#its late so sorry if this just sounds like gibberish lol
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nightowlssleep · 11 months ago
I have a lot of thoughts about Phoenix's Magatama, so headcanon time
We know in JfA that when Maya gives us the Magatama, she calls it her own and it's even labelled as "Maya's Magatama" in the court record
But that doesn't really make sense considering
1) Maya's Magatama on her necklace doesn't disappear from her sprite (this could be purely a technical difficulty considering the time the game came out)
2) BUT it doesn't explain the fact that Maya's Magatama is a different colour all together (Yellow)
This is where my headcanon comes in that Maya has two Magatamas
The yellow and green one, but unlike the yellow which is hers most likely since birth, she carries the green one with her just as a good luck charm, since she definitely does not know it's power (On whether the other Magatamas have powers or not I'm unsure, but I like to think so)
Which leads me to believe that this green one actually used to belong to Misty
From the way I interpret Maya's design in SoJ, it seems like the gold Magatama is inherited by the Master, while the acolytes only have crystal ones
Therefore it's possible for Misty to have left behind her original crystal Magatama once she became master
And while Maya didn't know her mother, I like to think that she at least hoped that she was looking over her, and carried the Magatama with her for good luck
I don't know how to interpret her giving it away to Nick besides a sign of "I trust you", but it's there either way
I also like to think that after giving it away, she decided to carry Mia's Magatama instead :')
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years ago
With your language AU, I remember watching a video about a guy speaking angrily nonesense in an Indian accent and people thinking he was very angry. Imagine this as the Creator speaks angry gibberish to people and they just assume that the Creator is cursing them or something. (Or like when they speak gibberish to babies and everyone's like, "Aw the Creator is teaching that baby their divine language")
✨️I look pretty good for a dead bitch✨️
She's alivveee!!!
Whats up i almost passed away from sheer academic workload, but im not in the ground yet 🥰 And with drafts outta my ass! :D
Hope yall ready for ur regularly scheduled Bullshit Genshin Sagau <3
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Well at least i can do polls thru this in the future?? Idk tumblr is ass so we'll see how this accidental test works out...
So these were the first thngs i thought of and its not super long bc ASKERS R GENIUSES OKAY
Saw the gif and couldnt help but think this is how ppl like Alhaitham or Diluc would react to u "speaking ur langauge"
"Our langauage" aka being a SIM 💀
Stop Albedo would ask you to teach him ur lang/grammar rules 😭
What u gonna do when Zhongli asks you to teach him some words-
Your ass: "GIGGLABAH means beautiful :) "✨️
Zhongli: "Oh thank you, how different from our own version, so excited sounding..."
You walk by him strolling the harbor and he just smiles at you and says
"You look gigglabah today my liege."
(honestly ppl paint him as oblivious but he kinda seemed like the type of bastard who seems like he's not aware but sometimes he secretly knows the truth, he's just getting too much amusement out of it to stop doing it, LOL he does shit like the above to see YOUR reaction- LMAO)
You're a maniac pls tell me u dont pass on simlish to all the serious characters-
(& he's not the only one, others too like Kaveh, YELAN, Ningguang, Nahida, DILUC, AYAKA LMAO-)
Some ppl i could see taking ur gibberish bullshittery and whether they believe its real or not is irrelevant bc theyre using it anyway-
And i dont mean in a good way 😭
"Be cheerful like the hugkukie,
and may your cup never leaky!"
And Diluc loves you.
Really he does, deeper than he thinks-
But his eye is twitching LMAOO
(Ok but if you did like multiple of these language shenanigans thruout the asks ive gotten, Kaeya would literally grow so fond of you and associate you with goofy funny shit that makes him laugh so hard that everytime he sees you he automatically is beaming with a smile, or trying to supress a warm grin- this got away from me but its 1:44am for me rn so i would love a smiley Kaeya rn -)
Speaking language bs I have my 2nd oral exam for spanish tomorrow, pls send whatever good vibes u got and i am also really open to prayers from any religion as well. sobs
Hope anyone got any enjoyment out of my response bc tbh the ask is what rlly matters to me atp lmao
Until the next shenanigan-
Safe travels,
♡the beloveds mwah ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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junosmindpalace · 3 years ago
Can I request relationship or dating hcs for Ryusui, Tsukasa and Kinro with a fem!s/o who loves stargazing and collecting gemstones? Like whenever she's free, she will share her knowledge about planets and gemstones! But she also can be shy sometimes cuz she doesn't want them to think she's a nerd cuz obviously she's not! She's just passionate about them, that's all! One last thing, she will tell the boys any puns or jokes related to those topics.
For example : you're the Moon to my Earth. (I made up this one 😂 sorry if it doesn't sound good)
this was such a cute request to write and my first time writing for tsukasa and kinro so this was exciting! the request asked specifically for a fem!s/o but it isnt ever really implied though you can imagine it is! To make self inserts more authentic, i use no or they/them pronouns for reader :)
p.s...remember when i said my next blog post would be ryusui related lol. hes in here so its okay. i sort of rushed this formatting but it's late so ill update it in the morning. im a bit iffy for the characterization but im hoping to improve with time!
Ryusui, Tsukasa and Kinro with a s/o who likes astronomy!
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-listens to your rants with a content smile on his face.
-he actually learns a lot from you and keeps up pretty well, occasionally asking questions because hes genuinely invested in what youre talking about.
-he has a lot of common knowledge about stars and planets, just space in general, so when you expand on those things in such an engaging way, he cant help but find it a bit endearing and attractive.
-he teases you a bit for how excited you can get and he only smiles wider when you get flustered and defend yourself.
-he lets you showcase your collection of gemstones and patiently nods while you explain each one. he has an absurd amount of patience with you showcases and will get sooo mad if someone disrespects or interrupts you.
-at first, he was always a bit confused why you’d come to him and talk about this stuff. As blunt as ever, he’d ask you “why are you always talking about planets and gemstones with me?” and you were SO embarrassed you took it as a sign of him not being interested or just being irritated.
-but then he’d say “i never knew you know so much. Its fascinating.” 
-and you coming to him about this stuff only becomes routine for the both of you.
-stargazing with him also becomes routine. every night you two find a spot with a good view and stare up at the starry sky, exchanging constellation and star facts. sometimes you're only watching for a couple of minutes, sometimes you're out for an hour, but bottom line is that tsukasa loves your company and knowledge.
-the jokes and puns sometimes really do get a chuckle out of him, same with pick up lines as well.
-(he thinks its the cutest thing ever)
-”your name must be andromeda, because we are destined to collide ;)”
-he laughs and pats your head aww
-he doesnt do it often, but sometimes he catches you off guard and flatters you with astronomy pick up lines as well
-”in this entire universe, all i want is you”
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-he’s…completely clueless.
-when you rant, hes usually a bit confused and startled and kinda overall goes “hah?”
-but he sees how much this all means to you and so he tries his best to keep up with the things you talk about, even if most of it sounds like total gibberish to him (it might as well, cut him some slack).
-he’ll repeat back the things he has comprehended to you in an apprehensive tone and occasionally ask questions that only further encourage your rants. Sometimes it gets all a bit much for him and asks you to simplify or cut it out for a second so he can think.
-dont mistaken his confused expression with annoyance, hes doing his best.
-i think your gemstone knowledge is much more intriguing. the gemstones are all very pretty and the way you explain each one is interesting and so sometimes he'll sit crossed legged in the grass with you while you lay out your collection in the grass and go over each one.
-he'll keep his hands over his mouth while you talk and his eyes trail from your hand gestures to the stones themselves.
-(he's a little embarrassed when ginro teases him for being so invested).
-you usually have to make really simple references if you were to use cheesy pick up lines so he’s able to understand what youre trying to say, but it usually leaves him flustered and pouty.
-”are you into astronomy?”
-”well, probably not as much as you, b-”
-”because your ass is out of this world.”
-he despises you (in a loving way)
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-completely understands your passion.
-as a captain, he’s learned quite a bit about the stars and old fashioned means of navigation.
-he absolutely encourages your rambles, piling onto the information you share until you’re both excitedly babbling on about stars and such.
-which is why you're rarely shy when it comes to discussing this stuff with ryusui- he's just not the type to shame or even tease you for that matter. if you DO ever get embarrassed, ryusui immediately shares your energy and shares his own knowledge.
-hes not as experienced in the gemstone department though, so when you show off all the ones youve collected, he’ll pick them up and examine them carefully, making comments on their appearances.
-with planets, i’m sure he knows a little bit more than the basics (probably had a space phase), but nevertheless is interested by the facts you share with him.
-”realllly??! Haha! I never knew that! You sure know your stuff, Y/N! I desire your passion and knowledge!”
-and so he’s more than okay with observing you and listening to your rambles, whether its about something he can contribute more to like the stars or whether its something thats completely unfamiliar to him such as gemstones. 
-as for jokes and puns- he loves them.
-absolutely CANNOT get enough of them and will laugh his ass off at ones he finds particularly witty
-also flatters you with a bunch of astronomy related pickup lines
-sometimes you try to out do each other because of course
-”who took the stars out the sky and put them in your eyes?”
-”your smile must be a black hole; nothing can escape its pull.”
-its goofy and corny but you two have fun with it. 
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hellcaster901 · 4 years ago
For the follower celebration of your still doing it; will you do #39 “I’m in love with you” where the reader and mando are in a rough scuffle to get a bounty that ends in both of them getting significantly hurt and then once they’re back on the crest the reader is super out of it and high off their mind on pain killers and is taking gibberish but then randomly blurts out their feelings. And then is avoiding mando the next day or something. Make it smut , angst, fluff or whatever! I have full faith in your ability and you could go comepletely off script too if you have a better idea lol
I LOVE IT!!! Now I did go a bit off script here, but I hope that you enjoy it!!!!!!!! And sorry again for being late!!
The Med-Shot
Warnings: NONE besides some FLUFFY SHIT
Ask me is HERE and my prompt list is HERE
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“Lead him away.” Mando spoke to you, keeping an eye on the bounties. The two of you waiting for the perfect moment to run. Usually you wouldn’t be scared, this was Mando, the mandalorian that everyone was scared of, but these two bounties didn’t back down. They knew Mando was chasing them, but they also knew he was wanted, and they had their own agenda. 
“What?” You whispered, head wiping to look up at him. Seeing the street lights shining off his visor. He kept his eyes on the two of them, watching their every move. “What makes you think I can take one of these guys.” You huffed. He looked down at you, seeing your own reflection in his helmet. 
“Trust me.” He spoke, his modulated voice filling your ears. You took a deep breath looking back at the two of the bounties, knowing you could trust Mando. 
You moved swiftly through the alleyways, looking behind your shoulder, not seeing the second bounty. You knew that Mando had the other one, and this one, strangely took a liking to you, eyes drawn on you the second they saw the two of you. Not having much skills in combat, your best move was to book it and hide, wait for Mando to save you. As much as you hated being the typical damsel in distress, there was only so much that you could do. 
Your legs burned as you ran, lungs practically on fire, but all you could think of was Mando, if he was okay, if he got the bounty, if he was alive. Who are you kidding. Its Mando of all people, that man knew what he was doing, if there was any inkling of doubt, you clearly didn’t-
“There you are!” You heard, a strong arm wrapping around your waist, tugging you back. Feet lifting off the ground, the air being ripped from your lungs.You barely had time to scream for help, or scream for Mando as you felt a sharp sting in the back of your neck. You thrashed in the bounty’s arms, and then... darkness.
Your head felt heavy, dropping back as you tried to keep it up, eyes trying to open as you tried to figure out what happened. You remember Mando, the bounties and running and-
“Mando?” you whispered, suddenly realizing that the world was moving around you, hearing footsteps in the gravel, but you knew that you weren’t walking. “Mando I-”
“Shh.” You heard a voice, feeling hands tighten around your knees and back. You looked up, expecting to see the helmet, but all you saw was the face of the bounty. 
“No.” You mumbled, trying to move, but everything felt heavy, your arms, legs, it felt as if there were pounds and pounds of weight resting on your limbs, restricting you to being held like a child. “No.” You did your best to shake your head, everything becoming blurry as you tried to fight. 
“Mando ain’t saving you now.” The voice spoke, and once again, pure darkness. 
There was a sharp stiffness in your neck, more like there was stiffness in your whole body. Eyes heavy as you tried to piece together what was going on. Yours eyes fluttered open, everything in your body telling you just to go back to sleep, and just to let whatever was going to happen, happen. 
You looked around, hearing grunts, things crashing and breaking. You were in a warehouse, boxes of… something stacked high, boxing you into wherever you were. You moved an arm, feeling a burning sensation on your wrists as you moved. You looked down at yourself, your legs and arms tied together to the chair.
“You fucking kidding me?” You mumbled, moving your legs against the tight rope, the material only rubbing your skin more raw as you moved. You soon realized in your haze of barely moving, the crashes stopped.
You froze in your seat, staring down at the wooden floor, trying to listen to the noises around you. Footsteps slowly approaching you, the sound was either coming from behind you or in front of you. “Mando?” You whispered, voice trembling, the footsteps stopping right behind you. You felt gloved hands working at the rope, loosening your restrictions. 
“Are you okay?” Came the modulated voice. You let out a deep sigh, not realizing how long you were holding your breath. He came around you, his beskar coming into view. You chuckled lightly, pulling your hands around you, rubbing at the sore skin. 
“I’m fine.” You whispered, watching as he kneeled down, gloved fingers working on your restraints on your ankles. Your eyes fluttered, looking around the room, noticing how dark it was becoming, almost like everything was closing around you. “Mando?” You noticed that he looked up at you, his hands on your ankles. “Its… I can’t…” your lungs felt like they were constricting, the back of your neck was on fire, the walls of the warehouse closing in on you. “Mando…”
“Y/N!” You felt as if you weighed a million tons but at the same time you felt as if you were weightless sitting in the chair, your chest rising and falling. “Y/N? Hey, are you there?” He rushed, reaching for you. You nodded, but you weren’t too sure what you were really nodding at. 
“I can’t…” You whispered breathless. You barely had to say another one as Mando stood up, reaching for you. Slipping an arm under your legs and back, picking you up effortlessly. “No.” You groaned, giggling just a bit at the end, not sure what you were finding so funny. “I can walk.” You giggled again, feeling the cold beskar against your heating skin. You felt the rumbling of his chest, hearing the deep tone of his voice, but nothing he said made any sense, the words going in one ear and out the other. “What?” You asked, lifting your head up, looking up at the Mandalorian. 
You stared up at the man, again not taking in anything he was saying, but rather trying to piece together what this man was really all about. He was here, helping you, when you were sure that you weren’t really that much of a help back on the ship besides watching over the little goblin, which he barely got himself into any trouble, so your job was almost non existent. 
You heard him groan, the noise that meant frustration, made you clench your thighs together, a smirk playing on your lips as you heard it. “What are you saying?” You giggled lightly, hearing the words he was speaking but not processing them. There was something entirely wrong with what was going on with you, but at the moment you couldn’t care about what was going on, just that this man had you in his arms. 
As he carried you back to the ship, all you could do was stare up at him, a stupid smile on your face, imagining what this man actually looked like under that helmet. “What?” Said Mando, feeling your eyes on him. You only giggled, rolling your heavy head to the side, watching as the trees went by as Mando carried you, seeing the ship become closer and closer. 
“Mando.” You spoke softly, rolling your head back to look at the man. Ever since he took you on, helping with the child, being there with him and seeing how he takes care of you, you couldn’t help but form a sort of crush on him. And as the time went on, that crush turned into something more and more. Until finally one day, you realized that this man had your heart. “I’m in love with you.” You spoke softly, not even realizing the impact of your words as you spoke them, those simple, heavy words, not triggering that ‘oh shit’ thought in your head as you spoke them. 
Mando stopped walking, hands tightening where they were on your back and your legs, his helmet tilting down to look at you. He saw the way you looked, completely dazed out of it, eyes barely opened, a small smile on your face. Whatever the bounties gave you knocked you out, making you say things you didn’t mean, that's what this had to be. “Why’d you stop walking?” You asked, eyebrows furrowed together, your feet kicking lightly as if you were trying to walk now. Of course, this had to be you just saying things, just mumbling nonsense. He could tell that you didn’t even understand what you said, didn’t realize the words that you said to him. But that didn’t stop the heat that bloomed in his stomach, or the hot chills that ran up his back at those words. He simply continued walking in complete silence, listening to your mumbles as he made it to the ship. 
You groaned loudly as you felt a small tugging on your blanket, small coos coming from your side as you tried to ignore them, tugging the blanket back to your chest, feeling the mysterious tugging stop. For only a second, because it came back again, a bit harder this time. Another loud groan left your lips as you looked up, feeling a sharp pain in the back of your neck, making you hiss as you dropped your head back, reaching a hand up and rubbing against your swollen neck. You felt around, feeling a small bump on the back of your neck, a small scab already forming. You tried sitting up, your whole body feeling sore, limbs heavy as you moved along your cot, cracking an eye open to find that two large eyes stared up at you from the ground. The Child stared up at you, ears perked, and head tilting to the side as he heard you stretching, back popping and a satisfied groan as you felt the stiffness wash away. “What are you doing?” You smiled, bending down, trying to ignore the screaming muscles as you picked up the child. Usually he felt as if he weighed nothing, but as your muscles screamed, it felt as if the little goblin weighed a Wampa. He cooed loudly, a little giggle as you held him close.
You wobbled out of your small ‘room’, making your way towards the cockpit, dreading the short climb up the ladder as you stepped int. Mando’s helmet tilted towards you, not saying a thing as he looked back towards the galaxy. You felt a strong tension in the air, a slight awkwardness as you stood there, and as you looked down at the child, you felt that he could sense it too with the way he looked back and forth between you and Mando.
“What happened?” You spoke softly, taking a seat in the passenger seat, setting the child on your lap. You saw the tilt of his helmet towards you before he spoke. 
“Got the bounties.” he spoke sternly, making you sit up straight at his tone. You’ve heard him be stern with you before, what you liked to call, his bounty talk. And the only time you remember hearing it, was when you first met him. Not knowing who you were, you heard it before, and you’re hearing it now. “Do you remember?” He spoke again. 
You thought for a moment, trying to think back to how far, and honestly, all you did remember was from when Mando told you to lead one of them away, and then waking up. You made a face, tryin to search your mind at what happened, why couldn’t you remember what happened after that? “I… don’t?” You mumbled, out of the corner of your eye you saw as Mando turned the chair, facing  you now as you thought, staring down at your shoe. “I just remember… running from one, leading them away.” you corrected, “And then…” It was like a light bulb went off as you reached for the back of your neck, feeling the scabbed bump. “He stabbed me with something!” You gasped, looking up. “What the hell was that?” You mumbled, feeling the swelled bump. 
“It was a med-shot.” He mumbled again, turning back in his seat, turning his attention right back to his ship. “They didn’t give you enough.” He spoke again, that same strain still in his voice. And you knew it was aimed at you. But for what?
“Was I just out then?” You asked, knowing that those things just knock you right out. 
“You were in and out of it, talking nonsense.” 
You purse your lips. Wondering if the sterniness in his voice was aimed at you letting yourself get knocked out, or simply that it was the effects of the shot that made you overthink things? You silently nodded to yourself, staring off once again, just thinking. 
Through the next couple days, you soon noticed that Mando did his best to keep his distance from you, and you didn’t understand one bit about what was going on. No matter how many times you would talk to him, it was short, firm answers. It felt as if it was getting worse and worse the more you tried. Going out of your way to ask him small questions, trying to see if anything happened, if he would change his tone, yet he never did. Constantly firm, and probably avoiding eye contact. You supposed that you didn’t know if you ever did make eye contact with him through his helmet, but everytime he looked at you, you knew. You could feel his eyes on you, and lately… you haven’t felt that. 
You took a deep breath, setting the child in the makeshift bed Mando made him, his little body settling into his net as you leaned back, pushed the button and watched the door slide shut. You had to talk to Mando, understand what happened. You most likely said something, but you couldn't imagine what it could be that you said. Something about what he looked like? Did you offend him in any way?
You sighed as you climbed the ladder, lifting yourself up to the platform. He didn’t even look back as he leaned forward, pressing a button within his control panel, and leaning back into his seat. You took hesitant steps towards the passenger seat, sitting down and looking out into the galaxy, seeing all the planets and stars zoom by. The tension that you and the Child sensed were still there, hanging thick in the air. Probably a bit thicker now that you were fully aware of what happened, or at least… knew that something happened. “I’m sorry.” You spoke, not really sure how you were going to start the conversion, but you supposed that was the best way. 
You saw the tilt in his helmet towards you, seeing the dark visor before he spoke, “For what?”
“For whatever I did, or said when I was on that med-shot.” You spoke softly, noticing the way he tensed at your words, turning back to the galaxy. You sighed, looking back to the galaxy as well, wondering if he was going to say something back, or if that was it. You apologized and now whatever else was to happen, it was because he couldn’t let go of it.
“You really don’t remember?” He asked, that sternness that you’ve heard in the last couple days, was gone. You straightened at the tone, a soft smile spread along your lips as you heard his softer tone. 
“I don’t, I’m sorry.” You knew he wanted to say more, knew that there was more to the story then you saying a bunch of nonsense words. “Whatever I said, I really am sorry. I could take it back if I could.” Mando turned to you, and you definitely knew when he was looking at you. 
“You said….” He trailed off, making you wonder if what you said was just overall embarrassing to say, “You loved me.” He admitted. And just like that, your whole body went stiff, as if the calmed nerves you had before suddenly snapped into anxiety, just hearing those words. But what was he expecting? You just say that you take it back, that you didn’t know what you were talking about? 
“I…” You started, not even knowing if you were going to just finally admit to those feelings since drugged you decided to do it for you, or just to tell him that there’s no feelings for him. Tell the truth, or simply lie? “That’s not… how I imagined myself saying those words.” You chuckled softly, looking down at your feet, toes wiggling together in nervousness. You had to be mature about it, be a woman, and if he didn’t feel the same, you could cry to yourself later, but now was the time to be confident. 
“What?” Mando spoke, his voice low and questioning.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled again, shaking your head at why you thought your response was the best choice. “I just…” You had no room to explain, you couldn’t play this off as a joke, or simply say that you didn’t remember, you were in for it now. Your eyes shot up to him, feeling as if you were making eye contact with him, taking a deep breath. “I do… love you.” You spoke, trying to remind yourself that this was the time to be confident. “Drugged up me thought that was the best way to confess those feelings, apparently.” You laughed softly, trying to lighten the tension, but you could tell that Mando didn’t know what to say, his body language and the fact that he hasn’t moved in the last minute tells you a lot of what you need to know. 
After a few long seconds, you finally took the hint that he wasn’t going to say anything. You took a deep breath, standing from the seat, looking back at him. With a small, sad smile, you turned, descending the ladder, and making your way back to your cot, with your head held high. 
You weren’t sure how long you sat there, an elbow on your knee, head resting on your palm as you just thought about that moment, thought about how you really did tell him how you felt, and how empowering it felt just to be able to get that off your chest. Of course, it wasn’t the most ideal situation to ever tell someone that you love them, but you did it! Even if he sat there, not responding to what you said. You groaned, falling back on your cot, huffing as you felt the hard bed, staring up at the ceiling. “What’s wrong with you?” You whispered to yourself, shaking your head. It felt right at the time to confess those feelings, but now… what was going to happen? Was he going to send you away and just be done with you? You had to talk to him, you had to tell him to forget about it all, act like nothing happened. 
You sat up quickly, your body moving on its own as you walked towards your door. You pressed the pad quickly, ready to go back up to the cockpit, ready to tell him that everything you said was a joke at most! That you’re okay with keeping things professional and no longer have that friendship anymore. 
You took a deep breath, watching as the door opened, ready to take a step when you saw the dark visor of the man on your mind. Your eyes widen, staring back at him, feeling your hands get extremely sweaty. “Mando-”
“Do you really?” He spoke, his modulated voice filling the air. You knew you couldn’t act stupid, you knew that could only get you so far, as of now, it was the best option to just be honest. Before you could answer he crossed the threshold, gloved hands coming up and cupping your face, holding you there. “If it’s not true, tell me now and we won’t talk about it again.” He said, and you could hear how frantic he sounded. You could feel his eyes searching frantically on your face from behind the visor. 
“Yes.” You muttered, a soft smile on your face. “I love you.” You could hear a soft gasp leave his lips, hearing you say it. You reached up, wrapping your hands around his wrists, feeling the heat through his sleeves as the two of you stood there. He pulled you close, resting the cold metal of his helmet against your forehead. Even without the words, you could feel what he wanted to say with this single action, and that was enough for you.
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newtsies · 4 years ago
When I Was Your Man || A Ralbert One Shot
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a/n - hello! so basically this one shot is a College Newsies AU where Racetrack and Albert broke up and Race started dating Spot :'). it's about ralbert though?? so it's like- okay its from alberts POV and it's based on When I Was Your Man so yeah :D (all lyrics from the song will be in bold and italicized),, i'll only be writing the chorus once <3
also i didnt edit this cuz its late and IM TIRED SO sorry if it sucks lol
tw('s) - cussing
same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Albert didn't sleep well at night, if he even slept at all. His bed was empty. The same bed that he had slept in since the beginning of college. But it wasn't his bed, it was their bed. At least, it used to be theirs. Now, it was just his, but he couldn't accept that it was only his.
But at one point, it was theirs. Him and Racetrack, it was once their bed. Even if it was only his, Albert could swear that Race's body was still outlined in the cushion of his bed.
The bed used to be so small, too small for the two of them. They cuddled together to keep each other from falling off. But now it was huge. He had no-one to roll over to in the morning, he was alone.
He couldn't even sleep on the right side of the bed. That was Race's side. Even if Race hadn't slept on the bed for a long time, even if he would never sleep on the bed again. That was his side, not Alberts.
And often times he would lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling. He would reach over to the right for his boyfriends- ex-boyfriends hand. But it wasn't there. He reached over and was met with sheets and pillows.
So he didn't sleep, because he had no-one to sleep with and his bed was too big to sleep in. And he stayed awake until the next morning when he got into his car and drove from his apartment to the school.
Not even in his car did he get peace. It wasn't his car, it was Race's car. Race had picked it out, he liked the color. And it smelled like Race's cologne and it held memories of Race in each dent of the leather seats.
So he sold the car. He got a new car, his own car. But even with the smell of Race gone, with his memories in the seats gone. The radio in the new car betrayed Albert.
our song on the radio but it don't sound the same
The car radio had one station, and Albert could swear that the station only had one playlist they played each day. Because every day, and it never missed one day, it would play their song. The song they first danced to. So Albert turned off the radio, and he never turned it on. Even when friends begged him to play music, the radio staid off and he played music from his quiet phone.
Every day, Albert showed up to school exhausted. He nearly passed out in class. Lunch was the only time he ever slept. Everyone assumed he didn't get sleep due to his hard classes, which couldn't be farther from the truth. He didn't do his work. He couldn't pay attention in class, not with Race there.
when our friends talk about you, all it does is just tear me down
"You really lucked out being with him, Al," Jack said.
Romeo agreed and added onto the comment, "Kelly's right. He's gorgeous. And a genius too. Too smart for his own good."
Albert raised his head from his arms with a desperately sad look. He sighed and shook his head, "I told you guys. I know we broke up a while ago, but it still hurts, okay?" He rested his head back into his arms and closed his eyes tightly. His heart ached with every comment. He knew Race was gorgeous. He knew Race was a genius. He knew so much about him, yet he didn't know him enough to keep him happy.
"Sorry, man. Forgot," Jack mumbled. Romeo muttered something of an apology and scratched at his neck.
"I know you hate school activities," Romeo started, "But you should come to the party tonight. Dance a little, I think it'll cheer you up."
Albert sighed and tried not to think about why dancing would be hard for him. He looked up and pushed his hair out of his face, "I'll come."
'cause my heart breaks a little when i hear your name
"Race!" Spot called from the couch. The music boomed and Spots voice was quiet, but Albert heard the name anyways. He immediately turned to the boy.
Spot grinned as Race made his way over to him. Race plopped into his lap and smiled back as he hugged the boy. Alberts eyes widened and his chest ached.
Even just hearing Race's name hurt Albert, brought back a wave of memories. Each yell of Race's name when he did something dumb, each fond laugh of the name when he complimented him, each whine of Racetrack's name when he bugged Albert too much. He missed it all.
it all just sounds like ooh, ooh, hoo
Jack and Romeo were definitely talking to Albert, but he couldn't hear anything they were saying. The music sounded like gibberish and he couldn't think. All he could do was stare at the couple on the couch and ache at the sight.
mm, too young, too dumb to realize, that i should have bought you flowers
Albert watched as Race giggled at the flower Spot offered him. Spot smiled and put the small yellow flower behind Race's ear. The stem stuck between his ear and his head whilst the bud pointed outwards.
The years that they dated, Albert and Race were young and naive. He didn't know how to be romantic or how to make Race happy. No matter how hard he tried.
"I should've bought him flowers," He sighed. Jack and Romeo shared a knowing glance before pushing Albert to sit down on the couch.
and held your hand
"I mean," Albert continued, "I was too insecure to do anything with him." They didn't even hold hands in public, because Albert was scared. Scared of what society would think.
should have gave you all my hours, when i had the chance
Albert and Race had started dating their first year of college. Albert was constantly busy with classes. He was always doing work and stressing about class.
Anytime Race would make an attempt to spend time with him, he shut it down.
"I'm doing work," He would say, "You should be doing work, too."
He wanted to do well, get a good job, find a good home, start a family. But all of that was dumb. It was pointless. To hell with it all if we didn't get to come back from his job to see Race. Because Race was his home and he didn't want to start a family with anyone else.
take you to every party 'cause all you wanted to do was dance
"Al!" Race would whine and grab at his arm, "Dance with me, please. Just for a little bit."
Albert never did dance with him. No matter how much he asked, he refused to do so. He couldn't, he needed to get good grades. He needed to provide.
"We can dance later," He would say.
The usual response he would get was, "Promise?" But one day, he received a different answer, "There isn't going to be a later. Not for us, Albert."
now my baby's dancing, but he's dancing with another man
Race pulled Spot up from the couch. They smiled as they moved together to the middle of the room. The music vibrated around them as the two danced.
Albert watched from the camp as he shook his leg. He took in a deep and quaking breath before stumbling out of the house. He threw his cup to the side and gulped in a large breath.
my pride, my ego, my needs, and my selfish ways, caused a good strong man like you to walk out my life
"What do you mean their won't be a later for us, Racer?" Albert had asked, finally looking up from his studies.
Race had scoffed, "Oh, of course! That's what gets you to look me in the eye, huh?" He had rolled his eyes, "We're done, Al. I can't do this anymore, can't do us. Okay? You're so god damn selfish. You only do what's best for you. Ever think about what's best for us, huh? Do you ever even think about me?"
"Of course I think about you, Race. You're all I ever think about," Al had stuttered out.
"Sure," Race had laughed sourly, "I just wanted to fucking dance, Albert. You wouldn't even do that with me. I'm leaving." With that, Race had grabbed all of his stuff and walked out of the apartment.
now i never, never get to clean up the mess i made, oh. and that haunts me every time i close my eyes
Albert closed his eyes when he left the house. Their breakup flashed behind his eyelids and he choked out a sob. He fell to his knees on the grass.
"God damnit," He weakly hit the grass beneath him, "I could've fixed it. I could- Could've. But- Spot. I can't fix it anymore."
although it hurts, i'll be the first to say that i was wrong
He shook his head, "Race was right. I never thought about him." And his stomach twisted with that realization.
Albert has thought he was thinking about Race, about their future together. But it was never about Race, it was about him. He needed to good grades, Racer didn't. Everything that happened was his fault, and he knew that.
oh, i know i'm probably much too late, to try and apologize for my mistakes
He took a deep breath before falling back to sit down on the grass. The door opened and a boy with curly blonde hair sat down next to him.
Race gave Albert a sad smile.
"I'm not going to say sorry," Albert started, "Because that won't make up for anything. I was wrong, about everything." Race nodded.
"Al," Race said quietly.
Albert shook his head with a small grin, "Don't. Go get, Spot. Be happy. Go love the boy who you want to see when you get home from long work days, okay? Love him the way I love you." He paused, "Not the way I treated you, but the way I feel about you. I know it didn't seem like it. But I love you."
Race smiled and gave Albert a pat on the cheek, "I loved you too."
That was the sad tragedy of their relationship.
Albert was in love with Race. Race had been in love with Albert.
They loved each other at different times. But Albert could accept the pain of being in love with a boy would didn't love him back, because even though Race was in love with someone else, he was happy. And that's all Albert wanted, because Race deserved to be happy.
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heathenarmyimagines · 5 years ago
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Title: Find Us
Summary: Ivar and (Y/N) go to the museum.
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Taglist: @ubbesgirl, @shewolf2000, @tis-itheapplepie, @atequila, @demoncrypt1066, @greennightspider, @badbitsh13, @fireismysaftey, @minarawr, @laketaj24, @hvitserksgirl, @blahblahcookiesdoma, @fabulous-peasent, @sforsammmmmi, @minmiin1d, @courtrae89, @letsloveimagines, @tomarisela, @titty-teetee, @beyond-the-ashes@elenawrit, @mblaqgi, @whenimaunicorn, @chuflisworld, @mystruggledlife, @moose-squirrel-asstiel, @syreni-dea, @trashqueenbitch, @alykatv, @mbaku-babygirl, @perfectus-in-morte, @beyond-the-ashes, @neeadinghugs, @readsalot73, @triumphantreturnofpies, @anarchy-is-coming, @tephi101, @alicedopey, @ivarslittlebadgirl, @jtrstp, @nejijjeoroo, @charlylama, @ivartheblessed, @captstefanbrandt, @fabulouschrissi, @ivarsrideordie, @3x5gurl, @the-writer-appreciation-blog, @lolabee9, @captainfoxy22, @young-ugly-god, @im5ftbutmythroat66, @bribyyy, @irishhiggins, @cadetomlinson, @keclleon101, @slutforragnarssons, @ltkeke, @meeeeeeeeeps, @lille-kanin, @opalscarab, @ssraven7, @ivarandersen, @concretewaywardangel, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @sharon-is-tired, @cadetomlinson, @mystruggledlife, @chuflisworld, @justmarissa97, @lol-haha-joke, @weirdly-randomly-awesome, @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanim, @idonthavehusbandsihavelovers, @alexa040004, @buckythetinman , @burntmythroatskullingmytea,@jorunnravenslayer, @two-unbeatable-beaters, @buffy-the-vampire-blogger, @arses21434, @ltkeke, @captainfoxy22, @chinduda @letsshamelessqueen-m @my-soul-is-the-moon @we-are-transcendent
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
After you had told Ivar about your dreams and his involvement in them Ivar was almost scarily eager to help you figure out what they meant and how to help.
He would ask you for details that you were still unsure about giving and he was also looking into all kinda shit online, Reading every single sleep study article he found.
Ivar had also taken to just being at your house, whenever he thought he found anything useful he would call and before you could tell him he didn’t need to come over he was already in your driveway.
This was one of those times.
You sighed as you put down your phone and stood up from your desk to go down stairs to let him in.
‘It’s Saturday you know, you don’t have to waste your weekend on me.’ you said as you opened the door.
‘Hush you, I think I found something.’ he said as he came in, heading straight for your room
With a sigh you followed behind him, leaving the door open to follow your mom’s rules.
‘What do you got?’ you asked.
‘First you tell me.’ he said as he pulled his laptop out of his backpack.
You though back to the dream you had last night.
This time there wasn’t anyone in your dream, or even a voice. You were just alone in a strange place. It looked like a Medieval theme park and quite honestly smelled kinda rank. It looked like you were in some kind of farmers market, a lot of stands lined up side by side like the stands at a carnival. 
You waited for a moment for someone to show up or for a voice to come from nowhere and when none came you just looked around the abandoned stands until your alarm woke you up.
‘Nothing, no one was there this time, it looked like and abandoned market or something.’ you answered.
‘So not one of the seizure dreams?’
‘I think it was just this time nothing happened I just looked around.’
‘Well I found something by some guy with a shit name that he needed a degree to spell. Apparently he thinks psychics are super legit.’
‘Psychics?’ you scoffed.
‘Hear me out, listen to this; some people are born with a connection or fascination to another person. The most common form of this connection seems to be romantic and is often referred to as fated encounters or love at first sight.’ Ivar started.
‘You’re starting to sound like Sigurd.’ you sighed.
‘Shut up and keep listening, I’m not done. There also seems to be cases where someone fixates on a person who has already lived and died. This is a very rare happening in which a person may have dreams of someone else’s past life or even dreams of communicating with that person.’ Ivar finished.
Now that sounded like something, very vague and not at all specific but it did sound kind of probable.
‘That seems to make sense, except for one dream I had a while back.’ you said.
‘What happened in that dream?’
‘There was this...guy, he was really tall and had these really black lips and no eyes-’
‘No eyes?’ Ivar asked with an arched brow.
‘Yeah, not like missing eyeballs but more like his skin had grown over them or maybe he was just born without any. That guy talked directly to me and he was not at all who I “fixated on” and in any case the guy in my dreams is you.’
‘Or an ancestor that I look just like.’ Ivar said.
Now that got your attention, but something about it wasn’t right...the wording was wrong.
“Tell them who they are.” the words rang clear in your head.
‘No, not an ancestor... a past life?’ you mumbled.
‘Past life?’ Ivar asked.
‘Oh my God! A past life!!’ you yelled as you jumped up from your seat and began pacing, talking a mile a minute.
‘That’s it! That’s what the scary guy was trying to tell me! It’s not you, not this you but past you, if I find out who old you is then the dreams have to stop! Holy shit, come on!’ you said grabbing Ivar’s arm and trying to pull him off the bed.
Only Ivar wasn’t budging, he was still trying to process all the shit you had just said.
‘Wait a minute.’ he said, yanking his arm back making you fall back onto the mattress.
‘What?’ you whined impatiently.
‘Where are we going and do you mind explaining all that gibberish just now.’
You sighed and used the breath to calm yourself down a little bit so that you could explain your epiphany.
‘Look in my dreams the first time I saw you-the other you, you were an old man; you yelled at me and threw an ax at me to keep me away.’
Your mind goes back to that dream and you remember the ax that Dream!Ivar had thrown at you.
‘You threw an ax at me.’ you repeated as a thought crossed your mind.
‘I threw an ax at you?’  Ivar asked in shock.
‘Yes, and even better I have seen that ax before.’ you smiled as you stood up and started pulling out some clothes.
Just as you were about to start getting changed you remembered Ivar was very much so still in the room and looking at you.
‘Um Ivar could you like wait in the living room? I’ll be right out.’ you said.
‘Get out I need to change.’ you clarified.
Though you could tell Ivar was still completely confused he gathered his things and left the room mumbling about getting you evaluated.
You put on some jeans and a sweatshirt then you put you your shoes before you checked your purse and made sure you had what you needed.
Once you had everything you headed downstairs and saw Ivar sitting on the couch doing whatever on his phone.
‘Hey come on.’ you said.
With a sigh Ivar stood up and grabbed his bag and the two of you had got into the car.
‘Want to tell me where the hell I’m going?’
‘The museum, we were supposed to go the first time we hung out but I had to go home. My mom says that museum gets a lot of the things she and her team recovers.’
Ivar doesn’t say anything on the ride but you were talking up a storm, mostly about all the sleep you were about to get now.
‘Seriously if I wake up from a coma in thirty years still give me an extra five minutes, don’t let my Mom pour ice on me. I need every minute in those thirty years.’ you rambled.
By the time you had actually reached the museum you were almost bouncing with excitement and Ivar was looking concerned.
‘Are you sure you’re right about this (Y/N)? If this turns out to be a false lead-’
‘It’s not, I can feel it in my bones. Every fiber of my being is telling me that the answers we need are in that building and even if it is wrong its the first and only lead I got.’ you said as you took off your seat belt.
 You and Ivar got up and headed for the entrance, the ticket collector asked for your tickets and you handed over the all access card your mother had given you and you were happy that it also came with a plus one.
She let you both in and the two of you entered.
Immediately as you entered the museum you were hit by a strong feeling, almost like wind but not quite. Maybe a better way of explaining it would be like getting the wind knocked out of you.
‘Woah.’ you breathed placing a hand on your chest.
‘Are you OK?’ Ivar asked in concern.
‘Yeah...just got a little overwhelmed you know? Must mean we are onto something. Come on.’ you assured as you walked further into the museum.
‘Do you want to join the tour?’ Ivar asked.
‘No, I can read the plaques myself.’ you said as you searched over the items for one thing in particular.
Finally you saw it.
‘There!’ you pointed dragging Ivar along to stand in front of a long display table.
On that table there was several items with little informational plaques underneath each item, but the one you were focused on was the ax head.
‘This is it, the ax you threw at me. This is one of the things that my mom found when she came here. They found so much that they wanted her to stay and moved the whole family out here.’ you explained as you looked at the ax.
Ivar looked at the ax then looked down at the plaque.
‘Late Viking age ax found buried with an unknown male, the handle was disintegrated but the ax head was well preserved.’ he read.
‘That was your ax...so that was probably your grave.’ you said.
‘Just gonna say hearing you casually say “my grave” is not my idea of a fun day out, so could you not.’ Ivar asked.
‘Right, sorry but this was the ax that was thrown at me and it belongs to whoever threw it.’ 
Ivar moved over to another item.
‘Viking chess pieces found in burial site, Vikings were often buried with their weapons, their favorite horse and their favorite game pieces.’
You decided to follow his lead and look at the other things on the table. There was a war helmet that you were reading about while Ivar was looking at what you thought was a belt buckle.
‘Listen to this. Apparent belt buckle that was found strapped around the legs of buried male suggesting the man may have had a disability that prevented him from walking.’ Ivar read.
‘Disabled?’ you repeated looking at it the buckle trying to remember if you had seen it before, but you drew a blank. You never looked at his legs but now that you thought about it you had never seen him standing.
‘Always sitting, whenever I’ve seen you in my dreams you were sitting, maybe you were disabled.’ you said.
Not that you noticed but Ivar tensed a bit at that and moved onto another nearby display table.
‘Come and look at this one.’ he said pointing to the plaque on the table.
‘The contents on this table were found buried with a woman, appears to be a blended culture burial combining customs of Saxon and Viking religion.’ you read.
‘Look here more game pieces...and a cross.’ Ivar said pointing to the cross necklace.
You look down at the pendant and were surprised to feel such a strong sense of familiarity, you found yourself rubbing your neck as if you were missing the weight of a necklace.
‘That is mine.’ you whispered.
‘What?’ Ivar asked.
‘Huh?’ you said looking over at him.
‘You said that was your cross.’ he clarified.
‘Yeah, I mean it feels like it is mine, but it can’t possibly be.’ 
‘Well if that was my ax why can’t this be your cross?’ Ivar questioned.
At that you had to take a minute to consider, you had to admit it made sense. It would explain why you were the one connecting with Ivar and why you started having the dream when you arrived. 
If you lived here in a past life coming back would probably trigger something, and if you had a connection with Ivar in that past life then maybe some...higher power wanted the two of you to reconnect.
‘If this is mine and that ax is yours then maybe we knew each other back then.’ you suggest.
‘Maybe it was more than just knowing each other.’ Ivar said as he bent down to get a better look at something in the glass case.
You bend down beside him to look as well.
A wedding ring with some Old Norse Runes carved into it.
‘No way.’ you gasped.
‘Married.’ Ivar said.
‘No way, I mean there is no way. You threw an ax at me, that doesn’t sound like a proper greeting between husband and wife.’ you argued.
‘Well not every marriage is loving and who knows how far you went back, you could have went back before we-I mean they were married.’ he said.
‘Even if that were the case, which I’m still not too sure about, then that must mean one of us killed the other. Because the one time that I could actually speak with you it wasn’t very friendly.’
You and Ivar looked over the items a little more trying to learn as much as you could. You had read each of the plaques and Ivar was writing down the dates that the items were expected to be from.
‘Do you get anymore weird psychic vibes looking at any of this?’ he asked as he put his notebook away.
‘Well the cross felt the most...mine, you know. Like when you clean the attic and find a toy you used to have as a baby. You have no memory of it, but you’ve seen pictures of yourself with it.’ you tried to explain.
‘So no feeling with the ring?’
‘I don’t think so.’ you sighed in disappointment.
‘Wait, what if you try touching me while you look at it, that could help.’ Ivar suggested.
‘Maybe, give me your hand...wait, stand behind me, just in case seize up, I don’t want to cause a scene.’ you said.
Ivar moved to stand behind you while you looked around to make sure no one was looking at you, thankfully it wasn’t busy today.
You grabbed his hand and bam! 
That feeling like ice cold water had just been poured all over you took over your body and when you opened your eyes you were in yet another strange place.
You looked down at yourself and found that you were no longer you in your own clothes. Instead you were in some weird long, thin white long sleeve dress, and it was itchy as hell.
‘What?’ you said in confusion as you scratched at your arms.
You looked around and found you were on a beach and there was a strange woman standing in front of you and she was much stranger clothes than you.
Her dress was brown and looked like it was made out of a long potato sack or something, she had a weird winged metal helmet and she was holding a golden bowl.
Cautiously you looked inside and saw that there was a a very red liquid inside and you really hoped you were wrong about what you thought it was.
‘Get on with it.’ 
You looked to your left and found Ivar...Dream!Ivar sitting on a tree stump beside you. Still just as old as he had been before but now he was looking even worse, angrier.
‘Yes, hurry this along.’ came another voice.
Behind you there was a crowd of people you hadn’t even noticed before, you recognized the men from your dream, Ubbe, Hvitserk and this time even Bjorn was there looking practically ancient and WAY less hot.
None of them particularly happy to be here, what was happening?
‘Are you sure you want to do this? In the eyes of the Great Many Gods, bound forever...and beyond?’ the woman asked, her voice much deeper than you had expected.
‘I swear it.’ Ivar said angrily.
‘Do you Wilda, swear you want to marry this man, in the eyes of the Great Many Gods, binding yourself to him in this life and in all the lives that come after?’
‘Hurry up already!’ he snapped.
‘I swear it.’ you squeaked in fear. 
The woman reached into her long sleeve and pulled out a a bunch of leaves and twigs, you guessed that’s where she pulled the rings from too. She dropped the herbs into the bowl and mixed it with her fingers, mumbling something as she did so.
What the hell is going on? Clearly it was a wedding and it obviously wasn’t a joyous event.
‘Drink from the bowl, may the blood bind you and herbs guide you to find each other again.’ 
Dream!Ivar took the bowl and drank from it and you winced at the thought of how gross that must taste.
Then he handed the bowl to you.
The cold feeling rushed over your body the second you touched the cold metal bowl.
After a few blinks you looked around and found yourself back in the museum.
‘Woah there!’ Ivar whispered as he held onto you to keep you from falling.
‘T-thanks.’ you sighed, practically out of breath.
‘I take it you saw something.’ 
‘Yeah. It was-’
Before you could explain what you had just seen your phone rang, your mom and Ivar were the only people who called you and Ivar was here so you knew who it was when you answered.
‘Yes Mama.’ you said.
‘Where are your siblings?’ she asked .
‘Uh..they all went to their friends’ houses, I’m out with Ivar, what’s up?’ you asked.
Ivar looked at you in worry, wanting to see
‘Go get your siblings, we are going out for dinner tonight I have big BIG news!’ your mom said excitedly.
‘What is going on?’ you questioned, putting the phone on speaker.
‘I was going to wait until we were having dinner but I just can’t, act surprised when I tell y’all at dinner. (Y/N) I think I just made the biggest discovery of my entire career!’
‘Oh! Well that’s great, awesome! What did you find this time?’
‘You remember that grave I found, the one that made them ship us all out here?’
No way.
‘The one where you found an a man and woman buried side by side, with a lot of well preserved items?’ you asked, looking at Ivar.
Ivar looked over at the table you were just looking at and you nodded, this was all the stuff your mom found and she was talking to you about this stuff every other day while you helped her cooked dinner.
‘Yeah, that one well today they were giving the remains CAT scans and while that was happening I was with the restoration team. Ugh this is taking too long! What I’m trying to say is I think I found the grave of the most famous Viking in recorded history!’ your mother yelled excitedly.
There was no doubt she was doing her weird little excited mom dance.
‘Really? Who?’
‘I’ll tell you at dinner, I’ll meet you kids at the Chinese place by the house, and remember to act surprised.’
‘Wait! Uh can Ivar come, since he’s gonna be providing the ride? And you are totally on speaker right now.’ you said.
‘Hey Ms.(Y/L/N), congratulations on the find, can’t wait to hear about it over dinner.’ he spoke.
‘Awe thank you Ivar! You are welcome to join us, honestly you are the first boyfriend (Y/N) has ever introduced me to and I am so proud of her judgement.’
‘Mama!’ you yelled as you felt your ears burn in embarrassment.
‘I’m just teasing, see y’all at the restaurant.’ your mom said before hanging up.
‘Well guess we are about to get a lot of answers, come on tell me about what you saw on the way.’ Ivar said.
You nodded before quickly and as stealthily as possible taking a few pictures of the display.
‘Let’s go.’ you said.
In the car he told you that you were out for about thirty seconds and you gave him the run down on what you saw.
‘So we were right about the marriage.’ Ivar said.
‘Yeah, and it was not a loving kind either, but something else about it was off. I mean I’m not an expert on Vikings Age weddings but I think they don’t usually involve blood drinking and binding each other in this life and all the lives that come after it.’
‘Maybe you should ask your mom, what else did you get for us to work with?’
‘I think I got my name...her name? Wilda.’
‘Wilda? Doesn’t sound very Norse to me...sounds very Anglo-Saxon.’ Ivar replied.
‘And you know that how?’ you asked.
‘My favorite class is history, did a research paper on ancient Norse culture last term.’ was the answer.
‘When we get there we won’t ask too many questions just let my mom talk and I’ll squeeze her for info later.’ you planned.
‘Squeeze her? You sound like an interrogator...I love it.’ he smiled.
The two of you went to pick up your siblings and immediately shut down any talk about your past life. Instead you were now dodging your siblings’ questions about why Mama wanted them to go out so suddenly.
At the restaurant you send in your your two mobile siblings to go inside and get find a table while you got the youngest one out of his car seat, which always takes a minute since he puts up a fight.
Ivar helped you and it was hit to your pride how quickly your brother stopped fighting and got out the truck for a stranger after he had fought you for like five minutes.
Once Ivar had him out he handed you your sibling to carry.
‘You’re a little shit show you know that?’ you glared at the boy in your arms.
Finally you three headed inside and you started looking around for your other siblings when the hostess came up.
‘Oh what a cute baby.’ she smiled.
‘He thinks so.’ you replied politely.
‘He looks just like you Miss, you two made a beautiful boy.’ 
‘We what? Oh no! No no no! We’re teenagers, this isn’t our kid, we aren’t even dating!’ you panic as your cheeks burn.
The woman looked horrified with her mistake and apologized before showing you where your siblings were waiting for you.
‘Took y’all long enough, I already ordered drinks.’ your sister said as you sat down with your brother in your lap and Ivar took the seat beside you.
You took a sip of your soda and kept your eyes on anything but Ivar, still horrified that someone not only thought you were dating him but that you’d had a three year old toddler with him.
Eventually your Mom showed up, wearing sunglasses and big fur coat you know she didn’t own yesterday.
‘Hello Darlings.’ she said with all the dramatics in the world and then some.
‘What is going on here, where did you get this thing?’ you laughed.
‘I bought it, with the money I got from the museum, the restoration team gave them a call about my find and they are so interested they want to buy the WHOLE HAUL! Since it was my find I get a small portion, but considering what I may have uncovered even the small portion isn’t anything to sneeze at.’ your mother smiles as she sat down.
‘What did you find?’ you asked.
‘Okay, now I cannot say for sure yet, some things need to officially done first. Translations and what not, the usual red tape put up by museums, but I think I’ve found the real body of...Ivar the Boneless.’
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simplyyeol · 6 years ago
ten out of ten
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word count: 3.638
pairing: kim jongin x reader
genre: fluff! sports college! au (weightlifting fairy kim bok joo, anyone?)
author's note: hello! it’s me ;; lol, um so I was supposed to finish this sooo long ago for the valentine’s day collab with @lucyandthepen @baekbuns @jiminiesthighss and @starcrossed8 ! read there parts at @v-daycollab, they’re all so good and fluffy and uwu. anyways i hope you like it!!
“I’m so sorry, Jongin.” You muttered into the phone for the millionth time in just the past five minutes of your phone call with your boyfriend.
“It’s not your fault, that you got sick. We can just go on a date next weekend and say it’s Valentine’s day.”
You chuckled before coughing, a nervous cough more than a sick one. He’s so thoughtful. The guilt slowly started to creep up you.
“Okay, I’ll let you rest, Y/N. Get well soon.” His sweet words made you wince. You really hope karma won’t beat you up for this.
The screen went back to your basic wallpaper. The call was over.
You made eye contact with your roommate who was lounging on her bed, hugging her Pikachu plush, before you screamed. Or well, more like a girly shriek that bounced off the empty walls of your shared apartment as your feet frustratedly kicked the empty air wishing that your luck would go and fuck itself. You’d somehow lost balance on the bed (anything was possible with you) and tumbled off the bed, a loud thud echoing throughout the empty room. You clenched your hand, void of your phone as you’d thrown it somewhere else immediately after the phone call ended. Hopefully, you didn’t throw it too far. You couldn’t bear to starve to fix a broken screen, again.
You struggled to come out of the blankets that you’d wrapped yourself in (claiming that if you acted like a sick person maybe you’d sound more like one) and scrambled to the wall mirror attached on the wall next to your bed.
A gasp left your mouth as your fingers brushed over the big, red, disgusting, and very ugly pimple that resided on the tip of your nose.
“Did it get bigger?” Your roommate questions from her bed.
A shriek comes out in response. You cover your mouth, muttering, “Why is it so big?” You poke at it a few more times, careful not to touch it too much, reading somewhere that you should absolutely not touch a pimple if you don’t want it to scar.
“Wow, it’s so big.”
Min, your roommate, ducks as your hand flies straight towards her cheek. You almost smack her in the face but she’s always been blessed with fast reflexes, part of the reason why she has trophies stacked upon one another in your shared medal case, well, cabinet. If it wasn’t for that, she’d be sporting a good hand-sized mark on her face. More specifically, your hand-size mark.
You smack her on the shoulder a few times because she scared the living shit out of you (how does she move that fast?) still careful with your strength as not to hurt her (again) before you jump back into your bed and bury your face in your pillow. It takes a minute for you to calm down, and flail some more about how bad your luck is, and for Min to recover from her ‘near death experience’ (she deserved it) before she comes over to pat your head and attempt at soothing away your loneliness that you’ve been misfortuned with on Valentine’s Day.
“If it makes you feel any better, I don’t have a Valentine either.”
“Oh shut up, you chose to be lonely.” Your voice is muffled by your pillow so it sounds more like gibberish than anything.
Min was a part of the swim team at your college. With both of you attending one of the grandest sports colleges in Korea, that fact alone made her “popular with the guys.” Her words, not yours. She was also pretty and had an amazing body from swimming every day, every week, every hour. You, on the other hand, were just a measly Taekwondo major. You know how to swing a good kick, maybe flip a few people, but you envied Min’s abs, and thighs, and her extremely model-like physique. It’s not like you didn’t have any muscles or nice looking features, they just paled in comparison to Min’s. The girl eats so much, you wonder where it all goes. 
You’d gotten here on a scholarship and Min had been scouted from a national competition. You’d been lucky to just have been runner up in a grand Taekwondo competition that your teacher had signed you up for. Thank god for the fact that people do (sometimes) look at people other than first.
It's been three years since you’ve started college. Three years of hard work, training, bodybuilding, sweat, tears. Being a third year at the college, had its perks, though. For example, not having to do your seniors laundry just because they’re older and they told you so. Those people who take the notion of respect and use it in that way piss you off. A lot.
Maybe it has something to do with Taekwondo since respect is a major factor that needs to be taken into consideration when doing the sport, or you were just that amazing and great of a person. You lean more towards the latter option.
You’re embarrassed to say that outside of your own department, people basically knew you as the ‘Taekwondo major who fights everyone.’ Min’s words, not yours. She'd told you this one fateful day when a group of freshmen guys scurried away when you made eye contact with them. 
The first time you actually encountered Jongin, your boyfriend, who you’d just bailed on over a phone call, was at the beginning of this year. About nine months ago (you weren’t counting or anything, just an estimation off the top of your head, totally). You’ve obviously seen him around (he’s literally in the same year and college as you, how could you not?). A part of the swim team, with everyone knowing who he was with just his name, and he was cute too. A swimmer with good looks? Kim Jongin has all the women swooning.
It was a good afternoon, after you ate lunch, walking to practice, you and your teammates filling up the silence about how nice the Hapkido team’s, Byun Baekhyun’s kick was in his latest match. And his ass, but that doesn’t matter (the guy’s got a really cute butt, though, good for him). But in all honesty, you all should get a few tips from him.
A man around the age of forty, you assumed he was one of the teachers or mentors just from his looks, but he acted like a total asshole, walked up to you and started ordering you around.
“Finally! I need you all to take these chairs to the big stadium!” He shouted at your team. It was only the third years, and you all were only passing from the cafeteria to get to your gym. Why would he ask random students out of the blue?
You step forward, seeing no one else in the gym. “Are you talking to us?”
He waved his clipboard in the air and huffs in annoyance. “Well, who else? You guys are students here aren’t you?”
“Well, yeah. Are you a teacher here? I’ve never seen you here before.” You cross your arms over your chest, as he eyes you up and down.
“Obviously, now stop asking questions. They need these in the big stadium before one-thirty.”
“No one told us that we had to do this.” You sneered, mocking him. “We don’t even know who you are and we’re Taekwondo majors. We don’t even lift weights, and you expect us to take all these to the stadium across the school?”
You feel someone elbow you in the side. “We can just take them, it’s fine—“
“Yeah, listen to her, you girly. At least she shows respect to her sensei.”
“Sensei?” You spit. “I only give respect to a sensei that deserves it.”
“Hey! Hey! What’s going on here?” You turn to the side to see the swim coach walk into the gym with his whole team following behind him. You barely, not even for a millisecond, lock eyes with Kim Jongin who was right next to him before you turned away, embarrassment finally flooding through your veins. “Y/N? Are you picking another fight?”
Embarrassment never lasts with you however, when you're wrongly accused.
“Wait, wait, wait a second.” You spread your arms and throw a glare at the man. Coach Kim awaits your excuse this time. You could see how bored he looks already and here you are thinking that you’re on good terms with him. “He told us,” you point to your teammates, “to take these,” your finger points to the stacks of chairs, that looked to be about five hundred chairs, “to the stadium.”
Mr. Kim chuckles under his breath. “That’s it? He’s the performance director, Y/N, and I’m glad that you took precautions, but—“ he turned to the rest of your teammates, “none of you have ever seen him before?”
One of the smaller third-year girls spoke. “I think I’ve seen him around the dorms a few times.”
“See! You should’ve said that earlier, so all this wouldn’t have happened!” He clapped his hands in a very teacherly manner. “Now all is settled! Just help him out this once, yeah?”
You scoffed but didn’t say anything.
“Great! I’ll see you all later.” He clapped your back and waved at the other girls before making his way towards the exit with the rest of the team following him, whispering among themselves. You really hoped that they weren’t talking about you.
“Now that all’s settled—“ the performance directed twirled his pen, very uncoordinatedly you may add, as it flew out of his hand and landed behind him. He turned around to pick the pen up when you heard his pants rip. 
He looked back, surprised, but his hand was too late to cover what everyone saw.
You gasped. Another girl screamed. Before everything went to chaos.
Hot pink had peeled out from the rip and you were clearly able to see the strands of a fucking thong coming out from his pants. You grabbed a chair and used it to shield you from him, when he turned around and, and had the audacity to smirk at you.
“Do—don’t come closer!” You stuttered, as you shoved the chair towards him, a slight tremble visible in your voice. “Someone go call Coach Kim!” He stepped closer, hands raised wearily, and a chorus of screams rang throughout the gym.
At that exact moment, with you clutching the chair in front of you, a few girls behind you, and you cowering in front of a completely disgusting psychopath, Jongin came running in with Coach Kim hot on his heels. It was all a blur from there.
Everything was taken care of cleanly in the end, however, you were very much scarred. Never in your life had you thought there were people who actually did those type of things.
“Hey, are you okay?” You looked up from the office chair to see Jongin, looking at you. Was he... worried? No, that’s ridiculous. He didn’t even know you.
“I—um, yeah. Just a... weird day.” You winced. Great, when you really needed to be good at words you turn into an ugly mess.
“Yeah, weird is an understatement. Come on, I’ll walk you to your dorms.” He held his hand out for you, which you embarrassingly didn’t see. If you hadn’t seen him awkwardly wipe his hand on his jacket when you got up you wouldn’t have even noticed.
You couldn’t help but think that maybe it was because you were a Taekwondo major. People never saw you as feminine or girly. They reserved their hands to be held by art, literature, dance, rhythmic gymnastics types of girls. Not by a ‘strong and boyish’ Y/N. You also weren’t too bad looking. Nothing over the top, but you could look good if you tried. You just didn’t try seeing that no one really cares in the end.
He held the door open for you on your way out with you mumbling a small thank you before silence loomed over the two of you. You were jittery, finding the silence uncomfortable before he spoke up.
“I guess Coach kept only you and me for the witnesses.” He muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets to shield him from the cool evening breeze. Everything had taken longer than expected, well this has never happened to you, so it’s not like you could speak from experience, but from the times you’ve visited the main office, this is the longest it has been.
“Yeah, I’m glad he didn’t bring the other girls into it.”
“Yeah.” He paused. “I think that was really brave of you.”
Your head whipped towards him before you laughed.
Your laugh echoed throughout the empty courtyard, and maybe, the shock had finally started filling to you from the horrible day you just went through You may have heard Jongin’s join in with you in the middle, but no, he probably found you even weirder, or crazy or possessed. It’s happened before. “Please? Me? Brave?” You scoffed. “I was literally shaking.”
He lightly nudged your side. “I’ve never seen someone hold a chair that confidently. Ten out of ten from me.”
You chuckled. “Thanks, Jongin.”
It all went uphill from there. Morning chats when you didn’t have class and accompanied Min to the pool, you’d spot him. Small talks led to you going out eating together, watching movies, and even shopping whenever you felt like it, as he needed a girl’s advice on what to wear for another one of his blind dates. He really was popular from how many times that had happened. Obviously, you were jealous, after growing a small crush on him. Well, it’s not exactly your fault, who wouldn’t be able to.
You only started dating last month, with you fumbling over your sentences for at least an hour after he confessed to you (apparently those blind dates that he needed to get ready for were excuses to go out with you. Please, you absolutely melted when he confessed). Because Kim fucking Jongin confessed to you. Sure, you had one boyfriend before in high school, but everyone knew that Insik was a tool. So, that doesn’t really count.
Lounging on the couch, stuffing popcorn in your face with blankets thrown around all over you, you jumped when you heard a thud coming from your room. You jolted upright, confused as to if something fell or someone broke into your house and was about to kill you.
Min left earlier for practice. Checking the time, you deemed it was about time she got back. Could she even help if a thief broke in? What if it wasn’t even a thief? What if it was a pedo—you choked just at the thought of it.
No other sound came from the room, but before you could call the coast clear, you had to make sure. Throwing the covers off of you, you padded to your room, your hand reaching out to turn on the light—
The scream that flew out of your mouth would no doubt have been heard by your neighbors. Your back hit the wall, hands coming up to cover your mouth when you looked up to see if you could recognize the person who’s about to steal all your money and kill you. But then your eyes met those familiar, warm brown ones and you screamed even louder.
“Jongin?” You shriek, enraged. “What the fuck?” You grab a pillow that just happened to be on the floor next to you and chucked it as hard as you can at him.
He doesn’t look phased, a small smile spreading on his lips. You cross your arms, an unconscious pout forming on your lips as you send a glare in his direction.
He slowly walks towards you and you back away, suddenly feeling trapped. What’s happening—why is he—why does this feel like one of those movies where the guy traps the girl against the wall and kisses—
Your own foot betrays you. It knocks itself into your other foot sending you tumbling, and you obviously grab onto the closest thing available to steady yourself, which is obviously Jongin.
A stream of curses flies past your lips as your back makes contact with the floor and Jongin collapses on top of you. On top of you. On top of you.
You can feel your face flaring when you look down feeling something on your chest. That was Jongin. And his face was buried in your neck.
The door opens at that exact moment and your roommate enters. She analyzes the situation before making a move.
“I’m out.”
Both you and Jongin’s head turn to her, finally noticing her presence when her back is turned as she closes the door.
“Wait! Min—“
Jongin stumbles as he scrambles off of you, and you cough way too much for normal, your face probably tomato red at the moment. You hear the front door close, and you internally throw a roundhouse at your friend. It was not what it looked like.
“Well... um.” You look towards Jongin who’s running his fingers, distractedly through his hair, a sheepish look on his face. “I brought soup.” You look towards the lunch box that tumbled from his hands during your fall. You make eye contact, then burst out laughing. The soup didn’t survive the fall either.
“You know that pimple looks cute on you.”
You gasp handing flying to your nose to cover it. It’s been a few hours since Jongin crashed at your place. You’d totally forgotten that you were supposed to go on a date with him and bailed on it because you had a ginormous monstrosity on your nose and wanted nothing to do with him until it was gone.
“Is that why you said you were sick?” Your eyes widened when you realized that you were caught.
“N—no! I’m actually sick!” You faked a cough just for an extra measure.
He suddenly leaned towards you and you felt a wave of deja vu wash over you as you leaned back. It seemed you leaned a little too far back, as you almost fell off the couch. His hand shot out and grabbed your shoulder, to which he stilled you before his hand cupped your face. You looked back at him wide-eyed, his eyes holding yours for what felt like an eternity. You could feel your face burning up under his touch.
He hummed while pulling away. “Yeah, you’re not sick.” You scoffed, turning away from him, letting your hair drape over your face hoping he couldn’t see you become tomato red. Confrontation is not your friend. Jongin looking at you like that is not your friend either.
You cupped your own face with your hands wishing that your cool fingers could calm your red blood cells. Any more and you’d burst. “You can’t go all up and close to me like that without askin—“you muttered turning around and almost screaming again when you saw just how much space was between the two of you.
With both of you on your couch, your blankets covering the both of you. He was almost hovering over you, leaning on to the couch arm for support, as to not fall (unlike you, who almost fell earlier, he has precautions). His breath fanned over your face and your eyes searched him, frantically. You had no idea what was going on.
His voice was no louder than a whisper when he spoke. “Do I need permission—“ and then he swooped down and kissed you.
You’ve only kissed one other guy before and then, it was mediocre. You deduced that maybe, that was just how kissing was. You didn’t see the appeal that all the other girls talked about. It was more of an awkward mouth sucking, lip biting, and teeth clashing kind of experience. It was horrible, per se. However, today you find out that appeal that all the girls would talk about it. It wasn’t kissing that had no appeal, it was the tool that you had kissed. He was nothing compared to Kim Jongin.
It was a gentle kiss. his lips pressed to yours, fingers playing with the baby hairs that framed your face. Your hands felt awkward placed on your lap, as they started moving upwards, exploring his broad chest. Does he work out that much, good Lord—
He pulled away slowly, his forehead touching yours, causing your hands to still. Too bad. You sighed, lips parting and opened your eyes. A small smile formed on your lips when you saw his eyes flutter open an almost dazed look coating them. “—to do this?” He finished his sentence and you only just registered what he said before.
You gasp, flabbergasted. He kissed you like that to just ask if he needs permission to—! You smacked his chest hopefully not too hard, but still enough to make up for him teasing you.
“Ow,” he whined. “I come to bring you food when I thought you were sick, and then I find out that you bailed on me, and now you’re abusing me.” He pouts, and you see it as one of the cutest things in the world. He perfectly resembles a kicked puppy. You literally coo on the inside. He’s too adorable for his own good.
You open your mouth to retort but he cuts you off with another chaste kiss. You frown at him because you forgot what you were going to say.
“It’s alright, though. I think this is a pretty good Valentine’s day. Ten out of ten from me.” He leaves you speechless, and you can’t even say anything when he winks at you before he brings you into another kiss.
It doesn’t really count as a date. But, you agree. You'd give this ‘date’ a ten out of ten as well.
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justatiredasfuckwriter · 4 years ago
Chapter 5 - The Meeting
Contents, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
(tw: suicide baiting, bullying.)
The answer was quick. “ There’s a bar close by. ‘S called God’s Broth. Meet on the roof of it at midnight. If you try anything, I won’t hesitate to take you down. Can you do that?”
“ Of course,” Kibo said. “ Will I have to, uh. Show my identity?”
“ Fuck nah. I mean, you can if you want, I’m not.” They breathed out a breath. “ Cool. Cool, uh so... bye then? Thank you, again.”
He shrugged and stopped at the side of the roof. “ Bye, dumbass.”
As he leapt off into the night, he barely caught a muttered, “ It’s Kibo, asshole.”
Huh. So the dumbass can swear.
Izuku was panicking. It wasn't even a usual panicking - 'I won't be able to escape these bullies today', 'how's mom?', 'i forgot my homework'. This time, it was panic, but it was... lightheartenned?
(Can you even say that?
... Fuck you, now he can. )
By lightheartenned, he meant there was a good side to the panicking. Not that it made much sense, but nothing did anyway, so who honestly cares?
He was excited, because he'd be able to help lives. But he was also dreading it, because what if he wasn't accepted? And so, boom; lightheartenned panic. He'd panic over whether he'd be allowed to join the quirk trafficking case, but then at the same time he'd think about how sneaky could he be in following the case despite a negative answer?
He'd panic over if he heard the meetup time and place wrong, before resolving that it didn't really matter - he'd search the whole neighbourhood for Valour and probably find them, since his neighbourhood was quite small. He'd panic over if his personality would scare them away, then consider how the vigilante obviously didn't really care and had a scary personality themselves.
And he panicked over if Valour was right. If him trying to join the case would only endanger lives. But, then he thought that it wouldn't come to that. He wouldn't let himself do that. He won't endanger lives, he'd only save them.
" Dek- Midoriya!"
Izuku's head snapped up, facing the teacher. " Pay attention and stop doodling. Need I tell you this again and again?"
Izuku stopped himself from pointing out that really, he had been the whole time, and he was just note-taking for a second. Of course, that wouldn't have done anything and only given himself a detention.
" S-Sorry... Sir," he said, no more than a murmur, face emotionless and posture tired.
His teacher turned and went back to teaching the snickering class. Izuku hated it.
He knew that in only a few moves he could have the whole of his class knocked out on the floor (save Kacchan, maybe). Then, who'd be the one laughing, taunting? Of course, he'd never hurt them (too badly. He'd definitely be up for a few punches or kicks). They were, well, sort of innocent. They didn't know who they were messing with and the extent of their actions.
Izuku bet, that if he did do what they told him to do everyday ('Go kill yourself, Quirkless!' 'Seriously, why are you still alive, freak?!' 'Y'know, I bet the world would be a better place if you jumped.'), they'd immediately regret it. They'd never killed someone. They'd never been faced with something as terrible as the feeling of it.
When Izuku got home (after visiting his mom, of course), he had his job to attend to. Izuku dressed into some more comfortable clothes - a shirt that read exactly that, shirt', some jeans and a hoodie - and left his apartment.
The convenience store wasn't all that far away - just a couple of blocks. He walked quite quickly anyway, really not wanting to be late. His manager was already impatient with him because of his quirklessness and that one time he'd been late because of his, ah, daily beatings.
He walked, and looked at his surroundings lazily. But then his eye caught on something. It was a poster, strapped to a streetlight. He walked up to it out of sheer curiosity.
Missing - Have You Seen This Child?
Under it was a picture of what looked like a five year old girl. She was beaming and wearing a pink shirt. Her brown hair was loose, down to her shoulders and her greenish-brownish eyes sparkled.
Izuku looked at the information under the photo.
Hina Yamamoto was last seen on April, 20th wearing the same top showed in the image above and blue shorts in Musutafu Park. She was six years old - Quirk; the power to control and solidify shadows.
If you see her or know of her whereabouts, please contact us, at xxx-xxx-xxx. Anyone who finds her will be rewarded with a negotiable amount.
Then, in small handwriting at the bottom, it read;
Please. We just want our child back.
Izuku frowned sadly and, on a second thought, took out his phone and took a picture. It couldn't be a coincidence of what that guy from the alley had said yesterday.
'... scowled at the ground, " If- If you look at where kids have gone missing lately, y-you'll realise that they disappear around a specific location and time...'
The date on the poster that she had gone missing was April 20th. That was five days ago. He'd have to keep an eye out for any other posters around here.
His shift at the convenience store was short and had no hiccups, so by the time he was out he was in a good mood and it was just getting dark.
He hurried home and put on his vigilante costume, making sure no one saw when he exited through the backdoor. It was only 11:28, and he had around half an hour until his 'meeting' with Valour, which was at midnight.
Izuku walked along the roofs for a while, before deciding to find the bar Valour had mentioned - God's Broth - in advance, just in case he wouldn't be able to find it at the last minute.
It took a few twists and turns, but eventually Izuku found the bar. He crouched on the side, looking down at the floor below for a while. People walked by and the music from inside the bar was muffled, but still there. Men walked out of the bar every so often walking in any direction but straight and hollering gibberish, so it was obvious they were drunk.
Izuku thought that it might be a very common occurrence of a fight breaking out anytime soon.
Something white caught his eye; another poster strapped to a lamppost. He hesitated, before scaling down the side of the bar wall and making his way across to read the poster. It was another missing person case - a boy called Hiro Takadashi, seven years old with a quirk that allowed him to sense when someone was about to use their quirk a few seconds before they do (though it was said that it only worked on emitter types).
This one had apparently been last seen near a toy shop just down the road from the park in which the other girl had been. Izuku was getting a bad feeling about all this. He didn't have his phone on him, so he just tried his best to memorise the important parts of it.
He then walked back to the bar and scaled the building again. He checked his watch. It was already 11:56. Midnight was approaching quickly.
He started to pace, waiting for Valour. His legs were full of adrenaline, nervous for how the meeting was going to go and he really didn't want to get on the bad side of the vigilante by going behind his back and interfering anyway if he got a negative answer.
He heard the sound of shoes hitting cement and whipped around.
" Dumbass. You aren't late," Valour said as they walked towards him, thumbs hooked in their belt loops.
" Yeah," Izuku coughed and cleared his throat when it came out in a higher octave than normal. " Uh, y-yeah. You, uh. You showed up."
Valour scoffed. " Give me some credit. I'm gonna turn up if I make the meeting."
" Yeah, of course," Izuku said. An awkward silence draped over them.
Valour broke it, " Well anyway, you still wanna join or what?"
" Yes," he replied, not missing a beat. " I do. What's your answer, then?"
For Izuku, it felt like the world was holding its breath as Valour tilted their head up to the sky and thought for a second. The sound of muffled music from the bar below sounded distant, and so did the jeers people did from inside. Only the wind whistling at his ears felt real.
" You've been training as a vigilante for a while, right?" Valour finally said.
" Yeah," Izuku said. " Around three years. Doesn't sound like much but you do learn quick."
" 'Aight," they replied slowly. They paused and hummed. " You said you know shit. How d'you help a bleeding wound?"
" Apply pressure with cloth - preferably clean - which could also be a piece of gauze, some tissue, whatever," he said quickly.
" How do you knock someone out?"
" Well, there's no safe way to do it, but hitting them in the pressure point on their neck, their temple, their jaw or the back of the head usually works. Or just choking them - that works too."
" Do you know how to use that staff?"
Izuku smirked and reached his hand up, gripping said weapon. He slid it out of its holder and swirled it in his hand, swapping to the other hand while still turning it. It cut through the air silently yet quickly but he knew that it would definitely hurt if he hit someone with it - as he'd designed it to do.
" That answer your question?" he said slyly.
" Not really, anyone could do that with a few videos from the fuckin' internet," Valour replied, arms crossed.
" Well, what's your weapon?"
Valour smirked - or at least, Izuku pictured them to. " My main weapon? Don't honestly have one. I fight with whatever I've got. I do have knives though, and I can throw them well, so there's fuckin' that."
Izuku hummed. " Are you good with them?"
" Let's see."
He cocked his head. " ... What do you mean by that?"
" I mean, you're allowed to join the fucking case. Only if you don't mess up in the following minutes," they said.
" The following minutes...?"
" Yup," Valour said. " C'mon, I wanna see how well you fight. Let's go patrolling."
Hi! Fifth chapter is finally out! I'm pretty sure it's longer than the others but anyway.
So, we see a bit of Izuku in a school environment. It hurt writing that honestly lol. And... missing people posters? Hm, better try and remember those for the future... Anyway, Katsuki's let Izuku join the case, so now he won't have to go behind his back!... Uh, *cough cough* not that he would... totally.
In the next chapter, we'll finally see them fighting in action! Reblogs are appreciated! Have a great day, bye byeee <3
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101scenes · 8 years ago
Wanna-One Ha Sungwoon - Communication
✽ suggested by crunkykiss :)
✽ featuring: ha sungwoon
✽ genre: fluff
✽ word count: 1,255 words
✽ summary: who knew that even a language barrier couldn’t affect mutual love?
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recently you transferred to this boarding school in seoul as your parents found a good job there
having learned korean for only a short amount of time, you were not able to construct simple sentences or phrases
so this kindof created a language barrier between you and majority of the students, who only knew korean
however, to ease your transition into the school, the school principal has assigned you to a “buddy”, who knows korean and english
basically like a lil portable translator
so you basically stuck to her like a magnet
barely knowing the korean language, you decided to take external classes to learn korean yourself to prevent any miscommunications between you and other people
you had to travel about half an hour after school everyday to this tuition center where they had korean lessons
so your schedule was extremely packed and hectic
sometimes you just felt like moving to seoul was not worth it and you wanted to go back to (insert your origin country here)
one day when you were on the subway to get to the tuition center, and your classmate, ha sungwoon
as he did not exactly talk to you often, he was not aware that you have problems speaking korean
he sat down beside you and started speaking korean, which was totally gibberish
all you could make out was “hello, i am ha sungwoon”
and yeah thats about it
he then started stuttering and kindoff looked away many times
you had no idea what he was saying!!!
his face became really red
after he ended his sentence he just looked at the floor
he then covered his face and became mumbling to himself
{how do i tell him in korean, that i don’t know korean!! what is this situation}
you looked back at him, to see him looking at you, with this sort of fear on his face
“i don’t know korean”
he looked at you for a moment and kindoff just retracted
“you.. don’t understand?”
he said it in his korean accent and paused after each word which kindoff made it sound funny
you laughed and nodded
he kindoff got shocked and looked away in shame, once again blushing
“it’s ok sungwoon,”
and before you know it, you actually reached your stop
you wanted to wave goodbye to sungwoon, but he stood up with you?
you two exited the train together, without saying a word
unknowingly, you two began walking together, and approached the same building
“y-you, go here too?” he asked
you nod your head
he then smiles and acknowledges your answer
before separating to different classes, he waved goodbye to you
you waved back, only to see him depart, skipping away
{lol what a dork}
as the lessons progressed, you progressively began to understand korean better
you desperately tried to remember what sungwoon was trying to say on the subway that day
but you can’t get yourself to remember what he said, since it was such a blur
so you just tried to forget it
the next week, you took the same train to go to the same tuition center
for some reason, you caught yourself looking around the cabin trying to find sungwoon
unfortunately you couldn’t exactly find him
which kindoff make you feel a bit sad
when you reached the tuition center, you found out you were actually 20 minutes early
so you just sat outside the building on one of the benches
occasionally, you just glanced around, hoping sungwoon would appear
for some reason, you just felt like seeing his beaming face that day
until it was time to start class, and you begin gathering your stuff you place on the bench
you spun around, only to see sungwoon running as fast as possible
his hair was all messed up
you couldn’t help but laugh a bit
when he reached, you noticed his forehead was all wet
you whipped out a tissue from your bag and gave it to him
he smiled, beginning to dab his forehead
“thank you!”
you looked a bit shocked
after waiting for him, you two walked in together
you saw him running towards the english block
{so he takes english? maybe to communicate with me, ahh what are you saying, you are nothing to him aha}
for a few more weeks, you two continued the cycle of waiting for one another before heading to the tuition center
he even began speaking small phrases in english
you spoke in korean as well, and he patiently corrected you
it seems as if those half an hour rides to the tuition center weren’t so dull anymore
after each session, even if his lesson ends earlier than yours he would wait since it usually ends around 8pm-9pm
he couldn’t bear to have you walk alone at night (AWW such bf material)
after one of your late sessions he was walking you home
its been about 6 months since you two began talking, and you felt that it was the right time to cONFESS
when you two reached your gate, you pulled out a hand-written note from your pocket and placed it in his hand
you thought it would be kindoff heartfelt if you wrote it in korean, so you did
he looked a bit shocked
before you could open the gate and enter the house, he taps you on the shoulder
you turned around, and he also puts a note in your hand
you both made eyecontact and he broke it by looking away
“this is for you, please read it”
you asked him to read it too (in korean) and he smiled
after waving goodbye, you immediately slammed the gate shut and ran up to your room (girl you cannot contain your excitement can you)
you flopped down on your bed without even removing your socks and immediately started reading the letter
oBVIOUSLY it was a lil love letter written in english, by the one and only sungwoon
he explained that he was trying to get your attention ever since you entered the school, and he never got the courage to talk to you
until the day on the subway
on the letter, he wrote a phrase that he stated he said on the subway
after reading it and translating it a little, you let the letter slip out of your hand
{sungwoon actually said that i looked pretty that day}
you hugged your stuffed toy and kindoff just layed there for half an hour staring at the ceiling
{what do i do now??}
after going through your bedtime routine, you laid down on your bed and settled into your bed
as you closed your eyes, you got a notification on your phone
“good night, y/n” - sungwoon
you kindoff just fluttered inside
“good night, sungwoon” -y/n
after that night, you two were super close to each other
you two interchangeably spoke korean and english to each other
after your language classes he also enjoyed bringing you to cafés where you two can have late dinner together
you also kindoff like making fun of his height since you were still growing and he stopped at 168cm
“y/n, stop sucking the growth out of me, i need it more than you”
you would just laugh and pinch his cheek, which he kindoff hates since he hates being cute and wants to be manly
even though he just acts cute all the time (boi choose one)
but he bears with it because he knows you love it
yall are cute bye
✽ this may be a bit short im sorry!! hope you enjoyed :)
✽ suggestions box is open!
✽ i might be offline more frequently, finals are coming up ://
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gettinziggywithit · 8 years ago
Axetale/Repo! Genetic Opera Blurb Part 2
I spent all day and very nearly into tomorrow writing part 2. I haven’t been this excited to write stuff in awhile. :D
This ficlet is based on @thebananafrappe and @azulandrojo‘s Undertale AU, Axetale with some much needed help from their wiki and of course, @mercy-monster‘s drawings which really bring their creation to life. Thanks to the three of you for helping in spawning this bizarre little idea! Lyrics in bold and italics are from Repo! the Genetic Opera songs, Chase the Morning and Night Surgeon, respectfully. I’m thinking about wrapping it up somehow in a part 3, so we’ll see how it goes. Sorry if there are any discrepancies in the lore or if the grammar is just plain yucky. I tried. lol (I wish I had banana’s talent for writing)
Enjoy part 2!
Completely lost in the middle of the macabre thicket, Aliza realized just how far off the trail she had gotten herself. She literally had no idea how to get back to the house and that was a serious problem. Slowing down just enough to catch her breath, she felt the cut on the side of her face. It wasn’t too deep and the blood that flowed was starting to dry to crust which she wiped away along with some tears that were shed silently.
 “I’m so sorry, dad...”
 She didn’t yet know the story behind her mother and father, but one look from that locket photo told her many things. She saw that they were very happy together and that the Underground wasn’t always the dark, deadly, and depressing world it currently was. Seeing that only made her desperate to know more. Aliza hoped that with the locket back with her father, he’d calm back down and come to his senses. She didn’t believe he would hurt her intentionally, but it was obvious whatever was wrong with him, having the locket in her hands made her seem like a visible threat. If she were able to make it back to the house, maybe he could slowly start to answer her questions and unravel the mysteries in the journal that led her here.
 Sensing she was alone for now, she sat beneath a tree and fished the journal out of her bag and looked over the stained and worn pages with the glue and taped scribbles and notes. After a moment of frustration, she sighed and reached for her magnifying glass. One particular page was calling out to her in this time of need and she searched for the dog eared section.
 Her mother’s handwriting was clear, but the fragments, little paragraphs, and doodles were erratic and to anyone else would appear to be gibberish. It was difficult in the beginning to piece them together what with her poor eyesight and limited reading skills, but she remembered that little by little, she put the clues together to form a map. A map that led back to her real friends and family.
Yield for nothing Let your life be a dream Integrity, honesty It’s too late for me Don’t look back ‘Till you’re free to chase the morning…
That little message scrawled on the scrap of paper was kept close to her heart. Whenever she got discouraged or frustrated, she would repeat those words like a mantra to gain the determination to keep pressing forward. It had gotten her this far, but Aliza knew there was still quite a long journey to complete.
That was the least of her worries at the moment though, she still needed to find her way back to the house. Sans had explicitly warned her to stick close to the house as there were other monsters who would kill her on sight with no mercy. She delicately wrapped the magnifying glass back in its cloth and placed it and the journal into her bag as she rose to start walking back in the general direction she came from. The sound of a twig snapping from behind had her bending down to snatch up a thick branch for defense.
She stood her ground for a moment, waiting for whatever made the noise to appear. She scanned the tree line where the noise came from and another twig snapped, accompanied by a menacing growl, this time much closer. Oh that was not good. Choosing not to *stick* around, Aliza clutched the bag to her chest, pivoted, and started to run. Whatever it was that made the noise exploded from the dense forest line and began to give chase after her. She scrambled to gain distance from it as he soul beat erratically.
She screamed in vain for her lone friend, but nobody came. He was most likely closer to the house where sans kept him and couldn’t hear her. The pursuer seemed to multiply into many and she shrieked as she felt the near miss of clawed hands grabbing at her. She abruptly changed tactic and cut through the trees, weaving in and out of the snarled branches. The growls grew into roars as she desperately tried to think and run at the same time.
A twisted root snagged her foot and she fell, the dirty snow muffling her screams. A burst of determination had her rolling into a defensive position, holding the branch in front only nothing was there, not a living soul was in her sights.
All at once, the growls began to trickle in across the forest and not one, not two, but five feral and emaciated monsters emerged from the darkness, looking very Hungry. They spaced out giving her no real direction to run and she was damned if she turned to try and run again. She looked around and jabbed the branch when one of the monsters got too close. Her eyes glowed as magic rippled across her body. She wasn’t skilled enough with her magic to control it fully, but she wasn’t about to lay down and die that easily.
In all her brainstorming, she didn’t notice one creeping up on the side before it tackled her to the ground. Her magic flared wildly, trying to lock on and keep the rabid monster at bay, but her arms holding the creature away ended up taking the brunt of the blows as it swiped and clawed, in an attempt to get at her neck. Another monster took a hit at the one on top of her and threw him off.
Taking advantage, she hoisted herself up and tried crab walking backwards to escape. The monster who had smacked the other one away bared its yellow stained, jagged sharp teeth at her and snarled. It slipped and slid in the snow, grabbing for her ankles and she kicked at it in vain, sucking in one last breath to scream for someone, anyone.
Sans gently clicked the fireplace back into its closed setting and ran for the open door, very nearly crashing into Papyrus. “WHERE ARE YOU GOING, BROTHER, AND WHERE IS THE HUMAN? YOU WILL BOTH MISS DINNER!” Sans hid the blade of his axe behind him and chuckled, “Gotta go fetch Aliza, Paps. You start the spaghetti and we’ll be back in time for Mettaton.” Papyrus eyes his brother carefully and sans was afraid he’d start to ask more questions when he had no time to answer them. “HMM, HURRY ALONG, BROTHER. MY SPAGHETTI WILL GET COLD AND NO ONE LIKES COLD SPAGHETTI.”
The Hunger was incredibly cruel in how it attached itself to someone and robbed them of all their sanity and kindness. Papyrus was somewhat spared from the cruelness by his own making, choosing to live in a fantasy world of his own creation where the Underground is well and good and everything is as it should be. Sans encouraged this behavior as it kept him happy, close to him, and unaware of the wicked world they resided in. Any disturbance to his illusion would cause Papyrus to suffer severe panic attacks that would take many hours to subside and coax him back into his comfort zone.
Even though Papyrus was stuck in his delusional figment, there were times like this where sans was almost positive a spark of lucidity would appear in the tall skeleton’s eyes and he would waver a bit before snapping back into his normal routine. Sans often feared another panic attack was imminent with these occasions and made doubly sure that his brother was fine before attending to other matters.
Thankfully, the look came and went and his brother shuffled into the house, carrying on about what would be going into his super fantastic noodle dish and raving about what would be on the newest episode of Mettaton. Sans sighed and shut the door and locked it, setting the trap to discourage any lesser monster from getting in. After he was sure his brother would be safe,he closed his eyes and kept still to try and narrow down where his daughter had gone. Her desperate cry for him echoed across the dark wood and with a small flicker of magic, he was gone.
Aliza braced herself for a slow and painful death before a sharp *fwip* vibrated across the area. The shrill sound of something metal striking the monster at her feet ceased its actions and it whined and crumbled into dust. Ignoring the sharp pain in her arms and ankles, Aliza instinctively scrambled backwards, knocking into something or someone.
“Hey kiddo, orange you glad to see me?”
Peering up, she met the cold stare of her father, his anger not directed towards her, but to the remaining monsters that glared viciously at the newcomer. He held a giant dust covered axe lazily in his left and put his other hand on Aliza’s head, petting her reassuringly. Some of the monsters growled louder and started to advance again. His axe came down to rest in front of Aliza with an audible ‘clink’, its noise a warning that if they dared to come closer, they would no doubt be in for a bad time.
“I don’t know how you all managed past my puzzles, but if I were you, I’d make like a banana and split unless another one of you wants to bite the crust.” The monsters groaned and growled louder as they started to advance towards the both of them. Aliza dared not to say anything about the puns, that could be dealt with another time. She winced as her arms continued to bleed and she struggled to stay conscious as her adrenaline tapped out and she slumped against his leg. “Dad, I’m...I’m sorry…” Sans’ grin faltered as he gently lay her up against the tree beside them, stroking her face gently.
I remember every dying whisper, Every desperate murmur... I remember when I gaze upon her, She looks just like you...
Assured that she was still breathing, he stood with renewed vengeance, his homicidal throb of magic causing the very air to become dangerously thick and the monsters themselves grew antsy with the change in the atmosphere. His axe scraped against the ground as he turned, and from beneath his hood the blue light of his right eye had completely snuffed out as his left eye flared its twisted gold and the pupil constricted. His grin spread across his face and with the shadows that fell, cast his appearance in an ominous, maniacal fashion. The punster executioner had arrived.
I remember, I remember! I remember judging every victim With acute precision...
“So sad there won’t be any funerals for you miserable filth. After all, not appreciating my puns was a grave mistake…”
The monster who had attacked Aliza first leapt towards sans, aiming for the open side of his skull. He waited till the last minute and stepped to the side, bringing the axe down to cleave the monster’s head nearly in half. Dust rained down on him and he breathed it in, reveling in the violence. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was grateful that Aliza was unaware of this side of him. That would have to be explained soon, but for now, why not have a little fun?
I remember every time I hold you, My sharp companion... I remember, I dismember!
The remaining three came all at once for him, their focus solely on ridding themselves of this meddling monster. He blocked the first with his axe and threw them back, as they crashed into the tree with a sickening snap. The other two rushed in from both sides and he jumped back, causing the two to ram into one another. He didn’t give them the chance to stand back up before he brought his axe up with both hands and brought it down with a cackle, severing both in half, spraying dust everywhere.
Still laughing, he wrenched the axe from the ground, rubbing his clawed thumb over the edge and admired that it still held it sharpness. Even as the Hunger ravaged and mutated his magic, it almost seemed to give his weapon a permanent malice touch to it, never needing to sharpen it. What was left of his cracked soul was beating rapidly, burning in need of more bloodshed. He sighed and took a few moments to calmly breath in and out, calming his murderous urge.
Aliza was still unconscious as she lay against the tree when sans went to check on her. Her arms were horribly clawed and bloody and sans nearly felt overcome with rage again, but the need to get his daughter to safety overruled his need for more blood. He bent to pick her up when he heard a grunting noise from the last monster that was left. It was trying to pick itself up despite its broken limbs and snarled at sans.
With a flick of his wrist, he sent his axe flying, the sharpened tip impaling the monster into the tree. He took his time strolling up to the struggling monster and the pushed the tip of the axe harder into it’s body, “I know this might sound cheesy, but I feel grate about getting to do this.” He twisted the axe around eliciting a painful groan from the monster and then pulled it free. The body was dust before it fell to the ground as sans hacked it apart.
“Get dunked on…”
Covered in a thick layer of dust and grime, sans let the axe disappear and after a few moments, he walked over to his daughter and carefully picked her up, noting he needed to get her medicine quickly. He decided not to teleport as he burned too much magic and if left unchecked, his need for bloodshed would become unquenchable. He began the trek home, recalling what had happened within the last few hours and wondered if what his ghostly Frisk had said would be true.
Could Aliza love him after what he did? He worried about how to tell her of his past and continued to think about what to do the entire way home. He made very little progress by the time he caught sight of the snow covered roof of their home. Just before he opened the door, he brushed the hair from her face and stared at the mark he inflicted. He pulled her close, tears threatening to flow,
“Dear Aliza, I am so sorry. Can you forgive me for this?”
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