#its always a little funny to me when people can't stomach eating something that looks like an animal (but eats meat otherwise)
solargeist · 1 day
thinking abt Grian eating mostly seafood bc he lives by the ocean--just like back in Evo.
so he eats different types of fish, crabs, and even frogs.
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drpeppertummy · 1 year
truthfully my friends this isnt something im overly into or experienced in & as such i have Absolutely no idea if its any good or not. godspeed
[alien-esque parasite creature-in-stomach bordering-on-rapid-horror-preg situation, ends in hospital post-surgery bc you know id never let it explode him but the hospital isnt like a whole big thing, nobody has a good time in this but hes fine]
Val was beginning to wonder if eating at that sketchy restaurant in Hell had been a good idea.
Truthfully, he'd known it was a bad idea from the start. He hadn't liked the look of the place when his sister had brought him there, the service had been awful, the food had been worse, and he'd felt a little off ever since. That had been a few days ago, and he was back home now. It was always shockingly cold returning to the mortal world after visiting his family, but he was glad to be back in Connie's arms, even if it meant braving the chilly autumn air.
Exhausted from the busy week behind him, Val flopped down onto the bed. He was freshly showered and dressed in his pajamas, and very glad about it. Connie was taking her turn in the shower now. Sprawled out flat on his back, Val looked down at himself, and his brow furrowed. He hadn't felt quite right ever since visiting that restaurant, and he was still a little bloated. He laid his head back down on the pillow and rested his hands on his belly.
"Looks like your mom stuffed you like a turkey," Connie teased, standing in the doorway. "Does she think you're as skinny as I do?"
"Christ, does she," Val laughed.
"Maybe you oughtta visit more often, let her beef you up a little," she giggled, dropping herself onto the bed next to him.
"I don't think I could handle that," said Val. "You know everyone else in my family is like ten feet tall?" Connie laughed.
"And I bet they feed you like you are too, right?" She placed a hand on his rounded tummy and raised her eyebrows at how firm it felt. "Sheesh, you really feel stuffed."
"Tell you the truth, my sister dragged me out to some weird restaurant a couple days before I left. It was a mess, you never woulda gone in. Whatever I ate didn't sit right, I guess, my stomach's been a little funny ever since. I've spent the past few days feeling like I swallowed a bowling ball."
"Huh," said Connie, rubbing his belly. It gurgled uncomfortably under her hand. "Maybe you got, like, mild food poisoning or something."
"Maybe," he sighed. "Probably."
"Do you feel sick?"
"I don't know. Not quite. Just off. ADR, as they say at the vet. I mean, I definitely feel bloated, I can tell you that much."
"Believe me, you don't have to tell me," she chuckled, patting his belly. It didn't sound hollow, like it was filled with gas. Instead it sounded solid, like patting a rock, and it let out another sickly gurgle. Connie winced sympathetically.
Suddenly, Val sat up. Connie looked up at him, surprised. His face was difficult to read, but he seemed tense. Concerned, she sat up beside him.
"Val, what's the matter?" She placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I don't know," he said uncertainly, holding both hands against his tummy. He looked down, brow furrowed. Was he more bloated than before? His stomach felt tighter, and…strange, somehow. Almost as if something inside him was pulsing.
"Maybe you should go to urgent care or something," said Connie. She didn't like the look on his face, and she didn't like that he was still so bloated days after eating whatever he'd eaten.
"I can't go to urgent care. I'm not even human. They wouldn't know what to make of me even if I was feeling fine."
"Yeah, but…I don't know. I'm worried," she said, squeezing his shoulder. Now that he was sitting up, his belly looked even more distended than it had when he was laying, and it was oddly top-heavy, as though whatever was making it so swollen was stuck up in his stomach. She didn't like that at all.
Val couldn't disagree with her point of view. Still, he preferred to avoid letting people find out he wasn't human if he could help it. It was a dangerous secret to reveal, and there had been plenty of times where he'd nearly paid a heavy price for it. He didn't have much time to mull it over, though, because his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a bizarre wave of pain in his stomach. He doubled over with a groan, clutching his belly.
"Val!" Connie grabbed his shoulders. Val remained frozen, trying to process what he'd just felt. It was pain, certainly, and pressure, but it almost felt like movement as well. Cautiously, he sat back upright, his breathing shallow and shaky.
"That's it, you're going to the hospital," she said, standing up. Val opened his mouth to protest when another surge of pain shot through him, and this time he definitely felt movement. He doubled over again, gaping like a fish as his belly pushed out against his hands.
Carefully, Connie pulled him to his feet, putting an arm around his waist to hold him steady, and hurried him out of the bedroom. As they walked, she felt something shift under her hand, and for a moment she froze, looking down at him.
"What the fuck was that?"
"I don't--I don't know," he choked out, desperately hugging his middle.
"Let's go," she urged, and practically dragged him out of the house.
Connie hastily put the directions into the GPS and was off like a flash before Val could even finish buckling up. His belly bulged conspicuously over the seatbelt, undeniably rounder than it had been earlier, and whatever was inside was growing restless. A moan of terror escaped him as he watched something move under the skin.
"Connie, I love you," he blurted out, his voice shaking.
"I love you too. Don't talk like you're gonne die. You're not gonna die." She reached out and grabbed his shoulder tightly before returning her hand to the wheel. Val thought she looked like she definitely thought he was going to die.
The pressure inside his stomach was unbelievable, and only seemed to be increasing as whatever was inside continued to move around and grow. It was growing fast now, and he could feel his stomach stretching and straining to contain it. He tried not to think about how far it could stretch before it burst.
"We're almost there," said Connie, trying to reassure herself just as much as him. She glanced over at him and was horrified to see his belly visibly squirming. Suddenly, his belly surged violently, and he let out a hoarse cry as the creature inside him began to thrash, pushing out hard against the walls of his stomach.
"Oh, god, please," he cried out, clutching his belly as his tightly-stretched skin was pulled tighter still. "Oh, please, god, no--"
Val woke up feeling like he'd been run through with a chainsaw. He wasn't sure where he was or what had happened, and he didn't have the strength to care. All he knew was that there was a horrible searing pain in his belly. As he regained consciousness, though, he began to recall the events of the night, and he looked down at himself. His belly was flat. Flat, and bandaged up. He let his head fall back onto the pillow with a sigh of relief.
The surgeon told him that he'd barely made it in time, and that they'd pulled something like a sucker-mouthed chupacabra out of his stomach, and that it was nearly the size of an infant, and that his wife had urged them to just not ask questions, and that after the procedure they were inclined to just roll with that, and that he'd have to stay in the hospital for at least a week. Val groggily accepted all of this information; the surgeon could've told him he'd grown a second head and he'd have nodded along. With his stomach intact, all he cared about now was seeing Connie.
EPILOGUE BECAUSE I CANT WRITE ENDINGS: It took one day for Val to win the hearts of all the nurses with his charm and only five for him to be released--for good behavior, he'd joked. Against all predictions, he recovered surprisingly quickly, although his tummy remained terribly sore for weeks; that was, of course, to be expected. He'd persuaded the hospital to let him ship the creature back to Hell for further evaluation. Astonishingly, they'd managed to get it out alive after sedating it right along with Val, and it had been nicknamed "Fluffy" by the frightened staff who were in charge of keeping it under observation. Fluffy, as it turned out, was a relatively common parasite found in undercooked lava cod, which was exactly what Val had eaten, although most of his fellow demons and devils were built sturdily enough that it wasn't much of a danger to them. Connie, who had been even more shaken up by the incident than her husband, received even more affection from him than usual in the following days. He felt awful for putting her through the experience--he'd expressed this, and she'd incredulously assured him that it wasn't his fault--and he made sure to bake her something special for taking care of him.
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jameui · 3 years
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PAIRING: Hwang Hyunjin x Manager!M!Reader
GENRE: Angst, Fluff
WARNING: Hyunjin being a jerk
SUMMARY: You boyfriend, Hyunjin took you out on a date to watch your favorite movie.
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You sighed in exhaustion and as if the world was trying to test you, a fast running bicycle came your way causing you to jump to the side, so fast that you forgot about the takeouts you had in your hands and at a blink of an eye the neatly boxed items fell to the ground, all the food now spilled on the floor with your eyes widening in fear. "Shit!" You yelled out and tried to get back to the restaurant again, but as soon as you got there the line was already long and it'd take you ages to get to the counter to order, again.
You were at your way to your work with your phone squeezed in between your shoulder and ear as you talked to your co-manager on the other line who seemed agitated for your tardiness, while you tried to balance the foods you were made to order. "Yes, sir. I'll make sure that won't happen again." You told the male before the call was cut short when he decided to hang up all of a sudden.
Looking around, you saw a chinese restaurant that had the smallest line, so you went there and bought the food there, even though the orders of the group was not exactly what they wanted for you to buy. You just couldn't go back empty handed.
After a few minutes of walking, you finally arrived at the venue of the fansign event and got there just in time before Stray Kids were called to the stage for their activity to be done, but the moment you got there you saw that the people present were already eating their food away. They noticed your presence entering the room whilst their head turned to look at you. "I... Good morning, everyone." You greeted them. 'Guess their manager got their food delivered.'
You didn't get a reply, except from the group who was more than happy to see that you had food on your hands. "Hyung! Thank God. I was starving." The group's youngest, Jeongin said as he helped you put the foods down on the table. "You're seriously a life saver."
You smiled at him giving him a muttered thanks that earned you a smile from Jeongin. Honestly speaking, Jeongin was the second best person you ever liked in the group, the first being Lee Felix since he was the only person to ever approach you on your first day since he was able to see how much you were so nervous. Felix was also one of the members who taught you korean, the other being Bang Chan. You had always knew the group back then, and now and you were damn thankful that you got the opportunity to be in their circle.
Knowing how young you were to be working for them, they treated you nicely, not because they needed to, rather cause it was in their nature to be caring. Well, at least except one person. You were the closest to Felix who treated you like his personal manager and a friend as well, going out on friendly dates with you to the park, dog cafés, just anywhere Felix would find interesting to visit.
Who's the person that seemed irritated whenever you were around you ask? Why, the one and only visual king, Hwang Hyunjin. He doesn't actually treat you bad, but the way his eyes would always turn dark or displeased when you show up in his line of sight made you feel so small and felt totally unwelcomed. That was then, apparently, since today the male looked a little too quiet and didn't even bother to look at you. Believe me or not that's actually the kindest thing he's done to you.
You would try to go to him to try and talk to him, worried by his silence. You just furrowed your brows and sighed completely aware that no matter how much you try to talk to him he won't even dare to acknowledge you being there for him.
"M/n, are you just gonna stand there? Come and eat." Chan told you, but you just politely declined his offer with the shake of your head before telling him that you had just taken your breakfast and that you were full, more and you feel like your stomach's gonna burst. "Hm, suit yourself, but I'll be leaving mine untouched, so you can eat it when you get hungry, yeah?"
"You're so kind, Chan." You gave him a smile that got Chan smiling also showing his deep dimples that you could just dive in it anytime soon.
"Hey, hey, hey! We've known each other the longest. Why do I still have to call you 'hyung' and M/n doesn't?" Jisung, one of the group's rapper, pouted with folded arms as Chan chuckled before ruffling the kid's hair that Jisung angrily shook off.
"Well, since he's not that spoiled, unlike you." Chan answered Jisung who gasped dramatically. "And he also gained my permission, so—"
"Whenever or not he's around, is he the only person that ever comes into your mind?" That all too familiar voice spoke out, all your heads turning towards the person. He scoffed and stood up with a smirk on his face, probably in disbelief that the whole group was talking to you and always thought about you. "I mean, come on. There's gotta be something else to talk about other than this... person." You felt his eyes look at you while your eyes stared at him with rising anger. "There's sports, other artists, songs, music, so many and you chose to pick him as the topic of your talk."
"Hyunjin, that is very disrespectful." Chan gritted out, but Hyunjin knew better than to listen or to even stop.
"I'm really not, hyung." Hyunjin's smirk grew wider eyeing you with a suspicious look on his eyes. An idea popped in his head as he opened his mouth to talk. "But, if you want to, I could show you how disrespectful I can get." Without any warning, he took the take-out container and bottled drink in his hand and gave you no second to react as he poured all of its contents onto your head with a loud gasp coming out of you. "There. I'll call it a masterpiece even."
"Hwang Hyunjin!" Bang Chan's voice boomed through the whole room a still smirking Hyunjin turning around to face the older male who was fuming with anger. "You—"
"Chan!" You called out to him before things got a little out of hand. For pete's sake their going to just fight because Hyunjin had made a mess of you? You were not even worth the fight. "No. I'm fine. I can just quickly change, that's all. I'll be right back and I better get no reports about you two fighting." You told the two, Chan rolling his eyes.
You got out of the room and ran as fast as you can to the nearest restroom, cleaning yourself as soon as you arrived. Times like this you would immediately bawl your eyes out, but with the constant behavior that Hyunjin showed to you, you grew used to it. Heck, you even sometimes feel that the other boys only act like they liked you being there and when you weren't, they'd stab you behind your back. "Goodness, why won't this get off."
"Need help?" A raspy voice came from the entrance of the restroom, turning your head around to see Felix leaning himself on the door frame with his arms crossed, then untangled them to let his hands rest inside his pockets and stepped inside as you smiled at him. "Do you need more tissue?"
You shook your head at him, your attention back on your stained favorite shirt wiping them clean with the tissues the place's restroom owned. "Nah, there's plenty here. Besides, I'm all dried up now." You said and showed yourself to him, Felix knitting his brows in worry.
He seeped air through his teeth and cocked his head to the side, unsure if you should be wearing that now dirty shirt when you'd be with them during the activity the whole time. "I don't think you should be wearing that."
"Why? It's my favorite sweater." You chuckled half-heartedly.
"Yeah, I know, M/n, but it's dirty. Plus, I think it gets pretty uncomfortable seeing that stain on your shirt and it gets sticky. Yeugh." Felix pretended to barf which got you laughing softly. Felix, though not trying to be funny, whatever he does it always seemed so funny to you.
"Fine, fine. I'll go change, the problem though is that I didn't bring an extra shirt with me today." You told Felix scratching your nape.
"Really? Well, I guess we have to borrow from one of the group's." Felix suggested, but your eyes grew sizes bigger upon hearing that and waved your hands.
"No way, Felix! I have already done enough damage, I can't afford to borrow a shirt from one of the members, or to you even." You told him, but it all fell on deaf ears as Felix refused to listen. "I'm just trouble, Felix. You don't have to worry about me."
Felix hummed with two fingers pinching his chin gently. "Yeah, I don't think so." He took your wrist and started to drag you back to the dressing room. "Come on, I know there's someone willing to let you borrow a shirt." You just sighed, knowing that Felix won't even dare to change his mind when he had already set them on something.
Alas, as you two got there, none of the members even had a spare shirt to let you borrow. They were very willing and even tried to look around if there was anything, but to no avail. Although, there was one last person you didn't ask. "Hyunjin. You were the cause of this mess, you let him borrow your shirt." Felix sternly told the older male who pilled his brows together.
"What?! No way! Are you telling me I'd offer to do something for that guy? No!" Hyunjin retorted making Felix growl.
Felix was so ready to throw punches at the male who didn't seem to be bothered by the situation, but you just put a hand on Felix's shoulder and assured him. "That's alright, Felix. My sweater was thick enough to not get my undershirt wet. Although, I'm grateful for your effort." You smiled at him and sighed.
Just in time, you heard a call from one of your co-manager that the group was already being requested to be at the stage right now. You gave them an encouraging smile as they all did the same. "Alright boys. It's time to go out there and meet millions of your fans."
The group all shouted, excluding Hyunjin, hurray and hurried out to get on stage, you following behind after you were able to discard your sweater, leaving you only on your black t-shirt. You shivered at the cold now that you were left with a thin clothing that wasn't appropriate for the type of weather you were having and not mention that the place was fully air-conditioned.
Your shaking was not too evident, but one of the members, Seungmin, was able to notice it. Feeling pity he made his way to Hyunjin and tried to convince him. "Jinnie, M/n's cold. Please lend him your jacket, at least. He'll get sick if he continues to get exposed to the cold."
"Better for him."
"Hyunjin, please... Besides, you're already wearing thick layers of clothes why not let M/n borrow." Seungmin reasoned out and solemnly knitted his brows to persuade the male, Hyunjin rolling his eyes at his bestfriend and huffed before taking his jacket off of him and handed it over to Seungmin who silently squeaked. "Thanks, Hyunjin." Hyunjin brushed it off with a 'whatever', the younger of the two jogging his way towards you and gave you the jacket he got from Hyunjin. "I noticed your shivering, so I want you to take this jacket and no, you can't say you can't accept it."
You nodded your head at him and took the jacket from his hands. "Thank you, Seungmin."
"My pleasure." He smiled at you with those puppy dog like smile. He skipped back to reunite with his group while you put on the jacket that Seungmin offered you. You were still in thought though how Seungmin was able to convince Hyunjin to let you borrow his jacket. You knew Hyunjin owned the jacket since he wouldn't let them go since the moment you arrived.
You noticed how the jacket was too big for you, since the sleeves of the piece of clothing only let your fingers peek out through the holes while the flaps reached further down your hips, but it totally felt cozy and smelled like... Hyunjin. How do you explain it? You don't even know where to begin. It was him. The reason why you wanted to work with Stray Kids. You didn't want to look like you were some type of stalker, but all you ever wanted was to befriend Hyunjin.
The befriending process didn't go the way you actually thought it would go. Everytime his eyes met yours or you heard his voice you'd get all flustered and so nervous that your tongue always gets tied, the words you want to tell him gets trapped inside your mouth. It all started to be just an admiration towards the slightly older male until your determination to become his friend gradually became an unknown feeling towards Hyunjin, until realizing later that you actually liked the group's rapper, despite all his bad treatment towards you.
Back to reality, you hugged yourself and took in the wonderful scent the artist gave off until one of your co-worker nudged you. "Hey, stop sniffing the clothes. You totally look like a sasaeng."
"W-what? I wasn't sniffing anything." You denied it earning an eye roll. Later, you heard the whole place bursted into shouts of joy and excitement as Stray Kids made their appearance on the stage greeting all their fans inside and outside of the place. They all took their turns taking the mic to express their happiness and gratefulness to their ocean of fans that filled up the whole place.
Soon, the group was seated at a long rectangular table that was a perfect fit letting all the members seat on their respective seats. There were chairs as well settled in front of the table with each settled across a specific member.
You were appointed to keep guard and stand behind Hyunjin, in any case of fans throwing shade at him or any forms of harm or hate towards the member who had just been caught up in a supposed bullying rumor.
The line started to form as people who were present inside the place took their turns to talk to each member and get a sign from them. So far, you could only wonder how paranoid the company was to keep you on guard of Hyunjin when all these people here are Stays and they wouldn't do such thing to throw hate to any members in the group. Right?
The line was still too long to be gone in just minutes making you sigh, hearing your tummy rumble hoping that no one heard that. You now finally regret not eating that noodles that Chan offered you, the hunger finally hitting your system as your tummy continued to grumble. You pursed your lips and forced your eyes closed while you brought your head down in embarrassment. 'Fuck... why now?'
After a short while, the line was starting to get shorter and shorter, you thanking the heavens for the fast passing by of the time. But, the moment you least expected to happen happened. You felt a harsh tap on your legs and another and another after it finally took your attention, getting a little shocked that the action was done by the person who hated you the worst. "Take it before I change my mind." He told you. You complied and bowed at him politely as he tuts his tongue. "Who would even think of going to work on an empty stomach?"
'You... poured it on me?' You thought then shrugging it off before you looked at the treat offered to you by Hyunjin. You wondered what type of bread it was and hesitated, although Hyunjin's back was facing you he was able to sense your hard time on trying to eat what he gave you.
"It's not poisoned, M/n." He whispered as he signed the album that had his photo on it, then looking up at the fan who would like to talk to him.
Their talk wasn't audible to you, but you opened the packaging of the nicely wrapped pastry and bit on it with your body facing the wall so your back was turned against the people to cover yourself while you ate. One of your co-manager did notice your unwanted behavior and stomped his way to you and took the baked good from your hands and threw it to the ground to step on it and crush it good. "What do you think you're doing, L/n?! You're being inappropriate right now." He gritted out to you with a small voice almost like a whisper so no one else would hear you two. You bowed your head subtly before a hand was placed right below your chin as you looked up at him confused. "Spit." He ordered, referring to the food you were chewing.
You nod your head and spit out the food that was in your mouth into his hand while he picked up the wasted food and left, then threw it all at a trash can. "Fuck." You sighed as you held your chest and slowly turned around to face the non-existent line, the group now interacting with their fans.
Just looking at them now, you were able to remember when you were the one who was there seated at the chairs shouting out the name of the person you would call as your bias, which is no other than Kim Seungmin. At least, when you still didn't take the job to be one of the group's manager. Usually, it would only take one manager to manage the group, but why did this group require another one? You questioned yourself. It was all unexplained to you, but all you gotta do was to just be glad that you get to be friends with the people you see as your role models.
"Hyunjin-ah! When did you start trading jackets with your manager?" The question came out as a shout that got everyone laughing, including the group. You were only able to chuckle knowing that it was Seungmin who convinced Hyunjin to let you borrow his jacket.
Hyunjin didn't get to answer the question, when another fan spoke from the crowd that got every fans' attention. "Are rumors true that you don't treat Manager L/n well?"
Chan furrowed his brows and picked up his microphone. "Where did you get this story?" He chuckled trying to make it sound that it wasn't true and just pure bluff. Chan looked at Hyunjin with the face that told Hyunjin that he should start treating you well if he didn't want the netizens to know about his treatment towards you. "Anyways, it's seriously not true."
A few minutes later and the event was finally finished and the group was bidding their goodbyes to their fans as they started to walk backstage. You waited for them at their waiting room with a handful of bottled waters for the boys to pick up once they get inside. The door soon opened revealing the group with a tense atmosphere following them that got you so confused. "Hey—"
"Hyunjin. If word gets out about your mistreatment to M/n, that would be a serious damage to our image and to M/n as well, 'cause he's obviously in pain because of you!" Chan yelled at the trouble causing male who only rolled his eyes paying no heed to his warning.
"Atleast, I never went too far as to really hurt him physically." Hyunjin deadpanned Chan growling at his response. Your eyes flickered to Hyunjin, then to Chan not knowing what to do in this situation.
"You are seriously being a jerk right now, Hyunjin." Chan fumed in anger while Hyunjin just continued to act deaf and played on his phone. Chan, giving up, sighed and plopped down on his seat. "Ayayay."
They took turns in getting your glances as you thought of a way to calm the atmosphere. You had already been their manager for a over a year now and this was the only time that Hyunjin ever spoke up to Chan and, to top it off, with sass and without the slightest feeling of being bothered. That was the moment you felt like you had enough. You've had enough with all these things. You were tired of yourself to even think that Hyunjin would finally soften up to you and be his friend. You were wrong to even apply for this kind of job. The group wouldn't be fighting if it hadn't been for you appearing in their lives all so suddenly. "Guys... let him do as he pleases. I'll be the one to take of whatever the netizens hear."
Chan raised his eyes up at you with furrowed brows. "What do you plan on doing? Whatever it is don't do it."
You smiled and nodded. "I won't, Chan." You held up the bottles in your hands and turned on a toothy smile. "Water? Anyone?" They all sighed in relief and got their turns in picking their own bottled water, the last one not being picked up by Hyunjin, so you decided to give it to him. You brought the cold drink to his face making him flinch as he looked up at you. "Thank you for the bread, by the way." You told him and giggled. "I've already packed your jacket in your bag." You informed him and patted his back.
The once crazily terrifying atmosphere now turned into a more comfortable one, the one you always would want to see. You didn't know what got you the courage to speak or blurt out whatever you had in your mind, but you looked at Hyunjin and said: "Hyunjin, can I talk to you privately?" Thankfully, their loud voices was able to distract themselves from hearing your request to Hyunjin who sighed and nodded his head. He stood up from his seat and started to move outside of the room. You followed behind closely, feeling intimidated by the month older's tall figure. "Hyunjin..."
"Cut to the chase, M/n. I don't have much time." He told you as you nod your head in understanding and fiddled with your fingers.
"I know, you'd probably like hearing this, but could I have the permission to quit as your group's manager?" You asked him, his forehead creasing that made him pull his brows together. "I was able to notice what the group had become the moment I became your manager—"
"And do you think quitting would change it?" Hyunjin asked you with a raised brow. "If anything, it'd probably—no, it would break their hearts to know that you quitted. If you do so, you're not only quitting as a manager, but as their friend as well."
"And you're able to say that after you purposely tried to have me fired or suspended from work by offering me that bread?" You sarcastically answered, Hyunjin clearing his throat.
"Well... that wasn't my intention. I didn't even know it'd get you fired." Hyunjin replied making you chuckle.
"Yeah..." You replied with a sad smile. "But, I don't wanna be the reason why you and Chan would always fight. Stray Kids is Stray Kids because they're fun and loving, caring. And I don't want to change that by being around the group." Hyunjin never replied anymore and you sighed. "I'm heading back now." You said and as you started to walk back inside, Hyunjin spoke.
"I wish you never entered our life, at all, M/n." He told you that got your heart broken into pieces. Sure, you admitted that he never liked you even just a bit, but him saying it so bluntly to you, it's like he does really mean it and could only care less. You were about to speak when Hyunjin beat you to it. "If so, I wouldn't be able to garner these undeniable feelings I have for you."
You froze. Were you hearing right? You just cleaned your ears this morning, well you do it everyday. Is your ear trying to play with you? "W-what?"
"DAMN! WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT?!" You gasped with your mouth full of popcorn, your boyfriend, Hyunjin seated beside you at the movie theater. He smiled at you admiring how cute you looked with your shocked expression that was being illuminated by the big screen. "Jinnie! Look, they're gonna kiss! AH!!" As the two actors in the movie was about to kiss, one of the movie's cast bursted out of the door cutting the kiss and earned a few 'oh's and 'I hate you, Chan's. "Chan is such a cock blocker."
"Watch your mouth, babe." Hyunjin told you making you pout.
"It's true, though!" You retorted and Hyunjin could only laugh at your cuteness and honest opinions.
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zannadu · 3 years
Now nobody asked for this but I’m going to do it anyway.
Includes: Katsuki Bakugou, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Hanta Sero, and Mina Ashido
Warnings: fluff, mentions of sex, mentions of oral sex, kissing, and just dumb funny shit
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MHA as Stoners
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Katsuki Bakugou
It varies how fast he gets high, but his favorite way to smoke is with a simple joint
Okay this man will refuse to do any at first
But eventually will give in after the rest of the Bakusquad convinces him
(Though he will say “whatever I’ll do it”)
After the first smoke sesh with the squad he began to enjoy it more so he now does it more often.
If you are with him, he will either have a hard time being around her or will want to be next to you the whole time.
If you hold him he will act nonchalant but inside he will be exploding (no pun intended)
He will do his best to cuddle without making you uncomfortable.
He will get the munchies bad and insist you come with him to get more snacks every thirty minutes
He is much more open with his feelings and willing to talk more without yelling
He calms down a lot
He will show much more affection to you around people than he normally does.
Cuddling, kissing, squeezing, biting the whole PDA shabang.
He will not give two shits what everyone else thinks.
And when he finally has you alone, that’s when it gets a little hot and heavy. 👀
And he doesn’t even mean to.
Not that you’re complaining. ✌️
Katsuki’s hands snaked their way around your waist and his face found a home in the crook of your neck.
“You know, if you want to cuddle, you could just say so,” you stated, resting your hand on his locked arms. He let out a soft groan against your skin. His breathing was slow and his eyes foggy. He squeezed you tighter and moved his hands to intertwine them with yours. His heavy eyes looked up and around the room meeting with everyone else’s eyes.
“You're touchy tonight,” Sero snickered, taking another hit off the joint that currently sat, squished in between his fingers.
Katsuki did nothing but roll his eyes and squeezed your fingers. He placed his mouth closer to your ear, his breath just tickling your ear lobe. Suddenly his teeth began to nibble on your ear, sending shivers down your arms, evident with the goosebumps now arise on your delicate skin.
“What do you say that we go to my room, I want you, ” his voice was low and husky. His fingers released from yours and fiddled the hem of your clothing and caressed your soft skin. His teeth began to but harder, causing you to gasp. He then continued to nibble slowly moving to your neck. How could you say no?
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Eijiro Kirishima
It doesn't take very much to get him high so his favorite way to smoke is with a dab pen
Now usually this baby boy is sweet and manly
But when he's been smoking he gets VERY hungry
Like he will eat the entire kitchen.
He will space out a lot but will still listen to you if you're trying to talk to him
(or he will try to)
“Wait, what did you say?”
He isn't afraid of PDA either however he will wait till he's in private with you.
(as he should, he's respectful)
You might need to help him to his room
And try not to let him hug you until you're in bed because he will NOT let go until morning.
He is very sentimental and will give the BEST advice
“Babe, will you come to get food with me please🥺?”
“Kiri, you have a whole pint of ice cream, three bags of chips, AND meat buns. You don't need anything else😂”
He would pout omg.
He would fall asleep if you play with his hair in an instant
Kirishima laid in your lap, and you picked up each piece of his hair and gently let it fall. He had showered and decided on no gel, therefore his hair is silky soft.
“Babe, why did you let me eat so much?” he groaned looking up at you. All you could do was laugh, being high just made everything funnier. He began to pout which ceased your laughter.
“I tried to stop you, but you wouldn't listen, ” you almost began to laugh again. He groaned and held his stomach.
“Next time, don't let me eat so much, ” he squeezed his eyes so much. You continued playing with his hair and smiled at the tired boy.
His eyes began to close and he looked up at you and soon he was out cold.
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Denki Kaminari
His favorite way to smoke it with a pipe. Just makes him feel cool and the glass is trippy
Denki is usually very goofy and doesn't take things seriously, but when he's high he gets very philosophical
Like this man will talk about how space is so big and how a fish finds its way home.
Anything that will make you question your existence
He won't even realize what he's talking about until he looks at the rest of the group who is just starting wide-eyed and thinking about their whole existence on earth.
For some reason, he seems smarter than he lets people believe.
If he's with you he will be resting his head in your lap
He will have deep conversations sigh you
He will unknowingly rub small circles on your thighs while he's lost in thought💕
Continues to pick on Bakugou and how he's much different stoned
Usually wants alone time with you afterward, he feels safer when you sleep with him
He likes to be the little spoon
Denki sat on the bed and leaned against the wall. His eyes studied the ceiling, his mouth slightly agape in a soft smile as he got even more lost in his thoughts. His eyes were almost entirely closed. The hushed murders from the other teens seemed to entirely disappear. The soft music that was also playing just took his mind further into the abyss.
“Hey do you guys think it's crazy that one muscle in your body is the reason you are alive, and if it just decides to quit one day you will just topple over and die?” Denki continued to stare up at the ceiling. The entire room went silent, the only noise was the light music.
“Dude what the fuck, ” sero looked at home from down on the floor. Denki shifted his head to look at the rest of the gang who were all just staring at him.
“What, I'm just saying, ” he shrugged his shoulders. You just looked at him and laughed. That was the most random thing to say and he probably would do it again soon.
“C’mon baby let's get you to bed, ” you grabbed his hand and went out of the room making sure to say goodnight to everyone. One thing was for sure, Denki could not WAIT to be cuddled.
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Sero Hanta
This man's the og stoner and will hit a bong over everything else.
When Sero is stoned he makes sure everyone else is having fun
He makes sure everyone is comfortable with what they are doing
If someone doesn't know how to do something, like hit a bong, he will gladly show them
He is a weed mom
The best kind of mom honestly
If someone is paranoid or worried about an adult finding out or getting in trouble, he will try his darn hardest to calm them down
Has the necessities
Carries gum, eye drops, perfume or cologne on him at all times.
Has a pipe on him always
Provides the goods 🌿
Now let me tell you, this man gets HELLA horny when he's stoned
If everyone is settled in and comfortable he will turn his attention to you.
He doesn't even hide it.
“Mi amor, you look beautiful right now”
He will make you so flustered you will have to leave the room.
“Sero, what are you doing?” you ask as me scoots over to you across the floor. You can't help but laugh. The cheesy grin on his face was everything at the moment. It seemed like you were the only two in the room.
“Just coming over to check on you, mi amor, ”he purred as he placed his finger under your chin to make you look into his eyes. His eyelids were heavy, the red tint covered by a foggy gloss, just made him that much hotter. He blinked slowly and began to inch closer to your lips.
“Sero, ” you breathed out right before gently placed his lips on yours, moving to pull your body impossibly closer to his. His lips worked over yours as you found your rhythm. He pulled away looking up at your eyes from your lips.
He leaned forward again, this time next to your ear so no one else could hear but you.
“I can't wait till everyone leaves so I can finally find out how good you taste.”
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Mina Ashido
This girl's favorite way to smoke is a simple joint
She is great at rolling
(cuz she's good with her fingers if you know what I mean)
She is definitely in charge of the music and the vibes it puts off
But will also try and get everyone to go out and do stuff like getting food or to annoy Aizawa.
She also is the person laughing the most
She will laugh at literally anything
Kirishima making jokes about food or how hungry he is, Denki just acting dumb, or getting a rise outta Bakugou, whatever it is she will be laughing
This girl is part of the alphabet mafia and you can't change my mind🏳️‍🌈
Now she's is a cutie when it comes to relationships
She won't act inappropriately in front of everyone else out of respect for you
However, when she gets you alone that's a whole other story
“C’mon y/n, let's go to my room. I have something to show you, ” Mina smirked at you and squeezed your hand in hers. You had no other choice to follow her as you were already headed out of Sero’s room and straight to her room. You didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to everyone.
You finally made it to her room and she closed the door behind you.
“What did you want to show me?” you asked sitting on her bed. You look around the very pink room and back to her standing in front of you. Mina looked you up and down and reached out to grab your cheeks gently with her hands. She leaned down and kissed you gently, working for her hands down to the hem of your shirt, eager to get it off. Her eyes glazed over and watched your every movement as you striped your clothes. Her fingers grazed over the sides of your arms and you went back in for a kiss. She pushed you farther back onto the bed, straddling her legs around your waist.
“This is going to be fun, ” she said breathlessly and pulled you in yet again for another lustful kiss.
Asks are open!!! This is my first official post on here, advice would be fantastic, or if you have any ideas that would be awesome! Thank you for reading😁❤️
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mxnrly · 3 years
advocate, im changkyun
angst, fluff ending !
I inspired this in way too many things, but mostly in my career. Being a psychologist in progress makes me so excited but also scared of not being able to seek for help as I am the one who should be helping. Also, I got inspired on the MBTI type, INFJ or, advocates and! this song from sleeping at last. 
It’s my comeback after a long time without posting so, I hope y’all like this!!
wc: 1.6k
“Let me be your healer. Only yours. Because you give your life for the others but you always put yourself last. So here I am, putting you first so you can have someone to take care of you too…”
Your mom always told you about how your priorities were upside down, because you always liked to take care of others before taking care of yourself, and your life motto was even “love yourself first”! but it was funny how you didn't apply that on yourself. 
But that's just who you were! Always shoving your heart for others to help their hearts beat. Always taking away the oxygen straight from your chest to help others breathe. Because that's who you were. 
An advocate. Someone who always liked to take care of others, no matter how deep in thoughts you were, no matter how tired you were… 
Taking a deep breath, once again, you were tired of it all, but you knew if he came right at you for advice, you would be there for him. Because that's what you do. Because that's what you are. 
An advocate. 
Pushing the door open, you took off your shoes, noticing the smell of food. It was the middle of winter, so the heat irradiated from the kitchen made you almost feel like crying. Holding the lump on your throat, you walked carefully to the kitchen, watching the back of your loved one. He had a white shirt, folded from his sleeves up on his elbows, he was wearing the black pants of work and his black socks matched. His hair was brushed back his forehead, and, although you couldn't take a look at his face, you know he was furrowing his brows and slightly biting his tongue outside his mouth. The clear representation of concentration. 
Flashing a smile, you took a step closer, knocking on the little table inside the kitchen making him jump a little. He was wearing a deep blue apron and, now looking at you, you could appreciate his beauty under the yellow lights of the kitchen. 
“Welcome home, love!”
His enthusiastic tone made your heart swell. Waving lightly, you caught his shining eyes, while he started serving the food. Cleaning his hands with a cloth, he took off his apron and hung it beside the fridge. 
You knew, outside the house, you were the psychoanalyst, but inside of it, he was the real mvp. With just one look, he could tell your emotions, just like now. 
After turning off the stove, he turned back at you and opened his arms, making his way towards you. His face was mixed with emotions, but the most evident ones were concerning and love. You knew how much he loved you, after years of marriage he had shown it to you in the most beautiful ways. Your favorite way? His attention. 
At work, you needed to pay attention to a bunch of people, making them feel better with what you wanted the most. But that's how you were. And you loved your job, even if sometimes it became too much, you were willing to give everything for the people at your consulting room. 
His arms engulfed you in a warm and loving hug. Your arms found their way to his waist, hugging him tightly as if he was going to disappear if you didn't hold him correctly. 
“Sweetheart, you look a little tired. When did you last eat?” The sweet, slow and deep voice of your husband rang into your ears. Holding a sigh, you just hug him tighter, denying the tears that threatened on coming outside its place. 
“Tell me, is something wrong? If something’s wrong you can count on me.” Once again, his voice broke the silence making your knees quiver. You were so weak, oh so weak. But you weren't supposed to say it. You weren't supposed to be feeling weakness. You needed to be strong. 
You… Must be strong. 
Taking in your silence, his right hand found its way on the back of your head and started rubbing your hair, swinging you left and right slowly, humming lowly. 
He knew how hard you were sometimes to yourself. Considering your job required you to be focused on different storylines across the day. You were drained. 
“It's okay if you can't find the words, I'll take your coat and this weight off of your shoulders.” His hands started taking off your long brown coat, sliding past your arms, showing your grey turtleneck shirt. 
Finding his way to the bedroom, he hung the coat on the closet. Going back to where you were, he hugged you one more time. You could take in the scent of his deep perfume. Roses, but not fresh roses, something more like, musky roses. It had a wooden scent, manly, he smelt like home. 
After a couple of minutes more, you both sat at the table. Taking in the visuals of the food, you couldn't help but feel blessed to have such a person as your soulmate. 
Holding the fork and digging into the pasta, he waited for your reaction. After the first bite, your brows shot up and a smile adorned your face. 
“It's amazing, Kyun!”
He smiled, feeling like the best cook in the world. Both of you started eating your meals, glancing at each other every once in a while. You used to have a little chat while eating, but the food was too good you couldn't help but stuff your mouth with more food every time you swallowed the current bite you had. 
When you were done and you saw he was done too, he took a sip of his red wine and looked at you. “Tell me, how was work?” He wanted to know. More than anything. He wanted to help get rid of the things that were bothering you. 
Taking in a big sigh, you pressed your lips before denying with your head. “It was good, tell me about you, could you find the solution to the problem you told me about?”
Tilting his head, he looked right into your eyes sighing deeply. “Baby, I don't want to talk about myself.” His tone was serious, reaching for your hand resting on the table, he gazed with his thumb at the back of your hand. His skin was warm, showing love with just a single touch. “Tell me where it hurts. Please.”
You knew you were caught. Since the moment he first took a look at you, he knew what you were feeling. He knew. He always knew. 
“I don't even know where to start,” making your head rest on the back of the chair, you looked at the ceiling avoiding his eyes. “already tired of trying to recall when it all fell apart, I guess…”
His eyes traveled to your hand, where the engagement ring laid, and under it, was the marriage ring. Without wanting to say anything, and instead, trying to give you time to think on your next words, and you were forever thankful for his patience. 
There was it, silence again between the both of you. The heartbeat was thumbing hard and strong in your ribcage. The tears were threatening to spill again. Trying to contain the emotions, blinking repeatedly looking everywhere but your husband. 
“I just want to love you well,” You said between a broken sob. Your voice was already affected and you couldn't help but keep going, because in the end, he had seen you in this state more times than you'd like to admit. “I just want to learn how, somehow, to be loved myself…”
With a rapid pace of breathing, your chest was violently going up and down, but no sound came from your mouth. Across time, learning how to swallow the pain, the emotions down her stomach, and the noise that came with such events, became a speciality you had. And you didn't know whether to feel proud or concerned. 
“Like a tidal wave, I'll make a mess,” His voice spoke above the war in your head. Your mind was a mess, a mix of threads with no beginning or end that only caused more damage than good. Your right hand covered the one he was using to cover your left. “or calm the waters, if that serves you best.” Continuing, he reached with his free hand for your face, cleaning the tears with his fingers. 
Watching his face, the adoration in his eyes everytime he looked at you, only made your chest become more tight and ready to explode. You loved him. With all your soul.
He was your advocate. 
Getting up his seat, he held your hand making you mimic his actions. Face to face, he cleared the rest of the tears, and closed the distance, kissing the frustration and anxiety out of your system.
He knew, oh God, he did know how you functioned. How the emotions that sometimes drowned you, could take the best or worst out of you. 
The warm touch of his lips made your head spin once, twice, thrice, until you were intoxicated by his love. And then, there wasn't silence anymore, there wasn't pain. There wasn't… Evil. Nothing could hurt you now. 
A sweet melody embraced your bodies, making you feel like floating. Maybe when you both would take a breath, and your breathing becomes erratic, everything would go back to what it was, but it didn't matter anymore. Because you had him. 
“And what a privilege it is to love you,” his forehead bumped into yours lovingly. A smile spread on his lips making you smile even wider. “ it's a great honor to hold you up…”
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garlichoisan · 3 years
Singing in the shower | liu yangyang
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➸ Genre: Fluff
➸ Pairing: Yangyang × f reader
➸ Word count: 7 197
➸ Information:
college!au, childhood friends, friends to lovers, friends!NCT Dream 00 line, bestfriend!Yeji (ITZY), very slight NoMin references (Jeno + Jaemin), mention of Mark Lee, reader is a few months older than YangYang (born in the same year)
➸ Warnings: A lot of fluff as usual.
➸ Plot:
You're forced to learn how to live without your closest friend from childhood who has to go live in Germany with his parents, leaving you heartbroken. You thought YangYang was going to be by your side forever. As years have passed and you've almost started to forget about him, he suddenly appears in your life again, turning it upside down, and this time, nobody's leaving.
➸ A/N: This oneshot took me over 2 months and a half to write and was written as a part of my dear @renjunniehome's song fic challenge (?)
Not really a challenge, but it's an event where diffent NCT writers write fanfics based on songs so make sure to check it here: PLAYLIST FICS MASTERLIST
“I don't know, it's just something about ya
Got me feeling like I can't be without ya
Anytime someone mention your name
I be feeling as if I'm around ya”
YangYang and you have always been a package deal; you were so close as children that at one point people couldn’t imagine one of you without the other and honestly, you also couldn’t imagine what your life would be without your best friend. There was something about him that made you feel butterflies in your stomach, even though as a child you could not identify and understand clearly what it was.
Besides that, your parents and YangYang’s were very close so you sometimes had family dinners together; that happened often, since you were neighbors and your houses were literally right next to each other. Your parents loved YangYang like their own son, maybe because he spent so much time in your house, had dinner there, and even stayed the night quite often for your sleepover parties. Of course, his parents were also very happy when you went to his house in order to spend time with him. Everyone in the neighborhood thought you’d end up marrying each other when you grow up, even if your child selves denied it with disgust. However, you couldn’t deny that your face always lit up when your parents told you YangYang and his parents would be coming over for dinner. Just the mention of his name made you start jumping with excitement.
But apparently everything good had to end sooner or later. You could still remember the shock you felt when you learnt YangYang would be leaving his house which was right next to yours in order to go live and study in Germany. He explained with glossy eyes that his parents have found better work opportunities there and that this probably meant you wouldn’t see each other very often. When you first heard this, you burst out crying, hugging him tightly, begging him not to go. Even though he also didn’t want to go, he was just a child so he had to leave with his parents. That left you heartbroken; you tried to text him in the beginning in order to keep in touch but it was getting difficult because of the time difference, as well as the lack of personal contact. Slowly you started to get used to life without him, no matter how much you wanted him back, but you couldn’t really learn to be happy without him.
“Ain't no words to describe you baby
All I know is that you take me high
Can you tell that you drive me crazy?
'Cause I can't get you out my mind”
As the years were passing and you were growing up, you started to understand what your feelings for your childhood friend meant. Before you heard the word “crush”, you thought you just loved to be next to YangYang because he was funny and was making you laugh. But as a teenager, you realized you still missed him, even though you had no idea what he looked like now, how much he had changed, and most of all, you felt how you haven’t gotten over him at all. People your age started to date, but you weren’t interested in anyone, since subconsciously you kept comparing them to your childhood friend. You never even went to dates, and you realized how childish your behavior was, but honestly, nobody seemed like your type anyways. You barely had any friends, since the overly-romanticized idea of YangYang has turned into a standard for your friendships as well. You felt as if you were going crazy because of him as you only thought of him and how you would feel if you could meet him now.
* * *
A few years have passed and you were now in university, trying to live without the thought of YangYang as you realized you were probably never going to meet him again. Now you had some amazing friends who were bringing colors into your life and sometimes distracted you from thoughts about your childhood friend.
You were currently having lunch with your friends from your class. Suddenly you saw Jaemin, one of your friends, running towards your table and finding a place to sit, as he looked as if he was excited for some reason.
"Guys, big news! Apparently we're gonna have a new guy in our class. I heard he's German. I can't wait to meet him! European peopleare so good-looking!" Jaemin said with a dreamy gaze.
“Why would there be a German in our class?” You asked confusedly.
“I don’t know, that’s what the rumors are.”
As you heard the word ‘German’, you suddenly thought of YangYang again, trying to stop the association in your mind before it was too late. For the rest of lunch time you were a lot more silent than usual, quietly eating your food as Haechan was telling jokes, Renjun was laughing, and Jaemin kept annoying Jeno.
The next day you had an early class and as you heard your alarm ring, you groaned softly in annoyance, turning it off and literally rolling out of bed, as you fell to the floor, hugging your blanket, together with your bunny plushie which was actually a present from YangYang.
“Stop overreacting, you drama queen. Nobody has ever died from early morning classes,” your roommate and best friend, Yeji, said.
Sometimes you wondered how could she be so energetic, enthusiastic and optimistic, even early in the morning.
“Yeah, I might be the first one though,” you cried out, while holding the plushie tightly, refusing to accept the reality.
“Come on, if you get up now, I’ll buy you something delicious after classes,” Yeji promised, taking your hand to help you get to your feet.
When you heard her offer, your eyes lit up.
“Really?” You were still a little skeptical about believing her, even though you wanted to.
“Yes, knowing you, you’re probably just going to ask me to buy you a chocolate. Completely affordable,” Yeji chuckled, knowing she was right.
“Correct. Make it two, though. I feel this is going to be a difficult day.”
You finally took her hand and let her help you get up from the floor. After that you quickly put your plushie back in your bed, laying its head on your pillow, as you took the blankets from the floor and put them over the plushie, wanting it to feel warm. Yeji watched your actions with a wide smile on her face.
“Aww, you’re so cute. Now go get ready, or we’ll gonna be late.”
“Oh, how tragic that would be,” you said sarcastically, before going to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.
* * *
When you and Yeji entered the lecture hall, you found your classmates being more energetic and chattier than usual. You also noticed your friends, who were talking to a new guy, probably the one Jaemin mentioned the day before, as you recalled.
“Honestly I was a little disappointed to find out you weren’t actually German,” you heard Jaemin say and you giggled quietly.
“If those weird comments don’t scare the new guy off, I’d be really impressed,” Yeji noted, as she found a place near the window and you sat next to her.
“I agree,” you laughed, turning around to look at the new guy once again.
He looked somehow familiar to you, but you couldn’t tell why. When he noticed you looking at him he just stared at you for a couple of seconds while Jaemin and the rest of your friends were probably bothering him. You could swear you’ve seen those shiny dark brown eyes somewhere else before. But as you realized you were still looking at the guy, you quickly averted your eyes, so that he wouldn’t think you were some kind of a creep. You thought that maybe there was not a particular reason for his familiar vibe: maybe he just looked like somebody you’d befriend, that’s why he looked as if you already knew him, or at least that’s what you believed.
“I see the new guy has already caught your eye. The question is, how did he achieve that? You’re not usually interested in others,” Yeji pointed out.
“I-I’m not looking at him,” you denied, shaking your head. “Guys are basically a loss of time, except for my friends. But they’re too dumb for me to date one of them. Besides, only two of them are boyfriend material, they are Jaemin and Jeno, and they’re basically almost dating each other, even though they don’t know it yet,” you explained, taking your textbook out.
As you mentioned Jeno, you saw him coming to you and you looked at him questioningly.
“We promised to show the new guy around after this class, and then we’re going to have lunch with him. You and Yeji can also join us,” Jeno suggested and Yeji nodded.
“We’d love to!” You smiled and Jeno smiled back, returning to his seat, next to Jaemin.
When English class ended, you and Yeji went out of the lecture hall, waiting for your friends and the new guy. They were soon here and you all started walking around the hall, as you heard Haechan talking about the variety of books in the university’s library even though you’ve never seen him actually go there, so you were wondering how he knew this information. Meanwhile you and the new guy continued looking at each other and then averting your gaze without saying anything. You realized he still hasn’t introduced himself to you, but you couldn’t ask him for his name, because you were shy, so you just continued walking in silence, as the ones who were talking were mainly Haechan and Renjun.
When you went to the cafeteria and found a table, you left your things, so that the guys could watch over them, and you went to buy food with Yeji.
“Seriously, what’s going on between you and the new guy? You can’t stop looking at each other. You’ve never looked at a guy like that, so you can’t convince me you don’t like him,” Yeji stated, demanding an answer, as she took a bowl of rice.
“He just looks familiar, I don’t know why though. That’s all.”
“You know that when you meet your soulmate for the first time, you feel as if you already know each other?” Yeji asked, as you paid for your food and started walking back to the table with your best friend walking after you.
“Shut up,” you hit her arm playfully; you really wanted her to stop saying things like that.
When you went back to the table, you noticed only Jaemin and Jeno were there. Jaemin was feeding Jeno, holding a spoon of rice which he put into his mouth.
“Eat a lot, handsome,” Jaemin winked at Jeno who averted his head with discontent. “Do you want some kimchi?” He asked, as Jeno nodded, even though he didn’t want his best friend to feed him.
“Why are you feeding him? Can he not hold the utensils himself?” Yeji asked, as you hit her arm again.
“Be quiet, you’re ruining the romance,” you scolded her, as you continued looking at your two friends, as you sat across from them.
“What romance are you talking about, I just lost a bet,” Jeno groaned in disagreement with your statement.
“Was the bet letting Jaemin show his love for you freely?” You questioned him, as Jeno looked too flustered to answer.
“Something like that,” Jaemin confirmed. “Ah, Jeno, you’re such a messy eater! Here, let me wipe that off,” he said, as he wiped the rice off Jeno’s lips, using a tissue.
“Cute,” you whispered, looking away as you started eating your own lunch.
“Jaemin’s actions are making me want to throw up,” Yeji confessed, taking her fork and starting to eat her food in silence.
“You’re not the only one, I feel the same way,” Jeno agreed quietly, looking at Jaemin as if he was going to kill him every second now.
A few minutes later the new guy approached your table, holding his own tray of food, setting it down and sitting next to you. Your heart skipped a beat just because of his decision to sit next to you. You didn’t know why him being close to you was making you feel this special, so you tried to brush it off, but you couldn’t; so during the rest of the lunch you were actually in a very good mood, even though you and the new guy still haven’t talked to each other directly at all. When Haechan and Renjun joined you, you talked to them a lot, trying not to think about the stranger next to you, since you were too shy to ask for his name, and he apparently didn’t want to say it to you or ask you about yours.
As you were done with lunch, you stood up from the table and took your tray in your hands, looking at the new guy as he was doing the same. When he took his own tray, though, you noticed he dropped something. You quickly bent down to get it and give it back to its owner. But before handing it to him, you took a quick look at it – it was a discount card for the food in the cafeteria. You saw his picture and you read your name, saying it out loud as you realized something.
“Yang… Yang?” You looked up in disbelief.
He looked at you with a smile and he nodded.
“Yes, YangYang is my name, not a nickname as people usually think. Sorry for not introducing myself to you earlier, I was just distracted since you seemed really familiar for some reason,” he said, as you handed him his discount card.
“Um, I… My name is Y/N,” you introduced yourself quietly, as you waited for his reaction.
There were two possible ways this could go: he would either recognize his own childhood best friend, or he would take your hand, as he hears your name for the first time, if he wasn’t your YangYang, but some other guy with the same name. But to you, now it all made sense. The visual resemblance, his voice, his cheerful personality… But you still wanted to be sure it was actually him, before hugging him excitedly.
“You… Bunny?” He called you by your nickname he came up with when you were younger. He thought you looked energetic and playful, just like a bunny.
You nodded, as you couldn’t stop smiling.
“You don’t know how much I missed you!”
Before you could do anything, he put his tray and card down on the table as he hugged you tightly. You were a little taken aback for a couple of seconds, slowly realizing your wish has come true. You and your best friend were finally together.
“Thinkin' of ya when I'm goin' to bed
When I wake up think of ya again
You are my homie, lover and friend
Exactly why”
As you and Yeji went back to the dorms, you didn’t even have any motivation to study, because you were too busy thinking about your amazing day. You still couldn’t believe this was actually him, your childhood best friend who you were meeting so many years after he left for Germany, after you had lost hope of seeing him ever again. You were hugging your plushie, as you were jumping around the room, repeating that tomorrow you were meeting YangYang after classes in a café, where you could talk to each other and get updates on his life, even though everything seemed as if it was still the same; even YangYang haven’t changed in your opinion, except for becoming more handsome now as an adult.
Yeji was smiling at you, as you told her about your long story with your childhood friend. She was sincerely happy to see you so excited and she wished everything would turn out well for you. You kept thinking about him before going to bed and even after you woke up, starting your day with a smile on your face.
“You light me up inside
Like the 4th of July
Whenever you’rearound
I always seem to smile”
A few weeks have passed since your reunion with YangYang; now you were used to hanging out together all the time, just like before, realizing that neither of you really changed. You craved each other’s attention and presence just the same way as when you were kids. Today you decided to visit a café with a nice atmosphere, suitable for a cozy afternoon and long conversations. After classes were over, you said goodbye to Yeji, as she wished you to have a good time on your date, but you were quick to correct her this wasn’t a date (even though you secretly wanted it to be) and went out of the classroom together with YangYang.
On the way to the café you couldn’t stop talking to each other. Your topics were never ending and it was always exciting spending time together for both of you. You couldn’t stop smiling as he said funny things to you, or even when he didn’t say something that entertaining; you just loved his company so much, that you enjoyed every second you spent with him. Around twenty minutes later you got to your destination and he opened the door to the café for you, then you found a nice table near the window. You both ordered hot chocolate as you continued with your conversation.
“Do you wanna go watch a movie tomorrow? They’re projecting a Marvel movie,” YangYang asked as he gave you a little additional information.
You smiled, even though you honestly disliked these movies, but you only watched them so that you could spend time with YangYang. You’ve watched every single Marvel movie, since your best friend was obsessed with them for some reason.
“Of course, I’m so excited!”
“Great, I’ll book the movie tickets now,” YangYang said with a wide smile on his face, as he unlocked his phone and typed the website’s name to book the tickets.
“Um, Yangie,” you hesitantly started speaking, not knowing if you should continue your sentence.
“Yeah?” He asked, not looking away from his phone.
“I’m going home this weekend, in my hometown. Do you wanna go with me?” You suggested, even though you felt a little shy to be inviting your childhood friend in your house and have the same sleepovers you used to.
“Really? That would be amazing!” Fortunately, he seemed really happy to hear your idea. “Your parents are also going to be there, right?” After you nodded, he continued speaking. “Can you tell your mom to please prepare my favorite cream cheese muffins for her special guest?” He looked at you with pleading eyes you could never say no to.
“Hey, YangYang! Do you only care about food?” You scolded him, as you playfully hit his arm.
“This is my main priority, yes.” He answered, matching your energy. “But you take the second place, you’re the second most important thing to me other than food.”
He looked at you and for a moment you forgot how to breathe. You were looking at his eyes, getting lost again and again; it felt like you were getting out of the trance he put you on, only to fall deeper the next time you looked at him.
“Are you okay?”
His voice showed concern, but his face had a unreadable look; not worried, but also not calm. It was like he knew exactly how he made you feel.
“Uh, yes, sorry, I just zoned out for a second,” you explained as you avoided his gaze. “I’m gonna call my mom later and ask her to prepare the muffins,” you informed him, as you took a sip from your hot chocolate.
“You know I don’t really care, right? I just want to be with you,” he admitted, as you coughed when you heard that. “Are you alright? First you zoned out, now you can’t drink your hot chocolate… So my theory must be true,” he said with a content tone and you looked at him in surprise.
“What theory?” You asked as you continued coughing until you were okay.
“Never mind. Just be careful next time.”
You nodded as you silently took another sip, trying to avoid his eyes.
Around an hour later it was time for you to leave, so you went back to the dorms. He smiled and waved at you, and after you waved back, you finally entered the room you and Yeji shared. You closed the door as you rested your back on it, breathing loudly. Your heart was beating fast and you wanted to make sure you’ve calmed down before you greet Yeji. Now you were absolutely sure you were in love with your childhood best friend and that fact made you quite nervous. You never felt that way before and you weren’t even sure if he felt the same way about you. But despite your worries, you smiled widely before knowing it. You felt like you couldn’t even control your emotions and it made you very confused. You slowly went to your room, then you left your bag on your chair and you took a step towards your bed and you just laid on it for a minute, staring at the ceiling, trying to stop thinking about YangYang, but it was more difficult than you expected.
“What’s wrong? Didn’t the date with YangYang go well?” She teased you and you turned to look at her, rolling your eyes with annoyance.
“It was nice, except it weren’t a date,” you corrected her, sighing loudly. “But why is my heart being like that?” you whispered, putting your head on your heart as you kept looking at the ceiling with concentration, as if you expected to find all the answers of your questions there.
“Maybe because you wanted it to be a date?”
You decided to ignore her, but then she spoke again.
“Look at me, the ceiling won’t talk to you like I can,” Yeji reminded you as you looked at her discontentedly.
“Yes, but it also won’t make fun of me like you do.”
“Look, I’m sorry. I just find it amazing that you’re finally interested in somebody,” she said, as she smiled excitedly.
“You could have stopped after ‘sorry’, you know?” You shot her another annoyed look and she raised her eyebrows as if to say she didn’t care. “Never mind, I’m going to take a shower.”
“And people ask me how
Well you’re the reason why
I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower”
As you felt the hot water running down your body, you felt a wave of calmness washing over you. Your mind kept going back to thoughts of YangYang and your incredible day with him, as well as the excitement of going home together with him. It was something you wished for so many years, just having him back with you, the two of you together in your room, playing Plants vs. Zombies or Mortal Kombat, some of your favorite PC games back at the time, when you both were around 10 years old.
Without realizing it, you started singing a random song you’ve heard in school today that somehow happened to be a romantic one, matching perfectly with your good mood and your feelings for your childhood friend. Around half an hour later, you got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around your body. Then you took the hairdryer and stood in front of the mirror, drying your hair, but you felt so energetic and happy that you started dancing in front of the mirror. You were holding the hairdryer and you were moving your body randomly, keeping a smile on your face, even though that way drying your hair took much longer time than usual.
When you finally turned the hairdryer off, you noticed Yeji standing in the doorway of your room, looking at you with a wide smile. You rolled your eyes at her for the millionth time today, realizing she may have witnessed at least a part of your dancing in front of the mirror. She giggled, but you decided to act as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, as if you were always that cheerful.
“Why are you laughing?” You asked, as you put the hairdryer back in its place.
“Someone has a crush,” Yeji almost sang that sentence. “I’ve never heard you singing in the shower and seen you dancing in front of the mirror before… Is it really possible that YangYang is the reason behind all that? Could he have changed your usual grumpiness into cheerfulness?”
“What do you mean? I’m the same as usual,” you denied all her claims coolly, sounding credible enough, since you weren’t such an inexperienced liar; you couldn’t say the same for your love life though – you really lacked experience in that part, knowing that calling yourself a “dater” would be factually incorrect.
“Yeah, okay. But if things between you really do work out, I want to be the first one you’re going to share the news with! You’re gonna tell it to Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun and Haechan later,” Yeji stated, as you were looking at her with confusion.
“Calm down, there won’t be any news to tell,” you laughed as you quietly went back to your shared room.
But the part of you that you tried hard to suppress, really hoped you were wrong.
“All I want, all I need is your lovin'
Baby you make me hot like an oven
Since you came you know what I've discovered
Baby I don't need me another”
The next day was Friday, the day you would come back home together with YangYang, being there with him for the first time in many years. A few days ago you’ve told your mother about reuniting with him and to say she was ecstatic would have been an understatement; she felt as if she was welcoming her second child who has been away for a long time, so she wanted to make sure everything was perfect for him. She even cleaned your room since you weren’t there to do so and its usual state was beyond messy; definitely not the best place to show to such an important and dear guest.
You couldn’t wait to go, but before that, you had classes that seemed endless to you; time seemed to be passing too slowly and for a moment you even thought about suggesting YangYang to skip school today, but your good girl reputation prevented you from doing so.
When the professor said his last words for today, concluding the lecture, you took your backpack. You had put your stuff in it a few minutes ago, while the professor was explaining something about an exam or an “extremely important” group project; you weren’t sure, since you weren’t listening after all. You took out the little mirror you kept in your bag to make sure you looked alright. You tried to comb your hair with your fingers, then you applied a new layer of your favorite pink lipstick; you took so much time with your make up today, even though you usually didn’t wear a lot. When you were ready, you ran to the exit of the auditorium, as YangYang was already waiting in front of it.
“You might need to turn Yeji down,” he said, as you raised your eyebrows questioningly. “The group assignment Mr. Lee mentioned, groups of two are also allowed, so you’re with me.”
So this was what you missed as you were too busy putting your stuff in your backpack in order to be able to leave as early as possible. You smiled at him when you heard his words that made a warm feeling blossom in your body.
“Are we ready to go? All I need is in my backpack, so I don’t need to go back to the dorms, unless you want to.”
“I’m also ready. Let’s go,” he smiled, taking your hand and leading you to the exit of the university.
As you were walking next to him, your hand in his, you felt your heart beating unusually fast; but instead of this making you feel nervous, you felt the same warm feeling spreading through your whole body and this time, you were ready to let go and have fun, without holding back anymore.
“So we have a bus in 15 minutes,” you informed him, as you looked at your phone.
“A bus?” He asked before he stopped walking and you stopped looking at the phone and noticed an expensive black car parked in the university parking. “Why don’t we take a ride in my car?” He leaned on it, tapping the roof softly.
“This car is yours? I can’t believe it, you’ve really grown up, Yangie,” you said with a disbelieving voice in order to tease him, but you still sat next to the driver’s seat in his car, as he has opened the door for you before getting on himself. “Even though I’m a few months older than you, I still don’t have my driver’s license, but I’m working on it,” you said with a discontented tone. You were nervous about driving and when you were stressed, you couldn’t do well so you were trying to get your driver’s license for quite some time now.
“You can do it,” he encouraged you with his usual cheerful tone, holding his fist in the air for a second as a sign of encouragement, as he started the car and left the university parking.
* * *
When you were finally in front of your house, you quickly got off the car as you started jumping around with excitement. He smiled at you as he also got off and when the both of you took your backpacks from the car, you rang the bell of your house. A few seconds later your mom opened the door, welcoming you with warm hugs and her usual good mood, as well as a wide smile.
“Wow, I haven’t been here for such a long time,” YangYang mentioned, as he kept looking around. “Wait, what is this smell? It’s amazing!”
“Oh, it’s the muffins,” she smiled again. “By the way, Yangie, you’ve grown so tall! And my little Y/N is still the same as before, she didn’t really grow up a lot,” your mom teased you,
“Hey, you’re shorter than me, so you aren’t allowed to make fun of me!” You playfully scolded your mom, as you sighed in annoyance.
“But you like girls shorter than you, right, YangYang?” Your mom asked your childhood best friend and you wanted the ground to swallow you up right now since you were so ashamed.
You knew she was only asking this since she shipped you and YangYang romantically ever since you two met. She was truly scared for you not to end up single, while you were living your life, rejecting every guy that tried to flirt with you, especially because they weren’t YangYang. You perfectly understood your own feelings so you knew that you didn’t need and didn’t really want a relationship if it wasn’t with him.
“Actually, yeah, I really like girls like that,” YangYang smiled confidently, looking at you. “They are adorable,” he looked away and only then you could breathe. “And they make me feel tall even though I’m not,” he laughed, as your mother was looking at him with pure adoration in her eyes.
“Ah, you’d be such a perfect son in law! Handsome, good mannered, with a good height and you also know a lot of languages, just like my Y/N! I’m honestly so jealous of your future mother in law,” your mom continued to make you want to disappear and you were on the verge of just taking YangYang’s hand and leading him somewhere far away from that house.
“Believe me, you do not need to worry about that,” YangYang said as he kept smiling at your mom.
Even though you didn’t know what he meant, you really wanted to take him somewhere else, where he wouldn’t be able to talk to your mom.
“Dad is still at work, right? Please ask him to buy iced tea and tell us to come when dinner is ready, see you later,” without waiting for your mom to answer, you took YangYang’s hand and led him upstairs and then into your room.
He was looking around as if he was visiting a foreign place he has never been to before.
“You changed your room color…” He said as he touched the wall. “Baby pink suited you though. Also your curtains are different. I liked the old ones with teddy bears on them, but these are fine too. And the bed… It’s seems suitable for more than one person,” he kept commenting the details about your room, but this time his tone was different, and his look was honestly making you nervous. “Have you invited many guys here, Y/N? In this room, on this bed?”
His question made you choke on air; you were looking at him with shock written all over your face.
“W-why would I…”
You wanted to be honest with him, but then realized that this would probably make you look so boring to him.
“It’s not your business.” You quickly answered, sitting on your chair.
“Ah, my innocent Y/N… I guess I’m the only guy who is not a family member that has been to your room,” he continued teasing you as you glared at him warningly.
“That’s not true! Jaemin, Jeno, Haechan and Renjun have been here too!” You quickly denied his claims.
“Yeah, but I doubt you felt something for any of them.”
You stayed silent for a few seconds before deciding to change the topic.
“Do you wanna play Plants Vs. Zombies?” You suddenly asked.
“Of course! Let’s go!” He answered enthusiastically, seating on the chair next to yours.
It was a whole miracle how you could change the atmosphere and his demeanor just by mentioning a PC game. You started playing and suddenly he was the same old YangYang you knew and loved.
“Plant a sunflower, quickly!” You said, as you were looking at your laptop’s screen.
He did as you said, waiting to get another sun so we could buy another plant.
“Quickly, the zombies are coming!” You were clapping excitedly, looking at your childhood friend play the game you used to play all the time when you were kids.
You were so happy that you got closer to him without realizing.
“You’re making me nervous by staying so close to me,” he confessed, giggling softly.
“A-ah, s-sorry,” you quickly apologized as you moved away from him.
When you decided to take a break from the game, you offered him to watch a movie and he agreed, laying on your bed and you reluctantly laid next to him, trying not to get too close to him. You opened Netflix on your TV and the two of you took some time to choose a movie.
“No, no all I know (know)
Only you got me feelin' so (so)
And you know that I have to have ya
And I don't plan to let you go”
You haven’t watched the movie even halfway when he pressed the pause button.
“I can’t do this anymore,” he said, sighing deeply as if he had something that caused him a great amount of stress.
“Do what?” You asked him worriedly.
Was he sick? Was he bored? You thought of so many different things that you could have done which could have irritated him.
“Pretend that everything between us is still the same. Pretend I don’t want to kiss you right now.”
Your eyes widened with shock when you heard his confession, but before you could say anything, he continued talking.
“We’re not kids anymore, Y/N. And I think we did change through all these years. It’s our chemistry that’s still the same. Tell me that you’re feeling it too,” he was talking in a husky voice which made you imagine things you thought you shouldn’t.
YangYang looked at your eyes hesitatingly, then at your lips, or at least that’s what you thought you saw him looking at, even though for you, it didn’t make any sense for him to be looking there, even after hearing him say he wanted to kiss you. You felt as if that whole situation was just a dream and nothing that happened was going to affect reality in any way. But as you were busy overanalyzing things as usual, you felt a strange, yet addicting sensation. As your eyes were still open, you looked at YangYang who was kissing you. You couldn’t believe that was happening, but you quickly closed your eyes, enjoying his lips on yours. Your heart was beating fast as you tried to remember this sweet feeling, savouring the taste of his lips. When he moved away, you slowly opened your eyes, looking at his with confusion, yet with trust. You were sure that whatever was going to happen, you were safe and happy with him.
“I- You… Uh, did you like that?”
You nervously nodded, as you were wondering what to say.
“Great, I did too. Does that mean you like me back?” YangYang wanted to check in with you, before officially asking you the last question he wanted to ask ever since he realized who you were back in the canteen that day.
“You’re so special to me, YangYang. I like you a lot,” you confessed, feeling a little shy, but still trying to keep his eyes on him, because you thought he deserved to know exactly how you felt about him without finding out how nervous you actually were. “By the way, that was my first kiss and I’m so happy it was with you,” you looked at him adoringly.
“Really? That’s so cute!” He exclaimed with a sweet smile. “So you’re sure you haven’t kissed anyone from your friends group?”
“Actually I kissed Jaemin and Jeno on the cheek once at a party because of a dare. And on the same night Haechan and I got so drunk that we almost kissed, but our friends stopped us before we ‘unlock a whole another relationship’, as they said.”
YangYang sighed with annoyance before mustering up the courage to ask you the most important question.
“Do you want to be like… Uh, you know?”
You were looking at him with confusion written all over your face.
“You sound just like Mark, he’s a friend of mine who’s one year older than us,” you teased him, since you really found his nervousness to be cute.
“Come on, you know what I’m trying to say,” he tried to avoid saying it out loud, but you weren’t going to let him do that.
“Do I know, Yangie? How can I know if you haven’t said it yet?”
“You went from a shy girl to a smug girl in just a second,” he mumbled with discontent.
“But you’re the same! You were teasing me earlier and now you sound like Mark Lee!” You complained.
“Who is Mark Lee?” YangYang asked even though he didn’t really insist on knowing; he just wanted to postpone asking his main question for as long as possible.
“That Mark guy I told you about! Are you even listening to me?”
“Should I be jealous of him?” He pouted as he was waiting for your answer.
“Maybe you should,” you continued provoking him in order for him to properly ask you what he wanted to.
“Come on! Aren’t your four handsome guy friends enough people to be jealous of? When I see how you’re looking at Yeji, sometimes I’m jealous of her too! I also can’t stand it when Haechan looks at you as if he has so many improper thoughts. Or when Jeno and Jaemin ask you if you have eaten. Or when Renjun is smiling at you and laughing at your jokes! Ah, I hate it so much that I want to punch-“
You interrupted YangYang with a kiss.
“My answer is yes.”
“You’re going to be my girlfriend?” He asked, hoping you would agree.
“No, I’ve never heard you ask that,” you crossed your arms, smiling at him playfully.
“You’re going to be my girlfriend because I said so~,” he almost sang that sentence, as he decided to make sure you were incapable to refuse by suddenly making you fall on your bed as he trapped your body under his.
“No, I’m not going to do it~,” you answered in the same tone, as you tried to flip him over, so that you could be on top of him.
But when he noticed what you were trying to do, he caught your wrist and kissed your lips deeply, making you forget everything else. In that moment you relaxed under his touch feeling safer than ever. You kissed him back with the same lust as his, as your fingers threaded through his fluffy hair. You continued passionately kissing each other for a few minutes, taking very short breaks to breathe, since you both missed each other’s lips too much to stay separated even for a few seconds that felt like an eternity for you.
But when you heard a knock on your door, YangYang quickly got off you and he sat on the bed innocently, as you followed his example. You quickly fixed his hair which was quite messy because you were running your fingers through it all the time.
“Y-you can come in,” you said with a voice that was a little distorted, while you were trying to normalize your heavy breathing.
When you said that, the door opened and your dad came in.
“Hi, Y/N. Here’s the iced tea,” he said, giving you the bottle of iced tea which you contentedly took from his hands and left on the ground. “YangYang, it’s great to see you again,” he smiled and YangYang smiled back. “Dinner is ready, so you can come downstairs,” your dad said and you nodded synchronously. Then he turned around and walked out the door, closing it.
YangYang got up from your bed as he gave you his hand, which you took. He kept holding your hand as you were walking down the stairs.
“I guess your parents are really going to have the best son-in-law,” YangYang said and as soon as you realized he was talking about himself, you hit his arm as you laughed.
You were finally truly happy again; you felt having YangYang by your side meant that nothing was impossible and all your dreams could come true, just like the seemingly unrealistic dream of having him back while you were longing for him all these years. It turns out your long wait was absolutely worth it and now that he was here with you again, you weren’t going to let him go.
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 6
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Part 6~ cuz I love y'all <3 don't forget to drink your vitamins and keep hydrated! Stay safe and healthy my loves :)
Word count: 3k+ words
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: None. (tis a fluff-filled chapter)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
* beware of little shifts in perspective from two characters, we will be jumping casually from their minds.
You caught the orc staring at you again, with a smile that made his tusks jut out more. "H-Hi!" you blurted out, waving.
As you began walking towards him, you found yourself losing balance, your legs giving out. You closed your eyes reflexively and expected to land face-first on the tiled floor.
Only you didn't.
You felt a strong arm around your waist and a large hand on your back, nearly covering the expanse of it. Instead of the floor, you found yourself smushed against something warm, and that thing, you figured out a second later, was Tai'chi's chest. You became flustered and felt your cheeks and ears redden. Your nose was practically inhaling his scent now, all that musky and rich smell of his making you light-headed. Stuttering, you pulled your head back.
"I-I-I— Ta-Tai'chi???"
Congratulations self, that was perfect, wow.
"Hm? Oh, uh, sorry. I acted on impulse when I saw you collapse." He said as the grip he had on you slackened and moved to hold your shoulder to support you in case you fall again, his other hand, though, remained in its place behind you.
"Don't w-worry about it. My legs just gave out, haha."
That came out awkwardly.
Damn, he is fast.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, his words filled with genuine concern. Your ears were sporting a tinge of red, he noticed. Your scent also changed, signaling you were flustered.
"Ye-yep! We should uh, head back to class now. Oh! We haven't eaten anything for lunch." You said and as if on cue, your stomach grumbled to agree, followed by another grumble but louder, it wasn't yours but Tai'chi's.
The two of you laughed from the sounds they made.
"You're right. How about we go to the cafeteria first to grab something before we head back to our classroom?" He asked, smiling down at you.
"Great idea!" You agreed, a little too eager than you would've liked.
"We should get going then."
He straightened up and removed his hand from your shoulder when he was certain you wouldn't stumble again. Though, he let his hand on your back linger a bit longer even after you left the office.
The trip to the cafeteria was peaceful, minus the sounds of muffled talking coming from the rooms. Tai'chi was beside you as you walked down the halls, thankful that your legs found their strength again.
Arriving at the significantly less crowded canteen, both of you went ahead and ordered some food before finding a place to eat. Spotting a vacant one a few tables from the main entrance, you trudged to it, Tai'chi following close. You sat down and got a clearer look at his tray.
It was a lot, though you expected it to be. There were more vegetables than meat though.
"Not a fan of meat?"
He looked at you and laughed, echoing through the whole cafeteria, which resulted in some students glancing in your direction.
You were a bit taken aback, not expecting that sort of reaction from him.
"I'm sorry. I just- I don't know why I found it funny. I meant no offense."
"None taken."
"To answer you, I'm a huge fan of meat, red meat to be exact. This was the only portion that's left when I asked for more. And I'm still growing so I made up for the lack of meat with the vegetables. We orcs love a healthy and hearty meal."
What he said made you smile even more.
"What about you?" He glanced at your tray to see a portion almost similar to his albeit more assorted. This made him look back up and you, flabbergasted. "You can eat all of that?"
You looked down to inspect your food choice, and you instantly felt self-conscious.
"I...Uhm yes. I can." You replied, albeit meekly.
Tai'chi noticed the sudden change in your voice and made himself clear; "No, no I didn't mean it like that. I'm just, well, as you already know I haven't met many humans aside from the ones in a village back home, so I was just surprised." Watching him explain himself made you smile again. The thought of you being repulsive vanished out into thin air.
"I eat a lot. Though sometimes I eat more junk than healthy food. Anyways, let's begin, shall we? We're already late and I'm starving!" Laughing, you both know today's attendance in class isn't much of an issue. They did say there won't be any lessons today to give time for 'socializing' instead.
You stopped in your tracks when you realized you haven't shown him your face ever since you met. You looked around to see if anyone was watching and stole glances at the one in front of you. You slowly removed your mask and revealed your face. Not many have seen you without it, only those who are close to you, specifically your family.
"I guess this is the first time you've seen my face, huh?" Nervous, you asked.
Tai'chi stared at you so intensely you felt self-conscious once again. "I-Is there something wrong?"
'Shit, does he find me unattractive? Weird? Not that I expected the opposite but —'
"No. No, there's nothing wrong. You-"
"I'm what?"
"You're beautiful."
'Did he just—'
Your face heated up again and this time you had no mask to hide it.
Hastily, you covered your face with one hand and looked away.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when you did, coughing into his fist before he started eating.
Once you cooled down, you did the same. Trying to focus on the savory food they served in the uni.
Eat, damn it.
You barely noticed the orc, or perhaps you chose not to, as you wolf down your food like you haven't eaten for weeks. Another thing he found admirable and attractive. You ate cleanly, not letting a single piece of food go to waste.
He'll have to find some time later to formally introduce himself, along with other...things.
You leaned back on your chair, noticing Tai'chi doing the same, as you let the feeling of content wash over yourselves. The food was great! You made a note to thank the cook later.
You sat up after a moment and arranged your dirty utensils. You were against the thought of making the cafeteria's job of cleaning harder than it is. So you cleaned up, stacked plates properly in your tray with concentration, you didn't realize until later that you did the same to his dishes. You didn't spare a peek up into his eyes or else you'd make a fool out of yourself again. Taking a napkin, you wiped your mouth clean before you quickly put on your mask, much to Tai'chi's dismay.
You stood up but before you could walk away, a hand reached out to grab your arm, stopping you. He stood up from his seat.
"Uh, yes?"
"There's still time before our next class starts. Would you mind taking a stroll around the campus with me?"
"Y-Yeah— sure. I wouldn't mind." You replied, avoiding his gaze.
The two of you strolled around the quiet grounds of the campus. There were trees, younger than the ones in the forest. You took in the nice scenery before you, feeling the fresh, cool air, the gentle rustling of leaves, calming, and the scent of your companion to your left, relaxing and sweet. You were in a daze, barely paying attention when Tai'chi said your name and stood still.
He chuckled lightly at your response.
"I want to continue where we left off in the forest."
"Oh. Oh, of course."
"I want to know more about you, Pearl. So I'll start with my true name." He knelt down which startled you momentarily.
"I am Tai'chi Kashharzol, eldest of five siblings, son of Durog and Gala. I come from the Northern stronghold of clan Fatof'san. Before I came down to the city, I was trained and taught basic socialization by an old human who lived in the village under our protection.
"I went through one of my clan's traditions and hunted down my first Snow Bear. The elders gave me an honorary title to carry, right after my kill."
You stood there listening to him earnestly as he told you all of this with pride, taking in each word and committing them into memory.
"I was given the name, 'Frostbreaker'. It is my warrior name." He took a breath before he asked. "Will you honor me of becoming my friend?"
All of this sounds like a confession— technically it is but there's something, intimate about it. The way his eyes shone with such determination and something you can't figure out.
Should I ask? He stopped talking, snap out of it–
"Oh, wow. I mean yes! Yes I'll be your friend. I'd be more than happy to. The honor is mine!"
You beamed as he returned a toothy grin.
"Right. I should also say something like that, well, uh, wait." You were slightly nervous as you removed your mask, offering a shy smile before speaking.
Breathe in.
And out.
"I am Pearl Blackbell, only child and daughter of Leon and Athena Blackbell. I'm from a town, West of here, Red Springs is its name. My parents taught me martial arts, and, uh, the use of self-defense weapons." You paused and showed him your crimson knuckles. "This is my favorite one to use, I'm sure you noticed already. My father... didn't want me to leave home without any assurance that I can defend myself. You were right when you said I have experience in combat. A decent amount of it," you sighed.
"I always, almost every day, get into trouble standing up for someone, bullied, or abused. I also held my own when someone tries to harass me, smashing their faces in."
Tai'chi in turn listened closely, his gaze intense on you. He was concerned about what you implied. Many attempted to assault you? How many times? Did they hurt you? Your smile faltered as you told him the next things about yourself.
"I... didn't have friends as I grew up. People tend to be afraid of what they do not understand, y'know? They didn't want me near them, finding me weird for wearing a mask, plus my reputation for punching humans didn't help," you laughed self-deprecatingly. "So I spent my whole high school years training, mastering my art with the help of my father, who was of course, very strict and hard on me." Finding nothing else comfortable to say at this stage, you went quiet.
"Can I ask you a question?" The orc said a moment later. He was bothered by the fact you had no friends, not even one. And training, training meant pain.
"Only if I can ask one in return." You replied, feeling bold all of a sudden. He grinned at this.
"Why do you always wear a mask?"
There was no trace of ulterior motive in his scent, not the usual annoyance you smelled every time someone asked the same question. So you answered him, honestly.
"Promise you won't get weirded out?"
"I swear on my name."
"Oh. oh, okay that's good. You see, my nose, or my sense of smell specifically, is err, not normal."
Now this made Tai'chi's eyes widen. Did you have an illness of sorts? Is your health in danger? Were you h–
"I can tell how someone is feeling based on the changes in their scent. My nose is very sensitive to odors so I keep wearing a mask every time I go outside. It has been like this since I was born. My doctors say it's rare for a human to possess, they say it's special, a gift from a higher being."
"When we went in the cafeteria after our first class, "—Tai'chi inserted— "Was the reason you stopped advancing inside further, the sour and disgusting smell of the students in there?"
"Yes, actually— Wait, how did you know?" you asked.
How does he know??? Did he just smirk?
"I can smell them too."
"You can?!"
"So you mean to tell me, my nose functions similarly like yours?"
"Yes, perhaps, a little bit differently. Or maybe it's because you didn't hone it."
"How can you say so?"
"I can block out certain smells if I want to. And based on your reaction early on, you're having a hard time doing so, is that right?"
"W-Well, yes. You're right. Usually, I'd wear a mask with a basic filtration device, but that doesn't work when I'm inside a closed space and the scents are all mixed up and concentrated."
Tai'chi nodded in reply. He began to stand up and you were met with his towering form once again. You took a step back so you can put less strain on your neck from looking up.
"You still owe me an answer to a question by the way."
"Go on and ask then."
"So, uh, is it just me or when you told me about you...it kind of felt different from how talking to a friend sounds like..." You fidgeted, a certain heat slowly creeps up your face again as you looked around not wanting to meet his gaze. You felt your heart rate increase as you noticed his scent change, telling you you were right.
Tai'chi sighed heavily and rubbed his temples before gathering the courage to talk.
"Yes, it was different."
"We use that kind of formality, usually towards someone we want to court."
Did he say 'court'?!
"C-Court??" you squeaked. Pretty sure your face is redder than the color of your brass knuckles, your heart hammering in your chest you believed he could hear it.
"Courting, or dating, or whatever everyone calls it down here." Breathing in deeply, he returned to kneel before you and took your hands into his, large palms caressing your small ones.
"I'll have to rephrase my words."
He locked his gaze into yours, deep blue eyes to your mahogany ones.
"Will you allow me to court you, Pearl Blackbell?"
"W-Why would you want to court me?"
The hell would someone want to court me? I'm seen as a freak by most people and I'm not soft or girly like the others. I don't like skirts or dresses. I hate makeup. I have calloused hands, scars hidden under my clothes. I don't understand —
He gave you a soft smile, cutting off your train of self-deprecating thoughts. "I can hear your mind, Pearl. Don't think low of yourself. You are amazing, y'know that? The first time I saw your eyes, and the moment you fought for my sake, I knew I was smitten. You are graceful, each motion fluid and filled with strength, people would never expect you possess until they feel it through a punch you throw. You are kind, righteous, beautiful, strong, with a heart of gold. It is a shame how most people do not see it. I want to prove myself to you, and win your heart properly."
You were about to pass out from his confession when you remembered you need to respond! Gathering what courage and energy you have left, you answered.
"I...Oh my God... I don't know what to say— I've never experienced this, ever! I'm afraid I won't know what to do- what if I mess up? What if I—"
"Listen, liga ni..." He cut you off as he rubbed circles on your hands, that small shift of language sent his voice into a guttural one. "This is also a first for me, and I share your fears in this. But my wish to pursue you remains unwavered. I will try my best to woo you, and if I do something you didn't like, it is up to you to end the courting, any time you want, and I will stop immediately. I hope we would stay friends if it comes that..." He said as he broke eye contact and looked down.
"Tai'chi..." Seeing him sad like this made your chest twist in discomfort.
Steadying yourself, you studied him, his scent was pure, no malice within his words, he was speaking from his heart. With renewed confidence, you finally decided.
"Tai'chi Kashharzol...I wish to court you as well."
He snapped up his gaze back to you and saw you smile. He scented you just to make sure you weren't doing this out of pity. The moment he realized it was genuine he lifted you in the air and spun you around. You were surprised at the sudden outburst but laughed together with him once you got over it. He set you down after a while and moved his face close to yours but halted immediately when he saw your eyes widen.
"Too forward?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah." Your heart was doing backflips, even if that sounds so ridiculous.
He understood. "I apologize, I got carried away." But before he pulled back you pressed a quick kiss on his forehead. He almost purred from the gesture but suppressed it as not to scare you in any way. You were new to this after all. He cleared his throat and reached out a hand to you.
"We should head back, our class will start soon."
"O-okay." You moved to wear your mask again before taking his hand, enjoying the rest of the walk in silence. You were still nervous, but you decided to focus on the now.
I've never felt like this before... Is it a good thing? I think it is.
And with that on your mind, you let yourself relax.
A pair of cruel eyes witnessed the whole exchange, remaining unnoticed as he hid behind a tree, a good distance from where you stood. They watched you and the orc walk away before they went the other direction.
"She will be fun to break. A female, human Blackbell, tempting. This will be a great chance to demonstrate and prove how monstrous an orc could be." They snickered. "I will enjoy this, exceptionally."
"In time, Pearl. In time."
Now now who is this suspicious person?!
Liga ni — means 'little one' (as an endearment) in Orcish
Tags: @crackinanutshell @kokokatsworld @mitchiesdungeon
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends — Part 19
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she’s brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy.
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
Series masterlist
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Sofía had definitely closed up, she became a recluse in her own apartment and the only thing she did was go to work and back. She felt mostly okay, she wasn't crying her eyes out or seeing a random photo of Chris and crying. 
She was hurt, deeply hurt but all she did was avoid thinking about him. This wasn't like the first time they broke up, this felt different. Like, this was it.
She loses one of her most precious friends and gains another failed relationship, another ex that probably will end up resenting her because they couldn't reach her and when she opens up she gets shot down. 
After Chris…
Sofia was sure that she was meant to be alone and she was mostly okay with it.
On the other hand, Christopher was devastated—he honestly thought she was the one, he felt it in his gut, his heart, his whole being made him feel that she was the one. She just kept pushing him away in all the ways that she could find and he took it, until he couldn't anymore and that alone made him feel like he was failing her, he didn't know how to help her and she won't let him. 
They were so far away from each other—it was exhausting and the fact that he had just started talking with Jenny again made him feel insecure about his relationship. 
But he love her with all his fucking heart that it hurt his whole body knowing that she might ever be able to love him back the way he does. 
"I miss him," Sofia said, putting her eyeliner on. She was going out as Amanda was very pregnant to even move. 
"He does too." She said rubbing her belly. "It's been, how much time now?," 
"Four months , so he's dating Jenny. That's what I heard…" Sofia tried not to get emotional about it but… Fuck. 
"Yeah, Luke told me about it… but it's  going anywhere and he knows. Not sure about her though." 
"He always gets back with all his exes. Got us on rotation, fucking idiot. He wants to commit but he can't actually commit with anyone. Then in the one with commitment issues," Sofia shook her head and let out a groan. "I love him, I swear to you I love him, he's a good friend but he's a terrible boyfriend."
"Right back at you," Amanda laughed and Sofia had to, because she was absolutely right about her too. 
"I don't go back with all my exes, though" 
"Mostly don't, Chris it's the exception." 
"Because I thought it was going to be okay for once." She made a face and began putting the make up back on her little make up bag. "I can't believe he's back with Jenny, she's funny and intelligent and great—but God, I don't fucking like her." Sofia said, throwing the make-up bag on her bag and pout. "I don't want to go out now. More because I know he's here in Boston and it's not leaving until next year and I'm seeing his brother today."
"You don't wanna run into him?," 
"Of course I wanna run into him, I miss him so much but I'm totally not over him yet." Sofia explained sitting on the toilet seat looking at Amanda that was leaning in the door frame. "I don't know if I'm ever going to be over Chris."
"I'm sad now, you're make me feel sad and my boy too—
"I'm sorry—
"Don't be, I'm feeling sad because I can't go out with you and drag Chris's name all over Boston even though he's great but he left you."
Sofia smiled looking down and felt Amanda's hand running through her hair and she sighed deeply. 
Sofía was vibing or at least trying, the place was comfy and she knew almost all the people that were there—witch where all of fucking Christopher closest friends and some random girls that the guys bring from somewhere.
Apparently he wasn't coming, which Sofia didn't know if she was actually relieved or not. 
"Jesus fucking christ." She murmured to herself tried of her own fucking mind noise. She stood up and walked to the little bar area and started pouring a drink, straight whiskey and downed it all and poured herself a second and then a third walking away with the drink on her hand.
He saw her first, saw her leaning on a wall, talking with some dude —younger than her, brunette and with a fucking man bun, he was built, lean and tall. She laughed, at whatever fucking thing he said she laughed and looked at him with the little fucking straw on her lips. Oh, boy he was mad. 
Chris rubbed his face and went about to hang up with his friends and mingle a little bit. But he couldn't stop looking at their direction every fucking second. 
"They sure look cozy," Luke said and Chris looked at him. "Did you talk to her yet?" 
"I can't talk to her, man." Chris muttered and downed the warm beer on his hand and his friend handed him another. "What I'm supposed to say?, hey, long time remember when I dump you because I'm a fucking imbecile and i cant fucking wait." He said dropping sarcasm on every word. 
"That's a good opening," Luke laughed and Chris just stared at him, murdering eyes directed at his very own best friend. 
"Who the fuck is that?" he asked referring to the guy she was talking with. 
"A friend of Ryan's cousin." 
Chris made a face and rolled his eyes. "The fuck he doing here?" 
"It's Ryan's house, dude," Luke said and was a little amazed at Chris, he definitely hasn't seen him like this in a really long long time. "Man. .." Luke said, kind of amazed. "You're still head over heels in love with her, don't you?" 
"I wonder what gave it away," Chris said, drinking his beer and rubbing his face. "imma talk to her,"
"Ah—don't think it's-uh," Luke was looking at them and saw them share a kiss, it was quick and he kinda went for it. 
"What?," Chris said turning around and saw them just breaking the kiss and that's the moment Sofia saw him. 
And her stomach dropped, her whole ass body dropped—
"Oh, woow. Are you okay?," Alex, asked her when her knees buckled and he caught her. 
"Ah, yeah, yes. Just," She smiled at him and looked at her empty glass. "Little drunk, imma get more—" Sofia made an attempt to leave but Alex, bless his fucking kind heart, offered her to get her those drinks and something to eat. 
As soon he leaves that was a cue to Chris, who literally strutted to the wall she was leaning and Slfia just… started.
"Hi," He said, hands on his pockets as Sofia kept looking at him. "How-how are you?" 
Sofoa kept quiet and simply walked away from him, ahe couldn't possibly do the whole small talk bullshit they alwaus did and it emeded up al fucking badly. Chris looked at her go and he was the one that stormed after her. 
"Sofia, come on," Chris said and walked besides her. "Sof, it's going to be like this?" 
"I can't talk with you Chris, like…" She sighed and sat down on a bench, they weren't completely away from the people and there were some girls sitting on a couch messing around with their phones and minding their business.
"Why not?," He asked, looking at her. He just wanted to reach out and hug her, he missed her. 
Sofía finally looked up at him and asked him, "How's things with Jenny?," Chris looked away and rubbed his beard and stayed quiet at her question for a moment. 
"We're not together anymore," He said and Sofia made a face and sigh. "What about you?" 
"What about me?" 
"Are you seeing someone?" He asked looking at the bar where the dude was talking with Ryan, probably giving him the talk. 
"Look, Sofia is off limits."
"What?, why? She told me she's single." Alex asked and looked back at where she was supposed to be and found Chris looking back at him with that death stare he did when he was annoyed. 
"Yes, she is. But it's also Chris ex and they still didn't figure it out and he's my friend, so kid. Off limits," 
"Do you care,?" She asked, sassy. 
"If I didn't I wouldn't be asking, wouldn't I?," He asked right back at her, also sassy. 
"Last time I tried that, it didn't go well," Sofia said, rolling her eyes at him. "And the one before that, worse." She said at their obvious relationship and Chris just grunted. But couldn't blame her, it was a mess… 
"Yeah," He murmured and dug into his pockets and fished out a packet of cigarettes. "want one?" He offered her and she took it. 
"Thanks, we should smoke outside though." Sofia said walking out to the backyard where the other guys were doing the grilling. 
They waved at them but kept their distance, not Scott though because it was Scott. 
"So…" He said walking up to them and putting a hand on each shoulder. "You two are actually talking," 
"Not really," Sofia rolled her eyes and Chris grunted again. 
"Sof," He said, putting those little blue eyes to work on him and it worked, of course it will work. 
"Okay, okay…" She agreed and lit up the cigarette giving Chris a look. Thinking that the moment she found him unattractive was when she stopped looking at men all together and dedicated herself to pussy forever. 
He was so fucking attractive, jesus fuck. 
"Either way, is there a point here?," She asked looking at both of them. "We're good, I guess," She shrugged. 
"Are we really good?," Chris asked. 
"I don't know, you left me." Sofia took a drag and Scott made a face.
"And that's my cue to leave, I love you both." He said and Sofia laughed. 
"And I do too." She wink at him and Chris was staring at her, waiting for Scott to leave. 
"I shouldn't have done that—
"Chris, don't." She waves a hand at him. "You seriously need a new woman on your life, this thing about getting back with all your exes ia getting old as fuck."
"Ouch," He said and actually smile and so did she. "I do miss you, you know that." 
"I miss you too, come on. We were really good friends for a moment there," 
"Yeah," He smiled and bit his bottom lip, shaking his head. "We fucked up, don't we?" 
"Yeah, and I told you so."
"You did. Guess I didn't listen," 
"You never listen, stubborn Gemini man." She said punching him on the arm. 
"Yeah, you're right but I don't regret it though."
"Me neither," She smiled and sigh, just thinking for a moment. "So, there's a wedding coming?" 
"You mean ours?," He joked and Sofia barked a laugh. 
"I mean our better halves, idiot. Besides, we will be divorced in the first four months."
"What?, come on I gave us at least… a year," Chris saif and Sofia made a face, disagreeing. 
"Six months, tops." She said and put her hand on his month. "The thought of me being a wife, ew."
Chris laughed out loud. "You look pretty in white," 
"I look pretty in everything because I'm pretty," She rolled her eyes with a smile. "But, jokes aside. Do you see yourself married?" 
"I like the idea of marriage but… Honestly, I don't know."
"I preferred to have a kid before marriage, it's just a fucking paper in the end. You can divorce, I think I'll know when I have a kid, if I have a kid."
"We never had this talk before," Chris said and pointed at a little bench for them to sit. "About us," 
"Did you think about it?" Sofia asked as she sat down beside him. Chris was holding his beer between his legs and looking forward. 
"Yeah, I mean…" He looked at her. "I have never been this in love with someone like I am with you, so yeah. I did, a couple of times actually."
Sofia was dumbfounded at what he said, and she did toyed with the idea a couple of times… 
"I almost propose to you, actually…" He laughed and Sofias head snapped so hard to look at him. "After you met my mom, I bought that ring you liked. I thought that maybe someday…" He shrugged and Sofia's eyes watered up and just stared forward. 
"Chris, I…" She whispered and he looked at her. 
"What's wrong?," He asked, frowning. 
"What's wrong!?," She said, wiping her tears. "Dude, are you hearing what you are saying to me?."
Chris realized it at that moment, what he did. Bomb after bomb he just dropped on her. 
"Sorry, I got carried away." He muttered slouching on the bench and drank the rest of his beer. 
"You'll find someone, Chris…" Sofia said in a small voice. 
"Already found her," He muttered and stood up and walked away. 
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yunho-es · 4 years
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Member/s: Wooyoung (ATEEZ)
Genre: soft
Warnings: swear words
Words: 2043
Before reading, I want you to know that I don't use any names or Y/n's because I know many people don't really insert their names, they read it as Yin 😂 I also write in first person pov because I think it's easier to read and imagine yourself in that situation
Beads of sweat slowly rolled down my forehead as I pulled out a piece of paper from my sleeve. I knew that the exam would be hard, but I wasn't expecting it to be this detailed. Thank God my friend made me write it all on a small piece of paper. At least I will get a positive grade. Of course he made me do it, he passed the school with those. Thankfully, he didn't go to medicine school. If I ever ended up on his surgery table, I would die.
Three more minutes until the end and one more question unanswered. The teacher noticed me shifting in my seat, but she knew I always get good grades. She finally stopped looking at me and gave her attention to a group of boys trying to switch their papers. I glanced one more time at the piece of paper and put it back in my sleeve. Just as I finished the answer, the bell rang. Half of the class groaned, probably because they didn't manage to finish in time. I took my backpack and left the paper with my name on the main table.
"Good job! Honestly, your exams are always my favorite to grade. I'm really happy to have a student like you."
"Thank you, Mrs Johnson. See you on Monday."
Once I got outside I noticed the sky already getting dark. It was just 5 pm and winter was already doing it's job; the roads were wet and slippery from mixed rain and snow and it must've been under 0 Celsius. Usually I walk home because it's not far away, but my school uniform, rain and cold weather didn't go well together. I was just about to call my roommate when I felt car lights on me, followed by a familiar voice.
"I think quicker than you do." Wooyoung smiled as he opened the door. "Get in please I don't want to spend the next week taking care of an annoyingly picky roommate. I have plans to get drunk and do something stupid."
"You do stupid things anyway without drinking. So save the money and the time. And oh, save me from embarrassment." I get in the car sticking my tongue out at him. "Did you cook anything? I'm starving."
"No, of course. I slept the whole day." I look at him, hoping to see a smile on his face that would give me a sign that he's joking. "Don't look at me like that, I was tired from the night shift. I'll take you to McDonald's." he drove out of the school parking.
"I don't want trash, Wooyoung. I want food." I groaned. He told me that he would try cooking something, but it's been a week and he didn't do anything. "Please buy some pasta and tomato sauce I'll make something."
"Honestly, I really don't feel like waiting. And McDonald's is f**king awesome!" his hand reached out to turn on the radio. "How can you not love the little purple box full of 12 golden beauties?"
It did sound good, but we haven't eaten any "real" food for a month and my stomach started to ache. Living with Wooyoung has its bad and good sides, the bad sides mainly being his laziness and stubbornness. Speaking of stubbornness, of course he took the left turn towards McDonald's.
"What do you want?"
"What a polite way to ask me. You've loosened up I see." I frown at him. He rolls his eyes dramatically and turns towards me with his whole body.
"Your Highness, what do you wish to consume today?"
"That's just too much."
"What the h*ll do you want? I'm taking 3 burgers and fries and you aren't touching them." the brown haired boy points his finger towards my face. I squint my eyes at him, then bite his finger. "Crazy woman."
"Hello, may I take your order?"
"Hello, yes. I'd like a..."
"Is this place good enough for the Queen?" Wooyoung spoke with his mouth full of fries and ketchup. We sat on the roof of his car on a parking lot near a river. The place is good enough for the Queen.
"Eat before you speak, what's wrong with you?" I laugh at him, seeing that he spilled the ketchup on his t-shirt. "No girl will want you like this."
"To be honest I'm not interested right now." he replied immediately.
I'd lie if I said that my heart didn't sink a bit. Whoever said that boys and girls can't be friends was right. One side always catches feelings, big or small. In my case, I believe it's a small crush. He's the only boy I hang out with, so that must be why.
"Why?" I allow myself to ask.
"I had a little crush on a girl but I had to give it up." he kept stuffing his mouth with food, trying to avoid the conversation.
"And...?" I look at him expecting more. But he keeps his mouth shut and folds the paper of the burgers in his hands.
"Are you thirsty?" Wooyoung offers a can of soda, still looking at his fingers.
"Yes, thank you." he opens the can for me, first taking a sip himself, then giving the green beverage to me. I drink the whole can almost immediately.
"You could've said earlier that you were thirsty, I had water in the car." his tone visibly changed. He sounded more serious now, as if he just wanted to go home and lock himself in the room. "Want another one?" he reaches for another can.
"I think I have one more sip here." I throw my head back trying to drink every single drop of the refreshing juice. I slowly started to lean back, forgetting that I'm not in the chair but on the roof of the car. "Sh*t!" I curse as I almost fall on the rocky floor.
"Hey!" Wooyoung quickly reacts and grabs my hands, pulling me towards him. All the empty cans rolled down on the floor, making loud noises. "You good?" he asks, eyes on my face.
His hands felt so warm around mine. I really didn't want to let go. "I'm good." I pull away, trying to get down to collect the cans.
"Leave the d*mn cans there. You almost fell down. Do you see those rocks down there? What if you hit your head? What would I do?"
"I'd pay to get your car cleaned from my blood, Wooyoung." I laugh, but when I notice that his face didn't change, my smile drops. "What's wrong? Why isn't it funny when I say something like this?"
"Behind all these jokes you have to understand that you are very important to me and I have a soft spot for you. If anything happened to you my life would stop. I'm a serious man behind all my sarcastic jokes. Please watch yourself, because I can't do it all the time. It takes a second to turn a peaceful situation into a disaster."
I stare at him with my mouth a little open. I'm surprised at his words, I never heard him talk like this. I manage to say a sorry, turning my head away from him.
After a few seconds of silence, which seemed like hours, he got down and picked up all the cans, then offered me his hand. "Be careful." I put my hand in his, slowly getting down on the floor. "What dumbass even puts these rocks on the parking lot?" he picks up a few of them and pushes them away, leaving the bigger and heavier ones where they were.
"I think because they don't want someone else to have the spot." I watch as he tries to move a few more rocks. "Leave it, you're gonna hurt yourself. Let's just go back home, please?"
"Alright." he leaves the rocks and opens the door for me. Then he proceeds to enter the car himself. "But just for the record, I could've moved those rocks." his lips curved in a small smile. He can't help himself.
It suddenly became quiet in the house. Wooyoung layed on the sofa, watching the TV, and I sat on the floor behind the coffee table with my back leaning on the sofa.
"I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't take any photos." I pouted, scrolling down my Instagram feed. He didn't respond. I kept quiet for a few more minutes, then broke the silence again. "Do you think you could pick me up tomorrow from school again?" again, no answer.
I turn around towards him and see that his eyes are closed. He fell asleep while watching the TV. I took a blanket from my room and layed next to him under it. It's not my first time napping with him, but most of the time he refuses. He says that he is a kicker in his sleep and that he doesn't want to hurt me.
The sofa in our living room is quite small so I have to basically lay on Wooyoung. Just as I close my eyes, I feel his hand around my waist, bringing me even closer to him. Now my head was on his chest and I was surrounded by his scent and warmth. This must be what heaven feels like. Usually when we sleep like this together, it takes us a few hours to fall asleep. Mainly because he can't stop making jokes and I can't stop laughing. But this is different. It's calm. It's beautiful.
I couldn't tell if he was asleep or just pretending. He held me close and rubbed my back slowly. "Wooyoung?" I tried calling.
"Hm?" he responds sleepily.
"Are you okay?" I look up at him. His eye are still closed, but his fingers are still drawing tiny patterns on my waist and back.
"Mhm." again, I receive a short answer. When I try to move and give him some space so he can sleep peacefully, he opens his eyes to look at me. "Please don't move. I want to sleep like this." one of his hands moved my hair from both of our faces. "Please?" he asked, almost whispering.
I have never witnessed this side of Wooyoung. His voice was different, his movements were different, his eyes were different. This is the Wooyoung I wanted for myself, but couldn't have him. It took me a few longer seconds to realise that we are staring at each other, doing nothing but breathing quietly. Once his hot breath fell on my lips I couldn't help but close my eyes and sigh. Right now, I hoped for one thing to happen.
"Why can't I have you like this every day?" his soft voice whispered. I try to speak, but as soon as I move my lips, I feel something soft brushing against them. My breath stops and I force myself to open my eyes. He's looking down at my lips as if thinking if the next step is smart to do. I allow myself a moment of bravery and I put my hands on his chest, getting closer to him. "F**k it." he mutters, finally putting his hands on my cheeks and pressing his lips against mine.
His lips must've been the softest thing to exist on this planet. I tried to move, but my body was frozen. I couldn't do anything, just lay and enjoy the softness and the warmth of his lips. He pulled away for a second, trying to say something, but when he didn't succeed, he went back to the older position. Then, again, he pulls away.
"You are so sweet. You taste like I always imagined." the red cheeked boy whispers, brushing the tip of his nose against mine.
"More, please." I manage to say. My lips and throat are dry, my mind is going crazy, and my stomach is witnessing fireworks. Wooyoung smiles, still not letting go of my cheeks. "Please." I get impatient.
He leans in again, this time kissing me with more passion. It stopped being sweet and soft, now only one word existed in my mind: more. And he happily listened.
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choicesfanaf · 4 years
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The Meeting of a Lifetime AU Part 4: One Year of Togetherness
Pairing: Ethan x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Ruby Ramsey (OC), Uma Kulkarni (OC), Alan Ramsey
Word Count: 1581
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan and Arundhati meet after 15 years.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @nooruleman, @sophxwithers, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @jooous, @red-rookie
@nooruleman: Noorie, I am extremely thankful for your help, support and motivation. It was only because of you that I decided to write this series. You are a literal sweetheart. Thanks a lot for your help!
I sincerely apologise if this turns out to be messy or not up to your expectations.
On their first anniversary, Ethan and Arundhati decided to take Alan and the girls to the aquarium for a day of fun and relaxation.
'Who wants to go to the aquarium?', Arundhati burst into the living room, clearly excited, forming a plan in her head.
'Me! Me!', the girls shouted.
'Then let's start packing up! We're going to leave once grandpa is here.'
'Is grandpa coming with us?'
'Yeah, he is.'
'Then the trip is going to be even more fun, isn't it, Uma?'
A few hours later, they were on their way to the aquarium, when Alan realised why they were going on a trip in the middle of the week.
'Happy Anniversary, my children. Forgive me, for I just remembered it right now.'
'That's fine, dad, all that matters is you wishing us', Ethan mentioned.
'Yeah, dad, don't worry much about it.'
'Are we there yet?', the girls asked, eager to reach the aquarium.
'No, kiddos, but we will reach there in half an hour.'
As soon as they reached, the girls started pulling their parents towards the entrance.
'Wait, girls, don't run, the aquarium isn't going anywhere!', Aru said, scared that they would slip and fall.
'Aru, don't worry, I'm right behind them.'
The girls were mesmerised by the vastness of the aquarium.
'This aquarium is huge!'
'I know. It has many floors. How cool is that!'
'Wow', Uma said, looking around, deciding where to go first.
'Where do you want to go first, girls?'
'To see the penguins and the octopus!'
'Okay, let's go.'
'Look, they are giving him toys.'
'He's coming out to get them!'
'Go buddy go, you can do it!', the girls cheered along.
'Good job, bud!'
'What are these spiky ball-shaped things here?'
'They are called sea anemones.'
'They are so small and cute! I love them!'
'I know, they are so colourful and pretty!'
'What are those cup-like things, dad?'
'Oh, they are the suction cups, sugar. Octopuses use them to feel and smell things.'
'That's so cool!'
'This was amazing! Let's go to the penguins next, mom!'
'Okay, chipmunk, let's go. Slow down, girls, there is no need to run. You might hurt yourself!'
'Look how cute they are, Uma!'
'I know, they look so cute flipping their arms around.'
'Look at that penguin hop!'
'It's so funny to look at.'
'There are so many of them... How many do you think they have, Uma?'
'I think around 90-100. What about you?'
'I think around 200..'
'But why are they shouting? They are hurting my ears..'
'Looks like they are talking to their friends!'
'Come on, let's go to that fish tank over there', Ruby pointed out.
'Wait, grandpa, why are the bottles present in that fish tank?', Uma observed.
'Hello, I'm Stephen. How may I help you today?'
'Could you please answer some questions that the girls might have?'
'Sure! Ask away!'
Why are there bottles here?'
'They aren't your regular bottles, they are treasures!'
'Treasures, that's so fantastic! Are they pirates?'
'The people who run this aquarium..'
'Oh, sadly, that's not the case. But, the people who bring them, called divers, are similar to pirates.'
'Sometimes, when searching for fishes, they find various beautiful objects, which they keep as a collection in this tank to make the fish comfortable and to let them feel as if they are still living in the sea.'
'That's amazing! They look so lovely.'
'Where do they come from?'
'They come from Eastport Maine. It is one of the old fishing ports of the USA.'
'Wow!!', marvelled Ruby.
'We only include natural materials and keep away materials like plastic as they can cause harm to the fishes.'
'How do the fishes use these treasures?'
'Some of them use it for laying eggs, while some use it for hiding.'
'That's so awesome.'
'Do you have any more questions, girls?'
'Okay, thanks Stephen, you helped us a lot.'
'No worries, it's my job.'
'Okay, who wants to have lunch?', Ethan asked as Stephen walked away from them.
'What are we going to have?'
'Let's go check the canteen!'
'Yes please, my stomach is rumbling', commented Aru.
After getting the kids what they wanted, Ethan and Aru were going to sit down, when Alan approached them.
'Don't you want to spend some time alone?'
'What do you mean, dad?'
'Isn't it your anniversary today?'
'Then go, celebrate it privately.'
'How can we do it now?'
'I meant, after taking the kids home.'
'Don't worry, Dad, I already have something planned.'
'Care to tell me what it is?'
'Sure, but not in front of Aru.'
'So, are you ready to explore more?'
'Do you want to see the seahorses next?'
'Yeah, let's go, grandpa.'
The girls were in awe of the seahorses.
'Look at the different colours of the seahorses! Some of them are pink, the others are purple. It looks so splendid!'
'Look at those baby seahorses, Ruby!'
'They look so cute!'
'Will they eat the small fish here?'
'No, sugar, they might eat the same food, but they won't harm each other.'
'Grandpa, what are they eating?'
'Wait a moment, chipmunk' he peered as close he could get, 'I can't say if it's exactly that, but it looks like shrimp to me.'
'Is this seahorse changing its colour, Ruby?'
'There might be a little bit of change. I wonder why...', the kids discussed amongst themselves.
'Wait, why are those big seahorses dancing?', Ruby asked, pointing to a pair of seahorses near the end of the tank.
'Chipmunk, you can look it up after we go home, okay? I'm sorry that there is no one here to answer your queries.'
'No problem, dad, I know it's not your fault.'
'Mom, I'm tired, can we go home now?'
'Are you sure, chipmunk? Don't you want to explore?'
'No, dad. I just want to go home and sleep.'
'What about you, Ruby?'
'I agree with Uma.'
'Okay, then, let's go home. But first, who wants to get some souvenirs?'
'Me! Me!', the kids shouted.
'Let's go then.'
Ethan waited outside while Alan and the girls went in to get what they wanted.
'So, what did you get, girls?'
'We did not want to get anything, dad.'
'Why may I ask?'
'It was too boring, and the same stuff, everything was printed with their logo. Nothing felt interesting.'
'Oh.. and what about you, dad?'
'I did not find anything that I liked.'
'I hope that's not a problem.'
'Not at all.'
'Good, let's get going, shall we?'
The girls were so tired that they crashed on their beds as soon as they reached.
Ethan and Aru used this golden opportunity to celebrate their anniversary.
'Happy Anniversary, darling.'
'Happy Anniversary, love. You are the best gift I have ever received in my life and every day I thank God that we met again after all.'
'Aru, my love, my life has changed for the best since I met you. You have made me a human capable of emotions simply by existing. I will truly never be able to thank you enough. You have made me the man I am today.'
'Ethan, you always know how to make me feel all warm and fuzzy.'
'I have a surprise for you.'
'What is it?'
'Let's go to the kitchen to find out.'
When they entered the kitchen, Ethan started playing a romantic track.
'Wow.. this looks magnificent, Ethan. The candles smell so lovely. When did you get the time to set all this up?'
'I have my ways.'
'Candlelight dinner with such beautiful roses and amazing tender music... who knew that the great Ethan Ramsey is such a romantic?'
'I think everyone started to know that after we started dating, Aru.'
'What do we have for dinner, sir?'
'Oh, we have chicken alfredo, vegetarian lasagna, chocolate cake and red wine.'
'That's a lot of food. How did you manage?'
'As I said, I have my ways.'
'Okay, Dr Terminator, keep your secrets, but I must say, it looks very tempting.'
'Thanks. You will never stop using that nickname, will you?', he asked.
'Good, I'm quite fond of it.'
'Mmmm... this is indeed heavenly. I've never had anything this good. You are an amazing chef, Ramsey.'
'Why, thank you.'
'The wine goes so well with both the chicken and the lasagna, great choices, Ethan.'
'I know, that's why I chose them.'
'I don't think I will be able to eat anymore, darling. I'm too full.'
'At least have a bit of the cake...'
'Okay, honey. But only a teeny weeny bit.'
The girls walked in just as Ethan and Aru finished cleaning up.
'Hi girls, how was your sleep?'
'It was good. What's for dinner? I'm really hungry.'
'Chicken Alfredo, Veg Lasagna and Chocolate cake.'
'That sounds really delicious.'
'Thank dad for it, he is the one who made everything.'
'Wow, thanks, dad! When did you get the time to make all of this?'
'That's a secret, kids. But I can tell you tomorrow when mom is not around, okay?'
After cleaning up and tucking the kids into their beds, Aru and Ethan collapsed into their bed.
'Today was an amazing day, darling. Thanks a lot for everything. I love you.'
'Oh honey, thanks for everything, too. You are my everything. I wouldn't be here without you. I love you', he cuddled with her before dozing off to sleep due to exhaustion.
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Clara Gordon Bow (July 29, 1905 – September 27, 1965) was an American actress who rose to stardom in silent film during the 1920s and successfully made the transition to "talkies" in 1929. Her appearance as a plucky shopgirl in the film It brought her global fame and the nickname "The It Girl". Bow came to personify the Roaring Twenties and is described as its leading sex symbol.
Bow appeared in 46 silent films and 11 talkies, including hits such as Mantrap (1926), It (1927), and Wings (1927). She was named first box-office draw in 1928 and 1929 and second box-office draw in 1927 and 1930. Her presence in a motion picture was said to have ensured investors, by odds of almost two-to-one, a "safe return". At the apex of her stardom, she received more than 45,000 fan letters in a single month (January 1929).
Two years after marrying actor Rex Bell in 1931, Bow retired from acting and became a rancher in Nevada. Her final film, Hoop-La, was released in 1933. In September 1965, Bow died of a heart attack at the age of 60.
Bow was born in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn at 697 Bergen Street,[9] in a "bleak, sparsely furnished room above [a] dilapidated Baptist Church". Her birth year, according to the US Censuses of 1910 and 1920, was 1905. The 1930 census indicates 1906 and on her gravestone of 1965, the inscription says 1907, but 1905 is the accepted year by a majority of sources.
Bow was her parents' third child, but her two older sisters, born in 1903 and 1904, had died in infancy. Her mother, Sarah Frances Bow (née Gordon, 1880–1923), was told by a doctor not to become pregnant again, for fear the next baby might die as well. Despite the warning, Sarah became pregnant with Clara in late 1904. In addition to the risky pregnancy, a heat wave besieged New York in July 1905, and temperatures peaked around 100 °F (38 °C). Years later, Clara said: "I don't suppose two people ever looked death in the face more clearly than my mother and I the morning I was born. We were both given up, but somehow we struggled back to life."
Bow's parents were descended from English, Irish and Scottish immigrants who had come to America the generation before. Bow said that her father, Robert Walter Bow (1874–1959), "had a quick, keen mind ... all the natural qualifications to make something of himself, but didn't...everything seemed to go wrong for him, poor darling". By the time Clara was four and a half, her father was out of work, and between 1905 and 1923, the family lived at 14 different addresses, but seldom outside Prospect Heights, with Clara's father often absent. "I do not think my mother ever loved my father", she said. "He knew it. And it made him very unhappy, for he worshiped her, always."
When Bow's mother, Sarah, was 16, she fell from a second-story window and suffered a severe head injury. She was later diagnosed with "psychosis due to epilepsy". From her earliest years, Bow had learned how to care for her mother during the seizures, as well as how to deal with her psychotic and hostile episodes. She said her mother could be "mean" to her, but "didn't mean to ... she couldn't help it". Still, Bow felt deprived of her childhood; "As a kid I took care of my mother, she didn't take care of me". Sarah worsened gradually, and when she realized her daughter was set for a movie career, Bow's mother told her she "would be much better off dead". One night in February 1922, Bow awoke to a butcher knife held against her throat by her mother. Clara was able to fend off the attack, and locked her mother up. In the morning, Bow's mother had no recollection of the episode, and later she was committed to a sanatorium by Robert Bow.
Clara spoke about the incident later:
It was snowing. My mother and I were cold and hungry. We had been cold and hungry for days. We lay in each other's arms and cried and tried to keep warm. It grew worse and worse. So that night my mother—but I can't tell you about it. Only when I remember it, it seems to me I can't live.
According to Bow's biographer, David Stenn, Bow was raped by her father at age sixteen while her mother was institutionalized. On January 5, 1923, Sarah died at the age of 43 from her epilepsy. When relatives gathered for the funeral, Bow accused them of being "hypocrites", and became so angry that she even tried to jump into the grave.
Bow attended P.S. 111, P.S. 9, and P.S. 98.[13] As she grew up, she felt shy among other girls, who teased her for her worn-out clothes and "carrot-top" hair. She said about her childhood, "I never had any clothes. ... And lots of time didn't have anything to eat. We just lived, that's about all. Girls shunned me because I was so poorly dressed."
From first grade, Bow preferred the company of boys, stating, "I could lick any boy my size. My right arm was quite famous. My right arm was developed from pitching so much ... Once I hopped a ride on behind a big fire engine. I got a lot of credit from the gang for that."[15] A close friend, a younger boy who lived in her building, burned to death in her presence after an accident. In 1919, Bow enrolled in Bay Ridge High School for Girls. "I wore sweaters and old skirts...didn't want to be treated like a girl...there was one boy who had always been my pal... he kissed me... I wasn't sore. I didn't get indignant. I was horrified and hurt."
Bow's interest in sports and her physical abilities led her to plan for a career as an athletics instructor. She won five medals "at the cinder tracks" and credited her cousin Homer Baker – the national half-mile (c.800 m) champion (1913 and 1914) and 660-yard (c. 600 m) world-record holder – for being her trainer. The Bows and Bakers shared a house – still standing – at 33 Prospect Place in 1920.
In the early 1920s, roughly 50 million Americans—half the population at that time—attended the movies every week. As Bow grew into womanhood, her stature as a "boy" in her old gang became "impossible". She did not have any girlfriends, and school was a "heartache" and her home was "miserable." On the silver screen, however, she found consolation; "For the first time in my life I knew there was beauty in the world. For the first time I saw distant lands, serene, lovely homes, romance, nobility, glamor". And further; "I always had a queer feeling about actors and actresses on the screen ... I knew I would have done it differently. I couldn't analyze it, but I could always feel it.". "I'd go home and be a one girl circus, taking the parts of everyone I'd seen, living them before the glass." At 16, Bow says she "knew" she wanted to be a motion pictures actress, even if she was a "square, awkward, funny-faced kid."
Against her mother's wishes but with her father's support, Bow competed in Brewster publications' magazine's annual nationwide acting contest, "Fame and Fortune", in fall 1921. In previous years, other contest winners had found work in the movies. In the contest's final screen test, Bow was up against an already scene-experienced woman who did "a beautiful piece of acting". A set member later stated that when Bow did the scene, she actually became her character and "lived it". In the January issues 1922 of Motion Picture Classics, the contest jury, Howard Chandler Christy, Neysa McMein, and Harrison Fisher, concluded:
She is very young, only 16. But she is full of confidence, determination and ambition. She is endowed with a mentality far beyond her years. She has a genuine spark of divine fire. The five different screen tests she had, showed this very plainly, her emotional range of expression provoking a fine enthusiasm from every contest judge who saw the tests. She screens perfectly. Her personal appearance is almost enough to carry her to success without the aid of the brains she indubitably possesses.
Bow won an evening gown and a silver trophy, and the publisher committed to help her "gain a role in films", but nothing happened. Bow's father told her to "haunt" Brewster's office (located in Brooklyn) until they came up with something. "To get rid of me, or maybe they really meant to (give me) all the time and were just busy", Bow was introduced to director Christy Cabanne, who cast her in Beyond the Rainbow, produced late 1921 in New York City and released February 19, 1922. Bow did five scenes and impressed Cabanne with true theatrical tears, but was cut from the final print. "I was sick to my stomach," she recalled and thought her mother was right about the movie business.
Bow, who dropped out of school (senior year) after she was notified about winning the contest, possibly in October 1921, got an ordinary office job. However, movie ads and newspaper editorial comments from 1922 to 1923 suggest that Bow was not cut from Beyond the Rainbow. Her name is on the cast list among the other stars, usually tagged "Brewster magazine beauty contest winner" and sometimes even with a picture.
Encouraged by her father, Bow continued to visit studio agencies asking for parts. "But there was always something. I was too young, or too little, or too fat. Usually I was too fat." Eventually, director Elmer Clifton needed a tomboy for his movie Down to the Sea in Ships, saw Bow in Motion Picture Classic magazine, and sent for her. In an attempt to overcome her youthful looks, Bow put her hair up and arrived in a dress she "sneaked" from her mother. Clifton said she was too old, but broke into laughter as the stammering Bow made him believe she was the girl in the magazine. Clifton decided to bring Bow with him and offered her $35 a week. Bow held out for $50 and Clifton agreed, but he could not say whether she would "fit the part". Bow later learned that one of Brewsters' subeditors had urged Clifton to give her a chance.
Down to the Sea in Ships, shot on location in New Bedford, Massachusetts and produced by independent "The Whaling Film Corporation", documented life, love, and work in the whale-hunter community. The production relied on a few less-known actors and local talents. It premiered at the Olympia Theater in New Bedford, on September 25, and went on general distribution on March 4, 1923. Bow was billed 10th in the film, but shone through:
"Miss Bow will undoubtedly gain fame as a screen comedienne".
"She scored a tremendous hit in Down to the Sea in Ships..(and).. has reached the front rank of motion picture principal players".
"With her beauty, her brains, her personality and her genuine acting ability it should not be many moons before she enjoys stardom in the fullest sense of the word. You must see 'Down to the Sea in Ships'".
"In movie parlance, she 'stole' the picture ... ".
By mid-December 1923, primarily due to her merits in Down to the Sea in Ships, Bow was chosen the most successful of the 1924 WAMPAS Baby Stars. Three months before Down to the Sea in Ships was released, Bow danced half nude, on a table, uncredited in Enemies of Women (1923). In spring she got a part in The Daring Years (1923), where she befriended actress Mary Carr, who taught her how to use make-up.
In the summer, she got a "tomboy" part in Grit, a story that dealt with juvenile crime and was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Bow met her first boyfriend, cameraman Arthur Jacobson, and she got to know director Frank Tuttle, with whom she worked in five later productions. Tuttle remembered:
Her emotions were close to the surface. She could cry on demand, opening the floodgate of tears almost as soon as I asked her to weep. She was dynamite, full of nervous energy and vitality and pitifully eager to please everyone.
Grit was released on January 7, 1924. The Variety review said "... Clara Bow lingers in the eye, long after the picture has gone."
While shooting Grit at Pyramid Studios, in Astoria, New York, Bow was approached by Jack Bachman of independent Hollywood studio Preferred Pictures. He wanted to contract her for a three-month trial, fare paid, and $50 a week. "It can't do any harm,"[15] he tried. "Why can't I stay in New York and make movies?" Bow asked her father, but he told her not to worry.
On July 21, 1923, she befriended Louella Parsons, who interviewed her for The New York Morning Telegraph. In 1931, when Bow came under tabloid scrutiny, Parsons defended her and stuck to her first opinion on Bow:
She is as refreshingly unaffected as if she had never faced a means to pretend. She hasn't any secrets from the world, she trusts everyone ... she is almost too good to be true ... (I) only wish some reformer who believes the screen contaminates all who associate with it could meet this child. Still, on second thought it might not be safe: Clara uses a dangerous pair of eyes.
The interview also revealed that Bow already was cast in Maytime and in great favor of Chinese cuisine.
On July 22, 1923, Bow left New York, her father, and her boyfriend behind for Hollywood. As chaperone for the journey and her subsequent southern California stay, the studio appointed writer/agent Maxine Alton, whom Bow later branded a liar. In late July, Bow entered studio chief B. P. Schulberg's office wearing a simple high-school uniform in which she "had won several gold medals on the cinder track". She was tested and a press release from early August says Bow had become a member of Preferred Picture's "permanent stock". Alton and she rented an apartment at The Hillview near Hollywood Boulevard. Preferred Pictures was run by Schulberg, who had started as a publicity manager at Famous Players-Lasky, but in the aftermath of the power struggle around the formation of United Artists, ended up on the losing side and lost his job. As a result, he founded Preferred in 1919, at the age of 27.
Maytime was Bow's first Hollywood picture, an adaptation of the popular operetta Maytime in which she essayed "Alice Tremaine". Before Maytime was finished, Schulberg announced that Bow was given the lead in the studio's biggest seasonal assessment, Poisoned Paradise,[51] but first she was lent to First National Pictures to co-star in the adaptation of Gertrude Atherton's 1923 best seller Black Oxen, shot in October, and to co-star with Colleen Moore in Painted People, shot in November.
Director Frank Lloyd was casting for the part of high-society flapper Janet Oglethorpe, and more than 50 women, most with previous screen experience, auditioned. Bow reminisced: "He had not found exactly what he wanted and finally somebody suggested me to him. When I came into his office a big smile came over his face and he looked just tickled to death." Lloyd told the press, "Bow is the personification of the ideal aristocratic flapper, mischievous, pretty, aggressive, quick-tempered and deeply sentimental." It was released on January 4, 1924.
The New York Times said, "The flapper, impersonated by a young actress, Clara Bow, had five speaking titles, and every one of them was so entirely in accord with the character and the mood of the scene that it drew a laugh from what, in film circles, is termed a "hard-boiled" audience", while the Los Angeles Times commented that "Clara Bow, the prize vulgarian of the lot ... was amusing and spirited ... but didn't belong in the picture", and Variety said that "... the horrid little flapper is adorably played ..."
Colleen Moore made her flapper debut in a successful adaptation of the daring novel Flaming Youth, released November 12, 1923, six weeks before Black Oxen. Both films were produced by First National Pictures, and while Black Oxen was still being edited and Flaming Youth not yet released, Bow was requested to co-star with Moore as her kid sister in Painted People (The Swamp Angel). Moore essayed the baseball-playing tomboy and Bow, according to Moore, said "I don't like my part, I wanna play yours." Moore, a well-established star earning $1200 a week—Bow got $200—took offense and blocked the director from shooting close-ups of Bow. Moore was married to the film's producer and Bow's protests were futile. "I'll get that bitch", she told her boyfriend Jacobson, who had arrived from New York. Bow had sinus problems and decided to have them attended to that very evening. With Bow's face now in bandages, the studio had no choice but to recast her part.
During 1924, Bow's "horrid" flapper raced against Moore's "whimsical". In May, Moore renewed her efforts in The Perfect Flapper, produced by her husband. However, despite good reviews, she suddenly withdrew. "No more flappers ... they have served their purpose ... people are tired of soda-pop love affairs", she told the Los Angeles Times, which had commented a month earlier, "Clara Bow is the one outstanding type. She has almost immediately been elected for all the recent flapper parts". In November 1933, looking back to this period of her career, Bow described the atmosphere in Hollywood as like a scene from a movie about the French Revolution, where "women are hollering and waving pitchforks twice as violently as any of the guys ... the only ladies in sight are the ones getting their heads cut off."
By New Year 1924, Bow defied the possessive Maxine Alton and brought her father to Hollywood. Bow remembered their reunion: "I didn't care a rap, for (Maxine Alton), or B. P. Schulberg, or my motion picture career, or Clara Bow, I just threw myself into his arms and kissed and kissed him, and we both cried like a couple of fool kids. Oh, it was wonderful." Bow felt Alton had misused her trust: "She wanted to keep a hold on me so she made me think I wasn't getting over and that nothing but her clever management kept me going." Bow and her father moved in at 1714 North Kingsley Drive in Hollywood, together with Jacobson, who by then also worked for Preferred. When Schulberg learned of this arrangement, he fired Jacobson for potentially getting "his big star" into a scandal. When Bow found out, "She tore up her contract and threw it in his face and told him he couldn't run her private life." Jacobson concluded, "[Clara] was the sweetest girl in the world, but you didn't cross her and you didn't do her wrong." On September 7, 1924, The Los Angeles Times, in a significant article "A dangerous little devil is Clara, impish, appealing, but oh, how she can act!", her father is titled "business manager" and Jacobson referred to as her brother.
Bow appeared in eight releases in 1924.
In Poisoned Paradise, released on February 29, 1924, Bow got her first lead. "... the clever little newcomer whose work wins fresh recommendations with every new picture in which she appears". In a scene described as "original", Bow adds "devices" to "the modern flapper": she fights a villain using her fists, and significantly, does not "shrink back in fear".
In Daughters of Pleasure, also released on February 29, 1924, Bow and Marie Prevost "flapped unhampered as flappers De luxe ... I wish somebody could star Clara Bow. I'm sure her 'infinite variety' would keep her from wearying us no matter how many scenes she was in."
Loaned out to Universal, Bow top-starred, for the first time, in the prohibition, bootleg drama/comedy Wine, released on August 20, 1924. The picture exposes the widespread liquor traffic in the upper classes, and Bow portrays an innocent girl who develops into a wild "red-hot mama".
"If not taken as information, it is cracking good entertainment," Carl Sandburg reviewed September 29.
"Don't miss Wine. It's a thoroughly refreshing draught ... there are only about five actresses who give me a real thrill on the screen—and Clara is nearly five of them".
Alma Whitaker of The Los Angeles Times observed on September 7, 1924:
She radiates sex appeal tempered with an impish sense of humor ... She hennas her blond hair so that it will photograph dark in the pictures ... Her social decorum is of that natural, good-natured, pleasantly informal kind ... She can act on or off the screen—takes a joyous delight in accepting a challenge to vamp any selected male—the more unpromising specimen the better. When the hapless victim is scared into speechlessness, she gurgles with naughty delight and tries another.
Bow remembered: "All this time I was 'running wild', I guess, in the sense of trying to have a good time ... maybe this was a good thing, because I suppose a lot of that excitement, that joy of life, got onto the screen."
In 1925, Bow appeared in 14 productions: six for her contract owner, Preferred Pictures, and eight as an "out-loan".
"Clara Bow ... shows alarming symptoms of becoming the sensation of the year ... ", Motion Picture Classic Magazine wrote in June, and featured her on the cover.
I'm almost never satisfied with myself or my work or anything...by the time I'm ready to be a great star I'll have been on the screen such a long time that everybody will be tired of seeing me...(Tears filled her big round eyes and threatened to fall).
I worked in two and even three pictures at once. I played all sorts of parts in all sorts of pictures ... It was very hard at the time and I used to be worn out and cry myself to sleep from sheer fatigue after 18 hours a day on different sets, but now [late 1927] I am glad of it.
Preferred Pictures loaned Bow to producers "for sums ranging from $1500 to $2000 a week" while paying Bow a salary of $200 to $750 a week. The studio, like any other independent studio or theater at that time, was under attack from "The Big Three", MPAA, which had formed a trust to block out Independents and enforce the monopolistic studio system. On October 21, 1925, Schulberg filed Preferred Pictures for bankruptcy, with debts at $820,774 and assets $1,420. Three days later, it was announced that Schulberg would join with Adolph Zukor to become associate producer of Paramount Pictures, "catapulted into this position because he had Clara Bow under personal contract".
Adolph Zukor, Paramount Picture CEO, wrote in his memoirs: "All the skill of directors and all the booming of press-agent drums will not make a star. Only the audiences can do it. We study audience reactions with great care." Adela Rogers St. Johns had a different take: in 1950, she wrote, "If ever a star was made by public demand, it was Clara Bow." And Louise Brooks (from 1980): "(Bow) became a star without nobody's help ..."
The Plastic Age was Bow's final effort for Preferred Pictures and her biggest hit up to that time. Bow starred as the good-bad college girl, Cynthia Day, against Donald Keith. It was shot on location at Pomona College in the summer of 1925, and released on December 15, but due to block booking, it was not shown in New York until July 21, 1926.
Photoplay was displeased: "The college atmosphere is implausible and Clara Bow is not our idea of a college girl."
Theater owners, however, were happy: "The picture is the biggest sensation we ever had in our theater ... It is 100 per cent at the box-office."
Some critics felt Bow had conquered new territory: "(Bow) presents a whimsical touch to her work that adds greater laurels to her fast ascending star of screen popularity."
Time singled out Bow: "Only the amusing and facile acting of Clara Bow rescues the picture from the limbo of the impossible."
Bow began to date her co-star Gilbert Roland, who became her first fiancé. In June 1925, Bow was credited for being the first to wear hand-painted legs in public, and was reported to have many followers at the Californian beaches.
Throughout the 1920s, Bow played with gender conventions and sexuality in her public image. Along with her tomboy and flapper roles, she starred in boxing films and posed for promotional photographs as a boxer. By appropriating traditionally androgynous or masculine traits, Bow presented herself as a confident, modern woman.
"Rehearsals sap my pep," Bow explained in November 1929, and from the beginning of her career, she relied on immediate direction: "Tell me what I have to do and I'll do it." Bow was keen on poetry and music, but according to Rogers St. Johns, her attention span did not allow her to appreciate novels. Bow's focal point was the scene, and her creativity made directors call in extra cameras to cover her spontaneous actions, rather than holding her down.
Years after Bow left Hollywood, director Victor Fleming compared Bow to a Stradivarius violin: "Touch her, and she responded with genius." Director William Wellman was less poetic: "Movie stardom isn't acting ability—it's personality and temperament ... I once directed Clara Bow (Wings). She was mad and crazy, but WHAT a personality!". And in 1981, Budd Schulberg described Bow as "an easy winner of the dumbbell award" who "couldn't act," and compared her to a puppy that his father B. P. Schulberg "trained to become Lassie."
In 1926, Bow appeared in eight releases: five for Paramount, including the film version of the musical Kid Boots with Eddie Cantor, and three loan-outs that had been filmed in 1925.
In late 1925, Bow returned to New York to co-star in the Ibsenesque drama Dancing Mothers, as the good/bad "flapperish" upper-class daughter Kittens. Alice Joyce starred as her dancing mother, with Conway Tearle as "bad-boy" Naughton. The picture was released on March 1, 1926.
"Clara Bow, known as the screen's perfect flapper, does her stuff as the child, and does it well."
"... her remarkable performance in Dancing Mothers ... ".
Louise Brooks remembered: "She was absolutely sensational in the United States ... in Dancing Mothers ... she just swept the country ... I know I saw her ... and I thought ... wonderful."
On April 12, 1926, Bow signed her first contract with Paramount: "...to retain your services as an actress for the period of six months from June 6, 1926 to December 6, 1926, at a salary of $750.00 per week...".
In Victor Fleming's comedy-triangle, Mantrap, Bow, as Alverna the manicurist, cures lonely hearts Joe Easter (Ernest Torrence), of the great northern, as well as pill-popping New York divorce attorney runaway Ralph Prescott (Percy Marmont). Bow commented: "(Alverna)...was bad in the book, but—darn it!—of course, they couldn't make her that way in the picture. So I played her as a flirt." The film was released on July 24, 1926.
Variety: "Clara Bow just walks away with the picture from the moment she walks into camera range."
Photoplay: "When she is on the screen nothing else matters. When she is off, the same is true."
Carl Sandburg: "The smartest and swiftest work as yet seen from Miss Clara Bow."
The Reel Journal: "Clara Bow is taking the place of Gloria Swanson...(and)...filling a long need for a popular taste movie actress."
On August 16, 1926, Bow's agreement with Paramount was renewed into a five-year deal: "Her salary will start at $1700 a week and advance yearly to $4000 a week for the last year."[78] Bow added that she intended to leave the motion picture business at the expiration of the contract, i.e., in 1931.
In 1927, Bow appeared in six Paramount releases: It, Children of Divorce, Rough House Rosie, Wings, Hula and Get Your Man. In the Cinderella story It, the poor shop-girl Betty Lou Spence (Bow) conquers the heart of her employer Cyrus Waltham (Antonio Moreno). The personal quality —"It"— provides the magic to make it happen. The film gave Bow her nickname, "The 'It' Girl."
The New York Times: "(Bow)...is vivacious and, as Betty Lou, saucy, which perhaps is one of the ingredients of It."
The Film Daily: "Clara Bow gets a real chance and carries it off with honors...(and)...she is really the whole show."
Carl Sandburg: "'It' is smart, funny and real. It makes a full-sized star of Clara Bow."
Variety: "You can't get away from this Clara Bow girl. She certainly has that certain 'It'...and she just runs away with the film."
Dorothy Parker is often said to have referred to Bow when she wrote, "It, hell; she had Those."[109] Parker in actuality was not referring to Bow or to Bow's character in the film It, but to a different character, Ava Cleveland, in the novel of the same name.
In 1927, Bow starred in Wings, a war picture rewritten to accommodate her, as she was Paramount's biggest star, but was not happy about her part: "[Wings is]...a man's picture and I'm just the whipped cream on top of the pie." The film went on to win the first Academy Award for Best Picture. In 1928, Bow appeared in four Paramount releases: Red Hair, Ladies of the Mob, The Fleet's In, and Three Weekends, all of which are lost.
Adela Rogers St. Johns, a noted screenwriter who had done a number of pictures with Bow, wrote about her:
There seems to be no pattern, no purpose to her life. She swings from one emotion to another, but she gains nothing, stores up nothing for the future. She lives entirely in the present, not even for today, but in the moment. Clara is the total nonconformist. What she wants she gets, if she can. What she desires to do she does. She has a big heart, a remarkable brain, and the most utter contempt for the world in general. Time doesn't exist for her, except that she thinks it will stop tomorrow. She has real courage, because she lives boldly. Who are we, after all, to say she is wrong?
Bow's bohemian lifestyle and "dreadful" manners were considered reminders of the Hollywood elite's uneasy position in high society. Bow fumed: "They yell at me to be dignified. But what are the dignified people like? The people who are held up as examples for me? They are snobs. Frightful snobs ... I'm a curiosity in Hollywood. I'm a big freak, because I'm myself!"
MGM executive Paul Bern said Bow was "the greatest emotional actress on the screen", "sentimental, simple, childish and sweet," and considered her "hard-boiled attitude" a "defense mechanism".
With "talkies" The Wild Party, Dangerous Curves, and The Saturday Night Kid, all released in 1929, Bow kept her position as the top box-office draw and queen of Hollywood.
Neither the quality of Bow's voice nor her Brooklyn accent was an issue to Bow, her fans, or Paramount. However, Bow, like Charlie Chaplin, Louise Brooks, and most other silent film stars, did not embrace the novelty: "I hate talkies ... they're stiff and limiting. You lose a lot of your cuteness, because there's no chance for action, and action is the most important thing to me." A visibly nervous Bow had to do a number of retakes in The Wild Party because her eyes kept wandering up to the microphone overhead. "I can't buck progress .. I have to do the best I can," she said. In October 1929, Bow described her nerves as "all shot", saying that she had reached "the breaking point", and Photoplay cited reports of "rows of bottles of sedatives" by her bed.
According to the 1930 census, Bow lived at 512 Bedford Drive, together with her secretary and hairdresser, Daisy DeBoe (later DeVoe), in a house valued $25,000 with neighbors titled "Horse-keeper", "Physician", "Builder". Bow stated she was 23 years old, i.e., born 1906, contradicting the censuses of 1910 and 1920.
"Now they're having me sing. I sort of half-sing, half-talk, with hips-and-eye stuff. You know what I mean—like Maurice Chevalier. I used to sing at home and people would say, 'Pipe down! You're terrible!' But the studio thinks my voice is great."
With Paramount on Parade, True to the Navy, Love Among the Millionaires, and Her Wedding Night, Bow was second at the box-office only to Joan Crawford in 1930. With No Limit and Kick In, Bow held the position as fifth at box-office in 1931, but the pressures of fame, public scandals, overwork, and a damaging court trial charging her secretary Daisy DeVoe with financial mismanagement, took their toll on Bow's fragile emotional health. As she slipped closer to a major breakdown, her manager, B.P. Schulberg, began referring to her as "Crisis-a-day-Clara". In April, Bow was brought to a sanatorium, and at her request, Paramount released her from her final undertaking: City Streets (1931). At 25, her career was essentially over.
B.P. Schulberg tried to replace Bow with his girlfriend Sylvia Sidney, but Paramount went into receivership, lost its position as the biggest studio (to MGM), and fired Schulberg. David Selznick explained:
...[when] Bow was at her height in pictures we could make a story with her in it and gross a million and a half, where another actress would gross half a million in the same picture and with the same cast.
Bow left Hollywood for Rex Bell's ranch in Nevada, her "desert paradise", in June[120] and married him in then small-town Las Vegas in December. In an interview on December 17, Bow detailed her way back to health: sleep, exercise, and food, and the day after[122] she returned to Hollywood "for the sole purpose of making enough money to be able to stay out of it."
Soon, every studio in Hollywood (except Paramount) and even overseas wanted her services. Mary Pickford stated that Bow "was a very great actress" and wanted her to play her sister in Secrets (1933), Howard Hughes offered her a three-picture deal, and MGM wanted her to star in Red-Headed Woman (1932). Bow agreed to the script, but eventually rejected the offer since Irving Thalberg required her to sign a long-term contract.
On April 28, 1932, Bow signed a two-picture deal with Fox Film Corporation, for Call Her Savage (1932) and Hoop-La (1933). Both were successful; Variety favored the latter. The October 1934, Family Circle Film Guide rated the film as "pretty good entertainment", and of Miss Bow said: "This is the most acceptable bit of talkie acting Miss Bow has done." However, they noted, "Miss Bow is presented in her dancing duds as often as possible, and her dancing duds wouldn't weigh two pounds soaking wet." Bow commented on her revealing costume in Hoop-La: "Rex accused me of enjoying showing myself off. Then I got a little sore. He knew darn well I was doing it because we could use a little money these days. Who can't?"
Bow reflected on her career:
My life in Hollywood contained plenty of uproar. I'm sorry for a lot of it but not awfully sorry. I never did anything to hurt anyone else. I made a place for myself on the screen and you can't do that by being Mrs. Alcott's idea of a Little Woman.
Bow and actor Rex Bell (later a lieutenant governor of Nevada) had two sons, Tony Beldam (born 1934, changed name to Rex Anthony Bell, Jr., died July 8, 2011) and George Beldam, Jr. (born 1938). Bow retired from acting in 1933. In September 1937, she and Bell opened The 'It' Cafe in the Hollywood Plaza Hotel at 1637 N Vine Street near Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. It closed in 1943. Her last public performance, albeit fleeting, came in 1947 on the radio show Truth or Consequences. Bow was the mystery voice in the show's "Mrs. Hush" contest.
Bow eventually began showing symptoms of psychiatric illness. She became socially withdrawn, and although she refused to socialize with her husband, she also refused to let him leave the house alone. In 1944, while Bell was running for the U.S. House of Representatives, Bow tried to commit suicide. A note was found in which Bow stated she preferred death to a public life.
In 1949, she checked into the Institute of Living to be treated for her chronic insomnia and diffuse abdominal pains. Shock treatment was tried and numerous psychological tests performed. Bow's IQ was measured "bright normal", while others claimed she was unable to reason, had poor judgment and displayed inappropriate or even bizarre behavior. Her pains were considered delusional and she was diagnosed with schizophrenia; however, she experienced neither auditory nor visual hallucinations. Analysts tied the onset of the illness, as well as her insomnia, to the "butcher knife episode" back in 1922, but Bow rejected psychological explanations and left the Institute. She did not return to her family. After leaving the institution, Bow lived alone in a bungalow, which she rarely left, until her death.
Bow spent her last years in Culver City, under the constant care of a nurse, Estalla Smith, living off an estate worth about $500,000 at the time of her death. In 1965, at age 60, she died of a heart attack, which was attributed to atherosclerosis discovered in an autopsy. She was interred in the Freedom Mausoleum, Sanctuary of Heritage at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California. Her pallbearers were Harry Richman, Richard Arlen, Jack Oakie, Maxie Rosenbloom, Jack Dempsey, and Buddy Rogers.
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My Lonely Days Are Through
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A/N: okay so I finally wrote a fic! this is my first fic in like,, 4 years or so? so be gentle with me I guess lmao
I am pretty content with this though! I'm soft as hell so,,, here we go :)
@gardnerlangway this one's for you, lovely
(no editing we die like men)
A yawn escapes your lips as you stretch out and then curl back up. Tim's heart flutters as he watches you rub your nose, your brows furrowed. You're currently curled up on his couch, fast asleep. It's a typical Friday night for the two of you, one spent together. After meeting Tim when you started working in the museum a few months back, the two of you had built up a routine around each other. You would eat lunch together on your break, stay after hours working and keeping each other company, you would even go grocery shopping together on weekends. Today was no exception to your intertwined schedules. Upon leaving the museum for the day, you had grabbed a late dinner and ended up back at his apartment. You had started the night working, but the stress of the week and your recent lack of sleep had taken its toll, and you dozed off relatively quickly after 2am hit.
The soft light of the television dances colors across your face as Tim looks on in complete adoration. Your eyelashes cast tiny shadows on your cheeks as your chest rises and falls steadily. You had borrowed a shirt and some shorts from him, you both agreeing it would just make sense if you spent the night, and his eyes couldn't help but wander to where the tshirt had ridden up to expose a bit of your stomach. His breath catches in his throat as he finds himself thinking about what it would feel like to hold you there. What it would feel like to just have you close. To run his hands along your soft skin and-
"Okay wow, Tim." He quickly looks back at the bright screen of his laptop in order to rid his mind of these compromising thoughts. But, as his eyes make their way back to you, he runs a hand through his hair and breaths a quiet laugh. "I really do have it bad, don't I?"
He quickly covers his mouth though as he sees you slightly stir, not wanting to wake you. He had seen the effect the last week had had on you, his heart slowly falling more and more as each day you seemed to become a little more quiet, a little less peppy, and a little less yourself. The project you had been working on was one you were very passionate about, but it had become quite the endeavor. Though you had been thrilled to take it on, the universe had not been on your side, with people forgetting to follow through with their promises, paperwork getting mixed up, and even artifacts getting misplaced for a bit due to the lack of a proper cataloging system when the museum first opened. It nearly broke Tim's heart to see you become so unhappy with something that had made you so ecstatic before. He had done all in his power to keep you smiling, with funny stories, bad jokes, and any help he could offer, but you couldn't help still being discouraged. He had even mustered up the courage to give you a little kiss on the forehead as he left your office at one point, and the smile it brought, along with the blush that rose to your cheeks, was definitely worth the ten minutes he spent panicking over whether or not he should even attempt it. Just the memory of your flustered face makes him grin.
A small whine draws him from his thoughts. He looks up to find you rubbing your eyes and slowly pushing yourself to a sitting position. He tries his best to maintain his composure as you sleepily pull down your shirt and run your hand through your hair.
"Good morning," he chuckles quietly. You look at him in sleepy confusion before realizing what happened.
"Oh nooo," you groan, putting your face in your hands. He laughs a little louder this time, scooting over on the couch to bump your shoulder with his. You smile into your palms, your face flushing pink at the contact. He bumps you again, drawing your face away from your hands. Peeking through your fingers, you can see the soft but wide smile on his face.
"Have a nice nap?"
It's teasing, but you can see something resembling concern in his gaze. You just nod in response, running a hand through your hair. "I don't think I've ever seen you fall asleep this fast," he cautiously approaches the subject, "have you slept this week?"
The laugh that escapes you in response only makes his concern grow. He asks again, softer this time, and you look up at him with tired eyes.
"I uh... I think I got ten hours this whole week."
You wince slightly at his tone, cursing yourself for not adding a few hours to make him feel a bit better.
"But that's like... two hours a night! You've gotten ten hours of sleep this whole week?" You can't tell if it's shock or sadness in his eyes. Maybe both.
"Eleven if you count the nap I just took?" You joke, trying to calm him a little. "Tim, I'm okay I promise, I've been through a lot worse, honest."
Okay, so that didn't help. But before you can say anything else to try and defend yourself, he wraps you up in a tight hug. You tense up for a second, taken by surprise, but quickly you melt into him. You don't even realize you've started crying until you hear Tim trying to comfort you.
"I'm- I'm sorry," you hiccup into his shoulder, tears beginning to stain his shirt.
He rubs your back slowly, quietly shushing you, and telling you that it's absolutely okay, and you have nothing to apologize for. You shiver at his touch, burying your face in his neck, breathing him in. You stay like that for a few minutes, you trying to stop your ragged breaths and the tears spilling from your eyes, him rubbing your back, occasionally switching to run his hands through your hair, whispering words of comfort. However, eventually you pull away with a pitiful laugh.
"Sorry about your shirt," you whisper, trying to simultaneously brush your tears off of his shoulder and wipe your eyes.
"Hey, it's completely okay. I know this week has been rough. You have every right to be upset. But, it's over now, okay? Next week'll be better, yeah? I'll make sure it is."
He's relieved to see a watery smile grace your lips. No, that's an understatement. He's almost on the verge of crying himself, never having seen you in this state before. He brings his hands up to cradle your face, wiping the still falling tears with the pads of his thumbs, somehow not noticing the deep shade of red you're turning. With his hands still around your face, he tilts your head so you're looking up at him.
"Now, what do you say I pop some popcorn and you turn on something you like?"
A breathy laugh escapes you and you nod, not really trusting your voice with him this close to you. You can see the masked worry in his features as he smiles, and you mentally kick yourself for stressing him out. But, that thought leaves you as he stands up, giving you a chaste but firm kiss on your forehead. You're eternally grateful that he goes to the kitchen immediately after bc you can't stop the blush that rises to your cheeks.
"Dear god, that boy's gonna kill me," you whisper, wrapping yourself up in one of the blankets that had been resting on the back of the couch.
You start to flip through the channels, eventually landing on a documentary, and you hear a chuckle behind you. You turn to find Tim with a bowl of popcorn in his hand, looking at you in what you could only describe as fond adoration. You flush again, and he laughs fully now, plopping down beside you. You lift the blanket, inviting him in, and he gladly accepts, scooting over close enough to bump knees with you.
You fall into a comfortable silence, both of you enraptured by the bright images on the tv. Every now and then your hands brush when trying to reach for popcorn, and you mentally curse yourself for getting so worked up over cliches, not knowing that Tim was doing the exact same thing.
You're the first to speak.
"Thank you."
It's a quiet whisper, accompanied with a shoulder bump. He bumps you back and gives you a lopsided grin.
"It's the least I could do."
“Y/N, you've spent the last few months I've known you being so amazingly kind to me. You bring me food, you save me seats in meetings, you laugh at my jokes, you-”
You cut him off very seriously, “Okay they're good jokes, Tim.”
At that he laughs, breathlessly.
“Not good enough for you to cry in the middle of a meeting! I was trying to be quiet and you almost spit your water everywhere!”
Now you're both laughing, remembering that stupid planet joke and how you just about died of embarrassment, and before you can think or stop yourself, you say it.
“God, I love you.”
It's like all the oxygen leaves the room. Both of you are immediately gasping for breath, as if the air had been knocked out of your lungs. Before you can sputter out an apology, anything to make things go back to how they were before you blurted out what had been your most well-kept secret, Tim manages to get out,
“You… you what?”
His eyes are wide, and you're sure yours are as well. You're in love with him. You're in love with him. You had never even said it to yourself before. It had always just been little sighs, thoughts of him basically all the time, or little whispers to yourself about how bad you've got it. Never an outright, ‘I'm in love with Tim Murphy.’ No, the first time you said it just had to be right to his face.
You start to say ‘sorry, no, wait,” to say, ‘hold on I shouldn't have done that,’ but then you stop. And you look at him. Tim. Tim, with his sweet words and his brilliant mind. Tim, with his adorable laugh and beautiful smile that he had come to trust you with. Tim, with his tight hugs that make you feel safer than almost anywhere else. Tim, with his strong arms and gorgeous face and Jesus Christ his HANDS are just about the hottest things in the world like oh my god the things he could- you've gotten off track. The point is, you don't want to apologize. You don't want to take it back. You love him.
So you say it again.
“I love you.”
And then it's quiet. He looks honestly shell-shocked. You can almost see his gears turning behind his eyes, trying to figure out what to say after that. Immediately, your brain jumps to the worst possible scenario, and you begin to backtrack.
“I'm sorry. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just- you're so lovely, but you can completely ignore any of this just hap-”
And then he's kissing you. It's a short kiss, just a sweet, small one, but you're out of breath when he pulls away. You open your eyes to see him in a similar state, his face completely flushed. But he quickly finds his voice.
“I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that.”
All you can do is laugh, still trying to remember how to breathe.
“The feeling is mutual.”
He blushes and gives a bashful smile, then hesitates again, opening his mouth, then closing it, once more unable to speak. However, he manages to regain his composure enough to ask,
“Can… can I kiss you again?”
Not even bothering you answer, you close the gap between you. You feel Tim smile against your lips, and you can't help but do the same. You don't know how it happens, but somehow you end up on his lap, straddling him. Your hands are on his chest as your lips move in sync, slowly, but desperately. Passionately. His hands make their way into your hair, and you whimper quietly into his mouth as he gives it a slight tug. Your face heats up immediately, but you just keep going, pretending it didn't happen and hoping he missed it. He definitely heard it though, and you feel him smirk against you.
Shit, that's hot … everything he does is hot.
You roll your hips experimentally to retaliate, still on top of him, and the moan that leaves his lips is one of the most beautiful sounds you ever heard. It goes straight to your core, and you let out a groan yourself. You start to roll your hips once more, desperate to draw that sound from him again, but his hands come up to your waist and stop you. You can see he’s panting, and his hair is all disheveled.
“Okay, as much as I want to do that, and I really wanna do that,” he pauses as you giggle, “you just told me that you got 10 hours of sleep this week. I promise we can continue another time, but right now, you need to sleep.”
You pout, knowing he's got a point.
“Okay, but only since you promised.”
He helps you off his lap, letting you use him as support, and gently guides you to his bedroom. He makes a big, dorky show of tucking you in, making sure you're comfortable, offering to make you a glass of water. Finally, he gives you a soft smile, says a quiet goodnight, and gives you a quick kiss on the forehead. Your face immediately flushes, and you whisper a soft goodnight back as he turns to leave.
"Wait, where are you going?"
He turns around, confused.
"The couch?"
You give him a grin, suddenly a bit shy, and wordlessly lift up the covers next to you. He stares at you for a moment, still sporting that confused expression, and then suddenly it's like a lightbulb goes off in his head.
"Oh. OH! You want..?"
You giggle sleepily at how flustered he is. Just a few minutes ago you were about to rip each other's clothes off, and now he's getting stuttery about sleeping in the same bed as you.
"I hope you like to cuddle."
At that, he smiles sheepishly, and nods without a word. You watch as he changes into pjs, his boxers and an old band tshirt, and it takes all your willpower to not start anything again. After turning the lights off, he slides into bed next to you. There's a moment of hesitation, a moment where it seems like he can't quite decide what he wants to do, but then you feel him move closer to you, and suddenly, he's holding you. He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck and you can feel his smile against your skin. He presses a tender kiss to your shoulder, and you turn to press one into his hair. You both sigh, more comfortable and safe than you've ever felt in your life.
"Goodnight, Tim."
A beat.
"I love you."
You smile.
"I love you too."
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splat-dragon · 4 years
And when when we're all together - there's nothing to fear ~This is Where I Belong, Bryan Adams
As it turned out?
 Uncle reeked something fierce.
 And she wasn't being dramatic when she said that he smelled as though he’d shat his pants before rolling around atop a rotting skunk, then eating a dinner consisting solely of a barrel of onions. And, oh, you can’t forget the booze. So add a keg of booze with that.
 He had her eyes watering and her stomach heaving.
 Unfortunately, it was because of him that she discovered that she had the sense of smell of a dog, not just the nose, although she supposed she should have known that already, but when you’re half-dead you’re rather occupied with other things, aren’t you?
 Thankfully, it seemed that she had kept her human eyesight. Normally, that would have been a very bad thing, considering that she was near-blind without her glasses, but it seemed that her eyesight was as good as it got while she wore her glasses, nowhere near a dog’s eyesight. At least, she assumed so—she’d seen those photos where people had overlaid what a dog would see, and things didn’t seem blurry or washed out, but who knows how accurate they really are?
It took her days to grow nose-blind to Uncle’s stench. Sadly, she spent a great deal of time in close-quarters to him, seeing as the shack provided the best shade on the ranch, and she wasn’t much one for baking in the heat, especially seeing as she was still recovering. So they often found themselves sitting in the shade together, watching with no small amount of amusement as John hauled rocks around in that wheelbarrow of his, laughing at his rather creative cursing on the frequent occasions that rocks fell on his foot. She’d have helped him, really, she would have, but he hadn’t asked her to, hadn’t even seemed to consider it, and what could she do besides pick up and move a single rock at a time? Even if he did manage to figure out a way to hitch her to the wheelbarrow, she didn’t think she could have hauled it, she was still so weak and fatigued from days in the sun, and while she was slowly building her strength up on the scraps from his meals and whatever Uncle tossed her way (she wasn’t dumb enough, though, to drink the beer he thought it was funny to pour into her bowl; she’s dumb, not stupid). He’d been quick to declare her his 'new favorite drinking buddy', giving her a nice thump on the back that had knocked the breath from her lungs and left her wheezing, seeming to think that she was like him, a lazy lay-about who did nothing but eat and drink all day.
Night quickly became her favorite time of day, she’d admit. While day burned with the sun, once it set the temperature dropped dramatically, and she felt as though she came to life, energy thrumming in her veins and the sluggishness of the day shed from her as though little more than fur. John had quickly discovered it, forgetting to grab his satchel before sitting down only to find her standing there holding it, and he’d nearly flipped shit when she’d initiated a game of keep-away (although he had, eventually, started to laugh after tripping over a rock and face-planting to the ground). He’d taken to amusing himself by throwing his scraps at her as he sat by the campfire and watching as she tried-and failed, badly-to catch them.
 It was pretty fun. She was too large, too bulky, to twist and jump and catch them in mid-air, but that didn’t stop her from trying. It let her test her awkward new body, try its limits and see what it could do. No matter how hard she tried she always ended up crashing to the ground on her side but, well, it was the thought that counted, right? Besides! By the end of the week she was landing on her paws almost a quarter of the time, so, progress!
 And Uncle was particularly proud of himself for ‘teaching’ her to fetch him a beer. Not that any of them were actually teaching her anything, of course. She could understand every word they said (most of the time, at least, sometimes they drawled something awful and she could only wonder if they were having a stroke, or they used a phrase or saying that had died out before her time), but watching him get frustrated trying to figure out the words would make her magically understand what he wanted was hysterically.
 His face when John had called to Uncle to ‘pass me a beer’ across the campfire, and she’d gotten up, trotted over, grabbed one and brought it to him? Even funnier. John had definitely agreed, laughing so hard he’d stopped making sound, while Uncle had looked baffled, vaguely offended, and somewhat constipated.
 She’d always been rather lazy, and probably would have told him to get it himself Before, but it benefited her, too. It was easy to forget just how strong a dog’s jaw is, how strong a dog is period! until you are one, and she needed to work on controlling her strength, on controlling her everything, really, including her fine motor skills. So getting only a single beer (a fragile glass bottle) out of a bunch and carrying it without breaking it? Surprisingly hard, but she managed to do it and considered it a job well done.
'They can smell fear just by lookin' atcha.'
  'Don't panic, they can smell fear.'
 How many times have you heard that? Maybe not those exact words, but most people are told 'they can smell fear' or 'they can sense fear' at some point in their lives. Maybe when getting on a horse, or when working with dogs, working with children or even just on TV.
 Well, which one is it? Can 'they', whatever the 'they' you're talking about is, smell fear? Or can they sense it?
 In all honesty, she’d always thought it was a saying. If you were tense, the animal would be tense, of course. But if you were afraid, how could they smell it? It just hadn’t made any sense to her.
Just over a week after she’d met John—at least, she thought so, she hadn’t quite been keeping track of the passing time but a week felt about right—something woke her from a deep sleep. There was no noise, well, that wasn’t quite right. At first the lack of car horns and voices outside had disturbed her, she had missed that white noise, but she was slowly learning to look for the Hope’s own type of white noise—the hooting of the owls, the yipping and howling of coyotes, the chattering of the bats overhead.
 At first, it didn’t seem as though there was anything that had woken her. She raised her head from her paws, ears twitching this way and that, looking around as her heart pounded in her throat. Something was wrong, and she looked, first, for Uncle, finding him slumped near the campfire, bottle of whisky still clutched in his fist; John was stretched out on top of his bed roll, hat pulled down low over his head.
 Though everything looked fine, wrong itched in her bones, thrummed in her blood, and the need to move screamed from some part of her she couldn’t name, so she stood without her normal stretching or yawning, a whine she didn’t intend to make spilling from her chest as she began to pace around the campfire—was Uncle too close to it? But, no, he was close but not that close, even if he fell straight forward he’d just flop onto the grass, and the fire hadn’t escaped its rock circle, hadn’t set the dry grass alight.
 She paced one loop, then two, around the pair, before turning her attention outwards. This wasn’t her home, wasn’t safe, where danger was only something you saw on TV, that happened only to other people. Where all you had to do was lock your doors, where you could call the police and they’d be there in a heartbeat (okay, perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration). This was the Wild West, where danger lurked at the edge of the firelight, stalked at your heels.
 Was there something watching them? Had she felt someone’s-some thing’s-gaze on her back? A snake? A bear, even a puma? They all spawned nearby, after all, and so she stilled, squinting and staring outwards, sweeping her gaze low across the ground, the grass was tall but not tall enough to hide a puma even if it was low to the ground, trying to stalk them, much less a bear. John had been working to pick up twigs, though, for exactly this reason, and a snake would have stood out, would have started to rattle or fled at her approach, and so she turned her gaze upwards again, seeking the gleam of firelight against a cat’s eyes; a black bear, the only type of bear she could think of that would have come this far from the forest, would have fled at her approach as well, they were cowards unless cornered but, no, no matter how hard she looked, how long she stared, she saw nothing.
 She paced around the pair again, legs stiff and fur standing on end, a growl beginning to rumble in her chest as her anxiety only worsened, staring outward, looking, looking, looking, staring at the grass, staring above it, seeking a snake, a puma, even a too-curious fox or coyote.
 Her fourth loop drew her close to John, and she couldn’t say why but he caught her attention. Maybe it was the way he laid, or perhaps she had subconsciously noticed a tenseness to his figure. Maybe he had made a noise so soft that she’d just barely heard it, or she'd seen him move out of the corner of her eye. As it were, he drew her attention, and she approached him as though he were a snake coiled to strike, fighting the urge to bare her teeth when the anxiety in her chest tightened, tightened, tightened until she stood at his side.
 Finally, she could see him. Could see the firelight dancing on his face, the shadow the brim of his hat cast on him. His face was twisted in a nasty grimace and, as she watched, his brow furrowed, and he bared his teeth, the grimace worsening, before he shuddered with a funny sound low in his chest. The coil in her own clenched tight and, without meaning to, she balked, dancing a few steps away from him. He stilled, fingers twitching, and she forced herself forward, slinking as though she were trying to sneak up on him though he were asleep, and pressed her cold nose against his neck in an attempt at waking him without waking Uncle.
 She recoiled immediately, heaving. He smelled of sweat, of some awful sort of body odor far worse than she’d ever smelled before, far worse than she’d ever smelled on Uncle, than she’d ever smelled on anyone, smelled unlike anything she’d smelled before, and what it smelled like she couldn’t put a name on. Shaking her head, the smell clung stubbornly, metallic and lingering, and as she reached up to rub at her nose with her paw she could only call it fear, her own anxiety ratcheting up until, finally, she jammed her nose into the ground, scraping it from side to side. She had to sneeze, over and over, to free herself from the sand and dirt, but it was well worth it because the smell was finally, blessedly gone.
 Fearful of getting that scent on her again, she approached him hesitantly. He was beginning to shift, and her own anxiety began to spike but, knowing this time what it was, she shoved it down (‘not today, Satan!’) and butted her head into his side in a manner more cat-like than dog, but she wasn’t exactly a dog, was she? trying to find his hand in the dark. Thankfully it was gloved so, when she found it, she had no qualms about shoving her head into it repeatedly, slamming it into his leg until, finally, it twitched, cupping before instinctively beginning to stroke her fur.
 He groaned, raising his head and looking around wide-eyed, before rubbing them with his free-hand, still stroking her head absent-mindlessly. John shook his head, hissing “Jesus!” as he reached to grab a nearby beer-bottle, throwing back what remained.
 Unable to help herself, she huffed, “No, just me,” though she knew he couldn’t understand her. Shame, really, because she was incredibly funny, at least if you asked her. John tossed the bottle aside, slumping back down onto the bedroll, and she followed him, curling up against his side.
 He shoved her away, scowling as he huffed “No Gin, bad dog! No dogs on the bed,” and she gave the ungrateful bastard a Look, though what look she wasn’t entirely sure, she still wasn’t used to emoting as a dog, which was surprisingly hard, and thought about pointing out that it was a bedroll not a bed, but he wouldn’t understand her either way, but he gave into her Look, whether it was pitiful, exasperated, or straight-up puppy-dog eyes, dropping his hand to let her flop her massive head across his chest.
 John folded one arm under his head to cushion it as he stared up at the stars, his other hand coming up to scratch between her ears. The fear-scent nearly gone, she had little trouble falling asleep, basking in some of the first human affection she’d received since all of this had begun.
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chocolatemin · 5 years
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Amber's POV
"Grrr, what is a lady doing here at night? Mayhaps you don't want to be able to see the sunlight tomorrow, eh?" It growled louder and before I could talk it lunged infront of me causing me to fall to the ground. "Please, spare my life." " Ha! You wish. Now, say goodbye." The creature, which somewhat look alike to a lion and wolf at the same time, slowly brings its face closer and opened its mouth widely. Is this where I end already?
I suddenly remembered the dagger Ravn gave me. I hurriedly took it from my side, and before the creature's sharp fangs come in contact with my head, I stabbed it in the stomach very deep. The creature flinched and growled, "You think a simple stab with a little knife would kill me? Well, you're wrong! I'll behead you!" My eyes widened as the creature opened its mouth again and is coming for my face. From its stomach, I slashed the dagger up to his heart slicing it with all the force I have as fast as I can and took the dagger. It flinched for the second time and dropped to the ground. "What are you?!" It growled, looking directly at me with its glowing yellow eyes.
"Well, not your business." The creature's body wasn't bleeding but a black hole can be seen, instead it lunged at me and caused a scratch on my forearm. "Ouch, that hurts!" I looked at my bleeding wound then glared at the creature. "Serves you right." I kicked both of its leg causing the creature to drop on my body, his head is laying onto my stomach. I removed my hand under him and before it could stand up again, I stabbed its head then made a deep cut on the back of its neck earning a howl from it. I withdrew the knife, and closed my eyes thinking that it will cause a fountain of blood because of me trying to behead the wild creature. But I felt none.
Only whimpers from the wounded creature are the things that can be heard. I opened my eyes and saw thay the creature on the top of me is slowly turning into ashes that floats along with the quiet wind. It completely disappeared after some time. I stood up took the lamp beside and checked if there are any traces of blood on the dagger but there was none so I hid it back.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain coming from the wound I have, "Ouch! Ow, ow it hurts!" Oh right, I completely forgot about it. The part of the cloth was torn and stained red. The wound I got from the wild creature wasn't very deep but it hurts, of course it would because it isn't a single cut but three. I sat down along with the lamp I was carrying and cut a piece of cloth from my cloak. To stop the bleeding, I pressed the cloth on the wounded part and carefully wrapped it around tightly and tied a knot so that the cloth will not fall when I'm walking. I stood up and grabbed my things.
I dusted off my clothes and continued walking towards the deeper side of the forest. After walking for a long period of time, it is making me think that the rumors might have been wrong all along. I sighed causing my shoulders to drop along with the hope I've been holding onto. I looked to the ground and my foot played with the thick snow. I am all alone in this dark, scary forest, even almost got killed and eaten by an unknown creature to me, I'm tired already...
I was about to cry when I heard a loud thud in front of me. I looked up to see what was it and found something lying on the ground by the face. Its position is quite funny but I shouldn't be laughing right now. I hold onto the handle of the dagger tightly, ready to slash it to this creature if it tries to kill me. The creature in the cloak didn't move, so do I. I put back the dagger and I heard I shuffling sound. The creature in front of me raised its head and looked at me.
"Are you alright?" His eyes are half-opened and his voice sounded weak. "Why are you asking me that when you're the one lying on the cold ground?" The man stood up carefully and smiled cheekily, "Is it wrong to ask someone if they're hurt?" "No... I'm sorry." "Forgiven." I noticed that the man is bleeding so I rushed to him and bend down to the check upon his wound. "What are you doing?" "Mister, you're wounded and it's bleeding!" I looked up to him while he just look confused. "Sit down, I'll wrap it with a cloth to minimize the bleeding for a while." I helped him sit down and cut a piece of cloth from my cloak. I gently wrapped the cloth on his leg and tied a knot. "Mister, what happened to you?" "I got into a fight with a lion-wolf. Thankfully, I escaped from him." I remembered the creature that attacked me earlier, perhaps it is the same creature that attacked this mister.
"Do you live in this place?" He shook his head, "I'm from another realm..." "Oh, I see, so you were lost too?" "Apparently, I was heading home from the town. I was looking for something but they don't have it yet. What about you?" "You see, I'm thinking that I got lost. I am looking for an exit, someone told me that it is here. But I'm already walking here for hours!" "The exit? It's at the end of the forest and it is quite far. Do you want me to help you go there?" "Is it okay?" "Of course!" He smiled at me but I noticed that he's quite pale. "Uhm, mister, are you sick? I think you look pale or is it just me?" "Really? I neither have eaten nor drank something yet since the lion-wolf blocked my way. I left my things somewhere." His voice is still weak, attacked by a lion-wolf, haven't been able to eat nor drink anything could really make you weak. I opened my bag and gave him an apple earning a confused look from him. "What am I going to do with this?" "Eat it, you haven't eaten right? It's clean and safe..." "Thank you."
After he finished the apple, I handed him the water bladder which he hesitantly accepted and drank water from. "Thank you for helping me." He stood up and offered his hand to me. I took it without hesitation. "I'm sorry, I didn't help you earlier and was rude." "No, it's okay. Why would you help someone you don't know, right? What if they're just pretending and it's a trap? I understand how you felt earlier, it's okay." "I'm still sorry." "Don't be. By the way, my name is Hwanwoong." He stick out his hand in front of me and I gladly accepted it, "The name's Amber." "Then, let's get going? I think no one wants to be eaten by some scary creatures, right?" "Right."
We reached the end of the forest with me helping Hwanwoong walk since his other leg hurts from the deep wound. I saw a huge wooden gate and we went over to it. "Is this the exit you're talking about earlier, Hwanwoong?" "Yes." A key appeared on the keyhole out of nowhere. Why does the key always appear like that? I twisted the key and pushed the gate open. "I'm scared." I told Hwanwoong absentmindedly and quickly realized what I had done. "Don't be, I'm here with you." He reassured and I hid the key inside my bag, "Well, here goes nothing." We entered the gate at the same time.
Once we both got inside, the gate immediately shut... again. I'm getting tired and weirded out of this enter-then-close gates! "Amber, we're here on the Desert Realm." "Let's get going, shall we?" I smiled at him.
"Aren't we gonna part ways already?"
"Hmm, let me think about it..... No, we won't."
"You can't even walk properly! Do you think I would really leave you in that condition? I'll go with you."
He shook his head, "I'll be okay soo-" "Whatever you say, I'll walk with you until you get home. Nothing can change my mind!" I narrowed my eyes at him, "Got it?" He sighed before nodding. "How do we get to your house?" "You know why people always get lost? When there's no way except heading straight, they still turn right or left instead of taking the path that's in front of you." "Goodness, you could just have told me that we're walking straight ahead." I rolled my eyes earning a light chuckle from him, "Whatever, let's go!" He happily dragged me and started walking even if he can't walk properly, "Weirdo!" We both laughed at my comment.
"Hwanwoong," he hummed as response, "We've been walking for a while, don't you want to eat or drink anything? Your throat might dry, and besides it's too hot. Don't you think we should rest for a bit?" "I think you're right." "Should we rest right here?" He looked around, observing the place we set foot onto, "I think I can see an oasis there?" Hwawoong pointed to where he could see the oasis. "I don't see anything? Are you sure you can see one?" "I'm sure!" I blinked my eyes for several times but to no avail. "Woong, I think you're seeing things I can't see..." "Really? Shall we go take a look? Just to check if I'm hallucinating." "Sure."
Hwanwoong guided me to where he can see the oasis but I'm still unable to see it. "Can you now see it?" "No, I don't." "Really? But we are standing in front of it now." "What does it look like?" "It looks like an oasis." He nodded several times then smiled mockingly, "Nice answer, buddy." While I shook my head in disbelief. "There's water there, then a tree there, some large rocks there, and oh! A fox!" He pointed and pointed to nothing. "What does the fox look like?" "It is large, like the lion-wolf I encountered in the Winter Realm's Dark Forest." "Does it seem harmless?" "Yes, shall I call it over?" "I think so?"
Hwanwoong took a deep breath before shouting, "Mister Fox!!" He waved and smiled. I laughed at him causing him to turn his face to me with confused reaction painted on it, "You looked really funny, I'm sorry I couldn't help it." I covered my mouth and tried to stop the laughter. "Oh! Look! Look! It's coming!" I snapped back to reality and saw a fox coming towards us. I hid behind him and peeked, "Woah, you're really not hallucinating, I can see it!" "Told ya."
"My name is Hwanwoong, and here, behind me is Amber," Hwanwoong bowed to the magnificent fox as a sign of courtesy and so did I. "Mayhaps we could stay here for a bit?" He smiled at the quiet fox. The fox stayed silent as if he's judging the both of us. It took several seconds before a blinding light illuminated from the fox, and when the light is gone, we witnessed a tall figure in front of us. He had jet black hair and a muscular body frame based on his clothes. He is wearing a lace-up white long sleeve, black leather pants showing off his well-built physique, and black leather boots that makes him more intimidatingly beautiful. He spoke in a deep, booming voice, "I'm Leedo. I am keeper of the hidden oasis. Only few can see it so consider yourselves lucky. I am allowing you to stay for as long as you wanted to." "Thank you."
Leedo snapped his fingers in front of us, "What was that for?" "For you to be not seen by anyone while staying here. I made the two of you invisible. Now, follow me." He turned to his back and started walking while we trailed behind him. As I took each step, the oasis is becoming less invisible to my sight until I can see it clearly. "Please make yourselves comfortable." Leedo bowed before transforming back to a fox and went back to the entrance. He returned on guarding the oasis while Hwanwoong and I took a seat near the spring and leaned to the large rocks behind us.
"Hey, woong,"
"Do you know what time is it?"
"Let's see..." He looked up and observed the sky while I removed my cloak amd closed my eyes.
"It is like 11 o'clock at the Winter realm."
"What do you mean by that?" I answered him with my eyes still closed as I am embracing the peacefulness of the oasis. It is less hot in here than in the midst of walking in the desert.
"I'm not really good at explaining things but I'll try..." He chuckled before continuing, "Do you know that in the Winter Realm, the daytime is up to 12 only?" I hummed in response to him, "Daytime here lasts for 6 hours and nighttime lasts for four hours, that's a total of ten hours in a day."
"Do you have a clock?"
"Yes, it is a clock from Winter Realm."
"But why did you know that a day is equivalent to ten hours?"
"Don't laugh at me, okay? Well, I... Due to curiosity when I got into this place, I stayed for a day and a half here just to know how many hours are there in a day. Because you know, the time is different for each realm."
"Really? That's crazy!"
"Indeed. So what I am saying is that it is five o'clock here and it's equivalent to 11 o'clock in the Winter Realm."
"So you're basically saying that we've been walking for five hours and the night is nearing. And within an hour, the sun will set already. Am I correct?"
"You got it right."
Hwanwoong noticed that I, too, am wounded so he helped me clean it before cleaning his own wound. We witnessed the twilight together and shared some of the fruits I bought from the Winter Realm for dinner. He told me how does the time works in the realm he's living at. He also told me that the way out of the Desert Realm is not that far anymore since we had already reached the oasis. After some time, we thanked Leedo for letting us stay for a while before leaving the oasis by 7 o'clock. We don't want to spend a day and a half here so we left early. Hwanwoong can't still walk properly because his wound is deep so I still helped him until we reach the gate.
"Hwanwoong! Look, we made it!"
"Yeah, we reached the gate before the day passes by."
"I think we still walked for an hour or two... But that's not bad despite you being injured and not being able to walk straight, we're a bit fast."
"Yep, we should hurry so that we can both rest at my house sooner. I'm a bit tired..."
"Right." I looked in front and noticed some carvings on the gate. I leaned my face closer to the gate and illuminated it with the lamp to see the carvings clearly. It resembles a sun and it made me question it's purpose. "Hwanwoong, there is a carved sun here, and the key doesn't appear yet, do you think I need to do something first?" "Maybe? Try twisting the sun?" I shook my head at his answer, "You must be really tired, Woong. I'll take care of this, can you still hold on and wait for a bit?" He slightly nodded and weakly smiled.
The carved sun is really pretty.
It is somewhat hypnotizing so I reached for the carved sun with my index finger and traced its outline gently. I got startled when it lit up and a moon appeared beside it. Without thinking, I pressed the moon and a hole opened revealing another key. "Cool." I whispered and smiled to myself while taking the key from the hole. I inserted the key to the key hole and twisted it carefully until I heard a soft click meaning that the passage is now open. I took the key and hid it in my bag along with the other three. I twisted the knob and slightly opened the gate.
"Hwanwoong, sorry it took longer. Are you okay?" I worriedly faced him. He just smiled at me and I tightened my arms around him.
"Let's go..." Is the last thing I said before we stepped out of the Desert Realm.
[A/N: good day fellas!! I'm sorry was only able to give Leedo a brief appearance, oh and also, this fic is coming to an end, sadly...]
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sickfic-with-kiko · 6 years
I don´t know if you have done this before, but Hinata getting sick on the bus to a training camp. Hinata and the others just pass it as motion sick ness with a tad bit of nervousness, but it actually some stomach virus. So he is bedridden a day or two at the camp (with a caretaker) before Ukai let him on the court ( Tobio is more down because he can't set the ball to hinata, which the other thinks is kind of sweet since Tobio is hinatas rival) thank a lot if you do it!bonus for lot of puke
Heya, I hope this is okay! I’m not dead, just obsessed with JJBA and Touhou. I might write for JoJo…
It seemed normal when it had started. But in fact, it was something more sinister than what anyone would have expected.
“It” being Hinata’s complaint of nausea on the bus, there wasn’t a single person who suspected anything other than pre-training camp jitters. “Just don’t puke on me, dumbass.” Kageyama grumbled, closing his eyes.It was still midnight, and he had no intention of neglecting his self-care in any way.
“Shut up! I won’t!” Hinata bit back, but he wasn’t sure if he could promise anything when it came to his stomach. After all, he had already thrown up on Tanaka before, and there was no solid evidence that it would never happen again. Luckily for Tanaka, he was well away from the danger zone if Hinata were to vomit.
Sugawara cast a half-worried, half-exasperated look at Hinata and Kageyama. “Go to sleep. If any of you guys feel unwell, tell me, Asahi or Daichi,” after a moment, he added, “maybe not Asahi, after all. He’s too squeamish to deal with that type of stuff.”
Kageyama and Hinata let out a groan of agreement, and the bus fell silent once again. Hinata closed his eyes the same way Kageyama did,but he was sure Kageyama wasn’t feeling as uncomfortable as him. A sheen of sweat rolled down his neck, and he squeezed his eyes shut tighter.
His stomach was churning, in a really bad kind of way. It created a sense of impending doom, washing back and forth like a wave. He wanted to go to sleep, but he didn’t feel good. It felt like his gut was being stabbed and prodded repeatedly by a needle.
Hinata could feel the colour draining from his face. He refused to throw up. There was nothing he could do besides tough it out. He had no idea where they were on the road, and he wasn’t going to get sick in the middle of nowhere.
He placed his palm on his stomach, hoping it would calm down on its own. If he fell asleep, he couldn’t throw up, right? The pain in his stomach only spiked in intensity, causing him to double over and groan.
“Hey, you okay?”
It was Nishinoya, who had woken up and caught sight of Hinata looking noticeably pale and sick. He had always been a light sleeper, particularly on buses and other vehicles. He peeped into Hinata’s face as close as he could from where he sat, which was only just safe from potential disaster.
“My stomach feels kind of weird,” Hinata muttered, and Nishinoya only raised a brow. He didn’t understand the urgency of the situation, which was somewhat justified. It wasn’t rare that Hinata complained of stomach problems when he was on the bus, and Nishinoya had it in him to laugh about it.
“Really? Again, Shouyou? You’re pretty good at making it a recurring theme.” Nishinoya laughed, obnoxiously. “It’s probably just nerves as usual. It’ll get better! Just don’t puke on this bus. That’d be pretty gross.”
Hinata internally sighed when he realized that Nishinoya wasn’t the best when it came to handling sick people. “Nerves are what made me sick so many times. I think it’d be better if we pulled over.”
Even when there was nothing to be nervous about, Hinata’s body had an inconvenient way of telling him that he was nervous. And it would all go to his stomach, whether he liked it or not.
His stomach hurt worse, the more he thought about it. The sick feeling didn’t go away either, and his mouth tasted warm. It was too late when he knew what was going to come.
“I’ll just get Suga-san then. He’ll know what to do.” Nishinoya nodded uncertainly, as if to say that he had no idea what to do except shift the responsibility onto the vice captain. “Sugawara-san, can you help us out?” Nishinoya didn’t take no for an answer, poking at Sugawara’s cheek until he woke up with a groan.
“What’s the matter?” Sugawara yawned, and Nishinoya wasted no time before dragging his attention towards Hinata. “Wait, is he sick? Was I too late?”
Luckily no, Hinata thought. But he definitely wasn’t lucky. His stomach cramped again, and the nausea crept up his throat. He couldn’t say anything, for fear of losing his dinner on his lap. Nishinoya would have to guess what he had to say.
“We should probably pull over. It’s not a good idea to continue like this.”
Thankfully, Nishinoya knew what to say. But that wasn’t relevant when Hinata felt like he was already seconds away from throwing up. His throat was burning with acid, and he needed to hold his palms to his mouth to prevent himself from vomiting right then.
“Okay.” Sugawara scampered off to get Ukai to stop the bus, but it was impossible to reverse what was already taking place. Hinata started gagging into his palm, much to the horror of Nishinoya and Tsukishima who had just woken up.
“Hinata, don’t you dare throw up,” Tsukishima said in an almost threatening manner, but it did little to help the situation. Hinata was already at the stage where he was trying to hold down his stomach contents that kept rushing up to his mouth.
Before Hinata could even process what was happening around him, the worst case scenario started unfolding. He coughed out a stream of undigested food, and the floor was splattered with vomit. He retched again, and more sick poured out in between his fingers.
Kageyama woke up beside Hinata at the worst possible time, letting out a scream once he caught up with what was happening. “Hinata, dumbass! I told you not to throw up!” He yelled, more shaken up than actually angry.
As Hinata threw up a stream of stomach acid onto the seat and the floor, more of the team woke up from the commotion. A cacophony of screams and crashes echoed in the bus as students tried to climb over each other to avoid the mess, while Sugawara ploughed through them to rub Hinata’s back and drag him away from the mess.
“It’s all right. Just tell us when you feel sick next time, yeah?” Sugawara was slightly unimpressed by the turn of events, but if he was angry, he didn’t show it. He dragged Hinata away from the mess, grabbing spare clothes from his enamel bag.
None of the others were happy about waking up in the middle of the drive to discover that Hinata had thrown up in the bus, but they all evacuated swiftly. They had done this before, when Hinata’s nerves had gotten out of control. This time was no different, just slightly harder to clean up.
Nobody thought much of it afterwards, when they arrived at Shinzen High School shortly after dawn. The other schools were there to greet them, seeing as Karasuno was the last to arrive. The students started to mingle with each other, and Bokuto was eager to teach his disciple a thing or two.
“Go to sleep, you bunch of idiots! We’re going to be starting early tomorrow!” Naoi’s voice called out, and Bokuto jumped.
“Crap! I gotta go to my own team. See ya later, shrimpy-kun!”
Bokuto bounced away as quickly as he approached him, screaming out Akaashi’s name and leaping onto his shoulder. As Akaashi gave a yell of protest, Bokuto’s laugh echoed brighter than ever.
Hinata followed his team over to their designated sleeping area, rolling out the futons for everyone to lay down on. Although he was glad he could finally rest, there was a noticeable sense of dread sitting in the pit of his stomach. Weird as it was, Hinata knew how his body acted in mysterious ways sometimes.
He ignored the faint cramps in his stomach and lay down beside Kageyama to go to sleep. Kageyama was already passed out, grinding his teeth in his sleep while using his arm as a pillow. Hinata found the way he slept funny, really. It seemed like a punishment, almost.
When Hinata woke up the next morning, it was so hot he peeled off the quilt without hesitation. It was summer, but the heat really was different in Tokyo. It was humid like a sauna, and Hinata debated on whether to take off his t-shirt, just for a moment.
“Mornin’, Hinata!” Tanaka ruffled his carrot-like hair from behind, flashing a grin. “Guess it finally begins, huh? We’re gonna impress the hell outta them, especially Nekoma!”
Hinata nodded eagerly. “Yeah!” The two chanted in unison, waking up a few other teammates in the process. The rest were dragged out of their sleep by Nishinoya. He hurled the curtains open, allowing light to fill up the room.
“Did you all sleep well last night?” Daichi’s question was met with a series of nods. “Good.We’re in for a tough day of practice, but let’s do our best so we won’t be bombarded with penalty runs.”
Breakfast was served shortly after, but Hinata didn’t feel hungry. He would have been arguing with Kageyama about who takes the last fried chicken piece, but he only picked at rice and some boiled vegetables.
“Hinata, are you not gonna eat?”
Sugawara glanced at him, observant as ever. It was impossible to let anything slide in front of him, and Hinata let out a nervous laugh. “I’m fine! I mean, I already ate a lot so I’m good!” He hadn’t eaten much at all, but any other excuse and Sugawara would have immediately become suspicious.
Practice matches rolled around, and Hinata knew that something was wrong. He could barely get a good spike in, and his receives were so flimsy he might as well have had jelly for arms.
“Oi, what is wrong with you today?” Kageyama glared at him, exasperated. “You’ve been acting weird since this morning.”
Hinata turned away from him. His stomach cramps had gotten worse, and he needed to sit down. But he couldn’t open his mouth to say that. If he did, he was sure he would throw up. Although his play wasn’t great, it wasn’t bad enough for him to get benched.
His stomach felt tight, like a knot was pressed against it. If he got his head in the game,maybe he would feel somewhat better. And so, he pushed himself harder to prepare for another spike. He was surprised Kageyama was even setting for him, but he couldn’t go back once he was in the air.
His hand came into contact with the volleyball, but he had no idea whether his spike was successful or not. He collapsed onto his knees, curling into himself. A stab of pain erupted in his gut, spreading upwards.
“Hinata? What happened?”
Sugawara peered into Hinata’s face worriedly, but it was too late for even him to do anything. Hinata was already gagging, and his hands flew up to his mouth in a last-ditch attempt to stop the inevitable from happening.
A splash of vomit spilled onto the floor, spurting in between his fingers. It was a lot more uncomfortable this time round, mainly because of the stomach pain that grew worse with each heave. He could hear curses around him, and a lot of screaming too, but that mattered less than what was happening to him now.
The second round of vomiting began, and he learned the hard way that rice wasn’t pleasant to throw up. His throat and nose burned badly, and the floor had beensplattered with vomit. When the waves of nausea finally diminished, Hinata couldn’t do anything except stay frozen in confusion and pain.
“Come on.You need to rest. You can’t play in that condition.”
Sugawara and Ennoshita led Hinata out of the gymnasium, grabbing him a bottle of water and laying out a futon for him. Hinata would have been embarrassed, but he couldn’t register that over the pain that shot through his abdomen.
“I thought it would go away,” Hinata muttered. He lay curled up on the soft surface, drained after throwing up everything that he had eaten that morning and some days earlier. His arms wrapped around his stomach protectively, as Sugawara rubbed his back sympathetically.
“It’s not your fault. We all chalked it up to motion sickness yesterday, but I guess that wasn’t it, huh?”
Sugawara reassured him in his nurturing, fatherly way, calming Hinata effectively. He really was a good caretaker, knowing what Hinata needed to hear. Hinata was exhausted, but that meant he could pass out and forget about the pain, so he welcomed the drowsiness.
For the next day, Sugawara stayed by his side whenever he could. Although Hinata apologized repeatedly for the inconvenience, he only shrugged and replied that it was his nature to help a sick first year.
“I’m pretty sure Kageyama is bummed he can’t toss to you. You should have seen him today.”
Sugawara kept him updated on his team, telling him about the wins and losses they had gone through. “Bummed? That Kageyama?” Hinata let out a snort. Kageyama, missing him on the court. He would never admit it if he asked him.
“He does care, you know.” Sugawara smiled sheepishly. “He’s been pulling his constipated face ever since he woke up. I’m begging you, Hinata. Restore order before our team falls to shambles.”
“I’ll be better by tomorrow!” Hinata promised, although he couldn’t guarantee anything. But he couldn’t wait until he could tease Kageyama and catch up on everything he missed. After all, getting sick did have its perks.
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istgimamess · 6 years
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Label: yg entertainment
Stage name: Barbie
Debut year: 2014 (4yrs active)
Debut concept: sexy, dark, story driven, rap and dance heavy, hip hop/pop track!
Number of members: 1(solo artist)
Group name: you go by your stage name, Barbie!
Fandom name: bb's
Position: main dancer, vocal, rap and visual; basically everything (because you rock!)
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Male bestie: Yukhei (NCT)
How you meet: you hurt eachother both physically and emotionally, and then laughed about it. Alot! It was a normal day, you had just returned from dance practice and you were kind of exhausted; so you weren't paying that much attention to your surroundings! And then, let's just say, you hit a wall. Literally! Knees buckling, foreheads banging, elbows stabbing eachother in the stomachs - you struggled to break free. "Oh my freakin- you broke my face!! My face is broken!! What the hell is your forehead made out of?!! Bricks?!" "Well, I wouldn't of had to break your face if you had just watched where you were going, you frat-boy looking douche!" There was a long pause, some intense eye contact and then you both were cracking up; red faced and both clutching your stomachs, you managed to introduce yourselves! You've been attached at the hip ever since! You both have 4D personalities and you both love to make people laugh! You're 100x more extra when you're with eachother! Like Bonnie and Clyde, Tom and Jerry - you have eachothers back but always tease eachother constantly! He quickly becomes one of your best friends! He also gets oddly really protective of you, in a funny way, and his band mates like to tease him to see his reaction! "Hmm, I think my girl crush would have to be Barbie! She's really sexy!" "...(delayed reaction) Wait, what!? (^..gif..^)..who just said that!?? I'll stab you in the eye with a fork!!.." Even though he uses humor to mask how much he dislikes other people talking about you, you know if it came down to it, he would genuinely put someone in their place for you! Your friendship is the sweetest! (*sob*.. my 4D son!)
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Female bestie: Lisa (Black Pink)
How you meet: you meet through dance! You had started taking more and more dance classes and workshops after your debut and occasionally you would meet new people in those classes! Long story short, she "accidently" caught you off gaurd after practice one day and you might have turned around and kicked her in the shin in a desperate attempt to "defend" yourself. You apologized over and over again but she just wouldn't stop laughing and take your apology, "hahahahhahahahaha you call that self defense?! You looked like a rabid bunny...I'm sorry hahahhaha...I can't stop laughing...hahaha.." "HA! Hilarious. Laugh it up..." She ends up choking which makes you laugh hysterically, until both of you are just a mess of giggles. You quickly end up bonding over your love for dance and food! And it became kind of a game between you two, on who could sneak up and scare the other more: at award shows, at fan meets, at restaurants; any and everywhere you could possibly think of! You had gotten in couple of good scares, but she was still the reigning queen! Which, she always brags about! "Lisa, you're best friends with Barbie right!?" "Yeah! She's my bestie!" "I hear you like to sneak up and scare eachother! How do you usually do it?!" "Yeah! I get her everytime! Like this...(^.. gif..^).." She's such a fruitloop, but you love her!
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Group bestie: NCT Dream
How you meet: it was one of the weirdest encounters you've had in your entire life, to be completely honest. One second you were picking out something to eat at the local 7-11 and then without warning you were surrounded by a pack of fetus looking thugs. "You barbie!?" "We've literally watched every single one of her music videos and all of her interviews. We know what she looks like, why would you ask such a stupid question!?" "I was just trying to act cool!" "Well that's your problem right there! You're a rapper not an actor!" "You want to fight me!?" "Oh look, Canada thinks he can throw down.." "Stop pushing his buttons, Haechan. But on a serious note, we've all seen pictures of her on Lucas' phone sooooo that definitely was a stupid question.." "I swear to go-" "Umm, sorry to interrupt but...what is happening!?" "We're your new best friends, we're here to replace Lucas. Nice to meet you!" "Ummm..I mean..okay, sure.." And just like that, your fate was sealed! (No joke, my brothers football team actually did this to me! Soooo yeah, this legit happened!) You end up not really minding though. They are super supportive, always cheering you on and hyping you up! It's kind of cute, they follow you around like little ducklings; always competing with Lucas for your attention and friendship. "Noona, Yukhei said you prefer atleast one of your bestfriends to be buff so..(^.. gif..^).." You love them!
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Ship name: b-min, smiley couple
How you meet: you ran into him at an award show. Literally! You were too busy trying to watch out for Lisa! You knew she was obviously attending the award show, and you knew it was the perfect setting and opportunity for her to sneak up and scare you; so you weren't paying attention to anything! Until you were laying flat on the ground, another human being hovering over you. "Yikes, are you okay!?" "Oh my god! I'm soooo sorry!" You apologize profusely as he tries to help you stand. "It's no problem, I might be short but I'm sturdy- nope, I take that back, you're shorter.." With red cheeks and shaky hands you both stumbled awkwardly through your introductions and from then on, it was history! He ended up asking you out and you jumped at the gun to say yes; you've been together ever since. He really is a great boyfriend, always cuddling you, buying you flowers, taking you out to eat, supporting you. (I'm actually getting kind of jealous lmfao) He's whipped and his band mates tease him about it all the time! "And here we have Park Jimin not paying attention to the camera at all because he's too busy texting Barbie! What a shocker!....(^.. gif..^)..." You're total relationship goals!
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Biggest fan: Wooseok (Pentagon) is probably your biggest fan! He's constantly listening to your music, watching your MV's, downloading your songs, watching your TV appearances and talking about you in interviews! "I'm a huge fan of Barbie-noona! She's really talented and she's such a good dancer! I would love to collab with her sometime in the future!" It's the cutest thing; he's such a big fan of everything you do and he's so loyal to your fandom, constantly calling himself a fellow bb! "Wooseok, quick question! Do you think there is anyone in the world that dances better than Barbie?!" "...(^..gif..^)..." It's adorable!
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Scandal: it's not a secret that you're a dancing dancer who loves to dance, and it's definitely not a secret that EXO's Kim Jongin is one of the best dancers out there, in your opinion! (It's a total FACT!) So given that he's actually one of your closest friends, even an older brother at times; always willing to practice with you and give you advice! You use this to your benefit! Often! That's why dispatch has photographs of you and Jongin together on multiple nights! "New romance between Solo Artist Barbie and EXO's Kai?!" "Ken and Barbie?! More like Kai and Barbie! New hott couple alert!" You both end up laughing until you're curled up in a ball on the floor. "Really?! A Barbie and Ken joke!? That's what they're leading with?" "You're a bit too vertically challenged to be a Barbie, but honestly I'm killing it in the Ken department.." "Jongin, are you actually trying to fight me right now?!" It's really ridiculous!
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Other activities: sure, you're a singer and a rapper but dancing is and always will be your number one! It's your passion, it's what you went to school for and it's what you live to do! So when yg suggests that you start trying to broaden your fan base with some type of variety show or competition like 'Hit the Stage' you freaked out! (Girllllllll, so would I!)You were so excited but also very nervous to showcase more of your dancing skills on such a big platform but it turned out to be one of the funnest experiences! You ended up feeling right at home amongst the other dancers, made some new friends, learned more about dance as a craft and even made some new fans! "It was just sooo fun! I was definitely nervous but I pulled though! I knew I had it in me!" "Ohhhh wow, so you're just not going to give me credit at all!? I mean, its not like I went through another dating scandal just to help you practice or anything, right?! How rude of you, midget." "Oh my god, Jongin, I swear I will push you down a flight of stairs..." It was awesome!
@kbabie heyyyy sooooo yeahhh, thank you so much for your patience! I know it takes me hella long to do idol ships, because I kind of overdo it. But thank you so much for the request, I hope you like it! Please feel free to let me know what you think! 😅
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