#its complicated let me get back to it someday
enanansbbg · 8 days
Anhane’s relationship, and it’s complexity:
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this was originally uploaded onto twt, but I wanted to reupload it here because I was very proud of this analysis, so please enjoy and feel free to add anything I may have missed or skipped over!
With that being said, here we go! ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Let’s start with the basics. The pure power of their aibouness, and its connections to vivid street.
To begin, you must understand what a partner is in VBS terms. In this case, it’s ‘a person who brings out parts of you never knew existed’.
In relations to Anhane, this is based off pure raw emotions. This is shown through An’s abandonment issues and Kohane’s want to make her heart pound.
Kohane wants to recreate that feeling she felt when she first heard An singing inside of An, to ‘make her heart pound’, while An’s abandonment issues cause her to fear Kohane’s rapid growth may lead to Kohane abandoning her.
This also plays into a certain factor about Kohane and the idea of her and angst, I believe.
Many people want Kohane to have some kind of angst event, especially related to her backstory, but that would go against all her motives.
See, Kohane’s pure movies for pursuing music—for working to surpass Rad Weekend all tie back to An. It was hearing An singing at WG that made her heart pound and An asking her to be her singing partner that caused her to even consider music as an option.
From here, their relationship develops into a lot more, and it’s when the idea of partners ‘bringing out an ugly side of you’ comes to play.
You can see even in the maim story An not seeing Kohane as an equal. It only gets called out and resolved in Singing in Sync.
Singing In Sync, ep. 1 and 3
🎧: “In the unlikely event that something does go wrong, I’ll cover for you and get you back on track, okay?”
🎧: “I failed as her partner…I couldn’t protect her…
🎧: “I mean, she’s my partner…And I wanted to guide her so that she could sing without worrying…”
🥞: “You don’t think of Kohane as one of the team.”
An telling Kohane “I’ll protect you if you mess up” subconsciously puts the idea into Kohane’s head “I’m not good enough, so I’ll probably mess up” This is what caused the entire issue in SIS to begin with.
But it’s once An tells her “you can protect me too” that Kohane is able to subconsciously think “I have the power to make her heart pound too”
Singing in Sync, ep. 8
🎧: “If I miss a cue at the next event…”
🎧: “Could you cover for me?”
🐹: “An… Sure, I can do that!”
After this we get Awakening Beat. Kohane is able to come out of her shell and fully adapts the idea “I can make her heart pound too” and has a large boost in confidence because of it. An both brought her confidence down and back up in the spam of one rotation.
Awakening Beat, ep. 8
🎧: (“It’s like she’s not even the Kohane I know. Could this be because she’s completely resolved herself?”
🎧: (“But even with just that, she can really change this much…?”)
However….In the same event, An’s insecurities begin to bloom and in Bout for Beside You, An has to face them for the first time.
Awakening Beat, ep. 8, BFBY, ep. 4
🎧: (“I was just gonna tell her she did amazing… That I never knew she could sing that amazingly, but…”
🎧: (“What’s going on? I just can’t get the words out—”)
🎧: “Kohane is…going to leave me behind?”
Here, An realizes her and Kohane ‘perfect’ relationship is more complicated now. While Kohane’s adapted the idea of “I want to make her heart pound”, An opens to idea of “I wont he able to make her heart pound anymore” (they doki doki more than ddlc i swear)
At the end of the event, An ask Kohane the golden question. “If I were to leave somewhere far away, would we still sing together?”
BFBY, ep. 8
🎧: “But what would you do if I said that I’d be going somewhere far far away someday?”
🎧: “And I wanted to reach greater heights just like what Uncle Taiga did exploring the world. If I were to go to someplace even greater and far far away from here—”
Of course, Kohane affirms this. Naturally, Kohane takes a lot of pride in being An’s partner, being the only partner for her. (as said in ORS) She wants to keep singing with An forever.
BFBY, ep. 8
🐹: “Even so, I would want to keep singing with An-chan!”
🐹: “No matter where you go or what you become, I’d still want to be with you!”
🐹: “I want to properly stand beside you and sing with you!”
We’re gonna skip ahead a bit and jump up to KIUAN, where we get our lovely “She looks like Nagi-san” line, the line that killed every Anhane shipper in the tristate area.
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But what makes this line so special? Well, for that let’s discuss what made Nagi’s death (and the lie surrounding it) so impactful.
Nagi was someone An looked up to highly. So, when she was suddenly told that Nagi moved, not even saying goodbye, to pursue her music career, it left a mark on An. Added to the fact that Nagi wasn’t returning An’s messages or calls, just completely disappeared.
Now, looking to Bout for Beside you and KIUAN, you can see the importance of these lines. An fears that Kohane will improve so much that she leaves without a word, never talks go her again and just moves on. It’s why she looks so distressed.
VOT ep. 8, BFBY, ep. 8, KIUAN ep. 7
🎧: “…Aww. I wonder what Nagi-san is doing over in America? I wish she’d give us a call at least.”
🎧: “Ah! Maybe I’ll send her a text then! I wonder if she’ll be surprised~?”
🎧: “But what would you do if I said that I’d be going somewhere far far away someday?”
🎧: “…She looks just like Nagi-san…”
And, it’s why she can’t even believe Kohane when she says just how important An is to her, how much she loves her and wants to sing with her because Nagi said the same thing and now Nagi is gone.
This manages to reach a resolve in WTWG, where An ‘fights’ Kohane, takes all those raw emotions out in a healthy way, through her song.
An’s card in WTWG is more than just ‘An takes her anger out on Kohane’, because in truth that’s not entirely what she’s doing. Instead, it’s An’s raw emotions taking form.
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An wants Kohane to grow, she wants Kohane to thrive fully, but that fear of abandonment—Fear that Kohane will leave and never speak to her again makes her want to hold her close and never let her go anywhere.
So what about Kohane?
Well, starting with thr WTWG card/story, Kohane wants to be An’s best partner. As she states, ‘to make An’s heart pound’.
So, to be vulnerable here is to accept all of An’s raw emotions. Let her lean on her and feel everything because to Kohane, that makes her a worthy partner.
She says over and over throughout the fight that An is amazing, that she wants to be like her, how much it makes her heart pound. Really, it reminds me of Kohane’s colorfes story.
WTWG, ep. 7
🐹: (“An-chan…really is amazing.”)
🐹: (“…Whenever I hear An-chan sing, it really makes my heart pound like nothing else. It makes me wish I could sing like her.”)
In it, Kohane goes to Vivid Street, but everyone thinks she’s An. This happens after she thinks about what it would be like to be An, but only going through this dream does she realize that she doesn’t want to be An, she wants to be her. She wants to be An’s partner.
Colorfes Kohane ep. 1 and 2
Record Store Onee-san: “You caught me off guard, using polite like that, An-chan!”
🐹: (“Did she just say An-chan…?”)
🐹: (“—An-chan’s so cool and strong…and there’s times I wish I could be like her…”)
🐹: (“I have to be me! Because—”)
🎧: “—Y’know, I was thinking, your singing is always so amazing, Kohane.”
🎧: “Whenever I hear your singing, it makes my heart race. The tension rises, and it makes me feel like I have to start singing right now!”
🐹: (“Because I’m An-chan’s partner—!”)
And to be An’s partner, is to drag all those raw, vertical emotions out of An, just like she does in WTWG.
In conclusion, Anhane explosion their relationship is so complex and strong and I love it
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tulipatheticee · 3 months
Could you do Benedict Bridgerton with wife reader? Benedict was stressing about something and playing with his hair to calm them down. Leaving kisses everywhere. You decide how it goes. Fluff and maybe a little suggestive. Thanks!! :))
superman b.b
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benedict bridgerton x fem! reader
synopsis; benedict bridgerton, stressed by his artistic pursuits, finds comfort in his wife Y/N's loving support. through tender moments and playful interactions, they reaffirm their deep love, showing how they face life's challenges together.
word count; 2.1k
master list
a/n; this is the benedict fic i had originally planned for labyrinth HAHA i tried my best to fulfill annons request but im not too proud of this one APOLOGIES, it just seems a little black and white to me buttt its still cute icl
as always, kinda proof read, kinda not :p
Tall, dark and beautiful
He's complicated, he's irrational
But I hope someday you take me away and save the day, yeah
Benedict Bridgerton sat at his desk, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. Papers were scattered across the surface, a testament to the hours he had spent trying to make sense of his latest artistic endeavor. His studio, usually a place of inspiration and creativity, felt suffocating tonight. The weight of his expectations pressed heavily on his shoulders, and he couldn't shake the feeling of frustration that gnawed at him.
Y/N, his beloved wife, watched him from the doorway. She could see the tension in his posture, the way his fingers gripped the pen a little too tightly, and the sighs of exasperation that escaped his lips. It pained her to see him like this, so she decided to intervene.
Silently, she walked over to him, her soft footsteps barely making a sound on the wooden floor. She placed her hands gently on his shoulders, feeling the knots of tension beneath her fingers. Benedict started at the unexpected touch, but relaxed slightly when he realized it was Y/N.
"Hey," she whispered softly, her breath warm against his ear. "You've been at this for hours. Why don't you take a break?"
Benedict sighed, leaning back into her touch. "I can't seem to get it right, Y/N. Every stroke feels wrong, every idea seems flat. It's maddening."
Y/N pressed a tender kiss to his temple. "Sometimes, taking a step back can give you a new perspective. Let me help you unwind."
Without waiting for a response, she guided him away from the desk and over to the plush armchair by the window. Benedict sat down heavily, the tension still radiating from his body. Y/N knelt beside him, her fingers threading through his hair with a gentle, soothing motion.
"Close your eyes," she murmured, her voice a balm to his frazzled nerves. "Just focus on my touch."
Benedict obeyed, his eyes fluttering shut as he surrendered to the sensation of her fingers massaging his scalp. Y/N's touch was like magic, each stroke easing the tension from his mind and body. She leaned in, pressing soft kisses to his forehead, his cheeks, the corners of his mouth.
"You're so talented, Benedict," she whispered between kisses. "Don't be so hard on yourself."
Her words were a gentle reminder of her unwavering belief in him, and it brought a small smile to his lips. He reached up, capturing her hand in his, bringing it to his lips to press a kiss to her knuckles.
"You always know how to calm me," he said, his voice a mixture of gratitude and affection.
Y/N smiled, continuing her gentle ministrations. "It's because I love you, and I believe in you. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone."
Benedict's heart swelled with emotion. He opened his eyes, gazing at her with a tenderness that spoke volumes. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Y/N."
"You'll never have to find out," she replied, her eyes sparkling with love.
She leaned in, capturing his lips in a slow, lingering kiss. It was a kiss filled with reassurance and promise, a reminder that she was there for him, always. Benedict's hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer as he deepened the kiss, pouring all his gratitude and love into the embrace.
When they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, Y/N rested her forehead against his. "Feeling better?" she asked softly.
Benedict nodded, a genuine smile curving his lips. "Much better. Thank you, my love."
"Anytime," she replied, kissing the tip of his nose. "Now, how about we take a walk outside? A little fresh air might do you some good."
Something in his deep brown eyes has me singing
He's not all bad like his reputation
And I can't hear one single word they said
And you leave, got places to be and I'll be okay
He agreed, and together they stepped out into the cool night air. The stars above twinkled like a promise of better things to come. With Y/N by his side, Benedict felt a renewed sense of hope and inspiration. He knew that no matter the challenges he faced, he would always have her love and support to see him through.
They strolled through the gardens, the moon casting a silver glow on the path ahead. Benedict felt the tension continue to melt away with each step, Y/N's presence grounding him in a way nothing else could. They walked in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other's company.
"I can't imagine doing this without you," Benedict said after a while, his voice thoughtful. "You always know how to bring me back to myself."
Y/N smiled, squeezing his hand. "That's because I know you better than anyone. And I believe in you more than anyone else."
Benedict stopped walking and turned to face her, his eyes shining with emotion. "You mean everything to me, Y/N. I don't say it enough, but I love you more than words can express."
Y/N felt her heart swell with happiness. She reached up, cupping his face in her hands. "I love you too, Benedict. More than anything."
Their lips met in a tender kiss, the world around them fading away. In that moment, it was just the two of them, wrapped in the warmth of their love.
I always forget to tell you I love you
I loved you from the very first day
The next morning, Y/N woke up to find Benedict already out of bed. She stretched and yawned, a smile spreading across her face as she remembered the events of the previous night. She got up and went to find him, curious to see what he was up to.
She found him back in his studio, but this time the air was different. The frustration and tension were gone, replaced by a sense of calm determination. Benedict was working on a new piece, his strokes confident and sure.
Y/N watched him for a moment, admiring the way his focus had returned. She walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, making him look up with a smile.
"Good morning," she said, leaning down to kiss him. "You're up early."
"I couldn't sleep," Benedict admitted, his eyes bright with excitement. "I had this idea and I just had to get it down."
Y/N looked at the canvas, seeing the beginnings of a beautiful painting. "It's wonderful, Benedict. I'm so glad you found your inspiration again."
"Thanks to you," he said, pulling her into his lap. "You're my muse, Y/N. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Y/N laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm just glad I could help. But remember, you have that talent and drive within you. You just need to believe in yourself."
"I do," Benedict said, his voice filled with conviction. "Because you believe in me."
They shared a kiss, the bond between them stronger than ever. Benedict knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would always have Y/N by his side, supporting and loving him. And that made all the difference.
I watch superman fly away
You've got a busy day today
Go save the world I'll be around
Later that day, Benedict and Y/N decided to take a break from their respective pursuits and spend some quality time together. They packed a picnic basket and headed to their favorite spot in the countryside, a secluded meadow surrounded by wildflowers.
As they spread out a blanket and settled down, Benedict couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment. The stresses of the world seemed so far away, and he cherished the simple pleasure of being with the woman he loved.
They ate, laughed, and talked about everything and nothing, enjoying the rare opportunity to relax and just be. Benedict loved the way Y/N's eyes sparkled when she laughed, the way her hair caught the sunlight, and the sound of her voice.
After they finished eating, Y/N lay back on the blanket, looking up at the sky. Benedict joined her, propping himself up on one elbow to gaze down at her.
"Do you ever think about the future?" he asked, his voice soft.
Y/N turned her head to look at him, her expression thoughtful. "I do. I think about our future a lot. I imagine us growing old together, still as in love as we are now. Maybe even more."
Benedict smiled, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from her face. "I like that vision. It sounds perfect."
Y/N took his hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Whatever the future holds, as long as we're together, I know it'll be wonderful."
Benedict leaned down to kiss her, a slow, sweet kiss that conveyed all the love he felt for her. "You make everything better, Y/N. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
They lay there for a while longer, basking in the warmth of the sun and the comfort of each other's presence. Benedict felt a sense of peace settle over him, a certainty that no matter what challenges came their way, they would face them together.
Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over their home, Benedict and Y/N prepared for bed. The evening had been perfect, filled with laughter and love, and Benedict couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment. He watched Y/N as she brushed her hair, her movements graceful and serene. The sight of her brought a soft smile to his lips.
Benedict walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a tender kiss to her neck. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured against her skin.
And I watch superman fly away
Come back, I'll be with you someday
I'll be right here on the ground
When you come back down
Y/N chuckled softly, leaning back into his embrace. “Flattery will get you everywhere, my dear husband.”
He smiled, nuzzling her neck affectionately. “I’m just stating the truth. You make everything seem brighter.”
Y/N turned in his arms, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of love and amusement. “And you, Benedict Bridgerton, have a way of making me feel cherished.”
He brushed a stray strand of hair from her face, his fingers lingering on her cheek. “That’s because you are cherished, Y/N. More than you know.”
She reached up, cupping his face in her hands. “I know it because you show me every day. In the little things, the big things, and everything in between.”
Benedict leaned in, capturing her lips in a slow, tender kiss. The world outside their embrace ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the love they shared. When they finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against hers, his breath mingling with hers.
“You make me a better man,” he said softly. “With you, I feel like I can conquer anything.”
Y/N smiled, her eyes shimmering with emotion. “And with you, I feel truly loved and supported. Together, we can face anything.”
And I watch you fly around the world
And I hope you don't save some other girl
Don't forget, don't forget about me
They climbed into bed, the weight of the day lifting as they held each other close. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the sound of their breathing. Benedict’s hand found its way to Y/N’s hair, his fingers gently threading through the soft strands.
“Do you remember the first time we met?” he asked, his voice a whisper in the quiet room.
Y/N smiled, her eyes closing as she recalled the memory. “How could I forget? You were so serious, trying to hide your curiosity behind that stoic expression.”
Benedict laughed softly. “And you were the one who made me laugh, breaking through my defences with your wit and charm.”
“I knew then that you were someone special,” Y/N said, her voice filled with affection. “And look at us now, married and happier than I ever imagined.”
He kissed her forehead, his heart swelling with love. “I’m grateful for every moment with you, Y/N. You bring so much joy into my life.”
I'm far away but I'll never let you go
I'm lovestruck and looking out the window
They lay there, wrapped in each other’s arms, sharing quiet conversation and soft laughter. The connection between them was undeniable, a bond that grew stronger with each passing day. Benedict knew that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have this—this love, this partnership, this unwavering support.
As they drifted off to sleep, Benedict felt a profound sense of peace. He knew that with Y/N by his side, he could face anything. And that made all the difference.
Don't forget, don't forget where I'll be
Right here
a/npt2; please let me know how you felt about this! im still getting the hang of writing the bridgerton boys but i do my best!
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shitsndgiggs · 1 month
kenan teaching the reader how to drive 😭🙏🏻 (im learning how to drive rn and i need to be able to laugh at someone else being a bad driver other than myself, even if its fictional (if i dont laugh i will cry, im just a girl, literally just about to turn 17 what am i even doing driving a car🙏🏻)
sorry for the rant HAHAHHA
Kenan teaching you how to drive
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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“Alright, babe, this is easy. Just gently press on the gas, and we’ll start rolling,” Kenan says, trying to sound calm, though I can see the faint hint of nervousness in his eyes.
We’re parked in an empty lot, and I’m sitting behind the wheel, staring at the pedals like they’re complicated pieces of machinery. “Gas, got it,” I mutter, nodding to myself.
I tap the pedal, but instead of a gentle start, the car jerks forward as if it’s been shot out of a cannon. Kenan’s body lurches in his seat, his hands gripping the dashboard as if his life depends on it.
“Whoa! Not so hard!” he yells, his voice an octave higher than usual.
“Sorry! Sorry!” I shout back, my heart racing as I slam on the brake. The car screeches to a stop, throwing us both forward again.
Kenan’s breathing heavily, trying to collect himself. “Okay, okay… let’s take a deep breath,” he says, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, clearly trying to calm his nerves.
“Right, deep breath,” I echo, following his lead. “I can do this.”
He glances over at me, offering a shaky smile. “Of course you can, just… you know, easy on the gas.”
I nod, biting my lip as I carefully press the pedal again. The car moves forward, this time much slower, but it’s wobbling like a drunk person trying to walk a straight line. Kenan’s hand hovers near the steering wheel, ready to grab it at any second.
“Okay, now let’s try turning,” he instructs, pointing to the right. “Just a small turn of the wheel.”
I turn the wheel, but instead of a smooth curve, the car veers sharply, nearly hopping the curb. Kenan yelps, grabbing the wheel to straighten us out.
“Oh my God, we’re gonna die!” I scream, slamming on the brakes again. We come to another jerky halt, and Kenan’s breathing like he just ran a marathon.
“No one’s dying, babe, no one’s dying,” he says, though it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than me. “But maybe… maybe let’s just stick to going straight for now?”
“Good idea,” I agree, my heart pounding in my chest. “Straight is good. I like straight.”
Kenan gives me a cautious nod, and I ease the car forward again. We’re finally moving smoothly, and I start to relax, just a little.
“That’s better, see? You’re doing great!” Kenan says, a hint of pride in his voice.
But then I spot a pigeon on the road up ahead. Panicking, I swerve dramatically to avoid it, sending us careening toward a row of trash bins.
“Watch out!” Kenan shouts, his hands flying to the wheel as he tries to steer us away from disaster.
We narrowly miss the bins, and the car sways back into the middle of the lot. My hands are shaking, and Kenan looks like he’s on the verge of a heart attack.
“What the hell was that?!” he exclaims, his eyes wide.
“A pigeon! I didn’t want to hit it!” I explain, my voice trembling.
“It’s a pigeon, it can fly!” he says, rubbing his temples. “Oh my God, I’m gonna need therapy after this.”
I can’t help but laugh at his dramatic response, even though my own nerves are shot. “Well, I didn’t want to be responsible for pigeon murder, okay?”
Kenan just stares at me for a moment, and then he bursts out laughing too, the tension finally breaking. “You’re unbelievable,” he says, shaking his head, but there’s a fondness in his voice that makes me smile.
“I’m sorry, I’m really trying,” I say, still giggling. “I didn’t realize driving would be this hard.”
Kenan reaches over and gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. “It’s okay, babe. We’ll get there. Maybe… maybe not today, but someday.”
We’re both still laughing when I decide to give it one last shot. I press the gas a bit more confidently this time, and the car starts moving smoothly again. But then, out of nowhere, I see another car entering the lot.
“Kenan, there’s a car!” I scream, even though it’s like a mile away.
“Babe, it’s fine, just keep going straight—” he starts, but it’s too late. I’ve already panicked and slammed on the brakes again, bringing us to another abrupt halt.
The other car, which is nowhere near us, drives by without a care in the world. Meanwhile, Kenan’s slumped back in his seat, eyes closed, like he’s questioning all of his life choices.
“I think… maybe we should call it a day,” I suggest, wincing as I look at him.
He slowly opens his eyes, giving me a weary smile. “Yeah… yeah, that’s probably for the best. But hey, you didn’t crash, so that’s a win.”
“Barely,” I mutter, feeling embarrassed.
Kenan chuckles, leaning over to press a kiss to my forehead. “You did your best, and that’s what matters. We’ll keep practicing, and one day you’ll be driving like a pro.”
“Or you’ll be dead from a heart attack before then,” I joke, earning a laugh from him.
“Possibly,” he agrees, shaking his head. “But at least it’ll be an adventure.”
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sophies-junkyard · 1 year
NOBODY ASKED but… Obviously Simon’s arc in adventure time solidified the series as one of greatest of all time (and I’m so hyped for this ice king sadness renaissance) but now I’m thinking of OTHER Adventure Time moments that rewired my brain as a kid. In no particular order:
1. “Once the strong guys got it how they liked it they said ‘this is fair now. This is the law.’ Once they were winning they changed the rules”. They really had the cartoon dog say that on tv in 2014.
2. “People get built different. We don’t have to understand it, we just gotta respect it”
3. The entirety of All The Little People. That shit was absolutely nuts for a kids show but also like…. I can’t articulate the lesson I just know there was one and it haunted me. The danger of the human ego. Hubris. Irreverence. Don’t play god bro.
4. Lady and Peebles. When PB ripped Ricardio’s leg off and bashed his skull in with it. And it was so hardcore they edited it out of the episode. Bro. I remember watching that after school one day and how my jaw just DROPPED at a PRINCESS being so brutal. They let her be so fucking angry and that was a game changer.
5. [Finn, about a horrific memory] “that one’s going in the vault. Aaaaaaaaaandd. It’s gone.” I quote that CONSTANTLY. It’s a great way to bring levity to a bad situation, but also forces me to go “hey wait a sec that’s not gonna work forever”. Things don’t stay in the vault.
6. Puhoy. He lived an entire life in that pillow world. He had kids. And then it’s just gone like a dream.
7. The deer. It was probably my first real introduction to horror. The hand wiggle. You all know exactly what I’m referencing. Were the candy people stuck in that well for 6 months???
8. What Was Missing!! Obviously now because it foreshadowed (and confirmed past) Bubbline, but back then just because it was so good??? IMO, this is the episode that defined WHO our main cast was, and how their relationships needed to grow for them to be content. It set up the next 6 years of the show! Plus it gave us 2 absolute BANGERS. Ugh i rewatched that recording so many times it wasn’t even funny.
9. Ghost Princess. Really just for the line where he sounds like he’s gonna shit his pants remembering his death and then in a clear narrator voice he’s like “I was a broken man.”
10. The pajama war episode. Now I’m doing this from memory so I could be wrong, but I think this really marks the start of Finn growing up. “I’ve really enjoyed just… hanging out with you.” The ability to start over with someone you’ve got complicated history with. The kindness. The growth from both of them!! It’s a direct parallel of episode 1 but their tones couldn’t be more different and I love it.
11. The slow and horrifying realization that The Mushroom War was nuclear Armageddon. Mushroom clouds. That went so far over my head as a kid even though they reference it constantly. It finally clicked during “I remember you”. Which I am NOT gonna go into because holy fuck that’s like 18 posts on its own.
12. Goliad! A child mirroring EVERYTHING they see, for better or worse. Seeing Jake in a bad moment screaming at the kids and goliad absorbing that behavior. Seeing she can use fear to control people. Also PB was Fucking Crazy! Her line “I’m not gonna live forever… I would if I could” is even more unhinged when we learn (like years later) that she’s already 900 years old. But she does physically age so I guess there’s that. The Suitor also falls into this category of episodes.
Ok getting into some of the more talked about moments
1. OK I LIED I have to talk about I remember you. I was 11 years old. I turned on the new adventure time episode like usual. 10 minutes later I was grappling with a grief I had never imagined before. Absolutely BAWLING not just for Simon and Marceline (the PLOT), but for what it showed me. The reality that every kid tries not to think about: your loved ones will leave you someday, even if they don’t want to. It’s an episode that becomes more powerful with every year I get older. To get a bit personal, dementia has completely taken my grandparents from me. I’ve seen sides of my grandfather that should never have existed, and I must constantly forgive him for what he does… now that he doesn’t remember me. And someday it’ll be my parents. That’s just the way of the world, ya know? Anyways, I remember my mom got home right as the credits were rolling and we had a long talk about keeping people alive with memory, mortality, and how the future was far away and we should decide on dinner lmao.
2. The Hall of Egress. I was almost 15. Life was changing. I was changing, and it was strange and frightening. That feeling where you know you’re losing your childhood but you just want to cling to it. Follow the same old familiar path, stick with what’s comfortable. But life doesn’t work that way. It took me years to really understand this episode and it’s symbolism. Honestly I still don’t think I could fully explain it. It’s like. How do I put this. I was so glad to be in the target age group in that moment. I was so glad that something I was growing up with was assuring me “you’re changing, but we’re changing too”. And isn’t that the theme of adventure time? Everything stays, but it still changes.
3. The absolute horror of Ferns existence. He’s Finn, but he’s wrong and warped. All those memories of the people he loves and they can’t stand to be in the same room as him.
4. Susan Strong. The introduction of a RUNNING PLOT. The show up to that point had really been so goofy and so monster of the week. I think the only really plot heavy episode before this one was It Came From the Nightosphere? And then suddenly they call into question the fact that Finn really is the ONLY HUMAN in all of OOO. And then… is he? It was SUCH a departure from the usual tone. Ending that episode with him reaching below her hat and gasping in shock, but never telling the audience what he found. And then she’s just gone. Which leads us to Islands!
5. Min and Marty. Second saddest episode in the entirety of adventure time, made worse because you know exactly how this family is gonna end up. There’s SO MUCH to dissect about Martins behavior in the series. A reformed con artist receives a traumatic brain injury while attempting to save his son. They’re both lost at sea, and he never looks for him. Was it the emotional trauma? Was it the physical damage? Meanwhile a mother loses her husband and her child in a single night and never EVER learns why. Nobody but Martin knows what happened that night. Also Finns fear of the ocean from season 1 is finally explained. 7 years of ignoring Finns origins and then they throw you THIS??? Watching it live was unreal.
Anyways I’m sure I’ll think of more. I might add on to this later for my own sake lmao, but I’d love to hear other peoples formative moments, quotes, episodes, etc. I really just needed to dump this information out of my brain so I can get on with my week.
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faededaway · 3 months
Complicated Shinsou x reader [angst] which may or may not be reader x Tokoyami later [sfw, gn]
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Shinsou is hard to love for reasons that are all his own doing. No amount of love professions and late nights holding up his hair while he drowns convinces him of your love for him. He's hard to love. But you love him and hope someday he will see it.
But today, today he's making you bite your tongue and fist your hands in your pocket.
Today, he's pushing buttons and crossing limits you didn't know you had to spell out for him.
It's your company's 20th anniversary. It's the first time you're at an event with Shinsou by your side as your partner. It took you weeks of convincing to get him to come with you.
“You said you want to know more about my work. This is the perfect chance for you to see for yourself. You can meet all my coworkers and see the office, too. Please?”
It hadn't worked until you said, “Toshi, you matter enough to me for people to know about your place in my life.”
He'd seemed excited to come with you. He'd even matched his suit with yours with complementary colors.
But his demeanor changed when you arrived at the party. His hand around your waist tightened any time someone called your name and he held you back whenever you tried to walk towards someone.
“You two seem close,” he'd said when you introduced your coworker to him,“is she your work wife? That would explain what keeps you going at your hard job.”
Your coworkers had laughed. The smile on his face fooled them, but you knew better. You knew his insecurities, his 'you deserve better', his 'maybe you have someone better on the side', and 'I'm just a project for you' were the reason behind his lighthearted jokes. Shinsou isn't the kind of person who would joke with people he's never met before. So you don't laugh. You can't. Not when you think about how your work is hard because of him. Your work is hard because you usually spend every hour outside of work making sure he's okay. Sometimes you barely get 2 hours of sleep before your shifts. Even when you're at work, you text him thrice a day at fixed intervals. Loving him is hard, but you believe he is worth the hard work.
However, “maybe if you were less self-absorbed you'd know what actually makes my job hard”, leaves your tongue before you can stop yourself. Tears follow soon after, clouding your vision before you can see his expression. A choked sob escapes your lungs and your feet move before you can say anything more. Fuck
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck
You think about how much damage your comment did to your relationship. You think about how many days or weeks it will take for him to accept your apologies. You think about what your nights will look like now. You think and you think.
Fuck. I fucked u-
"Woah. Slow down!”, rough hands grasp your shoulders to stop you from running into the wine fountain. The frown on his face falls when he sees your face, “I'm sorry. Let's take a seat, okay?”
Tokoyami guides you to a secluded corner, fingertips barely touching you. “I'll get you some water.”
Tokoyami, was the coworker who knew. The coworker who covered your hours and the one who knew what 'family emergencies' really meant. Your face burns when you think about him knowing your new embarrassing relationship problem. You wipe away your tears and think of an excuse for him.
He holds the glass out to you until you grasp it with both hands. The cold if it eases your tension. “Thank you for saving the fountain. I got a little anxious suddenly-”
“Look.” He cuts you off softly. There's pity in his eyes that you don't want to see. You know you want to hear his words even less.
“You can't love a person to betterment,” his words feel like a punch to your chest. Your hands let go off the glass and you dread the chill to follow, “you can't love someone who doesn't want to accept your love. No matter what you do, it won't make a difference to them because they don't believe in its existence.”
However, the cold never comes because he's there to catch the glass before it falls, “try loving someone who sees your efforts. At least then, I won't have to see you cry so often.”
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docholligay · 6 months
The best thing about this episode is the way it plays out the unique pain of grieving someone you do not love. Or worse maybe even, someone you did love, once but they disappointed you so intensely that all you can feel is rage and despair.
Bojack actually doesn't have to be giving this eulogy at all. That's not a requirement. There's no rule that says you have to have any kind of funeral at all.
But he does. And he keeps going on, even after he says that he has nothing more to say about his mother. Because he does. He has so much more to say, and there is no other place in his life where he will ever just be allowed to talk about his mother and the way he felt about her, outside of the therapy that he is absolutely not going to go to.
Complicated grief is an interesting thing, and for my money it's harder than "normal" grief (if grief is ever really normal) and that's why this is one of my favorite episodes of anything ever, is I'm not sure I've ever seen it dealt with where the emotions are so much more than just sorrow. Sorrow isn't easy, but it is simple.
But, what Bojack goes into, is anger, and disappointment.
It starts with him continuing to joke, with telling his mom to knock once if she's proud of him, and him saying how nice it is to be in a room with his mother and just be able to talk without her telling him to shut up. It's this knife tip, just working its way out of Bojack's mouth, and the jokes keep coming, but they are less funny and more this weaponized humor.
Then even that breaks down, and he starts to realize what the problem was, what the problem has always been. Even while he's realizing that he is perpetuating this same set of problems, he's thinking about the grand gesture. And how Tv convinced him that someday, he would see the one thing that let him know his parents loved him.
But it's the consistency. I love the way here, he basically yells at the coffin.
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To love someone who has consistently disappointed you, to be joined with them, and the rage that comes out of that, it's so real. And Bojack can't even look at his parents and say, 'You tried" because they didn't. They didn't try even one day in their lives. Not with him. But there are so many people in our lives we allow to disappoint us over and over again, and when they die, or leave your life completely, you have this realization, that, they were never ever what you needed. You convinced yourself that maybe someday they would be, but they were never going to be, maybe they even couldn't, and then YOU feel like the fucking idiot. For wanting it. For thinking that it could happen. And then we're all Bojack here, yelling at a dead body, and it's worse than pointless, and that is part of the complication of this grief, is, not only is it not going to get any better, but you can't even offload it back onto that person. You have to swallow your role and their role in it all, forever.
And then we come back to that "Knock once." asking her if she loved him and wanted him to know that he made her life a little brighter. He knows she won't knock, he knows she can't respond. It's still a joke but it's a joke he's playing on himself.
This anger, that she was never going to be the mother he needed, comes around at the end in some of the best stuff, and this is the kind of stuff that gets it so right that it causes me physical pain.
The worst part, of someone dying, that you have a difficult relationship with, is that it will never get better. Someone disappoints you, and they disappoint you more, but then someday, they die, and they can never ever get better. They can never turn it around and they can never make it right. "My mother is dead, and everything is worse now, because now I know I will never have a mother who looks at me from across a room and says, “BoJack Horseman, I see you." WHile someone is alive, they could always get better. At one point in my life, I was a selfish, mean-spirited person who spent my days doing whatever I wanted and my nights drunk, and doing whatever I wanted. I didn't do anything that would put me out. I got better, because I lived long enough to pull my head out of my ass.
But when someone doesn't do that. When you wait for them to have some epiphany, and hold out their hand, and do better, and then suddenly, they can't, and, everything is going to be stuck, the way it is. It is the death of possibility that makes this sort of complicated grief so painful. Someone who was wonderful dies, you miss what they were, but someone difficult dies, you miss who they could have been, and that's so impossible to describe to someone that I had never seen it well done, before this episode.
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samwisethewitch · 5 months
Something I've been thinking about lately: In conversations about being intentionally child-free, I see a lot of people talk about how much they resent constantly being told that they'll change their minds someday. And yeah, that sucks. When you tell someone that they'll regret their choices or go back on them someday, you're telling them you don't trust them to make their own decisions. And that's a dick move.
But what I see left out of a lot of these conversations is the fact that some people do change their minds about kids, and that is also okay.
People change. Our priorities and our values change. Someone identifying as child-free at 20 and then realizing at 30 that they actually do want to be a parent doesn't invalidate other people's decision not to have kids. It doesn't even invalidate that person's previous decision. They're growing. They're changing, and that's okay. Healthy even.
When I was 18, I felt very strongly that I would never marry and never have children. For me, this was a reaction to growing up in a religious environment where women were second-class citizens, and what little autonomy/independence single women had immediately went away when they got married. And once you had kids? Well, once you had kids, your personal life was officially over and your identity now started and ended with being so-and-so's mother.
If your only model of marriage and parenthood is a nuclear family where the husband is in charge and makes all of the decisions while his wife does all of the housework and childcare and not much else, OF COURSE you wouldn't want to get married or have kids! My thought process at 18 was basically, "Well, I want to have my own money and make my own choices and have an identity outside of being a mom, so clearly the family life isn't for me."
I'm 25 now. I'm married. My husband and I both kept our own last names, and we maintain separate bank accounts. I have a job that I'm good at, and a lot of people know me from my work. I still have my own money, make my own choices, and have my own identity. None of that went away when I got married. All that's changed is that I have a partner and best friend that I decided to do life with, and we had a ceremony and signed a piece of paper to make it official. We're not quite at the having kids stage yet, but it is something we both want someday.
Me wanting marriage and kids now doesn't invalidate my decision at 18. When I was 18, focusing on my education and career was absolutely the right choice for me. I needed to be able to focus on myself without considering how it would affect a spouse or kids. Eventually, I realized marriage and parenthood can look a lot of different ways. I realized I can decide what they look like for me. I don't have to follow the model I grew up with. And I realized I do want raising kids to be part of my life, just in a way that looks different from what others might expect.
This is a process a lot of people go through, especially women and femmes. If you're in the middle of it right now, just know that you're allowed to change.
And of course, a lot of people don't change their minds. A lot of people who identify as child-free at 20 still don't want kids at 30, 40, or 50. I've met people in their 80s and 90s who never had kids and don't regret that decision. My point here is that some people changing their minds about something doesn't mean it's not a good option for other people.
(And, let's be real, unfortunately a lot of people go the other way: they think they want kids until they have them. That's way more complicated because now there's a whole human person involved who is dependent on them for care and this definitely deserves its own post, but the best advice I can give is if you're young, you need to give yourself time to figure out what you want before committing to anything.)
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winters8child · 4 months
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 26
“You’re going to do what?” I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Bucky and I sat on the small balcony of my hotel room, sipping our drinks as the long-awaited rain pelted down from the canopy, offering us a respite from the relentless heatwave. London was known for its rain, but this summer’s heat was almost unbearable.
“Zola will be on that train,” Bucky said, trying to sound casual about it. “It’s the only way to get close to him. It’s no big deal… I mean, I’ve always wanted to try ziplining,” he added with a grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“That’s insane,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. “I should be there too… if it’s dangerous, I can’t let you do it alone.”
Bucky took a sip of his whiskey, his eyes sad but firm. “I already talked to Steve. You have to sit this one out. We can’t afford any mistakes on this mission. This is Zola we’re talking about.”
“I know… I know,” I faltered. “I’m just worried. You should know by now that’s what I do.”
He smiled gently, running his fingers over my legs where they rested on his lap. “Everything is going to be alright. We have a plan, and we know what we’re doing.”
I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder. Bucky kissed my hair and rested his head on mine, and we sat there in silence, listening to the soothing rhythm of the rain.
“I would have liked having a family with you,” he said quietly, making me look up at him. “You and I, two kids, maybe three, a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence and a cat.”
His fingers intertwined with mine, and he gazed at me with a hopeful look. “Maybe if this is all over…” he trailed off, waiting for me to respond.
I was torn. The idea of a life with Bucky was beautiful, but there was still Steve and the complicated feelings I had for him. Bucky saw my hesitation and pulled back slightly, taking another sip of his drink.
“I love the idea of a family with you, Buck, but…” I started to say.
“It’s Steve, isn’t it? You still love him,” Bucky said, cutting me off gently. “I understand. But you’ll have to make a choice eventually. This can’t go on like this forever. It’s not fair to any of us.”
My hands balled into fists as the weight of his words settled over me. The thought of hurting either of them made me want to cry. “What if I can’t?” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes.
Bucky looked out into the rain, his expression pained. “Then I don’t see any of us getting a happy ending.”
He knelt in front of me, cupping my face in his hands. “If you want to be with him, then be with him. I know I’ve been gone for a while, and things have changed. I’ll be okay… maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in a month, but I will be okay someday. I love you, and I love Steve. I won’t stand in your way.”
Tears streamed down my face as I shook my head vigorously. “No, that’s not what I want.”
Bucky wiped away my tears. “We can’t always have what we want, doll,” he whispered.
We decided to go to bed well into the night. Bucky had started to head back to his room, but I asked him to stay with me. Lying in bed, facing each other, his hand rested under my shirt, tracing gentle circles on my back. It made me shiver, and he smiled that beautiful smile of his that always gave me butterflies.
I felt like we were on borrowed time, and I didn’t want to fall asleep. I scooted closer, resting my hands on his chest. “Come back to me,” I whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
“I will,” he replied, hugging me closer and rubbing my back gently.
Sleep eluded me as the heat made it nearly unbearable. Bucky was already asleep, and I had to wriggle out of his embrace to avoid a heatstroke. The commandos were heading to the Swiss Alps the next morning, and I envied them—not for the mission, but for the chance to escape the scorching heat and feel the cool mountain air.
I crept to the little hotel kitchen, searching for a nighttime snack. The fridge was nearly empty, so I settled for a glass of milk. As I poured it, Steve walked in. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude,” I said, hoping to avoid making things more awkward.
Steve leaned on the counter, his eyes tired. “It’s alright. I’ll take some milk too,” he said with a small smile, grabbing a glass and pouring the remainder of the milk into it.
We sat at the counter, sipping our milk in silence. “Everything okay?” he asked, glancing at the empty glass in his hands.
“You should take me with you, Steve,” I said, my voice tinged with frustration. “I can help.”
“You know I can’t do that,” he said, putting down his glass. “It’s too risky. I’m responsible for the lives of our team, and bringing you along is more dangerous than it is helpful.”
“You’re making a mistake,” I said, my anger flaring as I slammed my empty glass down. “Excluding me like this… you know it’s wrong.”
Steve looked pained as I stormed out of the kitchen, ignoring his attempts to call me back.
I had fallen asleep sometime in the morning, just as the birds began to sing, announcing the start of the day. I pulled my pillow over my face to shield myself from the early sunlight, only to hear Bucky stirring beside me.
“Good morning, doll,” he said with a smile. “Sorry if I woke you up. I just have to get ready for the mission.”
“It’s already time?” I asked, hurriedly throwing on my morning gown. Bucky was already dressed in a blue combat jacket, his rifle slung over his shoulder.
We walked down together to where everyone else had already gathered. Steve looked more focused than usual, his gaze fixed on his shield. I hoped he felt at least a little bit guilty for not letting me join them.
“That dressing gown look is missing the head rollers and the pimple cream,” Falsworth joked, “and you’d scare off the Nazis with it!”
Bucky punched him playfully on the shoulder, eliciting a yelp from him. “I’m just saying, are we sure we can’t bring her along? She’s a bit crazy, but I’ve never seen anyone as brutally effective as her.”
Steve strapped his shield to his back. “No, and that’s an order. Let’s head out.”
Tired of the argument, I turned to Bucky and gave him a tight hug. “Be careful, Buck.”
He kissed my cheek and said, “Always am.”
I walked over to Steve and looked into his eyes, hoping he understood the gravity of the situation. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
I wished everyone farewell. Falsworth gave me a quick hug and a wink. “I’ll smuggle you in my backpack next time, I promise,” he said, making me laugh.
One by one, they filed out of the lobby and climbed into the truck waiting outside. And so, the waiting began.
Next Chapter
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jongbross · 10 months
Hii! There are a few ideas I’ve got in my mind for a while. Could you write something with Junmyeon? Basically reader and Junmyeon are kind of fwb. Junmyeon is in love with reader but reader isn’t over her idiot of an ex and goes to him anytime he calls her. Junmyeon is tired but he can’t avoid help reader anytime she gets treated badly by her ex. I was thinking about something fluffy and angsty with protective Junmyeon? You can also add some smut if you want. I hope this request isn’t too detailed! Have a good day/night and keep on with your works,I love them🩷
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pairing: kim junmyeon x reader word count: 1420 genre: fluffyyyy, really fluffy with a bit of angst. i'm sorry 🥴 warnings: swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of break up a/n: just had a little conversation with my sister about how much we like junmyeon and now i'm sad, so please enjoy it (: <3
and so it went again.
there you were, crying inside junmyeon arms because your ex has dumped you once again - not that he had ever taken you back in the first place.
junmyeon was used to that already, unfortunately. he knew how things worked; he would heal you, take care of you, make you feel like the luckiest person alive whenever he would make love to you, only for you to go back to your ex whenever he called you, leaving you at your worst state afterwards, so you had to go back to junmyeon and the whole thing repeated itself.
junmyeon knew it wasn't healthy, for neither of you. he knew the smartest thing to do was to call you out, break that vicious cycle and walk away from you - he truly did know that. however, the way his heart got filled with love whenever he saw you, the way his body moved on its own whenever he was around you kept him from doing that.
healthy or not, he also knew he loved you. he couldn't just walk away.
"i'm so stupid, it's ridiculous", you mumbled, hands covering your face. "why do i always have to go back to him?"
junmyeon smiled bitterly, caressing your hair away from your face.
"because you like him", he said, and it felt like he was stabbing himself.
you sighed, putting your hands away. your eyes were as red as they could be, swollen and wet from your tears. you sniffed, absolutely aware of your miserable state once again.
"and why do i have to like him so much?", you looked at junmyeon, also aware of what he was doing for you.
"well... i have a theory."
junmyeon shyly smiled, letting go of you - you wish he hadn't. he reached for some tissues that were laying beside him, giving them to you. you thanked him, at the same time you mentioned for him to keep going.
"he was your first true love, right?", junmyeon asked, even though he knew the answer. you just nodded. "then that's it."
"that's your theory?"
"yes... i mean, kind of", he shrugged. "first loves are always complicated. we feel like we finally found the one, and that things will be great forever, and that that is love, in its most pure form. but then, when things end up badly as it did for the two of you, we have some hard time trying to understand that it's over - and that there's no going back."
you just kept looking at junmyeon, even though he was looking somewhere else, past his walls.
"i bet he used to treat you properly, and that you used to think he was the only man for you", he continued, turning to look at you. "so don't blame yourself for still having a little, tiny bit of that feeling inside you. he was part of your life."
"you're so wise it sickens me."
junmyeon laughed, pulling you close so he could kiss your temple. you rested on his shoulder, wiping away your tears once more.
"that hopeful feeling, it's just like... it's just like when you like someone and they don't like you back", he whispered. "you keep trying, and trying, and trying... because someday, who knows, things will work out."
you shrinked under his touch, especially when you felt his heart beating faster under your palm that was resting on his chest now.
"you sound like you know what you're talking about...", you replied. you knew junmyeon was way too good for you, and you knew that didn't come only because he thought of you as a friend.
when he chuckled, you closed your eyes, feeling guilty. "yeah, maybe i do".
that night, you fell asleep in junmyeon's arms. he didn't try anything on you, being such a gentleman - instead, he carried you to his bedroom, laying you on his bed surrounded by your favorite pillows, letting you rest. junmyeon allowed himself to sleep in the same bed, but in opposite ways, making you giggle when you woke up in the middle of the night to change your sleeping position and met his toes instead of his pretty face.
that night, you had a dream. your ex was screaming at you again, in the middle of the pouring rain. he was accusing you of something, saying he didn't love you because of that and promising that he would never be with you again. you, on the other hand, were crying as you felt your heart breaking for the nth time because of him.
it felt like a nightmare, truly. the two of you were on an empty road, drenched because of the rain, and you couldn't see a way out of that situation. that's when, all of a sudden, you heard someone laugh behind you.
you turned around, your ex's scream falling deaf on your ears now. you were met with the sight of junmyeon, happily smiling at you; the sun was shining on top of him, and the day looked bright, colorful around him.
"y/n~", he chuckled. "get out of the rain, you'll get sick!"
junmyeon reached out for you, offering you his hand. behind you, you could only hear the sound of the rain falling, lightning and thunder filling your ears from time to time. you couldn't understand how there was such a heavy storm happening, at the same time that junmyeon was standing in what appeared to be a sunny, warm day.
or maybe you could, subconsciously - and that's why you took his hand.
you woke up to the sound of your phone vibrating next to you. junmyeon wasn't next to you, but by the sound that came from the kitchen, you knew he was already awake.
you took your phone, rolling your eyes when you saw your ex's name on the notification bar. he had sent you some messages.
"hey, good morning." "i'm really sorry about yesterday. i didn't mean to say those things, i hope you know that..." "you left that jacket you like so much here!" "[photo]" "i was thinking maybe you could come over to grab it, and we could talk everything through? (:"
you knew his definition of "talk everything through" meant going to bed and having sex. you knew he didn't actually mean all of that. you knew he was lying once again.
and for the first time ever, you also knew what to do.
when you were about to type your answer, you heard junmyeon knock on the door, even though it was his bedroom.
"hey", he said with a smile.
"hi", you replied. "good morning."
"good morning."
junmyeon walked to your side of the bed, putting a hot cup of tea on your bedside table.
"i'm making something for us to eat, but you can drink this in the meantime, if you want to", he calmly said. "it's your favorite."
smiling, you sit on the bed. for the first time since you woke up then, you realized you weren't wearing your clothes.
"i'm... is this your shirt?"
"yes... and my sweatpants", junmyeon laughed. "i made you put these on last night, i didn't think it would be comfortable to sleep in such tight jeans."
you laughed too cause, once again, he was right.
junmyeon caressed your face when you reached for the mug, pulling your messy hair away from your cheek and lips. he smiled when you hummed in delight after you took the first sip from your tea.
"i'll let you know once breakfast is ready", he said, leaning in to kiss the top of your head.
and that's when you fully understood your dream.
junmyeon walked to the door, but stopped in his tracks when you called him.
"wh-what are you gonna do today?"
"i don't know", he shrugged. "just groceries, i guess. why?"
"can i come over?"
junmyeon seemed confused, but still, he nodded. "yeah, of course. but it isn't as fun as you think it is."
"i don't care... anything is fun enough with you."
he laughed, rolling his eyes at you because you were never like that, but still he didn't want to get his hopes up that maybe, and just maybe, the day things worked out for the two of you had come.
"okay. it's a date then."
you agreed and, as he walked out of the room, you grabbed your phone to text back your ex.
"yeah, you can keep the jacket, i don't want it." "and make sure to block my number too (:"
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yosajaeofficial · 2 months
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Hey hey hey! Welcome back to the show, “The Monthly Jayce Myles Comics Updates!” Where I give obvious monthly updates to my followers about the progress for the hit series that hasn’t debuted yet, “ROTTMNT: The Jayce Myles Comics”! Sorry I haven’t posted this month, I was hella busy with college applications and other projects, but I’m delighted to get back into these updates.
Without further ado, let’s get the show running! I have some fun things to show ya!!!
The Comic
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The month was way too quick for my own good, the comic’s slow. Again, I was busy applying to college and doing other side projects I’m working on. I’m gonna be attending college next month so the comic will have its hardships but I really wanna pursue my education as well, but the updates shall continue like always with all of its fun content! Anyways, the comic: the debut has 20+ pages and my god it’s just insane on how many there are when I’m not even halfway there. I’m impressed with how many pages go by just to tell the story, older pages will be fixed up so it either might be reduced or even more but that’s for future Jae to decide; I’m learning as I go! It’s also better that I show instead of say that I’m just “working on it” since it’s easy to lie to be honest.
The turtles haven’t been seen since I haven’t got to drawing their introductions yet, I’m gonna shart in my pants because I’m scared but I’m literally an artist doing a comic so I gotta do them sooner than later. Maybe the next update you’ll see them? Don’t hold me too much onto that but it might be a cute goal to set, let me know what happened when the August update comes!
Jayce is so silly with her coat huh? She’s just a girl giving it her best, even if they thrift at the worst shop known to man (they’re gonna learn someday…) We also got Rogelio and Jayce being all cool together, I was proud of that page when first sketching it out. They both are so sweet to draw out, hope to see their finalized pages to see their true potential!
Bonus Content: Hidden City Mystical Crystals
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Silly reader, you’re scratching your nose and thinking, “what am I looking at?” You’re in luck! Cuz these babies are actually additional parts about the Hidden City’s lore/magic system. Magic system? Yes, a magic system. The Jayce Myles Comics is going beyond the original canon of Rise and creating many more original concepts and combining it with what was given by the canon. I wanted to show off more of the mystics from yokai because their potential was so much cooler to finally explore when drafting the ideas.
The Hidden City’s magic system is based off of the elements, not too complicated, but has some different rules when compared to other executions of the elemental magic system. That’s for another day, I’m only gonna talk about the crystals and show what they can do. You can reference this update and look into the JMC with this cool bit of knowledge! Let’s get started >:3
Origins of the Mystical Crystals
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These crystals were created based off of industrial flaws people have faced. Basically, I learned about the 1920s construction workers and their working conditions where it made me think “what would the have wished for when they worked?” I referenced from real people, history books, and my own personal experiences to create functions, and help base the crystals off of what I came up with.
The Netflix show, “Arcane” was a great inspiration to combine mystics with technology, the brand was called “Hextech” and it’s system was hella cool to me and it helped a lot when I was working on the crystal’s concepts. The mystical crystals are meant to be used as “tools to help the magic user”, where they can enhance their power, gain a temporary ability, create spells, or use in technology.
The names of them are based off of the Latin languages like, English, Italian, Spanish, and a hint of both Chinese and Korean if you squint really hard. I will go through each of the crystals in a vague manner for ya’ll to see what they can do!
Fire Magic
Fire magic is actually defined as: “The manipulation/manifestation of temperature” instead of just heat, it can be fire or ice.
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LA HEILMAQ: The crystal is based off of quartz in visuals and has the glow like a moonstone! La Heilmaq is the crystal that’s used to help air conditioning in modern homes and create weapons. They’re the most natural crystal to use to create weapons since it’s form holds up so well, it’s as common as bronze in real life! They’re pretty cold to the touch, so be careful and don’t hold them for too long if you’re 1. not a fire magic user, or 2. not wearing gloves. These babies are used for more attacks than defense since they’re pretty deadly if you’ve been penetrated by the crystal itself.
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EL HEILMAQ: This crystal is based off of colored glass from old alcohol bottles, tainted windows, and the power of friendship because this is the one that isn’t the most realistic looking since I made the shape up. It looks like the “BOOM!” shape for a reason~ El Heilmaq is the crystal which contains heat, it’s sealed by the actual gemstone itself so you’re able to touch with your bare hands without getting burned. The crystal can be used for restoring heat in homes, making artillery, and/or throwing them on the ground to create natural firecrackers. Most yokai use smaller bits of the crystal as distractions and the bigger pieces to help the industry by keeping their homes warm, they don’t need boiler rooms or to grab coal because El Heilmaq crystals can already do that for them without causing damage to nature.
The word Heilmaq was based off the English word “Hail” which is Ice, which is to hammer the idea that this isn’t just heat based. The word Maq is gibberish that's made to be another word for "kaboom", which brings more of the fire elements to the word itself.
Air Magic
Air magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of oxygen”!
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LA SENYÁR: The crystal is based off of diamonds and emeralds! La Senyár is a crystal that helps give the air magic user more of a boost, they can crash the crystal and it gives them a boost of air so they can jump higher, dodge quicker, or just blow a gust of wind at the enemy. The crystal itself is used by technology to give it more flight, used in planes, cars, and even shoes! Yes, shoes can also have the crystal, it helps the bird yokai give them a boost to use their wings to fly. The word Senyár is a word based off of the Spanish word, “Soñar” that translates to “To Dream”; it was named this way because the way how the pressure of the air isn’t as powerful or dense, it’s like if you’re walking on clouds, it feels like a dream.
Water Magic
Water magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of water and health”
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LA CANTÉM: The crystal is based off of pebbles found in rivers, ponds, and on rock beaches; there’s also influence by the topaz gemstone with it’s beautiful orange color. La Cantém is a healing crystal, where you’re able to use it on yourself to cool down injuries where it helps heal the wounds. It works both as a numbing solution and healing solution based on the water magic user. With these crystals, you always have to hydrate them in fresh water so the water can absorb into the crystal and used as energy; if it’s dehydrated, then the crystal’s will be weaker. The word Cantém is based off of the Spanish word, “Cantar” where it translates to, “To Sing”. It’s because singing can calm people down, and the crystal helps calm down the injured and lets the healing process go smoothly, it’s based off of my bestie where their singing really was like fresh water to my ears, a great inspiration for this crystal.
Earth Magic
Earth magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of nature”
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EL TERÉM: The crystal is based off of an amethyst visually, and yes, inside there’s a different color! El Terém is the crystal that most fighters use in order to manipulate rocks/boulders, build stronger architecture, or create rock shields when you throw them on the floor. It’s mostly rock based but still hella good to use in battle as a defense mechanism, the rock that’s formed is sturdy too, not weak for it to break easily. Shredder would have no problems breaking it but that guy’s insane. The word Terém is inspired by the word "tear" or "contain", any interpretation rocks! (no pun intended)
Yin Magic
Yin magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of darkness”
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MIE SIÑE: The crystal is based off of titanium black tourmaline and onyx. Mie Siñe is the crystal that contains shadows inside, depending on what the spell is, it either can produce shadows or fog. The usage for the crystal is much more unknown since Yin magic is banned from being used in Witchtown, but the crystal itself has been documented to be used to isolate the enemy when being used. It's also been used to cover the enemies eyes with darkness in order to distract them/become vulnerable sight wise. The word Siñe is a word based on the actual word "Sign" and "Sin", which holds a lot of significance into the story so I won't spoil.
Yang Magic
Yang magic is defined as, “The manipulation/manifestation of light”
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MIE PIRE: This dear crystal is based off of the Italian onyx, magnesite, and calcite. Mie Pire is the crystal that contains light inside, any kind of light, it's not just sunlight. It's a bit more tricky and dangerous to use since you can blind yourself with it more easily, so it's also not as used. However, Yang magic is also banned like Yin, but there has still been technological uses for Mie Pire like using it as an alternative for electricity (which saves the bills!) and also used as lamps for more conservative places like Witchtown. The crystal has proved itself useful as a light source, but it can still be used as a defense mechanism by blinding the enemies eyes for a good second of even minute. The word Pire is based off of the word "Pure" which means that this crystal is very raw hence why it's dangerous. Another word it's inspired by is the Latin word "Pyra" which means "Bonfire". Both interpretations are used for this one!
The word Mie is based off of the actual Italian word "Mie" which means "My". It doesn't truly mean mine, because it's also inspired by the Spanish "Mira" that translates to "Look". It can be interpreted any way you want!
Thank you for coming to this lovely update! I've been working really hard to get the comic rolling and to also balance out my personal life with it, but I'm proud of how far I've come in the span of a year! Lots of progress has been made and it's getting much more exciting to create for the JMC. Have a wonderful day/night and see ya'll soon.
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justaboot · 1 year
18 for the violence ask game
18 - it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
OKAY ALSO IN HONOR OF YOU LIKE? Klondike everything???
Maybe this is me, but I grew up in a city made from like, THEE biggest gold rush in North American history, so as a kid I DEEPLY hyperfixated on gold rushes and there's SO MUCH FUN STUFF TO PLAY WITH FANDOM-WISE.
33 miles of BRUTAL trail, lugging a LITERAL METRIC TON OF SUPPLIES. LIKE. THEY LITERALLY DIDN'T LET YOU INTO CANADA IF YOU WEREN'T CARRYING A METRIC TON. So a journey people thought would take days took MONTHS, because you had to go one load at time, put it down after a few miles, and go back for the next load.
And the last stretch before hitting the Canadian border? THE GOLDEN STAIRCASE
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Goldie got to Dawson before Scrooge, who hiked the trail. Assuming Scrooge hit the road as soon as possible, unless you were very wealthy, this (and other much worse paths) was the only real way at the time. Women hiked it too, in short skirts with leather leggings underneath, or in mens' trousers.
Anyway, Goldie hiked the Chilkoot Pass. I've decided.
And once you got there? GOD there's so much cool history.
Once the shows were done, they'd push all the chairs aside and the men would pay to dance with the women, waltzes and square dances and such. Of COURSE Scrooge would look down on that! It's not just a waste of money to pay to see a show, but to pay for a dance! Come on! He does go in when he strikes it rich, so like...
Idk, I've got a fic brewing in my docs somewhere of Scrooge and Goldie having to go to a miner's meeting, which was a little unofficial court held by the miners to deal with petty issues, (you wanted to go for other people, so they'd be there for you), and all the men get jumpscared by Glittering Goldie showing up next to the Scottish Reclusive Asshole, filthy and wearing his pants. Someday that'll happen.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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izayoichan · 9 months
The future of this blog.
It’s taken me a long time to come to this decision, but now that I finally came to it, it’s felt incredibly good to finally come to it, even if I in some ways wish it wasn’t where I ended. It’s basically a full backtrack on the decision to rewrite, and an end to writing the way I have been in general. The story will still post as is until what I have written is done posting, after that, I want to return to what once made me happy, random screenshots of my sims that I just love, sometimes with a small/large written blurb on them because it comes to mind, and sometimes just screenshots with a small comment on them. So in some ways the story will continue, I don’t know just how yet, but I can see it being more random, screenshots, small blurbs, explanations, and just generally I want to just enjoy them more. Okay, so to the reason behind this sudden and abrupt change in my plans. It is two fold, but in a way interlinked. It's also very much linked with what I wrote in my new years resolution earlier, where I will well, like tradition, break some of the resolutions I wrote down, but there is one I won’t break, and that is the “I will not quit”. So, reason number 1: Right now, it's not fun. 
It's the thing I always ask myself when I do something, and struggle with motivation, are you having fun? Earlier the answer was yes, but that’s no longer the answer I get from myself. So why is it not fun, it's a long complicated answer, and for those that want to, I will do what I normally don’t and put that answer under the line. For the ones that just want the quick answer: Reason number 2: My health is shit and I have found a level of tiredness I didn't know existed.
So my plans, before I go into more detail under the famous line, to take a step back, merge the FFXIV and any other games I love into one blog. And post what screenshots freely from any game, not just sims, but as I have an addiction to screenshots there will be sims too. Perhaps someday in the future, the desire to write the story comes back, but for now, I am not forcing it. Maybe it never will, and that is okay too. I’ll still hang around here, and show off my babies and poke about the story that's still in my head. Screenshots with random little “blurbs” under them like what happens with some poses I use are likely to still happen.
In conclusion: I’m sorry to those who might feel let down, if my new content is not for you I am sorry for that too but I need to do this for me. To those that have looked forward to my rewrite I am sorry for failing on that idea/promise(I will post what I have written on the wordpress blog I have for it but it’s not much. Who knows, maybe something changes and I go back to the idea). For those that will still hang around this silly blog of mine: Thank you!
If you want to read the rest, as tumblr is being its usually shitty self, you can do so here. (googledoc, because tumblr refused to let me post it all, and I have no energy to fight it)
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 39
It seemed that the sea was getting rough. Dark clouds hovered over their heads and a cold wind blew into their faces, which let them shiver uncomfortable. Only one man was standing against the weather like it was nothing. His serious gaze was directed to the distance and let soldiers around him shiver even more.
It was a marine ship. And it was coming closer by each second. Growling pissed the tall sweet General turned back to get to his wife. Looking down to her stressed form, he knew exactly what was bothering her.
She was scared.
Not for her life. Katakuri knew her well enough that this stubborn little princess was caring less about her well being. She was scared that something would happen to her parents, her home and kingdom, which he had to admit, was quite charming in his own way.
"(Y/N), Katakuri. We hadn't much time to repair the ship. It's working, but still there is lots of damage. Be careful on your way.", her father explained, while hugging his daughter, who was already in tears. Brushing her cheeks he kissed her forehead lovingly. Her mother hugged her dearly and kissed her too. It was a heartbreaking moment. No one knew exactly what was going to happen, sure something troublesome, nevertheless nobody could do anything against it.
"Don't cry. Someday I am sure we could see each other again. Till then make me proud.", she cupped the young girl's cheeks in her hands and gave her beautiful face a saddened look.
"And don't forget (Y/N). Whatever you hear from our kingdom. The news are just lies to protect you. We will pretend that we are enemies of your husband. Pretend that we wanted that execution of Katakuri too. Pretend that we are looking for you to get you back to your senses and back to us. That we are disappointed of your actions. All lies to cover your leaving. ", she spoke calmly and hugged her again.
The last packages of food were placed into the submerge ship. Soldiers were gathering together to push it into the sea, which wasn't an easy task, because of its immense form. A shadow hovered over them and the next moment the ship was pushed easily into water by a strong hand. Looking up they were met with the Charlotte pirate who let them sweat uncontrollably only by his serious expression. (Y/N) took a deep breath and got back to her husband's side. She shivered, but didn't felt cold. Her throat felt dry, but she wasn't thirsty. Her whole body was reacting of the final leaving from her beloved home. (Y/N) thought about her mother's words.
It was the first lie of the many which soon would follow. She thought that the lies would stop after getting out of the marineford,but it seemed they would follow her for a lifetime now. In their predictment she was sure that her parents wouldn't be able to leave the island ever again without being watched and for herself it meant the same. (Y/N) felt her heart breaking. But it was for the best. For her and their safety.
Putting on her best smile, she bowed respectfully before everyone and thanked them dearly for everything they did for her and Katakuri. Her gesture alone let a wave of tears and shouts of despair wash over the soldiers and her parents. Her body felt like it was frozen in the spot. Moving her feet she bite her lip bitterly and got inside the submerge ship to start their travel. For Katakuri it was easier to leave, to finally move on and keep her protected, but still he felt bad of seeing his wife's desperate look. He took the lead and started the ship, while (Y/N) sat at the back to watch his quick moves silently. Slowly the vehicle moved under water and deep into the blue ocean to be unnoticed by anyone around. Compared to the former travels, this one was much easier and without any complications.
If they could hide perfectly.
One week and they would reach whole cake chateau. One week and (Y/N) was back at her old life as Katakuri's wife. In a way it felt so unreal after everything had happened.
Could everything be like before?
Would Big mom punish her of her actions?
And what about Katakuri?
He didn't bring a treasure. On top he was arrested by the enemy. So many questions rushed through her mind that she didn't notice the second call of her name. Looking back Katakuri found his wife deep in thought and sighed. Both felt uncomfortable about their situation. On the one hand he was beyond happy to get back to his home with her, to be back in his territory, his comfort zone where he would do anything to keep her safe, but on the other hand it felt that they were driving into the next desaster. Sure it would take a lot of explaining. A lot of work to get things back to their old life. And still it was unclear how his actions and news would be treated at home. His mother would be furious or proud. Pissed of not having a treasure or delighted of hearing what damage they made of the marines image.
"We just have to bare with it…take whatever will come.", he whispered, while guiding the ship through the water.
The world was against them. And all alone they wouldn't be able to make it.
Katakuri endured many things. Hell he faced death with open arms and was more than grateful to get a second chance in life to stay with (Y/N). He was sure, whatever would come, he would fight for her and their future.
On the other side, gladly far far away, were two older men sitting before a den den mushi with an irritated look on their faces. Crossing their arms over their big chests, they weren't sure how to handle the temper of the men on the other line.
"Everyone is on high alert of the latest news of Wano Land. It sure was troublesome what happened, nevertheless we have to focus on the main topic. Can't this wait for awhile Sakazuki?", Garp asked and already knew the answer just by the low growl he got back.
"No it has to be done today. I don't want to waste any time.", Akainu spoke pissed on the other line and had to hold himself back to avoid burning the phone of his anger. Furious was an understatement and that he had to explain his actions, because he needed help to get this task done wasn't helping either. Still on the way to Wano Land he was hanging on the phone for hours to get his orders done properly and mostly quickly.
Giving the semi retired Admiral Sengoku next to him a worried look, Garp was deep in thought about what to say. He knew exactly what the Fleet Admiral had in mind and it sure was very bothersome. That he would go that far was well yeah to be expected, but how they should deal with it was another case. He discussed the situation with Sengoku,who wasn't pleased to hear that a young woman had gone this far and not only was able to get into the marineford that easily, she also was able to break out of this place with her husband. A dangerous wanted pirate. But what bothered him the most, was how Akainu treated this young woman during her stay and still it seemed that he didn't give up.
"It says that betrayal is punished with death so why do you want it that way?", Garp asked seriously. For a moment it was silent and it felt like the fleet Admiral had cut the line, but then his deep voice echoed through the phone.
" I want her alive. I will judge her actions and choose the punishment myself. The bounty stays this way.", Akainu spoke sharply without space for any other opinions.
"Still if you think we would attack whole cake Island and get into a fight with Big mom, who is by the way at Wano Land too, I have to disappoint you. Just for one woman we won't make a fuss Admiral. And mostly risk innocent lifes.", Garp hissed back and knew he had hit a nerve. Balling his fist in anger, Akainu knew right away what this old bastard was hinting at. The memories of Ace's execution were still burnt in his mind with hours of complains about his awful actions afterwards. Marine or not. Garp was in his eyes a traitor than a supporter.
"I want it done immediately."
With a loud clash the call ended and the two men gave each other a confused look. Sighing Garp looked over the piece of paper in his hands, which was the cause of their conversation with Akainu and felt pity for this woman. She was a criminal, a wife of a known pirate, nevertheless her look alone showed anything but harm. And now she had the worst nightmare as an enemy.
"She is a beauty. Never would I believe that such a sweet looking girl would be able to do such things..", Sengoku took the picture and had to smile of her happy expression.
"What I heard from the cadets, she was really an angel. She always helped other marines, was polite, kind and even standing up against Sakazuki's anger to protect others. And she always showed interest. If you ask me, she just wanted to safe her husband without any bad intentions against us. And that is quite honorable than awful. Nevertheless she broke the rules and had to face justice…a pirate is a pirate. Beautiful or not. Forced into it or not. Now her title is official.", Garp spoke and got a short nod as agreement.
" Yeah you are right. Unfortunate for me to think that I hope to never see her in real. That she would never get caught, because whatever Akainu plans,it sure is more terrifying than death.", Sengoku spoke and got up to sign the order and get things into actions. It was useless to wait any longer. If Akainu wanted it that way, then it had to be done that way. He was the Fleet Admiral after all.
It didn't take them long to spread the news to all outposts across the sea. With a short alarm sound, slowly the fresh painted wanted poster was presented to the other marines, other officers, other Leutnants, who put the piece of paper on the wanted list. Her face was now known all over the world.
No way to escape anymore. Anywhere.
His fingers glided across her smiling face. Across her beautiful body, dressed in the white marine dress, he adored so much and underlined her curves perfectly. That was they way she should look. How often was he dreaming about touching her soft looking skin. Her flawless body and kissing these beautiful plump lips who growled back at him at the dark cellar on their first day.
There has to be a mistake.
She was taken by force. Taken by cruel dirty hands of a pirate and pushed into a marriage for a political reason. There has to be a reason why she rescued this damn monster. She was too flawless too innocent to understand the world. Brainwashed, scared and confused. She wasn't thinking clear and he would do anything to guide her back to where she belong. And never would he accept the betrayal she did to him. Wasting his generous offer to become something great.
Smirking Akainu puffed his cigar and placed the wanted poster on his table,satisfied with its look and information.
"Go wherever you want. Hide wherever you want. I will get you. You will see….and then my sweet princess you will pay. "
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voltrixz · 1 year
hi um,, do you mind if i ask for any electro headcanons.. !! 🤲🤲
he's bi too
Angry queer punk vibes tbh
WORST luck ever when it comes to uno or just any card game, to the point its comical
after figuring out to control his powers, he was able to eat and drink again but also due to how fucked up his internal anatomy is, he realized he can basically just eat whatever with little consequences, so every now and then he chews on wires, cables, maybe eats the occasional battery along with several cans of monster energy (WORST DIET KNOWN TO MAN!!! (DOCTORS HATE HIM!!!)
draws sometimes altho its usually just doodles, scribbles or unfinished sketches when he's bored
due to the constant energy he produces, he doesnt actually need to sleep so he's often just wonders around the sinister six base getting a snack, goes out to the roof to stargaze and think (or chat if shocker or sandman are up) or take a quiet walk around town
back in highschool he used to have a skateboard and was pretty good at it but his mom scolded him over how dangerous it was (will go more into detail of how i think his relationship with his mom and dad was but thats for another post (hint: based a lot off on his comic backstory) and well he sucks at it now
probably (definitely) neurodivergent
Out of the members of both iterations of the sinister six hes the closest with shocker, mysterio (they chat about tech and stuff a lot), sandman and kraven (will go into detail off their dynamics in a future post probably)
he sees doc ock as a father figure (their father-son dynamic is everything to me but its really really strained and complicated and i have many thoughts) (also will go into detail in a future post probably)
rlly into tech and how it works so if he ever finds a old device or gadget he likes to take it apart and study it (when he's well electro, he also likes to just ya know take a part and have it as a snack)
DO NOT LET HIS MF DRIVE A CAR (will get a speeding ticket (thought of this when i listened to "speed drive" from the barbie movie )
Wants to own a motorcycle someday however
Probably owned a miku binder at some point
Tf2 (scout main but pyro is his 2nd used class) (a friend suggested he would play spy just to mess around) and Pokemon fan (you wont believe what his favorite pokemon type is (electricity.... (foreshadowing..)
also rlly into sports, usually watches soccer and baseball games but plays volleyball sometimes
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imekitty · 1 year
Star Error XIII
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12
Star investigates Danny’s glowing freckles.
The following day, Star watched Fenton from a distance as discreetly as she could. The last thing she needed was for everyone to think that she was hung up on Fenton after he brutally dumped her in front of everyone.
Oh, she would definitely have to get back at him for this somehow. Some way. Someday. But not right now when she knew Valerie would come after her if she did.
What did Valerie even see in Fenton anyway?
Star sat behind him a couple rows back in English class, glancing up from her notes every few seconds to check him out. Sure, he had nice hair that looked pretty soft and fun to run some fingers through. And he was a lot more muscular than she remembered him being in freshman year. Taller, too. And his eyes were kind of nice, she guessed. Icy blue, a piercing color that really stood out under his dark eyelashes.
She couldn't exactly say he was ugly but he certainly wasn't, like, cute.
Not really, anyway.
Maybe just a little cute.
Star looked up again and this time found Fenton looking back at her. He smiled, and Star immediately put her head down, blushing furiously as she pretended to concentrate very hard on taking detailed notes. She did not raise her head again for the remainder of class.
Later that night as part of their typical Friday night sleepover at Paulina's house, Star sat on the carpet near Paulina's canopy bed while Paulina sat at her vanity, brushing her long dark hair. The window was open, bringing in the cool night air as the pink curtains fluttered around the frame. Paulina always insisted on leaving the window open at night, hoping to catch just one glimpse of the ghost boy before she went to bed.
"So now that it's finally just us girls…" Paulina pulled half of her hair over her shoulder and began braiding it. "How are you taking your breakup with Danny?"
Star groaned. "We really weren't dating."
"You don't need to be embarrassed," said Paulina. "You could do a lot worse than Danny."
Star thought back to Valerie's glowing words about Fenton. "You don't think he's cute, do you?"
"Of course I do. Prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen." Paulina sighed as she tied off her first braid with a sugary pink bow. "Such a shame he and his family are a bunch of weirdos."
"He is weird, isn't he?" remarked Star.
"Yes." Paulina turned to Star, her eyes wide and full of concern. "Did he break your heart terribly when he dumped you like that? Because the cheerleaders and I can get back at him if you need us to."
Star was pretty sure Valerie would kick her ass if she allowed the cheerleaders to hurt or humiliate Fenton on her behalf. "Uh—no, don't do that, please."
Paulina smiled. "So you still care about him?"
"It's really not what you think."
Paulina chuckled and tied off her second braid. "That boy has made me feel some complicated emotions, too."
Star raised a brow. "Really?"
"Yes." Paulina grabbed a teddy bear from her collection of stuffed animals in the corner of her room and hugged it close to her chest as she joined Star on the floor. "He's cute but also a huge dweeb, like I can't actually associate with him even if he is nice to look at." She sighed dreamily. "But then he's also kind of mysterious, you know? He pretends like he knows nothing about ghosts, but I know he knows a lot more than he's letting on."
Paulina petted the bear between its ears, lost in some thought Star could only guess at.
"So, uh." Star cleared her throat to get Paulina's attention. "If you could ask Fenton one question and he had to answer honestly, what would you ask him?"
"Oh, that's easy. I'd ask him about his relationship to the ghost boy."
"His…relationship? To the ghost boy?"
"Well, sure," said Paulina. "Obviously he knows the ghost boy somehow. The ghost boy is always using that Thermos with the name 'Fenton' on it."
"So, what, you think Fenton gave the ghost boy that Thermos?" asked Star.
"Well, how else would he have gotten it?" Paulina turned up her nose. "The ghost boy is not a thief. He's good."
"Hmm." Star creased her brow. "So you really think Fenton and Phantom know each other?"
"Mmm hmm," said Paulina, once again petting her teddy bear on the head. "Although I've never been able to get Danny to admit it, but if he had to answer honestly, that's what I would ask him."
Star looked off to the side, wondering if maybe she didn't need to come up with the one perfect yes-or-no question to ask Fenton after all. If Phantom was close enough to Fenton that Fenton actually let him borrow his family's ghost inventions, then surely Phantom would know why Fenton's freckles glowed, right?
Maybe all she had to do was find Phantom and ask him instead.
"Oh!" Paulina gasped and jumped to her feet. "The ghost boy!"
She dropped her bear and ran to the window, excitedly pointing at the sky. Star joined her, gazing up at the glowing flash of light streaking high above them. Looking more closely, Star could see that it was actually a white-haired ghost wearing a jumpsuit.
"It's the ghost boy!" squealed Paulina. "Ooh, make a wish! Shooting ghosts are so much luckier than shooting stars!"
Paulina clasped her hands beneath her chin and shut her eyes tight. Star watched her silently mouthing her wish, then turned to look out the window again. Phantom's glow was getting farther away, winking out amidst the constellations.
Right now, Star had only one wish.
I just wish I could figure out Fenton's secret.
Part 14
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bagelrites · 8 months
Have you ever had a fanfiction idea you knew was great but didn't have the time/courage/patience to write ? What would be the backbones of it and what scene in particular would you still like to see written one day ?
So my problem is that when I think of a fan fiction idea even if I have 20 other wips I still somehow think I will do it someday. There is one big fic idea that I had that I have pretty much given up on though, and that's the Squid Game AU. Obviously I thought of it when the DTeam were playing in the Squid Game tournament, and the premise would be that George and Sapnap are contestants who very early on become friends and form an alliance, and Dream is a guard who keeps somehow ending up in situations where he has to talk to George, and they start falling in love. There'd be a lot of complicated feelings, but in the end George escapes with Dream because in that final game he doesn't actually get shot when he loses (I think Dream would have gotten some of the other guards on his side,) but he plays dead until the field is cleared and then Dream comes and whisks him away and they escape on a boat together. George is kind of sad about leaving Sapnap behind, but he has a feeling he's going to win, and he's right of course.
I don't think I'll write more or a shortened version or anything one day. I had so little of it written, in fact, I could actually share everything I wrote here right now, so I'll put it below the cut :)
This was the opening:
George liked the blue hue of his jumper. He’d been told it was turquoise, actually, but it looked a grayish blue to him, cool and muted, like the still face of a lake reflecting the sky. The white stripes could be clouds, perhaps. The numbers over his heart the ripples of a fish flipping from the water, or perhaps the pearly feathers of an egret in flight.
And yes, technically it was a prisoner’s uniform, but George felt it was important to find comforts even—or perhaps especially—in circumstances such as these.
The dormitory was spacious, in its own way. The beds were stacked three layers high, but the mattresses weren’t terribly thin, and there was a wealth of free space opposite the bunks, plenty of room for all two hundred competitors to mingle together, or else find some corner to sulk in alone. The white walls were bright, too, and the ceilings were high.
George supposed if this was the room he was destined to sleep his last night in, at least it was clean and airy. Better than rotting away in a cramped prison cell, right?
He rolled from his side onto his back, staring up at the cross-beams holding up the mattress above him. It had been about an hour or so since they let the competitors into the dorm, and so far there was no word as to when the games would begin. George had been trying to nap in his bunk to wait it out, but everyone else was being far too talkative, and the din of voices kept him awake. Finally, he got antsy enough to get up, deciding to take a stroll around the room and scope out his competitors.
Not that he really thought it would help him win. He didn’t quite plan to do that. Didn't see the point in trying, if he was honest. If he won, he won. If he didn’t…
Then I had a few scenes of dialogue jotted down. First George teasing Dream:
“Why did you say that?”
“Say what?”
“That you trust me.”
“Oh. I don’t know. You’re fun to mess with.”
Dream looked away.
“George, you don’t even know me.”
“You could change that.”
“George—” Dream sputtered, and George giggled. He sounded so cute when he was flustered.
“You’re already talking to me. That’s a step in the right direction.”
Dream froze, and didn’t make any reply. George wished he could see behind his mask, see if he was angry, or scared, or just flushed from embarrassment. He was betting on the latter. “Oh, now you’re all quiet.”
And then here's George seeing Dream's face for the first time:
“Wow, you’re—” George paused, face flushing. “Nothing.”
“I’m nothing?” Dream chuckled.
“No, I mean—I mean you’re, um…” his mind raced for the right word, the least embarrassing word. “Handsome?”
“Oh, I am?” Dream leaned closer, smirking, and George covered his face with his hands.
“No, I meant hot! You’re hot!” he said, muffled into his palms.
Dream just laughed, the sound light and lovely and adoring, and George melted under the warmth of it.
And finally some George + Sapnap dialogue:
“Why do you think you’re gonna win?”
“Because I have to. I have to think it,” Sapnap said. “If I don’t think I can win, then I know I’ll die. You know?” 
George hummed.
“I think you might actually do it.”
“Yeah, I don’t know. I just… have this feeling that you’re gonna go all the way,” George said.
“Well, then I want you to go all the way with me.”
George smiled and couldn’t help snickering a little at that.
“What? I mean it.”
“Oh, c’mon. You know what that sounded like.”
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