#its not perfect since i was thinking about all the school time i was wasting working on this
wraithinkorporated · 11 months
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Needed a new discord icon
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the mindset journey
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So hi.
My mindset has been evolving a lot ever since I started this journey, and I thought I'd lay it all out in one post. Subliminals, mindless affirming, scripting, visualization, states. I've tried so many things out, and I think I've finally figured out what works for me.
Stop “trying” to manifest or checking the 3d, you already have full results, creation was over like since forever.
Sure you know that you’re God, as the posts and everything you’ve seen tells you, but have you really embraced that internally?
It doesn’t matter how many posts you read, it’s up to you to actually change your mindset.
Logic is literally useless, be delusional (don’t you just wanna go ape-shit :), go get your fucking desires)
Time is not linear, and means nothing when manifesting.
Revision is so powerful, use it.
It’s just so easy guys, please just make sure you’re actually applying the information you see instead of just passively scrolling through.
And the rest is under the cut, happy reading <33
I started off in the subliminal community in Oct 2020 and just had so many limiting beliefs, it was sad. Not to shit on the community or anything, some of them are wonderful people and most of them have changed their mindset as well, but my initial knowledge prevented me from getting to this point until now. But, now I’m here, and a day after I wrote this in my drafts, I literally manifested my ideal life. I originally started this blog to collect advice from loa blogs, but honestly, I don’t need any of it anymore. Though I do like helping people, so if you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an ask.
The Initial Mindset:
I always read through countless posts that say “You’re God” and “You literally can get what you want without even trying.” While I understood the text and adopted the mindset, I still did little subconscious things that contradicted it. While I affirmed my self-concept was perfect, I would also cram-study for exams and worry I would fail. I would say I look perfect, but then also worry about the way my body looked. Also, the way that I literally became obsessed with loa media? I spent hours watching Sammy Ingram videos, looping subliminals, and reading tumblr posts on “how to manifest faster and better”. During this phase of my life, my mind was plagued with intrusive thoughts and my self-concept was slowly getting better, but still absolute shit. I would manifest things here and there, but nothing life-changing.
The main problem however, was the fact that I would treat manifesting like a task I HAD to do. Now that school was back in session, I literally would zone out during specific classes on purpose and just affirm to myself. I would feel bad if I hadn’t listened to my subliminal playlist for the day because I “wasted time in getting my desires”. There’s nothing wrong with vainly affirming or listening to subs if you believe it works, but for me, treating manifesting like a task meant that I was looking for an outcome. Clearly, now I know better, that everything is always done and that there’s nothing to complete, but back then, this was probably the main reason why I struggled to see full results easily. I was acting out of desperation and didn't believe manifestation already was done.
When Everything Changed:
I know that it’s different for everyone, but my “aha!” moment was probably when I read this post. Seriously, go read it, it made me realize that I was going about it all wrong. Now, it wasn’t learning how to perfect my manifesting, it was learning to pull out the tiny limiting beliefs that had burrowed its way into my subconscious.
For example,
“I need to do xyz so that I can get my manifestations.”
Why would I would need to do anything if I already have all of my manifestations hmm? It’s literally already done. Like there’s no need to put in that effort into something that’s already perfect right? So why do I need to even need to try? I literally get whatever tf I want without even trying. This doesn’t mean that every method out there is useless, but in the end, you are the one doing the manifesting, not the method.
“But... this makes absolutely no logical sense! How would this even work?”
I know that STEM me loves finding the logic behind everything, so that’s why I struggled a lot with the logic and time aspect. But darling, it doesn’t need to make sense. There are literally so many things in the world that scientists to this day can’t explain, including just how powerful and complex your brain is. Not to mention the fact that concepts such as logic and science are literally man-made too? What’s the point in trying to deal with logic? Just let go and have fun.
“I affirmed so hard, and I believed it. But then it never showed up when the time came.”
First off, your time spent affirming means nothing, sorry to break it to you. It’s about the mindset(your state if you will) you currently exist in that truly makes a difference. And just because it didn’t show up today doesn’t mean that you missed your window of opportunity. Revision is still manifesting, because time is not a linear concept. Anything at any time can just change with a snap of your fingers. You want to change all of your test scores? Bam, it’s done. you wish WW2 never happened? Bam, it’s done. You want to relive the past 5 years of your life? Bam, it’s done. It doesn’t matter what the event is, what time it is, or that you “didn’t do it before the deadline”. Whenever you do get it(which is instant/soon if you're persisting properly), it will be there, seamlessly blended in with your 3d. You don’t need to worry about a damn thing, your subconscious will take care of everything for you.
“Oh no! I just had intrusive thoughts, did I just mess up my manifestations?”
Why are you giving intrusive thoughts the power to do anything? Sure, you may get them, but that doesn’t mean that they have any effect on you. It’s the doubt they make you feel in your mindset that truly messes it up. Don’t give in. Acknowledge the thought, accept that it literally means nothing, and continue to persist. Your thoughts only have the power you give them.
“Nah, everyone has to be lying, this doesn’t seem real.” / ”Manifesting must just be a coincidence, there’s no way this is real.”
Oh? So you’re saying, the amount of posts you’ve seen, all of the success stories, all of the followers and comments, are you saying every single one of them is lying? No. I’m not saying that every single one of them is truthful, but there’s no way that every single one of them would lie and put this much work into something that’s not real. If you find yourself struggling to believe in the law, I’d suggest you try to manifest something small, and then build up your belief from there. I sure as hell didn’t believe in any of this from the beginning, but then, I manifested consciously for the first time. Again, and again. It became easier, and my life got better. It soon becomes apparent that literally everything you think happens. I always used to wonder how things I randomly thought in the back of my head always happened even though I literally didn’t do anything about it in the 3d. This proved to me that your mental state is more powerful than it seems.
“Can I manifest-”
Yes. Just yes. You’re GOD. GOD. Why tf is God asking some random loa account if they can manifest something or not? Ofc God would know that they can manifest whatever the fuck they want instantly. Do you think when God said “Let there be light”, he first asked people around him if he could? No. He took that shit and just fucking ran with it.
“But-but, what if-”
Uh-uh. I don’t want to fucking hear it. Like I said in the previous section, stop overthinking everything you do. Just go. Run with what you already know and manifest the life of your dreams. You don’t need to keep looking for new information, some specific post that changes everything for you. All they can do for you is steer you in the right direction. You’re the one who’s going to have to figure out our mindset and pull yourself together, no one else can do it. Take back your power, embrace it. I don’t care if you unfollow every single loa account or delete tumblr, just stop looking for the next post. Why would you need more information when you already have everything you need?
I wrote down everything I struggled with, forgot about it, and continued to persist in my new mindset. I ignored any negative 3d circumstances, and just vibed in the feeling that my desires were already here, that feeling of contentment someone has when everything in their life is just amazing. The main question I asked myself was, what would a person who had ____ think, and I went from there. Soon the things I wanted just started popping up in my life, just as I knew it would. I feel like the things I’ve said in this post are pretty much the same concepts you see all over loa tumblr, which is why it’s so important that you actively take in the information that’s being given to you and actually apply it. I was obsessed with tumblr and kept on scrolling through countless blogs and posts, and I was only able to fully manifest after I stepped away from all of that. There is no big secret. There’s no miraculous method that will fix everything for you. There’s just... you. And your subconscious. Whatever you tell your subconscious, goes. As simple as that.
How about, instead of scrolling to whatever next loa post you were about to see on this app, you close tumblr and just go live your best life? Don’t overcomplicate it and just do whatever feels natural to you. I hope this post helped, happy manifesting!
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nobodycallsmerae · 13 days
01. and every time you breathe his air, just know i was already there
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ⓘ now playing: track 01. taste ▷▷ 0:24 ─●──────── 2:37
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pairing: student council president!yang jungwon x reader(f) cw: controlling relationship (context, (mostly) in the background), lots of swearing (y/n's love language is cursing basically lol), lmk if i missed anything !
synopsis: it has been months since you and jungwon broke up, so it shouldn't bother you if he's dating your bitchy nemesis, but you still can't help but get into catfights with her because you love to get a reaction out of little miss perfect. definitely not because you still have feelings for jungwon, right?
tags: high school au, exes to lovers(?), lowercase intended
author's note: not my best fic as a writer (since i literally wrote most of this in language class) but its become one of my favourites as i've come to love this fic so much because of all the feels and the character personalities, so i hope someway you'll find yourself here <3 ngl won's character is heavily inspired by en-drama because i'm obsessed. my first try at writing for my fav enha boy so i hope i did well !
word count: 2.8k
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“bitch, are you actually crazy,’ with bright orange soda dripping down your shirt, you let out a slow chuckle, “or are you just mad that you taste me when he’s kissing you?” 
“fucking whor—,”
“that’s enough for today, girls, leave some energy for the rest of the day,” mrs. kang, the only teacher in the cafeteria, finally stood up from her seat and walked towards the commotion. 
“you just earned an hour in detention, you lady.” you couldn’t help but smirk when the teacher shot miss. ‘perfect’ a disapproving glare. “stay back tomorrow and maybe help out the volunteers, make yourself useful for once.” 
“but, uh, mrs. kang, she provoked me! she should be the one getting detention!” it was funny how she thought crushing the soda-can in her hands would deem her as innocent. 
“ma’am,” you knew you were a trouble-maker, but the only reason teachers trusted you was because you were sincere— or at least good at pretending you were. “i was only here to have a conversation, but she was the one who assaulted me out of nowhere,” 
one of the reasons you maintained a friendly relationship with the teachers was for situations like this. 
“and you know what ma’am, i’m not even mad that she attacked me, but wastage of food? oh, to think a thirsty kid could’ve been drinking that soda, but for it to get wasted on me like that?”
“that’s enough, y/n; don’t think i don't know your antics.” mrs. kang looked at you through her glasses. “another sentence and you’ll be enjoying detention with your best friend here.”
you flashed her a guilty but thankful smile. "of course ma’am, i understand.”
“and what are you all looking at? the bell’s about to ring, get back to your classes!” the teacher cursed under her breath, the crowd around you disappearing in an instant. 
mrs. kang looked around the cafeteria, and her face instantly lit up when she saw bitch #2. “ah, yang jungwon! thank god at least someone responsible is here.” 
you didn’t give him the satisfaction of looking at him, but you sensed him stand taller and simultaneously become smaller at the acknowledgement. 
“son, please take this menace to the nurse’s room, i don’t trust her enough to send her alone— god knows what more she’ll end up causing.” you flash mrs. kang a guilty smile. “meanwhile, you, young lady, come with me to the staff room.”
as you saw miss perfect follow mrs. kang with her tail between her legs, you couldn’t help but crack a triumphant smile. 
“thank you, ma’am, i’ll remember your kindness for the rest of my life!” you leave the cafeteria, seeing mrs. kang roll her eyes and say something along the lines of ‘i don’t get paid enough for this.’ 
not waiting for what's-his-face, you make your way towards the nurse’s room to find a spare shirt. 
“y/n! wait up,” your pace quickens as naturally as possible when you hear his voice, but jungwon easily catches up to you. “are you okay?”
“what do you want, yang jungwon?” it takes all effort in you to not look at him.
“here, take this,” you turned towards him when he offered his coat to you, his fingers slightly gripping your pocket, keeping you in place. with a glare, you take a step back.  “you're drenched, y/n. you’ll catch a cold like this.” 
“i don't need your charity,” maybe you did feel a chill go through your body, but you'd rather be dead than take help from jungwon. “you don’t have to help me just because a teacher asked you to, mr. president, i’m fine.” 
“y/n,” his tone was pleading but assertive. “don’t be like this,, i’m here as your friend—” 
“don’t even,” you scoffed, an annoyed expression adorning your face. 
“i thought you were my friend, but the way you have been acting lately tells me anything but. i know things are awkward because we broke up, but is human decency too much to ask for? 
"i’m not asking you to take sides, but you could've— nevermind now. i guess years of friendship goes down the drain just because your pretty little girlfriend can’t stand me.”
there goes your shot at being cool and nonchalant.
you didn’t mean to say that all, but words came spilling out of your mouth once you made eye-contact with him. 
jungwon looked shocked, speechless at your unexpected outburst. he took a step back. “i… i’m sorry, y/n.” 
you felt betrayed at yourself when you felt a pang of disappointment when he walked away. 
maybe you had expected him to say something? finally clear out all the misunderstandings and go back to how things were before? 
nonetheless, you also knew you could never go back to being just friends with him, yet you were starting to miss his company, and your aching heart was making it clear that you weren’t even a step closer to getting over him. 
but it didn't even matter now.
you sighed, resuming your journey towards the nurse’s room, your heart growing heavier when you find a bunch of napkins in your pocket where jungwon had touched you.  
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“i mean it was kind of stupid to think mrs. kang would let you off the hook for causing a scene like that,” your best friend smirked, clearly enjoying this. 
“hey, whose side are you on?” you half-heartedly throw your eraser at her, slumping into your seat. “oh man, i was so excited to go back home and watch the new episode of the drama with you. guess that'll have to wait because apparently dusting books that people will never even read is way more important, i guess." 
"calm your dramatic ass down," your best friend chuckled, patting your head as you groaned and playfully banged your head on the table. "at least there will be no record of detention on your report." 
"i guess you're right... but i'll miss you," you blow kisses at her, making her laugh. 
"whatever weirdo, love you too," she stood up, giving you a smile. "i'll get going then. you better start your work soon if you don't wanna stay back for another hour." 
"see you soon!" after you wave at her, you stretch out in your chair, giving yourself a pep talk to survive the extra hour of work that was given to you by mrs. kang as "not a punishment, but something that will make you think twice before causing trouble again." 
although you weren't happy about this, you couldn't help but feel a sense of calm as you entered the library and walked through the many bookshelves, finally situating yourself amidst the very last shelves. 
life had gotten pretty hectic lately, so having some time in the library, when not a single soul was there, felt like pressing pause and breathing for a moment. you put on your mask, and some music as you half-heartedly start dusting the old books on the shelves. 
the quiet and solitude was something you longed for, but with nothing better to do, your mind couldn't help but go back to thinking about yang jungwon. 
maybe you were being irrational with him today, because of course, which guy would choose a friend over his girlfriend? you felt guilty, because you realised it was your selfish feelings that made you act that way. 
while you were accusing jungwon of not giving efforts to sustain your friendship, what had you been doing? 
weren't you the one picking the longer route to avoid running into him, or helping random people with their errands whenever he came into the room just to avoid a conversation? 
but you couldn’t bring yourself to face him; not because of the awkwardness, but because you couldn’t see him being with his girlfriend.
jealousy was another thing, but you couldn’t tolerate the way miss perfect treated him— it shouldn’t matter to you that she didn’t understand his niche habits, or that she didn’t let him finish his sentences, so you chose to stay quiet instead of making a scene, because you knew it was of no use anyway. 
“well, so much for not making a scene,” you groaned, glancing at the too-tight shirt you’d borrowed from the nurse’s office. 
finally pulled out of your thoughts by the alarm you’d set on your phone, you looked up at the giant clock at the library, and let out a quiet squeal when you noticed an hour was up. 
as you packed up your phone and belongings and walked towards the front of the library, you were stopped in your tracks as you heard a familiar voice in the otherwise silent room. as you slowly crept towards the front desk, the voice became clearer.
“yes sir, of course. no, i understand. i’ll make sure there’s no— yes sir, sure. right. thank you, sir, thank— oof.” yang jungwon slumped into the chair, his voice immediately losing its energy and him looking more tired than ever as he gently placed his phone on a cluttered table. 
as he closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair and rubbed his face, it gave you the perfect opportunity to walk by, unnoticed, and— 
“won— hey, jungwon,” a small, comforting smile crept up on your face, as you slowly made your way towards him. “what are you doing here so late.” 
your heart fluttered in an act of betrayal when you saw his face instantly light up when he noticed you. 
“y/n! hey, hi. have a seat,” jungwon smiled, quickly trying to push the various open notebooks and leaflets towards himself to make space for you. “i uh, i just had to stay back for some work for next week’s event. what about you, why’re you here so late? everything okay?”
“haha, yes, mrs. kang just made me do some extra work to make up for today,” you took a seat beside him, both of you facing each other. “but wait, don’t tell me you’re doing work here so late? can’t you do it at home?”
“well, yes and no? the teachers are counting on me to look after everything because, you know…” he looked sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck, forever uncomfortable about his position as the president of the student council.
“and since most of the things require me to double check with the faculty and the campus, it’s easier to do these things at school. plus, i’ll have to take the measurements for the posters and all too, so i was planning to get it over by today itself instead of weighing down someone else with the work,” 
“goddamn, i didn’t know you had so much work to do. I could never handle such responsibility,” you let out a slow whistle, but then turned to him with concerned eyes. “it must be hard managing everything. are you okay, though? you can distribute the work between the members, you know? you don’t have to shoulder everything.” you gently put your hand on him, making sure he listens. 
jungwon was the type of person who always took on more work than it was healthy for them to carry out, but he always made sure he completed each and every task with perfection. 
you knew the boy struggled with being a people pleaser and a perfectionist, so you made sure to remind him to relax and take a breath every once in a while whenever you got the chance. 
“giving the work to other people doesn’t make you a bad leader, won, it is literally their job to help you. so, chill out a bit okay? and make sure you take breaks in between and not—”
you were interrupted by the soft hum of jungwon’s ringtone, and as you looked down on it, it was almost as if a bucket of cold water was splashed on you as you saw his girlfriend’s name flash on the screen. 
in an instant, you let go of his hand, your hands reaching up  to play with your hair and hopefully hide the red creeping up on your face. “you… you should probably pick that up.” you hoped your smile did not look lopsided. 
to your surprise, you saw jungwon silence his phone, and place it inside his pocket. “you were saying?” he gave you a small smile, acting as if nothing had happened. 
“um, dude, wasn’t that your girlfriend?” you sounded confused. “you should’ve picked up, i’m okay with it.”
“uh, ex… girlfriend.” 
“what the fuck?” you shrieked in surprise, your face red, both of you looking around to see if anybody heard you. you lowered your voice once again. “bitch what? didn’t we just argue like hours ago? because of you? wait, oh my god, don’t tell me she broke up with you because of me? oh god, i’m so sorry jungwon, i swear, i never meant to—”
your ramble was cut short when jungwon gently placed his hand over your mouth, chuckling at your wide eyes and flushed cheeks. 
“y/n, calm down, i’d broken up with her weeks ago,” this dude literally had the audacity to smile after giving you a mini heart attack. “actually… it's a pretty long story.” he cringed. 
“well i would very much like to know why the fuck i’m wearing some random girl’s shirt if you guys broke up weeks ago?” you huffed; but when you saw his quiet expression, you blushed. “wait, i mean, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. it’s okay, i was just kidding.” 
“No, y/n, its okay.” jungwon had a weird expression on his face. “it’s just that… do you have any idea how much i’ve wanted to talk about this, or just talk like this, with you? i missed us.” 
“won,” you were sure your face was permanently red now. “i’m always here, you know that.” 
“thanks,” he said. “the truth is, i wasn’t really in a happy relationship with her. i don’t know, maybe i didn’t want to admit it to myself too, but at some point it just got too suffocating; it was like being with a tyrant.” 
though jungwon was trying to play it off with a casual demeanour, you could hear the pain still eminent in his voice. the reason he was so closed off, always so busied by his books or duties, it all made sense now. 
“i know it sounds weird, but being in a relationship with her felt like i was constantly being criticised and forced to be someone i’m not. i can’t always be this perfect, responsible, ideal boy friend, and i felt guilty for trying to put on this fake act of being perfect and i…” 
you genuinely ached for him, your heart reaching out to the boy who was finally opening his jar of bottled emotions. 
you wrapped jungwon in a gentle but warm hug, hoping it helps ease him, who was on the verge of breaking down.”
“shh, its okay, won. you’re out of that relationship now, and it takes alot of courage to do that; i’m proud of you, yang jungwon.”
“you know what the funniest part is, she wasn’t willing to break up with me so she acted as if we were still together and telling me that she’ll stop and change and what not, and me being dumb enough, probably did believe her. but it was this morning, when she threw the soda at you, it was almost as if she’d done it to me. 
“it was different when it was just me, but when she’s hurting people i care about?  i know where to draw the line then.” jungwon finally cracked a small smile. “and you know what? i finally understood that i made the right decision when you came here and told me that i don’t have to take on everything on my own. it made me realise that there are people who look out for me, so i’m not worried anymore.”
“of course, you dumb fuck,” you flicked his forehead, laughing to stop yourself from actually tearing up. you felt guilty knowing that he was going through so much on his own, but you also felt beyond ecstatic that he trusted you enough to share all that with you. “too bad you have such a stick up your ass that you didn’t realise that sooner. and its not just me, but all our friends are here for you too. So don’t you ever dare feel alone or suffer through all that by yourself.” 
“I know that now…” jungwon chuckled, his flushed face mirroring yours as he rested his head on the table, looking at you with the softest eyes. “thank you, y/n. You have no idea how grateful i am to you.” 
“shut up up with your cheesy lines, jungwon you slut, or i might just fall in love with you.” you rolled your eyes, playfully covering his face to hide your blush, because you both knew the truth anyway. 
‘i already have,” he smiled. 
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author's note: if you see my personal feelings etched into this fic, no you don't :D also did y'all notice the way i didn't even name the ex because like i was so afraid of it breaking the fourth wall like, what if its the name of your best friend or cousin or literally just your name 😭
please leave comments and reblogs because i could really use some motivation, thank you ! 🤍
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short n' sweet masterlist 💋
get back to navigation?
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mayzi33 · 4 months
*clears throat.*
(apologize in advance for any mistakes english isn't my first language)
Alright. Here we go.
Look, I haven't watched MLP in a LONGGGG time. But recently with all the stuff I missed our and since the fandom is still pretty much alive and well I decided to take peek by peek in the seasons I haven't watched.
Until I came across, these guys
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And I have so much to say.
I didn't write a script for this or anything so I don't know where this rambling is going so I just ask you to bear with me for as much as you can, okay?
Look, watching the Young Six episodes I've experienced one of the things that angers me the most. SUCH. WASTED. POTENTIAL.
I homestly don't know what Hasbro WAS THINKING in giving them so little screentime. There's so much I have to say but I'll try my best to keep my thoughts organized.
First things first, we'll need to talk a little about G5 or "Make Your Mark" series or whatever. I personally enjoyed the movie, though the story didn't make much sense (we'll get to that later) the characters were pretty nice, the songs were catchy and the animation was mwah. I didn't bother to watch all of the G5 series, because- (pardon to all who enjoy it) it's so. Freaking. Boring. Like I know there's a pony girl that's supposed to be a traitor among them but then grows onto being their actual friend and there's a villainess and that whole conflict and yada yada yada. But honestly there just isn't anything I found enganging in the entire thing. I can't explain it, it just feels- off. I know I probably don't have much right to talk, cause again, only now I'm diving into the mlp again after missing out A LOT, but I just can't bring myself to like that series.
Now, the whole School Of Friendship saga in the G4 series with our beloved Young Six, I know some people had some issues with it and it didn't please everyone, and while it does have some flaws and is certainly not perfect, you can't deny there was lots of potential. (I'll try to not overuse that word I'm sorry)
I personally, really liked the concept of different creatures from different cultures coming together and forming the perfectly diverse friend group. Episodes like The Hearth's Warming Club and What Lies Beneath were particuarly really fun, it was nice to dive into their cultures and backstories while also watching the six of them be vulnerable in front of one another and grow closer. If only they had more screentime and more deep episodes like that, they could have been in the top 10 found families in cartoons.
Now, just some other reasons as to why I think they're interesting characters and should've gotten more than what was given to them.
1- Their whole deal is that they're not all ponies, that they're all different species. We get to learn lots about their different cultures and customs. It would've been such a good way to teach children about acceptance and respecting differences while also being entertaining. Especially in a school enviroment.
2- We got not one, but TWO male characters in the group. It would make little boys that are interested in mlp feel more comfortable and valid for it. AND those two males also have distinct personalities and their own active roles. Gallus being sort of the leader of the group, and Sandbar being the only pony therefore the one to stand up for his friends.
3- While they're supposed to be the new represantives of the elements of harmonies, their personalities are still interesting and different from the Mane 6.
Onto that, I really like how it's implied they could be the next helders (or whatever its called) of the elements of harmony. Given their special connection to the tree, how similiar they are to the previous groups (Mane 6 and The Pillars) and how Twilight LITERALLY LIFTED THEM UP AS WELL WHILE SHE SPOKE ABOUT HOW THE ELEMENTS WILL LIVE ON, it would've been such a cool concept.
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Onto that, I wanna talk a bit about each of their characters too and how I think they could've been dealt with.
Gallus is the element of magic, but unlike Twilight who's all open and confident-spoken about friendship and all, Gallus is probably the one in the group that's the most closed-off and dislikes getting all cheesy. It would've been interesting seeing his development as the helder ot the element of magic. AND ESPECIALLY since he doesn't have magic in the first place, since Twilight and Starwirl were unicorns. So maybe he could make posions? Get powers someway else? Many posibilities
Sandbar is the element of kindness, but unlike Fluttershy he's extrovert and down to making friends. His overrall personality is that he's constantly very chill-going and nothing seems to ever upset or annoy him. So it also would've been interesting to see how that pattern would break, especially because of his element.
Yona is the element of honesty. She's probably the one that has the hardest time adapting to the Equestrians among the group, and even tried to act like a pony instead of herself one episode. It would've been interesting to see how her element of honesty reflects on how she should be true to herself, especially since her Yak culture comes a lot with honor.
Ocellus is the element of genority, yet, unlike Rarity, she's a lot more like Fluttershy, being timid and insecure, while also being smart and well-read like Twilight. It would've been nice if her development with her element would be gaining confidence in herself and being generous to others that way. Especially since she has a fear of being like the old changling queen (forgot her name) so imagine if she just turned out to be the opposite of her. Instead of selfish and cruel, being generous and kind.
Smolder is the element of loyality, but also like Gallus, she's also not into getting cheesy. But what I find imteresting about her is how she tries to keep her tough, agressive persona (since thats how dragons are) yet it is revealed she's actually interested in cute, fluffy stuff like tea parties and dresses. So it would've been cool to see her growing confident in admiting her interests, therefore being more like Rainbow Dash, who's always confident on herself
And last but not least, Silverstream is the element of laughter. But what's hooking about it is the fact that Silverstream herself probably hasn't KNOWN what laughter is for a long time, having to hide under The Storm King's rule. She's very talkctive, creative and extrovert, like Pinkie Pie, but she also has her trauma that haunts and intimidates her, unlike Pinkie who usually faces her fears headfront. Another great development story.
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So just hear me out, okay. I don't care if MLP is over. I don't care if there's G5.
We. Need. A. Young. Six. Spin-off. Series.
I know it sounds crazy, but I genuely think this idea could work out if it was handled well enough, and Hasbro could make some good money out of this.
Just bear with me. A spin-off series set on the timeline between season 8-9 aka, still on the School Of Friendship, focused entirely on the Young Six. We could still get the Mane 6, of course, but mostly as support characters. It doesn't have to be a particularly long series, (though maybe that could work as well IF handled with enough care) maybe just 2 seasons or so. And I'm not thinking like a slice-of-life or fun little extra kind of thing, I'm thinking of ACTUAL lore. Just more about how the tree and the elements work, and how these six students could grow into being their new helders. In each episode it becomes more and more evident to them and the Mane 6 themselves that they're going to be the next generation of the elements. So imagine once they all fully it figure out and talk about it, the Y6 suddenly feel this pressure about how they're supposed to live up to their teachers and fear that they have to be EXACTLY like them. So we see Sandbar taking extra kindness classes with Fluttershy, Yona taking extra honesty classes with Applejack and heck even Gallus is taking studies more seriously (especially since he's supposed to be the element of magic which again I find imteresting since he doesn't really have magic at least not the way Twilight and Starwirl do. ) So we could have an entire episode about the M6 getting through to them and showing they don't have to be JUST LIKE THEM nor The Pillars. They can be their own people.
Another main-plot idea would be having more villains, probably trying to test them or tear them apart (cough cough like Swift Foot from the idw comics cough cough) or maybe you could even fit someone as intense as King Sombra, or maybe even even the return of Tirek, Cozy Glow and Chrysalis in there. (I remembered her name yay)
And, of course, more onto their characters, flaws, backstories and cultures! I would love to see more about their people and customs, just as much as I would love to explore their traumas, fears, ugly sides and how they overcome it together (cough cough found family COUGH COUGH GAGS)
And another thing, I especially would've liked to explore Yona's and Sandbar's relantioship.
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Don't they give massive beauty-and-the-beast vibes? I love how their colors and body types contrast with one and another, and their personalities aswell. Yona being loud, cheerful and clumsy while Sandbar is calm, thoughtful and carefree. I just love the big girl x soooorta small guy vibes and I especially loved how gentle and reassuring Sandbar was towards her in that episode. I mean, "I don't care if you're not a pony, you're the best Yona I know." SERIOUSLY? WHO WROTE THAT LINE? I'D LIKE TO GIVE THEM A HUG. And also, onto the spin-off series matter, it would also be a cool topic to explore. Imagine if some ponies/yaks are judging them for having a relantioship while being different species and they learn to ignore them and live past that??? I usually don't care much for romance, (always prefered friendship and found families) but this would've been a nice little arc and episode theme to see.
Lastly, (I'm almost done I promise) to the more technical/economical part.
Like I said in the beggining, I genuely think Hasbro could make some good money out of this. Firstly because it will be using the G4 characters and lore and not...whatever mess of a plot G5 is.
And secondly because, if they took the time to give them some cool power-up designs like they did with the Mane 6, I'M SURE the toys would sell.
I mean- JUST LOOK AT THESE COOL DESIGNS I FOUND ON THE INTERNET?? (not mine, credits to whoever made it, you ate that)
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And if anything, they could be as bold as to make an extra Equestria Girls (well, girls and boys) series with them. I know it sounds kinda dumb, especially given the fact that I'm not sure about how that would work given that when Spike went to the "human dimension" or whatever he turned to a dog... So Smolder would also be a dog? Sandbar would be the only actual human in the group?... BUT I'm sure they could come up with some excuse to make it work. Give them some cool, colorful outfits for different events and I'm sure it would sell. And ESPECIALLY since with Gallus and Sandbar in the group, it could get the attetion of young boys aswell.
Anyways. That was it.
Uhm. Conclusion: Hasbro should hire me. I know what I'm talking about. I think. At least a bit.
And I genuely think this could work if only SOMEONE gave it the time and care.
I don't know how to end ramblings so uhmmmm thank you all for coming to my pep talk.
They deserved better.
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fernsnailz · 8 months
January 2024 Review Roundup
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hello everypony‼️ something i want to do through 2024 is a mini review series where i recap some of the media i watched/played/read at the end of every month. this was inspired by tumblr user ponett’s 2023 media wrap-up, it's a great collection of quick reviews so go check it out!
i’m doing this partially as writing/analysis practice, but mostly because my memory is really bad and i want to keep track of what i've seen this year. with that said, my thoughts on everything i finished in january 2024 is under the cut :]
Portal 1 + 2
yyyup i beat Portal and it only took me (checks watch) 13 years
the first time i played Portal 2 was at a friend’s house when i was in middle school, and i had a fuckin blast. but after all that time... it still holds up! i don’t think anything i have to say about Portal will be particularly new since people have been praising this series since it came out. the writing, the level design, even the controls feel tight and engaging the whole way through. i played on switch and expected a bit of jank, but i was pleasantly surprised at how smooth it felt to play. the only part that dragged for me were the levels through the old aperture labs, but i think i would like them a lot more on a second replay. Portal 2 is fantastic and one of my new favorite games, the artistry behind it is truly incredible and i’m really glad i finally finished it. while i was playing Portal 2, i described Glados and Wheatly to a friend and said “they’re like if a ceiling fan could be passive aggressive and if Fozzie Bear was an evil golf ball”
I Think You Should Leave
finally. i can truly understand and appreciate Subspace Dubbed Over
i think one of my favorite things about I Think You Should Leave is how it utilizes horror. beyond sitting slack-jawed in disbelief at the crazy events unfolding before my eyes, a number of the sketches dipped into bits that genuinely kinda scared me. like the one sketch that circulates on here where the guy (pig?) in a mask crawls through a dog door, which is. genuinely terrifying. but so many of the other sketches have slow, nerve-racking pacing leading to crazy shit that would be perfect in a horror film were the context different. idk i like dissecting how horror and comedy are essentially the same thing and I Think You Should Leave was very good at enabling that <3 favorite sketches are probably “then let my wife eat the damn receipt” and “55 BURGERS 55 HOTDOGS 100 FRIES 100 TATER TOTS”
Sonic Prime Season 3
man. ohhhh man. i didn’t go into this with high expectations and i still feel let down. Sonic Prime Season 3 was definitely my least favorite “season” of the batch - abysmal pacing, very few character moments i actually enjoyed, and the things i praised about the show felt very underutilized through these episodes. Nine is the shining star of Sonic Prime and i was looking forward to seeing his more villainous side, but his character took such a sharp turn into pure evil and it felt like he spent the entire season repeating the same three lines. and as much as i praise Shadow’s writing in Prime, it doesn’t really matter when he spends half of the season trapped in a hole that he just… runs out of later.
lastly, i cannot stop thinking about how bad the pacing of this season is. three episodes for a repetitive final battle feels like such a waste of time when you see just how much they rush the emotional resolutions in the last episode. however, there is one thing i truly love about Sonic Prime Season 3 - i love the Sails and Mangey fakeout death. it's so fucking funny. like you really expect me to believe that two cartoon animals in this Y-7 rated show EXPLODED?????? absolute comedy gold.
overall, i just… don’t really know what to think of Sonic Prime. anything i enjoyed in the show was often fleeting, and much of it felt like its only purpose was to waste my time. also Rouge i can’t believe they did you so dirty oh my god
Ghost Trick
i was so proud that i figured out the secret behind Sissel’s memory loss like halfway through the game. however i also kept getting caught during the prison escape sequence like an idiot
Ghost Trick is in a similar situation as Portal where 1. it’s incredible and one of my new favorite games, and 2. there’s nothing i can really say about it that hasn’t already been said or just. shouldn’t be said. Ghost Trick is a fantastic mystery game, and because of that i think it’s best to go into its story as blind as possible. the narrative unfolds in such fascinating ways - even though the actual object manipulation gameplay isn’t directly about solving the mystery (like in Ace Attorney or other mystery games), it still ties wonderfully into the story in some incredibly unique ways.
i also really love the artstyle of Ghost Trick - i love 2D character artwork with that sharp lineweight, it reminded me a lot of Sonic Battle (another game with an artstyle i love). i was also really impressed by the 3D character models and animation - despite the limitations of the camera, you get a wonderful sense of everyone’s personality from the limited body language expressed in the overworld (even though the models lack much facial expression which. i guess they don’t really need? idk that was the only thing that threw me off). anyways yeah everyone should play Ghost Trick so Ghost Trick fans can be freed from their curse and talk about it without having to tag like 10 different spoiler tags. and for Missile
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
ok bear with me. i went into Scott Pilgrim Takes Off without reading the comics first. and i fuckin loved it
my understanding of Scott Pilgrim before SPTO was mostly from the movie (I KNOW I’M SORRY), but even with my base understanding of the series i really enjoyed this show for what it was. i found myself appreciating the time they dedicated to further develop every single character in the show - especially Ramona. she’s fantastic as the lead, i really loved watching her reconcile with her exes and seeing all of them grow instead of exploding into coins. my favorite episode was probably the one with her and Roxie - not only did i adore the movie-jumping set pieces, but you really understand the weight of Ramona’s mistakes in their past relationship and how much it hurt Roxie. despite the big climactic fight, the flashbacks are quiet, subtle, heartbreaking. Ramona’s apology is genuine, and it feels so wonderful to watch her confront her past throughout the show. also i think it’s really funny that for all these characters to become the best versions of themselves, they had to kill off Scott for most of the story
and holy shit the artstyle and animation. oh my god. i love watching something that makes me immediately go “i need to see the storyboards for this RIGHT NOW.” SPTO is such a visual delight to watch, it elevates the artstyle of the comics while also keeping what makes that style so appealing - i love the line weight on the characters, i love how much forward energy the animation has, i love the fucking. virtual boy section. as soon as i found out Science Saru was also behind Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken, everything made immediate sense. i was destined to love this show.
another worry i had going into SPTO (besides the fact that i hadn’t read the comics lol) is that the original cast from the movie was returning. i think the movie cast is fine, but i wasn’t sure how some of them would fare with voice acting for animation. however, i thought they all did a good job - i think the whole cast loves these characters and would be able to fit into them fairly easily no matter what form their performance takes, and they definitely had a good voice director in the studio with them. the only thing that felt off about the voice performances to me was that sometimes it sounded like some of their mics kept peaking?? idk some of these episodes i watched high as balls and i felt like i could hear and see every single sound and frame of the show. so that might have just been me.
god i did not. expect to have this much to say about Scott Pilgrim. i really loved this show and i’m currently reading the comics to fully catch up on the general Scott Pilgrim experience - i think reading the comics AFTER Takes Off is making me appreciate even more of the character work that went into the show. like they do so much with Mathew Patel in SPTO, a character that was. not originally around for a long time from what i’ve gathered? also i like the funny little robot. oh my GOD i cannot talk about this show anymore whatever it’s good get me out of here
Sword AF Season 1
i put on the Smosh cast’s D&D series to play in the background while i was drawing. i did not expect to think much of it. instead, i had one of the most enjoyable D&D podcast experiences since i listened to The Adventure Zone Balance???
i haven’t really enjoyed other D&D podcasts since i dropped off of The Adventure Zone, and i wasn’t expecting much from Sword AF of all things. then i saw that Shayne was playing as a druid warforged made of plants and his name was fucking Fernie and i sat my ass down and LISTENED. while i think Sword AF is currently lacking in its world and larger story, those things just. aren’t really what Sword AF is really trying to provide at the moment. it’s main focus is comedy, and the players are genuinely such a delight to watch play together and build off of each other. they mostly focus on bits and goofs for the sake of she show's comedic tone, but i still found it thoroughly enjoyable because every player embodies and performs their characters really well. idk Sword AF was an unexpected hit for me this month, i thought it was fun. and i love Fernie so much
Plastic Death - Glass Beach
so originally i wasn’t going to include music reviews in these roundups at all, but then i was entirely surprised by a new Glass Beach album and oh my god. holy shit. oh my fucking god jesus christ. holy shit. its preddy good
Plastic Death gets the low point of the album out of the way immediately. it starts with the “phone call/conversation audio” trope that i don’t particularly enjoy - HOWEVER despite me disliking this opening, 1. it sets up the overall themes of Plastic Death very quickly, and 2. the rest of the album blows this 40 second opening completely out of the water. from there, the album grows into something beautiful and uncontained, and i just. i really like it
Plastic Death captures the beauty of the temporary, asks what it means to be created for a cause you can’t fulfill, questions if you can reclaim yourself from cycles and constraints designed to destroy you. and is also about being transgender. the lyrics are abstract in a way that requires a conversation with the listener, many of the vocals obscured and smooth like waves - this album is definitely one that needs to be listened to a few times. i wasn’t sure how i felt about the vocal style at first before realizing the vocals were the main reason i was relistening to this album, allowing myself to find even more that i loved about it. the instrumentation is also incredible, i love the use of marimba in a number of songs - distant, eerie, almost skeletal. and the fucking. 8-bit section?? which kinda rules???? and that’s the only point in the album it ever shows up??????? incredible. a fleeting, somewhat silly moment that i love every time.
this album left my heart aching, in part from my connection to it and in part from the pure love and joy emanating from this music. i can feel just how much fun this music was to perform and create, a cohesion of time and sound that just clicked for me. Plastic Death made me miss playing music, which is something i haven’t felt in years. all from an album that starts with a conversation about CrankGameplay’s dead youtube channel. good lord
i like this album a normal amount. go listen to it a few times. my favorite tracks are cul-de-sac and commatose
i watched Wish with a couple of friends and knew i probably wasn't going to like it. with that in mind, i gave myself a challenge: i wanted to find one thing about this movie that i genuinely really loved. it could be anything, and loving it for ironic reasons was allowed.
here's the complete list of things i loved about Disney's Wish (2023):
i love the one shot where King Magnifico stirs an evil caldron evily. i thought it was hilarious. what was he cooking
i loved that the end credits included a reference to Dinosaur 2001 at all, and i loved that they paid homage to Big Hero 6 by showing the forgettable villain of that movie instead of their Baymax cashcow for some reason. my friends and i saw him show up in the credits and were like "who's the trenchcoat guy??"
you may notice that this list is very short and 50% of it is about the movie's credits. so yeah this movie is not very good
Wish is an empty husk of a movie. everything about it feels so, so hollow - lifeless town squares, uninspired character designs (to quote a friend: "i have all of these characters' hairstyles in The Sims"), characters whose existence is only justified to fill empty space or an overused archetype, and an "evil" villain who lacks charisma and spine in a futile effort to remind the audience of previous disney villains with actual character. even the artstyle lacks any sort of sauce, the watercolor effect they were trying to go for only makes the backgrounds and character textures run together, and the dull lighting makes things look even more faded. it's like disney was scared of making a movie that made its audience feel... anything. all to celebrate 100 years of Disney slop, baby!!!
Some YouTube videos I liked in January: 💥 An Exhaustive Look at Pokemon Brilliant Diamond 💥 TomSka's Guide to Plagiarism 💥 Paradise Bombed (this video is a great piece of journalism and i’m definitely not doing it justice by throwing it into the youtube vid list) 💥 Surprising Our Friends with Zoo Animals 💥 Did FNAF Ever Have a Good Story?
thanks for reading! next month’s roundup will be wild because i’ll likely be reviewing House of Leaves and Hazbin Hotel. can you guess which cursed house gives me a worse headache? WHO KNOWS! (hint: it's Hazbin Hotel)
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rendy-a · 2 years
idea; fem S/O has the power of freezing and slowing down time but only reveals that in a sappy way.. The perfect placed a note that holds a very honest confession inside a small box, and tossed it at her crush really fast, only for it to suddenly freeze infront of her crush's face. No momentum, frozen in time before it hits the confused and concerned guy. Leona, Riddle and Jamil; fluff with mutual feelings, please! the idea of S/O using her (newfound?) powers to confess is just <333 (GN S/O is fine too if you'd rather write that way btw!!)
I tweaked it a little bit but the general idea is still there.  Hope you like it!  Thanks for requesting.
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Making a moment last
Life is strange.  When you came to Twisted Wonderland, you were a magicless Prefect assigned to a rundown dorm.  Then Overblots happened, several of them.  You’d been involved in those incidents, getting far closer to an Overblot than most people do.  According to Crowley, that is probably what triggered your magic awakening.  It felt too good to be true, after all this time, to finally have magic like your peers.  For that reason, you had hid your blossoming abilities.  The staff had given you remedial lessons in magic after school hours, to help you catch up to your classmates.  Now, you finally feel confident enough about your magic to tell others about it.  You know just who you want to start with; your crush.
Your crush isn’t the type to waste time fooling around, so it was hard to convince him to meet you out near the forest.  However, after everything you’d done for him during and after his Overblot, how could he refuse you?  So, he’d come.  Now, you are standing before him nervously shifting the small box you hold from hand to hand.  “So, Prefect,” your crush starts curiously, “what’s this all about?” 
You smile at him and speak, “I have something I’ve been meaning to tell you but I wasn’t really sure how to go about it.  That’s why I thought it might be easier to show you.  All the things that happened between us back when, well you know when; no need to bring that back up now.”  He grimaces, recalling the trials he had put you through with his Overblot.  He gives you a small nod of understanding and you continue.  “Well, it’s changed me and I’d like to think for the better.  Anyway, I know we’ve become a lot closer since then, so I wanted you to be the first to know about…well…”
It was then that you took the small box you’d been holding and tossed it high in the air, angling it to come down near your companion.  Only it didn’t come down, for right as it hit the highest point in it’s arc, you used your unique magic to freeze it in time.  Your companion stood rapt, mouth falling open in shock as he looked up at the unexpected sight before him.  This was your chance to slip away; you had courage to confess but… maybe not in person.  The letter in the box would say it all.
When your magic hit its limit, the box resumed it’s decent, falling neatly into the hands of your waiting crush.  He turns to speak to you, to tell you all his thoughts on your display and what your comments had meant to him but…you were gone.  Without you there, his attention immediately goes back to the mystery box, which he notices has his name written on it in neat lettering.  He opens it carefully and finds a letter inside.
To my Dearest One,
Meeting you has changed my life, so much so that it has now changed me (as I’m sure you’ve noticed).  If I could take every moment we’ve ever spent together and freeze them in time, I would.  I want out time together to last forever.  I guess what I’m saying is that I like you and maybe I always have.  I’m sorry I wasn’t brave enough to tell you to your face but I’m glad I can say it here.  I really like you.
               Yours, the Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm
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He reads your letter over several times, willing the familiar words to settle into understanding.  Each time he reads it, it sends butterflies to his stomach, making him feel so agitated, he questions whether he has really read the message correctly.  And so, he reads it again and again.
Finally, he forces himself to stop, takes a deep breath and gazed into the distance where Ramshackle lays.  Can it really be that you feel the same for him?  Even after the way he hurt you during his Overblot?  He hadn’t allowed himself to hope for that, keeping his own feelings buried deeply within himself.  But now…
If you are too shy to confess to him in person, then he’ll just have to take the lead.  He struts determinedly back to Heartslabyul to begin preparations for a proper tea party.  After all, there are rules to romance; a proper confession must have a proper setting.
You suppose it is a good sign that you are still being invited to tea parties at Heartslabyul after…yesterday.  You are sure that your face can’t get any hotter when you think back on your confession to the strict Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul.  You hid in the nearby forest to watch his reaction but all he’d done was stare at your letter and then return to the dorm.  You took that for a rejection and resigned to never speak of it again.
For that reason, you were surprised to receive an invitation to a tea party at Heartslabyul so soon.  You considered skipping out on the event but finally decided that, if Riddle was going to put the incident behind him, then you should too.  You could still meet him as a friend, at least.  That was something.  So you put on your nicest outfit and went to attend the party; perfectly on time, just as Riddle likes.
When you step through the mirror, Trey is waiting for you.  “Ah Prefect, right on time.  Riddle will be so glad.” You can’t help but smile, hearing your own thought parroted back to you.  You start following Trey (the rose maze can be quite confusing for students who do not reside in the dorm), and chat with him as you walk.  “I’m glad I could join you all today after, well no, never mind.”  Trey turns his head slightly, “With us all?  I think you might have the wrong idea about today.” You might have asked him more but he suddenly stop, steps aside and gestures for you to go on.  “We’ve arrived.”
You look at Trey questioningly as you close the distance and then pass him, entering the space in the maze he has lead you to.  Inside is a single table set to hold a tea for two.  At the far end of the space, Riddle paces back and forth.  When he hears your steps fall on the paving stones, he turns to look at you.  The coat on his dorm uniform settles against the back of his legs and he nervously rubs his hands over it, making sure it falls perfectly into place while he gathers himself.  Then, having collected his thoughts, he moves to pull out a chair for you.  “Won’t you please join me for tea, Prefect?”
You gaze around one more time, verifying that it was really just the two of you here and then you take the seat he has offered you.  He pours you both a cup of tea and adds the traditional number of sugar cubes to each glass.  You sip at your tea and wait for him to speak, not trusting yourself to speak first.  Finally, Riddle does begin.  “It’s very improper to give a confession and run off without hearing a response.  Did you know that?”  Your mouth falls open and works trying to form words, leaving you looking like a fish.  Riddle seems to realize he’s falling too deeply into his strict nature and shakes his head, “Never mind that.  What I mean to say is that I’d like to answer your confession now.”  Riddle reaches out his hand, placing it palm up on the table.  You look at it a moment before hesitantly placing your own hand in his.  “Prefect, you said you wanted our time together to last forever.  I also feel the same way.”  You gaze at him, gasping aloud at the acceptance you hadn’t expected.  He looks at you and his chin raises slightly, “Only…”
“Only, I don’t think you’ll be able to make time freeze forever if your magic is only at that level.”  He starts, face flushing as thought he has just heard himself saying all those romantic things just now and felt the need to change the conversation.  “I think you will need to practice quite a bit more, don’t you?  Maybe…. maybe you need a tutor?”  He looks shyly across the table at you.  “I could help you out, if you’ll stay by my side.”  You smile widely at him and squeeze the hand you hold.  “I can’t think of anyone more suited to teach me than you, Riddle dear.”  He lets out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding and smiles back at you.  Romance was new to him but education he knew.  This was a foundation you could build on.
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Leona was angry.  If you are going to have the gall to confess to him, don’t think you can just run away after.  All his life, he has felt abandoned and overlooked and now you go running off on him too.  The more he thinks over your disappearance, the more upset he gets.  He stands at the edge of the forest, tail twitching irritably, replaying the scenario in his head. 
Each time he thinks of the part where you just run off and abandon him, he gets more and more angry.  Finally, it builds to a point where he uses his unique magic to turn your gift to sand.  Whelp, he hadn’t actually meant for that to happen.  Now he feels more disappointed in himself for getting carried away.  This calms him down enough to think and thankfully, Leona is quite adept at turning unexpected incidents to his favor.
Leona smiles cunningly, he has lost his keepsake letter but perhaps not his prey.  He stoops down and gathers what he can of the sand left from the magic and shoves it in his pocket.  He just needs to purchase one little thing to bring this plan together.  Time to head to Sam’s Mystery Shop.
You were nervous.  Springing a surprise confession on Leona and then bailing on him was not your best idea.  Now you’ve got to be on guard for when you’ll see him again; imagine what he’ll say, what he’ll do.  Perhaps he will be angry; you don’t want to be around an angry Leona.  You walk cautiously through the halls of Ramshackle, as though you might step around the corner at any moment and find Leona there.  But then you laugh to yourself, Leona coming to Ramshackle?  No, that is too high effort for him. 
The more you think on it now, the more amusing it seems.  You chuckle as you imagine princely Leona napping on the dust covered sofa of your rundown dorm.  Your laugh quickly turns into a yelp when you round the next turn of hall, headed toward the kitchen, and bump into someone.  “Ahh!” you cry out.  “Geeze, calm down,” your intruder says, “It’s only me.”  You stop shouting as you see your intruder more clearly; it’s only Ruggie. 
“You scared me to death!  Gah!” you give Ruggie a mock punch to the arm.  “What are you even doing here?”  Ruggie gives you a strange look, “What did you do to him?”  You tilt your head questioningly, “Who? What?”  He rolls his eyes at you, “Leona.  He’s been strange since he got back from your meeting.  What did you do to him?”  You grimace at the thought of having to explain your confession to Ruggie, “Um…none of your business!  I guess…I guess you’ll just have to deal with his moods.”  Ruggie smiles at you, “Nope.  He’s sent me to fetch you.  So, it’s actually YOUR problem now.  Shishishi.”  Oh, great.  Leona in a mood and he was all yours; just what you wanted…right?
You hesitate outside his dorm door, wondering if it was too late to give him time to cooldown, but of course he has heard you.  “You coming in Herbivore or am I going to have to come out there?  You won’t like what happens if I do.”  You grimaced, knowing he’d make good on that threat.  You take a deep breath and head inside.  You see Leona standing in front of his desk, not lounging on his bead.  How rare, you think, for him to be so alert rather than napping. 
You look at him bashfully, rubbing the back of your head with one hand.  “Um, I’m sorry if I burdened you before with my…gift.  If you don’t want it, you can just give it back.”  Leona’s eyes go wide before his expression becomes somewhat guilty seeming.  “What, did something happen to my box?  I spent a long time making that, you know!”  He puts one hand to his temple and squeezes his eyes shut.  “What do you want me to say?  I’m sorry?”  You shake your head at him, “Leona!  What did you do?”  He reaches behind him on the desk and pulls something out.  “Is that sand?  You turned my heartfelt gift into sand?”  Then you looked at it closer, really taking in what it was.
“It’s an hourglass.  I filled it with the sand from your gift.”  At this, his expression softens as he continues, “I guess I thought that I’d give it back to you and you could use it to remember our time together.  If that was something you still wanted.”  You get a wistful look on your face, “And what if I just want more time together?”  Leona smirks, “Just point me at anything that bothers you and I’ll make you as much sand as you need.”  You scoff at him but can’t keep a smile from growing  on your face.  “What do you suggest we do with this time?” 
His smile takes on a predatory edge.  “Oh, I had a few ideas.”  You turn the hourglass over, allowing the sands to start spilling from one end to the other.  “Why don’t you show me then.”  He pulls you close and gives you a breathtaking kiss.  When it ends, you lean in for more but Leona only turns his head to look at the hourglass, which has spent its sand.  You roll your eyes and turn it over again before grabbing him and pulling him down to claim another kiss.  When you part again, he turns his eyes to the hourglass and laughs.  The sands had been stopped with your magic.  “You’re an awful bold one, aren’t you?”  You smile as you wrap your arms tighter around his neck.  “I’d have to be to love someone like you.” 
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Jamil feels very conflicted.  Don’t get him wrong, the first thing he felt was deep happiness that you shared his secret feelings.  Then though, the bitterness rises.  He isn’t free to chase after love like a regular student, he is bound by his duty as a servant of the Asim household.  Is this confession meaningless after all?
He reads your letter again and finds himself focusing on the opening statement.  Change.  Its something he has often longed for but found out of reach, so much so, that he questions if it’s even possible to change your situation.  Only, look at you; you’ve changed so much.  It gives him hope that he may someday change his fate as well.
Holding your letter tightly, he thinks about the opportunity it represents.  It’s not just his chance to be with you but a chance to change his fate.  That is something he can’t pass up on.  You are someone he can’t pass up on.  So, he will need a plan.  Thankfully, Jamil is a denizen of Scarabia, founded on the mindfulness of the Sorcerer of Sands.  Planning, he could do.
The sound of knocking caught your attention, taking you out of the book you had been reading.  It takes you a moment to identify because the sound comes not from the door but from your window.  That was somewhat alarming, considering your room is on the second floor.  There is only one mischievous fae who’d come calling at the window like that.  You jump up from your desk and give the window a good shove to open it.  “Lilia, how many times do I have to tell you… oh, Jamil.”
To your great surprise, Jamil stood outside the window; a feat accomplished with the aid of a magic carpet.  You look out at him and feel a smile slowly blooming on your lips.  “What’s all this?” you ask playfully.  Jamil smiles at you and holds out a hand in invitation, “You showed me something magical today and I thought I’d return the favor.”  You grin, grasp his hand, and let him tug you over the windowsill onto the magic carpet.  You settle yourself in next to Jamil and wrap an arm around him for safety.  He smiles and turns to you, “Do you trust me?”  You smile back in response and he pulls the carpet off and away onto a thrilling and wonderous ride.
It was an experience not to be forgotten.  Jamil took you all over Sage Island, sometimes slowing to point out scenery or interesting sights, other times taking the carpet on sudden drops or turns; a sly grin appearing on his face if these maneuvers cause you to grasp him tighter.  After a time, you find yourself back at Ramshackle Dorm, sitting on the roof and looking at the stars. 
You gently squeeze the hand you are holding.  Neither of you had spoken about the letter you’d sent but both of you acknowledging that there is something between you. However, the realities of Jamil’s life hold him back from speaking about what he wants and how he feels.  His life is laid out like a pre-determined path with no room left for him to blaze his own trail.  You have always known this but were still glad to have sent the letter.  There was a sort of freedom in ending the secrecy, having your own feelings brought into the light. 
“Do you really believe that?”  Jamil asks suddenly.  You blink up at the stars, “Hmm?  Believe what?”  His gaze is locked on the darkened sky but you sense an intensity in it.  “That people can change.  That your life can change.”  You turn to look at the dark haired boy laying next to you.  “Yeah, I do.  Whatever your situation, if you hang on, things can always change.  Just look at me; coming here, learning magic… meeting you.”  You give a please hum as you consider it.  “Even today, my life has changed a lot.  Right now, I feel like I’ve stepped into some fairy tale.” 
Jamil turns to look at you with a small frown.  “One where the royal ends up with a servant?”  You chuckle at him.  “Is that so bad?  I don’t know, maybe that servant was a diamond in the rough.  Either way, he is a prince to me.”  Suddenly Jamil squeezes your hand very tightly, “And if things can’t change?  If in the end they don’t end up together?”  You rub your thumb comfortingly over his own and, after a moment, the pressure of his hold lightens.  “At least we will have this time.  If I can, I’ll make it last forever.”  You gaze at the star gemmed sky, sparkling above you like a cave of wonders, underneath which lies that which you both treasure most.
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ultrone · 1 year
Can I request a baby blurb about Spider!Lottie x Black Cat!Nat x reader who’s ordinary? I saw a LottieNat spider-woman au on TikTok and started thinking a lil bit about it. Reader has no clue her gfs are heroes works for the school newspaper and finds out somehow.
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★🕸️🐈‍⬛ — 𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗹𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝘅 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗰𝗮𝘁 𝗻𝗮𝘁 𝘅 𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
n/a. i know u asked for a baby blurb but by the time i finished writting this i realized that it was too long, i hope u don’t mind 😭 also ty for requesting this, i love marvel and dc but i currently only write for yjs so it felt like two birds one stone 😼🫶🏼
cw. 1.9k
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after receiving a low grade on your most recent english literature essay, you faced the risk of failing the class if your grades didn't improve significantly. fortunately, your english professor, who also supervised the university’s newspaper, was in need of additional contributors and offered extra points if you joined. without hesitation, you agreed. although you weren't particularly passionate about journalism, you found it intriguing enough.
however, a few weeks ago, everything changed. an announcement was made regarding a contest, exclusively open to the twenty students involved with the newspaper. only one student would emerge as the winner, with their story featured on the front page—a prestigious honour typically reserved for seniors or professors. additionally, the winning story would be published in the state newspaper, which would undoubtedly enhance your linkedin profile, or so you thought. but what truly excited you was the ultimate reward: exemption from all remaining english literature exams for the semester, ensuring a perfect a+ as the final grade. this meant you could forego the rest of the english lit classes, and it became your primary goal—to craft the best story and secure victory in the contest.
recently, it was discovered that the two superheroes of the moment were, in fact, students at wiskayok university. how the media obtained this information remained a mystery, but its authenticity had been confirmed. you knew that if you were able to expose the identities of these heroes, it would cause a frenzy and undoubtedly lead to your victory. was it ethical to reveal their identities? maybe not. did you want to spend your summer retaking english class? absolutely not. with that in mind, you channelled all your determination and energy into this story.
as the days passed, your obsession with this personal project grew stronger. you had to admit that ever since you were little, you secretly loved superheroes. so, even though your main goal was to win the contest, you also found genuine interest in it. staying late at school, hiding between the bleachers or on the rooftops, became a routine as you searched for any peculiar signs. you even managed to swipe the absences list from the principal's office and kept track of the students with the highest number of absences, considering them as your prime suspects.
your girlfriends, nat and lottie, tried to convince you to stop this endeavour multiple times, insisting it was dumb and a waste of time—especially since it left you with little free time for them. nonetheless, you remained stubborn as ever, even when lottie offered to get you a tutor who could help you over the summer.
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it was a tuesday afternoon after class. you dropped off your girlfriends at the field for their soccer practice, promising them that you would go straight home and wait for movie night, something you hadn't done in a while. little did they know, instead of keeping that promise, you had arranged to meet up with two friends. you had paid them beforehand to stage a scene on the street: one pretending to be a burglar, and the other acting as the victim. the plan worked, and now you found yourself hiding inside an empty trash container, straining your ears to catch snippets of distant voices. carefully, you lifted the lid a few centimetres, giving yourself a limited view of spider-woman and black cat as they removed their suits and changed into their regular clothes, which they had stashed in a backpack. unfortunately, your line of sight only reached up to their hips, as lifting the lid any further would risk exposing yourself to their gaze.
that was until a putrid smell reached your nostrils, prompting you to discreetly turn on your phone's flashlight. as the light revealed a dead rat in the corner, you couldn't help but gag, dropping the lid with a loud thud.
"fuck," you muttered, covering your mouth and nose, attempting to stay quiet, praying they hadn't heard you. but it was too late; barely a second later, the lid was forcefully lifted, and the intense daylight flooded your vision, momentarily blinding you.
you were scared shitless, fully prepared to face none other than spider-woman and black cat, and boy, were you fucked. you didn't even bother thinking about making a run for it, already envisioning the worst possible outcomes.
"babe?" you heard, the surprise evident in the familiar voice, pulling you back to reality. in an instant, you opened your eyes and found lottie standing right in front of you. perplexed, you glanced beside her, catching sight of nat, whose arm was lifting the lid.
you rose to your feet, surveying the area, only to discover that the superheroes had vanished. "what are you doing here? you said you were heading straight home," nat questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.
you were about to reply, stumbling over your words as you tried to come up with an excuse when something caught your eye. it was the backpack lottie was carrying—the same one spider-woman and black cat had used to retrieve their clothes just moments ago. shock washed over you, and the realization hit you like a bucket of cold water.
you stared at the backpack in disbelief, still trying to wrap your head around the entire situation. it all made sense now. their sudden disappearances, getting late to almost every single date, the frequent class absences, the mysterious phone calls. you knew they were up to something, but sure as hell you never thought it would be this. they weren’t even on your suspect list.
lottie and nat slowly shifted their gaze toward each other, guilt and embarrassment written all over their faces. it was clear that neither of them had expected you to stumble upon them like this. "we can explain," lottie finally spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper.
"why didn't you tell me?" you inquired, furrowing your brows as you patiently waited for an explanation.
nat shifted nervously from one foot to the other before finally taking a deep breath and replying, "we wanted to, but… we didn’t know how."
lottie nodded in agreement. "we didn't want to put you in danger, y/n, and we also didn't want you to worry," she added.
she began to explain further about her and nat's secret side gig. "we started doing this not long after meeting each other," she said, her voice laced with guilt.
nat stepped closer to you, her gaze apologetic yet determined at the same time. "and we know that keeping this from you wasn’t fair, but we thought it was the best thing for our relationship."
you felt a wave of emotions surge through your body: anger, confusion, worry. part of you wanted to yell at them for lying and keeping secrets from you, while another part reminded yourself that they were only trying to protect you. but if something bad happened to them or even worse—if they died while doing this—you didn't know how you would cope with the guilt.
lottie seemed to sense your distress and quickly stepped forward, her face full of determination. “hey, everything’s gonna be alright,” she said with a gentle smile, taking your hand in hers and soothingly stroking it with her thumb. “i promise.”
you sighed, tears welling up in your eyes. "i just want you both to be safe. i don't wanna lose you," you said, looking at them.
"but you won't," lottie reassured you. "we know how to take care of ourselves," she said.
"yeah, don't worry about us, babe," nat chimed in. "lotts' spidey senses are top-notch, and i have killer claws. see?" she showed her claws off with a mischievous grin, snarling playfully as she tried to make you laugh.
“dumbass," you said with a smile, nudging her shoulder. nat retracted her claws and used her thumb to wipe away your tears. "seriously though, don't worry. we'll be fine. and our top priority will always be to protect you and make sure you’re okay. we love you, y/n, a lot." she moved her hand to your cheek, softly stroking it.
"i love you too," you replied sincerely, hugging both of them tightly. they kissed your head simultaneously as lottie rubbed your back and nat stroked your hair. "but if you ever hide something like this from me again, i swear i'll kill you," you warned them as you playfully tugged their ears simultaneously, making them complain.
"okay, okay, we get it!" nat cried out as you finally let them go.
“owie," lottie said, rubbing her ear with a pained expression.
"you two act all tough in those suits but can't handle a little ear tug," you teased them.
before you could even laugh, one of them lifted you up and carried you away in her arms.
"holy fuck!" you yelled out in fear. "get me the fuck down!"
you tightly held onto lottie's body, closing your eyes shut as she held you securely in her arms. she had put her mask back on and was swinging between buildings with her spider webs. nat was right behind, using her claws and speed to leap from building to building, quickly catching up.
you could feel the wind rushing by your face as you sped through the afternoon sky, the scenery below becoming a blur. just as you were starting to get used to the exhilarating feeling, lottie gently landed on the ground, bringing you to your destination. opening your eyes, you realized you were on your room's balcony.
"what are we doing here? aren't you two going back to practice?" you asked.
"the last thing i wanna do after dealing with some burglar jerk is going back to school and putting up with taissa's annoying-ass team captain attitude," nat replied wearily, entering your room and tossing her backpack on the floor before flopping face-down onto your bed.
"yeah," lottie agreed. "and we thought this would be a perfect time to start movie night," she said as she hopped onto the bed beside nat and patted the spot in the middle, looking at you.
"fine… but we're gonna have a serious conversation about this later," you warned them. nat just hummed dismissively in response. "and you better start installing life360 on your phones," you commanded.
nat and lottie exchanged glances and made complaining faces at each other. "see? this is why i didn't want to tell her," nat muttered, her voice muffled by the pillows as she plopped her face back down.
“if you don’t do it i swear to god i’ll—” you started to say, but your words were cut off as lottie shot a spiderweb toward your mouth, silencing you. you began to mumble angrily, trying to remove it, which caught nat's curious gaze. she burst into laughter at the sight, and lottie couldn't help but join in. just as you managed to take off the spiderweb and were about to scold them, lottie shot another one, this time towards your body, pulling it swiftly and causing you to fly towards the bed, landing right between them.
as soon as you landed, they snuggled up to you and showered you with kisses all over your face, making you giggle and try to stop them with your hands.
"still mad at us?" lottie asked once they stopped.
“mmm, not if you let me pick today’s movie,” you negotiated.
"fair," nat said, grabbing the remote as the three of you snuggled together under the covers.
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miltonbarbie · 1 year
"Oh god, have you seen the new girl ?" South park headcanons with a really pretty+feminine Y/n <//3 (Requested)
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(All characters are in highschool +aged up, about 14-15)
You always knew you were pretty, if beauty was a weapon, you would be locked and loaded. (Ginny and Georgia reference LMAO)
Your parents weren't the best, but they were filthy rich. So you had all the freedom you got, especially since being the only child can have its MANY perks. You would always go out with your friends to shopping malls, thrifts stores, salons, and allll thatt gooddd stufff
When you moved, you and your parents moved into this really big house. It costed an ass load of money but you could afford it, y'know, cause your rich n' shii.
When you knew it would be your first day at south park high, you got up at 5AM, curled your hair, did your makeup and put on your cutest outfit. Your pretty smile was the cherry on top. Of course, you missed your friends. But you were still excited to be going to a new school. Maybe your life could be better here. Without all the drama, and rumors spreading about you.
Once those doors opened, all eyes were on you. People were whispering and a few people even FAINTED. F A I N T E D. But you just laughed and brushed it off, you would always get these reactions from everyone. For you, this was normal. You already had all your classes set, and your locker was decorated to your liking. You owned the school now, and even the teachers accepted their fate.
Entering your classroom, you were most intrigued by four boys. A boy with black hair, a boy in an orange hoodie with blonde hair, a red head, and a very degrading boy with brown hair who seemed to really get on everyone's nerves.
Everyone stopped what they were doing, and for the first time in years, the classroom went silent. The same classroom those annoying boys (from what you heard) were in. You walked up to the front, and with a sickingly sweet smile and a pretty voice, you introduced yourself.
You twirled your hair, made eye contact, and spoke with perfect confidence. And the whole class, was instantly flustered by your beauty. Cartman decided what would happen if he tried messing with you. He pulled your chair, which Kyle pushed back before you could sit down. And he even tried spitting gum in your hair, but missed when you bent down to grab your pencil. He was getting pretty annoyed since he couldn't do anything, but he wanted to try one last thing.
Insulting you infront of the whole school.
You were sitting in the cafeteria. With Wendy, Bebe, Clyde, Tweek and Craig. You all were giggling and having fun until Cartman screamed your name across the room, making everyone turn heads.
"Hey Wh0re! What's it like being the center of attention?" | "Excuse me? Would you care to say that again?" | "You heard me, bitch." | "Sorry, Eric. But I dont really think I wanna be wasting my time listening to bullshit from a cocky fatass."
The room started laughing so hard, Cartman's face was turning red. He got played by his own game. Gave him a slap in the face with that one. Kyle's drink was literally about to explode out his nose and you just sat there, face to face, smiling at Cartman.
God you were such a Girlboss, and a total hottie.
The girls (Wendy's girlgroup) Invited you for a sleepover at Bebe's house, and you accepted right away! You had made friends with the entire school in just one day, I think it's pretty obvious that your the most popular girl in school now.
At the sleepover, you and the girls shared your music tastes. After you shared your playlist with everyone, they blasted your music on Wendy's radio. <//3 Melanie martinez -> Taylor swift -> Lana del rey -> MARINA -> Nessa Barret, and all the latest pop songs!
(Until the guys decided to break into the sleepover, and they had to stay over as well.)
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cocomintcat · 6 months
Heaven's Princess (Part 1)
Go To Hell
Prologue || Masterlist || Part 2
Song(s) of the chapter: Backstabber (Kesha) + Oh Ana (mother mother)
Looking up, water dripped through cracks in the roof. The house was in poor enough conditions, but it always got worse after bad storms.
“Dear, come here. Stay away from the leaking spots and wear this, it's cold.” A sweet woman's voice offering a dry coat. Moving over to her, putting the coat on was a small blonde haired child. “My sweet baby, you don't deserve to live like this.”
“Here sweetie! I was able to save up enough to buy some meat AND veggies! I made your favorite!” The portion set on the table was small but delicious and fresh. “It's all for you! You deserve it for being the best darling daughter!”
“There's my gorgeous girls!”
“Aww sweetheart!” They're love even prevailed through tough times. “Come here Bia give your Daddy a hug!” Running into their arms, warmth and tender love enveloped the small girl.
“I'm sorry we can't give you better… You deserve the world.” Mother's voice cried.
“I know mom.”
“Really think you're better than everyone here? Hahahah! As if you can't even get new clothes! You look like you found those in a dumpster, though with your home life you probably did!”
It was irritating to watch other kids at school. Always dressed in new clothes bought by their parents. Bragging about being taken to new restaurants. Talking about how their parents spoil them rotten. Pathetic, they don't even deserve what they have. Even being the top of all her classes, everyone looked down on her.
A dry dark night was lit ablaze from the flames engulfing a small rundown home. Heat engulfed the bodies inside, no one knew the cause nor really cared.
Heaven had been an interesting experience for Biatreh. So bright and gentle, however she was unaccompanied by her parents. As expected only she was worthy to get here. Unfortunately she still wasn't super happy, she was ranked 2nd lowest in Heaven's hierarchy. Just a winner, nothing special since there are thousands just like her.
One day she stumbled across a performance and met the Princess of Heaven. She was a very kind girl, full of energy. However Bia hated how sympathetic the girl was towards people. She wasted her energy on people that should be below her. She barely did anything for her title nor does she use it. It was a waste on someone like her. However being friends with Eliora had its perks, maybe she could help Eliora be more worthy of her title. Soon after befriending the princess, Biatreh met Sera, the head seraphim. Biatreh and Sera shared a lot of ideals and beliefs.
This friendship with Sera made Biatreh more aware of the type of person the princess was. Her sympathy wasn’t only towards lower ranks in Heaven but also towards those on Earth, and worse Hell. Bia thoroughly expressed her feelings of disgust openly towards the idea of sympathy for sinners, this made a discussion between the two angels.
“The princess needs to learn why there shall not be any sympathy towards such things!”
“Relax Bia. Though I agree the best we can do is steer her down the right path. Luckily she’s not much of a dreamer like Lucifer before the fall, but she is as kind-hearted as he was.”
“That might lead to her downfall…”
“Unfortunately if her innocence is ruined or she defies heaven because of it, yes, it will be.”
Eliora’s POV
“And here is one of my favorite animals, foxes! Oh, and next-” You excitedly showed Biatreh around Heaven’s zoo.
“Aurora* calm down, they're just animals. Nothing I haven’t seen on Earth.” You pout before your face lights up again.
“Do you have a favorite animal?”
“Hm. I quite like sheep. They were my favorite animal as a child.”
“Oh! So that’s why you have sheep features! Aw that must be nice!”
“I guess so. Why do you like foxes?”
“Well I think they look very beautiful, they are also like the perfect combination of dogs and cats!”
“Foxes don’t have a very good reputation or at least don’t symbolize good things.”
“I’ve heard, but that's like saying every human is bad because some sin? All the foxes I’ve met are very sweet, if not a bit cheeky and silly at times!” You giggle, Bee wasn’t the first person to ask you this. You catch a glimpse in her eye that makes you feel like she didn’t like that answer all that much. Before long you both are hungry for some lunch so you take her to a favorite spot of your’s.
“Granny, it's good to see you!” You quickly run into the older woman’s arms as she hugs you tightly.
“Hello darling! Come by for some lunch, and you brought a friend. Come deary, let me fix you up something.” You were led to a table where you were then given some menu suggestions to pick from. Soon enough, Grandma Estelle treated you both to a good helping of food, insisting you eat more since you were so young before leaving to go situate other customers.
“So you come here to eat pretty often, huh?”
“Yeah! It's so nice here and the food is amazing!”
“Do you ever eat at higher scale places or have servants that, well, treat you since you’re a princess?”
“That’s how human kingdoms are run, Bee! Heaven is a lot different structure wise.”
“I see, but you’re still of higher rank are you not?”
“Does it really matter?” You raised a brow, confused where this was going.
“Wouldn’t you intimidate a lot of people from going to lower status places or overwhelm the small business with your popularity?”
“I mean some people get nervous around me but I’m just another angel in Heaven?”
“You’re Heaven born, a seraphim, God’s princess, youngest sister to the 7 virtues? Must I say more. You really need to start treating yourself as such. How else will you be able to help your people?”
“How does that help my people?” You feel hesitant, the wings on your head lowering tucking themselves in. You didn’t know how to feel about what she said ‘I’m a princess, yes, but I'm just another angel in Heaven. Besides being holy and good, is there more I really should be doing?’
“Well, authority to have people respect your voice and opinion for one. You’re not an average angel, Aurora. You also should start involving yourself in politics. It’d be good for you to know more about hell and earth. Maybe work under Sera with Emily? You’re going to be an adult soon. You should start actually taking your future seriously.”
“I have been! I’ve been observing other upper ranks doing their work and assisting if needed.”
“But you need your own job. You can’t gain the power of an archangel if you don’t.”
“I don’t care to be an archangel or a separate title!”
“You should. It doesn’t look good on you if you don’t work as hard as you’re family. Not to mention isn’t that why they took you in? To replace the last seraph in the family?”
“Can we not talk about this anymore? You clearly don’t understand my family.”
“My apologies.”
“...It’s fine.” You couldn’t stay mad at her. She’s a winner and probably heard gossip from older angels. Though you didn’t understand why she’d want you to replace Lucifer as an archangel. She probably thought others were temporarily taking over his job. Brushing it off, you continue lunch on a slightly tense note.
Friendship with Bee was hard. She didn’t seem to like how you viewed your title, but she also seemed to care greatly about you having a good future. The past year has been stressful. Not too long after your 149th birthday, your father had fallen into yet another depressive episode. This time, you couldn’t help much since you had started working more under Sera alongside Emily. Though you were grateful for the experience you wanted to go and help your father. Bee and Sera were too insistent on it not being your job and making you work hard to learn for your future.
Soon, you were called to a meeting room with just Bee and Sera, “Princess we have an important lesson today. You’ve shown immense progress in your abilities, so we wanted to let you in on something important since we think you’re ready.” She and Bia started to explain the exterminations. Your heart shattered. What they had been doing went against everything. There’s no way your family approved this.
“Sera, who gave permission for this?” You kept a poker face, though obviously not happy about this.
“This is for the safety of Heaven.”
“Sera, do any of the virtues know? Does my father? Does your’s?!” Your anger bubbled up, feeling like it was about to burst. ‘Sera is going behind Heaven’s back! How could she do something so cruel?!’
“Princess I’d thought you’d understand this by now. Heaven is Holy and must be protected.” Your wings appear on your back and spread out far.
“Sera this goes against everything! You don't even have permission! What would the upper ranks say?!” You yelled, desperate to get her to realize how serious this was.
“Bia, do what you must. This can’t get out. I must meet with the returning exterminators.” Your eyes flash over to Biatreh.
“You knew about this?! Is that why you’ve been trying to- You wanted me to convince the uppers?!”
“Well yes and no. I could care less what the upper ranks think, but if you could actually do something worthy of your title for once, it would have been amazing. However, you've disappointed me.” Suddenly you’re thrown to the floor on your stomach. Pain seers through your wings next. You look back to see her ripping them off in half. One by One. Once she has all of them, she puts a foot on your back, your shredded wings bleeding profusely. “These would go nicely next to Lucifer’s would they not. I’ve heard they do this to all fallen angels, though the entire wing.”
You are infuriated how could she do something like this. “Well you won’t be doing that. No one so cruel can hold my wings like a trophy!” Suddenly your wings are on fire burning the ones in her hands to ashes and burning the rest on your back down to the bases.
“Well I guess you should be going now before you heal.” Suddenly you're falling through a portal of red.
Turning around, you slowly watch the sky as you fade in and out of consciousness. A weird, hot feeling makes your body feel like a fire is trying to burn your very being. Sharp pains on different parts of your body. This moment feels like an eternity before you feel someone grasp you safely in their arms. Your body finally gives into unconsciousness as you hear someone gently speak, “I got you.”
Heaven feels a shift. Something is not right. Emily alerts the virtues of Eliora’s odd absence from work. The siblings immediately search for her presence in Heaven. They can’t find it. They can’t let God know, or else his days of wrath may come back, and no one would be spared. Right now, they need to find Elly before she’s put in any more danger than she may be in. Word was told to high ranked angels. Even Adam was let in on it who was pissed someone might have hurt the princess. Everyone could tell this wasn’t of her own doing.
*Biatreh’s nickname for Eliora (yes based on Disney sleeping beauty princess)
Welp Bia is a little messed up in the head. Jealousy be damned i guess?
Anyways I tried to rush this so I could actually start the story (part 2 is written and just needs to be revised then onto drafting part 3!!)
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meguemii · 1 year
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Hardly Friends.
03. When he Proves That to me.
Pairings- Megumi x Reader, Slight Nobara x Yuji (mostly platonic)
Synopsis- Megumi and Y/N used to be inseparable as children and just started drifting apart when they start high school they meet again in college. But you are roommates with each others best friends. Nobara drags Y/N to a party one night without knowing Yuji had asked Megumi too, they start their journey to regain their lost friendship on a two week trip.
Word Count:
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1 night. 1 singular night you had left to sleep in your oh so comfortable bed, and private space. Maki said she’d look after Mochi, your cat although Yuji says it’s the shared cat. Everything packed and ready to go, check. The house would be looked after, check. Mochi has her favourite treats fully stocked, check. Everything seemed to be in order and all was good.
You and Yuji had decided to go out for dinner so there wasn’t a mess left in the kitchen before it would be left for two weeks. “Let’s get rice bowls” Yuji suggested, “I’d rather we get thai food” there was a little back and forth until it was decided on Sushi. Getting a booth and sitting down Yuji wasted no time in asking the long dreaded question. “Are you and Megumi going to be able to get along on this trip?”. God this whole thing was so annoying. Why couldn’t the two of you just get along with each other? One day it’s awful tension that sticks to the air and suffocates everyone else around, or the conversation just flows and everything is good. Would you have to worry about this on and off bullshit the whole two weeks? “I don’t know Yuu, I’ll be civil with him” pausing to think about what should be said next not to start an argument. “I honestly just want things to go back to how they used to be, but he’s so stand off-ish with me, and it feels like it’s only me”. Yuji smiled brightly, “You know he wants to go back to how things used to be as too.”
Shocked would be an understatement to the reaction stuck on your face. He didn’t wanna be a jerk anymore? He wanted to go back to being inseparable? Was Yuji lying to get you to try harder to be civil with him? That’s the most logical reason, different thoughts raced through your mind but you stuck with that conclusion. “I’ll believe it when he proves that to me.” The conversation was dropped after that.
Loud knocks against your bedroom door awoke you from your slumber as a chirpy Nobara opened it. Forgetting Yuji had given her a key to the apartment you freaked out. “What the hell are you doing in here?! What time is it?” Still half asleep and slurring words, eyes starting to focus on her. “Get up and get ready, we have 15 minutes before we have to leave for the airport.” As quick as she entered the room she left, probably to raid the fridge for a quick snack. Sitting up and wiping the drool from your mouth, instinctively grabbing the phone from its charger to check the time. 4:05am. Perfect because of course the flight had to be this early in the morning. The flight wouldn’t be that long, an hour and a half at most you could dress cute or like a total bum. The thought of being someone’s airport crush urged you to put a cute outfit on.
You slammed yours and Yuji’s luggage into the trunk of Nobara’s car, “Do we have everything? Are you forgetting anything Yuji?” asking for the third time since everything started getting loaded in the car. You could practically see the lightbulb go off above his head as he took off back inside shouting a quick “one minute!” Sighing you seated yourself in the car quietly, looking to the front Nobara scrolling on her phone and Megumi peacefully slept in the passenger seat. He looked like a nice guy for once in his life when he wasn’t frowning or scowling at you. One of his eyes shot open as the other car door opened in the backseat, and of course he caught you staring and made a remark about it which pissed you off. Looking to Yuji he had a goddam neck pillow. He could NOT forget his neck pillow and now you were running 5 minutes behind schedule.
“I am not waiting any longer so if you forgot something you’ll have to do without” Nobara said sternly as she whipped out of the parking garage earning a “yes ma’am” from everyone.
“Why did we have to be here 2 hours early?” Both you and Yuji groaned. “Deal with it” Megumi mumbled. Great, that’s the second time he’s been a jerk and it’s only 5:15am. Your flight didn’t leave until 7:30am, although the four of everyone were pretty far back in security. Remembering you hadn’t eaten wondering when your stomach would start begging for something to eat and on que it did. “Does anyone wanna get something to eat?” looking around Yuji shook his head and Nobara said she’d hold everyone’s spot in line since he had in fact had something back at the apartment. That left Megumi, who would have been your last pick anyways especially after the comments he’s already made today.
“Yeah sure, I’ll go” He says as he handed his stuff to Yuji and walked towards all the airport fast food restaurants. Browsing in awkward silence Megumi finally spotted a cafe asking if you were cool with grabbing food there. Walking out with three iced coffees and one black coffee as well as some breakfast pastries, you were satisfied. “Did Nobara tell you much about where we’re staying or anything?”. “No not much, just that we’re going to Osaka” he nodded as acknowledgment. So weird.
By time you both had gotten back to the airport security Nobara and Yuji were waving for you to hurry up as they were close to being next in line. Rushing over and handing everyone there belonging items, everything went over smoothly and it was almost time to board the plane.
Yuji and Nobara were talking amongst each other as Megumi just scrolled through his phone double tapping it occasionally. Nothing to eventful, just the sound of families arguing, snoring and flights being announced. Finally it was your flight that was called to board, excitedly everyone picked up there stuff and was off. “Guys wait, one air port selfie! please!” the only person not to say no was Yuji, of course.
A window seat, the best seat and it was all yours. Nobara made her way into her seat and slumped down. “I think the flight attendant is checking tickets” Nobara said pointing down the isle, reaching over her to see. The flight attendent was indeed checking tickets, Nobara quickly handed everyone’s tickets out. Yuji and Megumi were sat behind you.
The flight attendant finally reached Megumi’s and Yuji’s seats reading off her clip board “Yuji Itadori and Nobara Kugisaki?” the flight attendant looked up as she eyed them down, Nobara was clearly a feminine name and neither of them were a girl. Yuji shot his hand up “I’m Itadori! But that isn’t Nobara.” Nobara turned around to butt into the conversation. “I’m Nobara Kugisaki but we’re travelling together, I thought it would be okay if Megumi and I switched seats?”
“Well it’s not. You need to switch back. immediately.” She puffed her chest out in pride like she actually did something and walked off to continue her check.
…Man. Why were you always getting out into awkward situations with Megumi?
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okay guys. you and megumi are getting somewhere and yuji literally told you that megumi wants to go back to how things were when you were best friends stuck at the hip. Yuji lyin’ or is megumi not a hateful jerk?😓 chapter four should be out soon, i be workin and shi🤭 Also next chapter will just be small filler (i’m sorry don’t hate me. i just need to get these parts over and done with so we can move onto the actual story!!
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limerence-17 · 2 years
Can i request a Steddie x read where they go mattress shopping and the sales guy is coming on way to hard on read and the boys get really defensive. Then there is smut to be had breaking in said new mattress. Also like to think that they broke the old one lol
this is so crafty and i'm such a sucker for anything steddie related PLUS i can totally see the doing this. hope you enjoy!!
not intended for minors. do NOT read if you are not 18+!
–pairing: steddie x fem reader
–word count: 2.8k words
–summary: After forcing your roommates Steve and Eddie to go mattress shopping with you after a little mishap, they can't waste to test it out a week later.
–warnings: p in v unprotected sex, oral sex f receiving and m receiving, fingering, blowjobs, handjobs, kissing, explicit words and context. read at your own disclosure!
A/N: this story is set where everyone is 21/22.
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The salesman walks ahead of you, he's leading you over to the next mattress. It's the seventh one he's shown the three of you so far, but you can't help it that you've always been indecisive. I mean hell, maybe this was why you couldn't choose between Steve or Eddie.
It had been that way since you'd decided to move in with your high schools acquaintances after high school. With your struggling love lives it surprisingly brought the three of you together, in more than just three ways. But it never disappointed that the two of them wanted you as well. You never really saw yourself as greedy, not when your two best friends were happy to share you equally- no strings attached of course.
Once the salesman was a bit further ahead of you, you felt a hand grab onto the top half of your arm, squeezing so tight that you turned around the slap it playfully off.
"What, Eddie?" Eddie asked a pouty look painted out all across his face. He looked like a child at the carpet store, begging his parents to go home.
"Seriously, Steve and I already talked about it- we promise we'll buy you a new mattress," Eddie said, turning to Steve for validation, who began to nod very quickly up and down.
"We won't be much longer guys I promise, there has to be one here- besides I can't wait up to a week for a new one. In case you guys forgot or something, I need someplace to sleep tonight, not tomorrow." You say, widening your eyes in a sarcastic kind of way.
"But we're so tired, please. I mean c'mon you could come crash at mine!" Eddie pleads, gripping your shoulders in desperation. It's a little funny seeing how much control you have over the boys and granted you're only shopping.
"Yeah, so... tired..." Steve says in between yawns, covering his mouth to exaggerate it.
"Jesus! I'll go grab my mattress and drag it to my house even if that's what it'll-"
The salesman interrupts Eddie quickly, coughing a little to gain his attention which he notices, releasing your shoulders from his grip quickly. There's 80s music playing softly on the muffled speakers in the store, you can pick up on the soft hum of Into The Groove by Madonna playing and the busy footsteps of other customers walking around.
"So this one is half off, but it is actually quite the steal for its price. A lot of people don't like it for it's sturdier firm, but if you ask me it's perfect if you're planning on doing some more uh... rigorous exercises." The salesman has a small smirk that appears on his face and he's giving you a look that you can't help but feel a certain funny feeling in your stomach. Is he... no he can't be. Wait, is he flirting with you?
"Half off you say? Is it good for uh.. sleeping at least?" You croak out, feeling your throat get a little dry. You can feel Eddie and Steve growing a little impatient, and this time they notice how the salesman has moved his gaze to the cleavage on your chest.
"Oh trust me darling it's perfect for sleeping. After a busy evening, you'll be grateful you own this mattress," He says. And with that, Steve pipes up.
"So say if she wanted to share this bed with... I don't know maybe me for example, do you think it would be a good fit?" Steve asks, clearly gritting through his teeth.
The salesman met Steve's gaze and noticed his glare, which was clearly focused in jealously, perhaps a little competition. You'd be lying if you'd said it didn't make you feel a little giddy inside.
The salesman coughed a bit, clearly his throat and shifting his footing.
"Uh- yes, yes I believe it would." Steve took a step back, crossing his arms.
"We'll take it! Thank you!" Eddie said, stepping in in front of Steve. Steve could be a little unpredictable at times when it came to the woman he cared for in his life.
"Alright well er, I'll go get the papers and I'll check you out- sorry er- I'll get you checked out." The salesman made awkward contact with Steve, Eddie and you as well before he walked away.
It was a late Saturday evening, you'd decided to have a couple drinks at your guys' place with Eddie, while waiting for Steve. You were standing in the kitchen, sipping gently on your wine as Eddie leaned back against the kitchen counter sipping on his beer.
"So, guess what arrived while you were out with the band?" Eddie's eyebrows raised, a little bit confused as to where you were going with this.
"Steve's sense of direction and time management," Eddie said a little sarcastically.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, Eddie could be so infuriating while so fucking handsome at the same time.
"The mattress dickwad, it finally came in and I even set it up on the bed frame all by myself this time," You said, playfully pushing on Eddie's shoulders.
"You know all by yourself doesn't count if you're inviting the movers in to do it for you y'know?"
"Oh shove it Munson," You say, meeting his gaze and pulling him for a quick kiss. He gently pushes in further to deepen the kiss and you can feel his tongue gently grant access into your mouth until suddenly he's pulling away.
"Wha- Eddie?" You ask, whining a little bit. It'd been too long since you'd had sex and you were starting to feel a little more needy than usual. How could you not be anyway? You had two perfect guys who were completely open to a friends with benefits three way.
"Don't you think we should wait for Harrington? Now that you and I are already two drinks in?" Eddie says, still tracing small circles against your arm as you're still pushed up against him. You can feel the outline of his cock against your waist the more you adjust yourself against him.
"I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we got a head start, plus it's kind of his fault for never being on time," You say, running yours hands through Eddie's hair as he's looking at you with lust filled in his eyes.
Just as Eddie starts to give in, placing soft kisses against your neck, there's a knock at the door.
"Jesus!" Eddie shouts, trying to pull himself together. You look down and it's clear he was beginning to have a boner.
"Oh my god Eds pull yourself together," You say, scoffing a bit as you tug your hair behind your ears. You make your way over to the door and look outside the peephole. Outside the door is Steve, standing a little awkwardly tucking his car keys into his wallet. You open the door, with a hand on your hip which makes Steve scoff a bit.
"So I'm gonna assume that you've already started drinking and uh..." Steve leans his head in, starting to walk a bit slowly into your guys' apartment. From behind you he spots Eddie, whose attempted to compose himself on the couch.
You look down for a moment and notice that your tank top strap is down your shoulder. Steve follows your gaze and notices that you've noticed this as well.
"The two of you are so sneaky," he says pretty nonchalantly, smirking a bit as he puts his belongings down as heads into the kitchen, opening a beer as he takes a couple of sips.
"I'm sorry Steve, but you know I'll make it up to you later," you say as you walk over to the counter, pulling your tank top strap up again.
"You know we both will!" Eddie says, lifting his beer up in agreement from the couch. Steve rolls his eyes.
"Oh shove it Munson," he says, taking another swig. You can tell Steve's had a long day at work, and you know the perfect way to get this night started. Besides, that quick make out sesh with Eddie had your dirty thoughts already spiralling out of control, and the messiness of Steve's hair and slight droopy look in his eyes was driving you insane.
"So I already told Eddie, but my mattress arrived today," you say, cracking a small smile. Steve swallows his sip from his drink slowly and looks at you with wide eyes.
"Oh really?" You nod very fast, pretty proud of yourself for doing it in the first place.
"Apparently she did it all herself too Harrington," Eddie says, now standing up from the couch. He's hit play on the stereo beside the couch. Your 60s tape was left in it, so to Eddie and your own surprise Lonely Sea by The Beach Boys.
"Really, Beach Boys?" Eddie asks.
"I was studying, give me a break it's calming," you notice as Steve has moved closer to you and placed his hand on your waist and almost as a reflex, you place your wine glass on the kitchen island.
You turn around so that now you're facing Eddie, whose begun to walk closer to you, his eyes glaring across you and Steve, who's now begun to place gentle kisses across your neck. It's taking everything in you to keep your composure even with the feeling of Steve's lips on your neck.
"You know- I'm starting to think we should give that mattress a little test y'know, whaddya think Harrington?" Eddie asks, now extremely close to the two of you, starting to place kisses on the other side of your neck.
You find yourself running both of your hands through both of their heads of hair, the feeling of their lips on you driving you mental.
"That-sounds-incredible-" Steve says in between his sloppy neck kisses.
"Follow me," you say, finally managing to pull away, strutting slowly into your bedroom and sitting down on the bed, jumping a bit on the mattress.
"Looks a shit ton better than the shitty disaster we made of the last one," Eddie says, nudging Steve a bit who lets out a scornful laugh.
Steve's already started to take off his shirt, and feeling as if you should comply you've started to take yours off as well.
"You guys are too fast seriously," Eddie says, unbuckling his pants and shirt as he scrambles over to you.
"Let me have her for a moment first Munson, Steve's had a long day and could really use some assistance," Steve says now leaning on top of you, causing you to fall backwards onto the mattress. Before you know it, his lips are on you and your hands are running through his bouncy brown hair.
"Fuck," Steve says, as he's suddenly aware of your hands scratching up and down his back. "Yes keep doing that babe, that feels so good god," Steve says, now slowly planting kisses across your chest and stomach as you quickly unclip your bra.
As Steve is working on pulling your pants down, you've lost your focus as Eddie's begun to kiss you, a longing kiss as his tongue begins to dance with yours. Naturally, you find yourself gravitating to his boxers, where you finally place your hand around a most longing boner.
"All this for me?" You ask, looking at Eddie with siren eyes.
In the living room, you hear Lost in Your Eyes by Tommy James start to play on the stereo.
"God you make me fucking feral baby," Eddie says, as you manage to pull out his cock, stroking it slowly watching as he lets out a low gasp and his eyes roll back for a moment. You're pumping your hand up and down just at the speed you've grown to know that Eddie goes mental for.
"Just like that baby, yeah stroke my dick just like that mmm," Eddie grunts lowly.
You're so focused on pumping Eddie, and his shaky breath and sloppy kisses on your lips that you haven't even noticed that Steve's already pulled your panties to your ankles. Steve plants kisses on your inner thighs. His lips are cold to touch to you and you feel goosebumps grow against your legs and shivers through your spine.
He slowly gravitates towards the upper end of your inner thighs and you want to grip at his hair so bad, give him all the praise imaginable but you're so consumed with the feeling of Eddie's dick in your hands, pre cum running across your fingertips.
With a few kisses, Steve now moves on your clit, placing small but excruciatingly incredible kisses on your heat.
"Oh god," you say, moving your gaze a bit to see Steve now sucking and grunting against your clit. His tongue is moving up and down so quickly you can't help but pull away from Eddie for a moment. What you see in front of you is so fucking hot you can't help it. Steve is now eating you out as if he's been starved for too long, and you even catch a glimpse of him running his hand through his long hair before he gets back to tongue fucking you as hard as he possibly can.
You don't get to look for much longer though however because Eddie's gripped his hand tightly on your cheeks, redirecting you to him.
"No baby, you keep your eyes on me." Eddie says, and suddenly your focus is redirected to stroking Eddie once more. You can hear his orgasm building as his grunts gets louder. After a few more pumps, Eddie pulls your hand away.
"Jesus Christ baby you're gonna make me cum, not yet, not until I'm inside you," he says, now kissing you once more. He pulls away to look at Steve, who's still eating you out.
"Look at Steve, eating you out like that, you're such a good girl you know you deserve it," he says, his eyes widening with infatuation and lust as he watches him going down on you. As you feel your heat rising and climax building up, Steve pulls away quickly.
"Munson I mean- Fuck you gotta come see how wet she is, I mean it's as if she's been thinking about this all day," Steve says, a little exasperated and flushed from the heat in between your legs.
"Oh really huh?" Eddie says, moving from the bed to the front of the bed where he's now kneeling beside Steve. Eddie pulls your legs closer so that his fingers now line up perfectly with your now obviously soaking wet pussy. All it takes is for Eddie to run one slow finger across your slit and you're already throwing your head back, desperate for more.
Steve's now moved back up to you, kissing you gently. "See how fucking incredible you taste?" God that was so fucking hot, you think to yourself, grabbing Steve's neck and pulling him in for another kiss. Suddenly Eddie's got one finger inside you, pumping inside you slowly, then it's two and you can feel yourself starting to see stars.
"You gonna let Munson fuck you now?" Steve asks, although you and him already both know the answer to it.
"Yes, please Eddie you know I need your cock inside me," you practically beg through muffled gasps.
Eddie obliges and stands above you, pulling your hips closer to him to adjust himself. With the grip of his hands on you, he turns you around so that now you're facing Steve's dick.
With a few adjustments, Eddie slowly inserts his full length inside you, pumping slowly at first and you both let out moans of need and lust.
"C'mon baby I need your mouth on me," Steve says, and you follow his direction, placing the tip of his length across your tongue, moving it in a circle and watch as he puts his hands up and rolls his head backwards mumbling obscenities.
"That's it baby, take Steve's dick, take it all in that pretty mouth of yours," Eddie says between grunts as he pumps himself harder inside you. After a few minutes of grunts, low moans you find that both of the guys have come to their orgasms and the three of you let out gasps and exhales and lay back down on the bed. You find yourself in the middle and Steve has now laid his head on your chest.
"At least we didn't break this mattress this time," Eddie says, scoffing a bit raising his arm.
"Yeah god I mean- that is the last first mattress we ever buy for my room again," you say, laughing.
"Anyway, I think it's Steve's turn now," you say, sitting back up two face the two boys in front of you, a small smile on your face.
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elendsessor · 6 months
on the 8th of this month, wii u and 3ds servers are shutting down, and i really cannot stress enough how horrible that is not just on a preservation point but how it affects the future of gaming and i think the monster hunter games on both consoles put that into perspective.
ignoring the overall boom in at least 3ds online play because of how easy it is to hack it, i noticed a lot of games are focused more on matchmaking than anything and it’s depressing. while i haven’t done any of 3u’s hub stuff yet, 4u is a perfect example of why we need online hubs.
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i mean aside from how wrong val habar’s hub’s gonna look without players in it especially when an entire lively cutscene shows it off, there is nothing like how hubs worked in old school. 3u and 4/4u’s hubs aren’t locked behind capcom servers and frankly it was all the more welcoming. you’re given so much incentive to interact with players. speaking from my own experiences since i still play online from time to time, the amount of people i met through and talked with in the span of 3-4 hour sessions did help me get used to actually talking and coordinating with others. learned a lot of useful tips, too.
idk there’s something about being forced into a lil hunter family for awhile that is completely unmatched. just being put into online matchups doesn’t. i feel like there’s a lot more toxicity when playing with randos period since you aren��t forced to get along. you don’t even need voice chat for it yet unless you do enable vc or you’re playing with friends, it does make it harder to connect with others.
gu’s switch servers are still up but the problem there comes from how the nintendo switch does online. first ok switch’s online servers suck ass. i’ve had more problems with it than i did with the 3ds and the 3ds is significantly older and is on weaker hardware that shouldn’t be acceptable. but also you have to pay for the online stuff in a subscription format which automatically alienates a good chunk of players. why pay for a crappy online service anyways especially when it’s a lot to begin with and people do not have that kind of money to waste anymore. unless you consistently play on a switch there is no reason to get it. i noticed back in the animal crossing new horizons days how quickly the online dies off mainly because there’s not much to do. new leaf had a hub of its own in a sense (aka the entire town), especially with tortimer island having mini games. after the acnh boom there was nothing, and really the only people who had their islands open were ones for turnip prices and if they had someone like celeste. you’d go in, do whatever, then leave.
old school monster hunter has what i believe to be the most ideal online play and the fact that it’s being taken away is genuinely depressing. there are currently work in progress 3ds servers being made, namely pretendo, but as wonderful as they are, i don’t think it’s fair to anyone that the only way you can see your online friends is through fan servers you’ll have to go through a process to even try and play online.
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gaybananabread · 2 years
hey! i saw your craig and tweek piece, and i loved it ahah, i was wondering if you write for south park, and if u do can we get ler! craig and lee! tweek?? like if tweek is struggling with his anxiety and craig cheers him up. if not its all good, hope u have a good day/night, take care of yourself ^^
Damn, this was a throwback. Been awhile since I've done anything South Park, hope you enjoy!
Ler: Craig
Lee: Tweek
Summary: Tweek's anxiety was rampant, his nerves completely shot. Craig helps him calm down, and have a good laugh.
Warnings: swearing (of course). This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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He couldn't belive it. His parents, his legal guardians, left him home alone for the week. True, he was 16, but that's a lot of responsibility! He could forget to lock the doors, someone could break in, steal his families prized possessions, and then the house is on fire! On top of all that, he still had school!
He stumbled through getting ready, his shirt-buttoning skills even worse than usual. Tweek didn't even bother with his hair, knowing the comb would do more harm than good. He didn't see the time, and almost missed his bus.
Craig's day was pretty average. His family were their normal level of assholes, annoying but manageable. When he saw Tweek before school, he knew it would be a long day. The blonde was crawling in his skin, flinching at every noise, and jittering like he had seven expresso shots. While that was probably true, he needed help to wind down. Lucky for him, Craig's got a plan.
School was over, along with Tweek's composure. He was on the verge of a breakdown when Craig walked over to him. "Hey, I'm coming over your house." No room for argument or overthinking. The boy flinched away, nervously laughing. "Hehe, sure, w-why not? It's not like a millLIONn things can g-go wrOng!" Craig clapped his shoulder, guiding him to the bus. The driver didn't care enough to question why a new kid jumped on.
The ride was quiet, aside from the tapping of Tweek's foot. Craig put his headphones on, listening to music. He sat his hand on the blonde's leg, trying to ground him. It sort of worked, but he was still a nervous wreck.
When they arrived at his house, Tweek fumbled with the keys, dropping them a few times. Craig helped, holding his hand and guiding the keys in. They tossed their bags in a closet and sat on the couch, deciding to watch a movie. At least, they tried.
"What about Jurassic Park ?" Tweek shook his head, going on a rant. "No! Th-those movies have a lot of nOIse, what if someone thinks w-we're in trouble and calls the COPS!" Craig rolled his eyes, moving past the fifth shot-down idea. This is getting old.
He grabbed Tweek's shoulders and pinned him to the couch, looking him dead in the eyes. "Dude, CHILL OUT! I know you've got some issues, but this is getting outta hand." He poked his stomach, trying to get his point across. What he didn't expect was the squeak he got.
"Damn, I forgot how ticklish you are." Tweek blushed, trying to hide his face.This is perfect!  What better way to let go than with laughter! He pinned his hands beneath his knees, getting a better grip. Tweek twisted and pulled, but he was trapped.
"H-hey! Craig, this is so stuhuEEehehehehe!" Craig wasted no times, skittering his fingers across Tweek's belly. His poorly buttoned shirt allowed Craig's fingers to slip in and get his bare stomach. For once, the dumb buttons helped him. "CrahaHAIG! QUIHIHIT ihihit!"
The beanied-bastard felt like teasing. "Nah, you're waaaay too cute like this." Tweek just hid his face in his shoulder, trying to hide the rosy blush on his face. Craig moved his hand up, finding a sweet spo/ bear the top of his ribs. Tweek's giggles turned into laughter, the tickles getting five times worse. "Man, this must really tickle, huh? Sucks to be you right now."
Tweek was conflicted. He was enjoying himself, but Craig was super flustering! The tickles felt amazing, distracting him from his anxious thoughts. However, the teases were turning his brain to mush! "QUHIHIHIT TEHEASING MEHEHEHE!" Craig just rolled his eyes.
"Tickles come at a price. No teases, no tickles." Tweek whined through his laughter, shaking his head. He tugged at his hands, but they were very much stuck. He was starting to get tired.
Craig saw this, and leaned down. He was so close that his breath tickled Tweek's ear. "I'm gonna do one more thing. Buckle up, Jitters." He whipped upwards, lifted Tweek's shirt, and blew a huge raspberry on his poor belly. He burst out laughing, bucking his hips. "CRAHAHAHAHAHAIG!  IHIHIT'S SO BAHAHAHAD!"
He blew a few smaller ones, skittering his fingers up and down Tweek's sides. After a few seconds of this awesomeness torment, he let up, climbing off of Tweek. The boy immediately curled into a ball, laughing off the ghost sensations on his torso. He kicked Craig's leg, getting a poke to the side.
"Ihi'm tired. W-wanna wahatch Frozen?" Craig laughed, turning on the movie. Tweek snuggled up next to him, pulling a blanket over them. Within the first half hour, they were both asleep, smiles on their faces.
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cherrys-writings · 3 months
The Perfect Moment
Hey! I know it's been forever and a day since I've updated this series. Thanks to all of you patient people who love Grayson and Flower
Grayson’s talk of inheritance has me thinking about the mysterious box that’s been living on my kitchen table. I rip the tape off. Inside, I find an envelope sitting on top of another box; this one wooden.
How original. 
A flashdrive clatters onto the table when I pull out the letter.
Take care of them.
T. Hawthorne
The last thing I need is to be pulled into one of this man’s puzzles. Then again, I may have pulled Grayson to the forefront of the rumor mill. I take the box and flashdrive upstairs. As soon as I plug it into my laptop a passphrase prompt appears.
I type in my immediate thought, a line from the book that allegedly had several pages removed by the editor without the author’s knowledge. A line that remains an unexplainable favorite.
“I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit”
The text box shakes on the screen and the line disappears. The passphrase likely relates to the four words of his letter, but it can’t be so obscure that I wouldn’t know it. I picked up the wooden box, not much bigger than a tea tin, and gave it a shake. There’s a light rattling, probably whatever’s inside. The lid has eight diamonds embedded in its surface. Seven of them form a vague outline of a house. If the house had no floor and one side was longer than the other. The eighth diamond sits alone at one corner. I try to take the top off, but it doesn’t move, sliding it doesn’t work.
I stare at the box. One problem at a time. I know I have to tell Grayson about the incident, but he’s already dealing with a lot. He’ll be upset, though probably not enough to argue about it. Even if he does, there’s no way it could be as bad as our last argument. I doubt anything could compare to those weeks more than a year ago; the pained, rage-filled glances. Constantly running into each other at school, around town, and drawing breath to speak before thinking better of it. The agonizing distance that grew each day, but nothing hurt quite as much as the victorious grin on the face of that strawberry-blonde sociopath. 
“She just made a joke,” Grayson’s defensive words echoed through my mind as the fight played out again. 
“She humiliated him and you know it was deliberate.” I had to force myself to speak normally. No matter how much I wanted to yell, I knew who I was arguing and there was no way in hell that I’d raise my voice first.
“So what if she was testing him?” 
“Oh? That’s how you’re spinning this?”
Grayson took a step closer, “The only one here that’s spinning is you. I get in a relationship and suddenly you’re having this identity crisis; hanging around this guy with questionable work ethic and unrealistic aspirations for his future.”
I rake my hands through my hair, “You don't like Cade because he’s on scholarship AND lets himself have fun and relax. We have opportunities people would die for. Cade worked hard to get where he is and knows it doesn’t stop here.”
“Show me these opportunities, Flower,” Grayson scoffs, “After that gap year, my life is over.”
“Then why are you wasting your time letting yourself get manipulated by some greedy girl?” My raging words echoed through the great room.
“There it is,” he shook his head, “you’re jealous because of how much time I spend with her.”
The next several seconds are painfully clear in my mind and probably one of Hawthorne House’s many security cameras. Both of us acting on instinct, Grayson grabbing my wrist as I walked away, me breaking the grip and shoving his arm back hard. Grayson tried to blink away the tears welling in his eyes. I had walked out before he could draw breath to apologise.
I shuddered at the memory. Grayson had apologised weeks later for everything. Sometime between me ending things with Cade and Emily….
Willa rubbed her face against my arm, clearly tired of waiting for my attention. She starts purring when I scratch her head. “I don’t think Gray will be too upset about the incident, do you?”
She just lays across the keyboard, deciding which problem I’ll deal with first. 
I played with the little box while waiting for Grayson to show up. He finally walks in when I’m tracing the design for what feels like the millionth time. 
“You said you needed to tell me something.” Grayson sat beside me, momentarily distracted by the wooden box.
“It’s about this morning.”
“Specifically?” “When I got home and Olive was here.” My heart pounds as I prepare for what comes next. I keep my eyes on the box, sliding my finger from diamond to diamond. “My class heard everything about last night.”
Grayson chokes, “By everything you mean?”
I nod, “Every detail I told Olive.”
He takes a deep breath, “Okay.”
Grayson rises to stand by the window, watching the late afternoon sun sink lower. “Well, there’s been nothing on gossip sites today.” He massages his forehead, “You have that interview tomorrow about that slasher book you wrote senior year, right.”
Grayson lets out a long breath, “Maybe there’s nothing to worry about. If someone asks you about it or anything remotely close to the topic, let me know. We’ll deal with it together.”
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
How do you feel so far about Mahoyo ? And what do you think of its main trio ?
I'll skip to the second question because answering that automatically answers the first. I also try to refrain from including my theories for the following two Mahoyo games since the ask says "so far".
The young Aoko is immediately intriguing because she's SO MUCH different from her adult self as we see in Tsukihime and Melty. Her responsible core and penchant for destruction are still the same, but the teen's default expression being a grumpy face instead of the adult's smile is something that speaks volumes about the intensity of the upcoming sequel on her emotional state. The transition from the constrainingly strict school president and mage-in-training to the free-spirited magician vagabond goes beyond the level of growing confident and experienced. It feels more like Aoko was freed from a burden. She broke out of her chains somewhere probably in the third game.
Aoko's best scene is when she's bedridden and explains the worldview that defines her. The young Aoko is a coward who can't stand the thought of disappointing someone. She can't run away from expectations while someone's watching. And there is always someone watching: herself. Aoko lived an unnecessarily harsh life because she forced herself to live up to her own standards, and this forms a stark contrast with how her adult self is so seemingly natural and comfortable with being Aozaki Aoko. It's like she found the version of herself she can never be disappointed with.
Anyways, Aoko's main focus in this one is the conflict against Touko. This clash is the most natural and logical culmination of the persons Aoko and Touko used to be. And honestly, I don't think that's a good thing. Aoko vs Touko just feels too mandated for tastes. There's no emotional depth to it. Aoko is fighting not because she holds any animosity towards her sister but because this kind of mage conflict is customary and she's only a mage because she can't betray expectations. Touko is not fighting not because she's violently envious of Aoko or pissed at her efforts being discarded (she is furious about it, don't get me wrong, but she is mature enough to direct her rage exclusively at her grandfather) but because a mage must seek the Fount and she knows an easy method. It's an idiotic conflict that Tsuki's Aoko and KnK's Touko would never waste their time with.
Disclaimer: My not liking the thing doesn't mean I believe Nasu failed in what he was trying to accomplish. Aoko vs Touko being so procedural is completely intentional. The game has half of a dozen scenes of Soujuurou asking a question about personal reasons, Aoko instead giving an answer about mage tradition, and Soujuurou reacting with an "I'm not sure if it needs to be like this". Even when confronting Grandpa Aozaki, he spells out that the battle was the culmination of then-central elements of both of their characters. It's meaningful and true to the themes upheld by the characters, but that doesn't make it engaging.
The girl desperately needs those sequels. Seriously.
Mahoyo 1 is roughly split into three arcs. Arc 1 where the goal is to find and kill the witness, Arc 2 where the goal is to convince Alice to spare Soujuurou, and Arc 3 where the goal is to beat Touko. Alice is only there as Beo's jobber in Arc 3, so let's focus on the first two.
Arc 1 Alice is the mage's mage. Throughout its multiple stories, Type-Moon built a solid image of what the standard mage should be like, with all mage characters being defined by how deviate from the standard due to their inescapable human nature, but until the Flat Snark fight, we only see Alice performing the standard with perfection. Which is important to Aoko's arc since Alice serves as Aoko's mage mentor and role model, but doesn't give her much of an identity of her own.
Arc 2 is the one focused on characterizing Alice by challenging Soujuurou to understand her. That arguably didn't happen. Soujuurou simply stumbled on the right answer by saying has a right to hate him.
Alice has issues. Losing her parents and her British home did a number on her. She's not explosive, but is possessive and petty. But the first game makes her too good at hiding her damage. The closest thing she has to a moment of emotional catharsis is the aquarium scene: cryptic words said in a neutral tone.
A big aggravating factor for me is that we know from an in-script to Nasu's proofreader that Soujuurou caught Alice's heart because his "you have a right to hate me" was the same thing her dad said when abandoning her, and how the scene exploring Alice's nostalgia for England went unused in the game. I don't mind Alice being all unanswered questions for game 1 out of 3, but Nasu demonstrably also removed all the hooks that were supposed to make me care about the questions. There's no left in the game proper at this point. Zero reasons to be interested in Alice.
I don't have much to say about Soujuurou, especially without getting into speculation about his future, but the short of it is that he is perfect. I'm in awe at the versatility of a man who isn't used to civilization. He's Mahoyo's best when it comes to comedy because his not knowing basic things can lead to all sorts of funny misunderstandings. He's Mahoyo's best when it comes to serious discussion because his not having basic things internalized can lead to him asking the sharpest and most unexpected questions about things that could be better but aren't because of elements we're grown to take for granted. Soujuurou's commentary never fails to be impactful because he always shows the lack of logic in what civilization decided to call "natural". His character archetype tends to focus on the angle of a "human with the perspective of a wild beast", but Soujuurou feels a lot more insightful than the typical feral character because he has both perspectives and navigates through a comparison of both worldviews to decide what makes the most sense.
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theerurishipper · 10 months
I remember people said the scene in Transmission, where Ladynoir renounce their Miraculous and "seemingly" not thinking about each other are mean to be a plot hole, not character inconsistency.
Bt for me, if the character NOT even make a slight uncomfort gesture/expression when they see Scarabella and Black Minette out there instead of their team mate, then it's not a plot hole, it's character inconsistency.
"Plot hole" excuse only work if Adrinette make any comment/looks surprised/make any reaction upon seeing the new duo but the aired time won't let the show do more than that. But the show doesn't let them react negatively which resulting people interpret it as "Yeah I don't care about my team mate, I already got my gf/bf anyway" which is not plot hole at all.
It's 100% character inconsistency. Plot holes are when the plot is wonky, and some logic doesn't logic. When a character acts OOC, it is character inconsistency. Adrien and Marinette have both become wildly OOC since the second Adrienette became canon on this show. They don't care about superheroing anymore, they don't care about each other as Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore. Outside of like, one line about "I hope Ladybug/Chat Noir are okay" (which is quickly overshadowed by some Adrienette, cause we sure do need more of that when we're talking about the late Ladynoir), they just don't give a fuck.
Actually, this isn't even character inconsistency anymore, this is a whole character overhaul a la whatever happened to Felix Fathom. Cause Adrienette only works if you change significant aspects of their characters. What about Chat Noir meaning freedom and a means of escape for Adrien, what about Ladybug being the narrative opposite of his abusive father who gives him unconditional love and acceptance? Fuck that, what he really needs is to start centering his identity around his classmate (with whom he isn't even that close because she thinks he's perfect) and defining himself based on her needs. And what of Chat Noir being the only one who can understand Marinette's struggles? Chat Noir being her special partner whom she can always lean on? Nah, fuck that shit lmao, here's Marinette trying to tell Adrien something he already knows and Marinette trying to hold Adrien's hand even though she's done that before without a problem!
Anyway, like I was saying, they had to change their characters up so that Adrienette could make sense, because it sure wouldn't make sense if it became canon in the show that devoted the bulk of its development to Ladynoir, now would it? So that's why we get episodes like Determination, where Adrien is suddenly head over heels for Marinette out of fucking nowhere, right after the Jubilation dream sequence where they had those cabbage patch kids, and Ladybug initiated a kiss even though they realized this was a dream, and they were clearly having some complicated feelings about the whole thing at the end of the episode. Cause fuck Ladynoir, amirite? Like, why would we waste time on the relationship we spent 5 seasons developing when we could focus on some cookie cutter high school romance with retcons galore and multiple, I tell you, multiple scenes featuring Marinette suddenly having the inability to do things she's done before with no problem, and apparently, it's all Chloe's fault, like what a fucking shocker, who could have seen that coming.
And lets not get into the actual plot holes in Transmission too, cause those also exist? How does Adrien Agreste know and proudly state Scarabella's name when no civilian knows she exists? How does this not make Marinette question why he knows? Why does Marinette expect that someone else becoming Ladybug means she's free when she's still the Guardian? Make it make sense, please.
Anyway, that's all I got. I'm sorry for using your ask as a venting post, anon. I just rewatched Gamer today, and god, Adrienette are so cute and adorable in Season 1. Like, they actually have chemistry and fun interactions and it's the lucky charm debut episode! I will never forgive this show for taking that Adrienette away from me and replacing it with... whatever Season 5 coughed up.
Thank you for your ask!
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