#its important to me that link and linebeck end up as friends. and i do think its a little funny if linebeck drops vague childhood trauma
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waywardsalt · 3 months ago
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pocketseizure · 5 years ago
It’s Free Real Estate
After having released the Great Sea from its curse, Tetra must now defend New Hyrule from the nefarious schemes of yet another terrible old man. 
( Also on AO3 )
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Tetra sat on the throne of the audience chamber of her castle.
Admittedly, “throne” might be a bit of an exaggeration, and “castle” even more so. Her seat of power wasn’t much to look at, not yet, but she had plans.
A former deckhand whom she had appointed as a royal guard led in a gaunt man wearing a tattered and threadbare coat. He was tall but stooped, with small eyes sunken into a sallow face.
“Presenting the noble and distinguished Captain Linebeck,” the guard announced, which was hardly necessary. Still, one did have to keep up appearances.
Linebeck approached with a swagger and almost tripped on the fringe of the carpet laid out over the stone floor.
Tetra suppressed a smirk. The fool hadn’t gotten his land legs yet. He’d probably just washed up onshore at the tail end up of yet another unsuccessful venture. Smuggling, most likely.
“Linebeck, what a surprise to see you again. And what a pleasure, I should say.”
“It’s a pleasure to see you as well, lass. It seems the climate agrees with you. You’re looking less… chalky.”
“Indeed.” Tetra leaned back, resting her elbow on the dragon-claw armrest of her throne. She had forgotten how vile this rat-faced little man was, but he seemed keen on reminding her. “Tell me, is your ship still named after yourself?”
“Is that not a reasonable thing to name a ship?”
“Fair enough. So what brings you here, Captain?”
“I hear you’ve been having some trouble with monsters in these parts.”
“You could say that,” Tetra replied, careful not to let her face betray her annoyance. The Lokomo had welcomed her and her crew to this land, and the least she could do to repay their hospitality was to join their battle against a so-called ‘demon king’ named Malladus. It was nothing she hadn’t dealt with before, but the conflict was no trifling matter.
“I could protect you,” Linebeck offered, ever the gallant. “All I’d be asking for in return is an estate in your fair kingdom. A small plot of land, perhaps a minor title. Nothing more.”
So that was his game, was it? How had Link put up with this cad?
Tetra cleared her throat. “Link has told me of your exploits in service of the Ocean King, and I’m sure he informed you of the many trials we faced together on the Great Sea.” She rather doubted he had, actually, as Link tended to clam up like a shellfish when even she herself mentioned what they had seen under the waves of that cursed stretch of ocean. It amused her to watch as Linebeck scrambled to come up with a suitable response.
“Ah, well, um, yes. Certainly. A great many trials, and whatnot. But the challenge ahead must surely be even more dire.”
“Of course. That’s why it’s important to be prepared. Link is a formidable warrior, and his skill with a sword is unmatched. I’m honored that he’s agreed to contribute his blade, but this kingdom has no dearth of weapons at its disposal to provide backup, should he need it.”  
Tetra reached for the cup of tea on the table beside her throne, discretely adjusting the saucer to reveal a large pistol.
“You’ll find that my ship is equipped with the latest in canonological equipment,” Linebeck said, puffing up his chest despite the sheen of sweat that had appeared on his forehead. Tetra was almost impressed by his bravado. Almost.
“Let me assure you that we have no shortage of firepower,” Tetra replied, taking a sip of tea and replacing her cup in its saucer. She allowed the tips of her fingers to linger on the barrel of her gun. “The Lokomo have been most generous. We have no fewer than half a dozen fully operational steam engines riding the rails across New Hyrule, all armed to the teeth.” She grinned and leaned forward. “And every single engineer is prepared to fire on my command.”
Linebeck’s face went pale. His obsequious smile faltered.
“Well, it… sounds like you’ve got your protection in order, then.”
“I can assure you we do, but I’m grateful for your concern.”
This was Linebeck’s cue to leave, but still he stood in front of her, rooted in place like a barnacle. “It’s just that I’m starting a family,” he stammered, “and this, ah, strikes me as a good place to settle down.”
Tetra sighed. Had Jolene finally caught him, then? It was impossible to know for sure, and it was none of her business. Regardless, the pathetic coward in front of her was Link’s friend, and she did technically owe him a debt.
“That’s fantastic news. In that case, I think I may just have the perfect ‘estate’ for you. The talents of a brave man of the sea such as yourself would be wasted on dry land. There’s a small settlement out on the Papuchia shoreline that could use a trader and ferry service.”
Linebeck’s face fell. “A… ferry service, Your Highness?”
Tetra nodded. “It’s not a position I can give to just anyone. Those waters are infested with sharks and octoroks and Nayru only knows what else. The territory in the vicinity of the southeastern train depot is vital. Keeping it safe is a solemn responsibility. I’m relieved you volunteered your service, Captain.”
She picked up her teacup again, crossing her legs so that the hem of her skirt rose to reveal her second pistol, which was strapped to her calf. Linebeck’s eyes darted from her face to her leg and then around the room, checking for other hidden surprises. Tetra did in fact have a third gun on her person, but there was no reason for Linebeck to ever know about it if he could manage to behave himself.
“I’m honored by your largesse, Your Highness, but, you see,” Linebeck sputtered. He hadn’t gotten what he wanted – he’d gotten something better, but he didn’t want to admit it.  
Tetra flashed her teeth in a wry grin. “Come now, Captain. There’s no need to be modest. There’s a big, beautiful tract of coastal land out there just waiting for you. It’s got your name on it, and all you have to do is claim it. I’ll have my staff draw up a contract right away. You don’t need to do anything but show up and sign your name. There’s nothing to lose. What do you say?”
Linebeck muttered something unintelligible and bowed before exiting her audience chamber.
She had won, and they both knew it. It must have been embarrassing for someone with such an inflated opinion of himself to be bested by a teenage girl, but he had no one but himself to blame. Tetra shrugged and finished her tea. He wouldn’t be the first, and he might as well get used to it.
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loregoddess · 7 years ago
All the zeldas. Just. All. Of them
I….Michi I was going to apologize for not getting to this until today, but considering how many Zelda games there are I no longer regret not doing this last night.
Under the cut, bc do you know how many games there are including spinoffs? Too many to not be under a cut.
The Legend of Zelda
never played | want to play | terrible | boring |okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I watched my brother and mom play it bc we have it on this special edition disk that had like, four LoZ games on it, and it’s certainly a game of its time which means it’s super-hard if you don’t know what you’re doing, and still hard even if you do, so I probably won’t try it anytime soon.
The Adventure of Link
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
This was also one of the games on the aforementioned special edition disk, which I watched my brother and mom attempt far enough to know you couldn’t pay me to try and beat the game. My understanding is this is fundamentally one of the most–if not THE most–difficult games in the entire franchise. A product of it’s time, entirely unique in it’s RPG-style mechanics which didn’t work out for the gameplay that well, I’ve only read one story of someone beating the game it’s that hard.
Despite not wanting to play either of the very first two games, I really love the implied story components of each, esp. in terms of the ever-inconsistent and changing lore. So, for story and maps, these games are neat.
A Link to the Past
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
The very first LoZ game I ever played, so it has a special place in my heart. Also the first game to introduce the “zelda formula” that made the series so successful, so I gotta applaud it for that too.
Link’s Awakening / Link’s Awakening DX
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I roughly know the story components and this is…one hell of a weird story, but like, I love the design for the Wind Fish, and Marin came from this game so I kinda want to try playing it for myself eventually.
Ocarina of Time
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
The first time I played this was well after I played Wind Waker, so this game doesn’t have the nostalgia factor for me that it has for most fans. When I first played it I got tired of Navi bugging me to save Zelda, even though I was in the middle of having fun with side quests, so I stopped and never beat it. When I went back years later to try and beat it I got stuck in Ganon’s Tower and refused to look up a guide, and have thus, still never beat it. Eventually I should look up a playthough of the ending just so I know exactly what happens, bc even though this isn’t one of my fave games, it’s so important for timeline theory and lore that I kinda need to know shit about the game. Not actually sure how I got through the Water Temple twice.
Majora’s Mask
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
Listen. I like side quests. They’re fun. But generally speaking they’re optional and not needed to complete the main storyline. When I found out that the only way to have a relatively easy time getting into this game’s “water temple” was by completing a ton of other side quests, it kinda broke my will to complete the game. Also I don’t do well on timers, so I dunno if I’ll ever beat this game. I mean I still might try bc there’s a lot of interesting story points in the game, but like, I really, really, really hate being put on a time limit and having to restart the three-day cycle constantly. Love the dark themes though, those are fun.
Oracle of Seasons & Ages
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed?
(I lumped these two games together bc there’s a way to link the stories, but they are technically two different games.) I seem to remember a friend of my mom’s lending one of these games to me and my brother a long time ago but I couldn’t get past the first dungeon bc I was young and sucked at boss fights. I might buy and try to play these games at some point though bc the stories are really interesting and the games are cheapish on Nintendo’s eshop.
Four Swords
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
It, uh…it exists. Dunno much about it but I hate the map bc it fucks up all of my land- and cartography-based theory-crafting.
Wind Waker
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed?
So I can’t remember if I, personally, have ever beaten the game, but I did make it to the end before going off to do side quests, and also my brother beat it which I watched, so I know the entire story. Overall a good game, my only major complaint is Tetra turning white after she “becomes Princess Zelda” and also the fact that she goes from kickass pirate to passive damsel in distress. My favorite Ganondorf, for both design and story. Also the graphics aged surprisingly well? Oh, and I loved the Rito, and the exploration aspect was one of the best executed of any LoZ game (the best in my opinion, before BotW came along). Gameplay and mechanics were one of the strongest of any LoZ game I’ve played as well.
Four Swords Adventures
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
This is one of the really underrated LoZ games, but honestly the gameplay is? Really solid and fun. Also the graphics were really good, esp. considering 2D style games weren’t being made as often when it came out. This is one of like, two or three LoZ games that I’ve beaten more than once–in fact I think I’ve beaten this game more than any other LoZ game, and it’s probably my first or second most-replayed-and-beaten game of any game I’ve played. It’s kinda like, a comfort game for me. Also the manga for this game was excellent.
Minish Cap
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
Another really underrated game with solid gameplay and graphics. Like, this game is really good, and I also really loved the story.
Twilight Princess
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | EXCELLENT | a favorite | played but never completed
This is my personal favorite LoZ game of the entire series, I really, really love this game. It’s also the only LoZ that I know I’ve beaten 100%, like all the side quests, all the heart containers, items, poe souls, everything. One of the few LoZ games that I’ve replayed and beaten multiple times. It was also the first LoZ game that I completed bc I used to have a bad habit of never beating LoZ games for some reason. Also the home of my two top fave LoZ characters, Midna and Shad. I just…I really love this game.
Phantom Hourglass
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I hate putting “terrible” down for any game, but listen. The mechanics were a nightmare, everything about trying to move around and fight was so frustrating. The only reason I stuck with the game as long as I did was Linebeck–but when I learned the last dungeon was also the dungeon I’d been forced to go through again and again and again, I just…couldn’t do it and I’ve never picked up the game since. I should look up the ending for this as well, bc the story was good, it’s just…the gameplay…no.
Spirit Tracks
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I hated playing Phantom Hourglass, so I never even bought this one. The aesthetics are cute, like I really like the trains and stuff, and it’s neat that Zelda travels with you. But the colonialist undertones are…yikes.
Skyward Sword
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I really enjoyed playing this game, despite the fact that there was too much hand-holding and Fi’s assistance was more annoying than helpful most of the time. But the story and the visuals, and the music–I really enjoyed those aspects of the game. I’ve also replayed and beaten this game a couple of times, despite the flaws, just bc I was really endeared to the characters and story.
A Link Between Worlds
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
This was another really fun game, and I really liked all of the characters and the cute graphics. Not much to say on this bc it was honestly just, really fun and good. It was a really fun way to revive the Hyrule of A Link to the Past.
Tri Force Heroes
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
My friend bought this as a graduation present for me, but it’s more fun to play together with two other people, so I haven’t been able to play it much past the first couple of areas, but what I did play was quirky and fun.
Breath of the Wild
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I really enjoyed playing the game, and generally speaking it’s one of the most solid games in terms of gameplay and mechanics. And the exploration is excellent, like it was so much fun to explore the gigantic world of Hyrule. But. There needed to be more story, more lore, and more music. Like what we got was great, but it was extremely lacking, even compared to games with glaring plot holes in the story, like there was just so little to work with. And there was too much “here’s these mysterious ruins that we will tell you nothing about and there’s no way to learn anything about them. ever.” moments while I was exploring. And just, I wanted more story really, more than anything.
Literally all the CGi games and games produced between 1993-1997
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
Enough said.
I’m also lumping all the Tingle spinoff games together bc this is getting really long
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
Tingle is a discomfort character for me, like not a major discomfort character, just a minor one, but enough that I’ve never willingly looked into these games, despite any good things I’ve heard about them.
Game & Watch Zelda
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I didn’t even know this existed.
Link’s Crossbow Training
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I know that this takes place in the Twilight Princess Hyrule, but that’s about it.
My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
never played | want to play? | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
Listen, I had no idea this existed either, but? It’s based off my fave game so? If I get the chance to play it, then I sure as hell will give it a whirl.
Hyrule Warriors (including Legends and the Definitive Edition)
never played | want to play | terrible | boring | okay | good | great | a favorite | played but never completed
I never got the original game bc it was for the Wii U, but I have Legends and my brother bought the Definitive Edition, the latter of which I’m currently playing. It’s honestly just a plain fun game, with solid gameplay. I like being able to feel powerful and badass, and literally half the playable characters are women which is nearly unheard of in fighting-based games. And like? I can play as TWO different versions of Midna? AND Impa is so gorgeous and really well-written, like damn, I love her so much. Linkle is actually really fun to play and really cool, and I like the fact that she isn’t just “Link but a girl” like she really stands on her own as a unique character. It’s also pretty interesting to be able to play as several villains. My only complaint is Cia, but not bc she’s a poorly written character or fanservice central, but like…LoZ in particular has a really, really bad habit of coding the evil and corrupted final big bad guy as dark-skinned and like…having an evil dark-skinned villainess who’s also fanservicy especially with Lana being Cia’s “light and goodness” it’s just…yikes. I don’t think I need to spell that out further. My understanding is that Cia gets a redemption arc of some sort eventually, but I’m not far enough in the story mode to confirm this. I sure as hell hope it’s true bc she deserves better than to just be an evil, albeit okay-written, fanservice villain.
And that’s all of them, this literally took me all day. I now know of several games I had no idea existed, yet I have no idea what to do with this info.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
the legend of zelda phantom hourglass nintendo ds
the legend of zelda phantom hourglass nintendo ds
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.
Also Known As: Phantom Hourglass: The Legend of Zelda and Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: October 1, 2007
False Chest
The first time you enter the ghost ship (thats after you find all three spirits) go inside and talk to a girl in red. She will ask you to find her three sisters. One of them will tell you to pick the treasure chest on the left( the two treasure chests are nearby in a safe zone)She will ask you do you know which is left. Answer her, but don’t pick the one on the left. A rupoor is in ther and another reapling will appear. Only choose the one on the right. The one on the right ONLY, okay.
Treasure Map
First go to Mercay Island then talk to the guy in yellow near the treasure teller. He asks you if you heard of the chief of frogs. After he asks, press no then he’ll give you something special. That special thing is a treasure map.
Evil Chicken Swarm
On Mercay’s Island, all you got to do is slash achicken 5 times if you corner it. It will turnred, and like 20 other chickens attack you. Becareful, as this is only a simple trick I thoughtwas funny. The chickens do hurt you severely whenthey attack you. Especially the red one. See ifyou can dodge all the chickens, outrun the redchicken, and count them all! Just kidding. You cantry though.
Get Phantom Sword
Collect the three pure minerals, then take them to Zauz (he is on Zauz’s Island on the north of the northwest map). He will forge a blade for you. Now exit and battle Jolene once more then go back to get the Phantom blade. Now take the blade to Oshus to have him finish the rest. You will now have the Phantom Sword.
Another Courage Gem
When your in any of the maps (besides the south western one)Go to a ship where there is usually tresure left behind after you destroy it. DON’T destroy it, in fact try to get as close to it as possible without dying. Linebeck will then say ” Bah, ambush! “Then defeat all the monsters after you talk to Linebeck (Who is hiding in a box). Then talk to him again and you should have COURAGE GEM! (NOTE:You get money after that, but the more you do it the less you get).
Stun Shield
To get the Stun Shield, collect 10 wisdom gems and power up the spirit of wisdom. Now, you should be able to stun SOME enemies when they run into your shield. But not all enemies!
Golden Pieces
You know how you always want a golden ship that a friend has but he/she wont tell you how? I’ll tell you. First way:Beetle shop ship and masked shop ship both will sell golden items every once in a while (Masked may also sell heart containers too). Or if you want to get 1 piece for FREE you have to make 4 BIG PLAYS in battle mode, go to cannon island after getting a note in the mail, go to the garage where the apprentice is and talk to him. Then a chest will appear giving you either a golden chimney or another golden item. Or every once in a while after beating up the LINK FAN for about 200 hits he might give you a golden OR normal ship part. Other then that check all shops you visit and see which will get golden for you! (p. s . The golden ship has the highest amount of hearts so it’s great for the ghost ship battle before the end of the game).
Dizzy Link
If you spin attack 4 times he will get dizzy. ( you can only do this if you have the sword).
Seagull Attack!
After you get the cannon for Linebeck`s ship Ride around looking for seagulls. Once you find some try shooting them with the cannon. It`s really fun!
Tell If You’ve Caught It Before
When you have the fishing rod and you are doing the little game, this is how you tell if you’ve caught the fish before. When the fish jumps up and it tells you to let go, look at the fish when its in the air. If its a fish you have you’ve caught it.
Spirit Upgrades
Ok, there are three rocks in the shape of a triangle below Molida island, go there. There is a spring where you’re supposed to bring your spirit gems. When you have 10 spirit gems you can upgrade a spirit (depending on which gem it is). The spirit of power will upgrade your attack power, wisdom will improve your shield, and courage will let you use the beam attack. Once you get 20 gems you can upgrade your spirits even further.
Easy Hazards
We all know the hazards in the sea, right? Insteadof going through jumping while your menu is openfor fishing or scavenging, or whatever, just shootboth ends of the Hazard with the cannon. Then itwill just collapse, and you won’t have jump itanymore. Easier than jumping to me.
Ever day you play go to the shop. There is always something new there.
Attack Of The Evil Chickens
Keep hitting a chicken until it gets red. All the red chickens will start chasing you.
Hidden Power Gem
This power gem is not in a treasure chest. When you beat the game go to the bar on Mercay Island. Talk to the owner. He will give you a power gem to you.
How To Roll
Make small circles on the side of the screen.
This fish can only be found on a Rusty swordfish. (I got mine on a swordfish that is 13 feet)
The Big Tree And The Big Green Rupee
When you talk to a guy located left of Oshus’ house, he wants you to clear the rocks out of his yard. Clear them out and he will give you one rupee. Then he will ask you if you want a hint. Say yes. He will tell you about a big tree. A dotted white outline of it will come out on the map. Press down to access your map and circle the spot. Later when you have Oshus’ sword go over to the tree and scribble circles on the very edge of your screen. Link will do a summersalt into the tree and a big green rupee will come out. It is worth 100 rupees!
Ship Parts
If you go northwest to the travelers ship and hit him more than 200 times he will give you a ship part.
Heart Container
You can get a heart container by going to the travelers ship in the northwestern sea, fight the guy, hit him 100 times and he will give you a heart container.
Old Wayfarer’s Treasure Map
The Old Wayfarer which is located in Bannan Islandin the northwest sea. He is a old coconut and hasburied treasure. Go dig in front of his house andyou’ll find a treasure map. I got 1 minute of sandfor my hourglass.
Get Fishing Rod And Big Catch Lure
To get the fishing rod, go to the island in the northeast in the northwest section of the map. Talk to him, he wants to meet a mermaid, ok so now kill off all of the enemies on the west side of the island then enter the cave. Now exit out and you will see the mermaid close to the bridge leading to the travelers house. Hit the mermaid with your boomerang. She will talk some. After that go and talk to Linebeck. After that go talk to the traveler, and the mermaid will be in the small pool. He thanks you with the Fishing Rod. Now go out to sea and catch a huge fish. Take it back to the traveler and he will like your catch. He rewards your catch with the Big Catch Lure. After you catch all of the fish (and the legendary Neptoona which appears as a swordfish symbol on your map) take them to the traveler to receive a Heart Container.
Get Eddo’s Cannon
Go to the small island to the south of Mercay after beating the first dungeon. Go around to the cave on the island, follow the path to get around to the other side of the small hut where Eddo is. He sells you the cannon for 50 rupees
Get Wooden Shield
Buy it from the shop on Mercay Island for 80 rupees.
Get Oshus’ Sword
After you have enter the cave next to Oshus’ home the first time, go back and talk to Oshus. Now go back and read the sign again. Now draw a “7” on the sign to make the door open. Now go and grab the sword from the chest
Get The Great Spin Attack
Go to the Travelers Ship in the northeast and defeat all of the enemies inside. After that try to leave when a man walks in. He tells you thank you. Talk to him again and pick the mysterious gift (don’t worry you will get the normal gift too). The important gift is the New Hero’s Clothes. Now take the clothes to the guy on the Traveler’s Ship to the northwest. He will give you the Telescope in return. Now give the Telescope to the guy in the Traveler’s Ship to the southeast to get the Guard Book, take the book to the Travelers ship in the southwest to get the Wood Heart. Now take that to the traveler in the Traveling Ship to the southeast. Talk to him some and then try to leave. He will tell you to wait and to meet him at his house. Go to his island in the northwest when you are attacked by a monster, defeat it then go to his house and open the chest for the Swordsman’s Scroll. This is the Great Spin Attack. Ciela will suggest you try it, so go outside and try it to learn it! Phew!!!
More Stuff To Buy!
Go to ds settings and change the day. Then go to Beedle and his stuff is restocked with new things! If you want you can repeat this over and over again to buy new things.
Fire Sword
To get a Fire Sword, collect 10 power gems. After that, go to Spirit Island in the Southwest section of the sea. Go inside of the cave and use the 10 power gems to upgrade the fairy of power. After that, you can go to the collection screen and turn on or off the fire sword by tapping the fairy of power. If you collect 20 power gems, you will get an even better fire sword!
Get BIG Green Rupee In Mercay Island!
After you clear the mans yard of boulders, he will give you one rupee, then leave and come back and clear out his yard again, he then will give you a symbol on the map of a circle where a tree is, and says, “There is a tree in this location, Wack it hard. “Than go to that location and Barrel roll into the tree, the will shake and a big green rupee will then fall out of the tree. (worth 100 rupees)
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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