#its 1am i needa sleep😭😭😭😭
sapphic-woes · 2 years
Sorry sorry just Abby ig.
She was agitated, and your smile only made it worse.
She wanted to put her hands around your wrist, see you try to fight them. Shove her fingers down your throat and dare you to bite down. To force her thigh between your legs and see if you'd snarl, wrap her hands around your throat until you begged her for mercy...
Abby didn't want to be tender with you, and she didn't know why.
She didn't hate you. Quite the opposite. She liked you so much it was like a nasty disease tingling electricity over her body. A terrible burning she could never relieve.
Fuck. You fiddled with your hands, and she wanted to pin them to the floor. Fuck. Your eyes prettily fluttered, and she figured with tears spilling from them, falling like pearls across those soft cheeks you would look so much nicer. Fuck!
There were too many things she would do if she had her way with you. None of them kind. All of them just a hair away from cruel. She had always been the type to be a little rough, but this?
Abby breathed out carefully. Slowly. She flexed her hands, sucking in a deep breath. She was calm again. Calm...
"Abby? What's going on?" Jesus fucking christ–
Your questioning, doe eyes on her did nothing but make her want to grab a fistful of your hair. To jerk it back roughly. Painfully. To sneer as you squirmed. Call you every dirty, teasing name under the book...because right now? You were so fucking sweet.
A ray of sunshine so lovely she wanted to be merciless to you. Fuck you till you screamed her name and then some. Make you into a delirious, ruined mess of the perfection you currently were to her...
Instead, she shoved her hands in her pockets and forced a smile on her face.
"Nothing. What's up?"
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