#its been so long i forgot their ship names
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months ago
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Bonus homophobic Jax 😝 (he's gay too)
Glad someone shut his trap for once even tho i love him 🙄
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pomimon · 24 days ago
Jinx and ekko drawing on eachother? I love timebomb so much and its implied they do this i just cant stop thinking of them <3
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They are artists u know
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visionsynth · 5 days ago
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it's been 5 million years
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teshiee · 4 months ago
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the !! them!!! and random serpentine that arent any existing one particular
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zerosconsort · 1 month ago
Zero's Fic Binding - Sixpence In His Shoe
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Sixpence In His Shoe by scifigrl47 [@scifigrl47]
Fandom: Marvel (Comics) Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Start Date: 02/05/24 End Date: 01/21/25 Pages: 253
I am, honestly, probably the most proud of this cover. This might be the most detailed, delicate, intricate thing I’ve made - ever. I know I haven’t been doing this long, but this? This is really good.
The amount of layers in this bitch is astounding. Sometimes I yearn for the embrace of a better graphic software then Canva. We’ll get there. Anyway.
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There is an Owlcrate special edition of The Longest Autumn that inspired the shit out of me for this, along with the version of The Fine Print that i saw in Target that was this beautiful lined foil design. The idea of a mirrored, hyper intricate lace-like cover that wove all the individual parts of the story together drove me crazy. 
The vinyl is foil - which, if you are new to HTV and want to use it to make book covers, LISTEN: This foil sucks. All foil HTV sucks. It’s going to suck to cut. It’s going to REALLY suck to iron on. It will be worth it, but it’s going to try and drag your soul out of your body by your fingernails the entire time you’re using it.
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Alright, lets talk about the process and the typeset. 
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The entire theme of this fic is marriage - in both that the characters got married, are having a wedding, and are desperately in love with each other despite not actually telling each other that before said marriage and wedding. I initially was going to do a blue and white theme, more along the lines of really flowery modern wedding invitations - but then I read the fic again.
I forgot about the first chapter. Reading again, I paid more attention to what everyone around them was doing to celebrate marriage being legal. The process of it. The traditional feel of how it was done. And that’s the hook that I followed instead. 
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Sixpence doesn't have chapter names - so instead I pulled some of the wedding traditions that I researched and used those as my chapter foundations.
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Each chapter gets one, where I use the motif as the header and the scene breaks in the chapter. I also added the iconography to the chapter numbers in the header.
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I made three of these in total. I fought this book every step of the way - I really needed to be a more experienced version of me to make this book the way I wanted to, but honestly? I literary did the best I could, and even I can tell that I did it.
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The first copy of this book went to Sci - Its got a little extra character from being the first version, but out of the three sisters I made of this print run, she turned out the best looking. I'm keeping the most fucked up version (which is otherwise perfect, really, save for the fact that I put the FUCKING SPINE ON BACKWARDS), while the littlest sister is going to go to one of my best friends for a VERY belated gift.
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This was a surprised gift for Sci - who had reached out to me almost 4 months ago and asked if they could maybe, possibly, have a copy of Maybe Tomorrow. I knew immediately that I wanted to make this for her too; I had the typeset in my Want To Make file since FEBRUARY OF 2024. So I dusted it off, dumped my other project to the side, and hyper focused on this book for about a month and a half. 
Sci - I admire the fuck out of you. You are a gift and a treasure, and I hope you are ok with me getting my little racoon hands on your fics. Thank you for being open to my interpretation of your work. It’s a privilege and an honor to bind them.
If by some miracle, you have not had the pleasure of reading Sixpence In His Shoe - or any of Sci’s work, #1 what the fuck, #2 please start here.
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fiber-optic-alligator · 3 months ago
Uh can I request some first contact au soft vore swindle (any) with a human he found maybe when humans first started getting taken?
It took me ten years and I am absolutely exhausted but HERE IS THE SWINDLE FIC!!! I, um, forgot to add vore, but there is an allusion to it, so I hope you'll still enjoy this! I'm so sorry it took me so long to write :(
How To Discover A New Species And Make Money Off Of It (Totally Ethical Strategies Which Break No Laws)
Pairing: Swindle x Human Reader (First Contact Au)
Word Count: 2462
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Summary: After traveling to Earth on a mission to locate rumored Energon deposits, Swindle discovers a new species in which he quickly realizes he can make quite a big amount of money off of...and they are called humans. Capturing you and deciding you will be the ambassador of his newest endeavor, you have no choice but to let Swindle rope you into a twisted plan where he hopes to turn humans into the popular Cybertronian pets.
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  The planet is a small, diminutive thing: a piece of space rock cast out into far reaches, reeking of organic growth that shows itself in shades of dark green, desolate brown, deep blue, and patches of puffy white swirling above everything else in the form of physical moisture. Its closest neighbors are all wastelands, either long abandoned by their inhabitants, or completely devoid of anything to begin with. Earth, as it is registered in Cybertron’s database, is the only planet in this backwater area of the galaxy to host life. It’s an insignificant sphere, circling an insignificant sun, in an insignificant solar system. No one would be caught here, simply because there is nothing to see.
  Yet, here Swindle is, doing just that. Staring out at the mud puddle planet, he wonders how he ever thought accepting a job here would turn out to be profitable. The talks of Energon deposits being found on Earth had been too much to ignore. Such claims are typically rumors started by mechs with far too much time on their servos: fables of the purest Energon ever discovered hiding deep beneath the soil of places such as this one. If he were younger, Swindle would have fallen for the stories on the spot. Many newbies do. They think they’re making it big, wasting energy blasting off to no-name systems, ready to pour their resources into expeditions that always yield no crop. Fads fade. Stories end. And Swindle is not new to his trade.
  He does his research. He interviews those he deems noteworthy. He takes notes. He’s careful. Ultimately, results prove Earth definitely has something. Energon? Eh, he’s not too sure. But his intel tells him it's something he can make shanix off of. A boon. A land mine of opportunity.
  So he’s taken the chance. But now that he’s here, with his ship gradually getting closer and closer to the planet, he’s beginning to believe his research might have yielded false information. Earth is looking far from profitable, and he can tell no Cybertronian faction has made contact with its surface yet. It surprises him; Autobots and Decepticons, despite their countless differences, are extremely good at the art of colonization, whether accidental or intentional. It seems like practically every planet in the universe has been touched by his species in one shape or form. But no such thing can be found here. His ship’s systems aren’t picking up on a single Cybertronian satellite or base. It might very well be possible that he is the first to ever lay optics upon Earth.
  This was a bad idea, he thinks. High chances will be that his search will bring up nothing. He could turn his ship around now and head off to places where his time will be better spent. He won’t regret it. Probably.
  He continues looking at Earth and vents a frustrated exhale through his intake. Whatever. He’s here anyway. Might as well take a look around.
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  The forest his ship lands in has various creatures frantically darting out of harm’s way when it makes contact with the ground and stabilizes its support footing. With a hiss, the bay doors open, and he steps out slowly, his optics quickly adjusting to take in Earth’s light. It's all…very green. There’s a slight wind whistling between the leaves, making them rustle with a strange noise Swindle isn’t used to. He cringes and considers retreating back aboard the ship, then decides against it. His external diagnostics register no visible threats in the immediate area. He’ll be fine. After all, what organic would pick a fight with a giant alien robot such as himself?
  He types some instructions into his data pad. A panel opens on the side of the ship, and out comes a scouting drone, the perfect way for him to get a Seeker’s eye view of the terrain. “Alright,” he murmurs to himself. “Here we go. Let’s see what this planet is hiding.”
  The drone cycles and whirrs, then darts up into the air. Its video feed translates onto the data pad, giving him a clear aerial picture. At this vantage point, he can see that this forest he’s landed in stretches on for a long time. The drone picks up on various sorts of metals: his universal translation tool registers these as iron, copper, even gold. Sounds quite expensive, but they aren’t what he’s looking for. He types in a primary locating directive. Find Energon.
  A few cycles pass, and still, he locates nothing. Just more green and strange lifeforms he couldn’t care less about. Swindle grumbles and wishes he brought some drinks with him to pass the time. There definitely isn’t any Energon here, and that frustrates him beyond measure. But it is a big planet by organic standards…just because Energon isn’t in this immediate location doesn’t mean his search is a total loss. He worries at his lower derma in thought. Perhaps he should check the polar caps next…or maybe the equatorial region?
  His audial processors immediately pick up on the noise. Intrusion. Whipping around, he has his gun out in an instant, the barrel revving up with pulsing energy, eager to incinerate whatever is in its path.
  What stands before him-or below him-is a lifeform. A strange, fleshy being standing on two skinny legs with equally skinny arms. It stares up at him with big, alien eyes, and it’s flappy mouth parts in what he can only assume to be surprise. Swindle blinks, then slowly lowers the gun.
  “Well, well, well,” he says, snapping the weapon away and crouching down with a curious tilt of the helm. “What…are you?” All of the natives he's seen so far are either quadrupedal or avian. This animal is neither; it stands like he does, yet clearly displays the qualities of subpar intelligence. It hasn’t done a single thing so far. It’s just…there. Staring. Perhaps a fright response? Does it think he can’t see it because it’s so still?
  “You certainly aren’t Energon.” He clicks his derma, thinking. “But you are interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something quite like you before.” He wonders, is it friendly? He does a quick scan and comes to the satisfying conclusion that the creature-you-doesn’t harbor any natural defenses against his kind. He could break you in half like a stick with little-to-no pressure required. He extends a servo, intending to be friendly.
  You finally snap into action and stumble back, letting out a yelp. He can’t help laughing when you fall over onto your aft, minuscule digits digging uselessly into the forest floor. Primus, you are pathetic. No claws, no antlers, no wings…what purpose do you serve for this planet? Your species definitely must be at critical risk of extinction.
  Yet…he feels his spark soften when he observes your trembling body and listens to your soft squeaks. You…you’re adorable. Swindle is a hardened soul, one who doesn’t fall for the idea of cute easily. Yet you’ve managed to make him want to say “Awww” after looking at you for less than five cycles. Is this your way of self-preservation? Can you somehow influence the feelings of others in order to escape danger?
  He wants to know more. He’s intrigued by you. Snapping his digits, he reaches forward. “C’mere, little thing. Let’s get a better look at you.”
  Your face contorts into an expression of pure panic, and you fumble away from his looming servo, a startled shriek leaving you. But unfortunately for you, he’s far too quick, and snatches you into a fist before your tiny brain can keep up with his movements. You immediately begin struggling, letting out these sharp squeaks and desperate chatters. Swindle sighs and gives you a very patient look. “Quit squirming, alright? I swear I’m not going to hurt you as long as you don’t hurt me. Though I’m guessing you probably can’t. You’re barely taller than my index digit. Why are you so small, huh?”
  He turns you over and observes you from every angle, being careful not to rough you up too much. You wear fabrics over your body and a weird sort of bag against your back. Swindle easily slips it off of you and holds it to one optic, scanning its inner contents. Just paper books and a weird ocular device. He snorts and throws it away, disinterested. You don’t seem to like this and begin pushing at his digits with a frantic desperation that has him chuckling.
  “That’s not going to do much for you.” He brings you closer to his face and inhales your scent. A pleasant, woodsy aroma that only seems to permeate from organics fills his olfactory sensors and makes him shiver with delight. “How wonderful. You smell amazing. Almost on par with Energon.”
  Oh. That reminds him. He’s here to find Energon, not ogle at weird little Earth creatures. He sighs and shifts you to his left servo so he can recall his drone. “Not much here to see besides you, pipsqueak,” he mutters as he watches the vessel speed back over to his ship and return to its charging panel. “Let’s go do some further exploring of this planet, alright? I think I’d like to hold onto you for a bit longer.” He smiles down at you. “You’re kind of cute. You don’t mind hanging out with good ol’ Swindle, do ya?”
  You certainly do mind, with the way you continue to wriggle around with your arms flailing. Scared squeaks turn into angry growls, with you narrowing your eyes and puffing up to express your indignation. He watches you, then revs his engine and bares his denta, growling back at you with such a loud rumble, it sends a frenzy of avians flapping from the tops of the trees.
  You snap your mouth shut and shrink back, any rebellious bravado previously displayed disappearing with the avians. Swindle grins satisfactorily. “You try and bite,” he says. “I bite back harder. Now be a good Earthling and enjoy the ride, alright? I’ll let you go once I’m bored of you.”
  He walks slowly, taking his time not to accidentally knock a tree over or step on an accidental organic. You are quiet and oddly still, except for your constant vibrations which almost have him feeling rather guilty for scaring you into submission…almost. Glancing down at you, he watches the way you lower your head to hide your face beneath the cover of your hair. Liquid drips down onto his digit.
  Ah. You’re leaking from your eyes. Crying. He didn’t know Earth animals could do that. He raises the end of his thumb and runs it lightly over your cheeks, wiping them away. “Don’t do that, little one, come on,” he says in the most soothing tone he can muster. “You don’t have to be scared of me. I’m just your friendly neighborhood salesbot, yeah? Just a guy trying to survive like every other punk in the universe. Why would I hurt you?”
  You sniffle and peer at him with those big, soulful eyes. And oh, now you’ve done it. You’ve struck an arrow straight into his spark. A soft gasp escapes him, and he tilts your head back further. “By Primus, I have never seen something as cute as you. So soft…so small…” He ruffles your hair and earns himself a chirp as you swat his digit away. “Ha, and feisty too. I wonder…just how much would a bot pay to buy you as a pet?”
  The gears begin turning. A new idea shows itself to Swindle as the prospect of a tantalizingly lucrative step into an industry he hasn’t bothered contemplating until now. Cybertronians, for all of their ingrained brutality, love pets. He thinks it's because his kind are so war-torn, so used to the bloody, the disgusting, the traumatic. So many veterans on all factional sides own cuddly therapy companions which aid them in their long road to recovery. Helio hamsters, cyber dogs and cats, even glitch mice and turbofoxes…not to mention various other non-Cybertronian native animals hailing from other planets across the cosmos. Yes, the pet trade for mechs is quite popular, and he knows it won’t lose its momentum any time soon.
  So why can’t he get into it?
  If Swindle was to suddenly return to Cybertron with a new creature…a tiny, delicate lifeform from the distant Earth, advertised as the perfect companion for any bot…he could begin a whole business. Gentle, squishy, and oh-so cute! A lifelong companion who engages with you and offers the ultimate form of loyalty! Buy one for your sparklings, your conjunx, or yourself! Yes, yes, he can see it now! He could make millions if he plays his cards right! Perhaps even billions if it really takes off!
  He brings out his data pad and holds it over you. If you’re going to sell, you’re going to need a proper name to sell with. “Scan lifeform,” he orders. “Identify.”
  The data pad is slow with it. Its light casts over you and makes you wince, giving a long, contemplative hum as its AI races through the Cybertronian web and searches for a clear species identification. When it finally lets out a pleasant beep and reveals all found information, Swindle swears he sees shanix flashing before his optics.
  Species: human. Homeworld: Earth. Status: Critically endangered. Not protected by the Prime Universal Protected Organisms Law. Known clients are estimated to start at…20,000 shanix.
  “20,000!” He whistles and grins delightedly. “Good Primus, you’re worth that much? Who knew I had such an expensive little twerp sitting right in the palm of my hand?” He laughs, ecstatic. Forget the Energon. What he can make off of you and the rest of your kind is twice as much as a regular run would get him. This is what has been hiding on Earth. This is the boon. The opportunity.
  He leers at you, not even seeing you as just a fascinating animal anymore. You’re a product to take advantage of, to sell, to milk for all of your worth. Swindle’s done it before. He likes to say it’s nothing personal, because it isn’t. After all, he’s just surviving, trying to earn a life like anyone else. When he looks into your terrified eyes and sees the way you go pale at the sight of his nearly crazed expression, he thinks about how many bots will be won over by this face, how he’ll be rolling in dough by the time he’s through with Earth.
“Listen to me, little one,” he says. “You and I are going to be very good business partners from now on. I think I’ll keep you as a showcase specimen. Which leads into my next question…where can I find more of you?”
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teatreeoilll · 1 year ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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˚• . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . • . ° . •
w/c - 1.2k content - fem!reader, hurt/comfort??, ain't nobody really gonna divorce this man i mean, please
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For the past two months, once every two weeks on Thursday afternoons, Higuruma Hiromi finds himself on a leather chair in the stifling offices of Hayashi Divorce Law. Hayashi himself is a walrus-looking man with nicotine-stained fingers and an expensive wristwatch, who leans back in his chair across the desk from Hiromi, unbuttons the top button of his Italian blazer, and eyes him with a grin that says “I’ll clean you out before you can finish saying divorce.”
The worst of it comes when you enter the room. You sit down by Hayashi, getting trapped by the scent of the walrus’s sour cologne and stacks of papers on the desk, without so much as a glance in Hiromi’s direction.
Hiromi’s throat dries up the more he sits and nods along to Hayashi’s words. He doesn’t remember much about equitable distribution from law school and he doesn’t care to - the only thing he does is tug on the wrinkled fabric of his suit and mutter variations of “Alright” and “You can have it”.
After the first meeting was over, and you left the room leaving nothing but a whiff of perfume that soon dissipated into nothing, Hayashi turned to him and furrowed his bushy brows “Didn’t your ex-wife say you’re a lawyer, Mr. Higuruma?”
To which Hiromi replied “My wife,” while clinging to the last unsigned papers that would make this statement false.
By the fourth meeting, he’s a wreck. While he sits and nods along, Hiromi notices you’re looking at him with a hint of concern in your eyes. As you open your mouth his mind fills with hope. He’d drop to his knees without a second thought for a “It’s a mistake” or just a simple “let's go home” - even though it’s your home now since he’d forfeited it a month ago.
But when you finally open your mouth, after two months of silence, the only words he hears are “What about the car?”
Hiromi looks up at you. The car. A navy blue Ford Sedan with it’s best years behind it much like himself. A Ford Sedan which only four years prior got its old wheels stuck in the wet sand of a Kanazawa beach, causing the both of you to stay the night in a nearby motel.
He remembered the motel room's crumbling ceiling and the scale models of ships that lined the shelves - below them a bed with azure sheets - which you collapsed on with a grumble, cursing out both the damn Sedan and its fucking wheels. All he could think of was how beautiful you looked with that shade of azure surrounding your skin - and by morning you’d called out his name so many times he forgot it had a meaning outside of your lips.
He’s silent for a long time. So long your confidence wavers a bit, “We can sell it,” you say, “take half of the money each.”
Hiromi awakes from his mind trip to Kanazawa and reality knocks the wind out of his lungs. “You can have it.”
“I mean it,” you shoot a look at Hayashi who looks displeased with the sudden display of kindness, “we can sell it and split the money.”
“You can have it.” Higuruma says, and Hayashi grins.
It’s already dark by the time Hiromi steps out in the hall. It takes him a few steps towards the elevator and a squint of his tired eyes to see you standing by it. It’s alright - he’ll just take the stairs.
“You don’t have to do that,” you tell him when he passes behind you. You press on the elevator button again. It’s been stuck on the 17th floor for a while now.
“It’s alright.” He assures, continuing his path to the stairwell.
“No. It’s not alright. Nothing’s been alright for a year now. Now wait here for the goddamn elevator.”
By the tone of your voice he knows he hasn’t got a choice. He takes his place next to you, shifting his gaze between the silver elevator doors, and the little screen that keeps showing “17” without any sign of movement.
A few minutes go by and there’s still no sign of the elevator. Your leg bounces on the marble floor and your lips purse before you let out a silent “What’s wrong with you?”
“Huh?” Hiromi blinks. The elevator doors ding open. The man and a woman inside move to make room for you, but you motion to them to go down, mouthing ‘we’ll take the next one’. The elevator closes.
“I said ‘what’s wrong with you.’” You turn to him. “I’m robbing you blind and you don’t say anything. So what the hell’s wrong with you?”
“You can have anything you want.” He says, noticing you haven’t pressed the button to call the elevator again.
“That’s not what I asked -”
“You can have anything you want,” He repeats. “Just don’t make me come and listen to which bits of our life you’d like to sell and which to split. Take what you like, really - Whatever’s left will remind me of you anyway and I don’t think I’ll be able to stand looking at it without -” Going insane, he wants to say, but when he sneaks a look at your face he swallows the words. The crease he got used to seeing between your eyebrows vanishes.
“I’m not making you come, you know.” You say, “If you signed it all away after the first meeting we wouldn’t have to go through this.”
He can’t make himself tear his gaze off of your face, “I know.” His fingers press down on the fabric of his suit, “But if I did that I wouldn’t have a reason to see you again.”
“Don’t say things like that.” You press the elevator button again. This time, it arrives in a flash. You step inside, and Hiromi follows. The doors slip shut.
“Then don’t divorce me.”
The floor numbers change, a rapid countdown - 12 - 11 - 10. Hiromi’s mind races. He really pushed it this time - and even though he doesn’t have anything left to lose - his heart plummets together with the elevator.
“Huh?” Hiromi’s eyes stick to the numbers still, 10 - 9 - 8. He’s not sure if it’s an auditory hallucination that’s speaking.
“I said ‘fine.’”
His hand finds the emergency stop button and smashes it in. The elevator rattles before it halts.
“Did you say -”
“I won’t repeat it again.”
And you really don’t need to. A moment later you’re pressed between his warm body and the cool metal lining the elevator car. His kiss is a desperate one - open-mouthed, all teeth and tongue - with his hands running under your blouse to relish in the warmth of your skin. You tangle one hand in his hair while the other’s clinging to a fistful of his suit jacket.
Hiromi detaches from your mouth, only for a second - which is enough for you to catch a glimpse of his flushed face - before leaving a trail of gentle kisses down your neck. Unlike his lips, his hands aren’t gentle in the slightest, they hold a tight grip on your waist under your blouse - as if he’s afraid you’ll disappear the moment he releases it.
Hayashi stands by the elevator, looking at the screen that shows “7” without any sign of movement. His face grows tomato red. Two interns stand at the edge of the hall, looking at him.
“What’s he so pissed about it?” One asks.
“It’s the elevator.” The other motions to the number on the tiny screen, “If it’s stuck too long on one floor it means a couple’s doing it inside. If they’re doing it inside they’re not divorcing - and if they’re not divorcing Hayashi’s not getting paid.”
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selfryed · 11 days ago
HESITANT ALIEN AU !! lore + small comic...ish....
... ** okay hi ik its been like two days "omg imma be taking a lifelong break" i mightve over exaggerated.... i was actually making an au !! this is gonna be my pinned post for awhile as it means a lot to me so.... ughrhrhrhhr
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ref sheet <3 so the lore is QUITE long so if u have any questions feel free to ask in inbox but in summary, gee and mikey r from a planet named chesteria and grew up watching shows about humans n what rhey do and told each other that they'll be there some day to make music and so as they grew, they made some money from lil gigs and soon had enough to go to earth, but their parents didn't agree with the idea, big fight broke out, and the two waylien brothers left on their own accords
their ship then malfunctioned bc the dumbies forgot to get gas and then crash into frank's backyard at two in the morning and he saw the ship and was like "holy shit ????" so he went to inspect it but then two silly goobers emerged from the ship wondering where they were and once gee saw frank, he got so excited to see an actual human being and started telling him he looked cool, asked questions, etc but mikey was cringing because he knew frank couldn't understand their language 😭😭😭
comic abt the first few parts:
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soon tho, frank learns abt them and gee uses his telepathy to get him to understand his language (and also helped himself and mikey learn english) and decided to take them in and then ray cool iconic businessman toro aka franks bestie came over one day to hang out, frank is panicking trying to hide the brothers in his dirty pile of clothes (so canon btw) and trying not to seem suspicious as they hung out but gerard kept moving around and complaining and mikey is like "dude shut the fuck up" and then ray gets suspicious and finds them 😭😭😭 hes panicking too but soon learns abt them n everything n then SILLINESS ENSUES !!!
the language sheet:
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thats all i rlly have for now...but i plan to make art of them like discovering things (i was thinking snow since its been snowing in my state a lot for some reason like ?? buddy chill) but yeah uhh hope u enjoy this ... im insane
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aliciavance4228 · 7 months ago
The Odyssey: Funny Moments
Most of you liked my "The Iliad: Funny Moments" post, so I decided to make this one as well.
1. When Telemachus asks Odysseus what kind of help they have for taking down the suitors, Odysseus basically says, "We've got Zeus and Athena on our side. Are you sure that'll be enough?"
2. "Brother, who blinded you?" "Nobody! Nobody did!" "...Then we're going to go back to sleep."
Taken to the logical extreme in a comic book adaptation where Odysseus and his men gave him fake names:
"Brother, who blinded you?"
"Nobody! Idontknow! Idontcare! Or maybe... Idontremember!"
"So that's why they called him Polyfool."
3. After his crew opened the bag of winds thinking it had treasure and caused a huge storm, Odysseus briefly considers suicide as valid as an option to preserving through hardship.
4. The sheer, mind-boggling, testicle-shriveling amount of crap that Odysseus and his crew get put through when trying to get back to Ithaca can be viewed as hilarious in a cringe comedy kind of way. By the time Odysseus gets home and realizes that his wife has been badgered and harangued by suitors for a decade one could be forgiven for thinking that his wanton slaughter of them all was less about their violation of guest rights and more just blowing off some steam on a morally unambiguous target.
5. When briefly visiting the Underworld, Persephone allows Odysseus to talk with his mother and other dead people. Odysseus is absolutely terrified of her and dreads staying too long and incurring her wrath, running back to his ship fearful that she'll sic Medusa's head on him.
6. One of Odysseus's crew randomly dies by falling off a roof after a night of heavy drinking. Everyone else gets to be killed by horrible monsters and the wrath of the gods, but he instead gets to be a posthumous reminder about the dangers of alcoholism. Even better, after his death he berates Odysseus for not burying him properly when our hero goes to Hades!
7. On the way back to Ithaca, Telemachus asks a favor of Nestor's son Pisistratus, and proceeds to invoke two generations of friendship to get some help dodging Nestor's aggressive hospitality.
8. Penelope asks a disguised Odysseus to interpret a dream she had. It turns out that during the dream, one of its characters explicitly explained what it all represented, and Odysseus just repeats it back to her.
9. While disguised as a human, Athena goes to the trouble of giving a plausible explanation for her departure... then promptly blows her cover by turning into a bird and flying away in front of a boggling Nestor and Telemachus.
10. Penelope's tricks against the suitors, of which the two best known are:
At one point, she told the suitors she'd choose her next husband after she'd finish weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus's father Laërtes... And every night, she'd undo her work. She strung them along for three years and would have continued had an unfaithful maid not exposed her.
On page we see her daring them to replicate one of Odysseus's feats: she put twelve axes on the ground so that the rings in the handle would align and gave them Odysseus' unstrung bow and arrows, and told them that whoever could use that bow toshoot an arrow through all the rings would be her next husband.She also forgot to tell them it was a recurve bow that the suitors wouldn't even recognize when at rest, let alone string.
A lesser-known ploy is when she calls out the suitors for freeloading off her husband's estate instead of courting her with lavish gifts. They rush to present her with gifts, while the disguised Odysseus watches with delight.
11. Athena's response when Odysseus fails to recognize her in disguise and tells her a backstory he came up with on the spot is essentially "That's my liar! There he is!"
Credits: TV Tropes
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sp4ceboo · 3 months ago
beneath a crimson sky masterlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | ch 6
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pairing: stray kids ot8 x afab!reader
genre: apocalypse au, dystopian, dark, adventure, action, thriller, fighting, eventual smut, romance
a/n: apologies for the sparse updates i swear i'm still alive, icl i have beef with this chapter in terms of characterisations but the next chapter is my lil baby so yall can look forward to that
chapter warnings: large amounts of crying, swearing, panic attacks, mentions of mind control, for some reason i really like The Hello Kitty Blanket, not much else but i probably forgot at least 1 thing
chapter word count: 3.6k
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When you wake, you are lucid. Too lucid, it seems, because you recall your dreams with such clarity that you throw up, emptying the meagre contents of your churning stomach into a bucket someone had handily placed by your side. You do not want to believe what you’ve seen, so you chalk it down to the fever.
It’s early in the morning, and Jisung lies propped up against the wall beside the makeshift bed the boys must have made you, heavily asleep, a half full bottle of water held loosely in his hands. You manage to heave yourself upright, and it’s only then that you notice the rope tied loosely around your wrists and ankles, tied to the foot of the centrifuge and tethering you down.
Your stomach twists. Felix. You hurt Felix.
And yet, Jisung snores peacefully beside you. There is a calm in his slumbering face, a tranquility. He feels safe to sleep beside you, and no one has deigned to disturb him from his position - then, they don’t blame you, nor do they fear you.
Hesitantly, almost expecting your body to disobey your orders, you reach out and pluck the bottle from his grasp, taking careful sips until it’s finished. With a glance behind you, you notice Jeongin has sat up, rubbing his eyes, and that Chan is making his way towards you. He looks a little paler than before, and the semicircles beneath his eyes are darker.
You cannot imagine for the life of you why they have stayed and looked after you.
Unbidden, a smile finds its way onto your face as he approaches, and it widens when he returns it, his dimples appearing in his cheeks. Relief is clear on him, in the slight sag of his shoulders and release of tension in his brow, as if a heavy load has been lifted from him.
“Hey,” he whispers, crouching beside you, eyes bright and hope filled as he unties you. “I knew you would make it.”
“Chan,” you say, and suddenly your voice and smile are wobbly.
You reach out your hand, simply intending to grab ahold of his hoodie and remind yourself that you’re fine now, that they didn’t leave you even though they should have, but he goes one step further and engulfs you in his arms. Breath shaky, you close your eyes, holding onto him as tightly as you can.
Chan is warm and solid, and he smells ridiculously like clean laundry despite the fact that none of you have gone near a washing machine in weeks. It feels as if he is keeping you whole, as if you might crumble apart if he lets go. You squeeze your eyes shut and breathe him in.
You’re able to find your voice once your face is hidden in the safety of his shoulder. “Did I hurt anyone?”
“No,” he says, and you can’t tell if he’s lying or not. “You were pretty weak when that stage set in.”
You nod, trying to find words. “How - how long was I out?”
“Just under a week.”
Your jaw drops. “A week?”
“Yeah,” he says. “The next ship hasn’t landed yet. We met three guys looking for the rest of their group. The leader - his name was Hongjoong - has dubbed it the Reprieve. I just think it’s the calm before the storm.”
You blink. “You talked to someone? Were any of them sick?”
Getting to his feet, Chan shakes his head. “I don’t think anyone has been since the first horseman’s ship took off.”
Grabbing his hand, you stop him. “Thank you, Chan. You - you didn’t have to put yourself or the boys in danger for me, but you did, anyway.”
“I did what I’d do if it happened to any of us,” he says, as if it’s the simplest thing in the world to him.
You’re about to reply, but you’re cut off by a drawn out gurgle from your stomach. Chan chuckles, his dimples appearing again. He is so bright, so clear, that it is hard to believe the shadows could even survive while he was there.
“I’ll get you some food in a second,” he grins. “Minho, Changbin, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin and I are going out on a supply run. We don’t know how long the Reprieve will last so we’re going to try and stock up as much as possible in case we need to hole up when the second horseman comes.”
Briefly, you consider volunteering yourself too, but although you feel healed, you’ve been out for the last week and you need to rest. No doubt Chan would refuse to let you come along, anyway - he hands you a can of pasta shapes drowning in synthetic tasting tomato sauce, and you scarf it down while the lab begins to fill with life as the others wake up.
Felix bounds over and hugs you, followed closely by Hyunjin. You scan the former’s face for any signs of fear or hurt, but he beams at you, and your soul feels a warmth it hasn’t in a long time. There’s a beauty in his smile that is so hard to come by, now.
All of the boys greet you once they’ve woken up, even Minho, who kind of just stares at you like he can’t believe you’re alive. You don’t blame him. Hope is rising in your chest, the same way it shines in Jisung’s eyes when he jerks awake to see you conscious and radiates from Jeongin’s smile, because despite it all, you survived Pestilence, and if you survived the first horseman, maybe there’s a chance you’ll all be able to live through the next ones.
The hope rises so high that you dismiss your fever dreams. It lingers, wonderfully so, and rests on you, Hyunjin and Jisung after the others go out on the supply run, filling the three of you with bubbling laughter as the hours pass.
And then, abruptly, it falls short.
The sun is setting, painting the already red sky redder, and the others do not return. They do not come bustling through the door, laden with plastic bags full of supplies. Their voices do not echo down the street as they make their way back to the lab.
There are plenty of reasons they could have been delayed. They could be lost, or maybe they met that guy called Hongjoong again, yet you can’t help but feel the sinking feeling of despair re-enter your chest, when before you’d been so light and happy and hopeful. Hyunjin stares down at his lap and picks nervously at his cuticles. You glare worriedly out the window, tapping your foot on the floor.
Jisung begins to hyperventilate.
Immediately, you scoot over until you sit on the floor beside him. He’s rocking back and forth, his hands clenched into fists so hard that you know his nails must be digging painfully into his skin. His worry is contagious, settling in your bones and creeping into the back of your mind, armed with doubt.
Hyunjin is frozen where he is sat, and for a terrible, mind numbing moment, you feel painfully out of your depth - you know you could fight to protect him, but this is not something you know how to deal with. Minho or Chan would know what to do, not you.
Still, you prise his hands open so you can hold them. Positioning yourself so he can feel the press of your front against his back, you grip him tight enough for him to stop rocking. You tell yourself that the others will come back, repeating those words like a mantra, and even though you cannot fully deceive yourself, it steadies you nonetheless.
“Breathe with me,” you command, in a voice that leaves no room for arguing - a voice that sounds just like Chan’s.
Jisung’s breathing stutters, his chest heaving with the effort of it, but he fights to obey you, and you hold him close to you, grounding him even when his grasp on your fingers begins to sting with how hard he squeezes them. His trembling begins to ease up, and you loosen your arms on him, but he grips onto your wrist, keeping you wrapped around him. Carefully, you stroke his hair, keeping your breathing slow and deliberate.
“I’m here,” you soothe. “Jinnie’s here as well, okay?”
He twists in your arms so he can face you. Tears have tracked down his cheeks, and you wipe them away with your thumbs, a tight ache developing in your chest when his face crumples and he hides himself in your embrace again. Hyunjin shuffles over, resting his head on your shoulder and stroking a hand down Jisung’s back. You realise he’s shaking too.
“What if the next wave starts and they’re out there?” Jisung asks quietly.
“We’d have seen the ship coming down,” you tell them firmly, pushing back flashes of your dreams that crowd your head. “It’s not over yet.”
Hyunjin nods against your shoulder, a little sniffle escaping him. You wrap an arm around his shoulder and bring him a little closer, resting your chin on his head. The three of you stay like that for a while, tangled together as you listen to the sound of your heartbeats; there is a tension filling the lab not unlike the tightness in the air before rainfall, and you attempt to tamp down your worries, keeping them to yourself when the sky becomes the darker than the deepest of red wines and stars begin to wink to life.
This is the calm before the storm. You’re just afraid that your own, more personal storm might have arrived before the big one.
“I hate them,” Jisung announces after a while, and his arms tighten around you.
“The aliens?” You ask.
He nods. “I don’t care if they hear. I hope they hear - I hope they know I hate them for what they’ve taken from us.”
He has raised his head from where it was resting on your shoulder, and there is a fire in his eyes that you have not seen before, paired with pain woven through with a bitter sort of determination - the type derived from spite, the dogged tenacity to survive. A lump grows in your throat. You pull him close again, burying your face in his hair so he and Hyunjin don’t see the tears welling at your lash line.
You hate the aliens too. You hate them for their fucking games and stupid horsemen, you hate the way they’ve invaded your sky, you hate that they have broken millions of hearts and torn families apart. And now, if the others don’t come back, another family will have been lost.
The waiting makes you feel helpless. Restless, you pace circles in your mind, wondering whether you should go out and search for them, but that would leave Jisung and Hyunjin alone, and the next horseman could arrive at any time. You want something to do, something to put your mind off the worry, but there is nothing. All you can do is pull the two of them closer to you and soothe them with hollow words.
You’re about to suggest trying to eat something when the sound of footsteps approaches. You’re all on your feet in seconds, hurtling to the door, and before you can think to caution him, Hyunjin has shoved it open and looks out with wild hope bright in his eyes.
It’s dark outside. You can see silhouettes making their way towards you, their heads bowed tiredly, and though you can’t see their faces, you know for sure now - it’s not over yet. It won’t ever be over, as long as you’re all together and breathing.
Jisung sprints out into the street and hurls himself right into Minho’s arms.
You slump against the doorframe, relief swamping any anger you felt at them for coming back so late. Minho has dropped his bags and is gripping Jisung tight, his nose buried in the younger man’s hair, eyes squeezed closed - the sight is poignant enough to make your vision blur with unshed tears, vanquishing the tension that had been pervading your body for the last few hours. You step into Felix’s arms, your knees feeling as if they may give out any second.
“What happened?” You breathe out, sheltering in his embrace.
“There were dogs,” he replies, patting your back soothingly. “We were stuck balancing on top of a food shelving unit until they got bored and left. I’m sorry, we came back as fast as we could.”
You almost find it in you to laugh. All that worry, while the boys were camped out on the top shelf, waiting for animals that used to be beloved pets to lose interest in them. It feels as if you should take it as a warning, a reminder that you should take nothing for granted, but it fills you with a vicious triumph instead - they came back, and that’s what matters.
You squeeze him hard enough that he squeaks. “Don’t be sorry. Just, I was - we were scared. Shitless. Don’t ever do that again, you fucker.”
He laughs, and suddenly, with that bright sound ringing sweetly through the air, everything is alright again.
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Everything continues to be alright until, a few hours later, you all decide to sleep, and though you are not alone as you once were, the dreams still come.
Snatches of laughter echo in your ears. Grasping, shadowy fingers tear at your hair and clothes. A blonde woman and a bronze skinned man, reduced to nothing but puppets, command swathes and swathes of survivors.
Reaping more than should ever be taken, great slaughter and boundless hunger ravages the land. There is only endless falling, like you are trapped in the vast pull of a black hole.
Eventually, you wrest yourself from the visions' claws.
Panting, sweat breaking out all over your skin in sharp prickles, you sit up, kicking the blanket off you. You pause for a moment, listening. Tonight is a rare night where Chan is actually asleep - his breathing is deeper and far slower than it is when he lies with his eyes closed, pretending. He is still next to you, frighteningly so, and you wish you could not so easily imagine him lifeless beside you.
Moonlight bleeds from the crack in the blinds, alighting on Hyunjin’s shoulders and spilling from them like a crimson cloak. His head is bent towards someone else, a slighter figure, with light hair, blonde hair -
She’s here.
And then you realise that the blonde is slightly grown out, that it’s far too glossy and a little too short to be hers. You deflate in relief. It’s just Felix. When he turns his face towards you, you see his sweet eyes and his freckles, and wonder how you could have ever seen his hair and mistaken him for her, even in the near darkness and from across the room.
Felix smiles and beckons you over, and you get up, keeping your footsteps quiet. The two of them have tucked the Hello Kitty blanket around them - a glance over your shoulder reveals that Changbin is now sharing Seungmin’s blanket, tucking himself tight against the younger man’s back, even in sleep. Hyunjin opens the blanket on his side, and you gratefully wedge yourself in.
The lab air is cold and a little biting, as if there aren’t solid walls separating you from outside, but you feel warmed by their actions, by the openness blooming so plainly on both their faces that it makes your heart ache.
“Nightmares?” Felix asks.
Mutely, you nod.
“Do you want to talk about yours?” Hyunjin asks. “Sometimes it helps.”
You blanch. Telling them of your fever dreams feels like speaking truth into them, like giving them the power to become real. There’s a chance that they’re just the substance of your terrified mind, but they have a strange quality to them, like the humming, disastrous tone of a prophecy. Not telling them could be withholding information that might be valuable.
“I had these visions when I was ill,” you blurt, then quieten your voice. “I don’t know if they were visions or dreams. Either way, they showed the next three horsemen.”
Hyunjin sucks in a sharp breath, stiffening beside you. Although he doesn’t say anything, Felix reaches out and squeezes your hand, and you cling to him like he’s your anchor, willing yourself to continue. It is harder than expected to describe what you saw - the images flash before your eyes, the scents and the sounds right in your head, and yet your tongue is stiff in your mouth with fear and dread.
“The one coming now is War. He…” You struggle with your words, wondering how many details are needed. “I think he possessed these two people. They’re supposed to be generals of some sort, maybe. Once he looked at them, they were his.”
Hyunjin curses under his breath. A rustle sounds nearby, like the sound of someone rolling over, and you glance up, aware that your voice had risen and taken on a panicked edge near the end of your sentence. Jeongin is stirring, but soon he relaxes, and you twist the blanket in your fingers, worrying at a loose thread.
“Keep going,” Felix urges.
“The third one is Famine. She was terrible, but beautiful too,” you murmur, unable to meet their eyes. “This one was hazier. I just remember the hunger, so strong that I would have done anything to destroy it. It felt like my body was changing, too, but I think that part was symbolic of something. Like the weighing scales she had.”
“Symbolic, like of the monsters humanity is becoming?” Hyunjin says, the horror clear in his voice.
Swallowing harshly, you press on. “The last was Death. There are blurry parts, parts I can't focus on, like what he said to me, but I remember other bits. Falling. What he looked like. I was - ” Your voice cracks. “ - terrified. That’s the clearest bit. The fear. I was helpless.”
Felix squeezes your hand. “We’ll - we’ll make it through. We’ll survive them.”
You can’t fathom how strong he must be to say that.
“Please don’t tell the others,” you whisper. “In case it’s not true, and it was all just some crazy fever dream. I - I don’t want to scare them. Chan will worry.”
“I agree,” Felix replies. “We don’t know if it’s real.” He squeezes your hand again. “Thank you for telling us.”
“Thank you for listening,” you mumble.
What you really mean is: thank you for staying, thank you for looking after me while I was under Pestilence’s hold, while I went crazy and could have killed or hurt you all. They are insane, for risking their own lives for you, merciful where the end of the world should have hardened their hearts.
Hyunjin is silent. You are too afraid to glance over and look him in the eyes, for fear that you will be condemned by what you will see in them. He doesn’t say anything for a long time, just huddles under the blanket with the rest of you, and you wonder if he hates you for being the bearer of news that could be the death of every person in this room.
You wouldn’t be surprised if that is the case, yet when he finally turns to you, he hugs you tight - tight enough to squeeze all the air out of your lungs, yet it doesn’t suffocate you. It feels like he’s holding you together, just like it did with Chan.
You allow a few of your tears to soak into his shirt before you pull yourself together.
When you raise your head, you realise Hyunjin is crying too, and yet the tears streaking down his cheeks look like war paint. He looks strong, like a warrior prince, and fearsome. Though he weeps, it is the farthest thing from a weakness.
And then he yawns, rubs at his face, and he is just sleepy, Hello-Kitty-blanket-around-his-shoulders Hyunjin again. Still, you see the remnants of that magnificence, and you know that although it has receded, it is as much a part of him as the tired but brave smile he sends you when he catches you looking.
“Shall we go back to sleep?” Felix asks.
You nod, and Hyunjin stands, wiping his eyes and holding the blanket around his neck like a cape. A smile tugs at your lips, and he grins down at you, doing a little twirl - the soft fabric flares out at the bottom, and you duck to avoid getting smacked in the face by it, opening your mouth to tell him that he looks like some sort of Sanrio monarch.
A keen whine splits the air like a guillotine.
The colour drains from Felix’s face, and his eyes dart immediately to the window. Hyunjin freezes. Suddenly, Jeongin is up, and he rolls right out from under the blankets and onto his feet, crossing the room to the window so he can yank the blind open. Baffled, you follow his gaze, and your heart sinks.
It’s a ship. The next horseman is coming.
You haven’t heard the sound of one of their ships before - you’d been delirious - but there’s no doubt left in your mind as one of the dark specks in the sky detaches from the others and arcs towards the ground like a falling star.
The Reprieve is over.
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taglist: @estella-novella @0bticeo @lixies-favorite-cookie @smashleywow @realrintaro @extremechaoswarning @4l17h4 @hyunjinsjeans @insufferablyunbearable @lovemepie67 @needsumcomfypillowstosleep @loumin908 @rxlvvrz @iris-iiridescent @brbwritingfanfic @missseoulite @juliettejwnewinesa (let me know if you want to be added)
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zipora666 · 1 year ago
something I need to share with you guys..its been on my mind for months ..I HAD WH O’’C BUT NEVER SHARE IT AND NOW IM DONE WITH IT SO :>
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Do you feel like your pocket got empty a bit? You want adventures and do silly pranks? BUDDY MONKEY ITS JUST FOR YOU!
So the story is buddy monkey is a character show on the summer episodes and whenever there is adventures and danger! He’s a pirate lives in a ship and he always like to find shiny stuff and treasure! he will treat you like as your big brother! He like to be sneaky and if you find your wallet missing you won’t be surprised it’s from him but dw he will return it to you (eventually) he like to do silly pranks and make others smile (but remember! He will never go far with his pranks or do on. People that are more sensitive) he is a gentleman and good “mama’s boy you can say!
some stuff they never knew: where he came from who was his family or his real name and if you look closely at the episodes at first he was ok with wally darling but with the time you can see he barely talk to him...something is off ..BUT ANYWAY LETS CONTINUE!
Ship design
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More lore to know yes he do have a rare bird..the story behind it he say like this:
buddy moneky: I find the bird when I travel to a land full of birds that was going to be doomed or destroyed when I got there and I saw all the creatures panic and the birds flew off but i hear someone was in danger I run and cut the trees with my swords to make my path easier and found a majestic unknown bird..not from this world look like and was injured on the wing then I look up saw a tree will fell on them I immediately grab the bird and go to the ship Idk what happend there ..but right when I was on the ship looking behind me ...the land got destroyed.
monkey buddy took her as his new travel partner he realize it’s a female bird called her “dimly diamond” Bc the moment the sun hit her feathers they shine like 1000 of diamonds
(The design)
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dimly diamond is a rare bird and may be the last one..they can live many years and buddy monkey like to spoil her with jewels and everything she needs so this bird very close to him and will protect him in any danger!
Now Bc I like to spoil my fav artists so..here ya go!
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(Damn it’s been long time I did anime guys-)
Hope you all enjoy I had this character for idk..2-3 months or more lol
Forgot to mention he can stretch his body very long!
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Hey bestie, dropping by with a mea culpa. When Peaceful Property started, you expressed concern that GMMTV was inching toward a model of using bl pairs in shows that would avoid being explicitly gay but still draw on shipping fandom to be successful. Coming off The Trainee, which was not a bl but did have expIicitly queer characters and romance subplots, I wasn't sure the intentions were quite that dark for PP, but having now finished it and seen the way some in the production have interacted with shipper fans, I have to call it: you were right to be concerned. At no point was this show ever a bl and none of its principal characters are canonically queer, but they successfully leveraged the TayNew ship to have fans interacting with it as if it was in fact a gay love story, that idea and fan commentary was explicitly encouraged by the creators, and the show has been quite successful despite never actually delivering on all the TayNew bait. I'm definitely concerned that we might have somehow swung back around to queerbaiting being seen as acceptable and good, as long as it features popular branded pairs. I don't have any bigger thoughts to offer about how this should be addressed, but just wanted to come back and say you were valid for naming that!
Thank you. I didn't want to be correct. And I am still hoping to wrong about what this says about where GMMTV is going.
But I am not gonna lie, seeing the posts about the finale did regnite the massive fury I had at this project when it was first called a bromance. So I am going to use your ask as an opportunity to vent.
FOR THE RECORD: I am not mad at you, or at the people and mutual on my dash that have enjoyed the show and are claiming as gay out of spite. My anger is at GMMTV and at GMMTV alone.
THEY DID THIS SHIT TWICE ALREADY!!! Back to fucking back.
I know High Schoool Frenemy is being watched by like 5 people on tumblr. But it's doing well outside of tumblr. They are using bl style fanservice with the 2 main boys of that show. I have seen the shippy content and compilations along with the other bl couples. Not to mention people like Jojo saying those characters are the his new favorite ship on twitter.
I am glad you brought up TayNew because there is no doubt in my mind that they used TayNew for Peaceful Property as a test. They knew there could be backlash. They knew the bl fandom could have rioted. But they also knew that if it that rage would have been directed at TayNew not at the director, not the company but TAYNEW.
And I think TayNew knew this. Because they spend weeks on social media doing preintive damage control, I have seen the posts of them (or at least New) saying it wasn't going to be romantic. I don't think the two of them forgot how they were left to eat the shit alone over the bullshit backlash during the TayGun kiss situation with GMMTV doing fuck all for them.
And what pisses me off is that BL audience didn't even give a backlash. They eat that shit up like it was fucking icecream.
The BL audience is literally doing their job for them. They are taking a show with some gay subtext and running with it.
They are showing up for the fanservice (again broder audience outside of tumblr), and gleefully closing their eyes and ears and saying well I Think It's Gay.
What do you think Mega Corporation GMMTV is going to take from the success and no backlash? If the answear is anything but: We can produce half of the BLs as usual and make the rest Bromances, you have more faith in corporations then I do.
Because Bromances can be watched by non BL audiences as well. The BL niche is a big one, but it is still a niche.
And now they won't even have to bother inserting arguable quality gay commentary or struggles or homophobia. Or any gay kissing, no more workshops. No more worries about how effective these potential straight boys are going to be at playing gay. All they have to do is making them do fanservice, and they are great at training people for that. Or better yet, actually use one or two ships that have kissed before and done actual BLs.
Will they stop doing BL at all, obviously not, you gotta give the BL audience something to remind them they can still show boys kissing, and we have the Ex Morning and Jojo that will never actually stop making BLs and some gay shit. But if in the next line up we will more bromances, and eventually we get half BL and half bromances I wouldn't be surprised.
Of course maybe I am just pessimistic and cynical. Maybe the proto bdsm in the heart killers is enough to persuade people that I am totally wrong. I guess we will see about that.
Thanks again for the ask and the oppurtunity to vent a little. Again I don't fault anyone for enjoying this, it was design to get the BL audience watching.
I will personally be keeping with my own resolution and never watch another gmmtv show live ever again, maybe binge the few that sound interesting and that's it.
At least I can find comfort in the idea that that other companies do not have the same level of BIG cast of boys and big budget to do the same thing and follow in the bromance trend.
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k-germsworld · 1 year ago
Delivery App
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Yerin x M! Reader
2.7k words
This story is written with a bit of metaphor. So I hope you can understand and like it.
That word reminds me that I lost another game. I played from morning to afternoon and never won a game. This makes me feel very frustrated. I originally wanted to continue playing, but when I looked at the time, it turned out to be 2 or 3 p.m. My stomach just made the sound of hunger, so I had no choice but to give up the game and order food instead. I opened the food delivery app and kept looking for what I wanted to eat for lunch. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find what I wanted to eat. Just when I wanted to turn it off, an ad suddenly popped up.
“If you can’t think of what to eat, download this app.” and there is a beautiful girl on the cover. I also downloaded this app out of curiosity. After I registered everything, I officially entered its page. Its design is a bit strange, it simply asks you what you want to eat and fills in your address. Then after you choose your food, you can also choose the gender, age, and preference of the delivery man. Driven by curiosity, I chose cheese sausage, meatballs, ramen, and a seafood dish. Then I also carefully selected the type of delivery man I wanted. I chose a girl who is energetic and beautiful as my delivery man, although I don’t understand why I need to choose the type of delivery man. I was impressed that the shipping charges on this platform were much cheaper than usual. After that, I waited patiently for its arrival.
"Ding Dong"
When I heard this doorbell, I knew my food had finally arrived. Since I was so hungry, I couldn't wait to open the door. The moment I opened the door, I found that the delivery man was the same type I chose. Her beautiful appearance attracted me profoundly and made me forget my hunger. "Hi, I am your selected food delivery man, my name is Yerin. Nice to meet you! "Her self-introduction woke me up from my obsession. "Hi, you can call me K. Nice to meet you too! " Just after the introductions were completed, I noticed something strange. I obviously ordered food, but why did she, the delivery man come empty-handed? "Sorry to ask, but may I know where my food is?" She didn't say a word, but she walked into my home. She looked at my home carefully, then she turned to me and smiled. Her smile was so beautiful that I instantly forgot to ask about my food. My stomach growling brought me back to reality. "So where the hell is my food, Ms. Yerin?" She thought I would explode with hunger at any moment but she was not afraid and instead showed an evil smile. "Your food has been here for a long time."
"Where..... where is my food ?" I kept looking next to Yerin and looking for my food.
"No need to look any further, the food you've been looking for is me."
"What? " I was so dumbfounded hearing her words.
"Yes, don't be so surprised that I am your food. You just need to enjoy me as your food."
Yerin saw that I was still standing there in a daze, so she started treating herself as food for me to enjoy. "Mr. K, this is the sausage you ordered." She took off my pants and started playing with my cock. "Wow, your 'sausage' is so huge." Although I am really hungry right now, but now that a beautiful woman is playing with my cock, my hunger has long been forgotten. After she had my dick fully erect, she put it in her mouth like a sausage. Our eyes met as she took my 'sausage' in her mouth. Her eyes were very seductive. She is very skilled and not like an ordinary delivery man makes me wonder if this app is trickery. Yerin was still very focused on blowing me, taking my cock deeper and deeper. The moment my cock touched her throat I felt like I was in heaven. She spit my cock out. My cock was covered with her saliva and there was a lot of saliva left on her tongue. She kissed me with her slobbery mouth, her saliva was like consomme to me. I also kept sucking her tongue. Her tongue is like a cherry-flavored lollipop, which makes me want to suck it all the time. Her hand never stopped playing with my cock, making sure it stayed erect.
"Do you want to eat the next snack?" Yerin leaned into my ear and whispered. I nodded to Yerin without hesitation. She quickly took off her clothes, revealing her tits. Before I knew it, my hands were already playing with her tits. "Sir, please enjoy the meatballs you ordered." It turns out her breasts represented meatballs and I was curious about what food was coming next. I took off her bra and started teasing her nipples. Her nipples got hard from my teasing. Then I put her on the dining table and started greedily feasting on her 'meatballs'. I licked her breasts until they were covered with my saliva. When I touched her tits with my hands, I could feel that her tits were all wet. Her tits are really as elastic and firm as meatballs. Her tits were really as elastic and firm as meatballs, making me forget for a moment whether I was eating meatballs or playing with her tits. "Yes...... enjoy my tits like meatballs, enjoy them deliciously." She moaned selflessly. I stopped my movements and looked at her tits which were wet from my licking. Her tits glow like they've been waxed.
"Do you want to have some food combinations, sir?" Yerin gave me some special suggestions.
"What do you mean?" I am very confused.
Yerin got off the table and knelt in front of me without saying a word. She put my dick between her tits and started squeezing it. "Da la, combinations of sausage and meatballs," She said jokingly. She started giving me a titsjob. Her breasts were really big and soft and made me moan. I just watched my cock going in and out of her tits. My cock seemed to appear and disappear between her tits. She looked very satisfied as I enjoyed her titsjob. When she senses that her tits aren't lubricated enough, she'll smear a little saliva on them and continue. As my cock approaches her mouth, she sticks out her tongue and licks my glans. I quickly wanted to cum under this double stimulation. "By the way, I ordered cheese sausage, where is my cheese?" She didn't answer, but she moved faster to stimulate my cock.
"The cheese is come from......." Yerin said half the words.
"Yerin, I am cumming!" Afterward, I shot my first thick load. Since it was my first shot and it was semen that had been suppressed for a long time, I shot far and wide. When I looked at her I saw my cum all over her tits and face. "Your cheese is so thick and salty. It's so tasty. " She reviewed my semen like a food critic. Seeing her reaction, I realized that the cheese sausage was referring to my semen and cock.
"My body and face are so slimy because of your sticky semen. How do you want to compensate me?”
"Sorry, I accidentally got too excited and cum all over your body. Then how do you want me to compensate you? Let me help you clean your body first." Just when I got the towel and wanted to help her wipe her body, she smiled disdainfully and pushed my hand away. Then she sat on the dining table and spread her legs so that I could see her pussy. "I don't need any compensation, I just want you to enjoy the next meal. Now let me serve you the premium seafood - 'abalone'. Come and enjoy my 'abalone' now." Yerin said as she fingered her pussy, showing me the perfect shape of her pussy. Her ‘abalone' seemed to be inviting me to eat it, so I rushed over and started enjoying it without any hesitation. This is the first time I have eaten a girl's abalone, and I can feel its moistness and salty taste. Although I couldn't accept it at first, as I continued to enjoy it, I gradually began to feel that Yerin's ’abalone‘ had a taste that I couldn't get rid of after tasting it. I stuck my tongue into her pussy and started licking the inside of her pussy greedily. I could feel the wetness inside her and her softness, it was really delicious. Her 'abalone' is like an aphrodisiac, the more I eat it, the more aroused I become. " Yes.... just eat my 'abalone' like this crazily!" She became more and more active. She pressed my head as if she didn't want me to stop so quickly.
"Yes..... I am cumming soon." Yerin couldn't bear it anymore and was about to have her first squirt of the day. I licked it harder after I heard her horny moaning. In an instant, her abalone erupted a large amount of squirt. My face was wet from her squirting. I licked all of Yerin's squirt clean and then raised my head and looked at her. When I saw her happy expression, I wanted to see her more horny expression again. So I stuck my two fingers in her pussy and keep fingering her. Her expression now showed a more erotic expression than before, and she also showed an ahegao face. I don’t know if it’s because she’s still very sensitive, but she quickly squirted on me after I fingered her a few times.
"Wow, this 'abalone' is so juicy that you can be squirting a second time so quickly after squirting once," I said teasingly.
"Yes, this 'abalone' is famous for being juicy, and its essence juice is also very delicious." Yerin showed her professionalism and introduced me to the characteristics of her 'abalone'. I put my juice-filled fingers into her mouth and let her try to see if it was really that delicious. She licked my fingers selflessly, and she kept telling me how delicious the juice was. Of course, I know how delicious her juices are, I just want to see her erotic expression and hear her dirty words. Her actions made my cock erect again.
"It's main dish time, SIR." After Yerin saw my cock erect, she spread her legs again and invited me to fuck her. Her pussy was trembling as if it was breathing. That vibration was a strong inducement for me to put my cock inside. In the end, I inserted my cock into her pussy without saying a word. Her pussy was so wet that I thrust in it without any effort. I am now like a gourmet-tasting food. I slowly get to know its taste from shallow to deep. Her tits kept shaking in front of me as I kept thrusting. That scene made me want to speed up to fuck her even more. To enjoy a more special feeling, I played with her 'meatballs' again with both hands. I'm like a little kid lying on her tits drinking her milk. "Yes, food is the best when it is eaten in this way." She is so enjoyed when I play with her tits while I fucked her pussy hard.
I couldn't help but kiss Yerin's lips. I enjoyed kissing her because her lips were so soft and had a special taste. Her lips had a different taste than when I first kissed them. This taste is like the smell that her hormones are constantly emitting. I love kissing her now because of her taste, and now my hands are groping her tits while my cock is fucking Yerin's pussy so hard. The two of us were now fully stretched out on the dining room table. Every time I thrust, the table shook. We were not afraid that the table might break at any time.
"Yerin arh... I am cumming soon." I feel like I'm reaching my limit.
"Yes.... give it to me but not inside. " Even though she looked crazy, she always kept her wits about her and stopped me from cumming inside her. However, I hadn't had sex in so long that I completely ignored her request. In the end, I shot all my semen into her pussy. Yerin felt a warm liquid in her pussy, and she suddenly panicked. "Hey sir, you didn't even order abalone with cheese, how can you shoot your 'cheese' inside my 'abalone'. I'm going to charge you extra." she said very annoyingly. I immediately felt very sorry for her. When she saw my depressed look, she suddenly thought it was enjoyable to tease me.
"But if you can satisfy me one more time, then I won’t charge you," Yerin said it with a smirk. She took me to the sofa and pushed me towards the sofa. She took off all my clothes and started licking my body. She likes to lick my nipples the most because when she licks my nipples, my body keeps twitching because of the sensitivity. She loved watching me tremble under her teasing. Her hands kept stroking my cock so that it could become erect again. She kept teasing me until she was completely aroused. After that, she straddled my legs and put my cock into her pussy. She's super proactive now, I can't resist her initiative. Yerin already treats my cock like a dildo, completely ignoring my mood and only focusing on her own pleasure. She was fucking herself on my cock very fast causing her tits to jiggle even faster. Just when I wanted to grab her tits again, she stopped and turned around to continue.
"So now, I will serve you peach as an after-meal dessert." Yerin turned her ass side towards me and asked me to touch them. Her ass is really meaty and very good to touch. She was still enjoying fucking herself while I was focused on touching her ass. " Spank me, Sir!" I spanked her at her request. "Fuck... harder please...!" I increased the intensity of my spank and made her moan very loudly. Her crazy moans turned me on so much. So I stood up and fucked her from behind. I grabbed her hands and bent her body back slightly so I could fuck her deeper. Her moans were getting louder and louder, and her voice might even be heard by the neighbors. I made her lied on her fours and fucked her in doggy style. Our violent body collisions and moans echoed throughout the house.
"Cum for me now please but not inside." Yerin seemed to sense that I was about to climax, so she reminded me. I started thrusting faster so that I could reach orgasm faster after hearing her beg.
"Fuck, Yerin. I am cumming now." I pulled out my cock and pointed it at Yerin's body, and a lot of semen came out. This is my third cum today and it makes me very tired. She put the semen from her body into her mouth. She looked very satisfied with my cum. " Your 'cheese' is so tasty. Thanks for serving me this good 'cheese'. " I rested aside and watched Yerin eat my cum. I just remembered that she forgot a dish.
"Oh ya, where is my ramen?"
"Aren't you full yet? You've already cum on me twice." Even so, Yerin patiently explained to me. "When your semen is on me, does it feel like ramen noodles covered in soup? So the ramen you ordered is your semen on my body or on my face, got it?" I nodded to express my understanding after listening to her explanation. When she saw me nodding, she put her clothes back on and prepared to leave.
“If you like my service, please remember to leave me a five-star review. Of course, you can also order me next time when you’re 'hungry'." Yerin said and winked at me before leaving.
After she left, I kept thinking about everything when I had sex with her. This food called Yerin really makes me taste it again and again, and it makes me have endless aftertaste. As I recalled it, my stomach suddenly growled. I was brought back to reality by the sound and realized that it was already 8 p.m.
'Oh no, I forgot my real lunch."
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idkhoworwhytell · 3 months ago
The old , the new and the remembered.
The old, the new, and the remembered 
This is many to be set up as if this was firsts journal , the ‘’ are intentional and is meant to respresent firsts thoughts.
i do feel as this was rushed but its good ending for me to get something out. 
for context, this is first (the hero in the manga in the hyrule hisotra’’) i think first and sky, have a family relation ship.  They act father/son but its really like grandpa/ grandson sky knew first when he was young (for this fic first never died but lived very secluded from other hylains) first was a mentor to the other links, (think guide reader, i really need to find the person who made that au beucase for some reason I can’t) like a voice in their heads/ also a lot like shade. Just not wolf from , but appeared in dreams and helped them train. 
Just over 1k words!
theres a group of boys I’ve awaken too. 
I’ve been awakened to be in what seems to be a chamber of safe keeping?
Looking behind me I can see the crystal I just awoke from. If you looked closer you could see the  desperation in my  eyes to go back to my  respective relam. It wasn’t an oddity to be in an era that wasn’t my own.  The voice inside the sword I once wielded, now on the boy's back whispered in my head “it's the heroes of the wilds”. 
the Boys/Men? Are looking at me in awe. Which is odd because literally I am just my underwear at this given moment in time.
i hear the one with the white cape say,
”the first hero” 
Now , I know I knew these boys in front of me, I was their mentor of course. But am i going to tell them just yet? No, I am not.
” Pardon for waking you, but we have been sent on a quest  to find you to help us dearest our enmeny. Apparently you have  a connection with the master sword, yes?
I could feel the elder  one stare at me as I rose to stand. ‘Why in the world are they staring? They have seen scars before!’ 
”That's right. But let me assume. Your names are all link correct?’”
“Yes, hero’s across time , brought together to fight an evil.”
‘Why would this evil need 10 hero’s?’ I defeated demise on my own and I helped these boys too! Shouldn’t be that hard. ‘Best not to get cocky, might be a tough one’
there was a young boy in that crowd, hero of the winds as I recall, the poor boy looked at me with tears in his eyes. But as much as I wanted to comfort the boy, I was currently being faced off by the one with my old friend's markings  on his face.  ‘Ferice long time no see bud’ I could hear the hum form the mask on the man's hip as I spoke in my mind, some form of telepathy we’ve always shared.
By this time after this mans talk about destroying some evil being (lizard i think? Idk I’ve beaten too many things for this.) 
 i simply don't have the patience to write his whole talk in this journal , i think i'll run out of pages!  As he talked, I dressed myself. I could hear a collective gasp as I wrapped a red scarf around my neck. Seemed to be similar to their supposed captain I think.
”So will you come with us?” Oh I forgot he needed my compliance for this .
“I'd be more than willing to help, this beast needs some help staying dead. Plus what’s one more adventure.” 
I was holding out my hand to shake but it went unrequited.
The white cape from earlier had stepped up to hand me my previous sword it seemed. It looked as if its been through it.  
“ hold it, it’ll  give us your moniker.” 
But to their surprise, the moment I held it, my beloved fi flew out. 
‘Why are so many people crying today’ i think as i see the skyloftian as I’ve been told, have welling in his eyes.
Of course, after she flys out I hear the voice again.
”Master,  First. Is the name you carry .”
Some of the Boys looked frozen, one looked like he was in a trance. ‘Memory id suppose.’
the one in the wolf pelt was by his side right away. Kinda like an older brother. ‘Reminds me of someone’
And before the skyloftain could say anything. She was right back in the sword I held in my arms. 
 “ Look, I know I just met you but how in the world did you get her out the sword!”
This boy looks  a lot like me. just shorter ‘atleast he got some of my good genes.” ’old friend. She wasn’t in the sword when I weiled it. It was separate. Maybe I bought something from it?”
”but, for right now that aside I believe introductions are in order”
huh. I see a lot of myself in these boys.
i see my desire for collecting and my number of adventures in legend, of course my love for arson in wild ‘ I can tell by just looking at this kid cause just look at him!’ This twilight kid reminds me a lot like my child and teenage years. Working on a ranch and farm , huh seems to be a trait passed down. The tiredness in times eye(s) ‘ that’s a dangerous blind spot can’t see what going on to the left of you!’
Some of the boys looked like they were raised near the castle. The captain seemed to be stuck acting as if he was on castle grounds can’t blame the kid  i was that way for a while the veteran’ seemed like he knew how to appease the nobles, play his cards  right get them off his back. Now wild, is a wild card. He doesn't remember much he says, but from what  I can see he wasn’t happy when he was a knight, not even as the princess guard’ I like this version of him, not the boy i knew before and was silent not matter who he was around . I'm going to start my travels with these boys. But for now I am waiting for the chaos to unfold when they remember who  i am to them.
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luffysinterlude · 9 months ago
★ summary: the straw hat pirates reminisce on some fun memories while voyaging through the Grand Line.
★ warnings: chatroom au/comedic relief, mentions of pregnancy, cursing, takes place after water seven/pre thriller bark, ooc characters, use of yn + female reader in mind, flirty!yn + the crew teases yn a bit ><, zoro x reader…kinda..im biased im sorry 😞 + some things are NOT canon and i just made it up :p
★ an: hiii!! there is not enough one piece fanfic content on this app in my opinion (i feel like i’ve read almost every piece, all have been amazing), so here’s my attempt at making more!! also, i’m still pretty new to the op fandom, so some characters may be a little ooc. i’m still reading/watching thriller bark so pls bare with me! also this is a chatroom au because i don’t have access to social app anymore *cry*. anyway, please enjoy!
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NOW ONLINE [9]. . .
robin: is everything okay, yn?
chopper: yeah yn, is everything okay?
zoro: probably not
yn: just thinking
usopp: thinking about where we’ll be next? praying manifesting it isnt anywhere scary
chopper: everywhere we’ve been has been terrifying
nami: yeah usopp
nami: its like we goto hell, leave it, and then enter another part of it
nami: i think we should just start expecting the worst
zoro: maybe we should all just get a lil more stronger. starting with the blonde pervert we have as our cook
luffy: oooooo thinking about what? tell me tell me tell me!
sanji: now, my dearest yn, please let me know if theres anyway i can assist you
zoro: she probably doesn’t want your help lmfao no offense
sanji: WHOOOO was even talking to you? I SAID YN’S NAME IN THE TEXT DAMMIT
nami: can you two idiots cut it out already? its like, i can hear your voices through my screen and i don’t like that
franky: yeah it’s actually kinda crazy i can hear you all…without actually being in your presence
chopper: soooo yn?
luffy: yeah yn what’s going on?
yn: just sitting here thinking about all of our fun adventures. like wow we actually did all of that and it was like…real life
yn: i feel like if i didnt know you guys and didn’t experience it then it wouldn’t sound real
yn: but like wow it was all real
robin: we’ve had some wild times, haven’t we?
luffy: LOL yeah that might’ve been on me
luffy: but we’ve survived this long
luffy: we’ll continue to survive because fate loves us!
nami: -.-
sanji: luffy’s right, surprisingly
sanji: sometimes i think about how fate brought us together…or atleast i think about how fate brought me nami yn and robin together
yn: watch it pretty boy
sanji: YES MA’AM
sanji: screenshotting
zoro: ignoring that dude. i think it’s amazing how we prevail every time. we get stronger without realizing
yn: i mean we did fly into the sky
yn: thats so crazy we actually like. flew. in the air. on a ship.
nami: yeah all thanks to me ;*
yn: thank u pretty i remember falling in love with you then and there
usopp: there was this gigantic whirlpool below us and everything
chopper: haha yeah that was crazy! and those giant monkeys
robin: oh! yes, the saruyama alliance. i could never forget the amount of fun i had during our time on Jaya Island
yn: robin i love u but FUNNNNNN???-?-?-!-? DID WE FORGET ABOUT THAT STUPID FOREST CRICKET HAD US GO INTO?!1? i still have nightmares of that stupid south bird and its stupid face and the way it made all those stupid bugs chase me
luffy: haha those south birds were really something else
nami: it’s funny because we had no idea what was coming next
zoro: that stupid “God” was next. what was his name again? emily? enemy….?
zoro: well shit i’ve forgot. it was somethin else though. his stupid lightning
franky: YOU GUYS FOUGHT….A GOD?!?!1???!!!?
franky: was it like….you know…..THE GOD
chopper: not really sure what you mean but that guy enel really had some sort of crazy insane powers
chopper: him and his crazy insane priests were able to predict our moves!
robin: oh yeah. he electrocuted zoro, yn, and i.
yn: pls dont remind me TT
yn: he scares me because i feel like he somehow is still alive
yn: like what if hes reading our messages
nami: i never thought of it like that…
nami: enel if ur reading this please drop 1,000,000,000 berries down from the sky
luffy: i wish the skypeians and shandians rang the bell more often.
luffy: haha oh well! i know they’re doing just fine! :D
usopp: well thanks to yn now i’m reminscing TT
usopp: it feels like alabasta JUST happened
robin: well, we did just face the world government
robin: technically crocodile was apart of it
robin: that’s the past. i had to do what i needed to do to survive. and i’m glad i was, considering i was able to find you all <3
sanji: robin i wouldve followed you to hades’ kingdom if i had to. i will always protect you (and nami and yn. the others can fend for themselves).
luffy: hahahaha i agree!! see, fate loves us
chopper: WE LOVE U ROBIN
zoro: appreciate ya.
yn: shoutout to us
yn: i love us
yn: i love being a strawhat
chopper: same!!! forever and always gonna be a strawhat!!
luffy: i love our little family!
luffy: without you all, i wouldn’t be as close as i am to reaching my dream! so thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luffy: also sanji when is dinner gonna be ready so i know when to head back to the sunny
nami: same
nami: now i’m really reminiscing. do you guys remember when yn thought she was pregnant
usopp: i-
usopp: …
yn: NAMI
yn: alright well.
sanji: also luffy dinner will be ready when its dinner time. its mid day. if you’re hungry i have snacks in the fridge or since you’re running around this island, find a food stand
robin: what a naughty girl you are, nami. teasing yn about her “almost” pregnancy
nami: yk me! but i remember being soooooo worried only for the pregnancy test to come back negative
zoro: yn?
luffy: oh wow cool sanji thanks!
luffy: also congrats yn? but where will the baby stay?
usopp: did you even read nami’s text
luffy: oh..right LOL that’s good! i can’t imagine yn having a baby. plus how are babies even made
chopper: :o
nami: …
robin: your innocence is apart of my will to live
yn: luffy TT
luffy: oh sickkkkkk do you guys think we can make one?
yn: oh luffy TT
nami: well!
sanji: he’ll come around
luffy: LOL BRB
LUFFY has gone offline.
chopper: wonder what he’s up to
yn: probably found food like sanji told him to
zoro: yeah he kind of left the store we’re at and i have no desire to look for him right now
zoro: oh nevermind. he just went outside to buy meat from a vendor. he’s good, still in my eyesight
chopper: also
yn: chopper >< you were still fairly new to the crew then
yn: but this happened after we left chopper’s hometown
yn: i think i was just sick because of the crazy weather changes, plus nami has just recovered and didn’t want anyone to be worried sick :p
zoro: why didnt you tell me?
zoro: you’re apart of the crew too, ya know.
usopp: interesting
nami: sigh
nami: its like the most obvious thing ever
robin: i’m afraid it just isn’t clicking for him.
yn: it’s not like i didn’t wanna tell you
zoro: okay so why didn’t you
yn: and by time i found you, i had already forgotten that i thought i was pregnant because there was a whole warlord wanting us dead so
zoro: hmm. okay. well next time..
zoro: if you ever need a safe space. you know.
yn: hehe yes i do. but i apologize for not telling you as soon as i felt…different. it’s just that we’ll always have bigger issues to worry about
franky: ummmm are we interrupting something
zoro: hm
zoro: nah. yn and i will talk later when we see each other.
zoro: for now i’m thinkin about that time luffy and i got beat up on jaya island. now i’m annoyed.
zoro: the principle of the matter was good but i really just had to sit there and take an ass beating when i could’ve handled the entire bar
zoro: ehhhh now i’m gonna go workout. if anyone needs me you know where to find me.
ZORO has gone offline.
yn: he left saying “you know where to find me” as if we’ll actually know
robin: i really hope he finds his way back to the sunny.
sanji: he can get lost for all i care
yn: it’s crazy that i really thought i was pregnant that one time
yn: even vivi thought so
nami: i was super worried
nami: so worried i was reading every book we had to find anything i could help you with
usopp: well i’m offended cause why didn’t you tell me i thought we were besties
yn: wellllllllll no offense but full offense, you have “i-can’t-seem-to-keep-my-mouth-shut” disease
yn: just yappin all day everyday
franky: so, sister yn, zoro huh?
sanji: yn my loveeeeee you know you could always tell me your secrets
yn: i cant lie i almost let it slip when i helped you with dinner that night
yn: but again, bigger fish to fry
sanji: screenshotted again
sanji: did you guys see that? shes flirting with me. might die
robin: hm not sure what part of that was flirting but whatever makes you happy.
nami: oooo franky’s quick
franky: it isn’t hard to tell
chopper: what’re you all talking about!!?
yn: nothing important you little cute doctor
chopper: >~< SHUT UP! >~< THAT DOESNT WORK ON ME!!
sanji: robin! nami! yn!!!! i will be going offline to go back to the sunny to make some snacks. would you ladies do me the pleasure of enjoying them? should they be ready before you all arrive?
robin: please do! surprise us this time :)
yn: hell yea sanji you know i’d never say no to you
nami: lol yes please! i’m kind of craving something sweet
SANJI has gone offline.
yn: well now that those three are gone
yn: i worry about them a lot
yn: i feel like those three find trouble every where we go
chopper: same but we’re all like, insanely strong now!
chopper: and it’s not like we’re actively looking for trouble, sometimes we just want to chill
nami: yeah. but now, more than ever, i feel more secure
nami: like wow he’s really gonna be king of the pirates
yn: most definitely. we only ever get stronger
usopp: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa obviously i’ve had my doubts but…
usopp: it’s never been because of luffy
robin: ever since i met you guys again on alabasta…
robin: i knew you all would give me a life worth living
yn: robin’s so sweet online it makes me want to cry
yn: well shes always sweet
nami: robin, i’m curious. how did you find our ship?
robin: well it was just docked and i figured i’d finally take a rest somewhere. if you all hadn’t left alabasta by time i had woken up, then i wouldn’t have stayed. like luffy says, fate loves us.
franky: WHAAAAAT you just…..snuck on? O.O
chopper: oh yeah i remember!
chopper: i’m not gonna lie, i was a little intimidated by you at first
yn: chopper wasn’t there when we first met robin!
nami: oh yeah!
yn: franky chopper omg like have i ever told the story of how i first fell in love with robin
usopp: OH YEAH she blew that guy’s ship up
usopp: i wonder how vivi’s doing
nami: VIVI TT i hope she’s okay
nami: but yeah i agree. i was scared shitless of robin but then she told me she got me treasure
robin: not entirely. he survived and thats what matters
franky: i mean i guess
franky: i was definitely intimidated by luffy when we first met. even though that was like three weeks ago
franky: i can’t lie he still sometimes intimidates me
yn: brother ur half machine
franky: anyway sisters. you guys have to tell me more stories at dinner later i have to go refill the coke tanks, see ya!
FRANKY has gone offline.
usopp: well chat
usopp: i usually help him so i’ll be going back too
usopp: yn i’m expecting way more details later after dinner
usopp: or zoro. but preferably before you see zoro
chopper: i’ll help! girls if you need me for anything i’ll be with those two!!
yn: um…okay…? we’ll see u all later!!!
USOPP has gone offline.
CHOPPER has gone offline.
nami: and now it’s just us three
nami: sorry for bringing your pregnancy scare up
nami: i’m getting my nails done right now and i can’t really seem to remember our journeys
yn: its all good
yn: i kinda forgot about it
robin: we’ve been through so much our brains probably started to black out any unwanted memories. i’ve read that it happens
robin: and yn, i don’t blame you. i would’ve been worried sick if i was apart of the crew then. but since it’s just us…
yn: omg let us catch you up
yn: so basically..i had…with…and then…
nami: —.—
nami: she had sex with someone *cough* zoro *cough* and started puking the next morning
yn: TT
nami: i definitely thought it was pregnancy
robin: silly girls. you do realize pregnancy symptoms don’t happen overnight, right?
robin: also, yn. it’s obvious. i’ve seen the way you two are always the first ones missing during our celebrations
nami: well……..yeah but
nami: we can never be TOO safe
yn: mmm if you hadn’t caught on by now then i’d be surprised
yn: i was still scared
yn: i think it was more of a “wow me and zoro actually did that and it was real”
nami: it’s just….in a forest?!-?
nami: with…HIM!!!-?-?-?-??
nami: you can have any man or woman or creature you want and you stillllllllll………….
yn: i was running on adrenaline. that dude and his stupid ass candle wax drove me insane
yn: plus you both know i kinda have a little crush on the guy
yn: i can fix him
nami: okayyyyyy whatever you say.
nami: pfttt “little” and you guys are basically dating in my head
robin: i forgot his actual name but i’m assuming you guys are talking about mr. 3
robin: ah yes his wax is quite the problem. i wonder if hes alive still
nami: i was seriously stressed out
nami: but honestly, since we’re on the topic, i’m glad i joined luffy
nami: there was this one time, yn i’m sure you remember
nami: right before going to the baratie
yn: the day we went to the baratie TT
yn: but what happened before i kinda forgot
nami: anyway when we ran into your crazy psycho ex
yn: OMG
robin: oh? tell me more about this ex of yours. i’m interested
yn: he kinda followed us after luffy saved me from HIM
yn: um so basically..you know my devil fruit powers…yeah he held them over my head and threatened to tell the marines about me and
nami: it was chaos. but it was the first time i’ve seen yn in combat and it was mind blowing
robin: luffy being our life saver and our little brother
robin: what would we do without him
yn: you’re right
yn: but i think at this point, we’re all strong enough to handle our own. if i ever see my ex again i’ll beat him so bad
nami: yeah me too! cause he had the crazy audacity to ask me out after i found out what he did to you!
nami: either way, i’m just happy we’re still all together. you know since we’ve been throwing the word fate around, i’m really starting to believe it. luffy has a really good sense of knowing who should join our crew
yn: he does :’)
yn: he gave me a family
robin: well we should probably go check on the boys now. i’ll meet you all at the sunny <3
robin: come back safely.
nami: yeah!! you too robin! yn, bring us some goodies! i’ll see you both later!!
yn: can’t wait to see u guys again
nami: ….you saw us this morning.
ROBIN has gone offline.
NAMI has gone offline.
YN has gone offline.
NOW ONLINE [1]. . .
LUFFY is now online.
luffy: IM BACK
luffy: i ate some meat and came back to the shop we were at but zoro isnt here anymore so i’m wondering if you guys happen to know where he is!
luffy: ….
luffy: oh the chatroom closed
luffy: well i guess i better get back to the sunny!
luffy: hopefully my friends make it back safely! we still have more adventures to take care of
luffy: wow these things are so cool i’m just talking to myself
luffy: i wonder if i can get one on the sunny…
luffy: OH WELL
LUFFY has gone offline.
★ an [2]: ahhh!! my first work is now done ☺️ honestly this was all self indulgent because i’ve been going through some personal things and right now the strawhats are my comfort zone. i decided to make it like a big groupchat because i don’t really have any friends irl or online so this makes me feel a lil better ☺️! i hope you all enjoyed.
its a lil messy because when i first started this i was about to began Thriller Bark but as I’m typing this I’m currently on the Sabaody Archipelago arc and things are getting more exciting like omg hello mr. Trafalgar Law I’ve been waiting for your debut….
if you enjoyed this please like and reblog! maybe i’ll start writing more drabbles idk. it used to be my thing when i was still using @/krazykento and jjk used to be my comfort zone. also, if you want to be friends please don’t be shy to say anything! i’d love to make new friends!!
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year ago
Your Name
I forgot to post this very old Extra here! It was one of the first ones I posted on A03 and it just seems like I left this in drafts! Sorry Darlings!!
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You had been sitting in the bedroom reading, finally getting some peace and quiet. Greatful for these moments since they were far few between.
"Mommy!" You heard shouted just outside the bedroom and sighed closing the door. Far far between it seemed... the door opened and Bee decided to jump onto you, You screaming and quickly catching the heavy boy.
"Benny Don't jump on people like that!" You yell as you hold the giggling boy. Looking to Dee who stood there politely.
"Hey Mom- we have a question-" Dee asked as he jumped next to you, you trying to juggle Bee who had decided that swan diving on you was the best course of action despite being too damn heavy for that.
"Yes what is it?" You asked calmly, Setting Bee down on the floor as you looked to Dee, who nervously messed with his hands.
"Well I know we have your last name.. but since we know Dad now shouldn't we have his so... what is Dads Last name?"
You opened your mouth to reply before pausing. You had given them your last name out of convenience but actually didn't know.
"I'm not sure-" You admit as you had never thought about it before. Buggy never did talk much about his potential heritage or who his parents were. You knew he was raised on Gol. D Roger ship with Shanks but nothing else.
"Can we ask him?" Dee questioned, you giving a shrug not seeing why not and leading the two twins up to the top deck were you knew Buggy was.
"DAD!" Bee yelled as he slammed himself against the Clkwn Captian as he was at the wheel, who yelled and tossed off the laughing child into the newly installed plastic ball pit that occupied the top deck, this clearly being an odd game shared between the two despite Buggy pretending to be mad.
"Dad we have a question for you" Dee asked calmly, standing by your side.
"Whats your full name?" Bee asked loudly, you watch as Buggy body seemed to bristle at this and he muttered under his breath rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why do you want to know that?.." He questioned with a raised brow.
"Cause we have Mom's and wanted to know yours!" Bee yelled as he got out of the ballpit, making sure to pelt Buggy with one of the rubber balls which he happily returned the favor.
The Captian seemed to chew on this information as he looked at the boys. Sighing dramtically and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Fine Fine- its....Nefertari D. Buggy"
He muttered, you felt your jaw drop at this as the boys just looked confused.
"N-Nef-ee-tary?" Bee tried to repeat clumsily. Buggy patted his head in reward for his clumsy try.
"Nefertari Lad. In this case it would mean you two are Nefertari D Benny and Nefertari D Danny"
He said calmly, you still trying to mentally gather what the fuck Buggy just said.
The boys seemed to accept this and run off happy with their last names- clearly having ditched yours in favor of their father. You looked to Buggy with a raised bow, him waving one of the men who handed him some papers to look over.
"Why didn't you tell anyone? That's a huge deal Buggy-"
Buggy shrugged, his eyes still focused on his papers. You had known Buggy for a long time and stepped closer infront of him since he still refused to meet your gaze.
"...a-are you ashamed?" You questioned quietly, watching his gaze finally meet yours as he lowered the papers from his gaze with a heavy sigh.
"No- I'm not shamed... however I won't acknowledge people who don't acknowledge me (Y/N) that family included-" He said a bit sharply as he looked at you. You stood back a bit at his words and sighed softly
"That seems fair I suppose" You say softly. Knowing that Buggy in his own way had his reasons for not wanting to reveal his family name.
"You do realize the boys ate going to be spreading it like wildfire though-" You point out but Buggy shrugs.
"Honestly they look the part so no one will be surprised- it's also not like they don't cause enough trouble already" He pointed out which made you laugh.
"That is very tru-" A loud explosion on the side of ship caught both of your attentions before hearing poor poor Cabaji scream.
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