#its 4:30am................
xieliancore · 6 months
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hoyo pls bring haikaveh back i miss them...
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nuge · 1 day
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mcdrai | faceoff: inside the nhl | episode 5
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kurapixel · 2 years
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cyno (poster available on my store | etsy )
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jez-bez · 2 months
unpopular opinion: Korn is not the baddest of bad guys
Is Korn a good guy? No. Definitely not. He, without a doubt, accepts his place in the gambling/money laundering part of his father's company. Does he have a choice, though? I don't think he does.
I've seen people talking about Korn being the bad guy, who takes advantage of Ton Kla, their Sugar Daddy arrangement, cheats on him with Fasai (which imo is NOT something he enjoys or even wants to do. I think he's being forced into it but that's for another time I guess) etc etc but I see it differently
Korn loves Ton Kla. Plain and simple. He loves him. Korn just unfortunately, like a lot of people getting raised by shitty excuses for parents, is acting and reacting in the only way he knows how. By control.
It's so clear to see.
The scene where Korn comes back to Ton Kla after two weeks, to me, speaks volumes of Korn's feelings. He's an open book right there.
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"How about I fill you in on what happened, okay?"
You can see the hope on his face. He's been gone for weeks, feels guilty about it and now he really wants to tell (his lover) where he was and what happened. I mean, he did just get promoted too (even if its into a fucked up money scheme wth). But he wants to tell Ton Kla because he's finally got time to see him again, he wants to share his hardships and joys. Like normal couples would, right?
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But then when Ton Kla doesn't want to listen, doesn't want to hear any of it, Korn gets disappointed.
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he then makes the stupidest mistake ever by assuming a fuck would fix everything. Give the boy what he usually wants and the boy will forgive him, right? right?
Ton Kla doesn't want to have sex , which tbf, after being ghosted for two weeks (and having found another toy to play with) isn't weird. I wouldn't either. Go Ton Kla for pushing him away.
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The face of realization because Korn is losing control. Not that he's had any control over anything the last few weeks, because not even his subordinates listened to him when he ordered them not to hurt Nan. In fact, I'd even say Korn is naive for believing they'd follow his order.
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And then Ton Kla drops a massive, all left over peace shattering bomb because 'his brother was killed and Korn wasn't there, Korn didn't know, Korn let him down.' <- aka Korn's inner monologue probably.
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"Who did it, Ton Kla?"
Baby tries so hard, to come up with something to do, to help. Suggesting the only things he's knows, the only things that's probably helped him: his connections through his father. And here's where people bitch about 'he didn't even ask Ton Kla if he was okay!'
listen, I know, I understand. But the man has also been through some shit, he's just reacting right now. He needs to know what happened, so he can help. So he can get that control back that he lost and desperately needs back.
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"You don't have to help me. Someone else is already helping."
And once again he gets rejected by his lover, shattering the already shattered pieces of whatever's left of his heart and patience.
Korn so badly wanted to come back to his love, his boy, to share with him what happened in the past two weeks, to finally breathe and calm down. But unfortunately, a lot has happened to Ton Kla too, who just can't handle Korn's absence and random appearance.
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"Just go."
Another rejection. Shot straight through the heart.
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Ton Kla is not playing around, that's for sure. And honestly, good on him. This is not a pity party for Korn. Both are just reacting to their feelings. Poorest little meow meows. Stuck in their own dysregulation.
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"You dare chase me away?"
That right there, is the look of a man who is hurting. Who can't believe what's happening. Knowing he fucked up and won't be allowed to fix it.
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He even stumbles out of the house! Poor Korn. I feel for him.
Korn may not be the best character, is very morally gray, but I think people shouldn't forget the home that brought him up. You become what is preached to you, and if you don't know that that is wrong, you can't change. Nothing.
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lovedrruunk · 1 month
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thatcoyperson · 11 months
Ok it's 4am and I'm going insane thinking about this but I need answers.
So we all know how Mumbo stole Grian's soul back in Season 8 right? Which brings me to my first question: What happened to Mumbos soul? Did Grian's soul just override Mumbos soul OR does Mumbo have 2 souls now? Or did they like somehow fuse together into one soul and just leave Grian soulless? Like just- what happened to Grian's soul after it was eaten
But yknow how in Double Life there were Soulmates? Yeah. What was Scars soul bound to? Was it just bound to nothing or did Grian get like- half of Scars soul during it. If it is the second one DID SCAR GET HIS SOUL BACK? OR IS HE JUST DOWN HALF A SOUL AND GRIAN HAS THE OTHER HALF FOREVER NOW?
Im so confused. I've been plagued by this for actual months and I'm no closer to an answer. These sound like the ramblings of an insane madman and I've accepted that. I just need answers.
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I believe they call it a glitzy finale
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golden-stag · 1 month
One thing I omitted from my Faust design ramble, because it's Very Silly, is I wonder what happened to his glasses from the Dr. Baldhead design-
Option A, Faust doesn't need glasses and it was a part of the Baldhead persona like the outfit he wore. Could be true, but it feels unlikely.
Option B, Faust does need glasses and is wearing them underneath the paper bag. This seems a bit impractical, but not impossible to make work.
Option C, Faust does need glasses and is straight up not wearing them- getting hit by a door or rammed in the shins by a wheelchair is purely accidental he Cannot See. This is my favourite interpretation.
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charcuteriecrab · 4 months
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That moment when you can't sleep
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Help he's so prettyyyyyy
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deadlydelicious · 1 year
ok not to be a fucking British history nerd on main but yall
Henry's royal house is 'Hanover-Stuart' - implying he comes from the House of Hanover
but the last Hanover monarch was Queen Victoria. Her children inherited their father (her cousin's) house- Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. After that the British line of Hanover effectively ended
So the persistence of the name then implies that in the Red White and Royal Blue universe, Queen Victoria - who we know exists as a Queen in universe because of the food fight joke- was either succeed by a much more distantly related Hanover- implying her children either didn't exist or were somehow removed from the line of succession (hello new fictional civil war of 1901), OR it implies that Queen Victoria somehow, in 1840- changed the entire system of patralineage into a matralineage so her children would inherit the Hanover title. This would then in turn imply that the female line would have to be acknowledged as the stronger claimant to the throne meaning the heir to Victoria's throne would NOT have been Edward VII, but instead Victoria's first born- a daughter also called Victoria (hereafter referred to as V2 for clarity).
But in real life V2 went on to become the empress of Germany and the mother of the last German Kaiser - you know the one who was CREEPILY almost incestuously obsessed with his mothers hands and who ALSO LARGELY CAUSED WW1 BY MAKING 1910s GERMANY AN EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE MILITARY POWER TO RESOLVE IS DADDY ISSUES?! But if in RW&RB V2 never became the German Empress, she never would have had Wilhelm II, and would instead have married a man of lower station and went on to continue the Hanover line in England, meaning there would be no Willhelm II - whos infamously erratic and hostile foreign policy led to the destabilization of Germany's position in Europe and was likely the main contributor to the reactionary foreign policies of other European powers that then caused the beginning of the conflict that became WW1.
and that's not even getting into the Stuart of it all - a Royal line that ended IN 1714 AND WAS THE WHOLE SOURCE OF THE JACOBITE UPRISINGS. like if the Stuart line continued in the name, that implies that instead of it dying out with Anne, and the distant relatives of James II then forming the Jacobites to reclaim the throne, they somehow wove them back into the family tree?!
So were there no Jacobite Uprisings in RW&RB?
Is that why Henry is able to be styled as Prince of Wales, despite him not being the Crown Prince- because in this universe with the Stuarts still part of the royal family the Crown Prince's seat now becomes Prince of Scotland, also implying that Scotland has also now become a principality rather than a kingdom?! And how did the Stuart line stay in? Did Victoria NOT marry Albert, but instead marry a Stuart? But no, because the last Stuart was literally a fatherless priest who died 20 years before she was born, and the V&A still exists in universe, so Victoria still definitely married Albert. So did V2 get married off to some distant Stuart (most likely Francis V of Modena)? IS SCOTLAND A PRINCIPALITY NOW?! WHO CAUSED WW1?! WAS IT BECAUSE OF THE FICTIONAL BRITISH CIVIL WAR OF 1901?!
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pictured here: my mental state rn
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mistypluie · 1 year
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happy (belated) maid day here's binghe!! <3
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matchy-rnl · 1 year
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Leslie would be the first student to even meet Bobert (in this AU) and would just lie and spread a rumor that he would kill you if you even looked at him,,,, and at the exact day where the rumor became popular, Gumball had a 1HR detention so he would have to be with the Bobster after school while learning algerba and what variables mean.
( Yeah, and Bobert stays after school cause he is probably too busy trying to prevent Alan from popping and Banana Joe being a banana? I guess,,,, and this point probably Baymax 2.0 )
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jay-ig · 5 months
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@heropartnerweek 💥💥💥
textless under cut
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puckpocketed · 19 days
please, i need help. what time are the sharks are playing the avalanches? i completely missed their first game and only got one period of the second game, i don't want to do that again
hello my friend take my fin <3
They are playing at 11:30am (PDT / GMT -7)
here is a timezone converter if you fancy!!
the game will be streamed for free on the San Jose Sharks official NHL page, with no geo-blocking. Stream should be the very first card smack bang in the middle if you meander over to the website around the broadcast time!!
(If you're an Avs fan.... I'm unsure if your guys are covering it over radio but it might be good to check, otherwise you'll be hearing from our Sharks casters <3)
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disposal-blueeee · 3 months
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finally took some time to draw jake again . raaaaagggghhhh i love this guy
jake belongs to zarla-s XP
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v0idwraith · 1 year
i also hate whatever the fuck That was, but at least it so dramatically overshadowed any animosity between tebecca and tedependent stans that i haven’t seen a single post or comment trying to start fights between us since the episode dropped
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