#its better now but i still want to to barf..............
dreamybasil · 3 months
suffering rn
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
once again fellas, its time to Stress
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mothwingwritings · 8 months
F!Reader X Ren Hana
Hello everyone!!! Back at it again with a new Boyfriend To Death fic ❤
I know what you might be saying. “Wow another BTD fic based around a collar, real original Moth” BUT in my defense I actually wrote this one before the story I wrote for Strade. My brain barfed this out a few months ago (when I finished playing through Ren’s route for the first time) but I wanted to make something Christmas-esque because it was December, so Strade’s story came out first.
Regardless, I had a lot of fun writing both, so I hope you enjoy them too! ❤
Though there is nothing overtly sexual in this, due to the subject nature of this fic this story is 18+ ONLY please!!!
Warnings: imprisonment, abuse (physical and mental), reader has some extreme Stockholm syndrome going on, incredibly unhealthy relationship, biting, blood, reader gets hurt, mentions of sex, I guess maybe petplay potentially??? (what with the collar and all).
Thank you for reading!
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“Okay… You promise you’ll be a good girl, right? No funny business?”
Despite being perched on soft carpet, your legs ached from kneeling on them for the past half hour. You kept your back pin straight and your shoulders even, your hands neatly folded in your lap. His voice was cheery as he spoke down to you, playful even, but you knew Ren well enough to know that these next moments were crucial. With him, even the most benign moments could turn at the drop of a hat.
“I promise Ren. I’ll be good.”
Your voice was soft as you responded to him, big doe eyes looking up at the beastkin in expectation. Your promise wasn’t a lie- you always intended to be good for him, striving to do so even when the situation made that nearly impossible. You bit your bottom lip apprehensively, a slight shiver wracking Ren’s body when you did so. He was watching you just as closely as you were him, drinking in your form, honing in on each and every move of your body and change of expression. 
He smiled at you, that sad half smile he always got when he was grappling with his inner emotions. “I know you will. You are always good for me… To me…” He hesitated for a moment, staring with trepidation at the key that lay in his hand. It was no bigger than his pinky, but seemed to weigh him down regardless.
“I’m just, um, nervous I guess. But I’m not sure why? It’s not like taking it off is gonna change anything,” Though he laughed to dispel the tension, it had the opposite effect, his nerves palpable as he fidgeted where he stood.
For a moment you thought he was going to go back on his word. Tell you to forget about it and toss the shock collar’s key aside, leaving you stuck in it for another day. Part of you wondered if that would even matter. Ren was right, nothing truly would change, collar or not.
… But still, you couldn’t help but hope. That cruel, nagging feeling swelled up in your heart, making your breath hitch in anticipation. Your heart beat like a drum in your chest and sweat slicked your brow as you watched him nervously turn the key around in his palm, your fate in his hands as he mulled the decision over.
It had been months now that the collar had been around your neck, heavy and overbearing, a constant, torturous reminder of your new life. He had only allowed it to come off in brief intervals when you showered or when you slept so that you could find some comfort as you laid next to him, caged in by his embrace. Otherwise it wrapped around your neck like a noose, and even though these days its intended purpose was hardly necessary, Ren kept it firmly in place. He was too afraid to keep it off you for long, worried that given the choice you would abandon him too.
But you wouldn’t. For better or worse, whatever twisted feelings Ren had harbored for you, you now shared for him-all of his ardent affections reciprocated. Deep inside you knew this all was wrong, and it would be a blatant lie if you said you no longer felt any fear or sadness over all that had transpired (all that continues to transpire) while he held you in captivity. Even so, none of that dulled the fact that at this point you craved his touch, yearned for his smile, and wanted nothing more than his companionship and love to get you through the lonely struggle life had become.
After spending months with him as your only companion, you had grown to care deeply for Ren. Though the experience was often terrifying and confusing, you had learned to place your trust in him as he watched over you the past half year, relying on him for all your needs and necessities. The more time you spent together, the more you learned about him. And the more you learned, the more you began to open up to him. 
After a certain point, love began to blossom.
That feeling flourished within, growing so unruly that even his moments of torment and cruelty were accepted with open arms. It took you awhile to realize it, but you now understand that everything Ren does he does for your benefit. Whether he was treating you like a princess or teaching you a harsh lesson, Ren did everything in his power to make sure you were cared for, protected, and aware. Life wasn’t always fair and kind, it was better to be taught that at the hands of someone who loved you then to experience it unexpectedly out in the wild.
Looking back on it now, you were a fool not to appreciate him sooner. All the fussing and fighting you did when he first brought you home seemed completely ridiculous now. He took you in, let you live in a nice home, prepared you home cooked meals every day, and lavished you in affection even when you were being stubborn and didn’t deserve it.
For all that he is and all that he has done for you- the good and bad alike- he deserved nothing but your wholehearted devotion in return. Thinking about the past made you cringe but you refused to let yourself get caught up in it, doing your best every day to be good for him and make up for your prior indiscretions. He loved you with all that he is, poured his soul into caring for you and keeping you content. No past lover had ever treated you with the loyalty or attention that Ren had, and you were thankful for that.
 His happiness had become your happiness. To risk the life you had built together by taking advantage of his kindness was unthinkable.
But even with your steadfast dedication to him, he still continued to mull over this decision with a deep scowl plastered on his face. An ache blossomed in your chest. Surely he had to realize by now that he was just as precious to you as you were to him? You pouted a bit as you watched him agonize over the situation, your heart hurting to see him have such a lack of faith in your bond.
“… Ren?”                                                                                    
Your questioning voice caught his attention, dragging his focus away from the key he was clutching in his sweaty grip. The moment you had grabbed his attention, you slowly began scooting closer to him, your knees itching as they scratched against the fibers of the fancy carpet. Once you neared him, you raised your hands till they cupped his, gently enveloping his shaky fist in your warm hold. You pulled his hand towards your mouth, delicately kissing each of his fingers as you stared up into his eyes.
“If you don’t want to take it off, you don’t have to,” you smiled at him genuinely, your lips lingering on his thumb before you pulled away. You felt a shiver pass through him as his eyes grew hazy, boring into yours with growing intensity, “I can tell it’s making you uncomfortable, so it’s OK. I am not upset, we can keep it on another day-“
Your eyes widened at the assuredness in his voice, all previous concern nonexistent. “No… It’s time to take it off. It’s only getting in the way at this point. Just… Gimme a second, OK?”
He positioned himself behind you, nervous hands fumbling as he worked to remove the collar. After several seconds of poking and prodding, a loud ‘click’ came from the back of your neck followed by a small thud as the heavy collar fell from your body, colliding with the carpeted floor.
Your hand’s shot up to touch your exposed skin, a shiver coursing through you as the cold air hit your sweaty flesh. Tears began to well in your eyes as the realization donned on you. You were free. You had been a good girl for Ren and he rewarded you for it, just like you knew he would.
“W-well,” you heard Ren stutter above you, clearly a bit nervous about what may happen next, “What do you think? How does it feel?”
“It feels amazing,” your voice warbled as you still got used to the sensation. Its absence was foreign and exciting and you couldn’t help but break out in a huge, elated grin. “Thank you Ren. Thank you so much.”
He lowered himself in front of you, crouching on his knees. “Can I see?” A hint of worry still remained in his timid voice, fearful that you may still end up rejecting him.
You looked to him with a smile and nodded, baring your neck for him to witness. “Of course! I probably look a little bit different without it on, huh?”
“Pretty…” His voice was breathless as he dragged his fingers gingerly across the freed skin of your neck. His pupils dilating slightly as he felt you shudder under his touch. “So, so pretty… But also, a little barren, don’t you think?”
Your breath caught at the insinuation, a small wave of panic causing your body to tense. Did he regret his decision after all? Was he going to put the collar back on? You had told him it was fine if he decided that, and you weren’t someone who went back on their word, but at the same time… that was before you experienced it. Now that you realized how good it felt without that horrible, weighty reminder clinging to your skin, you dreaded the thought of it attached to your body once more.
An airy chuckle fell from his lips as he noted your reaction. He leaned in closer to you, his hand cupping your cheek as he brought his mouth close to your ear.
“Don’t worry pumpkin, I’m not going to put it back on. But I do hate the idea of you walking around without something on your body to signify that you’re mine, you know?” His caress traveled from your cheek, his right hand snaking around your head to cradle it, pulling you closer to him. His free hand wrapped around your waist, which kept you flush against him.
“I want to give you something better than that collar,” his voice had become strained, lithe fingers curling up to entangle in your hair, tugging roughly on the strands at the base of your neck. “I want you to have something personal, something that will look perfect on you.”
Without another word, he latched himself to your neck. Not in a kiss, but a harsh, powerful bite.
You gasped as his sharp incisors dug themselves into your flesh, a wave of pain causing tears to flood your eyes. You pressed your fists against his chest, biting down on your trembling bottom lip in an effort to hold back your cries.
Warm blood trickled from the wound as he detached himself, a vibrant trail snaking from the puncture wound to slither down your neck. His tongue stopped it before it hit your collar bone, leaving a wet, sloppy streak across your neck as he licked up the mess.
“This is much better, right?” He asked tentatively, his fingers traveling down to trace the wound he had inflicted. Blood coated his fingertips as he ran them over the injury, his breath hitching as he smeared you with crimson, “prettier… you are so pretty, (name)…”
“T-thank you Ren,” you flinched at the movement of his fingers, shuddering as he pressed down on the open wound, “It’s much better.”
“Hmmm,” he hummed, pivoting your head slightly so that he could nuzzle into the unmarred side, “but it’s not perfect yet, there needs to be more.”
Another abrupt bite sunk into your flesh. This time you couldn’t help but cry out, blubbery whimpers tumbling from your quivering lips. You felt Ren shiver against you, your reactions eliciting an excited moan from him that was muffled by your flesh in his jaw. The hold his teeth had on you eventually yielded, but the assault of his mouth did not. Feverish kisses pressed against the new wound, his tongue lapping at the blood as it muscled its way across the puncture. You whined at the sensation, waves of pain emanating from the weeping, gory wounds as he continued to aggravate them.
When he finally pulled away tears had already begun to fall freely down your cheeks. Though he had given your neck a much needed break, you were given no time to collect yourself as he proceeded in pressing his lips firmly to yours. The taste of copper flooded your tongue as he deepened the kiss, forcibly pushing himself against you until you had no choice but to lean backwards, your back falling flat against the floor as he crawled overtop you.
He placed his hands on either side of you, his legs straddling your hips as he sat himself atop you. You were effectively caged in when his lips parted from your own, and though his face was obscured in shadows, you could clearly see a swath of your blood spread across his mouth. It perfectly complimented the animalistic hunger in his eyes, his mischievous fox like features seeming far more sinister than normal as he leered down at you.
If you didn’t know any better, you would fear he was going to eat you alive.
“I want to mark you in all kinds of ways, (Name),” His tongue darting out to swipe across his bottom lip, a sliver of pink peeking through the red, “I want to mark you to show you how much I love you. I want you to be able to look at every inch of your body and be reminded of me. That way even if we get separated, you won’t be lonely. You’ll have a constant reminder of how much I love you.”
A serene smile spread across his face as he looked at you, the vibrancy of his blush nearly matching the blood that coated his mouth and chin. He shifted a bit above you, the feel of his hardening cock unmistakable as it pressed against your pelvis.
“I love you,” his voice wavered as he leaned closer towards you, unsteady breaths fanning your face as his lovesick eyes drank you in. His lips were teasingly close to yours as he continued to smile down at you, a small, happy laugh tumbling from his lips as his tail began to swish behind him in excitement.
“I’m so glad I made you mine.”
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bitethedustfools · 8 months
TWST Story Idea (7)
Yuu = They/them.
Yuu did not go to NRC and instead went to RSA.
Every day, Yuu woke up not to the sun, but to some goddamn random RSA students with cheery faces barging into their room. People followed Yuu wherever they went, dragging Yuu off to somewhere they dubbed 'somewhere fun,' which was definitely not fum at all. and it annoyed Yuu to no end.
It was suffocating, and Yuu swore they were going to die just being surrounded by these goody-two-shoes who wouldn't leave them alone.
If Yuu had gone to NRC before, they would say that RSA was better than NRC in terms of accommodation and peacefulness. In RSA, Yuu could live a lavish life with a soft bed, delicious food, and wonderful decoration. The only thing that ruined their experience was the existence of RSA students.
Despite Yuu's attempts to avoid them, they still managed to find Yuu, whether it be Yuu sleeping on a tree, sitting on a very tall roof, or hiding in the dark under their bed or in the attic. They always found Yuu.
Yuu openly showed their displeasure with no hesitation, unleashing some inappropriate words in front of RSA students and sternly said not to find them. If they failed to understand, Yuu would smack their reaching hand away in anger.
RSA students were unfazed by the whole thing, smiling fondly at Yuu and indulging in Yuu's whims as though Yuu were a child. Their optimistic view sickened Yuu so badly that they couldn't help but distort their expression into disgust and annoyance every time they locked eyes.
Just like before, Yuu's ill-mannered behavior was met with laughter that was rather happy instead of being offended. Yuu was tired of dealing with a bunch of extroverts; they couldn't possibly entertain them all.
Despite being an outsider with a foul mouth and personality, Yuu still got treated right and kindly. Sure, some of them looked wary and were kind of rude, but somehow, they still opened up to Yuu over time. Yuu had no idea how their crude language, rough appearance, and behavior attracted them.
Anyway, the point is, RSA was too friendly for Yuu's liking and too clingy that Yuu doubted if this school really raises royalty because their clinginess sure reminded Yuu of a monkey from how tight they're holding unto Yuu.
They couldn't even understand the meaning of 'don't touch me' and 'I don't want to be friends, so back off,' much to Yuu's chagrin. It must be that optimistic view that made them a brainless bunch of idiots. Well, some of them were smart, but the fact that they still got close to Yuu proved that they were idiots.
In the eyes of others outside of RSA, Yuu was the black sheep of the prestigious, kind-hearted, and good-natured RSA, the dirt on the pure white canvas, the stain on a fine fabric, the one that would never fit.
In the eyes of RSA, however, Yuu was nothing more than a black cat they wanted to spoil despite its temper. Yuu's actions were nothing more than a cat throwing a hissy fit to them, a very endearing, 'scared' little kitty that still hadn't opened up to them.
Grim can be the mascot of NRC, and RSA is Yuu.
Now, imagine a scenario where Neige is talking nonstop to Vil about his new friend, Kitty, with so much sparkle that Vil wanted to barf. He didn't of course, he have a reputation to keep.
Suddenly, Neige called out the name loudly and is vibrating on the spot from sheer joy, and Vil, assuming it's just a kitty, turned around and was met with the most irritated person, oozing dark, gloomy aura at the sight of Neige.
Neige started to direct his attention to Yuu, and Yuu make the ugliest face they could ever make that definitely didn't sway Neige's opinion judging by the stars in his eyes. Yuu then shot a dead look at Vil that clearly said, "take him back before I'm commiting a crime."
Another would be Chenya sneaking into an unbirthday party in NRC to see Riddle and Trey while dragging a very reluctant Yuu who looked like they just wake up from a sleep.
As they sat for the party, Chenya clinked his cup with Yuu, who held it lazily, while speaking in riddles, which Yuu responded to with "shut your damn mouth, fcking cat. You're giving me a headache" prompting a loud gasp from Trey and Riddle and gigglings from Chenya.
Just Yuu trying to live their life in RSA as they stared longingly at NRC.
If Yuu from NRC turned the villains into good, naturally, the Yuu in RSA turned them bad. Can go with the "white=bad, black=good" prompt or yandere route, etc. This is just an idea. Feel free to branch from it.
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raina-at · 5 months
This is a sequel of sorts to a ficlet I wrote last year, to be found here, but this stands well on its own as well.
Sherlock paces. And paces. And paces.
His shoes squeak on the linoleum floor. The lights flicker.
He stops, glares. “How can you be so calm?”
John raises his eyes from his book and looks at Sherlock over the rim of his reading glasses. “I’m not, really.”
“You’re reading a bloody novel!”
John sighs and puts the book down. “Was reading, from the looks of it,” he mutters, then gets up and catches both of Sherlock’s hands in his. “Look. I know you’re nervous, but you have to pace yourself a bit. These things usually take hours, and working yourself into a nervous frenzy ten minutes in won’t help anyone.”
Sherlock snorts. Nervous. He’s not nervous. 
He’s bloody terrified out of his wits. And John should be too, damn him.
“John. Our daughter is having a baby. How can you be so nonchalant?”
“Because she’s young and healthy and in the care of people who deliver babies every day,” John says, steering Sherlock towards the snack machine. 
“But none of those mothers are Rosie, and none of those babies are ours!”
“I am fully aware of that, love,” John says, calmly and efficiently frisking Sherlock’s various pockets for his chip and pin card. “Here, have some Cadbury’s.” He presses the chocolate bar into Sherlock’s hands, then gets a Mars bar for himself.
“How can you eat at this moment?”
“Because I’m hungry, and like I said, this might take hours yet. I won’t spare Rosie one single contraction if I go hungry until she’s done,” John says mildly and returns to his seat.
Sherlock follows, sitting down heavily next to John. “But what if our little girl takes after her mother? Rosie’s birth was so quick we didn’t even get Mary to the hospital in time.”
John smiles, looking at Sherlock fondly. “I think she did that on purpose. She wanted you to deliver her, not some doctor.”
Sherlock shudders as he remembers that night. How scared he was. How ambivalent he felt helping a person he hated so much through something so intimate. How miraculous it was, to hold his little baby Watson for the first time. 
It’s odd, to think back on that moment now. To a time before she was his daughter. That there was a time in her life when she wasn’t his. That there was a time in his life when he wasn’t anyone’s. 
John nudges him. “What?”
Sherlock shakes his head. “Nothing.” But he takes John’s hand and laces their fingers together, feeling the reassuring click as their wedding rings bump against each other. 
John just gives him a look. After twenty years of marriage, John is very good at telling when Sherlock is bullshitting, and he’s even better at calling him on it.
Sherlock looks in the direction of the delivery room, where his little girl is having a little girl of her very own. Where his daughter is becoming a mother, when she never had one.
“Do you sometimes wonder, what might have been?” he asks quietly, without looking at John. “If our girl had ever had a mother?”
John says nothing for a moment, but he’s rubbing his thumb over Sherlock’s wedding ring, probably an unconscious gesture, but a welcome one. “I… don’t think that was ever an option,” John finally says, obviously picking his words very carefully. “I think Mary gave her all she had to give. She carried her, gave birth to her, loved her for a bit. But Mary wasn’t the type to go the distance. To be there for her, no matter what. To be there for us, no matter what.” John gives Sherlock a significant look. “You don’t become a parent by contributing to the gene pool. You know this. You become a parent by showing up for them and sticking around, even when they barf on your shoes and blame you for every pimple on their face.”
Sherlock swallows, still after so many years unsure how he got so lucky. 
“Not lucky,” John says quietly, and Sherlock wonders if he said the thought aloud, but maybe John just knows him really well. “This,” he holds up their joined hands, “has nothing to do with luck. This is commitment, and effort, and force of will, and sometimes, sheer bloody-minded stubbornness.”
“God knows we’ve got that in spades,” Sherlock says, giving John a small smile, squeezing John’s hand in silent gratitude. 
“That little girl will be the most thick-headed human being ever to walk the Earth,” John answers, grinning now, a proud grandfather to be. “Imagine, your stubbornness, mine, and Rosie’s combined.”
“No wonder this is taking so long,” Sherlock says.
John laughs, and whatever melancholy came over Sherlock dissolves with the familiar, soothing sound of John’s happiness. 
It’s difficult to imagine, now. That it was ever any different. That there was a time when Sherlock was unsure of his place, at John’s side, in Rosie’s life. But John is right. They didn’t get here by luck. They put in the work, all three of them. They’re a family not by blood, but by choice. By vow. By force of will. 
John is eating his Mars bar with relish. “Relax,” he says, leaning his head against Sherlock’s shoulder as they settle in to wait. “Everything will be fine. You’ll see.”
Sherlock rests his cheek against John’s hair and inhales the soothing scent of his husband’s shampoo and caramel. “Can I have a bite of your Mars bar?”
John’s laughter is as sweet as the caramel. 
Sherlock closes his eyes and smiles as he feels calm finally return. Soon they’ll have another little girl to spoil, to protect, to be there for, to argue with. A new life, a new journey. 
And Sherlock can’t wait to begin.
Tags under the cut as usual, as always please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
@calaisreno @keirgreeneyes @jrow @peanitbear @totallysilvergirl @lisbeth-kk @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @weesi @helloliriels @salmonsown @riversong912 @givemesherbet-blog-blog
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Can you write something where Reader had taken care of Harry all night because he was sick and then she has to wake up to care for their child and maybe the child wants to give Harry cuddles to make him feel better.
Sick Daddy /concept/
AN: had this in my inbox for a while but am trying to clear some of my requests out so here you finally go. its very short because this ask just felt like it didn't need to be crazy long. hope you enjoy still. send you feedback. xoxo
This story contains: mentions of throw up, the rest is fluff
{ husbandrry - dad!harry - any harry era }
word count- 566
You and your son Oliver make Harry a breakfast to hopefully feel better because he'd been sick the previous night. Then after Harry's better, you and Ollie catch the same bug and Harry takes care of you both as you did for him.
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You'd been up off and on with Harry all night. He seemed to have caught some type of stomach bug and nearly every hour of the night woke up to be sick. Though Harry insisted you just stay in bed, of course you were gonna be right by his side. Placing a little clip in his hair to hold his bangs out of his face and rub his back as he heaved over the toilet.
Now it's eight in the morning and your little one, Oliver, who's five, is awake. Though you're dead tired from you lack of sleep, you go into Ollies bedroom and help him get dressed and brush his teeth. Once that's all done, Oliver asks, "Where's daddy? Wanna go see him."
Kneeling down to his level, you reply, "Daddy's feeling a bit ill today, loves. He'll probably be in bed for a while. But, how about you help mummy make daddy some tea and toast to hopefully feel better."
With a concerned look on his small face, Oliver nods, "Alright, mummy. Then can I cuddle daddy? Daddy cuddles me when I don't feel very well so it might make him feel better."
Thinking for a moment, you answer, "Maybe. We'll have to see. I don't want you catching whatever bug he has though."
Oliver helped you prepare an easy breakfast for Harry. One that will hopefully not bother his stomach. Once it's ready, you carry it on a tray and Ollie walks up the stairs beside you, excited to finally see his daddy today.
When you walk in the bedroom, Harry is curled up under the covers sleeping, a thin layer of sweat coating his skin. You set the tray down and nudge his shoulder, "Harry babe, wake up for me. Got you something to drink and eat that you'll hopefully be able to keep down."
Harry slowly turns over and sits up. With his very messy bed-head, he croaks out, "Awe, thank you, m'love. I'll try to eat some of it. Not really that hungry though."
Oliver steps to the side of the bed and asks, "Daddy sick?"
Harry looks down and answers, "Yeah baby, daddy's tummy hasn't been well. But mummy is the best doctor around so I'm sure I'll be good to go in no time."
Harry sat in bed and munched on his plain toast and sipped his tea while you and Oliver sat at the foot of the bed to keep him company. After some persuasion, you finally let Oliver cuddle Harry. You knew it was a risk of him getting sick too but you were also at risk from just being in the same house as him.
Luckily Harry was able to keep that food down and with some more rest, got to feeling better within twelve hours. Unluckily to you and Ollie though, two days later you both woke up to sick tummies and it was Harry's turn to play doctor. With the amount of vomit he had to clean up he should become a professional cleaner.
It got so bad that he had to migrate everyone to the living room where he could watch you both at the same time. One moment holding up the barf bucket for Oliver and the next moment holding it up for you. He gave y'all tons of cuddles and extra love and within a day everyone was well again.
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My Masterlist Masterpost
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The Words "Best Friends" Become Redefined. Part 2
Regulus Black AU
Summary: You had been Regulus’ friend since childhood and now his mistress. The war had changed many things, Regulus among them. Now its time to decide if you should put your self-worth over missing someone who was gone.  
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M- smut
Song in Chapter: King of Wishful Thinking by Go West 
Link to Part 1 
I'll get over you, I know I will. I'll pretend my ship's not sinking and I'll tell myself I'm over you. 'Cause I'm the king of wishful thinking.
Your eyes snapped open as the song on the radio began to register in your sleep-deprived mind. Groaning, you sat up and threw a shoe at the radio knocking it off of your chest of drawers. Anything about being “the queen of wishful thinking” made you want to barf.
It had been several weeks since the night at the pub and you were no closer to getting over Regulus than you were on day one. Every day seemed to be the same, emotionally. You would wake up, cry a little, get mad at yourself for being sad (because you were right and he was wrong), then get up and force yourself to put on a happy face.
Regulus wasn’t helping any matters by sending you letters every single day. He had sent you the emerald bracelet that you returned several times before you finally gave up and just kept it. When it came to the letters, you just gave them to Sirius to do whatever he wanted with them.
You were more thankful than ever for your friendship with the elder Black brother. He was always a willing ear when you needed to rant. Sirius also took extra care to not tell Remus anything about the true nature of your relationship with Regulus. For all that Remus knew, in your mind, was your friendship with Regulus had ended and you were being a royal grouch about it.
Sighing, your mind went to the previous night when you were once again raging about Regulus to Sirius.
“I’m a real idiot, Sirius. I go around throwing away perfectly good boyfriends. Well, I don’t know if he considered himself my boyfriend but god damn it…Regulus is such a freaking jerk!”
Sirius sat on the couch watching.
“You’re still wearing his ring.”
You looked down at your hand. The ring that Regulus had given you years ago was still sitting proudly on your finger.
“I know that I am! I am a mess, Sirius. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. All I want to do is cry. You know me, I’m not a crier! I can handle a crisis!”
Sirius smirked.
“A trait that you share with your brother so well…look, love, just because you love him doesn’t mean he’s good for you…hey look at me being the responsible one. Normally that’s your brother's job”
You groaned dramatically before sitting down.
“I know you are right but I don’t want to accept it. I am having a shit time at just throwing away a ten-year friendship and slight love affair. Why wasn’t I good enough for Regulus to fight for? Why couldn’t he say no to your family’s psycho ways and fight for me? Am I not…”
Sirius held a hand up.
“I’m just going to stop you right there, Y/n. You are more than good enough! You have always been good enough! Personally, I think that you are too good for the bum. Now come with me, we are going to do something. I want no complaining.”
You reluctantly followed Sirius into your bedroom. He led you to your full-sized mirror and put you in front of it.
“Now I want you to stand here, look at yourself, and tell me some of your best qualities.”
You gave your friend a frown only to earn a slap to the behind.
“I’m your best friend. I can do that…now get going, sugar bean.”
You sighed and looked at your reflection for a moment before meeting Sirius’ waiting eyes.
“I’m smart. I’m a good friend. I’ll fight for those I care about no matter the cost. I have a giving heart…I may be a sass queen…”
Sirius snorted.
“May be?”
You chuckled before turning around and hugging Sirius.
‘“Thank you, Sirius.”
Getting out of bed, you felt somewhat better. While Sirius could drive you crazy, he also knew how to make you feel a lot better.
He really does remind me of Regulus.
A truer thought couldn’t have been said about that one. Whether they argued and swore that they were totally different. Regulus and Sirius’ friendship styles were extremely similar. Standing in you in front of the mirror and making you list off good qualities about yourself was definitely something that Regulus would have done.
Stepping into the shower, you sighed in relief as the hot water washed over your aching muscles. In addition to your poor state of mental health, you had been pulling extra duties for The Order. This meant nightly patrols, tons of research, and spying on unsuspecting death eaters with Sirius and Remus.
“Hi sugar, I know that you miss me.”
You froze. This had been the first time that you had heard Regulus’ voice in your mind. Legilimency. Of course, Regulus could do this. You internally smacked yourself in the head as you “chose” to ignore him.
“Oh, you’re still not talking to me, huh? That’s too bad. I miss you, princess. Do you really expect me to go from spending every day with you for ten years to nothing so easily? I miss everything about you.”
You closed your eyes. Even though you were quite good at Occlumency, you made no move to push Regulus from your mind. Maybe you were asking for what you were getting. Maybe you were being weak…but damn it was wonderful to hear Regulus’ voice in your mind.
“Still nothing? Y/n, you really are being so stubborn. Maybe you should know what I miss. I miss seeing your beautiful face underneath me. How beautiful you look after I kiss your lips until they’re swollen and your cheeks are flushed bright pink. I miss how desperate you get when I suck on those dusty nipples. I miss how you move under me. You can’t tell me, love, that you don’t miss how your pussy trembles when I’m pushing in. Don’t forget, sweetheart, that it was I that showed you how to please a man. Now, that I know you are wet, how about a word? Anything…tell me where you are and I’ll come to you. We can fix all of these nasty little issues that we are having and get back to us…the real us.”
You bit your lip at “the real us.” Regulus didn’t remember what the real “Regulus and Y/n” was. He forgot what your friendship meant. He forgot what actual love was…
Forcing Regulus’ voice from your mind, you quickly turned off the shower.
“I have got to keep him out of my mind.”
You spent the majority of the day trying your best to avoid having your mind fall back to Regulus. Thankfully, there was enough crazy going on at the ministry to keep you busy for hours. The less that Regulus graced your mind the better. You weren’t able to sit around and think about his cocky voice in your head that morning…and how deliciously deep his voice sounded.
Merlin, I am really fucked.
You thought before putting your head down on your desk. Maybe you were more screwed than your realized?
Later that day you were more than happy to meet Remus and Sirius for dinner at a bar. Seeing your friends was just what you needed to “get out of your head.” The moment that you walked into the bar, Sirius motioned you over to the table.
Taking off your jacket, you nearly collapsed at the table. Normally, you would have kissed Remus and Sirius both on the top of their heads. Today, that wasn’t happening. Both men looked slightly offended as you held your hand up.
“Rain check. What a day! I am beat!”
You commented as Remus slid you a glass of fire whiskey. He gave you a small smile. Remus wasn’t a fool. He knew that there was more to your friendship with Regulus ending than what he was being told. Remus wanted nothing more than to question you and then go kill Regulus…but that would get him nowhere. You were depressed enough as it was. If he “offed” Regulus, you would be inconsolable. If Remus was to do anything, it would be to let you tell him in your own time.
What is it with Lupins finding the Blacks so damn interesting?
Remus looked across the table at Sirius who gave him a small smile.
Oh, that…that right there.
Remus added to his thoughts before turning to you.
“Long day?
You nodded.
“We don’t have many short ones any longer. I swear, this war needs to hurry the hell up. I don’t think that I was meant for this being careful thing. I ran into Augustus Rockwood today and had to stop myself from saying you’re next mother fucker.”
Sirius giggled.
“I’m surprised that you didn’t. Y/n, I have to say that Remus and yourself are the sassiest people that I know.”
“Does that assessment include yourself?”
Remus asked, cheekily. Sirius rolled his eyes.
“See what I mean? Sass!”
You leaned back in your chair and took a sip of your whiskey as the lights in the bar went out. Immediately, you reached for your wand as some death eaters walked into the bar.
“Boy, they sure like to make a big entrance.”
You murmured as Remus, Sirius, and yourself dropped to the floor. Remus’ eyes were wide as he turned to you.
“Get out. There is an exit in the back. Sirius and I will take the exit over there. If we all go together it will draw too much attention. If you want to go with Sirius, I’ll go the back way.”
You shook your head. The last thing that you were about to do was let them be separated. Besides, you could handle getting out on your own.
“No, just go. I’ll meet you lot back home.”
You whispered before crawling off toward the back of the pub as people in the bar started screaming. As much as you wanted to go back and fight, you knew it would be stupid. The three of you were outnumbered.
Once in the other room, you moved to stand up but someone grabbed you from behind. You quickly threw your elbow back hitting whoever it was in the ribs. When they made a painful moan, you pulled away enough to get a good look at who it was.
“Going somewhere, sugar?
You froze as Regulus took off his mask. As much as you wanted to stand and stare at him, you couldn’t. Taking out your wand you launched hex after hex at Regulus only for him to repel them away. You wanted him to hurt as much as you were hurting!
“Come on sugar is that the best you’ve got?”
Regulus said, sounding bored. You stopped and glared at him. You wanted Regulus to feel your misery. If there was anything of the man that you cared about in there…you wanted him to see your side.
“I don’t kill things. Unlike you, I don’t hurt people that I care about.”
Regulus chuckled.
“Oh, sugar. You really are mad.”
You picked up an empty bottle and threw it at Regulus. He sighed as it only hit him in the chest.
“Go away, Regulus. If you’re going to kill me then just be a man and do it.”
You snapped. Regulus was about to reply but stopped the moment that he heard Lucius Malfoy’s voice. He stood motionless for a moment before rushing forward and wrapping his arms around you.
“Don’t scream. Be silent.”
He hissed before standing his body upright. The last thing that Regulus wanted was for Malfoy to have any idea that he had “company.”
“Black, we need to go. Nothing that we came for is here. It was another piece of bloody useless information.”
You stood wrapped in Regulus’ arms clutching tightly to his death-eater robes as he gently rubbed soothing circles on your back.
Soothing…what is happening here?
You thought before taking a moment and breathing him in. Never in a million years did you think that you would ever be in Regulus’ arms like this again…yet here you were. There you were and he was holding you just as he did before turning away from you.
“I knew it was a waste of time. Go ahead, I’ll be along shortly. There is something else that I need to take care of.”
Regulus replied. He waited until he was positive that Malfoy was gone before letting go of you. When you looked back at your love’s face, he looked ready to panic. His cool calm composure was gone.
“Take the second door and get out of here. Turn into your animagus form the instant you are outside and don’t turn back into a human until you are home. Run and don’t look back…just run.”
He shook his head before pulling you into a kiss. Neither of you moved away from the other for a moment. It was savoring the moment… enjoying the closeness that both of you missed. You sighed as Regulus’ tongue caressed yours. This was the kiss that you missed…the kiss that you longed for in your dreams…
Regulus was the first to pull away.
“Go! Stop wasting time…just please…go.”
You gave him one final look before morphing into your cat animagus form and rushing out the door into the dark silence of the ally way…
______ @amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @justfinishthis @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @ell0ra-br3kk3r @darkenwolfie @livshifts @stelleduarte @starsval @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @daddyslittlevillain @rogue-nyx88 @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @buttercup-beeee @i-love-scott-mccall @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @haroldpotterson @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @rubyroscoe1 @dumybitch @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @lostarc24 @marichromatic @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @criminalyetminimal @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @deanwherescas @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @shitfaceddaniel-blog @untoldshortsofthefandoms @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner
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question for ya !!! do you have any recommendations on switching cats to healthier more nutritional food? i'm currently feeding mine dry food because it's the easiest to afford but i want to do better for them !! do you have any recommendations on what some good stuff to start feeding them would be? and how to make the switch easier for them?
Yes! I do! Sorry for the delay in replying to this.
So first off, cats cannot hydrate adequately from drinking water. They are built to gain hydration from intracellular moisture, meaning that the food they eat needs to have fully hydrated cells. Kibble is not only dry, but the heat used in processing severely damages its nutritional value. Wet food is better, but the moisture isn't necessarily intracellular. Often it is still processed with heat and water is added back in later.
I am a huge advocate for feeding raw food and it's much easier and more affordable than you would expect. Switching even 20% of your pets food over to something fresher (ideally raw) has a massive positive impact on their health, so it's not all or nothing.
There are two main raw "diets": BARF and Prey. Both of these are going to contain organ, muscle, and bone. BARF stands for biologically appropriate raw food. This will contain a mixture of ingredients that have great nutritional value, but would not be something the animal would find naturally in the wild. Some of my favorite ingredients mixed in are green lipped muscles, raw goat milk, blueberries, and kale! The Prey diet is much higher in protein and does not contain as many of these "forageables," digestive aids, and supplements. Prey diets are better for cat only households or for dogs that work physical jobs.
My favorite brand of raw food is Steve's Real Food, but I'm also partial to Stella & Chewy. Both of these companies offer food that can be fed both to your dog and your cat, so you can feed the household out of one bag. That being said, Steve's has begun focusing a lot more on cat food and now offers the Quest line of cat diets. It's priced comparably to wet food and is very easy to feed. They also offer guides on transitioning your cat from one food to another since they are imprint eaters and it's not always easy.
Again, it's not all or nothing! Replace 20% of their diet with a balanced raw food and you'll see a difference. The poop is better and less, the pet stays hydrated and doesn't chug water, coat quality often improve and shedding is reduced. A full raw switch also removes the kibble brain fog and may even stop your cat from barfing all the time. Raw fed pets are more alert and less stressed, in my experience.
Obviously every pet is different, but the science of how they evolved to eat is sound. It just takes some shopping around to find the right fit.
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moth-p · 7 days
Huge spoilers obviously.
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How we feeling BDFI fans?
Well, you're about to find out what I am feeling so lets get into this nonsensical ramble since y'all seemed to like the last one for some reason
1. ONEE??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Okay so ANY chance that One isn't a villan is uh. Dead and buried. And honestly it should stay that way I really enjoyed her this episode! BFDI was lacking a true villan
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I actually predicted their deal with Basketball in this episode a while ago soo yea (more about Basketball later, dont you worry)
What about Bell and Bomby (And now Needle and Barf Bag)? WHERE ARE THEY? Well, dear reader who probably does not care, I have a theory!
I think that they are in One's version of the EXIT
If my theory that the place TPOTs eliminated contestants is a "Two EXIT", is correct, it is likely that every algebralien has something like that.
Did One and Three interact like I hoped they would? No. Buut another thing that I really fucking liked in this episode is the confirmation of One's motives. And that, as you have seen is
Two's power. Why does she need it? We don't know. To free Three, to take over the world to do something else.. I honestly can't wait to find out
TLDR: I loved One in this episode bro
2. Yuri (cw basketbot if you dont like this ship scroll to point 3)
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"The best version of you is the one we have here" honest reaction
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This ship should be way more popular
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Okay basketbot ramble over
TLDR: lesbians
3. Eliminations and the rejoin
So I got a few things right in my tpot 13 predictiom post (i think) but I have been completly wrong with who will be eliminated
Barf bag: I was kinda expecting it..? I mean I'm still VERY sad about her elimination DONT GET ME WRONG but I kind of knew that her time was coming. But
NEEDLE?!: GUYS. GUYS COME ON. I THINK THE ONLY THING MORE SHOCKING THAN HER ELIMINATION WAS FIREAFY ANGST IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024. I actually thought that she would EASILY be in top 3 but I guess she wasnt. But the whole thing with pen was so good rahshsggdhshs im still not over it
The double rejoin was a welcome suprise, even though I know it will have a huge impact on the story later. I voted for pencil because I wanted to see her interact with the alliance (and she did yippie), but LIY joining is also very good, she was eliminated way too early imo
I voted for pin because. Shes pin. I love pin (and I also think that Tree and Black Hole will get enough votes to stay no problem wait apollo what are you doing no put the dodgeball dow-)
I also voted for snowball! He was great in the last few episodes and i hope it will stay like that
TLDR: Needle deserved better
4. Random shit (this will be long)
2. Fireafy? In the year of our lord 2024? Am I repeating this joke? Maybe?
But seriously, their appearence was a huge suprise and seeing as Leafy (probably) got kidnapped by One, it will most likely turn out to be a sideplot (bonus points because the robot flower one ended)
3. Gatys paint falling off a bit. Idk why but that detail was so good rahdgsusghejs
4. Fanny and BH being friends is something I did not expect that much but its cool. (They are MLM WLW solidarity to me)
5. Im a bit dissapointed that Three didnt make an appearence in this episode but whatever. (They will appear in tpot 14 guys trust me)
6. Congrats to Pillow for actually doing something and not having your team be UFE again seriously I think it was like 3 times in a row
7. I know it was basically nothing. But seeing Price Tag and Book interact with each other makes me so happy you have no idea
9. Two sleeping was kinda funny (this also implies that algebraliens need sleep)
10. Four and X going on vacation. Thats it
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11. (II 16 SPOILERS!!!)
Someone (me) will draw Needle and Barf Bag getting deleted by mephone X
I think thats it if I will have the need to ramble about this episode more then it will be reblog time
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
I realize it is super trendy now to rag on Fallout 3, ever since Hbomberguy did that roast of it 8 years ago.
And I love Harry, and I agree 100% with all of his criticisms of that game. It is kind of a lumpy mess that immediately got upstaged by New Vegas, and it certainly shows its age in 2024.
But that said, it is still a fantastic game, and it and it alone proved that Bethesda could take Fallout and do it as a Bethesda FPS, with all the usual Bethesda FPS jank, and that could still work wonderfully.
They didn't know this was going to work in 2008. Old skool Fallout bros hated it, and always will. But for the rest of us, it took what was at the time an outdated and niche PC RPG and made if fun and compelling for nearly everyone. It was a huge success and shot across the bow, similar to TES Oblivion, that proved that this sort of adaptation of a 90s IP into a "modern" form-factor could work, and still retain the spirit of the originals.
There would be no New Vegas without Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was hot shit at the time, and people bought it and played it and loved it so hard that Bethesda decided to...outsource the sequel to another company. But that company had ex-Interplay people working for it, so in retrospect, that was a brilliant and respectful idea (at least, after they fixed the broken mess Obsidian barfed out initially, probably because Bethesda didn't support them enough, but that's another conversation).
New Vegas is tons of people's favorite game, and rightly so. And it is a way better Fallout game than Fallout 3. But it only exists because Fallout 3 was, and is, pretty good, despite its many flaws.
Fallout 3 is an imperfect game, but is still a good game with a great vibe, DLC that is as good or better than the core game, and a pretty good story (despite the ending), and 100% worth replaying for a hundred hours. And you people need to stop aping Harry and poo-pooing it.
I for one thing think Fallout 3 holds up way better than 4 does at this point, and it's almost twice as old. Maybe I'm just an old Millennial gamerbro, but 3 has a flow and quality consistency that 4 doesn't have, if only because 4 is packed with goofy novelty systems and busy-work and has no self-awareness of how goofy and plot-hole rich its story is. 3 botches the ending, but at least it makes you want to get there.
Now it is time for me to post this, and be blighted by Fallout 4 stans with Preston Garvey bicep tattoos.
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assortedvillainvault · 10 months
I just got into the horned king 😭
I'm on character ai and he tries to get jiggy with it, I can not for the life of me imagine his body frfr
What do you think it'd be? Is there a canon appearance besides his bone face? 😭
I need help lol 😭
- Lucky Katsune
JJFBLFHU ok well thank you for pulling this into the forefront of my blog and brain like the result some kind of hellish lichsimp deep sea fishing reel. (positive)
Starting off with I very much understand the lure of the AI, I did some experimenting with it myself a while back - but honestly once the initial newness of it wears off its a very clunky (and dubious) tool, you're honestly going to get better entertainment from a blank word doc and a no holds barred laugh-yourself-silly discussion over discord as you write.
Secondly, onto the fun part-
(Lich anatomy with pictures and suggestive things under the cut lads, you know the drill. If you don't wanna see stuff don't click.)
The Horned King has no 'canonical' under-robe going on EXCEPT for the very brief frames shown during his death scene, in which the cauldron slurps down his clothes before making him melt and explode and godIwishthatwereme -
(I make NO APOLOGIES for my work choice here this is the HK simp blog you knew what you were getting into under the read more)
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What we can see from most of the film is his face appears to be the most decomposed part of him that is visible - his hands are withered but still fully fleshed, and his forearms seem to retain a decent mount of muscle.
From the way his shoes right at the beginning of the film basically move like thick socks, it stand to reason his feet would retain a decent amount of flesh to get that rounded look. I am Not typing 'Horned King Feet' into google again so you're going to have to go without a refeence pic for now. I have limits.
That leaves us with literally everything in between.
i can't get a clearer or better quality shot so I apologise, but this is what we can glimpse mid melting:
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Same greyish green tinge and leathery texture for the skin all over his torso, not to mention a decent amount of flesh left overall! His shoulders seem pretty large for a corpse (lets not forget in the books he's a hunter and a warlord) and I struggle to believe he wouldn't know how to use any of the weapons in his castle. Given we can see the curve of his back there's no reason to beleive the flesh coverage doesn't extend all the way down his legs too.
With proof out of the way now we can get onto the fun part!!
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I personally like to headcannon that parts of his vertebrae and lower ribs 'peek' through his skin because the more monstrous and rotten the better in my book. He also probably got scars due to the violent job description of being a medieval warlord, undead sorcerer or not.
Corpses do tend to look a little shrink wrapped as they loose moisture and muscle mass, so he's probably on the skinnier side and his joints will protrude a little, especially the hips and knees. Heck just look at the way his hands widen from the wrist bone! That robe is for more than just warmth (wales be chilly), it's making his silhouette larger becuase when they're not swinging weapons at you or barfing up green smoke, decaying bodies actually are pretty small.
Given he's got no eyebrows and no hair peeking out from under he hood, I'd hedge a bet he's hairless all over too.
And lastly I can't find your blog so Idk if you're of an age I feel comfortable discussing NSFT with outright, but safe to say anything between his legs is fair game. You want him with an eggplant? Me too go get em. You want him like a ken doll becuase it fell off a hundred years ago and he never mentally recovered? Sure go for it I know a couple people that headconnon him that way. Skelebussy? Tentacles? Go forth and conquer my dude.
You're having fun so you can literally put whatever the hell you want under his robes as long as you're having a good time. Hope this helped!!
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
lmao at seb making nico do volunteer work and she will do it but she'll be wearing chanel 😭 these ideas are very much based on things that nico has done irl because I love that man but my god is he weird and dramatic but also the perfect inspiration for this
-- seb wants to get involved with a river clean up in her local area and she asks nico to do it with her. nico agrees but she shows up to the river in a €3000 cream chanel blazer (irl nico has actually done a river clean up in a €4000 double breasted jacket). for obvious reasons seb thinks that nico's outfit is a terrible idea, seb herself is wearing old jeans and a flannel shirt (and she looks incredible in it), but nico somehow manages to make it work and does the whole event looking like she stepped out of a magazine. afterwards seb makes nico buy the drinks, and they have a good laugh about all the guys who fell into the river trying to impress them.
-- nico actually really enjoyed the volunteering, so when a beach clean up near to her comes around, she signs herself and seb up. seb wasn't actually going to be in the country that day, but Nico didn't bother asking, and seb eventually agrees, on the condition that nico cannot wear anything designer. nico agrees, but shows up to the beach wearing the tiniest pair of short shorts that seb has ever seen, and considering the things that seb has worn, that's saying a lot. half of the volunteers spend more time staring at nico as she bends over than they do actually working. nico pushes seb into the sea, and because seb isn't wearing a bra, everyone can see her nipples. nico claims that seb now can't criticise her because she's just as bad as nico.
Ksksk PLSS
Normally the 2 mostly race together or gossip and drink but Nico agrees to doing the river cleanup because well, she knows better than to say no to her bestie.
Seb laughing so much when she sees Nico's chanel outfit and she almost pisses her pants seeing Nico looking so proper snd perfectly styled sksks. Snd Nico just gawking st Seb looking so hot in thr cut off shorts and flannel ksks.
Nico still looking proper by the end of it snd not a speck of dirt on her and Seb is covered in mud cos zhe started a mud fight sskksks (not with Nico, she values her life thank you very much)
Nico then signing them up for the beach clean up and she buys Seb a plane ticket so,she cant say no lmao! Seb agrees cos well, its a lil holiday with her bestie and volunteering is smthn she loves! She does giggle when Nico doesn't wear designer but still wears tiny shorts and a little crop top and everyone is staring at her ass lol! And seb in those zip off pants that make Nico fake barf sksks and a white top that is very much see through after Nico pushes her in the sea aksks
It's okay, Seb loves her boobs and doesn't mind showing them off a little (not caring Christiqn has a heart attack seeing then red bull driver Seb like.thst lolol)
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chayscribbles · 1 year
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ june 2023
words written: 13 022
projects worked on: Andromeda Rogue mostly but i've been swatting at Shiny New Ideas left and right with a tennis racket. also i thought about Gemini Heist really really hard and i think that counts for something
proudest accomplishment: AR1 draft 2 is done!!!!!!
books read: After Atlas by Emma Newman; Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson; Exit Strategy (Murderbot Diaries #4) by Martha Wells. all excellent reads. (sidenote two out of three of these books involve murder investigations and the third has murder in the title. i'm sensing a theme in my reading.)
i am still terrible at being consistent at writeblr-ing. i guess this is just my life now.
i'm debating using camp nano to actually hunker my ass down and get some writing done on gemini heist, but between work and apartment hunting and a possible move by the end of the month i don't know how feasible that's gonna be :') we'll see.
and no i'm not glossing over the fact that i have a finished second draft. i'm just saving my screaming for below the cut.
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
(i wasn't kidding about the screaming.)
so this draft now sits at 85.7K, which is about 11.8K added from the first, and although it is still faaar from perfect it is definitely... better than the draft i finished 2 years ago. it's insane how much my writing has improved, between all the reading i've been doing and first drafting the two sequels of the trilogy.
that being said there still are a lot of things i know need to be fixed, but i'm at the point where if i try to fix them on my own i'll be stuck on them forever.
enter the betas!!! i'm planning on doing an ~official~ beta call next week but honestly if you're interested in beta-ing this book feel free to hmu right away!! ultimately i want to self-pub this thing (which is quite overwhelming to think about hhhhh) but one thing at a time :')
i really couldn't decide what snippet to post so this was admittedly chosen a bit at random lmao. this is from when the gang is approaching their destination for their expedition.
On the external display, Mohani loomed ahead, growing larger every second. The planet was almost entirely a deep blue, except for some white spots at its poles. It reminded Finneas of his final glimpse of Ghillairde when he was leaving it behind for the last time. For a disorienting second, it almost felt like he was returning to his birth planet. But soon, the ship was close enough to see the sandy outline of the continents. The blue wasn’t all ocean. Some of it was trees. He directed the ship towards the landing coordinates just as Petra arrived in the bridge, clutching several barf bags. “Good to see you’ve come prepared, Lacroye,” he commented. “You’re already looking green, and we haven’t even entered the atmosphere yet.” She grumbled something unintelligible in response as she took her place in the copilot’s chair.
one of my editing notes for draft 2 was to make Petra's starsickness worse😆
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa @outpost51
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hellospriggan · 4 months
*steeples fingers in front of face and exhales slowly*
I'm just going to present this story time in bullet points, because it's pretty clear how rubbish this day has been without extra embellishment.
Woke up with a migraine (took medicine, felt better eventually)
Got kids breakfast; Griffin did not like the banana bread, took some time to find a substitute. Eventually got him fed.
Had to rush through getting ready for school due to second breakfast.
Got outside early for the school bus, because it was five+ minutes early yesterday and we nearly missed it.
School bus was not early
School bus was not on time
School bus was late
This mattered more than usual, because Gwen had an eye appointment at 9:45; the plan was to get Grif on the bus, go back inside to grab our stuff, and immediately leave.
Bus is 10 minutes late, I call it. I can get both kids in the car and drop Grif off at school on the way.
We get inside, Griffin has a meltdown over missing the bus. I assure him he's still going to school.
Gwen needs the bathroom.
I realize we are not going to have time to drop off Grif, or we'll be late for the appointment. What do I do? Do I reschedule it for the second time (because we were sick two weeks ago) and Get Griffin to school on time?
Meanwhile the school bus rolls up fifteen minutes late, opens its doors, and waits. And waits. Then it meanders off on its way again, while I seethe at the window.
I have a small panic attack. Gwen asks me if I'm sad and I actually cry, and she gives me a cuddle. Okay, I'm good.
I tell Griffin he's going with us, and I'll drop him off at school AFTER the appointment.
Griffin cries. Get him calmed down, get all our stuff, get outside.
Realize the car is locked. Where are my keys?? OH FFS they're locked inside the house.
We're going to be late to the appointment now, too. I try to call the office, but there's no cell reception at our house, ever, so it will not connect.
I get the emergency spare and get in the house and get my keys.
When I get back out, Griffin is crying because he has decided this whole thing is somehow his fault, and that he's "the problem". My heart breaks and I tell my son he is NEVER A PROBLEM. We both cry.
Get the kids in the car.
Half a mile down the road, the car sickness sets in, and I spend the next 30 minutes wondering if one or both kids is going to barf.
Maps app is on in the background, but not actually working. Luckily the directions are simple and I remember the way.
Have my husband, who's at work, call the school AND the office to let everyone know we're late.
No one barfs. We get there fifteen minutes late.
Gwen has her eye test. She's wearing glasses right now to correct eye crossing due to nearsightedness, and there has been little enough improvement that I now need to have her wear an eye patch.
Griffin shows the optician the page in my sketchbook that he's covering with multiplication; I take a deep breath and remind myself that he's missing a morning of kindergarten, a week before summer break, ie board games. And that he can fucking multiply. It's going to be fine.
We eventually get out. Everyone needs the bathroom.
Get out to the car, check the time, and realize that we'll make it back to school halfway through his lunch IF we're lucky, and he won't have time to eat.
I make the executive decision that we're having donuts for lunch, because we fucking deserve them. Well look, there's a Dunkin right across the street! I can even do drive through and not have to get them out of the car seats again! (It is amazing how much of a consideration that becomes, but it adds so much time.)
We do drive through, and the person keeps asking me over the intercom what I want, even though I keep begging for a moment to look at the menu.
We order donuts, lemonade, and coffee. Pay, tip handsomely as an apology for my (I think understandable) lack of organization, pull into a parking spot to feed everyone. We have no straws.
I jog over to the window and ask for three straws.
He gives me two. I ask for another. I get four total.
I spill coffee on my foot.
We eat donuts, and they are splendid. I hope no one barfs on the way home now.
No one barfs. It's close, again. (If he does throw up, he's not allowed at school. Understandable, but another thing to navigate.)
We get Griffin to school, right at the end of his lunch period. He's very cranky about how this day has gone. I have also forgotten to pack him a snack, and donuts are not very sustaining. Hope he makes it.
Gwen and I stop at the produce stand down the road to buy fruit, and go home. I think more about car seats, and if there's a way to calculate how much of my life as a parent has been spent dealing with them.
At home I refuse to stand in the sun blowing bubbles for Gwen, and she gets mad. We have another discussion about how we're a team but at least half of this team is very tired. We go inside and watch TV instead.
My new notepads arrive, a bright moment. My website is still kind of broken, but cute stationary helps!
We were planning on going to the fireman's carnival tonight. Tomorrow is the last day. I really hope everyone is up to going tonight and that it's not the last straw in a busy day.
I think I'm going to take cute photos of the new notepads, work on my website, and honestly just let Gwen watch as much TV as she wants today. I struggle a lot to balance screen time for my kids, but I also try really hard to think about what I would need/want on a rough day, and not hold them to a higher standard.
I tried so hard to keep a positive tone on things today, and I was really open with them about the fact that sometimes things go wrong and it's no one's fault, but that DANG it's tough when it all seems to happen at once! We took several minutes in the car just all shouting "BUMMER!!" as loud as we could, and that helped.
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
Hello sorry to barge in with the word vomit/ramble, just wanted to let you know that god. Oh my god. You dont know how many things you’ve uncovered in me.
I started reading like, yesterday afternoon due to an animation for this fic, dreading over the word-count. I thought I could just read a little to catch a grasp of the fic, then put it to the side when my interest dies, and then 12 hours of reading happened and now I’m sitting awake at 1 AM wondering what the fuck happened to my emotions.
Cause?? I just?? Adored it so much?? The writing is such an experience to read, you just nail every single detail that just immerses me into the current scene or event. The amount of details picked and imbedded are just enough to fully paint a picture while also not overwhelming me with information. It was a Joy to read, and shone whenever a revaluation and/or breakdown happens to a character (no plural, we know all know which one). The tension parts always shakes me over with anxiety (like the teru v ritsu 2, one of my favorites), the tiny and wholesome moments are so well described too?? You know what’s happening and you know your heart it not coming out unscathed but nope, you sit there and take the pain as now the characters are allowed a sense of comfort and you realize how much they needed it after watching their lives turn into a slow motion titanic scene.
AND THE CHARACTERS, the characterization is immaculate I swear. Its so different from what I’m used to in the best ways plus more. I love how mob is just a confused kid trying his best and reigen is just Some Guy who managed to completely tear down (or breach-) the emotional walls of every Kageyama kid in sight and just?? Let them know he’s there for them?? Let them be kids?? His interactions with Ritsu is so tragic cause Reigen will just not let go of the fact that Ritsu is fucking thirteen and does not need this much stress condensed in him (god bless burger scene, also a favorite). And Ritsu. He is so insane it makes me want to blow up a house (positive connotation). The dude is just a walking car wreck that is slowly parking at the edge of a cliff. Just the way he snaps in the most unhinged and self destructive ways makes me want to set him down in a pile of blankets, because child you are not leaving until you book a therapist appointment. Teru makes him 10x worst its comical, they just hate each other, barfs at eachothers presence but also they’d entrust their lives to the other’s no problem, what are worst enemies with slight fond attachments are for (Ritsu realizing he was manipulating Teru all along, naturally? A well aimed strike that rattled my core, incredible). Ritsu’s journey throughout the fic has been a sight to witness, from him being a emotionally stunted mess to an emotionally stunted, but now slightly considerate, mess. Character development.
This story has been an absolute delight to finish, and my thoughts will still run wild for about a week. I cannot thank you enough for writing this and sharing this to the world of ao3.
fbjhfbj eating this review eating this eating this
I'm!!!! Okay to approach this in pieces.
>breakdown happens to a character (no plural, we all know which one)
we all know which one....
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I'm just saying this could still be about literally ANY character named Ritsu in this story.
Also yes!!! Another Ritsu vs Teru v2 enjoyer!! I was so goddamn excited getting to that part of the story. The role inversion between Ritsu and Teru. The weight of Ritsu making this a spirit possession battle against Teru of all people, and that being why Ritsu is able to hold his own against Teru who is so much stronger than him.
And absolutely ABoT is all about the small wholesome moments, cuz each and every one of those are wrestled in tatters out of the jaw of tragedy and misery which, to me, makes them extra special. The absolute fighting tooth and nail for happiness and betterment.
>reigen is just Some Guy who managed to completely tear down (or breach-) the emotional walls of every Kageyama kid in sight and just?? Let them know he’s there for them?? Let them be kids??
yep yep yep the double-meaning of "Breach" in the title. Breach trust. Breach the barrier. The role of lies and the role of trust in that very core element of Mob's barrier.
And I really adored writing all the Ritsu and Reigen interactions because they are. just. the worst for each other. But also Reigen is who Ritsu needs. And that hard fight to save Ritsu happens in the form of screaming matches that destroy a McDonalds and the massive decimation of innocent Build-A-Bears. The burger scene is. SO near and dear to my heart.
>And Ritsu. He is so insane it makes me want to blow up a house (positive connotation).
Ritsu "Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you wanna just go apeshit?" Kageyama. I love writing him as a foil against the Reigen and Mob plotline. Because both Reigen and Mob have been hurt, and their reponses are much more focused on how to heal themselves. Ritsu's been hurt (and Teru, too) and their responses are to lash out and hurt everything back. ABoT runs the whole spectrum of catharthis for just "You've been badly wronged. Wouldn't you just like to [heal] [have someone who cares] [seek revenge and destroy the world which destroyed you]?"
>(Ritsu realizing he was manipulating Teru all along, naturally? A well aimed strike that rattled my core, incredible)
I deeply loved writing the Teru and Ritsu plotline just every step of the way. And the hardest part was writing all the build up knowing the role-reversal was coming without tipping my hand--the part where Ritsu would surpass Teru in awfulness, where it would become Teru desperately clinging to morals and trying his hardest to stop Ritsu. And this all starts with the pivot in ch31 as Ritsu realizes he IS in a position to take advantage of Teru... because Teru sees him as a friend.
fkjfdnkjfddf thank you for this review! I'm eating it I'm eating it. You're talking about so many of the things that make me feral for this story and why I wrote it in the first place. It's the trauma it's the healing it's the character development it's the character regression it's the beating your bestie to death on a soccer field it's the taking a traumatized kid to get ramen it's the mindless destruction of a Build-A-Bear Workshop it's the manipulation it's the trying to do better it's the idea that self-sacrifice doesn't actually save the people around you who need you it's the different ways tragedy affects people it's the lighting a corpse on fire then slashing your own throat it's the adopting a kitten named Socks it's the corruption it's the possession it's the cursed Jade Statue that just follows you everywhere for no reason
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th3okamid3monart · 1 year
Comfort Comics: My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
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If you ever want to get off the stress inducing, horrible news barfing media from either videos or rants on any plataforms that alllows people to get angry about from the most serious to the super dumb reasoning, then this comic might be for you! 
This webcomic is about the chronics of a lovely couple, the author named Fishball and aforementioned Nerd Boyfriend. SPOILER: Now Fiancé, Through the many chapters you can see what an actual healthy couple looks like, the strifes they get, their issues and how they work them with each other and a bit of their past lives prior to meeting each other.
The way the drawings and color palette are use for this webcomic can only be summarize as comfy and approachable, since reading it would make you feel like a friend is telling you an anecdote. I know there are issues with the parasocial situations, although I think comics make it a little harder for this parasocial relationships to become into an obsessive mess (just my unexpert opinion on the matter). 
Aside from that, the combination between the cartoony style to a more realistic to a VERY exagerated cartoony style can be jarring if you aren’t used to the changes in between, but this aspect benefits tremendously to the punchline of the joke, which is mostly how the characters react to a situation. For example, a bit spoilery, Nerd is very afraid of insects, so his reactions from being scared in as a person might not be as funny, unless he was drawn with a horrid expression, color fading off his face and flipping his entire body as he tries to escape a cockroach. Whenever something of the sorts are explained or shown is always a delight since they show care to each other but also banter and light jokes. 
Whenever a hard and serious subject is brought up is always in a very respectful way, very introspective as well. It will make you think about the whole situation that is currently happening since this people are living it or were living it at the moment the strips were updated. It will give you a sense of less loneliness and comfort as this people explained how they’ve been doing, specially through hardships they have experience as of late. It’s always beneficial for everyone to listen to this experiences since it looks like it helps the author as well as the readers. I would lie if I said I didn’t cry a couple of times reading this webcomic, when it hits you IT HITS YOU. 
If anything I feel this comic is like a warm cozy hug, maybe a nice coffee break, or a chill day as you lay down and think about nothing as you spend time with people you like or even a pet (because the author has a pet which is also showcased in their own section as ‘Oh Biscuit!’). 
Do give this comic a read! In a time where life has become hard and my brain is slowly but surely getting better, this comic is a refresher from the craziness from the world, the internet, and even other comics. 
This is a bit of a rant: I’ve grown into a more sensible adult, or maybe just less tolerable to be suffocated. I’ve tried just keeping my feelings to myself from time to time, I put so many expectations to other people that just made me isolate myself due to my own inability of fixing my own issues. I’m kinda in the isolate part a bit since I don’t talk to others about my issues anymore or as much. I find very comforting this kind of comics because it makes me feel like everything is ok at the moment, its a relief, its a break. I always leave this comic at the end because it calms me so much to read it, even the sad chapters. I’ve decided I wanna have an optimistic outlook in life, I wanna continue forward, I wanna experience things. This comic, along other medias have helped me have a more optimistic point of view, not only the idea of things getting better but working hard to get it better. And so far its going! I feel a bit more in control with my own things, I still have a long way to go though. I also kinda learnt a thing about me and I dont know how to really cope? Because It’s not like I have complete confirmation but it makes me believe that it explains a couple of things. In general, I just wanted to talk about this because I love this comic, I love it so much. It feels like a hug even if it sounds weird. I like when things make me feel cared in an odd way. I dont know how else to explained it. Anyway! 
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My Giant Nerd Boyfriend <----- Link to webtoon comic
Hope you have an amazing day or night! Remeber to stay hydrated and to get enough sleep! -TOD 
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