#its shipping yourself with a fictional character or fantasizing about real people especially those who are out of your league
panuccispizza · 10 months
ok I'm watching the hbomberguy video and this later section about James somerton's misogyny is so weird because why does he look 43 and keeps talking about teenage girls' interests almost obsessively
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monstermonii · 3 years
Shipping & Fandoms (from an adult who spent too much of their adolescence on the internet, but now cares way more about real life)
There’s probably hundreds if not thousands of posts about the moralities of shipping and fandoms and whatever, but whatever you align yourself with just take the time to read. Or don’t. It’s up to you. I typed this out while waiting for my hot chocolate to cool down so take it however seriously you want. I just felt like posting something that I feel like isn’t shared a lot in fandom spaces and I think its important for younger people to learn about.
I would say only about 5% of people in fandoms that consider themselves pro-shippers are looking to promote pedophilia and/or incest and genuinely think that its acceptable in media and in real life.
These are people who genuinely think fantasizing about pedophilia & incest is perfectly okay to do (note: It’s not, and they should seek help).
They will call it anything. They’ll call it coping, they’ll say anyone who disagrees with them is censoring and oppressive, they’ll say fiction doesn’t affect reality (it does, thats not up for debate or argument) they will do anything to look like the victim.
They will especially entice normal people in fandoms with those quirky harmless ships that might get made fun of, that they are on your side. They’ll bait people with traumatic experiences that these fantasies are healthy ways to cope. They aren’t, they are using you to promote interests that most likely do not fall in line with yours.
There’s a certain extent to which “Do whatever you want, as long as you’re having fun!” is applicable, that applies to fandom spaces. Pedophiles intend to blur these lines.
About 90% of people shipping characters in fandoms are normal people that fantasize about age-appropriate characters in relationships with each other, whether their canon relationship supports it or not.
Whether someone calls themselves a pro-shipper or an anti, I genuinely think most people fall in this category. The vast majority of people no matter which one you call yourself are against pedophilia and incest.
Pro-shippers, I assure you that “antis” genuinely aren’t trying to call you unmoral for having a non-canon ship. But recognize that in your midst, there are real pedophiles that are looking for supporters and they aren’t always easy to distinguish, just be aware of that.
Antis, the majority of people that consider themselves pro-shippers aren’t actually in favor of pedophilic or incest relationships (fictional or irl), bullying them (especially minors that consider themselves a pro-shipper) is what pedophiles want. Bullying them will make it so much easier for the pedophiles to groom minors. 
And probably 5% of people in fandoms that consider themselves anti-shippers are puritanists that’ll bully anyone that doesn’t promote their vanilla and morally perfect ship.
Just like the % of the people who are actual pedophiles is small, the % of these puritainists is very small too, but fandom pedophiles will try and persuade you that this is a bigger number-- that anyone who disagrees with your ship is out to censor the media you love because they don’t like anyone that disagrees with them.
In the same sense as pedophiles, will try to convince the younger normal people of fandoms that harassing and bullying anyone that disagrees with them is the morally right thing to do, and anyone thats a “pro-shipper” is supportive of pedophilia.
Fandoms are meant to be fun, but at some point it’s turned into a fight against what group is more morally right than the other. 
It’s so much more important to invest your moral growth from experiences in real life than it is from strangers on the internet. When most of your social life stems from the internet, you’re missing out on vital social skills built in your adolescence.
When we use labels like “antis” and “pro-shipper” and whatever else, it not only makes it difficult to distinguish between who is actually bad and who is someone that thinks a little differently, it polarizes communities that could otherwise be connecting over their favorite entertainment.
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In conclusion, most of us aren’t bad and we need to protect people who are vulnerable to actual bad influences on the internet. Be nice to each other, and log off every once and awhile.
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sadsinclair · 4 years
I cannot stay silent about this anylonger, I have seen some posts in the bioshock hashtag that have aimed to down on those who ship certain characters in the fandom. This of course goes for every fandom!
This is a FANDOM, these ships do not have to be cannon and do not have to be agreed by everyone on the internet. And to add to this, these are fictional characters and not to be taken seriously. And if you take them seriously be mindful that not everyone is going to be doing the same.
You don’t get the right to dictate who can like specific content on the internet, especially if what they are doing isn’t harming anyone. I won’t be sharing names of accounts because I’m not that low and I’m almost positive that it’s only children being children. We make mistakes! But bashing on others and spreading harmful allegations based on a persons personal liking of a relationship amongst FICTIONAL characters is not acceptable behaviour. This can absolutely damage someone’s personal life, weather it be getting a job or even mental health.
How would you like it if someone called you a rapist, or claiming You as a abuser because of the fake relationship you ship between two fictional beings. These are serious allegations! This can harm someone’s personal life. And all these are claimed and spread about just because you don’t agree with the pairing of FAKE CHARACTERS.
I in no way think abuse is ok! And if you believe I think it is due to my liking of atlas and jack then you are very mistaken. I judge people based on their real life mistakes not their fictional character pairings.
Stating stuff like “well actually all the characters are ____ insert sexuality (weather it be ace, gay, lesbian, pan—-“ that’s a personal depiction of the characters you love. Doesn’t have to be cannon and you all don’t have to agree with one another. But this doesn’t mean you dictate how people view characters.
To add onto this I find it absolutely heart breaking to read posts where others bash on a ship post (example- jackXatlas, sinclairXdelta, RyanXfontaine) simply because they find it disgusting due to the history’s of the characters or even because it’s man on man, girl on girl, or man on women.These relationships are not meant to be cannon! They are created by the fans for their own entertainment. Doesn’t mean it’s really in the story.
Have an opinion and a preference but this doesn’t give you the right to bully people on the internet or allow you to spread harmful allegations. Ask yourself, is this person harming me or someone else by Drawing or writing this? If the answer is no then be kind and swipe by.
And before ANYONE wants to start with “well shipping children characters aren’t ok” I agree, it isn’t ok to fantasize young children doing adult things! This post isn’t to defend those who believe it’s ok to sexualize underaged characters. This post is simply meant to get the point across that we can like different content and ship others without bullying those who have a different depiction of a character as well as not spread harmful allegations.
You don’t know everyone personally! Stating life threatening claims (abuser, pedophile, etc..) are not acceptable. It’s one thing if they are a danger to media and you have records of said person doing illegal things and such but unless you do... do not say these things.
I’m positive this message won’t change the minds of those who are stuck in their own way of thinking and are not open to others ideas but hopefully down the road this can help someone out.
Remember, ITS A VIDEO GAME! it’s FICTIONAL. fandoms are created by the fans exploring with new ideas with an already made storyline and character base. Stop Villianizing those with non harmful opposing viewpoints on something so pointless like fake character relationships. We have bigger problems to fight about! For example, getting grown ass adults to not groom children and getting equal rights for those who should have had them to begin with.
You don’t have to like everyone’s content and you also don’t have to comment.
Once again I’m not saying that it’s ok to sexualize underaged characters and to add to that I also don’t think real life children should be sexulaized either: that’s nasty af.
No one owns the fandom! Sure the franchise might be owned but all the fan made story’s and art.. that’s the community’s lovely doing. Embrace different depictions and engage with your community. Bring eachother up! Most likely everyone’s self conscious about their lovely creations.
Xoxo 💋 yours truly
(If you want to discuss further or have questions my dms are open. I’m not here to put people down but uplift them.)
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