#its like.. imagine youre following this story. and it ends in the most disappointing way possible
Wakfu : some words from its creator
Today, Tot posted a tweet about Wakfu on X. He shares his vision for the series and talks about the upcoming webtoon.
I translated the tweet in English below but here's the link to Tot's post: https://twitter.com/Totankama/status/1768938315409994040
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Hello everyone,
First of all, thank you very much for your support. The last episodes of Wakfu Season 4 are now available on Okoo, and I thank you for watching them in such large numbers. Our partner is very pleased with the results, which allows us to consider the future with peace of mind. Your feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are delighted about it. For us, it's the most beautiful reward.
However, some of you have expressed disappointment, particularly regarding the narrative arc of Flopin and his grandfather, Madagaskane. You also want to know more about what happened to the gods.
Allow me to explain the follow-up about that and our narrative intentions.
Firstly, as you know, the Krosmoz universe is constantly evolving. Nothing is ever completely over. Each of our creations always offers you an adventure that concludes but leaves other questions unanswered.
This is somewhat our trademark and is closely linked to the number of media we are dealing with simultaneously. Let's take, for example, the Dofus movie. Joris' story ends, and the entire adventure unfolds from our hero's point of view. Who trapped Julith? This information isn't provided, as we've kept it for potential follow-ups and connections with other projects. It was a "key" piece of information, but it didn't prevent you from focusing on the journey of our little hero.
For Wakfu, we operate in the same way. During writing, I choose one hero's perspective, and it's their storyline that I will favour. I don't want to neglect the others (because I love them just as much), and some narrative arcs may be started and then picked up in other media. I understand this may be frustrating when you prefer one character over another and feel they're not sufficiently highlighted. During this season, I clearly favoured the Eliatropes and their family dynamic.
We can never know if what we offer in animation will have a sequel. I've already explained the reasons why. Consequently, narrative choices have to be made. Some might say, "In that case, don't start anything new". Honestly, that would be really sad, and the whole thing would have less scope.
You have to imagine the Krosmoz as a living, gestating organism. Just because you don't have all your answers now doesn't mean they won't arrive soon or very soon.
In concrete terms, the webtoon/manga "The Great Wave" will allow you to reunite with Yugo and Amalia a few months after the end of Season 4.
Flopin and Madagaskane have a story in development. We've opened a door for these two characters with the idea of ​​creating a beautiful series focusing on the relationship between a grandfather and his grandson. We didn't "forget" them; on the contrary, we'll give them a lot of space.
The story of the Goddess, Rasha, and the gods is at the heart of Waven [t/n talking about the MMORG]. You'll learn more about them through the game. It's a topic we'll also address in a potential animated sequel. In fact, it's a storyline we've been working on for years and is one of the most important ones to come.
Regarding the Mechasms, however, there are no plans for them, for reasons I may explain in detail one day. This doesn't mean we won't see them again, but I'd like them to remain completely mysterious, with their intentions unfathomable.
I understand this may be frustrating for some because these projects take time to develop. But if you take a step back, you'll understand that it also allows us to position ourselves in the long term.
We work on the Krosmoz universe over time, with the means at our disposal, and depending on opportunities, we may be more or less ambitious.
Thanks to you and your presence, we're breaking viewship records, and the future looks bright. I hope we can move forward with amazing animation projects faster than we have done so far and quickly provide answers to your enthusiastic questions.
Thank you and see you soon, Tot.
[T/N: This is my translation of Tot's tweet. I'm not a native English speaker but, I hope you can understand what's going on.]
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jelixpo · 2 years
I absolutely adore your bowuigi comic. I just wonder... How do you keep up with it all? How do you keep creating? Personally, I've struggled with posting new chapters for my fanfics because of a mixture of creative burnout and anxiety. Whenever I start writing a new chapter for a fic, I'm filled with dread. I'm afraid of disappointing my fans and getting destructive criticism from my critics. I haven't had the courage to post anything for months now. Do you have any advice?
Thanks for the ask! And honestly the comic has had its ups and downs for me. People who've been reading the comic for a while now will know that I took a 5-6 month hiatus from the comic during the early chapters. With the project as big as it is it just felt insurmountable to continue with.
I won't lie, that first post after a long hiatus is VERY overwhelming and can feel insurmountable. I don't really have any strategies to make that process easier, but I will say the relief you will feel after starting it back up again will be great.
Take it in bite-sized chunks and keep moving the goalpost back until the project feels doable. If completing 1 chapter feels like too much, just complete half a chapter. If not, just 1 page. If not, just sketch out your ideas for the chapter, or write them out in bullet points. Any amount of work you do towards completing the task is another step towards achieving it.
What's worked the best for me is setting a specific deadline (the first of every month) for me to follow and I treat it no differently than school projects. I work on it when I can, I keep the deadline in mind, and I take frequent breaks from it. Most, if not all of every chapter usually doesn't begin production until half-way through the month (even now I haven't started on the next chapter and ngl it's kinda stressing me out cause it's a doozy)
As well, i find it's easier to finish the project if I don't think of it as another small piece of a giant puzzle. Instead, i imagine the project is already done, I just have to tie up this one loose end in this chapter. And I think that for every chapter. For every page even. That makes it easier for me to handle.
As for destructive criticism? I'm not much help. Honestly that's something i'm working on, as my first instinct to receiving that on my work is to get very emotional (I was VERY upset when I found out you can't delete comments on tapas). Hell, i get emotional when I just go into the bowuigi tag and see someone complaining about an aspect of bowuigi that I have in my story, I always take it as an attack when it really isn't. So as someone who struggles with criticism, i'll just say do your best to take your mind off of it. Do something that you know lifts your spirits and then come back to the comment. Or don't! You can just delete it and be on your merry way if you want to.
That's all the advice I can give. If it's any solace, just know all creators out there are in it with you and have experienced exactly what you're experiencing right now. You're not alone :)
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hilltopsunset · 2 years
Scarlet/Violet’s Poor Performance Overshadows Bigger Problems
Preface – What follows is not a proclamation arguing that no one should have fun with the new Pokémon games. People are allowed to enjoy what they enjoy. That sentiment can coexist alongside the fact that the game deserves a heavy amount of criticism. Criticism is not synonymous with hate. Often times, we criticize what we love most, because we want more for it/them, we want to see something/someone succeed, so we offer criticism as an opportunity for growth and improvement. If your initial reaction to criticism of something/someone you love is anger, it may be helpful to take a few deep breaths, consider the intentions of the criticism, and try as objectively as possible to examine whether there is any merit to the criticism before attempting to shut it down.
Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who is mostly OK, but doesn’t put in much effort? Sometimes they’ll do something special to remind you they care, but usually sacrifice other aspects of the relationship along the way? And you've loved them so long it's hard to acknowledge the faults, and even harder to let go?
That’s Pokémon.
We are now at the end of the first weekend following Scarlet and Violet’s (S/V) release date, and what a weekend it was. Anecdotes about the horrendous performance alongside galleries of glitches have flooded the internet over the past few days, highlighting example after example of poorly optimized gameplay and occasional game-breaking bugs. The situation has gotten so severe that many players are requesting refunds for spending money on a triple-A official release that seems more like an alpha or beta version of the game. While the jury is out on exactly who is to blame (Gamefreak? Nintendo? The Switch hardware?), the answer to that question is a moot point—the fact remains that the game was released in this state despite similarly ambitious titles releasing on the same hardware with little to no problems at all, and now players are experiencing the consequences.
The biggest problem with the hype around performance issues is this: performance issues aren’t the game’s biggest problems. I definitely think they are the most egregious problems, and probably the most universally obvious ones, so maybe it’s good that these issues occurred so that the Pokémon community can start more seriously considering the criticisms players have been vocal about for years. I myself wrote a piece following the release of Sword/Shield (Sw/Sh) discussing my disappointment in the game and the franchise as a whole, followed by another blog post offering suggestions on ways to breathe new life into the games while still maintaining the charm and allure of its predecessors.
Yet the games continue to demonstrate apathy toward innovation and improvement in a way unprecedented for the highest-grossing franchise ever. Even if the performance of the game was immaculate, running at 60fps 100% of the time with no visual glitching anywhere to be seen, I have identified a collection of recurring and new issues that I’m grouping under the single umbrella of “immersion” issues. Textures are still reminiscent of N64 era resolutions, the game’s animations are still extremely low-quality, and Pokémon are still just roaming around aimlessly with no purpose or sense of belonging in the world. They even reverted the out-of-battle catching mechanic that made Legends: Arceus (L:A) feel so fluid and improved over the old “fight-and-catch” method, and have made a number of new poorly executed additions specific to the new games.
But why does immersion matter? Similar to how a book draws readers into a story, videogames should draw players into the gameplay. When reading a good book, people often forget they are even reading, mindlessly turning pages while completely engrossed in the pleasure, excitement, fear, or romance created by the words on the pages. Video games have the ability to offer a similar experience. Now, imagine you’re reading a book and encounter an entire page where each letter is a different color, and there is a random image behind all the letters with even more clashing colors on it. Or maybe you turn the page and suddenly the book slams shut, forcing you to remember what page you were on and relocating it. This would be distracting to the reader, and likely would disengage them from the story. Similarly, the aforementioned issues with the Pokémon games often pull players away from the immersion of the gameplay and create a dissatisfying experience.
Many of us remember the infamous tree from Sw/Sh. When it was first shown in a preview for the then-upcoming games, fans were understandably concerned. Many voiced a hope that the textures would be improved before the official release of the game. We’ve now seen similar or worse textures in 3 games since—Sw/Sh, L:A, and now S/V. Textures are often so bad that they are difficult to look away from. Just like the example of the colorful page in a book, the poor textures draw attention away from the game itself and ruin any immersion players may have been feeling up to that point.
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Image: Giant human hands strike the enemy Pokemon.
Similarly, it is extremely distracting to see massive white-gloved human hands suddenly appear out of thin air to strike enemy or friendly Pokémon when using moves like Arm Thrust or Double Slap. There is no justifiable reason for this anymore at this point. The human hands and feet served their purpose within the 2D games due to graphical limitations, and were forgivable on the 3D handheld games due to limitations once again. But now they are just a slap in the face to players. Pokémon should be allowed to use their physical bodies to physically strike other Pokémon during battles. To be honest, it’s embarrassing that these artifacts from bygone generations continue to plague modern-day Pokémon games.
And then there’s the issue of Pokémon themselves popping into existence out of thin air as you approach them. This issue was present in Sw/Sh and L:A and doesn’t seem to have been adequately dealt with for S/V. When Pokémon do show up from a distance, it is often at an extreme lack of framerate, sometimes dropping to what looks like probably 3 or 4 fps. Framerates in S/V are constantly hit or miss from the few streams and examples I’ve seen floating around. The very first stream I went into showed a classroom full of children kicking their feet and swaying their heads at a solid 4 frames per second.
And when Pokemon do show up on the field, what are they doing? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Which brings us to the issue of wild Pokémon behaving like automatons rather than real, living creatures. Ever since Pokémon started appearing in the overworld beginning with Let’s Go: Pikachu and Eevee, I have been yearning to see Pokémon behave more like real creatures. This issue has existed within every title since then: hoards of monsters just meandering in bushes and open fields, walking in circles and waiting for players to come battle or catch them. There is no reason so many creatures should just be hanging out in the open, often in groups integrated with other species which one may expect to be more hostile, and the only thing that causes any sort of reaction from them is the player’s existence. Every Pokémon in the wild exist solely for players to battle and/or catch them, and the games make no attempt to hide that purpose or integrate Pokémon more seamlessly into the world.
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Image: Pokemon just...standin’...standin’ around...
Alongside better Pokémon integration with the world, making finding/catching Pokémon more meaningful and exciting would do wonders for the games. Players got a sense of this in L:A. Imagine if many of your encounters felt the same way as the first handful of alpha Pokémon you dealt with? Finding strong or rare Pokémon in the world should feel scary, tense, and/or exciting, and battling or catching them should feel challenging and fun. With that being said, I think they should move forward with the out-of-combat catching mechanic from L:A still in place. I don’t think I will ever play a Pokémon game again if that mechanic does not return, as it was some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a Pokémon game, despite L:A having plenty of other problems. In fact, finding a way to make battling occur while still being able to control the player character would open up a LOT of opportunity for interesting interactions and gameplay (I’m imagining something like Kingdom Hearts style combat where you can move around while choosing commands for your Pokémon, but this is a big jump and not something I expect).
Besides these recurring issues I’ve had, I know that there is a new problem in S/V of level-scaling—i.e. there is none. I have already seen players charting out best paths to take where you are more likely to encounter challenges within your team’s levels. A simple scaling mechanic would have done well in this game to allow players to choose their own paths while still encountering reasonable challenges all along the way. I’ve also read anecdotal experiences of folks lamenting the lack of interior exploration available in the game with buildings only existing as facades, and some buildings leading only to a store menu. I was watching a streamer play through a part of the game within a school, I believe, and to get from one room to another, the player walked to the doorway and POP! a menu screen asked where the player would like to go. Was modeling an interior so difficult? They couldn’t just let the player explore the building as they like? What is the purpose of requiring a menu to go to a room that is likely just down the hall? Anyway, regarding the stores, I’ve also read that they are exactly the same in each city/town, leaving no reason to make a journey from one location to another for unique goods, which could have been an interesting motivation for players to want to visit new locations.
None of these problems would be solved by the performance issues being resolved; they are inherent parts of S/V that ruin game immersion and bring what could have been an absolutely incredible addition to the franchise down to a barebones minimum, scarcely managing to crawl across the threshold of acceptability even for some of the staunchest supporters of the games. Coming from the most affluent and popular franchise to ever exist, the bare minimum is not good enough, especially when taken in combination with an absolutely atrocious technical and graphical performance on release.
We as players and Pokémon enjoyers need to hold Gamefreak to higher standards and draw the line somewhere if we ever want to see a main-series Pokémon game grow and innovate. If you purchased the game and are having fun with it, I’m genuinely happy for you. If I played it, I’m sure I would have fun, too. However, I want more for the main series, and I can’t bring myself to support Gamefreak financially knowing they are perfectly happy to release a complete mess of a game and call it finished. I will not be purchasing S/V.
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readitreviewit · 8 months
Ready to sink your teeth into a captivating novel that explores themes of forgiveness and redemption? Look no further than Jodi Picoult’s latest novel, which delves deep into the complexities of human relationships. At the center of this novel is Sage, a baker who spends her nights kneading dough and her days trying to outrun the ghosts of her past. Her life is upended when she meets Josef Weber, an elderly man in her grief support group who begins showing up at her bakery. Despite their vastly different backgrounds and experiences, the two find common ground in the pains and traumas they’ve both endured. When Josef reveals a shocking secret to Sage and makes an unusual request of her, she is forced to confront her own assumptions and beliefs. What follows is a gripping exploration of the lengths we will go to keep the past from dictating our future. One of the many strengths of Picoult’s writing is her ability to create complex, multidimensional characters who feel like real people. Sage is an incredibly relatable protagonist, grappling with issues of guilt and grief that will resonate with many readers. Meanwhile, Josef is a fascinating study in contradictions, his veneer of joviality masking deeper layers of pain and trauma. But the real magic of this book lies in the way that Picoult deftly weaves together multiple perspectives and storylines. As Sage navigates Josef’s request and grapples with the fallout of her decision, we also see the impact on the people around her. Picoult does an excellent job of teasing out the nuances of each character’s experience, leaving readers with a nuanced understanding of the events in question. Of course, as with any good novel, there are some twists and turns along the way. While some readers may see them coming from a mile away, others will be left reeling by the unexpected developments. Regardless of which category you fall into, it’s clear that Picoult is a master storyteller who knows how to keep her readers hooked until the very end. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of this novel is the way that it grapples with big, weighty questions about love, forgiveness, and the nature of redemption. While Picoult doesn’t spoon-feed her readers easy answers, she does provide plenty of food for thought. This is the kind of book that will stick with you long after you’ve turned the final page, prompting you to reflect on your own life and relationships. In short, if you’re looking for a gripping, thought-provoking read, you won’t want to miss this latest offering from Jodi Picoult. With its richly drawn characters, multiple perspectives, and thought-provoking themes, it’s a book that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it. So grab a cup of tea and settle in for a wild ride – you won’t be disappointed. Don't wait another day to dive into this incredible story! Buy the book now or sign up for a 30-day trial of audible and listen to it on-the-go. Your imagination will thank you. Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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adamwatchesmovies · 10 months
There's Something Wrong with the Children (2023)
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I'm unsure how to feel about movies whose titles clearly give away what the movie will be about. There's no ambiguity in a statement like There's Something Wrong with the Children but the movie keeps its cards close to its chest for a while. Maybe it's titled that way to make sure those who seek it out won't be disappointed?
Margaret and Ben (Alisha Wainwright and Zach Gilford) are vacationing with their friends Ellie, Thomas (Amanda Crew and Carlos Santos) and their children, Lucy and Spencer (Briella Guiza and David Mattle). While hiking through the woods, they come upon a delapidated building. Inside is a deep pit. Lucy and Spencer become fascinated with a light within only they can see and begin acting hostile towards Ben. Or maybe the kids haven’t been replaced by malicious dopplegangers and Ben’s pre-existing conditions is what’s causing him to become paranoid.
This horror film gets a lot of the basics right. The cast is small and you get to know them quite well, so you worry once things start going south. In fact, the adult drama stuff would almost be enough to be a movie on its own. As Ben begins accusing the children of all sorts of things, tensions between the couples escalate until they reach a breaking point. At this point, all hell breaks loose between them. The friends say some deeply hurtful things towards each other, the kind that could make this weekend getaway the last time they ever talk. You wonder what’s coming next but then uh oh, the kids are up to something and everyone forgets all about the drama.
Another thing director Roxanne Benjamin nails is the creepy kids themselves. All “bad seed” stories have an inherent problem: an opponent you could pick up and throw out the window is hard to make scary. The film knows this and begins by focussing on Ben to keep whether or not something legitimately malicious is happening ambiguous. You might say it’s a spoiler to reveal that indeed, there is something wrong with the children… but that’s what the title tells you. Anyway, once the sinister behavior is confirmed, much of the evil stuff is kept off-screen. We see the consequences, not the actions themselves. First, it makes this scenario much more believable. Second, it keeps what’s happening ambiguous. There are many unknowns in this picture. The green glow coming from the cave. Who or what created it? Why were only the children affected? Now that they’ve been “infected”, what do they want? We don’t know for sure. There are hints, such as an eerily effective moment where one of the children’s shadows begins to morph into an insect-like shape. Maybe that’s just panic making the person we’re following at the time imagine something otherworldly. Maybe it’s a hint that they’re now slaves to a glow worm queen living deep underground. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that they’re dangerous and prey upon the adult’s trust.
The score by The Gifted is terrific and the film ends on a strong final note. There’s Something Wrong with the Children takes some interesting turns along the way, and makes some unexpected choices to keep you on your toes. So why, at the end of the day, am I only giving it three stars out of five? It’s because of the running time. 92 minutes shouldn’t be too long, but there isn’t quite enough meat to fill that time. To prolong the action, our protagonist has to make some dumb decisions - hiding when they should be going on the offensive, making obvious mistakes, etc. Yes, the characters in the film don’t know they’re in a film and they’re under much more stress than the audience but for the most part, everyone has a solid head on their shoulders. It becomes frustrating to see them do things only (seemingly) to keep the story going on longer than it needs to.
There’s Something Wrong With the Children is no game changer but it does enough new things and enough things right to make it worthwhile. It’s tense, the drama before things go south is engaging. There are some neat visual tricks, and the protagonist provides us with an interesting point of view. It might feel too long at the 2/3 mark but the conclusion is strong and with that killer soundtrack, you’ll find yourself enjoying the scares much more than not. (August 26, 2023)
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dyketubbo · 3 years
you can tell me if i'm being sensitive about all this but, genuinely i think the fandom needs to find the fine line between mean and funny. like, sometimes people happen to be more sensitive about certain characters or events and they can't help it! if someone feels indifferent about something, they can have that opinion just don't make others feel bad for feeling slightly sad about something happening to a character they like. i could write a whole thing about this but, i could just be really sensitive idk :p
nah dw i get you! i used to be like, a really sensitive person, like genuinely to the point where i could start crying if someone did so much as sneak up behind me and yell boo, and its like.. being mean doesnt help sensitive people be less sensitive. if someone gets genuinely upset or hurt by what youre saying or doing (and not because of like, a situation where youre just vibing or stating an innocent opinion and someone starts shouting at you and being an asshole- in that case yes be as disrespectful as you want), the answer isnt to just go "oh get over yourself, its not that serious" because that reflects more on how much of an asshole you are than it does on how overreactionary they may be
of course this whole ideal can shake n waver n all but like. this situation is one where theres a fictional 3yr old, fans are assured that Nothing would happen to said 3yr old, 3yr old is kept safe for months on end with every threat being clearly a joke and not serious, and with the creators being genuinely affected by taking care of this child- from genuine happiness upon seeing them to genuine fear when they cant find or hear them- and consistently assert that the loss of said child would make even them upset and theyve told other creators involved not to hurt said child. fans consistently have to deal with content of this child getting hurt, often graphically to the point of causing physical sickness in some and genuine distress in others.
then, as a joke, one creator (not associated with the child) jokes about having killed the child, fans who also got attached freak out and then the childs safety is assured and nothing happened to him. ...and then people tell those that freaked out that its not a big deal and that they should chill out and that the child should have died because it would have been funny and dramatic.
so like.. yeah, you can probably see why im of the opinion that i am that maybe we should be a bit nicer to the people who wouldve been genuinely upset. just because not everyone is attached to michael doesnt mean those not attached should make fun of those who are, yknow? some people would prefer for the 3yr old child of some gay teenagers to not die, actually, and its really insane to me that this is somehow like. something that has to be talked about! but maybe im just really fuckin mentally ill who knows
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queenshelby · 3 years
Gypsy Bride (One Shot)
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Virgin!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Violence, Mention of Self Harm, Arranged Marriage, SMUT, Loss of Virginity
Total Words: 8,083 (both parts below)
·      Part One – Husband and Wife
·      Part Two – Consummating Finally
Notes: I will be writing another One Shot which will be called ‘Goodbye Marie’. This One Shot will follow on from this story but can also be read on its own.
Part One
It was 9am on a cold Saturday morning. You had been awake for several hours already and barely managed to get any sleep at all the night before.
It was your wedding day and you were nervous to say the least. This was a wedding you didn’t want, a marriage doomed from the beginning.
Your father had recently taken over the business of importing heroine into the United Kingdom from his brother who, due to unfortunate circumstances arranged by your father, was shot during police interference.
In your culture, it was customary to only form alliances with people you trust, mainly family. But, since you and your mother were both only children as a result of a curse impaled on your family decades ago, your family was much smaller than other gypsy families.
In cases like this, alliances were formed by expanding family through marriage.
You had no say in the matter and your father was determined to expand his business through such alliance.
So, today, you were to marry Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders.
You knew that Thomas Shelby was shipping heroine to the United States and had recently lost his supply from the Chinese. The deal your father was offering Thomas was lucrative and allowed the Shelby Family to reinstate most of their fortune which they had lost in the stock market crash earlier this year.
Your father, however, did not trust Thomas Shelby and insisted on a traditional bond between the families.
Thomas Shelby agreed and, since he was the only unmarried Shelby man of age, it was him, a man almost twice your age, who was going to be your husband.
You never met Thomas Shelby and you wondered what he was like.
You heard terrible things about him and you knew that he was both, a politician and a gangster. You knew that he was involved in drug trafficking, running brothels and killings. He was no better than your father who you despised.
You always wanted to turn a leaf on your life, get away from the illegal dealings and make an honest living. But, this dream of yours was now shattered. You were about to marry into the most notorious gangster family in the Small Heath and Birmingham area.
In the weeks leading up to your wedding, you considered ending it. This was the only way out. But then you met a man who was a priest. Every day you remembered his words. There was a purpose for you, you just may have not discovered it yet.
You never believed, but turned to God for advice after your encounter with the priest. You even began to volunteer at the local church community hall to help you keep your mind occupied.
After weeks of volunteering, you requested to be married to Thomas at the church. The priest was reluctant but agreed after you begged for long enough. Your request was granted.
And there you were, in the back rooms of the small church in Birmingham, preparing for your wedding.
As you stepped into your white wedding gown, tears were building up in your eyes. You were not ready for this, but you had to be strong.
You wiped your tears away with the white cotton tissue your mother had given you and pinned up your hair.
A maid was assigned to assist you, but you enjoyed to do your own hair and makeup.
Shortly after you sent your maid away and while you were applying your mascara, you heard a knock on the door.
You hoped that it was your mother, wishing to provide you with emotional support, but, to your surprise, it was a woman who you had never met.
She had dark brown hair and dark eyes. She was attractive and well dressed.
‘I am Polly Gray’ the woman said as she walked into your room.
‘I am Y/N’ you said nervously.
‘I figured’ she said with a laugh as she handed you her flask of whiskey.
‘Drink up Love, I think you need it, you are about to marry my nephew’ Polly said sheepishly as she stepped behind you and tied up your dress.
‘Thank you’ you said before taking a large sip from the flask.
‘You didn’t want your maid to help you with this?’ Polly asked surprised as she wiped away some of the smudged make up beneath your eyes which were still wet and teary.
‘No. I don’t like to appear weak in front of strangers’ you explained.
‘Showing weakness can sometimes be your strength Y/N’ Polly said before she asked you how old you were while she proceeded to help you with your make up.
‘I am 20’ you responded, your hands shaking.
’20?’ Polly said as she stopped what she was doing and sat down across from you.
‘Did you think I was older?’ you asked.
‘Your parents are older than me, so yes, Thomas and I did not expect you to be so young’ Polly said before she lid herself a cigarette.
‘Do you think that Thomas will be disappointed?’ you asked.
‘No Love. Let me tell you something about Thomas’ Polly said before taking a pause.
‘He has not shown any genuine interest in a woman since his late wife passed away. Whilst I disliked her, she was the only woman he ever loved. He didn’t choose you and he will probably not love you, but he will provide for you and ensure your safety. He expects loyalty in return, nothing else. So long as you are loyal, you do not need to worry about disappointing him nor do you need to be afraid of him’ Polly explained, causing you to feel some relief.
Despite the fact that you had never met this woman, she was able to provide you with the reassurance you needed.
‘Now, let’s hurry’ Polly said, standing up and finishing your make up.
‘Thank you, Ms Gray’ you said as she took your hand and smiled at you.
‘Please, call me Polly. After all, you will be family soon’ she said just before she disappeared to the hall.
Not long after Polly had left and you finished getting ready, your father arrived.
‘It’s time Y/N’ he said impatiently, not even bothering to compliment you.
You hooked into your father’s arm as he walked you towards the hall.
The Church was packed. You had many guests, mostly gypsies from different families.
Your heart sank into your stomach as you observed your future husband waiting for you at the altar.
He was wearing an elegant navy-blue suit which matched his deep blue eyes.
His hair looked immaculate and he had his hands crossed in front of him.
He was very attractive and you could barely believe that he was in his late thirties already.
Despite this, shivers ran down your back as you approached the altar. He showed no emotion at all. There was no smile on his face. In fact, there was no expression at all, just coldness.
As you took your place across from him, you observed him gazing over you for a moment, almost like he was assessing you. But his expressions didn’t change. There was no warmth.
You weren’t sure whether he liked what he saw or whether he was disappointed, possibly by the fact that you were much younger than he had expected or perhaps he preferred a different hair colour or larger breasts.
There was an awkward silence between you as you both starred at each other until, finally, the priest began to speak.
‘We are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to unite Thomas Shelby and Y/N Y/LN in holy matrimony’ the priest went on to say before speaking a prayer, as per your request.
Then, it was time for the all-important question.
‘Do you Y/N Y/LN take Thomas Shelby to be your lawfully wedded husband?’ the priest asked.
‘I do’ you said nervously, starring at Tommy.
‘’And do you Thomas Shelby take Y/N Y/LN to be your lawfully wedded wife?’ the priest asked.
‘I do’ Tommy said, his hands still interlinked with each other.
‘Then, by the power vested in me by God, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride’ the priest said, but Tommy made no attempt to kiss you.
‘We might save that one for later, ey?’ Tommy said as he saw the nervousness in your face. You responded with nothing but a simple nod as you reached for his hand.
‘Are we done here?’ Tommy asked before he obliged and took your hand into his as you both stepped down from the altar and walked towards the exit of the Church.
Your families and guests were cheering as the Church bells began to ring.
You couldn’t help it but feel apprehensive and thought that, if the reception was going to be as awkward as the ceremony, this would be a long night.
Outside the church, you and your families posed for a picture before Tommy took you to his car.
There were no white horses and carriages as you had imagined on your wedding day. There was nothing romantic about this at all.
There was an awkward silence as you stepped inside his Silver Bentley. He started the car without saying a word.
You didn’t know what to say yourself and couldn’t even bare to look at him.
Just before you arrived at the reception venue, he looked over to you.
‘I am sorry you’ve been made to do this’ Tommy said, just as he stopped the car.
‘So am I’ you said as you pushed open the car door and walked inside. The weather was dreadful and you didn’t wait for Tommy.
The reception was barely a reception at all. There was nothing but business talk and your husband ignored you for the entire evening.
By that time, you were certain that he disliked you. He didn’t want this marriage any more than you did.
After several hours of easing your pain with champaign while you engaged into meaningless conversations with Arthur Shelby’s wife Linda, Tommy told you that it was time to go home.
You couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like, your new home.
You were hoping for it to be big enough so that you didn’t have to see your husband very often and endure this awkwardness and silence between you.
The drive home was as silent as the drive to the reception venue. Tommy didn’t speak a word to you, again.
At least this gave you time to think about the task ahead.
Your mother had spoken to you about marriage and what it entails.
She had also spoken with you about consummation of your marriage, which was something you were nervous, almost fearful, about.
Whilst, in your opinion, Tommy was very attractive, you have never been with a man before and you wanted your first time to be with someone you loved not someone you just met.
You told your mother exactly that, but she explained to you how important it is to fulfill your wifely duties and keep your husband happy from the beginning and always thereafter.
The truth was that you were afraid of the pain it will entail. You knew it was going to be painful and it wasn’t as if you didn’t already have to endure enough pain on your wedding day. Your mother explained to you that you would get used to it, the pain will fade and, eventually, it becomes nothing more than a chore.
As you finally stepped out of the car and inside Tommy’s house, you were emotionally prepared for what was to come and were probably drunk enough too.
The house was larger than any other house you had ever seen. You couldn’t believe that Tommy was living in the house by himself.
Tommy took the time to personally show you the house and introduce you to the maids. That was probably the most he had spoken to you all day.
It felt somewhat surreal. This is where you were going live now, with your husband, a total stranger.
Tommy told you that you could use every room in the house as you pleased but that you were not allowed in his office or his bedroom.
‘Your bedroom? Will we not be sharing a bedroom?’ you asked, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘No Y/N, we will not be sharing a bedroom’ Tommy said before showing you your bedroom. You were relieved to say the least.
‘You can redecorate it if you like’ Tommy said as he opened the door.
Your bedroom was large, with a study desk and your own bathroom attached to it.
It was well decorated and felt warm and welcoming.
‘Thank you’ you said turning around, causing Tommy to nod.
‘I have some work to do now. If you need anything, please call for one of the maids’ Tommy said as he excused himself.
‘Goodnight Thomas’ you said, receiving no response.
After Tommy left, you changed into your nightgown and lied down on your bed. But, there was no way that you could fall asleep just yet. You still felt uncomfortable and out of place.
After about thirty minutes, you decided to get up and make yourself a cup of tea. You weren’t used to be served by maids and enjoyed doing things for yourself.
As you wandered through the house towards the kitchen, you heard noises coming from one of the hallways.
Intrigued, you followed the hallway and observed that there was light shining from the reading room which was also where the noises came from.
You carefully approached the room, glancing in from the distance.
This when you saw Tommy, still wearing his suit while being intimate with the young blonde maid Marie to whom you were introduced earlier that evening.
Keeping quiet, you couldn’t help but stare at them.
Marie was being bent over the big oak study desk while Tommy was behind her, thrusting into her harshly and almost emotionless.
He held onto her hips tightly while she was moaning, digging her nails into the solid oak.
After five minutes of observation, you had enough and quietly walked to the kitchen where you boiled the kettle and made yourself a tea.
‘Mrs Shelby, I could have done this for you’ Francis said, startling you as you poured the hot water into the teapot.
‘That’s quite alright Francis. In fact, I enjoy being in the kitchen. Perhaps, if Thomas allows it, I could cook dinner one night?’ you said, waiting for some kind of approval.
‘That would be lovely Mrs Shelby’ Francis said before you excused yourself.
As you returned to your room you couldn’t help but think about Tommy and Marie. By no means did you blame him. But you also couldn’t help it but wonder why he didn’t take any desire in you. Did he rather want to sleep with his maid than his wife?
Was it that he disliked you or was it that he was trying to be kind, not making any advances towards you because you were forced into this marriage.
The next morning you woke at 7am after spending most of the night pondering about your future as Thomas Shelby’s wife.
After you got dressed, you walked downstairs and joined your husband for breakfast.
‘Good Morning’ you said as you sat down.
‘Good Morning Y/N’ Tommy said, glancing up from his newspaper for a moment to make eye contact with you.
‘Have you slept alright?’ he then asked.
‘Yes, thank you. The bed is very comfortable’ you said shyly.
‘That’s good’ Tommy said before continuing to read the paper.
This was all you spoke as you quietly ate your breakfast.
The next few weeks were just as quiet.
Tommy ignored you for the most part and continued to engage in sexual encounters with Marie. The worst of it was that he didn’t even bother to hide it from you.
Sometimes they would do it in the reading room, sometimes in one of the guest rooms and occasionally even in the stables.
You couldn’t help it but ask Francis about her and Francis told you that she had only been employed by Tommy for the past eight weeks. She was French and her breakfast was terrible. Clearly, she had other talents which kept your husband happy.
Just as you were in the reading room yourself, looking for a particular book, Tommy approached you.
‘Do you play chess?’ he asked.
‘Do I play chess?’ you asked surprised, closing your book. He didn’t talk to you for weeks and this was the question he wanted asked you? You were in disbelieve.
‘Yes, do you play?’ Tommy asked again as he poured himself a glass of Whiskey.
‘Yes, I do, would you like a game?’ you asked.
‘Yes, I’ve been learning. It’s somewhat boring but also extremely satisfying’ Tommy said, making you laugh.
‘It’s strategic, that’s probably why you enjoy it’ you said while you brushed your hair out of your face.
‘Please’ Tommy said as he turned around the chessboard on the coffee table, indicating for you to make your first move and begin the game.
You made your move and noticed that Tommy’s eyes wandered over to you rather than the chessboard, causing you to blush.
You played for about twenty minutes and began to make conversation, which is when you realised that Tommy had been observing you and taken an interest in what you might like.
‘I am thinking about getting another race horse’ Tommy said. ‘Perhaps you could help me choose one’ he added.
‘Me? Choose a horse?’ you asked surprised.
‘Yes. I noticed that you have taken an interest in the horses and I would like you to accompany me to the upcoming auction’ Tommy said. ‘It would be in my best interest to attend this event with my wife’ he added to justify his request.
‘I would love to attend with you’ you said with a smile.
‘There will be other members of parliament attending the auction and there will be a function afterwards. You will need to buy yourself a dress. Elegant, but simple’ Tommy said as he handed you some money.
‘Alright’ you said before moving your queen. Tommy clearly hasn’t been paying attention to the game.
‘Checkmate’ you grinned.
‘Well well, you just beat me at chess’ Tommy said as Francis walked in to the room with some tea for you.
‘Your wife is a smart woman Mr Shelby’ Francis said, giving you a wink.
‘I’ve noticed. Now would you excuse me, I have some more work to do’ Tommy said, smiling at you for the very first time.
The next day you drove into town to buy yourself a dress. By that time you had already done your research on the horses available for auction and the one you had your eye on was called ‘Emerald’.
It won two races quite recently and was slightly more expensive than the budget Tommy had given you.
With that in mind, you considered it to be fitting to purchase an emerald green dress, elegant but yet simple, just as Tommy had requested.
Over the next week, leading up to the auction, Tommy and you played chess almost every day. He hated losing and was determined to eventually beat you.
Even before the auction, he demanded a game and you made sure that you were ready for him.
A gasp escaped Tommy as you entered the reading room wearing your emerald green dress.
‘Is that alright for the auction?’ you asked shyly, wanting to ensure that Tommy approves of the dress.
‘Just missing one small detail Mrs Shelby’ he said as he handed you a box covered with black satin.
You opened the box and, inside, there was a diamond necklace with matching earrings.
‘Thomas’ you said, being stunned by the pieces of jewellery.
‘You will need to fit in Y/N. After all, you are my wife’ Tommy said as you turned around and he placed the neckless onto your neck.
After you looked at yourself in the mirror, you and Tommy played a quick game of chess before making your way to the car and drive to the auction.
At the auction, Tommy introduced you to everyone as his wife but, as usual, he kept his gestures to a minimum. He held your hand once, maybe twice, for show.
You were well spoken and engaged with the other politicians’ wives. The topics that were spoken about were of no real interest to you, but you played along for Tommy’s sake.
Later, at the function, you mingled with the same women while Tommy engaged in pollical discussions with members of parliament and judges.
You couldn’t wait for the night to be over, you were bored beyond belief.
Finally, Tommy told you that it was time for you to leave. He had further business to attend to at the Garrison and you requested that he take you along.
He reluctantly agreed and, as you arrived, the Garrison was packed with drunk men.
You were glad to see Polly and Ada again as you arrived and engaged into conversations with them before their business meeting with Tommy.
But just as Tommy turned his back on you and gave some instructions to Arthur, you were approached by another patron.
‘Good Day Love’ he said, not receiving any reaction from you.
‘Woman, I am talking to you’ he said harshly after you tried hard to ignore him.
‘Sir, please leave me alone’ you said patiently as, all of a sudden, he grabbed your wrist harshly.
‘Love, I can pay well you know. So, whatever offer you have for tonight, I will double it. It is rare to find a whore as pretty and clean as you’ the man said.
‘Get your hand of me. I am not a whore’ you said as, all of a sudden, you heard Tommy approach.
‘Ay, this is my wife you are talking to’ Tommy said harshly, pointing his gun at the man.
‘Mr Shelby’ the man said with a scared voice.
‘Now apologise to her and then fuck off before I blow your head off’ Tommy said angrily.
‘My apologies Mrs Shelby, I didn’t know’ the man said with embarrassment, his pants wet before he made a run for the door.
‘Did he just piss himself?’ Arthur said with laughter as he gave Tommy a nudge.
‘Fucking hell…this is no place for woman like you Mrs Shelby’ Arthur laughed but you weren’t in the mood for jokes. The man had grabbed your wrist harshly and you were somewhat scared by his determination.
‘Are you alright?’ Tommy asked, his hands running over your upper arms.
‘I am fine Tommy. I am sure it was just a misunderstanding’ you smiled.
‘I don’t care. No one speaks to my wife like this’ he said.
‘Now let’s get you a drink, ey? What would you like?’ Tommy asked.
‘Whiskey please’ you responded.
‘Irish or Scotch?’ Tommy asked.
‘Irish’ you responded.
‘Well, we have something in common then’ Tommy said with a smile as he asked you to join him for the business meeting.
‘Perhaps we are yet to discover a lot about each other’ you said, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘Most people do this before they get married’ Tommy said as you followed him.
You stayed at the Garrison for another hour before you made your back to the house.
The drive was much more pleasant than before and, even though you may never be lovers, you had now found things to speak about with each other.
‘Will you have another glass of whiskey with me?’ you asked Tommy as you arrived at the house and he handed Francis both of your coats.
‘I suppose why not’ Tommy said as he walked you to the living room.
Tommy poured each of you a glass of whiskey before sitting down on the lounge next to you.
‘I enjoyed today, thank you’ you said.
‘And I enjoyed your company. You did well with all of these arrogant bastards’ Tommy smirked, causing you both to laugh.
‘You don’t like politicians much do you?’ you asked.
‘No, I fucking hate them’ Tommy smirked, causing you to laugh again. After all, he was one of them.
You talked about politics and horses for quite some time until you changed the topic.
‘Tommy?’ you said all of the blue, before pausing.
‘Yes?’ he asked curiously.
‘It is none of my business but, do you love her?’ you asked.
‘Love who?’ Tommy responded.
‘Marie. I know you have been sleeping with her’ you said.
‘No, I do not love her. I do however enjoy her company, although not so much for making conversation’ Tommy said with a chuckle.
‘Do you enjoy my company?’ you asked shyly, looking down at your glass.
‘In a different way, I do’ Tommy said.
‘In a different way, but not in the way a husband enjoys the company of his wife’ you said.
‘Listen, Y/N, neither of us have asked for this marriage. It was your father who insisted and the business between me and your father is extremely lucrative as you know. If I would have known that you are…’ Tommy said, and before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted him.
‘That I am so young?’ you asked before pausing, causing Tommy to sigh. ‘If you would have known, you would have forgone the deal?’ you added.
‘I would have asked your father to consider a more suitable match, a trusted man of mine closer to your age’ Tommy said.
‘Well, it is what it is Tommy. There is no turning back now’ you said, taking another sip of your Whisky, before standing up.
‘I think Marie is waiting for you’ you smirked before excusing yourself.
As you walked to your room, tears were running down your face. You couldn’t help it but, for some reason, you wanted Tommy to be a husband to you.
Were you falling in love with him, the man you were being forced to marry? Are you asking for the impossible? Being loved by a man like Thomas Shelby?
You were devastated by thoughts that he would rather be with his maid than with his wife and wondered why he didn’t see you the way you now wanted to be seen.
First fearful about being with him, you now wanted to be with him and you certainly didn’t want him to be with your maid.
As you went to bed that night, you remembered what your mother had told you about keeping your husband happy in order to achieve a fruitful marriage.
You also remembered that, when your mother and father were in disagreement about matters or your mother was worried about your father’s indiscretions, she would add a little spark to their marriage with a nice meal and paying her wifely duties.
With that in mind, you decided to take things further the following week after Tommy returns from his business trip.
Part Two
‘Good Evening Mr Shelby, how as your trip?’ Francis asked as Tommy arrived back home.
‘Fine, thank you’ Tommy said, handing Francis his coat while Marie grabbed Tommy’s bag.
‘Mrs Shelby prepared dinner sir’ Francis said.
‘She did?’ Tommy asked surprised.
‘Yes, sir. She is waiting for you in the dining room’ Francis said.
‘Do we have guests?’ Tommy asked, causing Francis to shake her head.
‘No sir, just you and Mrs Shelby and she said that you do not wish to disturbed’ Francis said, causing Tommy ponder before he excused Francis, allowing her to finish some of her chores.
‘Will I see you later Thomas?’ Marie asked, causing Tommy to nod before walking to the dining room.
As he entered the dining room, he saw you sitting at the table wearing a beautiful but yet revealing black satin dress and the diamonds he had bought for you to wear at the auction.
Your hair was open, long curls falling over your shoulder.
You were wearing dark eye shadow and red lipstick and your skin smelled like musk and flowers.
‘Good Evening Thomas’ you said with a smile.
‘Is this a special occasion?’ Tommy asked, causing you to shake your head.
‘No, I just thought I would cook something nice for my husband’ you smirked before calling Marie for some wine and telling her that she may serve dinner.
‘You know she will probably burn whatever you prepared’ Tommy said jokingly. He knew that you were very well aware that serving food and food preparation wasn’t one of her chores.
‘I am sure she’s got other qualities’ you said cheekily.
As you talked and ate together, you discovered that Tommy had a pretty bad week.
Amongst other things, he told you about a man called Mosley whom he had met in London two days ago and problems with one of the judges. After that, you moved on to discuss more pleasant matters.
‘Would you like a game of chess and a whiskey to end the day?’ you asked as hours had paused.
‘Alright’ Tommy said and it wasn’t until you got up from your chair and walked with him towards the reading room that he saw the entirety of your dress, which complimented your curves.
‘You look beautiful in this dress Y/N’ Tommy said, not sure what else to say in that moment.
‘We have been married for 6 weeks now and this is the first time you have complimented me’ you said with a smile.
‘I didn’t consider it to be appropriate’ Tommy said as he sat down next to you, handing you a glass of whiskey.
‘I am your wife Tommy’ you smiled. ‘Do you not find me attractive?’ you asked.
‘I do. But, considering the circumstances surrounding our marriage and your age, making any advance towards you would have interfered with my conscience ‘Tommy said.
‘And I am grateful for that Tommy. But, whilst I can be in a loveless marriage, I cannot be in a marriage without any emotion at all’ you said suggestively.
‘So, what do you suggest?’ Tommy asked.
‘I suggest that we consummate our marriage and give it the chance it deserves’ you said, causing Tommy to chuckle.
‘Consummate our marriage, ey?’ Tommy said. He was surprised by your proposal.
‘Yes, unless you rather fuck your maid than your wife’ you said sheepishly and with a smirk. It was clear to Tommy that you were being sarcastic and he began to like this mischievous side of you.
‘Well then Mrs Shelby, shall we go to my room or yours?’ Tommy smirked.
‘Mine’ you said determined as you stood up and offered him your hand.
As you and Tommy arrived at your bedroom, Tommy closed the door behind you while you crossed to the bed to turn on the bedside lamp.
The light was just enough to show him all that he needed to see and no more than you wished to reveal.
Tommy walked over towards you as you stood next to the bed.
Leaning in from behind you, he swept your hair over one of your shoulders and pressed a kiss against the back of your neck while one of his hands dragged the zipper of your dress down tooth by tooth.
Slipping his hands beneath the fine satin, Tommy pushed the dress downward and letting it fall to the ground.
Taking a step back, he admired you, studying every tiny detail of your entire body.
Watching you turn, Tommy reached out and a smile flitted across his lips when you slid your hand into his before stepping up flush against him.
‘You haven’t even kissed your wife yet’ you said shyly before leaning in and pressing your lips on Tommy’s lips.
His lips were soft and tasted like Whiskey. He was a good kisser and it wasn’t long until his tongue found its way into your mouth.
The kiss soon became urgent and heated while Tommy’s hands moved behind your back, unclipping your bra. It landed on the floor right next to your dress.  
His hands were urgently exploring every part of you and you could feel his erection press against you.
As he ran his hands over your firm breasts and breathed deeply, it was clear to you now that he desired you.
‘Tommy?’ you said with a hasty voice as his hand wandered lower, wanting him to slow down. Your heart was pounding by that time and some apprehension had set in.
‘Yes’ Tommy said while he took off his shirt, letting it join your dress in holy matrimony.
‘I haven’t done this before’ you said with some embarrassment as you rested your hands on his bare chest while your eyes were exploring his tattoos.
‘You have never had sex before?’ Tommy asked with slight worry in his voice, causing you to bite your lip and shake your head.
‘Are you sure you want to do this tonight? Tommy asked, running his hand gently over your cheek.
‘Yes Tommy, I am sure. I want to be yours’ you said.
‘You are mine regardless Y/N’ Tommy said with a slight laugh as he caressed your face. In his mind, he had already claimed you. You were his wife.
‘Please Tommy, I want you’ you said with a smile.
‘Alright, I will take it slow then but you must tell me if I hurt you’ Tommy said concerned, causing you to nod. It’s been over 20 years since he had been anyone’s first and this was not something he expected having to encounter again.
Tommy’s touch became gentler almost immediately and you loved the softness of his fingertips on your skin.
His fingers were exploring every corner of your body, for now steering clear from your most intimate parts, while your tongues danced in sync with each other.  
After some more passionate kisses, you let your eyes rove over the expanse of his chest and down the ridges in his torso, which was an area of his body you didn’t dare to look at until then.
You bit the corner of your lip shyly as you pushed the zipper of his pants down with a single fingertip, the fingers of your other hand relieving the button.
You almost let out a soft laugh when Tommy let out a sigh of relief as the pressure lightened considerably around his bulge which was now hidden only behind the thin fabric of his briefs.
Even through the fabric, he seemed huge and for a moment you doubted your decision but then you looked up at him and every ounce of niggling doubt was erased from your mind as his blue eyes gazed into yours.
Tommy stepped out of his shoes and let his trousers nose-dive to the ground as he stepped forward, guiding you back to the bed that stood center stage in the gigantic room.
Brushing his fingertips across your cheek, Tommy rubbed the curve of your side and laid you gently back on the bed.
‘I think I got lucky, having such a beautiful wife’ Tommy said as he lowered himself onto the bed and before exchanging another passionate kiss with you.
Tommy’s lips soon made their way from your mouth to your neck and then over to your breasts.
Every little kiss or touch made your heart gallop within your chest, your blood pounding through your veins, soaring through your body at speeds greater than that of light or sound, or so it felt.
Brushing your fingers through Tommy’s hair as he explored your body, you caressed his cheek and stared down at him, your hips rising subconsciously as Tommy teased the soft skin of your abdomen with tiny kisses and nibbles.
There was a fleeting moment of second guessing when Tommy’s fingertips edged beneath the lacey edge of your panties but as soon as he kissed the skin he revealed it was gone.
Your hips were again rising as Tommy removed the scrap of dark fabric from the apex of your thighs to reveal a silky smooth mound of flesh and the now engorged rosebud of your clit.
Hearing him gasp at the sight, you blushed but followed it with a moan as Tommy leaned down and kissed it once, the length of his tongue sweeping out to take a taste of your secret delicacy.
This was something you didn’t expect. What on earth was he doing?
As you were completely naked before him and he was so close to your most intimate parts, you felt more vulnerable than you had ever been in your entire life but you didn't regret it.
Everything that Tommy did to you in that moment made you jump out of your skin in the most wonderful ways possible.
After he gently ran his tongue over your slit a few times, Tommy told you to relax as he pulled gently at your leg and you slowly let them fall open.
You tried hard not to tense up and, even though you didn't know what he was planning on doing, what he did so far felt good so you were willing to give all of yourself to him.
‘That’s it’ Tommy said after you took a deep breath and relaxed your body.
Tommy took this moment to dip his tongue inside of you gently, causing a loud moan to escape you.
His tongue was skilled, moving in and of you slightly while his hands pressed your legs apart gently.
Tommy then moved his tongue over your clit, flicking it slightly and causing you to make a high pitch noise of some sort.
‘Tommy’ you moaned at the sensation. It was almost too intense.
You closed your eyes as waves of pleasure coursed through your body while Tommy kept pleasuring you with his tongue.
When Tommy's fingers finally brushed against your entrance to join his tongue, you gasped and jumped.
‘Tommy’ you moaned but were also slightly worried about what he might do with his fingers.
Tommy’s erection was throbbing from within his briefs but he knew very well that he would have to take it very slow. As much as he wanted to be inside of you right then and there, he was aware that there was some preparation to be done.
With trembling fingers Tommy gently spread your virgin lips open and let his finger brush against your clit while his tongue continued to run through your folds.
He heard her sharp intake of breath from you when he guided his finger inside of you carefully while his tongue played with your clit.
By that time, you were soaked and he could feel the juices coating his finger.
As he pushed his finger deeper inside of you, he could hear your soft cry of surprise and you arched your back up suddenly.
‘Just relax’ Tommy said as he could feel no resistance inside of you.
He pressed you gently back to the bed and dropped more kisses against your virgin lips before circling against your clit again.
You closed your eyes tight and held your body completely still.
‘Tommy, oh god’ you moaned as he moved his finger in and out of you slowly, over and over again.
You were tight around his finger and had no idea how he would possibly fit his cock inside of you.
It wasn’t long until you moved your hips upward, showing Tommy that you were enjoying what he was doing to you.
Tommy sucked hard at your clit, loving it with his tongue as he slid a second finger inside of you carefully and started sawing it in and out.
‘Tommy’ you cringed at the pressure, causing him to slow down again and holding his fingers steady until the pressure eased.
When he could feel you relax, he began moving his fingers in and out of you again and it wasn’t long until you felt a very unfamiliar tightening in your belly.
‘Tommy, oh my god, please don’t stop’ you begged as your breathing started coming out heavier.
Unlike you, Tommy knew that you were close to having an orgasm and he increased the pressure of his tongue around your clit while continuing to move his fingers in and out of you.
Still unsure about what was happening inside of you, you grabbed onto the sheets as, suddenly, a feeling of ecstasy rushed through you.
‘Tommy, fuck’ you screamed, not being able to control yourself while your orgasm washed over you.
Tommy couldn’t help but smile against your flesh as you coated his fingers in your juices.
After you had come down from your high, Tommy slowly pulled his fingers out of you and moved up the bed to kiss you passionately.
You could taste yourself on Tommy’s lips. It was strange, but you enjoyed it.
‘I don’t know what just happened. I hope the maids didn’t hear me’ you said totally embarrassed as your lips drifted apart.
‘If they didn’t then they are clearly deaf’ Tommy laughed.
‘Oh my god, how embarrassing’ you said. ‘I didn’t expect…’ you said, and before you could finish your sentence, Tommy interrupted you.
‘You didn’t expect it to feel that good?’ Tommy asked, causing you to shake your head.
‘Well, Mrs Shelby, I will make you feel good every day from now on’ Tommy grinned before kissing you again.
‘Is that a promise Mr Shelby?’ you asked in between more passionate kisses while your hand moved in between his legs and beneath his briefs.
‘It’s a promise’ Tommy said as he let out a small groan as you began to stroke his hard cock.
He was thicker than you had expected and your nervousness returned in an instant as he took off his briefs.
‘We can wait if you want’ Tommy said as you continued to stroke his hard cock with your hand.
‘No Tommy, I want to feel all of you’ you said with a gentle voice before Tommy ran his hands lovingly over your legs, pushing them apart all the way, much further than he did earlier.
You took in a deep breath as you gazed into Tommy’s blue eyes while he rested himself in between your legs.
He smiled and kissed you softly. You knew that, what was about to follow would hurt. Nonetheless, you wanted him inside of you so badly.
‘We will take it slow, alright?’ Tommy said with a reassuring voice.
You brought your arms up around Tommy’s neck and pulled his lips to yours, kissing him softly once again.
‘I trust you’ you said, looking deep into his eyes after your lips drifted apart.
With his look fixated on you, Tommy reached down between your legs and grasped his cock in his hand before rubbing his tip against your soaking entrance.  
You moaned softly as you felt the head of his cock pressing against you. But, as soon as you could feel him push inside of you, you inhaled roughly.
‘Tommy’ you moaned as he slowly pressed forward with his hips.
 You couldn’t help it but gasp as you felt him start to enter you.
You dug your hands into his shoulder and held onto him tightly as you felt yourself being stretched.
‘Fuck’ Tommy groaned lightly, trying to force himself to go slow. It took more willpower than he had expected not to simply plunge into you as you were incredibly tight around him.
Pushing into you slowly, inch by inch, he finally felt your barrier. He stopped and looked down at you.
You gave your husband the look of approval as you tightened the hold on his shoulders and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Tommy leaned down, pressing his lips onto yours just before he nudged forward and slipped past that barrier.
As your fingernails dug into the flesh on his shoulders, Tommy swallowed your moan that was different from all the others you let loose earlier that night.
It was indeed painful and some small tears escaped your eyes as he filled you completely.
Tommy kissed away your tears before cradling you against him as he paused once more, giving you some time to adjust.
It was killing him to hold still but he wanted to wait until you were ready.
As you adjusted to him inside of you, the last sliver of pain disappeared and was overtaken by pleasure.
Tommy could feel you starting to relax and move beneath him as he continued to place small kisses on your neck.
He moaned as he felt your small movements and it tugged on his cock.
It wasn’t long until he began to move himself, small and gentle thrusts to start with.
Your thighs clenched and your toes flexed, your hips rising in vain to meet his again only to be pressed back into the bed when he sank back into you.
‘Oh god Tommy’ you moaned loudly. You could've screamed right then and there, from the highest point on the face of the earth, from the insane amount of pleasure you felt.
‘You are so god damn beautiful’ Tommy said as he continued to thrust into, picking up in speed and force.
Your nipples grazed his chest every time your hips collided as your movements became syntonised with his.
Every movement he made, no matter how small, brought a new sound out of you, your voice cresting and dropping to new highs and lows that you never even thought you would reach let alone soar passed regularly.
His thrusts soon became more urgent and you pressed into him firmly, wanting him to burry himself into you over and over again.
By that time, you had lost count of how many times the pressure had built within the cradle of your hips only to explode like a weapon of mass destruction, bringing copious amounts of toe-curling, eye-clenching amounts of pleasure so great that it seemed impossible that the next surge would ever top its predecessor.
By the sounds of your moans, Tommy knew that you were getting close to another orgasm and he was getting so close himself.
He held tight to your hips as he drove hard and fast in and out of you, making you whimper with need.
‘Oh my god Tommy, yes’ you moaned and begged slamming back against him the best you could.
Your body was wound so tight you felt like your body was going to come apart any second.
Your legs began to shiver and your walls were tightening around him as your orgasm came at you like a freight train.
‘Tommy’ you screamed at the top of your lungs, sending him over the edge also.
You came in sync with each other and, with the next thrust, he filled you with his warm cum and coated your insides, flooding you just as you did the exact same thing to him.
‘Fuck Y/N’ he moaned as his thrusts became sloppier while you both came down from your highs.
Moments later, Tommy collapsed next to you before pulling you closer for a kiss.
‘Are you alright?’ Tommy asked, running his hands over your cheek.
‘Yes’ you said quietly but with a big smile on your face.
‘The next time will be easier’ Tommy said, causing your eyes to light up.
‘You know I will hold you to the promise you made me earlier Tommy’ you said.
‘I was hoping that you would’ he grinned before wrapping his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest.
‘Will you stay with me tonight?’ you said as Tommy was brushing through your hair with his fingers.
‘Yes. Tonight and every night from now on if you want me to’ Tommy said gently.
Your body felt relaxed and at ease and, for the first time in six weeks, you felt comfortable in your own bed with your husband right beside you.
That night, he showed you a side of himself you hadn’t seen before, a side you were seeing yourself fall in love with it.
With Tommy holding you close, it wasn’t long until you drifted off to sleep.
But you weren’t the only who felt relaxed and at ease.
Tommy watched you sink into your dreams and a smile emerged on his face. He felt a familiar warmth washing over him, something he thought he wouldn’t be able to feel again.
As he turned off the bedside lamp, he felt a happiness that he hadn’t felt in a long time. Unlike other nights, he wasn’t afraid to drift off to sleep because he knew that, tonight, there would be no nightmares and no memories of Grace, there would only be you.
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violettelueur · 4 years
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↳ featuring : gojo satoru (ft. itadori yuji + fushiguro megumi) from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : grammar issues
↳ form : imagine
↳ published : 21 february
↳ pronouns : non specified in imagine
↳ word count : 1.4k
↳ synopsis : while talking to itadori about your blindness, gojo starts to feel the guilt that he has been trying to hide overtake him again, only for you to have a few words of your own.
↳ request : Hello hello😊 I may or may not have been peering into your shops windows staring at the coffee. Its cold outside and I want something to warm me up- a fluffy story with, hear me out,A BLIND (fem) Y/n and Gojo. Like a blind jujutsu sorcerer would be pretty interestingPretty please?-flustered anon
↳ barista’s notes : let me admit...i didn’t realise you wanted a fluff rather than what i have written here...so i do deeply apologies for the mistake made on your coffee order ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ but i hope you enjoy your cup of classic black coffee (jujutsu kaisen request!) and come again anytime soon ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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“Wait, so you wear an eye cover because you are blind L/N-sensei?” Itadori asked in a surprised tone, causing you to turn your head towards the direction of his voice which led the young sorcerer to be surprised since it generally seemed like you had the sense of sight that was tragically taken away from you.
“Oh yeah, I can’t see at all, so I tend to wear the eye cover so my eyes don’t get sensitive to the light,” you answered with a smile, trying to convey to the young boy that you weren’t offended by the question while using your index finger to point at the mentioned item.
“So how do you know where people are and where to walk since you don’t use a cane?” the first year asked in a questioned tone since he just perplexed at the whole situation as he had just discovered that you were actually blind rather than copying your boyfriend to have that ‘matching couples look’.
“Curse energy is really easy to sense over time, I can tell who is who by the amount of curse energy they have, just like your idiot teacher who is trying to scare me right now,” you explained while pointing behind you, only for Itadori to tilt his body slightly to the side only to find Gojo with a downcasted look on his face.
“Ah~ I can never trick you, can I honey?” Gojo muttered in disappointment before wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a way to greet you that he was here before hooking his chin upon your shoulder, causing you to shiver due to the feeling of his warm breath passing your cheeks lightly.
“Nah, you could never,” you cheekily commented leading to the strongest sorcerer to pout at your comment to which you could sense but was disheartened at the fact you could not see the look he had on his face. 
The same look that you loved and still do when you tease him back.
“How do you think I look then?” Itadori asked while ignoring Gojo’s affection towards you since he now was extremely curious about what you thought about him, appearance-wise.
Raising your right hand to hold on to Gojo’s arms that have encaged you, you quietly and slowly began to paint an image in your head of what you thought Gojo’s student looked like. From what you heard from your boyfriend as well as Fushiguro, Itadori was deemed to be a good person in their book and quite energetic and bright which was quite opposite to what Fushiguro was, even though you remembered the stoic sorcerer to be the little child, who would hide behind your legs and follow your around when he was feeling clingy or just lonely. 
He was also the only student within the first-year group that you got to see physically.
“When I imagine you Itadori, I think of a boy that has a really bright smile that shines brighter than the sun itself, also Gojo already told me you have pinkish spiky hair and light brown eyes, so there’s that,” you answered with a smile of your own before masterfully placing your left hand on the top of his head as if you could even see that he was right there. “Gojo also told me you were a tiny bit shorter than Megumi, so it’s not hard to pat your head as much,” you commented with a giggle before ruffling his hair leading Itadori to laugh with you, which caused Gojo to look at the scene with a small smile on his face.
However, there was still a hint of guilt that was planted in his heart as the stems were clinging onto his ribs at the fact you’ll never get to see Itadori physically nor will you ever see him and Fushiguro probably again.
He will never forgive himself for being careless and letting a curse have the opportunity to use its cursed energy to hit your eyes leading to the blindness that you now have for the rest of your life as well as the guilt he has to carry for the rest of his - no matter how many times you have told him it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t help but blame himself for the result, even Ieiri was dispirited at the fact she couldn’t use her curse energy to heal your sight back.
Even though, Fushiguro didn’t mention anything about it nor did he want to be shown as weak, Gojo remembered when the young child Fushiguro cried at the fact that you were never going to ever see him again and even when you consoled the child, he would burst in tear again when he looked into your eyes only to remember you couldn’t see him.
Tightening the hold on your shoulders, you noticed Gojo’s change in cursed energy as it flickered slight causing you to turn your head slightly to the direction of his face before using your right hand (that was not on Itadori’s head) to tighten the hold of Gojo’s arms as a way to comfort him before removing your other hand from the student’s head to hold your boyfriend’s hand that was on your left shoulder.
“You know Itadori when I lost my sight it was quite upsetting but I remember the child I was protecting, from what I remember hearing, he had graduated elementary recently and is going to middle school as of right now,” you stated, causing Itadori to look at you with a concentrated look on his face since it seemed like you were saying something that was going to be important.
“But I want you to remember this, I didn’t become a sorcerer to save people but rather to preserve the balance between humans and curses because in the end, I know, the innocence of some people will go away quicker than others and if I choose the life of saving people as my only objective, my guilt will only manifest more when I don’t save someone,” you explained with a calm but serious tone, it was as if you were not only talking to Itadori.
“I don’t want myself or other people to feel guilty when a fatal or irreversible action has been taken, that’s why no one is at fault for the reason that I am blind,” you confessed leading both Itadori to come to the realisation that you were talking about this goal of ‘giving people a fair death’ and the disadvantages of it, while Gojo was shocked at the fact you were hinting at him during your speech on how guilt is the most powerful thing that leads to the downfall of many sorcerers.
That’s what Gojo felt. 
Guilty at the fact he couldn’t save you in time during that mission.
Guilty at the fact you lost your eyesight.
Guilty at the fact at how you were now as a sorcerer even those you were more than capable to carry your duties as a special grade one sorcerer much to everyone’s shock.
But here you were telling him that it wasn’t his fault and it never was in the first place.
No one was at fault for your lost sight.
Suddenly the stems that were tangled around his ribs began to slowly wilt as they were steadily dying as your words refused to feed them the guilt that was giving them the power and nutrients to further grow.
It wasn’t his fault.
It was never his fault.
Steadily, a smile reached his face as he pulled you in further to his chest leading your back to hit against it leaving a few unusual shivers from you due to the feeling of the overpowering warmth and glee you felt from your boyfriend as his cursed energy brightened up with a certain glow you weren’t quite sure of.
“Thank you honey~ for everything,” Gojo muttered in your ear before continuing back to talking to Itadori in his usual cheerful and playful tone as if nothing sentimental happened between the both of you just right now.
Surprised at his sudden change of behaviour, you couldn’t help but smile slightly at his newfound brightness leading you to answer back his gratitude in a soft whisper that both student and teacher didn’t hear.
“It was never your fault, I love you”
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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mishasminions · 4 years
The Last Time I’ll Write a Long Post About Supernatural (15x18-15x20)
[15x20 Speculation + evidence at the bottom]
First off, I just wanna come clean and say, after all these years, I still think they should’ve ended at Season 5.
If you’re going to come at me with “Then why’d you stick around to watch it if you didn’t like it?”, your question is immature, and the answer is simple: I just want to know what happens next (I also love the main characters and their actors too). You can watch a show and still think it’s shit.
Call me a clown, but despite all the disappointment and trust issues that this show has given me, I would still look forward to the day where it might just turn itself around and bring back the quality it once had, or realize the potential of each story it was trying to tell, or at the very least, do justice by my favorite ship.
Never happened.
They’ve had a few good episodes here and there. I can’t imagine the SPN Universe without The Man Who Would Be King, The French Mistake, and Scoobynatural. Seasons 6-10 were enjoyable at times. I blocked out most of 7 & 11-15. 
If you’ve been following this blog since its heydays in 2010-2014, you’d know I’d try my best to defend Destiel and this show’s decisions regarding it no matter what.
Because you know what, as a CONCEPT, this show is good. If you take a look at all the worlds its storylines have birthed in fanfiction/fanworks, you’d see how much Supernatural has wasted its own story arcs. The writing got shittier as each season progressed, and they’ve obviously given up in production as well because the quality in the execution has noticeably gone down too, but if you take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture, you’ll see that this show still tries to make sense of itself.
[If you’re still following this post, please bear with me, I know this is long, but I just want you to understand how jaded and pessimistic I am with regards to this show, so maybe you can buy into whatever hopeful thing I’m about to say later on.]
Never in my wildest dreams did I think that they would give us Castiel’s “I love you” speech. To the point where, if I weren’t so desperate for it, I would argue that it was completely out of character for him to word vomit the way he did (but I’m not gonna diss on that right now because I’ll take what I can get).
I’ve valued every meaningful and obscure exchange that Dean and Cas have had in the earlier seasons, and I was willing to accept their relationship as just that--undefined, without any clear boundaries as to what they really are. And I think that was beautiful on its own.
But now, they’ve chosen to define it.
After they’ve driven every possible wedge between Dean and Castiel in seasons 11-15, to try to explain away their feelings as something they offer to a collective.
Dean can’t mourn and pray for JUST Cas, he has to mourn and pray for EVERYBODY--even Crowley, even some chick he just met, because god forbid he cries about just the guy who has given up everything for him--that would be “too homo”.
They’ve even set Cas on a path to abrupt fatherhood just so he can care about something other than Dean. Make it seem as if Dean wasn’t his purpose through and through.
And after all these years of this stupid show trying to deny it, they choose to acknowledge it at the worst possible circumstance, at a time where they’ve been so far apart, that it seems so foreign for them to suddenly come together.
But here we are. And they’ve chosen to tell us.
Chosen to tell us that everything that Castiel has done leading up to his death, he has done it because he was IN LOVE WITH DEAN WINCHESTER.
Chosen to tell us that BEING WITH DEAN WINCHESTER is something that CAS WANTS BUT KNOWS HE CAN’T HAVE.
And they’ve also chosen to tell us nothing about how Dean feels.
Sure, finding out your angel made a deal, the stipulations of said deal, his newfound happiness philosophy, his long-winded monologue of why he loves you and why you’re worthy of his love, and to top it all off he tells you that being in love with you is enough to make him happy while he subtly hints that he’s always wanted to be WITH you romantically, was a lot to process in the 5 minutes after you’ve just had an existential crisis.
It’s whatever, right? Let’s culminate 11 years worth of tension and feelings in 5 minutes. Let’s waste the entire episode with cringey expository dialogue, and irrelevant sequences. The whole season was a waste anyway.
You know what Supernatural? FUCK YOU FOR THAT. They deserved better. WE deserve better.
And I would love nothing more than to hurl every possible insult your way,
But for the last time, I’m going to HOPE that you’re finally going to try to make it better for the fans that stuck by you all these years.
No more baiting new viewers, no more placating casual viewers, no more excuses. 15 years. Bring it home for the people who have actually been around.
There’s two ways this series is gonna end. Horribly or Spectacularly.
First let’s all take into consideration what Andrew Dabb says about it:
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So, let’s start with
In this scenario, Misha is telling the truth about his last day of filming being 15x18. His “camping trip” during the last few days of filming 15x20, was actually a camping trip. He doesn’t go to Vancouver to shoot.
Jensen wasn’t “being careful” during the zoom interviews that it was just him and Jared quarantining for the shoot, it really was just him and Jared (althought most of these were done pre 15x19) Supernatural isn’t smart enough to do misleading PR, and they’re once again oblivious to the potential of their own story.
Misha hasn’t posted a “Goodbye Castiel” tweet because he’s probably saving it for last episode or he forgot because it was overshadowed by the Destiel trend that night.
So what we get is:
Sam and Dean are on the road again, up against the monster of the week. Only their world no longer has actual Supernatural beings anymore, so the monsters they’re fighting are humans.
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Humans end up killing the Winchesters (despite having gone up against literally every powerful being imaginable INCLUDING God himself). Dean and Sam end up in heaven and relive their greatest hits.
Meanwhile, Castiel rots in The Empty because he died after realizing that he was happy and gay. Jack doesn’t bother rescuing him—his surrogate dad, the guy who made this specific deal to spare him—even though it was so easy for him get Cas in and out of The Empty when he had a fraction of the power that he has now.
Dean never speaks of Castiel’s confession because despite all the hints of a profound bond in the earlier seasons, and the fact that Dean has never cared for anyone (who isn’t his actual brother) as immensely as he does Cas, Supernatural just can’t have its main macho character be “suddenly bisexual” because that would hurt the male ego or some shit.
His heaven would probably be living happily ever after with his family. “Family” meaning Mary and John Winchester--two of the shittiest parents ever (but they’re not going to include them in this episode like they were supposed to because of Covid) and Sam.
Sam also gets a dog. As usual.
I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to do this. After everything they’ve pulled, this would be right up their alley. I actually expect this ending.
Anyway, onto the next possible ending
In this scenario, Supernatural tries to stick the landing, and Jensen’s whole “It didn’t sit well with me at first, but then I took a step back after talking to Kripke, and realized that I had to view it from an audience perspective, I am now really excited about it” (DC Con 2019) anecdote about his thoughts on the final episodes, were actually about Dean potentially ending up with Cas. (Which would totally make sense because Jensen at first didn’t see Dean as anything but hetero, but as of late, he has been throwing in Destiel jokes of his own, so he seems to have warmed up to the idea)
Backed with Misha’s tidbit (DLConline 2020) that he and Jensen had conversations about Destiel, and that they wouldn’t have gone through with it if Jensen wasn’t onboard with it, but Jensen didn’t push back at all. (Why would they need to check with Jensen if it was just Cas going all in?)
Robert Berens (writer of 15x18) also wrote the script at the beginning of Season 15, but made Misha privy to the concept a year prior (Season 14), so they went into this season knowing about Destiel going canon.
This one’s a reach, but this scenario also supposes that Misha was lying about his whereabouts during the filming of the final episode, and him saying that 15x18 was his last episode is part of the diversion to avoid taking away from the weight of Castiel’s death.
And that Supernatural is actually self-aware of its own material (similar to how they have wrapped things up in the past—lots of expository dialogue, poor execution, but fulfills the story arc)
Since Season 15 is basically a Meta Season (Chuck/God as a writer, pretentiously calling out how he created the worlds, its characters, and basically invalidating the past 14 seasons), and 15x19 is supposedly the finale for Season 15, written by two of the worst Supernatural writers, Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming (Bob Singer’s wife), then we can assume that 15x19 is where the shitty writers kill themselves--as Chuck, of course.
So we get a badly written episode that produces a bad ending, or as Becky put it, “All action, and no Cas”
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So we get the bad writers season ending at 15x19.
And 15x20 is where Sam and Dean write their own stories, and where the cast had a hand in pitching ideas for it.
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Dabb has mentioned that 15x20 (Act Two) is a SERIES finale, where they try to resolve the characters’ journeys.
Because as everyone has acknowledged, Supernatural isn’t about the story, it’s about the characters.
So here’s what we can get out of it:
With no more Supernatural beings left to fight, Sam and Dean are in a stalemate. They’ve resigned themselves to fighting to the bitter end, but the “end” has passed, and they’re still standing.
So they try to figure out who they are now, and what they want out of the life they still have.
Sam still wants a normal apple pie life. Before Dean dragged him out of college to go hunting with him, he had a whole life planned out for him. Become a lawyer, settle down with a nice girl, and get a dog. He gave all that up because they had work to do, but now the work is finished, he can finally go back to wanting that for himself again.
Dean finally realizes his self-worth after Cas saves him again. His prayer to Cas in purgatory may have helped him come to terms with his anger, but the whole “you’ve done everything you did for love” speech finally put him in his place, and he learns not to hate himself anymore.
But of course, he cannot fully reconcile with himself if he doesn’t get Cas back, and tell him how he feels.
Because Dean actually wants something for himself this time. Something he knows he can finally have if he can just salvage it.
So maybe this time around, with the help of Jack (off-screen), Dean saves Cas. Grips him tight and raises him from perdition.
They bypass The Empty deal by turning Cas human, and he lives the rest of his days with Dean.
Dean and Cas know they deserve to be saved, and they know that they deserve to be happy.
(Wishful thinking, maybe they kiss a little)
I’m just saying, there’s NO WAY that they’d have Cas go through that whole rushed speech, if they weren’t going to do anything about it later on.
But again, after 10 years of disappointment, I wouldn’t put it past Supernatural to pat themselves on the back and say, “Okay, we sort of gave them what they wanted. We’re good now”
If that’s the case, Supernatural, I’m sorry I wasted my time on you.
Here’s to hoping 🤡
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padme-parker · 3 years
Mizpah // the darkling x f!reader // ch 3
summary: After finally meeting the darkling, the two of you have a one on one conversation. It seems like Mal and Alina also have one. An offer is made to you, one that you could simply not deny
A/N: Please read this before continuing-- From here on, the rest of the fic will most likely be following the book series instead of the show. However there will be some aspects of the show woven in! Also I know the beginning of this chapter doesn’t line up with what happened in ch 2 but its whatever. for the sake of the story, the timeline is going to be dragged out for as long as possible <3 
I also made a playlist, give it a look :))
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As Mal walks with the guard towards the room the General had directed for him to wait in, he hears his name being called out. His heart pounds at the sound of Alina’s familiar voice. He turned around, her face being split by a giant smile. Alina runs toward him, engulfing him in a hug, her arms around his neck.
“What’re you doing here?” She asked
“Hell if I know.” Mal said with a weariness that Alina hadn’t expected. “I had a report to make to your master.”
“My what?” There was confusion on her face before a grin took its place. “You and y/n were the ones who found Morozova’s herd. I should’ve known, the two best trackers in all of Ravka.” Alina knew something was off. Mal couldn’t bear to look her in the eyes, where had all the excitement he had felt earlier gone?
“I should go.”
“What do you mean? You just got here.” The sun summoner could feel something topple over in her, all of the anger and embarrassment that she had built up. All the letters she had sent, but never gotten a reply to. All the times she had hoped Mal would come and find her, yet when he finally did, he was just going to leave again. “You know what, sorry. I didn’t realize I was wasting your time.” She sneered, the love in her eyes now replaced with animosity.
“I didn’t say that.” He argued.
“No, no, I understand. You can’t be bothered to answer my letters. Why would you want to stand here talking to me, while y/n is waiting saints knows where.” Mal’s mood shifted into one of confusion.
“I didn’t get any letters.” He whispered.
“Yeah right.” She replied angrily. Mal sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
“We have to move constantly to track the herd. My unit is barely in contact with the regiment anymore.” Mal was tired of arguing with Alina. He had come to see one of his bestest friends, he didn’t expect for it to end like this.
Alina hesitates for a second to look at Mal, noticing how much he has changed since she was taken from the Darklings tent. He was no longer the Mal she knew, something had happened to him since the months she had been gone. His eyes were colder, his posture was one of somebody who was always on alert.
“You didn’t get any of my letters?” She uttered, feeling the ends of her heart fraying. He shook his head, she could tell his mind was elsewhere now, a distant look in his expression.
“Mal, I..” She hesitated. “Can’t you stay a little while longer?” She pleaded. She hated the fact that she had to do so just to spend time with him. “You can’t imagine what it’s been like here.” He lets out a laugh, one riddled with sarcasm.
“I don’t need to imagine. I saw your little demonstration in the ballroom. Very impressive.” He sneered.
“You saw me?”
“Yes, both y/n and I got a glimpse of you.” He paused, trying to search for the right words. “Do you know how worried I’ve been about you? How worried we were? Y/n was stationed near the southern borders and when she came looking for us she was so worried. She didn’t know what happened to you and neither did I. I couldn’t tell her the truth because I had no what they’d done to you! We had no way to reach you. Did you know that there were rumors that you were being tortured?” The words left his mouth in a quivering mess. “When we had heard of the opportunity to see you once more, we took it. We did it for you, Alina.”
“Really?” She tried to believe Mal, why would he come looking for her when he could be with anyone else. After all of these years, she had become so used to his indifference.
“Yes.” He hissed. “And here you are, safe and sound. Dancing and flirting like some cosseted little princess-”
“Don’t sound so disappointed.” She snapped. “I’m sure the Darkling can arrange for a rack or some hot coals if that would make you feel better” Mal scowled and stepped away from her. She couldn’t believe that they were fighting. Alina lays her hand on one of his arms and feels it tense below her, yet he doesn’t pull away.
“Mal, I can’t help the way things are here. I didn’t ask for any of this!” He looks at her and then looks away, some of the tension leaving his body.
“I know you didn’t.” The weariness in his voice came back, making Alina remove her hand from his arm. “What happened to you Mal?” She whispered. Mal chose to say nothing, staring into the darkness of the hall. She lays her hand on his cheek, feeling the stubble on her palm. She turns his face until his eyes meet hers.
“I can’t…” She lets her fingertips wander to the scar on his jaw.
“Genya can fix this, she can..” She knows she said the wrong thing when Mal takes a step back.
“I don’t need fixing” He snapped. Snatching Alina’s hand from where it had just been seconds before.
“I didn’t mean..”
“Are you happy here, Alina?” The question took her by surprise.
“I don’t know… sometimes…”
“Are you happy here? With him?” Alina didn’t have to ask who Mal meant. She didn’t know what to say.
“You're wearing his symbol. His colors.” He observed, his eyes glancing at the gold charm hanging on her neck.
“They’re just clothes.” She tried to convince him, quite possibly herself too.
“You and I both know that they’re more than just clothes.”
“What difference does it make what I wear?”
“The clothes, the jewels.” He spat. “Even the way you look. He’s all over you!” The words hit her like a slap. She takes her hand from his tight embrace and crosses it over her chest.
“It’s not like that.” She said, avoiding his gaze. Mal could see right through her, he could see the flush that had started to form when he had mentioned the Darkling.
“I saw how he looked at you Alina!”
“I like how he looks at me!” She shouted, a malicious smile forming on Mal’s face.
“Just admit it,” He sneered. “He owns you.”
“He owns you too, Mal.” She bit back. “He owns us all.” The smile falling from his face.
“No, he doesn’t.” He said fiercely. “Not me. Not y/n. Not ever.”
“Oh really? Don’t you have someplace to be? Don’t you have orders to follow?” Mal stands up straight, his face cold and devoid of any emotions.
“Yes, I did. My orders were to wait for you to be taken to me. But I think I found what I’ve been looking for.” He turned sharply and walked out, leaving Alina to her thoughts. She finally lets the tears fall down her cheeks, her body coursing with anger and heartbreak. For months she had dreamt of the day where she would be able to see Mal again. She had spent her whole lifetime chasing after him, but she knew now it was time to let him go.
THE DARKLING walks closer to you, while you stay propped up next to the door. You fidget with your hair, moving it to one side as he inches closer and closer until he is a few feet away from you. You anticipated his next moves, he brings his hand to you neck and strokes it.
“Your bleeding.” It seems like Genya had nicked you after all. “Here, let me.” He offered, taking a cloth from his pocket and gently wiping the small amount of blood away. His other hand resting at the nape of your neck for stability. You watched his eyes as he concentrated on his actions. You prayed to the saints that he couldn’t hear the incredibly fast pace your heart was beating at.
“So, what did you need to speak to me about.” You questioned. Deeming his work satisfactory, he takes a step back. Tucking the bloodied cloth back into his kefta.
“Have you eaten yet?” He asked.
“What?” Some of the excitement inside of you had deflated.
“It must’ve been a long ride from Kribirsk, I’m sure you're starving.” He calls out for one of the oprichniki outside of his doors and orders them to bring dinner for the two of us.
“I appreciate the gesture, sir. But surely that’s not why you wanted me to stay behind.”
“No, you’re right. Take a seat.” He points to a smaller table, one that hadn’t been occupied by maps and war strategies. It was a rectangular table, both seats facing the window that had shown the view of the lake. You walked towards the table and took a seat. The moonlight glimmered off of the lake, making you smile. He places a lantern in the middle of the table, assuring that you were not going to eat in the dark. In one swift motion, he sits right next to you, his body angled towards yours. “How do you know Alina?”
“We grew up together.” He looked at you, pressing for more details. “In an orphanage in Keramzin.” You were interrupted by a knock, the food had finally arrived. You didn’t realize how hungry you were until the smell of roasted lamb had made your mouth water. “Is that roasted lamb? It’s my favorite!” The Darkling shot you a smile, motioning for you to dig in.
“I was alone until Alina and Mal had come in.” You said between bites. “I never knew my parents. Ana Kuya said I had just turned up one day on the doorsteps, wrapped in nothing but a blanket. I used to get bullied, but when they showed up, they started picking on Mal too. Alina, being the great person she is, defended us both.” A smile made its way onto your lips as you reminisced about your youth. “From then, the three of us were like peas in a pod. We were never seen without each other. That was until we joined the First Army. Alina and Mal had been stationed near Kribirsk while I was down south in Caryeva. We rarely got to see each other.” The Darkling watched as you shoveled the food into your mouth. His hands clasped together, resting on his lap as he listened intently.
“Are you not going to eat?” You pointed the knife in your hand at his plate.
“No, it’s for you.” He replied, pushing the plate closer to you. You squinted your eyes, bewildered by the movement.
“What do you want from me?” The words had left your mouth before you could think, “Sorry, I..” Truly, what would the darkling want from someone like me? Someone who wasn’t like him. You thought to yourself.
“Stay. I want you to stay at the palace.” He announced, his request shocking you to the core. “..Alina needs a friend here, someone she knows and is familiar with. Someone she is comfortable around.”
“What about Mal?” You set down the fork and knife, forgetting about the food.
“He is welcome to stay too.” A quiet and hesitant knock is heard after he finishes speaking. He calls out for the person, allowing them to enter. “Ah, Alina. We were just talking about you.” He motions for her to come to the table.
She gingerly walks over to you, her arms crossed over her chest. “What about me?” She asked.
“I’ve invited our friend here, y/n, to stay at the palace. Your friend, Mal, may stay too.”
“He won’t be staying here.” She sniffled, a sarcastic laugh leaving her lips.
“What? Why?” You inquired.
“He left.” She explained. You knew she was leaving out some details. Just mere hours ago, Mal had been ecstatic to see her again. Yet now he was gone? Something wasn’t adding up. You’d pester her later about it when you weren’t in the presence of the Darkling.
“My offer to you still stands, y/n. You may stay, granted that you take residence in this hall.” Alina tried to hide her shock, no one had ever stayed in the Darkling’s hall. He had it all to himself. She didn’t even know there were other rooms near his. “If you are to stay here at the Little Palace as a guest, then I’ll need to be able to keep an eye on you just in case something happens.”
You give yourself some time to decide. You had duties to attend to, you and Mal had to track the stag. However, given that the two of you had pinpointed it’s location, there wasn’t much left to do. What the Darkling was offering you had been everything you’d dreamt of. If you stayed you wouldn’t have to wait days just to bathe. You wouldn’t have to starve anymore.
“How long would I stay?”
“For as long as Alina likes.” He said. You turned to Alina, asking if this had been the right choice for you. She gives you an eager nod.
“Fine. I’ll stay for Alina.” You look at her again, taking note of the color of her kefta. She was wearing his colors, which could possibly mean one thing. “Are you two together?” Alina’s eyes widen with humility while the Darkling lets out a brief laugh.
“Sorry for her behaviour. She just doesn’t know how to shut her trap.” She moved from where she was leaning against the table and pinched your arm. Her playful glare made you giggle. She opens her mouth to talk again.
“No, we aren’t.” The Darkling answered for her. He noticed the frown on her face, sending her a tight lipped smile, signalling that they would talk later. “You must be tired. Let me show you to your quarters. Alina, stay here.” He motioned for you to follow. Alina watched as the two of you left the war room, a sigh leaving her lips.
You followed him for a few paces before he stopped in front of a door. “Your room is right across from mine if you ever need anything. However I think everything you need is already there.” He replied. You waited around, wondering what was to happen next. He nodded his head towards the door, allowing you to enter. The room had been dark, no lanterns had been lit up due to the room being unoccupied. The Darkling called for an inferni. One came over quickly, lighting up the candles and lanterns as quickly as she could. The room was quite similar to Alina’s, the only difference being that most of the furniture had his symbol engraved on it. Had this room once belonged to his lover? You were too afraid to ask, not wanting to overstep your boundaries. “I’ll be back in the morning to give you a proper tour of the palace. Until then, get some rest.” Without bidding you goodbye, the Darkling left to go speak with Alina.
Without wasting a second, you ran towards the tub, drawing yourself a warm bath. It had been so long since you had been able to bathe by yourself. You’d gotten used to bathing with the other female soldiers that you had forgotten had relaxing it could be. You wash all the accumulated dirt and grime from your body along with your hair. Feeling the water begin to grow cold, you reach for a robe before heading towards the dresser.
It’s contents were luxurious. Many gorgeous dresses, all varying lengths. Countless nightgowns embroidered with flower designs. At the very end of the dresser was a kefta. No ordinary one, it was gold with black detailing. It seemed to stop mid knee. You wanted to reach out to it, to feel it underneath your fingertips but decided not to. Maybe another day. Instead you reached out for a nightgown and slipped it on. To your surprise it fit perfectly, almost too perfectly. Deciding not to dwell on it for much longer, you blow out the candles, leaving the lanterns alight and slip under the heavy covers of the bed. The fatigue from the journey finally caught up with you, and you found yourself sleeping within the minute.
“I won’t let you take them!” A voice that sounded like yours shouted. What were you talking about? Who were you talking about?
“You have no say in this matter.” You couldn’t tell who was talking and it frustrated you, it felt like their name was on the tip of your tongue.
“There’s always a choice.” Before you knew it someone had pressed a cold blade against your throat, gasping emerging from the people around you.
“No! Don’t do it.” Someone pleaded just as another shouted your name.
“I won’t be your pawn, not anymore.” You said, the next thing you felt was the warmth of your own blood dripping on you. You stumbled back, your hands going to the laceration on your neck. You gasped and whimpered in pain as you felt more blood leave you. In the background you could hear someone screaming, another one sobbing whilst saying your name.
You woke up screaming, your hands going to your neck as you stumbled out of bed, falling onto the floor. The door to your room flew open and in came the Darkling along with the oprichniki. Some had their pistols drawn, ready to shoot, while others held their arms up. The Darkling and his guards ran about your room, looking for an intruder to find none. Noticing the state you were in, he ordered the guards to leave.
He crouched down to you, reaching out his hand to touch you before pulling back. “Are you alright?” Your gaze met his, you observed the sun's rays coming through your windows, lighting him up like an angel. His eyes held concern as you hesitated to answer him.
“I’m not sure..” For the first time in your life, you were terrified. You shed a few tears as you looked at him, your shaking hands still around your neck. He hovers his hand over yours, stopping just before they made contact. He was asking for permission to touch you. With a nod, he gently placed his hands atop of yours before removing them. The birthmark on your neck was now raw and red, as if you had been violently scratching it.
Your dream had left you in shambles as one thought ran wildly through your mind, was my birthmark a warning of what was to come?
tags: @all-art-is-quite-useless @devilxangel @musicconversedance @parabatai-winchester @runawayolives @tartiflvtte @rbg1933 @thatguppienamedbae @batgal96 @thebarisinhell99 @5hundreddaysofsummer @kaqua @queenseneschal @benbarnes-supremacy @princessofpersia96 @takethee @dontjinx-it @freakytillthemoon @amortentiaaaa @marvel-ousnesss @coolninjavoid @areomalfoy @pansysgirlfriend @universalirwin @leavejuliaalone @xx-winwin-wednesday-xx @honeyofthegods @lunamyangel @d-list-goddess @comphersjost @telepathdestiel​ @the-celestial-kitsune @thestoryofmylife9​ @s-corpionem​ @pancakeisreading @sanna2020 @secretsandtinyshadows @savannah-elliott @maliasblue @tea-effect @disneyandharrypotter​ @futuristicpinklemur @tanyaherondale @the-puff-is-strong-with-this-one @hxgreeves @yourboiialucard​ @thereeallink @ladyblablabla​ @wolfieellsworld​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @louweasleymalfoy
I tagged everyone I could </3
Also not proofread so sorry for any mistakes lmao
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edna-skiffens · 3 years
The Best Medicine
Summary: You are in the hospital, but you can never sleep in hospitals. Good thing you have a very attractive night shift nurse who is willing to help out.
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: hospitals, light med talk, bad medical writing, fluff
A/N: Please ignore the plot holes or the fact that this isn’t the most realistic and also I know this isn’t how discharge works at the hospital.. It’s called fiction for a reason, darling. Also, I left the reason the reader is in the hospital open ended bc some of us may have medical conditions/reasons that we can attach to this, but if not I tried to keep it vague enough on purpose so that you can imagine whatever. Also if you like Nurse!Tom and have requests for him lmk bc i’m happy to write for him.
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Toss and turn. Toss and turn. The routine was getting old. This was your third night in the hospital and sleep just wasn’t coming to you.
Maybe it was the medicine they had you on. Maybe it was the constant symphony of sounds and people passing in the hallway. Maybe it was because you weren’t at home in your own bed.
Maybe it was just because you were in the hospital.
You couldn’t be sure. What you were sure of is that you weren’t falling asleep anytime soon.
Feeling another presence in the room, you looked from the ceiling to the doorway where you saw Tom, one of the night shift nurses, standing cautiously.
“I didn’t wake you did I?” He asked as he eased his way inside.
“So no sleep again, huh?”
“Sorry darling. Let’s go ahead and get these vitals over with.” He took your blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and wrote it down in your chart. Putting the clipboard back on its hook at the end of the bed, he looked up at your tired face. “Okay. So now about that sleep. What do you think will help?”
“Not being in the hospital.”
He chuckled lightly while walking back towards your bedside.
“I know. You hate it here. You’ve made that very clear and I try not to take too much offense to it.” You let out a slight laugh and held back the fact that he was the best part of this whole experience. He almost made it worth it. “I’m sorry we can’t give you any sleeping medication. Do you think it’ll help if I talk to you?”
“You mean tell me bedtime stories?” You couldn’t help but tease him at the adorable suggestion, though it sent a swarm of butterflies off in your stomach.
“I was thinking more like bore you ‘till you fell asleep. But whatever works.”
“You’re the nurse. If you think it’ll help.” You both sat there smirking at each other for a moment. Something unspoken floating in the air between you two.
“Well, I need to finish my round of vitals first. I’ll come check on you when I’m done and if you’re still up we’ll see about those stories.”
“I’ll be here.”
About fifteen or twenty minutes later you heard a light tap on your door followed by “Still awake?”
“You up for a chat?” Tom asked as he made his way to the stool then rolled slightly closer to your bed.
“Got nothing better to do.” You teased again.
“Okay. Well you should probably lay down.”
“Oh. It’s going to be that kind of story, huh?” His laugh was so beautiful and you were happy you were the cause of it.
“No.” He corrected in between laughs “The goal is to get you to sleep. So sitting up won’t help.”
“Right. Right.”
“Well.. anything in particular you’d like to talk about?”
“Why did you choose to become a nurse?”
“Ahhh. Good question. So I actually went to an art school.” You couldn’t help the brief expression of surprise that crossed your face. “I know. Shocking. I did training specifically in dance and gymnastics and I loved it.”
“Wait, so what happened?” You asked, turning on your side to face him more comfortably.
“Well one day we were rehearsing for a show and I fell. Ruined my knee. Had to do physical therapy for months. I tried to get back into it, but it just wasn’t the same. However, through that process I learned a lot about medicine and the health side of things. It really turned me on to it. And when my Plan A got a bit messed up I thought ‘hey, this could work’. So far it’s treated me pretty well.”
You smiled at Tom, admiring his passion for his career and the determination he had to keep pushing after his accident. You enjoyed hearing him talk about it too. If you didn’t know any better you would say it was helping you relax.
“My story that boring?”
“Your sarcasm has no end.”
“Oh… goodness.. you thought that was sarcasm?”
Tom only laughed and shook his head the way he often did with you.
You may just have been his patient and he may have just been your nurse, but you both bonded. He kept you company and gave you comfort. In return, you kept him entertained during the quiet night shifts.
“I’m not going to sleep. I'm just resting my eyes. But still listening.” You told him as you nestled further into the hospital bed, trying to find a position that would make it comfortable.
“Okay, darling.” He grinned at you.
“Tell me more. What kind of-” You had to stop to yawn, “What kind of art stuff did you do?”
“Oh. Well, I was in a few musicals. I really enjoyed dancing. I did ballet ever since I was young and I love the control I have over my body. The tricks I can do with gymnastics or the turns and leaps. I mean I can’t do them to that level anymore, but I try to stay active.” He glanced up and noticed you hadn’t moved, “Are you still with me?”
“Mhm.” You barely respond.
“Okay. Well it was a performing arts school so we really were trained in many areas. We had classes in acting, singing, dancing, all of it. It was a lot of fun and I met my best friends there.”
Tom began telling stories about his time at school. Before he knew it, he lost himself and track of time. He looked back at you, quiet and still.
“Y/N?” You were finally asleep. “Goodnight, darling.” He whispered as he gently made his exit.
Because Tom worked the night shift, you never saw him when you woke in the morning. Instead, Tanya, a sweet nurse that felt like a big sister, or Linda, Nurse Ratched in the flesh, came in for morning vitals and meds.
You counted down the days until your release. Life in the hospital was pretty uneventful with the limit on visitors and limited activity. There’s only so many sitcoms one can take in a given timespan. The only thing that you really looked forward to each night was when Tom clocked in.
“Hi Y/N.”
“Hi Tom.” You would smile at each other.
“How are we feeling today?”
“Better. Ready to get out of here.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear you are feeling better and still ready to jailbreak.” He smiled while writing something down on your chart. “They should be bringing up your dinner tray soon and then I’ll bring by your evening meds after that.”
“If you need me you know what to do.” He called to you before walking out the door.
You were disappointed when Shelley brought your evening meds by later. She was a nice enough nurse. She just wasn’t Tom.
You’d grown accustomed to mainly having him as your nurse during the evening shift. At first you weren’t sure if it was coincidence or on purpose, but after a few nights of staying up and talking, you grew closer to him. You saw less of the other nursing staff and more of Tom.
You tried not to build anything up in your head. You were sure everything he was doing was in his job description and a part of being a good nurse.
He would sneak you extra pudding cups from the cafeteria and bring you an extra heated blanket because you could never stay warm. If you needed a new IV, he held your hand to ease the anxiety. He kept you company and made you feel less alone in such a sterile and intimidating place. And when he noticed you had trouble sleeping he chose to sit with you to help you fall asleep. You couldn’t help the butterflies that built in your stomach.
It became a sort of routine. He checked on you during evening vitals, even if someone else was doing them, and you were always still awake. He would then come and sit with you and chat for a bit, telling you different stories until you eventually fell asleep.
Some nights when you were extra restless he would help you walk the halls.
“The doctors have to see you’re stable enough before you can be discharged. Plus, maybe it’ll tire you out.” He suggested.
He would help get your IV pole ready so you could walk with it. He helped you into your slippers and eased you out of bed after passing you your robe.
Walking the hall slowly, Tom knew he had to remain professional, yet he found a few excuses to graze his hand across your back to ‘steady you’ when you turned corners or he thought you were looking tired.
“It might take me a while to get back to my usual jogs in the park, huh?” You laughed in spite of yourself.
“You’ll get there. Baby steps.” He encouraged, as you turned around the Nurse’s Station. You missed the faces the other night shift nurses were giving you both, but Tom was sure to subtly flick them off. “So, do you like running?” He asked as you headed back towards your room.
Throughout your late nights together, he told you of his three younger brothers and his dog named Tessa. You spoke about what you would do when you were out of hospital. He talked about his friends and flatmates and the adventures they had. He told you many stories, but each morning when you woke up he was clocked out and the day shift nurses were there.
Tonight was your last night. You’re set to be discharged tomorrow and while you are ecstatic to go home, you’re going to miss one thing about this place.
“I bet you’re too excited to sleep tonight. I don’t know if my stories will even help.” Tom said as he sat down next to you.
You smiled up to him sweetly.
“What are you looking forward to the most once you get out of here?”
“Sleeping in my own bed.”
“Well that’s no surprise.” Tom laughed, a contagious sound making you giggle as well. “Isn’t there anything you’ll miss about this place?”
“Yeah.” He smiled “There’s one thing.”
“What’s that?” He asks.
“The pudding cups.”
“Ahh the pudding cups of course.” You giggled while fiddling with the IV line.
“They just don’t taste the same in the outside world.”
His smile grew wider as you giggled.
“No, but really. As much as I give this place grief and say I’m ready to get out of here - which I am,” You gave him a pointed look to which he held his hands up in mock surrender, fully believing you, “it hasn’t been too terribly awful I guess.”
“Oh, well, I’m glad we could make your stay not too terribly awful.. I guess.” He teased. “Do you have anything exciting to look forward to once you’re a free woman?”
“Nothing huge planned, really. The doctors did say to take it easy.”
“That’d be wise.”
“Yeah. I’ll just lay low for a while. My sister said she may try to come visit me though so that would be nice.”
“Oh that would be nice. She’s your older sister right?”
“Right. She moved away last year to be closer to her boyfriend.”
“Ah. Do you like him?”
“This boyfriend. Do you like him?”
“He’s alright, I suppose. He makes her happy.” Tom nodded along.
“And do you have a boyfriend that makes you happy?”
“N-No. No I don’t. Not at the moment.” You began fiddling with the IV cord again.
“No boyfriend or not a boyfriend that makes you happy?” He asked.
“Well that’s a shame.” If the heart monitor was connected you would’ve been screwed. “I just mean someone needs to look after you once you get home. I hope this sister comes through for a visit. You’ve got to take it easy.”
“Oh I’ll be fine.”
“I’m sure you will be.” He smiled.
“How has your shift been tonight? Busy?” You asked, fighting back a yawn.
“A bit busier than usual. There was a slight emergency earlier which is why Shelley handed out meds tonight. Sorry I didn’t come around.”
“It’s alright. I know you have other patients.”
“Yeah, but none like you.” You were sure he said that to all of his patients. After all, you’ve heard similar lines ever since you went to the pediatrician as a child. But it still gave you butterflies.
“Are you getting sleepy?”
“A little. But it’s okay.” He gave you a pointed look but continued to talk anyway. “It’s the last night. One final request for storytime. Make it a good one.”
You thought for a moment before asking your question.
“Do you ever wish that life turned out differently? That you never had your accident and you could’ve followed your dreams to be a dancer?” You asked while turning on your side and getting more comfortable.
“Sometimes. At least, I used to. But I think I’ve accepted it now. And I really can’t see myself doing anything but this.” You nodded taking in his answer “I look at it this way. If it wasn’t for my injury then I never would’ve changed my career path and found my love for medicine. I never would have made so many of the friends I’ve made or the memories I’ve made. I never would have met you.” He finishes with a sweet smile.
“That’s a very positive way of looking at it.” You told him. “Be honest, are you a therapist during the day?” He laughed out loud.
“No. I’m not. I guess I’m a big believer in ‘everything happens for a reason��.” You nodded while covering a yawn.
“So I’ve been curious to ask you,” He began, “Do you usually have this much trouble sleeping? Because you can get help for that you know?” You smiled at him.
“What? I thought a night nurse talking to you was the cure?” Tom smirked and shook his head. “I’m kidding. No, I normally don’t. It’s just the stiff sheets and hospital sounds I think.”
“Darn hospital.” He rolled his eyes and joked. “So this time tomorrow you’ll be sound asleep in your own bed then?”
You knew it was meant to be a happy statement, but you were a little sad at the thought of not having any more late night chats with Tom.
“Yes. Thank God.” You forced a smile.
You felt another yawn coming and tried to hold it back. It was already past the usual time that you fell asleep.
Tom could tell you were exhausted so he launched into a story from nursing school, hoping to lull you to sleep.
You yawned your way through listening, trying to soak up every last moment with Tom. In the morning he wouldn’t be here. You’d leave and likely never see him again.
When he finished, your eyes were half open and he wondered how you were still awake. Or maybe why.
“Why are you fighting it? The point is to sleep. Give in.” He told you gently after another yawn.
You looked up at him, half asleep and rubbing your eyes, not finding the confidence to tell him the true reason you were trying to stay awake.
“I’m happy right now.”
He smiled down at you.
“I am too. But you need your sleep, darling.” You weren’t sure what to say and you didn’t have much energy left in you anyway. “How about this. I’ve probably been in here too long as it is. Let me go check in at the Nurse’s Station and then I’ll come back and check on you soon and see if you’re still awake okay?”
The thought that he was leaving gave you a sad feeling in your stomach. You tried to remind yourself that he was just your nurse. Nothing more.
“Okay.” You smiled at him, sleepily, while settling further into the bed.
He stood up and instead of walking towards the door he walked closer to you. He grabbed the thin, white hospital blanket and pulled it closer around your shoulders.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He whispered before he walked to the door.
“Tom?” You called out just before he opened it. He turned around with an expectant look, “Thanks for everything.”
Even though the room was dim you could see his smile.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Get some sleep.”
You don’t remember much after that. You don’t know if Tom came back to check on you. You just remember falling asleep with a smile on your face.
When you woke up the following morning it felt like any other morning in the hospital.
The hallways were much louder. Beeps, chatter, and phones were constant. The lights were brighter.
But you were quickly reminded that it wasn’t any other morning. You were going home today.
The door creaked open and Tanya, one of your regular daytime nurses, poked her head in.
“Oh good you’re up.” She made her way inside and over to the gloves. “How’d you sleep?”
“Pretty good. Thanks.” She gave you a smile, something hidden behind it.
“I’m sure.” She said quietly to herself. You gave her a questioning look. “Oh I just mean I’m sure you’re excited to get out of here.”
You nodded as she took your vitals one last time.
“Everything looks good. What do you say about getting this IV out?”
“I say that sounds amazing.”
She took it out and bandaged up your arm while informing you of how the morning would go.
“Dr. McCoy is making rounds now then he’ll be by soon to go over your discharge. You can get dressed whenever you’re ready. If you need help, buzz me. You’ll still have a breakfast tray come, but you don’t have to eat it.” She gave you a wink while taking off her gloves.
“Thanks Tanya.”
“Of course, sweetie. And in case I don’t see you before you go, you’ve been a wonderful patient. Take care of yourself.” You smiled at her as she left you to change into some leggings and a sweatshirt.
You were packing your remaining things into your bag when your doctor walked in.
“Y/N! How are we doing today?”
“We’re doing great because we’re going home.” You smiled while taking a seat to rest for a few minutes.
“I know you’re excited.” He laughed before explaining the conditions of your discharge. You had medicines to take, a follow up appointment, and strict instructions to rest for the next few weeks. After signing some forms he left you with a stack of papers. “Is someone coming to pick you up?”
“Yeah my neighbor should be here within an hour.”
“Sounds good. Don’t hesitate to call us or come back in if you have any trouble or questions.”
“Will do. Thanks.”
A few minutes after he left a nurse brought in your breakfast tray. There wasn’t much of a point for it but since your discharge wasn’t technically until 10:30 am you were still a patient during breakfast.
You took the pudding cup that you requested with every meal off the tray before sliding it away. Smiling to yourself, you tucked it away in your bag. All you had left to do was wait for 10:30.
Tanya came in to check on you again and told you to buzz the Nurse’s Station when you knew your ride was here. At 10:27 you had a text from your neighbor that they were out front in the pickup zone. So you hit the call button.
“Yes?” Linda, the scariest dayshift nurse, answered.
“Um hi. Tanya told me to buzz in when my ride was here so I could go down.”
“Okay we’ll be right in.”
Not even a minute later you heard your door open. Expecting to see Tanya or maybe even Linda you looked up.
An audible gasp left your lips when Tom stood in your doorway with a wheelchair.
“I hear someone needs a ride?” He smiled as he made his way closer to the bed.
“Tom. What are you still doing here?”
“I pulled a double.” You wanted to ask why, but decided against it. You were still in a little bit of shock from seeing him again. “If you’d rather I can go get Linda to walk you down?” He pointed back towards your door.
“No! No.. I’m just surprised s’all.”
“Well come on. I thought you’d be running out of this place once the clock hit 10:30.” Glancing up you saw it was now 10:34. Your neighbor is probably tired of waiting already.
You grabbed your discharge papers and reached for your bag when you heard, “I got it.” Smiling at him, you sat down in the wheelchair. Tom placed the bag around his shoulder and kicked the brakes off the chair. “Ready?” You nodded up at him.
He rolled you out of the room that felt so small for a final time. You passed the Nurse’s Station and waved bye to the staff. He turned by the elevators and when you looked up at him in question, he read your mind. Looked down at you he said, “We’re taking the staff elevators.”
When you made it there he hit the button, turning you around and backing you in once the doors opened. He hit the button for the Lobby and leaned up against the wall of the elevator, briefly glancing at you, as you rode down together.
“Well you made it. You’re a free woman.” He smiled shyly.
“Yippee.” He met your eyes for a moment before looking back to the floor. The dynamics felt different. It wasn’t like your late night talks together.
“Listen, Y/N.” Tom began as he stood up from the wall and faced you. He was about to continue when the elevator ding cut him off, signaling you had reached your destination.
Maybe that was what was different. You had reached your destination.
You had a fun time talking with Tom and entertaining each other when you were both up late at night. He was fun to get to know and you enjoyed having someone care for you. He was easy to banter with and certainly easy on the eyes. But your time at the hospital was up. You knew it would be eventually. You wanted it to be.
Tom was a nurse. He was just doing his job. He was helping take care of you. He was being nice. He was trying to make your stay more comfortable. There was nothing to read into.
Your time being his patient was up and your time with him was up.
You tried to remain realistic, but the sadness still crept up as he rolled you closer to the door.
Once outside, you saw your neighbor exit the car and wave you over. Tom steered in the direction and slowed before rolling to a stop and hitting the brake locks on the wheels.
“Hi, I’m Taylor.”
“Tom.” They shook hands as Tom passed off your bag for Taylor to put in the backseat.
“I’m sorry for the circumstances, but it really has been a pleasure having you as a patient and getting to know you, Y/N.” Tom admitted as he walked around to face you. He grabbed the papers from your lap. “Take care of yourself, okay?” You had shared many smiles with Tom, but this one felt sadder.
“I will. Thank you for everything, Tom. I mean it.” You reached up and squeezed his hand. He gave you a light squeeze back while smiling down at you. Taylor returned from the backseat of the car and Tom turned to them.
“These are her important papers about follow up appointments, medications, what to do at home, all of that so please make sure she doesn’t lose any of them.” He emphasized the point.
“Got it. Thanks.” Taylor held onto the stack while Tom turned back to you.
“If I can’t handle a few papers on my own, then maybe I shouldn’t be going home yet, Tom.” You laughed.
“I know, I just wanted to make sure they made it home with you.” He walked closer. “You ready to get in?”
“Yeah.” You nodded. He helped you up, supporting you just as a precaution. Once seated, you took a moment to catch your breath as you pulled the seatbelt down. He met your hand, taking it from you to buckle you in.
“You good?”
You nodded with a smile, “Just a little tired. No biggie.”
He looked you over before returning your smile, though his didn’t quite reach his eyes, “If you need us, call us. Otherwise go home and rest.”
This was it. This was goodbye.
“Thanks, Tom.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
He shut the door. He walked back to the wheelchair, released the brake locks and headed inside. He looked back only when your car was driving away.
“Here’s those papers that are so important.” Taylor handed you the stack after they got in.
“So how are you feeling?”
“Better. Thanks.” You felt them looking at you as they joined traffic.
“You sure? You sound like you feel awful.”
You try to remind yourself to forget the sweet and attractive nurse and start moving forward.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m okay.” You decide to distract yourself by reading through your discharge paperwork, when something caught your eye. On top was a sticky note with the hospital’s letterhead. You were sure it wasn’t there before. Looking closer it read,
In case you need someone to talk to when you can’t sleep.
P. S. I have a connection to some pretty good pudding cups too.
The smile that grew on your face was undeniable. All the feelings you suppressed came flooding in. He wasn’t just being nice. He actually liked you.
One thing you knew for sure was that even though you would be in your own bed tonight, you still would be up, talking to a very special nurse.
Lmk if you want to be on my tag list
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absolutebl · 3 years
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I’m getting nasty today!
An entirely heretical list of my:  
Top 10 Most Disappointing Thai BLs 
BLs that really could have, and should have, been amazing but for various reasons just weren’t. In order of my personal feelings of betrayal (worst offenders at the top). 
Fish Upon The Sky - Do you remember how excited we all were at the beginning of 2021 for this BL? GMMTV’s production values, the talent pool, and then... what? WHAT HAPPENED? WHHHYYYYYY? 
Friend Forever - I knew this was a pulp going in so I really didn’t expect much but there was such amazing chemistry and potential in SeaTin that I got my hopes up. It was just frittered away by a truly abysmal script (or complete lack of one). 
I am Your King 1 & 2 - Completely different stories/casts and disappointing in completely different ways, but I’m still lumping them together. The first one had killer actors and could have been the next Make it Right but just failed everyone with a cliff hanger ending. (Although, it’s one of Bite Me’s Mark Siwat’s first roles and he is unreasonably good in it.) The 2nd season had a great premise, setting, and good chemistry... with the wrong brother. Literally no one was rooting for what actually happened in either story. 
My Gear and Your Gown - While it aired there was a lot of chatter about why this GMMTV offering didn’t live up to it’s potential - flawed chemistry, uneven pacing, weighting the story towards the miscommunication of high school, Itt’s weird motivations, and not enough time spent with them dating before they split. That’s just a few of MGYG’s issues. It should have been great, in the end it was just... clumsy. 
Waterboyy - An early BL from Thailand so we probably should have expected it to be bad, but no one expected it to be THAT bad. Earth & New have decent chemistry, there was a GL side dish (!), and it was set on a SWIM TEAM for goodness sake! How could they have gone so wrong with such GREAT concepts and killer acting chops? And yet... and yet... belly flop. 
My Tee AKA ‘Cause You’re My Boy - FrankDrake have killer chemistry, the combo of sweet tortured rich kid and scrappy sunshine poor boy with identity issues is a great one to tackle, and these two had the acting chops to do it justice. So what went wrong? The script failed them? The director mistrusted the actors? I don’t know. But it fizzled into cheap shots and illness and parental interference and left us (and the characters) out in the cold. 
Make it Live on the Beach - It’s Make it Right, honestly none of us, even the ashamed devotees of this disaster franchise, expected much from this follow up. But what we got was just so very MEH even for MIR.
Nitiman - Look it was working its way around to being a really solid university pulp. Possibly one of the best. It had a great foundation, fun realistically collegial friendship groups, good side dishes, and a solid central couple. But it was cut short so it ended up feeling like one of those distressed sweaters we saw on K-pop idols and MuRen in H4 - confusing and unraveled and moth-eaten. It could have been fresh and modern, but because of its ending, it was neither. 
Close Friend the series - With a sampler pack style and a killer cast of established pairs, if all the stories had been well written and given more than 30 min a piece, this could have easily surpassed and conquered Y-Destiny (not a very high bar, I admit). With very few exceptions (KipCop) it just... didn’t. If they wanted to fan service us, why not push it entirely into thematically ridiculous fanfic for all couples? Can you imagine if this had been vampire coven themed or something? 
Theory of Love - Some of y’all are gonna hate me for this pick. But I really don’t like this BL. I find Kai abhorrent and his character utterly irredeemable and Third is a whiney-ass bitch. I love PickRome and I think OffGun are magic together, but I can not stand this show. Sorry, but there it is. 
This is a measure of my entirely subjective anticipation against the various pay outs. So Friend Forever makes this list because I expected more based on the opener and talent, while Golden Blood and So Much in Love don’t because I expected so little from them. None of MAME’s stuff is on this list because I learned to keep that bar’s limbo action extremely low. 
Others that should make this: 
Enchante - my expectations were too high 
Bite Me - my expectations were low and it still failed me 
Top 5 Most Disappointing Taiwanese BLs
I have different expectations of Taiwan than Thailand, nevertheless... 
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Because of You - Faintly mafia, good kisses, 3 gay brothers, wildly old school yaoi tropes, AND multiple languages! What’s not to love? And yet, I didn’t love it. 
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Craving You - Pastry chef meets musician (who’s not Thai so it’s okay) and they fall in love while helping a gay couple plan their wedding. Honestly, who could ask more of Taiwan? But the central couple were not given meat or reason to like each other. It didn’t work at all. The early 1hr HIStory series installments had more to chew on than this. The wasted potential just gets my goat. 
Speaking of...
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HIStory Stay Away from Me - My new step brother is a famous idol who ends up living with me and really needs looking after is a GREAT premise. Very old fashioned traditional yaoi and I was here for it. The leads were lovely and had good chemistry and could have pushed this into higher heat - it just fizzled out somehow. 
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HIStory 3: The BL that shall not be named - WE HATES THE ENDING PRECIOUS. HATES IT.
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HIStory 4: Close to You - Seriously? Drunk non-con? Gay for you? What is this? Wait a second, is MAME writing for Taiwan now? Stop it. Bad Taiwan. It’s 2021. You should know better. 
Top 3 Most Disappointing Japanese BLs 
Again, different standards. I like yaoi. I like seeing it adapted. I have feels. 
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Docchi mo Docchi - One of the best office set enemies-to-lovers yaoi ever, cast with two killer actors (one of whom had done high heat BL before) and this could have been the premier office BL. It failed spectacularly on all fronts, mostly by censoring itself. We had to wait 6 years and suffer through people thinking Ossan’s Love was actually good before Cherry Magic came onto the scene to show us how good office BL really can be. It was Docchi’s sub-genre to lose, and they lost it. 
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Love Stage! - I flipping LOVE Love Stage the anime (and I mostly don’t bother with anime). The live action version cut out THE most significant part of the plot: Itsumi’s cross dressing and androgyny and its big reveal. That part is significant to his character’s arc, his own self acceptance but ALSO it has to do with queerdom, celebrity, sensationalism, and cultural acceptance and it is a CRIME that they left it out. This should have been Japan giving us the best most groundbreaking bits of Lovely Writer and My Lascivious Boss, only before both. Instead it was forgettable and colorless.  
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Silhouette of Your Voice - This is a great BL until the very end, then suddenly it feels like something from China. Does that comment sting, Japan? Well, I mean it to STING. You should have done better. This should have been 2017′s Restart After Come Back Home. It was so close. Have the guts to get them together and kissing and happy by the end. This kind of BL execution just makes you look wimpy. Tut tut tut. 
Most Disappointing Korean BL 
Korea didn’t have any on this list for a while, but it has BEGUN! 
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Kissable Lips came from Moving Picture Company (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu's Wedding, The Tasty Florida, Tinted With Love) so we all expected a classic modern Korean BL.The leads were perfectly cast, very pretty, the ideal seme vampire and the ideal uke prey. I like it when a vampire is actually deadly and facing up to the moral quandary of living a very long life. I found the uke actor particularly endearing in this limited role, he was quite soft and appealing without being weak or inactive. I enjoyed most of it but near the end I did start to feel the sparseness and the limited cast, like it was a one act play of a fairytale. if you name your BL kissable lips you better end with a good kiss, even if you are Korea. But even a great kiss doesn’t mitigate killing the gay in a BL. Sorry. Not my thing. I’m aware of the history of BL, and I know dark is part of the tradition (even from Korea) but I HATE IT. These days a sad ending isn’t really Korea’s bailiwick (with the possible exception of Peach of Time), and they didn't set Kissable up properly. Right until the last episode I thought they might pull it out and save the couple in some supernatural way. Not that death came entirely out of nowhere, like H3:MODC, but still, it wasn't what I wanted in a vampire BL and I have been waiting for this trope so long for one. *this is my disappointed face* I also I hate that the sad ending explains why the kiss was so good. It’s the vintage trope of: Sexualize those gays and one of them MUST DIE. How old school of you, Korea. Anyhoozle, if they kill one half of the couple it gets a 2/10 (or lower) from me. Sorry not sorry.
(DNFs, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Pinoy BLs aren’t included on this list. I have no expectations of Korea so, so far, they’ve never really disappointed me. I’ll stop being mean now.) 
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 34
Man these parts are getting harder and harder to churn out. A lot of plot points converging and real life ramping up. Hopefully you all enjoy this. Please comment your thoughts on the chapter. And if you really liked it, Reblog it. Thats the best way to get others to see it. Also, Please let me know your thoughts. Your comments fuel me.
(Master Post)
Masquerade surveyed the classroom. Her former classmates now her masked servants. It was fitting how they were all silent. Before, they listened to her because she told them exactly the things they wanted to hear, now they listened because she had power over them. It was kind of poetic in a way.
She looked across the classroom, she realized that there seemed to be more people missing than she initially realized.
“We are missing someone. Aside from Marinette, who is missing?”
The controlled classmates looked amongst themselves. Trying to figure out who was the one that was not in the class.
“Is it Chloé?” Miracular inquired, trying to answer her master’s request.
The akuma looked around.
“Huh… Oh yea, she isn’t here. Well she isn’t important. I was thinking someone else.” Masquerade answered. She looked to her most recently made akuma servant.
The Bubbler, the akumatized version of Nino stood motionless. As if he was not registering what was going on.
“Bubbler? Do you know who is missing?”
The multicolored akuma said nothing. Not even looking in the direction of the mask maiden.
“Bubbler! I order you to answer me!” She commanded with fiery rage.
The akuma turned to face his master, now responding.
“Adrien is missing.” The bubbler answered, his voice robotic and as emotive as a speak and spell.
“So, Adrien isn’t in the room. What a shame. I was planning on turning him into my handsome little knight.”
Masquerade thought for a moment.
Has Adrien been akumatized? Lila wasn’t sure she had ever seen or heard about him getting akumatized. She knew that the class had pretty much gotten hit at least once or twice at some point from what she had heard and read from the ladyblog. But if that goody-goody Marinette hadn’t been akumatized, Adrien likely hadn’t been akumatized either.
“Alright my servants! We have a new mission. I want you to lock this school down! No one is allowed in or out. Anyone you find, bring them to me. If they can be akumatized, then they are joining our cause.”
“Time breaker. Guard the perimeter outside of the school. Anyone outside of Ladybug and Chat noir trying to get in. Tag them, but only if they are suspicious of what’s going on. Stay hidden otherwise.”
“Timebreaker nodded and began skating out of the room in a rush.
“Horrificator, once Timebreaker is outside, seal all the exits in the main building.”
The masked monstress nodded and sped out of the room.
“Dark Cupid, Stoneheart, Princess Fragrance, Miracular and Reflekta. I want you to split up check all of the rooms and bring me potential akumas.”
The five akuma nodded and made their way out the door.
“Gamer and Robostus. I want you to hack into the airwaves. I want access to every Electric device in Paris when I give you the signal. But make sure to be subtle. I don’t want anyone to know about us until I tell you.”
The two nod and start working to get that ready for her.
She focuses her attention to the bubble making akuma that was giving her problems earlier.
Considering how hard it was to break him down, it was understandable. She had saved him for last for a reason. Because he was the hardest one to crack.
He was a relatively calm individual, able to keep a level head. But even he had his weakness. His confidence. Once that was shaken, seeing his entire class taken, knowing his girlfriend was under her control, he couldn't resist another moment. In a way, it was the most satisfying charm on her bracelet.
“Now Bubbler, you are going to go and locate Marinette and Adrien for me. Put them in a bubble and bring them to me. Help that girlfriend of yours.”
The bubbler nodded yes despite severe shaking. Seems even now he is trying to resist the control of the mask.
“Troublesome, but it is only temporary. He will break soon enough.” Masquerade mused to herself.
She looked at the near empty room with contempt. This was hardly a place where she could exact her vengeance. It was so… lame. Though a thought occurs as she realized who she had left standing at attention without orders.
“Evillustrator, I have a special request for you.”
“What is this?” Chloé screeched. “My daddy bought me the best phone plan in the city. How can I not have service right now?!”
The nurse felt a chill run down her spine. Could the akuma block out phone signals? Is that why there is no attention being given to the school? How could they call for help? How would anyone know of the akuma attack? Would Ladybug and Chat noir be able to help them?
The nurse started to feel herself going pale, she was just supposed to be a school nurse. Worst thing she needed to deal with was a scraped knee or give a kid an ice pack. Now she has a woman that collapsed on the bed and an akuma that is somewhere in the school. She had just moved to Paris a few months ago. It was her dream to live in the city of love, get her career going, find a nice guy, and just live the good life. But no one told her that supervillain attacks would be so personally connected to her situation? She had heard about this crap in New York and in America. But Paris? It was too much. What if Ladybug and Chat noir didn’t fix everything? What if this was where her story ended. What if…
The nurse turned to her attention to the voice. It was the brash blonde teen that was complaining.
“You look like you’re going to pass out. Just a heads up, I am not taking care of you.” Chloé commented.
Angela felt her face heat up with annoyance.
“Listen you brat. I don’t have time to deal with your attitude. I have a woman that is out cold from exhaustion in a building with a hostile akuma.”
“Good, at least you aren’t going to faint. I don’t need any more whinny women fainting on me”
The nurse paused, did the girl say that just to help her not succumb to the grim situation?
Chloé started making her way to the door.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“You already got your hands full with the annoying assistant. I need to make a call to daddy. So, I am going to head out the building and try there. Try not to get ripped apart by an akuma, I still need more ice when I get back.”
Angela blinked. This girl wasn’t scared of the akuma. She was actually going out to do something reasonable. If she could call for help, it would mean that this whole thing blows over.
“Okay, I’ll stay here. Be safe.”
“Yea whatever.”
Chloé headed out the door.
Angela felt a ghost of a smile grace her face.
‘Maybe that girl isn’t a complete brat after all.’
The shapeshifting sentimonster growled as it smacked the locker. It lost both primary targets. And worst of all, Ladybug appeared to make this even harder. Masquerade needed to hear about this.
“Master, Marinette and Adrien have escaped my sight.”
The sentimonster heard a sigh of disappointment from the other end.
“It is fine Simularé, They wont be able to escape the school anyway. They will be found soon enough. If anything, this is a blessing in disguise. Having them be the last targets will have them bare witness to how devasting it will all be.” Masquerade answered. “Any news on Ladybug and Chat noir?”
“That’s the other bad news. Ladybug arrived, I am assuming that’s how Marinette managed to escape, and ladybug also took Adrien away as well. No sign of chat noir. But if you know one is here, the other is likely soon to follow.”
There was a brief moment of silence, as masquerade mulled over the information she had received.
“Actually, that works out well for us. Meet up at my location, I have the other students out looking for them, I need your power for something more important.”
“Yes master.”
Simularé shifted back into its phantom form, moving quickly down the hallway to obey her master’s request.
Just as it left, Ladybug popped out of a nearby locker. Relieved it didn’t notice.
“That’s not good, Masquerade likely got everyone in the classroom.” The red heroine said aloud.
She activated her communicator and tried to contact chat noir. But there was no sound.
“Damn it. No signal. Lila likely cut the communication as soon as she realized it.?”
“No worries Buggaboo, I happen to be on site.” A voice called out.
Chat noir jumped out of another locker to reveal he was there.
Ladybug felt a bit of relief at her partner’s appearance. She could tell he felt the same. Better a situation with two heroes.
“Been here the whole time?” The spotted heroine asked her cat crimefighting comrade.
“Just arrived a few minutes ago, I figured something was up, so I decided to take a quick peek. Cat curiosity and all that.”
“And you assumed it was with Collège Françoise Dupont?”
“It seemed like a solid guess.”
“Considering the track record, that is reasonable.” Ladybug conceded.
“Ever wonder why it is always this school and never any of the other schools? Paris is a big city. You would think Hawkmoth would decide to branch out to the other schools in the city.” Chat noir inquired as they started walking down the hall.
“I assumed its just a coincidence.”
“Shot in the dark, maybe he has a kid that goes here. He is pretty old” Chat noir dissed.
“I can’t imagine anyone that would want to date Hawkmoth.” Ladybug joked.
“What about the blue lady? She seemed crazy enough.”
“And now that image is burned in my mind. Thanks kitty.” Ladybug sarcastically commented. “Despite the mental scarring, I am glad you got here. Seems a repeat offender got herself an upgrade in the akuma powers department.”
“How did you know?”
“I was reading the ladyblog, Alya did great work on that article.” Chat noir praised. He mentally applauded his quick thinking.
“Right, kind of the reason I felt the need to keep an eye on this place. But sadly, I was too slow.” Ladybug responded a tad gloomy.
“Hey, don’t sweat it. We will finish this akuma before lunch.”
Ladybug heard a footstep from the end of the hallway.
“Get down!”
Ladybug tackled the cat hero down. Just narrowly avoiding a neon pause symbol, which now suck on the wall.
“Looks like Lila has been busy.” Chat noir noted as he turned his face to the direction of the attacker.
Ladybug looked at the akuma. The white mask covering her friend’s face. Lady Wifi was back.
The two heroes got into a fighting stance and prepared to take down this controlled akuma.
The halls were empty and lifeless as the two visiting teens made their way cautiously down the halls.
“Oddly quiet in here.” The fencer commented. “What do you think Luka?”
“Well last time we entered a place with an akuma in it, it was brimming with armored minions. Maybe this akuma has more stealth?” The Musician commented. “So, I don’t think you will be fighting as directly as you are use to Kagami.”
Kagami nodded at that, not exactly happy or sad regarding that remark. Her plan was to see if she could help her friends get out of the building, grab her textbook, and get out. She wasn’t really that interested in fighting a superpowered foe at this moment in time.
The two ceased speaking when they heard approaching footsteps.
“Someone’s coming.” Luka noted.
The two duck into the nearest room.
The two stayed close to the door as they listened to the sound of the approaching figure.
Kagami dropped to the floor silently as to check and see if she could get a visual.
She could only see what appeared to be costume boots of a larger figure. Which made the expert fencer believe it was not friendly.
The figure stopped, looking at the door. The two teens felt their neck hairs stand on edge as they did their best not to make a sound.
After what felt like an eternity, the figure passed the door without checking. Once the sound of his footsteps could no longer be heard, they let out a sigh of relief.
“That was way too close for comfort.”
“Agreed. I would prefer a direct confrontation next time, much less nerve-racking. “
The two carefully open the door and exit the room.
“Seems we found the akuma.” Luka commented. “Now we just need to avoid it and.”
“You mean akumas.” Kagami corrected.
Kagami tilted the boys head to look in the same direction she was looking, and sure enough she saw a rather large rock like creature walking the halls.
“Oh… well that is bad.”
Kagami pushed him back into the room and closed the door. Locking it before the rock giant could notice them.
“I’m surprised.”
“By the fact there is an 8-foot-tall rock beast outside?”
“No, by the fact you didn’t try to fight it.”
“I don’t have a weapon.” Kagami replied flatly.
Luka raised a brow at the comment, unsure if the fencer was serious or not about fighting that thing if she had a foil.
“Is something wrong?” A third voice came from behind them.
The two teens turned around, preparing for the worst. Though they were relieved to see it was just an old janitor… in a Hawaiian shirt. Despite his odd dress, he did give off a kind aura. One of a trusting old grandpa.
They noticed that the room seemed to be a sort of teacher’s lounge, with a small counter with a sink and cabinets. As well as a fridge to keep food cold and stored. A place in the school where teachers would come to get a quick coffee or store their lunch.
“Oh good, you aren’t an akuma.” Luka sighed with relief.
“An akuma?” The old man asked.
“Yes, it is very dangerous out there right now. There are multiple villains outside. I would recommend staying put while we go out there and help handle things.” Kagami explained.
“Quite bold of you to go out there against those monsters.” The man responded.
“Don’t worry, we will be careful. We just need to make sure we can get as many people out as we can so Ladybug and Chat noir won’t need to worry.”
“Ah, how selfless of you. You both seem quite capable for ones so young.”
“You’re very kind, but we are just doing what we can. Our friends are out there and they need our help.”
Kagami goes to the door. Checking to ensure the coast is clear again.
The old man pats the musician’s shoulder.
“I am sure you two will figure a way to help your friends.”
“There are too many outside this room.” Kagami grumbled. If only I had a way to fight them.”
The mysterious janitor smiled.
“Say… I did happen to see Ladybug earlier.”
The two teens turned their attention to the old man.
“You did?” they asked in unison.
“Yes, she happened to drop something while rushing. Would you two be so kind as to return them to her when you see her.”
The two of them glance at each other and shrug. The old janitor might be senile.
“Sure… We can give it to her.” Luka assured the old man, trying to remain polite.
The old man moves to a closet, where out of view of the two teens, an elaborate chest with the symbol of the guardian’s decorates the top. He quickly gets two smaller boxes and closes the closet.
“Ah! Here they are.”
He hands the two a small box each. Their eyes go wide.
“They seemed important, so I didn’t want to just leave them on the floor. But I have a feeling you two will take good care of them.”
The two teens were engrossed by the boxes in their hands. They recognized them immediately. These were the boxes Ladybug used when handing out miraculous.
“Where did you find…?” Kagami tried to question, but noticed the old man was no longer there.
“He’s gone…”
“Actually, I am over here.”
The teens look in the opposite direction they were looking in order to see him at the end of the room getting a snack from the fridge.
The duo decided that maybe this old guy wasn’t all there after all and figured it would be best to go somewhere and utilize the ‘gift’ they were just given.
“Stay in the lounge where it’s safe okay?” Luka asked politely.
“Of course. I am not paid if I am not working.”
The two teens checked the door again, and once the coast was clear. They both slipped out of the room.
After he knew they were out of sight, the old man chuckled.
“The senile routine works every time.”
“Master, you really cut it close with that one.” A small turtle creature exclaimed as he popped out from the closet.
“The universe works in mysterious ways Wayzz. What are the odds that there would be an attack on the school the very day I decide to hide out as a janitor?”
“Considering the frequency of akuma attacks, very likely.”
“True, but how about running into two individuals that Marinette had picked to be heroes.” Fu followed up.
“That is quite a coincidence.”
The guardian pulled out his phone and noticed he didn’t have a signal.
“It seems I can’t get a signal to notify her of the reinforcements I sent her way. Likely it would be the same on her end. So, it is a good thing I acted in advance.”
Fu moved to the closet where he kept the miraculous.
“I can’t help but shake the feeling Ladybug and Chat noir will need all of the help they can get.
“Don’t worry master, I am sure Ladybug and Chat noir will be successful.
“Let us keep an eye on things. They might need another ally to turn the tide.
“I am guessing you are also familiar with what’s inside here?” Kagami inquired as the two stealthily moved in the hall.
“I may be familiar with it.” Luka commented.
Kagami contemplated the statement. She figured out the truth.
“Seems we both have used a miraculous then?”
“It appears we have. Though I am not sure Ladybug will be thrilled that someone knows I have helped her.”
“I understand the sentiment. Though lets simply agree to keep it between us.” Kagami answered. “Friends do keep secrets like that if I’m correct.”
Luka smiled at the comment.
“Your secret is safe with me.” Luka assured.
“As is yours.”
The two found the locker room and quickly moved inside.
“Coast is clear.”
The two opened the boxes and as they did two magical creatures appeared in front of them.
A floating creature with multiple spikes appeared in front of the fencer, while another floating creature that resembled a cobra stood in front of luka.
“It is a pleasure to see you again Mistress Kagami.”
“It’s been too long, Longg.” Kagami smiled. Happy to see her kwami friend.
“Hello Luka, itssss been a while.” The snake kwami greeted.
“Happy to see you too Sass.” Luka fist bumped his kwami.
The kwamis stop and turn to see the other kwami there.
“Does Ladybug know about this?” They both ask in unison.
“We will inform her after. Right now, there is a lot of danger.” Kagami exclaimed. “Ladybug needs our help.”
The two kwami nod and prepare to fight.
“Consssider us accomplissses.” Sass answered.
The two teens put on the miraculous.
“Sass! Scales Slither.”
“Longg! Bring the storm”
The two teens transform into their heroic alter egos.
Kagami shifting into the dragon miraculous hero Ryuuko, and Luka changing into the Snake hero Viperion.
The two stop to glance at the other.
“So, what should I call you.” The snake hero asked curiously.
“Call me Ryuuko. And what about you mister snake?”
“Viperion is what I am going with.”
“As is yours.”
The two give a nod of comradery before making their way out of the locker room. They had to go help Ladybug.
Ladybug dashed across the hallway, avoiding pause symbols being flung at her by the conniving akuma.
She slid underneath one of the symbols and preformed a daring slide kick to knock Lady Wifi off balance.
While she was unstable, Chat noir charged and used his baton to make contact with her white mask. Believing it was the obvious weak point.
“Got it!” Chat noir exclaimed triumphantly. The strike of the staff knocking Ladywifi a good several meters. Before lying flat on her back.
“Wow, that is a tough mask. I thought for sure that was the weak point.” Chat noir commented.
Lady Wifi stood up robotically.
“There must be a way to snap her out of it. Unless Hawkmoth is learning from his mistakes.” Ladybug hypothesized as she got up from the ground.
“Well I got nothing.” Chat noir shrugged.
Another set of footsteps approaching caught the hero’s attention. The recognized the multicolored bubble maker the moment they saw him.
“Nino… You too?” Chat noir said under his breath.
The Bubble maker used his bubble wand to summon two large bubbles to capture the heroes. Bringing back flashbacks of their first encounter with the bubble akuma.
Chat noir and Ladybug expertly slide between the gaps of the attack, resulting in Lady Wifi getting hit with the large bubbles and being sent flying into the wall via bubble prison.
Chat noir lunged at the Bubbler, his quick pounce pinning him down before he could attack.
“Maybe I can destroy his mask with…”
“Wait Chat noir!” Ladybug called out.
Chat noir paused.
“What if your cataclysm doesn’t free him?”
“And then I am left without the power before a recharge.”
“Exactly. We need to hold off on using our powers right now.”
Chat noir wanted to save his friend. But he knew his partner was right. They needed to conserve their powers before facing Lila.
The Bubbler managed to get the cat hero off of him with a burst of strength. Knocking Chat noir to the ground.
Lady Wifi had gotten free from the bubble attack and was now blocking the other entrance.
Ladybug and Chat noir moved back to back, Ladybug facing the ladyblogger turned mindless akuma slave and Chat noir facing the akumatized DJ.
“Any ideas, Buggaboo?”
“Seems they can’t adapt. They are pretty much mindless slaves. Which makes sense since Lila wouldn’t want them to think for themselves.”
“So you’re saying their movements are simple.”
“Which means they are exploitable.”
Chat noir felt relief watch over him. He knew Ladybug had a plan.
“EWWWW!” Chloé screeched in disgust. The front entrance to the school had been covered in a pink slime.
She wiped her hand on the cleanest section of wall she could find. This was not her day.
“What is with this nasty gross akuma? First, I can’t call Daddy to come and pick me up. I can’t even post about it! How will Ladybug know to save me? Or better yet, get me the bee miraculous so I can help her save the day?”
Chloé decided to try another exit, since she had no plans of sticking around without knowing if she was going to be given a miraculous or not. Plus, she did say she would call for help, and doing that would make her look good in potential hero points.
As she was walking, she bumps into something in the middle of the hall. Which was bizzare since the hall was clear.
“Ouch, right on my bruise. What the hell is…”
Chloé felt her anger shift to fear when she watched as the empty hall now contained a familiar akuma.
The akuma turned to her, her face covered with a white face mask.
“Eww. Your akuma form looks even tacker than before.”
“Take potential akuma to master.” The akumatized Sabrina stated in an emotionless tone. Repeating the order, she had been given.
“Oh no you don’t! Sabrina, I order you to listen to me!”
The akuma ignored the blonde’s command and slowly walked towards her.
“Sabrina… I am warning you. I am going to yell at you over this later if you don’t stop right now.”
Chloé started slowly backing away. She wasn’t sure of what to do.
“Listen… if you stop right now… I’ll uh… let you take a pick of one of my old sweaters.” Chloé bargained, not intending to let her pick one of the ones she actually liked.
Chloé felt her hand touch the sealed door, and knew she was at the end of the hall. She was boxed in.
“This is so unacceptable.” Chloé stated, preparing to get captured. But a flash of Red and Black came out of nowhere and kicked the akuma hard to the wall.
“Ladybug! I knew you would like save me!” Chloé jumped and hugged her savior.
“Im not ladybug.” The heroine spoke.”
Chloé released the hug as she examined who her savior was.
“Who the hell are you?”
Chloé had never bothered to learn the names of any of the other miraculous heroes. She sometimes forgets chat noir’s name.
“Ryuuko.” The dragon heroine stated calmly, almost regretting saving Chloé.
“Did Ladybug send you? Cause it would have been better if she got me to help.”
Ryuuko decided to ignore Chloé’s comment.
“Now we need to leave before she… Where did she go?” Looking at the dented locker that no longer had an akuma lying on the ground.
Suddenly the akuma popped out of nowhere about to strike from above with her tonfa and steal Ryuuko’s powers, but was stopped when a small harp smacked her face.
“She appears to have invisibility.” A voice called out.
The two turn to see the snake hero as he caught his harp on the rebound.
Chloé took a moment to look over the snake hero. She had to admit, he was pretty cute. Not Adrien cute, maybe she would start learning the names of the other heroes.
“Quick thinking Viperion.” Ryuuko thanked the snake teen.
“Just following your lead.” Viperion responded. The two giving eachother a respectful smile. They both seemed to have gotten used to working together.
The akuma got up. Its white face mask making the akuma’s expression unreadable. But its body language exuded rage.
“Seems we aren’t going anywhere until she is taken care of.” Ryuuko said as she stared down the akuma.
Viperion turned to chloé.
“You need to go and get to safety.”
“Okay!” Chloé says as she runs off.
“How come she didn’t give you any sass?”
“Because I already have him.”
Kagami had to admit that was a clever response.
“Not what I meant, but Chat noir would love that joke.”
“I will be sure to tell him it later.”
“Stick to playing guitar. You’re a better musician than comedian.”
Before they could get off anymore banter. The akuma went for another attack.
Simularé entered Ms.Bustier’s classroom.
“I am here.” The ghostly sentimonster announced.
The sentimonster looked up to see that the classroom it was expeciting to see had been altered into what appeared to be a rather glamourous throne room. The windows covered by white curtains with the design of an akuma in black. The platforms and stairs had been altered to be marble. And at the top, where Lila’s desk once was was now a golden throne akin to something one would see in a castle. Though despite the impressive change in the classroom it was still being designed. The akuma known as the evillustrator was still creating more furnishings for the room.
“Simulare, I have an order for you.” Masquerade stated as she sat on the new throne. Clearly confident in her position.
The sentimonster approached her master. Stopping only a few feet away.
“I want you to create a mirage over the school. Since Ladybug is already in the school. It would be best if you made sure no one notices whats happening here. I don’t need any additional heroes popping in yet. Let’s handle her before making things public.”
Simularé nodded.
“Understood. But what should we do if she…”
“I have everything under control. Just follow my orders.”
Simularé ceased her questioning.
“As you wish master.”
The sentimonster shifted into her Volpina form and headed out of the classroom.
“She is getting arrogant in her power. If things do go south, I will need to step in.” Simularé said to herself. But for now, she knew she had a role to play.
And that ends part 34.
Seems things are REALLY heating up. Will Viperion and Ryuuko be able to help Ladybug and Chat noir?
Will Ladybug and Chat noir be able to get through to their brainwashed friends?
Will Masquerade's gambit be enough for her to get her vengeance?
Whats Simularé's deal?
Find out by staying tuned and sharing. Remember Reblogs help content creators and if you do enjoy my content, the support really does help
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readitreviewit · 8 months
Ready to sink your teeth into a captivating novel that explores themes of forgiveness and redemption? Look no further than Jodi Picoult’s latest novel, which delves deep into the complexities of human relationships. At the center of this novel is Sage, a baker who spends her nights kneading dough and her days trying to outrun the ghosts of her past. Her life is upended when she meets Josef Weber, an elderly man in her grief support group who begins showing up at her bakery. Despite their vastly different backgrounds and experiences, the two find common ground in the pains and traumas they’ve both endured. When Josef reveals a shocking secret to Sage and makes an unusual request of her, she is forced to confront her own assumptions and beliefs. What follows is a gripping exploration of the lengths we will go to keep the past from dictating our future. One of the many strengths of Picoult’s writing is her ability to create complex, multidimensional characters who feel like real people. Sage is an incredibly relatable protagonist, grappling with issues of guilt and grief that will resonate with many readers. Meanwhile, Josef is a fascinating study in contradictions, his veneer of joviality masking deeper layers of pain and trauma. But the real magic of this book lies in the way that Picoult deftly weaves together multiple perspectives and storylines. As Sage navigates Josef’s request and grapples with the fallout of her decision, we also see the impact on the people around her. Picoult does an excellent job of teasing out the nuances of each character’s experience, leaving readers with a nuanced understanding of the events in question. Of course, as with any good novel, there are some twists and turns along the way. While some readers may see them coming from a mile away, others will be left reeling by the unexpected developments. Regardless of which category you fall into, it’s clear that Picoult is a master storyteller who knows how to keep her readers hooked until the very end. Perhaps the most compelling aspect of this novel is the way that it grapples with big, weighty questions about love, forgiveness, and the nature of redemption. While Picoult doesn’t spoon-feed her readers easy answers, she does provide plenty of food for thought. This is the kind of book that will stick with you long after you’ve turned the final page, prompting you to reflect on your own life and relationships. In short, if you’re looking for a gripping, thought-provoking read, you won’t want to miss this latest offering from Jodi Picoult. With its richly drawn characters, multiple perspectives, and thought-provoking themes, it’s a book that will stay with you long after you’ve finished reading it. So grab a cup of tea and settle in for a wild ride – you won’t be disappointed. Don't wait another day to dive into this incredible story! Buy the book now or sign up for a 30-day trial of audible and listen to it on-the-go. Your imagination will thank you. Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details)
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natalie-k-pan · 3 years
10 Ways the Loki show Disappointed Me
part two
6) The trailer was misleading advertising. Marvel’s done it in the past with little to no backlash:
Iron Man 3 presenting the Mandarin as the ultimate foe for Tony to defeat, only to find out he’s a charlatan in a minor role.
Falcon and Winter Soldier was presented as a light-hearted buddy adventure, only to tackle darker themes about nationalism and racism. (Not saying that those themes were bad, just that the TFAWS’s trailer was not truthful to the story).
In the case of Loki, the trailer presented the plot as Loki making time-traveling shenanigans and being captured for breaking the timeline. They included the D.B Cooper clip, and the scenes of Loki in New York and as king in Asgard. These clips never show up in season 1. The D.B Cooper scene was a off-the-cuff moment, and the highly-anticipated (imo) President Loki was around for five minutes.
The trailer shows the storyline being about Loki breaking the timeline, with Mobius saying in a voiceover, “You picked up the tesseract, breaking reality. I want you to help us fix it.”
Marvel’s publicity team knew what story we would want to see from the character. And that’s not what we got: it was a mix of Loki tagging along with Sylvie to take down the Timekeepers, and detective-esque  scenes of trying to overthrow the TimeKeepers. 
It was never about Loki having an adventure, breaking the timeline, and having to fix it.
There’s a difference between having scenes that don’t make it into the final product, between not revealing enough of the story to spoil plot twists...and deliberately choosing certain scenes and quotes  to present a false version of the story.
I guess Marvel was worried that no one would watch it if they showed us the real product.
7)    Loki’s powers were wildly inconsistent, especially compared to what we’ve seen before.
In the past, we’ve seen Loki do illusions, duplication casting and in Thor 2, some very light telekinesis. After hearing of his mother’s death, he throws several pieces of furniture in into the cell walls with his mind. This is after losing the person who probably mattered most to him at the time, and feeling responsible for her death--it’s a powerful move showing his magical capabilities.
In the show, in Episode 3 we see him pull a Roomba towards himself in order to use it as a shield during a fight--pretty in-line with what we saw in the Dark World.
One episode later, an entire flipping tower is falling towards them, and he reverses it with his mind alone.
It was in the face of death, you say. Of course he was going to pull some cool new magical move.
Sure. In the face of death, I could see him jumping from throwing chairs to something heavier, like maybe a crumbling wall or a fruit stand.
He’s never done anything on that scale magically. In episode 2, he got tossed around by a (human) Alabama man. Why would he not use that move to bring the roof crumbling down if he was fighting for his life then?
So he’s got massive telepathic power when a building is falling but can’t use it in a fight against regular people.... okay?
Honestly, due to the fact that they’ve weakened him so much, and when Loki said, “I think we’re stronger than we realize”, I’m betting Season 2 will include Loki discovering the extent of his magical powers. 
 I don’t like this idea because again, it contradicts the previous canon. In Thor 1, Hogun literally calls Loki a “master of magic”. He went toe-to-toe with Thor and the Avengers and now can’t beat regular humans. A thousand+ year old being unaware of his own untapped potential doesn’t seem correct (yeah, they did that with Thor in Ragnarok, I know).
This Loki’s power levels jump up and down according to the plot, trying to make us believe that due to his spoiled past, Loki needs to apply himself to learn more about his powers.
 8)  Loki was out of character.
His lying and scheming was way too obvious. I was incredibly confused the first couple of episodes because it would be strange how he would be a pathetic buffoon  one minute and yet The only moment I was sold on his competence as a liar was episode 2 at the renaissance fair where he attempts to fool  the TVA. He was actually competent for once, but he gets caught, and goes into apologizing and sucking up 30 seconds later.   
He gets drunk when they’re on the mission on Lamentis. This didn’t make sense--when he was trying to conquer Earth, he had the opportunity to also goof off and he’s always been shown to take things seriously, with the exception of Ragnarok.                                                 
The “I’m a narcissist” scene. While Loki is the type to crave attention--in Avengers, Tony calls him a diva who wants his name plastered to the skies--it comes from a place of feeling overshadowed, never able to match his brother Thor.  Which we can see has some basis:
In Thor 1, his adopted parents raised him to hate his race,
lied to him about it,
 and when he was hanging over an wormhole, his father finally rejected him.
In Avengers, Thor tells him in  that his slights are “imagined”. 
 Thor 2, his adopted father told him his “birthright was to die”.
While it doesn’t excuse his actions in Thor and Avengers, it’s pretty clear that his family, particularly his father, have let him down.
So to make him experience character development and understand why he does what he does...the writers took him back to Asgard, and had Sif beat him up repeatedly until he admits he does terrible things because he’s a...narcissist.
It was pretty hard to watch that scene, especially because I related to Loki as someone who felt overshadowed and overlooked. He tried too hard to be what his family wanted, to show that he was “the worthy son”.
But here in the fantastic year of 2021, this show decided to throw away all of that emotional nuance away.
 9) The costumes were bad.
The brown variant jacket with its ugly orange block letters.
The guard suit on Lamentis looked like a cross between a purple sweater and a plague doctor mask. honestly makes me shuder to see it
Loki’s green-and-gold costumes are some of the most distinct, instantly recognizable outfits of the MCU. And he almost immediately loses it in the first episode. It ends being given to Sylvie, (like most of Loki’s better characteristics) and he stays in a detective skinny-tie suit instead. The costume is okay, but it lacks the flair and style he’s had previously, and he never gains it back.
10) The season finale really did showcase this show in the best way-- ig hype followed by disappointment.
For five episodes, we rushed towards the ultimate villain, the mastermind behind it all. Episode 6 was like...being handed a pack of bubble wrap, swinging your hand hard, expecting that satisfying pop! only to have it slowly putter out with a sad little sound.
First, Kang looked like he got his costume from Party City. The purple cape isn’t doing him any favors. Then, the man sat there and monologued for forty minutes, making jokes, telling us how he set the plot up, and how the multiverse worked.
 I know Marvel gets flack for there always being an CGI climactic action scene, but…they had 6 episodes leading up to the Big Bad, and for it to end that anticlimactically with a man in a Party City purple cape was a letdown. The finale had no menace, no teeth. In the words of Mobius, it was just…talkie-talkie.
All in all, this show really suffered from ignoring Loki’s past, where he would realistically be emotionally-wise, and a lack of focus on its title character’s development. Settings and costumes being better/unique would be also be nice, especially given its popularity. At the end of the day, I don’t see the character I empathized so strongly with in this show.
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The Worst Planet in the Universe
The “humans are weird/earth is space Australia” stories that are quite famous here usually have aliens reacting to how they think humanity or Earth is really strange and bizarre.  So, I got an idea: what if people could react not to Earth, but to one of the singular worst planets in all of science fiction?  Here, we have some of the characters of the Magnificent Scoundrels reacting to the planet of Krieg and its infamous Death Korps from Warhammer 40k.  
Death Korps is pronounced “death core” not “death corpse.”   Jeicher is pronounced the German way, as “yay-cur”, not “jai-cher.”  
“In life, war.  In death, peace.  In life, suffering.  In death, atonement.”  -Final litany of the Litany of Sacrifice, recited by the Guardsmen of the Death Korps of Krieg when entering battle
The shuttle slipped through the dead and polluted atmosphere, shields raised to their fullest capacity to avoid the boiling streaks of orange lightning.  The occupants of the shuttle stared warily out the window, still nervous even though their craft was in the hands of some of the best pilots in the universe.  
“I still don’t understand why we’re here,” said Commissar Cain from a strapped-in seat in the shuttle’s rear.  
“Well, we’re visiting planets from each other’s galaxies,” replied Admiral Vir from the cockpit as he and Solo desperately tried to avoid the lighting.  
“Yeah, I know that,” snapped back Cain.  “What I don’t understand is why we’re here.  Out of all the planets in the galaxy, you pick this one.”  
“You wanted to know more about populous Imperial Guard regiment homeworlds, and you said Krieg sounded like an interesting name,” muttered Solo as a particularly large blast lit up the cockpit window.  “Starting to regret that now?”
“I most certainly am!” screamed Dr. Kril from inside the heavy clear plastic compartment designed to hold him when accompanying Vir off the Omen.  “And I thought Earth was a death world!”  
“Radiation levels are approaching 3,700 roentgan,” said Vir, crisply reading off the cockpit instruments.  
“We’re all gonna die,” wailed Kril.  
The shuttle’s communication system crackled to life, and a dry, toneless voice sounded over it. 
“Shuttle B-77401, you are clear of the storm in twenty seconds.  Please proceed to landing pad RT-556 at coordinates 66579.  Radiation levels on ground are currently 1,500 roentgan.”  
“I remember reading up on your horrible human disasters, and that’s the level of radiation the Chernobyl disaster had right next to the plant as the fires were still going!” screeched Kril.  “I will not be stepping foot on this planet!  If you have a death wish, that's fine with me, but I won’t be leaving the shuttle!”  He crossed his arms and sat against the container wall.  Vir and Solo didn’t have time to respond.
“Breaking storm now.”  The lightning and horrible, swirling grey clouds cleared, only to reveal a scene of utter devastation.  The land below was an endless expanse of grey and brown.  Entire swaths of earth were covered with grey dust.  Other areas were endless seas of irradiated mud, with ancient and rusted barbed wire, empty concrete bunkers, and long abandoned and corroded gun emplacements sticking out from the infinite brown.  A few ossified trees, long dead, peeked up in places, the only signs of life, or what was once life, on the planet.  
“What happened here?” murmured Vir.  
“A tale of tragedy, and betrayal,” replied Cain softly.  “Once upon a time, some 1,500 years ago, Krieg was a massive city world.  The ruling oligarchy decided to turn their backs on the Emperor and rebel against the Imperium of Man.  The commander of the loyalist Guard forces decided that if the Imperium couldn’t have the planet, no one would.  But despite the unleashing of a stash of Dark Age nuclear weapons, the people of Krieg survived, and loyalist fought traitor in a five hundred year long war in the trenches of the wastes.”  The shuttle was silent, imagining how horrible such a war would be.  This singular civil war, on this singular planet, eclipsed even the most horrible of fights from most of their home galaxies.  “Eventually, the loyalists won, and rejoined the Imperium.  Ever since, the people of Krieg have fought in the deadliest of Imperial warzones to repent for their ancient betrayal.”  
“Wait, wait, wait.  There are people that live here?  This isn’t just a military base?” asked an incredulous Solo.
“Yes,” replied Cain.  “They live in massive underground cities, safely shielded from the worst of the radiation aboveground.” 
“My god… there aren’t really words to describe that,” said Vir.  
“Shuttle B-77401, you are cleared for landing,” came the voice of the controller.  “Please wear radiation-proof suits.  Commissar Jeicher will be present along with an honor guard to escort you.”   The brown of mud gave way to a large, circular landing pad sunk into Krieg’s dead earth.  The pad led to a set of stairs, travelling down into a set of heavy, sealed double doors, leading even further down into the ruined planet’s crust.  On the pad were two figures, clad in greatcoats and gasmasks, flanked by a double line of soldiers.  Vir and Solo set the shuttle down.  
In the back, Cain had already pulled the hood of a radiation-proof bodysuit over his head, and attached an anachronistic looking gasmask.  Over this, he donned an old and tattered Commissarial cap and greatcoat.  Vir and Solo also donned much more modern-looking gas masks over their bodysuits, and went to the shuttle’s rear as Kril screeched about the dangers of radiation.  With the quick press of a button, they activated the airlock and stepped onto the surface of the ruined planet.  
Thunder rumbled ominously in the distance as they stepped down the shuttle ramp and came face to face with what they presumed to be Commissar Jeicher.  He was wearing the same outfit as Cain, a Commissar’s cap and greatcoat covering his bodysuit and gas mask.  Behind him was a double rank of soldiers, wearing grey greatcoats and gas masks, clutching their las rifles in the ‘present arms’ position.  Next to Jeicher stood another figure, hands clasped neatly behind their back.  This one was dressed in much fancier boots, and wore a cuirassier’s breastplate.  A brown greatcoat was draped over the figure's shoulders, and Vir assumed it to be an officer.  Jeicher reached out to shake each of the trio’s hands in turn.  
“Admiral Vir.  Captain Solo.  Commissar Cain.  A pleasure to have you on Krieg.  I am Commissar Jeicher, and this is Captain Kust,” he said, pointing to the officer behind him.  Kust offered a single, curt nod.  “You wished to have a tour of the planet, and to see it’s capacity for making war.  I can assure you, gentlemen, that Krieg is one of the finest planets in the Imperium in that regard.  I trust you will not be disappointed.”  As he said this, Jeicher led them down the path leading away from the shuttle and towards the underground tunnels.  As they walked, a series of flashes lit up the horizon, followed by the booming of thunder.  Jeicher raised a gloved hand and gestured in the general direction of the noise.
“About twenty kilometers in that direction, we have the artillery and live-fire drills of the soon to be 712th Death Korps Regiment.  It is the be the newest regiment coming into Imperial service, and the thirtieth Death Korps regiment raised this month.  They will soon be shipping out to Warzone Viclius in the Segmentum Pacificus to break a massive ork siege of the Viclius sector.”  They reached the end of the twin lines of troopers.  
“Right shoulder, arms!” yelled Kust, her voice (Vir could tell it was a ‘her’ underneath the mask now) managing to carry through both her mask and Krieg’s stormy atmosphere.  “Left face!”  The Korpsmen spun to face the heavy blast doors in perfect synchronicity.  Jeicher inputted some sort of code, and, with a great creaking and grinding of metal, the doors slid open.  “Forward, march!”  
The group, followed by the honour guard, stepped into a large white room.  As the doors closed behind them, various nozzles sprayed radiation-retardant foam onto them.  The airlock process completed, the heavy set of double doors in front of them opened.  Despite the decontamination, no one took their masks off.
The halls were quite familiar to Vir, but unlike anything he’d seen as a civilization.  They were long, emotionless white and grey concrete bunker systems, lit by cheap yellow bulbs that still allowed him to see perfectly well.  Endless, emotionless bunker halls.  It saddened him.  What a terrible way to live and grow up.  
Through the long walkways, they passed seemingly thousands of Korpsmen, all wearing grey greatcoats, and staring from behind emotionless gas masks.   They all blurred into one, and Vir was grateful that at least Jeicher, Kust, and their honor guard he could pick out from the crowd.  
They reached another large double blast door, and the two Korpsmen standing guard outside snapped to attention.  The group walked through, only for the three offworlders to stop short.  The entire left half of the hallway was a massive clear window.  Far beneath them, a full division of Death Korps Guardsmen marched through an utterly massive, hangar-sized underground hallway.  It was an endless tide of grey coats and gas masks, the thud of their boots echoing up even past the glass of the observation deck.  Tanks rolled past, along with smaller, two legged armored walkers.  
“That’s the 122nd Siege Army.  Newly formed.  They’re shipping out to the southern part of Segmentum Ultima today,” said Jeicher.  He made another motion, and the group, still followed by Kust and her honor guard, left the observation room.  
They walked through more hallways, still stark and emotionless, until they got to another double door.  This area of tunnels and bunkers seemed to have more Korpsmen around.  Officers, wearing their higher, more polished boots and cuirassiers’ breastplates.  The double doors opened, revealing a much more polished and refined room, made mostly out of metal.  Computers clung to the walls, and workstations were filled with Death Korps soldiers, red-robed cybernetic tech-priests, and unmasked commissars.  
 “This is the central command room of this section of Krieg’s underground cities,” said Jeicher, continuing the tour.  “All the regiments and supplies that are raised and produced in section Alpha-Gamma-551 are tracked here.  As you can see, we have more than enough to outfit the two regiments this sector is raising.”  They went through the room, through another series of hallways, and down multiple sets of solid but plain corrugated steel stairs.  
“Here we have the underground munitions factories of Krieg,” said Jeicher, gesturing through another glass panel on an observation deck.  This time, the windows led onto an utterly massive factory floor.  Conveyor belts led to unknown machines, and churned out endless numbers of what seemed to be artillery shells.  “As you can see, everything is completely on schedule.”  Vir noticed workers, all wearing heavy grey suits and gas masks below.  Some of them seemed to be… off, and it took a moment for him to realize precisely why. 
“Wait a minute… are those children?” he wheeled around and demanded at Jeicher.  He was met with the empty lenses of a gas mask.
“Yes,” replied Jeicher.  “I do realize that many off-worlders not of the Munitorum or Mechanicus find the practice… distasteful, but-”
“Distasteful doesn’t even begin to cover it.  More like abhorrent,” snarled Vir.  
“If you cannot fight, you must serve,” intoned Kust.  “All infertile males serve in the Death Korps.  Most fertile males and infertile females serve in the Death Korps.  Most fertile females and some fertile males serve in the munitions factories.  Children cannot go to waste,” she finished, rattling off the practices of Krieg in a completely toneless voice.  Vir looked like he was about to explode.  Cain put a hand on his shoulder, and nodded towards the honor guard and their las guns.  Noticing the mood in the room, Jeicher went on.
“I think it’s best if we go on,” he said.  The group followed him through another set of hallways, and when Kust was out of earshot, Jeicher spoke to the trio of newcomers.  
“Please don’t antagonize the Kriegers,” he said.  “That’s why they have commissars, actually.  To ease the transition between them and any allied forces.” “They deserve to die,” hissed Vir, still shaking with rage.  Jeicher gave a mirthless laugh.
“Oh, they do.  Their entire purpose, their entire existence, is to die in the Emperor’s wars.  They want this.”
“Why?” asked Solo.  “Why would anyone want this?”
“They are driven by one of the most powerful motivators in the world.  Not anger, not love, not faith, but shame.  Shame of their ancient rebellion.  In the Emperor’s service, the Death Korps will pay any price.”  
The group reached another viewing balcony.  This one overlooked a much smaller room, where a group of children in grey overcoats drilled with small las carbines.  Vir clenched his fist in rage, but said nothing.  
“Present arms!” yelled an adult and fully uniformed drill sergeant from behind his gas mask.  The children held out their weapons in front of them, many with as much or even more precision than Vir had seen of new GA marine recruits.  Most of them looked to be no older than six or seven, making the workers in the factory even younger… 
No.  He did not want to think about that.  
The drill instructor moved along the line of recruits (or children, if you were fortunate enough to not be raised in a post-apocalyptic militaristic hellhole, thought Vir.)  The instructor spun and glared at one of the cadets.  
“P-44271930,” he stated.
“Yes, sir!” replied the cadet, with the enthusiasm of a fresh recruit.
“What is your duty, P-44271930?” asked the instructor.  
“To serve the Emperor’s will,” replied the cadet.
“And what is the Emperor’s will?” queried the instructor.
“That we fight and die!”  Vir clenched down so hard he crushed the balcony bar in the viewing room.
“What is death?” asked the instructor.
“It is our duty!” replied the cadet.  The instructor nodded.  
“Very good, P-44271930.”  He took a step back.  “Right shoulder, arms!”  Vir looked at Jeicher.
“They’re calling them by their serial numbers at that young of an age?” he asked, still fuming.  Jeicher inwardly cringed.  He suspected the esteemed Admiral would not like what came next.  
“They don’t have names,” said Kust, with the subtlety of a sledgehammer.  
“What?” asked Vir, in a ‘please, do try my patience’ tone.  
“None of us have names,” replied Kust.  
“You have a name,” pointed out Vir. 
“You only get a name if you survive long enough to become an officer,” replied Kust.  
“Really?”  Vir wheeled around to face the leader of the honor guard.  “What’s your name?” he asked.
“YH-5577933,” replied the man, in a completely emotionless voice.  Vir threw his hands in the air, completely done.
“Fine.”  He nodded at Jeicher.  “Continue the tour,” he snapped.  Jeicher nodded, and motioned them on.  I have to get off this place as soon as possible, thought Vir.  This is… beyond anything I thought possible.
I hope you enjoyed it.  I find Krieg and the Death Korps are one of the most interesting groups in science fiction.  Motivated by shame, they represent the worst humanity could ever become.  However, they are utter badasses in battle.  If you aren’t afraid to die, you can pull of some pretty heroic things.  If you have any questions, comments, criticisms, concerns, requests, or want me to continue this story, please tell me!  Have a great day!
It should be noted, of course, I do not own any of these characters.  Vir and Kril belong to starr-fall-knight-rise, Cain belongs to Games Workshop, and Solo belongs to Disney.
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