#its giving storyboard vibes
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crystallizedtwilight · 4 months ago
🎃 LSBC Questions: Part 18! 🎃
Part 17 here!
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Maybe Shock will tell her one day. It's not top of mind so Shock hasn't considered it being something to share.
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Some sources say Lock is the leader. Others, like Jorgen Klubien and Owen Klatte (storyboard / animators on tnbc) say that Shock is the leader. I personally think Lock and Shock each fully believe that they are the leader and bicker about it: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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I'm not very skilled at background art, but I like to imagine that the other worlds have their own whimsical over-the-top aesthetics just like Halloween Town and Christmas Town do.
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Yep! Ghouls are born supernatural creatures. Zombies used to be human. Ghouls dine on corpses, have 3-toed-feet, and have normal flesh/living bodies. Zombies can bite the living, have 5-toed-feet, and their bodies are decayed flesh/reanimated. If you're wondering if a ghoul would eat a zombie, they would not—if it moves it's not food!
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Just a trio thing!
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Many people ask if the epilogue (4 or 5 skeleton kids) will be part of this AU but I've made the decision that it will not. This AU takes place when Jack and Sally are newly married and want to enjoy each other's company for a while before kids are a focus.
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Just like Shock yearns for a black cat familiar, so too does Calliope dream of having a dog companion one day.
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They've been hard banned from 4th of July Town. No one is happy to see them there for obvious reasons (but that doesn't stop them from going and they just run if they get caught!)
They've been banned from Christmas Town on principal, but they keep getting in and Sandy is just like "(long sigh) Just don't break anything this time." Mrs. Claus gives them gifts she thinks they'll hate to discourage them from returning but the trio just end up genuinely liking them. The elves fear for re-work any time they show up.
Valentines Town doesn't appreciate its romantic moments being ruined with party snaps.
They've canonically caused messes in Thanksgiving Town and Easter Town so they're not welcome there either. The Easter Bunny still shivers at the thought of them due to the mix up!
And St. Patricks Day town was not their vibe.
Due to their mischievous nature they definitely haven't made any "friends" in the other hinterlands worlds yet. However, the trio find it most fun to travel to and interact with the human world via the tomb portals. Whether it's scaring folks on Halloween, sneakily enjoying festivals, or buying junk food at a gas station at 3 AM: [1] [2] [3] [4]
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djpachipikachu · 2 months ago
Hey! You draw so beautifully! Do you think you can give me some tips for anatomy and sketching?
AW stop thank you so much ur so nice !!! and id love to :]
ive done a big post about some anatomy tips that you can check out here
but it is definitely a little old so here are more tips on anatomy !
i think my most utilized piece of advice for my own sketches is adding guidelines similar to the ones ppl usually add for the face to show where the body is facing? as an example here, i use a curved guide line to show how cj's body twists and tilts to build up a form , as well as lines for his legs and arms just to know where theyre facing
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along with that CURVED LINES ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND !!! every part of the body is a glorified cylinder stacked on top of cylinders ! a lot of what helps make a body believable is that there Is some perspective used to show the dimensions even if there isnt any visible background
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feet are also smth i see people struggle with and i dont Reallt know how to explain how i draw them but i usually draw a triangle with a half circle in front to mark where the toes are.,., make sure to include the arch of the foot and such..,,. make sure that the back of the heel pushes out a little further than where the leg connects....
this other small tip is about some of my favorite muscles to draw bc idk theyre fun LMAO but its about the deltoid and this other mass of muscle that control the neck
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the deltoid is that triangle thats at the top of the arm and part of the shoulder ! adding some small lines that overlap into the arm and show the creases of the skin where the deltoid is placed helps add more solid form into the body :] and just drawing that sloped line of the neck muscles (green part) helps to connect the arm to the neck a littl more believably than if you just drew a straight line from the arm to the neck
HOWEVER LIKE . thats a stylization choice and also a matter of body type since im more used to drawing filled out muscular/fat body types, im not very experienced in bonier kinda bodies !
as for sketching advice ummm ..,. although i usually try to make a sketch as clean as possible first try , dont be afraid to have like a Super rough gesture type of sketch/thumbnail sketch just to get the movement and emotion down as best you can before refining it ! trying to make it accurate and detailed and shit on the get go can cause it to feel rly stiff , so get the Entire pose or comp down quickly in maybe 10-20min or less to just capture the motions before going over it again in a cleaner sketch ?
i tend to have the issue of forgetting to just capture everything first before getting into details so thats something i gotta remind mtself a lot LMAO here are some messy sketches i have where i just wanted to get shit down above all else
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i also try to use as little lines as possible and get the vibe right in one brush stroke type of feel , no small chicken scratch/hairy lookin lines , which is mainly bc im aiming to be a storyboard artist and also bc i want to be able to post my sketches without needing to clean them up LMAO the only times i do a second sketch is for bigger pieces usually
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another example of rly rough jotting down before cleaning it up
last bit of advice is using pen to do traditional sketches thank you and goodnight blows kisses
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hoodedjelly · 26 days ago
What are you favorite character designs you’ve made so far?
i think any of them where i displayed their personality while keeping their object's shapes and colors. i love making simple but affective designs, if you can tell immediately who they are based off of personality and shape i think that's a successful design.
so tree, leafy, tn, gb, paper, oj, one, and two. but the one that doesn't add to that rule is springy, they aren't shaped at all like their original object, but the mascot vibe is SO perfect it will break that rule for my personal preference.
im going to add my thoughts on making designs with this post cause i love yappin.
so like i said my main focus is shape and personality when designing, but i'll go more in depth with what i mean by that. shape is fairly simple, how do i add the characters shape into a human design, you can do that going by height, weight and clothing. i'll use my fav designs as examples below
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i like to push the canon heights to really emphasize key design points, so making one and tree very tall. also adding weight/body type helps A LOT. my personal rule with that is, if the object is round then their body type will be round (tb and two), if the object is mainly thin then they are thin (tree and one). two is curvy cause they are a curvy shape, paper is bulky cause he is wider then oj who is a thinner object. this can always be broken and i break it a lot cause of my 3rd shape language trick, which is clothing. one has a long flowy dress that goes out so she can look like a one. leafy had that skirt/cloth thingy tied around her to look like a leaf. it's all shapes!!!!!!!! if a character has more pointy edges then they will have more points in their design, round edges will add round ones.
Now my second thing is personality, WHICH I FIND VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!! showing a characters personality in a design needs to be shown more, cause that's how you tell a character as a, well, CHARACTER. idk how to explain this well then just picking things out from different designs. tb wears a sweater cause its fuzzy and that he's a nerd. gb wears a lab coat cause she's mostly white and is a scientist. leafy wears loose cloth cause she's carefree, one has stars and flowy cloths cause she's cosmic and mysterious, two wears a suit cause their a host, and on and on. i don't have any straight rules for this, its more like "it just matches their vibe".
one thing i do try is not to repeat things too much, like always giving characters hoodies or sweaters or giving every character dyed hair (IM BAD AT THIS). when i do repeat things it's to show the similarities between characters. so when a character has a glass element to them i would give them a type of glasses, if they have metal i'd give them metal so on and so on.
now i'd say IM NOT A CHARACTER DESIGNER, i've never studied it like i've studied storyboarding. i know my designs are not THAT good and all of them can have improvements. designing characters are not my main thing i'm good at in art i think personally. these are all just for fun and to expand my mental library when i have to design my own characters in the future.
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maddy-k-reads-all-day · 4 months ago
Okay... so I'm pretty sure the "Play My Way" song is canon considering its an official Amanda 2 song and it's listed in the games credits.
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So I'm also gonna consider the two animations the song is based on as canon, too. Bear with me.
If we consider all 3 videos canon then things get really interesting.
Timeline wise, I think all three videos take place before the first game.
The first where everything in the Hide and Seek tape goes smoothly where it's just a storyboard happens before Amanda and Wooly got trapped. I think this may have been a pilot to the animated series. It feels like it sets up what Amanda The Adventurer was supposed to be like. Amanda and Wooly are super friendly with each other, plus Wooly is missing his ears just like the games original pilot.
The second version might be sometime after they got trapped. Supposedly Amanda didn't originally remember her life as Rebecca in the first game right? I think this might be where she started to notice something off. When they replay the Hide and Seek tape, Amanda clearly gets the feeling they've done this before. I'm so sure about Wooly here tho.
Now let's talk about the song on its own, ignoring the timeline and just acknowledging that the characters find this tape familiar.
By the third time (the song), Amanda clearly notices that they've done this before and freaks out. And I think here if Wooly didn't notice something off before, he does when his part comes when he's repeating the lines from the animatics he sounds really unsure? "Right, you're the best... you must play this a lot." Like there's a weird sense of unease in his voice when he says this.
The chorus to me feels really interesting because I feel like we're getting Amanda's true feelings about this situation.
"Now watch us play our part. Now watch us dance and sing. Don't want to fall apart like kids who never seem to scream."
I love the puppet-like vibes these lyrics give off.
After this it seems like the tape resets cuz it's suddenly Amanda's turn again. And Wooly seems like he's really frustrated that he's not getting his turn. But Woolys verse is the most interesting to me.
"Now watch us play our part. Now watch us dance and sing. Don't let it break your heart just play along and-" He gets cut off.
This almost sounds equally passive aggressive as Amanda's chorus. There seems to be an equal amount of resentment. But the "just play along" part seems very fitting for Wooly. One thing I think about Wooly is he seems very avoidant of things that upset him. And it got me wondering if the reason he's always trying to redirect things isn't because it's some "job" of his, instead he simply doesn't like it. He doesn't like tragic stories he doesn't like talking about death or people you trust hurting you. But a lot of these things seem like things that Hameln intentionally wanted in the show so I'm really starting to belive that Wooly himself is the one who doesn't want to talk about it.
Another thing I find weird is how adamant Wooly was about wanting a turn and then how the moment Amanda was gone, he started to panic. As his verse continues after Amanda's chorus, he sounds more and more upset. I can't wait till the animation for this comes out because I really wanna know what Wooly was talking about when he says, " I don't wanna go in there." Omg. Didn't Amanda say that once?
Now, when he finds the "cat under the box," this time it's Mr. Fox? And then Amanda sings about killing someone. I don't think it's Wooly because, continuity wise, that doesn't make sense. We found out that killing Wooly does nothing he just comes back. So Amanda wouldn't try it twice, right? So I think it's Mr. Fox before the first game. Maybe Mr. Fox was a character similar to the opossum? Idk why Amanda would kill Mr. Fox unless if he was in their way. Actually, I know it isn't Wooly because Wooly is still alive at the end of the song- (imagine the music video comes out and makes me look like a fool)
I also wonder what Amanda's "it's you" is supposed to mean. Maybe Kate was the one watching this tape?
Anyway, these are my observations and theories. They are kinda messy and subject to change, but what do you think?
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gnomeniche · 1 year ago
i should probably post about the storyboards bc i’m obsessed. i get why they changed stuff for the final (most of the dialogue they changed is superfluous because it reiterates ideas brought up earlier / overexplains a little of the fun ambiguity that sticks in your mind, like them actively pointing out it’s uncertain which duck was killed) but seeing the old version is so interesting. i love seeing what changed and what stayed the same
also i love this part. sure it’s pretty on the nose wrt the themes of the show but bc of that i KNOW if it HAD been in the show i would have gone nuts over this line every time i watched it
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“it’s terrible where he is” “everything has to go back to its proper place” just like the main three’s situation…
also the line about putting everything back in its proper place helps reinforce that feeling of lesley as a fucked up kindergarten teacher + am intrigued by storyboards explicitly saying that lesley played out the whole series up to now in the dollhouse and the more blatant implication that she is not the one in charge + the idea that lesley came up here with others before.
that last one gives me the vibe of one of my many possible theories about what she represents which is like… she is partially representative of a kid who watched children’s edutainment shows like the one dhmis takes place in and is stuck in her vision of her childhood. someone who used to live on a lower floor (a child who watched the show and thought of the charas as friends) but went up (grew up) but is always looking back at an imagined “better past” that wasn’t actually that good. i need to make a proper post about my idea of toxic nostalgia in dhmis though so i’ll keep that in my pocket for later
other notes:
the rundown of them having Zero idea what their interests Are in the jobs song storyboards is so cool. i’m right that the show-world dictates that they are not really supposed to have a sense of their own identity besides what roles they play. no idea of what they like and want for themselves. but even if that’s how they’re supposed to be, as they exist for longer they gain their own preferences and desires. i want duck to collect buttons though let him have his buttons
i understand why they made red guy more annoyed about the jobs song in the final product and i love my sulky best friend but also it’s funny to see him actually get verses and all of them are on the theme of I Would Like To Sit Somewhere Quiet And Decompress. me too red guy
instead of unemployed brendon we could have had dead-end job kelvin…
the funeral scene dialogue being almost identical to the final scene is great. already perfect no notes
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glitcheslikeslego · 4 months ago
DISCLAIMER BEFORE WE BEGIN HERE: this is just me ranting and being done with certain sides of the lmk fandom, and not the fandom as a whole. if anyone decides to start trauma dumping or actively trying to start arguments in my replies again, i have a block button for a reason :3c
Okay, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…
I think this fandom needs a lesson in media literacy and I am here to give one :3c!
So, media literacy is the ability to analyse stories presented in media to determine its credibility, and who better to talk about analysis than me, that one character analysis bitch uwu.
LMK is very main character focused, especially with MK since he’s, you know, the main character. It leans heavily on the plot of MK and his friends facing enemy after enemy, and with how short the seasons are (10 episodes each), it’s understandable that they won’t give every character large amounts of screen time, this especially goes for side characters, mainly Nezha, Li Jing, Red Son and his parents, Peng, Mayor, the Nine-Headed Demon etc etc. It’s all about MK and his friends.
Just because you like a side character, that doesn’t mean they need a whole season or special dedicated just to them. As seen with Red Son and Nezha, their familial issues are handled off screen, and just because you want to know more, that doesn’t mean that the show actually has to show it. And with Peng and the Mayor, just because we want to know where they are, doesn’t mean they have to show us. They may end up showing up, that’s not completely out of the realm of possibility, but you can’t expect the writers to shove every past character they can into a newer season.
While side characters can be important in moving a plot or explaining it more, they don’t completely matter in the long run. In season 3, the only reason why Nezha gets involved is because Wukong steals the map and they end up in a wild goose chase until Nezha arrives to wreck Wukong’s shit. Aside from that, his other appearances are relatively the same, something happens and Nezha just so happens to get involved and help out, then when all is said and done, he heads off to the Celestial Realm again. Same with Red Son, he just so happened to be involved, helped out a bit, then he and his family just vibe in their fortress. Really all the side characters just show up, help out a bit, then leave to do their own thing. In the end, they don’t really do a whole lot in the long run aside from help.
Now, side characters aside, let’s talk about headcanons. I like headcanons! I like coming up with my own and seeing other peoples headcanons, I think they're so neat! Headcanons on their own aren’t the issue here though, my issue is when people take headcanons and pass them off as canon and factual information about a character.
Take the genderfluid Red Son headcanon. I think it’s neat, it’s a fun and interesting idea, but when people try and use it as actual canon information, it can be pretty disappointing to newcomers who discover that a genderfluid character that they could possibly relate to isn't canonically genderfluid at all, but is instead just a headcanon from one storyboard artist. The person could feel tricked when they come into the fandom for the first time. That’s why I believe if it’s confirmed in the show or the creator themselves said anything about a character, then it’s true, unless stated otherwise.
In addition, just because you like a headcanon, that doesn’t mean you have to force people to like/believe in that headcanon too. And if you don’t like someone’s headcanon, that’s cool too, don’t harass them/bully them for it. The same can be said for ships too, if you do like it, cool, don’t force others to like it. You don’t like it? That’s cool too, don't bully them for it.
Tumblr has tag blocking and user blocking for a reason guys, you aren’t bad people for blocking people who you don’t like/don’t like you, and you aren’t bad for blocking tags for things you don’t want to see. Curate your online experience to cater to yourself and make you comfortable.
So long story short about media literacy and being online in general; take the time to understand what this show truly is, a silly lego show for kids ages 8 and up. Just because you like a specific character, that doesn’t mean they will get the screen time/on-screen development you want, and don’t harass other people over that. And while headcanons are cool, don’t pass it off as factual when it isn't.
Thank you all for coming to my class :3.
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enden-k · 8 months ago
btw now that i can get to it (was busy and had someone over) i can babble a little abt zzz and give my thoughts so far on it if anyone is still wondering whether they should try it or not
first thing i have to say is, to me it feels like a cozy casual kinda game. and i love it. i think thats the part i saw some ppl complain abt
it reminds me a lot of P5 w the overall vibes etc (i played on first release years ago but not the additional stuff afterwards so idk if there were changes to the plot or anything with whatever royal is about) and it was a comfort game for me back then so yea. this might add a lot to why zzz feels like such a comfort game to me
the siblings are not active, playable characters in combat since theyre the proxy guiding and supporting the playable characters (agents) in the hollows (compare it to domains). outside of the hollows you run around with ur chosen sibling and whoever you picked, the other doesnt disappear or becomes irrelevant. they are a unit, run their video store together, theyre one proxy, supporting each other. i already love how trailblazer is more vocal than traveler but the siblings are active, talking parts in cutscenes and whenever theres dialogue choices, your chosen sibling ACTUALLY SAYS IT. this is smth i wished for a while in gnshn so seeing it in zzz made me super happy. it gives them sm life and gets me into it idk how to say it
(this is them btw. pretty mfs)
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anw its not overwhelming like gnshn feels to me. gnshn has sm to explore and sm story and its smth i both enjoy and feel exhausted by. now, if you played persona or are familiar, its easier for me to use for comparison. you get to run around as the chosen sibling in the city but the fighting (w the agents you pull from the gacha) all happens in the hollows (similar to when you enter the metaverse). it runs with a day-night cycle and depending on the time, npcs and quests pop up. you can pass the time if you need a specific time of day for an objective, by doing hollow exploration or simply resting in ur room. theres side stuff you do, like running your store and visiting the arcade and play snake akjscbk
the combat itself reminds me of HI3 and wuwa and feels super smooth and fun to me
it has cutscenes etc but the story parts in between are illustrated and presented in a comic/storyboard kinda way? which fits the whole video/movie aesthetics well. its pretty cool
overall, if you didnt try it out yet bc you think it requires lots of energy and time like gnshn, its nothing like that at all. ofc im not through with everything but so far it feels like a very nice game to play casually, w a big cozy bonus when youre spending the day freely in game. i play only on pc or on console when i wanna lay down but this game even i would play on phone or ipad to chill akjscbk
the characters are also pretty fun and cool looking! like, look at them, so far we got
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the most chaotic ragtag group in all of new eridu (they share one braincell and its anby who is in charge of it)
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fresh looking heavy industry workers (they have a bear)
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classic horror housekeeping service who will poison ur tea ig
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motorcycle gang (oggling the glasses guy and boss lady super hard, they will be mine when playable-)
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public security (they have an actual catboy in case weve got catboy enjoyers here)
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special hollow operation elite squad aka the coolest strongest mfs out there taking care of hollow disasters
ALSO THE NPCS!!! LIKE!!! look at the cook!!! tinmaster running the coffee shop!!! the girl selling gadgets or the bunny person running the arcade!!!
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even the regular npcs just roaming the streets. theres lots of cool details and life in every bit, its really cool
anw!! idk if this helped or made sense, this is also just my own impressions and feelings so far so yeee. if someone decides to play, i hope you will have fun and get whoever you really really want!!
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jacenotjason · 1 year ago
I hear "cops role swap" and my brain immediately goes to a reverse of the original idea for SM 5, Cap and Shotty being VERY shit cops and John and Jack attempting to usurp them to bring some actual order into the town
guhh i feel so upset whenever i think about the fact that we couldve had more cap and shotgun, but yknow what its fine the storyboards are hilarious.
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i love that its implied Capitan knows John from somewhere. i might be sleep deprived but it gives me ex vibes HAUEAhua
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so offended he almost showed his mouth...
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one more
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edit: yes i am just now realizing this isnt at all what your ask said I HAVENT SLEPT IN LIKE 24 HOURS OK
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shadowrunner8236 · 2 months ago
Calling all Commander Creators!
Hi! Ive decided to make a small storyboard or animation of my sylvaris backstory, in wich he witnesses the eternal alchemy and during this event; The lives of hundreds (only a few chosen) will flash before his eyes
Your commanders will have a small few seconds to preform a movement like an emote thats important to their charecter lore, this is because in this point of the animation the lyrics used for it will be
"People that i know, in the appartments down below, busy with their starring roles and their own tragedies"
One day itll be done but i got a lot of chaos in my life so ill work on it as i see fit, itll be uploaded to youtube most likely and updates will be here or on my main @starsambrosia !
If this sounds interesting please follow this criteria before sending an ask or dm!
Youve written at least a paragraph worth of lore [its important those few animation frames are a key moment in their lore]
You really love your commander [please reserve this spot for people who are passionate abt their writing or creaton, if it just sounds neat pass it up]
Youve got screenshots [4 at least showing clear front back sides and details] or a refrence sheet [ref sheet preferred but wont garentee selection]
You vibe with gay rights / human rights [not platforming biggots your account will be investigated! ♡]
I'll be using this song or at least clips of it
A main part of my commander is that he is The Witness, so why not have him witness real commanders and give a little spotlight to creators that keep us coming back >:3c
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nilusanimationworld · 2 years ago
So....the KFP4 plot huh? WHEW! I really needed DAYS to process all this & uh...I think I’m finally ready to talk about it?
Also before I start saying anything please note that I may share few more EXTRA details. Where did I get the details? Welllll? I may have cheated & decided to spoil myself a bit to get more stuff out. Although I promise I’m not gonna share any images & go deep to spoil movie. To be honest I myself only managed to get like only 5% extra details. Also reason I had to spoil myself to dig this deep by talking with the person who got this stuff personally from CinemaCon is that I’ve seen a lot posts saying most of you all have GIVEN UP on the franchise after the plot news was out. Granted some of the plot is not making sense. I myself had to read like 100x to process all in. But giving up on the franchise? I still can’t do that. KFP has a special place in my heart. I’m not saying I’m here to rescue by giving you guys hope. Instead I’d highly suggest you all to keep the expectations low....LIKE REAL LOW! The higher we’re setting the bar the more disappointing results we’re gonna get. Some things so far I found does give us a little hope of light & some are well....meh?  
So first let’s just start with the villain herself. The Chameleon. Turns Kate Mckinnon is voicing the villain & her design so far is actually not bad? So far it actually looks good. Only way I could describe her looks is that she’s giving me a bit Shen mixed with bit of Viper vibes. Elegance is the only word I can describe her. Since its only a storyboard image sadly. Its not even a concept art image. 
As for her abilities/powers! Ooooh I hate Dreamworks here for baiting us saying this Chameleon can ‘summon’ the old villains. I know they’re doing this for keeping this a surprise or something idk but whatever the CinemaCon fans saw are completely different from the whole summoning idea. Apparently turns out she IS THE ONE HERSELF who can turn into TAI LUNG, SHEN & KAI. SHE’S A SHAPESHIFTER! Which is no surprise since she is a Chameleon & they’re known for changing colors. So I really don’t see the point why Dreamworks made movie news blogs & reports saying & using the word “SUMMON” which is completely different from “Shapeshifting”? Another thing this is gonna disappoint a lot of Tia Lung, Shen & Kai fans because i’ve seen a lot over excited fans who are waiting for a rematch Especially a Po vs Tai Lung. I’m so sorry guys but these guys are not coming back. They originals are dead DEAD!
She’s also gonna shift into one of Po’s biggest challenger yet too. I’m not mentioning this one this is worth saving it for the movie or the trailer. I hope they save this surprise of the MOVIE ONLY
So far for me the villain actually does sound & look promising. Whoever came up with Chameleon shapeshifting idea is actually pretty darn smart. My only concern is that she doesn’t become one of jokester type villains since its Kate Mckinnon who’s voicing. So yeah...that’s the villain info
Now for the fox character Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? LMAO y’all have no idea how many different spellings I had to come across to get this character info! The funny part is people are even changing the fox’s gender in some articles which is really weird because its Awkwafina who is gonna voice her. So far we only know that she’s gonna be shown as a thief first? And later as Po’s student? Her design? No idea. For now. 
Judging by Awkwafina’s past animated characters like Sisu & Ms Tarantula I’m assuming the character might be some playful, sneaky, childish, cunning type of a fox character since the fox is gonna be introduced first as thief? idk this is just my thoughts? Bonus if she turns out to be some annoying teenager or young adult who would try to get on Po’s nerves during their adventure.Kinda to give Po taste of his own medicine & realize how difficult it is for Shifu & Tigress who has to deal with Po’s shenanigans. 
Also I won’t be surprised if the Fox too has some very similar backstory like Po or Tigress. I’m really getting a feeling the story is gonna be about misunderstood fox who most likely could be either an orphan or abandon by family/villagers or something
Okay so now comes the plot. We all know that Po is gonna get promoted to higher master position & he has to find new Dragon Warrior...yaddy-yaddy-yadda!  Apparently their gonna show Po finding Chen/Zhen/Zhan/Chan (SOMEONE PLEASE CONFIRM WHAT’S HER REAL SPELLING!) in the museum where Po is....patrolling? (i’ll be honest this info is a little confusing because I really don’t see why Po of all people is patrolling at the museum especially since now he’s in a bigger position....like why?) So after he finds her & catches her & stuff & she tells about Chameleon & later go on this adventure (Oop! Dragon Knight plot?) to city where the Chameleon resides & here comes the typical Mike Mitchell writing. Take a wild guess what the city is gonna filled with? We had got Wolves for the Gongmen City right? Now what could be MORE DANGEROUS THAN WOLVES? Hmmmmm? Well.....
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This really reminds me of one episode in LoA where Po had to deal with his past bully which was also a BUNNY! Funny part of that episode was that even Tigress had hard time believing Po couldn’t fight his bully bunny enemy & constantly reminded Po how tiny the bunny is which pissed & offended Mantis off. Anyways back to the main topic.
Now I’m not gonna sugar coat this one. The plot STILL very much does sound very off & very animated series level of writing. Also the person has confirmed this movie is gonna have more of comedy BUT (here’s the hopeful part or at least I’m hoping) the thing is all this info is just like 10 or 20% of the plot. There could be chances that we could still get some emotional stuff since Dreamworks is known for hiding & saving the emotional stuff strictly only for the movie. Remember Puss In Boots? The trailer gives us more of action & the idea of the plot meanwhile the scenes like Puss feeling guilty about not attending his own wedding, the anxiety scene, Goldie’s wish scene & Perrito’s back story all this was saved for the movie. So yeah I am still keeping 5% hope we do get some heavy stuff especially if this movie really does turn out to be the FINAL CHAPTER. Who knows that those storyboards were only the main stuff just to give idea & furious five too MIGHT be there during the adventure but their all split up or something? Idk man I’m just saying.
Where is Shifu? Furious Five? Po’s dads? The Other Pandas? OKAY....uh...so far uh....sadly I’ve no freaking idea where the hell are Po’s dads or the pandas? I’m just gonna assume all the pandas have settled down in Valley of Peace & living regular lives. Po’s dads I’m assuming running the restaurant? There’s sadly no info on this one. Although I really wished his dads would’ve played important role in this one since its gonna be lot difficult for Po to take in his new position & to pass his Dragon Warrior title. 
As for Shifu & the Five. We are gonna get them but we’re told they’re NOT gonna be part of the adventure or what so far the storyboards was shown at Cinema Con din’t have much of them. I am still like 3% hopeful for this one since the guy mentioned these were only the boards which were shown there could be chances the changes can be made. But if the movie really is only focusing on Po, the fox & the Chameleon than I’m assuming we might get very few cut scenes of Furious Five & Shifu. Back & forth scenes like they did in KFP3. Either that or the Furious Five are having some other separate mission & hence that’s why Po decides to go solo with the fox. 
Now for the big question; Why isn’t Po giving his Dragon Warrior title to any from the Furious Five? Especially to Tigress?! OH BOY! When I came across the articles saying Po is gonna have to find new Dragon Warrior replacement my mind too immediately went on Tigress! HECK! EVEN MY MOM SAID THIS! Also I had the whole KFP1 movie flashed in front of my eyes Especially the scene of Tai Lung screaming at Shifu telling him about how he filled Tai Lung's head with Dragon Warrior dreams & trained him hard till his bones cracked & Shifu & The Furious Five being sour & bitter towards Po in beginning...I understand now...I FREAKING UNDERSTAND THE PAIN THEY WERE GOING THROUGH TO PROCESS THE FACT THAT THEY ALL TRAINED THE HELL OUT OF THEMSELVES FOR THIS DAMN TITLE EVEN GOING TO EXTEND THE GET THEIR BONES CRACKED & END UP GETTING NOTHING & instead some random noodle folk panda fell from the sky with no whatsoever kung fu skills gets the title...YUP I UNDERSTAND THE RAGE NOW. AND THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN I SWEAR TO GOD THIS DRAGON WARRIOR TITLE IS SUCH A FREAKING CURSE!! GODDAMN OOGWAY!!
BUT...BUT...Here's the thing what we also see is that Five...ESPECIALLY TIGRESS never had that desperate goal for Dragon Warrior title in the first place. We all know at this point well aware that Tigress only wanted to get the Dragon Warrior title is because she wanted to make Shifu proud but after seeing Shifu finally being more compassionate and the older playful self again thanks to Po. Tigress doesn't hold that grudge or jealousy anymore towards Po. Which same goes for the five since they were already warming up towards Po before Shifu & Tigress.  
I know most of us & myself deep down all wanted Tigress to get the title since she has gone through hell the most right from her Bao Gu days but Tigress has made it very much clear that she's moved on from the whole wanting Dragon Warrior title and she's become her own warrior
Now in Tai Lung's case. Even though Tai Lung says he did all that training to make Shifu proud but it was clear that Tai Lung was already blinded & thirsty for the Dragon Warrior power the most (Thanks to Shifu). Heck! Shifu himself admits this that his pride blinded him so badly he turned Tai Lung into a monster.
So yeah I know right now we're all disappointed that Po isn't giving his title to any of the furious five but to some random fox (who is a thief...wow..nice choice Po) but let's not forget that's how even Po's story started & we'll just have to wait & watch to see Po taking Shifu's role as master & trains this fox character. 
Also I’ll make a separate post on how Chen?Zhen?Zhan?Chan? (I SERIOUSLY STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HER REAL SPELLING IS) on how she could earn the Dragon Warrior title. That’s not gonna be a spoiler post that is just gonna be an analyzing post or how I can see it happening
And lastly can we trust Mike Mitchell?...OOOOOH BOY! Judging by his past projects I would say it’s a little concerning but lets not forget even Joel Crawford had made some not so very successful projects in the past as well & years later Puss In Boots 2 became one of his best & successful projects yet. I’m not so concern of Mike my main concern is what exactly happen to Jennifer Yuh Nelson for not being part of this so sudden? I remember in interview she had mentioned if she really decided to make all 6 chapters like Jeffrey Katzenberg suggested she really wanted to make a complete beautiful necklace franchise for Po’s journey! Heck to be honest the third movie itself WAS ENOUGH AS A PERFECT END TO THE CHAPTER! It really did give us a perfect trilogy I honestly don’t know why or what made them to give us fourth. This whole retiring thing & passing on torch has been a very common plot trend in most animated/anime/comic medias lately. Anyways. Too late now. Lets see how this chapter turns out.
So....uh..yeah I guess that's it? I tried my best to keep this post with some positive stuff just to you know...lighten up? The thing is we can't say much anything right now because the movie is still in beginning/mid (storyboarding) stage. Its still too early. Changes still can happen hence we cant say much yet. Jack himself mentions that its too early for the trailer. So yeah its very common at times last moments some ideas could have changes.
Only word of advice to the pandom I'm gonna give is be a little more patient. I myself needed DAYS to process & break it down. If we have waited this long we just going to have to wait a little longer. My guess on getting the first teaser we could most likely get it in... August or September (this year)? I'm calculating according to how we got Puss In Boots trailer. The trailer was released in June & the movie was released in December.
We just gonna have to play the waiting game a little long & PRAY!! LOTS & LOTS OF PRAYERS (& INNER PEACE) THIS MOVIE DOESN'T RUIN THE FRANCHISE!! That is all for now. Feel free to share your thoughts or can private DM me!
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444lpblue · 11 months ago
The live performance for Whisper Me a Love Song... Wow. It’s just a total blast of energy and something Yokohama Animation Lab and Cloud Hearts have not had in a while. It exceeds by far the amount of movement I expected for the live performances, and I believe that’s mostly due to the specific allocation of staff. The live performance staff were listed separately in the credits rather than alongside the rest of the episode 1 crew. We have storyboarding and direction from Tsumori Shindo, whom I couldn’t find much information on aside from his Twitter, but he seems to be an extremely talented and creative visual artist. He has an indie anime movie coming out in the Summer of this year, and from the production materials provided on his socials, it almost gives me an ethereal, creepy vibe. It looks very unique, and if someone like him is going to be handling the direction of the live performances for this show throughout its airing, I truly don’t think we have anything to worry about. (Follow the movie’s progress here!)
The other staff members are more in line with what we’d expect from Yokohama Animation Lab. Misae Kawakubo, the animation director for the live performance, is quite a regular presence at Yokohama in general, as is key animator Shouya Gotou, whom we saw handling Monster Animation Direction in The Witch and the Beast (one of the better-animated aspects of that show), and Miyuu Ookubo, whom unfortunately I don’t know much about at the moment. All of them seem to be fairly new to the industry. The fact that they decided to seemingly have a dedicated group of staff just for the performance section of the episodes bodes quite well for the rest of the show. Shouya Gotou’s work in past Yokohama projects, while good, has never been quite this fluid and fun. It seems like they’re giving this project a lot of time for the staff to work with, possibly thanks to the delay, which could be credited to NUManimation, who’s airing this show, being quite consistent in terms of the anime they typically air being of pretty good quality. Being allowed to delay the anime by 4 months is not common. The fact that the animator staff seems to be Yokohama Animation Lab / Cloud Hearts regulars, if not just contracted to the studio, suggests that we’ll likely see them again for live performances in future episodes, which will be great.
That also seems to be the staff direction for this entire project; it’s filled with newer staff which seems to be a great thing in this case as it has improved Yokohama Animation Lab / Cloud Hearts quality of work by a significant amount. Full writeup here for you to check out.
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ratguy-nico · 1 year ago
Okey WTF that was... AMAZING. Its definitely one of the best episodes of the season maybe just behind The Amazing Rudy episode.
Like really, this season been characterize for new explorations in storyboard and storytelling in general and this is like the culmination of all that.
The fatc that I knew it was fake or a movie, but still cried with Bob and Linda's sacrifice tells how great this was.
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Louise keeps getting better and better as character, the crew is giving their all in her writing.
You know many quotes of this episode are going straight up on my list of absolute favorites.
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And I don't know if this is a consensus around the fandom but for a long time I wasn't sure the path Louise was gonna follow. I have clear visions of the other Belchers kids. Gene as a famous musician in any loud and messy way she wants, Tina running a horses farm, that can also have other animals, but Louise was a totally mistery.
A blank canvas an even if I like that with this episode, with their Hawk and Chick obsession, the puppet dragon, THE AMELIA EPISODE, im pretty sure she's gonna take the making movies path, maybe director, maybe effects, propts, but something around that. And for some reason it make me really happy.
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~Just some after thoughts~
-The dinamic duo Gen-Tina carry so much of this episode for me. Just love them, working together sharing a braincell.
-I almost doubt if it was fake, cause everyone just acted their asses off for this proyect. And they didn't even may it to the credits XD.
-The special effects giving "movie made by the audiovisual club's" vibes , make me so happy without any good reason.
-The breaking in a song Louise just catch me off guard.
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-Why Jimmy Jr did this? Did they buy him by telling him he will be a a main character, the star, that he will get famous or was he just there getting his chance to dance in front of a camera. Like give me this guys motivation. I get everyone else but not JJu.
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-I have to remark the storyboard work, it was out of this word. Its so hard for animated series to do something brave and bold with the layouts and cameras. I just love to see it ❤️
-AND THE DRAMATIC ZOOMS MADE A DRAMATIC CAMEO (dont add any capture cause late and tired)
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Kia EV Owners Survive Zombie-Riddled Aussie Suburbs in Latest from Innocean
Exclusive: Innocean Australia has launched Kia's EV range with a cast of zombies wearing Crocs and carrying KeepCups, creative partners Nick Cole and Pat Allenby tell LBB’s Tom Loudon
Kia has taken a fresh approach to promoting its new electric vehicle range, combining entertainment with practicality in a zombie-infested suburban setting.
Created by Innocean Australia and directed by Francois Rousselet, the campaign imagines a world overrun by zombies, where features like Smart Park Assist, Kia Voice Command, stealthy quietness, and a cool box ensure survival.
The campaign launches with a strategic tie-in to the Australian Open and aims to captivate both sports fans and electric vehicle enthusiasts. Creative partners Nick Cole and Pat Allenby told LBB they intended to bring something different to the Kia EV brand - which “has ‘survival’ written all over it” -  and stand out in a crowded market.
“Take that thought into a fun, fictional space and out pops a zombie apocalypse, where the only survivors drive various models in the range.
“Kia wants ads that are memorable, slick, have the car at the heart of the story, and entertain the audience.”
Fresh from directing films for Canal+ and A$AP Rocky, plus the John Lewis Christmas spot, Division director Francois Rousselet’s initial treatment “blew them [Nick and Pat] away,” and his storyboards even drew applause.
“What he boarded ended up being exactly what we saw on set, just heaps bigger,” they said.
“He not only wanted to bring the zombie apocalypse to leafy suburbia, but he wanted to give it a real summertime, sunny vibe, which felt really fresh for the zombie genre.
“We loved how he wanted to give each zombie a distinctly Aussie personality - a female fitspo zombie wearing Crocs carrying a KeepCup and dusty council worker zombies, for example.”
More than 100 movement artists transformed into Aussie zombies, including actors Luke Arnold, Tess Haubrich, and Chloe Zuel, as well as special guest Jamie Durie. Innocean “worked with content creators to expand the world we built. Even in the apocalypse, creators are hustling.”
The campaign leverages Kia’s Australian Open sponsorship, and features bespoke, piece-to-camera content telling a larger narrative of life in the apocalypse.
Nick and Pat said the Australian Open warranted the campaign’s “epic” scale.
“It’s probably the biggest platform during the year to launch a campaign.”
The EV range, including the EV3, EV5, and EV9, follows the debut of Kia’s first ute, the Kia Tasman, last year. That vehicle entered the highly-competitive ute market with a star-studded campaign from Innocean, ‘Kia’s Getting a Ute’. This time around, the agency had the same brief: help the brand stand out in a cluttered category.
“Unlike other car brands, they have a full range to choose from at varying price points,” Nick and Pat said.
“If the campaign serves that up in a memorable and entertaining way, then we’ll take it.”
Kia Australia GM marketing, Dean Norbiato, agrees, adding, “A zombie apocalypse set against sunny Australian suburbia is a unique creative playground to showcase Kia’s EV range in a genuinely entertaining way.”
At the end of last year, Innocean Australia hired Brendan Willenberg as ECD to replace Wesley Hawes, who became CCO at 72andSunny.
“I think I’ll bring a creative maturity burst, not necessarily through just work but throughout the customer journey as a whole,” he told LBB in an exclusive interview. 
Innocean’s latest for Kia rolls out across social, digital, and TVC.
Source: LLB
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 2 months ago
I mostly ignored all the talk about Wish and how it was bad/not as good as previous Disney films/not a great homage to 100 years of Disney etc. and I watched it on the plane bc perfect opportunity…
And it truly wasn’t bad.
Not the most amazing in the world, which is unfortunate given it was meant to be THE 100 years of Disney animation movie. Story was fairly standard, classic storytelling, truly linear in its progression. Humor was hit or miss, the villain was average but not heinous.
And his villain song wasn’t that bad. Not as horrible as many reviews seemed to make of it. Actually the most catchy of the whole movie. Tbh Magnifico gives off a more modern villain vibe despite being in a fantasy setting. Like beloved leader that gets radicalised at the slightest criticism at his questionable methods of maintaining peace and order. I thought there’d be more to the tapestry and his history they kept pointing out (hints at a possibly deeper storyline that got cut) but he truly was just a dude trying to keep the peace at first in a very misguided and selfish way and just kinda became too arrogant and ended up becoming evil. And idk how the Queen turned on him so fast with only minimal hesitation. And Magnifico flipped on her so hard too. Like if we don’t get villain couple (which was the initial plan) then give me more angst and indecision and the Queen and Magnifico grappling with their love for each other against their opposing moral alignments.
The music was fine. The chorus’s were pretty good but the verses were too wordy to be as catchy as they could be. Ariana DeBose has a great voice so no complaints there, I just think the lyrics didn’t do much to highlight her voice. Tho This Wish was nice.
BUT I will say that the This Wish Reprise made me cry silent sobs on the plane and multiple replays later, it still is.
I’m a sucker for rallying choruses when their leader is being beaten by the villain.
It gets me bad. Easily the most heartwarming moment of the whole film and the most on point the movie got with the theme of honouring Disney’s history and storytelling.
So again. Judging purely as a movie. Fairly average. A little rushed at the beginning.
I hear the initial storyboards and concept art had some much more fun plot lines we could’ve explored like evil villain couple and star boy love interest, which I truly cry for bc that sounds goddamn baller.
But yeah. I may just replay a couple of the songs and the This Wish reprise. Nothing to ring home about.
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samobservessonic · 1 year ago
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There’s a page about AoStH that gives a brief introduction to the characters in that show, but I’ve skipped over that and moved onto what is unarguably the highlight here, which is the apparent “screen shots” from an early draft of SatAM Sonic. We see the image of the Freedom Team that was already shown in an earlier issue of StC, along with a few other images from a version of the cartoon that would never come to be What’s especially interesting here is that, at this stage, they already know details about the final versions of both AoStH and SatAM. We’ll get to that in the next post, but the article talks about them both separately. However, I believe that whoever wrote this thought that these images were from SatAM, as both this page and the bit about SatAM are referred to as being from a cartoon called “Sonic the Hedgehog”, as opposed to “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog”, which they referred to as such. Having said that, on the SatAM bit, they talk specifically about characters from SatAM who were already looking different to these images. Bunnie and Boomer (the original name for Rotor) are both mentioned, instead of the Johnny Lightfoot and Joe Sushi characters shown here. “Princess Sally Acorn” is also mentioned, though she isn’t shown to look different from the Princess Acorn here But whatever the reason these images slipped out, I’m glad they included them, otherwise we might never have known about these at all. The general assumption is that they were from an earlier pitch for SatAM, based on the small animals in Sonic 1, and without Tails, so probably made prior to his introduction. Perhaps this is the evolutionary link that would lead onto the pilot episode of SatAM We already know that Sally went through a lot of design prototypes before they landed on the version used in SatAM, and that’s a bigger topic on its own, but I’m going to take a moment to talk about Princess Acorn specifically, because I don’t think she’ll come up again for me to talk about, at least not in this StC read-through. Princess Acorn is shown in every image here, even more than Sonic himself. There are two more images of her that I found on the Sonic fandom wikia, both marked as concept art, but I don’t know more about them than that. They don’t appear in StC, but I wanted to share them anyway:
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The second one is particularly interesting to me, because it looks like it might’ve been from a storyboard, showing Princess Acorn reading a story to Tux Penguin. It makes me wonder if Tux was originally going to be portrayed as the “young child” character - a role that Tails would go onto fill. I know some fans talk about how Tails was more child-like in SatAM compared to later versions (but this portrayal of Tails was kind of general to western media, where “kid genius Tails” didn’t become more of a thing until after Sonic Adventure), so I do wonder if maybe to a certain extent, Tails had been swapped into Tux’s role. Maybe not, however. Since Tails was already present in the pilot, but you never know. Not only that, but Sally would go on to be called “Aunt Sally” by Tails in the show, which is perhaps a similar vibe to what they were going for with Princess Acorn and Tux here Anyway, that’s our bit of unused Sonic media speculation for today, but there is another page in this mag that I want to talk about, so I’ll include that in the next post
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oddygaul · 4 months ago
Quick Hits #4 - Prey, Across the Spider-Verse, Flavor Girls
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Honestly, I just loved the setting. Seeing the Great Plains relatively untouched, and the Comanche living and thriving there, with a fairly thorough recreation of their village and lifestyle, captured my imagination in a way lots of fictional settings fail to. All of our heroes were bad as fuck, too – Naru’s axe-on-a-string is absurdly cool, and then her brother is out here shooting the Predator with a bow and retrieving his single arrow from its flesh after every shot. Hell yeah.
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This is the first Predator movie I’ve seen. I loved the design, especially its bone helmet, but was a little mixed about the whole invisibility thing? Putting aside how unfair it seems (how you gonna tell me they care about having a ‘worthy’ hunt but they’re allowed to be invisible when fighting like, A Small Dog?), it was a little dull visually. It certainly sets the Predator apart from other movie monsters, I get it, but there’s something anemic about a fight scene in which one of the combatants is just a shimmer. Full invisibility is cool – Ghost in the Shell’s cloaked fight scene is iconic, as if someone’s fighting air – but when someone’s just visible enough that you can clock them, like this, it feels like the worst of both worlds.
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We get a lot of uncloaked fighting in the back half, so, c’est la vie, I guess. But imagine the grizzly bear fight without the camouflage!
Across the Spider-Verse
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Still fuckin’ rules. 
This watch, I was left wondering why this movie’s comedy works for me so much more than all of the MCU movies’ humor. It’s commonly held that the bane of the Marvel movies is their relentless undercutting of serious moments with jokes, which prevent any drama from really landing properly. And yet, the Spider-Verse movies do a similar thing, and it… works here for some reason?
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I mean, sure, the writing is just better. That’s a factor. “Stop telling us about your holes!” Comedy gold. Simple as.
More than that, though, I think it’s that these jokes legitimately feel like they’re written for the character, not the scene. They’re not pithy observations about the situation, meant to show how disinterested the heroes are in the movie they’ve found themselves in; they feel like genuine reactions from the character about what’s happening around them. Miles’ quips don’t feel like wisecracks from an above-it-all action hero, they feel like the nervous ramblings of a scared kid. Gwen’s zingers give off a confident, no-fear vibe whenever she’s working with other heroes in the public eye, but the second she’s alone, the mask comes off to reveal how anxious and unsure she is of her own situation. And so on.
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Truly love how they made this mf look straight out of Mob Psycho
Flavor Girls
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Fun, but not amazing. The Sailor Moon-esque magical girl shtick is played pretty straight, with no real twist that I can see. The characters are enjoyable, because a motley crew of clashing personality archetypes learning to become a team is always enjoyable, but none of the writing really stands out. The premise, too, is fairly boilerplate.
So, a lot of the charm comes from Locatelli-Kournwsky’s art, but the art itself is in a very weird place for me. He’s clearly a very skilled artist: the character and outfit designs are all incredibly cute, the anatomy and posing is great, he’s a talented storyboarder with an incredible eye for layouts and shot composition, and the environment art, especially the composition and perspective, is confident and incredible. I particularly love the straight-outta-Bayonetta baddie designs, the cutaway architectural interior illustrations, and the videogame manual-style character profiles.
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But the rendering is just so loose! It feels like no thought is given to the beauty of the line, to the finish of the page, to the technique and application. There’s moments where the looseness fits, like when characters do Big Anime Reactions, but much of the book made me feel like I was looking at sketches or thumbnails rather than final pages. Locatelli-Kournwsky’s talent bleeds through anyway, certainly, it just feels like a bit of a missed opportunity. At the end of a day, in a comic, no matter how good your composition, anatomy, creativity and designs are, all of that gets run through the filter of marks you ultimately put down on the page.
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