#its definitely burnout im just not sure which kind it is rn
I think I have corporate/autistic/gifted kid burnout
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primadonnatartuffe · 8 years
-- primadonnaTartuffe [PT] began bothering impenetrableVitality [IV] at 17:29 --
PT: hey finn.
IV: ryan
IV: hey
IV: what's up
PT: well i just so you online and thought hey i should totally hit up finn?? we didnt really get a chance to catch up much at the party since you kinda ran off.
PT: and then i kinda ran off...
PT: so yeah.
PT: plus i just read your status update?
PT: yo.
IV: oh yeah
IV: okay i figured it had to do with that
IV: it's a thing
PT: it sure is????
PT: i cant leave you alone for three measley years without you getting into some crazy shit.
PT: lmao jk.
PT: congratulations!!
IV: thank you
IV: if you mean that sincerely
PT: i do.
PT: shes beautiful.
PT: and i think youd make a stellar dad.
IV: that
IV: means a lot
PT: yeah im sure youre probably getting some shit for it... but thats how i feel.
PT: so youve got me in your corner at least.
IV: oh definitely
IV: that's good to know
IV: it's good to have you back
PT: a weird burnout runaway is in your corner but hey...
PT: yeah.
PT: its good to be back.
IV: how's your family handling it
PT: okay i guess. my parents are happy but i think my dad is gonna be pissed for a while too lol.
PT: im working things out with russet...
IV: that's cool
IV: i think she'll come around
PT: yeah im weirdly optimistic about it.
PT: i kinda expected more backlash but everyone has been really cool.
IV: you were really missed
IV: like
IV: by everyone
PT: yeah...?
IV: including me
IV: i missed you a lot
PT: i missed you too dude.
PT: ... im sorry.
PT: i must have really worried you.
IV: you worried me so much i went crazy and adopted a child
PT: fuck... i did this.
PT: if anyone gives you more shit about it you can just blame it on me.
IV: no i'm kidding
IV: it's believable though isn't it
PT: it really is.
PT: speaking of i gotta visit you and the baby soon.
PT: where are you living these days?
IV: with colt and little
IV: in odimist
PT: oh shit... hahaha.
PT: sorry.
PT: that just sounds like a trip.
IV: i mean it can be
IV: like last night colt dragged me out and we ran into joel and rammie
IV: joel had a lot to say
PT: about the baby? or just in general like he always do.
IV: both
IV: uses me as a reason to feel betrayed or something
PT: what a dingus dongus.
PT: dont let him get you down... you gotta do you.
IV: yeah i'm
IV: working toward that
PT: good deal.
IV: i don't think i've ever seen you near a baby
PT: i dont think ive been near a baby since lucy was born?? and i was practically still a baby then too.
PT: babies are cool tho.
IV: then you'll like sofia
IV: she's pretty cool
PT: i could tell by that picture you posted.
PT: i thought to myself... now that is one cool chick.
IV: it makes me wonder why anyone would leave her but
IV: i guess i have ideas
IV: and she's better off with me anyway
PT: agreed.
PT: hey... so...
PT: this is nice?
PT: being able to talk like this.
IV: well yeah it's
IV: always been
PT: i know... its just cool we can kinda... pick up where we left off?
IV: yeah i mean
IV: other than like missing you and all that stuff i still feel the same
PT: daw... :')
PT: that means a lot.
PT: i
PT: wanna be a better friend.
IV: stay a while and you will be
PT: okay... i can do that.
IV: we should actually like
IV: i don't know
IV: officially hang out
PT: yeah... i wanna do that.
IV: sooner rather than later
IV: i mean just saying
PT: you want me to come hike out to the woods rn for you?
IV: you could or i could go to you if it's a huge hike
PT: i mean colt kinda lives out in the middle of bfe.
IV: i could get him to watch sofia
PT: okay. how about we meet up someplace in amberhold so all i gotta do is zap over to odimist and you dont gotta trek all the way outta the woods and then to skaia?
IV: sure
IV: that sounds good to me
PT: noice.
IV: there's a coffee shop
IV: it's tiny but really close to like
IV: the transportalizer
PT: ok ill be there in two shakes.
PT: (two booty shakes.)
IV: perfect
FINN: -he'll be waiting at the coffee shop for her in a reasonable amount of time, sitting at a table with a tea and waiting-
RYAN: *enters the establishment with two more booty shakes. gotta show off the goods... though she is much thinner than she used to be and doesn't necessarily feel all that attractive. but oh well, she slides up to the table, flashing finn a smile.*
RYAN: heyyyy.
FINN: -she's still beautiful unfortunately for him. he smiles up at her- hey what a coincidence
RYAN: i know right?? fancy meeting you here.
FINN: take a seat stay a while
RYAN: *plops down across from him and steals his tea to take a sip of it.*
FINN: sure you can taste it
RYAN: thanks man. youre so generous.
FINN: i know i try
RYAN: *snickers and hands it back*
RYAN: so... finn. *chinhands at him*
FINN: ryan
RYAN: what have you been up to all this time? i mean i kinda know but give me the details.
FINN: where do you want me to start
RYAN: *sings* lets start at the very beginniiiing... a very good place to start.
FINN: so from when you left
RYAN: mm... i guess thats about the beginning yeah.
FINN: well i spent a lot of time volunteering all over the galaxy
FINN: i mean i don't think it will be that interesting for you
RYAN: i dunno man... why dont you give me your most interesting experience from it at least?
RYAN: see anything awe inspiring? meet any cool people?
FINN: well -he suddenly stops and looks to the side- yeah
RYAN: *tilts her head at him* yeah?
FINN: -remembers his talk with satomi and he clears his throat a little, fidgeting- i met a guy from where i'm from
RYAN: yeah? what was he like?
FINN: he was cool and he wa pretty old
FINN: was*
FINN: pretty sick too but had a great sense of humor you know
-- impenetrableVitality [IV] is now an idle chum! --
RYAN: *smiles softly. there's one way these stories usually go, but she's still happy to listen what it was like for finn.* yeah i get you.
FINN: told me all about what it was like growing up there
FINN: he was just a guy who refused to leave you know
FINN: until he was forced out
FINN: his name was mateo
RYAN: ah... tenacious with a sense of humor? mateo definitely sounds like my kind of guy.
FINN: you would have liked him
FINN: if you could speak spanish
RYAN: *laughs a little* if only...
RYAN: you should teach me sometime by the way.
FINN: i'd be down for that
FINN: stick with me you'll be a pro in no time
FINN: in which no time is quite a while
RYAN: pffff.
RYAN: okay tell me more about mateo. youve got me hooked.
FINN: well what do you want to know
RYAN: did he ever bestow any elderly wisdom upon you?
FINN: i guess you could say that
RYAN: *just chinhands at him like 8) *
FINN: just kind of told me that if i had the opportunity to explore where i came from then i shouldn't pass it up
RYAN: thats good advice.
RYAN: im pretty sure i came from like a utility closet on the uu or something.
FINN: so go explore that utility closet
RYAN: pretty sure i already have. ;) *remember that time finn...*
FINN: -THAT CANT BE THAT SAME ONE. he pauses and then gets red- oh that is not the same one
RYAN: you never know...
FINN: i can't believe you're entertaining the idea of having fucked in the same closet as your parents
RYAN: hahahahaha.
RYAN: um is that not romantic to you??????
FINN: romantic would not be the word i'd use to describe that
RYAN: *folds her arms on the table and lays her head in them, wheezing with laughter*
FINN: -STOP BEING CUTE IT'S RUDe. but he's laughing too-
RYAN: *surfaces with a big breath. okay, she's good.* god...
RYAN: this is fun.
FINN: -still laughing intermittently- yeah
FINN: hey if we made hgtv fun
FINN: possibilities are endless
RYAN: holy shit. *she's laughing again. memories...* okay so i hate to run off so suddenly but... its getting kind of late so i think im gonna head back to skaia.
RYAN: *she's a little paranoid about staying out late, for various reasons...*
RYAN: ill go to your place next time so i can meet the babby.
FINN: -it's sad she has to leave so soon but...he understands.- sounds like a plan
FINN: be safe on your way back okay
RYAN: yeah of course. *slides out of her seat, but before she goes she rounds the table to give finn a kiss on the cheek.*
RYAN: later alligator. *double pistols and a wink as she moves off to exit.*
FINN: -waves wordlessly after that cheek kiss. he'll be sitting here a while-
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