unlearninglove · 7 months
Endless gratuity and hospitality,
I will offer the world to my most loyal guest
The hotel of my heart, but a stop on your quest.
You once told me I'm not very witty
Or pretty, or nice
Those might not have been lies
But as your visit came to an end
I could only pretend
To care about what you have said
I checked you out and read
Your review of the stay
"2/5, too far away"
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unlearninglove · 7 months
Don't panic
All these feelings are organic
Boneless scraps of empty promises
Free-range thoughts nobody misses
Meat from a happy cow
As I am now
Fully content with the illusion of life
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unlearninglove · 7 months
I saw glimpses of sunshine on the other side
And thought of all the smiles we could have had
If only I knew the rules by which you abide
Maybe it all wouldn't have been so bad
I let you in close and trusted, and cared
Was it all worth it for the memories we shared?
You seem to forget what kind of person I am
I may be forgiving, but now I hardly give a damn
You lead my heart astray
Looked into my eyes and with full conviction
Left me to become a stray
I just wish heartbreak was a thing of fiction
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unlearninglove · 3 years
What are friends
If not a relation that ends
Is the anguish I'm feeling
Making me more unappealing?
As a friend or a lover?
Because I don't think I can ever recover
The bitterness of betrayal,
Even if just my mind's warped portrayal
Of what really happened
Could it really be the end?
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unlearninglove · 3 years
Oh Mister Winter, that's pretty cold of you
To not share your jacket even if you didn't want to
Mister Frozen-hearted, how bold of you
To reject my offer of a cup of tea or two
I've invited myself to melt down your walls
Free you from this self-imposed jail
What you see everyday is not hail
Just parts of a wall willing to tear away
Wanting to fall just like snow falls
On a winter day
The distance you've created around yourself
Is less of heaven and more of man-made hell
It's only natural for it to occur, well
One only wants to keep to oneself
You can warm your ice old fingers in my hand
And together we can wait for your misery to end
Let me just brush the stray snowflakes from your hair
All the warmth you could've needed was always right there
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unlearninglove · 3 years
The silence can only be broken with a sigh
Without you, I can’t do anything, but cry
Nothing in life will ever be the same
What once was love quickly pain became
  I could never deal with love afresh
As you said happiness I will never gain
All I will do will be in vain
And the Word was made flesh
  Do forgive me all the pain you went through
On your own accord
Half-truths, you swore weren’t lies to the Lord
  Neither of us will ever know peace
As we have both fallen
Thinking love was bliss
Lives forever solemn
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