#its REALLY hard to find not slashy fic anon so forgive me
tonystarksarmy · 6 years
... got any pilgrimage recs?
So there’s only 38 fics for Pilgrimage on ao3 and about half of them are x readers, which, no thanks, and the other half is mostly The Mute/Diarmuid slash so it’s really slim pickin’s if that’s not your cup of tea. That being said, the ones that ARE available are REALLY well written imo and some of the slash ones can be seen as platonic if you just let some things slide. 
So my recs: 
An Accounting of Miracles by asocialfauxpas (fuzzytomato) 
This one is probably my personal favorite. It was posted after I had seen the movie and it was a blessing to read—a glorious 12K words. It gives The Mute and Diarmuid the happy ending they deserved from the perspective of a really well written original character. It’s tagged as The Mute/Diarmuid but there is really nothing in it to suggest they see each other as anything more than a platonic friendship/familial relationship. 10/10 have read multiple times. 
promise me by miss_tatiana
A good, good fix-it fic that will help sooth the wound that the end of the movie left. Again, tagged as The Mute/Diarmuid but if I remember correctly it’s not really slashy, only that way if you choose to interpret it that way. 
be ye good on this earth (yea, be thou at peace) by nohomies (kameo_chan)
A speculative piece about the internal workings of The Mute’s mind as well as how he came to the monastery and how he lived in the years prior to The Pilgrimage up until the very end. He’s such a mysterious character that it’s cool to see inside his head and glimpse into his dark past. The slash is more heavy in this one but it’s one-sided and never acted upon. 
Ad Altiora Tendo -- I strive towards higher things by Devilc
This one’s a series and another fix-it of sorts. It picks up right where the movie ends. I haven’t read it in a while but if I remember correctly its the most slash-heavy out of all of these but I remember the historical details really blowing me away and the writing is really well done. But since Diarmuid’s age is really dubious but he’s probably underage, this fic is a little more iffy... if you can get past that it’s still an interesting read.
That’s all I really got. The Pilgrimage tag is tragically empty and it’s pretty much impossible to find a 100% platonic fic about The Mute and Diarmuid (who I personally interpreted as having a father/son relationship but apparently I read the room wrong???) but all the writers that I’ve seen are really strong and deserve more love. Maybe if they get it we’ll get more awesome Pilgrimage fic! 
Definitely let me know if you know of any more because I’m thirsty for it. 
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