#its just beat for beat exactly the same but theyre furries
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if ur not willing to turn ur faves into furries are u rlly a fan
#art#ranma 1/2#akane's a fox and ranma's a red panda#this is not an au like my dog + warrior cat versions of these guys#its just beat for beat exactly the same but theyre furries#don't ask how the animal curses work if this is a furry world okay I Dont Know 😭#ive had this fox akane for ages but i literally forgot abt her and felt bad when i remembered bc my cat ranma was originally with her LMAO#she needed a new wife
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name: wildheart specise: fire element draco-morphiad (explained below) pronouns: she/her
specise info: draco-morphiads are, basically, a specise of sexless magic cat furries. each one of them controls one of twelve elements (although two of them are special); fire (fire elements are also able to control one type of igneous rock, differing depending on the individual), water, earth, air, plant, plague, void (this void being concentrated everythingness and named for its pitch black color, there may only be one void element at a time and only two have ever been recorded), quantum strings (this has been proven to be possible, but never recorded), gemstone, metal, sound and light. draco-morphiads have a unique internal anatomy, their body cavity is filled entirely with liquid magic. this magic contains their consiousness and, when needed, forms organs to keep the draco-morphiad alive. draco-morphiads also have whats known as elemental bits, an extra part of their body made from their element or regular body part modified by it. draco eye color is also generally dictated by their element. just a draco-morphiad generation (they live tens of thousands of years) ago, they had an expansive interdimensional (this takes place in a multiverse) empire. but for reasons now lost to time, it fell. the specise took heavy casualties, although it was nowhere close to extinction. theyre rarer now, and... scattered, to say the least. their natural ability to create interdimensional portals doesnt help that. given that draco-morphiads are sexless, their native language's pronouns were dependant on element, but wildheart was raised by a sexed specise tens of thousands of years after the near extinction of the language (plus draco-morphiads were invented to explain her so i think she should get to keep her pronouns).
apperance: wildheart has brown fur, which turns abruptly black (like, theres a straight, non-gradiant divide between the back and brown) at the waist, so approximately half of her is black and half is brown . she has blood red eyes. fire element eyes are usually orange, but this is explained. she has a pair of half-crescent obsidian wings coming out of her shoulderblades, each one flanked by three floating obsidian triangles. embedded in her chest is a peice of obsidian shaped like a broken heart, and her claws are obsidian as well. she has a couple notches in each ear and a scar over her eye.
story: wildheart is born on a remote planet in a remote universe. save for her and her littermate, their parents and their older sibling squirreltail. soon after the two's birth, their parents die of reasons. unprepared to take care of them, squirreltail opens two portals to random inhabited parts of the multiverse and sends them through, hoping each will be picked up by someone responsible and more able than him.wildheart ends up being adopted by a family of goatlike skeleton monsters, where she stays for the first 13 years of her life (draco-mophiads age like humans up until about their 20th birthday). during this time she becomes incredibly close with her adopted brother, [edit with name later, i forgot it]. shortly after her 13th birthday, wildheart discovered her ability to make portals. with their parents permission, she and her brother went out to explore the multiverse a little.on their little jaunt, the two encountered a creature totally alien to them, and wildheart dared her brother to go poke it with a stick. unfortunately, the creature turned out to be a bear-esque superpreadator and ripped wildheart's brother to shreds while she watched.wildheart opened a portal to nowhere in particular, landing her at a market in the interdimensional void (my imagining of the multiverse is, like space, mostly empty. universes take the shape of enormous white orbs with the texture of frosted lightbulbs. their glow is soft, yet can be seen from light centuries away). scared to go back home, she wandered.and wildheart never stopped wandering. she quickly exanded her scope to universe hopping, trying her best to repress the memories and emotions from her brother's death.during the next eleven years, wildheart developed a routine. explore and universe hop, break gear, plunder something ancient for rare stuff, sell it at the interdimensional market, get new gear, repeat. in ancient tombs and temples, wildheart saw one thing over and over again. carvings of things that looked like her, had the same powers as her. naturally, she assumed she was the last.on the eve of her 24th birthday, wildheart was traveling through the market, looking for something special to get herself. wherever she went, the vendors all talked about one thing. the nearby combat arena had a new champion, a catlike (cats are p much a multiversal constant) calling herself reaper. knowing wildheart, many suggested she challenge her.wildheart was confident in her abilities, both physical and magical, so she decided that a championship would be the perfect gift to herself.
she actually proved a pretty even match for reaper, but in the end the champion won. though wildheart's energy seemed boundless, reapers patience and tactical skill were ultimately able to exhaust her.
after the fight, the two met by chance somewhere in/around the market. they got to talking, reaper asking what wildheart does for a living. finding the prospect of universe-hopping more interesting than beating the shit out of people, reaper asked to join wildheart.
reaper was a tall (for a draco) draco-morphiad with black fur, white patterns outlining the shape of her skeleton (or what it would be if draco-morphiads had those). she wore a grey hoodie. her wings, skeletal things composed entirely of ice, marked her as a water element, though her eyes seemed to contradict that (although wildheart didnt really know that). instead of the slightly desaturated off-teal you would expect from a water element, reapers eyes were pich black with pupils colored a deep, beautiful blue.
anyway, after a few weeks of traveling the multiverse together, the two encountered something strange. a universe with no glow, just a dull grey orb.
portaling inside (and quickly leaving), the two found that the universe was empty. it had experienced a heat death, something totally unnatural in this setting.
wildheart and reaper agreed that they had to find and kill whoever did this.
idk how, exactly, they found him, but that person turned out to be a being calling himself entropy, the incarnation of the void, the nothingness that came before the multiverse. while he was monolouging about a pair of beings called 'chaos' and 'order', wildheart and reaper tried to jump entropy. entropy did not like this. he used some sort of attack that sent the pair into a strange voidspace.
sat in this voidspace was a pair of beings. a scribbled dragon, with eyes of wildheart's blood red, and a hyperrealistic marble statue of a woman with a buzzcut in a dress, with gemstone eyes of reapers deep, beautiful blue. the two were enormous, the tip of the dragons talon bigger than wildheart's entire body. they were playing chess on a table of equal proportions.
"you're back early." remarked the dragon "did something happen?"
after a bit of confusion, it became understood that wildheart and reaper had no idea who these people were or where they were.
the two giants explained that they were chaos (the scribbled dragon) and order, demiurges of the multiverse.
many googols (a number with a hundred zeroes) of googols of eons ago, there was nothing. out of that nothing arose chaos, pure unbridled creation. but without filter, chaos could not create or take any definite form. and so, it (chaos is they/it) sat as a sort of existance soup for not even they know how long. until, at some point, order arose from the void. order was filter, what chaos needed to truly create. she (order is she/it) could not create by itself either, each dependant on the other to do something they instinctually longed for. order's form was also much different from her current day form, either a ball of quantum strings or a colorless cube of indeterminate material (i havent decided). so, the two came together and created. one of the first things the two created was a pair of souls, one blood red and the other a deep, beautiful blue. each one carved their true name into the corresponding soul in the first language, marking them as the incarnations of chaos and order.t hey were to be sent out into the multiverse together every once in a while, when the multiverse needed saving or just spicing up. of course the current incarnations were wildheart, incarnation of chaos and reaper, incarnation of order. they had been sent out this time for the purpose of killing entropy, whose trail of destruction included countless universes. but for reasons i dont know yet but were probably a mistake on chaos and orders part, they couldnt do it by themselves. they needed two more of their kind (chaos was vague about what 'their kind' was because i want it to be revealed in the narrative later). idk if its the two specific dracos they meet later or just any.
theyre currently in the place behind existance, chaos and order's personal voidspace.
chaos also reveals when talking to order that wildheart and reaper are siblings, before promptly sending them back out into the multiverse. entropy has long moved on, assuming he killed the two siblings.
the story isnt too well planned from here but
after some freaking out/contemplating/whatever over the fact that theyre siblings, wildheart and reaper continue on.
eventually, they encounter Six Of Spades, child of the last draco-morphiad monarch. saen (six of spades uses saen/trah pronouns, the traditional draco neutral/no-element pronouns) is a no-element, a semi-rare mutant with, you guessed it, no element. six of spades percives this as a fault of some sort, and overcompensates for it by playing up the ‘last heir to the draco-morphiad throne’ thing. Technically, saens cousin would have inherited the throne, but saen has no cousins saens aware of. six of spades would actually make a good monarch, if not for saens general neurosis and feeling of being (mostly) superior to those around trah.
six of spades watched saens parent die in front of saen to poachers, who wanted monarch eris (six of spades's parent)'s teeth. the teeth are the only part of a draco-morphiads pure magic core that doesnt simply dissipate after death. theyre an extremely potent source of magic, thus why draco-morphiads were killed for them shortly after the fall of the empire.
apperance wise, six of spades is an average sized (about 4 feet tall) grey draco-morphiad. saen has medium-grey fur down to saens waist, where its abruptly replaced by light grey scales. saen has ear fins like a dragon, and spikes going down saens back that may or may not start with the scales. six of spades has a lizard like tail and long, angular talons. save for color scheme (monarch eris was green), the spitting image of saens parent. six of spades also wears a worn gold crown and carries a worn gold staff with a magic gemstone orb, both posessions of monarch eris
wldheart and reaper convince six of spades to come with them.
eventually, they encounter a young (about 13 year old)
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my view of jane as a facist is only because thats what the entire fandom has turned her into because surprise surprise! canon being in the hands of the fans was a bold faced lie hussie made to escape criticism, and you have to ask yourself, are the new writers doing what they want for the fandom, or just what THEY want? just what they desire and think matters? because it sure as fuck seems like it. sure as fuck seems like they dont give two shits about anyones views other than their own.
YES! They are doing what they want to explore because they ARE writing the story! There’s a separation, a divergence, however, between what they are exploring, and the Fandom! The mere idea of ‘Beyond Canon’ and ‘Dubiously Canon’ comes precisely from this, the fact they’re exploring a specific route that hurts some characters and develops others in ways that conflict with people’s headcanons, but they explicitly don’t want people to stop doing divergent takes, because this is just one of many routes that they’ve just decided to go for because, they just think it’s interesting to go this route?
Once again you push your entire experience as the thing that is happening. You are the person that doesn’t want Jane to be seen as Fascist, yet you’re also pushing the idea that there’s NO other possible take on her right now in the Fandom. 4/13 came and all I saw was positivity for both John/June and Jane, and many people refusing to consider the Epilogues and just saying that Jane deserved better. So how is she only seen as a Fascist by the Fandom? She’s one now in the current content, yes. She’s also redeemable in Meat because she hasn’t gone that far yet. People know this, and people still like Jane.
you have to be out of your fucking mind to think that anything positive is going to happen to these characters that the authors dont like, none of the authors like jade so of course shes just a one dimensional dog dick furry "haha look she said yiff" joke, and jane is just a rapist. plain and simple with nothing else to her. its game over for these characters and the fandom is never going to pull them up because the narrative keeps beating them down over and over again until people do just give.
The epilogues showed us exactly how Hussie wants the series to end, the kids are failures, theyre all losers and nothing ever changed and they all ended up unhappy because "caring about things is for losers". And now, his friends, WHO SHARE THAT SAME MINDSET are getting to do what THEY want, which is why Vriska being fondled by Gamzee in the Epilogues? oh thats not canon to HS2 because Kate LOVES vriska too much to let that happen. but jades dog dick? that just exists to hurt? oh that can stay.
You're wrong. And I'm right. and when Homestuck 2 ends, you'll be forced to admit I'm right cause I've seen through this shit. I've seen the authors bully and block and scream at anyone who doesn't immediately shower them with praise for making the fat girl into a neo nazi who COMPLETELY beyond redemption for no reason other than to hamfist a trump parody into their shitty story. You're wrong. Plain and fucking simple.
Oh. Ooooooh. Oooooooh haha! Here I thought I was actually debating with someone, I was just getting shouted at by the Jade Fucking Hate Anon, no fucking WONDER I wasn’t getting anywhere! Fuck you and everything you fucking stand for.
I shouldn’t even acknowledge these asks because you’re vile and fucking rancid as per usual, but congrats, you ACTUALLY got me heated by posing as a Jane Fan that was hurt by the Epilogues, instead of the shapeless ball of bile and hatred you are.
Jade Harley is great. The writers like Jade. Jade was probably the person having the most fun in the Epilogues’ Earth before shit went down. The first update we get with her being aware of things in Meat, she beats the shit out of Callie for trying to make the story more Dramatic and Slut Shaming her, and beats her at her own game, regaining control of her own body. Jade is comfortable with her body and having sex and positive about it, but she mentions ONE time that she would like to have a biological kid with Dave and Karkat but she can’t, and suddenly YOU latch onto the idea that it hurts to exist because she has a dog dick.
You are. Impossible. To talk to. You don’t want to talk, you want to spew your bullshit and have it taken as fact when EVERYTHING, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING the Writers are DOING now contradict your own takes, you’re
You’re Ult Dirk, you’re so fucking closed in your own mind and so convinced that what you’re doing is the only way, that you cannot see beyond that without it tearing your whole concept of being, and that makes you obsessively assault and attack every last fucking shred of positivity you see around. Also the Vriska thing is still canon, surprise! That happened entirely like in the comic, and your focus on going on the Hating Kate bandwagon is just sooooo telling of how deep down this fucking rabbit hole you are.
You wanna bet, Hate Anon? Fine. Fucking bet.
It’s people like fucking you who are vitriol in human shape that aggravate the authors and make them block people, because you cannot consider in your mind the idea that people have good will and intentions when writing darker content. They are exhausted of getting shit like you in their mails and inboxes.
But when HS^2 actually continues to showcase good fucking things for the characters, and have them take control of what’s going on and face the bad things that have happened in the Epilogues? Then we’ll see which of the two is in the wrong, the girl trying to be positive and spread good vibes in the Fandom, or the person hidden behind an Anonymous Facade sending slurs and insults to people because they uuuuuh, I don’t know, dare to like content you don’t I guess.
Fuck you.
#Discourse#Jade Hate Anon#Hate Anon#Long Post#Longpost#Hate#Vitriol#Like Trigger Warning for a lot of wording and fucking bad shit
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Character Design Questions that i really just wanted to do because they looked fun
Tagged By: No one. I do what I want.
Most of my characters started in D&D but ill list em all for context:
Aliphos Gardwin, effectively ex-military Ranger from a what is now a frozen wasteland. Hes like a puppy in my eyes.
Anastasia Shepard, actual military. From my ME binge days. Probably the only one who’ll ever have an actual solid visual depiction
Alistair Shepard, twin brother to Ana. Technically not my character, but he punches things and hes such a dick i love it.
Unit 2038, mass produced celestial war machine with severely stunted emotional development. Had a REALLY long nap a while ago.
Firo Schwartzstein Avanezo, sleazy brat who likes to pickpocket and flirt. Closer inspection might catch a glimpse of some of that old money in his blood though.
Morgenstern, funny how dying from several impalement wounds makes a demonic deal for vengeance seem like a good idea. Might know Aliphos eventually im still pondering that...
Who’s the oldest character of yours that you still use?
oh man i dont really use them as much as id want to...im not a great writer so i dont really do anything with any of them until something comes up like a d&d game for instance. Id still use all of them given the chance.
Aliphos is the one i can always fall back to though, ive had him the longest
Who’s the oldest character of yours, defunct or not?
Im gonna go ahead and assume this means physically. Pretty sure its Unit...either Unit or Firo. Ones a robot, and the other doesnt age, but i dont exactly remember whos older...
Pretty sure its Unit
Has creating a character ever made you realize something about yourself?
There hasnt been a “realization” per se...
Each character ive made has been some kind of manifestation of what i was feeling creatively at the time, with the exception of Aliphos. Hes straight up my first character who i made not realizing how self-inserty he was all the way back in grade 9 of highschool.
Any minor characters that have either taken over or branched off into their own stories?
See now this ones a bit more interesting because i didnt really have a side character until very recently. Sacha is a backup character for the wandering mess that is the party Morgenstern belongs to, and he acts as chief sponsor after they saved him from bandits. He isnt SUPPOSED to come into the spotlight of the adventure, but he will if Morgen becomes otherwise unavailable
Do you prefer to make human, animal, monster, or _____ characters? Why?
Well i mean “human” is very loosely defined here but yeah. These are characters i know and relate to best and im not a furry, so “human” it is!
ignoring the fact that only four of them are actual humans, and one of those four isnt even mine
When creating a character, do you come up with the visual concept or the written concept first?
written concepts, easily. when im sitting down trying to make a new brain-child theres a list of questions that goes through my head to get a better idea of what im going for.
where did they come from? what is the most important thing that has happened to them this far? how do they react to waking up on just a regular day? what is the most common thing they feel both physically and mentally? how do they handle being in a group of other similarly skilled people?
i find that answering just these gives me a better idea of what im working with than trying to get a picture going before having at it
Do you have characters that you know you’ll never use, but can’t bear to get rid of/recycle?
Im honestly having a hard time envisioning using Ana anywhere. shes a bit of an alcoholic downer, and she doesnt play well with others. Morgen doesnt either, but hes currently in use and even then i have to creatively stretch his personality quite a bit just to keep things rolling
i dont like the idea of just getting rid of characters though. a few of them have died. multiple times in some cases. continuities are a thing that doesnt really exist for me, but it is hard to find a scenario where those two in particular would click in well
Is there a character that embodies your good traits, or traits you wish you had?
Aliphos is generally up-beat most of the time, and Firo and Sacha love a good time more than anything else. in general, theyre my more happy characters and i like holding onto that.
Is there a character that embodies your bad traits? Several characters? Which ones and what traits?
Ana and Morgen are definitely some pretty negative characters at their cores. Morgen less so simply because i felt like i was in a bit of a creative rut and i wanted to try something new, but Anastasia came around back at the end of highschool during the Depression Years™ and it shows...
Morgens definitive characteristics are nonchalant detachment and disdain and anger, where Ana is a depressed alcoholic with a death complex. Theres nothing happy here.
Is there a character that explores your interests or fetishes (orrrr is that just all of you characters)?
The most interesting things i can do with my characters is something that i think is unexpected of myself. I had Ali for YEARS before i tried making another character, and while it was fun making a new one, she boiled down to a drunk depressed version of what came before. The more varied and exploratory i can get with my characters the better.
One of my best experiences with a character was developing Unit. I played out the inner conflict of realizing you are able to take a hold of personal freedom now that you know you can have it while simultaneously not wanting to because youre still holding onto the faith that the higher powers know whats best and you should still be awaiting further instruction. those instructions would never come, and Unit is just another forgotten soldier stuck fighting the war, but it was SO MUCH FUN to play out the moral dilemma and ponder the philosophy! that was such a new experience for me, and i loved it! so i made a point to try and spice it up with whatever i try and make next
If you have characters that embody certain traits of yours—good or bad—has writing them changed how you view those traits? Has it affected you in any way?
In truth? not particularly. i just sorta vomit ideas out onto my characters and whatever sticks sticks. i pay no real mind as to what those ideas mean. its just fun to me.
Do you fantasize about being any of your characters, or are you more detached?
Oh there is no way i can play a character and stay detached...
When im in it? Im in it.
Do you create playlists for your characters?
When writing for specific characters, is there anything you have to do to get into the right mindset?
I will ask myself all the same questions from above as when i come up with the character design, i listen to their playlist if i made one yet, and i picture whatever it was that they just got through experiencing.
a quick crash course refresher on how this character ticks.
Which character is your guilty pleasure?
Oh Sacha easily....hes the first character i think ive made where his entire backstory is hes from a rich family and he likes to try new things. Theres no intricacy here, hes just a simple start to a character and hes fon loving. Hes super refreshing to play around with.
Is there a character of yours who’s a real struggle to write/draw? Why do you think that is?
Award for hardest to work with is probably going to Firo. I just wasnt as invested into making him as i have been for other characters. When i think of characters id like to play around with, hed be on the bottom of the list purely because he has the least amount of my interest
Which character is the easiest to draw/write?
The self insert. Next question.
Is there anything you really wish you could do, character-design-wise, that you feel is outside your current skillset? A concept that you wish you could pull off but are uncertain about?
BRO LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I love coming up with the concepts and flushing them out as i go along, but i am not the greatest at writing and they all just sorta stay in my head. also i cant draw. its a bad time for everyone involved.
What’s more important to you: visual design, unique personality, a trendy character aesthetic, etc? If you’re not sure, then what’s the first thing you usually nail down in a character?
well the first thing i always nail down when i think id like to entertain the thought of a character is their origin. so in a way i guess the aesthetic? though as i said above i like to keep things anything but trendy
Do you ever plan to do anything (comic, animation, etc) with your characters? Or are you just happy to have them?
dude i would love to make something big out of my characters! the problem becomes then that i would need someone who is as in sync with how i perceive my characters to be artistically inclined with, because god knows i cant do shit out here. until that day arises? in my head they stay.
#long post#characters#character building#character design#ill rebagel it and tag a bunch of people later
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7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog
I dont believed to be any greater illustration of mankinds superiority at the top of the food chain than the facts of the case that we allow other swine into our dwellings for some mild presentation and intimacy. Sure, there are instances of cross-species relationships across the animal kingdom, but humans are the only species that are doing it exclusively for the recreation. Its various kinds of odd in a way.
When it comes to allowing animals to poop in our homes, “theres” two species that are more popular than any other: dogs and felines. Most beings prefer puppies, but most people also considered that the plural of Oreo is Oreos”. In both specimen, theyre wrong; the plural of Oreo is, in fact, “Oreo”, and felines are objectively better than dogs when it comes to being domesticated pets. Before you break down my entrance with lamps and pitchforks, Id invite you to hear me out.
1. Cat are altogether less labor
First things first: I will admit that the life of a bird-dog proprietor is full of awesome activities. You can take your furry friend out for feet, play retrieve on the beach, or school him nifty tricks. My cat, on the other mitt, liked to cry at my space at six in the morning until I fed her, at which point she would fall asleep and reject me for most of the working day. It can be a major bummer if you’re looking for a companion to do recreation trash with all the time, but as somebody with a more relaxed life, I’m reasonably happy to have an animal that will( chiefly) gives people cavity. I spend most of my weekends going out until the wee hours of the morning, and the last event I need in my life is to have to wake up early on a cold December morning with a hangover so I can pick up fresh, steaming poo, trying urgently not to upchuck. Cats aren’t going to bark frantically every time someone hoops my bell, they’re not going to eat my shoes or tear up my sofa, and if I tried to take my feline outside and stimulate her fetch a lodge for hours at a time, she’d look at me as if I was on dopes. She respects my time, and I respect hers. It’s a completely independent relationship.
2. Dogs give their love unconditionally, a cat’s cherish is gave
If youre a hound proprietor, youll possibly has been extremely used to your canine acquaintance accosting you with hundreds of thousands of pokes and furiously wagging posterior, as if he wasnt aware youd ever return( perhaps because he wasnt ). One of the sticks dog owners will beat cat fans with is the notion that your cat doesnt love you, or attend if “youre living” or croak. That categorically isnt true; cats adoration their humen even more than they cherish nutrient, and if youve got a “cat-o-nine-tail”, youll know theyre just as fond as any dog in their own lane. I find that it takes time and try before your feline obliges the decision to love you, and until youve proven yourself worthy of that ardour, a cat will consider you with the lethargy and defiance such a stranger deserves. Dogs are manic pellets of desiring tendernes, but there’s no animal better than a “cat-o-nine-tail” at uttering the feeling “you aint s ***, motherf *** er” until you demonstrate yourself worthwhile. A pup may plow every stranger with a high level of interest or excite, but a cat will bide its age, watch and celebrate, before opening its mettle to a human. To me, a cat’s charity simply intends more.
3. Feline are actually useful around the house
As you may already know, the common hound tumbled from the noble wolf, domesticated and multiplied over thousands of years to craft the perfect house baby. Cats, on the other handwriting, various kinds of only proved up one day and started chilling in people’s dwellings. Ancient DNA evidences cats pretty much domesticated themselves, and that’s in part due to the fact that the relationship between the bag of cats and people is naturally more symbiotic than that between bird-dogs and people, where there’s a clear hierarchy of ruler and topic. If you’ve ever come home to find a bird or squirrel carcass on your doorstep, you know that cats are moderately efficient hunters, and if you have a pest problem, they’re really useful for catching mice. I’m not sure I’m any better for having watched my “cat-o-nine-tail” catch a large moth, toy with it as it furiously tried to escape particular extinction, and eat it before vomiting it back up again, but it’s exactly an example of the subtle scout labour a feline gets through in the home( in between its 14 hours of sleep a era ). Yeah, I know that some dogs were multiplied for specific tasks like herding or fox hunting, but when was the last time you owned that many sheep?
4. Cats are generally more enjoyable to be around
A common misconception with cats and dogs is the idea that puppies are stupid, over-exuberant animals, while felines are cold, calculating executioners who could destroy you at any second. In world, “cat-o-nine-tails” are just as, if not more stupid, than your median hound. Bird-dogs are like that guy you knew at school who had mediocre points and spend all his time at the gym, but now passes a successful bodybuilding business. Cats, on the other mitt, can be like that university flatmate you had that seemed really smart or musing and was doing a really complicated route, but managed to spate the laundry room by trying to soak a duvet( spoiler alerting: I was that flatmate ). A cat will try to jump-start between kitchen bars, spectacularly underestimate the distance, fall to the field with a accident, slam and bang, and still has the fearlessnes to give you a stare that mentions: “what the f *** are you looking at? ” Watching a cat around the dwelling as it gets confused by waterbeds, DVD players or even cucumbers is a great way to pass the time, and there’s a good reason that YouTube is utterly full to the edge of feline videos. Hounds are lovely and fond and cuddly, but they’re not specially good at retaining me entertained.
5. They’re better for the environment
I’m going to be straight with you: owning any sort of domestic domesticated, especially one that eats flesh, is not particularly great for those of us who don’t is argued that climate change isa deceive developed by the Chinese. A 2009 book published by Robert and Brenda Vale, entitled( a little controversially) Occasion to Ingest the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, talks about the massive ecological footprint a domestic companion racks up, calibrating the environmental damage in a component announced “global hectares”. A medium-sizeddog has the footprint of around 0.84 hectares, far more than the carbon footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser( or the commonwealth of Vietnam ), while a cat’s footprint is comparable to that of aVolkswagen Golf, possibly because they’re a lot smaller. I signify, it’s not as as good as leading wholly pet-less, but I’m sure Mother Nature will thank me for electing feline over canine. Eventually.
6. They’re cheaper, extremely
When you take home your “cat-o-nine-tail” for the first time, there are some things you’ll need to pick up before. You need to get a collar, offspring container, food … but that’s good-for-nothing in comparison to a dog. First off, because dogs have often been much greater, you’ll have to dish out a lot of currency per month on hound food, but even the dogs of comparable lengths ingest a lot more of your hard-earned currency( and if they get emphasized enough, literally your billfold as well ). Spending money on leashes, grooming discipline class or even ridiculously expensive munch toys are actually leave you broke at the end of the month, while your feline is entertained by a scratching post, a couple of plaything mouse and whatever random cardboard casket you have lying around the house. They pretty much bridegroom themselves, very. The ASPCA even backs me up on this one: a study found that felines are room cheaper than your median hound, to the sing of up to $800 a year.
7. Yes, felines are kind of yanks … but that’s why they’re awesome
I’ve written this side-by-side compared to a lot of enjoy , not to mention anecdotes, but I’ve got to level with you here: my feline is an a ** gap. When she’s not riling me on purpose, waking me up at pornographic hours or invariably trying to knock me off balance while I tie lightbulbs, she’s purporting scratchings at me and climbing up on my plateful as I try to eat something. Here’s the thing, though: I enjoy her. Don’t get me wrong; bird-dogs are great, but even with the monstrous ones, I seem as if they’re mostly innocuous, and the idea of manhandling me never spans their memories. With my “cat-o-nine-tail”, I have no doubt that she’d to continue efforts to sever my carotid vein if I so much as look back her funny, and that’s the same reasons she’s enormous. Even when she’s dragging a dead fowl into my front room or looking instantly at me as she use her litter casket, I know that she could destroy me if she so desired, and that builds it additional sweetened when she doesn’t. I don’t know about you, but I think that most movie rogues would be jug to hang out with than the heroes; who’d want to get a brew with Luke Skywalker or Batman when you are able to chill with Darth Vader or the Joker? Sure, they’d maybe try to kill you, but should you come out alive, you won’t be able to say you didn’t have fun.
Well, there you have it, “cat-o-nine-tail” suitors and hound suitors. Of trend, to each their own, and I don’t visualize I’ll have altered all of you to cat admirers. I do hope, nonetheless, that some of you preparing the decision to get a “cat-o-nine-tail” or a pup will look at the entertainment-based, financial and environmental perk, and acquire the best choice. You’d be barking mad not to.
The post 7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog
I dont believed to be any greater illustration of mankinds superiority at the top of the food chain than the facts of the case that we allow other swine into our dwellings for some mild presentation and intimacy. Sure, there are instances of cross-species relationships across the animal kingdom, but humans are the only species that are doing it exclusively for the recreation. Its various kinds of odd in a way.
When it comes to allowing animals to poop in our homes, “theres” two species that are more popular than any other: dogs and felines. Most beings prefer puppies, but most people also considered that the plural of Oreo is Oreos”. In both specimen, theyre wrong; the plural of Oreo is, in fact, “Oreo”, and felines are objectively better than dogs when it comes to being domesticated pets. Before you break down my entrance with lamps and pitchforks, Id invite you to hear me out.
1. Cat are altogether less labor
First things first: I will admit that the life of a bird-dog proprietor is full of awesome activities. You can take your furry friend out for feet, play retrieve on the beach, or school him nifty tricks. My cat, on the other mitt, liked to cry at my space at six in the morning until I fed her, at which point she would fall asleep and reject me for most of the working day. It can be a major bummer if you’re looking for a companion to do recreation trash with all the time, but as somebody with a more relaxed life, I’m reasonably happy to have an animal that will( chiefly) gives people cavity. I spend most of my weekends going out until the wee hours of the morning, and the last event I need in my life is to have to wake up early on a cold December morning with a hangover so I can pick up fresh, steaming poo, trying urgently not to upchuck. Cats aren’t going to bark frantically every time someone hoops my bell, they’re not going to eat my shoes or tear up my sofa, and if I tried to take my feline outside and stimulate her fetch a lodge for hours at a time, she’d look at me as if I was on dopes. She respects my time, and I respect hers. It’s a completely independent relationship.
2. Dogs give their love unconditionally, a cat’s cherish is gave
If youre a hound proprietor, youll possibly has been extremely used to your canine acquaintance accosting you with hundreds of thousands of pokes and furiously wagging posterior, as if he wasnt aware youd ever return( perhaps because he wasnt ). One of the sticks dog owners will beat cat fans with is the notion that your cat doesnt love you, or attend if “youre living” or croak. That categorically isnt true; cats adoration their humen even more than they cherish nutrient, and if youve got a “cat-o-nine-tail”, youll know theyre just as fond as any dog in their own lane. I find that it takes time and try before your feline obliges the decision to love you, and until youve proven yourself worthy of that ardour, a cat will consider you with the lethargy and defiance such a stranger deserves. Dogs are manic pellets of desiring tendernes, but there’s no animal better than a “cat-o-nine-tail” at uttering the feeling “you aint s ***, motherf *** er” until you demonstrate yourself worthwhile. A pup may plow every stranger with a high level of interest or excite, but a cat will bide its age, watch and celebrate, before opening its mettle to a human. To me, a cat’s charity simply intends more.
3. Feline are actually useful around the house
As you may already know, the common hound tumbled from the noble wolf, domesticated and multiplied over thousands of years to craft the perfect house baby. Cats, on the other handwriting, various kinds of only proved up one day and started chilling in people’s dwellings. Ancient DNA evidences cats pretty much domesticated themselves, and that’s in part due to the fact that the relationship between the bag of cats and people is naturally more symbiotic than that between bird-dogs and people, where there’s a clear hierarchy of ruler and topic. If you’ve ever come home to find a bird or squirrel carcass on your doorstep, you know that cats are moderately efficient hunters, and if you have a pest problem, they’re really useful for catching mice. I’m not sure I’m any better for having watched my “cat-o-nine-tail” catch a large moth, toy with it as it furiously tried to escape particular extinction, and eat it before vomiting it back up again, but it’s exactly an example of the subtle scout labour a feline gets through in the home( in between its 14 hours of sleep a era ). Yeah, I know that some dogs were multiplied for specific tasks like herding or fox hunting, but when was the last time you owned that many sheep?
4. Cats are generally more enjoyable to be around
A common misconception with cats and dogs is the idea that puppies are stupid, over-exuberant animals, while felines are cold, calculating executioners who could destroy you at any second. In world, “cat-o-nine-tails” are just as, if not more stupid, than your median hound. Bird-dogs are like that guy you knew at school who had mediocre points and spend all his time at the gym, but now passes a successful bodybuilding business. Cats, on the other mitt, can be like that university flatmate you had that seemed really smart or musing and was doing a really complicated route, but managed to spate the laundry room by trying to soak a duvet( spoiler alerting: I was that flatmate ). A cat will try to jump-start between kitchen bars, spectacularly underestimate the distance, fall to the field with a accident, slam and bang, and still has the fearlessnes to give you a stare that mentions: “what the f *** are you looking at? ” Watching a cat around the dwelling as it gets confused by waterbeds, DVD players or even cucumbers is a great way to pass the time, and there’s a good reason that YouTube is utterly full to the edge of feline videos. Hounds are lovely and fond and cuddly, but they’re not specially good at retaining me entertained.
5. They’re better for the environment
I’m going to be straight with you: owning any sort of domestic domesticated, especially one that eats flesh, is not particularly great for those of us who don’t is argued that climate change isa deceive developed by the Chinese. A 2009 book published by Robert and Brenda Vale, entitled( a little controversially) Occasion to Ingest the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, talks about the massive ecological footprint a domestic companion racks up, calibrating the environmental damage in a component announced “global hectares”. A medium-sizeddog has the footprint of around 0.84 hectares, far more than the carbon footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser( or the commonwealth of Vietnam ), while a cat’s footprint is comparable to that of aVolkswagen Golf, possibly because they’re a lot smaller. I signify, it’s not as as good as leading wholly pet-less, but I’m sure Mother Nature will thank me for electing feline over canine. Eventually.
6. They’re cheaper, extremely
When you take home your “cat-o-nine-tail” for the first time, there are some things you’ll need to pick up before. You need to get a collar, offspring container, food … but that’s good-for-nothing in comparison to a dog. First off, because dogs have often been much greater, you’ll have to dish out a lot of currency per month on hound food, but even the dogs of comparable lengths ingest a lot more of your hard-earned currency( and if they get emphasized enough, literally your billfold as well ). Spending money on leashes, grooming discipline class or even ridiculously expensive munch toys are actually leave you broke at the end of the month, while your feline is entertained by a scratching post, a couple of plaything mouse and whatever random cardboard casket you have lying around the house. They pretty much bridegroom themselves, very. The ASPCA even backs me up on this one: a study found that felines are room cheaper than your median hound, to the sing of up to $800 a year.
7. Yes, felines are kind of yanks … but that’s why they’re awesome
I’ve written this side-by-side compared to a lot of enjoy , not to mention anecdotes, but I’ve got to level with you here: my feline is an a ** gap. When she’s not riling me on purpose, waking me up at pornographic hours or invariably trying to knock me off balance while I tie lightbulbs, she’s purporting scratchings at me and climbing up on my plateful as I try to eat something. Here’s the thing, though: I enjoy her. Don’t get me wrong; bird-dogs are great, but even with the monstrous ones, I seem as if they’re mostly innocuous, and the idea of manhandling me never spans their memories. With my “cat-o-nine-tail”, I have no doubt that she’d to continue efforts to sever my carotid vein if I so much as look back her funny, and that’s the same reasons she’s enormous. Even when she’s dragging a dead fowl into my front room or looking instantly at me as she use her litter casket, I know that she could destroy me if she so desired, and that builds it additional sweetened when she doesn’t. I don’t know about you, but I think that most movie rogues would be jug to hang out with than the heroes; who’d want to get a brew with Luke Skywalker or Batman when you are able to chill with Darth Vader or the Joker? Sure, they’d maybe try to kill you, but should you come out alive, you won’t be able to say you didn’t have fun.
Well, there you have it, “cat-o-nine-tail” suitors and hound suitors. Of trend, to each their own, and I don’t visualize I’ll have altered all of you to cat admirers. I do hope, nonetheless, that some of you preparing the decision to get a “cat-o-nine-tail” or a pup will look at the entertainment-based, financial and environmental perk, and acquire the best choice. You’d be barking mad not to.
The post 7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vaSTMS via IFTTT
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7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog
I dont believed to be any greater illustration of mankinds superiority at the top of the food chain than the facts of the case that we allow other swine into our dwellings for some mild presentation and intimacy. Sure, there are instances of cross-species relationships across the animal kingdom, but humans are the only species that are doing it exclusively for the recreation. Its various kinds of odd in a way.
When it comes to allowing animals to poop in our homes, “theres” two species that are more popular than any other: dogs and felines. Most beings prefer puppies, but most people also considered that the plural of Oreo is Oreos”. In both specimen, theyre wrong; the plural of Oreo is, in fact, “Oreo”, and felines are objectively better than dogs when it comes to being domesticated pets. Before you break down my entrance with lamps and pitchforks, Id invite you to hear me out.
1. Cat are altogether less labor
First things first: I will admit that the life of a bird-dog proprietor is full of awesome activities. You can take your furry friend out for feet, play retrieve on the beach, or school him nifty tricks. My cat, on the other mitt, liked to cry at my space at six in the morning until I fed her, at which point she would fall asleep and reject me for most of the working day. It can be a major bummer if you’re looking for a companion to do recreation trash with all the time, but as somebody with a more relaxed life, I’m reasonably happy to have an animal that will( chiefly) gives people cavity. I spend most of my weekends going out until the wee hours of the morning, and the last event I need in my life is to have to wake up early on a cold December morning with a hangover so I can pick up fresh, steaming poo, trying urgently not to upchuck. Cats aren’t going to bark frantically every time someone hoops my bell, they’re not going to eat my shoes or tear up my sofa, and if I tried to take my feline outside and stimulate her fetch a lodge for hours at a time, she’d look at me as if I was on dopes. She respects my time, and I respect hers. It’s a completely independent relationship.
2. Dogs give their love unconditionally, a cat’s cherish is gave
If youre a hound proprietor, youll possibly has been extremely used to your canine acquaintance accosting you with hundreds of thousands of pokes and furiously wagging posterior, as if he wasnt aware youd ever return( perhaps because he wasnt ). One of the sticks dog owners will beat cat fans with is the notion that your cat doesnt love you, or attend if “youre living” or croak. That categorically isnt true; cats adoration their humen even more than they cherish nutrient, and if youve got a “cat-o-nine-tail”, youll know theyre just as fond as any dog in their own lane. I find that it takes time and try before your feline obliges the decision to love you, and until youve proven yourself worthy of that ardour, a cat will consider you with the lethargy and defiance such a stranger deserves. Dogs are manic pellets of desiring tendernes, but there’s no animal better than a “cat-o-nine-tail” at uttering the feeling “you aint s ***, motherf *** er” until you demonstrate yourself worthwhile. A pup may plow every stranger with a high level of interest or excite, but a cat will bide its age, watch and celebrate, before opening its mettle to a human. To me, a cat’s charity simply intends more.
3. Feline are actually useful around the house
As you may already know, the common hound tumbled from the noble wolf, domesticated and multiplied over thousands of years to craft the perfect house baby. Cats, on the other handwriting, various kinds of only proved up one day and started chilling in people’s dwellings. Ancient DNA evidences cats pretty much domesticated themselves, and that’s in part due to the fact that the relationship between the bag of cats and people is naturally more symbiotic than that between bird-dogs and people, where there’s a clear hierarchy of ruler and topic. If you’ve ever come home to find a bird or squirrel carcass on your doorstep, you know that cats are moderately efficient hunters, and if you have a pest problem, they’re really useful for catching mice. I’m not sure I’m any better for having watched my “cat-o-nine-tail” catch a large moth, toy with it as it furiously tried to escape particular extinction, and eat it before vomiting it back up again, but it’s exactly an example of the subtle scout labour a feline gets through in the home( in between its 14 hours of sleep a era ). Yeah, I know that some dogs were multiplied for specific tasks like herding or fox hunting, but when was the last time you owned that many sheep?
4. Cats are generally more enjoyable to be around
A common misconception with cats and dogs is the idea that puppies are stupid, over-exuberant animals, while felines are cold, calculating executioners who could destroy you at any second. In world, “cat-o-nine-tails” are just as, if not more stupid, than your median hound. Bird-dogs are like that guy you knew at school who had mediocre points and spend all his time at the gym, but now passes a successful bodybuilding business. Cats, on the other mitt, can be like that university flatmate you had that seemed really smart or musing and was doing a really complicated route, but managed to spate the laundry room by trying to soak a duvet( spoiler alerting: I was that flatmate ). A cat will try to jump-start between kitchen bars, spectacularly underestimate the distance, fall to the field with a accident, slam and bang, and still has the fearlessnes to give you a stare that mentions: “what the f *** are you looking at? ” Watching a cat around the dwelling as it gets confused by waterbeds, DVD players or even cucumbers is a great way to pass the time, and there’s a good reason that YouTube is utterly full to the edge of feline videos. Hounds are lovely and fond and cuddly, but they’re not specially good at retaining me entertained.
5. They’re better for the environment
I’m going to be straight with you: owning any sort of domestic domesticated, especially one that eats flesh, is not particularly great for those of us who don’t is argued that climate change isa deceive developed by the Chinese. A 2009 book published by Robert and Brenda Vale, entitled( a little controversially) Occasion to Ingest the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, talks about the massive ecological footprint a domestic companion racks up, calibrating the environmental damage in a component announced “global hectares”. A medium-sizeddog has the footprint of around 0.84 hectares, far more than the carbon footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser( or the commonwealth of Vietnam ), while a cat’s footprint is comparable to that of aVolkswagen Golf, possibly because they’re a lot smaller. I signify, it’s not as as good as leading wholly pet-less, but I’m sure Mother Nature will thank me for electing feline over canine. Eventually.
6. They’re cheaper, extremely
When you take home your “cat-o-nine-tail” for the first time, there are some things you’ll need to pick up before. You need to get a collar, offspring container, food … but that’s good-for-nothing in comparison to a dog. First off, because dogs have often been much greater, you’ll have to dish out a lot of currency per month on hound food, but even the dogs of comparable lengths ingest a lot more of your hard-earned currency( and if they get emphasized enough, literally your billfold as well ). Spending money on leashes, grooming discipline class or even ridiculously expensive munch toys are actually leave you broke at the end of the month, while your feline is entertained by a scratching post, a couple of plaything mouse and whatever random cardboard casket you have lying around the house. They pretty much bridegroom themselves, very. The ASPCA even backs me up on this one: a study found that felines are room cheaper than your median hound, to the sing of up to $800 a year.
7. Yes, felines are kind of yanks … but that’s why they’re awesome
I’ve written this side-by-side compared to a lot of enjoy , not to mention anecdotes, but I’ve got to level with you here: my feline is an a ** gap. When she’s not riling me on purpose, waking me up at pornographic hours or invariably trying to knock me off balance while I tie lightbulbs, she’s purporting scratchings at me and climbing up on my plateful as I try to eat something. Here’s the thing, though: I enjoy her. Don’t get me wrong; bird-dogs are great, but even with the monstrous ones, I seem as if they’re mostly innocuous, and the idea of manhandling me never spans their memories. With my “cat-o-nine-tail”, I have no doubt that she’d to continue efforts to sever my carotid vein if I so much as look back her funny, and that’s the same reasons she’s enormous. Even when she’s dragging a dead fowl into my front room or looking instantly at me as she use her litter casket, I know that she could destroy me if she so desired, and that builds it additional sweetened when she doesn’t. I don’t know about you, but I think that most movie rogues would be jug to hang out with than the heroes; who’d want to get a brew with Luke Skywalker or Batman when you are able to chill with Darth Vader or the Joker? Sure, they’d maybe try to kill you, but should you come out alive, you won’t be able to say you didn’t have fun.
Well, there you have it, “cat-o-nine-tail” suitors and hound suitors. Of trend, to each their own, and I don’t visualize I’ll have altered all of you to cat admirers. I do hope, nonetheless, that some of you preparing the decision to get a “cat-o-nine-tail” or a pup will look at the entertainment-based, financial and environmental perk, and acquire the best choice. You’d be barking mad not to.
The post 7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vaSTMS via IFTTT
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