#its been a hot minute since i just rambled on here
thesparklingwriter · 8 months
masterlist is reorganised! sorry to anyone who saw it for the 2 hours I left it cause that was a mess!
↓ more rambling utc
i think a lot of decent fics got sidelined and ignored because of the old set-up because they were right at the bottom under the collab section. i usually get a lot of people who binge read and the new beginnings collab fic is rarely ever included and I realise now it is cause it's RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM (no one is scrolling that far (myself included))
i hope the masterlist is a lot easier to navigate now! i have a couple links to try and fix and I need to sort out the finale of money matters and fix all those links too but I'm glad I got one thing down lol
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heartsforhavik · 8 months
yandere! re2 leon kennedy x reader
✰ warnings: stalking, sub leon, slightly nsfw but not smut, leon is a creepy masochist, kidnapping, no use of y/n or name, gender neutral reader, not proofread bc it's 2 am for me rn
✰ summary: you were never very close to leon, but you harbored some feelings for him. but your entire view on him changes when you get invited to his place and you find out how he truly feels about you...
✰ a/n: remember when i used to be a havik account? good times. also i still *only* take reqs for mk1 characters. ik i wrote genshin and now i'm writing resident evil, but i am not entirely comfortable with taking reqs for them yet soooo here's me just dipping my toes into the waters of those fandoms. still sticking to mk1 tho. for now. also it's been a hot minute since i played re2 so if it's ooc i apologize.
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leon thought you looked so pretty in your sleep. you looked completely peaceful and unbothered. your bedsheets covered your entire body except for your ethereal face, which he could stare at all day. the moon provided a dim glow through your window, giving leon a clear view of your entire bedroom while you slept. sure it may be creepy or a bit stalker-ish of leon to watch you sleep, but he couldn't help it! you were just so irresistible. if only you knew how much he loved you, and how he was capable of protecting and providing for you. he has the potential to be the best boyfriend to you. but you didn't even know him that well, and he was fully aware of that fact. so that's why he suddenly got an idea while he watched you sleep that night. it was a brilliant idea. he could invite you to his place and gain your trust! leon didn't want to waste any time, so he would immediately ask you first thing in the morning.
when you woke up that morning, you got a call from leon a few minutes after you got out of bed.
"i know it's a bit early in the morning, i hope you weren't sleeping... if so, i'm really sorry. i mean, i didn't know when to call you because i didn't want to bother you but at the same time i just really wanted to ask you something." leon rambled.
"no worries, leon. you could never bother me. besides, i just got out of bed. this was so perfectly timed, it's almost as if you memorized my sleep schedule." you joked.
"oh, yeah, that's crazy. imagine that," leon chuckled nervously. "um, anyway, i was just thinking... would you like to come over to my place later? i just thought that we know each other a little bit, but i'd like to get to know you more, since i think you're pretty cool and stuff, so, uh, yeah..." he trailed off, waiting for an answer.
upon hearing his proposal, you lit up in excitement. you always thought he was cute and wanted to get to know him, but you were too nervous to make the first move. this was a great opportunity.
leon was nervously fiddling with his fingers as he waited for your response. the longer you took to respond, the more his anxiety grew. he could feel the sweat forming on his skin and his chest tighten. what if you weren't interested in him in that way? was he being too forward? were you too busy?
you took a deep breath before you finally responded, mustering up the courage to say something. "i'll visit in a couple hours. i'll see you then, leon." you responded quickly, hanging up the phone and getting ready to see him.
leon's heart almost jumped out of his chest when you finally responded. he dropped his phone and immediately got to work, cleaning his place and hiding the pictures of you sleeping and your old clothes in a box under his couch.
he worked very hard to tidy everything up, wanting it to be perfect for you. only the best for you.
when he finished cleaning, he sat on the floor in front of his door like a puppy waiting for its owner. he patiently waited for you to knock on the door and come in, even though it would be a couple more hours until you arrived.
after a few hours of leon not moving a single inch, you finally arrived. as soon as your knuckles grazed the door to knock, leon swung it open with superhuman speed.
"thanks for coming! i hope the weather wasn't too harsh on you." leon greeted, stepping aside to let you in. he didn't actually know if the weather was harsh or not, he just said the first thing that came to his mind to start a conversation with you.
"thanks... and uh, the weather isn't bad at all. it's just a bit windy." you responded, awkwardly standing by the door.
leon was trying his hardest to act calm, but his heart was racing and he could feel his palms getting sweatier and sweatier. you were standing right next to him! and you were alone together! he could've just died right then and there. instead of watching you through your window, you're right in front of him! instead of breaking into your house and stealing and sniffing your clothes, he can just smell you right by him! he was in heaven.
for a couple hours, you both spent time together by watching movies and chatting, getting to know each other more and more. leon even ordered dinner for you both, and somehow he got your favorite food, and he claimed it was just intuition. it didn't even feel like hours had passed, since you were both enjoying yourselves.
"so, uh, do you like this movie?" leon awkwardly spoke up, as you both sat on the couch in front of his tv. you simply smiled and nodded, too tired to respond. it was a random film that you weren't familiar with, and you watched it in silence next to him. you were both clearly tired after that long day, but leon didn't want you to leave just yet. so he started awkwardly starting new conversations or asking you questions, hoping to keep your attention on him. he loved the amount of attention you already gave him that day, and he was still giddy that you agreed to visit him in the first place. all he needs to stay happy is for you to look at him. but you were literally sitting on his couch and spending time with him, and it just made him so overwhelmed with joy. it gave him hope that you could work as a couple someday, and you would never know about his unorthodox antics to get to this point.
or at least that's what he thought.
at some point, leon excused himself to the restroom and left you boredly swinging your legs back and forth on the couch. but you felt your leg kick something hard underneath the couch. when you decided to investigate, you found a hidden box. curious as to why it was hidden, you decided to open it and look inside.
big mistake.
you found some old clothes and underwear that you thought you lost, pieces of your hair, various pictures of you sleeping, a few grocery lists and paperwork that you thought you threw away, and even pages ripped out of leon's journal describing his dark fantasies of you. some of it had some mysterious white stains on it. it was disgusting, and it made you sick to look through it. you thought leon was just a cute sweetheart, but it turned out he was a stalker and a creep. you were so shocked, that you didn't know what to do. should you run? call someone? but it was unsafe, because he clearly knew your address and a lot of your personal information. you had no idea what to do, so you stayed frozen in shock.
when leon returned, he saw the horrified look on your face and saw the box in your hands. his heart dropped. you knew his secret.
"shit. oh my god, uh, it's not what you think. i swear, i just, uh, fuck..." leon stammered, dropping down to his knees in shame.
"what the fuck is this? how long have you been stalking me, you fucking creep?" you yelled, standing over his shaking form.
"haah.. i... uh.." leon seemed to be breathing weirdly, and you weren't sure if it was out of anxiety or pleasure.
"and this," you picked up one of the pages from his journal and waved it in front of his face. "what the fuck is this? you are so fucked up... are you in love with me or something? or is it just some weird ass sexual obsession?"
"i.. i do love you! of course i do! this isn't how i wanted you to find out, but i really do love you! please don't take it the wrong way. i don't want to hurt you, i just want to be with you. i want to feel you and- and spend every waking moment of my life with you.. please don't hate me." leon begged, grasping onto your leg pathetically.
"you're sick in the head. and you're nothing but a pathetic stalker." you scoffed. all the trust and affection you had for him went out the window after you opened that box. there was no way he can get your trust back. hell, you were willing to cut contact with him and move to another country at that point.
"fuck... okay, maybe i am.. but, uh... shit." leon struggled to get his words out, as he felt aroused by your degradation. he never thought it would feel so good to have you yell at him. he could barely even speak, it just felt euphoric for you to scold him for his actions. you expected him to panic, but he seemed to have mixed feelings about the situation. he was still horrified that you discovered his dirty secret, but he had stars in his eyes the more you screamed at him.
"oh my god... you're a masochistic freak, huh? you like it when i yell at you? god, you're so fucked up." you spat, grabbing his collar and lifting him up to your level.
leon whimpered at the sudden contact, not responding to your degredation and simply squirming at your touch.
you sighed. "are you going to explain yourself? or are you just going to keep babbling nonsense?"
after getting no response, you dropped him and started to grab your things and leave.
"i.. i love you so much!" leon blurted out. "please don't leave! i promise, i can make it up to you! i'll do whatever you want! i can uh... i can provide for you! you won't have to lift a single finger for the rest of your life! and uh... i can cook and clean! sort of. i'll learn how to take care of you. i'll show you that i can be a good boyfriend if you let me! please, just love me! i did all these things for you and i promise i will stop if you want me to! please, don't leave."
leon stood in front of the door and desperately held you in place, not wanting to let you leave.
if you chose to stay, leon would be overjoyed. he would keep his promise and make it up to you, spending the rest of his life protecting you from harm and doing anything to keep you happy. your well-being is his number one priority, he'd make himself look like a fool if it meant getting a smile out of you. just let him love you. you don't need to give him anything in return!
if you chose to leave, leon would be a sobbing, sulking mess for about an hour or two before he decided on what to do. he still had all of your information. he knew pretty much everything about you. he would probably do something to force you into being with him, such as faking your death and kidnapping you. you have nobody else now. you have to be with leon now. he is the only one that still loves you and will keep you happy. even if you're mad at him now, he has hope that someday you will warm up to him and be willing to have a relationship with him. he'll wait patiently for that day to come.
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silverstonesainz · 6 months
hi!! could i request "i'm in love with you, you dumbass." & "i've been following you around like a lost puppy since the day we met, yet you couldn't see?" with Max? thank you!
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not enough 𐙚 all the words, all the love– it's still not enough (1.4k words)
d rambles. . . im sorry this took forever and that it kinda sucks. i did what i could. thank u for requesting
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The room feels stuffy. Twenty minutes ago you were shivering but now you’re hot. The whole room pays no mind to your discomfort, you’re sure no one even has a clue how uncomfortable you feel in your own skin. You try to find the will to stay, to tough out the next hour or so for him. But the longer you stand in a crowd of people who you could care less about being here. It was no fun watching Max flirt with another girl at the bar anyways, and the more you stand and stare the more your will withers away. 
It’s stretched thin, a rubber band being pulled well beyond its means. You’re holding one and Max has the other. He pulls and pulls and—
Max leans in. He leans down so close you can only imagine the lucky girl can smell his after shave and feel his warm breath tickle her skin. And he makes her laugh. 
You inhale sharply, balling the fabric of your dress to calm your nerves. You don’t bother to excuse yourself from the conversation you were stood in, just squeeze past bodies and through the room in search for just a bit for fresh air because you can’t fucking breathe. 
The double glass doors take you out onto the bustling street and straight into the cold wind. You welcome the kiss of cold air against your skin, the shiver it sends down on your spine. You welcome the brief distraction because at least for the next few seconds you don’t have to feel your chest caving in. At least for now, even with people rushing by you with people to see and places to go, you are happy in your solitude. Misery and loneliness cannot find you in these five seconds, you are untouchable. 
But it was merely just a moment, nothing less and nothing more. It’s fleeting, quick to slip from you. You’re pulled back down to earth when you hear your name called behind you, confused, waiting for an answer to an unasked question. You squeeze your eyes, ball your fist at your sides and find it in you to pretend like you’re alight. Breathe in, breathe out.
There you are, Max sounds relieved when he says it. “Why’d you leave?”
“Felt stuffy,” You admit curtly, still refusing to look at him. “Couldn’t breathe.” 
Your tone does not fly by Max, and you miss the way he frowns at the back of your head because of it. But he’s Max, ever hopeful and ever oblivious. “Well come back, they’re about to make an announcement.” 
Tension falls from your palm as you flex your fingers back. You inhale sharply, letting cool air fill your lungs and creep under your skin. “I think I might just go.” 
Max’s footsteps pit-pat around you, feel his hand hold onto your elbow gently as he takes a look at you. He tries to find a sliver of emotion, a tell of why you suddenly want to leave. But all he finds is exhaustion, a dead-pan look that leaves him without a clue. 
“You’re mad.” He shifts on his feet, says it like he knows because he just does. Of course he does. He steps out so he’s directly in front of you, head tilted so he can get a better look at your face. “You’re mad at me?” 
You turn away. “I’m not mad at you.” 
You’re mad at him. You’re mad he can’t see you, mad that he doesn’t want you. You are mad, but you don’t have a right to be. You’re upset and aching in your chest all over a boy who has no fucking clue. You’re mad. You’re mostly mad at yourself, for letting your feelings grow as much as they did, to allow your heart to dictate the way you move around him. 
“But you’re mad. Why?”
You groan, head falling into your hands, “I don’t wanna talk about it, I just wanna go home.” 
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” Max tucks his index finger under your chin, forces your gaze up to his face. You resent the way he worries, resent the way his bright blue eyes are just filled with it, it almost makes you feel guilty for the way your chest aches. His finger feels hot against your skin, shoots sparks through every nerve ending and suddenly the cold air does nothing to keep you calm. 
You turn your head, yanking your chin away from him and take a few steps backwards as you search for the feeling of cold air, for the freedom of just being able to fucking breathe. You’re ashamed of the way your chest heaves, that you show just how weak he can make you with just one touch. Max asks what’s wrong, calls out your name with the same worry you saw in his eyes two seconds ago. It shouldn’t make your blood boil but it does. It fucking does. 
“Stop! Stop! Stop!” You beg, “Please stop. Please stop saying my name and asking what’s wrong because—“ The cold air finally catches you and grabs the words in your throat. You swallow, hard, pushing down every single thought and mistake that threatens to come out. “I just need space.” 
Max’s shoulder’s slump behind you, expression wounded and confused. “What’s your problem?”
It’s an honest question. It’s Max being Max— blunt and straight to the point. He doesn’t spare your feelings, doesn’t tiptoe around your obviously fired state because why should he? He’s always been this way, and it was a trait that you’ve always found endearing. But in this moment, with smoke pouring out of your ears and your heart beating so hard it rattles your ribs, it was like turning up the stove on water that is already boiling. It’s just enough to break you, just enough for everything you’ve spent months trying to keep at bay to bubble over. 
“You!” Your fingers rake through your hair roughly, undoing the effort you put in to make it look nice. You were shaking, every bit of you searching for bit of release and all you had was the words on the tip of your tongue.
“Me?!” Max answers back, confused. “What did I do?!”
“You’re just…” The words begin to tumble out of you in an incoherent stutter. “I've been following you around like a lost puppy since the day we met, yet you couldn't see? You still don’t see…” 
You almost want to laugh at the way Max looks at you and how invisible you truly are. This was the moment it was supposed to click and yet he still doesn’t have a clue— like it’s almost unfathomable to him that you could ever want more than what you both share. 
“I’m in love with you,” Your voice shakes, “you dumbass.” 
Max’s brows furrow, eyes expectant. He’s waiting for the punchline, the part of the joke where you shove him back and say that you were only kidding. But you stand there, cold wind kissing your skin pink and the world just bustling by. Despite the people walking too and fro, despite the murmurs of conversation that are completely lost to you, the silence between the two of you was deafening.
You don’t know how long it is until the boy in front of you makes a move. You watch as he rubs his jaw, eyes cast past you as he searches for the right thing to say. The wind is knocked out of you as you watch Max try and fail to say something, anything. Instead you’re left to listen to the stammers and syllables of failed words. 
I’m sorry, is all he manages. 
He’s sorry that you’re upset. Sorry that you bore your heart out for him and all he had to show for was a stutter and stammer. He apologizes because he sees you, he sees all of you, and somehow you were not enough. Max says he loves you — because of course he loves you, you’re his best friend. He says that he appreciates you, that he can’t stand to lose you and he hopes that you would still want to stay even if he can’t love you that way. Max says all the right things, all the things that were meant to quell your aching heart. Instead it does the opposite. The words pluck at the pieces of your heart, shard by shard until you’re left with a hole in your chest in the shape of him. Max does everything right and yet, like you, it’s not enough. 
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mosaickiwi · 20 days
(Sorry if i sound rude since english is not my first language 👉👈) 
I love your writing so much btw thank you for providing us with top tier quality writing, the way you write rendacted is just 🤌😍
I dont know if its allowed since its kind of specific, but can i please request a fluff/comfort for an insecure chubby angel that's not confident with their body and strech mark so they kinda doubt that rendacted really love them and thought they only playing with them and only dating for fun or smth 👉👈 😳 
Thank you soo much in advance (for the ping too) (≧∇≦)/
Thank you and you're welcome!! I love to cook this silly man 🥰 Appreciate da request <3
self loathing angst but it's just angel getting too deep in their own head
After a few weeks of dating, somehow [REDACTED] still smiled at you the same way. Still had that look of wonder and joy whenever you spoke. Still let their hand linger in yours for a second too long each time you parted ways.
As happy as he made you, you couldn't trust them just yet. 
Part of you was waiting—you'd been waiting the whole time—for everything to come crashing down. That’s how it always ended. You were surprised things even lasted this long.
He was sitting out in your shoddy living room while you changed for a date at the pier. As you looked in the mirror, your decision to wear shorts seemed like a mistake now. The horrid, uneven lines that patterned the skin of your thighs only made the choice worse. 
Of all the places to choose to live, it just had to be near the beach. You barely got by with loose shirts and pants for a while, but each day was more hot and humid than the last this summer. You couldn't go out like this. Let alone have him see all those flaws that glared back at you from your reflection.
Your heart thudded in your ears as you contemplated changing into something else. But you could feel it. The moment you'd been dreading was going to happen no matter what. Sooner or later they'd break up with you. What was the point of waiting for it? You could get it over with now, while you were in the comfort of your own home.
A few minutes of familiar, agonizing, embarrassment, then straight to bed for a pity party and a movie once your soon-to-be-ex left. Nothing new.
There was nothing else to do but face it. You breathed in and out at a steady pace to calm your nerves, then crept into the hallway. Despite the care you took, a floorboard creaked before you rounded the corner into the living room.
“Ready to go?” In an instant [REDACTED] was calling your name, draining away the confidence you held. You couldn’t bear to look up as he approached—to see that soft smile you loved fall into a frown. His footsteps were quiet, and you soon felt the warmth of his presence in front of you. “What’s wrong?”
Their voice never wavered in disappointment like you expected. It made your heart skip a beat like always, calm and gentle as he was with you. He was even concerned, reaching for your hand at your side but stopping short when you managed a few words.
“It’s nothing,” you mumbled. 
“Doesn't seem like nothin’, Angel. We don't need—” Whatever they were trying to say slipped right past you as fear set in.
Why was he treating you so nicely? Was the room too dim for them to see? Did he not see everything wrong about you on display? It didn’t even sound like they noticed the stretch marks. You weren’t sure what to do. Nothing was going the way it had with previous partners.
Arms cautiously wrapped around your now trembling form as he pulled you close. The sudden hug shocked you long enough to realize your cheeks were wet. And that he was rambling.
“—Upset you. If y’don't feel like goin’ anymore that's fine. We can stay here ‘til y’feel better. Or would you rather I leave? Get you somethin’? That store you like should still be open—” He took a step back.
You weren’t calm enough to speak, but desperately hugged your partner back when he tried to move away. They stopped immediately. A soft breath tickled your forehead, and the smallest sigh left him in relief.
“... Fuck. Had me worried there,” he whispered and tenderly kissed the crown of your head. “Should I stay then?” You nodded. Minutes passed in silence as he stroked scarred fingers through your hair to soothe you, occasionally murmuring quiet reassurance.
You couldn't see why he wasn't disappointed. His attempts to calm you weren't in vain, though.
Finally, you felt as if you could manage. “I thought that…” It was hard to say out loud when you clung so tightly that your face was pressed fully against his chest. You pulled back and sniffled. A small, damp spot on his black shirt got left behind as evidence of your tears. “Oops.”
The dark haired man let off a smile at your reaction and gently pried, “Thought what?” 
You bit your lip. Lying wouldn't do you any good. “I’m not that nice to look at,” you eventually admitted.
He frowned to himself, then gently cupped your tear-stained cheek. “You’re absolutely beautiful, you know?”
“Oh… um.” 
“Really. I promise I don't want anyone else." His blue eyes were dripping with clear adoration. "I’d stare at you all day if y’let me, love.”
The pet name had you at a loss, completely flustered. He never called you that before. “Can you really be sure?” Your voice got quieter and quieter as you tried to explain your worries further. “I just feel like…” With each word, your gaze drifted to the side in fear of his reaction. “You should've, uh… broken up with me by now?”
“Angel, I'd never even consider—” He cut himself off. "... ‘Been doin' a shit job of expressing m’self, if that’s what you’re thinking.” [REDACTED] hardly gave you a chance to react before he was leading you to the couch. He sat down, lacing his fingers through yours as he pulled you to sit in his lap. It felt more intimate than usual with his other hand resting on your bare leg. “I’ll get whatever you want at the pier tomorrow. Right now I need to make sure y’know how important you'll always be t’me.”
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zer05trange · 8 months
Roaring Sea
000. Prologue
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⋆。°✩ (childe x fem!reader)✩°。⋆
⋆。°✩ premise: When Ajax stumbles across a humble bakery with his brother, he has no idea the new fight he'll have to win. Because though the Fatui Harbinger explored the waters of many nations and many different conflicts, he knew nothing about the dangerous sea of relationships.
⋆。°✩wc: 2.1k
⋆。°✩content warnings: none for the prologue!
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The premature coolness of Snezhnayan autumn is nothing to Ajax and his brother. It’s comforting, in fact. It reminds him of an older, easier time when his soul wasn't tainted by the horrors of this world. Often, Ajax thinks of what it would be like to be normal, to have a normal social life.
If his work could possibly permit it, he would've loved to meet someone with whom he could share his heart. But thanks to his plummet into the abyss, and the years he's worked for the Fatui, he doesn't have a heart that could be given to someone.
The part of his heart that hasn’t faltered is for the love of his family. And that’s why on a more lax week of work, he finds himself walking down a city street with Teucer by his side, glancing at different shops and places that interest his little brother. Their destination was one shop that his brother kept talking about, one that he needed his big brother to try out.
“Big brother! We have to go,” Ajax remembers his brother exclaiming just a few hours earlier. The young boy continued to ramble about a bakery he often frequented, with a kind, yet strong-willed owner that would never fail to make time to converse with his little brother.
Almost the entire stroll to the destination, Teucer spoke of when the owner; the time she slipped Teucer extra pastries free of charge for his other siblings, showing him how to make his favorite items on the menu, or never letting him venture out into the cold without some sort of hot drink to keep him company.
“This one’s it!” He hears Teucer pipe up, stopping in front of the row of shops. It was two stories, fitting with the rest of the line of stores. It was cute, and shockingly modern looking on the outside. He can see the soft illumination on the inside, with a sufficient amount of booths and tables for its size. Teucer goes running into the shop, leaving Ajax to catch up to his little brother. 
By the time he enters the shop, Teucer is already chatting away with someone behind the counter, peering up at the woman who’s smiling down at him. 
“ if you give me a few minutes, your favorite is just about done baking, and it’ll be nice and hot for you, all right?” He hears her say.
Oh, her voice is much younger and brighter than he imagined it would be. He looks up at her, and she was not what he thought she’d look like as well. Young, sophisticated, and positively gorgeous . He straightens up his posture a bit before walking toward the counter. 
“Good evening,” She says, “You look a little like someone I know.”
“Y/N, that’s my big brother! The one that got me that toy I showed you a few days ago!” Teucer responds, jumping up and down with his hands on the counter. 
Y/N. Fitting, Ajax thinks. 
“I have heard about you. The toy maker, yes?” You turn to him and he nods, “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Tartaglia,” He says in return, “You have a lovely bakery, and the food here looks delicious!”
You laugh, and Tartaglia feels his smile widen ever so slightly as his chest tightens up. He thinks he may be dying.
“Thank you, pick whatever you’d like, please,” You say back to him.
Though you were expecting Teucer to come into your bakery, since he hadn’t been in a few days, you were not expecting to see his striking, tall, and slightly intimidating brother. 
This Tartaglia was an odd one. From what you’ve heard from him he seemed to be a caring, loving, and attentive brother. But you struggled to find a spark in his eyes, and that sent a chill down your spine. 
He’s donning an oxblood colored long sleeve button up and white pants, and you don’t fail to miss the hydro vision on his waistband either. He has the same deep gingered hair, blue eyes, and freckles that his brother has. However, he’s very tall and muscular, with a sharp facial structure adorned with a pretty-boy face. You’d make a bet that he’s nothing but trouble. 
His overall energy is intense, ominous, and foreboding. But he's friendly to you, at least, and his body language was a little more than friendly, but you shrug it off. It’s not every day that a handsome customer takes an interest in you.
The two brothers found their seats a few minutes ago, so you go back to preparing other baked goods and taking care of the few customers who are also in your store. However, you don’t fail to miss the glances Tartaglia keeps making at you. 
He looked awfully familiar, and not just because he was the brother of your most loyal customer, but you couldn’t exactly pinpoint why he was so recognizable. You hear Teucer call your name and you perk your head up to see the little boy calling you over. No one was ordering, so you come from the confines of your counter and over to their booth. Walking over to their area, you see Tartaglia’s eyes go straight from your face, to your hip. You glance down for a moment, wondering what in Tevyat he could be looking at. 
Ah, you think, as your own eyes find the soft glow of your vision. But you shrug that off, you already saw his vision that resides on his waist. 
“Yes, Teucer?” You say as you look down at the younger boy. 
“Did you put something new in your frosting?” He asks, with his eyebrow cocked up.
“I did, actually. I added more sugar as an experiment. Do you like it?” You respond, stunned at how he would’ve figured that out, especially because it was such a miniscule amount of sugar.
“I really do,” He says as he takes another forkful into his mouth. 
“Ms. Y/N,” you hear the other brother, “Are those moon pies?” He points to your display case. 
“They are. I try to have a little something from each of the nations, it’s a good source for variety,” You respond as you look back at your assortments of goods, most of which were taken by earlier customers. 
“And you make all of those?” He asks. You nod your head, letting out a quaint ‘mhm’ with a proud look on your face. 
“Well what I’ve had is delicious so far, I need to come back to you and try everything!” He exclaims, beaming up at you with a wide smile and a wink.  
You chuckle awkwardly before a couple walks into your store, unknowingly becoming your saving grace. You rush behind the counter, feeling his eyes burning into your back as you walk away from him. As you serve the two customers their order, you notice how the two were looking at each other lovingly and how the man pulled out the chair just for the woman to sit down. The way the two treated each other pulled at your heartstrings, though a normal reaction when one witnessed romance, there was a tinge of jealousy behind the feeling as well. 
Sure, you thought about entering the terrifying world of relationships, but you're way too focused on your blossoming business to have yet another stressor on you. But, more often than you’d like, you imagine what it would be like for someone to sweep you off of your feet, to spend time with, and battle the cold of the nation by being bundled up together. You always reason with your thoughts, because it is simply not the wisest thing to do, no matter how bitter the lovey-dovey couples make you. 
You bring yourself back to the present, the couple already left, as have many other customers. It’s getting later in the evening, and you look over at the remaining two customers that reside in their booth. A small smile makes its way to your face when you see how engaged Tartaglia is in his brother’s rambling. It wasn’t often that you saw siblings this close, even in a nation where family is treasured. 
The two look over at you as you finish cleaning up for the night, their mugs empty and their saucers clear, except for a few crumbs. You call them over to your display case, and they follow suit. 
“Pick whatever you’d like,” You sternly demand of them, “They either go to me or my dog, so take however much you want. Maybe some for your other siblings?” 
Teucer’s eyes brighten as he frantically starts studying the case, pointing out a multitude of sweets before you can even reach for the tongs. The entire time, Tartaglia switches his eyes from his brother to you, both in admiration.
You can feel his intimidating gaze and although he's never spoken to you until today, he's taken a liking to you. His energy toward you has been… interesting, to say the least, in the few hours you've known him. But surely it’s completely harmless, and you doubt that any of his weirdly flirty intentions were something he was going to take seriously.
So why not just let it happen?
“It’s getting dark, Teucer. let's get on our way so Ms. Y/N can get home,”  Tartaglia says while his eyes stay focused on your face, a sly smile pulled on his lips. 
“Oh it’s no big deal, my house isn’t too far away,” You point to above the shop, where you reside upstairs, “I’m much more worried about you two getting home before you freeze.”
Tartaglia laughs at that, causing you to look to the side awkwardly. Did you say something that hilarious? You brush it off and hand the two their large bag of assortments. 
“Get home safe, you two,” you say as the two prepare to leave the bakery, “I can’t have my favorite customer and his older brother frozen to death!” 
As they leave, Tartaglia turns around and waves to you with a wink, making you scoff and roll your eyes as you walk toward the door as well. You lock it behind you, and switch the OPEN sign to CLOSED. You watch the two walk off, Teucer still chattering on and on as they disappear down the city.
Walking over to their booth to clean it up, a velvety blue bag catches your eye. It must be a mora pouch, next to a napkin with wording on it. 
You have to teach me how you make such an excellent apple cake! I’ll be back soon, Лапушка.
                     P.S. Thank you for treating Teucer the way you do. 
     —Tartaglia ;)
You scoff and roll your eyes, yet again, this time without him there to see your reaction. What is this guy’s deal? You open the pouch and almost drop it, shocked at what is inside. It has to be thousands of mora, too much to be considered a tip. If this is how he’s trying to harmlessly flirt with you, it’s not working too well. Instead, it freaks you out as to what to do with it. A customer shouldn’t be tipping that much, you think, so you plan on returning it whenever he comes next as he promised.
You eventually finish cleaning up and rush upstairs to your apartment, much like most nights. But tonight, your cheeks feel more heat in them than usual.
As Ajax walks his brother home, his mind fills with more emotion than he's felt in a long time. The fact that you could bring out a little crush within him stunned him. In all his travels, even his life before his corruption, he never felt anything romantic for anyone. 
Why was he yearning to see more of you, though he just met you? Was it the way you took such care for his brother, your kind attitude, though you were slightly austere to his dumb advances? Was it the vision, the sigil that proves you’re a warrior? Or was it your beautiful eyes, your skin, your hair, your lips, your—
No. A Fatui Harbinger should not become weak in the knees for one person. One person he just met an hour ago? Absolutely not. His job called for his time, his body, and his everything. And he doesn’t have the time to become so attached to anyone. 
Though maybe, a microscopic part of his mind was scared. Scared of having feelings for anyone. 
Because though the Fatui Harbinger explored the waters of many nations and many different conflicts, he knew nothing about the roaring sea of relationships.
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⋆。°✩translation: Лапушка— sweetheart, darling
⋆。°✩a/n: thank you so much for reading! this work is already fully--written so updates should be every few days or weekly!
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lllivia · 1 month
can i request?
pranking Jackie, that u got a hickey from someone else so you can get back at her after she pranked u :p
Happy April Fools Day!!
Jackie Taylor x f!reader
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TYSM FOR THE REQUESTT, literally the perfect timing since its April 1st today 😭😭 (I completely forgot about this for MONTHS 💀)
summary: getting revenge on your girlfriend after last year's April Fools Day
warnings: modern au, infidelity prank, not proofread, slightly suggestive at the end
Wow maybe this is a little bit too far you can't help but think nervously as you look over yourself in the mirror, makeup brushes scattered across the sink counter.
As you pat your finger one last time over the now very convincing hickey the sense of guilt that was creeping up your throat quickly disappears when you recall the godawful prank your conniving little girlfriend pulled to deserve this.
Last April Fools Day you had come home exhausted from a long day at school with a strong need to shower. And you didn't really think much of it as you stepped under the hot stream, letting the water run over your hair and body.
you'd scrubbed off all the grime left from soccer practice before you lastly reached over to your shampoo bottle, eyes still closed as you felt your way over to it before squeezing a generous amount into your hand.
You yelled at your own reflection the second you stepped out of the shower and looked in the fogged up mirror where everything seemed to be normal - except your now bright pink hair.
"What the fuck what the fuck oh my god" you rambled frantically as you quickly searched the name of your girlfriend into your phone, immediately knowing that she was behind this.
"Jackie what did you do!" Is the first thing your raised voice said after she picked up the phone call, irritation bubbling up as she burst out laughing when your disgruntled face shows on her screen, her plan had clearly worked.
"Happy April fools day!!" She responded breathlessly, still not done laughing.
"This is not funny Jax - I look like a clown oh my god" you continued and looked up into the mirror again. Well it didn't actually look that bad - but still.
"Well then you'll be my sexy clown baby, you look hot, I have to say pink is definitely your color" Jackie giggled evilly back, way too smug for your liking as you continued glaring.
The dye hadn't washed out of your hair for like a month, and ever since then you had been planning what would be the best way to get back at Jackie.
Everything was ready, you had already set up for her to come over today to just watch a movie and hang out, so it would be perfect to 'accidentally' flash the self made bruise at her while you were cuddling or something.
Your phone suddenly pings.
'I'm standing outside 💕' - Jax 🐰⚽
You quickly cover the makeshift bruise on your neck before walking to the front door, a little bit anxious.
"Hi baby" your girlfriend grins and greets you as she steps inside, immediately making herself comfortable as she throws herself onto your large couch.
"Hi Jackie" you smile back, rubbing your clammy hands on your shorts before following her slightly on edge.
"I know I said we'd go to the arcade but I'm kinda tired today so can we please just watch a movie here?" you sit down next to her and pout, giving her your infamous puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah that's fine.. On one condition" she replies in a serious tone making you sweat even more.
"What?" Surely she hadn't figured out what you were doing yet right?
"You have to win me the biggest teddy they have the next time we go to the arcade" She answers smiling widely.
Pushing her playfully you can't help but roll your eyes lovingly. "yeahh yeah of course"
An hour goes by as you cuddle up together, enjoying each others presence as you watch some movie in the background. Deciding now was the time to finally get back at her, you shift a little, making the bruise more visible to where she was sitting.
Another few minutes go by before it's Jackie's turn to shift uncomfortably as she studies the mark clearly planted on your neck.
"What the fuck is that" she musters.
"Hm what?" You answer, hiding your tiny smirk as you look over at her.
"What the fuck is that bruise on your neck."
You brush your hair back over the mark, acting both confused and slightly defensive.
"I don't know what you're on about Jax" you shrug.
Her eyes blaze with anger as she forcefully grabs your face by the chin, turning your head to the side before studying your neck more closely.
"This is clearly a huge fucking hickey y/n, who was it?"
"No one- it's fine Jackie let's just finish the movie" you pull away.
She stands up.
"I'm leaving, this is such bullshit - I thought we were doing good - perfect even. And then you have to go make out with some whore" she says harshly, blinking away the tears that had slowly crept up on her before storming towards the front door.
Shit that had gone way worse than you were expecting - you weren't even sure what you were expecting from this.
"Jackie wait! Shit" you stumble over your own legs as you rush after your furious girlfriend. "It was a prank! I'm pranking you ok, I just wanted to get back at you for last year"
Just as she was about to turn the handle you catch up with her "I promise, see?" You carefully turn her face towards you again.
You reach up and rub your hand over your neck forcefully. Turning it red with not only with the bloodflow rushing up towards the friction but also the eyeshadow getting smudged all over.
"It's makeup, it was all fake baby. It was just an April Fools prank - a really really stupid one at that"
You say hastily and caress the girls cheek softly, soothing her.
She looks away again, blinking a couple of more times to process before smiling slightly. "..I guess you got me this time" but then she swats your hand away from her and comes dangerously close. "But if you ever EVER do something like this again, I will kick your ass."
You chuckle "mkay if you say so" then grimace "how about we go out, I feel like I kinda owe you"
She purses her lips for a second before looking you over. "Or- we could stay right here, and I could show you what real hickeys look like"
You scoff smirking "how could I say no to that"
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marc-spectorr · 8 months
come alive
pairing: poe dameron x reader
kiss prompt: #22 …in a rush of adrenaline
warnings: 2.0k wc. mentions of violence, shooting, weapons. curse words.
notes: thank you to the lovely anon for submitting this prompt! i decided to make this its own post bc i wrote quite a lot. also i haven't watched star wars/written for poe in a hot minute so pls be nice to me lol. hope you like it!
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“What’s the escape plan?”
At the question, Poe shoots you an odd look that is quite concerning. “Escape plan?”
“Yeah, the escape pla—oh my god,” you say in a hushed whisper, blinking at him. “You don’t have one.”
“I don’t have one yet. Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something quick and then—”
“—and then we get captured, locked up behind bars to rot or until they decide to—”
Your ramblings are cut short when Poe puts a hand over your mouth, gently shushing you. Three stormtroopers approach the stack of oversized crates, shrouded in darkness due to the absence of sun at this late hour.
You freeze and hold your breath, waiting for them to pass. Fortunately, they march right by without problem, oblivious to the fact that you two are hiding behind them.
As happy and relieved as you were when Poe first showed up to free you, you’re now back to thinking that you will die at the hands of the First Order. It’ll only be a matter of time until someone realizes their imprisoned Resistance spy has escaped. You’ll never get out of here, especially without a plan. You’re doomed.
You swallow thickly and try to distract yourself from the dread and panic clawing inside of you. You’re on the verge of hyperventilating. Glancing around wildly, you need to focus on something else. Anything.
Eventually, you have no choice but to settle on having your attention on the pilot’s stupidly handsome face. You keep your eyes on him, inhaling and exhaling deeply to gather your composure. All the while, you wonder— has he always been this good-looking up close? You have never realized how pretty of a shade his dark eyes are or how much they sparkle in the low light. You’ve never seen such thick and curly hair like his, and you have the biggest urge to card your fingers through it.
“Sweetheart, hey—relax,” Poe murmurs when you grow quiet on him, his watchful gaze flickering every now and then to check your surroundings. “Breathe. We got this.”
Poe has long dropped his hand from your mouth, but it remains on your face, cupping your cheek as he assesses you for any injuries. You feel your pulse pick up a beat. You’re sure it’s mainly from the threat of danger you’ve found yourself in. Certainly not because of Poe, your good friend, and crush ever since the day you joined the Resistance.
No, it definitely cannot be that.
“Okay,” you sigh out, nodding. You take a quick glance at the perimeter yourself this time, mostly to hide away from his gaze. “Now what? We can’t stay and hide here forever.”
“You’re right,” Poe agrees. He steps closer to you, his chest brushing against your back as he scans the area with you. “My ship’s past the tree line. Best course of action is to sneak out without alerting anyone. But if things don’t go our way, we use these.”
Slipped into your hand is a blaster. You take a deep breath and tighten your fingers around the grip. You hope it doesn’t come down to a shootout between you, Poe, and the dozens of armed guards patrolling the place. Violence isn’t really your strong suit. That’s why you preferred missions that involved laying low and gathering intel. Too bad your cover got blown on this assignment.
(And yes, you are still sore about that).
“I’m a shit shot, just a heads up,” you warn Poe. You turn around and bump into him, forgetting that there’s barely any space between you. He doesn’t make an effort to step away, and surprisingly, you don’t either.
Poe’s lips curl into a smug grin. He holds up his own weapon in his hand. “And I’m very much not. See, we’re a perfect match. On a scale of 1 to 10, how’d you rate my spur-of-the-moment escape plan?”
You bite back a chuckle and shake your head. Leave it to Poe to distract you from your worries, even if it only lasts a minute. In all seriousness, you have faith in him. He can be overly cocky sometimes, but he’s smart and skillful. You’ve seen and heard what he’s capable of. There’s a reason why you and plenty of others admire the hell out of him.
“I’d give it a 7.5, mainly ’cause I trust in your confidence too much. Plus, it’s not like we have other options.”
“That’s the spirit,” Poe beams. “Sorry if I worried you about not really thinking this through earlier. Once I found out you were being held out here, I kinda just... went for it, y’know? I didn’t have time to waste. I couldn’t let anything happen to you.”
You smile at him, ignoring how your cheeks are warming up against the crisp nighttime air. You’re touched by Poe’s statement. Grateful that you’ve crossed paths with someone like him. Who else would be this reckless and determined to dive into an impromptu rescue—or insane enough to risk their life to save yours?
The thought has your heart feeling tender, but you can’t get caught up in it at this moment. You and Poe need to make it out alive first. Fuck, now the nerves are starting to creep back in.
“Thank you. If we come back to the base both in one piece, dinner’s on me.”
“You mean when we get back,” he corrects. He holds his hand out for yours. “Deal. It’s a date. Alright, you ready?”
Poe’s question almost doesn’t register in your head after he refers to your dinner offer as a date. He doesn’t seem to be joking around. He sounds serious, and you don’t question it. You find yourself more than okay with calling it that.
Clearing your throat, you give Poe a slight nod, ready as you’ll ever be. Both of you have to get out of here alive. Your date depends on it.
Staying undetected as you move through the shadows was easy in the beginning. Few are out on patrol this evening, and when you do encounter someone, Poe manages to evade them. Surely this isn’t his first go-around at something like this.
You do your best not to allow your anxiety of getting caught to cause you to lose focus. The warmth of Poe’s hand in yours helps soothe you, an assurance that if anything goes wrong, you’re not alone.
When you spot your way out, relief floods over you. You tell yourself you’ll be home soon. That you’ll be back in your bed in no time, tucked under the covers, safe and sound. No longer would you be fearing for your life in the way you are right now.
You’re nearly there— the clearing is just within sight. Less than a hundred yards away more and…
Sirens suddenly blare. So loud that they ring in your ears and leave you disoriented for several seconds. The quiet of the night quickly descends into chaos as guards pour out from every which way. The radioed orders your ears pick up are clear and bone-chilling: they are searching for you, and if found, they want you gone permanently. 
“There you are, scum,” a trooper snarls from behind, weapon pointed at you. They’re about to pull down on the trigger, but Poe reacts much quicker. The blaster in his hand fires, and the man instantly drops to the ground.
You barely have time to process what happened when Poe grasps your hand tightly, holding onto it uncomfortably tight, but his touch is grounding. The two of you share a knowing look as the sound of distant voices and heavy footsteps grow closer.
“We gotta keep moving. Shoot anyone who’s chasing after us, got it?” He says, his voice a blur over the erratic pounding of your heart.
Poe doesn’t wait for your acknowledgment. He makes a mad dash towards the gate leading out of the compound. He wasn’t lying when he said he was not a shit shot, taking down a few men with such ease— they were no match for him.
Luck seems to be on your side tonight. The moment Poe tugs you past the gate, you run across the field and into the woodlands as fast as possible, the fastest you’ve ever moved. Your muscles are sore, and your head is dizzy. It feels like you can’t get enough air in your lungs.
Still, you run. You run and run, even if you’re starting to think that your legs will give out at any moment. You have to get as far away as you can from the place that has kept you captive. It’s your best bet if you want to survive.
Finally, Poe’s ship comes into view. He glances behind you, and you mirror his action, seeing that the guards have lost track of you in the dark. The relieved smile on your face remains for only a split-second, however. As soon as you turn your head back, you see the stormtrooper emerge from the thick bushes, aiming to shoot at an unsuspecting Poe.
It’s like everything is in slow motion. From you realizing that Poe is in imminent danger to the way you forcefully push him out of the line of fire and draw your blaster.
Adrenaline buzzes through your veins. Your chest rapidly rises and falls. You steady your hand even as it fights to tremble. Without thinking twice, you fire your weapon. The first shot narrowly misses the enemy, but the following two blasts hit them fatally, and they slump to the ground, unmoving.
Luck truly is on your side tonight.
You gasp a breath in surprise when a pair of solid arms suddenly wrap around you, your nerve endings still on high alert after all that has transpired. 
Poe’s gentle voice saying your name cuts through your foggy mind, and you meet his gaze. Your heartbeat continues to drum sharply against your ribcage as you stare at him for several moments, tracing the deep, worried lines etched on his face.
You don’t know what comes over you after. You’re unaware of what you’re doing until you’re right in the middle of it.
One second, you’re holding onto Poe—feeling some of the tension in your body seep out upon seeing that he’s okay, he’s unharmed— and the next, your lips are on his, soft and warm. Exactly the way you had imagined they would feel.
Poe doesn’t kiss you back right away; it is the only thing that snaps you out of this haze. Have you misread him all this time? He’s a major flirt, but you thought he was genuine with you. A knot of confusion and embarrassment forms in your stomach. How could you be so wrong? How could you have fucked things up?
You immediately pull away, taking a few stumbling steps back. Poe looks at you wide-eyed, mouth slightly open, but he doesn’t say a word. You glance down at your feet, not wanting to see his expression as you fumble out an apology.
“I-I’m sorry, Poe. I don’t know… I was just—”
You are interrupted when Poe lets out a breathless chuckle. He closes the short distance you had put between the two of you, his hands cupping your face, fingers stroking your cheeks ever so gently.
“Don’t be sorry,” he whispers. “I wasn’t expecting you to do that. It did feel very nice, though.”
Poe’s breath fanning warm over your skin causes yours to hitch. Before you can respond, he slowly leans in and recaptures your lips in a sweet kiss. Your heart stutters and skips for a whole new reason now. Something more electrifying replaces the fight or flight sensation surging within you, making you light-headed in the best possible way.
The kiss abruptly ends at the sound of dried leaves rustling and branches snapping from different directions. You notice faraway lights becoming brighter, no doubt more stormtroopers closing in on you and Poe.
“I’d like to keep kissing you, but we gotta go,” he laughs, nodding towards the ship. “The sooner we get back, the sooner we can go on our date.”
You grin in agreement and place your hand into Poe’s hand. Being with him makes you feel alive, like you can handle almost anything the universe throws at you. You could get used to this.
“Take me home, flyboy.”
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minologistt · 1 year
they're clingy | BTS reaction a series
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genre established relationship , reactions
warnings very fluffy, misunderstanding but its silly (namjoon)
A/N: BTS 10 ANNIVERSARY!!! i think having these short little reaction things is good for putting my ideas out to eventually turn them into a full story, you know?
the dozens of isle lining the super market were sending you and your boyfriend into a panic. you both were looking for a very specific spice but going through many of the isle proved fruitless. a sigh escaped your lips as you tried shrugging off your boyfriend for the umpteenth time since you've entered the store.
"jin please let go of mee, you're weighing me downn," you whined as he shook his head in refusal. "no way, don't you love me? if you do then you can manage!" a wide grin was displayed on his face as you continued to push the cart. "i love you but that love doesn't mean to hug me while i'm pushing a heavy shopping cart," you stopped the cart and pushed him away slightly only to be met with a pouty face. "don't pout babe, you're just really heavy and it's really hot right now okay?" but no response was given as he turned his back to you.
after another 30 minutes of looking for the spice, you finally found it and checked out. on your way to the car was silent, even as you and your boyfriend unpacked everything. "jinnie.. babe, are you mad at me?" you finally broke the silence once your boyfriend started up the car. however your question was met with a dramatic huff.
"i'm sorry babe, how can i make you feel better?" you put your hand on his shoulder and rubbed him slightly. "maybe you can let me finally have a bubble bath with you.." he mumbled under his breath like it was embarrassing to even think about. "of course you can! anything for you, baby," you said removing your hand, only to feel his hand land on your thigh. "good because i bought purple bubble bath soap a week ago-", now your boyfriend was back to his usual self, rambling about the most random things.
it was silent inside of the studio. yoongi sitting at his desk in his swivel chair with you on his lap. he had an arm around your waist and his chin on your shoulder. "how does this beat sound with these vocals?" he looked at your side profile from the side of his eye. you looked up from your phone and blinked a couple of times as the track played for a short minute. "it's okay, maybe it should be a bit softer?", yoongi nodded his head and began tweaking the audio.
you began shifting around on yoongi's lap as you were scrolling through your instagram. yoongi placed a firm hand on your hip to stop you from wiggling around. a slight smirk was tugging at his lips as he blew a small gush of air behind your ear. you cringed away from his face and tried getting up, however yoongi tightened his hold on your hip and pulled you back down. "where are you going?", he turned his full attention to you while you stared back with a confused expression. "i just wanted to stretch my legs and get something to eat-"
"we can stretch together, i need to stretch too.. been sitting here for a while." yoongi rubbed his chin like he was in deep thought. "since when have you minded sitting for long periods of time?" a small smile appeared on your face as yoongi's ears began turning red. "namjoon told me i should start stretching more.. its good for my body since i'm getting older-"
"you never listen to half of namjoon's advice.. actually, sure yoongs" you giggled a bit as you pried his hands from your waist. "well i'm hungry, do you want something to eat too-" "actually i'll go with you, you might not know what i want or what if i change my mind while you're gone." yoongi stood up and threw his arm over you shoulder and walked you both towards the studio door.
a yawn left your mouth as you continued your cooking in the large kitchen. namjoon creeps up on you, wraps his arms around your waist and, leans his head into the crook of your neck. he then began peppering kisses all over your neck and shoulders. "my big baby has finally woken up huh? took you long enough." namjoon nuzzles your cheek to get your attention as he groans in response. "what is it joonie?" you move to another counter to get some flour. he lets out another loud groan instead of responding with words.
you decide that you want to tease him a bit so you shimmy out of his grasp. namjoon finally opens his eyes and blinks a couple of times before fully processing that you have moved out of his grasp. "did i do something..?" namjoon questioned with genuine concern lacing his voice as he followed you around the kitchen whilst you finished up the breakfast. "hm? what are you talking about, joonie?" you responded as you turned to move around his large frame to plate the breakfast.
"i'm sorry, did i do something babe?" namjoon repeated this time he came forwards and fiddled with his hands. "did you not want to hug today or..?", at this point, you were starting to feel bad about trying to tease him, "aw baby you did nothing wrong.. i was just screwing around with you!" you quickly shuffled over to him and hugged him tightly. namjoon was still a bit confused but he still wrapped his arms around you as well with a smile.
you're sitting on the couch watching a movie and eating popcorn, you were originally taking a nap with your boyfriend but you woke up earlier than he did. the movie was a thriller movie, you enjoyed watching these types of movies however your boyfriend, hoseok, didn't. he was very jumpy and fearful whenever the slightest thing happened, whether it was an actual jump scare or not.
you were so invested in the movie that you didn't hear your boyfriend calling for you or even see him when he stepped into the living room. "oh god.. there you are baby! i thought you got kidnapped or something!" he loudly stated as your gaze shifted from the large screen and onto his lanky frame. a frown rest upon his face and it was evident that he had literally just got out of bed. "what are you watching? why didn't you wake me up when you woke up?" he started rambling multiple questions as he made his way over to the couch.
rather than sitting a good distance away. he hopped onto the couch and dragged you to lay on his chest. the popcorn you once held had fallen to the floor and made a mess. "i'm watching a thriller movie babe and look at the mess you just caused.." you frowned looking down at the floor but your boyfriend shrugged and looked towards the screen. "thriller? why not a comedy or something!" he began to complain until you simply replied, "I've been wanting to watch this movie though but you hate anything scary!" now you were complaining as well but he shook his head and kissed your forehead. "i'll just watch it with you even if it is a bit scary..", you felt him shudder but either way, a smile spread across your face as you and hoseok began laughing like maniacs.
"baaabe, come on", jimin whined in a higher pitched voice as he leaned his full body weight on you. "what is it now chimchim?", you respond as you continue reading your book as if he wasn't there. jimin let out an exaggerated sigh let his lips. "can you at least look at me? i've been away on my work-cation for a while now.. give me some attention pleaseee". you looked at him from the corner of your eye and gave him a soft smile.
"actually we have been on work-cation for a while" a pout formed on his lips as he unwrapped himself from you. "fine.. i'll go find something to do-" he got up and walked towards the door of the hotel room, that you both were staying in, he then let out another exaggerated sigh. "-by myself.." you closed your book and smiled fondly at jimin acting all pouty. "i never said to leave, come back baby" you opened your arms to welcome him back to you.
jimin quickly rushed back into your arms without a word and began to kiss you all over your face. "i knew you couldn't resist my charms!" he smiled while nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "yeeeah sure, your sooo charming", you stated sarcastically with a giggle. "hey! i am charming, you can't lie-", you then began stroking his hair while he went on a rant about how charming he truly is.
jazz music was playing in the background as you and your boyfriend danced around in dim lighting. tae pulls you in closer the longer you both danced. "okayy tae, can we take a break now? my feet are on fire!" you whined as you tried to break free from his grasp. "okay? we can take a break together, where are we going?" he loosened his grip and stared down at you with hopeful eyes.
"well i was going to go to the bathroom.. by myself of course" you moved away from tae's embrace and held his hand instead. "what.. why can't i come with you? i can sit in the corner or sit in the shower or-"
"taehyung.. that's genuinely weird, but you can wait outside of the door." you say as you begin walking away towards the bathroom. "do you promise to come back soon? i want us to watch a jazz performance together!" tae shouts as he watches the bathroom door shut slowly. "of course i will babe, just give me five minutes" the door shut and tae sits himself directly in front of the door as he starts telling you random facts that he and jungkook had come up with earlier that day.
faint sounds of guns and grenades are going off from the gaming headphones that your boyfriend has on. you were seated upon his lap whilst he was sitting in his gaming chair. "dude, 12 o'clock! no, fuck i mean behind you!" he began screaming at the screen for the umpteenth time. you were fighting back another yawn as you eyed your shared bed from across the room.
you tried to get up and out of his grasp but he tightened his hold on you and grunted. "babe, can you let me go please? i'm super sleepy.." a whine escaped your lips as he didn't budge. "you can sleep right here just fine.." was all he said before yelling back into the mic. "i'm talking to my love, not you guys!" your boyfriend's face began heating up as he muted his mic out of embarrassment. "baby pleasee, i'm fighting this sleep so hard right now you don't understand", you buried your head in the crook of his neck.
jungkook huffed as he pouted. "fine..", he finally gave in as he let you go. you made your way over to the bed and flopped onto it and shut your eyes. you found it a bit odd as the room became silent, no sounds of clicking, your boyfriend's screaming and not even the sounds coming from the loud headphones. suddenly you felt the bed sink down beside you, but you didn't need to roll over or open your eyes to know it was your pouty boyfriend. "you didn't have to stop gaming to come lay with me..", you yawned as he wrapped his arms around you and threw a leg over you too. "I'd rather sleep with you than game with them, i need a nap anyway..", soon after that statement, you both went to sleep.
 minologistt | do not copy, translate or edit this.
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sassycheesecake · 10 months
Based on this video. It’s fluff and a lil' suggestive. Sorry.
Dating the twin of someone sometimes has its perks and downsides.
That of course would be great to know, if your boyfriend of two months even shared with you beforehand that he has a twin.
But it is to be expected that someone like Atsumu would forget to mention that he has a twin.
It seems so naturally, it has always been the two of them. They were attached to the hip for good 19 years of their life, everyone knew them. The famous Miya twins.
Everyone, except you.
So one day, when you came to Atsumu‘s apartment after work, you saw him standing in the kitchen cooking something.
Yes, cooking without actually burning down the kitchen and hearing firetruck sirens in the distance.
Huh, maybe Atsumu picked up cooking lessons online or something like that.
You can’t deny, that it is indeed super hot.
What is also different about your boyfriend is that he has very dark hair now. Like, it’s almost a shade of black.
You do remember Atsumu mentioning that he was going to re-dye his hair soon but you didn’t think it would be THAT color.
Although, the cooking and the new hair color really suit him.
You step closer to your boyfriend, wrapping your arms around his middle frame and you can feel him tense up.
"My, my. First cooking and then a hair change. What else is new? You also quit volleyball?" You mumble against his back, rubbing your face against the back muscles.
Not seeing him for almost three weeks, there was something else you missed.
Your hands wander down to his sweats and two hands stop you from going further.
Without saying anything, Atsumu pulls your arms from his frame and he turns around to look at you.
Now, this is getting a little freaky.
Something else changed.
His eyes.
They’re not the usual warm chocolate brown, they’re gray. Like a dark rain cloud.
Wait a minute.
You back away slowly, getting really freaked out by the complete plastic surgery change of your boyfriend.
"Tsumu, did you get surgery done while you were away in Seoul or something? I mean, don’t get me wrong I uh… like the new look. But your eyes? They were my favourite part about you. Always made me feel like I was drowning in hot chocolate. I didn’t know you can change your eye color. That is very dope. What made you decide to change everything? Did you kill someone? Is this some sort of protection so no one recognizes you in public?" You watch him with big eyes, rambling down your questions because your mind is running wild.
"Ya ask a lot of questions, don‘tcha?" Atsumu quietly laughs. His voice sounds a bit more rough too, not as light as you are used to.
All of sudden, a third voice joins you, coming from Atsumu‘s bathroom.
"Yannow, (Y/N) will be here soon. I think ya should go, thanks for makin' us dinner though." This sounds more like Atsumu. Wait. Then who is this?!
"W-Who are you?" You stammer out, backing away slowly until you feel the counter behind you.
"My brother didn’t tell ya he had a twin? Figured he’d be the one to forget to mention something like that. Nice to meetcha. Name‘s Osamu. I am Atsumu‘s twin brother." He gives you a slight smile as he introduces himself to you.
"Oh, uhm likewise. My name is (Y/N), I am Atsumu's partner." You blush as you introduce yourself back to him, mirroring his smile.
"Oi, did ya not hear me? Can ya leave-" The heavy steps finally come out of the bathroom, Atsumu is only wearing his MSBY training shorts, rubbing a towel across his wet blonde hair.
Atsumu stops in his tracks and looks between you and his brother.
Osamu looks at the blonde Setter, a mischievous grin adorning his face.
"Ya forgot ta mention ya had a twin. They thought I was you. Which I actually should consider offensive. 'm obviously the better lookin' twin."
"Shut yer trap asshole, 'm the one with the significant other remember? Ya've been single since ya were born." Atsumu scowls at first and then grins mischievously, like he just won the round.
Osamu is not done though. He turns to you.
"How long ya been datin'?"
"About to hit the three month mark, why?" You frown in confusion at Osamu, who turns back to look at his brother.
"Did ya hypnotize 'em or somethin'? Most of yer so called relationships lasted max a week or two, after they realized what a complete asshole ya are."
Osamu turns back to you, after seeing his brother‘s jaw open in shock at his remark.
"Do yerself a favor and run, I’ll hold ‘im down." Osamu stretches his arms out, basically forming a little wall to shield you from Atsumu.
Next thing you know, Atsumu tackles his brother from behind, jumping on his back.
Obviously Osamu didn’t see this coming, so he falls forward with a big grunt and tries to get Atsumu off of him.
You watch first in shock, then in amusement as your boyfriend tangles with his brother on the floor.
"Tsumu, I will just come by later on okay? Have fun and love you!"
You grab your bag and leave the boys to it.
Atsumu has his brother in a chokehold, messy hair and an adorable grin adorning his face as he returns your love.
Osamu uses the moment of distraction to knock him down again and that’s really your cue to leave.
You still hear a lot of rumbling, crashing, shouting and cursing from outside Atsumu‘s home but you can’t help but smile at the deep bond between the two brothers.
And you are certainly looking forward to meeting him again.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Rubik Dice
Yandere Entity (Entities?) Blurb
An: In a vent of frustration with a rubix cube - I present this. [Brief mentions of death]
Six people to a room.
It's too many.
Between damped sobs and their own; and the feud in their head, they couldn't think let alone say their piece. How did this happen? How could they make such a careless mistake? It was just supposed to be an evening stroll. It had been a week since they'd been out. The longest they'd ever been put away. Being cramped under so long they had to get some fresh air or risk clawing out their throat for a clean breath. It's so cramped in their head, in this room. Six people is far too many to be alone with unless the last person is....
"Nice job, idiot. We're in enough trouble as it is - now what are we going to do?."
It was an accident.
"Don't be so mean! We all have our lapses in judgement sometimes.... Even if they are kidnapping not-so-random strangers off the street."
Didn't you tell me to do it?
"Haha- You really fucked up tonight, didn't you?.. He saw your face. No choice, but to kill him less you never want to be seen in public again? All I'm sayin' is my blades should still be in the bag."
We can't kill any more people. Why are you always like this? Please, can't we just -
"Leave this to a roll of the dice?"
Indecisive on topics ranging from daily meals to torture methods; the trio concluded their shared consciousness to one, unified:
"Take out that dice and I'm breaking your fingers. Why do we always have to be responsible for your fuck ups?"
"Such a coward. You can crack a brick over someone's skull to shut them up, but you can't stab a knife through their neck to silence them?"
"You know, someone has been reeeeeally quiet since we got back home. We all know what that means."
Ragged breathing stills in the face of its captor. The rambling maniac themselves has quieted to nothing more than a stagnant shell. They both know what's to happen next. There's only one way out of this now. He can beg all he wants, but he'll tell. Even if they believe him the others won't. Neighbors. The police. You. Everything always came back to you. Mistakes, failures, hopes. You'd hate them - all of them - if you knew what took place in this basement. You'd never want to see any of them again.
"Maybe we should let him go... They're pretty hot when they're mad. I'm sure they'd forgive us eventually."
It's quiet now. How soon the commotion ends when that side of them says their part. Their voice doesn't like nails on a chalkboard. So sweet it makes teeth rot. It isn't authoritative enough to make those who heard Trimble in their wake nor is it meek and pathetic enough for a second listen. It was the amalgam of those voices - the best pairs.
"Now, Blu. You know we can't do things alone that we haven't discussed with everyone else before hand. Would you please let me out so I can take care of our little problem?"
Trembling hands retrieve the fist-sized cube from its pocket; chipped nails slid into the crevice separating the second and third row of squares. Why were they the one that had to solve it? These puzzles were always so hard despite the countless times they've done it - teary eyes aiding little to their cause. It becomes easier once they slide the third white cube into row. Their eyesight and mental slate become clear, cheeks dry and devoid of the faded acne scars that plagued them. They step towards their captive who was busy squirming away from the figure now five inches taller and missing the hunch in their posture that left them wondering how they had managed to drag them here in the beginning. Gaze piercing and laser focus as opposed to cowering from each sniffle. With those pure white eyes it's impossible to tell where they're looking, but the threat of being the target of their glance was petrifying alone. They were blue not even a minute ago. It was like they were a different person entirely - body and soul.
A dice falls to their victim's feet.
"Six.... You were fortune this time."
Another object grabbed from their robes. A single line drawn across their neck - and it's back to five.
"I knew you had that on you...."
"Awww, what the hell - over already? Should've made them beg or at least give us their address."
"May they have a peace rest.... Is what I would say if it were someone else, haha!"
"I think I'm gonna be sick..."
The figure pockets their weapon and stands with a stretch, stepping away from the growing pool of blood. "That was messier than expected. What should we do now?"
"Clean up this mess."
"Check Y/n's page."
"Send them flowers!"
"And this guy's heart in a chocolate box."
"All good ideas. Why don't we do them all?... Besides that last one."
Five people to a room.
As it always should be - until you come home.
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mamawasatesttube · 10 months
number 81 for the writing prompts: "It's cold, you should take my jacket."
(mostly cause I wanna see Tim wear Kon's leather jacket and Neither of them being normal about it but do what you want with it it's your fic <3)
Tim looks up as Kon waltzes back into the living room, two enticingly-steaming mugs in his hands. Hot spiced apple cider sounds absolutely divine right now—the blustery Kansas day outside is reaching its icy fingers into the farmhouse despite the fire blazing merrily in the hearth, and Tim has to admit, he maybe should’ve packed warmer for this trip.
Kon presses one of the mugs into his hands—the nicer one, Tim notes, without the chip in the rim—and Tim accepts it with a grateful hum. The warmth seeps into his palms immediately. “Thanks.”
“No problemo, Rob-lemo.” Kon plops down next to him on the couch, his TTK keeping his cider perfectly still in his mug as he makes himself comfortable. “It’s pretty chilly out today. Gonna be a good night to go skating—the pond down by the McAllister’s place is frozen over, and this time of year, they string up lights ‘n’ invite all the neighbors to come by in the evenings. Wanna go?”
Tim hums in consideration. “Could be fun, but just warning you, it’s been a hot minute since I did any skating, so I’m kinda rusty. And I didn’t bring any skates.” Mmm, the steam rising up from his cider smells amazing. “Did you make this?”
Kon’s eyebrows shoot towards the ceiling. Then he puffs out his cheeks in mock offense, folding his arms across his chest. “You don’t have to sound so surprised! I’m good in the kitchen.”
Yeah, Bart keeps calling him malewife material about it. Tim grins into his mug; it’s not his fault it’s so easy to ruffle Kon’s feathers, or that it’s so funny to do so. “I guess it is Ma’s recipe, so it’d be hard to make it bad.”
Kon politely waits for him to lower the mug from his mouth and then swats him on the back of the head. Tim does appreciate the pause, even as he ducks away, laughing. The cider tastes like apples and cinnamon and honey; warmth spreads through Tim’s chest.
“You’re rude,” Kon tells him. “Just for that, if you fall on your face when we go skating, I’m not helping you up. I’m just gonna laugh.”
“Oh, it’s a when we go skating now?” Tim quirks an eyebrow at him in turn. “I just said I didn’t bring any skates.”
“We can get you some, that’s no trouble,” Kon says, flapping a dismissive hand. Tim opens his mouth to ask where, exactly, in Smallville, can they get a pair of new ice skates in a matter of a couple of hours, but then closes it again when it hits him that even if there isn’t a big sporting goods shop in Smallville, geography isn’t really a concern to someone who can crisscross the entire globe in a matter of minutes.
“Yeah, okay, sure.” Tim lightly elbows him. “Don’t tell me you’re actually good at skating. I bet you just TTK your way through it.”
Kon elbows him back. “Yeah, right! I’m pretty decent, no powers required, actually. Been going plenty with Jon. He particularly loves this one roller dome in Metropolis that always has Super merch in the arcade claw games.”
Okay, Tim has to admit, he’s melting a little about that. Kon loves his little brother. The image of him taking Jon skating is really cute—he can just picture Jon wobbling along, holding Kon’s hand, and rambling about his day like he loves to do. He bites back a truly sappy smile; his toes curl instead, where they’re tucked under a cushion to stay warm.
“Lemme guess. The claw games are where you TTK it up.”
Kon snickers. “They’re rigged as hell, but the kid wants his misshapen Superman plushies, so obviously I gotta win ‘em for him.”
“Obviously,” Tim agrees. He curls his fingers around his mug a little tighter, soaking up its warmth; he’s got an actual winter coat for when they go out, but he really wishes he’d brought some thicker sweaters or hoodies for hanging around in the house itself. He’s used to the damp, creeping cold of Gotham; the blustery Kansas winters might be about the same temperature, but the wind out here blows right through him.
Kon shifts next to him, setting his cider down on a coaster on the coffee table. Tim glances up just in time to see him unzip and shrug out of his hoodie—it’s fleece-lined and light pink with a strawberry cow printed on the front breast pocket, very cute.
And then Kon leans over and wraps it around Tim’s shoulders. Tim’s face heats.
“It’s cold,” Kon explains. “Take my jacket. I don’t really need it that bad, anyway, so you may as well get some use out of it.”
It’s still warm from his body, and Tim lifts one hand from his mug to pull it more tightly around himself like a blanket. His nose brushes the collar when he turns his head a little. The jacket smells like Kon’s cologne.
…It’s the citrus-and-spice one Tim bought him last Christmas. He’s wearing the cologne Tim picked out for him last year, the one Tim definitely didn’t spend almost an hour agonizing over as he imagined tucking his face into Kon’s shoulder and inhaling this specific scent from his collarbone. He’s…
Tim’s face gets even hotter. Abruptly, he takes a gulp of hot cider, hiding in his mug. Kon’s jacket smells like him, and it’s warm, and it’s big and cozy and soft, and…
Kon is staring at him, Tim realizes belatedly. He didn’t notice because he was busy, uh, processing, but Kon’s looking at him like he’s…
Like he’s the last morsel of dessert on the table, and Kon has a ravenous craving for some sugar?
Tim swallows hard. Deliberately counts to eight on his next inhale and exhale. If he lets his heart rate pick up, Kon will definitely notice.
“Thanks,” he manages, finally. “That’s, uh. Yeah. That’s nice.”
“I’ll say,” Kon mutters. He drops his gaze, his cheeks a little pink, and then reaches over to ruffle Tim’s hair. “Bring warmer lounge clothes next time, dumbass. The farmhouse is kinda old. Gets drafty in here.”
“Yeah,” Tim says wryly. He shifts his weight, rearranging his legs so that instead of leaning on the armrest, he flops himself against Kon’s side, dropping his head to his shoulder for a moment. “I noticed.”
Kon leans his cheek against Tim’s hair. “At least you got me to keep you warm,” he sighs, slipping his arm around Tim’s shoulders. “What would you do without me, huh?”
Tim bites back the first response on the tip of his tongue (“Go into a huge depressive spiral?”) and goes for something a little less insane. “Freeze to death before you even get to laugh about me falling on my face at the McAllisters’ pond?”
Kon snorts. He’s comfortably warm against Tim’s side, and Tim snuggles a little closer, relishing his warmth. “Yeah, that sounds about right,” Kon agrees. “I hope I can get it on video.”
Tim just smiles to himself and raises his mug for another sip of cider. The honey and spices are heavenly on his tongue, but if he’s being entirely honest, he can think of something sweeter.
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the-laughing-lunatic · 6 months
I just have a simple request if you don't mind me asking. Can you do Heavy x Medic with a child reader (Their child, adopted or not, Medic does weird stuff) who is very sweet but also very strong like Heavy?
Basic storyline: One day their kid was in the forest and found a baby bear who was hurt so they tried to take care of the baby bear but Mama bear was closed so the kid tried to defend themselves and make sure they didn't hurt the mama bear to fix the baby bear like they've seen Medic do on people.
(Ofc! I kinda made this really long (wordcount: 1264), you can tell I'm not that great w/ oneshots :/ Thx for requesting!)
HeavyMedic & sweet child! reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was late at night. Far too late to be out in the forest at the young age of seven, but here you were, trailing behind your two dads as Medic rambled about his ideas for experiments once he found the herb that had the three of you out in the first place. Heavy and Medic didn’t want to leave you alone at the base so they wrapped you in your big fluffy coat and brought you along. You shivered. “P- papa?”
“Little Belka, is cold, yes, but your papas need to focus now. Can you stay quiet for little while?” Heavy responded.
“Okay…” You wanted to be good for them, so you kept your mouth shut and clutched your teddy bear close to your chest. 
Out of nowhere an owl swooped down and snatched your teddy bear out of your hands. You couldn’t just let it get away with that! But your papa said not to talk, and you didn’t want to distract them from their important grown-up work. 
You took a deep breath and ran after it, the brush scratching up your arms as you followed the owl. You ran till your legs were tired and the bird was gone from your vision. Only then did you get the sinking realization that you were lost, cold, and alone. 
You sat on a tree stump, curled into a ball and cried.
Medic and Heavy kept trekking through the forest. Medic smiled softly at a sleeping dove he saw in a tree. “Aw, taube, it’s you.” No response. “Taube?”
Medic turned around to see you were gone. “Belka? If this is joke, it is not funny. Come out now belka.” Yet again, no response. 
“Oh god, we’ve lost them.” Medic said, panicked. “Misha, what do we do? Oh god, how long have they been gone? They could be dead by now, what if they’re dead? I mean, are they even respawn compatible? We both are, and if the DNA processing worked how it should then they should be too. But I mean, no one else has ever done this so we don’t know if it works. Our taube could be eaten by wolves already I mean—”
Heavy placed his hands on Medic’s shoulders. “Ludwig. Calm. We will find them, it will be okay. 
Medic leaned into the touch, holding Heavy close. “I just don’t want to lose our baby…”
“We won't, I promise, our belka and will be safe and sound.” 
After a solid ten minutes of crying, you sniffled and wiped your tears. And then you heard a noise. At first you thought it was one of your papas, but it was more of a whine.
You stood up and walked towards the sound. There, laying behind a bush was a small bear cub, curled up and whining. “Oh, hey there little guy, what’s wrong?” It keened back, eyes wide. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I just want to help.”
Hesitantly, the cub rolled over to reveal a thorn stuck in its paw, the area around it swollen and red. It looked similar to bullet wounds you had seen before, so you grabbed a pair of tweezers from the first-aid kit you kept with you. 
As you pulled the thorn out carefully you felt a hot breath on your neck. You turned to see another bear, much bigger than the one you just helped, and its eyes were on you. It growled.
It had been who knows how long since Medic and Heavy learned of your disappearance, and they had been calling out for you for most of that time. 
Medic’s eyes caught a familiar piece of fabric in one of the lower branches of a nearby tree. He stepped closer, reaching up to grab your teddy bear coated in dirt and stuffing open in multiple slashes. “Misha…gott…”
“It will be okay Ludwig, our belka is strong,” Heavy said. He wasn’t sure if he was saying that for Medic or himself at that point. He gently took the teddy from Medic, holding it in his hand. So small, it looked much bigger when you were holding it. You were still so young, it’d be to soon. Heavy gave it a hug and put it in his bag. They had to find you.
You paled at the large bear towering over you. You knew you could try to fight back, but you didn’t want to. You settled for throwing a pebble at it. “Please leave, I don't want to hurt you.”
That didn’t seem to stop the bear, it stepped closer yet again. You gently tried to push it away. It didn’t work.
You whimpered and curled into a ball and closed your eyes as tight as you could, preparing for a bite or slash or any action that you very much didn’t want to feel. But…nothing happened. 
You felt the bear lick your hair and you felt yourself giggle slightly. It seemed because of the fuzzy coat he bear saw you as one of her own. It was comforting to be held close instead of feeling cold and alone just for a moment. You felt your eyelids droop and leaned into her. 
It had been hours. It was completely dark now, and both Medic and Heavy were completely exhausted. Heavy sighed and leaned against a tree. “Ludwig, it’s late, we might have to consider heading back…”
“What? Are you crazy? We need to find them, we can’t just leave.” 
“You are tired, you need sleep,” Heavy said, tracing the doctor’s eyebags with his hand. 
“Misha, I have gotten far less sleep for far less important reasons, I will be fine,” he said brushing away Heavy’s hand. “If you need rest you may head back to the base.”
“No, I will stay.” And so the two continued, scanning the beam of their flashlight through the forest, the long shadows of the trees stretching out before them in their search. Until the light caught on two bright, almost glowing, orbs. 
They stepped closer, seeing a large bear cuddling her cub…and their child! The two both let out an audible sigh of relief, Heavy stepping forwards to take their sleeping kid. She growled, pulling you closer.
Heavy kneeled down to eye level of the bear. “Thank you for keeping my belka safe, but this is my child. Please.”
The bear looked for a second before giving a small nod, loosen its grip on you so Heavy can take you in his arms. Heavy gave a nod of respect before walking back to Medic. 
You stirred at the sudden movement. “H- hm?” Your eyes opened, a smile appeared . “Papa!”
“You’re awake!” Medic exclaimed happily, reaching to Heavy’s bag to give you your teddy back. “It might need a wash and some stitching, but it’ll be okay. …we’re so sorry for losing you, taube.”
“It’s okay, I made a friend! Could I see them again?” you said, clutching your teddy to yourself as you were carried back to the best.
Medic laughed. “Ha! No, you’re never going outside again, we were scared to death.”
“Now, belka, he doesn’t mean never, he’s just exaggerating. You can go outside once you’re 18.” 
“Come on!”
Later that night, your teddy lay all stitched up on the night stand, moonlight spilling through the window as you laid between your two dads in bed. Having one warm body to cuddle you was great, but all wrapped in your loving papas arms you had to admit two was better.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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overtaken-stream · 1 year
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Love, Lust, Lick
Izou x Gn!Reader
Published this on AO3 a while back, but I decided I should post this here too bc I love this man with all my heart and he deserves more recognition <3
Warnings: blowjob, established relationship(I have no clue), hair pulling
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Your body shook as though your legs had been frozen and a bolt of lightning had struck your body from head to toe, numb knees bent in a way that makes the pain return every minute your subconscious returns to reality, the depths of your eyelids fog your mind, becoming the past and the present. Through the dank room, the cold of the wooden walls and the outside world have long since passed, instead being replaced by the heat your fervour has conveyed from your nether regions.
The soft lighting coming from the window was your only gateway from the darkness of his slumbering cabin, it makes sense you would want to enjoy the view you so rarely get. The stars innocently shone behind his shadowed face, silky hair coming down in long strands to rest on his shoulders as he tilted his head back, lips part, and released the hot air from his lungs. You could only imagine the view from the top, for the time being, you bask in his pelvis, trying your best to take all of him in, it's hard to get your point across with your tongue slowly going up to his tip, leaving trails of saliva behind on the bulging vein underneath, you note how he shivers from the sudden release and air contact. You hold him at the base, sliding up and down his shaft, hollowing your cheeks you can feel him throbbing between your lips, throat, and the tongue it's resting on, it causes tears to gather and latch onto your eyelashes, it causes you to go harder and faster, just the way he likes it.
Quiet hums stimulate him as the drool seeps out around your stretched jaws and continues its way down to his balls.
His head looks down at your sitting form, his scar over his right eye nowhere to be seen in the shade, half-lidded brown eyes are shining in stimulation you're giving him, he's weary, sleepy but his fatigue can wait. He puts his weight onto his left hand that's on the window stool and gets his sweaty, numb right hand to land on your retreating head. Tilting it back to stare at your glassy eyes. You've always been breathtaking, but looking at your shimmers that are like the sun's rays enchant him and capture his worn-out gaze, though, unlike the sun, he can stare at you all day; look at your face as you flash your toothy smile, listen to your ramblings and hold the precious eye contact as long as he possibly can before you (and him) disappear in your assigned duties, he promised himself to live without remorses, but as he spends more time with you, the more he thinks of the time, more the doubts dictate his thoughts, that he should be spending more time with you. When he knows it's impossible, not to mention inappropriate.
But he needs you, the never-ending thirst for the water which only you hold in the desert that is his mentality craves so impossibly further for you, his heart longs for your warm hands to touch his chest, in the past he has already become one with you, his and your heart, beat to the shared rhythm of reach. (He needs more of you.)
There's spit connecting your bottom lip to his shaft, glimmering in the light before it snaps and lands someplace below where the light doesn't reach. His palm is slipping on the sweat on your forehead, yet he continues to rub his thumb on your glabella. The quiet- yet heavy breathing of your disheveled figure limits the entire world to only you. Only your glazed-over eyes and swollen lips exist in his sight, he feels only your torso press against his legs, only your hands grasping the back of his knees as he sets his eyes on the forgotten (not by you, but by him) and stiff penis, he is surprised by the swollen look of it, flush overcomes his face from the angry red color the tip took, it screams at him to put your head back to work, however before he can advance the cold breeze over his urethra startles him, getting a hiss out of his mouth before he bites down on his bottom lip devoid of his signature lipstick, his furrowed brows get a sly and small, giggle from you that got cut off by him whispering cuss words at the empty space, he doesn't let go of your head, instead his long fingers become tangled in your hair as you lower yourself to kiss the place where his shaft begins and the sack ends. Your hands travel upward as you continue to circle his dick in kisses, they rest near his hips and the stool.
You take in the view, his hand, weak and powerless, rests in your hair as the line of his abs stands out, they flex as he bares himself fully for your sake. You want to, but don't dwell on the sight much., you're too caught up...
The moment a wet cavern engulfs him, he closes his eyes, tilts his head back, he grasps your hair tight in his hand as his cock manages to grow. He starts slowly thrusting and grinding his hips as you deepthroat him, slobbering at the musky scent of his manhood and looking up at him to meet his sweaty body, the muscles hidden from the view now stand proud with droplets of salty liquid dripping off of him, decorating his naked body with moving jewels.
The tears finally slip out of your eyes as he thrusts too sharply, holding onto your hair tighter than ever as he triggers your gag reflex, saliva floods your mouth as the muffled choking sounds intensify.
Only now has he realized just how much he wanted to reach his climax, after who knows how many edging sessions from you, he finally lets go of himself. Draping the intoxicating arousal all around himself and drowning in it.
``fuck... (Y-Y/N)-hah...-`` he moans. With more lubricant you move faster, up and down, up and down, you want to drag and catch more noises out of him. Dirty groans, mewls... loud exhales... Anything.
His simultaneous thrusts only spur you on. It excites you as he lets go of the self-control and roughly manages your head with his hand, you try desperately to clutch yourself around his shaft, to lick it from the bottom up, his gruffs of pleasure the only fuel you'll need to complete the mission: taste his essence.
At the height of his climax, his strong hand hits against the back of your head, sharply thrusting up, pushing you against his neatly trimmed pubes.
"hah... Yeah... That's it... That's... Ah...♡"
You suck and massage, run your tongue over his tip, and as his hand stutters, you take advantage of the slip-up, forcefully making your head gently travel up over his base, teeth grazing against his rounded edges, you take in the sight of slobber all around his pelvis area. You can feel it pulsing in your mouth as you carefully squeeze your teeth and take it to the bottom where your nose meets his dark pubes once again. Faint noises escape your teeth, noises you're sure he can feel. Just a little more and...
The surprised moan and the twitching are the only warnings you get as he exhales, his long lashes closed and eyebrows creased, he cums. The salty taste quickly spreads onto your tastebuds. You swallow drops of it, trying to contain it until the man himself interrupts.
Izou with his eyes rolled back into his head, roughly leans your head back, pulling out of your warmth and pumping his penis right in your face as the translucent liquid smears on your lips and nose, his brown eyes meet yours once again as you run your hands under his testicles, the liquid lands on your cheeks, stained with dried-up tears.
Flicking your tongue on his yet-to-soften cock you hold his gaze as you go down on him to finally lick his shaft clean of any fluid in peace, tracing and mapping out the bulging veins in the process (the process you've done for quite some time now, but a little studying has never hurt anybody).
His breathy giggle and a smirk are worth the filth.
He doesn't need to say anything, pregnant pause turns into comfortable silence as he tucks your hair strand behind your ear, gently taking your face in both of his hands. He brings your face forward.
In the silent night, the whisper of "I ♡ you" is a sign of end of your time with him.
He tastes himself on your salty lips, and wishes for more time.
(You taste the erased lipstick and only lick the sweet aftertaste away, from deep in your heart, the greed grows.)
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s0apmactav1sh · 5 months
Its been a hot minute friends. I am currently going through a shitty ass time but here have me waffling about my fic im trying to write.
(This isnt an update, i just need to qrite something before i disappear for a bit over shit thats happening)
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Crawler, the nickname given to you by the 141 after they got used to you casually crawling around the ceiling so it just came naturally to them to start teasing you with the nickname whenever the found you having a fit and giving out about the recruits while sitting upside down on the roof.
"Ya alright there crawler?" With how usually it was to find you in the prediment you were in right now it was no secret you didnt like the recruits you dealt with on the daily "No! How do they even survive on missions. My gods-" Cue Gaz listening for an entire hour as you ramble on about every mistake made by each individule recruit, names given and all. Once you stop your out of breathe and glaring at gaz because of the stupid grin hes been giving you. "What are you smiling at?" "You."
Spiderman kisses. No matter what no matter where. Could be in a random hallway, an office the debriefing room or any of there rooms at this point with how much time you spend with them. Soaps always the one looking for them no matter if you agrue that your nothing like a spider and he is being silly. But still you give in to the puppy eyes the werewolf man gives you. Your quite the sucker for them.
"No way am I hanging upside down because you want a kiss!" The way soaps ears droop and his tail lessens in wagging has you feeling guilty but what truly sticks it to you is the puppy dog eyes he now has to try convince you. Lips so prettily pouted and everything and who are you to deny that face. Even if you huff and groan as you geting yourself situated and crouched on the ceiling. So he can kiss you like in the spiderman movies. And as soon as its over Soaps rushing off to gaz to bloat over what you did.
Ghost somehow being the one to discover the ear bursting screech you let out when anyones hand even remotely brushes off your tail. He didnt even mean to purposely do it and the wraith was so thankful he was already dead bc the screech you had let out when his fingers lightly touched off the tip was enough to have him wincing and covering his ears to protect them.
It was a pure accident. He didnt even realise he had come in contact with your tail until you let out a horrifyingly loud screech that had him covering his ears. "Jesus. What on gods green earth was that. Are you some sort of banshee aswell." Before he can even get an answer out of you, your gone having bolted for the door as soon as that sound left your lips. What an awkward interaction that leaves you both walking on eggshells around each other.
Price deciding with all the time youve been around and the fact that his boys seem to trust you he adds you to his horde. But in a way that you dont realise that you apart of it. It starts off with him patting your back after missions amd saying goodjob, even if you were just look out. Then it moves on to him giving you random things, youve been eyeing up a new pair of gloves? Hes bought them and left them outside your door the next morning before you woke up. Its not until he leaves one of his scales on top of your desk that your realise what was happen but still you kinda oblivious so you just pocket the scale and run your fingers over it for good luck before every mission.
Ever since the others had become more comfortable and accepting with you on the team Price had bene thinking of making you a part of his horde. You'd be just like his boys, the centerpiece the thing he cared about the most. So whenever he saw your dule eyes light up at the sight of new gloves or a weapon he knew the way of winning you over was sneakily gifting you little presents. Without your gruad up so much it was easier to tell that you were a bit oblivious. Certain signs and things not processing in your mind. So when he leaves the scale down hes not sure if youll even see it but sure enough he manages to walk past your room, stopping when he see you slip the scale into the pocket of your gear before walking away with a goofy smile on his face. You may not know that your now his, but hey you will soon enough when the rest of the boys give you something of significance to them.
Silly rambles. Ok ima go take my meds and cry myself to sleep I might bring back king!price at like 4 am tonight.
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corruptedcaps · 1 year
Letting Her Hair Down
“Sarah! You have to help me! I don’t have much time, she’ll take over again any minute. You have to find a way to destroy my ponytail. It’s the reason I’ve become a bully and a bitch and… and… ohhhh no I can feel her taking over again ahhhhhh…. Sarah? What do you want loser? I have places to be. God you’re such a tragic fashion case.”
Sarah looked at Chloe, the resident queen bee of high school and her former dorky friend, with confusion. One minute had been walking down the hall looking like the poster child for being an entitled princess, the next second she slipped and banged her head on the ground.
Sarah being the good person that she was rushed over to help her back up when Chloe started rambling about her ponytail being evil and controlling her. Had she just been pranked by Chloe with this insane story? Then again it did make some sort of sense. Before Chloe had had her bitch makeover she had been a kind and reserved girl, with an underdeveloped body but a good heart. But ever since she got back from her vacation sporting her new bougie and haughty look, with bolted on big tits and a piercing hot stare, she had been a terror to everyone, especially Sarah. Could it be all because of her ponytail? Sarah needed to find out but for now she had to play dumb.
“Oh sorry Chloe it was nothing.” Sarah said sheepishly. Chloe rolled her eyes and pushed Sarah out of the way and left.
As Chloe sauntered off, Sarah's mind raced with thoughts. She couldn't let her former friend suffer in this bizarre predicament. Determination filled her, and she made up her mind to investigate further. If there was any truth to Chloe's claims, she had to find a way to help her break free from the ponytail's grip.
Determined to find answers, Sarah delved into researching anything and everything about hair that could control someone. That’s when she came across the Hairasite.
According to the legend, hairasites were parasitic organisms that resembled strands of hair but possessed a malevolent consciousness. They were known to attach themselves to unsuspecting hosts, taking control of their minds and manipulating their behavior. Sarah's heart skipped a beat as she read accounts of women exhibiting striking similarities to Chloe's transformation.
She discovered that the hairasite's control over its host could be severed by severing its physical connection. The only solution was to cut off the strand of hair hosting the parasite and destroy it completely.
With her newfound knowledge, Sarah formulated a plan to free Chloe from the hairasite's grip. She knew she had to get Chloe alone, away from prying eyes, to execute her daring rescue mission. After careful consideration, she decided to trick Chloe with an offer she couldn't refuse—a coveted invitation to an exclusive fashion event.
Sarah knew Chloe's new vanity would be her downfall. She crafted a fake invitation to a fictitious cheerleader fashion showcase, one that would lure Chloe into a private dressing room on the far side of school where Sarah could safely carry out her plan. The invitation, complete with glamorous details and a promise of VIP treatment, was carefully slipped into Chloe's locker.
As Chloe entered the private dressing room, her eyes which had been full of anticipation soon turned sour as she saw nothing but an empty room. Then she heard the door behind her click as it was locked.
As Chloe turned around to see what was happening, Sarah pounced. With a surge of strength, Sarah lunged at Chloe, grabbing her by the shoulders and wrestling her to the ground. They grappled with each other, their struggle fueled by a mix of desperation and the raw determination of friendship.
“Oh I am going to enjoy getting revenge on you when I get out of here.” Chloe said with a bone chilling laugh as she fought back fiercely, getting the upper hand. Sarah could feel the hairasite's influence giving Chloe’s body strength. But Sarah refused to give up. With a final burst of energy, she managed to pin Chloe down and swiftly reached for a pair of scissors.
In one smooth motion, Sarah snipped the ponytail clean off Chloe's head, severing the hairasite's connection to its host. The air crackled with tension as the room fell into a stunned silence. Sarah watched in wonder as Chloe’s body started to revert back to normal. Her kind soft face emerging from the cruel sharp facade it had once been. Her too nearly slipping off her as her breasts deflated and her height shrank. Disheveled and panting, she stared at Sarah with wide eyes, realization dawning upon her.
Chloe's gratitude poured forth as she regained her senses, her voice trembling with emotion. "Sarah, thank you... thank you for saving me from that nightmare. I don't know what I would've become without you."
However, as Chloe expressed her heartfelt gratitude, a sinister voice slithered into Sarah's mind, intertwining with her thoughts. "Sarah, dear Sarah, I underestimated you," the hairasite hissed, its voice silky and persuasive. "Imagine the power you could possess, the beauty you could radiate if I had chosen you and not Chloe. Join me, embrace me, and together we will rule this world."
Sarah's eyes widened in disbelief as she looked down at her hand to see she was gripping the ponytail she had snipped off Chloe’s head. She watched it’s tendrils reach for her like a weak newborn. Chloe's voice became distant, muffled by the seductive promises echoing in her mind.
The hairasite's voice grew louder, insidious and persuasive. "Sarah, don't you want to be admired? Don't you want to be noticed and feared? You have the power within you. Just embrace me, and we will become unstoppable."
As Sarah grappled with her inner turmoil, she locked eyes with Chloe, desperately trying to maintain her connection to reality. Deep down, she knew she had to find a way to rid herself of the hairasite's influence, but it was becoming harder by the second to not succumb to its alluring promises.
Chloe noticed the change in Sarah's demeanor, her concern deepening. "Sarah, what's wrong? You feeling ok?"
Ignoring the hairasite's relentless persuasion, Sarah took a deep breath and locked eyes with Chloe. "I need to destroy this hairasite once and for all. I have to get to the teachers lounge." Without another word Sarah unlocked the door and ran as fast as she could to the boiler room.
As Sarah's heart pounded with determination, the hairasite's voice grew more desperate. "Sarah, don't you see? I can give you power, beauty, everything you've ever wanted. We can become an even bigger bitch than Chloe was. We can bully her just like she did to you."
Sarah knew she needed to end this fast as she was starting to get turned on by the thoughts the hairasite was putting in her mind. Images of her commanding a clique of beta bitches to do her bidding and lording it over Chloe was making her unbelievably wet.
Breathing heavily, Sarah burst through the door of the teachers lounge, thankfully empty. She saw her goal though, the disused and often forgot about fireplace. With a trembling hand, built a small pyre of sticks and lit a fire beneath and watched the flames dance around and consume the wood, hungry for more.
The hairasite's voice intensified, filled with urgency as it tried one last ditch effort. "You can be in control!" It said as Sarah was one swing away from destroying it forever.
Sarah's hand paused mid-swing, uncertainty etching across her face. She turned to face the hairasite, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "You have 15 seconds, explain."
The hairasite seized this opportunity, its voice dripping with convincing charm. "Absolutely, Sarah. I took full control of Chloe because she was boring and dull and had no interest in being a bitch but you… you I can sense want it. You crave it. You want to possess unparalleled dominance over those who have ever underestimated you. I don’t need to control you if you’re lust for the same things I do. Just me on your head, and I'll grant you the power you desire."
Hesitation clung to Sarah's every fiber, but the allure of control tugged at her deepest desires. The longing to be noticed, respected, and feared intensified within her. Swallowing her doubts, she cautiously lifted the severed ponytail, gingerly placing it atop her head.
As the hairasite made contact with Sarah's scalp, a sharp jolt coursed through her body. She winced, feeling the hairasite burrowing deeper, intertwining itself with her being. A surge of power rippled through her veins, and she could feel her entire existence beginning to transform.
As the hairasite's influence surged through Sarah's veins, her transformation continued with astonishing speed and detail. Her nails, once short and plain, elongated into sharp, perfectly manicured talons. Each nail shimmered with a deep shade of crimson, perfectly complementing her newfound allure.
Her makeup shifted dramatically, reflecting the captivating charm the hairasite bestowed upon her. Her eyes were accentuated with smoky, seductive eyeshadow, emphasizing their piercing intensity. Thick, luscious lashes framed her gaze, fluttering with a hypnotic allure. Her cheeks radiated a soft rosy blush, enhancing her flawless, tan complexion.
Her skin took on a sun-kissed glow, a subtle tan that exuded the vibrant energy of a cheerleader on the field. It enhanced her already alluring features, lending an air of radiant confidence that demanded admiration.
Sarah's lips transformed into a pout that demanded attention. They became plump and sensuous, painted in a vibrant shade of pink, adding to her irresistible charm. Each word that escaped her now-glossed lips would drip with a confident magnetism, captivating those who dared to listen.
In addition, her breasts seemed to have defied gravity, becoming more ample and accentuated, drawing attention to her newfound confidence. Her figure, now curvaceous and alluring, would command attention from all who laid eyes upon her.
Sarah's demeanor shifted entirely. Once a kind and compassionate soul, she now exuded an aura of dominance and entitlement. Her voice carried a sharp edge, dripping with venomous superiority. Her posture adopted an air of confident dominance. Her eyes sparkled with an icy gaze that dared anyone to challenge her.
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Sarah had become the embodiment of the hairasite's promises—a captivating, powerful force that would leave a trail of both admiration and fear in her wake. As she surveyed her transformed reflection in a nearby mirror, a wicked smile spread across her face.
As she twirled a lock of her glossy, transformed hair between her fingertips, Sarah couldn't help but revel in the newfound attention she would undoubtedly receive. She was now a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of admirers and envious gazes in her wake.
As Chloe cautiously entered the teachers lounge, her eyes widened in shock at the sight before her. Standing there, radiating confidence and exuding an aura of dominance, was the transformed Sarah. Her gaze turned icy, and a unnerving smile curled upon her lips as she locked eyes with Chloe.
"Well, well, well," Sarah sneered, her voice dripping with cruelty. "Look who decided to follow. Surprised to see the new me?"
Chloe stumbled backward, her voice trembling. "You let her go! It’s me you want, she doesn’t deserve this! Fight it Sarah, don't let this control you!"
A mocking laughter escaped Sarah's lips as she relished in Chloe's bewildered expression. "Oh, Chloe, I’m not being controlled by anyone or anything expect my long buried desires. It's time you realized that power and beauty is all I’ve ever wanted. I've shed my former self, and I won't be held back by weak friendships anymore."
Chloe's eyes welled up with tears, hurt and confusion etched across her face. "No! You’re lying! I don’t believe you! Give me my friend back!"
Sarah's expression hardened, devoid of empathy. “Friend? That's amusing. I have no use for the weak and pitiful. And just to prove it’s me, how about I let my hair down?”
Sarah reached up to the ponytail tie and pulled it. Her blonde hair cascaded down and flowed hypnotically with every sway. She ran her perfectly manicured fingers through her locks, feeling a pleasurable tingle.
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“See? There is no hairasite anymore. No Sarah. We are one cruel, manipulative and sexy bitch called Sasha and you’re just a loser nobody who could of had it all but now you’re just in my way.”
With those cutting words, Sasha pushed past Chloe, leaving her standing there, shattered and betrayed. The transformed Sasha reveled in her newfound power, savoring the control she now held over Chloe's emotions, and soon the rest of the school.
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blue-sadie · 10 months
Friend Of A Friend
Santiago Garcia x Young Reader
Summary: being tess's best friend has its ups and downs but the best one being her dad's best friend
Warning: reader is 20, wall sex
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Yn/3rd person pov
I smiled widely as I climbed into the car greeting them as I got in "long time no see yn" Santiago grinned as he turned to me I bite my lip blushing slightly "yea it has" I murmured.
He glanced at tess to make sure she wasn't looking before winking at me making my cheeks redder before he turned back to the front.
"Tess, yn Santiago here is picking you up from shopping ok I have a meeting so I won't be home intill late" Tom said looking at us through the review mirror "he just needs to remember that and not forget us for a girl" tess teased making them laugh.
I just grinned slightly when tess turned to me but I was kinda jealous I've always had a crush on Santiago since I was 16 I mean who wouldn't and there's been many times when I was around and the guys were to making fun of him about his hot informants.
He's always been kind to me and since my 18th birthday we've gotten a little closer when we're alone but nothing more then light touches, little flirts and playful winks, he never seems to cease to make me blush.
"Haha very funny there is none of that anymore" he chuckled making tess lean forward looking at him with wide eyes "has thee santiago gracia the player finally found the one" she squealed my heart stopped and my eyes fluttered.
He shook his head still laughing "honestly I want to but I don't think she feels the same" he murmured my hands wavered as I grabbed his seat leaning forward to see him "how did you meet her" I asked thankfully the hurt I felt didn't show in my voice.
"Uh" he paused thinking glancing to the side of him out the window "she's a friend of a friend" he grinned tess started guessing names of his informants as I bit the inside of my cheek and sat back against my seat.
We turned into the mall parking lot tess's rambling calming down as we neared the entrance "have a fun time girls" santiago laughed as we said our goodbyes I just nodded acknowledging him as I got out joining tess on the pavement she waved her dad goodbye and watched as they drove away "what shop to first".
-Time skip
I was browsing the different merch sections in hot topic waiting for tess has she tried stuff on through the corner of my eye I noticed one of the male employees watching me and following me into each row a few minutes I move.
"Can I help you with something" I asked ironic its supposed to be the other way around, I crossed my arms over my chest as I turned to him, he looked like a deer in headlights "i-i" he rubbed the buck of his neck nervously.
"I came to ask for you number" I cringed as he snuffled through his nose the sound almost making me gag "I have a boyfriend" I lied turning back to the shelf of items but he stepped towards me making me taking a step back.
"He wouldn't have to know" he spoke seductively it made me sick "no thank you" I huffed trying to leave but he caught my wrist pulling me to him he sweat smell making nose crinkle "let me go" I muttered.
What the two didn't notice was that tess was done with trying things on and saw the whole thing "hey santiago we need your help" that was all she had to say to make him speed his way over.
"I said no" I growled trying to pull my way out his hold but his grip only tightened making me gasp in pain "hey dick head" the man holding me turned his head only to get punched in the cheek by a red faced Santiago.
I stumbled to the ground as the employee released me "hey you ok" tess whispered as she feel to her knees beside me but my eyes never left santiago as he beat the creep up "i-uh" I couldn't find the words my heart was beating in my ears and my breath was shallow.
Santiago was stopped by security but released as they went over the footage and took the employee instead "come on girls" he panted urging us out and walked behind us silently "total guard dog effect" tess whispered leaning over to me but I didn't answer my eyes trained to the ground.
"Let's get you guys home" he muttered unlocking the car I took a seat in the back and just went on my phone only answering when they spoke to me directly.
"I'll see you Monday yn" my head snapped to tess who was out the car I didn't even realize we were at her house or that she was getting dropped off first, "come up front yn" he smiled turning to me, I hesitated before nodding and climbed out to get into the passengers seat.
He pulled out the driveway and headed down the street "how are you feeling" he asked briefly turning to me as we slowly pulled to a stop "i-i'll be ok" I murmured looking down to my wrist that was reddening slightly, santiago gently grabbed it and pulled it to his face laying a gentle kiss on it.
"I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner" he said slowly lacing his fingers into mine, my cheeks became red as a tomato as I looked at our intertwined hands "I should've gone with you guys" he said slowly bringing our intertwined hands the the middle console leaning onto it as he went back to driving as the light turned green.
"I should've killed him" he muttered but I squeezed his hands lightly making him release a breath "I'm sorry" he whispered "it wasn't your fault" I said looking ahead at the road infront of us "he needed to learn some manners" he laughed at my statement and immediately agreed "yeah he can't mess with my girl" santiagos laughed ceased as those words left his lips.
My eyes immediately snapped to his "w-what" I asked my heart beat slowly increasing "i-i didn't say anything" he stuttered a wide smile pasted on my lips something I knew about santiago is he would somewhat stutter when he's trying to cover his tracks or nervous "you called me your girl" I murmured my smiled still widening.
He sighed slowly laughing to himself "yea" he paused "I guess I did" I squealed internally and shifted excitedly but sadness took over as we turned into my street "so am I a friend of a friend" I murmured "yes you are" his words made a shiver run down my spine, he slowed the car down turning into my driveway "are your parents home" he asked leaning onto the steering wheel looking at my house.
"No their away for the weekend" I murmured making him smile "mind if I come inside" he grinned towards me making me clench my thighs as I felt myself dampen I nodded eagerly unbuckling myself quickly and he did the same, he followed me inside and as soon as he kicked the door close his lips were on mine and his hands were feeling up and down my sides.
"I've been wanting you for so long" I moaned against his lips as my fingers entangled themselves in his hair "I know you have" he murmured making me lightly tug at his hair, his hands tugged off our clothes before be pressed me up against the wall "I need you now" he groaned pulling away from my lips.
One of his hands felt up and down my slit making my eyes flutter and a pleasured gasp leave my lips "shit your already dripping" he smirked and slowly moved his dick up against me, he slid it up and down my slit collecting my wetness on him "fuck" he groaned and slowly pushed in his hands moving to cage me in by settling beside my head.
My hands tugged at his hair again and a struggled moan left my lips his cock was stretching me out so much "that's it, that's a good girl" he growled and slowly started to pull out and push back in, he watched my face intently only increasing the pace when he sees my eyes flutter in pleasure or hear my soft whines.
"So fucking good mi amor" he whispered leaning down to my neck pressing his lips to my skin sucking harshly "s-shit" I cursed my knees buckling he swiftly caught me and put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up his thrusts never ceasing.
My moans were fueling his desire more, he nibbled and nipped at my skin making my breath catch in my throat, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as I leaned it up against the wall, I felt a knot form in my stomach and santiagos cock start to pulse "cum with me mi amor" he groaned licking a long strip along the hickies he littered on my neck, I nodded eagerly.
His grunts and groans grow louder as his hard thrust slightly fultered, our sounds of pleasure mixed together as we cam "fuck" I cried and santiago just growled lowly into my ear as he filled me up his nails digging into my skin, my hands dropped from his hair and I leaned my head onto his shoulder panting.
"Don't think we're done yet baby girl, you still have to make up for the times you've made me so fucking hard"
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