair is your passion, I’m sure you’ll want to do this cut on your own. However, this is one haircut that you cannot do on yourself. So, I suggest you call a friend over and follow the tutorial given below to give each other wedge haircuts. It’s a great way to get a cool haircut and bond with your friend at the same time!
How To Cut A Basic Wedge Cut
You will need another person whose hair you will cut and who will cut your hair. More importantly, practice on a mannequin first! This is a basic wedge cut that is comprised of three layers. Start off small, and as you keep practicing, you’ll become a pro!
What You Need
Spray bottle (filled with water)
A pair of hair-cutting scissors
Fine-toothed comb
Hair clips
How To Do
Spritz on some water to dampen the hair. It’s always better to cut hair when it’s damp because it’s free of knots and tangles and shows the true length of the hair.
Divide the hair into three sections: a top, a middle, and a bottom section. Clip up the top and middle sections, leaving the last section loose.
Comb the hair in the last section and mark how long you want the hair to be. Using a fine-toothed comb, gather the hair at the center of the bottom section. Hold the hair between your index and middle fingers to keep it flat and cut at the desired length mark.
Remember, the key to achieving a perfect wedge cut is to keep the bowl cut in mind. That means, much like a graduated cut, you need to cut the hair at a slight angle. As you progress, you can try steeper angles with thinner sections of hair.
With the cut hair as reference, chop the rest of the hair in the bottom section.
Unclip the middle section of hair and mark how short you want this section to be. Following the same method as before, cut the hair.
Unclip the top section and comb it down. Leave out some hair in the front and sides for bangs and layers. Brush the rest of the hair and cut it to the desired length.
Comb the front and sides to remove all knots. Using the point-cut method, feather the sides.
Depending on the type of bangs you would like, cut your hair accordingly. Feather the bangs as well.
To finish off the style, feather the ends of the three layers.
Style your in waves to give it some texture and volume.
Before you decide against getting a wedge cut based on the assumption that something inspired by a bowl cut can never look good, think again. These 30 chic wedge haircuts are trending right now. Check them out to get some styling inspiration!
30 Chic Wedge Haircuts
1. Classic Wedge Cut
This is the wedge cut that you’ll see most women choosing. It has a well-defined back hairline and not too many layers. Opt for this wedge cut if you have a thin face. If you have a slightly round face, the layer above the jawline can make it look rounder.
2. Modern Vintage Wedge Cut
Edge meets vintage in this gorgeous wedge cut. This was the kind of wedge cut that was popular back in the ‘20s. A sharp, tapered hairline at the back was all the rage back then. Adding a nice A-line to your wedge cut can take your hairstyle up many notches.
3. Perfectly Curled Wedge Cut
The wedge haircut is mostly by straight-haired women, but it can show off those stunning curls as well. If you have a wider face, keep the layers of your wedge cut just below your jawline.
4. A-Line Wedge Cut
Much like the wedge cut, the bowl cut was also the inspiration for the A-line bob. The curved hairline at the back of this wedge cut lends it an A-line effect. The rich brown color of this hair look lends it a luxurious touch.
5. Fiery Wedge Cut
Wedge cuts are the best to try new colors on because of their layers. These layers showcase vibrant hair colors in all their glory. The color blend of this wedge cut is a beautiful combination of deep plum and fiery red. The contrast between these two colors adds tons of depth to this hair look.
6. Layered Wedge Cut
A layered wedge cut is best suited for the summer. Ideally, the layers should be longer in the front and shorter at the back. That is the trending wedge cut look of 2019. Add some soft babylights and style it in some waves to give yourself the perfect beach-ready look.
7. Softly Curled Wedge Cut
It never ceases to amaze me how a little bit of styling can completely change a hair look. Take a look at this simple wedge cut. It’s a simple cut, but just adding curls at the ends spruces up the entire look. It looks understated yet beautiful.
8. The Character Wedge Cut
Some of us like being edgier than the rest. We like adding subtle twists to our hairstyles and clothes to stand out from the crowd. This wedge cut is a perfect example of that. The hair of this wedge cut has been swept to one side, and its ends have been turned up with the help of some hair gel. You can take this look to the next level by adding some bright violet streaks to it.
9. The Mom Wedge Cut
All women love looking good, including moms! Just because you have kids does not mean you can’t sport a stylish haircut. This wedge cut is perfect for moms and sophisticated women.
10. Layered And Curved Wedge Cut
If you love short hair but don’t want a haircut that’s too edgy, look no further. Layered softly in the front and at the sides, this wedge cut is perfect for that girl-next-door look. It’s also great for anyone who loves playing sports and wants to keep their hair off their face.
11. Permed Wedge Cut
Have you ever had one of those moments when you really wanted to give yourself a makeover? Well, if you have had long hair for a while, it’s time you went this wildly permed wedge cut. It looks playful and youthful!
12. Pastel Wedge Cut
The wedge cut is perfect for flaunting those gorgeous pastel colors. Its layers accentuate your hair texture and display the hair colors beautifully. Don’t simply take my word for it, try it out and see for yourself!
13. Deep-Stacked Wedge Cut
That’s right, the stacked bob can also be done up in a wedge cut. This stacked wedge cut is cut deeply at the back. The blonde at the top and brown at the bottom make this intensely tapered bob look even better.
14. Slight Undercut Wedge
Back in the day, men shaved their hair because they couldn’t afford to maintain long hair. Over time, that became a trend. If you don’t want a complete undercut, opt for this subtle undercut wedge cut instead. Though it’s super edgy, it’s understated enough to be sported in a professional work environment.
15. Simple Wedge Cut
If you’re looking for something really simple, this is it. The layers of this wedge cut are cut long to add some nice texture and volume to it. If you have wide cheeks or your hair lacks volume, this is one of the best haircuts to make the most of your locks.
16. Angled Wedge Cut
The angled wedge cut is one of the most sought-after cuts. It is made up of sharp layers cut at a steep angle: long in the front and short at the back. It’s modern, uber stylish, and perfect for anyone working in a fast-paced corporate office.
17. Tomboy Wedge Cut
The wedge cut is very versatile. It can be sophisticated and mature or youthful and wild, depending on your preference. It’s no wonder that so many women love the wedge cut! The burgundy highlights of this tomboy-inspired wedge cut add a nice finishing touch to this look.
18. Well-Defined Wedge Cut
Do you like your hair perfectly sculpted and in place? If so, opt for this well-defined wedge cut. Normally, you need to use a gel or mousse to style your hair perfectly. However, this wedge cut has a naturally-sculpted feel and can be styled without using many products.
19. Flicked-Out Ends
This haircut was big in the ‘90s. Almost every teen and young adult sported (or wanted to sport) this haircut. It’s been sported by celebrities like Kelly Clarkson. This look seems to be making a comeback now. Its flicked-out ends help frame your face.
20. Curly Wedge Cut
Loving yourself involves being comfortable with how you look. Accept your naturally curly locks and flaunt them with this playfully wild wedge cut.
21. Ashy Wedge Cut
This mildly messy wedge cut is taken up a few notches with a lovely deep ash blonde hair color. The color adds a chic touch to this classic wedge cut.
22. Multi-Layered Wedge Cut
If you have thick hair, showcase your hair’s texture and volume with this multi-layered wedge cut. The layers are cut all over the hair to add more dimension to it. Color this cut with a dark chocolate brown shade to finish off the look.
23. Vintage Wedge Cut
Back in the early 1900s, this was a wedge cut that most of the young women sported. Paired with a scarf or a barrette, this wedge cut was a big trend. It’s making a comeback now, and I love it! I like how different it is from most of the wedge cuts you see now. The side-swept bangs wrap up this cut wonderfully.
24. Teased Wedge Cut
Love the ‘80s look? Then, you’ll love this haircut. If you have thin hair, this a great way to make it look voluminous. Backcomb your wedge from the top to the down. Comb the top section of your hair for a neater look.
25. Defined Hairline Wedge Cut
Showing off a well-defined hairline is a growing trend right now. You don’t need to go for an undercut to achieve this look. Opt for this wedge cut instead. Let your wedge cut look messy as it adds a youthful vibe to the look.
26. Pixie Bob Wedge Cut
Confused whether to go for a pixie or a bob? Choose both with this modern wedge cut. The long sideburns and back to front layers make this a very chic and stylish look. Spritz on some hairspray to keep your hair in place.
27. Slick Wedge Cut
Most women love the angled wedge cut. This haircut is cut close to the hairline at the back to give it clear definition. Straighten your hair to create an edgy and bold hair look.
28. Long Wedge Cut
If you’re not one for short hair, the wedge cut has your back. Notice how the hair is cut short at the back and long in the front, but it’s subtle and not too angled. This is the perfect look for working women who want a stylish haircut while still looking mature.
29. Sunset Wedge Cut
Adding color to your locks can really liven them up. Opt for colors that are similar in tone, like these shades of blonde and light ginger. This color blend is reminiscent of sunsets, long walks on the beach, and everything good in the world.
30. Slick Black Wedge Cut
In my opinion, this is one of the best wedge cuts. This wedged bob has the perfect ‘D’ shape along with a clean, angled finished. Keep the layers and ends soft to add definition to your face.
A wedge cut is just what you need to make yourself over in the most badass way.
Which one of these wedge cuts do you want to try out? Comment below and let us know!
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Anjali Sayee
Source: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/wedge-haircuts/
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lovingchaosdreamer · 6 years
Trendiest hair colors Hairstyles and Haircuts of spring summer 2018
New Post has been published on http://www.newlasthairstyles.com/trendiest-hair-colors-hairstyles-and-haircuts-of-spring-summer-2018/
Trendiest hair colors Hairstyles and Haircuts of spring summer 2018
 2018 will be year of hair by means of fashion.  Many celebrities are changing their hairstyles radically. Kim Kardashian farewells to her long blonde locks for the sake of brown shades. We welcome the mesmerizing rose gold hair trend and the perfect blend of balayage that will never fade away.
New year brings many new things and there’s going to be some serious hair flipping going on with these trending color, cut and hairstyle ideas. Whether you have beautiful long or stylishly short hair, get ready for the coming fashion trend.
The new Instagram-trend is gem roots that you should definitely see. You can have from matte to pastel shades of green and pink and silvery blonde ends, it will be definitely gorgeous. Here you can find hair color ideas 2018 as well as hair styles and cuts 2018.
1-Fruit Juice Haircolor
One more trend that hair colors for brunettes should try is the latest color style dubbed ‘fruit juice. Created by hair guru Alisha McAlister, she states: “I’m not sure what to call this! It’s a mix of blended fruit colors. I started this hair color thinking I was doing a simple base and tone. Then my amazing client surprised me! She said, “I want something different!” So yay for stylist choice night!”. We think it’ll be a big hit this summer.
2-Rose Brown Haircolor
Here is the difference! A pastel trend that brunettes can use surely. The rose gold trend and rose brown is gaining popularity on Instagram. Rather than having to dye your hair bright blonde to achieve the look, you can have this with darker hair colors. Coined by hairstylist Thi Thao Tu, it’s done by using a combination of bleach, Olaplex treatment, and brown and red dyes. This is really cool!
3-Oversized Braid Hairstyles
While we are at the end of spring and getting ready for the summer, and it’s fair to say that this season hair was kept simple on the catwalks – we’ve seen a lot of side partings, tousled waves and low ponytails. But at the Simone Rocha show oversized braids was at center stage, tied with a black velvet ribbon, the romantic style is perfect for the hot months. It is one of the 2018 trendy hairstyles.
4-Ghosted Haircolor
This mesmerizing style has nothing to do with the dating term, but rather what’s hiding in the shadows of the gorgeous hue. Why’s it different from platinum or silver? It’s the addition of carbon, quartz and oyster white which gives the specialty. Created by Jason Hogan of Josh Wood Atelier, it’s definitely going to be a hair trend of this year.
5-Statement Middle Parts Hairstyles
It can seem simple but changing your part can change your life. New hair trend is all about splitting it straight down the middle. The more dramatic, the better. Decide whether a middle part will suit you.
6-Straight Up Luxe Hairstyles
It is the hair trend flashback of 2001 when it was accepted that only way to wear your hair was super straight. You may need a new equipment to do the job? Here are 13 of the best hair straighteners to suit every budget.
7-Hairstyles With Ballerina buns
Ballerina buns turn back to hair fashion world! However, this time we’re keeping them smaller (RIP donuts), sweeter and slicked back. Add a braid to your lengths before twisting into a bun for a little something extra.
8-Wet-Look Waves Hairstyles
Consequently, a look that won’t be ruined in the rain! But it does take some talent to perfect – start by curling your hair in different directions, then run a generous amount of haircareoil through your lengths and finish with a soft wax for hold and shine. The wet look will make many red carpet hairstyle appearances in 2018.
9-Soft fringes and undone layers hairstyles
Is it just us or did all the Victoria’s Secret Angels immediately head to the hairdresser after Tokyo to have a fringe cut? We’re looking at many celebrities but we all know Vanessa Moody got there first.
10-Choppy punk fringes hairstyles
A little more edgy and a little less hair in your eyes. Both Bella Hadid and Emily Ratajkowski have used this style and probably they will go on.
11-Glossiness equals greatness
Do you want your hair to be as blinding as your highlighter? Amal Clooney and Kate Middleton have been giving us glossy blow wave envy for years, and it will continue with no doubt.
12-But undone is equally fun
This is the hairstyle for lazy ones. Matte, textured, “I don’t give a shit” hair is the look we’ll all be spending 20 minutes trying to make it look like it took us only two to whip up. It is like a bed hair in a bun – simple!
13-Bringing back the bowl haircut
It is so simple that if Zendaya can do it, you can do it. A bowl cut can been adapted to suit any hair type and face shape. “It can be classy or edgy, it can be androgynous or ultra-feminine – it’s all about choice.” says Melissa Timperly, owner of Melissa Timperely Salon in Manchester. After shaving her head last year, Cara Delevingne will be one to be seen this year.
 14-Embellish a little short hairstyles
Try unique hairstyles! Add a little glitz and glamour to your ‘do with hair jewelry. Pop some bling in your braids, sparkly studs in your hair up do or simply slide in a headband for easy elegance.
15-Beach waves, always
Have your sea salt spray and curling tongs at the ready because beach wave hair is still in use. You don’t need to live by the sea to look like a bronzed beach goddess, just add some fake tan and you’re well enough to go.
16-Cool coppers
As everybody do, we know the adorable hair color is red hair, whether it’s bright and fiery or a muted strawberry blonde. And this year, Charlotte McKenna predicts we’ll all be adding a little warmth into our hair colour, “Most will abandon granny chic in favour of warmer pallets. 2018 hair fashion will see more and more copper tones, from brunettes and golden copper balayage to full on vivid coppers.”
17-Go for gold
The indispensable hair color in 2018 is goldie hair. Blondes in particular will be steering away from silvery platinum tones and going back to their golden roots. Keep it classy, not brassy by popping one of these toning shampoos in your shower.
18-Crimped and primped
It may be thought as crimped hair has been biding its time in the style sidelines, but we’re ready to welcome it back with open arms. Those with thin hair will find it particularly handy for creating volume and the illusion of thicker hair.
19-Touch me texture
Be ready for looking sexy and stylish. A little texture here, a little kink here and a freshly washed finish that’s hard to fake. Those who are lucky will be able to wash and wear, but for the rest of us: blow-dry straight, but leave your lengths slightly damp. Twist and pin into place while you finish getting ready, and then release just as you walk out the door.
20-Hairstyles for women 80s perm
Time for retro! Curls, curls, curls. Big like the hairstyles of 80s, but tighter tendrils and more frizz control thanks to today’s smoothing products.
21-New waves hairstyles
Hair Color Trends For Waves Hair
It is just the reasonable hairstyle solution. Not straight and not quite curly, but something in between. This new wave isn’t overly styled, but isn’t messy either. Kaia Gerber is leading the pack with this one.
22-Hairstyles for women 70s vibe
Be ready for the hippy style back in 2018! “70s hair is going to be a huge trend for this year. The loose, bouncy curls with dishevelled edges that made the decade so memorable, have now returned and are guaranteed to be seen everywhere.” says Andrew José.
        New Last Hair Styles
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syntheticlacewigs · 7 years
These Are the Top 10 Haircuts For 2017, According to Stylists
New year, new haircut, am I right? Resolutions for beauty girls (and boys!) are all about experimenting with your look. And one of the most obvious ways to do that is by getting a fresh chop. According to these celebrity stylists and top salon pros, a new haircut can completely change your face and hair routine. Plus, it’s fun to head back to the office and receive compliments about your makeover moment.
No matter your natural hair texture or desired length, we asked these brilliant stylists for inspiration and tips on what cut to get and how to style it. Keep reading, and get ready to screenshot your 2017 dream hair.
The Modern Shag The cut: The Modern Shag
Celebrity inspiration: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
What it looks like: “The key to getting a shag cut that looks cool and modern is to keep the layers longer in proportion to the length (otherwise it looks dated),” said Rodney Cutler, a Redken ambassador and Cutler salon owner.
What to ask for at the salon: “If you have thick hair, ask for lots of layers so to take out some of the weight,” he explained. “If you have fine, straight hair, make sure the layers are a bit choppy and not too seamless in order to achieve the desired texture.”
Styling tip: “The new and improved shag cuts look best styled a bit more polished,” he added. “Hair should be smooth and healthy looking; however, avoid blow-drying with a round brush — you’ll end up looking more soccer mom than supermodel.
“Whether you’re wearing it straight or wavy, make sure the ends are straight. Then finish with a texturizing product. Redken Wind Blown 05 is great used all over for matte finish, and a product like Redken Rough Paste 12 can be used on ends for separation and definition.”
Shattered Long Layer Shag With Bangs The cut: Shattered Long Layer Shag With Bangs
Celebrity inspiration: Halle Berry
What it looks like: This is a superlayered long hairstyle with texturizing being the hero. In the look, bangs have been added as well as lots of facial framing to create the overall shag element.
What to ask for at the salon: “This is definitely one of those ‘just go for it’ moments in the salon,” explained Kérastase Paris consulting hairstylist Matt Fugate. “This look is for the girl who loves her length but wants a modern update. Ask your stylist to chop and a messy fringe that grazes between your eyelid and brow. Go longer at first, so that it leaves room to texturize. Then, freehand in some layers using a razor all throughout the crown. Add in face-framing layers to break up the shape of the cut, as well as lots of layers through the sides and back. Something to key in on is to not cut the hair too short over the ears and around the face. Those stay long to keep the integrity of the long style, but the hair above and on the crown can be cut.”
Styling tip: “You want to create a thick texture here. Think: ‘raw denim jeans,’ not a ‘silk dress.’ Load wet hair with a thickening gel — my fave is Kérastase Thermiques line — they complement the Matérialiste well.
“Flip over your locks and blast with the blow dryer. This is a time you can be rough on the blow-drying in order to activate product and ‘rough up’ the style. Once dry, use a medium or small (or both!) curling iron to twist, wrap, and rope the hair in random ways so that the texture is multiplied. Once done, flip hair again and shake it! You can finish with a texturizing spray like V.I.P. to add extra grit and volume.”
Wild and Free Texture The cut: Wild and Free Texture
Celebrity inspiration: Alicia Keys
What it looks like: “This is a beautiful statement haircut that has more to it than meets the eye,” Fugate said. “For the super curly-haired girls, this is all about shape and balance and knowing how the hair is going to react to the cut.”
What to ask for at the salon: “Ask your stylist to set in a great shape; the architecture in this cut is key. Then, once you have some strong lines cut into the layers, you want to let this style do its thing, and then perfect it like you would a bonsai tree. You can shape the curls by slightly deconstructing them and freeing the weight of them to allow for airiness.”
Styling tip: “This look is all about the curls, and a great product for this is Curl Fever. A few pumps in wet hair, and then you let the hair do its own thing. You can pick it out and build the party up and then let the shape of the cut synergize with the texture and rock it out.”
Choppy Pixie The cut: Choppy Pixie
Celebrity inspiration: Kiersey Clemons
What it looks like: “Right now we are having a hair renaissance,” said Spoke & Weal founder Jon Reyman. “Seems like everything is available to everyone. No one is saying, ‘Oh I can’t go short because I am curly or my face shape is this way so that doesn’t work.’ There are a lot less ‘rules,’ and I think we will continue to see natural hair texture at all different lengths. This is great for anyone who wants to have a haircut as a style. The cut is a statement and inspires confidence as there is nothing to hide behind.”
What to ask for at the salon: Keep the fringe short, and add lots of layers all over. Keep it thick (meaning leave lots of weight in the hair; it’s a heavier, thicker, and stronger look). Texture rules in this cut, curly, wavy, or straight.
Styling tip: “Use minimum products — just a little hold product such as Aveda Volumizing Tonic and a very light oil light smoothing fluid to soften, only if necessary. This style is really about minimal work, minimal product, very natural look. Less is more.”
Layered Curly Cut The cut: Layered Curly Cut
Celebrity inspiration: Yara Shahidi
What it looks like: According to Reyman, this layered chop is best for women with naturally curly hair. Layers help curls air-dry in better placement.
What to ask for at the salon: “Ask your hairdresser for layers,” Reyman noted. “Depending on your texture, ask your hairdresser to cut so that the curliest version of your cut will shrink up to your shoulders. The hair is about the texture, and not as much about the cut. Wear your hair frizzy, curly, and natural.”
Styling tip: “Take advantage of doing nothing for once in your life,” he joked. “Embrace what happens. Finish your look with cool makeup or an oversized sweater. Make sure to relish in how easy this is.”
Chin-Length Bob The cut: Chin-Length Bob
Celebrity inspiration: Léa Seydoux
What it looks like: “This is the perfect go-to for women with straight and fine hair or straight and thick hair,” Reyman said of the short chop. The straightforward cut may not necessarily be new, but it definitely feels on-trend for 2017. Short hair, bobs, and lobs are definitely still “in.”
What to ask for at the salon: “Ask for a chin-length bob, all one length,” he said. “Keep it blunt. If you have a lot of hair, very dense hair, have it texturized or thinned out but without layering. There should be no layers to this cut.”
Styling tip: “Simple,” Reyman explained. “Show off the cut by wearing it pin straight. Wavy and mess work well too. A heat protectant spray, like Aveda Brilliant Damage Control, and flat iron to style straight or for putting bend in will be your go-tos for this cut.”
Structured A-Line Lob The cut: Structured A-Line Lob
Celebrity inspiration: Fergie
What it looks like: “This is for the woman who is trying to grow her traditional bob shape,” said Matrix celebrity stylist Nick Stenson. “It has a strong, heavy line with movement in the midsections.”
Styling tip: “Blow-dry smooth, and then add in Matrix Style Link Texture Builder Messy Finish Spray to build in movement without sacrificing the length,” he explained.
  Micro Afro The cut: Micro Afro
Celebrity inspiration: Lupita Nyong’o
What it looks like: “This cut is for the woman who wants to look on trend but maintain her natural curl,” Stenson said. “It’s a short crop on highly textured hair to show off the face features.”
Styling tip: “Apply Matrix Biolage R.A.W. Replenish Oil Mist to hair overnight as a treatment and wash out in the morning to keep it soft and manageable,” he added.
Soft Undercut The cut: Soft Undercut
Celebrity inspiration: Alexa Chung
What it looks like: “A soft undercut is used to remove bulk from the interior and to add texture to the baseline,” explained Anh Co Tran, L’Oréal Professionnel international stylist and co-owner of Ramirez Tran Salon. “It’s a really popular style and people are just catching on — this will definitely be a big trend in 2017.”
What to ask for at the salon: “To achieve, ask your hairdresser to go slightly shorter in the back, with a soft undercut and lots of shaggy layers,” he said.
Styling tip: “Grab a 1.5-inch curling iron to accentuate the look and add loose ringlets without curling the roots or the ends of the hair to do so,” Tran noted. “Add in texture spray or a texturizing powder like L’Oréal Professionnel True Grip.”
Textured 1930s-Inspired Bob The cut: Textured 1930s-Inspired Bob
Celebrity inspiration: Miranda Kerr
What it looks like: “This cut is best suited for wavy to straight hair textures,” said Butterfly Studio Salon senior stylist, Vanessa Fernandez. “It’s a sweet yet sexy look approximately hitting at chin length (more or less) with added layers.”
What to ask for at the salon: “At the salon, ask for subtle graduation and to keep the cut slightly A-line, meaning shorter in the back to front,” she said. “Adding 90-degree layers will give you the movement you want. Ask for a wavy blow-dry and curling iron set to get this look.”
Styling tip: “At home, style with a blow dryer and small brush, create bounce, and use a one-inch iron to lock in the waves,” she explained. “Keep in mind all should be styled away from the base. Brush out and spray.”
  from EverydayWigs http://ift.tt/2nGW5tv
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universeinform-blog · 8 years
Beauty and the Beast’, ‘Trapped’ among several options this week
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/20/beauty-and-the-beast-trapped-among-several-options-this-week/
Beauty and the Beast’, ‘Trapped’ among several options this week
A spate of releases has left film buffs with several options this week.
Vikramaditya Motwane’s Trapped, starring Rajkummar Rao, is a first rate albeit loopholed survival thriller, says India These days. Motwane captures a whole panoply of feelings on Rao’s face—from irritation to anger to helplessness to worry. There are many close-u.S.and the actor nails nearly they all. Except the by and large taut tale, the movie is based heavily on its male lead and Rao does a fabulous activity.
The Indian Explicit isn’t as inspired, calling the movie choppy. There are not sufficient in reality frightening heart-in-mouth moments. Rao’s despair stays mostly on the floor whilst you need to peer more of the soul. Given Motwane’s abilities at creating emotions, and Rao’s capability to channel them, Trapped doesn’t take us as a long way over the brink it may, or must have.
Abbas-Mustan’s romantic mystery System, starring Mustafa Burmawala and Kiara Advani, is pretty clearly the worst movie you’ll see in a long time, says Bollywood Life. Apart from more than one helping actors, the film is a messy affair with lame subplots, amateur performances, and cringe-worthy dialogues. The lack of common sense doesn’t help.
Mantra, starring Rajat Kapoor and Kalki Koechlin and directed via Nicholas Kharkongor, efficaciously seeks to record the crucial time of India’s financial liberalization and the long-drawn outcomes of the same that began in 1991, says Hindustan Instances. There are nods to crimson-tapes in the enterprise, to the minister-businessman nexus, and the upward push of the extreme right wing. In that, Mantra ticks all the packing containers and touches upon essential troubles that described the duration. However the hyperlinks are vulnerable, and the subplots episodic. You emerge as wishing greater display time were dedicated to the smaller, more relatable stories.
The Best Selected Beauty Tips for Teenage Girls
  Wash and cleanse
Teenage ladies are virtually one of the busiest due to their school activities and, of the path, the blooming social life. This is the most fundamental of all splendor guidelines for teenage girls because splendor and pores and skin care begin with an easy face. A habitual of cleaning the face is a have to every morning and earlier than snoozing. Make it a point to use a gentle soap, moisturizer, and toner which suit your skin type.
 Ditch the mouse, welcome BB lotions
Splendor guidelines for teenage ladies are cautiously set make makeup on retaining their touchy and sensitive skin. Foundation creams make-supply an excessive amount of cake and are probably a primary purpose of zits and blemishes. To avoid this, teenagers should act to the usage of more secure products like BB creams, which are becoming quite a few right reception from the young women. Plus, most BB creams incorporate sunscreen substance; the usage of it is a completely really useful splendor tip for women to follow.
 Chic with organic
Splendor and pores and skin care among teenage ladies are very important. The younger skin is probably at its greatest elasticity however it’s also more prone to dust and irritation. One beauty tip for teenage women is to use herbal products in treating zits and different pores and skin issues. For one, you may use lemon slices because of the anti-bacterial remedy for zits and zits; used tea baggage for rejuvenating your eyes; and brown sugar for exfoliation.
 Cross easily on 
Yes, placing on is a laugh, however, there are usually precautions mainly when managing delicate skin. one of the without a doubt important beauty recommendations for teenage girls is to continually hold your dabbed truly. Less is more as they say. Consider to keep it balanced, while you need to play around with a rainbow of eyeshadow colors, you have to preserve your lipstick color to a minimal. Also, one beauty hints for ladies is to hold a young and dewy look for your cheeks, pick out a cream blush on as opposed to the powdered one.
 Be lovely interior
Eating healthful and preserving a workout routine is surely one of the great splendor guidelines for teenage girls. This does not simplest assist you preserve your health, it Additionally gives your face and the relaxation of your body a natural glow. beauty and pores and skin care are a splendid deal to have a tendency to and also you have to feed your frame with plenty of healthy substances plus those endorphins you get from exercising.
Trapped? What to Do With Aging Parents and Growing Kids
Your parents gave the start to you in the overdue ’60s early ’70s and guy what an early life. You clearly played outside, accumulated friends for a recreation of soccer, or had that weekly trash speak recreation of tennis at the nearby rec middle. Now anyone is grown with youngsters of their personal and evening basketball exercise, homework, and summer camps are the norm. And what about the one’s dad and mom who did the nice they might with what they knew, to raise you into an upstanding citizen – they may be nonetheless right here. In different words, they’re no longer useless, have no longer handed on, and have not long gone to satisfy their maker.
So what are we able to do with growing older mother and father and developing children? – Two matters. Have a laugh and take images of the entirety (or video it).
As time marches on, and yes it waits for no one, existence turns into all the extra precious. If I may also evaluate time to the speed of your WiFi – on every occasion you switch around it’s coming at a faster and quicker velocity. The children are developing up so fast and mom and dad have located a manner to slow down the getting old procedure. It’s 3 generations taking part in existence at the identical time. Isn’t that precious. Oh, what reminiscences for the family.
So start nowadays collecting the own family around for photographs. sure, do the formal and the informal, like you did in college. Have fun, chat, and of route proportion a meal. Then seize the closest telephone, pill, or fireplace up the computing device and produce that domestic movie. Do not watch for the circle of relatives reunion – some of you could no longer make it.
it’s the weekend and the chores want to be completed at your “old” residence and the children have a game. clutch the gear, load up the van, forestall by mom and pops, and anyone joins the caravan to go see the infants in action.
Please delete or upload the antique photos and motion pictures so that you can free up reminiscence – we Don’t want any surprises. And please ensure each person has enough battery life.
No issues. The grandparents recognize all approximately downloading apps, YouTube, and Facebook. Ain’t existence grand! three generations living and absolutely everyone is up-to-speed on the trendy device – making it easy and interesting to build lasting reminiscences.
So what’s there to do? Have fun and report the whole thing. Time is passing, and passing fast, but you could sluggish it down and seize the treasured moments.
Several Benefits of Taking Loans
Loans are pretty common nowadays. To define the procedure of a loan it is able to be said that it’s far the investment that facilitates the groups can use to buy raw materials, machinery or other matters once they do no longer have the desired quantities.
There are numerous types of mortgage options to be had for one to pick. no longer simplest commercial enterprise loans one can also avail non-public loans which are exceptional to fulfill the character needs of the man or woman.
Kinds of loans-
Small commercial enterprise loans
Those are given out to the new marketers the advances that they could use to start a brand new commercial enterprise or expand an older business.
Payday loans
Those kinds of loans are given many to the employees of an employer or an office. The loans are small in quantity and must be repaid to the financing company inside a brief length, now not extending a length of six months.
Private loans
Whether it is for paying his bills or for purchasing a new motorbike or an electronic device he likes, someone can observe for a private mortgage. Of direction, the amount is sanctioned to him at the pursuit that he has an amazing credibility score and is willing to repay in the time body set by means of the financing company.
Those forms of loans are given out in trade for belonging which the borrower is prepared to risk. Failing to pay returned the loan quantity causes the person to give away the property to the fund providing organization.
Pupil loans
If a Student desires to retain similarly take a look at but is not able to do so due to the insufficient budget, he/she will be able to take a Pupil loan. This mortgage pays off all of the costs of the establishments and he/she can repay returned the cash in installments within a stipulated time frame.
Why one must take a loan
• Everybody, be it someone, a Scholar or a company can practice for a loan. • The proprietor of an organization does now not have to arrange the cash from his personal. • The manner of getting a loan is problem loose. The borrower can get a mortgage from any of the financing agencies, banks, and many others. • The repayment options are smooth and within the attain of the common citizen. The hobby charges are low.
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