#its a small detail but i like those and im not good enough at astrology stuff to be like. the sole contributor yk
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negative-negative · 2 years ago
people who like astrology what do u think benny erica and rorys zodiac signs would be...
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limey-writes · 3 years ago
can i get a matchup? (if you're not doing them rn that's fine lol, just delete this ask) i'm a nonbinary/transmasc (he/they) with dark wavy hair thats about waist length. i'm pretty thin, but my job is physically demanding so i'm starting to build more muscle. i'm 5'8, pretty pale, and have freckles. i wear mostly black and i like wearing high heeled boots/platform shoes because i get dysphoric about my height.
i like video games, but im also really into astrology, tarot, art, antique weaponry (mostly old guns/swords/knives), collecting rocks, and music (fav genre is dark cabaret.) i really want to learn to play the piano/violin. i also really like plants and want to become a horticulturist.
im very quiet, but that's mostly because i don't like small talk. it's very draining to me and i don't like having to maintain social connections that feel superficial, so for those reasons i can come across as cold or rude without meaning to. it isn't really anyone's fault, i just genuinely enjoy being alone most of the time. i have a very hard time expressing myself vocally and prefer to text or write whatever it is i want to say. i'm an emotional person, but i'm not very expressive around other people. i really only open up around close friends and even then it's not by a whole lot. i always try my best to treat others with kindness, but if someone is continuously rude to me then i just ghost them or i intentionally piss them off for fun. the internet has permanently fucked up my sense of humor. i cant stop spending money on expensive ass clothes/body wash/hair care crap/cologne but i just like looking good and smelling good!! goddamn!!!
in terms of like romance or relationships or whatever: i don't like it when strangers flirt with me and i don't date for fun or anything like that. again, i don't like entertaining surface-level connections at all. i'm very introverted, so i want to be able to give all my energy to the people i'm actually close to. if i'm in a relationship with someone, then i'm 110% serious about it because it takes a lot for me to be close enough to someone to even consider dating them.
(i hope this wasn't too long lmao, i saw in another post that more detail was better so i tried my best to include a lot but not ramble too much)
Your turn for your match-up! (:< And thank you for the extra detail, it does really help!
I match you with...
Mick is the type of man to struggle with connections, so when you can across each other, he definitely appreciated the time he could have to actually fully get to know you. The man definitely can understand the need for alone time, so you can bet that he knows when you need space and when to come around and give you some extra care you might need. He definitely digs the aesthetic and compliments you so much about your platforms, he asks you to read his cards on occasion and listens so much when you want to talk about any sort of astrology to him. He does a lot of travelling, so he definitely loves talking about stars with you whenever you guys hang out together at night.
Whenever he goes on his missions, he makes it such an important part of it to bring you back a new rock you might not have in your collection. He definitely supports your love for plants, definitely would pick up a thing or two to be able to take care of some along with you, ever since meeting you he swears he's never had more plant life in his camper than he did before. Might even bring you a plant you've had your eye on over giving you flowers, but its the thought that matters, no? If you ever showed him your love for old weaponry, you can bet this man lights up and drops so many facts about any old guns he might know, for some reason he knows a lot about it but mainly he likes to do research on what weapon would work best for his line of work soooo, if that explains anything. If you'd let him, he's love to listen in if you ever wanted to practice piano or violin, might even play along with you if you asked him to, Mick is definitely one to appreciate the musical arts, and loves the fact you're so interested in it!
Mick is also in love with any sort of fragrance you use, expensive soaps, etc. He compliments you on any new one you're trying out and gets excited when you show him a new one, on occasion once he knows you well enough, you definitely might be surprised with a new cologne you told him in passing you liked or a new outfit you've been wanting. Sure he might not flat out say he is into you, but he is subtle with his means in telling you he likes you a lot, he likes the bluntness you have if you had ghosted someone rude to you, might even drop an idea or two on how to annoy them since he also finds it kind of entertaining. Once you guys are together, he also struggles with showing proper emotions, so instead he writes you little notes telling you how much you mean to him instead, hoping that gets the point across as best as he's trying to do.
If it makes you feel any better, this man probably laughs at the video of the falling waffle, so if you ever wanted to share any sort of obscure thing you like then you definitely might share the same sense of humor. Sure he takes his time being able to be open with you, but once he feels like you guys have had enough time hanging out with each other, Its like seeing a flower bloom with what other stuff he shares with you. He doesn't mind if you needed more time until you feel comfortable with him, he's a sniper so of course he's learned the art of being so patient with you as long as you need him to be.
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okaypie · 8 years ago
*flips on shades, dabs, does a cart wheel, sticks the landing, cracks knuckles* I can't really say all for one character I think so uh, NAH FUCK IT U PROBABLY CAN FIGURE OUT HOW ALL FOR JEREMY HAHAHAHAHA
#squad:  who's friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
OKAY SO, I’m gonna write this as if Jeremy were still living in hawaii and Happy. He hung out with the jocks but he was the decent jock due to not wanting to be an asshole and anxiety. He was made fun of a lot bc he backed out on a lot of shit except for one time when he agreed to break into an abandoned building that wasn’t really abandonded and he got grounded for a month.
microscope:  zoom in -- describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
When Jeremy smiles he has super duper subtle dimples. His hair looks kind of frizzy but is actually super nice and soft. He has stretch marks on his thighs bc my boi is thicc. He has freckles but you can’t see them like at all unless he gets a sun burn or gets like that pale-looking sick deal. 
fragrance:  what do your OCs smell like?
Weed and old spice
photo album:  describe one of your OCs' favorite memories.
When him and his dad played ukulele during the Eo E Emalani I Alakai Festival for the first time bc he felt like he was finally good enough   
mixtape:  5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like.
wardrobe:  what's your OC(s) style like?
Basketball/Cargo shorts, t-shirt and sandals 
lightning:  who's the most impulsive character? and who is their impulse control?
Okay im going to ref rp for this one 
Mark’s oc Sol ( @snowmiku) is the impulse and jeremy would be impulse control or for vic and jeremy victor would be impulse control bc foster parent and jeremy would be impulse
ufo:  identity! what are some key identifying qualities or traits of your OC(s)? how to they identify in regards to gender/sexuality?
Jeremy is my bi guy ready to try! He doesn’t really discover it until later in life tho which is okay! He’s also demisexual bc fuckin people is a weird concept to him unless they’re super close! 
love note:  who likes who? crushes? relationships? are they mutual or unrequited?
Canonically none, rp sol
poison:  vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
So after Jeremy’s parents died he started smoking a lot more pot? Which wasn’t that bad until he greened out and everything went downhill from there. He tries to act like everything is fine and dandy but it’s pretty obvious he’s dealing with a lot of trauma that he doesn’t want to come to terms with
compass:  who's the moral compass? in general: what are your OCs' morality like? do they have high morals, or not? are their morals self imposed, or do they base their morals on religion/family/influence of others?
Jeremy bases his morals on those around him but also more or less for himself? Like if he really trusts and knows the person he’ll give his fuckin life for them but if he’s like...meh...with them then he’ll do what he can...but if what he does doesn’t work the first time they’re fucked
track & field:  which (if any) of your OCs are athletic? what sports to they play? which of your OCs would go HARD in P.E.?
JEREMY IS ATHLETIC AS FUCK. He loves basketball, football, and surfing and he likes doing early morning jogs. When its dodgeball day in P.E. you better hide from this boy
parachute:  who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
Him family (both real and foster(yes, hannah, this includes pat))
conspiracy theory:  what are your OC's beliefs? are they skeptics or do they believe easily? who acts on blind faith? who needs to see to believe?
Jeremy follows the Huna(New Age) religion which is the semi-traditional religion of Hawaii. He does what he can when it comes to practicing it.
zodiac:  what's their sign? does it influence their personality? do they care about astrology?
Virgo! It doesnt seem to influence him but he does care about astrology
spellbook:  are any of your OC(s) supernatural? if so, what are they/what are their abilities?
contact:  how does your OC(s) feel about touch/physical contact? are they affectionate? if so, how do they display affection to others?
jeremy was really touch-starved for a while so hell take affection where he can get it. hes a huge platonic cuddler, he tends to sling his arm around ppl a lot bc he knows that some ppl are really bad about being touched. He gives A+ massages tho just an fyi
interiors:  describe your OC(s) bedroom/home/or a place they consider "theirs". what's in it? do certain items have a special significance to your OC?
His room usually has a lot of natural light and smells like pot lmao. His beds a mess and he collects a lot of weird shit, mainly shells tho. He has one picture of his parents that he keeps on his person at all times even tho its getting kind of worn
hobby:  what do they love? what captivates them? what are their passions?
Jeremy loves music and people and parties (in small amounts) He really loves basketball and learning about other cultures too? So yeah, also history. Lots of history, but he keeps that shit inside bc “haha that’s so nerdy why would i do that???”
psyche:  what's their head space like? do they have any mental illnesses? how do they process difficult or emotional situations? what are their coping mechanisms?
Jeremy is a mess. he has moderate-sever depression, anxiety, and PTSD. When he’s put into a difficult situation he deadass has a panic attack and the way to get him to calm down is to try and talk about how his dad would handle the situation, it brings back even more bad memories but being reminded of the good and of what was helps too. He copes (unhealthily) through pot, and he has therapy sessions every weekend
chess board:  who is the most logical? or the schemer/planner?
Jeremy is usually p logical (sometimes)
shooting star:  if your OC(s) could have one wish what would it be?
That he could go home and everything would be fine
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argaliaofficial · 8 years ago
@sangwoosers alright here is that general overview of jace post i promised u!!
i didnt intend to get this long but i wanted to write a backstory rundown again because each time i keep adding new insights that really helps me flesh out my characts i hope its not too daunting--
i also included more simple trivia bits at the bottom too
alright so jace, birthname jacques viorel eden, was originally a member of nobility, and also a fandom oc (for tales of vesperia lol) however recently i’ve been thinking of working out my own original universe to squish him into (hence the lack of proper names for places/people in this draft cuz im still in the world building process lol)
thankfully, his backstory pretty much works for the setting i am thinking about. he was born the youngest of 7, to a mother who wanted nothing to do with him because he wasn’t a cute girl she could project her lost dreams onto, and a father, who while a nice man, was always so busy with work he hardly had time for his children. his siblings too were less than nice as well, and that is mostly due to his eldest brother, gabriel. gabe was nothing but a vicious bully to whoever his younger siblings were, and by the time jacques came along, he pretty much had the other brothers tormenting jacques for their own amusement.
he had two older sisters, as well, but only one of them, annabelle, ever paid attention to him. she was a kind sister, always watching after him and making sure he was alright due to the fact that jacques had a weak immune system and got sick often.
he was very very young (bought 5 years old) when his father was accused of conspiring against the monarchy. jacques, of course, had no clue what was happening; he had woken up extremely early in morning to a very serious anna telling him to gather a few valuables and get dressed. due to their relation with their father, the council (currently the powerhead due to the lack of an emperor/empress at the time) saw fit to punish the entire family, and any generation that came after them. 
the scorn from the citizens, and the burning of the brand on his hand made the walk though town to the edge of the city borders terrifying. and then the trek through the wilderness?
his father didn’t survive. being the older man he was, he was the one to fall behind when a pack of vicious wolves attacked the family
from there, it seemed as if everything continued to grow worse. jacques’s mother fell into a deep state of depression, and with no access to their vast wealth before, food and housing was scarce- especially for a family that had just been branded public enemy #1
they eventually managed to skip over to a new continent as refugees, and from there, they were given a very basic, tiny home to live in. his mother’s depression only grew worse, and soon, she was having a series of flings with a married man
of course, when he found out she was knocked up, he wanted nothing to do with her. for 9 months she carried the child, only to give birth to another boy. this was the final nail in the coffin, and a few weeks later, jacques found her dead, having committed suicide. 
The father of his step son took the baby in, but left the other children to their own devices. from there. everyone just went their own way.
anna took care of jacques the best she could, managing to save up some money to get him a bow and cloak for one of his birthdays. it was also around here where he started trying to learn about medicine and healing magic in hopes of being able to get a job in the field to help out
anna, in the meantime while jacques studied, eventually married a man in hopes of getting them some sort of financial stability and a roof over their head. he was by all means a monster, however, abusing both her and jacques in more than one way.
one day, when he was about 14 years old, he tried to stand up to anna’s husband. this went over about as well as could be expected, jacques was so severely beaten he was bed bound for a week. because of this, he eventually ran off, terrified to stay, and terrified to return. eventually, he managed to crawl into a new town, on the brink of dehydration and starving. from there, he bounced around, trying to make something of himself. he continued studying healing artes on his downtime, and continued practicing archery. he also took up offensive magic after he got fairly proficient at healing, thinking having multiple skills would be useful, and that if he got strong enough he could return to his sister and get her out of that hellish home. it wasn’t easy, having grown up frail and sickly, but he persevered. he was going to make up for abandoning his sister, he would make his step brother pay for the shit he had put them through
those plans unraveled when he stumbled upon  a secret base for a notorious assassin’s guild. there’s something terrifying about being dragged to the dungeons to be interrogated by the leader of the guild. something terrifying about your life on the line, as the guild could not risk outsiders revealing the location. jacques didn’t want to die. he still had to return to his sister- his last family member. quickly, he tried to sell his skills. a guild of assassins could surely use a healer, and he was a fairly competent one. he could also use a bow and arrow, and was a fast learner. he could pick up any other trade they needed him to.
it took a few days, but he was accepted under strict surveillance until he could be proven trust worthy. from then on, he would need to create an alias and discard his past. there was no room for that as a newfound assassin.
in a sense, jacques eden had died, and jace had taken his place. jace was supposed to be nothing like jacques. jace was supposed to be cold, calculating, detached.
he couldn’t help but feel bitter, though. his entire life had been in shambles since he was a small child, and now he had to throw away his family name for good. 
one day, a new kid was brought into the guild. he called himself zelvene, or zelv, for short. he was a kid more damaged and fucked up than jace was himself. and jace had been partnered with him.
the two did not get along at all. zelv was a rambunctious nut, and jace was mr. killjoy. it was like that for the longest time before a mutual sort of stolckholm syndrome kicked in, and they became sorta friends- to the point where they are weirdly protective of each other, but still banter like they hate each other.
zelv eventually became privy to jace’s past, and jace became privy to zelv’s. it helped them understand each other, and in turn, helped them to care for each other. it was strange for both of them- having someone care. jace had known it with anna, but it had been so long since he had seen her that he had almost forgotten what it was like.
the two, being the damaged insomniacs that they were, would spend late nights talking about getting revenge. zelv said he’d already gotten his when he killed his parents and burnt the house down, and he told jace he’d help him carry out whatever plan he could come up with to get his vengeance. 
and one day, it appeared that the perfect opportunity would present itself. a client came in one night, asking for a hit to be put on a man named faris clemens- a rising knight in the very city jace had been unjustly exiled from. the details about why they wanted faris dead were uncertain, but it didnt matter. an excuse to go back and deal a heavy blow to that shit hole of a capital... maybe get to ruin a few other things while he was there-
he jumped on the job immediately, and zelv was fine with it himself. if all went well, they would be able to do satisfying damage to the city.
he sadly could never return to anna anymore. not with how mightily he had fallen down a dark path, but if he could do this, and then kill his brother-in-law, and leave anna a fair sum of money to get herself a stable home while she found a job to support herself...
well, maybe that would make him feel a bit better with himself.
and there ya go. backstory rundown lol. now for the easier to get thru trivia shit lol
by the start of the story he is 23 years old
his astrological sign is gemini and his birthday is march 14
he really really likes coffee
he clung to studying nobility customs and aesthetics, wanting to cling onto what bit of family tradition he could remember
he’s a moody piece of shit and extremely sentimental
he lowkey loves cuddles and affection and could snuggle for hours if given the chance
he’s highkey paranoid tho and that interferes with a lot of personal shit like that
if you wanna ask anything else about him feel free! i hope you enjoyed reading this :)
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