#its on their fridge 😌😌😌😌😌😌😌
guinevereslancelot · 1 year
dented my new water bottle but i bought 100 flower stickers and now it's pretty and you cant see the dent. simple pleasures will cure me
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devondespresso · 1 year
watching steve and dustin clips from season 2 and i never realized how they just take turns being chill vs unhinged. like i think the moments where Dustin's going off and Steve's just sitting there are pretty commonly acknowledged, but there are just as many moments where Steve is just. wack. and Dustin is the straight-man telling him to chill
like waking up in the car obviously is one, but also stuffing the demodog corpse in the Byers' fridge? Steves shoving it in there like "dude help mE OUt" "yea sure.💁 what do i do🧍" "the dOor man tHE DOOR" "yeah ok i got the door😌👍"
also my personal favorite: in the bus Steve figuring out Dustin liked Max and going all wink wink nudge nudge and Dustin's like "why are you winking, Steve? stop."
best dynamic, just listen to the shit Dustin says quietly in response to Steve because its actually gold just hidden in blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments
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windvexer · 10 months
Resolving conflicting magical recommendations (for beginners)
(This isn't reactionary I promise, it's been on my mind for a couple of days 😅)
Idk really how helpful this will be, but if you're a beginner who is confused by a lot of apparently contradicting information, here are some thoughts/ideas that are too basic to have been this hard earned, but I'm not called Fool for no reason.
[All of the following are just my beliefs and aren't universal or applicable to everyone]
Resolving magical conflicts through intent
You can find apparent contradictions in almost any magical action. For example:
Light a candle to charge a crystal with energy
Light a candle to burn away an energy and dwindle it down to nothing
When you light the candle, is it going to fill the crystal with energy?
Or, is it going to burn away energy until nothing is left?
My belief is that this is where the idea of intent plays one of its most basic and vital roles in witchcraft.
When you perform a magical action, "setting intent" can be a vital first step that should not be skipped.
If you are aware that the fire could either charge or burn away, then it is very literally up to you what it does. As the agent of control and/or chaos, it is the witch who determines which facets of power come out to play.
Setting intent can be done inside of your head. Or, speak, sign, or write intent.
Rules about how you totally have to write intent can, for the most part, be ignored (e.g., "your intent must be present progressive tense or the Universe will never let you manifest your goals." Nah, the Universe doesn't even speak human language tbh.)
Setting intent is not the only step to working magic, and sometimes literally doesn't matter. ("It's my intent to honor the spirit of this lake with an offering! *Dumps cigarette butts and beer cans into the water* "The lake is honored because that was my intent 😌")
Having a limited set of beliefs about what a certain power can do is like automatically setting intent. ("It's only possible that candles burn away energy, so when I light it, of course it will have a banishing effect.")
Setting intent in this manner only works to the extent that the power you are working with could already do the thing. If you've got a freezer with an ice dispenser on the door you can intend to store food inside it to chill, or, you can intend to get water out of the door, but it doesn't matter how much you intend to fry a chicken. The fridge does not do that action.
Resolving magical contradictions through tradition
Tradition in and of itself can advise how to resolve contradictions of magical meaning. This includes religious, magical, and cultural traditions.
What's important to remember is that just because one group does it one way, it doesn't mean that their way is universally correct.
A lot of people enter into the world of witchcraft with the concept that there is one universally correct set of methods and rules by which to perform magic. These methods are secret, but written down somewhere, and the key to learning magic is to just find the truest set of rules to magic. Magical truth is mutually exclusive, and contradictory information must either replace current truth, or be rejected as falsehood.
And fortunately for everyone, none of that is true!
This is why someone in one school of magic can make a certain claim ("letting spell vessels touch the earth immediately robs them of their power and the magic becomes inert,") and someone else can make a totally contradictory claim ("bury spell vessels for three days to supercharge them with the power of Nature,") and both people can be equally right.
Which set of rules might be true for you?
Well, whichever tradition you're a part of.
This is why it's really important to understand where your beliefs come from, and also to engage in self-examination about what you believe about the cosmos, our planet, and your role within it.
Entering into a tradition has a curious effect - you tend to be bound to those rules and assumptions, whether you like it or not.
Reflect on whether or not your current traditions and beliefs can resolve conflicting information.
Ask yourself what beliefs must be inherent before an assumption about magical 'rules' can be true.
(P.S. you can learn multiple contradictory systems of magic and flip between them depending on needs)
Resolving magical contradictions through experimentation
One witch may be able to charge excellently by burning candles and using intent to direct the burning energy.
A second witch may discover that they really can't charge jack shit with a candle. The energy seems to slip between their fingertips. When they direct it at something, it seems to have a consuming effect - not an invigorating one.
Setting magical intent is like choosing which path to walk down. But, the paths are unique for each of us. For the first witch, the path of "Charging Through Candleflame" is wide and open, a beautiful paved boulevard they can stroll down.
For the second witch, the path of "Charging Through Candleflame" is like hiking up a steep hill littered with boulders, and also the hill is on fire.
Many magical contradictions can be explained by practitioners simply having different personal experiences, and incorrectly assuming that their experiences must be universal.
One excellent way to learn not only about magic as a whole, but also how magic works for you, is to earnestly experiment with contradictory meanings and discover which ones A) make sense to you, but more importantly, B) actually work for you.
Whether or not you can use a candle to charge, banish, or both; and whether or not that's more or less effective for you than using water, or the sun, or pop culture icons, is something that you'll only be able to discover for yourself through experimentation.
Resolving magical contradictions through technique
If setting intent is choosing what path to walk down, then on the course of walking down that path, there is a chance you trip and fall flat (see: "I'm honoring the lake by dumping trash in it!").
Tripping and falling flat doesn't mean that path of magic is impossible for you, or shouldn't be further explored.
It can really just mean that you need some hiking boots and a trail guide.
Or, in other words: setting intent can be insufficient to actually access and manifest certain types/aspects of power.
I have personal beliefs about sorcerous power that dictate that various powers can be more or less difficult to access depending on a variety of factors. And, a witch must learn techniques to access the power. The more remote or hidden that power is, the more capable or attuned a witch must be to access that power.
That is to say, someone intensely aligned with underworld powers may be able to easily access the facets of death and decay that exist within many natural forces. But, someone without that alignment might instead need capable techniques gained through learning and practice in order to access those same powers.
And someone with neither of those things, who only tries to set intent and starts on a difficult path filled with roadblocks, may falsely assume that something "just doesn't work for me," when in reality, it's just more difficult to access.
This is why one witch can say, "roosters are a powerful source of connection to the underworld," another witch can say, "roosters only connect to the underworld if you use their feathers in a certain ritual," and a third witch can say, "roosters don't connect to the underworld," and all three are speaking from valid personal experience.
Experimenting with different techniques means learning a wide variety of ways to perform magic, including different paradigms, rituals, techniques, and methodologies.
Many systems of witchcraft contain concepts of when power is more or less available (the easiest example is the types of power more freely available due to the phases of the moon). Learning these systems can assist in discovering the accessibility of various powers.
Research is your friend.
In summary,
There are many reasons why witches have different lived experiences with magic (the topic of which would be enough to fill a book or two). As a witch-practitioner, your role in the creation of magic can't be ignored.
It's through your own culture and traditions, your own intent, and your own sorcerous techniques and education, through which you will be able to determine what aspects of magic are true to you - and which do not apply.
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celestie0 · 6 months
OMG world cup ask anon here
reader taking gojo to a museum and he tries to pay attention, he really does. but he just doesn’t understand why paintings are so interesting for reader!! so he waits on a bench watching soccer highlights while she explores the exhibit 😭😭
reader promises she’ll take him to the gift shop if he walks around with her
plss thats so cute n funny awwhh 🤧🤣 he sounds like a toddler LMFAOO not the soccer highlights 😭😭😭
i think it wld be super cute if he’s the one that organized the museum date bc he knows that’s what she likes but he has absolutely no idea why she’s looking at each of the paintings for so long n he’s just standing there like🧍
ok but her staring at the paintings but he’s just staring at her bc he thinks she’s prettier than all the art 🤭🙈💕 ehheherhrheh
lmaoo the gift shop that wld be the most excitinf thing for him 💀 he buys matching vincent van gogh magnets of starry night bc it’s her fave n he puts his on the fridge right when he gets home 😌⭐️
ok anon ur cookin i might have to give u writing credits
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paperweight91 · 9 months
How about a soft (maybe horny as well) moment with Ransom? 😌
Ahhhh Soft!Ransom 😍 I think i have just the idea for you dear Siri!
Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI)
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It was quiet in the house when you got home from work. You were exhausted. All the deadlines seem to hit around the same time leading to little sleep and long hours. The only shining light was the coming break. Just a few more days, that’s all you had to get through before some well deserved time off.
After discarding your jacket and shoes haphazardly by the front door, you flopped yourself onto the large sectional in the living room. All you wanted was to get clean and go to bed. You heard a muffled swear and something breaking in the kitchen. Ugh, Ransom was probably trying to cook, again.
You sauntered in to see the kitchen looking like a bomb went off. If the appearance was anything to go by, it looked like he had used every single bowl, cup, spoon and even plate in the house.
“Ransom, what are you doing?” You heaved a sigh and placed your hands on your hips.
He gave you a crooked grin as he looked up from the broken glass on the floor. “I wanted to surprise you. Ah shit.”
He had cut himself on the glass, distracted by your entrance. You rushed over to look at his hand, nothing a band-aid wouldn’t cover. You turned on the faucet and let the water run, while shoving his hand underneath. “Don’t move.” You instructed.
You went into the bathroom to get the first aid kit and blew out a breath. You appreciated Ransom trying, but you could see all the clean up you were going to have to do. And then he was gonna pout about how tired you were. Just a few more days.
You brought the kit back to see Ransom drying off his hand. You placed some anti-septic cream and then band-aid on his wound. “I thought I told you not to move.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
He chuckled and pulled you against his chest. “And how often do i take instructions well?” You laughed and swatted his chest. “Alright, alright, do you want to see your surprise?” He looked so eager and proud, but nervous at the same time. His energy had sparked some of yours back to life. You nodded eagerly.
He spun around and went over to the fridge. He made a big show of pulling the fruits of his labour from its depths. You quickly cleared some space on the counter, pushing some of the dirty items into the sink. Ransom placed a beautiful dessert tray on the counter. At first you frowned wanting to scold him for dirtying everything and then buying you something. But when you looked closer, you could see it. Ransom had made every single treat on this tray.
It was overflowing with brownies, and various fruits dipped in white and milk chocolate. What looked like a cream cheese dip, with mini cinnamon rolls. Chocolate chip, M&M and sugar cookies with icing. All of your favourites, lovingly made by the man in front of you.
You must have been silent for too long because Ransom started shuffling his feet. “It’s all edible, I swear.” He looked down and brought his hand up to rub at the back of his neck.
“You did all this for me Ran?” You couldn’t hide the wonder in your voice, causing Ransom’s head to immediately snap up to look at you. “This must have taken you all day.” You were smiling from ear to ear.
“You like it?” There was pink tinging his cheeks, it was rare to see him this vulnerable, but you soaked up the moment.
You walked around the island so you could come face to face with him. “Are you kidding? No one’s ever done something like this for me before. In fact, I think I know the perfect way to say thank you.”
At Ransom’s bewildered expression you dropped to your knees, innocently blinking up at him. “Will you accept my thank you?” You traced your hands up his thighs, but his hands stopped yours. He was smirking down at you and shaking his head.
“I have a much better idea, that I think will satisfy us both.” He pulled you to your feet and spun you towards the hallway. Gently nudging you from behind towards the bedroom. Your brain finally caught up to what Ransom was trying to indicate and you practically skipped into your shared bedroom and began stripping down. You turned around to see Ransom placing his hard work on the table by the closet. When you raised an eyebrow you got a mumbled, “so we can enjoy later.” In response.
After that, Ransom was on you. He swept you up in his arms and carried you to the bed. Once he had you arranged exactly how he wanted you, he stripped out of his sweater and pants, standing before you in only his boxers. You made grabby hands towards him, and he chuckled at your eagerness quickly showing his boxers down and off.
He crawled over top of you and smiled as he leaned down, “Let me take care of my girl today, tomorrow you can go back to taking care of me.” He captured your lips in a kiss that stole your breath. You giggled as he parted nodding. He trailed open mouth kisses across your jaw and down your neck stopping to nip at your collarbone. He then trailed kisses down to your breasts, burying his face in between them before licking a stripe up one, while he pinched and kneaded the other. He drew your nipple into his mouth teasing the bud with his teeth and tongue. You moaned and threw your head back at the sensation. His fingers a rough contrast to the way he lovingly treated your nipple with his mouth.
He switched to the other breast, swapping to give the first on the rough treatment of his fingers as he sucked and scraped. You could feel the wetness that had started to gather between your thighs in the kitchen flowing from you now. You thrust your hips up, trying to get some friction where you needed it the most. Ransom seeing your plight, took pity on you and kissed his way down your stomach to the apex of your thighs. He sighed in contentment before pulling your lips apart and licking a stripe from your leaking hole to your clit. You arched off the bed and your hands flew to his head, directing him to where you wanted him most. Ransom happily followed your lead, sucking your clit into his mouth while he teased your entrance with two of his fingers. You could tell you wouldn’t last long already, your grip in his hair growing tighter and tighter by the second. He slipped down to tongue at your sloppy entrance while his fingers danced along your clit.
You groaned, “Ran, I’m so close, please.” You knew he loved when you begged, since it was a rare thing for you to do. His eyes shot open, and you could feel the smirk on his face as he looked up at you. He pulled away, and began rubbing circles on your clit, “Your wish is my command Kitten.”
He dove back in with a new vigour to his movements, clear in his intentions to have you coming on his tongue and fingers. He alternated between sucks and rubbing your clit and within minutes your orgasm raced through you. You moaned his name and arched your back, waiting for the aftershocks to pass. He eased you through with his fingers and then crawled his way up your body. You cuddled him close and kissed him drowsily. “I think you take instructions perfectly.” You quipped at him.
He groaned and buried his face in your neck. “Just promise you’ll try some treats before you pass out on me?”
You laughed and wrapped yourself around him like a koala. Just a few more days and you will be able to do this all day long.
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
😌 idk if my first request for a fox x reader went through but i’ve been reading a lot (ofc whats new) and uh uh I found I really love fics with CX-2 (Clone Assassin) aND SO, to my favorite SW writer I ask;
How bout a soulmate au with CX-2 (?) Could be a bit of angst with a happy ending, and everyone is just wondering how reader could be with him after all the things he’s done (uh im getting sunshine!reader x grumpy character vibes)
dont have to write this! i just would love to see some more cx-2 fics after reading one just now lol also im down the rabbit hole again that its cx-2!tech whose been reconditioned, do what you feel is best but i just love that theory bc I’m a firm believer too that tech never died 😌
Summary: For a long time, your parents feared that you didn’t have a soulmate. Until, one morning, you woke up and found a wild dog curled up next to you on your bed. You named him Noir, and the people around you quickly learned that he was fiercely protective of you. However, after Noir kills an Imperial Officer after he threatens, you have no choice but to go on the run.
Pairing: CX-2 x F!Reader, background Tech x Phee
Word Count: 2799
Warnings: None
Prompt: Soulmate AU - soulmates have spirit animals representing each other.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So I wasn't able to get the angst to work, largely because I wasn't in an angsty mood. Also, as much as I love the CX-2 being Tech idea, I had a different idea for this fic, so I hope you like it!
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“What d’ya have there, Noir?” You ask as you return to the small hut that has been your home for the last three months and crouch in front of your oldest companion.
Noir’s tail wags rapidly as he nudges something in your direction.
You gently rub his head, then carefully pick up his offering, “Oh, it’s a fish. Did you find dinner for us, pal?”
Noir releases a happy yip, and you laugh softly, “Good job, Noir.” You stand and carry the fish over to the rough kitchen to divvy up the portions. Most of the fish will go to Noir, while you’ll prepare your portion with some seasoning that the Wookies traded with you.
Three months ago, Noir slaughtered an Imperial Officer who threatened your life. You’ve always known that he is fiercely protective of you, and you knew that there was a chance that he would kill again if you were threatened.
The first time it happened you had still been a child. Your uncle tried to kidnap you, and Noir reacted violently. 
That time, the authorities just nodded and said it made sense, that your uncle had bad intentions. Neither you, nor Noir, were punished for the death of your uncle.
The Empire is much less understanding.
You had no choice but to take Noir and flee from Coruscant.
The pair of you bounced from planet to planet for several months and then were offered a safe house on Kashyyyk, in the Shadowlands far below the treetop homes of the Wookie people.
It’s not easy.
You are, at your heart, a city girl. Hunting and survival skills do not come naturally to you. Luckily, you have Noir. He really is the greatest equalizer.
If not for him, you’d have died several times since you moved into the small hut.
The biggest downside to this whole situation is the knowledge that you’re not likely to ever meet your soul mate.
Well, unless your soulmate is a Wookie, you suppose.
Carefully, you fillet the fish on your cutting board and toss the large majority into Noir’s bowl, the rest is set in a bowl of marinade and shoved into the fridge. 
At least you have electricity. 
Sure, you don’t have a holo, but you do have a radio that allows you to keep up to date on the current events, and, much more importantly, listen to books while you fight to keep the Shadowlands from reclaiming the hut.
You’re about to flip the radio on, when Noir releases a low growl.
A growl low enough that your hair stands on end.
You turn your gaze to Noir and see that his ears are flat against his head and his teeth are bared. Spooked, you reach for your belt and grab your blaster, and then you nudge the door open.
Noir slinks out of the hut and, cautiously, you follow him.
The forest is silent. Eerily silent. 
You scan the forest around you, not that you expect to be able to see or hear anything. It’s enough that Noir is still growling as though he’s on the verge of attacking.
There’s a rustle in a bush, and you lift your blaster, only to lower it as a small, curious-looking creature ambles out. It’s red, black, and white, and you’d almost think it was a raccoon if not for the colors.
Noir is still growling like there’s a threat, but he’s ignoring the small creature, which is still ambling towards you. It stops at your feet and raises on its hind legs, and you crouch to get a better look at it.
When Noir first appeared in your bedroom all those years ago, no one was sure what kind of animal he was. Not even the zoologists at the local university were able to determine a species.
So you spent a lot of time as a child flipping through various animal encyclopedias. And, while you’d never claim that you had a perfect memory, this little creature does look familiar.
“You’re a Red Panda, aren’t you?” You murmur as you lightly stroke the soft fur on top of her head, “Your kind isn’t native to Kashyyyk, how did you get here?” What’s more is that she’s soft, as though someone’s been taking care of her, though based on the scarring around her ankles, she’s been chained up a lot. “Are you someone’s pet?”
The red panda climbs into your arms and promptly falls asleep, nuzzling her face into your neck. “Well, you’ve clearly been socialized. Maybe I can do something about the scarring.”
Your head snaps up as there’s more rustling and Noir’s growl lowers.
Five Stormtroopers stumble into the clearing, “There it is!” One of them says as he points at the Red Panda in your arms, “Get it!”
You stumble backward as they lift their blasters and Noir launches himself at the Stormtroopers. 
You’ve always known that Noir was quick. Quick and with a strong bite, but the last time you’ve seen him move this quickly was when you were a child. He manages to kill three of the Stormtroopers before they recognize that he’s a threat.
The fourth and fifth, however, turn their blasters on him.
And, for a moment, you think that you’re going to watch Noir die. 
You only think that for a moment, as another man emerges from the forest. He’s clad in black armor, much unlike the stark white armor of the Stormtroopers. And you watch as he uses a blade to kill one of the Stormtroopers from behind. 
You watch as he and Noir work in concert to kill the last of the Stormtroopers.
And then you watch as Noir jumps up on the man, his tail wagging faster than you’ve ever seen before. The armored man seems surprised at how friendly Noir is, and, to be honest, you are too.
He’s so friendly with the armored man, in fact, that you can’t help but think that Noir is the representation of said armored man.
“Noir,” You say, drawing the attention of both the wild dog and the armored man, “His name is Noir.”
It’s kind of hard to read him, seeing as he’s wearing a helmet, but you’re pretty sure that he’s staring at you. “Ka’ra.” He gestures to the red panda in your arms, “She’s been a prisoner her whole life.”
“That explains the scarring,” You walk over to him and pass him his spirit animal, a small smile crossing your face as Noir drops to his paws and bounces around you. “I have some medical stuff, to wrap her scars if you want.”
He’s quiet for a long time, and then nods once, “I’d appreciate that.”
You lead him into the hut, and motion for him to take a seat anywhere while you dig around for the first aid kit.
Once you find it, you set it on the table and open it to dig through what you have left. “You know, you don’t have to leave your helmet on.” You note lightly, “This is a pretty safe place.”
The man hesitates for a moment, then he nods once and reaches up to pull off his helmet. 
You’re genuinely surprised to see that he’s a clone. He looks like every other clone you’ve ever seen, dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin…though he does have some nasty scarring along the side of his face.
He’s handsome, you decide as you focus back on your medkit. He kind of looks like Noir, if you squint.
Though, now you have to wonder if you look like his Ka’ra.
“Ah, here we go!” You pull several rolls of bandages from the bottom of the kit and some scar powder. “If I remember correctly, this needs to be added to water, and then the bandages need to soak in it for a bit before we apply them—” You mumble under your breath as you flip the bottle and squint at the instructions.
“What’s your name?” The man asks.
You glance at him and introduce yourself absently, before you squint at the directions again, “What’s yours?”
You pause, “Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’ve never actually met another person with a soul animal before.”
“It’s rare, then?”
“One of the rarest soul bonds.” You agree, “The only one that’s more rare is the teleportation one.” You stand to grab a clean bowl and fill it with water before placing it on the table.
“I have a brother with the teleportation soul bond. He vanished one day, never saw him again.” CX replies as he watches you.
“Well, there are a lot of you.” You reply as you add some of the powder to the water and stir it in.
He doesn’t answer for a moment, “What is a human doing on Kashyyyk?”
“Ah…well.” You pause, “Noir killed an Imperial Officer who threatened me.”
CX stares at you for a long time, and then his lips curl up into an amused smile, “Good.”
You shoot him a puzzled look.
“He’s as protective of you as I would be.”
“Yeah, well…he is representative of you, right?” You reply with a small shrug.
“I didn’t expect you to be so calm about it,” CX notes, “You do realize that I’m an assassin, right?”
You start unrolling a roll of bandages, “When I was about eleven years old,” You say quietly, “My uncle tried to kidnap me from my bedroom. Noir,” You nod at the wild dog who is gnawing on a bone, “ripped his throat out before he got me out of the living room.” You look at him, “Why should I be afraid of you?”
CX looks startled for a moment, and then a quiet laugh falls from his lips, “I suppose you have good reason to not be afraid.”
You shrug, “I would prefer it if you didn’t assassinate people anymore, but I’d also prefer to not live in a hut on Kashyyyk, so—” You shrug again, and finally drop the bandages into the water.
“What would you have me do instead?”
“Mm, you can join the Rebellion?”
A laugh falls from you, “I mean when the Republic was still standing, I never had to worry about Republic Officers threatening me. Within a month of the Republic turning into an Empire, I was threatened by an Imperial Officer.”
“...I suppose that it fair.”
“I’m not going to make you do anything,” You say lightly, “We can stay here if you prefer.”
“Well, I assume that you want to stay with me?”
CX gazes at you silently, “I want you safe. So staying does make the most sense.”
You meet his gaze evenly, “I’ll definitely be safer with you, compared to away from you.” You agree.
CX is silent for a long moment, “Mandalore.”
“Beg pardon?”
“There’s a group of former Commandos who have a compound on Mandalore. They’re housing clones and their families.” He explains, “We’ll be safe there.”
“How do you know that?”
“All of the Clones know it.” He says, “Well, save for Alpha Prime, I suppose.”
“How are we supposed to get there?” You ask with a tilt of your head.
“I have a ship.”
You grin at him, and then pull the bandages out of the water, “I think it’s a great idea.”
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It takes three weeks for you and CX to get to Mandalore, and it takes even longer for CX to prove that he’s not an active threat to his brothers. You’re not able to help with that, but watching him interact with you does a lot to earn him some goodwill.
You like your new home, it’s not Coruscant, but there is plenty of room for Noir to run around and get spoiled, and he does get spoiled. Not quite as much as CX’s Ka’ra, but pretty close. 
Surprisingly, CX is somewhat clingy. When he’s in the same area as you, his arms are around you, or his hand is in yours. You kind of have the feeling that he’s a little touch starved, so you don’t mind it.
On this particular day, you’re lounging in the sun, watching Noir and Ka’ra play together, while CX is sparring with Ordo (only the Nulls aren’t hesitant about sparring with CX, which is sad, but understandable).
You enjoy watching him spar largely because he tends to spar shirtless.
You’re allowed to be a simple woman when it comes to your soulmate, right?
“Watching them again?” A familiar voice pulls you out of your musing, and you tilt your head back to look up at the familiar man approaching you. “You could join them.”
“Hardly, if Ordo so much as scratched me, both Noir and CX would rip him to shreds.” You pat the ground next to you, “Have a seat, Tech. No need to hover.”
“He still wishes to be called CX?” Tech asks as he sinks to the ground next to you.
“It’s his choice.” You reply easily, “How was your physical therapy?”
“Painful,” Tech replies, matter-of-factly, “However, my healer believes that I am getting to the point where I will no longer need to see them.”
“That’s something. Are you thinking of reaching out to your brothers? Or your soulmate?”
“I am…unsure.”
“I died.” He says bluntly, wincing as CX manages to flip Ordo onto his back, “I died, and my soul bond is weaker than it was before.”
“I assume your doctor has an opinion on that.”
“Of course. He says that I just need to reach out to Phee.”
“Why haven’t you?”
Tech anxiously adjusts his glasses, “What if she has found someone else?”
“Do you really think that she would?”
“...she is a beautiful and clever woman. Any man would be lucky to have her—” Tech starts.
“You’re borrowing trouble, Tech. You need to call her.”
Tech opens his mouth to reply but stops as CX jogs over.
You smile up at him adoringly, and offer him his water bottle, “Having fun, love?”
He smirks, “Ordo is bitching because I managed to flip him. So we’re having a round two.”
“Of course you are.”
He flashes a tiny grin at you and crouches so he’s able to kiss you quickly before he jogs back over to the sparring ring. His training was so different from his brothers, you can tell based on the scars covering his body, and based on the fact that he’s not quite as solid as Ordo and the other Nulls.
Not that any of that matters to you.
You love him as he is.
“It does not make sense to me how someone as kind as you ended up with someone like him,” Tech admits, “He intimidates everyone, and lashes out when pushed.”
“I’ve never been afraid of him.” You reply with a small grin, “Even when he killed someone in front of me, even when he loses his temper.”
Tech shakes his head, “I believe I understand.”
You tilt your head curiously.
“You are just as insane as he is.”
You aren’t able to help that laughter that bursts from your lips, “I suppose,” You say through your giggles, “that’s one way to view it.”
Tech flashes a crooked smile at you, and then gets back to his feet, “I am going to go send Phee a message, and hope that she forgives me. Enjoy your ogling.”
You fling a handful of grass at him but don’t deny his accusations. 
The spar ends an hour later after it gets too hot for them to continue, and CX makes his way to your side, dropping onto the ground next to you. Immediately his arms slide around your waist and he presses his face against your neck.
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you card your fingers through his curls. 
He hums in response, his arms tightening around you, “I’m glad that you don’t mind coming to these.”
“I enjoy watching you spar.”
He pulls his face away from your neck, “You enjoy watching me do anything.” 
“You are ridiculously handsome.” You shift in his grip slightly so you’re able to press your hands against his cheeks, “I’m a lucky lady.”
“Mm, is that right?” CX asks as he leans in and presses his forehead against yours.
“You’re all sweaty,” You whisper to him. 
“So maybe we should go home,” He offers with an arched brow, “You can wash my hair for me.”
A giggle falls from your lips, “Deal.”
CX grins at you, and crashes his lips against yours, knocking you back onto the grass.
Everything isn’t perfect, CX still needs gene therapy to remove the enhanced aging, not to mention regular therapy to help deal with all of his issues. But so long as you’re together, everything will be fine.
You won’t allow for anything else.
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theshinazugawaslut · 9 months
Sanemi is probably really organized. Like mf will go so far as to organize his cabinets in alphabetical order.
He will probably train you to be organized if you decide to move in with him.
Sanemi is organised to a fault, he likes knowing where things are and having some order in house as opposed to the chaos he was used to in his parents' home with his six siblings. Even back then, he would be organising the house like a mad man.
When you move in with Sanemi, you're shocked to find out that he is so clean that he makes you look rotten and messy compared to him.
He's one of those people that have every spice, every sort of flour, every herb in a labelled tub of its own. Each drawer you open is meticulously organised, towels folded neatly, shampoos organised by colour and preference, spoons and forks put together by size, socks and underwear folded and pressed into separate drawers.
When you arrive, he's unpacking your things for you. It's intimate how he places most of your things together but now you have to deal with your bras being put together in rainbow order, neatly folded one cup into the other.
He gets to do things he's always wanted to as well: buying a gorgeous necklace stand for those dainty chains you love wearing, a pretty ring organiser for all those jewels, a place for all your hair accessories, a cabinet for your skincare (arranged into the order you and him use them, thank you very much 😌).
When you both arrive home after grocery shopping, he's gotten you into the habit of organising the fridge the way it should be done, and now when you bring home a giant tub of washing powder, it's natural that you put it into the neat, aesthetic box specifically for washing powder (also labelled as so) that Sanemi bought.
Your house is meticulous. Well, until it's littered with baby toys and your newborn son, and it seems for once in his life, Sanemi doesn't mind the mess.
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alaina-starling · 1 year
☁️Cuddles and Kisses☁️
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[Lee Minho x Fem!Reader]
summary: reader is on her period, so Minho does the only sensible thing: give her kisses and cuddles (and orders her favorite food but that’s a surprise)
genre: fluff
warning: weird writing, idk i wrote this at 1am. tooth-aching sweet Minho, y/n speaking in another language(?), mentions of cursing god(s) lmao
note: okay so I know he doesn’t understand tagalog, but that diff breed filo skz stan in me kicks in and I have to make you speak tagalog😌💚 (it’s not really a warning but just an additional tag idk why it’s in warning lmao)
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“Babe? Can you get me a soda from the fridge, please.” Minho’s shouts are muffled by the thick wooden door of his office but Y/n understood it nonetheless.
She takes small steps, her abdomen aching. She opens the refrigerator door, softly humming a song that pops in her mind. She vaguely remembers a gas station, two annoyed younger siblings in the car, and a steaming engine.
She chuckles, her warm hands touch the cold soda and she shivers. She takes a mental note not to leave her blanket anywhere on days when 40 millimeters of blood is gushing out of her vagina because of her uterus shedding some stupid lining that was prepared for a dumb fetus.
Y/n grumbles when she nears his door, wiping her numbing hand on her shirt then reaching for the door handle when it bursts open and she crashes with an excited Minho.
“Baby- oof!” He squeals, left hand finding her waist while the other grabs the falling soda can that’s about to crash to the floor.
She thanks the gods who gave Minho good reflexes, but curses the one who made him have a habit of not paying attention when opening doors.
“Oh dear, are you okay, hun?” He stabilizes her, his right hand tucking a stray hair that fell to her face. He cups her cheek and she melts to her boyfriend’s touch, leaning in.
He’s soft and passionate with the kiss, despite her neediness. Y/n lets out a whimper, the feeling of a sword stabbing and jabbing right on her abdomen and through her lower back engulfs her senses.
These cramps are messing her up, and yet again she takes a mental note not to miss her monthly chamomile tea before the ‘red’ curse enters (more like violently exits) her body.
“Hah, just peachy.” She huffs out before kissing him again, now biting gently at his lower lip.
“Nngh.” A soft noise slips out of his lips before he can stop it and Y/n stops kissing him, instead staring at him with disbelief etched on her face.
She stifles a laugh, preventing a gush that threatens to stain her pants. “Min?”
He smiles, laughing. This is her first time hearing him being vocal from a kiss, after all that’s always been her job. “Oh come on. You were biting me!” He defends and the look he has is enough to send her to the ground cackling.
“You’re too cute.” She manages to choke out as he pulls her up to carry her, settling her down on the couch. “Mmh, are you spending time with me instead of doing work because of my period situation?”
He nods, rushing to his office, she hears him shuffling around. Probably looking for his phone she thinks, turning her attention to the tv and realizing she doesn’t know where the remote is. “Min.” She calls for him, not wanting to move from her spot on the couch. “Lee Minho, where did you put the tv remote?” She finally shouts, head lifting to go look at what he’s doing in the other room.
He suddenly pops up behind the couch giving her a mini heart attack.
“Oh yeah.” He chuckles apologetically, “I left it in my room, here.” Minho holds her hand in his, giving her the remote.
Y/n smiles, patting the space next to her. Her boyfriend mirrors her, his lips tugging upwards. He lets his bunny slippers fall off his feet as he snuggles beside her, his back on the couch, his chest pressed against her own.
“Good?” He asks, running a hand through her ruffled hair.
“Mmh, as long as you’re here.”
10 minutes later she sees the doorknob of her front door turn, panic digs its claws on her throat and lungs, until she sees Hyunjin by the door. “Uh… Minho hyung, here are the things you asked for.”
[honestly switch to second person pov, im struggling af]
He sheepishly grins, demeanor shy from intruding your cuddle time. “I hope you feel better, Y/n noona.”
After Minho thanks him, Hyunjin bows a few more times before exiting your apartment and locking it with his, seemingly, own set of keys.
“Did you give Hyunjin your keys? Is that why you’re always locked out of your own home?” You tease and he playfully pouts.
“Oh, come on. You know you love helping a damsel in distress.” He jokes, cupping your face and leaving butterfly kisses all over.
You shy away, shifting your attention to the plastic of food Hyunjin brought. “Let’s eat,” you say, eager to taste Hyunjin’s cooking after not having his dishes for a long time.
Your boyfriend nods, standing up to get the plastic, two plates, two pairs of silverware and mugs. “Want the imported tea or the, uh,” he pauses, reading the small writing on the tea bag but not finding the name of the actual tea.
“Chamomile babe, thank you.” You answer, pulling the blanket by your feet over you. “Lamig naman, kakaiyak.” You sigh, complaining about the cold and half expecting him to turn the temperature a bit higher.
“What’s that, baby girl?” He hums from the kitchen, “You know I don’t understand the language, sorry.” He apologizes genuinely, feeling a bit guilty you’re learning korean but he isn’t making an effort to learn your language.
“It’s alright, Min. I’m sorry I didn’t notice, I said I’m cold.” You reply in a nonchalant tone, you don’t care at all, it’s not like he’ll be going to the country, and besides you only learned korean because you were going to the country.
When he finishes fixing you a cup of tea, he brings it to the table in the living room. Setting up everything else for your comfort, and not letting you do anything.
“Alright let’s watch that movie you keep talking about!” He starts excitedly, caressing your cheek before turning to the food and tv.
You relax the rest of the day, receiving absolute princess treatment from Minho. At the end of the day you’ve been pampered with kisses and lulled to sleep with cuddles.
Minho truly is a treasure.
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Find all my works under #skzwife-02
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iloveboysinred · 2 months
That geto smut was *chefs kiss* i love stoner geto sm. Do you have any more thoughts/hcs about him? :) i understand your requests are closed so its okay if you ignore this 💜
Um hello? I would love to expand on stoner geto ok! Its okay to ask me questions/submissions. Requesting full blown fics when my requests are closed is when i have to draw the line though + I’m up at 3:40 a.m looking for something to focus my mind on other than the two smuts i’m writing rn 😌 so this is perfect, thank you sweet pookie anon.
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• So to start off, Suguru strikes me as the quiet type when he’s high. He’ll yap with you if you talk to him but he’s mostly just silently touching the clouds while everything else is buzzing in the background.
• I feel like he doesnt stick to one medium to smoke. I feel like he has a couple of bowls, bongs, and maybe even a vaporizer. I feel like he tried using it once and didn’t really like it— preferring the usual spark and pull that these other options provide. He likes to take things slow when he’s smoking, letting each pull soak in before he takes another.
• Now maybe its cause i’m from NY and love grabba, but i genuinely feel like Suguru occasionally sprinkles in some grabba with his weed or uses the leaf itself as a wrap. He can definitely do without most of the time but if he has it on hand and just so happened to get some cheap bud he’ll definitely sprinkle some in there for the taste and to stretch the product a little more.
• He doesn’t like carts. Hates how they taste, how they pull—how they make him cough up a lung. Just no. He probably hasn’t touched a cart since he was a senior in highschool.
• I feel like he gets in the shower high as fuck and just lets the water run over him with his eyes closed. His mind is just buzzing with dull senses and the water just feel so nice when he’s high. Probably has some vibey music playing in the background.
•if you’re around he definitely gets touchy. He proclaims that sex feels so much more intense when he’s smoked out.
• matches with you and Gojo often. Shoko doesn’t strike me as much of a WEED smoker, but she always takes a couple pulls whenever you guys get together on fridays.
• he likes having his hair down when he’s high. The tension in his scalp from having his hair up makes his head feel achy and heavy. He just wants to lay back in some soft pillows or, even better— your nice warm thighs and just close his glossy eyes.
•gets the munchies BAD. Like if you leave this man alone he’ll make multiple trips to the fridge, mindlessly tearing up whatever’s edible.
• doesn’t vape, only the natural stuff for him.
• He goes on frequent tolerance breaks to keep his tolerance low
• rolls up when he comes home, rolls up if he’s out with you and your friends, and he rolls up before he goes to sleep
• he doesnt really like cones. He’ll use them, but he hates how they sometimes start canoeing.
• has a variety pack of rolling papers in his room
• tried edibles once, he hates the flavor but the high literally changed his life. He’s never been that fried in his life, probably would try them again but sparingly (he ate the whole bag of 5000mg gummies thinking they weren’t working)
• i don’t really see him enjoy the feel of being cross faded.
• likes watching movies when he’s high even though he starts to slump into the bed
• definitely a firm believer in smaller blunts. If the product is good, theres no need to roll gorilla fingers. He thinks its a waste of weed
Thats all i got 😚
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musette22 · 2 years
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The Element of Surprise
Pairing: Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan (Evanstan)
Rating: Explicit (18+ only please)
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: rough(er) sex, light degrading language, light roleplay, light Dom/sub
A/N: AKA the long awaited mustache fic (awaited by no one but me, but still). I've had that little text convo at the beginning saved in my notes app for a long time, but I never quite knew how I wanted to follow it up. I still didn’t really know where I was going with this when I finally started writing it, but I should have known it would turn into filth. I’m not sorry, except to those of you who can't abide the 'stache (even though your opinion is wrong) <3 And btw, if you're thinking 'this reads like a bad porn flick', that is entirely intentional 😌 Hope you enjoy! Comments = love <3
C: be there in 30
S: I'll put a beer in the freezer
C: I love you
S: I know
S: love you too
C: and seb, just
C: don't laugh ok
S: huh?
S: why would I laugh
C: you'll see
S: ?? what does that mean?
C: be there soon 😘
Sebastian huffs, leaving his phone on the couch as he heads into his kitchen and pulls open the pantry door.
He doesn’t drink enough beer to permanently keep his fridge stocked with the stuff, and while Chris does love his beer (understatement), he’s trying to cut back. Or at least not to drink on weeknights. Too much. But since tonight is Friday and they have a whole weekend ahead of them in which they’ll be doing nothing but relaxing, ordering pizza, and watching movies, Sebastian figures they can start indulging a little early. He grabs a couple of beers from the bottom shelf, sticking them in the freezer to chill, so Chris will come home to a cold beer later.
As he returns to the living room and stretches out on the couch, bag of potato chips in hand, it occurs to Sebastian just how domestic it all feels. The thought makes him smile.
He’s never been very good at domesticity, which it’s why it’s even more surprising how much he likes it, this time around. He knows he shouldn’t get too used to having Chris in his space, he does, but it’s just too nice not to want to soak it up and roll around in it every chance he gets. The prospect of Chris staying at his place for longer than just a weekend makes something warm and giddy fizz in the pit of his stomach. It’s addictive.
For the next few months, Chris will be on stage every night in his first ever Broadway play, and for the duration of its run, he’ll be staying in New York.
Officially, Chris is renting a swanky place in Tribeca.
Unofficially, he’s staying with Sebastian at his tiny SoHo apartment.
The fact that Sebastian lives in New York played at least some part in Chris’s decision to do a Broadway play this year. They were both tired of only seeing each other whenever one of them could take a few days off to visit the other (under the radar, of course). Already, Chris spending an extended period of time in New York has done their relationship a world of good.
Things are good. Easy. If he’s being honest with himself, Sebastian can’t remember the last time he felt so content.
Since coming to New York, Chris has been going to rehearsals every weekday. Sebastian has sometime off in between projects, and he’s set to attend the premiere of Lobby Hero this Monday – ostensibly as an interested co-star, secretly in the capacity of supportive boyfriend. He can’t wait to see Chris shine on stage. Chris is nervous as hell, to the point where he’s wondered if blowing the whole thing off wouldn’t be better than letting everyone down, but there’s no doubt in Sebastian’s mind that he’ll knock it out of the park. Chris is a lot better than he gives himself credit for.
When a car door slams outside his apartment, Sebastian sits up, brushing the crumbs off his sweater – a soft, light blue one that Chris says brings out his eyes. When he darts a look out the window, Chris’s cab is just driving off. The man himself is keeping his head down, so all Sebastian can see is the top of the baseball cap he’s wearing.
Curious now, Sebastian gets up to greet Chris. Less than a minute later, the door to Sebastian’s apartment opens, Chris walks in, looks up, and –
Sebastian chokes on air.
The sound that leaves him is one he’s never heard himself make before; something high and squeaky and extremely embarrassing.
“Don’t,” Chris says instantly, a warning in his voice.
Sebastian gapes at him.
“You have a mustache,” he says faintly, once he’s remembered how to talk.
“Yep.” Chris lifts a hand to his face, fiddling with said mustache. “It’s for the role.”
Distantly, Sebastian registers he sounds a little off, and that’s when he finally notices the hint of apprehension in Chris’s eyes. Just the smallest glint of poorly concealed uncertainty.
Chris is worried, Sebastian realizes with a start.
Worried that Sebastian will laugh at him. That Sebastian might not find him attractive anymore.
Well. No need to worry about that, apparently.
Because for some unholy reason, that thing on Chris’s upper lip – big and bushy and only about half an inch on either side removed from being a handlebar mustache – is currently making Sebastian want to climb him like a fucking tree.
Not that he doesn’t normally want to do that, but urge is suddenly more intense than usual. By about three hundred and twelve percent.
“You look…”
“Ridiculous?” Chris supplies, self-deprecating as always. “Like my dad? A 70s porn star?”
“You look hot.” Sebastian doesn’t quite mean to blurt it out like that, but he does anyway. And. Well. That’s out there now.
Chris’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “I – what?”
“Fuck,” Sebastian breathes. He runs a shaky hand through his short hair, trying to gather his thoughts. “Look, I don’t know what this says about me, but uh. I am like, really fucking attracted to you right now. Even more than usual, I mean.”
For a long moment, Chris looks at him as if he’s crazy, or maybe like he’s waiting for the other shoe to drop, but once it becomes clear that Sebastian isn’t joking (if only he were), Chris’s expression turns into one of tentative amusement.
“You’re serious,” he says, taking a step closer. Keeping his eyes fixed on Sebastian’s face, he carefully runs his thumb and forefinger over the mustache in a gesture that kind of makes him look like he’s up to no good. “You like it?”
Sebastian swallows. “Uh-huh.”
“Didn’t know you had a thing for guys with mustaches.”
“Neither did I.” Sebastian takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “I think it might even just be you.”
“Oh, really?” Chris asks, some of his usual cheek returning now that he realizes he isn’t going to get laughed at. Far from it, in fact. “Huh. What do you like about it?”
“Um,” Sebastian says, swallowing as Chris steps closer. Oh Christ, it’s even worse up close. Or better, depending how you look at it. And Sebastian is looking at it. Can’t tear his eyes away from it, actually. “It. Uh - it makes you look…”
Several words flit, unbidden, through Sebastian’s mind, each one worse than the last. Macho. Authoritative. Mean.
“…good,” he finishes lamely.
Worryingly, Chris’s smile grows into a full-blown grin, and Sebastian’s skin erupts into goosebumps.
Oh, no. Sometimes Sebastian really wishes Chris didn’t know him as well as he does.
Though when Chris takes off his baseball cap, tossing it onto the hallway table, Sebastian hisses. “Ah, okay. The hair is kinda bad.”
Chris snorts, running his fingers through the spiky strands. “Right? I look like an asshole.”
“Little bit.”
Chris gives him a calculating look. “So… does that mean the effect is ruined?”
Sebastian takes a moment to consider this. “I mean, it’s objectively bad, but…” he trails off. Ugh, he really should be used to this by now, but on some level Sebastian still can’t believe that Chris can make literally any look work for him. So annoying. “…no. Not ruined. Sadly.”
Reassured, Chris slowly starts to advance on him. With every step that Chris takes forward, Sebastian takes one back, until his heels hit the wall of his hallway. He holds his breath, feeling like a bunny rabbit about to be eaten by a wolf, though presumably a little more turned on than said bunny rabbit would be at the prospect.
Stopping right in front of him, Chris leans in, placing his hands against the wall on either side of Sebastian’s shoulders.
“Hey, good lookin’,” Chris says, his breath ghosting Sebastian’s left ear. Sebastian shivers with his entire body – something which doesn’t escape Chris’s notice, and makes the grin turn into a smirk. “You come here often?”
Despite how turned on he’s rapidly getting, Sebastian snorts. “Yeah, I’d say so.”
Chris hums. “Funny how I haven’t seen you here before, then.”
“I have been saying you should get an eye test. You’ve been squinting a lot more lately.”
“Seb,” Chris huffs, fighting a smile. “C’mon, I’m tryin’ something here.”
“Right, sorry.” Sebastian clears his throat. “I, uh. I haven’t seen you before either.” Licking his lips, he adds, “Would’ve noticed if I had.”
“You would, huh? And why’s that?”
“Well, see…” Sebastian’s eyes drop to Chris’s mouth. Specifically, his upper lip situation. “It’s the mustache. Kinda hard to miss.”
Chris raises one eyebrow. “You know what else is hard?” he asks lewdly, rolling his hips.
Sebastian can’t stop himself – he lets out a helpless peal of laughter, throwing his head back and making it collide with the wall. He barely notices it, because the next thing he knows, Chris is on him, kissing up his throat and oh hello, okay, that feels weird. Good, but weird. He can’t even say why exactly it feels weird, since Chris’s beard used to tickle too, but somehow, when it’s just the ‘stache without the rest of it, it tickles more than it used to. Feels way more bristly like this.
Under Chris demanding mouth, Sebastian’s laugh morphs into a moan, and he slides down the wall a fraction, pressing into Chris and baring his neck a little further. Chris’s teeth scrape over his Adam’s apple, one of his hands wandering over Sebastian’s chest and squeezing at a pec.
“Sir,” Sebastian says, breathlessly scandalized. “Wh- what are you doing?”
“Just takin’ what I want.” Chris pulls back to look Sebastian in the eye, grabbing his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You got a problem with that, sweetheart?”
Sebastian gulps, blinking hard. “No, sir.”
“That’s what I thought,” Chris leers, leaning in to bite at Sebastian’s bottom lip and pulling at it with his teeth. At the same time, he runs his left hand down Sebastian’s side and abs, all the way down until it slips between his legs. He cups the growing hardness there, giving it a firm squeeze.
“Oh, fuck,” Sebastian breathes, hands flying up to Chris’s waist.
“How’s that feel, honey? You like that?”
“Yeah? You want me to keep touching you?”
“Yes.” Another mean squeeze. “Yes, please,” Sebastian amends quickly.
“How sweet.” Chris palms Sebastian’s dick again, tight and warm and so good, before abruptly pulling back his hand, leaving Sebastian to whimper and buck his hips. “Well, that’s tough, sweetheart,” Chris tells him, “‘cause you’re not gettin’ anything else till I decide you’ve earned it.”
Before Sebastian even has time to process that, Chris spins them around so that Chris is the one with his back against the wall, and then roughly pushes Sebastian down to his knees with a big hand on his shoulder.
Sebastian moans; a little for show, and a little because he genuinely likes being pushed around a bit. Usually, though, it takes Chris a lot longer to let go liken this. It tends to happen only when he’s getting close and his all he blood in his brain has relocated to his dick, but now, it seems that a little bit of clumsy role-play also does the trick.
Whatever it is, Sebastian thinks, he’ll be damned if he lets an opportunity like this pass him by.
Resting his hands on Chris thighs, Sebastian eagerly leans in to nuzzle at his crotch, mouthing at the hardening outline of his dick through his jeans. Chris hisses, hand scrabbling at Sebastian’s hair, trying to find purchase before seeming to realize that Sebastian’s hair is too short to grab right now (and doesn’t that make Sebastian suddenly regret cutting it immensely) and resorting to putting a hand over Sebastian’s face and just pushing him away instead.
“Did I say you could do that?” Chris’s asks. His usually easy voice is now laced with something dark, something almost menacing, sending a shiver down Sebastian’s spine.
He swallows hard, his throat suddenly dry, dick perking up eagerly inside his sweats. “No, sir. Sorry.”
“Damn right,” Chris mutters. “You’ll get it when I give it to you. Now, are you gonna be good for me?”
Sebastian sucks in a shaky breath. Goddamn.
“Are you?” Chris repeats, tapping Sebastian’s cheek to prompt him.
“Yeah,” Sebastian nods, a little dazed. “Yeah, I’ll be good.” He watches, fascinated, as Chris’s right hand deftly flicks open the button on his jeans, before slowly pulling down his zipper, inch by excruciating inch. Sebastian finds himself willing Chris to go faster, to let him see what he’s got in his pants, which is ridiculous, because Sebastian knows what Chris has got in his pants. He should, seeing as he’s sucked it plenty of times. But somehow, what they’re doing here feels all kinds of new and exciting. Makes his breath come faster, eyes glued to the bulge in Chris’s jeans and mouth starting to water in anticipation.
Once his zip is down, Chris lowers his jeans a little, just enough so he can comfortably cup his dick, giving himself a teasing squeeze. “You want this?”
Sebastian tears his eyes away from it and looks up at Chris, who’s looking down at him with a sardonic smile on his face.
“Yes, please,” Sebastian says, feeling his eyes go big and round almost of their own volition.
Chris groans quietly, stroking Sebastian’s cheek with the backs of his fingers. “Look at you. Such a pretty guy.” A devilish glint appears in his eyes as he adds, “Be a shame if something got you all dirty, wouldn’t it?”
Oh, jesus.
While Sebastian can’t do anything but watch uselessly, Chris takes himself out of his underwear, pulling down his boxers enough to hook the waistband under his balls but otherwise remaining fully clothed. His dick is all the way hard already, flushed that pretty shade of pink Sebastian loves so much, wetness pearling at the exposed tip. Sebastian’s mouth literally waters so much he needs to swallow. Once again, he leans in to try and get his mouth on Chris, and once again Chris pushes him back with an admonishing hand to the face.
“Now, now. Don’t be greedy.”
Sebastian huffs impatiently behind Chris’s palm. “Please.”
Chris chuckles, taking hold of Sebastian’s chin again and running the pad of his thumb over Sebastian’s bottom lip. Sebastian doesn’t waste any time in letting his mouth drop open, something thrilling inside of him when Chris slides his thumb between his lips and presses down on his tongue. Sebastian closes his lips around the digit, moaning softly as he suckles at it. It’s not quite what he wants, but it’s still part of Chris inside of him, and he’ll take what he can get.
Sebastian is all set to protest again when Chris pulls his finger out, but before he can say anything, Chris shuts him right back up again by taking his cock in hand and literally rubbing it in Sebastian’s face.
Sebastian makes a shocked noise, eyes fluttering closed and mouth going slack. He moans, louder than before, and it’s not for show this time. Not even a little bit. Fire licks up his spine, his dick giving a desperate twitch inside his sweats. Fuck, but that’s hot. It’s downright filthy, the way the wetness leaking from Chris’s dick feels on his clean-shaven cheeks. Makes him feel dirty and owned, helpless, desperate for it.
“Open up,” Chris tells him, tapping his cheek. “Stick out your tongue.”
Sebastian does, and then--  Chris puts his dick on it. Just rests it there, not moving. Like he has all the time in the world. Oh, god.
“Stay still.”
Sebastian tries – he tries so hard to keep still, to be good and wait until Chris tells him he can move, but his tongue seems to have a mind of its own, rubbing lightly along the underside of Chris’s cock. The action causes it to spurt out some precome, which drips down his throat, making Sebastian swallow involuntarily. If asked, he’d swear he doesn’t shut his mouth on purpose, but if his lips closing around Chris’s shaft happens to make Chris groan and push in deeper, then that’s just a happy side effect.
“Suck it.” Chris’s voice has gone all low and rough now – and the order should sound stupid, like something out of a bad porn flick, but then this whole thing is kind of like a bad porn flick. And while that would usually be a turn off, right now, it’s setting Sebastian on fucking fire.
“I said, suck it,” Chris repeats, when Sebastian doesn’t obey right away, and presses in deeper, a little rough with it.
Sebastian jolts into action, moaning feverishly as he starts to suck Chris off as if his life depends on it. He uses his left hand, his tongue, his lips, and choking a little when he takes Chris too deep in one go –
And then suddenly, he’s being pushed back again.
Sebastian whines.
“Easy, tiger,” Chris clucks, a little condescending despite his breathlessness. “I said suck it, not slobber all over it like some horny teen that’s never seen a dick before.”
The rejection stings, but it’s a good sting; one that makes the back of Sebastian’s neck burn hot and his dick strain almost painfully against the material of his pants.
“You know,” Chris continues, rubbing the tip of his cock over Sebastian’s slick lips, almost absent-mindedly. “If you can’t control yourself, I’m gonna have to do it for you.” Not waiting for a reply, Chris grabs the back of Sebastian’s sweater and uses it to hold him in place. The neck of it strains against Sebastian’s throat when he tries to lean forward, causing him to draw in a raspy breath. “Is that what you want?”
“Yes,” Sebastian whispers. He’s not sure if that’s the right answer, but it’s the honest answer, and the only one he’s got right now.
Chris shrugs. “Suit yourself.” Hooking his thumb over Sebastian’s bottom row of teeth, he pries his mouth open, forces his jaw down, and proceeds to feed his cock back into Sebastian’s mouth. And this time, he doesn’t stop until the head hits the back of his throat.
Despite having had a bit of practice, Sebastian’s gag reflex kicks in. He tries to swallows, and that makes Chris moan real pretty, so of course he does it again. Chris hips stutter and Sebastian’s eyelids flutter, and Chris pulls out before then sliding all the way back in again, over and over until Sebastian’s eyes start to water and his vision goes blurry.
When Chris tentatively thrusts in a little deeper still, a little rougher and less controlled, Sebastian lets out what is quite probably the most wanton sound he’s ever made.
“Ohh,” Chris muses, low and a little mean. “You like that, huh? Like it when you’re chokin’ on my dick? Yeah, ‘course you do, pretty little thing like you.”
Ho-ly-shit. They’re no strangers to a bit of dirty talk, but this… this feels different. It’s borderline degrading, what Chris is saying and doing, and Sebastian finds himself going wild for it.
Who knew.
Undoubtedly noticing Sebastian’s reaction, Chris does it again, pushing in deep and holding there until Sebastian starts to splutter. “Take it, all of it,” Chris orders, sounding almost unaffected. “Thought you wanted it, huh? C’mon, open wider. Yeah, that’s it.”
Feeling hot all over, Sebastian does his best to do what is asked of him. He opens his throat and relaxes as best he can, breathing harshly through his nose while he takes what Chris is giving him. He honestly might come in his pants any minute now, just from this. Chris’s cock is hard and heavy on his tongue, dripping down his throat, his familiar, musky scent everywhere, clouding Sebastian’s brain with screaming lust. One big hand rests heavy on Sebastian’s shoulder, fingers digging almost painfully into his trapezius muscle, and Sebastian’s knees hurt, and his jaw hurts, and he’s sore, and he’s gonna be even more sore later, but right now, he doesn’t care.
He feels good, amazing even. The only thing that’s missing now is seeing Chris fall apart. He wants Chris to come so badly, more so even than he wants to come himself, that he can feel it all the way down in his toes.
He doesn’t notice that his cheeks are wet until Chris brings up a hand to wipe at the tear tracks, meanwhile keeping up the relentless rhythm of his hips, steadily pumping in and out.
Sebastian turns his eyes up, meeting Chris dark and heated gaze, misty through the tears. For a split second, Chris looks at him like himself, quickly cataloguing Sebastian’s condition, before seeming to decide they’re still on the same page. His eyes turn mean again, and Sebastian’s already racing heart skips a beat.
Chris coos then, a soft aaww which makes Sebastian feel equal parts cherished and pathetic. “Should see yourself, honey. Cryin’ and drooling all over my cock…” Chris thumbs at the corner of Sebastian’s mouth, wet with a mixture of spit and tears and Chris’s slick. “Jesus, you’re a mess.”
The words are condescending, but Chris’s voice sounds awed despite himself, and Sebastian is lit up with it from the inside out. He can tell Chris is getting close. Can hear it in his breathing, feel it from the way his thrusts get sloppier and rougher, dick occasionally slipping out and rubbing against Sebastian’s cheek before making its home in his eager mouth again.
“Oh, that’s it, baby,” Chris groans, fingers tightening impossibly on Sebastian’s shoulder. “Gonna make me come. Shit.”
Sebastian moans, letting Chris know how much he wants that, willing him to go faster.
Chris curses again, breathless now, heavy lidded eyes locked on Sebastian’s. “So close, f-fuck. Gonna come all over that pretty face, baby. Ahh, fuck yeah.”
Chris thrusts in deeply one last time, his mouth dropping open. Sebastian feels the first spurt of his release hit the back of his throat, before Chris hastily pulls out and lets the rest of it spill on Sebastian’s face. Come hits his cheeks, his nose, drips down into his mouth, warm and wet and Chris. It’s accompanied by an acute sense of accomplishment, making Sebastian feel boneless and sated, like he’s the one who just blew his load.
As if his strings have been cut, Chris slumps, sliding down the wall until he’s sitting on the floor. His eyes, still a little wild with the remnants of his ecstasy, roam over Sebastian’s face, wide like he can’t quite believe what he’s seeing.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he breathes, grabbing Sebastian’s head between his hands and kissing him, deep and filthy. His tongue pushes in, hot and demanding, licking the taste of himself out of Sebastian’s slack mouth. The mustache is rough against Sebastian’s face. It stings a little, and Sebastian relishes it.
Abruptly, Chris breaks the kiss only to pull him closer, practically into his lap. Sebastian is mostly boneless at this point, except for the bit between his legs, so he lets himself be pulled and arranged like a ragdoll until he’s sandwiched between Chris’s spread thighs.
Chris’s hand fumbles with the drawstring on Sebastian’s sweats, sticking a hand down his pants. When his fingers wrap around his aching dick, Sebastian nearly sobs with relief. He hadn’t even realized how desperate for release he was, too focused on Chris’s pleasure to even register his own need, but now that Chris is touching him, finally touching him, the need to come slams into him like a freight train. The angle is awkward, and Sebastian has trouble breathing because his throat hurts and Chris is still trying to sucking his face off, but it doesn’t matter. He is so on edge that after only a few strokes, he cries out and shoots off all over Chris’s hand. He buries his face in Chris’s neck, mouth open and slack against the warm skin beneath Chris’s ear, while he rides out the aftershocks.
Christ, that was good.
An indeterminate amount of time later, Chris starts rubbing circles over Sebastian’s back. It’s a calming gesture, soothing. Apologetic. “You okay?” he asks quietly. “Did I hurt you?”
Sebastian takes stock of his body. He’s sore as hell, but it’s a good kind of sore. Nothing hurts, in the bad sense of the word. “I’m okay,” he slurs, only it comes out more like, “Mmmhfgk.”
“You sure?” Chris presses. “‘Cause I – I got a little carried away there. Fuck, I didn’t even check if that was okay, I’m sorry.”
Sebastian scoffs, lifting his head. If there’s one thing Sebastian is certain of, it’s that Chris would have stopped immediately if Sebastian had given even the slightest indication that he wasn’t having a good time. He fixes Chris with a hard look – or at least, as hard as he’s capable of in his post-orgasmic state. “Did I look like it wasn’t okay? That was so hot, Chris. It was like, maximum okay.”
Chris makes a sound, reaching up to wipe at Sebastian’s cheeks with his sleeve. “Jesus, Seb.” He still looks a little stunned, wide-eyed and red-cheeked. The mustache makes him look a little dumb, and Sebastian really does kind of love it.
He lifts a finger, gently stroking it over the bristly hairs.
“Thanks for making me feel better about this thing,” Chris says, his eyes back to being soft and loving now.
Sebastian shakes his head. “My pleasure, believe me. I mean, I’m a little concerned about myself, but I’m glad it stopped you worrying.”
“I wasn’t worried.”
“’Course not,” Sebastian replies, patting Chris’s chest.
They sit there for a moment, catching their breath and allowing their minds to unmuddle themselves.
Suddenly, Sebastian jolts upright. “Oh, shit.”
Chris is on instant alert, gaze sharpening as he takes Sebastian in from head to toe. “What is it?” he asks, obviously assuming Sebastian has suddenly discovered that Chris did hurt him after all. “What’s wrong?”
“Your beer.”
Chris blinks at him. “My beer?”
“It’s still in the freezer. It’s only supposed to be in there for like, fifteen minutes tops.”
Chris rolls his eyes. “Fuck the beer,” he says, pulling Sebastian back into his chest.
“But what if it explodes and ruins my freezer?”
“I’ll buy you a new freezer, jeez. Dork.”
“Hey,” Sebastian scolds mildly. “Don’t forget I’m the dork who just made you come your brains out.”
“Trust me,” Chris says, leaning in to kiss him again. “I’m not forgetting that any time soon.”
Read on AO3
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toomuchracket · 1 year
per the concept you posted last week about matty being your first at a house party…this has been my comfort thought at work today.
Just afterwards, you and matty are still cuddling in bed and he asks if you’d like to go back downstairs and you’re like “yes please im a bit knackered” so he gets up and gets dressed and you ask if you can borrow some comfy clothes from him. He obliges and gives you a graphic tee and some flannel pyjama pants and they smell like him and it’s so comforting on top of all the hormones that have just released in your body.
So you head downstairs and go to the fridge while matty ducks away to the restroom “I’ll just be a minute sweetheart” and you’re like “omg matty I’m fine” but really you do appreciate it because it was quite a new experience! you’re looking in the fridge when he comes up behind you and loops his arm around your neck while standing beside you. “What you looking for?” “Have you got any juice?” He grabs it out of its hiding place and gives it to you, giving the top of your head a sweet kiss before you turn around to find the solo cups. Just then George and charli burst into the kitchen (they are late to the party) and George and Matty greet each other. George clocks that you’re wearing Matty’s clothes and asks if you’re alright. “Just got tired of my party clothes is all.” And matty doesn’t want George to suspect anything so he whispers to his friend that you had a bit too much to drink and needed taking care of to explain his extra protective behaviour around you.
Then charli is suggesting the four of you play beer pong boys against girls and you’re down but matty whines that he wants to be your partner and your friends know how stubborn he is so they oblige. “No beer for you then y/n,” says George, “Matty?” And you look up at matty quickly pleading with him not to make you be sober alone. “Water for us both mate, thanks.” And then mattys rubbing sweet circles on your lower back as you throw the first two balls, missing awfully. You’re shaking a bit and matty rubs your shoulders trying to warm you up, “are you cold?”
“No just the adrenaline I think.”
“From beer pong? I don’t care if we win.”
“No, not from the beer pong.”
“Oh right, right. Do you want to go back upstairs?”
“No I’m fine, just will you help me throw the next one?”
“Sure darling.”
And he does and you guys end up losing but who cares. You tell George and Charli that you’re ready to go to bed and you all hug each other and matty leads you back up to his room where he lifts the covers up and tucks you in “get in, you.” He gets up from the bed a bit abruptly and you get scared a second “where are you going?”
“Was just gonna change into my boxers, is that okay?”
You raise your eyebrows at him “nothing I haven’t seen before.” And he’s like “okay getting cheeky already I see” and when he takes his pant off you mom obnoxiously at his bulge and he’s fake fighting with you like “oi don’t make jokes about my penis I don’t like that!” And then he’s on top of you tickling you and you’re like “no no I’m sorry I concede!! You’re penis isn’t funny!” And he’s like “that’s what I thought” 😌 and relents so you can relax into his chest and get a good nights sleep.
(initial concept can be found here) anon this is so CUTE i don't even know if there's anything i can add!! matty WOULD do all that - obviously there's a new level of intimacy between you post-sex, but he's careful not to overstep any boundaries and be too lovey-dovey with you (although i think the two of you are fairly casually affectionate with each other just out of habit at this point) while still making sure you're ok. no wonder you wanted him to be the first person you had sex with, if he's so sweet and attentive and caring towards you!! thank you so much for this, it's so lovely to see how the things i write take on their own lives and developments through reader perception <3
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theguest2 · 26 days
its saturday night im reading a good book, listening to good music, smoking good weed, the weather is mild, chile relleno casserole is in the oven, and corona is chilling in the fridge 😌
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rachi-roo · 2 years
I am such a sucker for Miya comfort fics w Joe and Cherry and I am begging you my liege to feed into this. 🛐🛐
I have no thoughts, and no ideas, I just kin tf out of Miya, and wish Joe and cherry were my dads😭
ANYTHING FOR YOU DUCK-DUCK!!! 🦆🩵 You need not beg my dearest 😌 My children will never go hungry 🫴🥞
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SK8 The Infinity: So tense!
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I'm only up to episode 6 myself!!! So go off whatevers happened till then XD
Summary: Tiggle fic! Miya seems a little irritated when he drops into Joe's restaurant out of the blue one evening, finding he and Cherry chilling together. The older men know something is up and know just how to fix the problem.
Lee Miya, Lers Joe and Cherry B.
Tw: None
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It was closing time at the popular Italian restaurant, Sia La Luce, run by Kojiro, or Joe for those who know.
The tall gent was just talking with his pink-haired friend as he wiped down the bar counter when he heard the door open. He could have sworn he switched the sign to closed.
"Hey, sorry buddy we're- Oh! Hey kid." He was surprised to see a small Miya standing in the doorway, in his school uniform. Cherry looked over, sipping his drink. "What are you doing out on a school night, Miya?" He asked.
The boy shrugged, walking over and sitting at the bar beside Cherry. "I didn't feel like going home yet." He sighed, putting his book bag on the counter, staring gloomily at his lap.
Cherry and Joe looked at each other, both unsure what the problem was. The green-haired hunk stepped opposite the boy, smiling sympathetically. "Bad day at school?" He asked, wiping his hands with a flannel before fetching a juice box from the fridge behind the bar.
"Ugh... Bad week." The kid shook his head, taking the juice box and sipping the cool drink.
"Would you like to talk about it? We don't mind listening." Cherry smiled, crossing his legs as he turned to face the boy. Miya looked at the two of them pouting before opening his book bag and taking out a test paper. The numbers 28/70 written in he top corner.
"I messed up. Big time. How could I do so bad on a stupid math test?!" He curled in on himself as Cherry took the paper, looking at all the red circles and writing, pointing out all the mistakes.
"I see. You know these tests don't define your future, right?" He explained, handing Joe the paper. "One bad result doesn't mean complete failure."
Joe nodded in agreement. "Yup. I had countless failed papers growing up."
"Well that's obvious, damn gorilla."
"Shut it four-eyes. Its true though, these tests aren't the end if you mess up."
Miya hummed, twiddling his thumbs in his lap. "But-"
"What's eleven times three?" Cherry interrupted with a smile.
Miya raised a brow, confusedby the sudden pop quiz. "Thirty-three."
"Mhm. And fifty-four divided by two?"
"Twenty-seven? What's your point?"
"My point is, you're clearly not a stupid child, Miya. You're very clever. You just weren't performing at your fullest during this test, the circumstances just weren't right." Cherry smiled, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"What do you mean?" Miya asked, tilting his head. Joe crept around behind him, leaning over his shoulder with a smirk.
"Pinky-pie here is saying you were just too tense." He chuckled, starting to poke at Miya's sides. The boy squeaked in shock, arching his back away from the tickly sensations as he quickly set down his drink, so he didn't spill it everywhere.
"Hehey! Dohon't do that!" He wriggled out of his seat, hugging himself as he glared at Joe. "No! No tickling!" He pointed sternly, unable to hide the teasing smile on his lips.
Cherry smirked at Joe, standing from his seat. "I think he needs some physical therapy. Don't you?"
"I absolutely agree." Joe grinned, starting to creep towards Miya in a playful manner, wriggling his fingers towards the boy as he started backing away, already giggling nervously.
"H-Hang on a moment! I don't think- You don't have to- AH!" He turned on his heels, dashing around the restaurant as Joe lunged for him, Cherry also making a grab for him.
"Noho! Nonono! Get away!" Miya giggled, standing one side of a table with the other two blocking both his exits. He anxiously held his hands to his chin, shuffling on the spot as he grinned uncontrollably. "Plehease! You bullies!"
"Bullies?" Joe grinned. "I thought I was your daddy? Hey? Remember that?" He teased, opening his arms wide. "Now c'mere and give your ol pops a hug." He chuckled.
"No! You're gonna tickle me!"
"Well of course." Cherry smiled, gracefully vaulting over the table all of a sudden, making Miya rush in Joe's direction in a panic. The large man stuck out an arm, wrapping it around Miyas tummy, lifting the small thing off the ground with ease. Holding him with one arm as he wriggled for his freedom.
"Put me dohown! Y-You're so- Kyahaha!" He squealed as he felt Joe's large fingers start to shake into his tummy, his legs flailing helplessly.
"See son? You just need to loosen up a little." He jeered, shifting his arm slightly, allowing Cherry access to the ticklish boys waist.
"You know, laughter is very good for you. It helps regulate your emotions. So, if we do this more often, your tests will seem much easier." Cherry spoke softly, starting to pinch just above the boys knees, making him shudder and cackle in response.
"Noho! N-Not my knehehees! Ehehehe!" His laughter was bright and bubbly, his cheeks and ears heating up to a warm pink as he giggled.
"Kichi, kichi, kooo~ Oh he is very ticklish isn't he?" Joe teased, moving his arm up around Miya's chest, slipping a hand under his arm and tickling there, his free hand coming to tickle his ribs, gently pressing his knuckles into the small frame.
"Eeeeehehehe! Stohop!" Miya grabbed onto Joe's arm, just dangling from his hold, completely vulnerable to the tickly attacks like a kitten stuck in a tree.
Cherry smirked, seeing that the boy's uniform had rolled up with Joe's arm. "Hey, watch this." He smiled holding onto Miya's hips before blowing a raspberry on his soft little tummy.
Miya threw his head back, laughing loudly as his legs kicked. "Kyahahahaaaa! Ehehe! N-Not thahat! Not- Eeeehahaha!"
Joe grinned. "Awww, yes our son is very ticklish. We could just keep him stuck here forever!" Joe chuckled, petting the giggly boy's hair.
"Nohoho! Gehehehe!"
"He sure is. I wonder if these are tickly too?" Cherry mused, swiftly removing Miya's shoes, holding the boy's socked feet in a headlock as he started to lightly scribble on the boy's soles.
"Not my feheheet! No! Nyahahaha! Ehehehe! H-Hehelp!"
"Aww, those are some lovely socks you've got. Joe, they've got little cat paws on the bottom." Cherry chuckled, tracing the 'paw pads' on the boy's socks, smiling as he watched the little toes scrunch and curl inside.
"They do? Aww, I gotta get me a pair of those." Joe nodded, skittering his free fingers in and around Miya's ear, the boy squealing as he tried to bat his hand away.
"Plehehase! Ehe! I-I can't-!"
The small boy soon started to sound tired. His giggling grew breathy. Joe and Cherry decided he'd had enough and ceased their attack. Joe carried the limp noodle boy back to the bar as he giggled, sitting him on the stool and pushing the unfinished drink towards his hands.
"Are you alright?" Cherry soothed, rubbing Miya's back softly. He huffed, panting slightly as he sipped the drink. "I'm... hah... I'm better now..." He blushed slightly, embarrassed to admit he did enjoy it.
"Thank you, dad's." He giggled, beaming up at the two men, who both chuckled in return, each putting an arm around the boy, hugging him affectionately.
"Not a problem, kiddo. Anything you need help with, we got you." Joe smiled, petting his hair. Cherry nodded. "Right. You're our honorary son now."
Miya smiled, closing his eyes for a moment, just enjoying their embrace. He liked having two extra dads. They were the best. And hopefully, they'd be helping him out like this again soon.
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Very secret anon here! Would you write
“it’s not much, but i got you this.”
for dayasco? I deserve a gift this valentines day😌
I know I’m late with these but to be fair I was already late when I posted the prompts so I guess that checks out huh. But yeah, it’s midnight and I’m listening to Lana deal rey and it’s got me y e a r n i n g so let’s get at these Valentine’s blurbs, shall we? Thank you, super secret anon, for this little ask! I als slightly altered the wording of the prompt, but it’s still the same theme!
College was hard. Classes started early in the morning, ended way too late and still left so much to work up and study for, it kind of felt illegal. Once Daya finally got ahead of her assignments, or at least didn’t completely drown in them, bills and fees crept up on her, forcing her to spend what little time of her day wasn’t occupied by studies and formulas to be spent in the stinky little Starbucks just off campus, working her ass off for a minimum wage. More often than not, the moment she got home, Daya simply collapsed in bed. And often, Bosco wasn’t even home yet. Her server job kept her occupied far into the night, so usually she’d sneak in on her tiptoes as the clock switched from pm to am, crawling into bed and snuggling up to Daya, whose sleeping form rarely stirred before dawn.
To say they didn’t get to spend as much time together as they wish they could was an understatement. And even though Daya made sure to keep Bosco entertained at work, sending stupid memes or salty commentary on her co workers idiocy her way, it just wasn’t the type of romance they’d pictured for themselves when they had moved off campus and into their tiny studio apartment together.
And sadly, Valentine’s Day was no different. Daya came home around nine, dropped a bag of Bagels and muffins into the fridge for tomorrow, took out whatever leftovers she could find and threw them into the microwave. Dinner in bed, an episode of Game of Thrones (the good seasons, duh) on her Laptop, a quick shower, checking on the laundry and her schedule for tomorrow, lights off, right to bed. Her back hurt bad today, and her legs were sore from standing behind a counter for hours, fake smiling at every stupid student coming in.
Four hours later, the door creaked open again. Bosco tiptoed inside, dropping her shoes and bag at the entrance, creeping over to the bathroom to quickly change into one of Daya’s shirts, wipe their face, and then tiptoe over to the bed.
But as she settled down beside her girlfriends body tonight, she felt Daya’s body shift behind her. Long, warm arms wrapped around her from behind, pressing Bosco‘s back up against Daya‘s front, the taller girl nose buried in her dark hair, taking in her scent. Bosco chuckled in surprise, a little giggle following when she felt Daya’s lips against her neck, featherlight kisses all over her skin.
„Hi“, her voice was husky, still full of sleep. Bosco was surprised she was awake at allem usually nothing could interrupt Daya’s slumber. Her next words however gave an explanation. „Happy Valentines Day.“
Again, Bosco couldn’t help the giggle that escaped their throat, turning around in Daya’s embrace. There were dark circles under her girlfriend’s eyes, lids heavy with sleep. They couldn’t help but smile at the sight, connecting their lips in a gentle kiss.
„That was yesterday, Daya. It’s 1 am.“ Bosco’s tone was playful, but Daya’s brows still knit together in offense.
„Fuck off“, she grumbled, pushing herself away from Bosco and onto her elbows. One hand disappeared behind her, the sound of nails scratching wood as she scrambled through her bedside table. „Got you something.“ Finally, her hand came to a halt and she turned back around to face Bosco, some small object hidden in her closed fist. „I know its not much, but it made me think of you. I’m sorry I didnt have time to wrap it…“
Before Daya got to say anything else, Bosco grabber her hand, their head slightly shaking. „Just shut up and show me!“
So Daya opened her fist. Her fingers revealed a small, silver shining ring, made to resemble a set of vampire teeth, with a set of long, sharp fangs. Bosco’s fingers found the little object, holding it up for closer inspection. It was heavier than it looked, but the feeling of the slight weight in her hand was nice.
„It’s real gunmetal“, Daya explained, watching Bosco smile at the little object. „I know a ring might be a little much, don’t read into it too much, I just really couldn’t help myself.“
Once again, Bosco shook her head, silencing Daya in the process. She slipped the ring onto her right middle finger, holding the hand up to marvel at the perfectly fitting ring. „Daya“, she whispered, turning to face the blonde girl. „It’s perfect.“
Their newly accessorised hand found Daya’s cheek, pulling her in for another kiss. „And don’t worry, maybe I’ll marry you once you’re a loaded biologist. For now, this is perfect. Absolutely perfect.“
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apocryptid · 1 year
🚗🎄🐉🥯 for tenn
🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?
he doesn't technically have his license but he drives anyways if someone is dumb enough to let him drive their car 😭😭 he also is pretty good on a four-wheeler
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
halloween naturally 😌😌
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
ah damn dont make them choose (but its definitely the fresno nightcrawlers)
🥯 BAGEL — what does your oc's typical breakfast look like? do they usually eat breakfast?
they usually wake up mid-afternoon so their "breakfast" is just leftovers he pops in the microwave or just eat straight out the fridge lmao
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imaswellkid · 1 year
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
Hey you 🧡 Thank you, I really love these and I'm super happy I was in your notifs 🥰
In 1996, my bff went to Ireland and bought us identical Claddagh rings. We've been wearing them every single day ever since. We're married 😌
Last spring, I found a poor, nearly rotten half cabbage in my fridge. I planted it on my balcony and it's thriving!!! It's in bloom right now, its flowers are yellow, I fucking love this feisty little survivor.
Because I'm otherwise very bad with plants.
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