#its kinda like how in the live action beauty and the beast they tried to make it more realistic or self aware
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resizura · 10 months ago
i was playing dmc 3 for the first time and i love how ridiculously over the top it is and i wish capcom did the same for resi like obviously not as outlandish as dmc but again the whole like “dark serious tone” of resi remakes just feels weird as a capcom game and it kinda feels like it insists upon itself
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thetimelordbatgirl · 3 years ago
Did you watch the live action Mulan? If you do, what are honest thoughts about it?
Uhh, kinda? I tried to watch it but kinda zoned out at one point and got distracted with my computer with how boring the film was really. Like, that was the film in general to me: boring as shit. At least with Beauty And The Beast 2017, also a bad live action remake, I could pay attention. Here, its like, you could fall asleep during this.  And like, for a movie claiming to be adapting the original Mulan while staying accurate to the ballad, they really failed on both ends. Mulan is not like either Mulan’s in the animated and ballad, she’s literally a card board cut out whose emotionless a-lot and for some reason has magic/powers??? When chi isn’t even a power thing or gendered like this film makes it out to be??? And it feels like a slap in the face to both animated and ballad Mulan: they had to train without powers and proved their worth in the end based on their strength and mind, but Mulan even as a kid in this film was parkouring on roofs.  Oh and this movie Mulan sucks at secrets- remember the panic we felt with how animated Mulan got discovered only to be relieved she didn’t get killed? Here she just, listens to the witch about hiding who she is and....ditches the armor that can protect her just so she can run into battle as a girl. Like....really???? That’s the most stupidest move yet to pull and film acts like its empowering. 
Oh, speaking of the witch....WHERE IS SHE FROM- like, why did we need the witch??? She was not in the ballad even, so why??? So we can have more of the movies poor attempt at girl power messaging??? Like movie, you fucking failed with how Mulan’s sister- who was useless to the plot basically beyond fucking up Mulan’s match-making thing and yet Mulan got the blame- is going to bring honor to the family by marrying, aka fulfilling what a women is meant to do back then.  And her powers are sooo fucking confusing- you telling me the witch could turn into various birds one scene but in her death scene, she just...turns into one bird and takes the shot when she could have turned into multiple birds and had one of the birds take the shot???  And they really shitted on the ending of animated and ballad Mulan: Mulan didn’t want a position with the emperor, she just wanted to go home by the end, leading to the best scene in animated movie where the dad says the greatest honor is having her as a daughter, putting aside other items that would give him honor just so he can hug her. But not allowed in this movie: we don’t get ANY emotions in Mulan reuniting with her family and...then she’s offered AGAIN the position in the emperor’s army thing and movie implies she’ll take it, like....wow. 
Also this movie and the fucking phoenix, WHAT WAS THE POINT- I do understand Mushu being removed, I really do, but a phoenix is a western thing and it makes no sense in this film and unlike Mushu, it doesn’t do shit beyond fly above Mulan in some scenes and shit. Way to make me miss Mushu, film.  Oh and grandma’s gone....but we got....boring and pointless sister in her place who....I repeat: is the one who messed up Mulan’s matchmaker thing. Mulan was doing fine but when the sister finally spotted the spider....the MATCHMAKER kicked the table and shit and Mulan caught all the china in a graceful manner, but....it’s apparently Mulan’s fault....yeah uh, way to make the animated scene make more sense in comparison.  And then we got the replacements for Shang....barley remember what general guy does beyond....being a general, but uh, Mulan and the random soldier boy really have zero chemistry and are bland as fuck and it makes sense why movie couldn’t end on them cause really??? They nothing in comparison to Shang and Mulan.  And the lack of songs did not help this movies boringness. Its not even excused by historical accuracy cause soldiers do go into battle singing sometimes. And if we can get the other live actions singing, why can’t this one?? 
And outside of the film, you have obviously the fact that Disney shot some scenes....near a location that China is committing genocide in. And I think Disney’s brain was on vacation at the time of doing the credits, cause they THANKED the genocide people for letting them film. Disney really just looked away from people fucking dying for a couple of shots in their shitty film when they could have clearly just made the sets on their own somewhere else.  Plus you got the fact that Mulan would be ashamed of her live action actress with how the actress supported the police during the Hong Kong protests, aka basically supporting the police being brutal with the protestors. And Disney still kept her hired...so guess Disney is chill with that too. 
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jd-arts319 · 4 years ago
Transformers oc Renegade
Designation: Renegade/Nirenia
(As a Cyber ninja):Cybeswift,Switchblade Former name: Artemis Enigma Nickname:Renny,Switchy,Switcher Age: 20(past)
        26(future) Gender: (Mech, Femme)Femme Status: (Single, Taken)
             Single(past)(before orion(optimus)asked her out)
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Color of Optics:Turquoise
(Others):she has teal & white lumiscient hair that is 2-tone hair,with one white streak on the leftside of her hair
She sports a well endowed & athletic, voluptuous figure with some busty parts,she also has a angelic face(she felt awkward as she remembers only being busty,not voluptuous nor athletic,& she also remembers she is plainly beautiful not exotic type).
Her holoform
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Size: 7ft Alt Mode:triple changer
-sports car(Corvette stingray)
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-jet(windblade & slipstream VTOL alt mode) Speed Limits: - at altitude:Mach 2.35(2,500 km/h,1,550 mph)
-at sea level:1,400 km/h,872 mph Weapon(s): - multi-changing staff(an ancient relic of unknown origins,but believe to be forge by solus prime) -Energon fan(special),scythe,daggers
As Cyberninja
-enegron fan
-hidden blades & weapons
Fighting style:-Panzer kunst,Krav Maga,aikido,Brazilian jiu Jitsu,jeet kune do
Universe: (G1, Animated, Prime, Beast wars, Beast Machines, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Bayverse,RID,Cyberverse)
-All of them
-Main:Transformers Animated
-she use Aura(Mana) as her basic power,her minors but common power are telepathy,telekinesis,teleportation/spatial,divine prediction & recognition,however their is one uncanny power that she used,but is came from the spectral meter pendant given by vector prime,she recognize it as sci twi’s pendant from mlp eg friendship games.
Faction: (Autobot, Deceptcion, Neutral, Own creation)
-Neutral(but is part of N.E.X.U.S team,she can either stay at autobots or decepticon)
-Autobot Neutral
-(alt.universe)decepticon Primary Class Function:Triple changer,Cyberninja (point one percenter) Secondary Class Function:Warrior,scientist
As Cyberninja:Warrior,espionage,scout
Subroutine Function:Mystery Personality: - an enigma,at first she is seen apathetic,impulsive,dumb & is nihillistic,but once she is focused she is very intelligent,cunning,calm,sassy,kind,nice,sweet,& empathetic,her attitude towards things but she is very much like ratchet except,unlike him she results in more passive-agressive way,she is shown to have at least patience,undersganding & consideration,aside that she will be protective to those who wormed their way into her spark,not only that but she deosn’t easily keeps promise because she knows their some promises aren’t eash to keep.
she has a humorous side as she likes bad puns & good jokes,aside from it their are times she comes off arrogant or who doesn't care but deep down she shows she cares,she isn’t fond of attention as she is currently self-aware who she really is,but she is rather uncanny of her unique abilities & talents.
(there times she questions why optimus end up choosing her among the three well-known femmes as she tries not to have his attention but alas is inevitable,but in other universe,she is a bit like pearl from steven universe,despite she done everything for optimus,he ends up choosing someone else & this cause her to feel ignored,she is now comping of moving on from him & their war all together ) Background story: when she was just a human,who likes anime,transformers etc. & many other things,but suddenly she was transmigrated into a cybertronian,it turns out the primes & primus,saw something in her as she understood about the lives of transformers & their each different unique aspects of their lives in the continuity,because of it she is transmigrated in tfa,as she woken up as artemis & unknown to her,she was gonna change everything.
She soon starts her life slowly as she tries not to get attention from others,but after saving bumblebee from wasp & ironhide up to offering a friendship to orion,she soon gain others attention as she slowly curses of herself,she did not realize she had taken the spark of a certain handsome blue & red truck bot.
As time pass she gain more attention from others as she tries to live her life peacefully while having some odd misunderstandings occurs.
Optimus prime
-great friends/lovers(<in another community),met earlier years before the show begins,she & him become really great friends to one another,however at the starts of the show,she enters the autobot boot camp after optimus enter first,she caught every mechs attention including sentinel,she also met elita who once had the reputation of being the most beautiful & intelligent femme in the boot camp,until she came but she stays close to optimus most of the time,however the arch 7 incident begun & because she wasn’t there at the time,despite knowing what happened she couldn’t help,even though she admits to the three she felt something is not right,it happend & she helps him trying to recover while she gave sentinel a visible dent under his chin,fast years go by she is now in 2nd command of ultra magnus.
Optimus really care for her than he thought because she still believes in him more than anyone else.
(in another timeline ren & optimus are together,but mostly i others she just mostly friends with him)
Bumblebee & Bulkhead:
-friends & respect with admiration,,when she was the sergeant in the boot camp,she always help both bumblebee & bulkhead out of trouble everytime both wasp & ironhide(she saw hope in him),including sentinel who in turn cant talk back to her,she once told wasp if he keeps it up with his bullying he will get karma,months later wasp was arrested for something he didn't do,while ren felt she knew something might happen & after this she once talked to bumblebee about this & said ominously”once you saw wasp again,give me a call,kay?”she gave him a special device to call her,bumblebee still clueless as to why but ren did help him & bulkhead out all time so he kinda owe her,years now when he saw wasp remembering her words he called her & she helps the two,bulkhead admire & respect her because she was the only one who believes in him.
The two are grateful to her & they respect her more than ultra & sentinel.
Prowl & ratchet:
-Friends & respect,prowl had once met her as she was training under yoketron,he thought she was one of those snobbish nobles,however he was proven wrong when she shows tactic & precise through training,over time of their training the two gain each other respect,on the endgame with her help she & prowl manage to save the allspark,Ratchet on the other hand it was a different story,while she may asked for a personal training in medical,but im truth it took awhile for the two to grown each other,she was the one who keeps on a tab on arcee’s state,hearing this he decided to to be acquainted with her & soon they become at least good friends.
They are fine with her,especially since she always helps them.
Sentinel prime:
-love-hate relationship,while the two are torn because of sentinel actions,there are a times they end up acting like they used to,still she was still pissed at him.
Elita one/Blackarachnia:
- same with sentinel,she & elita are once close but the arch 7 incident happens & when meet again their friendship torns apart,while blackarachnia snarky tries to still pins the blame on optimus,Ren decided to give her a run down on everything,reminding her that she also the one insisted,experimented on others,nearly trying to kill others & especially others,she told her that its makes her monster not because of her appearance but mostly her actions,she also remind her she almost have to be saved by optimus far too many times,however she have a little faith on elita.
-Respect,friends-regardless of their factions,he owes her his life,,it was unknown how the two meet or why,but both stayed in touch most of the time,there isn't much of information about it.
-Friends,Respect-she saved him before she enters the autobot boot camp,she found his bleeding in a planet where he suppsoed to start his mission but in a unfortunate time,he was bitten by a scraplet,while he kiled the scraplet he was bleeding,she found him & fixed his bitten part of his body & the two become acquintained,to its whether or not she knew he was decepticon.
Strengths: - her friends
-her powers
-the people she cares for
-self-awareness Weakness: - her mind
-her friends
-her empathy
-self-awareness Family: - she was forged & was taken care by the Enigma house -she is a Crescente
-her parents in house of Enigma,is Axel Enigma & Copper 
Friends: - Orion pax/Optimus prime(friends/lovers(?),bumblebee,bulkhead,thundercracker,skywarp(she questions why),starscream(this one as well),Megatron(back then,she don’t know about now(tfp & idw),shockwave,lugnut,blitzwing(bruh??),
Enemies: -tfa(sentinel,council,blackarachnia(mutual)---0
-IDW TF(black block consortia,djd,overlord,sentinel---) Favorite Quotes to say: - “....i still think they are cybertronians regardless of their factions,they are like us in many ways of ones,we aren’t that different to begin with”(about the decepticons,autobots,& humans with aliens) Other: (other things about the character) -she was a Crescente & she doesn’t remember her real name,but her bracelet number code is SW1TCH814D3 she is fond of this name but she doesn’t use it,but she was always called Ren,Switchblade was her secondary name & nickname from her full name she can’t remember
-the “Celestyn”was her middle like all her ancestors starts from her 1st ancestor who had Celests,as their middle name
-”Crescente” was named after the moon,they history of their name & family is still mystery
-she has a counterpart who is a cyber ninja known as Cyberswift,born from enigma house & is the student of dai atlas
-she mostly use the energon fan given by dai atlas,who said it was made for her
-she has kids with optimus prime,their name is ortensia,a girl & artemis,a boy,they only exist in tfp & tfa au,rescue bots & rescue bots academy
-their relationship between ren & optimus,is portrayed as romantic in some transformers community & but their relationship is complete platonic in others
-her main universe is tfa & tfp
-the name “enigma”is special since it was rare to have “enigma”part of your name,it was name of the family she is”born”in
-some other universe,megatron becomes her lover instead,they had a kid named terminus
-her real name is Nirenia but changed into renegade,she still kept her real name though
-her nickname”Ren”is shared with the creator(me)regardless of her creator is sometimes called”rei”,but whenever the creator is referred to their other name”Ren”,renegade can be referred by her other names
-she is a point one precenter
-her cyberninja side has an extra but short bio about them
-she is the only one had two counterparts,her real-self & her cyberninja form
-Switchblade was someone else name.
Her other forms
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-rescue  bots
-rescue bots academy
-bayverse! 1&2 vers.
Renegade (c) me
Transformers(all media types) (c) Hasbro,michale Bay
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bbugyu · 5 years ago
a knight's honor + choi seungcheol
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he hadn't expected rescuing you to be so simple, and you had been waiting for him in more ways than one.
part one | part two
wc.5868 | smut, flangst, royal au, princess!reader and knight!cheol, its like tangled meets shrek, i recognize that thats awful but i cant help it, this is (again) some soft dirty shit, title kinks, begging, overstim, kinda edging?, unprotected sex (its like ye olden times ok pregnancy was magic and stds were curses), pls have safe sex irl, cream pie, unrealistic representation of how virgins have sex but thats why its erotica, vague mention of sexual harrassment of minors (wanted to include this just in case), cursing (this should be a given at this point)
this was originally meant to be a goofy drabble based off of this post from @hansols-yoda-boxers and then i predictably got extremely carried away and wrote something way too angsty, only carried a couple of comedic elements, and then doused it all in porn with too much plot. thanks for the inspo, mercy!
seungcheol swiftly rode through the oversized halls of the castle, leading the dragon further from the living quarters. further from the tower. further from you. he knew you had waited for someone like him to arrive, and he felt awful for making you wait even longer, but dragons were far too long living to be slain. they were meant to be outsmarted.
his trusty steed galloped, only slowing to turn sharp corners, causing the dragon to crash into the walls as it tried to follow. the halls got narrower, and seungcheol said a word of encouragement to his horse as it neared a closed wooden door.
the door burst open with an explosion of splinter and hooves into a nearly empty dining hall, and the dragon crashed into the doorway and clawed desperately at the floor as it tried to fit its too large body through the narrow opening. as it realized its folly, it tried to back out, but the force at which it was chasing seungcheol had wedged its body further into the doorway than expected. he grinned victoriously, patting his steed's neck and urging it towards the other hall entrance as the dragon roared in his wake.
and again, he rode, as fast as his horse would take him back to you, his almost too long hair blown back by the speed. a smile creeped onto his face. had it really been that easy? they could be back to the royal castle by sundown. he was never one to brag, but he wondered how so many could have failed before him if all he had to do to succeed was lead the dragon away until it trapped itself.
he was a well revered knight at home. he was smart, strong, and he knew how to speak diplomatically. he had climbed ranks young, younger than any before him. the king had taken a liking to him years earlier, so much so that he had delayed seungcheol's mission to save his daughter in fear that he would fail. not because he didn't believe in him, no, seungcheol had always been their best bet by far, and he had argued to be sent sooner, but the king had always denied his requests. because no one in eight years had ever succeeded. because he saw seungcheol as the son he had never been given. because he refused to lose yet another child to the foul beast. 
he flew off his horse at the base of the stairwell, giving her a reassuring pat and eyeing the stone walls that were stroked with bright colors and patterns. his fingers followed the painted seam of a leaf before he hopped up the first few steps, hand landing on the hilt of his sword, unsure if he would truly be able to save you without a fight. the stairs wound upwards, and seungcheol lost track of how many steps he had taken less than halfway. even still, the discomfort of the hike dissipated as he approached a large wooden door, and he took the last few steps quickly in anticipation.
he almost tested the handle, then thought better. he leaned against the door with a hand instead, listening. "princess?"
he heard wood shift against stone. "who goes there?"
your voice even sounded beautiful though the thick wood of the door, with a lilt that he almost recognized. "my princess, i am sir seungcheol, a knight of your father's table, and i've come to rescue you from this abandoned castle."
there was a pause, then he hurriedly backed away from the door as he heard approaching footsteps. the door swung open inwards, and he was doused in the sunlight that streamed from the room you lived in.
you were beautiful, he thought. even more beautiful than the legends said. perhaps they had tried their best, but seungcheol knew they hadn't seen you like he could now. he remembered when he was lucky enough to have met you briefly at a spring festival, back when such things happened in the kingdom. before you were taken and the happiness had left. he remembered the way you smiled and danced with him as only a child, but being viewed through his wide, curious eyes, wondering why the kingdom's only princess had held his hand and swung him around her in the plaza. his heart felt light as he saw the same features upon your face, matured and even more lovely than ever. he wondered if you remembered him, too, despite knowing that you had danced with likely a hundred others, though only some of them as young as he had been. he was so caught up in thinking about how he may be the first in the kingdom to see you since your taking, he hardly noticed the look you were giving him, one hand on the door and the other on your hip.
"you didn't kill her, did you?"
seungcheol blinked. "k-kill her?"
"penelope. the dragon," you specified, despite feeling as though you truly shouldn't have to. "you didn't kill her?"
his hand left the hilt of his sword, and he kneeled, bowing his head as he remembered who you were to him. "no, my princess. slaying dragons is not something i would do willingly."
you stared at him, his dark hair grazing over his eyes as he looked back at you in awe, and your gaze softened at his words of respect to the powerful race. no one had ever made it this far, not the entire time you had lived in this castle. when he had arrived, you were with penelope in the garden, and she spotted the horse riding dutifully towards the castle. you questioned her noises, then watched her gaze, quickly mounted her back and allowed her to take you back to your tower as the horse neared. you had heard penelope when she roared in the distance - the same roar she gave when you had to help her untangle from a chained chandelier last week - and you had wondered how he trapped her. how he outsmarted her. although, you thought. it was before midday, and penelope had always been slightly slower in the mornings.
nevertheless, there was a handsome man kneeling before you, with a proven heart of gold and a penchant for calling you his princess, and you had been feeling particularly lonely as the recent weeks dragged on.
you reached down for his hand, which he extended to meet yours. he kissed the back of your hand briefly before rising to his feet again, his eyes never leaving your face. "princess, if i may speak freely-"
"you may," you said, looking up to him expectantly.
"you are the most beautiful being i have ever laid my eyes upon. are you sure you're not a goddess?"
you felt your chest set aflame at the compliment. "sir seungcheol, if i didn't know you were a knight, i would say you were courting me."
you smiled when his eyes got big, realizing his mistake. "milady, i apologize, i did not mean to-"
"hush, my brave knight." his jaw clenched when you purred the words to him, pulling him by the hand into your living quarters.
he looked about the round room, taking in as much of it as he could. the ornate canopy bed opposite the door, against the only flat wall in the tower. where the walls jointed on one side, there was a steep staircase leading up to a lofted area, and on the other, a door. the windows were large and let in lots of light, one of which was pushed open to allow a breeze to waft through the room. large bookshelves curved along one side, with a ladder expertly positioned under the section you were currently reading through. the tall walls were covered in paintings, some old and sunwashed, while others were as vibrant as the blue sky, and many that fell somewhere between. a hobby you had picked up with time, he supposed, before he remembered the similar paintings he had seen at the base of the stairwell. had you been brave enough to venture down there, as well, when you had run out of space here? he noticed a table to his right, at which there was an askew wooden chair. that must have been where you were sat when he arrived, and he moved towards it, finding a notebook and a quill. he looked away from your neat handwriting, not wishing to invade your privacy, before hearing you shut the door. 
"i've never had visitors."
he stared at you as you closed the small gap between the two of you. "i-"
"you didn't mean to visit, i know," you said, fingers running up the chainmail on his forearm. "you meant to rescue. but alas, sir seungcheol, i may have once been prisoner here, but the fearsome penelope has grown fond of me. i have been free to go for years."
he watched your face, his fingers itching to reach for you. "my princess, what keeps you here, then? so far from the kingdom that loves you?"
you exhaled lightly, realizing you hadn't spoken to anyone but a dragon about anything for far too long, much less these feelings. perhaps sir seungcheol wasn't the worst person to confide in, if he had made it past your tenacious penelope. "i was still so young when i was taken, but even then, my parents only ever spoke of me as a pawn for the kingdom." your voice was quieter than you intended, and you noticed seungcheol's shoulders tense, not wanting to react poorly to his king's action, but unable to not empathize with you. "i was a disappointment from birth for not being a son. all they wanted me for was to marry someone from a powerful family. that was my role to them, and the sooner the better. when i was taken, i was almost thankful." you thought a moment, and seungcheol watched you like he was on the edge of his seat. "fate bought me some time."
"my princess, i'm sorry," he paused, hesitating. "i didn't realize the hardship-"
"how old were you?" you asked, interrupting him before he could claim you had a hard life. you didn't. you knew that. you were luckier than most. "were you a knight before i left?"
he looked down at you, your eyes large as you questioned him. "n-no, i pledged because of your taking."
you smiled vaguely. "you joined to save me?"
seungcheol's eyes hid from yours suddenly. "yes, i suppose that is why," he said, adjusting his belt and the equipment that hung from it. your eyes flicked downwards as he cleared his throat. "it happened a week before my sixteenth birthday. i volunteered as soon as i could."
you watched his adam's apple bob as he swallowed, still avoiding your gaze and instead staring at the paintings adorning the walls. sixteen was the youngest anyone was allowed to enlist, but none that joined that young ever got knighted. you thought of the dedication he must have had at such a young age, but you remembered that you had befriended a dragon at the same age. "you're not much older than i, then."
his lip folded under his teeth, eyes on a deep purple painting of the dragon - penelope, you had called her. "i know."
just then, the floor shook with a low grumbling roar. your eyes went to the window. "sounds like penelope escaped your trap."
seungcheol's hand went to his sword immediately, and you pushed his hand away from the hilt.
"please, sir seungcheol," you gave him a teasing look. "she only bites if i want her to."
he looked at you, hearing the gust of strong flapping wings approaching. "do you want her to?"
you smiled. "not at all."
you went to the window as the dragon approached, the tower being cast in darkness as her wings obscured the windows and shaking as she gingerly gripped it, her head poking in through the opening. he wondered how often she did that. if the tower was at risk of collapsing from her visits.
"are you okay?" you asked, placing a hand on her snout. "he didn't hurt you, did he?"
seungcheol swallowed hard as he watched you, doing his best to not show fear. he had spent six years training to, against his better judgement, slay the so-called "ruthless" dragon that had killed many knights before him, yet here you were, baby talking to it. and it was chirping in response. he allowed the two of you to exchange words and grunts for longer than he felt comfortable, but he truly wasn't in much of a state to stop you.
"well, go on, then," you said finally. "go take a nap, you had a hard morning, we shouldn't get any more visitors for a few weeks."
the dragon let out a gentle roar, and sunlight flooded back into the room as it left, flapping away. he approached you as you watched her, and he wondered if you intended to stay here forever.
"she only kills people with wicked hearts," you said quietly.
seungcheol stood beside you by the window, watching your profile. "she can sense them?"
you nodded, and he thought of all the brave men that had come before him only to never return. he had idolized them, once, when he was too young to understand, but he knew she was right. they only dreamt of the riches saving her would bring them. men the age of your father bragging that they would bring you back for you to be made their queen, giving them the kingdom. you would be indebted to them, they had said. he wondered how the men that had sworn to protect the kingdom and its inhabitants could speak such vulgar words about the one and only princess, especially when you had been only a child when you were taken. seungcheol was the youngest knight among them, the youngest to be accepted of any trainees, even to this day. bottom of the pecking order. he knew if he said something, he would never get the chance to save you for the right reasons. to try. to succeed. so he had kept his mouth shut for far too long. now, he thought, they had gotten what they had deserved.
"i've been waiting," you sighed, turning to look up at him, his gaze shooting away from yours on instinct. "for a man with a good heart. a man smart enough to be worthy of my hand."
seungcheol stared at the open window as you walked behind him, trying to understand your words in a way that did not mean him. "p-princess, i don't think i under-"
you tugged at the ties of his armor, remembering well the way your home army built it. he jumped, grasping at the metal chest plate before it clattered against the ground. "sir seungcheol, why don't you stay a while?"
he leaned the chestplate against the wall and spun to face you, brows furrowed. he had sworn to protect and serve you blindly, giving up any family he may have dreamed of having in the past. he had rejected courtship in favor of being fully prepared to die in an attempt to save you from your prison. and when he found you, my god, he couldn't have been more blown away. you were more stunning than he could have ever imagined, a radiance to you that was indescribable. he wanted to take you home, to the kingdom he called home. to your parents, the king and queen, and to reunite the royal family for the first time in nearly a decade. he wanted to see the way he had imagined your face would light up at the reunion. but you…
your hands landed on his chest, now only covered by a cotton tunic, your fingers splayed across the toned muscle beneath the fabric. "i've… never had visitors…"
your repeated phrase read like a plea, and his hands instinctively went up to hold you in comfort. your eyes met his again, and he begged to any god that would listen for a way to say no. but the way your gaze held his, your small hands against his pounding chest, the way your teeth briefly pulled back your lower lip…
he prayed for forgiveness for breaking oath before he raised a hand to your jaw, leaning down into you.
your fingers gripped at his tunic in anticipation as your lips met, and you sighed happily at the contact. his lips were soft and plush against yours, and you considered how lucky you were that the knight smart enough to reach you was also incredibly beautiful. his eyelashes brushed against your cheek before he pulled away, and he held your face near his.
"my princess, why me?" he searched your eyes. "i've already sworn my life to serve you. you could have any prince in th-"
"oh, hush," you smiled briefly. "my dear, sweet, noble seungcheol. you being the one to reach me has been service enough."
though seungcheol would never desire to oppose you, he disagreed. he had so much more to do for you. he pulled your waist into him, kissing you deeper. you moaned into his mouth, and he thought you sounded more angellic than any choir he had ever heard. his fingers dug into the fabric of your dress, and he wondered briefly how much you wanted from him. how horribly would he desecrate the oath of knightship for your sake? everything in him yearned for you, a feeling he had never fathomed before. how could he possibly say no, when your body was against his, begging for him to say yes?
you pulled at the strings holding his armguards, letting the chainmail and leather clatter to the floor on either side of you, and seungcheol watched you, swollen lips parted slightly, as you unthreaded the corset of your dress.
his dark eyes met yours, an involuntary reaction to you calling him casually shooting straight to his groin. his hands were on your waist when his tongue shot out to wet his suddenly dry lips. "how can i serve you better, princess?"
you smiled slowly, pulling your hair away from your nape as you spun in his grip. "help me out?"
seungcheol's voice may have wavered slightly when he said "of course," but his motions were anything but hesitant. you briefly wondered if he had done this for any women before you, taking down their dress ties and coaxing the material off their shoulders like he did yours. or, perhaps, you thought excitedly. perhaps he just had a sister at home, or he had aided his mother in the past, and this would be something new for him, as well.
the tunic and corset fell from your form, leaving you in a thin slip and your undergarments, and you turned again, stepping out of the fabric around your ankles to push into seungcheol's chest, pushing him towards the bed in which you spent every night alone for far too long, your lips desperately seeking his. his fingers gripped around your waist, and he felt the warmth of your beautiful skin on his fingertips through the cotton material that kept him from seeing all of you, and it ignited something in him.
seungcheol slipped an arm below your hips to lift you slightly, swinging you over and walking you to your neatly made bed. his clothes, he thought. he had ridden through mud that morning. he sank to his knees as he placed you at the foot of the bed, not wanting to bring the taint of the outside world into the sheets you dreamt upon. you held him, down on one knee between your split legs, as his lips trailed down your neck, and his hands ran down the curve of your hip in a hurry. your hands never left his neck, his nape, his shoulders. you felt him tense at your vocal reaction to his touch. you adored the way he touched you. like you were a sculpture. a beautiful form in clay, and he had to swipe the pads of his fingers over every inch to make sure it was right. you were nothing less than perfection to him, and he had to make sure his sculpture represented the curve of your waist well, and the way it met your breasts, then down your spine and over your hip, feeling around your ass before running down your thighs. you sighed and moaned, making his fingers tense on whatever flesh he was grasping at those moments, and you wondered if all of it would feel this good.
"seungcheol," you said suddenly, hands cradling his skull as he paused his hushed praises of your collarbones to look up at you. "i'm not asking this of you as your princess."
a small smile tugged at his cheeks, dimpling them, understanding what you wished to clarify. "princess," he addressed, but with a dark tonal change that had you tingling for contact. "i'm not doing this as your knight."
you only managed to smile at him briefly before he dug his hands under your slip, pulling the cotton over your head. he tossed it somewhere behind you, but it didn't matter, because you didn't even have time to be annoyed that he was severely more dressed than you before his mouth dipped to your core.
you gasped, hard, the feeling of his tongue on your clit through your panties, and you grasped at his hair desperately. seungcheol only grunted when you stuttered out his name, and he only looked up at you, still tasting at you through the fabric. "christ, seungcheol, i'm sensitive."
he nodded, lulling you into a false sense of reprieve as he pulled away, but it almost felt like pity when all he said was "you taste too good," and all he did was pull your panties down your thighs. you didn't see where those got discarded, either, because you were too distracted by the stars that danced across your canopy, you back arcing over your bed at the feeling of seungcheol's tongue pressing into you, his lips latching around your sensitive hood and making you squeal out repetitions of his name, gripping at anything you could. his hands held your thighs up, out of his way, but in a position comfortable for you, letting you settle your legs where it felt best. he could feel your walls tensing around his languid muscle, and your grip on his hair, right at the crown of his skull, made him throb in need. you cried out loud, and if you were capable of coherent thought as you came hard, and directly on his tongue, you would have been asking why it never felt this good when you had gotten yourself off. maybe seungcheol was the answers to your prayers after all.
his eyes met yours again when you finally managed to open them, and he licked a wide stripe up your pussy. you could almost focus on his pupils, dilated in lust, and he tugged at the ties around his riding boots. he pulled you to sit up as he stood, pressing your lips together again. you moaned, tasting yourself on him, your arms instinctively draping themselves around his shoulders as he hurriedly undid his belt buckle. you adjusted your posture, and you were tugging at where his tunic was tucked into the belt he was stripping away from his body, pulling it over his head as soon as he dropped his equipment on the ground. you were on your knees at the foot of your bed, your hands skating up his gorgeous torso, still not over how insanely lucky you felt to have been found by possibly the most perfect man in existence.
then, when he shoved his pants down his hips and his undergarments went with it, you were absolutely positive he was the most perfect man in existence.
his member was hot and heavy, and you had to swallow to stop yourself from drooling onto yourself as you sat back. you reached for it, and seungcheol hissed at the contact as your fingers wrapped around the shaft. his lips chased yours, hips inadvertently thrusting into your hand while he kicked off his boots. when he stopped, so did you, and his eyes opened to look your face up and down.
"princess, this would likely be punishable by death if i were any other knight."
you knew he was right, but you now knew that the two of you held all the cards. the tiniest detail he had implied - only punishable if he were any other knight. your father liked him. and he had saved his beautiful daughter and heiress to the throne. anything could happen from here, and you two would end up on top. you smiled, only enough for him to barely catch it as he caught his breath, then kissed him briefly. "let's make it worth while, then, shall we?"
seungcheol's stomach clenched at your words, his grip on your hips tight. he gave you a need filled kiss before flipping you onto your stomach, lifting your hips until your knees settled at an angle on either side of his legs. he held himself at your entrance, gathering your leaking juices on the head of his already red hot cock as you moaned helplessly into your blankets, your full chest pushing into the mattress. your hand skated down to him, brushing over his fingers on your hip before he grabbed it and pushed your hand against your back. you whined, trying your hardest to push back onto him despite him holding you off.
"you'll hurt yourself, princess," seungcheol warned, eyebrows crinkling as he tried to stave off his want to snap full into your velvety cushioned walls, only dipping himself into you a centimeter at a time. you could only whine again, then gasped once when his full head popped into you.
"please, seungcheol, please please," you begged, tears threatening your eyes as they stinged with want. your fingernails dug into his hand. "i need you. all of it. please."
he groaned at your pleas, his hips jerking ever so slightly as you moaned in response. he let go of your hand to grip your hips with both hands, and you scrambled, using your newly recovered limb to push yourself back into his hips. you screamed into your blanket as seungcheol let out a choked moan, suddenly fully sheathed in your warmth. you were breathing heavily, mind swimming at the feeling of him stretching you out wide, and all the incredible places he was hitting. it hurt, slightly, but god it hurt good. he paused, praying to god he didn't cum just from the feeling of you around him - he needed this, and he needed a lot of it. he would never forgive himself for cutting it off early.
you were gasping as you pushed your palms into the bed, moving your body forward and pushing back again, really savoring the way his thick cock fit snugly in you, the way it fucked into a sweet spot you had never reached before. your babbling became less coherent as seungcheol recovered his ability to move, pulling you back into his thrusting hips with a pleasantly tight grip around your waist. he leaned forward over you, pinching at your nipples before letting one hand roam down your stomach to your core. you yelped, your elbows buckling as his finger brushed against your clit. you collapsed into the mattress, though he was holding your hips up to where his met them repeatedly, and you moaned, desperately trying to lift yourself off of your own face. his other hand pulled your hair away from your neck, gripping it in a loose ponytail as he kissed your shoulder blade.
"you're the most perfect thing i've ever seen," seungcheol said breathlessly. "the most perfect thing i've ever felt."
you pressed your neck into the blanket, desperately twisting and trying to see him as you were steadily climbing towards a second release. you wanted to say something equally as poetic and sensual, but when his dark eyes found yours, and you moaned in the same moment, you had already said the most sensual thing you could have. and then, you swore you saw a dark smirk on his lips before they hungrily mouthed at yours.
you squirmed beneath him gasping and curling your toes as he pounded into you, the sound of his hips against your ass echoing off the far wall vaguely. your release came fast and hard, the same way he fucked you through it, and seungcheol used every ounce of discipline he had to keep himself away from ending this as you pleaded for him to cum with you, voice cracking as he snapped into you.
you were somewhere between babbling and crying, your vision blurred from a combination of the way his cock felt like heaven and the moisture that had accumulated in your eyes from the orgasm, and your hand grasped at his as it clumsily rubbed against your nearly spent clit. you laced your fingers with his, pulling it up to your breast, and he rolled a nipple between a finger and a thumb until you were pushing yourself back onto him again, desperate for more of what only he could give you.
you could only gasp when he pulled from you completely, your pussy aching as it stopped accommodating for seungcheol's considerable girth. your hands gripped at his shoulders as he rolled you over again, and you easily aided him in repositioning you on the bed, giving him ample space to toss you around as much as he wanted.
you attached your lips to his neck, starting to crave him deep in you again, if only he would just let go. you wanted to feel him chase after his high with no concern for you. you needed to feel his cum stain your walls. your open mouthed kisses down his pulse as you begged for him to just lose himself in you, and god did that sound delightful, but he didn't want to be done yet.
his still slick cock bumped into your clit, making you squeal against his shoulder, biting down briefly. his arm nearly buckled, and you registered the reaction just in time to bite down on his pulse as he pushed into you again.
with his knees on either side of your hips, he was curled over you, pulling your thighs down to sink you onto his cock. you wiped at his hair, slick with sweat now, and you imagined how lovely he would look in your mosaic wash tub in the room behind your bed, lit by the moonlight streaming through the window as you sat on his lap, taking in as much of him as you were now. you hoped he would be okay with staying long enough to fulfill some of your wandering youthful fantasies. his lips landed on yours again as you gripped at his hair, noises falling out of you as he split you in half.
he sat up, making his member curve into you addictively, and your back arched slightly in reaction. he ran his hands up your torso, curving around your breasts, playing with your nipples, rolling his hips gently into yours as you let out some of the most explicit and seductive moans seungcheol could have ever hoped to hear. you rolled your hips over his and he grunted, brow twitching inwards as he stared down at you. you looked back up at him, then rolled them again, making him drop his head. you pulled a deep moan from him with another roll, and as you continued your motions, his cock bulging into all your pressure points, you were whining for release as he was letting out short gasps, brows knit together. he suddenly laced his fingers with yours, then pulled your hips onto his abruptly with his palm on your thigh, and you shook with pleasure as you felt hot rope after hot rope make a complete mess of your cunt, your walls pulling him deeper, cum seeping out around the dick that took up too much space in you.
"fuck," he groaned, wiping back his damp hair as your nails scraped down his chest. "i didn't want to cum."
your mouth was hanging open and your eyes were only half lidded, and seungcheol thought he had never seen a more appealing expression in his life. "i needed you to."
his soul returned to his body as your words sent a rush of arousal into his body again, and he briefly wondered if he would ever stop wanting to be in you. he pulled one of your hands from his chest to place too gentle kisses across your knuckles, and he pumped into you slowly, white streaks leaking out as his cock steadily refilled the space. he pulled out, using a hand on his cock to collect some of the leaking cum and pushing it back into you. you practically wailed, fingers digging into his thighs as your messy cunt pulsed around him.
"s-s-" you whined, the name unable to be vocalised as he pumped deeper into you. "sss- s-!"
"yes, princess," he panted, a hand wrapping gently around your throat. despite there being no pressure, the warmth of his hand on you made you groan. his voice was low and harsh, like gravel. "am i serving you well?"
"s-sir," you gasped, finding the title easier to force out than his name in that moment. "i'm-m gon- god, s-seungcheol, i'm gonna-"
the hand on your throat slipped between your neck and the plush pillow, lifting your face up to be directly under his, and you watched him glower at you with a gap between your lips. "then cum, baby."
and with his chocolate eyes on yours, you quaked below him, clawing at his back and squeezing him tight. soon his lips were a comforting presence on yours, and your toes curled aimlessly with the backdrop of your ceiling as your face burned red, embarrassed by his ability to egg you on so successfully.
"you are incredible," seungcheol said finally, kissing at your squeezed shut eyelids. "how lucky am i that you saw something in me."
your eyes opened slowly, heat still radiating off your cheeks from your orgasm. "sir seungcheol, i think we may have been destined to cross paths."
he thought of the brief time you had danced with him at festival. the reason he dreamt of being a knight. the way your father took favor of him. the way his entire adolescence had been spent training to rescue you. perhaps, he thought. perhaps you were right.
and whether you were or not, when his lips met yours again and his hand caressed your cheek, you were once again nothing but putty in his hands. his fingers felt like they were designed to specifically hold your body, and he was that much closer to believing you were his destiny.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 4 years ago
Words: 2.262
Warnings: angst, fluff
Synopsis: To have feelings for someone isn’t always easy, mostly not for Nyx. And then, it’s Yn: his best friend and partner as a Glaive. Considering his past and the loss he already had to endure, he tries to store his feelings away. To protect himself. And to protect Yn...that's just not working with an unplanned confession...
'No! Yn, don't! Fall back! Get safe!', Nyx called out, seeing the big paw aiming for her position. It was a nightmare...no! Even worse. It was reality that reminded him of one of his nightmares he had during the last months. Since he noticed he had feelings for Yn, his best friend and partner, Nyx got nightmares on a regular basis. And all of them had one thing in common: Yn was always dying
No matter what Nyx did to fight back. No matter how fast Nyx was to hurry for help. No matter how much of a hero he was. He was always too late. And every single time, he had to watch her die like his sister.
In his dreams, every time, Yn looked at him helpless, seeking or pleadingly for rescue. And every time, Nyx reached out for her. And still, he was too late. Sometimes, he couldn't reach her at all and just could watch from a distance. Sometimes, he could reach her and was still not able to save her. Nyx always lost her. And each time, when he awoke, soaked in his own sweat, panting for air, he was determined to bury his feelings for her as deep as he could.
Then, Drautos had teamed her up with Nyx to fight against a Behemoth. A big, mean monster of a beast that had found its way to the wall. Of course, Yn was hooked immediately, she was always ready for a fight, but Nyx started to argue that he wanted a different partner. Just someone else than her.
From the corner of his eyes he had seen how Yn's face fell. The former excitement changed into resentment, unsure why her friend reacted like this to work with her. Nyx saw the betrayal in her eyes. Doubting their friendship and everything nice he had ever said to her.
But in his eyes, it was the best thing that could happen to her. Nyx knew that he brought bad luck to the ones he loved. And this time, he wanted to make a difference. This time, he wanted to control Fate like it always controlled him. And if that meant he had to deal with her anger or that she even ended their friendship then, he would live with it.
Much to his dismay, Drautos didn't listen to whatever Nyx came up with without telling him the truth behind his request to switch partners. His captain stuck to his plan and Nyx had to obey…
All this ran through his mind, as Nyx entered his room after they were back from the mission. He was sweaty, dirty and tired but they had lost no one. Not everything had been easy on this mission but at least, Yn was still alive and healthy.
Nyx was just about to take a shower, he already opened the jacket of his uniform, as someone knocked aggressively on his door. As he opened it, Yn stormed into his room. Not her typical, civil manners but Nyx wasn't really surprised. Now, he just had to be careful to say the right things.
"We have to talk.", Yn demanded, stopping in the middle of his room with crossed arms and tapping foot.
"About what?", Nyx asked coldly while closing the door. He avoided her eyes in fear of what he would see. Alone her angry voice let him already regret a few things.
"About today? First of all, why did you try to team up with someone else? You refused to work with me. Why? You never did that before.", Yn asked and waited. She noticed that Nyx stayed in some distance to her, leaning against the wall next to the door. He wasn't even able to look her in the eyes. It was unusual and if she wouldn't be that angry, she might have asked about it.
"I had my reasons.", Nyx just said.
Yn waited but as he stayed silent, she stepped forward, "Oh, yeah? You wanna tell me what reason?"
"No, I don't want.", he said serious.
Surprised, she raised her brows before her face went back to the angry grimace, "Alright, then what was that on the battlefield, huh? Can you talk about that?"
Nyx clenched his jaw together. He was tired from the mission and tired from the countless, sleepless nights. He also feared if he wouldn't watch out, he could say something he might regret later. Obviously, the fight to keep her safe from him was still not over. Maybe Nyx had to be more mean to save her from himself, "I saved your ass. You wanna thank me? Fine. You're welcome.", he said snappishly, finally looking into her eyes. What he saw in them froze his blood. He had never seen her so angry before. Pure hatred stared back at him.
With gleaming eyes, she stepped forward, "I didn't mean to thank you. It's arrogant of you to think I needed your help.", she hissed.
"You trust me, right?", Nyx asked calmly and saw that he took her off balance with this question. Slowly, the anger vanished from her face and almost completely out of her beautiful eyes.
Yn stopped in her moves and stared at him with big eyes, confused about the sudden change, "Su-sure, I do, but-"
"Good. Then, you have your answer. Trust me, I did the right thing. And now, leave me alone.", Nyx said, pushing himself from the wall to pass her.
Yn grabbed his wrist and turned the taller man back to her, "Are you nuts? Are you trying to get killed? The situation was under control and you ran into my line! I almost hit you!", she said. Her voice had changed from anger to concern. And even her eyes were filled with it.
Nyx saw how much she cared about him. She took the actions from the battlefield as something reckless from him. He saw that she feared for his life or what he could do to himself. That was wrong, at least, in some way, "I had to protect you!", he called out, losing his nerves slowly.
Yn's eyes went big by surprise about his sudden outburst before she became serious again. She knew that he thought he had to protect everyone around him but Yn saw it kinda differently, "I didn't need to get protected!", she called out but tried to calm herself because in the end, it was still Nyx, her best friend. Of course, he would watch out for her, "Listen, there was no danger. Everything went like planned. And even if, why do you think you have to save me?", she asked softly.
"Because I god damn love you!", he blurted out, yanking his wrist out of her grasp to turn around. Angry about himself, he raked violantly his fingers through his hair as he realized what he had said.
Yn stood there, staring blankly at Nyx' back while she tried to process what just had happened, "Y-you do- what?", she breathed. Her mind searched for a way to see that as a joke but there was no payoff. Slowly, Yn raised her eyes back at her friend, "You can't do that... You're Nyx... You never love someone. Y-you stay away from any romantically involvement-"
Nyx turned around, staring angrily at her that let her flinch. He saw it but he couldn't change it, "Because I already lost too much!", he hissed.
"Nyx...", Yn said softly, knowing exactly what he meant with his mother’s and sister’s death. He had lost his home. He had lost a lot of things. He was alone and felt maybe even lost. The easiest way was to cage himself.
He shook his head about her calm voice and the soft, loving glance in her eyes. He wasn't allowed to give in, "Alone the thought of losing you gives me nightmares and today, it was pretty close...", he whispered, fighting back tears he wouldn't shed.
Yn stepped forward, reaching out for him, "Nyx, please..."
But Nyx stepped back at the same time to keep the distance. He knew, if he would get touched by her for one second, he would be done and then, there was no way to go back, "Please, just leave.", he whispered.
Yn considered her next step carefully, maybe to give in to his request, but as she saw Nyx' tormented, painful expression, she couldn't leave him alone. She didn't want to leave him alone. So, she ignored his plea and stepped further forward to reach him. Softly, Yn laid her hand on his scruffy cheek, brushing against the small braids in his hair with the tips of her fingers while looking into his perfect blue eyes.
Nyx leant against her touch, closing his eyes while inhaling her warm scent. Alone this small touch let his skin burn in an all consuming fire. He was craving for more and knew at the same time that it would end him and his strong will to resist his wish to be close to her if he would give in.
Tilting her head, Yn smiled about this innocent move from this tough man, "Nyx, you can't block out everyone from your life.", she said softly.
"But I can try.", he whispered.
"But you shouldn't. For what reason should you be all alone?", Yn asked and waited for his reaction. Now, where everything became calmer, she noticed how her heart was racing because of his confession. Without knowing it, Nyx had said the words Yn craved to hear from him.
Slowly, he opened his eyes, meeting her intense glance watching him, ‘God these eyes’, he thought. They were haunting him day and night and he wished he could see a love-filled glance in them that would be reserved just for him. At least, for once, "It could save lives. It could save your life."
Yn chuckled softly, "I'm pretty good at watching out for myself. Always have, always will. Don't worry about that.", Yn said reassuringly, "That shouldn't stop you from getting what you really want."
Nyx snorted low about her confidence and shook his head with a smirk. Slowly, he snaked his arms loosely around her waist as he noticed that his neatly built wall started to crumble slowly, "You're so extremely persistent.", he whispered.
Yn snaked her arms around his neck, raising her head to keep eye contact, "Of course, I am. You're so damn handsome and perfect, Nyx. I always thought I would never have a chance with you. That we would be just friends. And then you drop this confession? Count on it that I would fight for this opportunity to get close to you.", she said with a smile.
Steadily, Nyx dragged her closer to his body, tossing his doubts and concerns slowly overboard after her words, "You mean close like this?", he whispered smirking, enjoying having her in his arms finally.
Yn matched his smirk and pulled him down, closer to her, "Actually, I mean close like this.", she breathed and connected their lips. Both relished in the pleasure to feel each other. Yn shuddered as she felt Nyx' warm, strong hands sliding underneath her shirt. He caressed her skin with his fingers and nails as he dug into her back, pulling her as close as possible.
Blissfully goosebumps spread down Nyx' spine as Yn tickled his neck with her nails. Softly, she let her fingers slide into his black-greyish, long strands, playing with the braids that granted her deep, throaty moans from the hero. She smirked against his lips about his reaction. To know to have this kind of impact on such an incredible man, turned her on even more…
A knock on the door let them both freeze in their moves but as Yn tried to escape his grip, Nyx held her strong in his embrace and shook his head slowly with a smirk. His breath was uneven and his heart was racing but his training as a Glaive allowed him to keep his composure. Still staring into Yn's hungry eyes, he answered: "What is it?", his eyes flickered down to her slightly swollen lips.
Provokingly, Yn licked over her lips with her tongue as she saw his dark, lust filled glance.
"Nyx... Drautos wanna see us all.", Crowe called through the closed door.
"Alright, I will be there in ten.", Nyx called back, letting his eyes roam over Yn's face, already having certain ideas in his mind how the night would continue when they were alone again.
"One more thing... uhm... I can't find Yn. Do you know where she could be?", Crowe asked and even through the door, Yn and Nyx imagined her frowning where their friend was. Yn raised one brow questioningly about how Nyx would answer.
"Sorry, I haven't seen her since we're back. But maybe she's at the training ground. Letting off some steam."
"Okay, I'll go and get her. Thanks.", Crowe called back and left.
"Letting off some steam, huh? Quite the opposite, I would say.", Yn breathed seductively against his lips.
"True, but that gives us a few more minutes for this. A foretaste for later.", Nyx breathed, matching her tone, and crashed his lips hungrily back on Yn's to feel her close again. More than willingly, she moved with him. Pulling him even closer with her hands grabbing the fabric of the shirt underneath his jacket, feeling his body reacting to her touch.
And just like this, Nyx’ sleepless nights filled with nightmares got exchanged with another type of sleepless nights… shared with Yn…
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fanimesenseiwrites · 4 years ago
Kidnapped to Hell (pt. 5)
When Satan walked back into the common room, Barbatos and Diavolo were back in there talking with Lucifer and Solomon.
Satan walked over to them, focusing on Solomon.
Solomon looked at Satan first, but the other three looked at him as well.
"Don't bother Hoshiko about their abduction again," Satan's tone was somewhere between concerned and threatening.
Solomon frowned. "Satan, we need-"
"No, you don't. At least not from Hoshiko. Whatever you need to know, Barbatos can figure it out for you," Satan insisted.
"A statement from Hoshiko themself would solidify a case against their captors," Lucifer interjected.
Satan glared at Lucifer. "Do not retraumatize Hoshiko any further," his voice was cold and commanding.
Lucifer narrowed his eyes and placed his hands on his hips. "Is that a threat?"
"That depends on you."
Lucifer's eyes flashed red as a warning.
"Lucifer," Diavolo spoke soothingly.
Lucifer huffed but didn't look away from Satan.
Diavolo looked at Satan. "I'd like to ask Hoshiko for their cooperation, but if they deny me then I promise that we won't bother them anymore."
Satan huffed. "Fine. But they're sleeping right now so you'll have to wait."
Diavolo nodded. "That's fine, they deserve the rest."
Satan nodded and went to sit down.
Diavolo watched him sit down then looked at Solomon. "Lucifer, Barbatos, and I are leaving to go apprehend the demons who kidnapped Hoshiko and interrogate them. I would like you to stay here in case Hoshiko decides that they're ready to talk."
Solomon nodded. "I can do that."
"And make sure Hoshiko isn't left alone, at least not in the house. I'm sure they're fine alone in their room but not everyone can leave house all at once," Diavolo clarified.
"That's understandable, we don't know if Hoshiko is safe yet," Solomon mused.
"Exactly," Diavolo concurred. "Alright, we'll be leaving."
Solomon nodded.
Diavolo left with Lucifer and Barbatos following close behind him.
Solomon sighed and went and sat down next to Asmodeus.
"Are you alright?" Asmo asked him.
Solomon looked at him and smiled. "I'm fine."
Asmo narrowed his eyes at him suspiciously. "Hm... if you say so."
"I do," Solomon insisted.
Asmo rubbed his thigh. "I think everything will be okay. Hoshiko is strong."
Solomon glanced at Asmo. "Of that I have no doubt."
"Then where are your doubts?" Asmo asked as he rest his chin on Solomon's shoulder.
"Not doubts, just concerns. I just wonder who would do this to Hoshiko; they haven't been practicing magic long enough to make enemies like that."
Asmo frowned. "Yeah..."
Solomon was quiet after that, afraid to say out loud what else was on his mind.
Then there was a sharp tapping against one of the windows.
Everyone looked toward the noise.
There was a crow sitting on just the other side of the window. It tapped the glass with its beak once again.
"Uh, Mammon? Is that one of yours?" Levi asked.
"Uh, yeah. I think so," Mammon replied as he stood up and walked over to the window. He unlatched the window and pushed it open. "Hey, what's up?"
The crow chittered excitedly.
"What?! Whaddya mean they're walkin' into the forest?!"
The crow squawked and flew off.
Mammon jumped out the window and ran off after the crow.
"Oi! Mammon!" Satan called before quickly following him through the window.
Everyone else got up to follow them, but opted to go out the back door instead.
When everyone else caught up to Mammon, they found him talking to three crows sitting on a branch just above eye level.
"How did three of ya lose one human?!"
One of the crows squawked and chittered.
"Mammon, what happened?" Solomon asked through heavy breathing.
Mammon looked at Solomon. "Hoshiko just walked out into the woods, all by themself! And these guys lost 'em because they got distracted by something shiny!"
Levi snickered. "That sounds familiar."
"This ain't funny! There's shit out here that could kill Hoshiko!" Mammon was really serious.
Levi was immediately worried once he was reminded of the dangers that lurked in the forest. "Well then... let's split up to look for them."
"Good idea," Beel complimented.
Mammon nodded and stuck his pinky fingers in his mouth then whistled loudly.
Four more crows appeared and landed on the branch with the other three.
"Alright, everyone take a crow with ya while ya search. They can follow ya from up above and help us keep in touch with each other."
Mammon's seemingly sudden competence was throwing everyone for a loop.
Mammon changed to his demon form. "I'll search from up high." With one swift flap of his wings, he was in the air.
One of the crows flew up to follow Mammon.
"... was that actually Mammon?" Belphie asked, actually serious.
"Right? That was kinda hot how he took charge like that," Asmo mused.
Satan smacked Asmo's arm before walking off to start searching for Hoshiko.
"Ow!" Asmo whined as he rubbed his arm then walked off with Solomon.
Belphie looked at Beel. "I think I know where Hoshiko is."
"You do?" Beel asked as he tilted his head curiously.
Belphie nodded. "Follow me." He headed off in a specific direction.
Beel and two crows followed him.
They soon came upon a meadow full of nightshade blossoms.
Sitting in the middle of the meadow was Hoshiko. They were wearing their RAD track suit and sitting with their knees pulled to their chest.
Beel told the crows to go tell everyone else that they had found Hoshiko while Belphie walked over to them.
"Hoshiko," Belphie spoke sweetly.
Hoshiko looked at him and smiled slightly. "Hey."
"You really like our spot, huh?" Belphie asked.
"Yeah, it's peaceful. Makes me wanna sleep," Hoshiko explained.
"That's not a bad idea," Belphie told them as he sat down next to them. "You know, everyone was looking for you."
Beel walked over and sat on the other side of Hoshiko.
"I haven't even been out here that long," Hoshiko said, a little confused.
"Yeah, Mammon's crows ratted you out," Belphie explained.
Hoshiko sighed. "I see."
Then Mammon flew down and landed right in front of the three of them. "Hoshiko!"
Hoshiko stood up. "Hey Mammon."
Beel and Belphie stood up as well.
Mammon hugged Hoshiko tightly then held them at arms length so he could look them in the eyes. "What're ya doin' out here?! You know there's dangerous shit out here!"
Hoshiko pulled away from him, startled and taken aback by him yelling at them. "I- I couldn't sleep so..."
The rest of the boys showed up at that point.
"So ya run off into the forest full of dangerous beasts all by yourself?! What if something had happened to you?!" Mammon was very animated with his lecture, continually using his hands to motion with.
Hoshiko looked down at the ground and tried really hard not to cry. "... It couldn't be any worse than what already happened to me."
Mammon's arms fell to his sides. He was at a loss for words and it seemed everyone else was too.
"I mean, I can't sleep 'cause as soon as I close my eyes I'm plagued by nightmares... it doesn't matter that I'm not in the eight circles anymore because they're still in my head."
Mammon reached for Hoshiko's hand.
Hoshiko took a step back and crossed their arms, preventing him from grabbing it.
Mammon looked at Hoshiko, a little shocked by their actions.
Hoshiko wouldn't look at him. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to be alone..."
"Why?" Mammon asked, his voice much more gentle this time. "Did we do somethin' wrong?"
Hoshiko couldn't hold back the tears anymore. "No... you just..." Their voice cracked. They wiped their eyes with the cuffs of their sleeves. "You guys wouldn't hurt me right?"
"Never," Beel declared immediately.
Hoshiko looked at him and nodded, tears still streaming down their face.
"Why do you even think you have to ask?" Mammon asked.
"Because..." Hoshiko sniffed, trying to regain enough composure to speak.
Satan walked over to Hoshiko and rubbed their back to try and offer them support, knowing full well what they were about to say.
Hoshiko took a deep breath. "When I was in the eight circles... it looked like to me... that it was y'all that were torturing me..."
The brothers were all stunned silent.
Mammon changed back to his human form and stepped close to Hoshiko. "I'd never hurt you."
Hoshiko looked up at him.
"I don't think I could live with myself if I did." There was a strange sort of sadness in Mammon's eyes that made Hoshiko want to cry some more.
Levi stepped forward. "You're the best in real life friend I've ever had. I'd have to be under some kind of mind control for hurting you to even cross my mind."
Hoshiko chuckled and wiped away the tears that fell.
Asmo walked over to Hoshiko and stroked their cheek. "How could I ever want to ruin a face or soul so beautiful?" He offered a sympathetic smile.
Hoshiko smiled slightly and nodded.
Beel gripped Hoshiko's shoulder.
Hoshiko looked at him.
"I only want to use my strength to protect you, never hurt you," he assured Hoshiko with intense eyes.
Hoshiko placed a hand over his and squeezed it.
"I was ready to fight Lord Diavolo over not protecting you, so I think you know how I feel about the subject," Belphie told Hoshiko.
Satan nodded in agreement.
Hoshiko chuckled but still kept crying.
"Why are ya crying? Don't ya believe us?" Mammon asked, worried.
"No, I do... just..." Hoshiko sniffed. "Y'all are the best family I've ever had."
Mammon immediately moved in to hug Hoshiko.
Hoshiko hugged back and gripped his jacket desperately.
"Let's go back to the house, yeah?" Mammon murmured sweetly.
Hoshiko pulled away and nodded.
Mammon started to lead the way back to the house.
Before Hoshiko could start to walk beside him, Solomon took up walking next to them.
"I'm sorry I was bothering you to talk about what happened to you earlier," Solomon promptly apologized.
Hoshiko looked at him. "I forgive you, and I'm sorry I got so hostile about it earlier."
"I see now why you did."
Hoshiko nodded and took Solomon's hand.
Solomon smiled slightly and laced their fingers together.
Asmo stepped in to walk on the other side of Hoshiko, taking their free hand in his.
Hoshiko looked at him.
Asmo leaned over to kiss their forehead.
Hoshiko smiled and leaned their head on Asmo's shoulder.
When they got back to the house, Solomon messaged Diavolo to update him about Hoshiko.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
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thecrazyanimegirl · 5 years ago
Spring anime 2020
There was really a small amount of stuff we watched this seasons alongside continuations like kaguya sama, furuba or ascendance of a bookworm. A somehow empty season, but still, have what we watched and our thoughts (a mostly personal review).
{ Winter ‘18 }  { Spring ‘18 }  { Summer ‘18 }  { Fall ‘18 }  { Winter ‘19 } { Spring ‘19 }  { Summer ‘19 }  { Fall ‘19 }  { Winter ‘20 }
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It’s about a girl who wants to be an artist in a time that doesn’t accept female artists. She is determined, hard working and cheerful, so it’s a good show if you need to relax and catch some good feelings, but it’s not really a must see story or anything. 
BNA  (Brand New Animal) 
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A true gem this season! Not a totally furry anime like Beastars, but if you watched it and also love Trigger’s animation style, this one is for you. BNA tells the story about two species, beasts that live in Animacity and humans who don’t like them that much. The story has the perfect pace and leaves you on the edge of your chair after each episode, also every character has a good backstory and development. Akidearest said that it is really predictable, and even though that’s mostly true, the progress of the story is satisfying and the characters make up for the predictability.
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Looked cool, sounded cool but the overall experience is kinda... meh? The premise and plot idea are really good and the possible plot twists are also promising but it just leaves you thirsty for something else/more. The fights are okay-ish but tend to go really badly animated (one fight is an exception). The music is pretty good and has that dark vibe (kinda like Future Diaries) but there just isn’t anything going on that makes you shiver, tense or worry for the characters while you watch. We found some comments that imply that the manga is way better so it would be maybe wiser to try that instead. 
Great Pretender
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This one came as a nice surprise at the end of this season. An original anime made by Wit Studio centers around con artists and their ventures around the world. The engaging plot has a nice pace and makes you guess what is going to happen next, although it gets kinda predictable. It has action, humor, semi tragic backstories, drugs and races. The animation and music are really beautiful and an additional plus goes to the cats in the ending song. All in all, I would recommend it to anyone who searches for something fresh.
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When I first read the synopsis where a gag ero mangaka tries to hide his job from his daughter, I was skeptical I have to admit, and expected inappropriate jokes and such. But it really proved me wrong! And ended up being this sweetest softest story! It’s not plot heavy, but the character interactions are filled with emotions, it even brought tears to my eyes and the whole overall feeling is soft and loving! Definitely would recommend if you want some warm family atmosphere, but also have a laugh ^^
My Next Life as a Villainess
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Mc dies and is born again into the last otome that she played but as the villain character, the main rival girl, and she tries to improve her relationship with the characters to avoid her doom. Don’t expect too deep of a story since she will REALLY easily convince and befriend everyone without any hurdles. Exactly what you’d expect, it’s not going to blow you off your feet, especially plot wise, but the story is well executed, the humor is on point and the characters are typically good. If you like this type of stories or just want to relax, this one is pretty well done ~
Sing Yesterday for Me
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Not really my type of plot, too much awkwardness and drama, but I just really had to finish it haha I found it somehow fascinating how many edges a love polygon can have and how many unrequited loves they could fit in one anime. But if you love a slow paced romance type of story, that focuses more on each persons view and their struggles as they learn to love, flirt but also how to move on, you might like it. 
Tower of God
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Yes, the favorite of the season! A really good webcomic turned into an anime! If you haven’t heard about it already, go watch it, or better yet read it. The characters, even though they are numerous, are lovable and interesting, the plot builds well (especially in the later chapters of the webtoon, the first season of the anime is basically just the prologue). I’ve seen a lot of bad comments about the execution of the anime, but somehow I’m just really happy it even got animated and got such good voice actors! Yes, some scenes were done differently, and some scenes were cut that were important, but there’s no way to animate absolutely every scene, and they stuck to the story pretty well. The music was also good, the opening and ending are done by a korean band, Stray Kids, which means that it doesn’t have the typical shounen anime feel to it, but it’s still great ^^ A good anime and an even better webtoon! 
Wave, Listen to Me!
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A woman starts working as a radio host after a bad relationship. I know, I know, it doesn’t sound great and probably a lot of people will skip this instantly, just like the other two mods of this blog, BUT! I really enjoyed it. It was somehow refreshing actually having an adult main character, not only kids and teens. Maybe it’s not plot heavy, but there are a lot of relatable or hilarious scenes. Also the voice actors did a really good job I think. The story is basically based on her monologues that get pretty lengthy. I know that the first episode I was like, wow that woman can talk! Well, it’s up to you whether you want to give it a shot, but if you need something a bit different, try it.
Looking forward to in the next season because they got moved from this one: Appare Ranman (an engineer and a samurai accidentally end up in america and decide to join the cross country car race haha, the visuals are cool so far, the story and pacing is okay, not something that blew us off our feet, but it’s funny and seems promising), The Millionaire Detective (ooh definitely looking forward to this one! James Bond and the local cop save the day, or something like that, the story isn’t groundbreaking, but it makes up with humor and characters so far), RE:ZERO it’s been yearssss
Some donghua’s that we ran into: All Saints Street (very shot, but is actually great, funny and cute, has the same vibe as Non-human/Fei Ren Zai, that one was also awesome), Antidote (shounen ai with a gangster and a sheltered rich boy, also there’s a cat, so far - cute)
Dropped:  Woodpecker Detective's Office (we’ll never find out who the killer is),  Bungou to Alchemist: Shinpan no Haguruma (its cool that is has japanese writers, but the story wasn’t that engrossing), Listeners (sorry mappa) 
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stonecoldjerseyfox · 5 years ago
Jersey on my mind (part 20)
The sun rises and slowly transforms the pitch black night into early morning, then into forenoon. Daryl observes how the quiet community, as if it had been in a coma overnight, slowly wakes up. He sees people come out of the houses, hears Carol calling out ‘breakfast’s ready’ inside the house and the clinking of forks, spoons and knives against plates. But he doesn’t move from his spot at the porch stair. 
Ever since he and Jersey handed over the watchtower to Eric and another Alexandrian that he haven’t bothered to put a name on and Mila went to sleep for a few hours, he’s been sitting here, sunken in thoughts.
It’s too much to process somehow. Everything he feels, everything he found out about her; it’s overwhelming not knowing what to do with all of these swirling… whatever it is. She’s like a goddamn hurricane. All hair and hell. Damn, she’s pretty, beautiful even. And that accent. She talks a lot. She’s pragmatic to the point of being indifferent. Maybe because she was raised like a goddamn robot by a psychopath. She’s hot tempered, impatient, stubborn... and holy fuck, Daryl digs it. All of her; the big heart, the kindness, the humor and the sarcasm. It’s like booze mixed with cherry coke. The way she looks at him… or is it just a creation of his own imagination? Is he a complete idiot for thinking that she looked at him in a special way when they sat there together, in the dark, sharing that bottle of vodka? Could it be- no! Obviously she doesn’t- he’s a fool. But the way he felt, throughout his entire body and soul, when their hands touched, he definitely felt something. But that might just be it, his own stupid delusion. When she told him she’d been engaged, and declared that whoever gave her the ring was dead, Daryl felt like the devil himself for feeling relieved, but also bad for feeling like that. 
The night has truly been peculiar, he thinks, while resting his gaze on a bird in a tree, trying to feed its squeaking nestlings. Parts of what Mila told him Daryl had recognized from his own childhood. He’d been beaten up many times by his old man, leaving deep scars that never faded. He’d been neglected and abused for most of his childhood, by everyone when it came down to it. But he was a boy. Not that it justified his father's actions towards him, but Daryl could at least, and used to, fight back. He was a pretty good fighter at an early age and knew he had to aim for the kidneys. But Mila was a girl, an unwanted girl who had to face the shame and blame for not being born as the son her old man so badly wanted. He’d reminded her every single day of her shortcoming, and she had apologized, and that (and when she told about the physical abuse, because that’s what it was, even though she didn’t refer to it that way) had hit him hard. How she somehow, even though she clearly despised and distanced herself from his actions, could talk about him with something that sounded like affection, Daryl found astonishing. Like she desperately cling on to the good memories, the few she might have. Was it a perfect example of Stockholm Syndrome, or just pure madness? She’d lived in a lie for almost her entire life, he’d murdered people; how was it possible that she was so indifferent after what she’d been through? Or maybe she just managed to conceal it behind a thick wall of oppressed feelings. He could understand that more than well in a way. But on the other hand it seemed like she’d turned her life around; she had a kid who she’d managed to keep alive. Her story had made him feel secure, less odd about his own history that he’d tried so hard to oppress, to push back into the deepest darkest corner of his soul, never to reveal to any living soul. 
Daryl had never talked to anyone about his upbringing, in fact he’d never talked to anyone as he talked to Mila. Somehow she managed to get these things out of him, that he had previously buried deep inside himself, that he’d never in a million years thought he would tell anyone as he told her the other night. She treats him in a way he’s never been treated before. 
Daryl twitches when he feels a thug on his vest. He removes his chin from the stock of the crossbow and turns where he sits on the porch stairs. 
“Hey kiddo.”
Juri smiles and sits down on the stairs next to him. He’s dressed in dungarees and boots, has seemingly managed to dress himself this morning, but has failed to tie the shoelaces that dangles around his soles.
“That won’t do. Come here.” Daryl waves his hand and nods at the shoelaces that flutter in the wind. The boy obediently raises his foot, Daryl takes it and puts it to his knees and begins to lace the small boot. “Gotta tie ‘em up good, or they’ll fall off ya’ feet.” he says and ties the shoe steadily, but not too tight. He doesn’t want to be responsible for causing Jersey Jr. a broken foot.
Daryl ties the other shoes too, then they sit there next to each other, quiet. Every now and then the boy snails up at him curiously. When Daryl snails back, Juri looks away, giggling. He’s kinda funny, Daryl thinks to himself and smiles. Cheeky, a li’ rascal.
“Ya’ mum’s not up yet?” he asks. 
Juri shakes his head, then makes a snarling sound. 
“She snores?” Daryl grins. “Yeah, ‘bet she does, kiddo. Heard ya’ were a snorer too.” He gives of a grunt, like a pig and Juri bursts into a big, faint, silent laugh. “Ya’ wanna go for a walk?”
Juri nods eagerly. 
“Let’s go.” 
Daryl gets up, grabs Juri under his armpits and lifts him up and places him on the ground. They walk around the pond, a walk that normally doesn’t take half an hour, but since his companion is only 3 feet tall, the pace is below average. When they arrive back to the house, Mila’s standing on the porch, shielding her face from the sun with her hand. Daryl once again gets all warm throughout the body and his tongue starts to crawl back up toward his palate. No, dammit! Juri starts to run towards her when he sees her, with three flowers clenched in his hand, that he picked next to the pond. 
“For me!” Mila’s smile could light up the entire Safe-Zone if it would've been night, when he hands her the flowers. “Moya lyubov, thank you.” She looks up at Daryl. “Where are your flowers?”
“Didn’t pick any.”
“What a shame.” She stands up and looks at Juri. “You know what! Carol has been an angel, and made lunch for you, Romeo.”
Mila shoves Juri into the house, while the boy waves at Daryl from between her legs. 
“Slept well?” 
“Enough.” she answers easily. “I need to get out of here for a while. Gotta go find new shoes for Juri. What kind of mother lets her son walk around in heavy boots in this heat?” 
“Good luck with that.” Daryl scoffs. “Getting past those assholes unnoticed won’t be easy.” 
The sapphire eyes peers at him through the sun. 
“Wanna join then?” She asks boldly with a grin. “Show off those hunter skills. Trust me, it’s easier to find game meat than a pair of kids size nine’s.” 
Daryl snorts and looks around. It’s not an impossible mission, but foolish. On the other hand, he can’t just wander around in here. He’s convinced that she would leave on her own if he doesn’t follow, no matter how much he, or anyone else, opposed it. 
“Gear up, Jersey.” He therefore answers and nods a little. 
Mila smiles triumphantly, turns on her heel and enters the house. She returns minutes later, with the automatic rifle on her shoulder and a backpack, dressed in a worn, black leather jacket over the dark t-shirt.
“New jacket?”
“Not directly. I got it for my eighteenth birthday. Saw it in this store down in Ashbury Park and thought, ‘hey, I’d look so cool in that’, so Adam and Peter brought it to me.” She corrects her left  boot with the other foot. “I love fun jackets! Fringes, embroideries- I'll be buried in this one, if that's the last thing I do.” Mila smiles. “Oh, and I told Carol we were going out.”
“What did she say?” Daryl asks, clenching his jaw. Some things are better left unsaid. Like sneaking off in the middle of what can be likened to a siege.
“Something like, have fun-” Mila replies and hurries down the porch. “And take it easy.”
They walk toward the wall, toward the place Daryl climbed to enter the Safe-Zone. Mila climbs onto the truck easily and soon they’re standing on the roof of the trailer, looking out over the landscape on the other side of the Alexandria walls.
“Head for the woods.” Daryl points. “The bike’s in there somewhere. Short run.”
Quickly and silently, they get down the trailer and start running towards the trees, into the woods. 
“Ya’ know where to go?” Daryl asks as they find the motorcycle in the same place he left it.
“I have a strategy.” Mila replies. “Houses with toys and swing sets outside usually have kids stuff inside too.”
“Fine.” Daryl gets the motorcycle up and leads it up the road. “Let’s go find some swing sets.”
He straddles the motorcycle and scoots forward, to give her room to sit behind him. Mila throws her leg over the body of the bike and sits down on the leather seat and wraps her arms around his waist. Daryl takes a deep breath, tries his best to maintain a normal heartbeat. 
”All right.” he coughs nervously. 
He warns the engine once again before he kicks off. He can feel all of the power in the machine throughout his entire body. Behind him, Mila squeezes his waist and makes a delighted cry as he increases the speed as he maneuvers the beast on the desolated road. 
“This is awesome!” Mila hollers into his ear.
A smile spreads on his lips and he speeds up, causing Mila to hug harder around his waist and laugh. They cruise around the nearby residential areas, scouting for children’s bikes in the driveways, basketball hoops, colorful slides and toys. Eventually, they find a street that seems to fill all the criteria. Daryl hits the brakes and the motorcycle stops next to a two storey house with a hoop and a climbing frame in the yard. Mila climbs off and takes her rifle, attaches the silencer over the barrel. 
“Okay, let’s find some shoes.” Daryl states. “Lead the way.” Briskly, Mila starts walking toward the door, rips it up and raises the AK in front of her and walks into the house. He follows, cautiously listening for hissing sounds and dragging feets. It’s clearly not her first rodeo. Mila immediately starts looking in wardrobes, in the laundry room and in cabinets. 
“Nope. Nothing.” she notes after a while. “Let’s continue.”
They leave the house and start walking down the street. Mila’s long hair blows effortlessly in the wind as they pass by abandoned houses, driveways and overgrown lawns. In the distance Daryl sees a lone, limping walker approach them in the street. He lifts the crossbow to his shoulder, aims and shoots. In the distance he sees it fall into a pile on the grund.  
“That house seems promising.” Mila points toward a house with what looks like a homemade skateboard ramp in the driveway. 
Daryl runs over to the walker, lying in a pile on the asphalt, to collect the arrow. When he turns, Mila has caught sight of a rotten creature, appearing from behind the molding ramp. With ease she lifts the rifle, aims and places a bullet in its head and it drops to the ground with a thud. With a crooked smile Daryl remembers what she said about the soup can. He then finds her inside the house, browsing the books in a bookshelf in the living room. 
“Children's Books!” Mila holds up a book for him to see. Where the wild things are, Daryl reads from the cover. He’s never read it. On the other hand, his ma’ never read books for him and Merle. “There’s so many cute books here! Peter Rabbit, Paddington-” she grabs the books and puts them in a pile. 
Daryl rests on the back of the couch, watches her stacking books on a chair. He’s amazed by how she engages her entire heart and soul to make sure that the boy has everything he could ever wish for. What would it have been like growing up like that? 
With about ten children's books stuffed in the backpack, Mila then continues through the house in the search of a new wardrobe for Juri, faintly humming. Daryl finds a weapon cabinet where the owner forgot a Glock and a few boxes of ammunition, and Mila finds a pair of Chuck Taylor’s in Juri’s size.
“Half a size too big, but his feet will grow.” She states and puts the shoes in the backpack.
If he thought they were done by now, Daryl was mistaken. They therefore proceed to the house next door.
“You notice something?” 
Daryl immediately turns all vigilant, looks around in search of hostility movements. Mila laughs a little. 
“What?” Daryl scoffs, mildly irritated, and lowers his guard. 
“We’re alone.” Mila says as they walk around a dense bush, once perfectly trimmed in a rounded shape, in front of the porch. “Like a little adventure. Pretty fun, right?” 
She feels the door handle and nods. Unlocked. She pushes the door open and it goes up with a creak. Mila quietly walks into the hall, Daryl follows, with a gut feeling that something will happen. And his guts don’t lie. All of a sudden Mila’s pushed to the carpet by a walker coming at them from the left, followed by its two companions. The first one attacks Mila and Daryl’s grabbed by a male, missing an eye. Mila swears loudly, a muffled bang is heard when she shoots the walker right in the face and tries to get up from the floor. Daryl tries to pull away from the one eyed bastard, that clings to his vest. The rotting mouth and disgusting fingers claws to his torso. 
”Watch it!”
With impressive force Mila grabs a hold of it by its shoulders, pulls it away from him and throws it into the opposite wall of the hallway. She takes her knife from her boot shaft and pushes it into its forehead. Daryl takes a hold of the last, remaining dead asshole and pushes an arrow deeply into its skull, forcing it down on the floor. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Ey, wha-”
Without another word, Mila lifts his shirt and searches his torso for wounds, or at least he thinks that’s what she does. Oh god, please don’t. Daryl gets intense chills of pleasure all through his body by her touch. Those soft, delicate fingers send shivers throughout his body in sheer delight. She withdraws, sighs in relief. 
”Though it bit you.” she says. 
“I’m fine.” Daryl replies, hardly meeting her gaze as he pulls the shirt down.
He tries to steady his breath, all while Mila still pants faintly. Their eyes meet, or are more like glued to each other. Daryl’s heart beats hard inside his ribcage, he can almost hear it like a drum inside his ears. Suddenly, before he’s able to say or do anything, Mila has thrown herself onto him, presses her lips against his in a kiss out of this world. It’s so sudden and so surprising that he can’t turn all flushed and angry, his usual defense mechanism in unfamiliar situations. But it’s also everything he’d ever dreamt it would be. Why would he withdraw? With her hands on each side of his face, her soft tongue finds its way in-between his lips into his mouth, exploring every inch of his mouth like a gold miner looking for nuggets. It’s mesmerizing, he’s never been kissed like this in his entire life. 
He cups her face with his hand, the one not holding on to the crossbow, feels the soft skin towards his palm. It soon finds its way to her lower back, as he presses her body against his as she begins to guide them away from the hallway massacre, with the three dead corpses, into the other room. Daryl briefly presses her up against a wall, making a framed picture fall to the floor. The rough, passionate kissing turns into a frenzy of hands and heavy panting. Daryl drops the crossbow to the floor and steers Mila towards the dining table. He pushes her towards the table, while their fingers eagerly search for buttons and zippers during heavy breathing and intense eye contact. 
He’s so excited, so frantically horny. Never before has he felt such a desire. He fumbles, all while Mila’s able to kick off one boot, push down her jeans and underwear, making them dangle around her leg and unbuckles his belt at the same time like a fucking magician. Daryl lets out a grunt as his palms run over her bare, soft thigh. He presses his forehead against hers and they kiss again, moaning into each other's mouths. Mila’s chest heaves rapidly underneath the t-shirt as she unbuttons his jeans, pushes them over his hips, releases his pulsating cock and drags him closer. She caresses him, touches him to the point of almost no return. Daryl ends it by grabbing her buttocks in his hands, lifts her up onto the table. She spreads her legs, pants breathlessly as she pulls him in between. Daryl grunts as he lightly fondles her, she’s so fucking wet. For him! That’s the most fucking incredible part, well, one of thousands right now. There is no darn turning back now. Without breaking eye contact, almost drowning in those sapphire eyes, while inhaling her scent, the floral and everything that enchants him, Daryl enters her, making both of them exhale loudly. She tightens around him and it feels as if he will come right away. Jesus christ, I can’t hold it, he finds himself thinking as he feels a rush of pleasure spread through his body, it won’t go. He starts to grind his hips into her, causing her to moan loudly, to dig her fingers into the back of his vest, as she jerks her hips forward against him. He lets out a low growl and starts to pound into her, making the table squeak, holding her in place while he with the other hand softly grabs the hair on the back of her head, not breaking their eye contact; all while a feverish heat runs through his body. 
Dear god he doesn’t want it to end, but he can feel himself edging as her body clenches around him, and he realizes that it’s more than close. He can feel it, her entire body screams that she’s on the edge too. She lifts her head to the ceiling, as she reaches climax and the surge of warmth from her orgasm surrounds him. Daryl moans loudly into her neck, feels his entire body tremble as he digs his hips into her, as deep as he possibly can, exploding inside of her.
They gasp for air, as if there wasn't enough oxygen in the room, bodies trembling, but they don’t break eye contact. Something warm runs down his cramping thigh, bolting with his runaway pulse.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” Daryl’s whimpers, his voice breaks. He swallows, but doesn’t move, just keeps holding on to Mila’s body like a castaway clinging to a piece of board. “I’m sorry-” 
“I’m not.” Mila pants with her fingers entangled into the back of his head, the other hand grasping the back of the vest. “I’m not.”
They remain like that for a few seconds; silent, trying to get a grip of the whole situation and what just happened, how amazing it was. Daryl lowers his eyes, for the first time in what feels like forever and with a soft movement he wipes away the warmth from her inner thigh with his thumb. He feels high on adrenaline, feverish, standing there with one hand under her left thigh and the other in a firm grip round her buttocks, welded together. 
“I want ya’.” Daryl manages to utter between the heavy breaths, looking back at her. “Ya’ asked me what I want. I want ya’.”
Mila caresses his face with the other hand, runs it softly over his lips. 
“I want you too.” She replies. Daryl’s uncertain, did she actually say that? The faint smile he gets, between the panting breaths, somehow says it all. ”You heard me, Dixon.”
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sandalaris · 4 years ago
For the writer asks: 5, 10, 17, 22, 23, 30, 45, & 54!! :D
Finally getting around to answering these XD
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most.
I read so much I feel like I can’t narrow it down. My favorite author is Ilona Andrews but they write almost exclusively in first person and have their fair share of action in their novels that I don’t think they’re that much of an influence on me. I’m trying to think of who I read that did the whole “people usually feel a mix of emotions over just one” thing that I know I’ve adopted, but I can’t think of who it is. (I can think of an author, who I do love the books of, who did the opposite and I found myself always confused about a character was supposed to be feeling/thinking and they probably influenced me to not do that, but I do like their books and that seems too much like I’m trying to be negative about them.)
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
If I got to pick anyone, it’d be Marissa Meyer who wrote the Lunar Chronicles. It would be for one novel/novella, because I feel like the Lunar Chronicles has one more sort of side story in it and would want so badly for it to fit what the author has already written. If you haven’t read the series, it’s basically a retelling of various fairy tales just set in the future, like Cinderella has a metal prosthetic foot that keeps falling off and Rapunzel is a hacker living in a satellite orbiting earth. Everything is set up to perfectly fit a Beauty and the Beast side-story. Genetically altered super soldiers who are big and hairy and given animal aggression and had all their teeth surgically replaced with fangs for failing to pass a test as a child? Check! Now all we need is to write a story about the bookish daughter of a geneticist who gets blackmailed into staying with the “beast” and slowly learns that there’s a man inside of the monster and ends up figuring out how to reverse some of the alterations (because we already got the “I love him just as he is, fangs and all” thing from Scarlet and Wolf so we can have a little “curse breaking” this time around.) It can be set post-series, when some of the wolf-soldiers ran off and disappeared into various countries.
I once co-write a novel with my best friend about an evil warlock who fell in insta-love with a ditzy elf and spent the rest of the novel trying to avoid her so he could dodge his fate of retiring from villainy like his father and grandfather before him. He was determined to be the one villain in his family who actually went through with his evil master plan, dammit! It was a comedy, and kind of a spoof since we were at that age where romance novels were the thing to make fun of, but it still ended with him deciding he could do evil masterminding later and running off with the elf. What can I say, we were like twelve.
17. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Eek, the problem with averages is that any sort of outlier knocks everything else off, and I have a lot of outliers, lol. I go through writing spurts, sitting down and all but knocking out an entire chapter/one-shot in one sitting followed by days where I won’t even open a word document. And then there’s sort of my inbetween times where I’m usually typing away on something, but it’s more editing than actual writing, so maybe 100 or so new words might get written, but what I’ve previously written looks better by the end, lol. This has been the norm especially lately with school and work taking up the majority of my time. And then it hits me and I just need to let the story flow out of me? Between 2k-5k a sit down session.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
I don’t really do true drafts. I write, I edit, I post, and then I suddenly see all my typos. On the rare occasion editing doesn’t fix the issue, I might cut the scene into chunks and sort of look for the line(s) that don’t fit and start branching off from there (like maybe someone’s acting out of character *glares at current chapter* and I just needed to look at it in smaller incriments to see where they started to veer off). Only once have I ever just completely reworked the extremely extremely rough draft I had written, but that was an original work I did for Nano and so was more concern with getting words on a page than editing as I go.
I suppose editing could count as a second draft, so two? Maybe three? What is considered One Editing? If I leave off and come back, is it an all new edit/draft, or am I picking up where I left off?
23. Single or multi POV, and why?
Nine times out of ten I seem to veer towards single, although I’ve had some fun with multiple POVs before.
Not really sure why. Maybe I just find it easier to burrow into one person’s headspace and go from there? I know there are times when I want to jump to another character for one specific scene, but I always feel like I’m already committed to telling things from the one character’s POV. Or maybe I just like the limited narrator thing.
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
Err.. I don’t know that I have one. How about a line I rather like? This is from a kind of Amaru/Brasa fic (kinda sorta. He’s got that whole mix of love and hate and resentment and worship thing going on, and she has her own twisted attachment to him) set in those six months between seasons. These lines are from a moment where Kate surfaces and Brasa fantasizes about taking out some of his resentment of Amaru on Kate. (He never actually physically harms her, Amaru would never allow someone to mark her vessel simply because its hers, but he likes to imagine.)
He thinks about wide green eyes looking up at him with fear, filling with tears as she whimpers out a “Please.” Imagines pressing a hand to her shoulder, pressing down down down until she’s kneeling before him, trembling as he cups her jaw, forcing her head back. He wants to press his thumb to the plump swell of her bottom lip, dig his nail in until the blood, her soul, comes to the surface. Filling the flesh with color until it spill across her chin in a vibrant slash.
and to give you an idea of how Kate is handling Brasa’s attempts to take his issues out on her...
He can see the muscle at the hinge of her jaw tighten, hear the harsh edge of every exhale, as she turns to look up at him mere inches away.  
“My name,” she clips, “is Kate.” She bites off the last, harsh sound, almost snapping her teeth at him.
45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
I’m trying to think of actual feedback and not just like angry comments/reviews from people who didn’t like my fics (which tbh I haven’t gotten that much of because people aren’t generally that big of a dick to leave flames on fics these days.)
Someone tried to tell me that a character dropping the f-bomb was unnecessary and jarring and I should remove it from one of my fics. And hey, to each their own, but I personally felt it fit both the character (who cursed in canon) and the story and so kept it in. People certainly can write great literature without every putting down a single curse word, but there’s also great stories that wouldn’t be the same without a bit of foul language. What bugged me most about it was their insistence I should remove it.
Besides that the only other bad feedback I’ve gotten (besides obvious flames and people not liking the direction I’m going/have gone with a story), was someone who said that my clearly labeled unhealthy relationship fic was romanticizing abuse and they didn’t appreciate the one character manipulating the other character like that. They were actually fairly nice about it (if a bit of an anti about the whole thing), I just remember being a little bugged at the time because I had already tagged it as unhealthy/manipulative.
54. Any writing advice you want to share?
Don’t be afraid to experiment! And in that same vein, try out writing rules and discard them just as quickly if they aren’t for you, because there’s no set in stone way to doing things. Break all the rules if you want, the point is just to write. XD
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maplevogel · 6 years ago
because we get so many new amazing shows that sometimes we forget that there is years of awesome hidden gems that might end up being your fave but that you don’t even know exist.
So lets start! 
A few years ago Akatsuki no yona came out and everyone was surprised by how deep it went into the ruling of the kingdom and political drama. So if you enjoyed this:
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But want something with more action, less romance and more on character growth and and political drama (with a side of great world building and a isekai that is NOT a europe medieval fantasy world with a guy that is overpowered ) you might want to check this!:
The 12 kingdoms! 
Youko Nakajima has only ever wanted to be normal. She does what she is asked, gets good grades, is the class president, and even helps her classmates whenever she can—but because of her red hair, she has never fit in. With her pushover attitude, Youko lets classmates take advantage of her, so she has nobody she can really call a friend. But on an otherwise ordinary day, a man who claims to be from another world barges into Youko's classroom and bows before her. This elegant blond-haired man, Keiki, claims that Youko is his master and belongs on the throne of his kingdom. However, their first meeting is cut short as Keiki has been followed by otherworldly beasts called youma. He is able to escape with Youko into his own realm, but two other classmates—Ikuya Asano and Yuka Sugimoto—are caught up in the madness as well. Unfortunately, their troubles have only just begun, as the youma attack leaves them separated from Keiki. Alone in this strange new land, these ordinary students must learn to fend for themselves or die.
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But now you actually wanted something with MORE romance and less action but still political drama! 
then nothing will please you more than...AKAGAMI NO SHIRAYUKI HIME!
Although her name means "snow white," Shirayuki is a cheerful, red-haired girl living in the country of Tanbarun who works diligently as an apothecary at her herbal shop. Her life changes drastically when she is noticed by the silly prince of Tanbarun, Prince Raji, who then tries to force her to become his concubine. Unwilling to give up her freedom, Shirayuki cuts her long red hair and escapes into the forest, where she is rescued from Raji by Zen Wistalia, the second prince of a neighboring country, and his two aides. Hoping to repay her debt to the trio someday, Shirayuki sets her sights on pursuing a career as the court herbalist in Zen's country, Clarines. Akagami no Shirayuki-hime depicts Shirayuki's journey toward a new life at the royal palace of Clarines, as well as Zen's endeavor to become a prince worthy of his title. As loyal friendships are forged and deadly enemies formed, Shirayuki and Zen slowly learn to support each other as they walk their own paths.
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BUT now you kinda want something with still a new set of different fantasy world building and more medecine and less romance with a bigger focus on a character growing up in front of us into an amazing young woman. 
In the land of Ryoza, the neighboring provinces of Shin-Ou and Tai-Kou have been at peace. Queen Shinou is the ruler of Ryoza and her greatest general, Grand Duke Taikou, defends the kingdom with his army of powerful war-lizards known as the "Touda." Although the two regions have enjoyed a long-standing alliance, mounting tensions threaten to spark a fierce civil war. Within Ake, a village in Tai-Kou tasked with raising the Grand Duke's army, lives Erin, a bright girl who spends her days watching the work of her mother Soyon, the village's head Touda doctor. But while under Soyon's care, a disastrous incident befalls the Grand Duke's strongest Touda, and the peace that Erin and her mother had been enjoying vanishes as Soyon is punished severely. In a desperate attempt to save her mother, Erin ends up falling in a river and is swept towards Shin-Ou. Unable to return home, Erin must learn to lead a new life with completely different people, all while hunting for the truth of both beasts and humanity itself, with tensions between the two regions constantly escalating.
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BUT now you kinda wish you had a story with a mix between all of these with a more serious tone. THEN YOU WANT : SEREI NO MORIBITO
On the precipice of a cataclysmic drought, the Star Readers of the Shin Yogo Empire must devise a plan to avoid widespread famine. It is written in ancient myths that the first emperor, along with eight warriors, slew a water demon to avoid a great drought and save the land that was to become Shin Yogo. If a water demon was to appear once more, its death could bring salvation. However, the water demon manifests itself within the body of the emperor's son, Prince Chagum—by the emperor's order, Chagum is to be sacrificed to save the empire. Meanwhile, a mysterious spear-wielding mercenary named Balsa arrives in Shin Yogo on business. After saving Chagum from a thinly veiled assassination attempt, she is tasked by Chagum's mother to protect him from the emperor and his hunters. Bound by a sacred vow she once made, Balsa accepts. Seirei no Moribito follows Balsa as she embarks on her journey to protect Chagum, exploring the beauty of life, nature, family, and the bonds that form between strangers.
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Most people think being born into a noble family means a life of comfort and wealth. That couldn't be further from the truth for Shuurei Kou. Despite the Kou family being an old and important bloodline, they've fallen on hard times. Shuurei's father works as an archivist in the Imperial library, which is a prestigious position, but unfortunately not one that pays much. To put food on the table, Shuurei works odd jobs such as teaching young children or playing live music in a restaurant―and even then, it's barely enough. Then, one day, a court advisor makes Shuurei an offer. If she becomes the concubine of the new, but lazy, emperor and teaches him how to become a good ruler, then she will receive 500 pieces of gold. Never one to turn down good money, Shuurei accepts the proposition. After all, the new emperor only prefers men so her virtue is safe… or so she thinks. The more time she spends in the palace, the more her old dream of becoming a court official is reignited. There's only one problem: she's a woman and women do not become government officials. Shuurei may be able to turn the emperor into a good ruler, but will it be at the expense of her own aspirations?
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and thats it for now! and I still 100% recommend all those anime!
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drag-queen-jesus · 5 years ago
So I finally got around to watching that Disney Nutcracker movie... like.
(warning for Spoilers for Nutcracker and the Four Realms if you haven't seen it and still care)
(TL;DR - I didn't exactly care about this movie, here's why)
okay, thats not quite true, I mean, don't get me wrong, theres not much I loved about it, but its mostly harmless in terms of Disney's live-action roster of films.
I enjoyed the design of the castle, and I appreciated the step away from the source material, like at least its something different.  That being said, I felt throughout the entire run time that it was trying too hard to be something else.  I felt like I'd seen all this before, and then I put it together.
Nutcracker and the Four Realms feels too much like it's trying to be Narnia (2005), Alice in Wonderland (2010), and it just rubs me the same way Beauty and the Beast (2017) did, which is to say, the wrong way.  And its not even ripping the good parts of the films it's trying to be (excluding BatB, there's nothing redeeming about that film and no one can tell me otherwise, this is the hill I will die on), the main, while leagues better than Mia Wasikowska and Emma Watson, still manages to fall into the realm of "I just experienced magic for the first time and my only reaction is a disinterested sort-of-open mouth".  Seriously, she enters the magical world through her godfathers house while looking for her Christmas present, and she makes it a long way - like a good 15 minutes into the adventure - before she even expresses ANY sort of emotion about it, like, girl you just walked into the set of Narnia - you think I'm joking, don't you - and you don't even comment on it????  I remember watching the commentary for the Narnia film, and Georgie Henley saying that they'd blindfolded her and led her to the lamppost set so they could film her genuine first reaction, and you can feel it in that performance, her starry-eyed wonder feels real.  Its a similar situation here, but again, Clara doesn't have any reaction to suddenly stepping out of a tree trunk and being in a winter wonderland.  It kinda bugged me.
Then we find out that her mother is the queen of the magical world, and she's a princess.  Cool, right?  No reaction, nothing, no thought as to how odd it is that her mother is queen at all, its just brushed over.  Okay, we won't talk about that either, look at the pretty scenery... except the very next scenes are in a dark forest that isn't very interesting, so now I'm just thinking how weird it is that she's just going with it and not asking any questions whatsoever, or being awestruck by anything.  Its like how Alice in the Burton films through over half of that movie is all "this is a dream so it doesn't matter", Clara's whole thing is "well I need to find the key to this present my mother gave me, so none of this other stuff is important".  Hello child, what do you even mean, all of this is important, and I'd like to know more about it, but no we aren't gonna learn anything about anyone in this film are we?  Certainly not the nutcracker soldier, Phillip, ya know, the namesake of the story?
I'm gonna go off on a tangent for a sec, bare with me.  So in the story of the Nutcracker (like, the ballet and the various other variations of the story), at least, any version I've seen, the Nutcracker has always been a prince and its always been Main Girl (there's a few different name variations depending on the story) that breaks a curse or spell or choose-your-reasoning over the nutcracker that made him... well, a nutcracker.  Different things happen throughout the story depending on the version, but the nutcracker is always a nutcracker.  This film follows a different beat, obviously, but here's just sort of a guy.  We don't learn anything about him, he's not a nutcracker we have to break the spell over - they keep calling him a nutcracker, and I guess we see him in a flashback where he's a nutcracker ornament and not, you know, the actual nutcracker we see her little brother Fritz playing with earlier in the movie - he's not very interesting, but by the end of the movie it acts like we and the main character are supposed to care about him.  And maybe I missed something, but I just didn't.  Like congrats on being promoted to head guard or whatever, but I'm ready to move on.
Speaking of the movie treating itself as if important things happened, I don't know where I zoned out - I didn't - but somewhere at the hour mark everybody is talking as if important life-changing things have been happening the entire movie.  And I'm sitting here thinking 'what are you talking about, nothing has happened'.  We met three other characters who we will proceed to learn nothing about (and also my two favorite characters in the entire film who didn't get nearly enough screen time, hats off to the two guards), and therefore not care about when things get bad, and then we had a minor scuffle with the 'bad guy' (the one thing I can say is that I understand why people have a fear of clowns now).  Everyone is acting like we're at the precipice right before the final battle, and Clara's all "i thought I'd find the answers, but I'm just as lost as I was when I got here" as if anyone over the age of 8 hadn't already figured out the 'everything you need is inside' is the most obvious metaphor you could put in a movie why did you have to make it so blatant if you were gonna do it anyway???
And THEN, we finally get to the biggest trope of them all, boy am I sick of this ESPECIALLY in Disney movies.  They go and pull a 'the person you thought was bad is good, and the person you thought was good is bad' with the Sugarplum fairy of all people.  This is the same thing that happened with Frozen and Zootopia, where it almost basically came out of nowhere (I'd watch it again to see if I missed anything, but honestly I don't think I did, I didn't see any hints), and there's barely any rhyme or reason to it.  Like they give a reason.  She's sad that Clara's mom left them and she has some kind of abandonment issues that I would've LOVED to see given just a bit more screen time but NOOOOOO here's another thing we won't talk about in any kind of meaningful detail.  We don't really know why she turned against Mother Ginger (the original 'bad guy') specifically, and then the movie basically kills her, like, I don't agree with what you did, but dang. 
The battle at the end, which I remember being a big part of the trailers that I'd seen, but don't quote me on that, was so very underwhelming.  You had an army of tin soldiers come to life and set to go attack Mother Ginger, and you had not only the real army all locked up together that you could've released, but you had the "mouse King", the nutcracker and Mousrinks, Mother ginger, and Clara and her inventor schtick basically alone with the machine that brings toys to actual life, and we get shown her holding a box full of mechanical wind-up mice, so I'm thinking I know where this is going, she's gonna distract the tin soldiers, and bring the wind-ups to life to fight against the soldiers, its gonna be a big fight before the climax.  But no, we get those weird roley-poley clown matryoshka things knocking a few of them over and then Ginger with a whip attacking the soldiers while Clara tries to turn off the machine (which I'm still not entirely sure if she did).
Cue one of the "she didn't leave me alone, she didn't leave you alone" speeches where the main tries to appeal to the villains better nature.  Cue probably murder, I'm not actually sure since all the residents of the realms apparently started out as toys anyway.  Cue the supposed heartfelt goodbye between the nutcracker and Clara.  Cue Clara going back to the party and acting like nothing happened in what looks like its supposed to be a tongue-and-cheek way with her godfather who OBVIOUSLY knows that that magic world is a thing, but doesn't mention it.  Cue an apology to the father and admitting that they both miss the dead mother, because of course there's a dead mother, it's a Disney film.  Cue owl we don't know anything about flying away ala Labyrinth ending.  The end.
It was all very... underwhelming.  Like, I appreciated what it was attempting to be, and I really appreciated the CGI more that I have in any of their other recent live action anythings, but it just didn't work for me.  Like I said, it felt like it was trying to hard to be something else, to the point in which it doesn't feel like it even has an identity as Disney's Nutcracker.  That coulee been something, "Disney's the Nutcracker", but honestly it's so not its own thing that I forgot it was even a thing for a whole year, it didn't have anything that drew me in, it didn't have anything that originally made me even want to see it (I remember seeing the trailers while I was still recovering from BatB and even then I could tell because it marketed itself as "from the makers of Beauty and the Beast"), the only reason I even put it on was because I'm working on another project and I was curious about different adaptations of the story.  Its not the worst offender Disney's put on their team, not by a long long shot, and it is mostly harmless - to the point of boredom - but I don't know if I'll ever go back it.
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weissfai-blog1 · 6 years ago
Love Bites.
AePete AU
"There are no accidental meetings between souls."
Pete is a vampire. AND NO – he is not some sparkling diamond vampire – though whoever look at Pete will say he is a sparkling Prince – but no – Pete is not a twilight vampire nor is he Bram Stroker’s Dracula vampire. 
He is a half Noble vampire. His mother is a powerful dragon seeker while his father is a full blooded Noble. 
The Nobles are an ancient and powerful race that possess great strength, speed and telepathy as well as various blood related abilities, such as the talent to grant similar powers to others via contracts "of blood and soul". They reside on an island nation, known as Lukedonia, that cannot be detected by human senses. They have guarded humans against predators and the forces of nature as long as they have existed, due to a genetic inability to ignore the slaughter of the weak, helpless humans. Thousands of years ago, they were worshipped as gods by various cultures around the world.
However, the Nobles are nearing extinction due to a scarcity of females to mate with. With their lifemates, male Nobles live emotion-filled colorful lives. Without them, the males fight the madness that causes them to choose between suicide or the thrill of killing humans by draining their blood, becoming soulless vampires in the process.
But he doesn’t apply to these category as he is not a full blood Noble. 
Pete is a gentle and way too sweet and shy half Noble that his father deem him unworthy of the gift and vanished him, and because his mother loves Pete so much – they both abandon the life in Lukedonia and travel and after a hundred years of traveling to different countries, they settle to Thailand. 
Pete’s mother was born in Thailand. She loves the country, the people, the beauty and the serenity of the land.
Pete and his mother change their surname to fit in with the Thai people and they settle on an old mansion. His mother told him to live like a normal boy and because Pete doesn’t crave blood like ordinary Noble, he is free to go out even on sunlight. As he is also a part Dragon Seeker, he doesn’t turn into ash or die if the sun hits his skin. He is what the others may call Day Walker.
Pete’s mother looks at her son. She worries about Pete as the first to being a half Noble and half Dragon Seeker boy to ever live. Most of the half-breeds die at their 50th years of age. But Pete is nearing his 300 years of age and though he is the same as the Nobles who lost their colour of sight, Pete never changes. He doesn’t crave blood (though she gave him blood via blood bag through blood bank), doesn’t go dark, every night she administer a soul and spirit check on his body but its clean… more like pure. Her son has a purest white soul. 
Putch heard about the legendary Noblesse but never given it a thought. For all her life, she knew only of one Noblesse and that person is not half but a full blood Noble.
Putch told Pete to live his life freely. Whoever he chooses, whether it be human or of the same kind, she will support him. 
Pete met Ae. 
Pete was walking out of his campus when again the pain in his head hits him, the pain and disoriented blurry visions keeps on popping out in his head. He wasn’t aware what’s happening in his surrounding when he heard a shout and someone drag his body and both of him and the other stumble in the ground with a loud impact.
‘Are you driving to hell?! And you! What the hell are you doing not looking where you’re walking?! Are you planning to die?! If you are, choose a place where I’m not there!’
Pete doesn’t understand what’s happening but his heart then begun to hammer and his visions doubled… the ground… its grey… he looks at his surrounding and he was blinded by the burst of colours.
He can see colours… 
But the only time a Noble can see colour is when they find their lifemate through voice or connection.
‘Oi! Are you okay?!’
Pete stumbled once again on the ground and clutch his heart tight. 
Its beating crazily and there’s a line. 
A magic being woven.
A connection being form.
Pete found himself being raise by the person and for the first time he looks at him.
Pete gasped.
Black obsidian eyes looks at him.
‘Are you okay? You’re bleeding!’
He what?! Impossible!
He looks and yeah, he is bleeding. But why?
That’s their first meeting.
The man who gave him colour and light ~ Ae. A small boy but with sturdy muscular body and a harsh foul mouth.
Ae cannot help but feel lucky and at the same time with the thinking: “Did I ever save the whole country on my past life to have a friend like Pete?” 
Each and everyone who knew Ae will know that he is a brute. He doesn’t have any sweet bone in his body, he doesn’t even have a STOP DON’T SAY IT brake on his mouth. He will say what he want to say especially to some idiots who lacks braincells. 
Pond calls Ae: “Son of a Beast! He will kick his only best friend and whacks my head if I so much get on his business and be nosy! See this! See this?! That’s his fist! My skull already has a dent in the form of his fist!”
Ping: “The greatest man but has the foulest mouth on the planet. He doesn’t care nor doesn’t give a damn what other people will think. I have never been the receiving end of his fist and kick so I’m happy to say that he is still a friend I can count on.”
Bow: “Tactless beast! He just made someone cry when he flat our rejected her. But that’s what I like about Ae, he never take advantage of people and will always be there to help others.”
Can: “Ae is the bestest of the best man out there! He doesn’t give a damn and will help me even though he doesn’t know me! He is a great bastard buddy!”
Captain of the Football Team: “Ae is our MVP. He may be 174 cm shorty but he can kick those asses good bye! We love Ae in this team. He brings glory to us! Well except when he beat us Sports Science when he is an Engineering Major…”
LadyBoys: “I don’t know how the hell a muscular, sexy abs, yummy muscles belong to that shorty with foul mouth! This is an outrage! He even give me the middle finger when I told him if he wants to spend the night with me! Such barbaric action against me a lady!”
Pete chuckles to the different description of Ae. 
For him, Ae is the opposite of what they say and he cant help wander why. Ae is sweet to him. Ae never finds him annoying and he is always pinching his cheeks or ruffling his hair. Ae told him that he likes his hair, soft and silky (well he is a half-Noble so his hair is entirely different from humans) 
Ae never rush him when they are eating. Its hard for him to swallow cause he is not used to eating the food Ae gave him, he eats either fruits and drinks blood via blood bags from blood bank. So its really really hard for him to swallow any meat and vegetables.
Ae cares about his safety that Ae will bike all the way to his apartment and drop him off (when all he did was walked, he is a Noble so walking for an hour or so is nothing to him, or he can just jump building to building or well, fly – he is not human after all)
The Engineering Department won the game with Ae’s two points versus Sports Science and instead of joining the seniors and juniors at the party, Ae went to Pete. Pete was alarmed when Ae was at his apartment. Pete looks at the full moon and this is the time that he is very weak and the blood bags are not stored in his freezer where he usually storms them.
He has been feeling weak for the couple of days and the blurry visions and headache keeps on attacking him.
Ae was worried because Pete promise to watch the game only he didn’t show up. Pete never miss a game and he was not answering his line messages as well.
‘Pete, what’s wrong? You’re so pale.’ Ae was scared for Pete. Pete’s skin is milky white with a blush but the Pete before him is pale as ghost.
‘Ae… please go. I’m okay. Please please go.’
‘No! I will be here! Tell me what to do!’
‘Ae please! Go!’
Ae was angry now when Pete seems to be pushing him. 
Pete was crying and Ae doesn’t know what to do. Ae tried to hug him but Pete pushed him -  a little bit strong that made Ae stumbled and hurt.
‘OH! AE! Im sorry! But please please. I don’t want to hurt you! Please go!’
Pete was scared – he can feel hunger. 
He had never felt his way before.
He can smell it… the delicious smell of blood. He clench his teeth and told Ae once again to go.
‘No! I will not go!’
‘Ae please… I don’t want you to hate me… please’
Ae is crying now as well, ‘Please tell me Pete what’s wrong with you?’
‘Ae… I… I- please just go.’
Then everything on Pete’s memory become a blur and then darkness.
He doesn’t remember anything.
What he remembers is the sweet taste of blood in his lips.
He woke up and was shock. 
He was scared.
Everything – his surrounding is full of blood. Dried blood.
‘NO! NO! AE!’
‘Huh?’ Pete looks up and saw Ae running to him. Ae in his shorts and wet hair. 
‘Pete are you okay?’
‘Yes! That’s me! I mean yes what?’
‘You-you’re okay… what-what? Blood?’
‘Ah. Well… First of all, Pete this is not my blood. This is the blood from the bag inside your freezer. And well, some of them are your blood.’
‘What happen Ae?’
‘You kinda turn dart vader last night. You push me – well more like – haul me – good thing it was a soft sofa and went to the freezer, you open the blood bag and drink it, but you throw it away saying ‘It taste like rot’ and then you look at me-‘
‘Ae! Oh my! Did I hurt-‘
‘I’m not hurt. I understand what’s happening even though I don’t believe it – but you well, your eyes turned blue and your fangs kinda shows and told me your are so thirsty. I offer you my blood-‘
‘Well yes, but when you are nearing me, you bite your own arm. And told me to get out.’
‘Then why are you still here?’
‘I can never leave you Pete. You look like your dying. And you were speaking about soul contract or blood contract-‘
‘Well – I don’t want you to suffer… and I understand that you need blood. I gave it to you freely.’
Pete then put his trembling hands to Ae’s neck, removing the towel, and yes, there it is his bite.
‘Ae! Oh God! I’m so sorry!’
‘Pete don’t be. I agree with it.’
‘No! no! You don’t know what it means-‘
‘It means that you’re going to drink my blood from now on. That my blood is the only blood you’ll ever drink.’
‘Ae why? Why didn’t you leave. I’m  a monster Ae. You should have left me…’
‘Pete. We have been fighting last night more than hours – me telling you to drink my blood while you insisting I get out. You even threatened to kiss me and enchant me with your other spell from your mother side and I still stayed.’
‘Why? Why Ae?’
Ae smiled and put his two hands on Pete’s cheek, ‘Because you are not a monster. You are a pure cute vampire. My vampire.’
THIS IS NOT THE END. There will be a proper chapter by chapter story fic. Thank you.
Author’s Note : I was looking for another name for Vampire when I remember about the webtoon that I’ve read years ago (its still on going) it’s a Korean manhwa title: NOBLESSE. I borrowed the title or the race and some places. I just don’t want to say just a vampire.
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demonslayvr · 6 years ago
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'fore blazing home came atumbling  ;  there was a family of four  (  childhood v. )
PRE GAMES  /  NOVEL’S  /  MANGA’s.   pretty clear  --  this is any interaction that has been plotted or otherwise during dante’s childhood til the fire.  by default he’s going to be about 6 - 8 years of age with the latter age at least a couple months before the fire.  
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quite indeterminate yet the bang of a gun and the slash of a sword still remain a constant ( undetermined v  )
PRETTY OBVIOUS.   i haven’t made a decision where shit goes yet thus its undetermined.  will change during thread once we plot more on it or i figure something out myself.
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not everything has a simple ending.  crashing demons is easy but other things ? that can be tough  (  multifandom v  )
GENERAL CROSSOVER / MULTIVERSE v.   pretty generic verse for when either dante himself or another character   outside   of the devil may cry canon gets tossed comes inside it.  i’ll probably branch off if and whenever i make verses for  in - fandom specific  threads when i build something for each one of them but this is it for now.  sometimes this verse tag will accompany another one  ;  which just means whichever verse he’s in and what you should follow development wise is connected. basically just a multi - fandom tag for crossover threads,  lads.   
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die trash man  ;  take your sword and SHOVE IT  ( crack  )
GENERAL CRACK.   as the package says it’s just a verse / tag for crack whenever it happens.  sometimes it may 
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a flash to a past that holds bitter air.  pain was a story here.  you wish not to go back   ( post dmc5 / alternate interaction v )
ALTERNATE INTERACTIONS.   pretty much like with the multifandom verse tag this one is simply going to go with   any   other version of himself dante interacts with.  might get latched onto with another verse tag just for my own sanity but  . .  yep.
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low feelings  ;  simply moving along to find dangers and distractions ( devil may cry one v. ) 
SET JUST BEFORE,  DURING OR AFTER DMC1 AND BEFORE FOUR.  pretty much as the previous sentence says lads.  he’s an angstee boy but not as angsty as his two self i guess lmao.  but yeah,  this verse is a huge back track in terms of development and how he is in the verse   below  this one.
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bang bang bang kiss of the gun & blade ; where are we?  (  post dmc5 - main )
POST DMCV.   follows the full OG dmcv canon til end  -  depending on interaction this could mean that any vergil written with and dante are in hell still doing whatever the fuck they please   or   after the fact and home and going on with their lives.  or trying  ;  considering vergil is back in his life and alive.  this is also the   DEFAULT   verse of the blog.
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there's a fire in your veins that speaks your losses yet you continue to bend in remembrance (  atla / lok v.  )
SHUNNED.   known for killing his twin brother,  his very name and even more so in taking jobs to pay the bills   --  jobs that more so upset the delicate balance between the human and spirit realms.  
dante sparda   comes from the fire nation  -- his father a previous high general in the army  ; one that tried to broker peace in a time where it was unheard of while the fire nation ruled. his father met eva when he was traveling the earth nation and secretly begun a relationship with her.  their love was beautiful,  eventually in as much secret as possible eva bore two young boys:  vergil and dante sparda.
happiness was not to last however as wind was caught of the affair and the children,  leaving eva and the young sons to go on the run with sparda defending their escape.  the name sparda was drug through the mud as the man was never heard from again after that night. unknown what became of him as deflected firebending set the house ablaze.
short years pass,  spending it on the run from those who want to end the chapter of embarrassment  --  but it finally catches up.  one evening eva comes running,  telling her boys to go  --  to run and hide.  forget their names but stay at each other’s side.  the twins do as told and don’t look back  ;   the last time they see her.  however in their escape they end up separated,  captured by soldiers of the fire nation.  dante’s anger and despair of losing his entire family causes him to lose control  ;  lashing out on the soldiers that caught him and running away
“ you must change your name  ;  forget your past and start a new life as someone else.  “
that he does.  he changes his name and disappears,  alone.  fast forwarding a couple years he’s a spirit hunter  ;  taking jobs that rid   “  evil spirits  “  that cause issue or problem for anyone that pays a good amount.  a mercenary that cuts down those who’ve wronged the wrong person  ;  non and bender’s alike.  his father’s sword,  rebellion,  at his back to assist and create a dancing display of fire just as much as his bending.  he’s a difficult one to get close to but once you cool him off   (   haha )  he’s a loyal friend and ally.  
with the war over at the end of the series he’s more vocal of who he is  --  even though he was  previously   but with some of the fire nation’s  “ norms  “  kind of relaxing from fire - lord zuko’s rule   . .  he’s his father’s son.  his mother’s son.
lok  verses are basically  . .  kinda the same.  except i guess he’s older   . .  ??
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pay off the debt to save your skin  ;  something within broke and former gentle soul crushed under weight ( dmc 2.0 v )
CANON DIVERGENT.  dante snapped,   perhaps it was inevitable  -  perhaps losing too many people tore what little the cambian could handle to pieces and the person that emerged from it was more a threat than he was before.  after the events of devil may cry 1 after realizing that he had  ( supposedly   )  killed his brother there was something in him that couldn’t handle it and everything begun to crumble.
in this timeline something in him changed, and while it wasn’t immediate  –  little things when he would have been understanding over a situation didn’t sit as they should.  but it happened quickly.  with trish’s betrayal he didn’t help her,  allowing her to get crushed by the tumbling rocks  ;  simply standing there and watch it happen.  its drawn out,  with him coming over to crouch beside her as she struggled to heal.  in his allowance bore cruelty,  snarling that she should have known better to betray him  –  mundus shouldn’t have done what he did and expect him to now not try and go after him.
he,  as he does in the normal timeline,  states that while she looks like his mother that she has no soul,  no fire and for that she’s just a puppet.  he shoots her more than once,  killing her   –   the last time he sheds a tear.  he reaches mundus,  who commends him for his actions yet the hybrid isn’t having it.  the fight with mundus goes about the same but with dante  killing him   for ultimately forcing him to murder his brother,  being the one who set the orders to   burn down   his home  –  twice   –  and turn his life upside down.
he goes through the portal mundus opened to  try   and escape and ultimately assumes himself as the  new king  of the underworld.  he still runs his business since even though he’s king there will always be factions that don’t   like it   due to his bastard blood and he’s more than happy to snuff it out.
his attitude is   mostly   intact   (  though this is said   loosely   since he’s less talkative and jovial   )   though now it’s unsettling at times since his jokes and humor can be a bit morbid  – let alone how his aura feels.  its dangerous and uncomfortable to be around  ;  his care for humans as a whole is almost non - existent except for a small inkling for lady.  
BIG NOTE:  THIS TIMELINE IS SET AFTER DEVIL MAY CRY ONE,  KIND OF   SKIPS FOUR    (    though it   IS   likely nero still exists but dante doesn’t care much about it  or know   )    SLIGHTLY INVOLVES TWO    ( aka:  dante gets annoyed that some idiot human is making helicopters messed up with demonic juju and wants to become king.  so he kills arius  )  AND INVOLVES   SOME CONTENT   OF FIVE.  
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to enact your revenge most had been taken  ;  body & mind broken so it could begin   (  witcher v  )
———–   destiny.  you hear it more than you’d like to admit.  destiny is what brought your parents together  ;   one monster and the other a witch.  two were born,  twins and raised in care by the witch til fate came to pass and ripped the three of you left apart.  in trying to halt destiny the father,  sparda,  had done his best to hold it off  ;  disappearing one afternoon when the boys had been young   ——–   so long ago.  his hope ??   that staying away would bring a kinder reality and future.
fire and blood,  a mother doing best to protect her children was found disemboweled on the floor within the crumbled castle foundations.  the youngest child was told to hide,  hide away and if the mother didn’t resurface   . .  to run.  she didn’t,  but the youngest fought his way out of the castle   —-  skills of his mother surfacing with an aptitude for beast slaying in the same scope.  his father’s sword,  created by hellish and beastly means was his and aptly used to start a revenge   —  to   KILL   demons in his mothers name.  and in his brothers   —   as both were believed to have perished in the attack.
in a short time and with training the young hybrid killed demons for a price   ;   eventually catching the eye of a witcher.  the nature of the hybrid himself and the skills he held were of interest   —   brought to kaer morhen to be trained as a witcher.  almost losing himself in the process yet he endured,  it further altering his physiology that was already different with the hybrid nature he had.
with the trials and effective torture to   be   a witcher an astounding success he buried into the extensive training to pursue the beast that slayed his family while also being a monsterslayer for hire.  
———–   destiny.  you hear it more than you’d like to admit.   destiny and fate has brought you here.  brought you a thought lost ache in your heart for the family lost all to avenge them and   kill   the beast that killed   them.   you feign your disinterest,  your lack of care but there is much of it in soul.   destiny   is a cruel mistress,  son of sparda.  yet perhaps she may gift you the   KINDNESS   to provide retribution if you are to   live   long enough.
Notes 1:    with his father’s blood and how he is part beast,  his body temperature is more abnormally hot than normal  –  able to reach just below lava temperatures without it seeming to create any problems for him.   Notes 2:   his magic is mostly fire based,  secondly offensive  (   akin to geralt’s in show how it can push things back,  etc  ).  with the fire being used to distract he’s referenced to a dragon at times which he ignores. Notes 3:   dante’s still trans because i say so   ;   while magic used to be used to help him pass he’s since has procedure through coin to get effectively top surgery  —  the scars easy to pass off due to his occupation.  bottom surgery hasn’t been attempted but with becoming a witcher,  like the rest,  he’s infertile. Notes 4.    he’s   school of the wolf   because i said so,  wolves are cool and it has geralt so sue me  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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you wished you could forget ; everything else seems to blur but not him. not the brother you lost. (  IT v.  )
AFTER THE FIRE  you found yourself in foster care with your brother in tow. foster turned into adoption with the family that adopted the two siblings ended up bringing the two of them too derry,  maine.  immediately the youngest sibling knew something was off about the town  ;  the atmosphere unsettling but kept it to himself,  not wanting to blow the change he had with his brother at having a new life.  (   he and vergil are still cambion’s,  but their power is,  like,  kinda not as Large as it is normally.  still half demons tho folks.   )
the youngest had trouble settling in a new town,  smaller than the last  –   economically  (  as he and his twin were upper class before this )   and town size in general with more seeming conservative values.  he was lucky to find himself in a slightly liberal and understanding household as he was a transgender kid who no one knew any less of. something he was more careful to keep to himself.
everything was fine,  the brothers settled in and all was well until it wasn’t.  exploring the woods and the barrens  –  finally opening up to his brother that things were strange in the town and he could feel something off.  they went looking but in doing so  . .  there had been an opening of weakness for the two  –  distractions and a trap.  their mother,  burned and in pain asking for their help  ;  of course the two came closer.  there was a small difference in this faux recreation and trauma that dante noticed  –  calling out for his brother to stay away but,  unfortunately the youngest saw the eldest fall victim to the trap  –  terrified and running away when he couldn’t do anything but possibly fall victim too.
time passed,  school continued on with whispers and comments on how the twin had probably did it himself,  causing the kid to isolate himself from everyone even though he knew what he say.  adults didn’t believe him but there was a group that seemed to have had a run in with this   . .  fuckin’ clown.  
(   going off:  smol™ dante getting involved with the losers after he straight up talks to one of them about what happened and what he saw  /  big™ dante having gone off like the rest of the losers doing his own thing aka kill other demon / eldritch things as normal kinda sorta and then re - meet up with them  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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same person but different mistakes  ;  still wrought pain upon brothers ( altered outcome / divergent v. )
CANON DMC DIVERGENT.   pretty much a what if  /  reversal if dante led the life vergil did instead of vergil himself.  it’s pretty much the same events but with dante the cause of them or involved instead of vergil.  his attitude is close to what 2.0 dante is but not entirely there in terms of destruction.  however he is still trying to deal with the aftermath of nelo angelo fame and dmcv’s whole thing.
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ARISE ;  for you are reborn into something greater.   ARISE    baricontralto angelo - fight.  ( post dmc 5 div. nelo angelo dante v  )
HE HAD BEEN COCKY. the cambion had been cocky upon returning back with his twin from the underworld   ;   cocky that with his twin that nobody could beat them if they simply worked together.  and he was right.  he was right up until he was wrong and time,  well  . . time wasn’t kind.    it had been nine months   since their return from the underworld from cutting down the qliphoth and in that time a   familiar blue amulet   found itself back in dante’s possession.  it had been lost for several decades,  having been lost to the boy during the day he had come home to find gavreel and the family slaughtered on the lawn.
he kept it close,  he knew the meaning   –  he knew that there was   peace   again but  .  . he knew the danger of once again having this but would not dare get rid of it   –  he’d ride the coaster until it stopped.  he’d be happy to have this shred of happiness and he felt he was finally allowed to have something   –   happy to have his brother back and have some semblance of family.
that was,  well,  until he   lost   the amulet.  he didn’t notice that he did,  believing it was still in pocket during a small run in with demons  ;  a job that he had taken alone   –  it seemed that fate was playing her hand that day.   it had been dropped during an evasion and was lost upon his shift ahead   –  he didn’t even spot it.  the job became less easy,  it tiring him considerably as the  small group   of demons became larger   –   and while it was initially a challenge   . .
it soon became taxing.  as the larger the numbers the more exhausted the demon hunter became,  the more he started to slip up.
it was only then did he realize that this was no job.  it was a   trap   and he was caught in a net he couldn’t tear himself from.  a familiar feeling emerged,  one he   hadn’t felt   for decades.  a demonic force that he had thrown fury at that same time.  he hadn’t been this week before.  he knew who this was and   . .   he was in trouble.  this trap had been calculated and he had fallen into it hook,  line and sinker.
the distraction of the feeling,  of the demonic energy rising in the space leaves him vulnerable  –  attacks slicing at his back,  his arms and legs   –   a lucky slash to his throat leaves him struggling and gripping his throat.   he hits his knees before he realizes he does  ; he ultimately   —   unintentionally   —   bows    to the demon king before he passes out, demonic weapons and claws slashing into his back.
the next   redacted years   in the demon world are a nightmare that  post   angelo dante would have trouble remembering for all that happened are buried deep in repressed memories.  the years blur together,  but dante holds for a long time  –  dante suffers,  he burns,  he aches,  he struggles    –   he perseveres.  for a time anyway.   he recalls and holds onto the trade out  . .  that this could have been   vergil   here instead of he.  last minute changes,  bouts of laughter as he accepted the job and ran out the door.  
see you soon   he had said.  but the jovial air had long past.  memories begin to muddle,  to ebb and fade in and out as things became foggy.  a struggle to remember  –   a struggle to fight but   . .   not all fights can be won.  this one eventually was lost.
out of years of torturous pain and bloodshed arose a new pet,  a puppet that was loyal and true.  one that slaughtered doppelganger after doppelganger of brother and self,  of friends and allies that the king knew that the former knew.  he was satisfied that his little puppet would do just fine.  that perhaps he could lure in his old   ;   have the complete set  –  for use of the younger did fine in breaking the elder.
this soldier has two forms  ;  one that fed to his devil trigger (   generic nelo angelo  –  not much power is used for it  –  basically it’s dante on the regular tapping into demonic power with his first devil trigger.  he’s stronger than normal,  having given into his addiction to human and demon blood and grown more powerful because of it  )  
and another that feeds into his   sin   devil trigger  (  essentially the  ‘  dragon  ‘  -  esque look.  however its almost imperfect in how the black scales have become the darkish red  / brown  ;  something not quite right.  scales do fall off without warning from time to time, revealing a near lava like flow underneath.   )  
baricontralto  . .  a name to be used to not arouse suspicion  ;   a soldier that would destroy armies and bring cities to their knees in the name of his master.   time would be swift for the pawn to be used,  for the king himself was pleased.  he was cocky with his new toy  . .   and it wasn’t long before he was to be used   . .  
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despite all your losses & destruction ; despite trauma &  trials  . .  my darling boy you’re still you. (  undertale v.  )
[  fight  ]                     [  act ]                    [  item  ]                   [ mercy  ]    
                                     ↳   [  dante sparda ]                                      ↳   [   check  ]
IT WAS UNPRECEDENTED.  a human and a monster coming together and falling in love.  falling in love after the war to a human   witch   that found herself in the closed off underground after a tumble.  sparda protected eva from the monsters at first,  keeping her under his care  –  yet the umbra witch found herself using her powers and skills to assist in healing a monster in peril.  
keeping eva out of harms way was  . .  difficult due to her humanity being a source of contention.  monsters wanted to escape.  eva rather enjoyed being alive.  in the end eva’s healing magic to save and protect those around her and her love and the fact that she was  older   and not prime use to open a proper exit to the human world.  asgore swore eva off limits to monsters as she was kind and a healer to them all.
in time sparda and her married and she bore two children  ;   hybrids   –   part monster and part human.
but not even the king’s word could stop those who still feared humans and humanity.  those who held   rage   toward a species that had caused so much trouble and locked them away for thousands of years,  if not more.   a fire erupted into the underground,  started at the quaint yet spacious house and spread further throughout the underground.  by the time it had been put out  –  eva had been recovered,  dead,  in the home attempting to escape herself but the boys nowhere to be found.  with her last ounce of magic she had sent her boys away,  far away and out of the underground and topside.
now alone and separated from his remaining family and traumatized by the attack to his home the hybrid remained alone  –  growing up such until he found himself protecting humanity against   other   monsters   ;   demons.  demons and monsters that had managed to stay in the human world but grew dangerous and lost themselves.   dante sparda grew to love his humanity yet slowly accept the monster part of himself.
with a job giving him   whispers   of the brother he thought he lost through his own hand now somehow residing in the underground  . .  he flew in to investigate,  still holding some anger over what had been done to his family yet   . .  holding   determination   and patience to deal with the rumors and what he’s about to come across.
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lovetheangelshadow · 6 years ago
N'Pressions: How to Train Your Dragon 3
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Considering this year is like 80% remakes or sequels (maybe 90% but Nocty can’t math) there are very few films falling into that category that I have been genuinely excited for. And unfortunately Toy Story and Frozen aren’t high on my list of must see movies mostly because I feel that Toy Story should have stayed with the shorts and specials while Frozen is just…it’s okay but not really something that has stuck to me. Admittedly DreamWorks has always kind of a mixed roster of films for both good and ill. I do appreciate that they do try to toy outside the box as opposed to Disney and Pixar that have kinda felt safe over the last decade even if DW bombs it. The Dragons series has often been one of the most beautiful look and epic franchises of the studio even if it often feels like its Shrek who’s the face and Dragons (and Panda to an extent) are the little brothers that pull more work but aren’t really the standard the studio reaches for (looking at YOU Bee Movie).
Anyway Hidden World is the final film of the Dragons trilogy and is a mostly satisfying conclusion. I am not saying like there is giant Green Death sized plotholes or anything, but the journey felt like there could have…should have been more to it. Anyway, the plot is that Hiccup is now chief and is trying to balance responsibility between being the leader and saving dragons from hunters and enslavers. Of course his idealistic concept of humans and dragons living together in harmony is hitting snags since the village is getting overcrowded with dragons and it making them a bigger target. I don’t fault Hiccup too much for this as he wants to do what is right between the two races and kind of brushes off legit concerns from others. As if on cue, dragon hunters hire a top notch mercenary named Grimmel who has a hate for Nightfuries. And I might as well get this out of the way. There are quite a few comparisons at least for me between Dragons 3 and King Fu Panda 3. Both protagonists have to learn what it means to be a leader/chief/teacher, have side characters who don’t really serve the plot a whole lot, and kinda forgettable villains that had a lot of potential to stand out but don’t. And share a connection to someone the protagonist cared about but is now dead. Don’t get me wrong, I get what they were trying to go for-essentially a Hiccup who killed the Nightfury without hesitating and while isn’t physically strong like the other Vikings has the strategic knowledge and tool arsenal to get the job done. Basically an Alternate Timeline Hiccup in a way that Drago was a Hiccup who used force and intimidation instead of empathy and compassion to train dragons. And that is not a bad concept to work with. Except he was largely forgettable for me. Heck it’s been years but I will remember Alvin the Outcast, Dagur, and Vigo. That is not to say that Grimmel doesn’t push Hiccup to his limits physically and emotionally; hell when he has Toothless entrapped Hiccup’s self-worth practically goes off the New Berk cliff, but I actually had to look him up to remember his name.
And there is the side crew of other dragon riders. Again it’s a mixed bag. The best in the bunch is definitely Astrid who can both kick tail and be Hiccup’s emotional support when she feels she needs to. I’ve mentioned this before with my Trolls series review, but I appreciate how they’ve both built up and complement the relationship between these two. Astrid is the warrior who sometimes needs to stir up Hiccup into action or confidence and Hiccup is the strategist who will pull Astrid back when he feels like she’s going too far. Admittedly I rolled my eyes at the romance in the first film (then again same for Trolls), they have actually did go and show why these two are meant for each others and is handled a lot better than Panda or…She-Ra. Yeah sorry DreamWorks, I keep taking that shot at you, but only because I know you’re capable of doing better. The others…I sweat to Nox I don’t know why they are here. At least in the 2nd movie they were off on a separate mission to track down the dragon hunters while Hiccup was investigating the mysterious ice spewing beast and had their shining moments; but here…not so much. And what the Nox is with Snoutlout hitting on Hiccup’s mom? Who thought that was endearing or funny? Yes, Snotlout was always an arrogant asshole with daddy issues, let’s face it, but at least he was tolerable. Even the twins who’ve had funny moments in the series annoyed me. And then Fishlegs, don’t get the baby gag either. Also, as I’ve said before, they don’t really acknowledge the series. Heck you didn’t necessarily need to make new charqacter models. Maybe have Hiccup and the team receive a letter or something from Dagur or Heather saying they were attacked and just barely escaped and then have Grimmel strike Hiccup’s home to prove a point, but still. I get that now everyone necessaily had access to Nickelodeon or Netflix, but you could like say release the series on DVD when you put this out for Home Video? No? For something big on continuity, that was kind of miffing. And don’t worry, Digimon Tri, I WILL get to you someday. Don’t think I will ignore that slight.
But let us get back to positives. If there is one thing that DreamWorks has had a strength in with one or two exceptions, it’s the animation. I love the varied designs of the dragons, the dragon armor, and the new locations. Granted we really don’t see much of the Hidden World and it doesn’t really serve much to the plot otherwise being a catch all ending with Hiccup and Toothless going their separate ways to be the leaders their tribes need. Speaking of Toothless the dialogue-less interactions between him and Bright Fury are totes adorable and even sweeter than Wall-E and EVA. Also even if death, its neat to see how much of an influence Stoik had on Hiccup. Maybe I am reading too much into this but in the flashback when Stoik is talking about the Hidden World and how he wants to find it and seal it up so humans and dragons don’t have to fight anymore, suggests that maybe he took his wife’s ideals to heart after he saw her being snatched up by Cloudchaser that he wanted to end things a bit more passively compared to the first film where he wanted to find the dragon nest and raze it to the ground. Makes you wonder that over time, constant disappointment and death made his hopes of fulfilling some aspect of his wife’s wishes just fizzed out. Hell it would have been interesting to see Grimmel mock Hiccup saying Stoik thought like Hiccup did once and look where it got him. That might have given some more credence to his character or hell have some desire of twisted vengeance against Hiccup and Toothless.
Overall the film is still an enjoyable conclusive adventure even if it doesn’t end things with a bang and pulls a Bye Bye Butterfree on us (yes I cried!). Still I am pretty satisfied with how things ended and pray to Nox they don’t milk this like a certain other franchise. I know about Kung Fu Panda: Paws of Awesomeness but at least the premise of that actually makes sense for a continuation and no I am not paying for an amazon prime video service. I am still having trouble with Crunchyroll for Nox sake. That and there really isn’t much forward you could go with the Dragons franchise. Maybe a spin off with other characters as the focus with Hiccup and team cameoing? Hey I’d be down for that. But as it is, I’d be cool with it if they left it alone. I’m Noctina Noir and I should go and find a way to fit my dragon toy because I accidentally broke it.
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silyabeeodess · 6 years ago
Disney Princess Appreciation Post: Part 5
Now we’ve reached the birth of the 90′s and probably my second favorite (really close call for first, but you’ll see one gal I really fight for later on) of the princesses, the fabled French beauty herself, Belle:
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(Note: Same as with Cinderella, I will not be taking the live-action version into account.  I haven’t seen it and am not really all that interested to see it.  However, I won’t really be covering the other BatB films as much as I have the other side stories for other princesses as I’ll essentially be repeating myself with their message.) 
Ok, so first let’s just get started with covering the overall theme of the main film: True beauty is found within.  Obviously, we all know where this falls with the Beast/Prince Adam due to his curse from the Enchantress where he is given a monstrous form to match what a monster he was on the inside for judging someone by their appearances and treating them horribly because of it.  He is punished where, instead of being regarded with respect simply for being a prince, anyone will first treat him with fear and hatred because they’ll see him as a beast first and foremost.  However, some of you may ask where this falls with Belle, as its clearly noted over and over again throughout the film how beautiful she is.  Where are the people searching for her inner beauty?  
Well, that’s the problem: They’re not.  The townspeople don’t care at all about who Belle is on the inside, because to them she’s just a pretty face who can have it all solely because of her looks.  They want her to live an easy life clinging as an accessory to Gaston, as a figure to only be acknowledged for her beauty and nothing else.  They don’t try to understand her.  They don’t care about what else is there besides her looks or she wants for her own life.  They talk her down as this ‘crazy, odd’ character for simply wanting more out of life.  Of course there’s Gaston’s dismissal against what Belle wants, but another look shows that pretty much everyone is against her!  The townspeople help set up the wedding for Gaston and laugh at the idea of Belle refusing him.  The townspeople know her father is harmless, but still side with Gaston to gang up on him and Belle with torches and pitchforks in order to throw him into a nuthouse or force Belle into marriage. Yes, you can argue that they didn’t know about the overall plan.  However, there are men shown listening in on Gaston when he’s plotting this and either way that still doesn’t excuse that they’re fine with tossing Maurice into an asylum.  They’re horrible people!  Even when Belle proves herself with a magic mirror, they don’t listen to a word she says.
Just a side note with this on the mob itself, so you can skip this paragraph if you just want the review/analysis: Now, there’s a point to which I don’t like mob mentality presented in some films--Moana, I’m looking at you--because they sometimes end up disintegrating background characters into mindless puppets that tend to only act for conveniences sake, like they have no real self.  I let this slide for a couple reasons with BatB though. First that there are some bg characters who do act with their own personalities that would contradict the desires of the overall group (Gaston’s fangirls and the bookshop keeper who supports Belle’s love of reading): The second that Disney has done a few things that show not everyone did rally to Gaston in the mob, particularly at one of their parks, Hollywood Studios.  Maybe I just got lucky with the showing I saw, but when they performed “The Mob Song” on stage at the park, Gaston actually shoved a few of the extras in the scene who showed reluctance about joining--using the line “If you’re not with us, you’re against us,” on them instead on Belle--and then they exited the stage.  I don’t give you props all that often anymore Disney, but you have my applause there: Nice touch!  Anyway, back to the topic!
So Belle is forced under the same judgement as the Beast, albeit to the other extreme, which really is a nice balance for both their characters and the morals the story is trying to address.  And they respond to it in different ways.  The Beast is outright hostile, only delving further into the monstrous personality that got him where he is in the first place.  Belle just kinda rolls her eyes: She hates it, but rather than act snooty or coldly about it, she continues to present herself in a modest, patient manner while staying true to her own values and desires. The only bad thing is that she ends up isolated as a result.
Before I continue with this next section, I’m going to get the Stockholme Syndrome controversy with BatB out of the way now with this analysis from Wotso videos, who I feel covers the issue well. (And so I don’t have to waste anyone’s time with an essay on this myself...) This is necessary for me mention so I can talk about Belle herself:
So yeah, bouncing from Wotso and what I said earlier, Belle’s lived as outcast from society, but she never bows down to anyone and stands by her values.  She’s an intelligent, independent, and strong spirit who doesn’t need others to establish her worth or will cower in the face of adversity. The best example of these traits is scene at the beginning of her time at the castle, when she constantly refuses the Beast and stands up for her father, herself, and what she believes in. She might be a prisoner, but she does all she can to fight back all while keeping her promise. She even breaks her promise at times!!  I’ll quote Belle’s song, “Home,” from the musical here:
“Build higher walls around me, Change every lock and key,  Nothing lasts, nothing holds all of me, My heart’s far, far away, home and free...”
For the quick talk about the side story films, not only do they cover a progression of time we don’t get from just the main film for Belle’s and the Beast’s relationship to develop in (unless you actually pay attention to the weather indicating the passing of months in the movie...), but they also reaffirm these qualities for Belle while simultaneously helping the Beast grow as a character. In the Christmas Special, the Beast refuses to let anyone celebrate the holiday due to it occurring around the time he was cursed and the bad memories associated with it. However, Belle gets the entire castle to set up a celebration behind his back because she supports all the Christmas stands for and knows it’ll be good for him. She even goes so far as to--again--break her promise to not leave the castle grounds just to get a good Christmas tree. This nearly cost her her life because she almost drowned in an iced-over pond, but the Beast found out what was happening at the last second and came to save her. This last action gets her locked up, but she still stands by what she did even if it nearly got her killed and tries to remain happy with the encouragement of the castle servants. Then, later, the Beast is the one to apologize for his actions after Belle’s story for him (she was writing him one as a gift) opened his eyes.  In “Belle’s Magical World,” she stands the Beast up by accident when she focuses her time caring for a wounded bird. This prompts the Beast to jealousy, but he ends up keeping the bird because he enjoys its singing, if in a cage. For everything the Beast does, Belle speaks out against--his outrage at her caring for it, his wanting to keep it when she thinks it should be set free.  To quote her,:
“Your orders are words and words alone: They have no meaning to the bird...or me!”
The Beast eventually learns to genuinely care for the bird, putting himself--and, moreover, Cogsworth--in harms way to help it and setting it free himself. And a lot of this relationship with the Beast and the bird reflects on his relationship with Belle herself. Moreover though, there’s a pattern to it: The Beast does like Belle from the start, but he’s too spoiled, immature, and ill-tempered. Still, in the least he’s had a dose of humility because he doesn’t really see Belle falling in love with him like Gaston does, viewing the whole situation as “hopeless.” He has to grow as a person, and Belle is the person who helps him do just that. And when he is able to grow, it’s that warm, caring side of him that develops that Belle ends up falling in love with herself. The Beast tries to show real expressions of his love for her, getting out of his comfort zone to spend time with her--like when reading and skating--and catering to her interests as he learns them. And eventually, he shows that he loves her so much that he wants her to be free, even if she doesn’t love him, won’t stay at the castle with him, or if he has to remain a monster as a result. It’s worth mentioning too that Belle never confesses her feelings until the very end, when she thinks the Beast is dying, because it shows how all of this had to happen first in order for the two to really find love together.
Got a little off topic, but so what does all of this say about Belle herself?  Again, it testifies to her strong character and the beauty within her. Belle is willing to put herself in harm’s way for what she thinks is right. She’s not afraid to speak her mind. She doesn’t let the cruelty of others turn her into an equally cruel person and is both patient and forgiving, but at the same time is no push over either and will bark back if you make her. She’s someone who looks for the inner beauty in others, because no one ever tried to look for that in her, and she can bring out the best in people. 
Belle embodies independence. She never loses sight of who she is or her own self-worth. At the same time, she’s self-sacrificing and compassionate: A hero who uses her heart and mind to solve her problems rather than someone who lashes out without considering the full of a situation. She teaches young girls to never let people tell them who they have to be, to let their inner beauty shine through, and that a good heart is more beautiful than the fading charm of a rose--one’s physical appearances--could ever be.  
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lucius-morningstar · 7 years ago
Reasons I ship Bumblebee/Bumbleby
(Re uploading due to some issues sorry for bugging people.) Please keep in mind that these are my reasons and yes while a lot of them might not make the greatest of sense some might not even appeal to you. A few of these I did get from watching a video or reading a topic but a lot of this I try to explain in the best way I can. Enjoy and if you have any you’d like me to throw in for a future topic please don’t hesitate to ask or message or whatever you want. I ask for no hate please if you disagree that’s fine not everyone has to agree with me but please don’t hate or attack because you don’t ship them. —————- Now before I begin this let me go ahead and explain to you that this will be a long journal. This may or may not take some hits from or towards other ships and I may rant and kinda drift off for a moment but let me do my best. It will start off with an analysis of each character and how compatible they are among the other reasons why they should be together. First things first we are going to look at the lyrics of some of the songs. Ones that stand point out Blake and Yang in a sense and while yes this doesn’t really prove much to the ship being canon but it already points out a few significant points to the characters as a whole. I will not take the Bmblb song into consideration because it was denied to be a song towards that ship. Whether it’s denial to stop fanbases from fighting or genuinely true is for us fans to consider but I will not add it in here as a bit of proof on my end. Red like roses fills my dreams and brings me to the place you rest White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test Black the beast descends from shadows Yellow beauty burns gold While this is the lyrics to Red Like Roses Part 1 it actually goes into a bit of detail of each character with only just a few words. Of course we’ll be focusing on the third and fourth verse. Black the beast descends from shadows and Yellow beauty burns gold. Thus giving away Blake and Yang. Now we all know who Blake and Yang are suppose to represent within the fairy tail world. Blake is meant to be belle from beauty and the beast while Yang is meant to be goldilocks not a great connection I know but when you dive further into the story itself you see there is far more to Yang then simply beauty just as there is far more to Blake then dark and mysterious though it suits them both just as well. There is also a song on the v1 volume known as Wings. Which if listened to could be directed to Yang talking to Blake. However this is just for speculation it isn’t confirmed either but if you listen to some of the lyrics here it kinda makes you think. However I am more or less taking this bit here from a youtuber known as RarityDash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHLCU9a0KKI (Go to 2:53 if you want to hear his side or listen to the whole video.) A lot of these will come from other people’s perspectives too so keep in mind I will try my best to give credit where credit is due. ———————————— Now with this introduction lets get to know each character personality wise. Looking up Yang’s information on her personality this is what we get, Note it will not be the full personality because it dives into v3 and I’m trying to focus on what we know around v1-v2. And yes I know a moment from v5 is kind of in here but it might help along when I forget. Yang’s voice actor, Barbara Dunkelman, has said that when Yang’s character was described to her, she was described as “the kind of person who would teach someone how to swim by pushing them in the water”. This speaks volumes about how Yang approaches most things in life. She is very straightforward and confident. Yang is also described as being a cheerful, energetic and bright young lady. She is arguably the most flippant, carefree and adventurous member of her team, frequently making sarcastic comments and jokes even in the heat of battle and often taking combat and hostile situations lightly. Yang is very sociable and extroverted, even in unfamiliar situations. Blake considers Yang the personification of the word “strength”. However, Yang’s “brawler” fighting style is evocative of her personality. Her anger, one of her main assets in battle, can lead her to act predictably. —- As it states Yang is more or less a down to earth confident young woman with a cheerful attitude and a straight forward sense of direction. She is also a huge extrovert but like many she has her faults. One of which is her anger that as stated can lead her to act predictably. It causes her to run head on in the face of danger not thinking before acting which we’ve all seen where that leads. But I’ll get more into that later, For now lets focus on our next character. Blake Belladonna. —- Blake is described as being “mellow” by her voice actress, Arryn Zech. She displays a cool, reserved, and serious personality most of the time but does not lack a humorous side usually in the form of dry wit and sarcasm. Blake is a righteous person, respecting other people’s lives regardless of whether they are Faunus. She strongly despises those who judge and discriminate based on racial prejudice. Blake is outspoken, going so far as to indirectly insult the Schnee Dust Company in front of its heiress and defend Faunus of any kind. Blake is shown to be an introvert. Though she reads books to distance herself from the discussion at hand, as the series continues, she is shown to be more facetious and friendly. Blake appears most conversant when discussing the history and plight of her people. As a Faunus, Blake has faced discrimination in the past and wears a bow when around humans in order to be treated for her character and not her species. However, despite having no hate for Humans, she has seen how the real world works and wonders how she can undo so many years of hate and pain. —- As this personality information states Blake is more or less closed off and always hidden. She prefers to keep to herself and likes to keep her past in the past. Because of all the years of pain she’s had to go through both by human and faunus Blake has major trust issues, even with other faunus (Like Velvet or others) Blake comes off as kind of a well as the post says an introvert, Blake has no desire to make friends or get close to anyone she just wants to become stronger and find a better way to figure out her life all while running from her past. She prefers to be by herself and in this is where things start to get a little interesting to me. —- V-1 & V-2 analysts: Blake and Yang’s introduction to one another and their development through v1 and v2. Now to get off upon Blake and Yang’s very first meeting is more or less. Stiff I guess would be the best way to put it. The one character that actually brings the two together is Yang’s younger sister (half sister) Ruby. Wanting to encourage her sister to make more friends Yang tries to converse with Blake as she reads. Yang tries very hard multiple times to get Blake to open up and make conversation, going out of her way to compliment everything about her but it is ultimately shot down just as many times as she tries. After growing frustrated she proceeds to tell Ruby that she’s a lost cause. This is within the first episode of all of them meeting keep in mind these episodes we’re insanely shorten the beginning of it’s run time. Now lets go to the first initiation, where the teammates are meant to find their partners on their own being sent off into the woods one by one and the first person they make contact with is the first person they’re destined to be with for the next four years. We see Yang looking for anyone but is intending to try to find her sister Ruby but instead finds a few rather agitated Ursa who waste little to no time starting a fight with our lovely blonde heroine. Upon fighting the ursa the first one is taken out with little to no problem up until it cuts her hair which Yang ends up going on a rampage and destroying it within seconds. Taking out the second was easy an she was pumped to take out the third only for Blake to come out of nowhere and take it out for her. Yang implies she could have taken him and honestly I think Blake knew that. So here’s where my curiosity gets the better of me lets skip back just a little. Now skip back a little a few seconds back into the video and before Yang finds the ursa you see something shift past the screen. That something if paused at the right time is more or less identified as Blake. Now here’s something that interested me, Yang openly admitted that Blake was a lost cause the very night before, Blake showed little to no interest in talking to Yang and going out of her way to ignore her kind actions as best as she possibly could. Yet Blake is following Yang willingly stalking her until the perfect moment. Blake could have very well picked anyone else but she chose to be Yang’s partner. She witness Yang take on an ursa by herself, witness her anger get the better of her and that alone should have been a red flag to find someone else but she chose to stay and chose to reveal herself to Yang. Chose to be her partner, right off the bat something is off here. Blake was made out to be an introvert who wants as little human interaction as possible or at least as little interaction with people as possible. She didn’t come to beacon to make friends we find that out later on so why choose the second most friendly and outgoing person in the bunch. One who is the complete opposite of her in almost every way where Blake prefers the dark, Yang shines in the light and where Blake prefers to be alone, Yang prefers to be in the crowd. These two are more opposite then you can get and yet somehow they make it work, Blake even smiles a few times at Yang’s rather dorky yet sometimes slightly oblivious behavior. So my question for this is what made her pick Yang over anyone else. She could have chose Weiss, the two would have avoided each other barely became friends or chose Ruby someone who of course wants to be friends but is too shy to really be open and talk about anything other then books which probably would have settled better with Blake. (NOTE: This is more from an idea on how I think Blake’s perspective would be before Team RWBY was even assigned) However she chose someone who actually wants to get to know her and here’s where my reasoning comes into play. ————– Blake was always someone who was judged simply on her looks never one to be approached with a kind nature and her somewhat stiff persona often led others away then towards. Yang however was more then willing to outright introduce herself knowing nothing about Blake but never stopped to try to make her feel like she could be comfortable if that makes sense. Also if we take into account the first thing Yang compliments is Blake’s bow the one thing Blake uses to hide her secret that she feels would change how the people acted around her, as we find out a little later on Blake wants people to like her for who she is not for what she is. Yang right off the bat accepts every part of Blake without even knowing anything about her. Yang while wanting to know about Blake never pushed her into giving away more then she was comfortable with. While Yang is a boisterous character with a somewhat childish personality at times she genuinely shows a great amount of care and respect for the people she meets something Blake probably didn’t come into contact with often. In her eyes out of the choices she had Yang was probably the best choice by far. ————– Now lets go to episode 15 of Volume 1: After a fight with Weiss over a group known as the White Fang, a group of faunus who thrive to make the world better for the faunus but have turned rather dark over the years. Blake accidentally lets it slip that she was not only a member but is also in fact a faunus upon discovering this she wastes no time in leaving for fearing they would not accept her. During their search for Blake, Yang is kinda well not harsh but firm on Weiss for not being more concerned about their teammate. Ruby wanting to know Blake’s side of things while Weiss is quick to judge Yang’s only concern is for Blake’s safety, they’ hear her side of the story when they found her and when they knew she was safe. That was Yang’s first and only concern for the time being was for Blake’s safety. She not only goes out of her way to worry for her saftey but is more inclined to hear her side of the story before jumping to any harsh conclusions like Weiss did, meanwhile Ruby is honestly just trying to be the neutral party wanting to avoid as much conflict between her friends as possible. Eventually she does grow frustrated with Weiss asking if she even cares if they find Blake putting Yang in a more frustrated state of mind but does put that behind her for the sake of Blake being safely found. In Volume 2 episode 1 Blake is staring at her notebook while looking a bit out of it which causes Yang’s once again kind nature to shine on through and ask if Blake’s alright. Again something I’ve noticed with Yang is she tries not to force the situation when Blake doesn’t want to talk but instead of pushing the issue she goes straight to trying to cheer her up. Making her smile and laugh quite a bit in this episode more near the end though I’ll admit it was mostly just a food fight scene so it’s kinda hard to really look into this episode in any other way but comedic. Anyway in the next episode Blake is once again troubled and when she opens up to her friends on what she wants to do. Yang is one of the first to agree stating in a rather odd tone that she says and I quote.“Yes, I love it when you’re feisty.” and Blake even kinda gives a small smile to it enjoying the fact that Yang loves that she’s passionate about something that means so much to her and is enthusiastically wanting to help fight along side her. The tone alone in how Yang says that line however kinda leads you thinking and wondering what Yang really meant and for me it was more of a curiosity as to how often is Blake feisty around Yang that she has to point out how much she loves it. Anyway lets keep going. In volume 2, chapter 4 Blake shows a lot of concern for Yang while she’s fighting against the paladin. Now here’s something that has been also pointed out by RarityDash. Blake was aware of Yang’s semblance, she has seen it in action during the initiation yet still shows a great deal of concern towards Yang when she’s hit. She’s been with Yang long enough to know how her semblance works yet calls out for her like this is the first time she’s seen it. Now comes to the more obvious scenes people have grown to love and that is Chapter 6 of Volume 2, When Blake goes into an all out funk trying to figure out the White Fang’s plans, barely eating, barely sleeping and not stopping to just relax and have fun not only does it worry Ruby but it also worries Yang. While Yang doesn’t show it she makes it clear that whether Blake wants to or not she does intend for Blake to be at the dance one way or another. After a rather amusing way of distracting Blake to follow Yang, she takes her off somewhere alone so they can talk in private. Instead of Yang giving her a hard time or forcing her to relax she opens up to Blake, she bares the pain of losing her mother both her real and her step mom as well as her abandonment issues too. Sharing a part of her that one can only assume she never really shared with Ruby. Her being too young to know any better and Yang being too ashamed of her own mistake at the fact that she had put her and her sister’s life in danger just to get answers. She had opened up a deep wound for herself on how her mother abandoned her for reasons she hadn’t ever got a chance to figure out. She explains to Blake that her selfishness to finding answers should have gotten her and her sister killed, More or less telling Blake that she’s afraid if Blake continues to go down this road it could very well lead her to her death. Blake is-or at least tries to be understand but also gently pushes Yang’s bode aside claiming that she isn’t a child and that show knows better which eventually does anger Yang and in this flares up her semblance. Something else I took notice too that when it comes to Blake, Yang can turn it on and off at any given moment. She expresses a great deal of concern walking up to Blake looking angry before hugging her and telling her that she doesn’t want her to stop she just wants he to slow down for her and for the people she cares about. Her plan was to put her trust out to Blake and hope Blake would trust her judgement enough to give herself a break if only for a night so she could relax and enjoy herself. Yang believed Blake trusted her that much and was willing to give that trust back ten fold just so she’d rest going out of her way to share something that deeply troubled her in hopes Blake would let it go at least for a night. That right there should speak in volumes on how much Yang cares for Blake. Not to mention the scene that happens after their open conversation but this is a scene that really set it for the fans was Yang actually temps Blake by telling her if she shows up, she’ll even save her a dance before winking at her and then walking away. She says and I quote.“And if you feel like coming out tomorrow, I’ll save you a dance.” This scene alone told me Yang was flirting and inviting Blake to join her for a night of fun and no I don’t mean the dirty kind but pretty much asking her to dance with her just came off as a bit more flirty then it should have. This scene didn’t even need to be added but RT threw it in anyway. If there was nothing there or no hopes of anything being there why throw in Yang teasing Blake this way. The talk sure but the flirting was just something they didn’t need to add if they didn’t intend for us to think something like this. Now Blake does go to the dance with Sun but makes it clear her first dance was spoken for which I found odd. Yang said she’d save Blake a dance, never insinuated that he first dance had to be with Yang yet she went out of her way to dance with Yang first and for the rest of the night while Blake’s having fun. Yang just watches, she doesn’t join in, doesn’t dance with anyone else she just kinda watches Blake from a distance. Even when dancing with Sun Blake looks in Yang’s direction if only for a few brief moments before continuing to dance. Now lets go to episode 9 of volume 2. During the teams first mission. Profess-..Doctor Oobleck goes out of his way to ask why Weiss, Blake and Yang want to be huntresses which they give but while their motives are clear they start to slowly question why they’re here, why they really chose it and what their real reasons really we’re. The three do talk it over each expressing their own insecurities on what they’ll do with their career. After hearing Weiss get down from her choices Yang doesn’t fall too far behind, however this kinda changes once Blake admits that she doesn’t know how she’s going to help her people. Yang’s attitude changes right off the bat as she tries to comfort Blake telling her that she’ll figure it out and she’s never one to back down from a challenge. In the second part of this episode (Episode 10 volume 2) Blake is still showing a lot of uncertainty on how she’s going to fix her problems. Claiming all she knows how to do is run which again Yang goes out of her way to make it clear she’ll figure it out. ———————- Now we’re onto v3 and v4 During the fight with Mercury while everyone is clapping Blake is actually the only one out of the team to stand up and clap for Yang (Again this is another part I got from RariDash, a lot will be used from other youtubers and topic post makers but I will be doing my best to add my own into it as well. After the fight with Mercury however and Yang is sentence on lock down Weiss and Ruby show no hesitation in believing Yang when she says Mercury attacked her first even if they din’t see it happen that way. However Blake is hesitate and that alone greatly worries Yang, she fears she is losing Blake’s trust and that hurts her more then anything else, she breaks down into tears almost begging for Blake to believe her. When Blake explains why. claiming “I had someone very dear to me change, It wasn’t in an instant. It was gradual, little choices that began to pile up.He told me not to worry, at first they we’re accidents, then it was self defense. Before long even I began to think he was right. This is all just very familiar..” she finds it hard to believe Yang she goes into detail that she her previous quote on quote partner (Romantic partner at that) had changed so quickly and part of her was afraid to give Yang that trust back in fear she was becoming like Adam. The fact that Blake compares the two of them says a lot on how she felt for Adam says even more about how she could possibly feel for Yang. The fact that Ruby and Weiss saw Yang attack Mercury but we’re still willing to believe her over what they actually saw barely gets any real reaction from Yang because all she wants is Blake’s trust in her. She wants Blake to believe her and the way she says Blake’s name just kinda breaks your heart it doesn’t sound like a friend hurt you no it sounds like someone who is very close broke your heart in a matter of seconds. This alone, the way Yang acts and the pleading in her voice makes Blake second guess herself, telling yang and I quote and is willing to believe Yang even after momentarily witnessing it for herself she is willing to put past what she saw and put her trust in Yang even if she has a slight bit of doubt she is willing to put that aside for the sake of Yang. After explaining her situation Blake then counters with.”But you’re not him, and you’ve never done anything like this before. So I want to trust you. I will trust you but first I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me he attacked you, I need you to promise me you regret having to do what you did.” After Yang confirms that Mercury attacked her first Blake just simply closes her eyes smiles a little and says.”Okay.” She is willing to put her own trust on the line simply because Yang told her so. The fact that she was willing to believe so much after being hurt by someone like Adam again it speaks in volumes on how much trust and care she has for Yang. When the battle for beacon finally does start Blake’s very first action is to call Yang and make sure she’s safe they both continuously make sure the other is okay. Her first concern is Yang and Yang’s first concern is Blake, something I found odd was that she didn’t dial Yang’s number on her scroll she just flipped it open and Yang popped up which brings to question does she have Yang on speed dial lmao sorry sorry anyway back to the topic at hand another scene that comes into play is something that always bugged me and made me wonder why. Upon Blake and Weiss splitting up, Yang doesn’t question where her sister is, her first and only concern is where Blake is. She puts her sister’s safety on Weiss who is very much tired and goes off to find Blake on her own. The fact no one has any idea where Ruby is doesn’t even get to Yang as she dashes off to find Blake. Now here’s something that got to me. Upon Blake and Adam’s fight once Blake is pinned down Adam makes to point out these exact words.“I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love.”  Literally no sooner does he say that does Yang come into view calling out for Blake. Upon seeing Blake’s reaction Adam continues with “Starting with her.” Which given v5’s sudden reveal it is possible that Blake is confirmed to be bi to some extent. Or at least curious. He actually stabs Blake in the gut just to get a reaction out of Yang and the reaction that Yang has when seeing Blake hurt is one that is both terrifying and heart breaking. She screams at Adam to get away from Blake before launching herself straight at him, eyes red filling with tears, hair ablaze and Blake is left witnessing in horror as Yang is easily cut through. Her arm is sliced like fucking butter I kid you not he makes it look too easy and Yang passes out from her aura being completely drained from her as well as probably from the pain in her arm (Or lack there of.) sorry. Adam goes to finish Yang off and despite Blake’s injury she puts herself in front of Yang to try and save her. Now here’s something people have been pointing out. Blake actually managed to make her semblance stronger due to needing to protect Yang. Meaning she not only made a duplicate of herself but quite possibly of Yang as well so she could get away with her. The fact Blake is able to get away holding Yang as well as dealing with her own injury again should speak in volumes. Then we have that heart breaking scene of Blake clutching Yang’s hand saying nothing but sorry over and over again while Yang lays unconscious. Now during V4 a lot of people complained about this but this volume was literally a recovery volume. For people to get over everything that happened at Beacon and to heal from their injuries both mental and otherwise. The ones who had to heal the most we’re Yang and Blake. Blake left in fear Adam would hurt or kill Yang so she went to the one place she assumes Adam wouldn’t think to look back home while Yang has to once again suffer through the fact she was abandoned by the people she trusted most. First she loses her mother, then she loses Summer, then her father goes into his own bout of depression leaving Yang to raise Ruby alone for a little while. Qrow constantly leaves on missions leaving Yang alone with her thoughts. As V5 explained Yang had no one she had to deal with this loneliness by herself. Also while this might not be something really big we can cling too if you to the episode with Yang watching TV she’ll stop and just glance over at a stack of books. Just staring at them for a moment before her father walks in. A lot of people speculate she was either A: Thinking of Blake, B: Thinking of Ruby or C: Just wanting to read. I can go with either first two choices, just figured I’d point that out. While she is dealing with her own personal demons as well as some triggering PTSD. We often go to Blake who is trying to come to terms that because of her Yang got hurt. Her guilt made her run, while it put these thoughts in her head that Yang would be safe if she left. As we delve in deeper Blake does nearly break down in front of her father after he apologizes for worrying about her. If Sun hadn’t come in I am almost willing to bet Blake would have poured her heart out to her father. Not confessing anything just how she felt and how she felt when Yang was hurt how and in v5 as Weiss somewhat put it “Everything she was afraid would happen did happen the second she let those walls down.”  During that time we are introduced to Ilia who had triggered another fear out of Blake when she had hurt Sun. Blake was furious with Sun before she once again poured her heart out. She never asked for them to put their lives on the line for her, she wants them to hate her because she feels like it would be easier to be hated then to be loved, She tells Sun she’s done seeing her friends hurt because of her, admits that every day she thinks about them and listing off each character Yang’s comes out the worst. Weiss and Ruby are equally missed but Yang. Blake comes off as if Yang is someone she misses so terribly that it hurts to even say her name. While yes she does admit that she loves them, all of them. The way she says Yang’s name leads me to believe that when she says “They we’re my friends, I love them like I never thought I could love anybody”. She thinks no- she believes they’d be better off without her that no one can help her and she’s better off doing everything alone, then Sun kinda does something out of character, for someone who has feelings for Blake he actually in my eyes it seems like he willingly admits defeat by saying this. “You think you’re being selfless but you’re not, and yea your chameleon friend got me good. But I’d do it all again if it meant protecting you and I can promise Yang would say the same.” He didn’t have to add Yang into that statement. He could have just kept it at I’d do it all again if it meant protecting you but instead he added Yang to it knowing how much Blake cares for her. Then he goes and adds to it by saying. “ You can make you’re own choices sure, but you don’t get to make ours. When your friends fight for you, it’s because we want too. So stop pushing us out, it hurts more then anything the bad guys could ever do to us.” In my head this is also something that is triggered towards Yang cause once again in V5 we see Yang state that Blake doesn’t have to do it alone and that she needs her as much as Blake needs Yang. ————————- EDIT: I Added a little more I had missed out on. It’s things like these if they’re small or insignificant to you that’s fine. Everyone has their reasoning for why they like something if my reasoning isn’t enough that’s fine. I just wanted to share. Sorry this was long and I’m sorry I didn’t offer pictures. Tumblr and the way it works is still an odd thing for me. But I hope you all enjoy reading it just the same. Also someone suggested I try White Rose next. I just might actually. I know it’s less likely to be canon but that doesn’t mean I won’t try and think of reasons. 
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